Achim Lippoth Photographer Advertising Agency: TBWA Paris, France Client: Amora Agency: 360 Grad Euro RSCG, Paris / France Client: Champion – Mini Fruits Agency: TBWA, Paris / France Client: Harry´s Awards: Cannes Lions, Bronze Clio Award NY, Gold Eurobest Award, Gold Client: Little Marc / Marc Jacobs, New York / USA Client: Little Marc / Marc Jacobs, New York / USA Client: Imps & Elfs, Amsterdam / Netherlands Client: Imps & Elfs, Amsterdam / Netherlands Agency: Serviceplan, Hamburg/Germany Client: Unicef Awards: ADC Berlin – Recommendation Agency: Serviceplan, Hamburg/Germany Client: Unicef Awards: ADC Berlin – Recommendation Agency: Serviceplan, Hamburg/Germany Client: Unicef Awards: ADC Berlin – Recommendation Agency: DDB, Brussels / Belgium Client: Audi Awards: Magazine Print Award MPA – Gold, Belgium Agency: DDB, Brussels / Belgium Client: Audi Awards: Magazine Print Award MPA – Gold, Belgium Agency: DDB, Brussels / Belgium Client: Audi Awards: Magazine Print Award MPA – Gold, Belgium Agency: Publicis, Frankfurt / Germany Client: Bübchen »Your insurance should not be more complicated than your job.« Agency: SFLB, Zürich/Switzerland Client: Sympany – Insurance Company, Switzerland »Your insurance should not be more complicated than your relationship.« Agency: SFLB, Zürich/Switzerland Client: Sympany – Insurance Company, Switzerland »Your insurance should not be more complicated than your network.« Agency: SFLB, Zürich/Switzerland Client: Sympany – Insurance Company, Switzerland Agency: Mc Cann Erickson, Milano / Italy Client: Upim – Italian department stores »London for two« Agency: LeG, Paris / France Client: Eurostar – Train Service in Western Europe Awards: ADC Paris, Gold, Category »Poster Campaign« »London for two« Agency: LeG, Paris / France Client: Eurostar – Train Service in Western Europe Awards: ADC Paris, Gold, Category »Poster Campaign« »Children deserve better« Agency: DDB, Paris/France Client: Canal J – TV Channel, France »Children deserve better« Agency: DDB, Paris/France Client: Canal J – TV channel, France Client: Imps & Elfs, Amsterdam/Netherlands Agency: Mc Cann Erickson, Milano/Italy Client: Upim – Italian department stores Agency: TBWA Paris, France Client: BNP Agency: TBWA, Paris/France Client: Spontex – Cleaning Products Awards: Epica Award – Gold, Category »Print« Agency: Sek & Grey, Helsinki / Finnland Client: Nokia Agency: Lesch & Frei, Frankfurt / Germany Client: BASF Agency: Mother, New York / USA Client: The Childrens Place Agency / Client: Nike Europe, Amsterdam / Netherlands Agency / Client: Nike Europe, Amsterdam / Netherlands Agency / Client: Nike Europe, Amsterdam / Netherlands Agency: Jung von Matt /Alster, Hamburg/Germany Client: Lego Awards: Cannes Lions – Gold, Category »Outdoor« D & AD Award London – Yellow Pencil New York Festivals (NYF) – Gold World Medal »I‘ll explain it at McDonald´s« Agency: DDB, Paris/France Client: McDonald´s Awards: Epic Awards, Category »Print« Vita Curriculum vitae Awards 1968 1985–86 1986–92 since 1992 1995 since 1998 2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 born in Ilshofen / Germany graduated at Byrom College Manchester, Great Britain artstudies at the University of Cologne freelancing photographer based in Germany establishment of kid’s wear magazine film director All Images © by Achim Lippoth ADC Berlin, Bronze in the category »Photography« Lead Award, Gold for »Fashion & Lifestyle Photography«, ADC Berlin, Silber in the category »Editorial« ADC Berlin, Bronze in the category »Photography« ADC Berlin, Bronze in the category »Magazine Title« ADC NY, Silver in the category »Photography« ADC NY, commendation in the category »Editorial« Eurobest Award – Saatchi & Saatchi Paris ADC NY, Silver in the category »Photography« ADC NY, commendation in the category »Photography«, Lotus Awards, Silver and Bronze in the categories »Publication and Media«, Grand Prix Stratégies de la publicité – commendation in the category »Non-Commercial Campaigns« The Creative Circle – silver in the category »Best Women’s Magazine Advertisement« Lead Award – silver for »Fashion & Lifestyle Photography« Lead Award – bronze for »Fashion & Lifestyle Photography« IPA Gold – Silver and Bronze, »Professional Photographer of the Year«, category »People« ADC NY – three merits in the category »Editorial« ADC Paris, 1. price in the category »Poster Campaign« Clio Awards NY – Gold in the category »Print« Magazine Print Award MPA, Belgium – Gold in the category »Poster Campaign« Cannes Lions 2006 - Bronze Lion »IPA Professional Photographer of the Year«, category »People« Eurobest Award – Gold in the category »Print« Epica Award – Gold in the category »Print« American Photography No. 22 Eurobest Award – Silver in both categories »Print« and »Outdoor« London International Award – Gold in the category »Print« Cannes Lions 2007 – Gold Lion American Photography No. 23 D & AD Award London 2007 – Yellow Pencil ADC Berlin – Bronze in the category »Print Advertising« New York festivals (NYF) Gold World Medal in the category »Home Entertainment« Silver World Medal in the category »Home Entertainment« Clio Award – Silver in the category »Print« ADC Germany – Silver in category »Photography / Editorial« Lead Award Bronze – category »Photography« American Photography No. 24 Clio Award - Bronze, Category »Poster« Golden Award of Montreux - Gold Medal, Category »Home Appliances Entertainment« New York Festival - Gold World Medal, Category »Home Product/Services« American Photography No. 25 Cresta Award, Category »Magazine« IPA – 1st Category Winner »Photography Book of the Year« EPICA – Silver for both Categories „Food“ and „Advertising Photography“ Cannes Lions 2010 - Silver Lion, Category „Campaign Savoury Foods“ New York Festivals (NYF) - Silver World Medal, Category „Outdoor“ One Show Design - Merit Award Category „Outdoor Design - Campaign“ AD Print Winner Category „Luerzer´s Archive Best Use Of Photography“ Silver Angel, Category „Fast Moving Consumer Goods“ EPICA Silver, Category „Food“ Silver, Category „Advertising Photography“ Grand Prix Stratégies - Winner, Category „Food“ European Cristal Festival - Winner, Category „Food“ Solo - Exhibitions Editorial Publications 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2010 2011 Blackbook, USA Colors Magazine, Italy Die Zeit, Germany FAZ, Germany Jetzt Magazin, Germany kid´s wear Magazine, Germany Life Magazine, USA Neon, Germany New York Times Magazine, USA Permanent Food, USA Stern, Germany SZ-Magazin, Germany Viewpoint Magazine, UK Vogue, Italy Vorn, Germany Wallpaper Magazine, UK Weltwoche, Swiss Eyemazing, Netherlands Vogue Ninos, Spain Details Magazine, USA Vogue Nippon, Japan Theme Magazine, USA Dictateur, Italy Vogue Bambini, Italy GQ, USA Gallery Viaux, Hamburg – »Kinder der Gezeiten « John Stevenson Gallery, New York, »Kinderszenen, Scenes from Childhood« Rudolf-Scharpf-Gallery – Ludwigshafen »Kinderfotografien – Achim Lippoth and his art collection« Museum and Gallery Im Prediger, Schwäbisch Gmünd – »Kindheit« Fahey / Klein Gallery – Los Angeles »Storytelling« Hällisch-Fränkisches Museum – »Kinder der Dritten Welt« Gallery Speak For – Tokyo »Achim Lippoth & kid´s wear magazine« Catherine Edelman - Chicago »Pictures« Galerie Paris – Beijing - Paris Gallery Speak For – Tokyo »Achim Lippoth - Kids« Group - Exhibitions 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 Yossi Milo Gallery – New York, »Images by the sea« Triennale – Milan, »(K)art(ell)« Gallery Lichtblick – Cologne, »Images against war« Gallery Pasquer – Cologne, »Kinder« Gallery Viaux, Berlin »10th Anniversary of kid’s wear magazine« National Museum of Photography, Bradford UK, »Fashionation – Between Art and Fashion« Farmani Gallery – Los Angeles, »2005 IPA Best of Show« VisualLeader – Deichtorhallen, Germany Farmani Gallery – New York »IPA Best of Show« Kunsthalle Darmstadt – Germany »Posing« BIP 2010 – Liège »(Out Of) Control« Shay Arye Gallery - Tel Aviv »small adults « GuatePhoto Festival 2010 Catherine Edelman - Chicago »PROOF« Kunst Galerie Fürth - Fürth »Lucky« Book Publications 2001 2002 2007 2007 Die Gestalten Verlag, »Places to go and see« Skira Editore Milano, »(K)art(ell)« Kehrer Verlag, Achim Lippoth »Pictures« Hicolai Verlag, Andre Deutsch, »100 Jahre Farbfotografie«, Achim Lippoth tel +49 221 95 45 55 8 [email protected] represented by BRANSCH EUROPE tel/fax +49 40 27 81 89-0/10 [email protected] BRANSCH NEW YORK tel/fax +1 212 414-1622/1399 [email protected] BRANSCH PARIS tel/fax +49 40 27 81 89-16/10 [email protected] All Photographs © by Achim Lippoth
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