C.F.S.O.P. - Central Florida Society of Optometric Physicians
C.F.S.O.P. - Central Florida Society of Optometric Physicians
C.F.S.O.P. Central Florida Society of Optometric Physicians PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID ORLANDO, FL PERMIT NO 4190 H H H H H H H H H H H H H Hang Thai, OD 3119 Daniels Rd, Ste. 110 Winter Garden, FL 34787 efax: 407-654-5423 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Rosen Plaza Hotel H Orlando, Florida H H H Excellent Continuing Education! Sunday, October 2, 2016 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H EyeMed Course Schedule H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Sunday, October 2, 2016 COPE Event ID Pending 7:00 – 8:00 am................................ Registration & Breakfast 8:00 – 9:40 am (2 Hrs. TQ) COPE: pending “An Ocular Grand Rounds Tour of Orlando” John Spalding, OD, FAAO 9:50 am – 11:30 am (2 Hrs. TQ) COPE: 41427-SD “The Medical Management of Ocular Surface Disease” Mark Dunbar, OD, FAAO 11:30 am – 1:00 pm.................................Lunch and Exhibits 1:00 – 2:40 pm (2 Hrs. TQ) COPE: 46289-PS “The Greatest Posterior Segment Disease Course Ever” Elias Mavrofrides, MD and Mark Dunbar, OD, FAAO 2:50 – 4:30 pm “Prevention of Medical Errors” Brian Den Beste, OD, FAAO 4:40 – 6:20 pm “Florida Jurisprudence” Alice Sterling, OD Continuing Education Credit •This program includes Florida Jurisprudence and Medical Errors, required by the Florida Board of Optometry for licensure renewal. •This educational program has been submitted to the State of Florida - Board of Optometry for CE and Transcript Quality approval and COPE. •Registration fee includes continental breakfast, refreshment breaks and luncheon. •Half day fee not available. EyeMed Cancellation Policy • No refunds after September 23, 2016. •Cancellations will only be accepted before September 23, 2016. •Refunds are processed only after a written request is received by Dr. Steve Zorn by email [email protected]. •An administrative fee of $50.00 is retained on all refunds. Sunday, October 2, 2016 Register On-line: www.cfsop.org H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Register online at: www.cfsop.org or Complete and mail to: Hang Thai, OD 3119 Daniels Rd, Ste. 110 Winter Garden, FL 34787 Phone: 407-654-5453 Include check payable to: Central Florida Society of Optometric Physicians or Fax your credit card registration to: Private Fax: 407-654-5423 For Information: Dr. Hang Thai 407-654-5453 of Please Print: Central Florida Society Optometric Physicians REGISTRANT’S NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: PHONE (WORK): ZIP: PHONE (HOME): EMERGENCY MOBILE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: REGISTRATION H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Meeting Registration Information Rosen Plaza Hotel 9700 International Dr. Orlando, Florida AOA/FOA MEMBERSHIP #: REGISTRATION FEES: FLORIDA LICENSE NUMBER: Received Before September 19th Received After September 19th AOA/FOA MEMBER........................... $300...................... $325......................= $______________ AOA NON-MEMBER............................ $450...................... $500......................= $______________ GRAND TOTAL $_______________ CREDIT CARD REGISTRATION Card #: Expiration: / Cardholders Exact Name - Please Print: Credit Card Billing Address (including zip code) - Please Print: STREET: CITY - STATE - ZIP CODE: Signature: H H H H H H H H Thanks To Our Sponsors H H H H H H H H FLORIDA RETINA INSTITUTE ® Central Florida Retina & The Macular Degeneration Center ORLANDO EYE INSTITUTE ® DIVISION OF PLAZA ROSEN HOT E L 9700 International Drive • Orlando, Florida 32819 (407) 996-9700 Reservations: (800) 627-8258 Fax: (407) 354-5774 www.rosenplaza.com Single Occupancy Room Rate: $115.00 per night plus tax. Reservation Cut Off Date: September 18, 2016. nGroup Reference: Central Florida Society of Optometric Physicians (CFSOP) EyeMed. n Hotel room cancellations must be received 72 hours prior to arrival to avoid one night charge to credit card forfeiting deposit. n n NOTE: Please be sure to go to the Rosen Plaza Hotel, not the Rosen Centre. H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Johnson +Johnson Vision Care, Inc. of Central Florida Society Optometric Physicians 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS H President.............................................. Hang Thai, OD Vice-Pres./Educ. Chair....Maria Mandese, OD, FAAO Secretary-Treasurer.............................Steve Zorn, OD Chairman of the Board.......................Mark Coan, OD Industry Relations............................ Regina Tran, OD Membership Chair........................... Jeri Graham, OD Hospitality Chair............ Brian DenBeste, OD, FAAO Communications Chair..................... Betty Wang, OD Legislative Liaison.........................Alice Sterling, OD Advisors to the Board...... Bradley Giedd, OD, FAAO Kirk Smith, OD EyeMed Chair.......................Karen Perry, OD, FAAO Mark E. Perry, OD Trustee...............................................David Dada, OD