Issue 3 - Aug 22, 2013
Issue 3 - Aug 22, 2013
Hunehune Kalo Volume 14 Issue 3 Ka Lä 22 o ÿAukake, 2013 Weekly Newsletter Mana‘o Nui Kanu o ka ‘Äina New Century Public Charter School Aloha mai käkou On August 19, the Hawaii State Department of Education (Department) released the first annual results of the Strive HI Performance System, Hawaii’s new school accountability and improvement system that replaces components of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). This topic has also recently been on the news and in local newspapers. Under NCLB, schools focused a lot on Hawaiÿi State Assessment (HSA) data and whether or not they made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). The new Strive HI Performance System results include data on student proficiency in reading, math, and science; student growth in reading and math; chronic absenteeism; 8th and 11th grade ACT results; high school graduation rates; college enrollments; and achievement gaps. As part of the new system, the Department also classified schools for rewards, interventions, and support. Under Strive HI steps a school is classified in one of the following five steps: Recognition, Continuous Improvement, Focus, Priority, and Superintendent’s Zone based on the school’s index score and additional factors. Based on school year 2012-13 results, our school (for SY 2013-2014) has been classified as a: ___ Recognition School ___ Focus School __x_ Continuous Improvement School ___ Priority School Under the old system, schools were placed in one of the following NCLB status categories: Good Standing Unconditional, Good Standing Conditional, School Improvement Year 1, School Improvement Year 2, Corrective Action, Planning for Restructuring, or Restructuring. Under this system, last school year, KANU’s status was “School Improvement Year 1”. Our school is also a: _x_ Title I School ___ Non-Title I School Please be reminded of the information we distributed in May 2013 that for school year 2013-2014, the Department will no longer offer NCLB School Choice or Supplemental Educational Services. If your child is currently enrolled in a school as a result of a Geographic Exception using the NCLB Choice reason, he or she is entitled to remain in that school through the highest grade served by the school. However, the Department will not provide mileage reimbursements or transportation options. Please see enclosed Quick Facts on the Strive HI Performance System handout and our School’s Performance Summary Report. More information can also be found at: Our school remains dedicated to helping students succeed. We are committed to achieving our goal of success for every student and have high expectations for our students in line with the State Strategic Plan and the Strive HI Performance System. We understand that this new state wide public school accountability and improvement system is new and can be quite a lot to grasp. We plan on scheduling a breakout session at our first ÿohana gathering to provide more information regarding the Strive HI system and KANU’s school performance summary report. Date and details of this event will be out shortly. More information about KANU’s Performance Summary Report will also be shared in next week’s Hunehune Kalo. ‘Ölelo No‘eau Me ke aloha pumehana, Allyson Tamura Co-Administrator Aloha kekahi i kekahi. Love one another. Photo by Val Hanohano P.O. Box 398 Kamuela, HI 96743 Phone: 808-890-8144 Facsimile: 808-890-8146 E-mail: [email protected] Höÿike Haumäna Puÿukoholä HO’OKU’IKAHI I PUÿUKOHOLÄ 41st ANNUAL CELEBRATION AND HAWAIIAN CULTURAL FESTIVAL – August 17-18, 2013 This year’s celebration theme was “Ke Kulana Noÿeau o Ka Wä Kahiko” (The Culture of Ancient Hawaiÿi). Established as a National Historic Site on August 17, 1972, Puÿukoholä Heiau continues to be a place where living history is perpetuated, and where efforts to bring the people of Hawaiÿi together in pursuit of completing Kamehameha the Great’s unfinished good deeds is a primary objective. Kanu o ka ÿÄina has been an active participant in the Hoÿokuikahi celebration at the heiau since the year 2000. High school students spent last Thursday giving back to the community by helping other cultural leaders as well as community partners, such as the National Park Service, with anything that was needed to make this occasion a success. This help includes, but is not limited to, such activities as setting up tarps and lights, washing and drying chairs and tables, placing the tables and chairs under the tarps, cleaning the ceremonial areas of any debris and preparing Pelekane for the cultural festival. A big kuleana was to help weave coconut plates for the Saturday päÿina. To be a part of the festivities, Uncle Nälei, Uncle KiTeya Belford-Smith and Aunty Kai Tolentino, as well as other former KANU kumu and alumni camped with KANU student participants from Thursday afternoon to Saturday at ‘Öhaiÿula Beach Park with many other Hoÿokuikahi participants from around the archipelago. They were able to be a part of the ceremonies and cultural activities throughout the entire celebration. A special mahalo goes out to all of our KANU students, graduates, past and present staff who demonstrated their commitment to their native culture by making this annual event a success. As a school founded to perpetuate the native language, values and traditions of our Hawaiian ancestors, we are truly proud of those students, staff and family members who take advantage of opportunities like participating in events like Puÿukoholä, to actively demonstrate their commitment to continue the proud traditions of our küpuna. Mission: Külia i ka Nu‘u - Strive To Reach Your Highest! Kihiki Makua Photos by KiTeya Belford-Smith Visit our website: Important Info & Updates Ho‘omana‘o KANU August Birthdays (Bi-Monthly) 15 16 19 22 24 25 Derek del Mar-Emelio 26 Lily Landt Anela Akau-LaClair & Kahealani Phillips 29 Hauÿoli McGurn Marcheÿ Matsumura, Lea Meneses & Skippy Turek 31 Kien Campogan & Manuel Oliveros Jerico Joaquin, Kaydn Nauka & Clara Sulla Dylan Pires Aiden Kalaniopio, Ethan & Jacob del Mar-Emelio, Keala Kekuewa & Kuÿunahenani Tachera LABOR DAY – NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2013. FLU SHOT OR MIST – Free flu shot or mist available at Hälau Pökiÿi for elementary students and at Hälau Puke for middle and high school students. Forms are due on Friday, September 6, 2013 to either school office. Flu shots or mist will be given on November 7, 2013. STAY IN THE LOOP, BE IN THE KNOW! – KANU utilizes an automated parent alert message system to send out important information and reminders to students and parents. The message will always start by a staff member identifying himself/herself and saying that he/she is from KANU. Upon hearing that, DON’T hang up. STAY ON THE LINE to listen to the complete message. ABSENCES – If your child is unable to attend school, a parent/guardian must report the absence by calling the school on the morning of the first day of your child’s absence. You may also leave a message on the voice mail. For elementary students, call 887-8144 and for middle and high school students call 890-8144. Upon return, the student is required to bring a note signed by a parent/guardian explaining the absence. DRESS UP FRIDAYS! – Students may “dress up” on Fridays instead of wearing their KANU polo shirt. No T-shirts, long sleeved T-shirts, sweatshirts or flannels. Boys should wear dark colored jeans, dress pants, or tailored long shorts with a collared dress shirt, polo shirt or an aloha shirt. Girls should wear a muÿumuÿu or dress. Girls may also wear a skirt, dark colored jeans or dress pants with a nice blouse. Straps on the dress or blouse should be at least one inch thick (no spaghetti straps) or a shrug or cardigan should be worn at all times. Skirts and dress length need to be at an appropriate length. Students not wanting to “dress up” need to wear their KANU polo shirt. SCHOOL HOURS, ONE WAY TRAFFIC, & STAGGERED DISMISSAL TIMES – Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm and Fridays from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. The pü will blow at 7:55am and piko will begin promptly at 8 am. A one way traffic pattern schedule for all, as well as staggered dismissal times for elementary students have been established to help reduce the traffic situation. One way traffic pattern is from 7–8:15 am and 2:30–3:15 pm. Staggered dismissal times: 2:40 pm – Mälamapökiÿi, Papa ‘Aÿaliÿi, & Lehua; 2:50 pm – Papa Kukui & ÿIeÿie; 2:55 pm–Papa Häpuÿu, & Mämane; 3:00 pm – Middle & High school haumäna. MATH TEXTBOOKS – Please help to see that your child has covered his/her math textbook (if applicable). All math textbooks should be covered with a book cover (paper, cloth, homemade or store bought) at all times during the school year. The cost of replacing lost, misplaced or damaged textbooks will be the responsibility of the borrower (student) and their families. HUNEHUNE KALO GOES GREEN! – The Hunehune Kalo will be sent home as a hardcopy for the month of August only. Please return your Hunehune Kalo Request Form indicating your delivery preference. After the month of August, hard copies will not be sent home unless requested on this form or in writing. However, any inserts requiring a reply (i.e. permission forms, surveys, etc.) will continue to be sent home as a hard copy. Please continue to read the HUNEHUNE KALO each week to be cued in to the happenings of KANU! BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION – Clip these box tops to help Püÿulu Aukahi Mäkua, KANU’s parent group, earn funds to kökua with school needs, initiatives and/or school events. Last school year over $500 was raised and utilized to purchase a basketball hoop & stand and 4 tetherball sets. Box tops can be turned into either school office or to your child’s kumu. See for more information. COMMUNITY HOÿOKAUHALE AFTER SCHOOL & EVENING PROGRAMS – Offering the following classes: Hip-Hop Dance, Insanity, Leihulu, Driver’s Ed., Simple Creativity, Tahitian Drumming, Turbo-Kick , Waikäunu Hula. and Write On. Please see attached E Hoÿokauhale Käkou description flyer and registration form. Contact Te Benioni at 890-2508 with any questions. WAIMEA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION TOWN MEETING – Thursday, September 5, 2013 at Waimea School Cafeteria at 5:15 pm. Agenda highlights include update on “Clark Park” planning, Keoki Magoon’s new commercial project now beginning construction on Hwy. 190 across from Waimea Elementary School, and “Liquid Robotics” high technology firm in Kawaihae, plus update on North Hawai’i Community Hospital. All invited. Visit our website: SY 2013-2014 FALL PROGRAMS – Updated on August 12, 2013 Insanity Fitness Katie Benioni-AM Te Benioni-PM Get Ready to DIG DEEPER with Insanity, Insanity Asylum, and the new Tapout XT workout! We are running a workout schedule combining all 3 of these high intensity fitness programs! *All fitness levels are welcome as we will do modified exercises. No Fee, bring a towel and a water bottle and be ready to sweat! Hip-Hop Dance Sasha Knowles Monday – Friday, 6 am – 7 am at ʻOluʻOlu – Hoʻolako Bldg. Grades 9 – Adult Monday /Wednesday /Friday, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm This class is a blend of old school and new hip hop techniques. You will learn a little “B-boy” style and a little “Shake It Up” style! Coach Sasha has a passion for dance. She has been dancing her whole life, studying a variety of dance including: Hip Hop, Jazz, Ballet, Tap, Cheerleading, and more! In 2010 Sasha Knowles Dance was born, a travelling dance studio, inspiring dancers from the inside out through the art of dance! Simple Creativity Steph David-Chapman Thursdays, at ʻOluʻolu – Hoʻolako Bldg. Class-1 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm Ages: 5-8 Class-2 4:1 5pm – 5:15 pm Ages: 9-18 Are you itching to create something but you donʻt know how or where to begin? This course is designed to help you find your inner artist thru writing, art, and movement/exercise. Students will create several mixed media art projects, engage in creative writing and explore themes of health, wellness and building positive social relationships. Students who sign up for this class should expect to build community by sharing their work. Please come prepared to either get messy, dirty or all of the above! Space is limited. There is a one-time materials fee of $25.00 Tahitian Drumming Terangi Benioni Wednesdays, 3:30 pm – 5 pm at – Hälau Puke MS Large Hui Grades 9 – 12 Terangi has been a lead drummer starting at the Polynesian Cultural Center at age 16, then at Disneyland in Anaheim, and Tihati Productions here in Hawaii. Come learn basic beats such as: Pahai, Paea, Hitoto, Bora-Bora, Toma, and others. No experience necessary, however age is limited to 4th grade and up. Space is limited. Waikäunu Hula Nicole Anakalea Drivers Ed. Mark Boucher Turbo-Kick Michelle Aikau Tuesdays, 3 pm – 4 pm at Külia ÿEkahi – Hoʻolako Bldg. Grades 4 – 12 Waikäunu is a hula program affiliated with the Hawaiÿi Community College Hawaiian Life Styles program, Unukupukupu. This program also teaches participants to exhibit the discipline and humility that are at the core of the Hawaiian culture. Mondays 3:30 – 4:30 pm (Beginner Level) at Külia ÿEkahi – Hoʻolako Bldg. Grades 2 - Up Wednesdays, 6:0 0pm – 8:00 pm (Advanced Level *See Kumu for more info) The courses include classroom instruction and behind-the-wheel driving time. Students learn driving laws, driving safety, and how to handle real-life driving situations. After completion of courses, students will be eligible for their Hawaiÿi driver’s license. All classes are taught by State Dept. of Transportation Certified Instructor, Marc Boucher. You may preregister at Kanu o Ka ‘Äina or call Marlin Driving Academy at 808-987-3288 or email Marc at [email protected] for more information and to register. Date and Time: TBA – Hoʻolako Bldg. *By appointment Grades 11-Adult Burn calories and blast fat! Turbo Kick® mixes kickboxing and simple dance moves with music that makes you want to move it! You’ll love having fun and losing weight. It won’t even seem like you’re working out. Leihulu Aunty Auhea Puhi Tuesdays, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm at ʻOluʻolu – Hoʻolako Bldg. Grades 11-Adult Come learn how to make leihulu with Aunty Auhea. With over 40 years of experience in a craft that has been passed down, Aunty Auhea continues that tradition in her class. This class is mainly for the seniors at Kanu, however it is open to beginners as well as kupuna who would like to come and share their manaʻo and enjoy the company of others learning this craft. Space is limited, and there is a small cost for supplies. Write On Eliza Cahill Wednesdays, 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm at Külia ÿEkahi – Hoʻolako Bldg. Grades 9-Adult "Write On, Creative Writing Workshop" “WRITE ON” Creative Writing Workshop for Young Adults. Eliza Cahill helps young writers find their voice and put their ideas into words. Tuesdays, 3:30 pm - 5 pm at Külia ÿEkahi – Hoʻolako Bldg. For more information, please contact Te Benioni at 890-2508 or come by the Hälau Hoÿolako (Kanu o Ka ʻÄina Learning ÿOhana) office between the hours of 8:00am – 4:30pm. Ages: 13-18 SY 2013-2014 FALL REGISTRATION FORM Place an “x” in the box of each program you wish to enroll in and state name of participant(s). Multiple family members welcome! Return registration form to the Hoʻolako office. Program/Instructor Day & Time Grade Name/Age/Grade of Participant(s) Insanity! Fitness Terangi Benioni Monday – Friday: 6am-7am Mon – Wed – Fri: 5:30pm-6:30pm Grades 9 - Adult Hip Hop Dance Sasha Knowles Wednesdays 3:15pm – 4:15pm Wednesdays 4:15m- 5:15pm Ages 5 – 8 Ages 9-18 Simple Creativity Steph David-Chapman Tahitian Drumming Terangi Benioni Wednesdays 3:30pm – 5pm Grades 9- 12 Tuesdays 3:00pm – 4:30pm Grades 4 – 12 Mondays (Beginner Level) 3:30pm – 4:30pm Wednesdays (Advanced Level) 6pm-8:00pm TBD – By appointment Grades 2- up *See Kumu Grades 11-Adult Waikäunu Hula Nicole Anakalea Drivers Ed. Marc Bocher Turbo-Kick Michelle Aikau Tuesdays 5:30pm – 6:30pm Grades 11-Adult Leihulu Aunty Auhea Puhi Wednesdays 4:30pm – 6:30pm Grades 9 - Adult Write On Eliza Cahill Tuesdays, 3:30 pm - 5 pm Bl Ages: 13-18 **PLEASE FILL OUT THE INFORMATION BELOW: PLEASE PRINT PARTICIPANTS NAME(S): ____________________________________________________________ AGE/GRADE: ____________________________________________________________ PARENTS NAME: ____________________________________________________________ CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________
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