April 2013 bulletin


April 2013 bulletin
Rabbi Aviva Berg
Helen Kashtan, President
VOL. 60 Issue 2
Pesach – The Redemptive Significance of Fifteen
Address Service Requested
Executive Officers:
President: Helen Kashtan
Vice Presidents:
 Administration: Judy Levy
 Finance: Bill Fowlkes
 Ritual: Gary Cohen
 Building: Scott Davis, Ed Drexler
 Recording Secretary: Marc Lande
Temple Activity Chairs:
Judaica Shop: Linda Servetnick
Men’s Club: Jonathan Papkin
Bulletin Folding: Dorothy Sherr
Book of Remembrance: C. Halpern
Bingo: Mike Berke & Judy Eissenstat
Shiva Chevra: Merrie Franklin
Website Coordinators: Mike Berke, Neal Eckhaus
Next Bulletin Deadline: April 5th
Late Submissions Cannot be Accepted.
March/April 2013
Temple Funds:
 Capital Improvement Fund
 David Solomon Memorial Building Fund
 Gilbert Rosenbaum Fund
 Herb Kraus Adult Education Fund
 Library Fund
 Mitzvah Kiddush Fund
 Marsha Fishman Memorial Education Fund
 Rabbi Skopitz Memorial Youth Fund
 Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
 Shiva Chevra Fund
 Torah Repair Fund
The Bulletin is published bi-monthly
by Temple Beth David
Temple Office: Melanie Stormm-David 266-3223
Temple Website: http://www.tbdrochester.org/
Email: [email protected]
Several years ago, we talked
about the practical and mystical
meaning of the number fifteen
in our Passover Seders. I would
like to focus your attention on
the redemptive significance of
the number fifteen once again
as we approach this special time
in our history, development as a
people, and personal lives. Let
us remember that during Pesach
we have the potential to enter a
new realm – to undertake a
fifteen step spiritual journey
through time and space – from
enslavement and persecution,
through liberation, and
ultimately to redemption by a
loving God. Focusing on the
seven ways in which the
number fifteen permeates our
Seders may bring us closer to
experiencing the Divine
Presence in our lives.
(4) In the Torah scroll, Shirat
ha-Yam (the Song of the Sea),
which is sung by Moshe and the
Israelites after God rescued
them from the pursuing
Egyptians (Exodus 15), is
written as a poem in three
vertical columns. The center
column, which appears to be an
ascending ladder, has fifteen
(5) There were fifteen steps on
the southern side of the Temple
Mount that led up to the sacred
Temple in Jerusalem. (6) There
are fifteen psalms (Psalm 120134) that begin with the words
Shir HaMa’alot, “A Song of the
Steps” that were sung by the
Levites on the fifteen steps
of the Temple. (An alternative
interpretation of these psalms is
found in the Babylonian
Talmud (Tractate Pesachim 8a)
What are these seven
-- According to Rabbi
occurrences of the number
Yochanan, these fifteen psalms
fifteen in our Seder? (1) There are to be recited as part of
are fifteen parts to the Seder. (2) Hallel, the fourteenth “step” of
We celebrate Passover on the
our Seder.) There are fifteen
fifteenth day of Nisan. (3) We words in the Priestly Blessing
praise God for the fifteen
(Birkat Kohanim). And, in
ascending favors (Ma’alot
gematria, the system of
Tovot) God bestowed upon us equating Hebrew letters with
when we join together to sing
their corresponding numbers,
yud-hey, the first two letters of
March—April Schedule
See Inside for Pesach Schedule
Friday Evening Services: 7:30 p.m.
Shabbat Morning: 9:00 a.m.
Torah Study
Shabbat Services: 10 a.m.
Sunday Minyan: 9:30 a.m.
Family Shabbat led by Gail Vail
March 16th & April 20th
@10:30 a.m.
Kabbalat Shabbat @ JCC ,
Friday, March 22nd & April 26th
@ 6pm in the Senior Lounge
Find Temple Events on our online
calendar at www.tbdrochester.org;
find out what is going on or submit a
new event for the calendar. As
always, you may also reach us by
calling the office at 585-266-3223 or
email at [email protected]
We are handicapped accessible and
equipped with a hearing loop.
(Continued on page 2)
The mission of Temple Beth David is to provide an environment where the concepts of community prayer, education, and
service to the greater Jewish community are provided within the context of Conservative Judaism. We pride ourselves on
being a friendly, participatory, egalitarian community, welcoming all to be a part of our synagogue family.
Rabbi’s Desk, con’t.
Rabbi Aviva Berg
[email protected]
(Continued from page 1)
(and often shorthand for) God’s
name is 15 (yud = 10 and hey =
By singing and enacting the
fifteen steps of our Seders, we
not only experience the entire
Book of Exodus, we also
connect ourselves to the fifteen
steps the Israelites took during
their celebration of Passover in
Temple times. Coming to
Jerusalem from all over the
Land of Israel, the people would
approach the Temple Mount.
There, they would hear the
Levites sing the fifteen psalms
of praise to God -- one on each
of the fifteen steps of the
Temple; they would receive the
Minimum Donations
Priestly Blessing by the
specially adorned priests on
those same stairs, and then
would ascend those steps,
bringing their offerings and gifts
before God in, all of God’s
exaltedness. The fifteen steps,
psalms, and words of blessing
were meant to prepare the
Israelites before they
encountered God’s
awesomeness – the Divine
Presence dwelling in the cloud
of aromatic incense enveloping
the Temple.
fifteenth step of our Seder, we
seek to come closer to God. We
seek to establish a mutuallyloving Divine-human
relationship, this year in
Rochester … next year in
As we prepare our minds to
travel through sacred time,
beginning with kadesh, (the
sanctification of time), the first
step of our Seder, through
nirtzah, (acceptance) the
(Many thanks to the beautiful and
inspiring thoughts expressed by
Rabbi Nathan Laufer in his book,
“Leading the Passover Journey –
The Seder’s Meaning Revealed, the
Haggadah’s Story Retold.”)
Chag Kasher v’Same’ach
Office Closed
Tuesday, March 26th & Wednesday,
March 27th for Pesach
Memorial Plaque
Non Member
Cemetery Plots In Riverside
Rabbi Aviva Berg
New Lower
Minimum Donation!
March Office Hours
Monday thru Friday
Greeting Card Mailed Out
$5.00 ea.
4 Memorial or Greeting Cards $18.00
Tree of Life Leaf
Siddur Sim Shalom
HH Prayer Book NEW!
Etz Hayim
Basic Kiddush
Cholent Sponsor
Wine/Challah Sponsor
Rabbi Berg
always looks
forward to
hearing from you.
Contact information:
585-319-4407 or [email protected]
Send a Card to a friend or loved one!
Make checks payable to: Temple Beth David, 3200 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14617
Date ____________
Amount enclosed $__________ (minimum donation $5.00 or 4 for $18.00)
From: _______________________________ To:
Reason for Card/Message:
April Office Hours
Monday thru Friday
Office Closed
Monday, April 1st & Tuesday, April 2nd for Pesach
Page 2
Temple Beth David Bulletin
Fund :  D. Solomon  M. Fishman  Rabbi Skopitz Youth Fund  Temple Residence
 Mitzvah/Kiddush  Capital Improvement  Library  H. Kraus/Adult Ed.
 Torah Repair Fund  USY/Kadima  Shiva Chevra Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
 Gilbert Rosenbaum Fund  PreK Shabbaton
Minimum Donation is $5.00. If no fund is specified, David Solomon Building Fund will be named.
Temple Beth David Bulletin
Page 11
Harvey Louis
Harold Rosenbaum
Samuel Applebaum
Selma Bachman
Ruth Drexler
Eli Caplin
Samuel Chait
Sylvia Gertzog
Ethel Levin
Harold Phillips
Jacob Raphael
Maurice Herzog
Leonard Lutzky
Janette Shindel
Bernard Cramer
Anna Deckter
Abe Hecht
Dora Schulman
Myer Povolotsky
Seymour Weingarten
Harry Abel
Elizabeth Daniel
Marvin Foigelman
Sarah Stiller
Molly Wasserman
Obbe Abel
Bessie Goldberg
Ira Goldstein
Louis Kopen
Esther Levy
Helen Rosen
Sally Zeif
Rebecca Goldsmith
Esther Herzog
Fortunea Marzouk
Belle Schwartz
Sidney Gallant
Irvin Greenstine
Leah Laffer
Jennie Nobel
Joseph Tishkoff
Ruben Wolinsky
Molly Baker
Benjamin Silverstein
Betty Marcia Donsky
Ida Sanow
Belle Migdall
Hyman Moldawsky
Blanche Diamond
Michael J. Gordon
Fannie Hurwitz
Fay Kiner
Ida Ritz
Sadie Schulman
Natalie Rosen
From March 1 to April 30, 2013
March 30
March 30
April 1
April 2
April 2
April 3
April 3
April 3
April 3
April 3
April 3
April 4
April 4
April 4
April 5
April 5
April 5
Nissan 19
Nissan 19
Nissan 21
Nissan 22
Nissan 22
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Nissan 23
Nissan 23
Nissan 23
Nissan 23
Nissan 23
Nissan 24
Nissan 24
Nissan 24
Nissan 25
Nissan 25
Nissan 25
April 5
April 5
April 5
April 7
April 7
April 7
April 7
April 7
April 8
April 8
April 8
April 8
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Nissan 29
Nissan 30
Nissan 30
Nissan 30
Nissan 30
Nissan 30
Nissan 30
Iyar 1
Iyar 1
Iyar 2
Iyar 2
Iyar 3
April 13
April 14
April 14
April 14
April 14
April 14
April 14
Iyar 3
Iyar 4
Iyar 4
Iyar 4
Iyar 4
Iyar 4
Iyar 4
April 15
Iyar 5
Gerald Norry
Dorothy Moscowitz
Louisa Feldman
Harry Gordon
Samuel Newman
Minnie Richard
Rose Feinberg
Samuel Shaub
Louis Goldberg
Betty Goldstein
Beatrice Katz
Raymond Kinel
Fannie Melin
Rabbi Samuel
Baruch Stiller
Morris Dell
Morris Germanow
Samuel Greenberg
Bernard Servetnick
Janet Shur
Majer Danziger
Rose Donsky
Michael Rosen
Belle Sherman
Meyer Weinstein
Toni Bernay
Fannie Shaub Brody
Max Dehaas
Abraham Flaxman
Etta Fleisher
Esther Friedman
William Friedman
Rywka Kinel
Morty Morrow
Victor Eramus
Dora S. Kaplan
Ephraim Strassman
Deborah Bella
Rose Cohen
Esther Heicklen
Bertha Karinsky
Max Moldawsky
Michelle Blumkin
Merrill Cohen
Bernice Morrow
Sam Schultz
Kathryn Schwartz
Rhoda David
Augusta Zivan
Jacob Kinel
Sarah Sovatsky
Ronny Buchman
Harriet Oshypko
Solomon Berke
Bertha Lambert
Sylvia Peskowitz
(Adar 19 - Iyar 20, 5773)
April 15
April 16
April 17
April 17
April 17
April 17
April 18
April 18
April 19
April 19
April 19
April 19
April 19
Iyar 5
Iyar 6
Iyar 7
Iyar 7
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Iyar 8
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Iyar 9
April 19
April 19
April 20
April 20
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April 21
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April 22
April 22
April 22
April 22
April 22
April 22
April 22
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April 23
April 23
April 23
Iyar 9
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Iyar 13
April 24
April 25
April 25
April 25
April 25
April 26
April 26
April 26
April 26
April 26
April 27
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April 28
April 28
April 29
April 29
April 30
April 30
April 30
Iyar 14
Iyar 15
Iyar 15
Iyar 15
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Iyar 16
Iyar 16
Iyar 16
Iyar 16
Iyar 16
Iyar 17
Iyar 17
Iyar 18
Iyar 18
Iyar 19
Iyar 19
Iyar 20
Iyar 20
Iyar 20
Passover 1st day: Tues, March 26th
Joint services at Temple Beth El
Passover 2nd day: Wed, March 27th
Joint services at Temple Beth El
Check Temple Beth El website for service times www.tberochester.org
Passover 7th day: Monday, Apr. 1st
To Be Announced
Passover 8th day: Tuesday, Apr .2nd
TBD at 9:00 am (incl. Yizkor)
Temple Beth David (TBD)
3200 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14617 (585)266-3223
Beth Hamedresh-Beth Israel (BHBI)
1369 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14610 (585) 244-2060
Howard P. Kashtan,
Tax Preparation ■ Accounting
[email protected]
6 Main Street, 2nd Floor
Pittsford, New York 14534
Ongoing Tzedakah
Bring in a non-perishable food item for
Jewish Family Services’ food cupboard.
All non-perishable, unexpired food items
are appreciated. No glass, please.
Sponsored by TBD Men’s Club
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Temple Beth David Bulletin
Temple Beth David Bulletin
Page 3
All in the Family
To submit information, contact the Temple Office at 266-3223
March & April Birthdays
Sylvia Roth
Jacob Zoghlin
Eliana Lande
Seth Alan Katzman
Nicole Meynadasy
Harry Morton Franklin
Nettie Rabinowitz
Anne Goldin
Helen Fowlkes
Louis Grossman
Kellie Hyman
Roberta Kinel
Jacob Eckhaus
Benjamin Saltzman
March 7
March 11
March 18
March 20
March 21
March 23
March 23
March 24
March 28
March 28
March 28
March 29
March 30
April 1
Rebecca Saltzman
Lois Markus
Harold Fishman
Ethan Kramer
Philip Weinstein
Seymour Zivan
Hannah Stamler
Henry Markowitz
Joshua Michael
Rhea Feinberg
Lisa Klein
Rickie Gordon
April 1
April 2
April 3
April 4
April 4
April 5
April 8
April 10
Marsha Greenberg
Jacob Snider
Ellen Gertzog
Eric Levy
Phillip Lederer
Miss Sylvia Stiller
Gabriel Erlichman
Susan Meynadasy
Carolyn Schiff
Samuel Langmann
Michael Horowitz
Hanna Kielar
Alayna Hersch
Judith Levy
April 16
April 16
April 17
April 18
April 19
April 24
April 25
April 25
April 25
April 26
April 27
April 27
April 28
April 29
If You Would Like to Sponsor
A Kiddush or Cholent
Please contact Temple Office or fill
out an event form conveniently at
Todah Rabbah!
(thank you very much)
April 11
April 12
April 14
April 16
March & April Anniversaries
Phillip & Susan Lederer
Jerry & Nettie Rabinowitz
William Fowlkes & Susan Baruch
Harold & Rhea Feinberg
George & Millicent Ritz
Neal & Sue Eckhaus
Robert & Tammy Hersch
Marc Lande & Linda Servetnick
March 4
March 5
March 16
March 21
March 29
April 6
April 20
April 30
Sponsored Kiddushes and Cholents (Dec –Jan)
Just For
• Dec. 8th Sponsored Cholent by Davida Bloom in Loving Memory of Rabbi Skopitz
• Dec 29th Extended Kiddush and Cholent sponsored by Bernard & Sylvia Roth in honor of their
granddaughter, Elana Roth
• Jan 5th Extended Kiddush sponsored by Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen in honor of Alex & Jordan
Cohen’s 21st Birthday & Cholent Sponsored in honor of Rabbi Aviva Berg & Scott Davis’ Birthday
“Shabot6000 is a fun cartoon by Jewish comic artist, Ben Baruch. On his website, the always funny Ben is quoted that he “lives in Brooklyn
and in fear of G-d.” Shabot6000 appears in our Bulletin through permission of the author.
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Temple Beth David Bulletin
Julius Berger
Dorothy Bernberg
Rachel Morri Bundy
Annette Harris
Isadore Robert
Jacob Schwartz
Marcia Cohen
Saralie Foote
Lena Harris Frankel
Alexander Kopen
Albert Marcusfield
Evelyn Dankner
Leila Markus
Martin Miller
William David
Helen Langmann
Hannah Lasken
Abraham Rothberg
Anna Weinstein
Isadore Chait
Nathan Hersch
Louis Klein
Sonia Alper
Shirley Comiez
Samuel Cramer
Mildred Deutsch
Jacob Goldman
Lily Grossman
Judith Solomon
Bertha Marcusfield
Betty Seigel
Calvin Salzberg
Sarah Seigel
Ida Blass
Marguarette Dehaas
Harry Levy
Mollie Roth
Harry Cohen
Molly Cohen
Morris Gordon
Sophie Isaac
Nathan Kaplan
Anna Leader
Louis Gerber
Harry Herman
Henry Shur
Itzchak Benski
Florence Chait
Bessie Klein
Oscar Rabin
Sadie Rose
Betty Segelin
Samuel Katzman
Sara Lambert
Benjamin Schultz
Anne Solomon
Frank Connuck
Bess Friedman
Shirley Goldman
Trudy Perry
From March 1 to April 30, 2013
March 1
March 1
March 1
March 1
Adar 19
Adar 19
Adar 19
Adar 19
March 1
March 1
March 2
March 2
March 2
March 2
March 2
March 3
March 3
March 3
March 4
March 4
March 4
March 4
March 4
March 5
March 5
March 5
March 6
March 6
March 6
March 6
March 6
March 6
Adar 19
Adar 19
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Adar 21
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Adar 22
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Adar 24
Adar 24
Adar 24
March 6
March 6
March 6
March 7
March 7
March 8
March 8
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March 9
March 9
March 9
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March 10
March 10
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March 11
March 11
March 11
March 11
March 11
March 11
March 12
March 12
March 12
March 12
March 13
March 13
March 13
March 13
Adar 24
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Adar 25
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Adar 26
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Adar 29
Adar 29
Nissan 1
Nissan 1
Nissan 1
Nissan 1
Nissan 2
Nissan 2
Nissan 2
Nissan 2
Temple Beth David Bulletin
Esther Stein
Harold Binder
Philip Fradin
Alan L. Heyneman
Herman H. Levine
Martin Marx
Lena Ornstein
Florence Sanow
Betty Baker
Earl J. Cohen
Rose Frank
Emily Leah Renzel
Baby Robert Stuart
Dorothy Sugarman
William Epner
Ezze Levin
Mark Millstone
Philip Nakrach
Richard L. Howell
Minetta Klein
Joseph Gastel
Julius Judovitz
Louis Orlen
Maurice Phillips
Sarah Benne
Charles Zallom
Richard Braiman
Charlotte Koltun
Sadie Leitman
Nathan W. Stamler
Betty Drogen
Anna Fradin
Katherine Gan
Samuel Garey
Ruth Haymoff
David Levin
Dora Lustik
Lester Rappaport
Rose Snow
Abe L. Weinstein
Morris Fleisher
Isadore Karinsky
Sylvia Kowal
Harry Simon
Harry Toker
Jonas Berkov
Rita Schnidman
Matilda Greenstine
Max Feldman
Blanche Gordon
Benjamin Lehrer
Myron Rothschild
Mark Schiff
Fannie Bronstein
William C. Kruchten
Jennie Stein
Allen Greenberg
Joseph Marzouk
(Adar 19 - Iyar 20, 5773)
March 13
March 14
March 14
March 14
March 14
March 14
March 14
Nissan 2
Nissan 3
Nissan 3
Nissan 3
Nissan 3
Nissan 3
Nissan 3
March 14
March 16
March 16
March 16
March 16
Nissan 3
Nissan 5
Nissan 5
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Nissan 5
March 17
March 17
March 18
March 18
March 18
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March 19
March 19
March 20
March 20
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March 21
March 21
March 22
March 22
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March 23
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Nissan 6
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March 23
March 23
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March 25
March 25
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March 26
March 26
Nissan 12
Nissan 12
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Nissan 13
Nissan 14
Nissan 14
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Nissan 15
Nissan 15
March 26
March 28
March 28
March 28
March 28
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March 29
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March 30
March 30
Nissan 15
Nissan 17
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Nissan 19
Nissan 19
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Temple Beth David
March and April Lifelong Learning
Community & Connection
yom hashoah 2013
Community Yom Hashoah Service
Uncovering Our History: 70 Years After the Warsaw
Ghetto Uprising
Sunday, April 7th @ 4:00 pm
Jewish Community Center,
1200 Edgewood Avenue,
Rochester, NY, 14618
Every Shabbat Morning: Jewish Spirituality through Torah Study from 9:00 - 9:45 followed
by Community Davening
Join us for Family, Friends and Fun
This Month
March 2nd:
March 5th:
March 9th:
March 10th:
March 16th:
March 19th:
March 22nd:
March 23rd:
March 26th:
March 27th:
Gabriel Franklin’s Bar Mitzvah
Mussar with Howard Brill 7:00 pm @ the JCC
Community Torah Study During Shabbat Services
Dinner & A Movie Night here @ TBD
Family Shabbat Service
Mussar with Howard Brill 7:00 pm @ the JCC
Pre-Pesach Family Learning, Potluck Dinner
and Davening 6:00 pm @ the JCC
Community Torah Study During Shabbat Services
First Day Pesach Services @ Temple Beth El
Second Day Pesach Services @ Temple Beth El
Next Month
April 2nd:
April 6th:
April 7th:
April 9th:
April 20th:
April 26th:
April 27th:
Dinner & A Movie
at TBD
Bring your Family or come with a Friend
Sunday Evening, March 10th @ 5:30 pm
A Delicious Dinner, Popcorn & Ice Cream Sundaes
Cost: $5 per person
$20 per family
The Family Shabbat
Family Shabbat is service designed for families with school aged children
including the littlest ones and is led by Gail Vail. All the major aspects of a
Shabbat service are included through songs, movement and stories.
Please join us at 10:30 a.m March 16 & April 20th
Eighth Day Pesach Services and Yizkor @ TBD
Community Torah Study During Shabbat Services
Community Yom Hashoah Service 4:00pm @ the JCC
Mussar with Howard Brill 7:00 pm @ the JCC
Family Shabbat Service
Kabbalat Shabbat and Potluck Dinner @ the JCC
Community Torah Study During Shabbat Services
‫פסח שמח‬
Page 8
Bonnie Abrams,
Phone: 461 0490 Ext 250
[email protected]
Small Shul Collaborative Study
Torah Studies on the second Wednesday evening of each month at 7:30pm.
Refreshments are provided.
Join us at BHBI, 1369 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14610
Upcoming Dates:
March 13th & April 10th
Heading back home this Spring? Please let us know and save temple costly fees
charged by the post office. (It will also ensure you get the bulletin once you return
from your winter retreat!) Call 266-3223 OR email [email protected]
Temple Beth David Bulletin
Temple Beth David Bulletin
Page 5
Donations *Received December 1st to January 31st
Please Note: Every effort is made to
ensure accuracy in the Bulletin. Please
let us know if an error is made and a
correction will be noted in the next
Bulletin. ***
NOTE: Minimum Donation is now
just $5.00 to send a greeting.
In Memory Of:
Blanche Levine
Alfred Stiller
Miss Sylvia Stiller
Nissim Ojalvo
Milt & Dorothy Smith
Ruth Schechet
Dr. Kevin & Judy Fleissig
Happy Birthday Wishes:
Pam Rosen
Bonnie, Jonathan & Laura Rich
Happy Birthday Wishes:
Hannah Eckhaus
Melissa Meynadasy
Benjamin Duchano
Sarah Duchano
Ellie Spivak
Pam Rosen , Gary, Alex
& Jordan Cohen
Fronie Hoffman
David Langmann
Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen
Mazel Tov:
Aaron Bigeliesen
Maddy Feldman
Pam Rosen , Gary, Alex
& Jordan Cohen
In Memory of:
Charles Lestin
Abraham Fishman
David Newman
Harold & Dolly Fishman
Abe Hersch
Syd Weinstein
David Przewuzman
Paul & Judy Eissenstat
Anniversary Wishes:
Page 6
Dolly & Harold Fishman
Shoshana Herman
Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen
Happy Birthday Wishes:
Paul Eissenstat
Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen
Annette Shapiro
Pam Rosen , Gary, Alex
& Jordan Cohen
In Memory of:
Julius Stiller
Miss Sylvia Stiller
Harry Stein
Marsha Greenberg
Max Ambush
Ida Grossberg
Max Grossberg
Sandra & Howard Brenner
Max Gross
Stanley & Michelle Gross
David Przewuzman
Patrick & Sally Lupiani
Jerry Goldman
Seymour & Karen Zivan
Rochelle Kashtan
Myron & Rheva Kleinberg
Marvin & Beverly Groden
Pathfinders, Engineers &
Isadore Neurock
Seymour & Karen Zivan
Abe Hersch
Nancy Lapides & Joe Retta
Harry & Adele Gan
Knights of Pythias
Kevin & Kathleen Ward
Sid Weinstein
Debbie Phillips
Get Well Wishes:
Sandy Toole
Dorothy Sherr
Marcia Davis
Florence Etingoff
Helen & Howard Kashtan
February & March in next
Special Announcements
Karen Zivan
Helen & Howard Kashtan
Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen
In Appreciation Of:
Arthur Bernberg
Rabbi Berg
Helen & Howard Kashtan
Happy Birthday Wishes:
Brian Wasserman
Sarisa Zoghlin
Pam Rosen , Gary, Alex
& Jordan Cohen
Susan Baruch
Sandy Brenner
Irv Katz
Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen
In Memory of:
Michael Greenberg
Marsha Greenberg
David Przewuzman
Ayala Emmett
Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzvah:
Aaron Freedman
Pam Rosen , Gary, Alex
& Jordan Cohen
Happy Birthday Wishes:
Bruce Goldin
Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen
In Memory of:
Morris Herman
Phillip & Sue Lederer
In Memory of:
Selma & Harold Kay
Stephen & Marcia Kay
Lesser Raphael
Max Raphael
Marvin & Linda Raphael
Milton Lande
Marc Lande & Linda Servetnick
(Continued on page 7)
Temple Beth David Bulletin
Mazel Tov to Gabriel Franklin on your Bar Mitzvah!
Gabriel Franklin is excited to become
a Bar Mitzvah on March 2nd. Gabe is
a 7thgrader at Twelve Corners Middle
School and lives with his parents,
Merrie and Scott, and his two brothers, Max and Harry.
school music groups and at the Eastman Community Music School.
Gabe considers himself extremely
lucky to be instructed in Torah and
Haftorah by his grandmother, Andrea Franklin from Columbus, Ohio,
Gabe has boundless energy and espe- with whom he has spent countless
cially enjoys basketball, baseball, Ulti- hours on the phone in preparamate frisbee and playing marimba,
tion. Mazel tov, Gabe!
timpani and snare drum with his
Donations Received October 1 to November 30, 2012 , con’t
In Memory of:
Frank Sherman
Morris Koftschick
Roza Koft
Israel Koft
Max & Sonia Mantelmacher
Shirley Shapiro
Daniel & Diane Shapiro
Fanny Simon Passer
Sandra Cohen
David Przewuzman
Bonnie, Jonathan & Laura Rich
Florence Etingoff
Ed & Sue Drexler
Bernard & Sylvia Roth
Marvin & Beverly Groden
Annette Applebaum
Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen
Abe Hersch
Florence Etingoff
Miss Sylvia Stiller
Marvin & Linda Raphael
Annette Applebaum
Temple Beth David Bulletin
Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen
In Appreciation Of:
Rabbi Aviva Berg
Lewis Rothberg & Family
Marc Lande & Linda Servetnick
Phillip & Susan Lederer
Rabbi Aviva Berg & Arthur Bernberg
Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen
Happy Birthday Wishes:
Gary Cohen
Alex Cohen
Jordan Cohen
Scott & Lori Davis
Marci Snider
Harold Feinberg
Dorothy Sherr
Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen
Linda Servetnick
Pam Rosen , Gary, Alex
& Jordan Cohen
Mazel Tov on your Torah Reading:
Pam Rosen
Bill & Ellen Gertzog
Get Well Wishes:
Lois Markus
*December & January in
next Bulletin
Marcia Davis
Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen
Scott Bauman
Florence Etingoff
Pam Rosen , Gary, Alex
& Jordan Cohen
In Memory of:
Isadore Neurock
Howard & Helen Kashtan
Ron & Nancy Kraus
The Kashtan family would like to
thank the Community for all of the
support they received during the
passing of Helen’s father, David
A Memorial Plaque has Been
inscribed by the Hersch Family in
Memory of Abe Hersch
Page 7

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