Forlagid Rights Agency
Forlagid Rights Agency
Please note that a fund for the promotion of Icelandic literature operates under the auspices of the Icelandic Ministry of Education and Culture and subsidizes translations of literature. For further information please write to: Icelandic Literature Center Hverfisgata 54 | 101 Reykjavik Iceland Phone +354 552 8500 [email protected] | Forlagid Rights Agency New books VALGERDUR BENEDIKTSDOTTIR [email protected] UA MATTHIASDOTTIR [email protected] LITERARY FICTION CRIME FICTION NON FICTION literary fiction Audur Jonsdottir Bragi Olafsson Einar Mar Gudmundsson Eirikur Orn Norddahl Hugleikur Dagsson Jon Gnarr Kristin Helga Gunnarsdottir Olafur Gunnarsson Thorunn Valdimarsdottir rights-agency └ Index LITERARY FICTION AU DU R JONSD O T T IR (b.1973) is one of the most accomplished authors writing in Icelandic today. Four of her books have been nominated for the Icelandic Literary Prize, and it was awarded to her for the superb novel The People in the Basement, for which she was also nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2005. Grand Mal Stóri skjálfti, novel, 2015 “The taste of blood in my mouth was intensify- beset by memories and doubts. What happened ing. My damp thighs rubbed together; I had before her seizure? Who can she trust? And how wet myself during the convulsions. This can’t be can she make any sense of her emotions when her happening. Where is he? The pain in my forehead memory is so fragmented? worsens and squeezes my veins—did I hit my head? Did he run out into traffic? An ambulance Audur Jonsdottir’s novels have aroused interest ought to have come by now. Or what? My feet in Iceland as well as abroad for their rare blend of won’t cooperate. They’re limp. My body has no incisive candor and humor. She won the Icelandic energy to spare. Now, when I need everything to Literary Prize for The People in the Basement and keep going. Despite the headache, there doesn’t the Icelandic Women’s Literature Prize for Sec- seem to be blood in my hair—I’ve gotten off retaries to the Spirits. Both of these novels were lightly. But him? ” nominated for the Nordic Council Literary Prize. Grand Mal is a haunting and exciting story that bears all of the author’s best hallmarks. 298 pp Saga comes to after an epileptic seizure on a sidewalk along busy Miklabraut Street; her three-yearold son is gone. The last thing that she remembers is a double-decker bus that no one else confirms seeing. Over the following days, Saga’s mind is Chapters in English available ·4· └ Index LITERARY FICTION BR AGI OL A FS SON ’S (b.1962) novels are undoubtedly among the most original and remarkable Icelandic stories of recent years. Olafsson’s novel The Ambassador received the 2006 Icelandic Booksellers’ Prize and was nominated for the Icelandic Literary Prize and the Nordic Council Literature Prize in 2008. The Storyteller Sögumaður, novel, 2015 On a rainy day in the middle of June, the same day from afar—a girl who, in his mind, is the only that England and Costa Rica play a match in the person he’s ever truly loved. And when he looks World Cup in Brazil, a thirty-five-year-old native at her former boyfriend in front of him in line, all of Reykjavik is standing in a downtown post of- of his hatred for him comes rushing back—all the fice. His errand is to mail an envelope containing foolish feelings that he’d had at the time, when he’d the manuscript for a story he has written, a story even wished the man dead. As if involuntarily, he that takes place during one day in the life of a follows the man out of the post office and doesn’t thirty-five-year-old man. But while he’s waiting realize until he’s gone into the bookstore on the in line, he notices a man that he knows. Or rather, other side of the street, the bookstore where he’s that he knows of, as that man was, about a decade followed the man, that the envelope with the ago, the boyfriend of a girl that he himself loved manuscript, the story, is still in his hands. 171 pp Chapters in English available ·5· └ Index LITERARY FICTION E I NA R M A R GU DMU N DS SON (b.1954) is a novelist, shortstory writer and poet, one of the most widely translated Icelandic authors born in the postwar period. Gudmundsson has received many awards and distinctions for his books, such as the Norwegian Bjørnson Prize, the Scharnberg Memorial Award in Denmark, The Karen Blixen Medal, and The Giuseppe Acerbi Literary Prize in Italy. In 2012 Einar Mar Gudmundsson received the Swedish Academy’s Nordic Prize, dubbed “The little Nobel”, for his contribution to literature. Dog Days Hundadagar, novel, 2015 Dog Days is a story about people, Icelandic and through time and space. Historical facts have foreign; about places, familiar and strange; about their place, but the creative muse is close at hand, ideas, good and bad; about events, unimportant as is the joyful spirit of storytelling that leads the and momentous; about ambition, trouble, failure, reader on an adventure through the past. and weakness; about men who reach for the stars Einar Mar Gudmundsson has published a wide and across the globe, too; about love and passion; variety of fiction, film scripts, and writings on about everything that is ephemeral and full of social issues. He has earned numerous awards for life—about the threads that bind the ages together. his writing, including the Nordic Council Liter- Drawing on source material about Jørgen Jør- ary Prize. His books have been translated into gensen, the so-called “Dog Days King” of Iceland, many languages and he enjoys great popularity in Reverend Jon Steingrimsson, the “Pastor of Denmark, where Dog Days was actually published Fire” who experienced the Laki volcanic erup- at the same time as its original release in Iceland. tion firsthand, and others from bygone eras, this 342 pp sparklingly entertaining novel travels far and wide Sold to: Denmark (Lindhardt & R inghof ); Faroe Islands (Sprotin) ·6· └ Index LITERARY FICTION E IR IK U R OR N NOR DDA HL (b.1978) is an author, translator and poet. He has written five novels, one of which, Evil, was awarded the Icelandic Literary Prize and the Booksellers’ Prize, as well as being nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize. Evil was nominated to the Prix Médicis Étranger in France 2015. Norddahl was the artist in residence for Isafjordur 2014-2015. He has been awarded the runner-up prize in the Jon ur Vor Poetry Contest, a special acknowledgement at the Zebra Poetry Film Festival in Berlin and the Red Feather, a prize for erotic writing from the Krummi Reading Society. Stupidity Heimska, novel, 2015 “She wanted him to see her. To alert him. There receive awards or don’t. Early in the year, the sun were no secrets. There were six webcams in their inches its way over the mountain and shines on the bedroom, another in the living room, three in the residents of Isafjordur, the scent of baked goods kitchen, even one in the bathroom. There was a wafts out of The Old Bakery, and art students up security camera in the garden and all the other from Reykjavik hole up in the abandoned shrimp gardens on the street, not to mention four sur- factory. Then the electricity begins to flicker. veillance drones that cruised around the gravel Stupidity is a novel about seeing everything and paths, and satellite images on the internet. No being observed everywhere, about man’s uncon- longer could one screw behind a locked door, no trollable curiosity and his need to be noticed, longer could one shit in private. And why should about worthless literature and art, and—most they want to do that anyway? There was nothing importantly—about the likelihood of difference, shameful about shitting or screwing.” about vanity, love, and betrayal. And last, but not least, about the future. 167 pp At an unspecified point in the future, under the watchful eyes of the surveillance state, authors and former spouses Aki and Lenita do everything they can to move on from one another. Meanwhile, life proceeds as usual. Books are published and either Sold to: Sweden (Rámus) ·7· └ Index LITERARY FICTION HUGL E IK U R DAGS SON (b.1977) is Ice- land’s uncrowned prince of the graphic novel. His work has received a great deal of praise both in Iceland and abroad, although some people look on his comic strips as childish scribbles. Where's God? Hvar er Guð?, cartoon, 2015 Many have searched for Waldo in the Where's Waldo? series. And many have even found him in midst of the multitude on the crowded pages of the book. Hugleikur Dagsson has created an Icelandic version of the game, except here the search is for God almighty himself. Can you find God? Do you know where he is? 30 pp 26 x 33 cm What about the Children? Hvað með börnin?, cartoon, 2015 A new collection of Hugleikur Dagsson cartoons. Brimming with outrageous jokes about abortion, religion and poop. The first part was created between 2012-2015, the middle part Dagsson composed during two days for snapchat and the rest was made yesterday. Not for small children. Just big children. 200 pp 15 x 15 cm Sold to: Finland (Atena) ·8· └ Index LITERARY FICTION End 4: Mum Mamma, Cartoon, 2015 End 1: Revelation End 2: Misfortune End 3: Up & Down Mum is the fourth book in Dagsson's apocalypse series End which describes a new end of the world featuring different illustrator in each title. This time it's the turn of wunderkind Petur Antonsson who illustrated the massive disaster in a masterful way. This is the story of a single mum who has a tiny baby that grows. And grows. And grows. And grows. Opinberun, cartoon, 2012 Ógæfa, cartoon, 2013 Ofan & neðan, cartoon, 2014 A trilogy presenting different scenarios for the end of the world. Aliens invade the Earth in the first 60 pp title, Revelation, and use the Book of Revelations 17,6 x 25 cm as a guide on how to destroy mankind. This is what happens when science meets religion. In Misfortune, illustrated by Ran Flygenring, Reykjavik suffers a zombie invasion during Gay Pride Weekend. Fortunately Eurovision hero Paul Oscar saves the day. Up & Down, illustrated by Don Kenn and based on the lore of H.P. Lovecraft explains what happens when artists try to save the world with Neo-Utopianism. But what they don’t know is that they are in fact conjuring up the ancient god, Cthulhu. 70 pp 17,6 x 25 cm ·9· └ Index LITERARY FICTION JON GNA R R (b.1967) was diagnosed with severe mental retardation, learning difficulties, and ADHL as a child. In late 2009 Jon Gnarr formed the Best Party with a number of other people with no background in politics. The Best Party, which is a satirical political party that parodies Icelandic politics and aims to make the life of the citizens more fun, managed a plurality win in the 2010 municipal elections in Reykjavik, and Gnarr became Mayor of Reykjavik. The Outlaw Útlaginn, novel, 2015 In The Outlaw Jon Gnarr describes the harsh When Jon returns to Reykjavik he feels rootless world of the teenage years and wrestles with and adrift. He begins in high school, changes difficult and somewhat bleak memories of this schools, drops out, tries out different workplaces, troubled stage of his life. Fourteen years old he but is never at ease, leaves home and starts a life is sent to a boarding school in Nupur in Iceland’s of partying hard, meeting new people, but is still Westfjords where conflicts and bullying were alone in the world. And one day everything goes simply par for the course. Punk rock was his way black. of coping with life but gradually he discovers a growing interest in girls. At the same time he Jon Gnarr describes the restlessness and despair ponders questions about right and wrong and tries of these sensitive formative years with his typical to be true to his feelings. candor, bluntness, and celebrated sense of humour, but the underlying seriousness lend his words weight, as life and death are at stake. 384 pp Sold to: Germany/Austria/Sw itzerland/Lu xembourg (K let t- Cot ta); UK/Australia/New Zealand/ South A frica/USA/Philippines (Deep Vellum) · 10 · └ Index LITERARY FICTION “He’s a bit of a genius, that Jon Gnarr.” K I L JA N, N AT IO N A L T V The Pirate Sjóræninginn, novel, 2012 “I was afraid of the loneliness, of always being gen, Johnny Rotten, and Count Krapotkin – punk alone and alienated, that no one would understand rock and anarchy bring the promise of a better me or love me. Will I always be weird? Will I al- and more exciting life. ways be like an alien from another planet?” Even though the narrative is full of humour, it is The ginger haired boy Jon is standing at cross- both sincere and heartbreaking as the author’s roads as he finishes elementary school and feels journey through the Icelandic educational system like a total outcast in society. Here he talks freely was painful and full of conflict – both physically of his troubles and traumas in the Icelandic edu- and mentally. 267 pp cational system, describes the cruel bullying he • Nominated for the DV Cultural Prize for Literature 2012 suffered at school, his period as a punk rock kid, ups and downs on the job market – and a disastrous career as a rock singer. But there is light at Sold to: the tunnel; hope comes in the guise of Nina Ha- Germany/Austria/Sw itzerland/Lu xembourg (K let t- Cot ta); UK/Australia/New Zealand/ South A frica/USA/Philippines (Deep Vellum) “More mayors in the world should be like Jon Gnarr.” LADY GAGA The Indian Indjáninn, novel, 2006 “Many perhaps wonder whether this book is an A highly entertaining piece of bittersweet bio- autobiography or a work of fiction. It’s both. It’s graphical fiction by Icelandic comedian and mayor not totally true. Yet there is no direct lie in it. I of Reykjavik Jon Gnarr, who describes his riotous don´t believe in lies. In fact I think lies are the childhood, which wasn´t always a bed of roses – greatest obstacle on our path towards spiritual de- because it isn´t always easy to understand a kid’s velopment. But I shift quite a few things around. I actions, when he hasn´t the faintest understanding write from memory. There are some things I have of them himself. And the things kids love doing the absolutely no recollection of myself, so I´ve had to most are always the forbidden ones… 221 pp rely on other people’s memories. But all memory is fiction. Our brain is the greatest master of deceit Sold to: in the universe.” Czech Republic (Pragma); Spain (Funambulista); Eg y pt (A l A rabi); Germany/Austria/Sw itzerland/ Lu xembourg (K let t- Cot ta); UK/Australia/New Zea- · 11 · land/South A frica/USA/Philippines (Deep Vellum) └ Index LITERARY FICTION KRISTIN HELGA GUNNARSDOTTIR (b.1963) has in the past years established herself as one of the most popular writers in Iceland. Gunnarsdottir received the West-Nordic Children’s Literature Prize for her title Ghost Trail which was also nominated for the Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Award. She has received and been nominated for Reykjavik Children’s Literature Prize and four of her books have been chosen Book of the Year by library visitors of 6 to 12 years. Gunnarsdottir was awarded the Story Stone of IBBY 2009 for her writer’s career. She has been nominated to the 2015 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award for her work. Small Revolutions: Dreams of Better Days Litlar byltingar: Draumar um betri daga, novel, 2015 “If one initiates revolutions that are too great, the to reach her place in life. Fragments of women‘s earth will scorch and smoke will pour from the history from the whole century are tightly en- ruins. There will be casualties, the effects of which twined into her personal experiences, the voices of will be considerable and even permanent in the mothers, sisters, and daughters who dream of bet- community. It can take generations to recover ter days – calm and smooth streets, free women, after great revolutions and one injures herself and children that live. most often, even to the point of self-destruction. But if one creates small revolutions every day, if For years, Kristin Helga Gunnarsdottir has been one creates revolutions that very few even notice, one of the most popular authors in Iceland. Here then the world shifts, taking one along with it.” she interweaves these amazing stories into one Teacher Gloa sits on her terrace sipping red wine stances of women past and present, as well as the while her mind turns to her foremothers who, gains we’ve made thanks the little revolutions of through their choices and efforts, have enabled her our foremothers. 250 pp powerful narrative that sheds light on the circum- · 12 · └ Index LITERARY FICTION OL A F U R GU N NA R S SON (b.1948) is among Iceland’s best storytellers. With his highly acclaimed trilogy, Trolls’ Cathedral (1992), Potter’s Field (1996) and Winter Journey (1999), he has earned a place among the major realists in Icelandic letters. Troll’s Cathedral was nominated for the Icelandic Literary Prize in 1992 as well as the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award in 1996. An adaptation for the stage premiered at The National Theatre in 1996 and the film rights have been sold. Gunnarsson received the Icelandic Literary Prize for his novel, The Ax and the Earth, in 2004. The Sinner Syndarinn, novel, volume 1 published 2012 & volume 2 2015 The first part of this saga describes the life of former city library, to paint pictures of the White David Thorvaldsson, a well-known and successful Cossacks’ collaboration with the Germans and painter who has never the less compromised his the genocide they suffered as a consequences. But art to gain popularity among the general public. then his fortune takes a turn for the worse. His colleague Illugi Arinbjarnar goes out of his way to jeer at him and point this out. A horrible The Sinner is a family saga encompassing many accident for which David may or may not be characters, great passions, and conflict set in the responsible casts a dark shadow on his family last decades of the twentieth century; people’s life. In part two, Illugi Arinbjarnar, at the peak fates interweave unpredictably in a story that is of his career, has taken New York by storm with at times both thrilling and disturbing. Olafur his enormous canvases in the style of the old Gunnarsson has the ability to gaze into the masters, depicting the German invasion of the darkest recesses of the human soul without Soviet Union in World War II. He sets himself up flinching and without judging. 740 pp in one of Reykjavik’s most handsome houses, the “Gunnarsson has the gift of being able to tell riveting stories and create protagonists who keep the reader enthralled from beginning to end …” MORG U N BL A DI D DA I LY (A B OU T VOLU M E 1) “An excellent example of Gunnarsson’s art of storytelling at its best.” F R E T TA BL A DI D DA I LY (A B OU T VOLU M E 1) “A riveting book.” K I L JA N, S TAT E T V (A B OU T VOLU M E 1) · 13 · └ Index LITERARY FICTION T HORU N N VA L DI M A R SDO T T IR (b.1954) is a writer and historian whose earlier works count novels, books of poetry, biographies and academic publications. Her books have received numerous awards, such as nominations for the Icelandic Literary Prize and the Nordic Council’s Literature Prize. Girl with a Head Stúlka með höfuð, novel, 2015 “He taught me to stick to my guns and get angry divorce, which dampened her youthful happiness so that I wanted to break free from my chains. for a time, the freedom of student life in Sweden That’s the thrill—what makes life exciting. To and Mexico, communes, lovers, and a colorful sin and break free of your chains and suffer the cast of fellow travellers. This candid narrative punishment. It’s a line dance on an awful line, to interweaves heartache and happiness, gaiety and want to stand at the boundaries and stretch them deep regret. out so that the world might change for the better. To muddle along and be happy in a world where almost no one can be.” Girl with a Head is a stand-alone continuation of Girl with a Finger and Girl with a Belly, in which Thorunn uses historical documents to poetically In Girl with a Head, Thorunn relates what it relate the lives of her mother and foremothers. was like growing up in Reykjavik’s rock ‘n roll Both of these books earned great praise from crit- and hippie era, including her parents’ difficult ics as well as various other recognitions. 320 pp · 14 · └ Index crime fiction Arnaldur Indridason Jonina Leosdottir Lilja Sigurðard0ttir Solveig Palsdottir Stella Blomkvist rights-agency · 15 · └ Index CRIME FICTION A R NA L DU R I N DR IDA SON (b.1961) has the rare distinction of having won the Nordic Crime Novel Prize two years running. He is also the winner of the highly respected and world famous CWA Gold Dagger Award for the top crime novel of the year in the English language, Silence of the Grave. Indridason’s novels have sold over ten million copies worldwide, in 40 languages, and have won numerous well-respected prizes and received rave reviews all over the world. The Travelling Salesman Þýska húsið, crime novel, 2015 A travelling salesman is found murdered in a during the Second World War, were previously small Reykjavik apartment, shot in the head with introduced in Arnaldur’s award-winning book a pistol. The police quickly set their sights on the The Man from Manitoba, published in 2013. foreign soldiers on every street corner that sum- This newest novel tells the story of their first mer of 1941, soldiers whose interactions with the case: the Icelandic-Canadian soldier Thorson is locals—especially the local women—have been a novice at criminal investigations, while Flovent creating a great deal of trouble. is more experienced—the only person, in fact, on the city’s detective force. The Travelling Salesman is Arnaldur 332 pp Indridason’s nineteenth book. Flovent and Thorson, partners on the Reykjavik police force · 16 · └ Index JON I NA L EOSD O T T IR (b.1954) studied linguistics and art history at Essex University and has a degree in Literature from the University of Iceland. She is a novelist, poet, playwright, a former journalist and the author of a dozen plays, ten novels, two biographies and numerous articles. She writes both for adult readers and teenagers. Among the awards Leosdottir has received for her work is the poetry award Ljodstafur Jons úr Vör, the IBBY Iceland Award for her novels for teenagers and prizes in playwriting competitions. Jonina Leosdottir played a key-role in establishing The Icelandic Women’s Literary Prize. She is married to the former Icelandic Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir. Shudder (Konan í blokkinni, crime fiction, 2016) “The small of my back hurts, a constant, stab- present, horrific situation? bing pain. That’s what draws me up from the Edda receives a mysterious letter from the gloom of unconsciousness, gradually, like a pail German son of her childhood pen-friend, Vera. of water lifted from a well. That bloody slipped Thomas claims his mother has disappeared and disc, I decide, dangling somewhere in thin air. that she might be in Iceland. Could Edda do him But hardly in a real well. Is there still such a a favour and look for her? thing in Reykjavik, except maybe at the Arbaer But a lot of things don’t add up. Is the museum? Wasn’t I in… where on earth am I, and German woman that Edda finds really her old why am I in so much pain?” pen-friend? And if Thomas is really Vera’s son, why doesn’t he have any photographs of his Steinunn wakes up in a cold place. She can’t mother? remember what has happened to her. Trying to Edda decides to get to the bottom of this mys- reconstruct the previous hours, slowly it dawns tery. It’s just bad luck that on the way she gets on her that she is being held hostage. But why? tangled up in Steinunn’s predicament. A gripping Once in a while she is visited by The Whisperer. whodunit with a cast of quirky characters. 251 pp Who is this person, and what is the connection Chapters in English available between the young woman’s past and her · 17 · └ Index CRIME FICTION L IL JA SIGU R DA R DO T T IR (b.1972) is an Icelandic crime-writer and playwright. Her first novel, Steps, was published in 2009 and her second novel, Forgiveness, in 2010. In 2013 she debuted as a playwright with the stage-play Big Babies. The play received great acclaim by the critic and was prolonged on stage until 2014, winning the Icelandic Theatre Prize Griman as Best Play of the Year. Trapped (Gildran, crime novel, 2015) Sonja, an attractive single mother in her thirties Trapped is also a love story between two women, is an imaginative, albeit unwilling cocaine- who have to face their destiny in the aftermath smuggler. Her main adversary, Bragi, an almost- of a nation’s financial and social collapse. An retired customs officer, knows all the tricks in original and sexy Nordic crime novel with a the book after decades of experience. Not only suspenseful plot, lovable characters must Sonja think of new and increasingly and a fantastic setting in Iceland’s scenic capital daring ways to outwit her nemesis, she must also during the winter of 2010-2011, full of ghostly find a way to get out of the trap. All this while abandoned, half-built buildings and dusty with keeping her secret safe from her ex-husband and ash from a volcanic eruption. 344 pp her lover, a former high-level bank executive who is under prosecution after the Icelandic Sold to: financial crash. France/Sw itzerland/Lu xembourg/Canada A financial-crime and drug smuggling story, (Éditions Métailié) Chapters in English available · 18 · └ Index SOLV E IG PA L SDO T T IR (b.1959) studied at the Drama Academy of Iceland and has a BA degree in literary studies from the University of Iceland. She has acted in several productions at the National Theatre of Iceland and with independent theatre groups, besides participating in radio and television plays, in dubbing, and other jobs related to the stage. She also has considerable experience in creating programmes for radio. “A new star on the Icelandic crime-thriller scene.” TA S C H E N BU C H- M AG A Z I N Pure (Flekklaus, crime novel, 2015) A devastating fire in a respectable company host be connected to a cold case in Iceland? in mid-eighties Reykjavik leaves a young Pure is Solveig Palsdottir‘s third novel. Her woman dead. Two youths are seen f leeing the previous works, The Actor, and The Righ- scene but the case is never solved. Decades teous Ones, have been praised by critics and later Detective Gudgeir Fransson travels to readers alike. They have both been published Sweden to recuperate after a serious illness. in Germany. His stay in the idyllic Småland will have 223 pp unforeseen consequences. Could his Swedish Chapters in English available “Solveig Palsdottir, Iceland’s Nordic supreme.” NOR DIC S T Y L E M AG A Z I N E · 19 · └ Index ? ST EL L A BL OMK V IS T No one knows who the mysterious Stella Blomkvist really is. The only information given is that Stella writes under a pseudonym. “The smart, tough Stella has hit upon the right formula.” MORG U N BL A DI D DA I LY (A B OU T T H E M U R DE R I N T H E S U PR E M E C OU RT ) The Skalholt Murders (Morðin í Skálholti, crime novel, 2015) Where does a woman turn when her husband mother in a silver Mercedes Benz with a is accused of having murdered her father voracious sexual appetite, mindful of her and best friend? What do a girl’s relatives do mother’s wisdom; no fan of the police; the when she disappears without a trace and the person people turn to when they have noth- police say she will never be found? What is ing to lose. the explanation behind a finger found in a The Skalholt Murders is the eighth book crevice on Snaefellsjokull? about Stella Blomkvist, who is as hard- Of course, Stella Blomkvist is the woman to hitting, independent and spirited as ever talk to. She is: a lawyer who plays the stock before. 288 pp market in her free time; a leather-clad single “Whether the author is a man or a woman, it is clear that whoever it is knows their stuff when it comes to writing a hardboiled thriller with a plot that twists and turns.” MORG U N BL A DI D (A B OU T T H E M U R DE R I N PA R L I A M E N T ) · 20 · └ Index non fiction Narrative Non-Fiction History Books on Iceland Cookery Parenting rights-agency · 21 · └ Index NARRATIVE NON-FICTION GUDMUNDUR ANDRI THORSSON A Poet and a Vagabond Thor Vilhjalmsson was one of the greatest authors in Iceland and was known throughout the country as an uncompromising advocate for the arts, culture, and philanthropy. But he also was terrifically striking and photogenic, his every move capturing attention wherever he went. In this unique book, Thor’s son Gudmundur Andri has gone through his father’s photographs and selected ones to help him tell Thor’s story. With a sensitivity, style, and precision that are indicative of his HARDCOVER 2015 160 pp closeness to the material, Gudmundur Andri creates a memorable portrait of a poet and vagabond; a moody and complicated man who was often at odds with his environment, but was nevertheless a genial humanist who sacrificed everything for his art. GU DM U N DU R A N DR I T HOR S S ON (b.1957) published his first novel, My Wonderful Angst, in 1988 to a very positive reception. He was awarded the DV Cultural Prize for Literature for his novel The Icelandic Dream in 1991 and two of his books have been nominated to the Icelandic Literature Prize. Thorsson is one of Iceland‘s most respected writers, praised for his superlative style and writing skills. He is the editor of the literary magazine TMM and a columnist for Icelands biggest newspaper, besides working as an editor for a publishing house. He has also translated several works of fiction into Icelandic. His novel The Valeyri Waltz was nominated to the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2012. · 22 · └ Index NARRATIVE NON-FICTION HALLDOR GUDMUNDSSON “I have read this book with interest and admiration. Halldor Gudmundsson’s descriptions of Laxness are truly compelling.” J. M. C OE T Z E E , O N T H E BIO G R A PH Y OF H A L L D OR L A X N E S S Mamutschka Marianne Kowalew, known fondly as Mamutschka, was born in the Russian Empire and grew up in poverty on a farm. Later, she moved to Vilnius, competed with the most beautiful woman in the world for one of the richest available bachelors, and then fled with him to Frankfurt during the bombings of the Second World War. There she opened a restaurant that offered particularly adventurous dishes. The reputation of her spectacular feasts spread far and wide, attracting guests both prominent and proletariat. For years, Halldor Gudmundsson regularly travelled to Frankfurt for the Book Fair and while there, he always visited Mamutschka at her restaurant. They became close friends and he wanted to chronicle her eventful life. But it would turn out to be a tall order to write the biography of a woman who had always preferred to decide for herself what would be on the menu... HARDCOVER A warm and entertaining narrative of the 2015 220 pp Sold to: Ger many/Switzerland/Aust ria (btb/ Random House) unusual friendship of a man from Iceland and an old woman from Central Europe. Halldor Gudmundsson won the Icelandic Literature Prize for his biography of Icelandic Nobel Prize winner Halldor Laxness. H A L L D OR GU DM U N D S S ON studied literature at the University of Iceland and then at the University of Copenhagen. For 19 years he worked in publishing, for the longest time as the publisher for Mal og menning. At the same time he continued researching and writing about literature, with emphasis on the works of Halldor Laxness. · 23 · └ Index NARRATIVE NON-FICTION THORA KARITAS ARNADOTTIR Boundaries Mum‘s Story “He opens the trapdoor and I know that I must step inside…Gingerly I descend the steep staircase that leads down to the coal cellar, praying silently. It’s pitch dark, with a cold, mildewy smell. The trapdoor is slammed shut and now it happens—something I have spent half my life trying to forget.” A closely guarded secret has been Gudbjorg Thorisdottir’s companion all her life. Its ghost had a tendency to raise its ugly head when least wanted, but finally in her sixties she decided to part with it for good. Her daughter, Thora SOFTCOVER Karitas Arnadottir, has now recorded this story 2015 of the little girl who didn’t know how unnatural 160 pp Chapters in English available it was to live in “two separate worlds, heaven and hell under the same roof”. “A brave and honest book.” OF E IG U R S IG U R D S S O N T HOR A K A R I TA S A R N A D O T T I R (b.1979) studied drama in Britain, and in addition to appearing on stage and television has been active behind the scenes as a producer. Boundaries is her first published book, and formed the final dissertation for her MA in Creative Writing. In it she recounts her mother’s life, a childhood spent in the warm embrace of a large family beneath which seethed a cesspit of horror—an atrocity no child should be forced to endure. · 24 · └ Index NARRATIVE NON-FICTION VILBORG DAVIDSDOTTIR On Love, Dragons and Dying “In a way, we are lucky,” says Bjorgvin suddenly. “Most people who get this sort of news have to re-evaluate their lives, turn them upside down even. We don’t have to do that, because we already lead exactly the life that we want.” There is truth in this; we have made our dreams come true, one after the other. But I still find it unfair, and I tell him so. “Unfair?” He raises his dark eyebrows in surprise. PAPERBACK WITH FL APS “Would it be fairer if someone else had got this 2015 265 pp Chapters in English available “Tremendously realistic, beautiful and entirely unsentimental account of what it is like to experience the man you love being diagnosed with a terminal illness … perhaps the strongest part of the book is after his death … I am extremely impressed by this book … I think that everyone can identify with and find strength in this book – precisely because of this stoicism: This is just one of the cards that life deals you, and you just cope with it as best you can. A remarkable achievement.” K I L JA N, N AT IO N A L T E L E V I S IO N brain tumour?” In On Love, Dragons and Dying, Vilborg Davidsdottir describes her and Her Beloved´s journey with the disease they knew would kill him, and her first year as a widow. The book provides an insight both into the world of cancer and the deep grief of one who has loved and lost. But it is in equal measure an ode to love, an incitement to live consciously and accept that death is an unavoidable part of life. Vilborg Davidsdottir has received critical acclaim for her novels about strong women of the past facing their destinies. Here she faces her own harrowing journey, which leaves nobody untouched. V I L B ORG DAV I D SD O T T I R (b.1965) is the author of popularly acclaimed historical novels, including, among others, The Raven which was nominated for the Icelandic Literary Prize. She hosts her own blog, Mindful Living, in Icelandic at · 25 · └ Index NARRATIVE NON-FICTION HEDINN UNNSTEINSSON Be a Wolf – Wargus esto “I’m standing in front of the mirror; it’s the fourth of February 2008. Carefully, I scrutinise the little white fragment in my hand, remnant of what was originally a 500mg pill that has been broken into three pieces, each of 150mg. It’s the last time I’ll be taking this medication–lithium, the chemical element that has for so long been a part of my life.” Hedinn Unnsteinsson was working as a specialist at the Ministry of Health, with experience and strong opinions on issues concerning mental health, when he suddenly finds himself in the infernal clutches of bipolar disorder. This book tells the story of his journey into a world of anarchy and delusions, with very trying consequences for his immediate HARDCOVER environment, his family and his friends. His 2015 192 pp Sold to: Faroe Islands (Sprot in) account of descent and disintegration, followed by resurrection and the slow road to recovery, is Chapters in English available unflinchingly critical but at the same time very genuine, as he often views events and things in a very different light from his fellow human beings. H E DI N N U N N S T E I N S S ON (b.1970) is a senior policy analyst at the Prime Minister’s Office in Iceland, having previously held positions as a specialist at the Ministry of Health, and Technical Officer at the World Health Organisation (WHO). He has an MSc in International Policy Analysis from the University of Bath in England. Unnsteinsson has worked in the mental health field for nearly twenty-five years, both in Iceland and elsewhere; he has been a spokesman for users and carers, and worked with grass-root organisations, international associations and individual governments, promoting reform in mental issues. In recent years he has worked internationally as an independent policy adviser on mental health issues, and given nearly 700 lectures building on his experience, expertise and education. · 26 · └ Index CURRENT AFFAIRS JON ORMUR HALLDORSSON A Changed World Our time is characterised by widespread and profound changes in the world, in a political, economic, democratic and cultural sense. At the same time, globalisation has ensured that things which were once distant have drawn closer, shaping people’s environment and opportunities. New superpowers rise, some dramatically so, such as China and soon India, whilst others are losing their influence. History shows that changes in the balance of power have generally been accompanied with specific dangers and serious conflict. We live, then, in a dangerous time when understanding the interests, strengths, weaknesses and intentions of states and superpowers matters a great deal. A Changed World addresses various complex global conflict lines of our time and presents them as a coherent and comprehensible whole. HARDCOVER 2015 392 pp JON OR M U R H A L L D OR S S ON (b.1954) is a senior lecturer at Reykjavik University. He has studied political science and economic history in England and the Netherlands, conducted research in South East Asia and completed a doctorate in economic politics in this part of the world. Jon Ormur was an assistant to Gunnar Thoroddsen during his time as Prime Minister of Iceland. He has written books and published a large number of articles and columns in newspapers, journals and broadcast media. · 27 · └ Index ART ADALSTEINN INGOLFSSON Erro A Lifescape A journey into the colourful and vibrant world of international art. In this outspoken biography, the life, art, and experiences of Gudmundur Gudmundsson, better known as Erro, are deconstructed by the artist himself and many of his personal friends, rivals, and contemporaries in the art world. Born in a small town in Iceland in the 1930’s, Erro discovered his muse and followed the siren call of his art to study and work in such places as Florence, Paris, New York, and Moscow, meeting and interacting with many of the best known artists of the time and celebrities such as Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali, and Fidel Castro, to name but SOFTCOVER 2015 392 pp Available in English a few. Over the course of his career, Erro was and remains a prolific, imaginative, and often controversial artist, a citizen of the world but always an Icelander at heart. The author, A DA L S T E I N N I NG OL F S S ON, is a renowned art historian and author of several books on various aspects of Icelandic art. Philip Roughton translated from the Icelandic. · 28 · └ Index HISTORY GUNNAR THOR BJARNASON When Civilization Went to Hell Icelanders and the Great War, 1914 - 1918 World War One raged savagely from 1914–1918, employing the newest, most brutal technology and greatly diminishing the value of human life. Arriving in the wake of a long period of peace and prosperity in Europe, it had been assumed that such brutality would be unthinkable at the hands of cultured nations. Nearly 400 Icelandic soldiers fought in the trenches in Western Europe; many of them suffered tragic fates. The war had widespread effects on Icelanders’ standard of living and Icelandic politics, as well as on the nation’s fight for independence. German submarines didn’t HARDCOVER 2015 spare Icelandic ships and the threat of shipping 371 pp blockades loomed. For a time, the Icelandic 15 x 23 cm people feared a possible famine. In When Civilization Went to Hell, the history of the First World War is described in an “An important book about an important time.” K I L JA N, S TAT E T E L E V I S IO N unusual and stimulating manner, while still maintaining the work’s scholarly standards. Furthermore, the story is told from the perspective of Icelanders at the time, utilizing material from newspapers, letters, novels, and other Icelandic sources. GU N N A R T HOR B JA R N A S ON is a historian. His previous book, Raise the Flag! The Struggle for Icelandic Independence, had a particularly good reception. It was nominated for the Icelandic Literature Prize, received a special recognition from Hagthenkir and the DV Cultural Award in the category of scholarly writing. · 29 · └ Index MYTHOLOGY BODVAR GUDMUNDSSON AND HEIMIR PALSSON Norse Gods in a New Land The settlers who came to Iceland in the 9th and 10th centuries brought not only people and livestock, but also countless tales, including tales of their gods. These gods now had to find their way in a new land, where many things differed dramatically from their former home. Some took on new roles, whilst others were lost because they no longer served a purpose. In this book, the literary scholar Heimir Palsson writes about the pagan faith as it was practised and traces the fates of the gods in Iceland. In the second part of the book, the author Bodvar Gudmundsson retells all the known stories of the Norse gods. SOFTCOVER 2015 264 pp 13,7 x 21 cm The work combines accessible scholarship on the religion of medieval Icelanders and vibrant, entertaining tales of the gods, who could be remarkably human despite their supernatural powers. B ODVA R GU DM U N D S S ON(b.1939) is the author of numerous plays, poetry and novels as well as a translator of books for children and adults. His historical novels about Icelandic emigrants to America in the 19th century were published to acclaim and have been highly popular with readers and one of them, The Tree of Life, received the Icelandic Literature Prize in 1996. H E I M I R PA L S S ON (b.1944) a Literary scholar who has decades of experience as a professor of Icelandic. He is the author of several text books on medieval literature and is also a prolific translator. · 30 · └ Index FOLKLORE PALL ASGEIR ASGEIRSSON Being Elveswhere A guide to the Hidden People in Iceland Where will you find elves in Iceland and what should you expect of them? Those who travel around Iceland with an open mind will have a colourful and enjoyable journey ahead of them. With a bit of luck (and GPS navigation) travelers might even encounter an elf – almost no Icelandic farm is without stories of elf-dwellings located somewhere on the property. This book contains a collection of stories and sources that shed light on the relationship between humans and elves in Iceland, from HARDCOVER 2015 ancient to relatively recent times. 136 pp 13 x 17 cm Available in English PA L L A S GE I R A S GE I R S S ON is an experienced outdoor enthusiast and has been a guide for many years. He has written numerous popular hiking books and trail guides, some of which, such as Iceland Adventure, have been published in English. · 31 · └ Index FOLKLORE JON R. HJALMARSSON Ghost Stories along the Ring Road As you drive along Iceland’s Ring Road on a bright summer’s day, evil spirits might be a distant thought. But ghosts have haunted the people of Iceland since the settlement, and you can never tell when they will make their presence known. In this book, many of the country’s most famous ghosts tag along for the ride, making your journey unforgettable. 50 spine-chilling ghost stories are retold here, each one introduced by the author, Jon R. Hjalmarsson, with a description of the major landmarks, various noteworthy locations and phenomena in the area. The folktale in question is then recounted in lively prose. Ghost Stories along the Ring Road is an essential companion SOFTCOVER 2015 for young and old travelling around the country. 251 pp 12,5 x 19,5 cm JON R . H JA L M A R S S ON is a historian and educator and served as a school principal and later as regional administrator of education in south Iceland for many years. He is well known as a broadcaster and as the author of several books on history and related subjects. · 32 · └ Index BOOKS ON ICELAND R A G N A R T H . S I G U R D S S O N is a photographer specializing in landscapes portraying the natural beauty of Iceland, Greenland and the Arctic. Since completing his education in Iceland and Sweden, Sigurdsson has worked in many fields of photography and, in 1985, he founded his own studio, Arctic Images. His work on nature and travel has covered geological formations, volcanoes, waterfalls and glaciers, as well as flora and fauna. He is also one of the world‘s most skillful northern lights photographers and regularly hosts workshops in that field. Heavenly Stuff The northern sky is a magnificent canvas for colors and glow, light and darkness. Science tells us that northern lights appear due to charged particles from the Sun, mainly electrons and protons interacting with Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere, causing optical emissions. This natural phenomenon has fascinated us through the ages and its intensity and diversity SOFTCOVER 2015 82 pp 11 x 17 cm will surely continue to amaze. Just look up, the sky might be dancing … Available in English Hot Stuff Amazing photographs from the lava eruption in Holuhraun 2014. Eruptions are among the most exciting and energizing events you can witness. In this incredible feast for the eyes Ragnar Th. Sigurdsson brings you closer to a magnificent display in central Iceland, where the forces of SOFTCOVER nature continue to shape the island. 2015 82 pp 11 x 17 cm Available in English · 33 · └ Index BOOKS ON ICELAND Puffin Stuff The puffin is Iceland’s most common bird and rúðurinn nir á sér is best known for its looks: a majestic beak, Lundabyggðir eru víða við strendur Íslands en þó hvergi stærri en í Vestmannaeyjum, þar sem yfir milljón pör verptu þegar stofninn var stærstur. Lundinn er samofinn ímynd eyjanna og Vestmannaeyingar syngja um að hann sé „ljúfastur fugla“. gl á Íslandi og arlegan gogg, brightly coloured legs and an upright posture tta stöðu sem n aðra á trúð. that may conjure up the image of a miniature er þó ótrúlega , félagslyndur byggð sinni og s og lífshættir onum margra illa vinsælda. priest or a clown. This clumsy-looking bird is remarkably swift on its short wings and is a formidable diver, as well as being sociable and faithful to its mate and its breeding colony. Its SOFTCOVER 2015 82 pp looks and behaviour have won it many admirers and great popularity. 11 x 17 cm Available in English Wild Stuff S E “Nothing in Nature is further from being supernatural than a miracle. Nothing is more supernatural than Nature itself.“ habitants s. While you might ng ife is all autiful and ds inhabit n. Halldór laxNess: THe GreaT Weaver from KasHmir Meet the creatures and inhabitants of the Icelandic wilderness. While enjoying Iceland‘s nature, you might get a sense of overwhelming silence and vastness, but life is all around you. SOFTCOVER 2015 82 pp Intriguing, beautiful and tenacious animals and birds inhabit this island. Look and listen. 11 x 17 cm Available in English · 34 · └ Index BOOKS ON ICELAND BJARNI DIDRIK SIGURDSSON The Mushroom Handbook The Mushroom Handbook is an essential companion for those heading out into the Icelandic countryside to gather mushrooms. This book details eighty varieties of edible wild mushroom, and also twenty species of similarlooking poisonous mushroom to watch out for. It also provides practical information on mushrooms and mushroom gathering in general: on the prevalence and identification of different species, the best time to gather mushrooms, their nutritional value and how to PAPERBACK W/PL ASTIC JACKET prepare them once you get home. 2015 287 pp 14,5 x 20,5 cm B JA R N I DI DR I K S IGU R D S S ON is an expert on afforestation and a keen mushroom enthusiast, possessing a wealth of knowledge which he shares here in an extremely accessible manner. He has led many courses on mushrooms and mushroom gathering, which have proven very popular. · 35 · └ Index BOOKS ON ICELAND KRISTJAN FRIDRIKSSON Lake Fishing This useful guide to trout fishing in Iceland covers a whole year in the life of a fisherman, everything from preparation and fly tying to cleaning up after the last fishing trip of the year. The favoured habitat and behaviour of the trout is covered, along with different fishing spots, equipment and grips. As the fishing season progresses, different methods are introduced and good advice is offered on how to solve any problems that might come up. PAPERBACK W/PL ASTIC JACKET K R I S TJA N F R I DR I K S S ON is well known amongst fishermen for his articles on trout fishing on his website Flies and Tall Tales, His personal experiences and comments will prove useful for experienced and novice fishermen alike. 2015 174 pp 14,5 x 20,5 cm SNAEBJORN GUDMUNDSSON Guide to the Geology of Iceland An indispensable handbook for anyone who wants to take edifying trips around the country. The book takes a straightforward approach to geology and geological history at 100 points of interest all around Iceland. It explains how each of the sites was formed, what characterizes them, and, last but not least, what is the most important thing to see at each location. Nearly 200 impressive photographs and a detailed map enhance the text. A singularly insightful and informative account of Icelandic nature. PAPERBACK W/PL ASTIC JACKET 2015 312 pp 14,5 x 20,5 cm S N A E B JOR N GU DM U N D S S ON is a geologist who possesses extensive knowledge on the geology and geological history of Iceland. · 36 · └ Index COOKERY N A N N A RO G N VA L DA R D O T T I R has long been known throughout Iceland for her writing on food and cooking and extensive knowledge of Icelandic culinary history. She has published almost 20 popular cookery books, including Love of Food, Nanna’s Food and Nanna’s Chicken Recipes. NANNA ROGNVALDARDOTTIR Grandma’s Cooking with Nanna A lot of dishes that people grew up with, or ate at their grandparents’ house, are now seldom seen. This is good food, though, and above all homely, evoking fond memories. It is an unmissable part of Icelandic culinary tradition. This book contains around 80 recipes for food like mum and grandma used to make: soups and sauces, meat and fish dishes, porridges, puddings, breads and cakes. Some dishes are completely traditional, whilst others have been modernised a touch. • Cauliflower soup, langoustine soup, prawn cocktail, salmon salad and seasoned herring • Fried fish, fish stew, fish balls, grilled trout and HARDCOVER 2015 156 pp 18 x 20 cm fish gratin • Sunday leg of lamb, breaded lamb chops, roast pork with crackling, mince patties and stuffed cabbage with homemade sausage meat • Rice pudding, cocoa soup, stewed rhubarb, lemon parfait and Toblerone ice cream • Pancakes, twisted doughnuts, ‘wedded bliss’ cake, Christmas cake, Viennese tart and sandwich loaf · 37 · └ Index COOKERY NANNA ROGNVALDARDOTTIR Sweetness Without Sugar This book includes recipes for various desserts and cakes containing no refined sugar, syrup, honey or so on, or ready-made sweeteners – only fruit. Fruit of course contains fructose, but also various healthy nutrients and delicious flavours. •Cereals, porridges and chocolate yoghurt •Drop scones and waffles •Cinnamon buns and savoury bread •Cream and chocolate tarts HARDCOVER 2015 137 pp 18 x 20 cm Pages in English available •Brownies, cookies and muffins •Sweet sauces and dips •Puddings, panna cotta and various kinds of ice cream •Confectionery and sweet treats · 38 · └ Index COOKERY ARNAR GUDBRANDSSON AND JON GUNNAR GEIRDAL Lemon‘s Juice Book Lemon’s Juice Book contains recipes for forty gourmet juices and smoothies made from the best available raw ingredients – simple, refreshing and jam-packed with healthy nutrients from fruit, vegetables, skyr and natural seasoning and flavours. Drink them in the morning, or whenever you need a healthy pick-me-up or snack, and dance smiling out of the door to live your life! HARDOVER 2015 80 pp 16,5 x 16,5 cm Chef JON A R N A R GU DBR A N D S S ON and marketing expert and entrepreneur JON GU N N A R GE I R DA L are the owners of the Lemon restaurant chain specializing in healthy foods and juices. · 39 · └ Index COOKERY SIGRUN THORSTEINSDOTTIR Café Sigrun Healthfulness Begins at Home Anyone who has an interest in a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle knows about CafeSigrun, the website where Sigrun Thorsteinsdottir has for years written about health and cooking, publishing recipes under the slogan “Healthfulness begins at home.” In this collection, you’ll find an array of appetizing recipes for tasty treats for the whole family. All recipes are free of white sugar, wheat, and yeast and are clearly labeled to indicate which dishes are gluten-free, vegan, or are suitable for those who want to avoid eggs, dairy, seeds, or nuts. •Breakfast Foods •Healthy Drinks •Bread and Baked Goods HARDCOVER 2015 304 pp 205 x 275 cm •Vegetable Dishes and Salads •Grain, pasta, and noodle dishes •Stews and filling soups •Fish and Chicken Dishes •Sauces and Dips •Desserts, Cakes, and Chocolate Treats S IGRU N T HOR S T E I N SD O T T I R is a clinical child psychologist with an MSc in Health Psychology. She’s the mother of two young children and has striven to give them the healthiest food available. She lived for many years in London and has been influenced in many ways by the cuisines of other countries, both within the UK and on her travels around Africa and beyond. · 40 · └ Index PAREN TING SAEUNN KJARTANSDOTTIR The First 1000 Days A Child Comes Into Being Research has shown that the first thousand days of a child’s life – from conception to the age of two – have an enormous impact on its future wellbeing. Loving and responsive interactions in this period lay an important foundation for the child’s development as an intelligent, emotional and social being. For this reason, children need attentive care from people who love them and understand and prioritise their needs. The First 1000 Days is an accessible handbook for parents, based on psychology, attachment theories and the latest neuroscientific research. It offers good advice SOFTCOVER 2015 on how parents can prepare for the birth of 232 pp their child and provide care and stimulation in 16,5 x 16,5 cm Sold to: Hungary (Bet ütészta) the first years, with the focus on developing a healthy and loving individual. Children are born with the full potential to become sensible, reasonable and good people and it is up to us adults to enable them to do so. S A E U N N K JA RTA N SD O T T I R is an independent psychoanalyst who has a long track record in individual therapy and counseling in the health service. She is also the author of What Makes People? The Psychoanalytic Quest for Understanding (1999) and The Years No-One Remembers (2009). · 41 · └ Index THE FOR L AGID R IGHTS AGENC Y represents authors and titles in the field of literary fiction, crime fiction, classics, narrative non-fiction, non-fiction and children’s books from the following imprints: Forlagid, Idunn, JPV, Mál og menning and Vaka Helgafell, as well as from the Forlagid carthography division. Being part of Iceland’s largest publishing house means that we have something to offer to everyone; quality fiction and non fiction to publishers and production companies world-wide and a great expertise in handling translation rights to our authors, many of who are amongst the most successful and critically acclaimed writers in Iceland. Forlagid Rights Agency sells rights world-wide, directly and through sub-agents. · 42 ·
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