April 2016 Newsletter - Aquia Creek Corvette Club


April 2016 Newsletter - Aquia Creek Corvette Club
Nags Head, NC, Mar 2016
Pete Rutledge’s 1957 Corvette, See Pages 8-9
According to the President …….……….2
ACCC Board…..………….…………….….....2
ACCC Info & Sponsor .…….....…………..3
For the Record/VP Article…………..…..4
VP Article/Events……………..….……...…5
Nat’l Corvette Museum Amb….……….6
Editors Page/1987 Nostalgia …...…….7
Nags Head—Lee Morton……………….. 8
Nags Head Pics .……………...………9 & 10
Capt Billy’s Cruise ………………………...11
Birthdays/Anniv & Pics/………………. 12
April Calendar... ..……………….………..13
ACCC Store ....….……………………………14
Myrtle Beach Flyer & Reg .…...15 & 16
Next Meeting - April 19th
Start Time is 7:30 pm
Aquai Harbor Inn
1415 Washington Dr,
Stafford, VA 22554
The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
ACCCording to the President
Skip Sizemore
Hello ACCC,
Just want to remind you that ACCC will have a club tent at Carlisle for
2016. We are going to need some help decorating and manning the tent.
Please let me or any of the other club officers if you would like to help.
This is not hard work it is mostly setting in a chair under the tent. The
idea is to get greater club attendance/participation at this event. Carlisle
is all things Corvette. It is close, it is fun and interesting. Having the tent
will allow us to promote the Aquia Creek Corvette Club, provide a focal
point for club members and provide a place to take a load off, get out of
the sun and/or rain as the case may be. Our club Membership person
Marie Sizemore has a request in this months’ ACCCELERATOR concerning
club participation at Carlisle. We need your help on this one so have a
look at Marie’s request. (See Page 12)
Skip Sizemore
[email protected]
I am happy to report that the Corvette Racing Team won race two of the
IMSA schedule the 12 Hours of Sebring. That means the Corvette Team
has won both of the season opening races by winning both the 24 Hours
Of Daytona and Sebring. Some refer to these two races as the 36 Hours
of Florida. Now it is on to Long Beach California for the shortest race of
the season. Go Team!
Lee Morton
[email protected]
With spring now in motion it is time to get the Corvette rolling and our
activities in motion. Keep your eyes on the events calendar and participate. Better yet plan an event and get it on the calendar. Life’s short lets
I have yet to receive a correct answer to last months’ trivia question so it
is going to be the April trivia question. Maybe some of you need to ask
for a refund on some of those not so smart phones.
This month’s trivia question: This months’ trivia question comes from
one of my favorite Corvette eras, the C4s. In 1992, the revised small block
pushrod engine had an unusual feature. Was it?
A. Alloy block
B. Eaton supercharger
C. Throttle body
D. Reverse flow cooling
E. Fred Flintstone brakes
Vice President
David Benton
[email protected]
Dottie Shadbar
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Al McCloud
[email protected]
Marie Sizemore
[email protected]
Past President
David Shadbar
[email protected]
Other Club Duties
NCM Ambassador
Bud Donner
Sunshine Person
Remember to send your responses to [email protected]. As usual the
first in with the correct answer will be the winner and will receive a free
50/50 ticket at our next business meeting.
Bettie Shepherd
Keep the revs up and the rubber side down!
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
Aquia Creek Corvette Club
P.O. Box 986
Stafford, VA 22553
Website: www.accclub.org
The purpose of this organization shall be to provide educational needs for those with Corvettes, and for the
preservation, restoration, and enjoyment of all Corvettes.
Aquia Creek Corvette Club (ACCC) was formed in September 1987 by a group of die-hard Corvette enthusiasts from Aquia Harbor in Stafford, VA. The name was selected reflecting the Club's geographic and historical origins in Old Dominion. Through hard work and commitment, ACCC has enjoyed constant growth and
now boasts 50 members representing nearly 70 Corvettes, from a 1953 to 2016. ACCC membership consists
primarily of Stafford County residents, but has members from Prince William, Fairfax, Fauquier, Spotsylvania, Orange, Culpeper, Loudon, Louisa counties, one member in California, and two in Florida. Since September 8th, 2014, the ACCC Facebook Group has been limited to ACCC members only, except for a few that
were already group members.
Also Find Us On
Aquia Creek Corvette Club is sponsored by
3670 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
Cars: 888-686-1096
Service: 888-720-6236
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
Lee Morton, Secretary
President Skip Sizemore called the meeting to order at
7:30PM. Members in attendance were: Skip Sizemore,
Marie Sizemore, David Benton, David Shadbar, Dottie
Shadbar, Lee Morton, Al McCloud, Margaret McCloud,
Bud Donner, Pete Rutledge, Tom Davis, and Nan
Club to pay the setup fee and start a new run of nametags
at Prince William Engraving. Pete also volunteered to be
the point of contact. The motion passed.
Treasury Report: Dottie Shadbar reported that the account is in good standing. Dottie mentioned that we pay
over $300 to have our taxes done each year and asked if
anyone knows if we can get it done cheaper. The Club’s
tax forms are not very extensive. Aside from Turbo Tax,
there were a few other recommendations from the floor.
Skip Sizemore suggested sending out an email asking
members for suggestions.
On May 21 Cooper Corvettes is having an open house.
They will serve BBQ from Dixie Bones. It starts at 10AM.
Vice President: The BPHS is looking for a donation for
their Safe After-Prom Party. No one recommend we make
a donation. We are still looking for a place for next
month’s ACCC breakfast. Skip recommended Anne’s, a
local restaurant in Fredericksburg. Dottie Shadbar recommended the Four Season’s restaurant off or Rt 1 in Fredericksburg; Dave also said he would look for a good time in
April to participate in the Burger King car show in Manassas.
Skip Sizemore announced the March birthdays. There
were no reported anniversaries.
New Business. Tom Davis discussed the plans for the
town of Quantico to participate in their Memorial Day
Weekend celebration, Saturday 28 May. The Club would
Bud Donner motioned to accept the February Minutes, be displaying their cars. Fireworks that evening, picnic
seconded by Pete Rutledge. The motion passed.
food, etc.
Nan Wehmeyer brought flyers with information on the
Myrtle Beach trip in June. Look for more information in
the newsletter.
Pete Rutledge announced he will restart the monthly Garage Nights. He will send out more information in the near
future; Pete Rutledge suggested a potential event would
Membership: Marie Sizemore reported that we have 50
be to attend local drag races or other track events around
the VA or MD areas. He will do some research and proved
Newsletter: Look for the newsletter by 1 April.
a recommended schedule.
Margaret McCloud won the 50-50.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.
Lee Morton
Sunshine: John Horvath had his surgery and is now doing rehab.
NCM Ambassador. Apr 28 – 30 is the Bash. On May 1-4,
the Museum is doing the Tail of the Dragon, but that
event is sold out. For more info on other events, go to
corvettemuseum.org. Bud suggested we try an overnight
trip to a town near the Tail of the Dragon. He spoke of
the town of Whittier, where we could stay at the Gear
Head Inn. We just need to plan a date. More info to follow.
Old Business. Skip reported on the breakfast at Bob Evans. Well-attended and great service; Dave Shadbar reported on the Nags Head trip. Look for more information
in this newsletter; Lee Morton reported on the ACCC club
nametags and that the shop we had them made no longer
has us on file. Pete Rutledge made a motion to for the
Page 44
Lunch at the Weeping Radish. Nags Head Trip.
Aquia- Creek
Club Newsletter
- November- April
2015 2016
The ACCCelerator
Creek Corvette
Club Newsletter
ACCCording to the VP
David Benton
David Benton
Vice President
Summit Sportsman Eliminations………….... after final qualifying
The April breakfast will be at the Four Seasons in Fredericksburg, PRO Qualifying Rd 3...................................................... 2:00pm
Pro Stock, Nitro Motorcycle, Pro Mod
5201 Jeff Davis Hwy. Breakfast is a 9:30 instead of the usual
Pre-Race Ceremony........................................................4:45pm
9:00. We will have a private room for breakfast.
PRO Eliminations Rd 1................................................... 5:00pm
Pro Stock, Nitro Motorcycle, Pro Mod, Nitro Funny Car
ACCC’s annual Crab Cruise to Captain Billy’s is scheduled for
Summit Sportsman Eliminations Continue
April 24 . See flyer this newsletter.
PRO Eliminations Rd 2................................... …………….7:00pm
Pro Stock, Nitro Funny Car, Nitro Motorcycle, Pro Mod
Winery at LaGrange Corvette Cruise-in Saturday, Apr 30,
Summit Sportsman Eliminations Conclude
2016, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the
PRO Finals..................................................................... 8:30pm
Winery At La Grange, 4970 Antioch Rd, Haymarket, VA 20169,
United States . Registration, https://
odcc2016winery.eventbrite.com This event is open to all Corvette owners and clubs. ***SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2016***
Dave Benton
Once again time to register for the Old Dominion Corvette Club
Vice President
Annual visit to The Winery at LaGrange. ODCC hosts the Corvette cruise-in and invites Corvette enthusiasts from all over the
tristate area. This is our 10th Annual and consecutive return to La
April 2016
Grange, in Haymarket, Virginia. This year your ticket entitles
each person a commemorative wine glass and access to the
FREE wine tasting kiosk. This special offer is for Corvette partici- General Motors Corvette Accessories at Radley Chevrolet, 6pm 8pm
pants, you must drive your Corvette or ride in one. Don't forget
a chair and covered dish pot luck; come spend the day with the
9:00 am, Monthly Breakfast, TBD
friendliest Corvette enthusiasts in the area! In addition to the
special tasting area for Corvettes, the winery will sell bottles /
snacks to our group for 10% off regular prices. Virginia ABC Reg- 7:30 pm, ACCC Membership Meeting, Aquai Harbor
ulations prohibit consumption alcoholic beverages not purchased at the winery. Anyone violating this regulation will be Capt Billy’s Seafood Rest. Cruise - See Flyer
required to leave the winery. The official start time of the tast- 30th
LaGrange Winery Corvette Show & Wine Tasting, sponsored by
ing at the event will be 1PM this year and we will have a tasting
ODCC. Tix free through Event Brite.
kiosk for Corvette enthusiasts only. We look forward to seeing
everyone in Haymarket again. You must have your registration
confirmation (ticket) for each person participating in the wine May 2016
tasting. Registration link above.
9:00 am, Monthly Breakfast, TBD; NVCC Barrel Oak Winery
Radley Chevrolet is having a Corvette accessory display at for Cruise, 9:00 - Home Depot, Chantilly
members of the Corvette club they sponsor Aquia and Battlefield 17th
Corvette Club, on April 7th 6 p m - 8 pm. Radley has also invited 7:30 pm, ACCC Membership Meeting, Aquai Harbor
Edwin Pardue of Dominion Raceway to speak about the Domin- 21st
ion Raceway Road Course
Cooper Corvettes Open House, Dixie Bones BBQ being catered.
Open House starts at 10am.
At the March breakfast we discussed going to MIR to watch drag
racing. They are having an IHRA event June 17th and 18th The
June 2016
schedule for the 18th is printed below.
3rd & 4th
SATURDAY JUNE 18, 2016 (Curfew 1:00 AM)
21st Annual Corvettes at Myrtle Beach (Flyer and Registration
Sportsman Credentials Open.......................................... 8:00am previously emailed to club)
Tech Opens........................................................... ……….8:00am 11th
God Speed Ministry Church Service..................... ………...8:15am 9:00 am, Monthly Breakfast, TBD
Tech Closes...............................................after Qualifying
Summit Sportsman Q3......................................... ………..9:00am MIR Racing
NTS 11.50, HR, ST, QR, SS, SR, TD, TS, Jr Beginner, Jr Advanced,
Jr Master
7:30 pm, ACCC Membership Meeting, Aquai Harbor
Fellow ACCC Members,
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
ice cream at the Café and a t-shirt of their choice at the
Museum Store.
peaking of the Museum Store, it will again be set up
at Carlisle with a good selection of merchandise
from the Bowling Green store. Your purchases will benefit our Museum, and if you’re a NCM member your discount will apply to purchases at the store . By the way, if
you’re a National Corvette Owners Association member,
their Friday
on August 26Party
will be held at the
Hilton Harrisburg – details were in their Vette RPM eNews
([email protected]) sent on March 22. Thanks to
Skip, our club has reserved a tent at the showgrounds for
the entire weekend – we hope to see you there!
pring is finally here - the sun is shining, the cherry
blossoms are at their peak, and Louise and I are looking forward to all the fun Corvette activities in the coming
months. It’s time for a little maintenance, too. First on
my list is laying on some of the polish I picked up at the
Museum last year. Then an oil change and the Callaway
will be ready for summer!
our museum does a lot more than showcasing the
history of the Corvette – here’s an example: back in
February, Chevrolet suggested that it would be a good
idea if leap day Feb. 29 was used as an occasion to promote random acts of kindness for others. The Museum
and Motorsports Park participated by running a contest
for local school children who showed leadership and participated in volunteer work. Six students, ranging from
Kindergarten to sixth grade, were chosen for their acts of
kindness at school and in the community; things like being
a mentor to an autistic classmate or singing to the residents of a nursing home. They were rewarded with a Corvette experience at the Museum, including a ride around
the Motorsports track, a family admission to the Museum,
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
News Events: US President Reagan's veto of Clean Water Act
is overridden by Congress; No-smoking rules take effect in US
federal buildings; Anti-smoking ad airs for 1st time on TV, featuring Yul Brynner: he died of smoking-induced lung cancer;
1st release of Beatles compact discs; Federal judge dismisses
lawsuits sought by Oliver North; John Gotti is acquitted of
racketeering; PTL leader Jim Bakker resigns after sex scandal
with Jessica Hahn; Gary Hart quits US democratic presidential
race (Donna Rice affair); 183 die aboard a Polish jetliner that
crashes in Warsaw; 1st heart-lung transplant take place
(Baltimore); USS Stark hit by Iraqi missiles, 37 sailors die; Monitor, Civil War warship, is discovered by a deep sea robot;
Chrysler pleads no contest to selling driven vehicles as new;
Digging begins to link England & France under English Channel;
Donald Trump takes out a full page NY Times ad lambasting
President/Vice President: Republican, 1981-1989, Ronald
Reagan/George H. W. Bush
Oscar Winners
Best Picture - “THE LAST EMPEROR”
Actor - Michael Douglas - “WALL STREET”
Actress—Cher - “Moonstruck”
Director - Oliver Stone - “PLATOON”
Top 5 Songs
1. FAITH - George Michael
2. ALONE - Heart
4. CEST LA VIE - Robbie Nevil
5. SHAKE YOU DOWN - Gregory Abbott
#1 Country Song - Forever and Ever, Amen - Randy Travis
Muddy Waters is inducted into the Rock and Roll HOF
1987 Corvette
Exterior styling remained the same as the 1986. However, roller-bearing valve lifters reduced friction, thus
boosting engine horsepower to 240. Improved rockerarm covers reduced oil leaks.
A "sport" package included softer suspension; heavy duty radiator; radiator boost fan; gas-charged shocks; engine oil cooler; faster steering ratio; larger front stabilizer
bar, and wider tires.
Another innovation was a twin-turbo engine package.
Although not a factory installed option, it could be ordered in advance from dealers. Fully assembled Corvettes were shipped from the Kentucky factory to Callaway Engineering in Connecticut for engine conversion
and other modifications. Of the 184 twin-turbos built, 63
were convertibles and 121 were coupes. The special engine was rated at 345hp and could reach a top speed of
177.9mph with overdrive gearing. All Callaways had
manual transmissions and none were certified for sale in
California. It should be noted that the Callaway option
cost approximately $20,000.
Electronically controlled air conditioning was an available
option and other convenience options included a passenger-side power seat, heated mirrors and heated rear
Production levels that year reached 30,632, including
10,625 convertibles. The base coupe was listed at
$27,999 and the roadster at $33,172.
World Series Champion: Minnesota 4, St. Louis 3
NFL Champ: NY Giants over Denver Broncos, SB XXI
NBA Champ: 1986-87 LA Lakers def Boston Celtics, 4-2
NHL Champ: Edmonton Oilers
Hulk Hogan beats Andre the Giant in Wrestlemania III.
Sugar Ray Leonard upsets Marvelous Marvin Hagler.
Mike Tyson beats Bonecrusher Smith in 12 for Hvywgt Title.
Seattle Mariners draft Ken Griffey Jr.
Don Mattingly, NYY, hits HRs in 8 consecutive games. Also
hit 6 grand slam homeruns for the year.
Quotes from 1987:
“Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall” - President Ronald
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
Aquia Creek Corvette Club
Annual Road Trip to the Outer Banks, March 11-14, 2016
The morning started with our usual meeting at the Cracker Barrel in Central Park, where Dave &
Dottie Shadbar, Al & Margaret McCloud, Mary Anne McGovern and I met to get the day started with a
good breakfast. Mary Anne and her late husband John were the first to do this trip back in the late
1990s, and at that time it was just the two of them and one Corvette.
After breakfast we headed south down I-95 to the Thornburg exit where we picked up Don & Sharon Radeke in their new 2016 Stingray. We had a small contingent of four Corvettes, and all were C7
Stingrays. With good weather and smooth traffic in front us, it made for a good drive to Outer Banks. Rumors of occasional speed limit violations can neither be confirmed nor denied.
When we arrived at the Baymont Inn (formerly the Holiday Inn Express) in Kitty Hawk, we were
greeted by the same friendly staff that has welcomed us all these years. It’s at the point where many of
us know each other by name, and that makes for a good stay. Friday evening the 8 of us dined at the
Black Pelican, one of our favorite surf & turf spots, right next to our hotel. The service was a bit slow this
time, but the food was good as always! The Black Pelican is also a historic landmark, as back in December
1903, the building served as a Life Saving (Coast Guard) station, and it was from there where the Wright
Brothers sent their famous telegram: “Success four flights this morning all against twenty one mile wind
started from Level with engine power alone average speed through air thirty one miles longest 57 seconds
inform Press home Christmas.”
Saturday the group split up and everyone did their own thing. Some hit the Tangier Outlet Mall
for a little shopping, some toured the island, checked out the Wright Brothers Museum and the Bodie Island Light House, some walked the beach, and some did all the above. Many of us spotted numerous other Corvettes roaming the Island that day. We couldn’t figure out what was up, but it was certainly nice to
see. Don Radeke and I got in 18 holes of golf at The Pointe Golf Club, just north of Kitty Hawk. Given it
was March, the course wasn’t very busy, so Don and I were able to play quickly and enjoy our round.
Who won? Well it wasn’t a competition, and we both had a blast. But if money was on the line, my pockets would’ve been a little heavier on the way back to the hotel! It was also the first time I got to ride shot
gun in a C7, as Don drove us to and from in his new 2016 silver coupe with red interior. Very nice!
We had dinner Saturday evening at JK’s, another of our favorite surf & turf spots. Good company
and good eats. After dinner we adjourned to the hotel lobby and engaged in some pleasant conversation
and adult beverages. I don’t know what was in that jar of clear stuff that Al brought, but I woke up Sunday feeling like I’d been though the rinse cycle. Luckily it quickly wore off.
After breakfast on Sunday, we washed our cars in preparation for the Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, sponsored by Kelly’s Outer Banks Restaurant and Tavern. Kelly’s always puts on a good event and
this was no exception. The crowds were huge and about as energetic as I’ve seen. Thousands of people
lined the beach access road to cheer on and catch candy from the parade vehicles. And of course – they
loved our small cadre of Corvettes!
This annual event is always one of my favorites. If you’ve never participated, or haven’t done so in
while, it’s worth giving it a go! (See pics on next two pages)
Lee Morton
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
Aquia Creek Corvette Club
Annual Road Trip to the Outer Banks, March 11-14, 2016
Nags Head, NC, 2016
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
Nags Head, NC, 2016
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
Come join your fellow club members on April 24, 2016 for a Corvette cruise to Captain Billy's Crab
House located in Popes Creek, Maryland on the Potomac River. Back in the days of mail boats and locomotives, when electricity was new to Popes Creek and work was just beginning on the Potomac River
Bridge, nine-year-old Billy Robertson sold his first crabs on this very shore. He spent his entire life here,
working on the water he loved, and opening two successful seafood restaurants, Robertson's Crab House
and later, Captain Billy's, where his greatest joy was to mingle with and talk to his customers. He would
greet his friends, colleagues and customers in the same fashion all the time, and to carry on his legacy,
we say to you . . .”And How Are You Today?”
Cruise Info:
The Northern staging area for this cruise is the commuter lot on Route 630, Stafford, just west of the exit,
at 11:45 am. We will leave at noon. Mike Shepherd will lead us to the restaurant and maps will be provided, “just in case”.
Mike Shepherd is the POC for this event: Phone: 540-840-2099; email: [email protected].
The southern staging area is the Walmart on Route 3 east. The caravan will do a “drive by” but will not
stop, so please be ready to join us at approximately 12:30 pm.
The final staging area is at the Tech Center in Dahlgren, just before the 301 bridge, at approximately 1:10
pm. We leave when the police arrive. They will escort us over the bridge into Maryland.
ETA at Captain Billy’s is 2 pm. Generous parking is available.
If interested in the menu, you can check it out at: https://captbillys.com/Menu.html .
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
From the Membership
Marie Sizemore
As a part of the Corvettes at Carlisle event this
year I would like to put together a Club picture album of all our club members and their cars. The
album will be on display at the club tent during the
Carlisle event. Please send me a 4x6 picture to the
following address.
8th - John Amabile
21st - Bettie Shepherd
27th - Tom Davis
28th - Rebecca Hamil
No Anniversaries
Marie Sizemore
1125 Virginia Ave.
Culpeper, VA 22701
Please keep in mind the picture cannot be returned.
If you would prefer, you can bring your picture to
the monthly club meeting. Please have the picture
to me by the end of July. Thanks,
Good ACCC turnout for breakfasts in March. For the monthly breakfast on March 12th at Bob Evans in Stafford, thirteen turned out for the feast: Marie Sizemore, Skip Sizemore, Nan Wehmeyer, Bud Donner, Tom Davis, Pete
Rutledge, Jan Rutledge, Mike Shepherd, Dave Benton, Joan Yaros, Mike Patch, Shelby Sizemore, and Bob Arnold from
Cooper Corvettes. The second breakfast was attended by six members before they departed for the annual trip to
Nags Head on Friday, March 11th. Meeting at the Cracker Barrel in Central Park were: Dottie Shadbar, Dave Shadbar,
Al McCloud, Margaret McCloud, Lee Morton and Mary Anne McGovern. Don and Sharon Radeke met up later.
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
April 2016
Radley Chevrolet Event,
Corvette Accessory Display, 6-8 pm
Capt Billy’s
Annual Cruise
Page 13
BDay - John
Monthly Breakfast, 9:30 am,
Four Seasons,
ACCC Monthly
Meeting, 7:30
BDay - Bettie
BDay - Tom
BDay Rebecca
The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016
LaGrange Winery, Corvette
Show & Wine
Items For Sale at all Club Events
Car Flags, US Flag & ACCC Flags
Club Decal & Patch
Club 25th Anniversary Coin
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - April 2016