The Rustorian - Rust College
The Rustorian - Rust College
October 2011 The Rustorian Page 1 The Rustorian Volume 48 • No. 1 “By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them” October 2011 President Beckley, Mayor DeBerry inspire students, faculty, staff at Opening Convocation for new year By Nekesa Oliver Staff Writer, The Rustorian As the time neared 2:40 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 13, the freshman class of 2011 and other students gathered in the Morehouse Doxey Auditorium for the 145th President’s Opening Convocation. Students came dressed for success and ready to accept the challenge that President David L. Beckley would propose to them. On stage were the President’s Council, the honorable Mayor Andre DeBerry, SGA President Marcus Bradley, Miss Rust Valencia Rogers, retired honorees, and a host of other staff members. The program was filled with encouragement and optimism. Mayor DeBerry greeted students and inspired them to continue the nourishment of their education at Rust, while Bradley and Rogers added the reminder of taking opportunities and striving for leadership and success. The new edition of the A’Cappella choir, led by Dorothy Jones, made a great first performance singing two excellent selections, “Rocking Jersualem” and “Great Day.” This increased the energy of the students as President Beckley made his way to the podium. The President welcomed the Freshman class of 2011 with great expectation and positive things to say. He challenged the students to focus on using what they have and not what they lack. He described their tenure at Rust College as a temporary bump on the road to success. “Success against all odds… remember why we are here and what we stand for,” said President Beckley. Rust College A’Capella Choir performed at Convocation. From the applause and the new passion students have for singing the Alma Mater, you could tell that the speech was well received. Rust College Founders’ Day is November 12, 2011 Lyceum Series continues to bring culture and class to campus life By Benita Jackson Editor, The Rustorian The Rust College Lyceum Series is a number of events throughout the academic school year used to introduce students and the community to the best in European and African American cultural expressions. The Lyceum Series was founded in 1996 by Rust College President Dr. David L. Beckley. In 1999, Patricia Pegues was appointed as the chair of the Lyceum Series committee. With the exposure to different cultures, the diversity of the campus has improved drastically. In previous The Sankofa Exhibit was at the Smith Multi-Purpose Building. years, Rust has brought in international performances. The Lyceum Series successfully brings in at least one graduate of Rust College or someone from the state of Mississippi to participate in the program. Although attendance at any Lyceum Series event is not mandatory, students show up for the cultural experiences. Pegues believes, “If students allow themselves the opportunity to attend, their lives will be changed forever, for the positive. The Lyceum Series changes your life because it’s a reality to let you see what you can become.” To put the Lyceum Series together it takes the ef- ‘Sistahs’ was presented in the Doxey Auditorium in September. fort of a complete committee to bring ideas together. John A. House, assistant professor of Speech and Theater, attends many festivals where he encounters other authors and performers and makes recommendations to the committee. “Artists also call, mail, and email me to make contact to be apart of the Lyceum Series events here at Rust,” said Pegues. For more information about the Lyceum Series, contact Pegues in her office in the McCoy Administration Building on the Rust College campus. Page 2 The Rustorian The Rustorian Editor Benita Jackson Assistant Editor Cervetra Williams Staff Writers Nekesa Oliver Ravenico Stephens Dionyal Spencer Teresa Hughes Contributors Robert Alexander Antoinette Anderson Tremelanie McFadden Christine Ambia Photographers Cervetra Williams Edward King Imani Freeling Advisor Dr. Kenneth E. Jones Department of Mass Communications Dr. Debayo R. Moyo, chair The RUSTORIAN is a student-produced newspaper published monthly during the school year by the Division of Humanities, Dr. Sylvester Oliver, chairman. The Rustorian invites editorial contributions from the Rust College community and other individuals on any topic, view or issue. All submissions must be typed and signed, and must include author’s name, address and phone number. Send your letters or comments to: The Editor, The Rustorian 150 E. Rust Avenue Holly Springs, MS 38635 (662)252-8000 ext 4558/4557/4553 Fax: (662) 252-8869 Email: [email protected] [email protected] w w w. r u s t o r i a n . c o m Sharron Goodman-Hill hosts WURC radio show. Straight Talk Live is on the Air By Ravenico Stephen Staff Writer, The Rustorian Spot Light... Straight Talk Live is back for its twelfth year on the air and looking to be an even more sucessful show. Straight Talk Live is a public affairs show that airs on WURC every Thursday with the host Sharron Goodman- Hill, Rust College Mass Communications instructor. The station is located on the campus of Rust College and is well known throughout the Holly Springs area. Some of the students help with the production of the show but very few students October 2011 on campus seem to know much about it. GoodmanHill took the opportunity to better inform students of what the show is about and what to expect this year. The show provides information and news about happenings in the surrounding area and issues of concern. Straight Talk Live has had four different hosts before Goodman-Hill began hosting in 2005. Goodman-Hill says she enjoys the radio atmosphere and although there is hassle with productions its worth the time and effort. The show provides a chance for Rust College students, faculty and staff to be heard and their concerns addressed, along with informing people of the guests who will visit Rust College. GoodmanHill says she would like for more talk to go on to during the show, with more people calling in and expressing their ideas and being heard. She says although the show does receive calls there once was a time when there were more calls being received. On Oct. 20, Goodman-Hill will have Jonnie Dupree on the show. Dupree is the mayor of Hattiesburg, Miss. He is campaigning to become the next governor of Mississippi and is the Democratic Party’s nominee. The election is on Nov. 3rd. GoodmanHill is looking forward to having Dupree on the show in hopes that many listeners will tune in and call in. Straight Talk Live can be heard on WURC 88.1. “Mr. Perry’s approximately 101 employees traveled with him but we mainly worked with him during the weekends,” Willis added. Willis said that she traveled over 800 miles with Perry and her son for the job. “We had to make sure each cast member received three meals; breakfast on time, and finish lunch before the plays started. Due to a contract agreement that’s all I can say, but for me it was the experience and joy of working for Mr. Perry,” Willis recalled. Another opportunity Willis experienced was in 2010 when she worked for the Premier Dr. Ewart F. Brown, minister of Tourism and his lovely wife Lisa Raye of Bermuda. “I was surrounded by 50 top chefs. We would show them how to prepare a dish one time and they automatically had it down to a science. There were also multiple entertainers, and we served 850 people,” Willis added. Willis stated that this particular event allowed her to see how the rich and famous live on the other side. Willis is a Business Administration/Education major, who started her catering company Gwendolyn Simply Divine Desserts in 1986. She caters weddings, reception, family reunions, and custom designs cakes. Business major Gwen Willis counts celebrities among catering clientele By Teresa Hughes Staff Writer, The Rustorian Gwendolyn Willis is seen here advocating for women’s health. Rust College senior Gwendolyn Willis of Michigan City, Miss. caters to the common man as well as the rich and famous. “Writer, actor and producer Tyler Perry contracted my son, world renowned chef Jernard Wells, and I between October 2009 through August 2010,” said Willis. October 2011 The Rustorian Page 3 AKA’s ‘pink’ - a socializing event COPE Center maintains firm focus on freshmen By Dionyal Spencer Staff writer, The Rustorian The lovely ladies of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Theta Upsilon, chapter hosted their second successful Pink Social on Sept. 21 at Rust College in front of the R.A. and Ruth M. Brown Mass Communication Building, which houses the Shaw Cafeteria. The ultimate goal of the Pink Social is to allow students to socialize and meet new people. This also allows old students to embrace new students and new students to embrace old students by having fun. “The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Pink Social allows everybody in the school to get to know each other and socialize,” explained Destini Jones, a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha. Students gathered around the beautifully decorated table where refreshments were sold, consisting of baked cookies, cupcakes, water, and freeze pops to raise money for their chapter while also taking donations of can goods and nonperishable items for the needy. The hosting of the Pink Social gave Rust College students the opportunity to view Greek social life as each Greek organization laughed, strolled, and hopped among each other. “I like how everyone is standing around chilling,” freshman Odalys Acosta expressed. Students were given the opportunity to express themselves individually See AKA’s, page 5 By Cervetra Williams Staff writer, The Rustorian Dr. Juanita M. Jones says that the COPE. Center is a place for Rust College freshmen to get help. The COPE Center is also a place to help with student retention. COPE. stands for Counseling, Outreach, and Problem solving for Excellence. Jones said, “With the planning ahead process for the freshmen, when they arrive, their week will be organized and fun but nevertheless, very educational.” “By assisting the freshmen with any questions and concerns, they are greeted with a big beautiful smile and given a positive, uplifting answer. What is the COPE Center? Excellence, says Jones, and their motto, “Working with People in Preparing for Change” is highly implemented. The center is not just a place for first-year experience students but the entire Rust College family. Other services provided are: Academic Advising, Career Placement, Peer Advising, Domestic Violence Counseling, Substance Abuse Awareness and Education, Suicide Prevention/Intervention and Stress Management. The COPE. Center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Jones also added that the COPE Center works handin-hand with Shaw Hall and the Royal Ambassadors’ Advisors in the financial aid office. Shaw Hall is the place where freshmen also receive assistance with their classes and advice for the OWLs. By working together, Shaw Hall and the COPE Center can have a definite number of incoming freshmen. They also work with them from the beginning to the end of their duration here at Rust College. The first-year experience division and Student Support Services (SSS) Dr. Juanita Jones report from Mrs. Chiquita Walls, who is the director, directly to Jones. Asked how the incoming freshmen are accounted for, Jones states, “Ms. Scott is able to give a guaranteed number of incoming students by knowing who has fully completed their applications, paperwork and paid a deposit.” The freshmen who are Rust College ready and committed are the ones up for the challenge and success. So if you are ever stressed or need advice, the COPE Center is the place for you. Campus Features How to balance a campus life By Robert Alexander Contributor, The Rustorian From the parties to the Greeks, and live basketball games, some will say campus life is the best. Many students are excited about the current academic year at Rust College. They are finishing up their second month of college at Rust. Some gave good feedback about how they feel. “I’m enjoying myself so far so I’m happy,” said Cody Thompson, a freshman, from Holly Springs, Miss. To be successful you must have balance in everything you do to achieve your goal. You need to make time in your schedule to take care of your goals first. There’s a time to study and a time to party.” Michael Reed, a junior mass communication major from Chicago, Ill., said, “I balance my time by setting a time to go to sleep and wake up on time.” Reed said he knows when to do his class work and when to party, “plain and simple.” Some staff gave advice to the incoming students. John Verge, the residential advisor in Davage–Smith Hall, said freshmen should “be themselves and stay focused.” Pearly Jones, a counselor of students in Shaw Hall, said it’s good to see students strive to be successful and finish college. On and off campus living By Antoinette Anderson Contributor, The Rustorian Is campus life better than off campus life? Campus living is the life for many college students, but now more students at Rust College tend to take interest in living off campus. For some students living on campus is not as great as living off campus. They would rather be independent and live on their own, and also have freedom to do whatever they want. Robert Alexander, a mass communication major from Chicago, Ill., said living on campus one may tend to be involved in more activities, but living off campus would be better as far as living conditions are concerned. Alexander said he knows many students who live off campus and they love it. According to Gabrielle Harvey, a biology major, also from Chicago, living ter. But Harvey would like more security on campus and more planned activities for students. “I enjoy the freedom I have living off campus. I can have company when I want and for as long as I want,” said Corey Simpson, on campus is easier when trying to make it on time for class, and one also gets to know other students bet- a mass communications major, from Chicago, Ill. Christina Taylor, a math maSee Living, page 5 Page 4 The Rustorian October 2011 Extreme Makeover Home Edition, a new ‘Rankin Circle’ By Tremelanie McFadden Contributor, The Rustorian When discussing the remodeling of the Mississippi Industrial College Homes (MICH), better known as “Rankin Circle,” in Holly Springs, Miss., only one word can describe this long awaited process, upgrade! Rankin Circle is a low income-based apartment complex. To many Holly Springs residents, the complex projects the image of an unhealthy environment. Some view Rankin Circle as a drug zone with drug dealers, drug users, and gang members. “I remember being scared to even drive through Rankin Circle in the day or the night time,” said Holland Ma- son, a resident of a nearby neighborhood. There have been murders and numerous crime altercations that have taken place in Rankin Circle, such as the 2001 murder of Patrick Smith. Some of the most notorious drug lords of Holly Springs are from this neighborhood, according to Officer Michael Perkins of the Holly Springs Police Department. In November 2010, the Patton & Taylor Construction Company began the task of remodeling MICH, planned to be completely finished this November. According to Jim McNeese, the company superintendent, this is one of the more difficult jobs the company has undertaken. MICH received a $4 million grant from the state of Missis- sippi to fund the rebuilding expenses. Kendria Winfield, the MICH property manager since September 2010, feels the upgrade will give the residents a more positive outlook on the neighborhood. “When dealing with apartment complexes that have lots of children around we usually experience theft and vandalism of the construction site, but surprisingly nothing has been missing or vandalized the whole time we’ve been here,” said McNeese. The city of Holly Springs has been a huge help in getting the job done on time including everyone from Mayor Andre DeBerry, Micheal Crittle, and the Holly Springs Utility Department, McNeese added. Clemmie McFadden, age 88, has been living at the MICH complex since they first opened in 1971. McFadden explains how boys used to hang out around the complex very often and cause conflicts. “I would witness bickering, arguments, and sometimes violence at least three to four times a week,” said McFadden. After putting up gates surrounding the entire complex, installing cameras in every building, and enforcing strict rules such as a curfew, this neighborhood is a much safer living environment, McFadden added. News from the local area Students dismayed at the closing of nearby Piggly Wiggly store By Benita E. Jackson Editor, The Rustorian Piggly Wiggly in Holly Springs, Miss. closed its doors on Friday, Sept. 30, and students at Rust College are already feeling the effect. One of the closest grocery stores to the college campus students could easily walk to Piggly Wiggly to pick up food, snacks, and drinks. It’s a much easier access and students do not have to ride to the store unless they are doing a large grocery trip. But those who don’t have a vehicle on campus don’t mind making the short walk to the store. Some students like to shop at Piggly Wiggly because of the cheaper prices they have compared to Wal-Mart. Others like the selection of items that they can find in Piggly Wiggly compared to the other local grocery store or even the dollar stores. Yvette Edward Curry, a mass communication major, says that she is upset about the closing of Piggly Wiggly because the meat selection at Piggly Wiggly is better than other local grocery stores in Holly Springs, and is better priced than Wal-Mart. The thought of spending more money on any product is enough to make students consider how they are already on limited budgets. Students often rely on parents back home to send them money via services like Money Gram and Western Union. Western Union is commonly used and is located at Piggly Wiggly. But with the closing of the store Western Union becomes out of reach to students who don’t have transportation. Computer science junior, Patrice Jones, said “Now I have to go all the way to Wal-Mart to receive money that family member back in Chicago send. This is going to be a hassle because I could walk to Piggly Wiggly but walking to Wal-Mart is out of the question?” The strain of the closing of this store may be hard for students to overcome unless another grocery store replaces it soon. Another student, Travonte Franks says that he wouldn’t mind if they would replace it with a Kroger so he can use his Kroger card for discounts and his EBT card as well to save even more money. The closing of this store will not only affect the students of Rust College but the community as a whole will be affected. Jobs will be lost, access to the grocer- ies will be limited, and even access to other needs will be limited. The closing of this business might also lead fewer customers for other business in the area where Piggly Wiggly was located. If people only visited other business because going to Piggly Wiggly reminded them to go by there, not having Piggly Wiggly there will decline business. Yet the plus is there for store like Big Star and WalMart, because that is one less business they are in competition with. This could potentially increase their sales with people of the community and the students of Rust College having to find some where else to fulfill those needs that were once covered by Piggly Wiggly. October 2011 The Rustorian Graduate school recruiters seek serious-minded talent By Teresa Hughes Staff Writer, The Rustorian A diverse selection of graduate schools, law schools, and even the Untied States Coast Guard were represented at Rust College graduates day held in the McMillan multipurpose gymnasium on Sept. 12. Recruiters presented interesting arguments as to why students should choose their program, and students took note. For instance, Dr. Osaeuohien Amienyi, interim dean of the School of Radio and Television, Arkansas State University, said that their in-state tuition is at its lowest ever, and there are even some assistantships available to qualified students. However, others argued that the overall cost itself to attend their program was the best reason students should enroll. “Students can compare notes and when they do they will find that our school of law has the cheapest tuition starting at around nine thousand dollars,” said Peter C. Alexander, professor of law, Southern Illinois University School of Law. Political Science/ Prelaw major Noah Moore of Jackson, Miss. said that Widenar Law School influenced him the most. “The representative was highly educated and intelligent, and told me that sometimes people chose law as a profession just for the prestige; instead of using that profession to better their community and those that look like them,” he said. Graduate schools that sent representatives included Washington State University, Arkansas University, Central Michigan University, Jackson State, and Richmont University. Law schools represented were Florida Coastal, the University of Mississippi, Southern Illinois, Roger Williams University, and Widenar law amongst others. Page 5 AKA’s, from page 3 and as a whole by dancing, representing their states or where they are from, eating, and laughing. The Pink Social left students feeling refreshed and full of sweets. Living, from page 3 jor, enjoys the off-campus living; “I have more freedom.” However, the only problem with living off campus is the daily commute to and from school, and the cost of living off campus, said Taylor. “But before you move off campus these are things you have to consider. Page 6 The Rustorian October 2011 Halloween Dont’s Halloween arrives on a Monday this year. So some will choose Sunday evening to trick or treat. But regardless of the day or time, consider this. Don’t... • forget that Monday is a school night, so study. • engage in excessive celebration you’ll regret. • eat so many treats that you make yourself miserable. • eat or drink anything you haven’t inspected first. Otherwise, BOO!! Think before you wear it Fashion in the 21st century is an eclectic fusion of fresh contemporary designs mixed with time-tested traditions. Too often, however, we are tempted to go out of this world or off the chart in an attempt to dress to impress. Remember to think before you wear it. Ask yourself, would I want to be caught dead in this? Observing your faith Rust College is affiliated with the United Methodist Church, and we have an excellent chapel on campus to prove it. But we come from many different denominations and many different faiths. There are lots of places in the local area where you can express your brand of faith. So, take advantage of the hospitality and go. Director Weatherall says big things expected from the band this year The Big Bang Boom!!! By Catrina Kirkwood, Contributor, The Rustorian The Rust College band will be joining up with Alumni band members from the 1970s and 1980s during Founders’ Week Nov. 11-13. It’s been years since Rust College brought back the band. Band Director Maurice Weatherall said the majorettes are ready to show what they got, “flag girls who are ready to wave their school pride, and musicians ready to sound the alarm.” In majorette auditions, Weatherall came by to drop a word of wisdom to the girls. “If you are just going through the motions and trying to join a team that performs all over, it’s not going to work with this band,” Weatherall said. Majorette April Burden, a secondyear veteran, said, “Expect more performances out of us and watch the pride we have for our school.” Drum major Allen Thurman expressed his expectations for this band. “We have a good core, now it is time to add dedicated members and show people what this band program is capable of producing.” Davage-Smith Hall, up to par or off by far By Ravenico Stephens Staff Writer, The Rustorian The men of Davage-Smith residential hall at Rust have issues with their living arrangements and conditions. One issue that seems to trouble everyone is the condition of the restrooms and how well they’re being taken care of, pertaining to cleanliness. Biology major Troy Smith, from Conway, Ark., said, “They could hire a later cleaning crew for the building instead of the early cleaning crew that they do have.” Residence assistant Ahmaad Adesola admitted to the issue and has been work- ing to keep the restrooms clean, but Adesola said the residents have to help out as well. Another major issue was the recent removal of the microwaves used by the residents. The microwaves were taken out of the dormitory because they were not kept clean, according to Anthony Scott, a social work major, from Memphis, Tenn. There is no information as to when they will be returned but the student residents hope sooner. The fines in DavageSmith are also an issue that comes along with living in the dormitory. Students say the rules are too strict and could be easier in order for them to have a better college experience. Juan’te Verge, the hall director, said, “Instead of giving out fines, the school should try some kind of community service.” Contact Us [email protected] [email protected] October 2011 The Rustorian Page 7 Enrollment of international students show significant decline By Christine Ambia Contributor, The Rustorian The number of international students enrolled at Rust College has decreased this academic year, according to the registrar, Clarence Smith. Forty eight students were enrolled this year compared to 93 students last academic year. Smith, who also is a member of the Mississippi Association for International Education, involved in the campaign to promote Mississippi as a state for international students to consider for education, Forty eight students were enrolled this year compared to 93 students last academic year. said Rust received a lot of applications this year, but most of the prospective students ran into visa application problems and were not able to join this year. Rust admits students from all over the world with largest numbers from Kenya, The Gambia and Ethiopia. This year alone Smith handled over 200 applications for admission. “Most of them were unable to obtain the required Visa for travel. The stricter immigration law accounts for the majority of those who did not enroll,” said Smith. The decrease in enrollment can also be attributed to the loss of financial aid tuition discount which international students at Rust received until last year. Work Study Coordinator Bernetta Scruggs, said, however, that the college has other scholarships for international students. The United Negro College Fund offers scholarships to students, and these funds are available to international students to apply for as well. The college also offers financial aid through workstudy after a student has completed one full year of matriculation. Fanta Suwaneh, a biology major from The Gambia is grateful for the work-study program. “It would have been harder for me if I didn’t receive anything from the institute, work- study gives me a peace of mind,” said Suwaneh. Poetry Corner Fear By Dionyal Spencer Dear Fear, they defined you as distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. I defined you as car accidents, relationships, failure and dying Missing the bus or loosing a fight and momma and daddy getting a hold of that tail Or having sex and living with an unknown disease Allowing myself to get involved in a relationship that is full of secrets and lies. Depending on a father that has deceived me and my siblings as a whole Living by myself with kids in a broken home, Having to explain to them it’s not their fault that daddy isn’t home. Standing on the corner selling dope to gain money for the needs of my family as a whole Having the thought of our first black president being assassinated by a racist man Crying day and night to overcome the pain that lies within from worldly hurt, Crying “Momma why you have to leave me on this earth alone” while she lays in a casket cold Allowing me and my siblings to be anything less than what God has called us to be. Brutally beat down because of my race, and the seat I have taken on the bus from a long day of work Or maybe it’s the dream that I told, that leaves me dead because of the white man who shot me as I stood on the balcony of Lorraine hotel Picking cotton and answering to this man who holds a name of “Master” Lying in a ship full of people like me chained down, with the smell of vomit Why does this fear live inside of me? I question this everyday only to understand That I’m a black man, black woman, black child And this fear has lived in me since the year of 1619. Page 8 The Rustorian October 2011 8th ‘Great Debate’ deals with weighty issues of privacy, access and control By Benita Jackson Editor, The Rustorian The Department of Mass Communication hosted its 8th Annual Great Debate on Friday, Oct. 7. The debate is held each academic year by Sharron Goodman-Hill’s Mass Media Law class. This year’s debate had two different topics and four tea Team one and two debated the topic, “Should students be suspended or expelled through evidence obtained through secret surveillance? The second topic, “Should the government be allowed to obtain private email without a warrant?” was debated by teams three and four. The judges were Professor Rev. Dr. Kenneth E. Jones, Rev. Ed Moses, Asbury United Methodist Church, and Patrick Washington, superintendent for Benton County Schools. The debate was attended by several faculty members, staff, students, and a few parents. During the debate students were to deliver an opening statement, no longer than eight minutes, a rebuttal, followed by question and answers from both teams, and closing statements. The “pro” team led off the debates and the “con” team followed. On the first topic, the con team, consisting of Blake Henry, team captain, Cameron Jones, Terrell Barry, Roosevelt Ford, and Alonzo Williams, won. The second debate was won by the pro team, consisting of Illysse Daniels, team captain, Corey Simpson, Ravenico Stephens, Kierra Donnell, and Markeeta Cohen. The topics that were debated were important questions in our society. The issue of the government viewing personal email has been argued before and has appeared in court a number of times. The same is for hidden cameras capturing questionable behavior and being used to punish those caught in the wrong. One point ruled in the great debate for the topic of hidden cameras was that there was no difference between a college campus having hidden cameras and a mother having a “nanny cam” videotaping her babysitter. For the government viewing private email without warrant, a significant point was that often when the government has been taken to court for these cases, they often withdraw their motion, which gives the impression that the government knows that what they are doing is wrong. In order for the debate to happen, students had to properly prepare by researching their topics, finding evidence to support the side that they were arguing, whether it was for (pro) or against (con). Many students had to go against what they truly believed was right in order to make the debate a success. After the results were in Goodman-Hill thanked all who were in attendance. She also gave gift baskets created by Pearly Jones, Shaw Hall, to the judges. She gave a goodie cup to John A. House for helping with the debate which he shared with Hortensia Dean, former instructor of Mass Communications at Rust. Rust students enjoy one last groove at Thursday night ‘Blues’ Extravaganza By Cervetra Williams Staff writer, The Rustorian On every Thursday evening, from 6 to 11, Holly Springs, Miss. hosts an annual Bikers Blues show, which includes most local artists and Memphians. These are some of the most exciting times in which the citizens of Holly Springs get to enjoy themselves out of their own homes, in town square. They get to listen to some good down home blues, look at the many motorcycles on display and sample dishes from some of the area vendors. Rust College student Patrice Jones, a junior majoring in computer science says, “These activities give me a reason to leave the campus, interact with some of the local people and enjoy myself without having to watch my back around every corner.” The town’s people are very friendly, welcoming and caring. There are not just the Holly Springs people there but the mayor, firemen, police, and the Rust College students, faculty, staff and sometimes President Dr. David L. Beckley. While the artists perform, there is a dance area located in the center of the crowd, where people of all sizes show their signature moves. If you’re not dancing in the middle circle, you can walk to the very back and get a snack: corn dog, funnel cakes, polish sausage, regular and hot franks, and grilled bologna just to name a few. You can even get refreshing lemonade, water or ice cold pop. If you’re really enjoying yourself, the liquor store is on the first block right before you get to the blues alley. Rust Col- lege prospective graduating senior, business administration major Shavondra Walker says, “The blues extravaganza helps the community of Holly Springs and the Rust College families become one.” The Blues Show and the Rust College Radio WURC work together and produce a wonderful show. At the end of the night people have enjoyed themselves, danced, laughed and eaten. To go home with a great spirit from a family oriented event warms the soul. Sad to say that Sept. 29 was the last Thursday for the annual Bikers Blues event. “We’ll just wait for next year in July to come so that everyone can do the same thing all over again,” said junior mass communications major Yvette Curry. “Hoping the same, plus more artists will come and broadcast their talents for the town is all that’s on the mind of most of Holly Springs.”
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