RJTI - Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure
RJTI - Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING OF BUCHAREST ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE CONSPRESS ISSN 2286-2218 ISSN-L 2286-2218 ROADS BRIDGES RAILWAYS GEOTECHNICS This text was elaborated by utilizing the photographic reproduction of originals. Therefore the editor cannot accept any responsibility for the content nor that of possible errors in the text. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Vol.2, 2013 No.2, December Editor-in-chief: Carmen Răcănel Executive editor: Adrian Burlacu Editorial Executive Committee (in alphabetical order) Ştefan Marian Lazăr Mihai Gabriel Lobază Claudia Petcu Ionuţ Radu Răcănel Publisher: Technical University of Civil Engineering, CONSPRESS Publishing House ISSN 2286-2218 ISSN-L 2286-2218 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE CONTENT Viscoelastic model for the rigid body vibrations of a viaduct depending on the support devices’ rheological model, Polidor BRATU, Ovidiu VASILE ……… 1 Application of GPR and FWD in assessing pavement bearing capacity, Josipa DOMITROVIĆ, Tatjana RUKAVINA ……… 11 The influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers, Tamara DŽAMBAS, Saša AHAC, Vesna DRAGČEVIĆ ……… 22 Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube-Black Sea Channel, Aldo GIORDANO, Giorgio PEDRAZZI, Giovanni VOIRO ……… 33 Increase the safety of road traffic accidents by applying clustering, Goran KOS, Predrag BRLEK, Kristijan MEIC, Kresimir VIDOVIC ……… 45 CONTENT, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE VISCOELASTIC MODEL FOR THE RIGID BODY VIBRATIONS OF A VIADUCT DEPENDING ON THE SUPPORT DEVICES’ RHEOLOGICAL MODEL Polidor Bratu, Prof., PhD, Dipl. Eng., Dr. h. c., ICECON S.A., e-mail: [email protected] Ovidiu Vasile, Lect., PhD, Dipl. Eng., ICECON S.A., e-mail: [email protected] Rezumat Lucrarea abordează comportarea unui model de solid-rigid cu anumite simetrii structurale. Aceste simetrii permit simplificarea calculelor (ecuaţii de mişcare) şi, deci, a modelelor matematice. Dacă solidul rigid este conectat la structură prin patru legături elastice, modelul rămâne încă simplu şi uşor de rezolvat, vibraţiile putând fi decuplate în patru subsisteme de mişcare. În final, se prezintă un studiu de caz pentru analiza modală a unui viaduct, modelat precum un corp solid-rigid, rezemat elastic, de pe autostrada Transilvania (km 29+602.75 m). Cuvinte cheie: viaduct, aparate de reazem, vibraţii. Abstract The paper addresses the behavior of a rigid solid with various structural symmetries. These symmetries allow the simplification of computations (equations of motion) and, thus, also of the mathematical models. If the rigid solid is connected to the structure through four elastic links, the model still remains simple and easy to solve by decomposing the vibrations into four subsystems of motion: side slipping and rolling, forward motion and pitching, lifting motion, gyration. In the end, a case study is presented for the modal analysis of a viaduct, modeled as a rigid solid, elastically supported, on the Transilvania highway at km 29+602.75 m. Keywords: viaduct, support devices, vibrations. 1. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THE RIGID SOLID WITH ELASTIC BEARINGS The mathematical modeling uses the physical model of the rigid solid with six degrees of freedom (6DOF) with a finite number of viscous-elastic bearings. Dimensional and inertial characteristics of the rigid solid and rheological characteristics of the bearings (stiffness and damping) can be experimentally determined by direct measurements and by static and/or dynamic testing. According to (7), the differential equations of the movements of the rigid solid with viscous-elastic bearings are coupled by stiffness and damping Article No.1, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 1 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Polidor Bratu, Ovidiu Vasile Viscoelastic model for the rigid body vibrations of a viaduct depending on the support devices rheological model coefficients. The system of the equations can be write as follows: Aq Bq C q f , (1) where A is the inertia matrix; B is the viscous damping matrix (damping coefficients); C is the elasticity matrix (stiffness coefficients); q / q / q are generalized displacements / velocities / accelerations vector and f is the generalized forces vector. If the damping coefficients are small, the differential equations system becomes: (2) Aq C q f Considering the rigid solid no perturbated, the system of differential equations becomes: (3) Aq C q 0 , where 0 is the null vector (where all coefficients are zero). If the Cartesian coordinates axis system is central and principal, the quadratic 6 6 inertia matrix becomes diagonal (4) A DIAGm,m,m, J x , J y , J z , where m is the rigid solid mass and J x , J y , J z are the principal inertia moments. 2. THE RIGID SOLID WITH STRUCTURAL SYMMETRIES. MODAL ANALYSIS Considering that the rigid solid has a vertical axis of symmetry (mass distribution, geometrical configuration, bearings disposal) and the coordinate system is central and principal, the inertia matrix is diagonal. z Mi kiy y kix kiz x Figure 1. Elastic triorthogonal bearing If the elastic bearing system of the rigid solid is composed from n supports with triorthogonal stiffness kix , kiy , kiz like in figure 1, with the Article No.1, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 2 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Polidor Bratu, Ovidiu Vasile Viscoelastic model for the rigid body vibrations of a viaduct depending on the support devices rheological model position done by the coordinates M i xi , yi , zi i 1, n , the elasticity matrix becomes: k ix 0 0 C 0 k z ix i 0 0 0 0 k ix z i k iy 0 k iy z i 0 0 k iz 0 0 k iy z i 0 k iy z i2 k iz y i2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 k iz xi2 k ix z i2 0 0 (5) 0 0 k ix y i2 k iy xi2 0 0 As the inertia matrix is diagonal, the coefficients outside the main diagonal of the elasticity matrix C are the coupling terms of the equations of the system (3). Because there are only four non-zero stiffness coefficients ( c15 c51 and c24 c42 ), the free movements of the rigid solid are decoupled into four subsystems with coupled vibrations. The subsystems with coupled motion equations are as follows: a) subsystem X , y - side slip movement coupled with rolling movement mX X k ix y k ix zi 0 (6) 2 2 J X k z k x k z 0 ix i y iz i ix i y y b) subsystem Y , x - forward-back movement coupled with pitch movement mY Y k iy x k iy zi 0 (7) x Y k iy zi x k iy zi2 k iz yi2 0 J x c) subsystem Z - up-down movement mZ Z kiz 0 (8) d) subsystem z - turning movement (gyration) z z kix yi2 kiy xi2 0 J z (9) In order to determinate the natural frequencies and the eigenvalues we use the next notations: • for the pulsations of the no coupled movements of translation k iy k ix kiz p p (10a) p X m Y m Z m • for the pulsations of the no coupled movements of rotation Article No.1, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 3 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Polidor Bratu, Ovidiu Vasile Viscoelastic model for the rigid body vibrations of a viaduct depending on the support devices rheological model p x p z kiy zi2 kiz yi2 Jx kix yi2 kiy xi2 p y k iz xi2 kix zi2 Jy (10b) Jz • the dynamic coupling terms for the X , y and Y , x subsystems 1 1 m k ix z i 1 2 k ix z i Jy 1 1 m k iy z i 1 2 k iy zi Jx (11) Considering the relations (10) and (11), the natural pulsations and the eigenvalues of the decoupled subsystems can be determinate with the next calculus formula: a) for the subsystem X , y p1,2 2 1 2 p X p 2 p 2X p 2 4 1 2 y y 2 2 1 2 p X p 2 p 2X p 2 4 1 2 y y 2 1 b) for the subsystem Y , x 1,2 1 2 pY p2 x 2 1 2 3 ,4 pY p2 x 21 p3 ,4 2 p 2 p 2 4 1 2 x Y 2 pY2 p2 41 2 x (12) (13) (14) (15) 3. MODAL ANALYSIS OF A BRIDGE MADE FROM REINFORCED CONCRETE Figure 2 shows elevation and the plan view for a bridge made from twenty reinforced concrete beams jointed through a 300 mm thickness reinforced concrete plate. Each beam is beared on the piers and on the abutments of the bridge through four identically viscous-elastic supports made from neoprene; there a total number of eighty neoprene bearings for the entire bridge. Article No.1, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 4 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Polidor Bratu, Ovidiu Vasile Viscoelastic model for the rigid body vibrations of a viaduct depending on the support devices rheological model Figure 2. Elevation and plan view of the Viaduct Romanian highway A3 - KM 29+602,75↔KM 29+801,25 The simplified model of the bridge is shown in the figure 3. In order to calculate the natural pulsations and frequencies and the eigenvalues of the bridge modeled as in the figure 2, the main characteristics are the next: • Dimensions (as in detailed engineering drawings and/or measured): ▪for “U” beams: 37100 1700 / 3280 2200 lenght×width×height [mm] ▪for the bridge: 200000 13300 2500 lenght×width×height [mm] • Stiffness of the neoprene bearings (experimental measurements): kix k x 3,15 10 6 N / m i 1,80 kiy k y 3,15 10 6 N / m i 1,80 kiz k z 650 10 6 N / m i 1,80 • Masses and inertia according to table 1 (calculated): Article No.1, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 5 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Polidor Bratu, Ovidiu Vasile Viscoelastic model for the rigid body vibrations of a viaduct depending on the support devices rheological model Table 1. Inertial characteristics (central and principal axis system) Arch of the viaduct (4 Denomination Unit Viaduct (20 beams) beams) Mass m kg 992,000 4,960,000 Products of J xy J yz J zx 0 Kg·m2 inertia 2 120.533×106 16.025×109 Moments J x Kg·m J y Kg·m2 of 15.133×106 73.270×106 inertia J z Kg·m2 134.091×106 16.092×109 • Position of the mass center C against the neoprene bearings (calculated): h 1454 ,4mm • Positions of the neoprene bearings on the viaduct (related to the centered coordinate system Cxyz) as in detailed engineering drawings – see table 2. Table 2. Positions of the neoprene bearings Bearing and coordinates [m] i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 xi yi -5,5 -98,05 -4,4 -98,05 -2,2 -98,05 -1,1 -98,05 1,1 -98,05 2,2 -98,05 4,4 -98,05 5,5 -98,05 -5,5 -61,95 -4,4 -61,95 -2,2 -61,95 -1,1 -61,95 1,1 -61,95 2,2 -61,95 4,4 -61,95 5,5 -61,95 -5,5 -58,05 -4,4 -58,05 -2,2 -58,05 -1,1 -58,05 zi -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 xi yi 1,1 -58,05 2,2 -58,05 4,4 -58,05 5,5 -58,05 -5,5 -21,95 -4,4 -21,95 -2,2 -21,95 -1,1 -21,95 1,1 -21,95 2,2 -21,95 4,4 -21,95 5,5 -21,95 -5,5 -18,05 -4,4 -18,05 -2,2 -18,05 -1,1 -18,05 1,1 -18,05 2,2 -18,05 4,4 -18,05 5,5 18,05 zi -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 i 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 xi -5,5 -4,4 -2,2 -1,1 1,1 2,2 4,4 5,5 -5,5 -4,4 -2,2 -1,1 1,1 2,2 4,4 5,5 -5,5 -4,4 -2,2 -1,1 Article No.1, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 yi 18,05 18,05 18,05 18,05 18,05 18,05 18,05 18,05 21,95 21,95 21,95 21,95 21,95 21,95 21,95 21,95 58,05 58,05 58,05 58,05 zi -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 i 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 xi 1,1 2,2 4,4 5,5 -5,5 -4,4 -2,2 -1,1 1,1 2,2 4,4 5,5 -5,5 -4,4 -2,2 -1,1 1,1 2,2 4,4 5,5 yi 58,05 58,05 58,05 58,05 61,95 61,95 61,95 61,95 61,95 61,95 61,95 61,95 98,05 98,05 98,05 98,05 98,05 98,05 98,05 98,05 zi -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 -1,45 6 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Polidor Bratu, Ovidiu Vasile Viscoelastic model for the rigid body vibrations of a viaduct depending on the support devices rheological model Table 3. Natural pulsations and frequencies (on the six degrees of dynamic freedom) 7.13 7.13 102.39 167.67 97.83 11.30 Arch of the viaduct p [rad/s] (4 beams) f [Hz] 1.13 1.13 16.30 26.69 15.60 1.80 p [rad/s] 7.13 7.13 102.39 105.49 97.83 7.34 Viaduct (20 beams) f [Hz] 1.13 1.13 16.30 16.79 15.60 1.17 Using the relations (10), the natural pulsations p and the natural frequencies f of the uncoupled vibrations for the six degrees of dynamic freedom are shown in the table 3. The figures from table 4 show the values of the natural pulsations and frequencies and of the eigenvalues for the decoupled subsystems (with coupled movements) for a bridge section (arche) composed from four „U” beams as in figure 4 and figure 5. 13,2m z x C y Figure 3. The model of the bridge beared on eighty neoprene supports As it can see, there are the same values for pulsations and frequencies like in table 3. That means, the movements inside the subsystems X , y and Y , x are very weak coupled, almost uncoupled. Article No.1, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 7 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Polidor Bratu, Ovidiu Vasile Viscoelastic model for the rigid body vibrations of a viaduct depending on the support devices rheological model 13200 1700 Figure 4. The model of an arch of the viaduct 13200 C C2 C1 1650 C4 C3 1650 4950 4950 Figure 5. The model of an arch of the viaduct (transversal section) Table 4. Modal analyze for an arch (section) of the viaduct (decoupled subsystems) Subsystem Pulsations Frequencies Eigenvalues X , y p1 7.13rad / s p2 97.83rad / s f 1 1.13Hz f 2 15.60 Hz 1 0.000509rad / m 2 128.824rad / m Y , x p3 7.13rad / s f 3 1.13Hz 3 0.000002rad / m p4 167.67 rad / s f 4 26.69 Hz 4 379.750rad / m p5 pZ 102.39rad / s f 5 f Z 16.30 Hz - p6 p z 11.30rad / s f 6 f z 1.80 Hz - Z z Article No.1, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 8 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Polidor Bratu, Ovidiu Vasile Viscoelastic model for the rigid body vibrations of a viaduct depending on the support devices rheological model Table 5. Modal analyze for the viaduct (decoupled subsystems) Subsystem Pulsations Frequencies Eigenvalues X , y p1 7.13rad / s p2 97.83rad / s f 1 1.13Hz f 2 15.57 Hz 1 0.000509rad / m 2 128.824rad / m Y , x p3 7.13rad / s f 3 1.13Hz 3 0.000002rad / m p4 105.49rad / s f 4 16.79 Hz 4 149.916 rad / m p5 pZ 102.39rad / s f 5 f Z 16.30 Hz - p6 p z 7.34rad / s f 6 f z 1.17 Hz - Z z The figures from table 5 show the values of the natural pulsations and frequencies and of the eigenvalues for the decoupled subsystems (with coupled movements) for the entire bridge composed from five sections (arches) considered being identical as in figure 3. As for the arches, the movements inside the subsystems with coupled movements X , y and Y , x of the viaduct are very weak coupled, almost uncoupled. 4. CONCLUSIONS a) modeling a rigid solid with elastic or viscous-elastic bearings and symmetries (structural, inertial, bearings) lead to linear mathematical models more simple, with differential equations decoupled into subsystems easier to solve; in this case, we can highlight the influences of different kinds of characteristics (dimensions, masses, inertia, stiffness) on the dynamic parameters of the rigid solid (natural pulsations/frequencies, eigenvalues); b) if the physical model of the rigid solid permits to chose a Cartesian coordinate system which is central and principal, then the differential equations of motion are coupled only by the coefficients outside of principal diagonal of elasticity matrix (elastic coupling of movements), eventually by the dissipation coefficients from the viscous damping matrix if they are significant; c) comparing the values of the pulsations/frequencies from the tables 3, 4 and 5, we can say that the movements inside the subsystems are almost uncoupled on the “directions” ( X , Y , Z , x , y , z ); also the values very small or very big of the eigenvalues can explain the quasidecoupling of the movements inside of the subsystems; d) analyzing the values from table 4 (for the arches), we can find a group of three natural frequencies in the domain 1.1÷1.2 Hz, another one in the domain Article No.1, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 9 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Polidor Bratu, Ovidiu Vasile Viscoelastic model for the rigid body vibrations of a viaduct depending on the support devices rheological model 15.6÷16.3 Hz and the 6-th frequency being much more bigger (26.69 Hz); this grouping of frequencies and the big differences between the values of domains’ limits can be explained by the significant differences between the bearings stiffness on vertical axis Cz (compression effort) and on horizontal plane xCy (shear efforts); e) analyzing the values from table 5 (for the entire bridge), we can find a group of three natural frequencies in the domain 1.1÷1.2 Hz and another three in the domain 15.6÷16.8 Hz; in this case of simulation, the pitch movement x of the viaduct, which is almost decoupled from the forward-back movement Y , has a natural frequency more smaller than the pitch movement of a single arch because of a bigger value of the moment of inertia J x mainly. 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INMAN: “Vibration with Control”, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., New Jersey, 2006. [10]. S. RAO: “Mechanical Vibrations” Fourth Edition, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, 2004. [11]. M. RĂDOI, E. DECIU: “Mecanica”, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1977. Article No.1, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 10 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE APPLICATION OF GPR AND FWD IN ASSESSING PAVEMENT BEARING CAPACITY Josipa Domitrović, MCE, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Transportation, e-mail: [email protected] Tatjana Rukavina, PhD.Prof., MCE, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Transportation, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract The process of pavement maintenance and rehabilitation starts by collecting the data which will form the base for evaluation of pavement functional and structural condition. Collection of data can be performed by destructive and non-destructive testing. Usually preferred are the non-destructive methods, that do not damage the pavement, and the process of pavement evaluation is objective and repeatable. Non-destructive testing methods are becoming more and more popular, especially for assessing the structural condition of the pavement. Non-destructive testing by a Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and the analysis of so collected data by the process of backcalculations is today the usual tool for assessing pavement bearing capacity. One of the basic input parameters for analysis of the data collected by FWD is pavement layers thickness. The practice in Croatia is to determine pavement layers thickness by coring. This destructive method affects pavement integrity, so the number of such tests should be kept to the minimum. By coring the accurate thickness of all pavement layers is obtained on specific point locations. Thus, numerous deviations in layer thickness remain unnoticed, and in the end, use of such data for the process of backcalculations does not provide ac urate values of layer moduli. Coring can be replaced with non-destructive method of testing by Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), which provides continuous information on thickness of all pavement layers. The paper shows the method for assessing the bearing capacity of the pavement based on the data collected by FWD, GPR and coring. The calculation for layer moduli was performed by the ELMOD software, separately for the layers thickness data obtained by coring, and separately for the thickness obtained by GPR tests. Analysis and comparison of the results of calculated elasticity moduli obtained by using various methods for collecting layer thickness data were performed in the paper. Keywords: non-destructive testing, FWD, GPR, layer thickness, elastic moduli Article No.2, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 11 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Josipa Domitrović, Tatjana Rukavina Application of GPR and FWD in assessing pavement bearing capacity 1. INTRODUCTION Road is capital investment whose value is gradually reduced within its lifetime by progression of degradation processes. Pavement degradation can be slow down or stopped by applying appropriate maintenance and rehabilitation techniques and for that it is necessary to evaluate pavement structural condition, i.e. bearing capacity. Nowdays, most common method for determining pavement bearing capacity is deflection measurement, mostly by Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD). FWD determines the full dynamic deflection bowl by applying known impulse loads on the pavement. Pavement deflections are then analysed using backcalculation procedure for determing the layer elastic moduli. The reliability of estimated pavement moduli depends on the accuracy of layer thickness data. In Croatia, thickness data is usually obtained from project documentation or coring. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Data collection based on project documentation is fast and requires minimum effort but is not very reliable. Coring provides most accurate thickness data, but is expensive, time consuming, has significant impact on traffic and affects pavement integrity so the number of such tests should be keep on minimum. Furthermore, data is obtained only on selected locations that may not be representative for considered road section so deviations in pavement structure could easily be missed. This will provide incorrect information for further analysis and can lead to application of wrong maintenance and/or rehabilitation techniques. To address issues mentioned above Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) was introduce as non-destructive, fast and reliable technique that provides a continuous display of pavement layers thickness. Evaluation studies carried out in the last 20 years show that deviations between GPR and core thickness results of newly constructed pavement range from 2% to 5% of total thickness [1] and for old pavements are mostly less than 10% [2]. Based on this it can be conclude that GPR is suitable non-destructive technique, which can replace coring. 2. DESCRIPTION OF GPR AND FWD METHODS Though, integration of non-destructive testing devices, FWD and GPR for pavement evaluation is not new technology most pavement engineers in Croatia are not aware of their advantages and still rely on traditional destructive methods like coring to obtained necessary pavement data. In continuation, components and basic operating principles of GRP and FWD are explained. Article No.2, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 12 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Josipa Domitrović, Tatjana Rukavina Application of GPR and FWD in assessing pavement bearing capacity 2.1. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) The GPR device used in road surveys is vehicle mounted system that normally consists of following components: 1) antennas (air or ground coupled) with transmitter and receiver, 2) GPR control/acquisition unit, 3) PC for data collection and 4) positioning device (Figure 1, left). antenna A1 A2 A3 voltage [V] A0 antenna asphalt unbound base reflection reflection reflection A0 A1 A2 asphalt unbound base subgrade subgrade reflection A3 time [ns] t1 t2 t1=travel time through asphalt layer t2=travel time through unbound base layer Figure 1. Ground Penetrating Radar (left); Shematic representation of EM signal (right) The GPR system is base on the radar principle in which the antenna transmits pulses of radar energy, i.e. electromagnetic (EM) waves with a central frequency varying from 10 MHz up to 2.5 GHz [3] into the pavement. EM waves partly reflect and partly pass through layers of materials with different EM characteristics. A part of energy that reflects at layers interface is receive by GPR system and displayed as a plot of amplitude (voltage) and time necessary for its return to antenna (Figure 1, right) [2]. The speed of passing EM wave through a particular material is under the influence of its relative dielectric constant (εr). For asphalt pavements materials relative dielectric constants can be calculated using surface reflection method. Once the values of materials relative dielectric constants are calculate it is possible to determine thickness of a particular layer (hi) using equation (1) [4]: ct i hi (1) r where: c – speed of EM wave through vacuum Δti – time between amplitudes Ai and Ai+1 εr – relative dielectric constant of the material. EM signal, shown in Figure 1, right, can be send up to 1000 scans/second [3]. Given that during the measurement vehicle moves along the road, we get Article No.2, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 13 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Josipa Domitrović, Tatjana Rukavina Application of GPR and FWD in assessing pavement bearing capacity continuous display of the EM wave’s reflection, the interpretation of which determines pavement layers thickness. 2.2 Falling Weight deflectometer (FWD) The FWD device for pavement evaluation is trailer mounte system towed by the vehicle (Figure 2, left). Basic components of a typical FWD unit are: 1) control system for data collection, processing and storing, 2) loading weight and plate, 3) hydraulic system and 4) geophones. Geophones Load cell Deflection bowl Figure 2. Falling Weight Deflectometer (left); Schematic representation of FWD operation (right) The FWD applies stationary dynamic load, similar to a passing wheel load, onto the pavement surface. The FWD generates a load pulse by dropping weight onto 300 mm diameter circular load plate. By varying the mass and/or drop height, impulse load can be varied between 10 kN to 120 kN [5]. Usually target peak load is 50 ± 5 kN which matches the standard wheel load. The pavement responses to applied load pulse are vertical deformations in a shape of deflection bowl (Figure 2, right). Deformations are measure by geophones located in the load centre and at several radial distances from the load centre. Base on the force applied to the pavement and the shape of deflection bowl, it is possible to estimate the in-situ elastic moduli of the different pavement layers by the iterative process of backcalculation. In this process, the deflection values are first calculated for assumed elastic moduli values and compared with deflection values measured by FWD, and accordingly the assumed moduli values are further adjust for next iteration. The iteration stops once predetermined level of tolerance between calculated and measured deflection have been reach (Figure 3) [6]. Article No.2, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 14 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Josipa Domitrović, Tatjana Rukavina Application of GPR and FWD in assessing pavement bearing capacity Figure 3. Shematic diagram of backcalculation process 3. RESULTS OF FIELD TEST ON HIGHWAY A4 A pavement investigation carried out on a section of highway A4, ZagrebGoričan from chainage km 83+000 to km 75+500, in the right wheel path of the drive lane. The pavement investigation involved determination of pavement deflection by FWD and pavement layers thickness by extraction of cores and GPR measurements. Based on cumulative difference method test section was divided into six homogeneous subsections (Table 1). Table 1. Division of test section into homogeneous subsections Homogeneous 1 2 3 4 5 6 subsection 75+500 76+001 78+500 80+201 81+000 82+001 Chainage [km] – – – – – – 76+001 77+224 79+801 81+000 82+001 83+001 3.1. Core data Six cores (Ø 100 mm) were extracted on selected locations from each homogeneous subsection to determine pavement layers thickness. Due to damage of cement treated base layer, which on some locations is completely destroied, only the cores of asphalt surface and base layers were extracted. Determinate thickness values are shown in Table 2. Article No.2, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 15 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Josipa Domitrović, Tatjana Rukavina Application of GPR and FWD in assessing pavement bearing capacity Table 2. Asphalt layers thickness data obtained by coring Thickness [mm] Chainage [km] Asphalt surface Asphalt base Total 75+900 76+900 79+500 80+300 81+800 82+700 50 86 136 49 65 114 63 99 162 58 90 148 59 97 156 61 105 166 3.2 GPR data GPR measurements were done with two GSSI air-horn antennas, one 2,2 GHz and other 1,0 GHz. Measurements ware taken continuously for the hole section at vehicle speed between 50 and 70 km/h and with signal speed of 200 scans/sec. The processing and interpretation of gather data were done by RADAN software. Because of similar dielectric values of asphalt surface and asphalt base layers, interface between these two layers could not be distinguish, so only the total thickness of asphalt layers was determinate. Obtained layers thickness is shown in Figure 4. 3.3 FWD data Pavement deflection measurements carried out with Dynatest FWD in accordance with COST 336 Report [7]. Spacing between individual measurements was 100 m with applied impulse load of 50 kN. For each test point FWD registers pavement deflections, chainage and air temperature. Based on measured deflections elastic moduli of individual pavement layers were determinate by ELMOD6 software, separately for thickness data obtained by coring and thickness data measured by GPR. Since only the thickness of asphalt layers were obtained by coring for purpose of backcalculation process thickness of cement treated and unbound granular base layers was taken from project documentation (design thickness). Design thickness of cement treated base layer from chainage km 75+500 to km 79+800 is 200 mm and from chainage km 79+800 to km 83+000 is 250 mm. Design thickness of unbound granular base layer is 250 mm and is constant over the entire test section. Pavement layers thickness used in the backcalculaton process are shown in Figure 4. Article No.2, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 16 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Josipa Domitrović, Tatjana Rukavina Application of GPR and FWD in assessing pavement bearing capacity 900 Thickness [mm] 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Subsection 6 Subsection 5 Subsection 4 Subsection 3 Core data: asphalt layers cement treated base Subsection 2 unbound granular base GPR data: asphalt layers cement treated base unbound granular base Subsection 1 Figure 4. Pavement layers thickness used in backcalculation proces Results of calculated elastic moduli for layers thickness determinate by core and project data as well as GPR data are shown in Figures 5 and 6 respectively. Figure 5. Calculated elastic moduli with thickness data from core and project Article No.2, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 17 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Josipa Domitrović, Tatjana Rukavina Application of GPR and FWD in assessing pavement bearing capacity Figure 6. Calculated elastic moduli with thickness data from GPR 4. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS Analysis is done for layer thickness data obtain by coring and GPR method and for layer elastic moduli calculated by using thickness data obtained as described above. 4.1. Layer Thickness Total thickness of asphalt layers measured by GPR, on the entire test section, ranges from 97 mm to 185 mm with the mean value 136 mm. Mean values of pavement layers thickness for defined subsections are show in Table 2. Verification of results of continuous measurement was conducted by comparing GPR thickness at the location of cores with thickness measured on cores. Average deviation of the results of continuous measurement was 4,5 mm, thus confirming the accuracy of the thickness measurement by GPR. From Figure 4 it can be conclude that cores were not extracted from locations representative for considered subsection. In fact they were extracted at thickest (subsections 6, 5, 4 and 3) and thinnest (subsections 2 and 1) locations. Table 2. Mean layers thickness data obtained by GPR for subsections Mean thickness [mm] Homogeneous subsection 1 2 3 4 5 6 142 133 145 132 124 139 Asphalt surface+base 212 210 291 301 279 279 Cement treated base 296 320 278 274 295 271 Unbound granular base Article No.2, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 18 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Josipa Domitrović, Tatjana Rukavina Application of GPR and FWD in assessing pavement bearing capacity Thickness of cement treated base layer could not be determined by coring. Layer was completely crushed on entire test section and it was not possible to extract undisturbed samples based on which the thickness could be determined. Thickness measured by GPR ranges from 163 mm to 378 mm with mean value of 263 mm. This data was compared with the data from project documentation. Mean value on observed sections is close to value from project documentation but it does not cover wide range of thicknesses obtained by GPR (Figure 4). Thickness of unbound granular base layer determinate by GPR ranges from 123 mm to 505 mm and the mean value is 289 mm. Such large range of thicknesses is result of inability to clearly distinguish the boundary between unbound granular base layer and subgrade, due to penetration of small particles of subgrade material into unbound granular material. 4.2 Layer elastic moduli Elastic moduli of asphalt layers calculated for GPR thickness data range from 1200 MPa to maximum of 11500 MPa, and for core thickness data from 1300 MPa to 10500 MPa. On the most part of the test section, values of elastic moduli for both thickness data range from 4000 to 5000. These are characteristic values of asphalt layers elastic moduli regarding their structure, age and condition. Elastic moduli of cement treated base layer calculated for GPR thickness data range from 500 MPa to 12500 MPa with the mean value of 3000 MPa, and for design thickness data from 500 MPa to 9500 MPa with the mean value of 3300 MPa. On the entire test section elastic moduli for both thickness data mostly vary between 1000 MPa and 3000 MPa. This shows that layer has lost its structural integrity and its characteristics resemble unbound granular layer. Elastic moduli of unbound granular layer on the entire test section mostly vary between 100 MPa and 150 MPa. For project thickness data minimum value is 50 MPa and maximum value is 650 MPa, and for GPR data minimum and maximum values are 50 and 850 respectively. This wide rane of elastic moduli indicates uneven layer quality. On some locations quality of unbound granular material is identical to quality of subgrade material. Subgrade elastic moduli for both thickness data vary from 40 MPa to 150 MPa. Mean value on entire test section is 80 MPa, which corresponds to CBR of 8% and defines subgrade with good bearing capacity. From the Table 3, it can be seen that the backcalculated layer moduli for asphalt layers and cement treated layer based on the GPR thickness data are generally lower then layer moduli calculated based on the core/design thickness Article No.2, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 19 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Josipa Domitrović, Tatjana Rukavina Application of GPR and FWD in assessing pavement bearing capacity data. Elastic moduli of unbound granular base layer are on all subsections higher for GPR thickness data compared with moduli calculated for design thickness. Subgrade moduli for both thickness data are similar and put subgrade of each subsection into same bearing capacity rank. Core GPR Table 3. Calculated mean values of elastic layer moduli for subsections Elastic moduli [MPa] Homogeneuos subsection 1 2 3 4 5 6 1786 3935 6229 4167 4006 4657 Asphalt surface+base 690 1554 4030 1897 2677 4152 Cement treated base 190 292 126 99 153 229 Unbound granular base 57 63 97 87 96 113 Subgrade 1936 3650 6657 4088 4736 5443 Asphalt surface+base 834 3302 4364 2159 2326 4049 Cement treated base 133 118 115 109 87 194 Unbound granular base 52 65 86 78 102 99 Subgrade 5. CONCLUSIONS Estimation of pavement bearing capacity is first step necessary to calculate pavement remaining life and is main input parameter for most pavement reinforcement design methods. Contemporary techniques for estimation of pavement bearing capacity include measurement of pavement deflections by FWD device and interpretation of so collected data by backcalculation process to determine layers elastic moduli. Application of this techniques enabled distance from known empirical pavement reinforcement design methods. By knowing the in situ elastic moduli of individual layer it is possible to optimize calculation of pavement remaining life and pavement reinforcement design. Main input parameters in backcalculation process are pavement deflections and layer thickness which can be determinate by coring (localized) or measured by GPR device (continuous). Comparing values of elastic moduli obtained through backcalculation process by ELMOD6 software for two cases, first in which layers thickness was obtained by coring and second in which layers thickness was obtained by GPR, it was concluded that there are certain Article No.2, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 20 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Josipa Domitrović, Tatjana Rukavina Application of GPR and FWD in assessing pavement bearing capacity differences in calculated elastic moduli values but they are not so significant to discard values obtain based on thickness data from cores. For design purposes, if the GPR device is not available, it is possible to use thickness data from cores. However, since there is a tendency in reinforcement projects to apply recycling methods and use recycled materials, knowing the continuous thickness of asphalt layers is essential in order to determine the optimum thickness available for milling and thus achieve optimization of recycling process. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study is a contribution to the EU funded COST Action TU1208, "Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar". REFERENCES [1]. J. WENZLICK, T. SCULLONO, K.R. MASER: “High Accuracy Pavement Thickness Measurement Using Ground Penetrating Radar”, Missouri Department of Transportation Research, Development and Technology Division, February 1999. [2]. M.OŽBOLT, T. RUKAVINA, J.DOMITROVIĆ: “Comparison of pavement layer thickness measured by GPR and conventional methods”, The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge engineering, vol.7, no.1, 2012. [3]. T. SATTENKETO: “Timo, Electrical properties of road materials and subgrade soils and the use of Ground Penetrating Radar in traffic infrastructure surveys”, Faculty of Science, Department of Geosciences, University of Oulu, Finland, 2006. [4]. S. FONTUL: “Structural Evaluation of Flexible Pavements Using Non-Destructive Tests”, PhD thesis, LNEC, Lisabon, Portugal, 2004. [5]. F.ZHOU, T. SCULLION: “Guidelines for evaluation of existing pavements for HMA overlay”, Report 0-5123-2, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas, November 2006. [6]. S. ALAVI, J.F. LECATES, M.P. TAVARES: “Falling Weight Deflectometer Usage, A Synthesis of Highway Practice”, NCHRP Synthesis 381, Sierra Transportation Engineers, Inc.Reno, Nevada, 2008. [7]. “Use of Falling Weight Deflectometers in Pavement Evaluation”, COST 336, European Commission, Directorate General Transport, April 2005. Article No.2, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 21 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE THE INFLUENCE OF VISIBILITY CONDITIONS IN HORIZONTAL ROAD CURVES ON THE EFFICIENCY OF NOISE PROTECTION BARRIERS Tamara Džambas, Assistant, MCE, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Fra Andrije Kačića-Miošića 26, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected] Saša Ahac, Sc. novice, MCE, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Fra Andrije Kačića-Miošića 26, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected] Vesna Dragčević, Prof., PhdCE, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Fra Andrije Kačića-Miošića 26, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Ensuring sufficient visibility on planned roads by sight distance testing is an integral part of every project, but problems with visibility can emerge when noise barriers are erected on existing roads. Namely, in order to provide sufficient noise protection, high noise barriers are often placed at minimum distance from the carriageway edge, and additional visibility testing in most cases is not carried out. Research described in this paper consists of stopping sight distance tests conducted by means of specialized road design software MX Road, and noise barrier optimization conducted by means of specialized noise prediction software LimA using static noise calculation method RLS 90. The aim of this research is to establish whether the required stopping sight distance on road sections where minimum design parameters are applied can be achieved if the noise barrier is placed at minimum distance from the carriageway edge, and to establish whether the optimized dimensions of planned noise protection barrier will change if the barrier is placed on larger distance from the noise source, which is, in this case, the existing road. Keywords: visibility, horizontal curves, noise protection barriers 1. INTRODUCTION Considering the fact that drivers receive 95% of all information from the environment by sense of sight and that the lack of visibility is direct or indirect cause of almost 40% of all traffic accidents on suburban roads [1], it can be stated with certainty that a significant role in road design belongs to sight distance testing. In this paper stopping sight distance on horizontal curves was observed. This important safety factor is ensured by removing all obstacles from visibility field on the inside of a horizontal curve; traffic noise protection barriers are no exception. Barriers are often placed at minimum distance from carriageway edge of existing roads while additional visibility testing in most cases is not carried out. Article No.3, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 22 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Tamara Džambas, Saša Ahac, Vesna Dragčević The influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers In order to increase road traffic safety with simultaneous implementation of noise protection, necessary to improve the life quality of residents in the vicinity of roads, tests described in this paper were carried out. Sight distance testing was conducted by specialized road design software MX Road, and barrier optimization by specialized noise prediction software LimA. Tests were performed on eight road models with different curve deflection angles - from 20º to 90º. 2. VISIBILITY CONDITIONS IN HORIZONTAL ROAD CURVES Term “visibility” implies a certain area in which there are no obstructions of the driver’s line of sight, [2]. Visibility is determined by infliction of horizontal and vertical alignment, namely minimum radius of horizontal and vertical curves. In engineering practice there are two different lengths of visibility: stopping sight distance and overtaking sight distance, [3]. It is considered that ensuring of stopping sight distance is basic factor of road traffic safety. According to [3], stopping sight distance is equal to the vehicles stopping distance, and therefore it must be ensured at all road sections, horizontally and vertically, for both driving directions. This research is focused only on visibility conditions in horizontal road curves. Elements of stopping sight distance are sight distance length (P z), sight distance width (b), and horizontal curve radius (Rmin), which is in direct correlation with driving speed Vr. Elements of stopping sight distance are shown in Figure 1. Sight distance length is defined as a tendon that connects the point of driver’s eye position in vehicle and fixed obstacle which driver must perceive. Driver’s eye is placed at the height of 1 meter above road surface, and at the distance of 1.5 m from the edge of the driving lane (“driving line”), [3]. Fixed obstacle is also placed in driving line, at height of 20-25 cm, depending on driving speed, [3]. Sight distance width is determined at maximum distance between tendon and driving line, and can be calculated by equation, [3]: Pz2 [m] (1) 8R Values of stopping sight distance length and width, depending on driving speed Vr, are given in Table 1, [3]. These values refer only for roads with longitudinal grade 0%. b Article No.3, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 23 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Tamara Džambas, Saša Ahac, Vesna Dragčević The influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers Figure 1. Elements of horizontal stopping sight distance Table 1. Values of sight distance elements for driving speed 30-120 km/h Vr [km/h] 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Rmin [m] 25 45 75 120 175 250 350 450 600 750 Pz [m] 25 35 50 70 90 120 150 190 230 280 b [m] 2.9 3.6 4.3 5.1 6.0 7.1 8.3 9.9 11.3 13.3 Required horizontal stopping sight distance can be achieved by removing all obstacles from visibility field - by clearing of vegetation, banning of construction near the road, additional excavation or placing the supporting wall. If there are road sections where sight distance cannot be achieved by these procedures, driving speed must be limited to values where sight distance is ensured (Table 1). Ensuring sufficient visibility on planned roads by sight distance testing is an integral part of every project, but problems with visibility can emerge when noise barriers, as the most prevalent measures of noise protection, are erected on existing roads. Sound barriers are purpose made obstacles placed in areas that must be protected from traffic (or any kind of) noise. They can be of various types, design, materials and acoustic performances, depending on required level of noise protection. Traffic noise protection barriers are placed between source of the noise (road) and the receiver (protected object). For the optimal performance of barrier it is necessary to place it as close as possible to the noise source. This can be explained as follows. Straight expansion path of sound wave that spreads from noise source to receiver is changed by placing barrier between them (Fig. 2). Depending on barrier characteristics, some of the sound waves are reflected, some are absorbed, part is transmitted, and at the barrier top diffraction occurs. Article No.3, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 24 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Tamara Džambas, Saša Ahac, Vesna Dragčević The influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers With increase of the diffraction angle (angle between direct and diffracted sound wave shown at Figure 2) i.e. decrease of the distance from noise source, the energy of the diffracted wave is also decreased, and barrier is more efficient. This research refers to the examination of whether barrier shifting from minimum distance from carriageway edge for amount of required sight distance width has influence on its efficiency apropos optimized dimensions. Figure 2. Change of sound wave direction caused by barrier [4] 3. VISIBILITY TESTING Stopping sight distance testing was conducted by specialized road design software MX Road, using the analysis module „Through Visibility“. This module is utilised to assess visibility along a road using plan, profile and perspective views simultaneously. In accordance with input data for driver’s eye position, target position, required stopping sight distance length and obstacle beside the road, MX Road determines cross sections with unfulfilled sight distance. Article No.3, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 25 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Tamara Džambas, Saša Ahac, Vesna Dragčević The influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers 3.1. Road models for visibility testing Visibility tests were performed on eight horizontal curves with the same (minimum) radii, but different curve deflection angles - from 20º to 90º, with angle interval of 10º (Fig. 3). In order to simplify the road models, surrounding terrain was designed as flat surface, and roads were situated on 2 meter high embankment. Design speed of 80 km/h was presumed, which resulted in required sight distance length of 120 meters, required minimum radius of 250 m, transition length of 60 m, and cross section elements as shown in Figure 4. All analysed road models have longitudinal grade of 0%, and cross section grade of 2.5% in straight sections i.e. 7% in curve sections. Figure 3. Visibility testing models with various curve deflection angles Five meters high noise barrier located at minimum required distance of 1.5 meters from the carriageway edge at the inside of a road curve is taken as input parameter for visibility field restriction. Minimum distance from carriageway edge is required to provide space for placing the road guard rails and barrier maintenance. Considering the above, visibility tests are performed only for ride through the inner side of curve. Article No.3, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 26 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Tamara Džambas, Saša Ahac, Vesna Dragčević The influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers Figure 4. Cross section of visibility testing models 3.2. Visibility test results MX Road visibility test results are given graphically in a form of visibility envelope, which represents the border of visibility field (Fig. 5), and numerically by lengths of road sections on which required sight distance wasn’t achieved. Figure 5. Visibility test results for road with deflection angle 90º With barrier placed at minimum distance from carriageway edge, stopping sight distance was not achieved in any of eight testing models. Visibility tests also showed that length of road sections with unfulfilled sight distance grow with increasing deflection angle value (Table 2, Fig. 6). Additionally, maximum displacements of barrier for every examined deflection angle are smaller than values defined by regulations (4.1 m). Article No.3, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 27 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Tamara Džambas, Saša Ahac, Vesna Dragčević The influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers Deflection angle [°] 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Table 2. Visibility test results Maximum displacement Length of road sections with of barrier [m] unfulfilled sight distance [m] 2.56 80 3.71 130 3.97 170 4.05 220 4.06 270 4.02 310 4.02 350 4.00 390 Figure 6. Relation visibility-deflection angle value 4. NOISE BARRIER EFFICIENCY TESTING Barrier dimensioning was carried out by optimization procedure through specialized noise prediction software LimA, using static noise calculation method RLS 90, as described below. 4.1. Input data for barrier optimization Traffic noise level calculation model consists of digital 3D terrain model and acoustic data about noise source, noise spreading direction and barrier characteristics. 3D terrain model in this research was composed of digital relief model and digital road model. Article No.3, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 28 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Tamara Džambas, Saša Ahac, Vesna Dragčević The influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers In order to examine the influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers, two different digital terrain models were created. First model consists of eight road models with same cross sections used for visibility testing in MX Road (Fig. 3). In second model, in order to take into the account the widening of road bank needed to achieve sufficient visibility on analysed horizontal curves, all road side banks were expanded to visibility envelopes. According to this, two groups of barrier optimization procedures were conducted: for barrier placed at minimum distance from carriageway edge (1.5 m), and for barrier placed on the outside edge of the widened road bank (Fig. 7). Figure 7. Models used for testing of barriers efficiency For all road models following input data was applied. Noise source is defined as line source positioned 0.5 m above driving surface in road axis. Road is described as regional with AADT value 7000, 10% of heavy vehicles and driving speed of 80 km/h. Determination of barrier dimensions by optimization procedure is performed by locating of control receptor and by setting barrier parameters and initial location. In this research, control receptor was positioned at 25 meters from noise source at the inner side of a curve (Fig. 7). According to [5], noise levels used to optimize noise barriers are: 65 dB(A) for day and evening period (day 07-19 h, evening 19-23 h) and 50 dB(A) for night period (night 23-07 h). Barrier was erected 200 m along the road at a distance of 1.5 m from carriageway edge i.e. in visibility envelope. It consists of 4 m long and up to 5 m Article No.3, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 29 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Tamara Džambas, Saša Ahac, Vesna Dragčević The influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers high elements sorted in 20 m long groups of same height (Fig. 8). Height increment between groups is 0.5 m. Figure 8. Input parameters for barrier optimization procedure 4.2. Test results Barrier height and length values, necessary to reduce noise levels in receptor to prescribed value, are obtained by optimization procedure. Additionally, optimized barrier areas are calculated, as shown in Table 3. A1 are dimensions of barriers placed at minimum distance from carriageway edge, and A2 are dimensions of barriers placed in visibility envelope. Test results indicate that some dimensions increased, some decreased and some stayed unchanged due to distancing from a road. Maximum difference between areas A1 and A2 is approximately 30 m2. Test results also showed that changes in barrier dimensions are not associated with deflection angle values (Fig. 10). Figure 9. Graphic result of barrier optimisation procedure Article No.3, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 30 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Tamara Džambas, Saša Ahac, Vesna Dragčević The influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers Table 3. Comparison of barrier optimization results Deflection angle [°] A1 [m2] A2 [m2] ΔA [m2] 20 220 230 -10 30 190 210 -20 40 190 180 10 50 208 180 28 60 190 190 0 70 196 210 -14 80 180 180 0 90 200 180 20 Figure 10. Relation barrier dimensions-deflection angle value 5. CONCLUSIONS Considering the fact that visibility is one of the most essential factors of road traffic safety, stopping sight distance at all road sections must be ensured; this also applies to sections with noise protection barriers. Lack of visibility is not an issue at new roads where noise barriers are planned and erected in accordance with road project that includes visibility testing and determination of land expropriation width. Problems can emerge at the existing roads, especially those placed in low profile embankments, where area for road construction is already redeemed and barrier placement to the outer edge of the visibility field is often not possible. The main goal of the research presented in this paper was to establish if required stopping sight distance in road curves with minimum radius can be achieved when noise protection barrier is placed at minimum distance from carriageway edge. Another goal was to determine whether the barrier Article No.3, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 31 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Tamara Džambas, Saša Ahac, Vesna Dragčević The influence of visibility conditions in horizontal road curves on the efficiency of noise protection barriers displacement to the outer edge of the visibility field on the inside of a curve, that should be conducted in order to achieve minimum required visibility, has any influence on its optimized dimensions. Visibility test results showed that required stopping sight distance with barrier placed at minimum distance from carriageway edge isn’t achieved on any of eight testing models; and secondly that visibility is reduced with increasing deflection angle value. Barrier optimization results showed that barrier distancing from carriageway edge has minor impact on its optimized dimensions. Based on these results it can be concluded that ensuring the visibility in horizontal road curves has negligible influence on the efficiency of noise protection barriers i.e. on barrier construction costs. If barrier is placed at minimum distance from carriageway edge (mostly due to described problem with existing roads), additional visibility testing must be carried out and driving speed should be limited to values where required stopping sight distance is ensured. In accordance with that, driving speed presumed in this research should be decreased for approximately 38%. Tests performed in this research should be carried out on a larger number of models with different input parameters in order to show whether conclusions obtained in this paper can be applicable to all cases, or just on particular testing model. REFERNCES [1]. LJ. ŠIMUNOVIĆ: „Road visibility”, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Zagreb, 2011. [2]. „The Law on Road Traffic Safety”, Official Gazette 74/2011. [3]. „Regulations about basic terms that public suburban roads and their elements must comply from traffic safety aspects”, Official Gazette 110/2001. [4]. Environmental Protection Department & Highway Department: „Guidelines on design of Noise Barriers”, Government of the Hong Kong SAR, Second Issue, 2003. [5]. „Regulations about highest noise levels in territory where people live and work”, Official Gazette 145/2004. Article No.3, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 32 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE BALANCED CANTILEVER GIRDER BRIDGE OVER THE DANUBE-BLACK SEA CHANNEL Aldo Giordano, PH.D. Professor of Structural Engineering, ITALROM Inginerie Internationala, e-mail: [email protected] Giorgio Pedrazzi, Chief Structural Engineer, ITALROM Inginerie Internationala, e-mail: [email protected] Giovanni Voiro, Structural Engineer, ITALROM Inginerie Internationala, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract This paper describes the design and construction of a “balanced cantilever girder” bridge over the Danube-Black Sea channel, characterized by a central span of 155m with two symmetrical side spans of 77.5m. The total length of the bridge, including portions of the abutments support, is 312.0m. The bridge main features, from calculation as well as construction points of view, are in particular the post-tensioning tendons, distributed both a top and bottom sides of the section along the bridge. The former ones play a key role in the construction phase, for the need of counterbalancing selfweight while subsequent segments are realized. Tendons are symmetrical about midspan, with anchors positioned at the end of each segment. Bridge deck is supported by two piers outfitted with friction pendulum seismic bearings, which develop friction both in static conditions to withstand static forces and small displacements, and in dynamic conditions, causing dissipation. Under severe earthquake load all structures (deck and piers) develop only elastic behavior. This papers presents a detailed review of the design process as well as a time journey during construction Keywords:, FE non linear analysis, seismic isolation, time-dependent material properties, staged construction, balanced cantilever bridge 1. INTRODUCTION This bridge is “balanced cantilever girder” type and it is characterized by a central 155m span, with two side symmetric 77.5m spans. The total length of the bridge, including segments at abutments supports, is 312.0m. The deck shows varying-depth through the spans, provided by a curved soffit, which characterize the typical parabolic shape of the deck girder. The depth of the deck cross section varies from a maximum value of 10.0m, at the pier axis, to a minimum value of 2.40m, at the mid span and the abutments supports. Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 33 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Aldo Giordano, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Giovanni Voiro, Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube – Black Sea channel The upper slab is 14.75m wide and transversally inclined at 2.5%, same as the road transverse slope. The upper slab shows a variable thickness from a minimum of 25cm, at the center of the box girder section, to a maximum of 45cm, at two intermediate web supports. The box girder section is characterized by a depth of the bottom slab of variable thickness, which is maximum near the pier to keep the compression at the bottom fiber compressions below the maximum allowable at this location. The thickness of the concrete webs is 30cm for the center spans segments and 40cm segments closest to pier segments . Figure 1. Plan scheme of the bridges The deck is characterized by internal tendons, positioned in the top and bottom slab. The upper tendons play an important role during construction phases because of their counterbalance action against the activation of segments self-weight, then to reduce the vertical deflection of the free cantilever under gravity loads. The upper tendons are symmetric to the pier, with a linear path in the upper slab and short vertical deviation near the tendon end anchorages. The tendon anchorages are located at the end of each segment in both web at top position, where it has been defined a wider thickness zone up to 70cm.The lower tendons, activated at the end of free cantilever construction stage, are located along bottom slab. The tendon end anchorages are located in specific r.c. internal blisters. The lower tendon layout is symmetric at mid central span and located at end of side spans.The bridge deck is supported by two piers and two abutments through seismic bearings. At each support there are two bearings type Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 34 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Aldo Giordano, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Giovanni Voiro, Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube – Black Sea channel “friction pendulum” which develop friction both in static condition, to asses static forces and small displacements, and dynamic condition, providing dissipation. Under rare seismic load all structures (deck and elevations) develop only elastic behavior, because dissipation provided by seismic bearings. As precaution at piers support a shear key by r.c. is located to prevent deck overtaking. Figure 2. The bridges in their final configuration Peer 1 and 2 are characterized by same shape but different height, respectively 17.40m and 16.15m. The pier has hollow rectangular section with 8.0m transverse and 6.0m longitudinal external dimensions and 60-80cm web thickness. At the top of the pier there is a pier cap, of same external dimensions of pier current section and 2.0m height. At the top of pier cap are located two bearing r.c. block that transfer the vertical and horizontal deck reactions. Piers base section is connected to an r.c. massive rectangular footing, of 11.0mx13.0m dimensions and 2.0m thickness, which is founded to a ring of diaphragm walls able to transfer to the ground, the static and seismic forces coming from the superstructure. Both abutments are spill-through type. The reason of this choice of because of the relevant height of the back embankment, that reach 8.8m in SP1 and 10.5m in SP2, and the high seismic action that could be developed by a traditional full abutment wall. The abutment structure has a top beam seat of L shape that is connected to the back wall. The beam seat collect bridge deck vertical and horizontal reactions, through bearing seismic devices, and earth backfill pressure of the Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 35 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Aldo Giordano, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Giovanni Voiro, Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube – Black Sea channel embankment. The beam seat is supported by a number of shear walls of rectangular section, 1.0m thickness and 4.3m length, aligned with longitudinal deck axis. Each shear wall is founded, trough an intermediate footing r.c. beam h=1.5m, to two deep diaphragm walls that transfer to the ground the static and seismic loading due to superstructure and earth pressures. The seismic design of the bridge has been assessed through refined analysis. In details it has been assumed that under extreme seismic actions (Ultimate Limit State) the bridge develop dissipation at “friction pendulum” bearings. 2. ANALYSIS The bridge have been analyzed by detailed finite element models to assess the structural behavior of the deck, piers and abutments and the different applied load/boundary condition. The global bridge finite element model is characterized by “beam” elements of different geometry according to the variable shape of the bridge deck and piers. Figure 3. views of the 3D finite element model Besides the global model of the bridge, different models were created to analyze every part of the bridge structure, which requires a more detailed analysis. For this reason, segments and abutments were analyzed separately. The following figures display the model in the different phases. Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 36 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Aldo Giordano, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Giovanni Voiro, Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube – Black Sea channel Global finite element model of the bridge is characterized by “beam” elements with different geometry, suitably variable form of the bridge deck and piers. Different phases of construction of the bridge were considered to enable / disable loading - bridge segments - limits - prestressing and development timedependent material properties. Figure 4. views of the 3D finite element model during staged construction analyses Twenty steps averall have been taken into account, and the time-varing material properties have been introduced in the constitutive model in order to account for long term effects. The used model for evaluating time effect is of course the CEB-FIP one, represente by the following picture: Of course, thermal effect have been taken into account both for what concerns daily and seasonal variations. Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 37 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Aldo Giordano, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Giovanni Voiro, Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube – Black Sea channel Figure 5. CEB-FIP creep model Special attention have been paid to the modeling of the bearing devices, which are of the friction pendulum type, as shown in the following pictures. Figure 6. Friction pendulum isolator with cyclic behavior Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 38 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Aldo Giordano, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Giovanni Voiro, Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube – Black Sea channel Figure 6. Friction pendulum as modeled in the software program A very interesting possibility from the computational point of view is the possibility provided by the software of considering in each construction stage the presence and/or activation of the post-tensioning cables, which are a special characteristic of this kind of bridges, with proper constitutive model for the steel, which also takes into account time effect. Figure 7. Post tensioning cables Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 39 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Aldo Giordano, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Giovanni Voiro, Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube – Black Sea channel Figure 8. Post tensioning cables at intrados Once the finite element model had been set up and analyzed under all the construction stages, the code-required conventional loads have been applied, as summarized in the following pictures, which, for paper length limits, cannot cover each and every load considered. Figure 9. Some static load conditions Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 40 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Aldo Giordano, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Giovanni Voiro, Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube – Black Sea channel Figure 10. Additional loading conditions For the seismic analyses, the model is characterized by the use of bridge supports of the “friction pendulum” type both at piers and abutment of the bridge. In the equivalent linear analysis, elastic constraints with the following stiffness have been taken into account. Piers K = 16.345 kN / m Abutements K = 1.960 kN / m Subsequently, linear analyses using earthquake spectra provided by the Eurocodes + National annexes have been used performed. In the following figure, one of the vibration modes is depicted, and the vibration periods are indicated in the relevant table. Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 41 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Aldo Giordano, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Giovanni Voiro, Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube – Black Sea channel Figure 11. 8th vibration mode (first vertical mode) Mod Nr. Fequency (rad/sec) Frequency Period (cycle/sec) (sec) Tolerancy 1 2.581187 0.410809 2.434223 0.00E+00 2 2.68343 0.427081 2.341475 0.00E+00 3 2.693086 0.428618 2.33308 0.00E+00 4 3.451769 0.549366 1.82028 0.00E+00 5 4.049886 0.644559 1.551448 0.00E+00 6 7.689985 1.223899 0.817061 0.00E+00 7 8.134612 1.294664 0.772401 0.00E+00 8 12.54926 1.997277 0.500682 0.00E+00 9 15.06868 2.398254 0.41697 0.00E+00 The global analyses have been completed with more refined ones, performed on different parts of the structure, for which local models have been set up and subjected to properly arranged loads. For space reasons, only a few of such models have been reported in the following figures, along with some relevant results in terms of stresses and equivalent internal forces. Figure 12. Partial model of a segment Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 42 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Aldo Giordano, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Giovanni Voiro, Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube – Black Sea channel Figure 13. Additional partial models Figure 14. Some results in terms internal forces and stresses Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 43 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Aldo Giordano, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Giovanni Voiro, Balanced cantilever girder bridge over the Danube – Black Sea channel 4. ERECTION Once all the design aspect have been suitably treated, a very detailed method statement for construction, and subsequent testing, has been established in order to respect the analysis assumption in each phase of the erection, that for this kind of bridge play a key role. The following figures show some of the construction phases. Figure 11. Come construction phases 5. CONCLUSIONS This paper, within the limits of these few pages, describes the process the authors have followed in the design of a composite steel-concrete viaduct with some peculiar characteristics. The approach followed has made possible a particularly cost effective realization, while at the same time retaining very good structural performances and beautiful aesthetics. Some concepts, such as shape effects and extensive use of non-linear analysis, have helped in streamlining the process balancing the allegedly opposite needs of cost saving and structural performance. Article No.4, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 44 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE INCREASE THE SAFETY OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS BY APPLYING CLUSTERING Goran Kos, D Sc, Institute for Tourism, Vrhovec 5, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected] Predrag Brlek, M Sc, University of Applied Sciences Nikola Tesla, Bana Ivana Karlovica 16, HR-53000 Gospic, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected] Kristijan Meic, B Sc, Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Krapinska 45, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected] Kresimir Vidovic, B Sc, Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Krapinska 45, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract In terms of continual increase of number of traffic accidents and alarming trend of increasing number of traffic accidents with catastrophic consequences for human life and health, it is necessary to actively research and develop methods to combat these trends. One of the measures is the implementation of advanced information systems in existing traffic environment. Accidents clusters, as databases of traffic accidents, introduce a new dimension in traffic systems in the form of experience, providing information on current accidents and the ones that have previously occurred in a given period. This paper proposes a new approach to predictive management of traffic processes, based on the collection of data in real time and is based on accidents clusters. The modern traffic information services collects road traffic status data from a wide variety of traffic sensing systems using modern ICT technologies, creating the most accurate road traffic situation awareness achieved so far. Road traffic situation awareness enhanced by accident clusters' data can be visualized and distributed in various ways (including the forms of dynamic heat maps) and on various information platforms, suiting the requirements of the end-users. Accent is placed on their significant features that are based on additional knowledge about existing traffic processes and distribution of important traffic information in order to prevent and reduce traffic accidents. Keywords: accident cluster, traffic information system, road traffic safety 1. INTRODUCTION Even though numerous measures are taken to decrease the number of accidents, it is still necessary to invent new approaches to tacking road safety. Based in essence on the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) collect the information on road traffic status from various sources, creating general situation awareness in near-real time. Road accidents data is currently being collected with traditional methods for statistical prediction of irregularities and dangers on the roads. Traditional Article No.5, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 45 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Goran Kos, Predrag Brlek, Kristijan Meic, Kresimir Vidovic, Increase the safety of road. Traffic accidents by applying clustering methods that are based on various detectors require additional infrastructure investment and maintenance along transport corridors. Ease of Internet information access on different platforms significantly expands the available information and the ultimate benefit is much higher. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new methods of analysis to perform sanation of dangerous spots by changing driver’s perspective. In this way, participants in traffic can promptly, clearly and unambiguously, in adverse conditions, spot the danger on the road and thus avoid accidents. The development of information technology and the development of precise radio navigation systems have opened a wide range of possibilities of implementing geographic information systems and have made GIS-oriented applications available to a wider circle of users. GIS-oriented applications enable connecting of different types of data in order to realize complex analyses. 2. INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR COLLECTING AND ANALYZING DATA ON TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS The main purpose of the service for the collection and analysis of traffic and other information relevant to safe traffic is to make mobility safe and controlled traffic on all sequences. Intelligent Transportation Systems inform participants about the upcoming traffic situation, such as tips for drivers or passengers, personal navigation, congestion on the road, information on incidents or toll. The primary purpose of the integration of information systems and the traffic itself is to increase safety of all participants in road traffic. At the end of the process chain to raise awareness of passengers and / or drivers of the need for increased road safety is user focused distribution and visualization of traffic information. Information systems for traffic management must be capable of adaptive activity in real time in order to be maximally effective. Good and dynamic adaptive control of traffic flow reduces the possibility of incidental events that significantly increases safety on the roads. Such information systems consist of the following components: • The transmission system (the fiber optic transmission system) • A system for collecting and processing information • Multimedia system for disseminating information • Center management. These components should support the process of collecting, processing and distributing traffic information. The system for collecting and processing the Article No.5, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 46 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Goran Kos, Predrag Brlek, Kristijan Meic, Kresimir Vidovic, Increase the safety of road. Traffic accidents by applying clustering collected information gives accurate and relevant information on traffic accidents and adjusts format delivery information form to be useful and understanding to the end user. This system involves the availability of traffic information to end users through the following media: - Television, radio and internet portals - Mobile devices (WEB / WAP, SMS, MMS) - Electronic displays. 3. DATA RELATED ACCIDENT CLUSTER ESTIMATION Highway engineers and traffic police generally know of the tendency for road accidents to cluster together at certain locations, commonly termed “accident black spots”. Two common methods for tracking high risk sites are: • List – based on accident statistics, a list is drafted indicating concentrations with the highest frequency of accidents involving injury. The list is then divided into junctions and road links, the latter specifying the number of accidents involving injury per kilometer. • Inventory map – usually managed by the road owner or road authority, this is regularly updated map with a record of all accidents. Each new accident is located on the map with a color pin and the color of the pin varies according to the seriousness (injury/fatality) of the accident. This provides a quick way to visualize the most dangerous spots and sections of roads. In the context of traffic management, an accident cluster is a group of clustered data points which are indicative of high accident locations. Accident clusters are used to present a group of geospatially organized traffic data based on traffic accident dataset. The main part of an accident cluster is based on historic traffic accident reports collected through defined time period. The cluster is constantly updated with new reports which are collected using the semantic web. It searches specified web sites which announces new traffic accidents daily and collects needed data; street address, accident description and type. The cluster is being updated with new data, latitude and longitude are matched and map is refreshed. Article No.5, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 47 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Goran Kos, Predrag Brlek, Kristijan Meic, Kresimir Vidovic, Increase the safety of road. Traffic accidents by applying clustering Figure 1. Inventory maps The result is a constantly evolving map that can be visualized with markers or heat map (Fig 1) reflecting near real-time traffic conditions, which can considerably enhance spatial and situational awareness through the distribution in various ways and platforms, such as dynamic heat maps themselves, plain text, IPTV broadcasts, still images, location-based services based on mobile communication networks, RDS, electronic panels along the roads etc [4]. Accident cluster map can be visualized either using mobile devices or on desktop computers. Heat maps are especially useful in presenting the results of cluster analysis where observations are assigned into subsets so that observations in the same cluster are similar in some sense. Accordingly, accident clusters are used to present a group of geospatially organized traffic data based on historic knowledge of traffic accidents. Accident clusters have been traditionally used alongside with heat maps to gradually improve traffic safety and increase the awareness my marking dangerous roads with road signs limiting speed, alerting to sharp turn and similar. Since accident clusters have always been considered a component of traffic statistics due to their long-term nature, their use in dynamic traffic conditions has been questionable due to ever evolving nature of traffic conditions [3]. Heat maps and accident clusters cannot predict potentially dangerous dynamic conditions based on historical statistics alone. Therefore it is necessary to include a variety of near real-time traffic data such as location of accident data received from various sources or the estimation of the accident clusters. Article No.5, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 48 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Goran Kos, Predrag Brlek, Kristijan Meic, Kresimir Vidovic, Increase the safety of road. Traffic accidents by applying clustering Figure 2. Accident cluster presented using heat map for the City of Zagreb 4. METHODS FOR SANATION OF DANGEROUS SPOTS After collecting data on traffic accidents, it is necessary to choose a dangerous location and approach to it’s sanation. If we look at the locations of accidents in relation to road locations, we observe the following: • There are road sections with an extremely low accident rate (from the statistical point of view) in long periods of time; • There are short road sections with maximum traffic accident rates, in relation to equal traffic intensity; • Research of geometrical road components (situational elements: courses, curves, transitions, elements of longitudinal and transversal profiles) shows the presence of the same elements both on sections with low (zero) and on those with high accident rates). Article No.5, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 49 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Goran Kos, Predrag Brlek, Kristijan Meic, Kresimir Vidovic, Increase the safety of road. Traffic accidents by applying clustering General perspective, based on the total road environment information, might not be in proportion with the information indicating danger. This mostly boils down to three characteristic situations: 1) The driver does not recognize clearly enough the road extension perspective, does not slow down and is a potential, or sometimes even the actual cause of the accident 2) The driver does not recognize, or does not recognize soon enough, a traffic priority situation at the crossroads, which causes an accident due to disrespecting of the right way, passing through the red light or sudden braking 3) Insufficient perceptibility of a moving vehicle (with bad or no lights at all, at night, at sunset, but also during the day), and various obstacles between a vehicle and a pedestrian. Up to now, this problem has been solved with the use of mathematical, graphic, field and photographic method. The new sanation method, using georeferenced video, lowers field costs, increases accuracy and raises safety. To obtain the right information on a possible relationship between the driver and his environment, it is necessary to take video movie with GPS coordinates of the danger spot according to the prepared plan. A detailed analysis of the area outlook and the road environment from driver’s point of view, point at the possible perception “defects”, which prevent the driver from realizing a danger on the road clearly and on time. Modern computer technology theoretically enables simulation of the road’s outlook and it’s environment from the driver’s point of view, based on the data gathered from the road project documentation. Analysis of video, from various distances on accesses to the danger spot, from driver’s point of view, provides the opportunity for impartial judgment on some or most of the probable causes of an accident. These methods helped improve eight extremely dangerous spots on the main road network in Croatia. The improvements needed to make an entire road network or hazardous site safer often cost little but can result in huge benefits in terms of reduced incidence of road crash and injury. The injured rate and the total number of accidents were reduced by 30 - 70%. 5. CONCLUSION On a wide range of transport systems, from road and public transportation to major traffic infrastructure systems, information systems play a very important role in the prevention, early warning, and reduce the effects of traffic accidents. Article No.5, Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, Vol.2, 2013, No.2 50 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Goran Kos, Predrag Brlek, Kristijan Meic, Kresimir Vidovic, Increase the safety of road. Traffic accidents by applying clustering The development of intelligent transport systems, as well as the application of information and communication technologies, will certainly contribute to the increase in road safety. 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