The Wingfoot Clan - New Toronto Historical Society


The Wingfoot Clan - New Toronto Historical Society
To teach through quizzing
driver safety program's aim
in a series of driver accident prevention quizzes for Clan
readers. Each month there will be a different and dangerous situation confronting you. Whether or not you would
survive depends a great deal on your answers in the quiz,
for they indicate how you would react. The quizzes are designed not only to test your knowledge but to teach you
how to handle these dangerous situations. Answers to this
one are on page four.
Driver Actident Prevention
Part of the Memory belt conveyor system being installed at Dominion Stores' $7 million distribution center,
near Toronto. The Goodyear belt, which moves along the carriageway stretching from top right to top left of
photo, has a built in "brain" that picks up electronic signals and automatically sweeps packages aff at preselected paints.
Conveyor belt ¥lith a 'brain'
IS a Goodyear first in Canada
If the driver were you .... 1think I
what would you do?
With your eyes?
..- ,~
(Put an "X" through what YOU would do!)
--- h-
To modernize
V-Belt department
at Bowmanville
With your feet?
With your hands?
;aa h fiA
c;po h~ h ~ h ~ h tY/O
9f1" "[UlRAl.
~ hl §
A conveyor belt with a "brain"
- the first one to be produced
in Canada - is being installed
by Goodyear at Dominion Stores'
new $7 million distribution center in suburban Toronto.
The latest concept in material
handling, the belt, called the
Memory Belt, was built at the
Bowmanville plant and will he
used to transport goods inside
the 600,000 - square - foot warehouse.
The Memory Belt conveyor
system differs from thp. conventional kind in that goods travel-
hf~~ h ) )
CAP SERIES No, 5-0-1
A $100,000 modernization program to increase productivity and
improve quality in the V-belt
department at Goodyear-Canada's
Bowmanville, Ontario, plant is
now under way, J. T. Taylor,
manager of the plant, has announced.
IncJuded in the project will be
installation of curing heaters, new
molds and mold handling equipment, Taylor said. The new
!'quipment, which. will be used
primarily in the manufacture of
automotive replacement belts, is
expected to be in production in
ling on it are dumped at the
various points inside the warehouse automatically. At no time
while travelling on the system are
they touched by hand.
The whole system is operated
by push button, made possible
by the unique "brain" built in
to the belt. The "brain" is really
a layer of shredded steel wire,
sandwiched inside the belt and
setting up a magnetic field.
By means of electronic equipment, codes are carried on the
wires, indicating at which point
along the system the goods are
to be taken off.
At the selected point, the code
triggers a device which operate,;
an arm that sweeps the package
off the belt on to another belt
tha t takes it to the storing area.
The system is reversible and
can be used for bringing merrhandise into the warehouse or
for sending it out.
Although used in several operations in the United States, including a San Francisco postal
terminal, this is the first installation of the Memory Belt in Canada, according to J. Cooke, marketing manager, conveyor belting
The belt will be undergoingtests at the warehouse within the
next few weeks.
No other company in Canada
produces a belt like the Goodyear one. "It is one of the newest
things in materials handling and
one I think with a good potentiaJ," said Cooke.
He also added that credit for
securing the order goes to Ken
Kennedy, central region representative for Industrial Products
This little
'piggyback' goes
on the market
A tire tailored for the growing
"piggyback" or "fishyback" methods of long distance hauling,
where trailers are carried on railroad Rat cars or boats, is now
heing marketed by GoodyearCanada.
The new lin!', known as the
Hi-Miler trailer tire, is designed
to combat two major enemies of
piggyback trailer tires, age and
w!'ather, said L. A. Beatty, marlager of commercial sales for
"It combines a tin' sf'rviceablc
over the road as well as in piggyback operations, and at an economical price," Beatty explained.
Produced at Goodyear-Canada's Valleyfield, Quebec, plant,
the Hi-Miler trailer tire is available in three sizes : 9.00-20,
10.00-20 and 10.00-22.
Page 2/JarruarJ. 69
fadory alone in first place
after 7 -4 win over flyers
ConI Chalmers and Ron Mc- Nayduk of Bruins was off for
000aId ~ two goals each to charging on Lavereau's goal.
The only goal of the second
lead. Gooct,-ear Factory to a 7-4
win ~"tt Goodyear Flyers and period was scored by Jim Armfusz pbtt in me Lakeshore Indus- strong, of the Plumbers at 3: 30.
Norm Webb struck back for
uW League, January 19. In the
the Bruins at the 45-second mark
~ game of the doubleheader,
Tern' w-ereau scored a hat-trick of the third .to bring the Bruins
as ~ leam, John Varty Plumbing, within two goals of Varty, but
Lavereau with two and Holiday's
aClUDCal Goodyear Bruins 7-2.
Chalmers opened the scoring at second put the game on ice for
the Plumbers. Varty outshot
4:(6 of the firs t period and Facadded two more, by Lloyd Bruins 32-17.
Lamore and McDonald before
Bill Cochrane replied for Flyers Goodyear Factory W
9 3 2 56 34 20
Goodyear Flyers
9 5 0 46 39 18
al 14:02.
Varty Plumbing
7 6 1 49 38 15
Each team scored in the second
Goodyear Bruins
1 12 1 21 61
period. MacDonald got his second
al the 1: 10 mark and Erwin
I. Taylor, Factory
7 15 22
Koschir scored for Flyers at 9: 12
R. Stuart, Factory
9 18
Brockie, Varty
5 12 17
making the score 4-2 for Factory D.
K. Mathieso!" Factory 7
G. Holiday, varty
4 14
at me end of the period.
.T. Armstrong, Varty 8
6 14
Factory outscored Flyers 3-2 in n. Touseant, Factory 4 9 13
Bowie, Varty
the thi rd period with goals by P.
E. Koschir, Flyers
3 12
John Casey, Chalmers and Brian T. Lavereau, Varty
Donnelly; Murray Lord and Bob
Houle answered for Flyers. The Wilson, Dziuba
game ended on a rough note as to new posts in
\Ves Wells and Lloyd Lamore got
salaried personnel
majors for fighting. Lamore also
collected an elbowing penalty, a
slashing penalty and a misconduct. Donnelly's goal was scored
while Doug Lucas of Flyers was
off for tripping. Flyers outshot
Factory 30-24.
Lavereau got one goal in the
first period and a pair in the
third period to lead Varty Plumbing. Bruins opened the scoring
with Gary Lansburg beating
G. D. Wilson has been apP umber goalie Stan Bradley at
pointed supervisor and E. J. Dziu5: 10, but the lead was short Jived.
ba has been named wage and
Pete Bowie at the 7-minute mark,
salary administrator in the salGary Holiday at 9: 30 and Lavearied personnel department of
reau at 14:06 gave Varty a 3-1
Goodyear-Canada, G. R. Stevens,
lead at the end of the first. Ron
manager of the department, announces.
In his new position, Wilson,
who joined the company in the
salaried personnel department in
35 Years
1964, will assume added responF. E. Rushbrook, New Toronto
sibility in rhe fields of university
student recruitment, group in30 Years
R. J. Scott, New Toronto Of- surance and pensions, Stevens
fice, A. L'Heureux, Saint-Hya- said.
A graduate of Waterloo Unicinthe.
versity, Dziuba joined Goodyear
25 Years
Mrs. E. Collins, A. J. McAfee, in 1966 in the management enNew Toronto Office; J. Festa, J. gineering department.
Monasterski, N. Cherewaiko, J.
Siebert, N. Dvernechuk, H. E.
Brown, L. T aylor, W. B. Buck,
R. McElroy, New Toronto
W. Check, New Toronto Factory.
Factory, 24 years; H. J. Lamey,
New Toronto Factory, 22 years.
20 Years
J. :\{. J oyce, New Toronto Faclor... : M. V. Tighe, Bowmanville;
R. ·Jacques. Quebec Plant.
In Memoriam
15 Years
W. Williamson, New Toronto
Factory; O. Xicholls, Quebec
10 Years
R. Brunelle. L. F. Heffernan,
A. Carruthers,' E. A. H ewgill, D.
L. Bohan, Xew T oronto Factory.
the WinF'ot clan
Published Monthly in the interest
of Employees of
Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Company of Canada, Umlted
Published In Toronto
Editor .. .... ... . _._... Blaine GaoueHe
Asst. Editor .......... Leonard .Clark
January, 1969
No. 1
Vol. 4
'No longer a siclestreet business'
(Editor's note: This column reports items that may directly
affect our business effort.)
Experimental all-plastic plumbing is being tested in a Kitchener
sub-division by B. F. Goodrich,
according to Building Management magazine. The advantages
are claimed 10 be ease of instaJlation, elimination of soldering,
light weight, impact and flame
resistance and imperviousness to
Firestone, Akron, Ohio, reports
that net sales in the past financial
year were, for the first time, over
the $2,000,000,000 mark, according to Associated Press.
Canadian Automotive Trade
magazine says that Firestone Canada has added the Town & Country wide oval Sup-R-Belt to its
winter tire line. It has a 2-ply
fiberglass belt around a 2-ply
polyester casing. The tread is
said to be approximately 25 per
cent wider than in conventional
Canadian Tire Corporation has
received lIhareholders' permission
to raise $6,000,000 for capital
and other expenditures, according to the Toronto Star. A further report in the Home Goods
Retailing journa-l says the company's expansion plan calls for
10 to 15 new stores a year, and
that many existing stores will be
moved into more modern buildings.
Oilweek magazine reports that
Firestone, Akron, and the U.S.
Bureau of Mines are carrying out
research into a process to reclaim
chemicals, oil and gas from scrap
tires. After shredding, tires are
heated in a dosed reactor. In one
test, at 932°F, up to 140 gallons
of-- oil and 1.5 mef of gas (comparable in heating value to natural gas) were recovered from
one ton of tires.
Subject to Department of Highways approval, Peel County, Ont.,
is to purchase 12 truck and
grader tires, made in Japan, from
a Toronto importing firm, according to the Bramalea Guardian.
The Japanese bid, at $2,505 was
the lowest of bids from several
tire companies including Goodyear and Goodrich.
The Canadian Press wire servire says reports from Quebec indicate that a division of the Michelin Tire Corporation of France
may be established in the Halifax, N.S. area. C.P. names its
source of the information as the
Hal_ifax Chronicle Herald, but
adds that this newspaper could
not confirm the reports.
Retreading: transplant
A recent issue of a Toronto
daily newspaper likened a Goodyear retreading job to a "transplant". And like a transplant, a
retread means added life.
Considered an unglamorous
feature of a not-very-glamorous
industry, retreading has been hiding its light behind a bushel.
While new ,tire designs get most
of the ink, retreads keep customers coming back for more
service. And a retreading operation is not strictly a follow-theleader operation. A case in point
is the extra-wide-lug retread developed specifically for International Nickel for use in a Northern Ontario underground mining
project by Goodyear-Canada's retread people. "It was a case of a
customer needing a tire that was
not being produced as a new tire
and so we provided it as a retread and they're satisfied," said
W. H. Hayes, manager of tread
rubber sales and retread operations.
Like the rest of the rubber industry, retreading has come a
long way from its beginning and
Goodyear-Canada's operation has
held its own. In the 1920s when
retreading started to be taken
seriously, methods were pretty
primitive. Old tread was hacked
off with a knife and buffing done
with a hand rasp. A slip of the
knife often meant a ruined carcass. Curing was done one-third
of a tire at a time and sand bags
were stuffed in the tire to keep
it firm during the cure. The
developer of this system warned
that anyone attempting to cure
a complete tire in one operation
would "go out of business". In
1927, Goodyear was curing re-
treads in one operation and he
who had warned against it did
go out of business.
Goodyear-Canada built its first
retread plant in Vancouver in
1955 and continued building at
a plant-a-year pace until eight
plants at Quebec City, Montreal,
Toronto, London, Regina, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver
provided service from coast to
Since that first plant was built,
business has increased almost 15fold. In 1968, nearly four million
pounds of rubber were used in
Precision equipment used to buff DC
hoses which corry off ground rubber.
Page 3/JanualY, 69
of the tire industry
Goodyear-Canada retread operations and Hayes expects this to
be up by at least seven per cent
this year.
Retreading is not simply a
"patching job" to put off buying
a new tire. It is designed to prolong the tire's life and provide
economy with safety for the customer. The fact that aircraft
tires can be retreaded up to eight
times attests to this. Says Hayes:
"Even truck tires, if they are
treated properly and retreaded
soon enough can be retreaded up
to four times."
At the new Vancouver plant,
a system being installed will be
the first in-Canada able to handle
tires up ~ to t40 inches in diameter. At three plants, extruders
which~ '-ivill extrude the shaped
tread rubber directly onto passenger and truck tires will soon
be in operation. This method has
been successfully used in retreading of earthmover tires.
"Retreading is now an industry
on its own the GoodyearCanada operation employs 140 not the sidestreet business it was
15 or 20 years ago," Hayes says.
Flanking Ontario Department af Labour official Owen Stephens, seated, are newly certified journeymen
Gary Gearing, left, and Wayne Simpson, right, with their plaques. Others, from left: Dick Adams, electrical
foreman; Don Stockdale, Jim Sandison, John Claughley, representatives of Local 232 URW on the Apprenticeship Committee; Joe Nicholls, master mechanic, and Bill Wilson, machine shop foreman.
First 2 apprentices graduate
After 8,000 hours: recognition
Walter Janes checks tire caming
in 'far retreading.
t ire for retreading features vacuum
erator is Harald Lanktree.
Jim Morris, shipper at Mimico Retread Plant, tags retreaded tire for
Goodyear's apprentice program
at New Toronto, which started
four years ago, graduated its first
journeymen in December. Gary
Gearing, who is now an electrical
journeyman and Wayne Simpson,
now a journeyman machinist, received certificates and plaques
from Owen Stephen, a counsellor
in the Industria.! Training Branch
of the Ontario Department of
To earn their journeyman certificates under the Ontario Government plan, apprentices must
spend 8,000 hours learning their
chosen trade, during which time
they attend two lO-week classroom sessions at the Provincial
Institute of Trades.
At ~his time, Goodyear's New
Toronto plant has nine apprentices; three electrical, four machinist, and one each in steamfitting and sheet metal work. Of
these, three will receive their
journeyman's certificate in 1969
and another three in 1971. Prior
to the initiation of the apprenticeship training program, New
Toronto used its own "Improver"
program to train its apprentices.
"The apprenticeship program
is a successful met!hod of providing the skilled tradesmen we
need," said L. F. Huhta, New
Watching the indicator as he applies tread rubber is Philipe Dugay.
P. A. Luzi, Calgary District,
40 years; W. G. Pascoe, Bowmanville, 38 years; A. Kynock, New
Toronto Factory, 35 years; G. M.
Brown, Head Office, 34 years;
Mrs. A. Maluske, New Toronto
Factory, 28 years; T. E. Phillips,
BowmanviHe Factory, 24 years;
D. H. Fraser, New Toronto Factory, 22 years; J. Biggar and R.
C. Elliott, New Toronto Factory,
21 years; D. A. Page, Head Office, 13 years.
Toronto plant manager," and the
more advanced our manufacturing processes get the more skilled
our tradesmen must be - and
we must have more of them."
According to master mechanic
Joe Nicholls, the program "can't
be beaten" for training skilled
As for the apprentices themselves the program has been more
than somewhat useful. Gearing,
now on assignment in electrical
design drawing plans, says the
program guarantees a wide range
of learning hecause the amount
of time spent in each phase of
the trade is rigidly scheduled.
"There is no chance of being
stuck in one job for a long time
and learning nothing else," he
Simpson, now working on the
lathes, feels the classroom sessions step up the pace of learning. "They give a good theoretical
base from which to work which
certainly helped me", he said.
Lockjaw shots for employees
at New Toronto plant
Starting this month, the medical department at New Toronto
will initiate a program to immunize employees against tetanus
(lockjaw), Dr. Hugh Morrison,
director of medical services has
Tetanus, says Morrison, is an
old and deadly disease, caused
when bacteria enter the system
through a break in the skin. It
is customary in hospitals, he says,
for 3!ccident victims to be given
an anti-'tetanus serum prepared
in horses which causes violent
reaction in people allergic to
horse protein. This can be avoided by an immunization injection
of tetanus toxoid, which is not
prepared in horses and does not
produce a reaction like the serum.
"Three injections of tetanus toxoid
at intervals of four to six weeks
followed by a booster at 10 years
usua'lly establishes sound protection," Morrison says. If an injury occurs after the first three
injections of tetanus toxoid, there
is no need for the hospital to
use tlhe serum. Instead, a booster
of tetanus toxoid will do the job.
The departments will arrange
for their employees to be immunized, but Morrison asks those
not wishing the injections to notify the nurse when their tum
comes to prevent them being
called for ·the second injection.
Zig-zag lug
strengthens new
farm tractor tire
With farm tractors increasing
in horsepower Goodyear-Canada
has developed a rear-wheel farm
tire for the original equipment
market to cope with the higher
torque of the newer, more powerful tractors.
Called "Power Torque", the
tire features lugs of a zig-zag
design which have more biting
edges than the straight lug. The
zig-zag pattern strengthens the
lug in the same way corx:ugation
strengthens steel and gives the
lug more resistance to foldover
and tearing.
The Power Torque ill available
in 16 sizes ranging from 9.5-24
to 18.4-38.
Page 4/January, 69
To teach through quizzing
(from page
Keep eyes STRAIGHT AHEAD on the road and the hazards before you. Look ahead for
possible routes of escape m case a car or pedestrian is m your way.
) __
Keep your foot OFF THE GAS! Be positively certam you do not touch the gas accelerator
pedal by mistake.
Step immediately on PARKING BRAKE. This is the one lime it is an Emergency Brake!
It should slow down the car considerably.
GRIP WHEEL FIRMLY. Steer your car straight ahead. watch for obstacles or pedestrians
in your way.
Sh ift into LOW. This will act to slow your car. Shifting into Reverse or Park will strip
the gears.
Depts. work against
3 -year averages
in safety prog ram
The new safety program being
initiated at New Toronto this
month will compare a department's average accident rate for
1966, '67 and '68 to its accident
rate for each quarter of 1969,
A. F. CoakweLl, chief security,
fire and safety officer, has announced. The department showing the most improvement will be
eligible for a number of prizes.
Based on the number of injuries
per 100 employees per month, the
three-year average against which
the department must work are as
follows: Stock preparation 2.85, tubers - 2.64, receiving 6.98, morgue - .73, tire room
1553 - 4.55, final inspection 2.24, internal trucking - 3.41,
cure - 2.99, mechanical - 2.89,
Metro Warehouse 2.90, tire
room 1550 - 5.00, miIIroom 4.23, calenders - 3.91, Vitafilm
- 3.85, tubes - 1.75, janitors
and yard gang - 2.16.
From top to bottom: Christine Chenier, Mrs. Betty Bilodeau, Suzanne
Laniel, Dione Benoit, lindo McCoig, Terry Anderson, Therese Miron.
BLOW HORN to give warning of potential danger. Keep your hand on the horn as a con·
stant danger signal to others.
Additional control measures: Don't panic . . . t ·h·i·n·k! Try to rub car wheels by
guiding your car against the curb or road embankment. If you see underbrush or
bushes. drive through them to slow down. At the last moment. turn off Ignition to pre·
vent fire in case of collision.
'What will· I wear' dilemma
solved by Valleyfield girls
Racing 1968:
Gooc:lyear's best year ever
For race drive~s Bobby Unser,
David Pearson, Denny Hulme,
Mark Donohue and A. J. Foyt,
success required a year-long chase
for each of them to capture a
driving championship.
The combined efforts of these
five helped Goodyear attain its
most successful year in racing.
T hey accounted for 49 of Goodyear's 127 victories, in 167 major
races, during 1968. The remaining
78 Goodyear wins were divided
among 30 drivers.
David Pearson, who won the
1968 NASCAR Grand National
Driving Championship, was the
winningest driver in big league
automobile racing during the
1968 racing season. Pearson captured 16 NASCAR Grand National events and one NASCAR
Grand Touring race for a total of
17 victories in 1968. Fifteen of
Pearson's wins added to the
Goodyear total.
Sixteen wins
Mark Donohue, U nited States
Road Racing cham pion for 1968,
and :'I:ASCAR ace Richard Petty
tied for second in the victory
column with 16 wins each. Donohue, ""ito also won the coveted
~{anini Rossi Driver of the Year
award, captured five USRRC
events in his race to the title and
JlO""end Roger Penske's Chevrolet
Camaro to the Trans-Am crown
""ith 10 _ins in that series. Mark
also picked up a win in the
tough Canadian-American ChalJenge cup series. Petty pushed his
'68 Plymouth to victory in 16
NASCAR Grand National races.
Cham pion Tiny Lund is third on
the victory list with nine wins,
eight of t'hese going into the
Goodyear victory column.
Talented Texan
One of the truly all-time great
competitors in American racing
history, A. J. Foyt, finished fourth
in the victory parade with eight
wins. Foyt also added another
first to his racing record by winning the USAC Stock Car Championship. The talented Texan divided his victories between USAC's stock ca'r and championship
divisions, with four in each class.
Foyt's four wins in the· Indianapolis-type cars gave him a record
total of 41 lifetime wins in this
Don White, Donnie ALlison and
Cale Yarborough each posted six
wins and are crowded into fifth
place on the winner's list. White
scored his wins in the USAC
stock car division, while Allison
triumphed five times in NASCAR
Grand Touring cars and once in
the Grand Nationals. Yarborough's victories were all Grand
National wins and two of them
went into Goodyear's victory
Goodyear employee
'Citizen of the Year'
for Sea Cadet work
A former member of the Australian Navy, Fred Kingsford, of
returned goods, at New Toronto,
was named "Citizen of the Year"
in StreetsviLle, a town a:bout 25
miles from Toronto, at a recent
Kingsford won the award, presented by the StreetsviIIe Lions,
for his work as commanding officer of the town's sea· cadet corps,
RCSCC Haida. Kingsford, who
was a prisoner of war aboard a
German ship for seven months
during World War II, commands
a 55-man corps which placed
eighth in Ontario for overaIl efficiency in 1968.
Awards are no strangers to
Kingsford who has won a "Good
Citizen Award" from radio station
CKEY, in Toronto, and a Centennial Medal for his work with
the sea cadets.
The girls in the office at Valleyfield PJant are wearing Goodyear blue and gold in office
fashions of their own design. Several months ago, they started
muUing over the idea that a simple practical outfit could be the
answer to the perennial.: "what
shall I wear today?"
After rejecting several design
ideas, they came up with a plain
navy blue sleeveless A-line dress
of wool crepe, which spokesman
for -the group, Mrs. Be~ty Bilodeau, said was ideal because it
goes with so many accessories.
"Sometimes it gets a bit dirty
around the office and these
dresses cut down on our cleaning," she said.
On special occasions, the girls
wear a gold flower with a navyblue centre. At other times, they
can wear neckwear or blouses for
Don't skip curling
Recreation Club
needs your broomJ '.
Whether you know a skip from
a stone or an end from ·a house,
you'll still be welcome to try your
hand at curling with the New
Toronto Plant's Recreation Club
league, says league president AI
Lagerquist, of tire design, who
adds that more curlers are needed
to pad out the eight rinks (teams).
Curling is every Wednesday at
7 p.m. at Humber Highland Curling Rink. "We'lI be happy to instruct anyone who hasn't had any
curling experience," Lagerquist
variety. "There's no more looking through the wardrobe in the
morning wondering," said Mrs.
Million-sole order
answer to prayers
of Quebec Plant
A milIion new souls might be
the answer to a clergyman's
prayer -but spelled s-o-I-e it means
big business to the Quebec plant
which has just received an order
for 500,000 pairs of molded Vinabond soles from J. P. Corbeil
Limited, Montreal.
Representing the late~ t in styling trends, the soles will be used
on men's, boys' and girls' shoes,
with delivery to extend over the
next two years.
A unique feature is that both
the sale and heel will come out
of the mold as one unit, eliminating the need to -build on the heel.
B. J. Billson, Quebec plant
sales manager, says the order is
one of the largest of its type received in Quebec and comes as
a result of the efforts of L. J.
Gareau, regional manager, shoe
products sales and W. Lariviert',
sales representative, Montreal district.
On the move
Metro Toronto Warehouse
R. M. Allman from foreman
of shipping to foreman of warehousing . . . W. O. Lund from
supervisor of shipping to foreman
of shipping.
Ne\N posts for Moon, MacNeill
Fearman is neYl vice-president
Protected by a gloss panel, employee at New Toronto Plant, Tom
Molloy, blosts gloss beads under 70 pounds pressure into mold to clean
out rubber and other materials which have stuck to mold during curing.
Before the use of gloss beads, which are the size of sand groins, mold
cleaning was done with sandblasting, which was 30 per cent slower and
not $0 gentle.
Strikes at 2 plants blamed
for big profit drop in '68
Goodyear-Canada's profit for
b:sa )'ear took a severe drop from
$1.128,522, in 1967 to $17.1,004,
- "'"35 alUl()l.lnced at a board of
ors meeting, January 29.
Prolonged strikes at New TonIOlO and BowmanvilIe plants
their disruptive effect in
otbrr plants are blamed [by Presidml'L. E. Spencer for the poor
po6t showing.
1k low profit was insufficient
to CO\'er preferred dividend paymenu..
Spencer reported that sales in
1968 were $1 54,223,896, a gain
of dutt per cent over 1967 and
an all-time high. Capital expenditures for expansion, improvements and replacements of property totalled $13,641,699, an increase of $3,157,320 over the previous year.
The Board declared a regular
qu'!rterly dividend of one per
cent on the preferred shares, payable on April 30, 1969. In 1968,
regular quarterly dividends totalling $2 a share were paid on the
four per cent preferred shares,
but dividends of $1 a share on
the CQmmon shares were paid for
only two quarters then discontinued.
H. G. MacNeill has been appointed executive vice-president,
sales; J. C. Moon, executive vicepresident, manufacturing and S.
G. Fearman, vice-president, materials management, of GoodyearCanada.
The appointments were announced by L. E. Spencer, president and general manager, following a meeting of the company's board of directors.
MacNeill will be responsible
for the sale of all product lines:
tires; industrial, molded and extruded products; plastic films and
adhesives; and automotive replacement prooucts.
Moon will direct the operations of Goodyear-Canada's ten
manufacturing plants. Reporting
to him will be two production
general managers, L. F. Huhta
for tires, and T. J. Hughes for
general products.
The positions to be filled by
MacNeill, Moon, Huhta and
Hughes are newly-created.
The fol!owing functions will
continue under Fearman: purl'hasing; customs, export and traffice; distribution services; merchandise distribution and control; and materials control.
Squadron Start
MacNeill, a native of Sydney,
N.S., started with Goodyear as
a production squadron trainee
after graduating from Acadia
U niversity with a degree in economics. The following year he
was transferred to the Quebec
plant's efficiency department and
subsequently became development
manager and plant manager. In
1960, he was named manager of
the company's Bowmanville plant
and in 1963 was appointed generaJ manager of industrial products. In 1966, he became vicepresident, general products.
First manager at 2 plants
Moon, born in Mount Forest,
Ont., holder of a B.A. and a
graduate of the profession~l course
in Industrial relations at Queen's
University, joined Goodyear in
1949 as a production squadron
trainee at New Toronto plant.
After completing his training, he
was made foreman of the squadron and, later, manager of ·training and recreation. In 1955 he
was named personnel manager of
the plant. Four years later, when
the company opened a plant in
Medicine Hat, Alta., he became
its first manager and, in 1965,
moved to Valleyfield, Quebec to
open a plant there. He returned
to Toronto in 1966 to become
vice-president of tire production.
Served in Java
Fearman, a native of Hamilton, Ont., was graduated from
the University of Toronto with
a B.A. Sc. and started his Goodyear career in Akron, Ohio, in
1934, serving first in the production squadron, then in tire design.
In 1937, he was named Goodyear's manager of technical servic\' in Java and four years later
returned to Canada and served
in the tires, fuel cells, and Airfoam divisions at the New Toronto plant. He became manager
of the plant in 1957, and was
named to his current position of
director of manufacturing/sales
services in 1959.
<continued on page 4)
New tariH pact brightens
import-export picture
The need for Goodyear-Canada
to rationalize its products with
those of Goodyear in the United
States nQW that new tariffs are in
effect was stressed by President
L. E. Spencer at a recent quarterly management meeting.
Spencer said a special group
had 'been set up within GoodyearCanada to examine areas where
such rationalization was possible.
Under the new tariffs there are
products that can be manufactured cheaper in the U.S. than
in Canada and vice versa, Spencer
Outlining steps that the company proposed taking in 1969 to
increase profits, Spencer asked
management to look at ways of
simpl1fying lines of products.
Those not profitable enough to
justify the costly change-over
time involved in short production
runs should be dropped and their
place taken by more profitable
"The sales department will
need all the nerve it takes to do
just that. But it must be done,"
Spencer said.
As part of the realignment of
sales and distribution program,
already under way, Spencer said
the company was attempting,
where possible, to send larger
shipments direct to the customer, by-passing district warehouses,
thereby cutting costs.
Most of all in 1969, said
Spencer, "the name of the game
is end resu.lts."
In sales and production this
aim should be uppermost in every
employee's mind, he stressed.
"End results are what the COIIIpany is paying for; end results
determine what the rewards will
be for those who put effort into
their allotted tasks and produce
the pot from which these awards
are made; end results provide a
measurement of performance and
determine who deserves what and
how much," said Spencer.
<continued on page 4)
Page 2/February, 69
Fraser to New Toronto Plant
Skidmore new manager at 'Hat'
W. F. Fraser, manager of Medicine Hat Plant since 1965, has
been appointed manager of New
Toronto Plant, and R. D. Skidmore has been named manager of
Medicine Hat, J. C. Moon, executive vice-president, manufacturing
has announced.
After serving three years as a
pilot in the R.C.A.F., Fraser
attended the University of Toronto and was graduated in 1950
with a B.A. Sc. He joined Goodyear the same year on the production squadron at New Toronto.
Six months later he was made
compounder and in 1957 was
named manager of quality control. In 1960 he was transferred
to Medicine Hat as manager of
development and in 1965 was
named manager of the plant.
Skidmore started with Goodyear
in 1951 as a laboratory technician
and in 1955 became a member of
rhe production squadron at New
Toronto Plant. He served as a
compounder at the plant from
1957 to 1960 when he was transferred to Medicine Hat as a section head in compounding. In
1965, he was named development
manager, a post he held until his
new appointment.
Driver Accident Prevention
Plant managers' reports reveal
Expansion, modernizati
(Editor's note: This column reports items that may directly
affect our business effort.)
Firestone has announced that
" a multi..million dollar" expansion is underway at the Joliette
Que., plant, according to the
Toronto Globe and Mail. When
completed by the end of the
year, the plant, it is said, will
be able to increase tire and tube
production by 50 per cent.
The Michelin Tire Company
seems to have given up consideration of establishment of a branch
plant in Quebec and has now
centered its attention on Nova
Scotia, it has been reported in the
Financial Times.
The French-based firm supplies
the requirements of the manufacturers of many of the top line
motor vehicles in the world as
well as racing cars.
It is reported to have been
examining the possibility over the
past few months of locating a
$40 million plant in Canada to
break into the North American
Firestone will post a record
$750,000 in prize money for
NASCAR competitors this year,
announces the New York Times.
The prizes will be offered to
drivers in the five major NASCAR divisions. All of the awards
will he contingent on the driver
riding on Firestone tires in at
least 75 per cent of his races.
Ithink iwhat would you do?
(Answers page 4)
With your eyes?
.. ..<WS'
'. .. ..
(Put an "X" through what YOU would do !)
- -~,~
With your feet?
Andy McNight, who marks 40
years with Goodyear this month,
checks test strips at calender at
New Toronto Plant. A calender
operator, he worked nine years in
the mill room before transferring
to the calenders.
With your hands?
. ~\
~ ~
5 ~ ~ 6%
~ h ffI}o
A $2 million expansion and
modernization program was carried out and two production records were set at New Toronto in
1968, reports Plant Manager Leo
F. Huhta. (Huhta has since been
appointed general manager of
tire production for GoodyearCanada.)
Tire production machinery was
installed in several departments
and 33,600 square feet of space
were added to the plant in the
program, which also included important layout changes in the tire
rooms to improve production
flow, H uhta said.
A new tire production record
for a single day was set in December when over 16,000 tires
were cured, and, despite a 4month strike, Vitafilm production
was 14 per cent higher than 1967.
Also because of the strike, payroll dropped almost 20 per cent
to $14.5 million, and local purl" hast's of goods and services were
~o per cent less at $4 million
Ihan 1967, Huhta said.
Sixty-eight employees received
.~ lIggestion awards during 1968 to
keep the plant's suggestion program active.
In 1968 taxes on the plant
amounted to $835,500, which was
$45,500 morC' than thC' prC'vious
In order that Goodyear-Canada
employees may be ofully informed
on the company's activities and
progress across the country, the
managers of the eight plants submit year-end reports for publication in the Clan.
Total plant payroll across the
country for the company was
about $27 million and purchases
of local good and services by the
plants totalled over $11 miJlion.
Over $18 million were spent on
expansion and modernization during 1968.
Individual plant reports follow.
tJ ~ n
·."".,.,. . ·IJr_.... . . . """'..... ·. ·
) ,. )
DAP SERIES No: 5- 0 ·2
the WinfJfO'ot clan
Published Monthly in the interest
of Employees of
Goodyear nre and Rubber
Company of Canada, Umlted
Published In Toronto
EdItor .. .... ........ .. BI.lne Gaoue"e
Asst. EdItor ........ .. Leonard Clark
Vol. 4
Febru.ry, 1969
No. 2
A 7-week strike in 1968 reduced production, payroll and
local purchases at BO'1'manville,
according to Plant Manager J T .
Payroll at $2.67 million . was
about 18 per cent below 1967 and
purchases of goods and services
from 100 local sources at $980,000 was $20,000 less than the
previous year.
Over $250,000 were spent in
1968 for relocation of equipment
to improve productivity, renovation of the entrance and installation of new shower facilities for
factory employees, Taylor said.
Average employment at 468
was about 17 per cent less than
In 1968 the plant paid $131,700 in local taxes, which was
$15,000 more than 1967.
In 1967 the Quebec plant
showed a profit for the first time
in several years. In 1968, it
showed an even bigger profit.
This and a one-month production
record were two of the high
points at the plant during the
year, manager R. S. Evam reports.
The record was set in September when over 1.6 million pounds
of stock were manufactured and,
Evans said, the plant had the lowest percentage of waste since
1958. Four new presses, testing
equipment and storage racks were
installed at a cost of over $100,000.
Average employment dropped
nearly seven per cent lower than
1967, but the payrall went up
about $150,000 to over $1 Y2 million, Evans said.
The plant purchased goods and
services worth $450,000 from
about 50 local sources in 1968,
Evans said, adding that local
taxes had increased about 30 per
cent to $63,000.
The most outstanding event at
St. Hyacinthe in 1968 was the
installation of a multi-stage dipping unit at a cost of $3 million,
Plant Manager J. A. Myers reports. Housed in a 6-storey building, the new unit makes it no
longer necessary to send fabrics
to Toronto for dipping before
shipping to other plants across
the country.
While average employment for
1968 - at 610 - was almost 13
per cent below the previous year,
the payroll of $2,883,000 was
nearly $13,000 more than 1967.
Goods and services valued at
$450,000 were purchased by the
plant from 140 local sources during 1968, Myers said, and three
suggestion awards totalling $83
were presented to employees who
Page 3/February, 69
;on top $18 million in '68
Harry Cooke frolll reclaim to
foreman, conveyor bel-ting and
special prl.lducts departments . . .
John Bond frolll shift foreman,
reclaim, tn foreman, reclaim.
New manager at
Owen Sound from
California plant
contributed to plant improvements.
Loca.l taxes in 1968 of $85,950
\\e re $21,000 more than the pre\·iolls year, Myers added.
.\ three per cent production
mc rease over 1967 made 1968
(he best year ever at Medicine
Hal, manager W. F. Fraser said
in his year-end report.
Employment was up slightly
O\"Cr 1967 and payroll at $1.1
million was about $100,000 more,
Fra ·cr said, adding that $25,000
was spent on planl modernization in 1968. Also significant, he
said, was the fact that in 1968,
ei h I years after it started production, the plant cured ils
3,500,000th tire.
The plant purchased goods and
services valued at $150,000 from
some 100 local sources, about the
same as the previous year. Taxes
"ent up slightly more than $1,000
(0 $23,222 and the plant paid
$60.000 for city-owned utiliti!'s,
frase r added.
The $11.7 million expansion of
lhc passenger tire plant section
.-as (he highlight of 1969 at Val,fjeld, says Plant Manager W.
J jamieson. The addition 62,000 square feet of factory
space and 12,000 square feet of
fice space - wiII increase the
~ of the plant by some 80 per
CUll and more than double pas~er ti re production.
Emplo}m ent at Valleyfie.1d
~ged 349 for the year, over
100 abo\·e 1967 , Jamieson said.
The payro ll for 1968 topped
$I~ million, a 17 per cent incrnse over the previous year.
A su pportcr of local business
aDd industry, Goodyear purchased
~-n $5 million worth of goods
aDd serviccs locally, Jamieson
sDd. Thc VaJJeyfield plant paid
$39.500 in local taxes in 1968, hc
Production of molded urethane
parts for cars and trucks in
968 at the O wcn Sound plant
.-as f\\;CC that of 1967, reports
manager T. J. Hughes. (Hughes
has since been named general
manager of production - general
products. ) Production of padded
instrument panels for cars and
trucks was slightly under the pr!'vious year and 85 per cent of
production of both products was
exported to the U .S. About 1%
million seat parts and 800,000
instrument panels were manufactured, Hughes said.
Payroll increased by $300,000
10 $1,350,000 and employment
went up 25 per cent to 325 over
the previous year. Purchases of
goods and st'rvices from local
sources tripled ~o $150,000 and
30,000 square feet of warehouse
space had to be rented to accommodate production, Hughes said.
Installation of a compressor,
instrument panel molding equipment and an extension to thc
ventilation system cost ovcr $80,000 and taxes ' for 1968 were
$52,600, an increase of $6,600
over 1967.
One of the highlights of the
year occurred when cmploye('s
dosed out 1968 with 420,000 man
hours without a lost time accident, Hughes said, adding that Ill'
I'xpects tht'm ·to reach 50D,OOO.
Nineteen sixty-seven was the
year Col.lingwood installed its
hose production machinery and
I'quipment and trained its pt'rsonnl'\. Nineteen sixty-eight was its
first full year of hose production
and the year ended with a onemonth production record, according to Plant Manager W. J.
Goodwin. D!'cember, Goodwin
said, was the best month ever
for husl' production at C.ollingwood.
Employment at the plant w!'nt
up 25 pl'r ( !'nl to 230 in 1968
and payroll almost doubled to
$1,186,200, Goodwin said. Employees took an active part in
improving ·production methods
and were rewarded as $190 were
paid out for suggestions.
Thc plant purchased $62,900
worth of goods and services from
10 .local sources during the year
and paid $50,222 in local taxes,
an increase of almost 75 per cent
over 1'967, Goodwin added .
Thomas C. Gregson has been
appointed manager of GoodyearCanada's foam products plant at
Owen Sound, Ont., J. c. Moon,
!'xecutive vice-president of manufacturing, has announced. Gregson, who was manager of Goodyear's Pliofoam plant at Bakersfield, California, for vhe past four
years, assumed his new duties
February 15.
A graduate of Purdue University where he received his Bachelor and Mast!'r of Science degrees
in chemical engineering, Gregson
joined Goodyear as a staff squadron trainee in 1952 at Akron,
Ohio, and was named a junior
chemical engineer later that year.
He served as a physicist from 1954
to 1958 when he became a section
head in the chemical division. He
was Iransfl'rred to Goodyear Aerospac(' Corporation in 1963 as an
engineer ~p rialist and was appointed managr r of th(' Bakersfi"ld plant in 1964-.
Starting March 3 the tele-!
~ phone number at Head Office ~
~ and New Toronto Plant will ~
~ be changed from 251-4111 to ~
~ 252-4441, A. E. Alsop, man- ~
~ ager of administrative services, ~
~ has announced. The new num- ~
~ ber will enable the telephone ~
company to expand Good- §
~'s tt'lephone system, Alsop ~
§ saId.
M orgue & Vitafilm
lead safety race
With no injuries during the
month, Morgue and Vitafilm departments arc leading ' the quarterly safety rac!', reports Art
Coakwell, chief sccurity, fire and
saf!'ty officer at New Toronto.
At the end of each quarter,
"mployees in th!' department
which shows the most improvemcnt over its 1966-through-1968
accidcnt rate average wiII be e1i.I~ible for a number of prizes.
Othcr departments and their pcrcentage of improvement are:
tubcrs, 67; tubes, 44.5; mechanical, 42.9; Metro Warehouse,
29.3; tire room ( 1550), 28.8;
jani tors and yard gang, 12.9; interna.! trucking, 2.
The other departments showed
an injury rate increase in January.
Factory beaten 6-3 by Varty
in first game of LIHL finals
Three third-period goals by
Terry Lavereau led John Varty
Plumbing to a 6-3 victory over
Goodyear Factory in the first
game of the best-of-three Lakeshore Industrial Hockey League
finals, February 16.
Pt'tc Bowie opened the scoring
for Vart}f when he rapped one
past Factory goalie Larry _O'Shaunessey at 5 : 08 of the first period.
There was no more scoring for
the remainder of the period.
Chester Sitarski made it 2-0
for the plumbers at 15:21 of the
second, but Rod Stuart got that
one back with 18 seconds left
making the score 2-1 for Varty as
the second period ended.
Terry Lavereau's first goal at
the to-second mark of the third
made the score 3-1 for Varty, but
Factory came back with markers
by John Casey at 2:04 and Ivan
Taylor at 4: 20 to tie the score.
Unanswered goals by Lavereau at
6:27, Jack Anderson at to:43
and Lavereau again at 18: 40
clinched the win for the plumbers.
Thirteen penalties were handed
out in the third period, seven to
Goodyear. Twenty penalties were
handed out during the game, 11
to Factory.
40 Years
A. M cNight, New Toronto Factory; J. D. Doig, Nt'w Toronto
Office; Felix Boisvt'rt, St. Hyacinthe.
35 Years
D. E. Hughes, New Toronto
Office; Mrs. Aldea Richard, Maurice Bienvenue, St. Hyacinth!'.
25 Years
M. Hawrychuk, W. Elaschuk,
O. H. Demers, R. J. Lowry, G.
McGregor, J. F. Gorr, E. H.
Axley, S. Sutton, F. Zawiski, D.
Bell, R. B. Thomas, W. English,
Nl'w Toronlo Factory; M. Kuchl'rep", Nl'w Toronto Offir!'.
20 Years
A. Gosselin, New Toronlo Factnry; Alva Ledoux, SI. Hyacinthl'.
15 Years
H . McCaw, H. McDonald, P.
Laaniste, New Toronto Factory;
T. Atkin, New Toronto Offic!'.
10 Years
B. R. Risch, Collingwood.
R. Desmarais, St. Hyacinthe
Factory, 41 ycars; G. H. Howe,
Head Office, 39 years; A. G. Hansen, New Toronto Factory, 38
years; L. Plain, Bowmanville, A.
Marshall, New Toronto Factory,
28 years; J. T. Downey, New Toronto Factory, 24 years; E. Horsley,
W. Clark, Bowmanville, 23 years;
A. Marjerrison, Bowmanville, 19
Varty Plumbing ployer Bob Mecham may look like he's leading
a conga line, but he's simply
being ridden out of ploy by Goodyear Factory defenseman Ron McDonald. Goalie Larry Shaunessey
is on knees after making save.
Vorty won the game 6-3.
Bargain in film
Goodyear employees can save
at least 50 per cent on transparent plastic food wrap by buying Vitawrap at employee stores.
It is available in rolls of 1,000
and 2,500 feet in dispensers with
pop-up tabs at $2.95 and $6.50
plus tax where applicable.
In Memoriam
E. A. Yearsley, New Toronto
Factory, 39 years; R . McElroy,
New Toronto Factory, 24 years;
T. S. Foy, New Toronto Factory,
11 years.
It doesn't really hurt, but it would
have if Nikolas Karantakis hadn't
had safety shoes on when this 175
pound steel fabric shell rolled off
two-wheeled truck and fell on his
foot. Because his foot was saved
from injury by a safety shoe,
Karantakis has become a member
of the "Ten-On-Two Club", sponsored by the Industrial Accident
Prevention Association. He is Goodyear's second member. Measuring
the five-foot shell is shift foreman
Jim Avey, while Bob McLean, department foreman, looks on. Art
Coakwell, chief security, fire and
safety officer, said Karantakis
would have received a severe
crushing injury had he not worn
safety shoes.
Page 4/February, 69
Eliminate service charges
for employees at stores
Employees of Goodyear-Canada can now have tires and batteries installed free at any of the
company's retail stores, providing
the items are pUrc'hased from the
Announcing l'he elimination of
the service rates, J. D. Foley,
supervisor - service sales, pointed
out that all ·products purchased
from other than Goodyear stores
and then taken to our retail out-
Seven members of the production squadron at New Toronto received
graduation certificates at the jOint squad graduation - annual supervision dinner held this month. Front row, from left: Frank Olah, now in
compound service; William Madill, supervisor in the preparation division;
Dave Kalbfleisch, of industrial engineering. Back row, from left: Tom
Salminen, now in corporate systems research; Real Lauzon, overseer of
the new dipping unit at St. HyaCinthe; Jock Porker, manager of training
and recreation; Mike Fleming, supervisor in the preparation division;
Don Johnson, now in sales and production at Bowmanville. Over 250
attended the dinner, sponsored by the supervision clubs of New Toronto
and Bowmanville.
1. ...~; .:a;: .
... ~"~
. .... .. .....!
LOOK STRAIGHt/ LEn hU)()K STRAICHT DfU' r Xil OC ' ) ' Il:'IG'"
RI ::;''' .
Keep your eyes STRAIGHT/RIGHT. Be on the alert for a possible escape to your RIGHT.
Take your foot OFF the gas immediately. This an extremely important point to remember.
Mclachlan new head
of retread operation
w. J. McLachlan .has been appointed manager of retread plant
operations and
sales for Goodyear-Canada.
He will direct
the activities of
Goodyear's retread plants in
Quebec City,
Montreal, ToMcLachlan
ronto, London, Regina, Calgary,
Edmonton and Vancouver.
Since Jommg Goodyear in
195<1, McLachlan has worked in
the produccion, tire maintenance
and development departments of
the company. He was a field
technical advisor before his promotion.
New posts
BRAKE CAREFULLY. Don't slam on the brake-you might lose control. Slow your car down as
quickly as possible. but don't panic. Brake quickly. but carefully.
STEER RIGHT. Avoid a head·on collision even if it means going off the road. Never try to go
around the oncoming car by going to the left. He may take the same escape route and you
will crash head·on.
DON'T SHIFT. There are more vital things you must do in these precious seconds to avoid a
serious accident.
BLOW HORN. This is to warn the car headed for you. as well as all other cars.
Additional control measures:
If there is no shoulder on the. right. but a ditch
instead. angle into the ditch gradually and drive along it until you stop. If the oncoming driver
has returned to his lane and you are off the road. don't return to it too quickly. If you do.
you might cross to the other lane or swerve sideways and roll over.
SAFETY HINT: Wheel "Play"
For maximum safety and control of your car, it is imperative to have the
correct amount of play in the wheel. Too much play causes a "lag" in
the steering which can be very dangerous, especially In emergency
situations, such as skids.
If there is more than two inches of play in your wheel. you
should have this checked and fi xed at once. Be sure to have your steering system checked periodically to assure that it Is in perfect working
cond ition.
(continued from page 1)
Managed ·reclaim plant
Huhta, hom in South Porcupine, Ont., started with Goodyear
in 1949 following graduation from
the University of Toronto with
a B.A. Sc. in chemical engineering> After training in the production squadron at the New
Toronto plant, he became successively a compounder, night
superintendent and department
foreman. I n 1963, he was named
manager of the company's reclaim plant in Bowmanville, Ont.,
and in 1965 returned to New
Toronto, first as production superintendent, then as plant manager.
Foam specialist
Hughes, a native of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, graduated from
Georgia Tech in 1959 as a chemical engineer, following two years
on Goodyear's Akron, Ohio, training squadron as a cooperative student. Initially assigned to staff
t'ngineering, he was transferred to
the automotive crash pad operation in 1962. In 1964, he was
moved to Goodyeats Logan,
Ohio, plant as a staff compounder
and later the same year was
named project development coordinator. He was transferred to
Goodyear-Canada and appointed
manager of the company's new
foam products plant at Owen
Sound, Ont., in 1966.
lets for mounting and installation
will be charged the fonowing:
Dismount and mount
employee's tires
$1.50 ea.
Mag/sport wheel .. ... . $2.50 ea.
Tire rotation or
.50 ea.
tire change
Tire repair
(hot patch)
$2.00 ea.
(plug) .. .....
$1.50 ea.
Wheel balance
$1.75 ea.
InstaJl and supply
tubeless valve .... .. ..... $1.00 ea.
Install battery ...... ....... $1.50 ea.
"It is hoped this new policy
will eliminate some of the confusion that exists with our employees being treated differently
at our stores," said Foley.
"Employee purchases represent
a sizeable amount of business for
our retail chain and every effort
should -be made by aJl store employees to treat this segment of
our trade with the utmost courtesy," he added.
Goodyear films help
pass the cold nights
Films from the Goodyear library helping people in
Faleyet while away some of the
cold dark nights, reports Jim
Hutcheson who left the battery
and acces&ories sales department
to become a minister of the Anglican Church wirh a mobile pulpit in Northern Ontario.
The films - races and halfhour mystery features used by
Goodyear on TV - are shown
by Rev. Hutcheson on the .town's
only 16mm projector which is
located in the school building.
In Foleyet, "65 winding-road
miles from Timmins", the temperature often dips to 35 below
zero in winter and the key to
comfort - or surviva.l - according -to Rev. Hutcheson, is to dress
properly. Every other week, he
makes the one-and-one-half hour
train trip to Gogama to conduct
services, then takes a bumpy 16mile ride .by car or truck along
the Mattagami River to -the Mattagami Indian Reservation to
hold services in -the schoolhouse.
Well entrenched in the community, Rev. Hutcheson is a
school trustee, a member of the
Cham·ber of Commerce, a volunteer fireman, a supply teacher
and is scheduled ·to write four
sennons a year for the Timmins
Daily Press. And, like many other
Northerners, his freezer contains
moosemeat. Son Bill, who also
worked. at Goodyear, is completing grade 13 at Timmins.
He reports that 'he and his wife
are happy in their new surroundings. "And you'd be surprised at
the number of people from Goodyear who wrote encouraging us.
We're grateful for that."
John Doig, foreman of salvage and
janitor services, marks 40 years
with the company this month. He
started as a storekeeper in mechanical stores and was made
supervisor the next year. He has
served as supervisor in the receiving room, foreman in by-products
and foreman of garage, lawn and
New tariff pact
(continued from page 1)
Tire Production
Reporting on tire production
J. C. Moon, executive vice-president, manufacturing, said that
production in 1968 was down 27
per cent on 1967 at New Toronto because of the strike, but
overall ·production was down only
10 per cent because of increased
production at the company's oth~r
Canadian tire plants. New rear
fann and logger curing 'presses
are expected in March, among
them a l00-inC'h press which will
be the largest of its kind in Canada, he said.
General Products
H . G. MacNeill, executive vicepresident, sales, predicted a 10
per cent increase in saJes for
General Products in 1969. Total
production at Owen Sound was
lip 52 per cent on 1967 and
profit tripled, he said, adding that
Quebec had the highest profit in
the plant's history. Collingwood,
he said, is now producing 30 per
cent more hose >than was possible
at Bowmanville prior to moving
the hose operation to Collingwood.
With a three per cent increase
over t'he previous year, GoodyearCanada sales in 1968 ·broke all
records, despite the strikes at
New Toronto and Bowmanville
G. F. Turner, vice-president,
replacement sales, said that sales
of O.E. and special brand lines
reached an all-time high, but
dealer replacement sales ended
the year in the red. Singling out
retail stores as a "bright spot",
Turner said that last year, despite
shortages caused by the strike,
stores increased their saJes to independent dealers. He predicted
a 20 per cent sales increase for
special brands in 1969.
the win g loot clan
MARCH, 1969
Spring hlood clinic at New Toronto
Most generous industrial donors
aim to break lOOO-bottle barrier
New Toronto Plant, one of the
most dependable sources of blood
for the Ontario Free Blood Plan,
will be out to break the record
established at last year's spring
clinic. "We're still aiming for
1,000," said Jack Parker, manager
of training and recreation, who
organizes the blood clinics at the
Parker predicted the plant
would reach 1,000 at the 1968
spring clinic and missed only because of the number of rejects.
That clinic still set a record of
966 bottles, 27 more than the pre. vious record, set in 1966.
Since the inception of the Ontario Free Blood Plan in · 1958,
employees at Goodyear's New Toronto Plant and Head Office have
donated 7,987 hottles of blood
making them Metropolitan Toronto's most prolific donors per capita
at industrial in-plant clinics, according to Red Cross officials.
Since 1958, New Toronto and
H ead Office blood donations have
tripled while employment has increased only about 30 per cent.
J. C. Moon, executive vicepresident of manufacturing, who
is a president of Etobicoke Red
Cross, that this year's spring
clinic will be the best yet. "Our
employees never hold back when
it comes to giving their blood,
which means a considerable number of lives saved every year," he
Bias-belted Polyglas tire
is now original equipment
A tire that combines the best
features of the radial-ply and
bias-ply tires, lasts longer and
holds the road 'b etter than conventional tires is now being produced for the original equipment
market hy Goodyear-Canada.
The tire, Custom Power Cushion Polyglas, features a bias-ply
Vytacord polyester hody topped
by 'two fiberglass belts under the
tread. According to GoodyearCanada's marketing manager, J.
B. Whitehead, the Custom Power
Cushion Polyglas tire ,lasts up to
40 per cent longer and retails for
about 22 per cent more than the
conventional Power Cushion tire.
Because the cross-section height
of the new tire is only 78 per
cent of its sidewall-to-sidewall
width - as opposed to 83 per
cent in conventional tires - it
is known as the 78 series and
features a lower profile. An F7814 tire is the equivalent of the
standard 7.75-14 tire.
As in the radial design, Whitehead points out, the belt keeps
the tire pressed firmly against the
pavement reducing its tendency
to squirm, resulting in improved
traction and longer tread life.
The belt is also highly resistant
to hruising and enables the tire
to roll easier, which increases gas
mileage, Whitehead said.
Although 10 per cent wider
than conventional tires across the
tread, the Custom Power Cushion
Polyglas tire is not classified as a
wide-tread tire and fits on a standard rim. Goodyear-Canada introduced the Custom Wide Tread
Polyglas tire in 1968.
Looking like the legendary one-eyed monster, technician uses a powerful
magnifying gloss to examine in detail cross section of a new possenger
tire produced at New Toronto Plant. This is one of many regular checks
to ensure tires conform to quality and safety stondards. The picture also
gives an ideo of how a technician looks to the cross section of a tire.
Sell Goodyear brand products
Spencer urges at conference
One of the most important
challenges to .the Goodyear sales
force across Canada in 1969 will
be to 'increase sales of Goodyear
brand products, President L. E.
Spencer told a combined spring
conference of Tire Sales and Retail Stores Divisions in Montreal,
March 3 and 4.
The brand sales market is one
of the most fiercely competitive
in the industry, said Spencer, and
this is where the toughest chal-
New 4-wheel drive tractors
will work on Goodyear tires
Ame Eriksson, of the machine shop at New Toronto Plant, admi res
certificate he received from the Red Cross for donating his twentieth
pint of blood since the inception of the Ontario Free Blood Plan. Certificate, signed by Govemor General Michener, was presented to Eriksson
by Mrs. Dorothy Huggett (right), blood dinic coordinator for the Lakeshore Unit. Marina Boyer, director of blood transfusion services for the
Etobicoke Branch of the Red Cross, looks on. Eriksson had donated 16
pints prior to the Free Blood Plan.
Canada's only major farm tractor produ!=er, Versatile Manufacturing, Limited, Fort Gary, Man.,
has placed an order for 4,200 rear
tires for a new tractor model it
has just put on the market.
The unique feature of the new
tractor is that instead of having
the big tires on the rear only, as
in most farm tractors, it has them
also on the front.
It has four-wheel drive and
center-pivot, hydrostatic steering
which enables the front section to
turn independently of the rear.
Fitted with 18.4-30, 6PR, Trac-
tion Sure Grip tires, the 145 h.p.
machine was shown for the first
time to dealers at the Versatile
plant. Many of the dealers were
from the U nited States, some from
as far south as T ennessee.
A substantial amount of Versatile's production goes to the U .S.
According to R. N. Brailsford,
supervisor, merchandise distribution and control division, only
about half of the tractors will be
equipped w~th the Traction Sure
Grip tire. The remainder will be
fitted with the new Power Torque
lenge lies. Also, this is where the
sales force has the opportunity to
demonstrate its capabilities.
Another job ahead in '69 would
be to recover from the unavoidable decline in replacement sales
due to shortages caused by ,the
strikes at New Toronto and Bowmanville.
Both aims could he fulfilled
because, said Spencer "We have
the quantity of products needed
to do the job; we have the quality
in these products and we have
the range of products needed to
give our dealers and customers
the widest choice in the industry."
Goodyear's 'prices, coupled with
service, wide choice of products
and quality, result in the best allround offer that dealers can find
anywhere. "It remains for us to
sell these features, rather than
sell against competitive price
alone," he said.
"We know that customers buy
mainly on service - preferably
local - and it is up to us to feature this point with our dealers."
Spencer added that this is the
main reason Goodyear is expanding the number of its retail stores
across Canada.
Page 2/March, 69
What our
are doing
(Editor's note: This column
reports items that may directly
atfed our business etfort.)
Firestone is providing technical
and testing advice to inventor
William P. Lear, developer of the
Lear jet, who plans to enter a
unique steam car in the Indianapolis 500 this year. The car wiU
have a rear-mounted steam engine, 18 inches in diameter, with
the boiler mounted beside ' the
driver, reports the Hamilton,
Ont., Spectator. The 450 horsepower engine will burn white
No, this icy monster isn't the Loch Ness variety or B.C.'s inf~mous
Ogopogo. It is the handiwork of Mandoza Turgeon, who works In the
sheet soling cure at Goodyear's Quebec City Plant, and decorated Rue
du Carnavol during Quebec City's recent winter carnival. Turgeon, who
has been ice-sculpting for the carnival for severo I years, has been with
Goodyear since 1949. The sculpture is 28 feet long and eight feet high.
Driver Accident Prevention
t _- - 't
The Montreal-based Financial
Times of Canada states in a
special article that the Michelin
Tire organization "now appears
to be leaning heavily towards
Nova Scotia" as the site of its
first North American plant.
Originally, the Paris-based La
Manufacture Fran"aise des Pneumatiques Michelin, with total
sales in 1967 of $654.2 million
was rumored to be planning to establish itself in Quebec.
Uniroyal, Limited plans to
instal five new machines in the
tire cord section of its Lindsay,
Ont., plant, reports a company
spokesman. The machinery would
fill up all existing floor space in
the plant, he adds. Some new
employees would be hired under
the Ontario Department of Education's industrial training program ,to operate the machines
once they are installed.
Ithink Iwhat would you do?
With your eyes?
l OOK l OT
(Put an "X" through what YOU would do!)
h ~
With your feet?
With your hands?
. ~\
n~ h ~
h&PO h ~ b ~ :=l6Flo h ~
.h ~
tJ "KiPtrs
ON & orr
OAP SERIES No 5 - 0 1
The sales direction for Quebec
Plant products will now be under
D. C. Ward, soles manager of Industrial Products,' H. G. MacNeill,
executive vice-president of sales
has announced. Word started with
the company as em office boy in
1941 and worked os a draftsman
and blueprinter before moving ta
sales. In 1956, he was appointed
sales supervisor, Central Region for
the Industrial Rubber Products Division and in 1960 was named
manager of the Eastern Region of
the division. He was named soles
manager, Industrial Products, in
Brenda Farrow, of the Bowmanville plant accounting department,
stretches her arms to the limit and still can't span the 6 Y2 -foot wide
conveyor belt - one of the broadest ever produced at the factory. It
will form part of the self-unloading equipment being installed in a
Canada Steamship Lines bulk carrier. Belts like this enable ships to
unload ten times faster than normal.
Ships unload 9 times faster
with aid of Goodyear belt
Conveyor belting produced by
Goodyear-Canada is helping shipowners cut costs in unloading
Belting, produced at the Bowmanville plant, is being used more
and more in bulk carriers operating on the Great Lakes and the
oceans of the world because it
makes unloading much faster than
conventional methods.
it has been proved that this type
of unloading can increase a ship's
productivity by 33 1/ 3 per cent."
Goodyear is in the forefront of
this market in Canada and also is
holding its own with foreign competition. The company recently
won an order for belting to be
used in a seH-unloading system
designed for a ship being built in
From Goodyear
Canada Steamship Lines and
Upper Lake Shipping Ltd. have
been progressively converting their
vessels to conveyor belting unloading equipment. In most cases, the
beJting used has been from Goodyear.
Bowmanville recently supplied
a helt 60z feet wide - one of the
widest belts ever produced- at the
plant - for installation on the
CSL's ore carrier, Whitefish Bay.
The carrying capacity of this
belt is such that, when operational, it will unload a cargo of ore in
three hours instead of the normal
30 hours needed by conventional
Tremendous Saving
Says L. H. Yeomans, sales manager for the central region of the
Products Division:
"This is a tremendous saving, and
35 Years
A. Cameron, Bowmanville, Dollard St-Onge, St. Hyacinthe.
30 Years
Vincent Cote, Lionel Aucoin,
Gilles Morel, St. Hyacinthe.
25 Years
W. T. Giberson, R. MacLean,
D. Koopmans, N. Genier, J.
Pritchard, F. P. Hoare, G. E.
Cole, New Toronto Factory.
20 Years
Miss M. O'Connor, Head Office; Magella Robitaille, Therese
Boulianne, Quebec Plant; L. Begley, New Toronto Factory.
15 Years
T. Brown, New Toronto Factory; Gilles Trudel, Quebec Plant.
10 Years
B. Brown, W. Jones, New Toronto Factory.
Page 3/March, 69
"We're always on the go"
They're retired, but far from idle
Retirement . doesn't necessarily
mean inactivity. T he weekly
schedule of the Goodyear employees' retirement club, made up
of retired New T oronto Factory
employees, is varied and entertaining. There's bowling every
week with bingo, cards and movies
at least once a month, and a general business meeting the third
week of every month.
Jack Lerette, who has been
president of the club since its
inception in 1959, feels that the
club fills an important gap in the
lives of the members, many of
whom were Goodyear employees
for over 30 years. Lerette, who
along with George Millard, Jim
Fraser and Earle Howse, started
the club under the auspices of
Local 232 URW, also serves as
president of the United Senior
Citizens of Ontario, an organization with a membership of over
The club's key organizer, says
Lerette, is Orville Brown the
vice-president. "One thing," says
Brown, "is we have a lot of people who enjoy life. They don't
want to sit around doing nothing.
We're aJways on the go."
"On the go" this year, Brown
expe!=ts, will be a trip to Newfoundland and other points on
the east coast. That will be the
big trip. There will be others like
the bus trip to see the tulips early
in May. "Last summer 78 of us
went to Vancouver and Victoria
by CN and we really enjoyed it,"
Brown said. "We were entertained
by the senior citizens of Vancouver who spared no effort to show
us a good time."
T he club's tenth anniversary
was described at length in the
bulletin turned out monthly by
the president or vice-president.
Impressed by a group of folk
dancers provided by the Etobicoke Recreation Department as
part of the entertainment, Orville Brown wrote : "Without a
doubt the 25 folk dancers in their
many colorful costumes and representing many countries were ·so
outstanding as to defy mere
Said Lerette: "We have 650
members so we have to provide a
varied program to give most of
them something they like."
Hat tricks by Taylor, Chalmers
spark Factory to hockey title
Hubert McKenzie and Tommy Monning wotch Jimmy Adams and Mrs.
Tom Smith do the mathematics.
Jimmy Adams shows his form on
th e olley.
Execs rate Goodyear
No. 1 in IRP survey
Almost half of executives inter"iewed in a recent survey in Toronto said that Goodyear is the
fust company that comes to mind
",-hen they think of industrial rubber products.
The survey, covering 50 company executives interviewed over
the phone, also showed ilhat a
majority of those interviewed
"'-ere more familiar with Goodyear
products than with those of leading competitors.
The industrial rubber products
division is ranked above that of
U niRoyal and Dunlop with Goodyear's margin over competition
being particularly significant in
the areas of: being modern, innovators of unique products and
a leader in the industry. It also
came out on top as a company
im"lved in making a wide variety
of products and of having a very
bdpful sales organization.
Goodyear Factory goalie Lorry O'Shaunessey kicks out shot by Pete
Bowie of John Varty Plumbing in final game of playoffs won by Factory
7- 1. Varty players behind the net with Factory forward Paul Dickie are
Bob Mecham and Derrick Brockie. Factory defensemen Joe Killoran
(portly hidden) and Lourie Roberts cover.
Mrs. Ida Bruton and Mrs. Miriam Mollet (facing camero) and Mr. and
Mrs. Alf Boker concentrate on a ga!Y1e of bingo.
After losing the first game of
the Lakeshore I ndustrial H ockey
League finals 6-3 to J ohn Varty
PJumbing, Goodyear Factory
(New Toronto ) recovered to win
the next two games and the
Led by a hat-trick from Gordon
Cha!lmers in the second game and
another 3-goal p erformance by
Ivan Taylor in the third contest,
Factory took the title with scores
of 8-5 and 7-1. It was the fourth
year in a row that ,t he Goodyear
team won the championship.
In the second game, Factory
trailed 3-1 at the end of the first
period with Pete Bowie, Terry
Lavereau and Jim Armstrong
scoring for Varty before Brian
Donnelly scored his first of two
for Factory.
The second period was all Factory with Chalmers getting two
and Donnelly and John Casey
notching singles. Armstrong got a
pair for Varty to complete his
hat-trick, but that was the end
of Varty scoring in this game.
With the score tied 5-5, Chalmers opened ,t he scoring with his
third goal of the game. Keith
Mathieson and Sonny LeBlanc
added insurance markers. Vic
Molto assisted all three of Chalm ers' goals.
In the final game, there was
no scoring in the first period, but
Factory notched four in the second, two by Ivan Taylor and
singles by Rod Stuart and Brian
Donnelly. Rick Lajeunesse scored
for Varty with one minute left
in the period.
The third period saw Factory
score three unanswered goals.
TayJor completed his hat-trick,
Stuart got his second of the game
and Keith Mathieson notched the
T en penalties were assessed in
the second game, 7 to Goodyear,
and 10 penalties handed out in
the third game, five to Goodyear.
Taylor and Chalmers were Factory's top playoff performers with
six points, T aylor's on four goals
and two assists and Chalmers on
three of each. On their heels was
Stuart with three goals and a
pair of assists.
Mad Hatter classic
draws spectators
from the east
Curlers from Medicine Hat
Plant have recaptured the furlined Mad Hatter trophy from
Calgary District. Medicine Hat
rinks skipped by Marg Oldham,
Roy Pettigrew and Stan Bohnet
squared off against the Calgary
rinks Marilyn Turnbull, Harvey
Turnbull and District Manager
Fletch Howard for 10 strenuous
ends (at least t hat's what Jack
Oldham of Medicine Hat reports)
and when the dust settled, the
Mad Hatter trophy had changed
Oldham also reports that one
of the founders of the competition, J. C. Moon, who was the
first manager of the Medicine
Hat Plant and is now executive
vice-president of manufacturing,
and Leo Huhta, general manager
of tire production, were on hand
to witness the "sports spectacle".
The matches were played at the
Medicine Hat Curling Rink and
despite being cheered on by a
busload of their fans, the Calgary
rinks couldn't cope with the
enemy this year.
Page 4/March, 69
Smith sweeps first 3 games
to leael Rec Club curling
Mter three games in the fourth
series, the rink. skipped hy Tom
Smith leads the New Toronto
Plant's Recreation Club curling
league with six points. Smith's
rink is undefeated having scored
22 and won 14 ends.
Tied for second place are the
rinks of Ron Nayduck, Al Lagerquist and George Goodjohn with
four points on a pair of victories.
The rinks of Bill Streeter and Mal
Goodjohn have yet to win a game.
Nayduck's rink has scored 23
and won 14 ends, Lagerquist's
rink has scored 21 and won 13
ends and George Goodjohn's has
scored 20 and won 11 ends. There
are eight games left to play for
each rink in the fourth series.
There are six teams in the
league this year, down two from
the previous season, with about 32
cur.1ers participating.
AI Lagerquist, of tire design, cele-
brates ofter Winning a six-ender
from Bill Streeter, of factory accounting.
Keep your eyes STRAIGHT ahead. look for a possible soft shoulder to slow you down . Watch
out for oncoming cars and pedestrians.
Take your foot OFF THE GAS at once. Every fraction 01 a sec.and yo.. r foot remai ... on the
gas, you increase the danger.
Keep your FOOT OFF THE BRAKE. A left front tire blowout will make your car swerve to the
left. If you brake, your car will swerve even more!
GRIP THE WHEEL FIRMLY! You will need all your strength to keep your car from swerving and
keep the steering wheel as straight and still as possible.
Head Office
J. J. Beechey from machine
document preparation to computer programming . . . J. E.
Thompson from supervisor to
manager, machine document preparation . . . R. W. McFadden
to supervisor, machine document
New Toronto Plant
H. A. Dawe from foreman,
waste control and stock retreating
to corporate industrial engineering department . . . Sy Payne
from supervisor in stock preparation :to foreman, waste control
and stock retreating.
Retail Stores DiviBion
F. G. Laughton from manager,
Rexdale service store to supervisor, r.etaii personnel.
World champs on
Goodyears in '69
Goodyear is hoping to gain its
third world driving championship
in four years during the coming
Grand Prix, Formula 1 season,
Goodyear's hopes are with: Team
McLaren (Bruce McLaren and
Denis Hulme) and Team Brabham (Jack Brabham and Jacky
Ickx). Both Brabham and Hulme
are former world champions.
Here is the schedule of Grand
Prix events for the world championship series:
:March I-South African
May 4-Spanish
May IS-Monaco
June S-Belgium
June 22-Dutch
July ~French
July 19-British
August 3-German
September 7-Italian
September 21-Canadian
October 5- United States
November 2-Mexican
In Memoriam
DON'T SHIFT. Keep both hands on the steering wheel! Until your car comes to a stop, you are
in danger of losing control.
A. C. Williams, New Toronto
Office, 38 years; F. W. Aburrow,
New Toronto Factory, 32 years.
DON'T SIGNAl. Cars behind will become immediately aware of the danger when they see
your car start to swerve. Again, keep both hands firmly on the wheel-until you stop.
Additional control measures:
Try to keep your car headed in the direction it was
going before the t ire blowout. Don't try to pull on to a shoulder of the road until your car
has slowed down to at least 5 miles per hour. A premature attempt to pull off the road may
cause you to lose complete control of the car.
Your only contact With the road are the tIres of your car. It is very
Important t o have them checked regularly, and otten.
Be sure that your trres have the proper pressure, as recom·
mended by the manufac.turer. Regularly, check tires for weak spots,
blisters, n icks, etc. Should your tires hit a curb or you drive over an
obstacle, check t ires at once.
Make sure that your spare i s .n good cond ition . Rotate an
tires, (mcludlng your spare ) every 5 ,000 miles. in the recommended
manner A few m inutes spent on regular tire inspection and care may
save your time - and your life!
Donald F. Clayton hos joined the
stoff of the salaried personnel department as on employment interviewer, G. R. Stevens, director of
salaried personnel, has announced.
Cloyton will be responsible for recruiting and interviewing salaried
personnel for New Toronto.
Canadian tire production
may match population in '69
"Tire manufacturers in Canada
will produce almost one tire for
every person in the country in
1969", George F. Plummer, president, The Rubber Association of
Canada stated at an association
meeting, February 14, in Toronto.
It is anticipated that total pro·
duction will nearly reach the 20
million mark during rhe year.
Production of all types of tires
in Canada during 1968 reached
an aU time high of 18.4 million
units, an increase of 10.4% over
the previous year.
Passenger tire shipments in
1968 climbed to 15.98 million
units which includes an export
total of 546,000. Passenger tire
shipments for 1968 represent an
increase of 13.4% over the 1967
"The industry in Canada looks
forward to another fairly robust
year in sales volume and hopefully a recovery of profit margins
in 1969," said Plummer.
Domestic truck tire sales in
1968 amounted to 1.8 million
units for an increase of 5.1 %
over 1967, while tractor and
implement tire sales fell to 420,000 units, a decrease of 16.5%
from 1967.
H. J. Cornish, Bowmanville
Factory, 27 years; A. Stefaniuk,
New Toronto Factory, 25 years;
J. B. McCaughey, New Toronto
Factory, 24 years.
Tubes up from 4th
to lead safety race
at New Toronto Plant
The morgue, which held first
place at the end of January in
the safety race at New Toronto
Plant, plunged into last place in
February and Vitafilm, in second
place at the end of January
dropped to fourth. The tube department, in fourth at the end of
January, now leads the race, followed by internal trucking, which
moved up from ninth position.
At the end of each quarter,
employees in the department
showing the most improvement
over its 1966-through-1968 injury
rate average will be eligible for
a number of prizes.
Metro Warehouse moved from
sixth place to third, tire room
1550 moved from seventh to fifth
place and receiving came up
from 11 th place to sixth.
The departments and their
percent of improvement: tubes70.2, internal trucking - 49.5,
Metro Warehouse - 42, Vitafilm
- 35, tire room 1550 - 34.2,
receiving - 20,4, tubers - 15.5,
tire room 1553 - 11.6, janitors,
yard gang - 11.1, miIIroom-4.4,
The remaining departments
showed an increase in their injury rate. Morgue went from an
injury-free January to a 120 per
cent increase and settled in last
place, Other departments and
their injury rate increases in
percentages: calenders-63.4, mechanical-42.2, final inspection39,2, stock preparation-33.6 and
Goodyear employee
chosen an all-star
in Alberta league
Larry Plante, supervisor in Division B at Medicine Hat Plant and
player with local Joyline Blades,
has been chosen by the coaches
and sportscasters of the Alberta
Senior Hockey League as an allstar defenseman along with a
player from Calgary's senior team.
Plante played his first organized hockey with the Medicine
Hat Tigers of the old Alberta
Junior Hockey League and shared
the ice with such players as John
McKenzie, Val Fontaine and Earl
Ingarfield now of the National
Hockey League.
He also played for Spokane
Flyers in 1955 till 1958 and
played against the Whitby Dunlops for the Alan Cup emblematic
of the Canadian senior championship in 1958, He has been with
Goodyear at Medicine Hat since
the WinFot clan
Published Monthly In the Interest
of Employees of
Goodyear nre and Rubber
Company of Canada, Umlted
Published In Toronto
EdItor ................ BlaIne Gaouette
Aut. EdItor .......... Leonard Clark
No. 3
Vol. 4
March, 1969
the wing'fo~t clan
APRIL, 1969
Rejuvenatecl ,s uggestion program
sparks icleas from employees
Probably the best employee suggestion of 1968 at BowmanviIle
Plant was the one advising a revam'ping of the employee suggestion program. The -first 10 months
of the year, according to Charlie
Trim, secretary of suggestions,
only three suggestions were offered
by plant employees.
Among the first to receive suggestion awards following the stepping up
of the employee suggestion program at Bowmanville were: Gerald
Buyers, of special products <Checked shirt), Elwood Fice (seated front)
and Lou Lyle (in T-shirt), both of the conveyor belt deportment. Happy
with the program's progress is Charlie Trim, secretory of suggestions.
New conveyor belt 'hot stuR'
in mining and construction
Heat-resistant conveyor belts
capable of carryin~ ·Ioads at temperatures exceeding 400 degrees
Farenheit are now heing manufactured at Goodyear-Canada's
Bowmanville, Ont., plant.
Marketed under the name,
Super Thenno-Fio, the heat helts
have given up to 50 per cent
longer servi{;ethan competitive
belts during rigorous tests in stee.l
miIls and zinc plants, says J.
Cooke; Goodyear's conveyor belts
marketing manager.
Super Thenno-Flo belts are
designed to handle any hot material in the primary metals,
wning, construction and building materials industries.
Containing new compounds
that are heat and abrasion resistant, the ,belts retain their
flexibility and resilience, even
after prolonged heat exposure,
says Cooke.
Of two S'uper Thenno-Flo belts
installed in one Canadian steel
mill to handle hot sinter, the
first lasted 224 days and the sec-
ond, 300 days. Prior to these installations, the average life of a
belt in this operation at the mill
was 60 days.
Also available from Goodyear
are belts containing newly-deveIJ.oped glass -fabric breakers, located ·between the top cover and
carcass, which serve as shields
against spot burning by lumpy
§ Studded tires must come off ~
§ in Ontario, Prince Edward §
~ Island, British Columbia, and §
~ Manitoba at the end of April, ~
= according to the laws of rhose ~
provinces. There is no speci- ~
fied time for removal of §
studded tires in Quebec, Sas- ~
katchewan, Alberta, Newfound- ~
land or the Yukon. But those ~
motorists living in New Bruns- ~
wick and Nova Scotia should §
have theirs off; the deadline ~
was the middle of April.
Then came the change: old
suggestion hoxes in ,the plant
were replaced by a single, brightly-displayed box at the main entrance and employees were reminded that their suggestions
could be valuable, in tenns of
money for themselves and in
tenns of savings for the company.
Employees reacted quickly. "Since
November first", says Trim, "I've
received close to 40 suggestions.
Some are still being evaluated,
but we've paid out $323 to six
employees." Employees whose suggestions are implemented are paid
10 per cent of the first year's savings resulting 'from the suggestions.
Ralph Cole and Orville Plummer, of special products earned
$84 and $74 respectively; Gerald
Buyers, of molded goods, Lou Lyle
and Elwood Fice, of the conveyor
belt department, $50 each and
Elgin Graham, $15.
Cole and Plummer got $64 each
for suggestions which improved
methods of rolIing and handling
slab rubber at the packing tables;
Buyers suggested alterations to
molding equipment and a method
of forcing trapped air out of
molds during curing; Lyle and
Fice devised a method making
wide belts - 150 inches and over
- endless during production and
Greenham suggested ways of cutting maintenance <:osts in the
conveyor belt department.
Suggestions are evaluated by
the heads of departments and industrial engineering. Plant Manager Jack Taylor says he is pleased
with the enthusiasm employees
are showing in attempting to improve plant methods through the
suggestion program.
Four new items, fresh from the Goodyear style book, are now available
at the employee stores. Anne Dmytrazs of customs, wears the GaGa sweat shirt, gold with blue lettering and fleece-lined; Ann Marie
Saville, of advertising, models the mini-dress, gold with blue racing
stripes and made of cotton poplin. It IOlso features Q full-length zipper.
Moe Campbell, of the legal deportment, shows the new racing jacket,
electric blue with gold and white racing stripes and Shirley Brewin, of
personnel, models the racing T-shirt, white with blue emblem. The minidress may be in short supply for some weeks.
New contracts of $2.3 million
for sales, service on 3 iobs
Churchill Falls
Goodyear-Canada has an agreement with the Miron Company
Ltd. to supply that company with
$500,000 worth of tires a year for
use on equipment at the huge
Churchill Falls dam project in
Lahrador. The tires will be used
on earthmovers and trucks and the
job is expected to run for three
years, said L. A. Beatty, manager
of commercial sales.
"Gordon Church (manager of
Montreal District) and his people
put in a lot of hard work on this
job", Beatty said.
Miron, the Montreal-based finn
which is one of the major contractors at the dam, win use the
tires on machines for hauJing
earth and rock to fill 40 miles of
AIl the tires will be Canadianmade, with the bulk coming from
the Valleyfield, Que., plant which
has facilities to build some of the
largest earthmover tires in Canada.
The Churchill Falls project is
the largest undertaking of its type
in the world.
Goodyear-Canada has signed a
$368,000 contract with Kaiser
Coal, Ltd., to supply truck tires,
rims, batteries, accessories and to
provide retread and repair services
for Kaiser's mining operations at
Craw's Nest Pass, B.C.
The order includes the supply
of 'tires for Kaiser's fleet of 200-ton
trucks- the largest trucks in North
America. AIl but the tires for the
200-ton trucks will come from the
Valleyfield, Que., plant, reports
L. A. Beatty, manager of commercial sales.
A good deal of the credit for
securing the order goes to R. D. F.
Howard, Calgary district manager
and H. R. Turnbull, recently promoted from Ca!lgary to district
manager, Regina, said Beatty.
Goodyear-Canada beat foreign
competition in Novemher last year
to supply the same mine with a
$500,000 belt, produced at the
Bowmanville plant. The bulk of
coal from the mine is exported
to Japan.
Police forces
For the rest of this year and
part of nelCt, the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police will be "getting
their man" on cars equipped with
Goodyear tires. And so will the
Ontario Provincial Police.
Value of contracts-to supply tires
to the two police forces is about
$500,000, with some $300,000
coming from the RCMP.
According to M. A. MacDonald,
who worked the account, this is
the first ·time in re{;ent years
Goodyear has landed the RCMP
contract. The company supplied
tires to the OPP two years ago.
Page 2/April. 69
What our competitors are doing
The government-owned Polymer Corp. Ltd., of Sarnia, Ont.,
has signed a technical cooperation agreement on synthetic rubber matters with the Soviet
Union, the Toronto Telegram's
Moscow Bureau reports. While
no specific technical cooperation
projects have been suggested by
either side, there is speculation
that the agreement may open
the door to purchases of complete synthetic plants from Polymer by the USSR.
The New Toronto Factory teom which won the Lakeshore Industrial
League championship this seoson by beating John Varty Plumbing two
gomes out of three and outscoring the plumbers 18-12. Seated, from
left: Wilf Wilkinson (trained, Sonny Leblonc (D), Lorry Shaunessy (G),
Joe Killoran (D), Hugh Graham (coach and manager>. Centre, from
left: Ron McDonald (D) Ivan Taylor (captain and centre), Gord Chalmers (lWl, Johnny Clarke (stick boy and son af Jock Clarke of merchandise distribution), Rod Stuart (RWl, Danny Touseont (lWl, Brion
Donnelly (RW). Bock, from left: John Casey (RWl, Paul ~ickie (RW),
Lloyd Lamore (C), laurie Roberts (D) and Keith Mathieson (C).
Driver Accident Prevention
0l2!J311 ClSO CllO lJ)9IlOIllD
B' ~
'--"'''--"-''''''''''''_ ~ ::-'_1W
Ithink Iwhat would you do?
With your eyes?
- h-
-n -
(Put an "X" through what YOU would do!)
~ .~
If Michelin Tire Company
plans to establish a $40 million
tire plant anyWhere in Canada,
it has not applied for the $5
million subsidy to which it would
be entitled lif it located in a
designated area, says the Halifax
Chronicle-Herald. According to
the newspaper, Michelin has been
scouting communities in Canada,
including centres in Nova Scotia
and Quebec 'as ,possible sites for
a factory.
Crown Tire Retreaders Ltd.
has opened a re-lug and retread
plant in Edmonton, Alta., the
Edmonton Journal reports. According to fhe newspaper, it is
the first plant of its type in Canada using the Mobat re-lugging
process, which, Crown claims, delivers 100 per cent of new tire
life, compared to 55 to 60 per
cent from conventional recapping
methods. On a 3-acre site, the
plant has three 140-inch Autoclave ket~les for curing with open
steam and pressure.
" ~
~ tl~ 0 ~
h~ h
); )
6. ~
Polymer Corporation Limited
and Dunlop Limited have developed a more efficient and
economical method of building
tires according to the magazine,
Industrial Canada. Dunlop says
a synthetic balata made by
Polymer perfonns better than
natural balata in special adhesives for -tire -building drums.
The United Tire and Rubber
Company of Canada has opened
an 8,000 square-foot service and
sales centre lin Sudbury, Ont.,
the Sudbury Star reports. The
repairs department will offer 24hour service and three trucks will
be used for out-of-shop service.
Guelph, Ont., planning board
has 'a pproved a zoning change
clearing the way for Canadian
4. (~
B.F. Goodrich has developed
a slick retread for use in mining
which, the company claims, wears
more than twice as long as tires
wlith lugs, reports the Canadian
Mining Journal. 1t is also claimed the slick tire has more traction
on mine slopes hecause of the
greater surface-ta-surface contact
area. A white warning strip appears when 75 per cent of the
tread depth is worn.
Canadian Tire has opened a
35,000 square-foot store tin St.
Catharines, Ont., according to the
St. Catharines Standard. There
are now 245 Canadian Tire outlets from the Maritimes to Winnipeg. The new store has 10
service bays.
With your feet?
With your hands?
Tire to build a new store and
gas bar. The new store will have
an 8~bay service centre and parking for 210 cars.
G. Watson, Head Office, 43
years; Miss R. Robert, St. Hyacinthe Factory, 42 years; E. Colwel1, Bowmanville Factory, 42
years; W. L. MacFadyen, New
Toronto Office, 42, years; H. J.
Addison, New Toronto, 41 years;
J. H. Murphy, Bowmanville Factory, 35 years; E. Perry, New
Toronto Factory, 26 years; Miss
H . Lemoine, St. Hyac.i nthe Office,
25 years; N. Bennan, New Toronto Factory, 25 years; H. Carpenter, Bowmanville Factory, 25
years; H. Mole, New Toronto
Factory, 15 years.
Milt Fisher, who marks 40 years
with Goodyear this month, checks
one of the fire extinguishers at
New Toronto Plant, something
he's been doing since 1958 when
he became fire inspector. He
started as a tire builder at New
Toronto and four months later
was transferred to the production
squadron. He worked in the cure
for 24 years, the lost eight as a
supervisor immediately prior to
being named fire inspector.
the WinF'ot clan
Published Monthly in the interest
of Employees of
Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Company of Canada, Umlted
Published In Toronto
Editor .,..... "."" .. Blaine Gaouetta
Associate Editor .. .. Leonard Clark
Vol. 4
April, 1969
No. 4
While Goodyear ·tires must
undergo rigid quality control in
the manufacturing plants, the
quality of the product is best
tested under driving conditions.
That Goodyear subscribes to this
philosophy is apparent in the
company's wide-ranging tire testing program.
At the company's proving
ground in San Angelo, Texas,
·test tires log 70 million miles a
year at speeds ranging fro m
fann tractor to Grand Prix racing car.
Late in March, a group of
Canadian journalists and representatives from Goodyear-Canada
visited the San Angelo operation.
All came away impressed. Represented were: The Daily Star and
The Telegram, Toronto; The
Spectator, Hamilton; The Financial Post Toronto; Canadian Automotive Trade and Rubber
World. It was the first press
party ever to tour the San Angelo
proving ground.
The San Angelo complex consists of an 8-mile road designed
to simulate an interstate highway,
a 2-mlile gravel road and rail cut
course, a 3-mile gravel road, four
tethered circles 160 feet in diameter, a skid pad and a 5-mile
high speed circle.
At the tethered circles, fann
tires are tested by tethering tractors to the centre posts. In this
way tires can be tested for hours
or days at a ·time without the
services of a test driver. Here the
tires are tested for tread wear,
carcass durability and drawbar
On a typical day on the 8-mile
road a fleet of cars and trucks
can log well over 100,000 miles.
Because the road is engineered
to pennit accelerated wear tests,
a passenger tire that can last for
20,000 IpHes under nonnal driving conditions may not reach the
6,000-mile mark under the severe
conditions imposed on the 8-mile
For excitement, it's a toss-up
between the 5-mile high-speed
circle and the skid pad. On the
high-speed circle, passenger tires
Page 3/April, 69
Playing, coaching & painting
Hockey is a family affair at Medicine Hat
are put through their paces at
speeds of from 80 to 140 mph
and small truck tires 'a re tested
at 85 mph. So precisely is the
track banked that a test driver
need not 'p ut his hand on the
steeJ1ing wheel as his car speeds
around the circle. However, drivers are forbidden to Itake their
hands off the wheel while the car
is in motion. Because air condition is im possi1ble in 'high-speed
testing, drivers are equipped with
a coolIng vest. Water is pumped
from a cooling tank in the car
through plastic tuhing in ·the vest.
The skid pad, a 2,0000-foot
ection located near the end of
a mile-long straightaway, has
its own sprinkler system to facilitate wet skid t esting. The
sprinklers can flood confined
areas of the track with the
q uarter-inch of water needed to
conduct hydroplaning studies.
The approach to the pad is .long
enough for 'cars to reach 100
m ph and trucks and buses to
reach highway speeds, and the
pad is wide enough to accommodate slalom and passing tests.
To J. C. Moon, executive vicepresident of manufacturing, the
proving ground ·tests form a vital
On: in the manufacturing process.
cone tests at San Angelo tell us
..-be her or not our tires can stand
p under actual working condins which, in the case of some
res, are extremely rugged. Once
our tires have come through the
; ng ground tests we know
.-e\-e done a good job back at the
Car above is racing around S-mi,le
high speed circle at 140 mph.
Fifth wheel is to measure speed
and is used because wheels on car
sometimes slip and register speed
inaccurately. So precisely is this
track banked that a driver could
drive ,at top speed "with nO hands",
although this is forbidden.
.llflll 1111111 II III IIII 1111 1111 III II 1111 III III 1111111 III 11111111111111111111111 1111111111
Sports fans can talk about the
Molsons and the Smythes domi~nating the National League, but
this domination is weak compared to the grip Goodyear employees have on the actJivities of
the Tiny Mite Hockey League in
Medicine Hat, AlbeI'ta. It is a
benevolent grip however, and the
league benefits immensely, for
without the services of these
Goodyearites, the Tiny Mites
would be minus more than half
their coaches and officials. And
all the aollion isn't on the ice
either: -the 25-foot hy 12-foot
backdrop for the head table at
the league's year-end father-andson banquet was painted by Lloyd
Bartman, of the office staff, tire
builder Alex Krassman and Mrs.
Jack Hoffman, whose husband is
a member of the Goodyear office
It is also fair comment to say
that the Goodyear people are
successful, for this year, the Red
Wings, coached by foreman Herb
Dand and tire builder Leo Desrocher won the Tiny Mite "B"
cham pionship.
Goodyear partricipation in the
league is also a family affair.
There are 15 sons of Goodyear
employees playing in the .league,
enough to form a team. Coaching, other than Dand and Desroc'her, are Plant Manager Dick
Skidmore, supervisor Larry Plante, band builder Roy Biko, steam
engineer Ray Mayer, Norm M edlicott, beads; Len Hankins, morgue; Blair Adams, cure operator;
Ron Bingham, hias cutter and
Lloyd Bartman, oHice. In the
striped shirts with the whistles
are tire builders Doug Wilson,
Brian Bray, Alex Krassman,
Wally Bertrand and Alex K.leckner, !band tbuilder Ron Duff and
Fred Kuntz and Frank Bleile of
the ·tire room.
However, unlike Frank McCool, who told the father-andson hanquet how he got ulcers
playing goal for Toronto Maple
Leafs, the Goodyearites are in it
for fun and to make sure their
children and others have a league in which to play.
Herb Dand, foreman of the tire division at Medicine Hat and tire
builder Leo Desrocher and the team they coached and managed to the
Tiny Mite "B" championship. Backdrop, used at the league's fatherand-son banquet, was painted by two Goodyear employees and' the wife
of another.
Employees at San Angelo give Valleyfield-made earthmover tire a
temperature test. Box on vehicle
can be loaded with up to 50 tons
of lead shot to simulate conditions
met by earthmovers. Tires are tested on a 2-mile gravel road and on
rail cut course, a concrete bed
studded with upended sections of
railroad rail. Tire in photo is type
destined for the Mica Creek dam
project in British Columbia.
ot rear is in controlled skid after fa·iling to negotiate curve on wet
pod. Leading car, equipped with Polyglas tires, successfully comrun.
45 Years
H. H. Harvey, New Toronto
40 Years
W. Williamson, Metro Toronto
Warehouse; M. L. Fisher, New
Toronto Factory.
30 Years
H. F. Goodkey, New Toronto
Factory; Leo Charbonneau, St.
25 YeaTS
L. E. Arsenau'lt, B. J. Krangle,
J. F. Davis, F. Hatton, F. Bitz,
W. J. Day, New Toronto Factory;
A. Robidoux, August Bedard,
Maurice Racine, St. Hyacinthe;
W. Martyn, New Toronto Office.
20 Years
1. F. AUin, Collingwood; Gemma Barrette, Quebec Plant.
15 Years
R. Flint, D. Latimer, New
Toronto Factory; G. Paquin,
Quebec Plant.
10 Years
H. G. Nicholson, N. D. Wedgewood, J. Dudziak, G. H. Wiseman, New Toronto Factory; J.
Ganglberger, New Toronto Office;
Jean-Guy P.lante, Yves Briere, Gerard Gosselin, Jean-Pierre Mathieu,
St. Hyacinthe.
Rewards for safety in the new safety race at New Toronto are gifts for
aU members of the department and the opportunity to win more valuable
prizes through a draw. The tube dep'a rtment won the race in the first
quarter of 1969 and winners of the draw, made by Irene Galipeau (Jeft)
hold their winning certificates. Alec Faseruk won a first aid kit and
Frank Pashak and Bob Treimanis won safety shoes. Second from left is
Don Eichenberger, department foreman.
Tube dept. Ylins first lap
of 1969 factory safety race
The tube department, with a
79.4 per cent injury rate improvement over its 1966-1968 average,
became the first winner of the
1969 safety race at New Toronto
PIant, A. F. Coakwell, chief security, fire and safety 'officer, has
announced. The tube department
held first place at the end of
February af.ter moving up from
fourth spot at the end of January.
In second place at the end
of t!he quarter was a new entry
"misce.llaneous" which includes
hourly-rated employees in the lab,
cafeteria and security, wirh a 67.1
per cent improvement. In third
place was internal trucking with
a 32.8 per cent improvement.
The injury rate is calculated
on the number of injuries per
100 employees per month.
Other departments and their percentage of improvement: Metro
Warehouse, 30.3; tireroom (1553),
30.1 per cent; receiving, 29.3;
Vitafilm, 13.5; tireroom (1550),
12.2; millroom, 6.3.
All .other departments showed
an injury rate increase for the
quarter. Morgue, with an average
of .73 from 1966 through 1968,
jumped to 3.03 injuries per 100
employees per month, an increase
of 315 per cent. Other departments and their percentage of
increase: mechanical, 3.7; tubers,
8. 7; stock preparation, 14.7; cure,
22.4; fina.! inspection, 40.1; janitors & yard gang, 48.1; calenders,
Page 4/April, 69
From calenders to politics
and he calls it retirement
Lemoine succeeds Myers
as St. Hyacinthe manager
Lemoine started with ~odyear
in 1937 and served in production
and industrial relations before becoming manager of yam sales in
1964, a 'post he held until his appointment as assistant plant manager in March, 1968.
Paul E. Lemoine has been appointed manager of GoodyearCanada's textile plant at St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, ]. C. Moon,
executive vice-president of manufacturing has announced. He succeeds J. A. Myers, who served as
manager of the plant for five
Myers started with Goodyear
in the payroll department at New
Toronto 42 years ago and in 1928
was transferred to St. Hyacinthe
as chief clerk. In 1939, he was
appointed assistant comptroller at
St. Hyacinthe and in 1960 was
named superintendent. He becam I:' plant manager in 1964.
During World War II, he served
as a major with Le Regiment de
- ~"~
~"i> h Cb]
1I-~~.9.~R~ .
Keep your eyes STRAIGHT ahead. Don't look around because if your car is spinning, you
may become dizzy and confused.
Sergeant Norman McMullen, son
of A. L. McMullen, general manager of the special brands division
for Gaodyear-Canada, has been
awarded the Distinguished Flying
Cross by the United States Army.
Serving as a door gunner in a
helicopter in Viet Nam during
evacuation of a 5 -man patrol,
McMullen, unable to return enemy
fire because of the patrol, directed
the helicopter to a safe landing in
a clearing. During the evacuation,
he silenced an enemy position and
kept the Viet Cong at bay. The
citation reads in part: "His exceptional courage was truly commendoble. His actions were in keeping
with the highest traditions of the
military service and reflect great
credit upon himself, his unit and
the United States Army."
DECREASE GAS SLOWLY. By taking your foot off the accelerator too quickly, you may prolong
STEER lEF:r because you must staer in the direction your car is sliding.
President L. E. Spencer (right) presents 45-year pin to Harry Harvey,
of materials control. Harvey started with Goodyear as on office boy
and worked in the drafting room
before going to materials estimating in 1967.
DON'T SHIFT. Remain in Drive and don't shift gears when in a skid. This will only make the
skid worse.
Additional control measures:
When driving on wet slick roads, do not make any
sudden jerky movements with either the steering wheel or the brake and gas pedals. Every·
thing should be done smoothly and gradually. Accelerate slowly in wet weather. This, too,
will decrease the !=hances of a skid.
clean windshield is a big part of your safety equipment. Windshield
wipers should be checked and new blades or arms installed if the wipers
are "streakers". Objects within the car, hanging from the rear-view
mirror or lying on the rear window ledge obscure the view. so eliminate
them from your car.
Statistics show that clean windshields. headlights and eye·
glasses may improve your vision up to 20·30%. Clean the lenses on all
lightsl These quick and easy safety measures .. . take moments to do
• . . protect your car .. . add years to your life!
Fraser has worked in the calender department since 1942; prior
to that, he was employed in the
Fraser started on the civic trail
a fter serving several offices in
Loca1 232 URW when 'he was
endorsed by the Toronto and District Labor Council in 1954 to
head up the in-plant industrial
section of a ·fund-raising drive to
build a hospital in the Lakeshore
area, where ~odyear's New
Toronto Plant is Jocated.
"Our quota for this drive was
$250,000," said Fraser, "but within 10 days we had pledges for
$270,000. I got a lot of satisfaction out of that because it was for
a worthy cause. (The hospital,
which started with 132 beds ncrw
has 331 beds and a psychiatric
ward. )
Mrs. Julio Cattron, of. tl:!e export
department at Head Office, displays unique pendant fashioned
from a medal won by her grandfather, Alfred Shrubb, one of the
world's greatest distance runners.
This medal was won ot Essex, England, in 190 I. During his career,
Shrubb held world records at six
and 10 miles and the record for
running the most miles in one
hour. A native of England, he
moved to Bowmanville in the
1930s and died there in 1964.
Jim Fraser studies political notes
of 1965. Photo on woll shows him
as chairman of Lakeshore School
'Bugs' blamed
as blood clinic
misses record bid
New Toronto's annual spring
blood clinic would have exceeded
Its target of 1,000 bottles, says
clinic organizer Jack Parker, manager of training and recreation, if
it had not been for -the 'Ibugs".
The bugs are those mysterious
things that cause people to take
medication and make them ineligible to give blood. "We must
have had about 150 of our regular donors on medication at the
time of !!his ciimc," said Parker,
"and that is too much to overcome."
As it was, the clinic collected
864 'b ottles of blood, a respectable
figure by Red Cross standards.
Last year's spring clinic, the first
to aim for 1,000 bottles, collected
966 'bottles.
The "next big one", says Fraser,
was his appointment as chairman
of the Lakeshore's first United
AppeaI campaign in 1956. "I can't
recall what the target was, but we
went over the top."
As weB as being instrumental
in setting up the retirement club
for Goodyear employees, Fraser
,erves as rector's warden for his
BLOW HORN. Give immediate warning that you are out of control. This is particularly impor·
tant in a front·end skid to warn the car ahead of you to get out of the way.
SAFETY HINT: Windshields
Retirement for many means
travel, more time in the garden
or finally, an opportunity ,t o do
their own thing. Jim Fraser's thing
is civic activity, perferably politics. And when he retires at the
end of April after 34 years at
New Toronto, Fraser intends to
get his name back on the local
election ,ballots after a three-year
absence. After serving on the
Lakeshore Board of Education for
six years, the last one as chairman, he was forced to the sidelines when rhe three municipalities
which made up the Lakeshore
joined Etobicoke and the board
was eliminated. "The Lakeshore
is allowed two representatives on
the Etobicoke Board of Education," Fraser elCplained, "and
I'm seriously considering taking
another run at it."
Gord Bilton, of the tire room, and
Peter Schmuk, of final inspection,
enjoy coffee after donating.
"I'd like to get back into education because I feel too much
money is being wasted. We need
people on trhe sehoul boards who'll
keep a tighter grip 01} the purse
strings. Another thing is that education is a very interesting field
and one in which you can keep
up to the times."
On the move
New Toronto Factory
Mike Fleming and Ted Lane
to night superintendents .
Archibald MacDougall and Hubert Decaire to shif.t foremen.
W. "Wiley" Williamson, supervisor at Metro Warehouse, in Toronto, marks 40 years with the
company this month. Wi~liamson
started in shipping and wos named
supervisor in 1951.
the wingloot clan
MAY, 1969
Page 2/May, 69
Driver Accident Prevention
What our
are doing
Industrial Tires Ltd. plans a
$1 miUion one-storey plant in
Mississauga, Ont., the Toronto
Telegram reports.
Ithinkl what would you do?
With your eyes?
(Put an "X" through what YOU would do!)
-- h-
-.. ...- -..
cb) h ~
With your feet?
With your hands?
~ h IiJl h 9\
f!36 h ~ h ~ h ff7D
5. §PO
'l~ <
tr~~ h Q
.Q h ) ) fa
Has paid out over $60,000
bursary program continues
Goodyear-Canada's bursary program, which has bestowed over
$60,000 in its nine years of existence, will continue this year, G. R.
Stevens, director of sa:laried personnel who serves as administrator
of the bursary program, has announced.
President L. E. Spencer has
written a letter to all employees
pointing out that the program is
continuing and urging that employees take advantage of it.
The bursary program, open to
the sons and daughters of employees, pensioners and deceased
employees, pays full tuition fees
at any approved Canadian university for a maximum of four
years, plus $250 a year for expenses. Total value of each bursary is about $4,000.
Applicants must stand in the
top third of their graduating class
and satisfy an independent board
of educators of their ability to
complete a university course.
Last year's winners were Bon·
nie McMillan, daughter of Albert
McMillan, service manager at
Store 722, in Calgary and Valerie
March, daughter of Richard
March, of the olectrical design
department at New Toronto
the Win-F'ot clan
Published Monthly in the Interest
of Employees of
Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Company of Canada, Umlted
Published In Toronto
Editor ... ..... ... .. ... alalne Gaouette
Associate Editor .... Leonard Clark
Vol. 4
May, 1969
No. 5
Polymer Corporation Limited
has introduced a nitrile rubber
impervious to lubricating oils and
greases. The new rubber was developed by Polymer when the
Toronto T ran sit Commission
started searching for a new type
of rail pad that would not deteriorate ·when exposed to oil and
grease, according to the magazine, Industrial Canada.
Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.
is planning an addition to its
service building in downtown Calgary, Alta., reports the magazine,
Motor in Canada.
A $60,000 addition is scheduled
for the Canadian Tire outlet at
Picton, Ont., according to the
Belleville Intelligencer. The curn'nt garage area will become the
part~ section and a six-bay garage
will provide sl)('cial services.
Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd., has
tI.·.·lared a !)-cent di\'id!'nd on
,'0111111011 and class A ~tock for the
lirst quart!'r of 1969, an increase
of 2 c!'nts m"'r the fir.~t three
mUl1ths of last year.
40 Years
.\dril'lI .\nllstrong, O. Brien',
St. Hyacinthe; F. L. Mutton,
35 Years
R. E. Dutnall, New Toronto
Olfin'; W. J. Steele, Valleyficld;
E. Paquette, St. Hyacinthe.
30 Years
C. A. Ruy, St. Hyacinthe.
25 Years
N. Brennan, N. A. Rose, New
Toronto Factory; P. F. Chant,
Collingwood; D. C. McWhirter,
G. E. Morden, New Toronto Office; R. D. Mcintyre, Bowmanville; Conrad Gazaille, St. Hyacinthe.
20 Years
R. A. Foster, Bowmanville;
J. C. Moon, Head Office; L. F.
Huhta, New Toronto Office; JeanMarc Fiset, Quebec Plant.
15 Years
M. Magulewski, H. Mole, New
Toronto Factory; Henri Houle,
St. Hyacinthe; Jeannette Lapointe, Quebec Plant.
10 Years
R. S. Porter, L. C. Primeaux,
L. Faulkner, G. A. Moore, O. McKee, New Toronto Factory; B.
Haruch, Va1leyfield; A. Graham,
Medicine Hat; Paul-E. Houle,
Gerard St. Onge, St. Hyacinthe.
John Rowe, right, Goodyear left-half, gets to the boll before Pot Byrne of
Port Credit, in season opener which Goodyear lost 2-1.
Goodyears with 2-1-1 record
fourth in soccer standings
After four league games, the
Goodyear Recreation Club soccer
team from New Toronto P.lant is
in fourth place with two wins, a
loss and a tie. After losing the
season opener 2-1 to last year's
runners up, Port Credit (now in
third place ) , the Goodyear squad
hea t Procor, tied for fourth with
Goodyear, 4-1, and Portuguese,
3- 1. The Goodyear team 's last
game was a I-I draw with Metro
In the opcncr, John Foulds
scorcd Goodyear's only goal and
continued his scoring ways with a
pair in the Procor contest. Crawford H!'aney and Joe Bakalar
scored the others. In the victory
O\'cr Portuguese, Goodyear goals
\\"I're scored by Jacob Igcl, Scott
Wil ~on and Joe Skibola. In the
Metro Maroons, played in heavy
rain, Foulds put Goodyear into
the lead with a header into the
On the move
Tire Production Division
A. B. Evans from manager of
personnel and industrial engineering at Valleyfield P.lant to assistant manager of industrial engineering at New Toronto Plant
... J. F. Lillie from senior time
study to manager of industrial engineering at Valleyfield ... P. E.
Vivian from supervisor of industrial relations at Head Office to
manager of industrial relations
for plants and stores in Quebec
and personnel manager at Valleyfield Plant.
Factory cost accounting
F. W. Hirlehey from manager
of factory cost accounting at New
Toronto to acting manager of factory cost accounting at St. Hyacinthe (temporary assignment) .. .
Claude Huneault to assistant manager of factory cost accounting at
St. Hyacinthe ... F. C. Moore to
acting manager of factory cost accounting at New Toronto.
corner of the Maroon net in the
fifth minute of the game. The
lead held until two minutes before
the end of the contest when the
Maroons scored after Goodyear
had played most of the second half
with three players injured and
one man short.
Hayward to head
new tax department
w. R. Hayward has been
named to head up the newlycreated tax and insurance accounting department, H. A. Brundage, vice-president of Finance
has announced.
All sales tax and income tax
will be handled by this department, as will coordination of
financial data for other taxes and
corporate insurance, Brundage
Hayward started with Goodyear in 1956 at Head Office as
an accounting clerk and in 1961,
was named supervisor. In 1963,
he was appointed assistant manager of general accounting and
two years later was named assistant to the comptroller and later
assistant to the vice-president of
Finance. He held the latter position until his new appointment.
Page 3/May. 69
Must get in blacle, Spencer says
Capital spending cut $3 million
A $3,000,000 cutback in capital
spending for 1969 was announced
by President L. E. Spencer at the
regular quarterly management
meeting, held May 8. He said the
cutback was necessary in order for
the company to get profits to a
point where bank indebtedness
can be reduced. He added that
the cutback was a temporary
He said that while sales for the
first quarter of this year were up
to 10 per cent on the first three
MacNeill calls for
'something new' if
old doesn't work
Pointing to the fact that the
company had a 10 per cent sales
increase over 1968 in the first
quarter, but less profit, H. G.
MacNei11, executive vice-president
of sales, told the recent quarterly
management meeting the company
recognized its problems and was
taking corrective action. "In
searching for less expense and
more profit, we must examine our
traditional ways of doing business
and if they have not given us the
desired results, we should abandon them and try something new
for a change."
Highlight of replacement sales
in the first quarter was the 27.7
per cent increase in passenger
tires, MacNeilI said pointing out
that the company was beginning
to feel the effect of the "sensational" Polyglas tire. "Customer
acceptance of this product has
been beyond our expectations and
its performance is living up to our
expectations. We wiII -be able to
selI every Polyglas tire we can lay
our hands on and we can seJl
them for a good price."
He said there had been sales increases of over 20 per cent at Bowmam'i11e and Quebec City Plants,
with a 35 per cent sales increase
in conveyor belting over the first
quarter of 1968. While sales were
up over 25 per cent at Collingwood, production facilities at
th t plant could accommodate
more sales, he said. Despite the
fac t some auto companies had reduced tickets, Goodyear sales of
original equipment tires were up
more than 15 per cent over 1968,
he added.
months of 1968, profits were less
because of higher wages, overtime, start-up costs and increased
interest rates on borrowed money.
He predicted a 10 per cent increase in sales for this year over
1968 an~ said the market looked
Tire production up on 1968
other products holding
The 0 u t put of GoodyearCanada's tire plants is slightly
ahead of the first three months
of 1968 and emphasis is being
put on the production of the Polyglas tire, J . C. Moon, executive
vice-president of manufacturing,
told the recent quarterly management meeting.
The major expansion of the
passenger tire section at ValIeyfield is nearing completion, he
said, adding that this month wi\l
see the start-up of the train calender and next month the new Banbury will start production.
He reported that the new dip
unit at St. Hyacinthe is processing
the majority of polyester requirements for the company's Canadian plants. The company is in
the process of developing a five-
year plan to improve capacity
and productivity of this plant, he
At Bowmanville, conveyor and
V -belt production is running at
close to record levels, he said, but
production costs must be reduced,
and layout changes are under way
to effect this. He said the potential for snow-track business is "exciting".
He reported that despite a seasonal lulI in demand for shoe
products, Quebec Plant is running
at high capacity. The profit picture is encouraging, he said, because non-profitable molded items
had been dropped over the past
year. "The future is bright too
because there appears to be a
good volume of profitable business
on the horizon."
Employee hurt in car accident
flown south in company plane
Don Whidden, tire division superintendent at New Toronto
Plant, seriously
injured in a car
accident, had the
company airplane
as an ambulance
when he was
moved from a
northern hospital
to Toronto.
Injured May
10, when a car in which he was a
passenger left the road, Whidden
was flown from the hospital at
Ville Marie, Quebec, in the company DC-3 to Toronto. He is now
in the Queensway General Hospital, which is within five miles
of New Toronto Plant. for Malartic, Quebec
and a fishing holiday, Whidden
and a neighbor had about 50 miles
to go when the accident happened
New Toronto Rec Club picnic June 7
The New Toronto Recreation
Club's annual picnic wi\l be held
Saturday, June 7, at Crystal
Those who wish to use their
OW"Tl cars wi\l get a $5 gas voucher. Bus transportation wiII be
on-ailable however, and buses will
be leaving the Goodyear parking
lac and Sunnyside at 8 a.m., Long
good generally and demands on
-the plants would continue in order
to keep pace with sales. H e added, howevec, that cuts would have
to be made in distribution costs
and inventories kept to a minimum .
Branch loop at 8: 15 a.m. and the
Port Credit loop on Pine Street
at 8:30 a.m.
Recreation Club members can
pick up their tickets at the office of Jack Parker, manager of
training and recreation. Last year
the picnic drew some 2,200 parents and children.
near Vi\le Marie, which is across
Lake Timiskaming from Haileybury, Ontario, and about 10 miles
south. Whidden's wife, Martha,
notified Goodyear of the accident
and when ,t he company plane went
to North Bay on a business trip
May 14, Whidden and his neighbor were loaded aboard and
flown to Toronto. Whidden had a
fractured pelvis and other less
s:!rious injuries and is expected to
be off work for several months.
Danny Cuddy,S, shows how to beat the goolie in lacrosse. Taking in
the lesson are, kneeling front: Kevin Cuddy, 11, and brother Tim, 10.
At back: Rod Clements, 15, and brother Geoff, 13, flank their father
Fred. The goalie who couldn't make the sove is Gerry Cuddy, Donny's dad.
'It's as exciting as hockey
and iust as fast': lacrosse
While lacrosse has yet to catch
on as a popular national sport in
Canada, it has its hotbeds where
men and boys play and promote
the game above all other sports.
One of these hotbeds is the area
where Goodyear's New Toronto
Plant is located and some employees of the company are deeply involved. Gerry Cuddy, of corporate systems research and Fred
Clements of the Vitafilm department, devote most of their off
Judo teacher
gets black belt
John Green, of the printing department at Head Office, who
operates a judo school, recently
was awarded his first degree black
belt. He said it took seven hours
for him and six others seeking the
black belt to complete the tests in
front of a black belt committee
composed of several holders of
3rd and 4th degree black belts.
Those seeking black ,belts above
the 4th degree usua~ly have to go
to Japan to complete the tests,
Green said.
He has 45 pupils attending
his school and six of the students
hold brown belts, the degree immediately below the first degree
Floyd Mutton, of the preparation
deportment ot Bowmanville, marks
40 years with the company this
month. Mutton started os a trucker
in preparation ond later moved to
the calenders. He was named a
supervisor in preparation in 1961,
a position he still holds.
J. J.
Fraser, New Toronto Factory, 33 years; N. R. Luxton,
BowmanviIIe Factory, 31 years;
Miss E. Large, Bowmanville Factory, 25 years; M . Hrycak, New
Toronto Factory, 25 years; N. W.
More, New Toronto Factory, 20
years; J. A. Stewart, New Toronto
Factory, 15 years.
hours ·to the game, Cuddy as vicepresident and Clements as publicity representative and keeper of
statistics of the West Mall Minor
Lacrosse Association. Clements is
a charter member of the WMMLA, while Cuddy has been involved with the league for four
of his 15 years in .lacrosse. A
member of a lacrosse family - a
brother Brian plays goal for Peterborough Lakers of the professional
league-Cuddy feels lacrosse is as
exciting as hockey and just as fast.
"Some of the moves lacrosse
players make are so fast and deft
they're almost unbelievable, but
it's like any other game, you've
got to know it we.1l to appreciate
it best," he says. He said almost
the same thing to a TV audience
between periods of a recent professional game when he took part
in a discussion and description of
the contest.
In addition to his regular league
duties, Clements finds -the time to
coach an all-star bantam team
(boys 13 and 14 years old) in the
Lakeshore Lacrosse Association
There are over 300 boys from
six to 16 in the West Mall league,
and Cuddy and Clements predict
an active future for lacrosse and
that it will soon become one
of the most popular. Also they
add, they would welcome anyone
into the league who would like to
coach, manage, keep time or referee. "We feel lacrosse helps a
boy to a healthy body and mind,"
Cuddy says.
In Memoriam
T. P. Brann, New Toronto Factory, 18 years; E. Saakekivi, New
Toronto Factory, 11 years.
Page 4/May, 69
90% passenger production
to go to Polyglas tires
Unveiled in the fall of 1968,
Goodyear - Canada's bias - belted
Polyglas tire has made such a
dramatic im pact on the Canadian
passenger tire market that by midautumn 90 per cent of the company's passenger tire production
will be devoted to the new tire.
In the memory of GoodyearCana:da's marketing experts, no
other tire has captured the imagination of the automobile manufacturers or motorists in such a
short time. "This is really a new
tire and a better tire and is ideal
for the new high-performance
cars," says marketing manager of
tire sa:les, Bruce Whitehead.
AU 1970 automobiles made in
this country wfU be equipped wilh
bias-belted tires, and Whitehead
predicts, by the end of this year,
Pdlyglas tires will hold a 30 per
cent share of Goodyear's replacement sales. In two years, this
figure is expected to double,
simply because most buyers of
1970 cars wIll replace the original
equipment Polyglas ~ires with new
Polyglas tires, Whitehead adds.
To Goodyear's tire development people, the success of the
Polyglas tire is not surprising. To
them it's "the best all-round tire
They point out that because
of its construction, a bias-ply
Vytacord polyester body, topped
by a two-ply fiberglass belt, the
Polyglas tire resists squirm which
results in up to 40 per cent longer
tread life and better traction. The
belt is also highly resistant to
bruising and enables the tire to
rol.l easier, which improves gas
Keep your eyes STRAIGHT ahead. II you are coming up close to a car or another hazard.
look for an escape. such as a soft shoulder on the right.
Try to PULL THE PEDAL UP with your toe. If this lails. don't waste any more time. Concen·
trate on the other measures you must take at once.
BRAKE SLOWLY. Even though your car has been accelerating, you are still in control. Don't
lose it by slamming down your brake. Try to stop slowlyl
Steer STRAIGHT in the direction you had been going. Do not radically change your course
unless there is serious and immediate danger ahead.
Shift into NEUTRAL. This is the most important and immediate measure you must take. Shift
into neutral first, before your car has a chance to go faster.
BLOW HORN. Keep your hand on the horn. It is important to warn cars and pedestrians
to get aut 01 your way.
Additional control measures: When
you first notice that the accelerator is
stuck. do NOT turn off the ignition il your car has power steering and power brakes. This
could cause you to lose control. If a crash is imminent, wait for the very last moment and
then turn off the ignition to prevent a possible fire.
SAFETY HINT: Car, of Transmission
In an automobile with automatic transmission. be sure to have the transmission fluid checked periodically. This is often overlooked, even though
it should be part of an overall lubrication check.
Remember. aside from causing a possible accident. transmission defects are almost always very expensive to repair.
Check the dipstick yourself at least every 30 days to see
that the proper level of transmission fluid is being maintained.
Also remember to never allow your car to be towed or
pushed at more than 15 miles an hour and be sure the gt;ar selector is in
Almost $1,000 went to charity
early this month because 30 sons
and daughters of Goodyear employees at New Toronto Plant and
Head Office took part in the
"Miles for Millions" walks staged
in the Toronto area. Over 60,000
in the area took part in such treks
on one weekend.
Those taking part in the walks
solidt the support of members of
the general public at so much a
mile and when the walk is completed the backers pay the walkers who turn the money over to
the sponsoring charitable organization involved. The distances of
the treks were from 20 to 33
milcs and those who did not
complete the wa,lks were paid for
the di-gance travelled.
A typical case was Sharon MacDonald, 17, daughter of Charles
MacDonald of the calender department- although her take was
higher than average. Sharon,
who completed a 32.2-mile walk,
collected $7.21 a mile from her
many supporters, with some of
the backing coming from her father's fc.llow-('mployees at Goodyear. Her $233 was the highest
~inglc contribution of the Goodyear employees' children.
Othcrs who walked were: Palricia, 15, daughter of Vince
Paulin, tire room; Bonnie, 16,
daughter of K. M. Clayton, specifications; Helen Pease, 17, daughIeI' of mailing room section head
Edith Pease; Gwen, 15, and
David, 13, children of Kcith
Slater, tubers; Marianne and
David, children of Leo Dupuis,
tllbers; David, 14, and James,
nine, sons of VV. C. Anderson, industrial relations director; Valerie,
I G, daughter of Angus MacDon-
aid, cure; Ba!1bara, 14, daughter
of Lloyd McDougall, engineering;
John, 13, son of Mrs. Mary Howard, factory cost accounting;
Becky, 11, daughter of Don Stockdalc, powerhouse; Verna, 14,
daughter of V. Morrell, carpenter
shop; Pennie, 14, daughter of Mrs.
E. Sutton, credit department;
Robert, 19, son of John Rennie,
assistant manager, general accounting; Hilary, 16, daughter of
Sid Cave, security; Stephen, 11,
and David, 13, sons of Don Wilson, supervisor, salaried personne.l;
Sonya, 15, daughter of steamfitter
Henry Jakob; Mark Trenholme,
13, son of Charles Trenholme,
cure; Linda, daughter of Bernard
LeGree, final inspection; Beverly,
daughter of Al Garbutt, shift foreman, cure; Laura, 13, daughter of
Tony Comparey, public relations
director; lain, 16, and Kim, 11,
children of Mrs. Iris Slimmon,
public relations. Also taking part
was Debbie Walker, 10, granddaughter of Mrs. Gwen Walker,
of printing.
Three girls in front: Kim Slimmon, Verna Morrell, Laura
Comporey; second row: Stephen
Wilson, Pat Poulin, Hilary Cave,
Valery MacDonald; back row:
Linda LeGree, Helen Pease, lain
Slimmon, David Slater, Gwen
Slater, Bev Garbutt.
Goodyear display
visited by 5,000
at Valleyfield
Goodyear was one of the major
industries exhibiting at the Scminaire Scientific Expo held at College Salaberry - de - Valley field at
the end of March. The Goodyear
booth, staffed by Linda McCaig,
Michel Lavaseour and Robert
Faille of the Valleyfield plant,
drew some 5,000 people during
its 3-day tenure, reports Austin
Evans, personnel manager at Valleyficld. On display were sections
of tires, materials used in tire
manufacture and photos of tire
manufacturing. Also on hand was
an earthmover tire as well as some
of the smaller sizes.
The exhibition, called "The
Changing Times" was presented
by the students of the school and
most of the local industries were
Ken Tamura, a lab technician at Medicine Hat Plant, is also somewhat of a technician on the judo mat. Winner in the provincial featherweight competition in the Mudansha category held recently in Lethbridge, Tamura is also an instructor at the Medicine Hat YMCA and
these three pup,ils, Ken McFarlane, Rod Halmrast and Arthur Lindblad,
recently qualifIed for their purple belt, the highest attainable for
a junior.
JUNE, 1969
Aim at furniture market
They pour panels at O\,Ven Sound
Goodyear-Canada plans to start
up production of rigid urethane
foam parts by the end of this
month at its p I ant in Owen
Sound, Ont.
Initially, Goodyear will be aiming at the furniture-manufacturing market which has been increasingly utilizing urethane foam
parts in highly ornate lines of
U rethane resin, plus a catalyst,
is poured into molds where it
f 0 a m s up and finally becomes
rigid. By this method manufacturers have been able to simulate
parts of furniture to a high degree
of similarity to the 0 rig ina 1
wooden part.
The Goodyear name prominent on the front of his car, Bruce McLaren
makes victory lap following first Can-Am race at Mosport. His teammate Denny Hulme won second race at Le Circuit, in the Laurentians,
June 15.
McLaren, Hulme & Goodyear
monopolize first Can-Am races
Goodyear-shod cars have taken
up where they left off last year
in the Cam-Am Challenge Cup
cries. In the final race of the
series last year, at Edmonton,
Dennis Hulme came in first followed by Bruce M cLaren. In the
fi rst two races of the 1969 season,
~kLaren won the first one, at
~losport, June 1, with Hulme second, and Hulme took the checkered flag in the second race, at Le
Circuit, near Montreal, June 15,
with McLaren trailing.
At Le Circuit, Hulme and McLaren broke the lap record of 1
minute, 35.1 seconds set last year
by Jo Siffert during the Grand
Prix. Both were timed at 1: 33.8,
but Hulme gets the record because
he was the first to set it. At Mosport, McLaren set a new lap
record of 1 minute, 19.5 seconds,
ec ipsing Hulme's mark of 1 :20.7,
sec in 1967.
In the second race, Hulme took
over to stay when McLaren collided with a car driven by John
Surtees, and finished the 159-mile
grind with an average speed of
97.55 mph. McLaren came in
about seven and a half seconds
later and averaged 96.27 mph.
At Mosport, McLaren averaged
105.91 mph and Hulme, 105.88
mph. Although it started to rain
about a half-hour before the race
and the sky was overcast, McLaren and Hulme decided to stay
with their dry-weather tires. The
strategy paid off as the weather
cleared and most of the race was
run on a dry track.
Dan Gurney, who had placed
second in the Indianapolis 500 on
Goodyear tires, ran third at Mosport for 22 laps before his suspension broke. At Le Circuit, he
didn't even get in the race because
his engine failed the day before
and he had no replacement.
Using experimental equipment
at the Owen Sound plant, whose
main output since it opened four
years ago has been soft urethane
foam padding for car interiors,
Goodyear has successfully produced pieces of furniture, identical in appearance to woo den
According to Brian Durst, in
charge of Goodyear-Canada's rigid
urethane foam sales, the "results
of laboratory work have indicated
we can produce parts that in quality are equal to, or better than,
their wood counterparts."
Durst added that production
facilities will be instal'led at Owen
Sound by the end of June, and
the market aimed at would be
that part of the furniture industry involved in manufacturing
highly complex and ornate components.
"The high cost of producing
these parts in natural wood, which
includes time-consuming and costly mortising of the various sections, can be quickly overcome by
using mdlded rigid u ret han e
foam," said Durst.
Another factor which influenced
Goodyear in deciding to diversify
into this fic.ld is the Owen Sound
plant's proximity to regional concentration of furniture manufacturers. I ts next-door neighbor is
the R.C.A. cabinet plant.
She can't believe it but it's true. The panel Bev Hawrychuk, of
engineering at Head Office is leaning an come out of the beaker she's
holding. It contains a chem ical resin - urethane - which, when placed
in a mold and activated by a catalyst, will effervesce, and solidify into a
rigid panel, identical to a wooden piece of furniture, even down to the
grain. Goodyear-Canada will soon begin production af rigid urethane
foam ports - like the one in the picture - for the Canadian furniture
manufacturing industry.
He started with an alias, but
made real name well known
D. C. Carlisle, who started with
Goodyear-Canada under an assumed name because his father
was president of the company has
retired after serving for 41 years,
24 of them as treasurer. Since
February, 1968, he had served as
financial consultant.
From 1924 into 1928, while he
was studying engineering at the
University of Toronto and worked at Goodyear during the summers, he went under the name of
"Doug Cannichael".
"As Doug Cannichael I was
sent for the 'Jeft-handed monkey
wrench', whereas as the president's
son I might not have been,"
Carlisle said.
When he joined the company
pennanently in 1928, he dispensed
with his alias. As an engineering
student, he had worked in the
electrical and machine shops, but
when he went on pennanent staff
it was as an auditor. In 1931,
Carlisle was named supervisor of
'branches and three years later appointed comptroller. In 1944, he
was named treasurer. He was
graduated from the U of T with
a BA Sc. in 1928.
D. C. Carlisle, left, and his successor, Treasurer C. E. Clarke discuss
one of Carlisle's retirement gifts.
Page 2/June, 69
Goodyear team league leader
in industrial soccer play
The Goodyear soccer team,
with six wins, one draw and one
loss, shares the ,lead in the Lakeshore Industrial League, in Toronto. The squad is tied with the
Sunworthy Wallpaper team with
13 points.
The Goodyear team has won its
last four games with John Foulds
scoring seven of its 13 goals. Foulds
has 11 goals in the seven games
he has played. Against Ranger,
Foulds, Scott Wilson and Crawford Heaney scored as the Goodyears won 3-2. Against BA Oil,
Foulds got both Goodyear goals
in a 2-1 victory and he repeated
this performance in a 2-1 win over
Ford. In a 6-3 victory over Coney,
Foulds again got a pair, with the
other goals going to Scott Wilson,
Jim Cairns, Jacob Igel and Joe
Each team in the 10-team
league plays 18 league games, plus
cup games during the season.
Miss G. Gallagher, Head Office, 48 years; R. A. Fry, Bowmanville, 42 years; R. C. Kerr,
New Toronto Office, 42 years;
D. C. Carlisle, Head Office, 41
years; J. D. Turcotte, St. Hyacinthe, 34 years; G. W. Clarke,
Bowmanville, 32 yea r s; T. F.
Hawke, New Toronto Office, 28
years; G. C. Cowan, New Toronto Office, 23 years; Mrs. D. E.
Stewart, Head Office, 18 years;
J. M. McDowell, New Toronto
Office, 16 years; F. Zinsenheim,
Quebec Plant, 15 years.
Driver Accident Prevention
Ithink I what would you do?
With your eyes?
(Put an "X" through what YOU would do!)
--- -- <Wt'
--.. ...-
cb) h ~
/, "
With your feet?
Goodyear-Canada President L. E. Spencer, centre right, inspects annual report of 5.5. Manufacturing, presented to him by Murray Francis, centre left, who headed the Goodyear-sponsored Junior Achievement compony. Goodyear advisers ore, from left: Jim Rupp, Bill Macdonald, Frank Hirlehey and Ted Jemmett.
Top president, best annual report
Two awards for our Junior Achievers
The Junior Achievement company sponsored by Goodyear-Canada in Toronto won two awards
and came close to winning a third
in its first year of operation. The
Junior Achievement movement allows students at high school level
to operate a husiness with help
from industry.
Murray Francis, who headed
the Goodyear - sponsored S. S.
Manufacturing Com pan y, was
named "President of the Year"
and the firm's annual report was
judged best of the 20 companies
in the local J.A. organiz? tion. 8.S
Manufacturing finished a close
second in the com petition for best
all-round performance. With four
Goodyear employees as advisers,
the company packaged and sold
Vitafilm under the name, Super
Satin Film.
S.S. Manufacturing had Goodyear advisers in the key areas of
production - Jim Rupp, manager
of planning and layout in industrial engineering - accounting Frank Hirlehey, now acting manager of factory cost accounting at
St. Hyacinthe - and sales - Ted
Jemmett, manager of plastic films
and adhesives sales and Bill Macdonald, sales manager of automotive replacement products.
Once the product was chosen
- several had been suggested by
the students, but had proved impractical for one reason or another
- production equipment and a
package had to be designed.
Rupp, the production adviser, designed the equipment used to wind
the film onto rolls. "We had to
come up with something inexpen-
With your hands?
~ ) )
1 < ~< ~ ~< Cf70
n~ h
the WinF'ot clan
Published Monthly In the Interest
of Employees of
Goodyear nre and Rubber
Company of Canada. Umlted
Published In Toronto
Editor ................ Blaine Gaouette
Associate Editor .... Leonard Clark
June. 1969
No. 6
Vol. 4
sive because it had to be rented to
S.S. Manufacturing for a few
cents a week," Rupp said. The
winder was hand-powered with a
capacity of about 25 rolls of 150
feet each per hour. The boys in
the group did the winding and
the girls, the pac k a gin g and
After it was determined that
the product would be sold mostly
door-to-door because plastic film
wrap was an accepted household
item, MacDonald and Jemmett
conducted sales training classes.
"The higgest hurdle the group had
to overcome," said MacDonald,
"was their natural reluctance to
knock on doors."
Jemmett, who sells Vitafilm for
a living, told the students that
they were semng a product at
least as good as any on the market
and at 22 cents less a roU. And it
was being delivered to the door.
"They sold over 700 roUs mostly
to households, but they also sold
some to a sorority for resale,
which made S.S. Manufacturing
whdlesalers as weLl," Jemmett
said. The company returned $1.20
for every dollar invested, J emmett
poi n ted out. "Good in any
league", he said.
Blue Streak catcher Ron MacDonald is safe at first as pitcher Rod Stuart
streaks for home in game with Trane Air Conditioning, which Blue
Streaks won 14-3.
Goodyear teams top league
in industrial
ball action
The Goodyear Eagles edged the
Goodyear Blue StreakS 3-2, June
12, to take over first place in the
Lakeshore I n d u s t ria I Softball
League. In six games the Eagles
are undefeated, while it was the
Blue Streaks' second loss, the first
also to the Eagles. The Blue
Streaks remain in second place in
the standings with four wins and
two losses.
In a close pitchers' duel, Eagle
pitcher George Cherwaiko gave
up seven hits and Rod Stuart, of
the Blue Streaks gave up eight.
Blue Streak shortstop Paul Beatty
started the scoring in the second
inning with a home run, which
held up until the fourth inning
when Terry Green drove in Vic
Molto to tie the score. In the
fifth inning, Eagles went ahead
when Cherwaiko drove in Ken
Gordaneer, who had doubled, and
Green to make the score 3-1.
A sixth-inning rally by the ulue
Streaks saw Stuart drive in Ivan
Taylor, to make the score 3-2.
Page 3/June, 69
Collapsible boat gas tanks
could make for longer trips
For those of Canada's increasing number of boating buffs who
want to travel farther' afield this
summer, Goodyear - Canada is
marketing rubberized, auxiliary
fuel tanks which increase a craft's
Made in special 50 gaUon to
210 gallon sizes the collapsiMe
tanks are constructed of an abrasion-resistant nylon fabric impregnated with a specially compounded rubber.
Unlike metal containers, uti-lity tanks do not take up as much
room em pty as filled. When
empty, they can be rolled up and
stored in a smaH place.
A full lOO-gallon tank measures
34 inches wide, 60 inches ,long and
18 inches high. Empty, the tanks
weigh from 20 to 34 pounds.
Rubberized tanks hug the deck,
so they don't toss or roll. They
can even be carried on the bow,
if lashed down. Lashing is not
necessary aft.
Because they are collapsible,
the Goodyear tanks minimize the
vaporization -loss that occurs in
conventional types of storage
tanks. There is no void to colIect
vapors, as the top of the bag
always rests on ·the fuel surface.
Rubberized tanks, Goodyear
;,ays, abu oIT.:!' other advantages.
They do not corrode and they
do not scuff decking and brightwork.
40 Years
Hooper, Bowmanville
35 Years
S. G. Fearman, Head Office;
M . J. Oke, W. H. Bates, G. W.
Purdy, H. W. Jeffrey, Bowman,·ille.
30 Years
Miss D. Forth, Head Office;
C. Ridge, New Toronto Factory.
25 Years
L. P. Hardcastle, W. A. Stephens, Bowmanville Factory; L.
\ 'erdon, K. WaJlace, New Toronto Factory; J~ L. Graham, Valleyfield.
20 Years
B. R. Telfer, D. B. Toland,
Head Office.
15 Years
Mrs. G. C. Clark, Mrs. P. McDougall, Mrs. G. Walker, J. T.
Jemmett, Head Office; A. Haffenden, B. Hyhuis, New Toronto
10 Years
U. Aimrault, R. Boudreau, J.
Pollock, P. J. Roche, 1. Webster,
~ew Toronto Fa c tor y; E. B.
Cater, Head Office; R. M. Cochrane, Bowmanville Factory; Mara l Bouffard, Quebec Plant.
(Editor's note: This column reports items that may directly
affect our business effort.)
B. F. Goodrich Canada Ltd. has
introduced its first radial-ply tire
and distribution to the company's
stores and dealers across Canada
is now under way, reports the Toronto Telegram. Ca:Jled the RadiaJ GT Wide, the tire comes in
eight sizes and features four-ply
belting and a six-ply tread.
Rubberized utility tanks made by
Goodyear carry on auxiliary fuel
supply that adds many miles to a
boat's cruising range without taking up all available deck space.
Store employees
in fire rescue
Two employees of Store 938, in
Surrey, B.C., rescued a child from
a smoke-filled room in a nearby
house then prevented the fire from
spreading, according to a story in
the local newspaper, The Herald.
Summoned by a Herald photographer, Betty Webner, who was
taking pictures in the store and
heard the mother's cries for help,
service manager Harold Haeber
and mechanic Bob Arndt rushed
into the house and found the child
crouched behind a dresser. Arndt
carried the child to safety then
helped Haeber drag two burning
mattresses from the house. Firemen arrived on the scene and immediately extinguished the ·blaze.
Mrs. Robert Rathbone, the
child's mother, had carried her
other daughter out of the house
before calling for help. Neither
child was burned.
G. E. Braithwaite from foreman to acting superintendent, Tire
Division ... T. R. Jennings from
shift foreman to acting department foreman . . . T. B. Lane
from night superintendent to shift
foreman ... Dave Van Haeften
and Douglas Stewart to night
M. D. Fleming from n i g h t
superintendent at New Toronto to
special assignment at Valleyfield.
Derek W. Martin to supervisor
of truck, farm, earthmover, industrial and airplane tire production
scheduling and distribution. He
replaces R. N. Brailsford, who
has transferred to Head Office
purchasing department.
Krynak 800, a nitrile rubber
made by Polymer Corporation
which resists lubricating oils and
greases, is now being used in a
new type of rail pad in the Toronto sub way, says Canadian
Chemical Processing. The Krynak
replaces natural rub b e r pads,
which could not tolerate oil and
A high-impact, high-tensile, styrene rubber compound for use as
sewer and drainpipe material is
being produced by Uniroyal Ltd.,
according to Progressive Plastics.
The magazine says the material,
called Kralon, is rust-proof, has
low water absorption and is lightweight.
B. F. Goodrich Canada has introduced a rubber storage lank
called Storitainer used to store
bulk liquids from diesel fuel to
fertilizers, reports Chemistry in
Canada. The tanks require no
venting during filling or draining
operations and punctures can be
repaired with a patch.
An all-rubber chock with friction grips is being produced by
John H. Winchester Inc., says
Bus & Truck Transport in Canada. Triangular in design, the
chocks feature 33 horizontal ribs
Yz-inch deep and are made of
high-density rubber. Called Winchocks, they weigh 12 pounds and
have an estimated life span of 10
to 15 years.
Atlantic Bandag Retreaders has
relocated in a 6,000-square-foot
building in Moncton, according to
the Moncton Transcript. The
firm, which speciaJizes in the Bandag method of retreading truck
tires, em ploys eight people and
has an output of 30 tires a day.
Chief little Bear was big attraction far children at company picnic.
Ex-professional fap dancer
known as tChief Little Bear'
Not only did the New Toronto
Plant picnic have the usual rides,
races and refreshments, but it had
its own Indian chief as well. Ray
Maracle, of the Mohawk tribe
and known as Chief Little Bear,
put in an appearance in full regalia. He was on his way to an
Indian ceremony in Niagara Falls,
N.Y. In his colorful ceremonial
dress, the chief was the centre
of attraction for the children.
Maracle, who works in the salvage
department at New Toronto, has
been with Goodyear 19 years.
From the Six Nations Reserve at
Deseronto, Ontario, Maracle came
to Toronto at 16, the same year
he was married. A natural tap
dancer, he landed a job at the old
Globe Theatre in downtown Toronto, where he did two shows a
day for a year. "The shows would
come and go, but I wou~d stay on
as a house dancer," he said.
After this stint in show business,
Maracle became a member of a
quartet of "snake oil" salesmen
for one of the "five and ten"
stores in Toronto. "Mostly we
sold Cherokee herbs and rattle-
snake oil. The oil was used much
like liniment to ease arthritis
and rheumatism." It was in the
late 20s and these remedies were
part of the health game.
In 1940, after two years on the
reserve, he resumed his show business career, this time as a tap
dancer with a chorus line in Buffa lo, N.Y. "We moved around a
lot from one club to another,
sometimes several in one night,"
he said. "We'd do our act and
move up the street to the next
In 1943, he opened a laundry
near the Trenton air base, and in
1949, when the lease ran out, he
came to Toronto to have a look
around. "I didn't have any intentions of staying around here, but
I came into Goodyear and got a
job. I've been here ever since."
Maracale has a son, Cory, who
works as a tire builder at New
Now part owner of a local
laundry, Maracle intends to go
back to the reserve when he retires.
Canadian Tire has built its largest store at Ste Foy, a suburb of
Quebec City, at a cost of $2.2
million, reports Le Solei!. The
store has 53,000 square feet of
floor space.
In Memoriam
T. Flaherty, New Toronto Factory, 38 years; A. E. Lewis, New
Toronto Factory, 25 years.
Cecil Patterson, a machinist at Medicine Hat, was the first employee to
have a suggestion accepted by the new Suggestion Committee. Plant
manager R. D. Skidmore, right, presents Patterson with a cheque for
$15. Patterson's suggestion will be reviewed at the end of the year.
Harvey Beck, master mechanic, is at left.
Page 4/June, 69
Over 3,000 offend
The kiddies really raced at largest picnic
Two go for a tumble on crowded field in race for boys seven and eight
years old.
This year's New Toronto Plant
Recreation Cluh picnic drew
3,000 parents and children, the
largest crowd ever .to attend the
annual event, reports Jack Parker,
manager of training and recreation at New Toronto.
Held at Crystal Beach, on Lake
Erie, the picnic offered a variety
of rides and races for the children
as well as events for the adults.
Highlight of the adults' afternoon
was the egg-tossing contest which
drew 120 contestants and cost five
dm:en eggs - minus one,
Dainty does it! No charging ahead for the tot in foreground as she tiptoes olong. Girls behind hove a different idea however and dash vigorously for the finish line. Action was in race for three and four year
old girls.
I Recr:~~~~~~;;::;;~i;~::~ses I
Fathers help sons get started in roce for boys three and four years old.
Keep your eyes STRAIGHT AHEAD. Look for the headlights of oncoming cars.
for possible hazards. such as a slow moving car in your lane.
Keep the i;l:; wt the SAME level as it 'liDS before the curve. Maintaiiiing the same speed helps
your car hold the curve.
Lone driver in car-go-round is
Philip Johnson, 4. His father,
Hllrhon, is in thp. p.lectrical neportment ot New Toronto.
Walkout ends
at Valleyfield
By PUMPING the brake with your left foot and maintaining the same pressure on the gas
with your right, you'll have a better chance of completing the Curve without danger. N....r
slam on the brakes.
DON'T SHIFTI By shifting when you are in the curve, you increase your chances of losing
control ofthe car.
GRIP WHEEL FIRMLY. The force of your car turning sharply will require your full strength
to keep it on the road.
Braking on a curve
is a sure sign of unskillful driving. It can result In squealing
tires, a leaning car, lurching passengers, a skid, difficult steering or even worse trouble.
Taking a curve so that your passengers are not even aware of it, indicates that you're a
skillful driver.
SAFETY HINT: Cooling System
An automobile engine heats to tremendous temperatures. This can best
be Indicated by the fact that water of approximately 170· coals the
englnel Be certain to have the radiator filled to the proper level.
If you are driving In a climate where the temperature may
fall below freezing, be sure to have the proper amount of anti· freeze
added to the cooling system.
Ifthe temperature gauge Indicates overheating, stop your car
as soon 8S possible and give the engine a chance to cool off. Never drive
with a boiling engine and never remove the cap from a boiling radiator.
One of the major causes of overheating in hot weather is
slow "stop and go" driving. To cope with this situation, shift into
Neutral, race your engine and the accelerated fan will cool the motor.
Employees at Goodyear-Canada's Valleyfield plant returned to
work June 12 after a three-day
walkout. It was the second time
in two weeks employees had walked out following a piecework rate
dispute. Initially, the walkout was
confined to 54 tire builders, who
left their jobs June 2. They returned to work June 5 and the
following Monday the majority of
employees walked off the job.
Leaders of Local 774 of the
United Rubber, Cork, Linaleum
and Plastic Workers of America
and the union's international representative denied any cannection
with the walkout. The present
contract terminates June 30 and
negotiations between the union
and the company have been under way since April 10.
II ~:~;l,!:;:~!:;:;t~a~;~:~;;:~:o~~'::n: ::~~:::: II
The budget for 1969 expenditures has been set at $25,467,
a .ubstantial lncfea,e Ovel [lie $lG,984c.39 uisuursed in 196B.
This reflects the anticipated increases in program plus the
operation of activities over a full twelve month period.
t~~ l'!~:~ ;;:~ l'~~~1 I
Curling ........... ... ..
Bingo ............. ... ..
Playing Cards ....
Soccer ...... ............
Excess of Revenue over Expenditure $ 9,024.97
Lifeguard Spare
now available
at bargain prices
Because of a lack of demand,
Goodyear is discontinuing production of its Lifeguard Safety Spare
tire, commonly as "the-tire-withina-tire". Now, the Lifeguard Safety
Spare is being offered at reductions of up to 35 per cent and are
available to employees at the service stares.
In accordance with the constitution of the Goodyear
Recreation Club the annual statement for 1968 operations
appears below. Due to the recent increase in dues the Club
Bank balance
Savings Accounts 12,268.12
Petty Cash
~ ~: ~!:'Y t!':
I ~::t10.:'tof~d
Surplus Fwd.
1968 Surplus
JULY, 1969
Academic upgrading program
for New Toronto employees
Goodyear will participate in an
academic upgrading program for
employees with Humber College
of Applied Arts and Technology
and several local industries. Humber College is a relatively new
community college essentially for
post-secondary and adult education.
Called E N T E R (Etobicoke,
New Toronto Employee Retraining), the program will start at the
end of September and there will
be 20 weeks of lectures. The cost
to the employee will be limited to
some school supplies. Three subjects, English, mathematics and
science will be offered and run on
consecutive days enabling employees to take all three if they so
desire. Pointing out that there are
two · 2-hour .lectures each day,
"V. F. Fraser, plant manager at
New Toronto and company representative on the Industrial Advisory Committee for the program,
said, "One of the most important
facets of this program is that it is
scheduled to accommodate the
shiftworker." Lectures will be at
2:45 and 4:45 each day, with
mathematics on Mondays, science
on Tuesdays and English on Wednesdays. Grades or levels will not
be emphasized, but the program
could take a student to college entrance in the three sub j e c t s
The courses will be held at the
South Campus of Humber College, which is close by New Toronto Plant, or at some other location nearby, yet to be determined.
Further information may be obtained from the training and recreation de par t men t at New
McLaren, Hulme, Goodyear
make it 3 in ro\V in Can-Am
Goodyear tires again carried the
New Zealand twosome of Bruce
McLaren and Denny Hulme to
the number one and two spots in
the Can-Am Challenge Cup series
at Watkins Glen, N.Y., Sunday,
July 13.
At Mosport it was a McLarenHulme win and at Le Circuit the
order was switched with Hulme
finishing first and McLaren, despite a collision with British driver
John Surtees' car, trailing in second place.
In the third race of the series,
McLaren crossed the line first with
his partner's front wheel beside
his cockpit. They had stuck together during a.1l of the 87 laps
and at no time were the bright
orange McLaren M8B cars more
than a second apart.
And they smashed a few records
while they were at it. The race
record fell to McLaren who finished the 200 miles in 1: 35: 14.2.
Hulme took the lap record at
1: 02.6, his speed of 132.27 mph
beating Mario Andretti's 1968 record of 128.97 mph.
5 new presses
for Quebec Plant
to cost $137,000
Dean Grills (in white helmet) and Bill Barrable trim cable ends from
tina I roll of steel-cable belt bound for Kaiser Resources coal mine at
Craw's Nest Pass, B.C. When spliced the belt will be over three miles
ong and was shipped in 16 rolls of 23 tons each on six flat cars. Bowanville Plant, Canada's sole producer of steel-cable belt, finished the
elt in record time and shipped it ahead of schedule.
Five new molding presses, costing a total of $137,000 are to be
installed by Goodyear-Canada at
the Quebec City plant.
The presses, which will be operational by the fall, will produce
a variety of molded rubber products, including a large number of
bushings for the automotive industry.
The new presses will increase
production of molded goods out
of Quebec by approximately eight
per cent, according to R. L.
Evans, plant manager.
Taking time aut from studying a map af Quebec ta pase far the camera
are Karen Howse and Francine Tremblay. From Charlesbourg, near
Quebec City, Francine is on a two week language and cultural exchange
visit to the home of Karen, 15-year-old daughter of Earl Howse, Toronto
plant machine shop lead hand. Karen recently spent two weeks in
Francine's home.
For these exchange students
it's: ~Vive la difference'
"Toronto est tres grande, mais
tres chaude" - Toronto is very
big, but very warm.
These were among the first observations made by 15-year-old
Francine Tremblay, of Charlesbourg, Que., when she arrived in
the Ontario capital at the height
of the recent heat-wave to begin
a two-week student exchange stay
at the home of Karen Howse, 15year-old daughter of Ear.l Howse,
machine shop lead hand at the
New Toronto plant.
Under the exchange visit, promoted by the Canadian Council
of Christians and Jews to foster
a closer understanding of the
English and French ,language and
culture, Karen previously spent
two weeks in Francine's home,
five miles north of Quebec City.
After that trip, which she made
with 800 other Ontario students,
Karen discovered that she knew
more French than she thought she
knew. "But the most important
thing was that I got over my
embarrassment of s pea kin g
French," says Karen.
Francine was one of 800 Quebec students who came to Toronto
and other parts of Ontario on a
special train. She and her fellow
students have already attended a
luncheon in the Royal York Hotel
as guests of the Ontario Government and cruised on the lake on
a specially-chartered Tor 0 n t 0
Island ferry boat.
A trip to Niagara Falls is one
of the many items on a busy
itinerary which culminates in a
"Hootenany" on Toronto Island
the night before the visitors return home.
Francine has already seen Toronto's famous City Hall. What
did she think of it? "C'est magnifique!"
(N.B.-Goodyear-Canada is one 0/
the hundreds 0/ contributors to the
Council 0/ Christians and Jews
which pay virtually all 0/ the transportation costs 0/ students taking
part in the exchange program.)
Page 2/July, 69
What our
are doing
(Editor's note: This column reports items that may directly
affect our business effort.)
Goodall Rubber Company of
Canada, Ltd. has developed a
hose mad e from com pounded
modified polyvinyl alcohol that
will not swell or crack, reports
Canadian Industrial Equipment
News. It is best used for conveying solvents in the medium temperature range, -20F to 190F, and
has operating pressures up to 500
This is the team from Goodyear's Valleyfield plant which won the industrial basketball league championship of the area by defeating the
Canadian Industries Limited squad. After losing the first game of the
best-of-three final, 61-60, the Goodyear team bounced bock to win the
next two, 70-66 and 106-57. Front, from left: Austin Evans, Roger
Sovoille (top scorer in the first game with 26 points), Michel Lasalle,
Fred Burgess (who led scorers with 34 points in the final game), David
Tsang. Back, from left: Vince Beol, Moe Bouchard (who got 18 points
in the second game), Gerry Giroux, Ed Taciuk, Phil McSween.
Driver Accident Prevention
Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd.
will build a $321,000 automotive
hardware store and service station
in Winnipeg, according to the
Winnipeg Tribune. The one-storey
building will have about 24,000
square feet of space and will be
completed this summer.
Uniroyal Ltd. has developed a
thermoplastic that offers outstanding resistance to abrasion, fuel and
oil, yet retains its flexibility at
temperatures up to -80F, reports
the magazin{', Progressive Plastics.
Gates Rubber of Canada is
offering a power crimper that
makes permanent hose assemblies
in minutes in the shop, says the
magazine, Canadian Machinery
and Metalworking. The unit
crimps couplings up to 1", and
can be permanent or portable and
power e d by a hand-operated
pump or an air motor.
Ithinkl what would you do?
With your eyes?
--- --- - - n
(Put an "X" through what YOU would do!)
- nC~)
With your feet?
Western Tire has opened stores
in Sault Ste. MariC' and North
Bay, Ontario, according to thl!
local ne\\'spap('rs. Both carry SIlPpliC's for motorists, rC'cr('ati o nist~
and householdC'rs and have car
service and rC'pair ( C'l1trC's.
Uniroyal Ltd. is markC'ting an
engineering plastic that rC'sists distortion at 300 degrC'('s F at pressures up to 264 psi. It C'xtrudes
into sheet, pipe and profiles, reports Canadian Indllstrial Equipment News.
Canadian r a c i n g driver Bill
Brack, vice-president of Sports
Cars Unlimited, has announced
the firm has signed a contract to
distrihute Dunlop r a c i n g tires
across Canada. according to thl!
magazine, Service Station.
With your hands?
tJ ~ n ~ I
5. ~
'~ < ff70
'1 < ~
~ h~
h ~ n~ n
SIC .... lEfT
the WinF'ot clan
Published Monthly In the interest
of Employees of
Goodyear nre and Rubber
Company of Canada. LImited
Published In Toronto
Editor ...... ....... .. . Blaine Gaouette
Associate Editor .... Leonard Clark
Vol. 4
July. 1969
Port Credit half Pat Byrne, foreground, arrives too late to prevent Goodyear's leading scorer, John Foulds from heading the ball toward Port
Credit goal. In left background is Crawford Heaney.
Halted game robs Goodye'a r
of lead in soccer standings
Despite being de p r i v e d of
almost - certain victory when a
game they were leading 5-2 was
called with 15 minutes to go,
Goodyear's entrants in the Lakeshore Industrial Soccer League
still hold a share of first place.
The referee stopped the game, citing rough playas the reason, following an altercation between the
Goodyear goalie and a forward of
the opposing Zagreb team. The
referee felt the game was getting
Ollt of contro!'
40 Years
A. Gisel, Winnipeg District.
25 Years
R. Log an, E. Bertrand, J.
Koren, J. Romanik, M. Gadjos,
B. Pilon, J. J. Murphy, N~w Toronto Factory; M. Plecan: New
Toronto Office.
20 Years ~
F. Clements, New Toronto Factory; Maurice Gauthier, Quebec
15 Years
R. D . Couttie, A. M . Turner,
Head Office; A. Chasas, L. C.
Scriver, New Toronto Factory.
10 Years
W. Coles, F. Pluta, D. Monardo, F. 1. Lawlor, E. Bedarf, C.
Bartlett, E. Flanagan, New Toronto Factory; G. Paradis, St.
Of Goodyear's five goals, four
were scored by John Foulds, but
will not count because the game
must be replayed. Had the y
counted, Foulds would lead the
league with 17 in the nine games
he has played. Crawford Heaney
scored the other Goodyear goal.
In another league game, the
Goodyear team tied 1-1 with Port
Credit, the co-holder of first
place, despite playing the first
half-hour a man short. Foulds
scored the Goodyear goal as he
did in a cup game against Rangers, which Goodyear lost 2-1. The
Goodyear team has won six, lost
one and tied two for 14 points
and has a game in hand over Port
New hose needs
no connectors
Goodyear-Canada is marketing
a new garage exhaust hose with
an expanded end which eliminates
the need for connectors when two
pieces of the same size of hose are
joined, according to W. L. MacDonald, manager-sales, automotive
replacement products.
The all-Neoprene construction
resists effects of exhaust fumes,
grease, oil and gasoline. The
hose's corrugated design ensures
it cannot collapse or kink, even
after continuous abuse hy vehicles.
A full line of fittings is available.
Page 3/July, 69
Foam-filled and bulletproof,
nothing stops this tire
Tires that won't go flat- even
when hit by bullets- may result
from tests being concfucted by
The tests involve use of a rubber foam instead of air to "inflate" conventional tires, it was
explained by John]. Hartz, vice
president of tire development, at
Emphasizing that use of such
foam as an inflating material is
still in the advanced testing stage,
Hartz said it could be used initiallyon military vehicles, on mining,
heavy construction and agricultural equipment and on other offthe-road vehicles.
Not until company engineers
olve the weight and heat buildup
problems will foam inflation be
practicable for passenger cars and
trucks, he said.
"Airless tires eliminate the necessity of repairing and changing
tires," Hartz said. "This could be
vitally important when vehicles
are in combat or in out-of-the-way
places such as mine tunnels."
The coarse-textured, resilient
foam in the tire is an organic
rubber polymer that is durable
and maintains good ride and
handling characteristics.
In extensive tests, engineers
have drilled holes in foam-inflated
li res, fired bullets into them,
lashed them and driven them
O\'er spikes. Despite this punishment- which would have immobil ized conventional air-filled tires
- the tires continued to perform.
Testing foam inflation has in\'olved industrial type tires as
well as passenger and truck tires
driven on test tracks in Ohio,
~ [ic higan and Texas at speeds up
10 80 miles per hour. Tread wear,
Hartz said, was not affected by
the foam inflation.
Since the advent of pneumatic
tires, scores of materials have
been proposed to replace air, but
none was successful until this new
development. Among those tried
unsuccessfully were cork, wood
blocks, sand, felt, coil springs,
rubber baJi's, powdered aluminum
and s~dust.
motorcycle tire
has polyester
spikes can be hard on a tire, but
not in this case. This new airless
tire filled with rubber foam, under
development by Goodyear, is both
puncture-proof and bullet-proof.
The dense foam is durable and
maintains good ride and handling
New manager
for retread plant
at Quebec City
fro Ie. Hooper, who retired ot the
end of June from the Bowman" e factory with 40 years service.
He started in the preparation department and in 1931 transferred
I e hose deportment. In July of
96S, he moved to the shipping
deportment, where he remoined
II his retirement.
Mrs. A. L'Heureux, St. Hyacinthe Factory and H. G. Needham, Quebec Plant, 43 years; T.
Laprade, St. Hyacinthe Factory,
42 years; O. Briere, St. Hyacinthe
Office and T. H. Walton, New
Toronto Office, 40 years; A. Cere,
St. Hyacinthe Factory, 39 years;
W. H. Bates, Bowmanville Factory, 35 years; ]. Coole and J. C.
Coule, Bowmanville Factory, 34
years; R. E. Noble, Bowmanville
Factory, 26 years; O. Rousseau,
St. Hyacinthe Factory and V. I.
Tiffin, Head Office, 25 years; S.
Proulx, St. Hyacinthe Factory, 21
years; Mrs. P. MacDougall and
Mrs. G. Walker, Head Office, 15
Roger Bertrand has been appointed manager of the retread
plant at Quebec City, W. F.
Hayes, manager of tread rubber
sales and retread operations has
Bertrand started with Goodyear
at Metro Warehouse in Toronto
in June 1964 and left in November, 1967, to join the company
production squadron at New Toronto. While a squad member he
was assigned to all departments
in the production of tires and received an intensive course in retreading operations. He was also
instrumental in the installation of
the new 3-T dip unit at SaintHyacinthe.
A radically new motorcycle tire
expected to have a long-range
trendsetting effect on future motorcycle tire design is announced
by Goodyear-Canada.
"The Speed-Grip tire marks the
first use of low-profile construction
in tires for non-racing motorcycles and the first use of polyester cord in motorcyc.le tires of
any type," according to F. J.
Graham, manager, tire department.
Graham says Goodyear worked
closely with The Harley-Davidson
Motor Company in developing the
Speed-Grip tire, which is specifically designed for that firm's Electra Glide models 74 FL and 74
FLH motorcycles. It will be made
in only one size, 5.10-16.
Compared wit h conventional
motorcycle tires, the Speed-Grip
tire represents a reduction of more
than 10 per cent in aspect ratio
- the ratio between the section
height of a tire from head to tread
and the width from sidewall to
The Speed-Grip tire has an aspect ratio of .88, which means its
section height is only 88 per cent
of its width. Conventional motorcycle tires are about .98 in aspect
ratio, or are nearly as high in section as they are wide, Graham
"The wider and flatter tread,
the lowered profile and the use
of polyester cord plies results in
a tire with improved handling,
stability, high-speed p erformance
and ride comfort," Graham points
Other features of the SpecdGrip tire are a rib-type tread pattern for front and rear wheel
mounting, and two narrow white
sidewall stripes - four-tenths of
an inch wide - on each sidewall.
Black sidewalls also will be available for hoth original equipment
and rep.1acement.
Bob Scott, department foreman of internal trucking, holds certificate
indicating his men have won the second lap of the 1969 safety race
at New Toronto. Each man in the department received a ballpoint pen
and a draw was held to determine winners of the larger prizes. Winners
were: standing, Lee Parker (safety shoes), Ian Coote (first aid kit), Nick
Anastasiou (safety shoes); seated, Jim Vernezos (first aid kit). Winners
absent for photo were Bill Kowaluk and Richard Morell, who won first
aid kits.
Internal trucking up from 3rd
to win 2nd lap of safety race
Internal trucking, in third place
at the end of the first quarter in
New Toronto Plant's safety race,
moved up to first place to win
the second quarter. The tuhe department, which won in the first
quarter, dropped to second place,
but only by one and one-tenth
per cent.
Safety performance is based on
the departments' improvement
over their average injury rate
from 1966 through 1968 and is
rated on the number of injuries
per 100 employees per month.
Internal trucking showed a
4-4.5 per cent improvement on
its 1966-68 average, while tubes
improved 43.4 per cent for the
second quarter. Receiving with a
39.3 per cent improvement moved
up from sixth at the end of the
first quarter to third p.lace and
tubers, which showed a 35.6 per
cent improvement came from
11 th to fourth place. Miscellaneous, a new entry in the first
quarter which includes hourlyrated employees in the labs, cafeteria and security, dropped from
second place to sixth pbce.
Other departments, their standings and percentage of improvement : 5. Metro Warehouse, 31.3;
7. truck tires, 21.9; 8. mechanical
division, 17.3; 9. Vitafilm, 13.5;
10. passenger tires, 13.4; 11. millroom, 2.36; 12. miUroom, 2.34.
The remammg departments
had an injury rate increase in the
second quarter. Stock preparation, with a 1966-68 average of
2.85 injuries per 100 employees
per month, increased to 3.24 or
13.6 per cent. Other departments
and their injury rate increase
percentages are: calenders, 24;
final inspection, 45; janitors and
yard gang, 45.3; morgue, 168.4.
Ray Kerr, who retired recently ofter 42 years with Goodyear, hands
out gum to some of the employees attending his Supervision Club presentation. He started with the company on the original "Flying Squadron", the forerunner of today's production squadron and after three
years was assigned to the stock preparation division. He worked in this
department in development until his retirement. Well-wishers .are, from .
left: Mrs. Nina Rudnicki, Mrs. Margaret Takoff, Mrs. Karen O'Brien,
Mrs. Ann Jones and Linda Martin. Gum was given to him by fellow
employee, who hod pilfered liberally from Kerr's supply over the yeors.
Page 4/July, 69
tHey, baby, I need a blimp'
It'll be the grooviest pineapple!
It is genera.lly thought that a
man who works in the marketing of aerospace and defense
items s e I do m encounters the'
weird, the unusual or the humorous situations which often face a
salesman involved with consumer
Maybe so, but not always. Bill
Baxley, aero-mechanical marketing at Goodyear AerospaceArizona, can attest to that. Take,
for example, a recent phone call
he received. It went something
like this:
"Hey, baby!" said the voice on
the other end, "I'm an ad exec
on the coast and I need a blimp."
"A blimp?" Bax.ley replied.
"Yeah, baby, a blimp. I want
to buy a great big Goodyear
blimp. It'll be the grooviest."
"Grooviest what?" Baxley asked.
"Pineapple, man. I'm gonna
have it painted to look like a
great big pineapple."
"Why do I always get these
strange ones," wondered Baxley
as he asked, "You're going to
paint a blimp to look like a pineapp.le?"
"Oh man, yeah. Y'see I got
this pineapple account and I want
the biggest, fattest, longest pineapple I can get."
"And you think the Goodyear
blimp will make a good pineapple?" Baxley countered.
"Oh yeah, man. Like I say, it'll
be the grooviest."
"I bet it would be," replied
Baxley. "Tell me, what wiII you
do with it after it's painted to
look like a pineapple?"
"Now you're coming to the
grabber. Wait till you hear this."
,/ /1
Now that you have noticed the tailgater, keep your eyes STRAIGHT AHEAD. Don't be tempted
to keep your eyes on the rear view mirror.
DECREASE GAS SLOWLY. Don't be tempted to try and race away from a tailgater. Chances
are he will race with you.
JUST TOUCH THE BRAKE. Your flash ing brake lights will warn him. Don't brake suddenly.
This could cause a serious accident.
Steer to the extreme RIGHT of the road. This will encourage the tailgater to pass you.
DON'T SHIFT. A sudden deceleration of your car may cause him to hit you.
SIGNAL SLOW OR STOP. This will let him know of your intentions to slow down and will
also encouragp. him to pass.
Additional contral measures:
If none of these measures encourages him to
stop tailgating or to pass you, pull off the road, slowly. Be sure that you pull over in a safe
spot such as a wide shoulder, etc. If there is no safe place, decrease your speed slowly
and maintain th is very low safe rate of speed until you can pull over.
SAFETY HINT: Signal Lights
Because driving today often involves traveling at high rates of speed,
it is extremely important to inform other drivers of your intentions far
in advance. Th is is why all signal lights should be working perfectly.
Have a friend or a member of your family stand outside the
car and check each signal to see if it is working. Th is check should include
directional signals. both front and rear brake lights and back· up lights.
(The horn is also a signal and it should be loud enough to
warn everyone in the immediate vicinity.)
"I can hardly wait," said Baxley.
"After I get the blimp, then
I'm gonna rent that great big
hangar of yours in Akron. I've
seen pictures of that pad and it's
just what I need."
"Need for what?" said Baxley,
almost afraid to hear the reply.
"To paint up to look ,like a
big pineapple can. Man, where's
your imagination? I'm go n n a
paint that blimp to look like a
pineapple and that hangar to look
like a pineapple can."
"Then what?"
"Then I'm gonna take pictures
of that big pineapple flying in and
out of that big can."
"That's a big job, painting the
Airdock," B a x ley commented.
"Do you know it has 18 acres of
exterior surface area?"
"Eighteen acres! Man, you're
putting me on."
"Nope, no put on. That's how
big it is."
"Okay, okay, I'm convinced.
Now, how about the blimp?"
"What about it?"
"Can you build it?"
"Certainly we can bui.ld it. Can
you pay for it?"
"How much, baby?"
"What would you say to $400,000 as a starter?"
"Four hundred thousand! Man,
that's a lotta bread for a little bag
of air."
"For a big bag of helium," Baxley corrected.
"Oh baby, I think I gotta think
up something else," he said as he
ended the conversation.
2nd conciliation
meeting slated
for Valleyfield
A second conciliation meeting
hC'lween Goodyear and Local 774
of the United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Tile Workers of America at Valleyfield, Quebec, has
been scheduled for August 5. The
first meeting was held July 8, after
negotiations proved unsuccessful.
The contract between the company and union terminated June
Medical director
now a specialist
Dr. H. G. Morrison, GoodyearCanada's director of medical services, has been cer~ified by the
United States Board of Preventive Medicine as a specialist in
occupational medicine.
Occupational medicine covers
the selection of employees for
specific jobs in factories and the
preservation of their health while
working with the company.
Dr. Morrison gained his certificate on successfully completing
examinations in Houston, Texas.
Bernard Gergahty shows his department foreman Sy Payne, left, and Art
Coakwell, safety director, the mutilated safety boot that saved his root
from serious injury.
Foot saved by safety shoe
he ioins 'Ten-on-Two Club'
Bernard Gergahty, of the waste
control department at New Toronto became the third Goodyear employee to join the "Tenon-Two Club" when his safety
boots saved his foot from injury.
The club is made up of people
who have had safety shoes prevent injuries.
According to Art Coakwell,
chief security, fire and safety officer, Gergahty was trucking waste
maler-i-..l up a freight elevator and
was standing near the elevator
doors. As the elevator rose, a bolt
on the floor gate, which had
worked loose and was protruding,
struck the steel toe cap of Gergahty's right boot tearing off the
leather and ripping the boot back
toward the instep. "Without the
safety shoes, he would have sufered a crippling foot injury," said
In Memoriam
C. V. Miller, New Toronto
Factory, 43 years; W. J. Carter,
Toronto District, 40 years; E. A.
Jones, Bowmanville Factory, 35
Goodyear all-stars oust Jiffy
in OASA championship play
A team made up of players
from Goodyear's two teams in
the Lakeshore Industrial Softball
League in Toronto, the Eagles
and the Blue Streaks, has won its
first series in ·the Ontario Amateur Softball Association playoffs.
The Goodyear team defeated Jiffy
Foods, representative of the Islington Industrial League, 6-5 and
11-3 to take the best of three
series in two straight games. Blue
Streak pitcher Rod Stuart was on
the mound in the first game and
George Cherwaiko, lead pitcher
for the Eagles, won the second.
In industrial league play the
Eagles and Blue Streaks are stili
first and second in the. ~ tandings.
In the last three game§, the leading Eagles have lost two to give
them a 10-2 season record so far.
They were defeated 4-0 by Silverwoods, when three Eagle players
were ejected from the game and
Chenvaiko was given a threegame suspension. The Eagles lost
the next game 7-6 to American
Standard. Home runs by Mike
Prentice and Ron Nayduk led the
Eagles to a 12-4 thumping of
Silverwoods to avenge the earlier
defeat. Brian Broadstreet was on
the mound for the Eagles.
The Blue Streaks, one game
back of the leading Eagles in the
seven-team league with a 9-3 record, won their last four games
in convincing fashion, defeating
Stauffer 20-2, Trane Air Conditioning 14-2 and 6-1 and Neptune
Meters 7-4. Rod Stuart, with a
9-3 won-lost record pitched the
four games. In the 6-1 win over
Trane, played July 21, Howie
Hebert broke the game open in
the sixth inning with a home run.
At the end of the fifth the score
was 2-1. The Blue Streaks got
two more runs in the seventh to
wind up the scoring.
In house league play, Charlie
Brown's All-Stars lead with II
wins and t h r e e losses for 22
points. In second place are the
All Weathers with an 8-6-0 record for 16 points, followed by the
Suburbanites, who have won six,
lost seven and tied one. Final Inspection rounds out the four-team
league with two wins, 11 losses
and a tie. In the last games, CBs
All-Stars defeated the AlI Weathers 7-5 and the Suburbanites and
Final Inspection played to a 21-21
AUGUST, 1969
'Miss Goodyet.r United Appeal'
\Nill highlight 1969 campaign
The target for Goodyear's 1969
United Appeal campaign in T oronto has heen set at $70,000,
campaign co-chairman W. C. Anderson, manager of industrial relations, and A. E. Ross, manager
of advertising, have announced.
,L ast year's obj ective, $67,500,
was surpassed within ·two weeks.
The highlight of this year's
drive is expected to be a "Miss
Goodyear United Appeal" contest. Girls names may be entered
by !'heir department or themselves
and there is no limit to {he number of girls who may enter from
any department nor are there restrictions on age or marital status.
The winner wiII be chosen by a
vote of the employe e~ of New Toronto Plant, H ead Office, sales
and operating personne.I of Toronto District and employees of
company retail stores in Metropolitan T oronto. D eadline for entries is September 15 and all
entrants will have their photos
taken for the Sept('mber edition
of the Clan. Entries should be
submiHed to ·the public relations
department and any enqUIrles
may be directed there.
The campaign kick-off will be
Monday, October 6 and entertainment is being planned. Prior to
the drive, canvassing team cap-
tains wi.1I be offered tours of some
of the agencies served by the
United Appeal, such ·as the Canadian Na·tional InSl'i,tute for the
Blind, C rippled Civilians, the Society for Crippled Chi.ldren and
the Family Service Association.
U ni,ted Appeal Commit tee for
the fa ctory: Mrs. Ethel Walkertubes; Steve Whelan- truck tires;
Ron Heal-calenders; Ed Peterstubers; Stan Caron-calenders; Al
Maillet - cure; Jim Johnstone maintenance; Darcie Burnie warehouse; Dune Murphy- trucking; AlbC'rt Wintersinger- passenger tires.; Dave Birrell - cure;
John Van Waggoner; Dave Stephens - final inspection; Herb
Frank- mill room.
Team captains For the salaried
personnel cam paign arc: C. E.
Clarke, Dave Calto, Harry JohnSlOn, Walter Monroe, Roy Barrl'lt, Gordon Kerr, Bi.1I Hayes,
Rick Kilburn, Glenn Laughton,
non Partington, Walter Lund,
Norman Pearson, Don Wilson.
Cap!ains for sales and operating
pers~mnel at Toronto District arc
Joe Corrigan, Lloyd Yeoman, Ed
Harper, Joe Bomans, Jim Bailey.
Sales, profits up
from first 6 months
of last year
This isn't the normal way Goodyeor tests the aircraft tires it mokes at
New Toronto. But as this is one of the type used on the new "jumbo"
jets, it was thought appropriate that a couple of other "jumbos" give
it a going over. This pair at Granby, Que., Zoo does just that. The
tire has an inflation pressure of 210 p.s.i.-eight times that of on
average passenger tire. There are eight on the .aircraft and, combined,
they can toke a maximum static load of 360,000 pounds, or 180
elephants like those in the picture.
The consolida.ted net profit of
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Company of Canada, Limited, for
the first six monrhs of 1969, was
$1,309,808, an increase of $1,107,893 over the corresponding period
in 1968, it was announced today
following a meeting of the Board
of Directors. Net sales we r e
$88,362,011, an increase of 18.3
per cent over 1968. The consolidated net profit is equal to
$4.69 per share of the outstanding common stock, compared with
38 cents for the first six months
of last year.
The directors dec I arc d the
regular quarterly dividend on
the 4% preferred shares, payable
October 31 to ~hareholders of
record Ootober 10. Due to a
strike at Valletyfield. Quebec plant
and the continuing necessity to
conserve funds, no action was
taken on dividends on the common shares.
Breakthrough in Quebec
nets ARP 1,000 dealers
Goodyear's Automotive Replacement Products Division has
scored a major breakthrough on
the Quebec market, reports w. L.
Macdonald, sales manager of the
The company has signed an
agreement wi-th Uni-Select Inc.
for ,the distribution of Goodyear
automo~ive belts, hose and other
products through 18 wholesale
jobbers to about 1,000 dealers in
Quebec. "This deal will double
Goodyea' 's automotive products
business in the province" said
Macdonald and his staff worked
eight months on the project before Uni - Select was satisfied
Goodyear could fulfill its proposed commitments. "They didn't
think we could carry out such a
detailed program, but one of our
customers told them, 'they've been
doing it for me for the past year',
and that helped convince them,"
Macdonald said.
Quality of product helped tip
the scales in Goodyear's favor.
"We are the only company which
makes all its automotive belts
whh po.lyester, . the fabric that's
been so successful in tires," Macdonald explained, adding that the
Goodyear-developer! "Insta-find"
belt numbering system and measuring stick were also influencing
factors. "We also offered to
change over the stocks of the jobbers and their dealers ourselves.
It's a lot of work, but we'n have
sa'tisfied customers," Macdonald
Key men in the success of the
project, according to Macdonald,
were Roy March, manager of the
eastern region; sales reps Bruce
Wells, of Quebec District; Gerry
Cote, of Montreal District and
Roger Alary, sales rep who handles a large Goodyear account at
Amos, Quebec. This account was
the customer who vouched for
Goodyear's dependability.
"Before this deal, our distribution in Quebec was spotty, but
now we've filled in many blank
spaces," Macdonald said.
Strike continues
at Valleyfield
The 400 production emp.loyees
of Goodyear's Valleyfield, Quebec, plant went on strike August
II. The company and the bargaining committee of Local 774
of the United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of
America came to an agreement
Friday, August 8, but the membership failed to ratify the agreement at a meeting the following
Sunday. The contract between the
company and the union terminated June 30.
Page 2/August, 69
What our
are doing
(Editor's note: This column
reports items that may directly
affect our business effort.)
Eckardt Heinrich, left, lead-hand electrician at Medicine Hat, receives
the mast substantial suggestian award yet granted by the plant's
Suggestian Cammittee, $110, fram Plant Manager Dick Skidmare. Heinrich suggested replacing special bulbs in marse line projectar an tirebuilding machines with ardinary light bulbs. Suggestian awards amount
to 10 per cent af the savings toO the campany far the first yeo-r the
suggestian is in aperatian.
Driver Accident Preventinn
Michelin af Clermant-Ferrand
will build twa tire manufacturing
plants in Nava Scotia, according
to reports in the Montreal GazeUte. One plant to employ 500
will be built near Bridgewater and
the other, -to employ 800 will be
located in Pictou County. Industrial Estates Limited, Nova Scotia's agency for a~tract1ng industry to the province, will invest $50
million in the project.
Urnroyal Ltd. will be introducing tires with orange and triangular design "stripes" later this
year, rep a rt s the KitchenerWaterloo record.
* * *
Goodrich Canada
B. F.
is producing a radial-ply GT wide
tread tire in eight standard sizes,
according to the magazine, Canadian Automotive Trade. The
low-profile tire has a four-ply belt
around the circumference just under the tread.
Trent Rubber ' Services, a new
company, wilJ market custommade rubber and materials to
other companies in t he ruhber industry, from its new . Lindsay,
Om., headquarters.
Ithink I what would you do?
With your eyes?
(Put an "X" through what YOU would do!)
-- n- --
cb) h ~
With your feet?
With your hands?
.h g h_Q" hQ
) ) h fa
Mansfield-Denman General Co.
Ltd. wiJ.l supply tires for a special
Canadian military vehicle at a
cost of $213,210, reports the Barrie, Ontario Examiner.
Not glamorous, but clepenclable inclusf
They do the unusual Batter up! A swing and a miss.
The batter gaes down swinging,
struck out by a pair of Goodyear
industrial tires. While they are
unable to compete wirh their racing or racy wide-tread counterparts in the glamor game, industrial tires have made it ·to the
baseball diamond as the throwing arm of a new pitching machine now used for batting practice by many major league teams.
A ball is dropped into a chute,
roUs between two counter-rotating
wheels, is squeezed between the
tires and fired at the batter. By
regulating the speed of one or
both of the wheels it is possible
for the machine to throw curve
or knuckleball and to cause the
ball to break up or down, and, at
speeds up to 120 mph.
Industrial tires seem to be
adaptable to unusual uses. For
• At the site of the new Quebec
Bridge, now in the final stages
of construction, solid industrial
tires were used to revolve oversized concrete mixers. The tires
22 inches in diameter and of
the type used on large lift
trucks in steel mills, doubled
the life expectancy predicted
for them by the builders of
the unique mixer. The mixers
weighed over 10 tons loaded
and each rested on eight tires,
which turned the mixers at
4.5 mph.
• Pneumatic industrial tires are
mounted on mining skips the elevators which bring the
ore up from und-::rground - to
keep the skips roIling smoothly
along the shaft timbers.
• At the -Aluminum Company of
Canada plant at Arvida, Quebec, a vehicle shuttles back and
forth breaking the crust on vats
of moIten aluminum with a
long, jointed arm. Its semipneumatic industrial tires must
withstand extreme heat and
pounding as they bump over
metal which spills from the
vats and hardens.
Most industrial tires however,
are destined for more pedestrian
tasks, .like roIling under trailers
or materials handling equipment.
Pneumatic and semi - pneumatic
are generally used for outside
work with solid tires getting most
of the indoor jobs. Because it has
a high resistance to cutting and
chipping - hazards of warehousing work - natural rubber is used
in solid industrial tires.
Industrial pneumatic tires are
"built" in the same manner as car
or truck tires, but because of the
condItions u n d e r which they
Eric Nickerson, left, at BowmanviHe
band against rubber on mill, which
rubber compaund until tire thickness
Corter gets ready to feed supply of c
Base band has coats af adhesive toO
pound stick.
B. F. Goodrich is producing a
new concrete pump hose capable
of handling 1 and 1%-inch aggregate stone, according to the
Southam Building Guide. The
hose can be made in lengths up
to 60 feet and has :J. working pressure of 500 psi.
The Generaal Tire & Rubber
Co. has developed a flow bin gate
which controls tho:! flow of the
bin's contents by inflation and deflation of a tube. The unit, said
to have been designed for the dry
foods processing industry is available in four sizes allowing openings of from eight to 22 inches.
Firestone Coated Fabrics Co.
has invented a tent which can DC
.lowered into the sea to catch oozing crude oil before it reaches
shore. The oil is trapped in the
peak of the polyvinyl chloridecovered nylon tent and brought to
the drilling platforms, then sent
to a refinery. The ·tents are 100
feet square and mounted on
frames of 20-inch steel pipe.
Now pitching ... Gaodyear - Pete Rose of the Cincinnati Reds, 1968
Notional League batting cn:Jmpion, tokes a close look at a new pitching
machine designed to fire curves and knuckleballs at speeds of up to
120 miles per hour. Reds coach Vern Benson gets in front of the
machine to show how the ball is squeezed between two specially built
Gaodyear industrial tires.
'iol fires
-like strike out batters
work, their compounds .tend to be
of the low-speed, cut-resistant
type. Exceptions are trailer tires,
which, because they are smaller
than the tires on the car pulling
the trailer, can tum up to 80 per
cent faster.
The snowmobile bo 0 m has
spurred the sale of trailer tires,
says Eric Cater, manager of farm
and industrial ,tire sales, because
the trailer that was once used only
in summer to haul the boat is now
doing double duty.
Cater estimates there are close
to 40,000 materials handling vehicles in Canada and predicts an
increase of 2,500 per year, dearly
indicating a healthy growth for
the industrial tire market.
"To date," says Cater, "our
sales of solid industrial tires are
22 per cent higher than last year
and it's even better for pneumatics at 33 per cent higher."
Aot New Toronto, where the industrial pneumatics are made, and
Rlnt, rolls base
xphes layers of
i reached. John
lCpound to mill.
de rubber com-
Bowmanville, which manufactures
the solids, emphasis is on quality.
"The development, effort and
standards of quality control maintained in dIe manufacture of industrial are the same as
those applied for any of Goodyear's otli'e r tires," said J. C.
Moon, executive vice-president of
Danny McLennan and Stephen Beck, son of master mechanic Harvey Beck enjoy Gondola ride, while Robyn
Skidmore, daughter of Medicine Hot Plant Manager, Dick Skidmore, W<Ives to the crowd.
Peter Wladychka inspects green
pneumatic tires at New Taranto
before they are cured.
Steel rims for solid industrial tires get the white-glove
treatment from Dan Bridgett at Bowmanville. The rims
hove been shot-blasted with steel pellets to remove
foreign matter and must be handled with clean gloves
because perspiration from the bare hands could reduce
the effectiveness of the adhesive which holds the tire to
the rim. Once the tire is built around the rim and vulcanized, the unit is pressed onto the hub at a pressure
of five tons for every inch of the rim width.
Soccer team
in first place
in league play
Goodyear's .team in the Lakeshore Industrial Soccer League
continued its winning ways with
a 4-1 win over Procor and a 5-0
blanking of Portugese to move into first place in the ·league. The
team has won eight, lost one and
tied two for 18 points.
In the Procor game, John
Foulds scored ·two, with singles
going to newoomer Tony Quinn
and Ian Dunlop. In the other
contest, Crawford Heaney scored
two, with Quinn, Dunlop and
Foulds getting one each. For
FouJds, it was his 20th in 11
games, making him Goodyear's
most productive player.
CB's All-Stars
lead house league
Charlie Brown's All-Stars finished 'the season in first place in
Goodyear house league softbaIt
play at New Toronto with 24
points on 12 wins 'a nd five losses.
All-Weathers foUowed with nine
victories and eight defeats for 18
points, a single point ahead of the
Suburbanites, who had eight wins,
eight losses and a tie. In fourth
place was Final Inspection with
nine points on four wins, 12 defeats and one draw. The playoffs,
piuing Gharlie Brown's AU-Stars
against Final In9pe~tion and The
All Weathers agMnst ,t he Suburbani,tes in the semi-finals, start
this week.
Small pneumatic industrial tire is built with same care as any other
t ire by UJrry Sutman ot New Toronto.
F. L. Hooper, Bowmanville
Factory, 40 years; Mrs. E. Jarvie,
Bowmanville Factory, 25 years;
D. Marceau, Quebec Plant, 21
No talking through their Hat:
they built their own blimp
Medicine Hat Plant is one of
the smallest of Goodyear's Canadian operations, but it has manufaotured something none of the
others have - a hlimp. With rhe
Medicine Hat Stampede coming
up, the employees felt the company's biggest salesman should be
35 Years
E. G. Guilford, New Toronto
Factory; Maurice Simoneau, St.
30 Year,
H. Rush, New Toronto Factory; Charles-Emile Chagnon, St.
25 Yean
J. M. Sobkovich, V. Meagher,
J. Gioletti, C. H. Hunter, R
Arnold, L. P. Virus, New Toronto Factory; Mrs. M. Rushbrook,
]. H. Shier, New Toronto Office;
E. J. Masters, Bowmanvil1e; Gerard Gingras, St. Hyacinthe.
20 Years
J. Rennie, Head Office; Armand Drouin, Paul-Eugene Letellier, &obert ' Letellier, Quebec
Plant; Emile Benoi,t, Maurice
Benoit, St. Hyacinthe.
15 Years
J. S. Chestnutt, A. Eriksson, W.
Crooks, New ToronliO Factory;
Miss J. I. Forder, Bowmanville;
Roland Pichette, Paul Ross, Quebec Plant; Bemar$l Dumaine, St.
10 Years
Mrs. M. Sutherland, Head Office; H. BenneM, New Toronto
Office; J. Collura, F. Panchenko,
New Toronto Factory; Pierre Lacomhe, Quebec Plant.
the one to put the Goodyear
name in front of the public.
Working two weeks on a hitand-miss basis, employees built a
20-foot framework of quarter-inch
steel rod and covered it with canvas. The blim p was then sized and
painted and the name added. An
that was missing was the "Skytacular" night sign. Mounted on
a froM, the blimp proved '1:0 be
one of the -highlights of the parade, which was attended by some
30,000 spectators.
In his commentary on the
parade, the announcer of the local
radio s tat ion, CHAT, said:
"Goodyear Tire and R u h her
Company ,thinks so highly of the
parade ~hat it sent up one of its
Can-Am winner
on Goodyear tires
for 5th time
Dennis Hulme, Bruce McLaren
and Goodyear t ire s continued
their domination of the $1 million
Can-Am Series with a 1-2 finish
at -the $80,000 Buckeye Cup race,
AuguSt 18, at Lexington, Ohio.
Winner Hulme, who led all the
waoy in t he 192-mHe event, averaged 94.659 mph to break the old
reoord held by American Mark
Donohue by 3% mph. It was the
fi~th race of fhe Can-Am Series
and I1:he fifth time either Hulme
or McLaren had won.
The only time both Hulme and
McLaren didn't figure in a CanAm 1-2 finish was in the fourth
race, the Klondike 200, held at
Edmonton, July 27. In that race,
McLaren was forced out and
Chris Amon finished 'second behind Hulme.
Page 4/August, 69
Rescue stairway
pops open
in few seconds
An air-inflated stairway that
pops out of its packet and balloons
to full size in seconds has been
developed by .Goodyear Aerospace
Corporation, Akron, Ohio, for use
as an emergency escape route
from danger areas.
The air stairway, called I nflatostair, can be built in a variety of
lengths to accommodate different
sized danger areas - such as burning buildings or stranded airplanes. The company says it anticipates numerous commercial and
mi.litary applications,
HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU - from Japan. Employee in engineering
department at New Taronto, shown examining? tire section unde~ a
powerful magnifying glass, recently appeared In a Tokyo mag?zlne
fo r automotive parts manufacturers and dealers called Kotsu Shlmpo.
The photo, sent out by the News Bureau at Head Of~ice, wos on~ ~f
two Canadian pictures picked up by Goodyear International and distributed to its subsidiaries. Between them, the two photos appeared in
publications in Japan Sweden, Italy, Denmark, Turkey and Germany.
The section blocked o~t in the second column from the left says "Goodyear-Canada in Toronto." Accordi':1 g to Goodyear 'nternationa."s .clipping service, this photo appeored In four other Japanese publications.
It also appeared in the March Clan.
The structural support is made
possible by using Airmat, a material developed by Goodyear Aerospace that connects two fabrics
with d r 0 p threads of varying
lengths. This can produce structural contours, other than round
surfaces, when inflated.
Corners and flat surfaces fonn
automatically and seams are held
to a minimum. The Inflatostair
fabrication is done on a Goodyear
Aerospace loom using various materials, including metal, synthetic
and natural fibers,
Look to the RIGHT side 01 the road and concentrate on It_ This WIll lessen Ihe blinding
glare and yet enable you to slay on the road .
Take your loot OFF THE GAS. The natural lendency is to speed up to get past the car.
Don't! You may risk a serious accident.
BRAKE SLOWLY. You wanl to reduce the speed of your car, but nol al the risk of losing
control. Don't slam your brake handl
LOWER HEADLIGHT BEAM. The nalural inclination is 10 raise yours. But !!gn1. If the car
is suddenly upon you, keep ,our lights down so at least one 01 you can see.
STEER to the extreme RIGHT hand side of the road to lessen the possibilitJ of a held-on
collision. This must be llIOlded at all costsl
BLOW HORN to warn the oncoming car that something is wrong. Thus, even if he doesn't
have l ime to dim his lights, he can move 10 the extreme right 01 his lane to lesson the
chance 01 a coll ision .
Additional control measuns:
You can usually tell when a car's headlight
beams are up, even if the car is not yet in sight. The minute you detect this, flash your
headlights to warn him. Don't walt until he is suddenly upon you_
An air-inflated emergency escopewoy, developed by Goodyear Aerospace Corporation, is shown during a recent test. Coiled Inflatostair, it is stored folded up and
inflates in seconds to form an
escape route.
Blue Streak third·baseman Bob Sleigh beats out a single in a losing
cause as his team lost 4-3 to the Goodyear Eagles in a Lakeshore
Industrial League gome. Sleigh hod two hits and a pair of walks in the
gome, which is being protested by the Blue Streaks because a bystander
who had been hit by the ball put it into play thinking it had been ruled
Eagles win four straight
keep lead in softball play
The Goodyear Eagles held on
to their lead in 1he Lakeshore J ndustrial Softball League with four
wins in four games, defeating
Stauffer twice, 5-4 and 3-1, downing American Standards 4-3 and
edging the second· place Goodyear
Blue Streaks,
The Eagles have won 13 and
lost two for 26 points, while the
Blue Streaks have a 10-5 record
for 20 points. In their last three
games the Blue Streaks have l'Ost
two, the above-mentioned one to
Eagles and one by defauh to
Stauffer. In their last game, they
blanked Silverwoods 7-0,
In the 3-1 defeat of Stauffer,
the Eagles got three hits from
Ron Nayduk, who scored two of
the runs and knocked the other
one in. In the Blue Streak-Silverwoods cOUltest, Bob Sleigh, Bruce
SaviHe and pitcher Rod Stuart
each got two hits.
The Blue Streaks have lodged a
protest with the league over their
4-3 .loss to the Eagles, because a
bystander, who was struck by t he
ball, put it back into play thinking
it had been ruled dead and play
continued. The Blue Streaks, who
were at bat, had men on base
and claim that if the ball had
taken a nonnal course, they might
have scored.
An all-star team from the
Eagles and Blue Streaks wil.l face
the Metropolitan Toronto Police
in 1he Ontario Amateur Softball
Association tourney in a best~of­
three series starting this week.
In Memoriam
G. B. Smith, New Toronto Fac·
tory, 38 years; A. H. Morris, New
Toronto Factory, 32 years.
SAFETY HINT: Headlights
Aside from making sure that all headlight lenses are as clean as possible
for maximum vision, It 15 also Important to make sure that the headlisht
beams ar. functioning properly_
Be sur. to have your headhghts checked periodi cally to see
that they are property ai med. A variation of 1 de.ree will cause the beams
to be out of line about 5 feet at 8 distance of 100 yards. This is enoush
error to throw the full i ntensity of your beams into the eyes of an on·
comi ns driver and blind him.
If there Is anythin& wrona with your headlight beams what·
soever, have them checked and repaired at once.
the WinF'ot clan
Published Monthly in the Interest
of Employees of
Goodyear l1re and Rubber
Company of Canada, Umlted
Published In Toronto
Editor ... _.. _. __ ...... Blaine Gaouette
Anoclate Editor .... Leonard Clark
Vol. 4
August, 1969
No. 8
Pondering speaker's pOint at recent factory accounting workshop, are
H, A. Brundage, vice-president, Finance; Fred Moore, manoger of property records and corporate statistics; Frank Hirlehey, acting manager
of factory cost accounting at St. Hyacinthe; Barry Risch, works account.
ont at Collingwood and Jack Harris, works occountont at Bowmanville,
Speaker at the time, not shown, was R. D. Copeland, assistant comptroller, The three-day workshop was the first of its type ever held in
Canada by Goodyear.
Added safety measures follovv banbury fire investigation
An investigation into the banbury fire at New Toronto, which
caused the death of two men and
severely burned two _others, has
been completed and ;'Cveral additional safety measures have
been instituted to prevent a recurrence, Plant Manager W. E.
Fraser reports.
Harald Indriksons, 42, an operator, and James Giroux, 24, a
member of the production squadron, died from their bums. Edmond LeBreton, 29, a compounder, is in satisfactory condition
and undergoing skin-graft treatment at St. Michael's Hospital, in
Toronto, and John Docherty, serviceman, is convalescing at home.
The investigation revealed the
fire was caused by the following
series of events:
• an inspection-port cover felI
into the weigh hopper and
Jammed open two kennedy
valves which control the flow
of carbon black into the banbury;
• as a result, an excess amount
of carbon black flowed into
James Giroux
the mixing chamber of the
banbury and prevented the
ram, which pushes the batch
into the mixing chamber,
from seating properly;
• the sea~ing of the ram controls the mixing cycle and
because it did not seat, the
batch mixed for too long and
overheated, producing volatile gases;
• a thermo-couple located in
the ram, which automatically
stops the mixing in a case of
overheating, could not register the extreme temperature
because it was insulated from
the heat by the excess carbon
• the ram, whlch rides on top
of the batch during the mix-
ing, was raised for reseating,
allowing air into the mixing
• the oxygen ignited the gases,
which then flared out the
mouth of ~he banbury.
Immediately following the investigation, some addi,tional safety
measures were instituted and
others, which involve redesigning
of some banbury parts, will be
installed later, says Fraser.
To date, the following measures
have been taken:
• the weigh-hopper inspectionport covers have been chained in place and made oversized, making it impossible
for them to fall into the
• electric interlocks, activated
by the kennedy valves, will
control the doors from the
carbon black storage bin so
that no carbon black can be
fed into ,t he weigh - hopper
until the kennedy valves are
• the ram raise-timer has been
changed so that the ram cannot be mised until the batch
has been discharged from the
mixing chamber and the gate
A thermo-couple will be installed in the banbury mixing
chamber as added protection,
should the thermo-couple in the
ram fail to register, but ·this is
a major installation and will take
some time to complete, Fraser
said. However, it is being done
as quickly as possible, he added.
the wing'oot cia
Akron experts help seek \Nays
to cut costs, improve production
Teams of specialists have arrived from Goodyear in Akron to
assist the company's Canadian
management in finding ways to
cut costs and increase profits.
In his speech to the last quarterly management meeting, President L. E. Spencer said the Akron
teams were requested in addition
to Goodyear-Canada's special program in order to insure maximum
The U.S. company's world-wide
Strike continues
at Valleyfield
At a membership meeting, Sunday, September 21, members of
Local 774 of the United Rubber,
Cork, Linoleum and Plastic
Workers of America at Valleyfield, rejected, by a narrow vote,
an agreement reached between
the bargaining committee of the
local and the company at a meeting the Friday before.
The contract, substantially the
same as the one previously rejected by the local by a considerable majority, affects about 400
employees at ValleyfieJd. The
previous agreement between -~e
company and the union terminated June 30 and the plant has
been on strike since August 11.
experience will be invaluable in
assisting the Canadian company
to discover areas where im provement in performance can be affected, Spencer said.
The visiting teams will study
each division: corporate management, sales, production, finance,
materials and services management and all staff actIvIties.
"Hopefully, they will be able to
help us find shortcuts that will result in lower costs," said Spencer.
"They wi.J\, of course, temper
their findings and suggestions in
the light of loca.l conditions, particularly with respect to layouts,
equipment and customer service,
"I ask you to cooperate with
them and put yourself in a position to cash ,i n on any im provement that can be attained," Spencer said.
"I have a feeling that the visitors from the U.S. will .Jearn
some worthwhile practices from
us and that the whole program
will be a two-way, profitable undertaking," he added.
Export business on the way
for three Canadian plants
Orders have been received at
St. Hyacinthe from the U.S. and
Australia for fibreglass and some
U.S. business is expected at the
Collingwood Hose P.Jant, J. C.
Moon, executive vice-president of
manufacturing, told the recent
quarterly management meeting.
The new dip unit at St. Hyacinthe is now in full operation
and 'producing all the nylon and
polyester needed for Goodyear's
Canadian production, Moon said.
The increased export business will
help Collingwood utilize more of
its plant capacity and thus cut
costs, he added.
The company will transfer aU
its asbestos packing manufacturing operations from Akron to the
Quebec City Plant, which will
add to Quebec production, already ahead of 1968, Moon added.
Tire produotion for the first six
months of 1969 was well ahead
of the previous year, he said.
Goodyear racing specialist Matt MacDonald, left, and executive vicepresident of sales, H. G. MacNeill, congratulate Jock Brabham, right,
designer and builder of Jackie Ickx's winning cor, who come second in
the Grand Prix of Canada.
Iclcx, Brabham on Goodyears
1-2 in Canadian Grand Prix
Only eight of 20 starters finished the third Grand Prix of Canada at Mosport, September 20,
but the first two to cross the finish
line were on Goodyear ·tires.
Jackie lckx, the 24-year-old
Belgian, finished first after coming
out on top ,i n a collision with
favorite, Jackie Stewart, who had
to retire, and Jack Brabham came
Ickx averaged 112.76 mph in
the 90-lap 225-mile race and both
he and Brabham, in BrabhamFord cars, broke the lap record
with times of one minute, IB.l
seconds, beating the old Formula
I mark by five seconds. Ickx got
the record because he set the new
time first.
Stewart, vhis year's Grand Prix
world champion, was leading the
race and Ickx, in an attempt to
pass, collided with Stewart breaking a wheel on Stewart's MatraFord.
Bewreothed Jackie Ickx addresses
crowd in Victory Circle at Mosport
after his Grand Prix of Canada
victory, September 20.
Page 2/September, 69
Dick Skidmore, plant manager at Medicine Hat, left, presents tire
builder Brian Bray with the A. W. Denny Trophy for having the low net
(64) at the plants annual golf tourney. Over 40 hardy golfers turned
out in 90-degree heat, correspondent Jack Oldham of personnel reports.
Flight winners were Herb Dand (98), Dave Middleton (92), Don Bray
(83), Gerry Rayner (10ll, Albert Kleckner (98), Skidmore (9ll, Adam
Mastel (104), Bob Brown (100), Bon Sheward (108), Jim Isaac (108),
Roy Pettigrew (83). Scores in brackets are gross.
Driver Accident Prevention
.' -~ .-;
-: ;:~~
'. "
Ithinkl what would you do?
With your eyes?
--- -- h
-- -- -
(Put an "X" through what YOU would do !)
With your feet?
Miss UA hopefuls,
150 canvassers
ready for drive
on $70,000 largeI
Eighteen employees from Head Office, New
Toronto Plant, Toronto Branch and Retail
Stores will vie for the "Miss Goodyear United
Appeal" crown during the action days of the
UA campaign October 6, 7 and 8.
A vote of all Toronto area employees will
decide the winner, who will receive a personal
AM-FM transistor radio as a prize. Prizes for
other contestants who place will be decided
upon later.
During the three days, shows will be held,
two at New Toronto Plant and one at Toronto
Branch. According to campaign co-chairman
A. E. Ross, entertainment arrangements are near
completion and local high school' musical groups
are being sought. Mimico High School, located
near the New Toronto Plant, has offered its 50piece orchestra and two other schools are eager
to help.
Over 150 canvassers will leave no UA donation card unturned in their quest to suI1pass this
year's $70,000 objective. Last year's target of
$67,500 was reached in -less than two weeks.
Fern Boudreau,
Automotive Replacement Products
United Appeal team captains for the factory:
Mrs. Ethel Walker - tubes; Steve Whelan truck tires; Ron Heal - calenders; Ed Peters tubers: Stan Caron - calenders; Al Maillet cure; Jim Johnstone - maintenance; Darcie
Burnie - warehouse; Dune Murphy - trucking; Albert Wintersinger - passenger tires;
Dave Birrell - cure; John Van Waggoner;
Dave Stephens - final inspection; Herb Frank
- mill room.
Team captains for the salaried personnel
campaign are: C. E. Clarke, Dave Catto, Harry
Johnston, Walter Monroe, Ray Barrett, Gordon
Kerr, Bill Hayes, Rick Kitburn, Glenn Laughton, Bob Partington, Walter Lund, Norman
Pearson, Don Wilson. Ca!ptains for sales and
operating personnel at Toronto District are Joe
Corrigan, Lloyd Yeoman, Ed Harper, Joe
Bomans, Jim Bailey.
(Answers on page 5)
With your hands?
&P0 h~ h ~ h ~ h ~
Shirley Brewin, Personnel
-"""'W ,"" ..... , •
Page 3/September. 69
Moe Compbell, Law Department
Denise Chabot, Engineering
Sharon Driscoll, Credit
Elizabeth Krazowski
Highway Transportation
Julie Cattran, Export
Norma Crooks,
Manufacturers' Sales
Wendy Duck, Tire Division
linda Lamey, Credit
...., . ..... \". .... y ... ... ""
Maria Landry, Store 333
Joan Macintosh, Tube DeportmE
Page 4jSeptember, &9
Douglas Mac intosh
Three attending u
on Goodyear bu
Marga ret McQueen, C redIt
Lorra ine Simmon s. Retoil Stares
Margaret Takoff,
Specifications and Design
Three high school graduates
have been awarded Goodyear bursaries, G. R. Stevens, administrator of the bursary program. announced today. The bursaries are
available to c h 'i I d r e n of employees, pensioners and deceased
This year's winners are: Denise
E. Elliott, 17, of Vancouver, a
graduate of North Surrey Senior
Secondary School, who plans to
attend Simon Fraser University
and hopes eventually to teach in
one of the Afro-Asian countries or
the Canadian far nor t h. Her
father, WilHam Elliott, is employed in ·the service department
of Goodyear's Vancouver branch .
Douglas F. Macintosh, 18, who
35 Years
H. G. Phillips, Head Office;
J. A. Vaillancourt, St. Hyacinthe.
30 Years
Marcel St-Germain, St. Hyacinthe.
25 Years
G. Kershner, H. McKeown, M.
Diachon, C. Craddock, M. H.
Keller, J. Hutzel, R. Schryer,
New Toronto Factory; F. Allewell, Owen Sound; J. T . Carroll,
New Toronto Office; Julien-Paul
Collard, St. Hyacinthe.
20 Years
W. C. Anderson, R. T. Taylor,
Head Office; Clement Lachance,
Henri Gagnon, Leopold Roberge,
Joseph Drouin, Quebec Plant.
15 Years
C. Hanscom, New Toronto Factory; W. H. Laing, New Toronto
10 Years
Mrs. Mary Jarvis, D. J. Murphy, New Toronto Factory; D. E.
Squires, Head Office; W. Lund,
New Toronto Office; M. Szteima,
Regina Retread Plant.
Angela Royer, Central Typing
June Sleigh, Taranto Branch
Sarka Zapatacky, Credit
Morrison, New Toronto Factory, 28 years.
, Port
atund the
in the
~ chemisto earn his
2Dd ~-eJlIu all y
master s
teacb at
or universil)" I~-d.. His fatbtr, Arthur
F. ~laclntosb, ..
in the stock
preparation department at Goodyear's TorontO' planL
Jean-Yves Thi
tot, 20, a
graduate O'f Ecole Secondaire Albert - Ouellet, in Charlesbourg,
Quebec, who plans to major in
geography at Q ueens U niversity,
in Kingston, Onto His father,
Emile Thiboutot, is employed at
Saint Malo H eating Ltd., in Quebec City, a Goodyear-owned company.
The bursaries pay full tuition
at any approved Canadian University for up to four years, plus
$250 a year for expenses. Total
value of each bursary is about
$4,000. Candidates must stand in
the top third of their high school
graduating class and satisfy an
independent board of educators of
their ability to complete a university course.
500 expected
at 25-year dinner
About 500 are expected to attend this year's 25-year service
pin dinner to be held at the
Royal York Hotel in Toronto,
November 1, reports A. E. Alsop,
chairman of the dinner committee.
One hundred and thirty-six
employees from across the country, who mark 25 years' service
this yeaT, will be the guests of
honor. Because of a lack of facilities and space, retirees have
not been invited to attend this
year's dinner and so the guest
list will include only active employees.
The draw, this year for one
$100 bond and four $50 bonds,
will take place following the dinner and entertainment, Alsop
Page 5jSeptemlter, 69
What our
are doing
Laborat.ory technician at Owen Sound, Elio Sigismondi tests strength of
decorative .pa~el m?de of .rigid urethane, which is replacing wood in
5~lI~e applications In furniture manufacturing. This panel and other
r~gld uretha,:e products are molded, which eliminates the costly and
tlme-cons~mlng carving. and mortising necessary to produce similar
)roducts .In woa.d. In thiS test, the panel is supported at each end and
)ressure IS applied to the centre until the panel breaks. This particular
lanel, made for Wunder Furniture, must support a 220-pound load.
Keep your eyes STRAIGHT AHEAD. Your mond retains a picture of the road even a few seconds
after the lights go out. As your eyes become accustomed to the dark, you will see more clearly.
Take your foot OFF THE GAS at once.
BRAKE FIRMLY. You must slow down the car at once. However. do not slam the brake down
-you could lose complete control by dOing thiS.
PRESS THE BUnON that lowers and raises the headlight beam. In certa i n instances. your
lights might come on again.
BLOW HORN. Th.s .s to warn any parked veh icles. oncomong traff.c or pedestnans of your
pred Icament.
Additional control measures:
If your dash IJghts have remaoned on. turn out
as soon as possible. This Will throw your car into complete darkness so that you can see
more clearly outside. Never drive with ,ntenor lights on such as those In the glove compart ment. the courtesy light, etc. They cause dangerous reflections on the Windows and make it
more d ifficult to see.
Michelin Tires Canada Limited has started clearing 100 acres
of land, in Pictou County, Nova
Scotia, for .the first of two plants
the company will build in the
province, according to the Halifax Mail Star. Michelin has also
retained the Montreal consulting
engineering firm of Surveyer,
Nenninger and Chenevert Inc. for
the first stage of construction of
the Pictou plant. A second plant
will be built at Bridgewater and
estimated cost of both is between
$75 and $100 million.
General Latex and Chemicals
(Canada) Ltd., of Candiac, Quebec, a manufacturer of rubber
latex, adhesives and cements has
installed equipment at its Brampton, Ontario, plant to produce
urethane foam systems, reports
the Toronto Globe and Mail.
Late next year, Mansfield-Denman General Co. Ltd. will start
supp.lying tires to the Ontario
Motor League for sale to its members, according to rhe Toronto
Globe and Mail. Initially, the
tires will come from General Tire
and Rubber Co. in Akron, Ohio.
B. F. Goodrich Canada, Ltd.,
has designed 'a quarter-inch hose
for air-operated tools and equipment with a working pressure of
175 psi, reports Canadian Industrial Equipment News. Called
"Litenuf", the hose withstands
usage in temperatures from 65 degrees below zero to 200 degrees
above zero.
Urethane Products of Canada
Ltd. of Cooksville, Ont., and its
affiliate, Industrial Tires Ltd.,
have opened an 18,000-squarefoot addition, according to the
magazine, Plant Administration
and Engineering.
Dayco Corporation, Ohio, has
established a Snowmobile Department, Rubber Products Division, reports the magazine Automotive Retailer.
SAFETY HINT: Electrical System
The battery is the heart of the electrical system. Every tune you stop for
gas, you should ask the attendant to check your battery to see If It 1$
filled WIth distilled water to the proper level.
If you notice that your lights are weak, the horn doesn·t
sound loud, etc " you should have your battery checked ImmedIately.
As an emergency measure, It IS a good Idea to carry exb a
fuses in the car. However, in case of a blown fuse, have the systenl
checked for a short as soon as you can .
If the generator light or ammeter registers discharge even
whIle you are accelerating, you should stop at the nearest service station.
USing the car in thiS condition will rUin the battery and other electri cal
the win~ot clan
Published Monthly in the interest
of Employees of
Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Company of Canada, Limited
Published In Toronto
Editor .. .... ..... ..... Blaine Gaouette
Vol. 4
September, 1969
No. 9
John Foulds, second from left, moves in an Sunworthy Wallpaper goalkeeper in Goodyear attempt to scare. Keeping in step, extreme left, is
Jacob Igel. Ball is directly in front of goolkeeper, wha grabbed it, but
not until Foulds had hit the goalpost. A Sunworthy player moves in
behind goalie for added protection.
Goodyears lead by 4 points
after four straight wins
Goodyear's entry in the Lake- team with two against the :Mashore Industrial Soccer League roons. Crawford Heaney and
held on to first place with four
Scott Wilson got the others.
straight wins and no losses in the
According to coach John Rowe,
last four weeks. The team now the Goodyear team must lose all
has 12 wins, two draws and one its remammg games to avoid
loss for 26 points, four ahead of finishing fir;,t in league play. Only
second-place Ford Mustangs and Sun\\"orthy 'Vall paper, a team
six ahead of ,third-place Sun- Goodyear has beaten twice, has a
worthy Wallpaper, both recent chance to overtake the leaders
victims of the Goodyear victory and must W111 all remaining
games to do so.
The Goodyear squad edged
Ford 2-1 and Sunworthy 1-0,
Collect over
with Joe Bakalar scoring ·two of
$2,000 for families
the three goals and John Foulds
the other. Foulds scored the winof accident victims
ner shortly before the end of the
Employees at New Toronto
Ford game and Ford had little
Plant, Head Office and Metro
time to reta.liate.
'Va rehouse don ate dover
In other games, Goodyear
$2,000 to a fund for the famswamped Coney 6-0, with Foulds ' = ilies of the employees involved
getting three, Ron Goulay, a new § in the Banbury fire at New
recruit, scoring two and Albert ~ Toronto in August. The money
Gill the other and edged Metro ~ has been distributed to the
Maroons 4-3. Foulds, the team's ~ families.
top scorer with 29 goals, led his ;'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
Industrial League ball final
will be an all-Goodyear series
A home run by Vic Molto with
two out and two men on base in
the final inning gave the Goodyear Eagles a 4-3 victory over
American Standard in the Lakeshore Industria.l League semifinals.
The Eagles' victory insures an
all-Goodyear league final since
the Blue Streaks won their semifinal in two straight against Silverwoods by scores of 3-1 and 6-4.
In previous semi-final games, the
Eagles had beaten American
Standard 9-2 and had been defeated 11-8.
In the final Eagles-American
Standard contest, AS took a 2-0
lead in the top of the fifth inning
and the score remained that way
until rhe Eag.les came to bat in
the final inning. With the call on
l"lolto two strikes and one ball,
the Eagles were possibly a single
pitch from elimination. Molto's ,
next swing saved the day. Pitcher
George Cherwaiko registered 10
strikeouts in the game.
In the 3-1 victory over Silverwoods, Blue Streak pitcher Rod
Stuart notched 17 strikeouts.
Page 6/September, 69
Inforll1.ation Please Ne\N blimp 'America' starts life
iust like an 'oversized dress'
(The "Information Please" column is conducted exclusively for Goodyear employees and retirees. Its purpose is to present facts, avoid misunderstanding
and curb misinformation. No question will be taken over the telephone. It is not
necessary for persons to sign their names to questions, but to ensure an antiwer it is advisable to provide a name and address. Space limitations may not
permit all answers to be printed, but all will be answered In print or by personal letter when signed. All names will be kept confidential.)
It has come to my attention that a few companies in the
La keshore a rea have had all their employees checked for an eye
disease called "Glaucoma"_
Apparently the Health Department of Etobicoke have a Mobile
Clinic just for this purpose, and it is free to the Company requesting it.
Would you please find out if Goodyear have ever had this
clinic, or intend to have it?
I would be most grateful, and I think the rest of Goodyear
employees would too, if Goodyear would have this clinic.
I understand that this disease is most common in this particular area.
According to Goodyear's director of medical services,
glaucoma is the most common cause of blindness in North
America and there is no reason to assume it is more common in Etobicoke than elsewhere.
The clinic operated by the Etobicoke Department of
Health has been suspended and at present no one knows
if or when it will become available to industry.
There is a small element of risk involved in the test to
determine whether glaucoma is present, says Dr. Morrison,
and the choice whether or not to take the examination must
remain with the individual. He suggests consulting the
family doctor, who, if he feels it necessary, can arrange-to
have an ophthalmologist perform the examination.
Incidently, a pilot study carried out some years ago in
Metro Warehouse did not indicate that a total Goodyear
survey was .needed at that time.
No drop in auto production
keeps OE demands heavy
Despite shortages in some Jines
of tires, net sales for the first six
months of 1969 were over 18 per
cent hIgher than 1968, J. B.
Whitehead, marketing manager,
Tire Sales, told the recent quarterly management meeting.
"If we had had 10 per cent
more product, I am convinced
that we would have been able to
sell it without too much trouble,"
said Whitehead, who was substituting for H. G. MacNeH, executive vice-president of sales.
The boom in snowmobiling is
expected to triple the company's
sales of snow vehicle -track over
the previous year, Whitehead
said, adding that conveyor belt
sales had increased over 80 per
cent compared to the first half of
1968. However, he pointed out,
profits at Bowmanville so far this
year, although im proved, have
been short of -their goal.
The expected drop in automotive production did not materialize and so heavy demands
from original equipment customers continued, Whitehead said.
Special brand sales were up over
35 per cent and Goodyear brand
passenger tire sales showed 28 per
cent sales ~ncrease, he added.
The company's objective of 20
new stores a year had to be lowerd because of the high cost and
scarcity of capital. However,
Whitehead said, the curtailment
of the building program should
serve as a breathing period in
which -t o consolidate the stores'
positions and to make them more
Sales of general products showed
a 23 per cent increase on last
year, ~th Quebec molded and
extruded products up over 25 per
cent. Sales of shoe products were
down on the previous year, he
New land-fill tire
has tougher tread
A sanitary land-fill tire with
improved penetration resistance
and cut growth protection is
available in Canada from Goodyear.
Called the Super Steel Guard,
the tire features:
• shredded wire throughout the
tread to resist olug or bar
cutting and tearing;
• an all-shredded-wire side-wall
to protect against snagging;
• a double layer of steel cord
just under the tread to prevern penetration.
The tire is avaiJable in any size
and ply-rating from 12.00 up in
the Sure-Grip Grader, Roc k
Grader and Dozer and loader
How do you build a blimp?
Get some ladies who can follow
a dress pattern and are good with
a sewing machine. That'H do for
a start. Actually, it's a little more
complicated than that, but, like
most tasks, it's easy when you
know how. And Goodyear knows
how. The company has been
building airshi ps since 1917.
The America is the 298th lighter-than-air craft built by Goodyear. Of these, 53 have been for
Goodyear's own use. The remaining 245 have been for military
use. However, the Army ceased
airship operations in the early
1930s and the Navy in 1962.
Goodyear's three airships are the
only ones still flying in North
The America is part of a $4miHion expansion and improvement program for Goodyear's airship operations. Also under the
program, the Mayflower was rebuilt last year, and a new Columbia is now under construction.
Construction might sound relatively simple, since the America
is a blimp - or non-rigid airship
- and has no framework to support its envelope - or gas bag.
Like that of a balloon, the envelope's shape is maintained entirely by the 'Pressure of its lifting gas. But even s~ a blimp is
made up of thousands of parts.
Manufacture and assembly is a
painstaking, time-consuming job,
most of it done by hand.
Construction of the envelope
was begun May 1, 1968, at the
Aerospace plant in Litchfield
Park, Ariz., and completed <in
At first the job was much like
making an oversized dress. Fallowing patterns, women cut out
the hundreds of envelope pieces
from neoprene - coated polyester
fabric, then stitched them together on sewing machines.
Then men took over, waterproofing seams, installing gondola - or car - support cables,
painting the eJCterior si'lver and
painting on "GOODYEAR" in
ll-foot-high blue italic letters.
After inspection and testing,
the completed en vel 0 p e was
shi'Pped to the Aerospace facility
at Wingfoot Lake near Akron.
There, in the recesses of an airdock that spawned barrage bal,loons for World War I, the America took shape.
Workmen fiHed her envelope
with non-inflammable helium. It
floated just above the floor, held
in check by a covering net bordered with sandbags. They hung
the gondola from its cables. They
swung from the vaulted ceiling
in bosun's chairs and climbed
from the floor on extension ladders to attach the huge red, white
and blue tail surfaces. They bolted the two six-cylinder, 210horsepower engines to their outriggers. They strung cables to control in-fl-ight direction and helium
and air valves. They cemented
lights and wiring for the night
sign in place.
After numerous ground tests,
the America was hooked to a
mobile mast and towed from the
airdock into a cold, sunny lateApril morning for her maiden
A lighter - than - a-i r enthusiast
might call her "America the
Beautifu!''' She is big g e rand
sleeker than her sister ships. She
measures 192 feet Jong, 50 feet
wide and 59Y2 feet high. The
Mayflower and Columbia appear
chubby by comparison: 160 feet
long, 51 feet wide and 58 feet
The 32-foot increase in length
gives the America an advantage
other than looks over her sister
ships. It allows an increase of
more than 25 per cent in the
volume 01 lifting gas carried 202,700 cubic feet, compared
with 147,300 cubic feet.
The America's Skytacular sign
has more than twice the number
of bulbs - 7,560 - as the Mayflower's, which has slightly more
than 3,000. Signs on the two airships are the same length - 105
feet - but the America's is 25 ~
feet high, the Mayflower's 14 feet
Employing skills of 0 dressmaker,
two Goodyearites at Litchfield
Pork, Ariz., carefully check blueprint patterns.
Airship riggers use a tall, telescoping ladder and a bosun's chair
to attach the starboard stabilizer
fin .
Scaffolding is required to install
bulbs for the America's Skytaculor
night sign which is 105 feet lang
and 25 Yz feet high.
Cave-like interior of envelope for the Goodyear airship America is a
beehive of activity as skilled riggers prepare to install the catenary
curtain and suspension cables which will secure the gondola to the
the wingloot clan
Aim for $70,000, UA campaign
at Nevv Toronto passes $68,000
At Clan deadline, employees at
New Toronto Plant, Head Office,
Toronto Branch, Metro Warehouse and area retail stores had
donated over $68,000 toward a
United Appeal target of $70,000,
reports campaign co-chairman A.
E. Ross.
"We still have 10 per cent of
~he donation cards yet to be returned, so I'm sure we'll go over
the top," said Ross, who lauded
the local schools for taking part
in the Goodyear program.
Entertainment during the threeday kickoff Ootober 6, 7 and 8,
included a 50-piece band from
Mimico High Schoo-I, a rock
group from Royal York Collegiate
called "The Strange Brew" and
cheerleaders, gymnasts and a rock
group from Alderwood Collegiate.
Highlight of the kickoff festivities was the crowning of "Miss
Goodyear United Appeal" by
President L. E. Spencer. The winner, decided hy a vote of employees, was Julie Cattran, of the export department at Head Office,
who came to Toronto from Bowmanville Plant two years ago. She
had worked at Bowmanville for
five years.
Ed Busby, president of Local
232 of the United Rubber Workers, crowned runners up Angela
Royer of central typing, and Eliz-
abeth Kraj ewski, from highway
transportation. Over 2,000 ballots
were cast for the eighteen contestants and the winner received a
personal transistor AM-FM radio
and is expected to appear at
United Appeal functions in Toronto during the UA campaign.
All contestants received a Goodyear racing dress as an entry prize.
Last year's UA objective of
$67,500 was surpassed in less than
two weeks.
"Miss Goodyear United Appeal", Julie Cattran, left, is congratulated
by runners up, Angela Royer, centre and Elizabeth Kraje:ovski. Over
2 000 votes were cast for the 18 contestants and the Winner, who
w'orked at Bowmanville prior to coming to head office, received a
personal AM-FM transistor radio as a prize.
Academic upgrading
lures employees
The academic upgrading program, in which New Toronto
Plant is involved with Humber
College of Applied Arts and
Technology and s eve r a I other
local industries, has 28 Goodyear
employees enrolled for English, 32
for mathematics and 20 for the
science classes.
Called ENTER (Etobicoke-New
Toronto Employee Retraining),
the program started at the end of
September and consists of 20
weeks of lectures. The 'cost to the
employee is limited to sehoul supplies. Lectures, which last two
hours, are at 12:45 and 4:45
each day in order ,to accommodate shiftworkers.
Grade levels are not em phasized, but the program is designed
to take students to college entrance
in three subjects, English, mathematics and science.
Strike over
at Valleyfield
Employees at Valleyfield returned to work September 29 following a meeting September 28,
where the membership voted 61
per cent in favor of ending the
strike which started August 1l.
The new agreement, for three
years, will expire June 30, 1972.
Page 2/0ctober, 69
Soccer squad
tops standings
Rubber railway crossing pads being installed are the first in Canada
to be used on a highway level crossing. Supplied by Goodyear, the
crossing pads are being tested by Canadian National on a highway
which crosses the country's busiest stretch of rail line between To·
ronto and Hamilton. According to Goodyear engineers the rubber
crossings provide smoother travel than the conventional wooden·
plank type and require less maintenance.
Driver Accident Prevention
Ithinkl what would you do?
With your eyes?
.1. <WI' ,~
- -
(Put an "X" through what YOU would do!)
cbJ I ~
With your feat?
With your hands?
..Q\ fi);a
&PO h~ h ~ h ~ I tYj:6
~ h~
) '- )
Goodyear's entry in the Lakeshore Industrial Soccer League
finished the season at the top of
the league with a record of 15
wins, two draws and a single loss.
The Goodyear team is now
awaiting the results of a semi-final
playoff between Sunworthy Wa:llpaper and the Rangers, both of
whom have been defeated by
In fact, Goodyear's last game
and the one which cinched the
league leadership, was a 5-0 victory over Rangers. John Foulds,
the league scoring champion with
32 goals, scored three, all on
passes from Joe Bakalar, who also
got one on a pass from Ian Dunlop. The other was scored by Ted
Col'lins, who took a pass from
Tony Quinn after Quinn had
threaded his way through -three
defenders. Bakalar headed in his
goal from about eight yards out.
J. A. Myers, D. Bienvenue, St.
Hyacinthe, 42 years; L. Paradis,
St. Hyacinthe, 39 years; M. N.
Jennings, New Toronto Office, 25
years; A. J. Carlyle, New Toronto
Office, 24 years.
Journalist joins
public relations
Journalist Edward ScaUen has
joined ~he staff of the public relations department.
Scallen, who is biJingual, started his journalistic career with the
Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph as a
reporter in 1962 and two years
later joined the Los Angeles
Herald-Examiner as a rewrite
man and feature writer. In 1965,
he returned to Canada as the
Quebec correspondent for ·t he
Toronto Telegram and a year
later went to Winnipeg as assistant to the public relations director of an agency. He spent 1967
as a public relations officer with
Expo 67 and upon termination of
this assignment, joined the Ontario Hospital Association as public relations supervisor, a position
he held until joining Goodyear.
Winning pitcher Rod Stuart pours while captain and second baseman
Bruce Saville holds the trophy as Blue Streaks celebrate winning
Lakeshore Industrial Softball League championship. Standing, from
left: Ron MacDonald (C), Paul Dickie (F), Irwin Koschir (F), BobSleigh (SS), Doug Finch (3B); kneeling, from left: Howie Hebert (F),
Ron Sadowski (F), Ivan Taylor (IB) and Larry O'Shaughnessy (F).
Absent from photo was coach Ron Garrell.
Streaks end Eagles' reign
win industrial ball crown
The Goodyear Blue Streaks
bested another Goodyear team,
the Eagles, to capture the Lakeshore Industrial Softball League
championship in a best-of-five
The series went into the fifth
game after the Blue Streaks won
the first two games, 11-8 and 10-4
and the Eagles came back to win
the next pair 6-0 and 5-4.
The fifth game saw a pitchers'
duel between Rod Stuart of the
Blue Streaks and George Cherwaiko of the Eagles broken up
by two bunts off the bat of B·ruce
Saville, which drove in both BIue
Streak runs. The first run came
with the bases loaded when Doug
Finch sprinted home from third
on a Saville bunt. The second
after Bob Sleigh had reac'hed third
on a single and a sacrifice bunt
by Paul Dickie and Saville made
no mistake in laying down a bunt
on a third strike.
The first game went into extra
innings after the Blue Streaks had
gone into the lead only to be
caught by the Eagles on several
occasions. The second game saw
the Blue Streaks take a 10-1 lead
into the final inning and the
margin was too much for the
Eagles to overcome. In the third
game, the Eagles got all their
runs in the second . ~nning and
the WinF'ot clan
Published Monthly In the Interest
of Employees of
Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Company of Canada, Umlted
Published In Toronto
Editor ................ Blaine Gaou.He
Vol. 4
October, 1969
No. 10
he'ld the Blue Streaks at bay for
the remainder of the game.
The Goodyear teams got into
the finals when the Blue Streaks,
coached by Ron, Garrell, beat Silverwoods and the Eagles defeated
American Standard in best-ofthree semi-finals.
Factory, Flyers win
hockey openers
The GQ(;){\year Factory hockey
team in tIle Lakeshore Industrial
League took up where it left off
last year and defeated John Varty
Plumbing 5-2 in the season opener. Last year the two teams met
in the finals and the factory team
won out.
In the other game of the doubleheader, Goodyear Flyers defeated
Goodyear Wolves 5-3.
In the Factory-Varty game,
Brian O'Shea opened the scoring
for Goodyear at 13: 40 of the first
period. Four goals were scored in
the second period, Army Armstrong for Varty at 2: 10; Doug
Youngman for Factory at 5: 20;
George Anderson for Varty at
7: 40 and O'Shea with his second
at 13:05.
The third period was all Goodyear with Ron MacDonald scoring
at 1 :40 and O'Shea completing a
hat-trick at 17: 25.
In the second game, the Flyers
scored three unanswered goals in
the first period: Jim Moore at
3: 45 and Joe Leforte at 10: 15
and 14: 30. The teams traded
goals in the second with Bill
Cochrane scoring for the FIyers
and Peter Dutcher countering for
the Wolves. In the final period,
Wolves outscored Flyers 2-1 with
Stan Lane and Doug Fcltmate
doing the honors for Wolves and
Les Duzmulseski countering for
Page 3/0ct0ber, 69
What our
are doing
B. F. Goodrich Canada Ltd.
has signed a franchise agreement
with Lecky Machinery Ltd. for
Lecky to market its rubber grinding mill liners to the Canadian
precious and base metal mining
industries from Newfoundland to
the Manitoba-Saskatchewan border, reports the magazine Mining
Fueling an oil boom on Alaska's rugged Northern Slope is made possible by
rubberized Pillow tanks developed by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company.
Here, a workman adjusts the flow of diesel fuel to a drilling rig on Pan American
Petroleum Corporation's No.1 Kavik well. The flexible tanks are not affected by
extremely cold temperatures that make metal containers brittle. (Pan American
petroleum Corporation photo)
in Canada.
Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.
has opened a new store in Pen ticton, B.C., which wi'll stock 2,000
tires for the motoring public, reports the Penticton Herald. The
store will also carry electric appliances and has a four-hoist automotive repair department.
Polysar (U.K.) Ltd., a subsidiary of Polymer Corp., has signed
a licensing agreement with Sumitomo Chemical Co. of Japan to
provide technology on styrenebutadiene rubbers, reports the
Financial Post, Toronto. The
agreement will provide the knowhow for the design, construction
and operation of a plant in Japan
to produce 50,000 tons of SBR
rubber per year.
Trent Rubber Services, Lindsay,
Ontario, will supply a complete
mixing and compounding service
for Canada's rubber industry, according to the magazine, ChemistTy in Canada.
McLaren, Hulme
strike again
The team of Bruce McLaren
and Dennis Hulm'e continue to
dominate the Can-Am Challenge
(\lJj series as t1H'Y came up with
their ninth straight win in the
Mon terey Grand Prix, at Laguna,
California, October S.
Also on Goodyear -tires wn~
Chuck Parsons. II'ho came thin'!'
Stanley McMurter, who marks 40
years with the company this
month, started in the mat department at Bowmanville and worked
in the hose department and the
mil/room before being transferred
in 1943 to production control,
wh ere he works as a scheduler.
Oil companies beat the cold vvith pillovv tanks
Oil producers have found a soft way to
handle the hard problem of fue.ling what promises to be one of the biggest oil booms in
Norrh American history.
They are lIsing huge portable, rubberized
fabric bags instead of steel tanks to store
diesel and oil for drilling operations along
Alaska's rugged North Slope.
The bags, manufactured by Goodyear and
called Pillow tanks, were developed in the
late 1940s as portable fueling stations for
military aircraft at temporary bases in combat
Their use in Alaska oil operations was
forced by the North Slope's extreme'ly hostile
climate, where subzero temperatures make
metal brittle and severe storms and frozen
ground impede the movement of supplies to
remote drilling sites.
Pillow tanks, which are lightweight and collapsible, are shipped to drilling sites in small
wooden crates, unrolled like rugs and filled
wirh as much as 100,000 gallons of liquid,
depending on tank size. They are not affected
by extreme temperatures or moisture, and
temporary repairs on them in the field can be
made easily with mechanical c1amps.
Quite often, the plane that brings the first
load of fuel to a new drilling site will carry
along the Pillow tanks needed for fuel storage.
North Slope dril'ling sites, operated by more
than a dozen oil companies, are scattered over
a 500-mile-long frozen plain that extends
nor~h from the Brooks Mountain Range to
the Arctic Ocean. Each site consists of a base
camp, drilling equipment and an airfieJd.
Because of their remote locations and a
need to be self-sustaining on a year-round
basis, each driHing site requires a fuel reserve
capacity of 300,000 gallons. This capacity is
achieved by linking several large Pillow tanks
together to form a "tank farm" fueling system.
By the time all drilling sites are established
and an estimated lO-billion barrels of recoverable petroleum starts flowing from the
oil-rich Alaskan earth, rubber tanks will be
providing static storage for more than 18million gallons of fuel and oil used in oiJ field
operations, Goodyear's Industrial Products
Division estimates.
Large rubber tanks will not be used for
storage of crude petroleum, since the plan of
the Alaskan operation is to get the crude from
wells to refinrries as quickly as possible. Current plans call for moving crude through a
pipeline directly to shipping points as it is
pumped from the ground.
But Goodyear has developed small rubber
tanks with capacity for 60 to 900 gallons that
wm make it easier to transport small quantities of fuel, oil and even water between drilling sites by sled teams and helicopters.
A baseball team coached by Goodyear employees at Medicine Hat recently won the Alberta
Little Canadian Championship with a perfect record in tournaments at Moose Jaw and
Medicine Hat. The team also placed second in the Canadian Championships at Richmond,
B.C. Not only did employees coach and manage the team, they also provided sons for the
cause. Front row, from left: Jack Ward, Randy Koch, Angelo Vissochi, N. Schultz, Terry
Bartman (son of Lloyd Bartman of the office staff), S. Adams and Randy Desrocher (son of
tire builder Leo Desrocher). Back row, from left, Roy Biko, stock preparation, manager; B.
Jarvis, Don Anderson (nephew of Eric Anderson, calenders), L. Albrecht, T. Schenk, T.
Gruver, Tom Biko (son of Roy) and Larry Hankins, tire room, coach.
Page 4/0ct0ber, 69
40 Years
G. S. McMurter, BowmanviUe;
C. R. Millington, New Toronto
35 Years
S. G. Baker, New Toronto Office; Albert Dubuc, St. Hyacinthe.
30 Years
J. L. Parkin, T. G. Moore, M.
W. Brown, F. Snowball, N. J.
Forgie, E. Bell, W. E. Ross, New
Toronto Factory; R. M. AUman,
L. J. Wehden, New Toronto Office; C. P. Fagan, K. F. Flint,
Bowmanville; Renand Desmarais,
St. Hyacinthe.
25 Years
N. Fannuzi, S. N. Scott, Wm.
Williams, M. O'Grady, J. A.
Bright future
for packaging film
Extensive testing on polyurethane drive sprockets for snow vehicles
will be carried out by Goodyear at Quebec during this winter. J. N.
Savary, manager of compounding service, pours a polyurethane
mixture into a one-cavity experimental mold while Frank DeCarlo,
sales representative from Dupont, Montreal, and Ken Doddridge,
marketing manager tor Goodyear's molded-extruded products, look
on. To the right are untrimmed sample drive sprockets from this
experimental mold.
-- - - --~"~
-- _
Keep your eyes STRAIGHT AHEAD. Don't worry about the fellow behind you. Worry about
keeping control of the car and avoiding hazards that just lie ahead.
DECREASE GAS SLOWLY and let the car coast to a crawl. Any sudden deceleration of the
car could cause you to lose control,
The pre-packaging of fruits
and vegetables in markets across
the country is increasing sharply,
reports Ted Jemmett, manager of
plastic films and adhesive sales.
Today, Jemmett says, 40 per
cent of all produce sold is prewra-pped. By 1970, that figure
will have risen to between 60
and 75 per cent, he adds.
Jemmett attributes the sharp
rise in pre-packing of produce to
the savings in time and money
realized by market operators, and
to continued acceptance by consumers. Markets are offering more
produce in varied amounts, in
season or out of season, and consumers like the convenience of
buying neatly wrapped fruits and
vegetables, pre-weighed and prepriced, he a-dds.
Robinson, A. Faseruk, G. BiJiyk,
New Toronto Factory; Montcalm
Gregoire, St. Hyacinthe.
20 Years
W, T. Wallace, P.Q. Wiig, E.
A. Roy, J. Walton, L. Brown, M.
Holowack, N. MacMillan, New
Toronto Factory; R. Lacroix,
Quebec Plant; B. C. Webster, G.
R. Fa1ls, D. R. McCullough, G.
T. Blyth, Head Office; Roger Lacroix, Gaston Larocque, Roland
Garneau, Luden Bourre, Raymond Paquin, Jean-Pierre Rheaume, Rene Plante, Raoul Leclerc,
Andre Rouleau, Quebec Plant.
15 Years
S. Hiltz, J. R. AUanson, New
Toronto Factory; Mrs. M. Trotter,
Head Office; Rea.l Morissette,
Quebec Plant.
10 Years
E. Cook, New Toronto Factory;
T. A. MacIntyre, Vancouver Retread Plant; Michel Heroux, St,
On the move
Traffic, customs and export
R. J. Babcock to supervisor,
customs and export, replacing R.
D. White, who has transferred to
manufacturers' sales.
Harry P. Lovering to assistant
manager, pension and group insurance depaI'tment.
New Toronto Plant
Terry Green to section head of
the 1800 computer, production
Evans new manager
of industrial
Austin B. Evans has been appointed manager of industrial engineering at New Toronto Plant,
L. F. Huhta, general manager of
tire production has announced.
Evans started with Goodyear in
1954 as a production squadron
trainee at New Toronto and in
1958 was named manager of training and recreation. In 1964, he
moved to industrial engineering
and a year later was named personnel manager at Valleyfield,
where he remained until being
al'poinled assistant manager of industrial engineering at New Toronto in July, this year.
Evans succeds A. H. Johnson,
who is now on special assignment
in corporate industrial engineering.
Keep your foot OFF THE BRAKE. Any braking action, particularly when one of the tires is still
on the pavement, may cause you to veer sharply in a dangerous direction. Let the car slow
down naturally, if there are no hazards ahead .
GRIP THE WHEEL FIRMLY. A soft shoulder makes it very difficult to steer. If one wheel is
off the pavement, you will probably find the car pulling very strongly to the right. Fight to
keep the car headed straight.
DON'T SHIFT. You must not take your hands off the wheel for even a second .
~ h~
)t )
- , lIlIHTS GIll DFf
DON'T SIGNAL. Don't worry about signaling. Your primary concern is to maintain control
while your car is slowing down. This means both hand. an the wheel-at all times!
Additional control measures: If one or two wheels are off Ihe road. do not lurn
sharply back onlo Ihe pavement. This could cause a skid. However, if Ihe shoulder is much
lower Ihan the road, you will have to turn sharply. Be careful! If possible, don't try to gel back
onlo Ihe road until your car has sufficiently slowed down to make a safe reentry.
SAFETY HINT: Regular brake care
It is i mperative that your brakes always be in top operati ng condition.
Any defect is a serious defect and should be repaired at once.
The brakes should begin to grip almost immediately after
the brake pedal is depressed. The pedal should stop at least two inches
from the floor.
Be certa in that the hydraulic flu id level is checked every
1.000 m iles. Have the brake linings checked several times a year and
replace them at the first sign of wear, not after they are worn out.
Twice a year. have the entire braki ng system examined
completely and adjustments made as necessary.
Plant Manager Dick Skidmore, left, and Harvey Beck, master mechanic, hold the 4-millionth tire produced at Medicine Hat Plant. Others who had a hand in production of this and many other tires were,
from left: Joe Hoefman, cure operator; Hilton Beach, compounder; larry Plante, supervisor, Division B;
Jim Leinweber, cure operator; Ken Harding, technical superintendent; Carl Wendorf, personnel manager; Herb Dand, foreman, Division B; Andy Graham, foreman, Division A and Abe Brown, service
department manager.
Spencer elected board chairman;
MacNeill to be neYi president
L. E. Spencer has been e.lected
chairman of the board and chief
executive officer of The Goodyear
Tire & Rubber Company of Canada, Limited, and H. G. MacNeill has been elected president
and general manager of the company, it was announced following
a meeting of ,the Board of Directors at Valleyfield, Quebec,
November 14.
At the same meeting D. W.
Moriarty was named vice-president of tire sales, and G. F.
Turner, vice-president of Goodyear replacement sales, announced
he will retire at the end of the
Spencer, MacNeill and Moriarty will assume their new duties
January 1, 1970.
Spencer has served as president
and general manager of the company since 1959 and MacNeill
was named executive vice-presi-
dent of sales early in 1969. Moriarty has been president and general manager of Seiberling Rubber
Company of Canada, Limited, a
wholly-owned Goodyear subsidiary, since 1964.
Spencer joined Goodyear at
Akron, Ohio as a production control checker in 1926 and, by 1928,
was production-control head. In
1936, he became assistant to ,the
chief stattistician and, a year later,
went on a two-year special assignment with the -production vicepresident. In 1939, he was named
manager of merchandise planning.
In 1942, Spencer went on loan
to ,t he U.S. Government as chief
of production and requirements,
office of the rubber director, War
Production Board, where he served until 1945, when he became
manager of Goodyear's Topeka,
Kansas plant. In 1947, he once
again was loaned to rhe U.S. Government, this time as special assistant to General Lucius Clay,
who headed the American military
government in occupied Germany,
(continued on page 5)
the wingloot clan
Some changes will be made Spencer says
Akron experts' report completed
The report from Goodyear ex- MANUFACTURING
In his report, J. C. Moon, exeperts from Akron and -the Interna tional Corporation on how to cutive vice-president of manufaccut costs and improve produc- turing, said production a't the Valtivi ty has been submitted to Ca- ' leyfield plant will increase by
nadian management and action more than 60 per cent by the end
will be taken before the middle of 1970, and by 1972, will have
of D ecember, President L. E. more than doubled.
He also cited the boom in snow
Spencer told the quarterly mantrack production and the asbesagement meeting, November 18.
The report follows a visit by tos packing operation recently
th Akron and International ex- transferred from the U.S. to Queperts, in which they assisted Ca- bec Plant as bright spots on the
nadian management in seeking present scene. He said he looks
methods ,to increase profits, and for impressive sa:\es of Pliofirm,
Spencer said, each department the new product being made at
will receive its own report on Owen Sound to replace wood in
furniture. He predicted that volwhich to act.
"While the report is generally ume orders for freon hose, used
complimentary on the job being in the air conditioning units in
done here, fortunately there are cars, will soon arrive at the Colsom e areas in which costs can be lingwood Hose Plant.
cut without affecting our ,p erformSA.LES
ance or qua1ity of product,"
Despite a six-week strike at
Spencer said.
Valleyfield plant, Goodyear sales
At the meeting, Spencer pre- for the first three quarters of the
sented G. F. Turner, vice-presi- year increased 20.6 per cent over
dent of replacement sales, who is the same period last year, H. G.
reti ring January I, with his 40- MacNeill, executive vice - president of sales, reported.
\car pin.
Looking ahead, MacNeill revealed that an exciting marketing
blueprint for 1970, designed to
sell more tires at a greater profit
margin, should be unveiled in the
next few weeks. "I think that all
of the people in the sales department will be very enthusiastic
about our plans," he said. "We
ask that they should endorse it
fully and give it all of their support."
MacNeill reported ,that all segments of the tire business are
showing increased sales and profit
is improved over last year even
though "it is still far off the target". He predicted that recent
price improvements should soon
start showing a marked effect.
Looking at Goodyear's other
product lines, MacNeill reported
that Quebec Plant is enjoying a
substantial sales increase and is
almost assured of a very healthy
future. "Even though shoe products are down slightly, molded
and extruded, up considerably
over last year, are making up for
(continued on page 5)
This is Ray Watson, a tire builder at New Toronto with his daughter
Laurie, four. The bandaged hands and the burned scalp and jacket
are reminders that Watson and his two children narrowly missed
being burned to death in a gas explosion that levelled a two·acre
shopping plaza. See story on page 3.
Pa2e 4/0ct0ber. 69
Page 2/November, 69
Two women among grads
136 celebrate quarter century
Joseph Wilson, in his lOOth year, reads the National Geographic. He
also reads the Wingfoot Clan with a critical eye.
In his 100th year, retiree
reads Clan with critical eye
As a Goodyear retiree, Joseph
W ilson reads the Clan. He reads
it cover-to-cover, sometimes with
his gla~ses on, sometimes without.
He reads it along with the Toronto dailies, National Geographic,
Life and several other publications which make up his currentnews library.
Wilson retired in 1939. And he
retired when he was 69 years old.
That makes him 99 years oldor young, which is the way it is
when he's discussing current affairs or something <that happened
before the turn of the century.
From Carlisle, in Cumberland,
England, Wilson came to Canada
in 1913, when he was 42, an age,
when even today, men arc reluctant to pull up roots or try anything new.
He landed a job shortly after
arriving in Canada at Bowmanville Plant when it was the only
Goodyear plant in .the country
and tires were being made there.
"I was vulcanizing tubes there.
We did a lot of patching then,
something I don't think they bother too much with today," said
Wilson, reca lling the methods
used. "I guess today we'd consider
them primitive."
After two years at Bowmanville,
he left to take a job as a bookkeeper for a milling company at
Norval, Ontario. Nine years later,
the mill burned and Wilson was
job hunting again.
He found a position at Goodyear's New Toronto Plant, then
only three years old, as a tube inspector. The same year, 1920, he
became a bicycle tire buffer and
a year later, went back to the
tube department, then became a
stock clerk. From 1923 to 1937,
he worked in stock records, then
became a storekeeper, the job he
held until his retirement.
Lorne White, manager of the
Ia:bor department at New Toronto, who deals with Wilson on
pension matters, says: "He's smart
as a whip. He knows what's going
on in all his pension affairs and
he knows what's going on in the
world as well."
§ New Toronto Plant's annual
~ fall blood clinic, held October
§ 23 and 24, yielded 528 bottles,
~ reports clinic organizer, Jack _
~ Parker, manager of training
~ and recreation. This brings to
§ 1412 the number of bottles of
blood donated this year by employees at New Toronto, at
three clinics.
In a .letter to President L. E.
Spencer, Marina Bayer, director of blood donor service for
~ Toronto-Etobicoke Red Cross,;;
~ thanked employees for supply- ~
~ ing the blood needed by hos- ~
~ pirals, and, directing a remark ~
~ at the em ployees, added: "You ~
~ have just played a very im- ~
~ portant personal role in many ~
~ ppople's lives. Of this you may ~
§ be' justly proud."
One hundred and thirty-six employees celebrated 25 years with
the company at the annual dinner held November 1 in Toronto.
This was one more than marked
the quarter-century last year.
R. C. Berkinshaw, former chairman of the board and president,
proposed the toast to the graduates and was answered by L. J.
Gareau from Montreal Branch.
Chairman of the dinner was H. A.
Brundage, vice-president of Finance.
This year's grads were:
New Toronto
R. Arno.1d, L. E. Arsenault, D.
Bell, E. Bertrand, G. Billyk, F.
Bitz, E. J. Blair, N. Brennan, H.
E. Brown, S. Brown, W. B. Buck,
J. T. Carroll, H. Charlebois, W.
Check, N. Cherewaiko, H. Chilwell, G. E. Cole, Mrs. E. Collins,
C. Craddock, J. F. Davis, W. J.
Day, O. H. Demers, M. Ciachon,
S. Dragosits, N. Dvernechuk, ''''.
Elaschuck, W. English, E. H.
Exley, N. Fanuzzi, A. Faseruk, J.
Festa, M. Gajdos, N. Genier, W.
T. Giberson, J. Giolet,ti, J. F.
Gorr, J. Gray, F. Hatton, M.
Hawrychuk, F. P. Hoare, C. H.
Hunter, J. Hutzpl, M. H . Keller,
G. Kershner, D. Koopmans, J.
Koren, B. J. Krangle, M. Kucherepa, G. Langley, R. Logan, R. J.
Lowry, D. R. MacLean, W. Martyn, V. Meager, J. Monasterski,
G. E. Morden, J. J. Murphy,
A. J. McAfee, G. McGregor,
H. McKeon, D. C. McWhirter,
M. O'Grady, W. Parfenuik, B.
Pilon, M. Plecan, J. Pritchard,
A. Robinson, J. Romanik, N.
A. Rose, Mrs. M. Rushbrook,
R. Schryer, S. N. Scott, J. H .
Shier, J. Siebert, J. M. Sobkovich,
S. Sutton, L. Taylor, R. B. Thomas, S. Vba, L. Verdon, L. P.
Virus, K. Wallace, W. Williams,
F. Zawiski
St. Hyacinthe
A. Bedard, J. P. Collard, T.
Forcier, C. Gazaille, G. Gingras,
M. Gregoire, E. Laliberte, G.
Leveille, A. Payan, M. Pepin, M.
Racine, A. Robidoux, O. Rosseau.
Former president and chairman of the board, R. C. Berkinshaw, left,
who proposed the toast to the graduates, chats with Mrs. Eloise
Collins, one of the two women grads and Fred Moore, president of
the 25-Year Club.
Toronto Branch
G. R. Glass, A. D. Sinclair, T.
F. Wrenshall.
Vancouver Branch
D. S. McNaughton, H.
Skupa, A. ]. Stevenson.
Saskatoon Branch
C. Bradley.
P. F. Chant.
Owen Sound
F. Allewell.
L. Graham.
W. C. Anderson, manager of industrial relations, pins . corsage
on Mrs. Marion Rushbrook, who
was one of two women in the
graduating class this year.
R. S. Bacon, M. L. Bate, E. W.
Begley, H. M. Carpenter, H. N.
Cobbledick, G. J. Colville, J.
Dunn, L. P. Hardcastle, T. E.
Harness, R. B. Lonsberry, E. J.
Masters, R. D. McIntyre, L. J.
Millson, D. W. Myles, C. H. Nesbitt, R. S. Ormiston, J. O.
Roberts, R. E. Shortt, L. C. Stainton, W. A. Stephens, C. H. Vannatto, A. J. Walker, G. H. Widdecombe, A. H. Woodward.
Montreal Branch
Gareau, L. Samson.
Russell DeYoung, centre, chairman of the board and chief executive
officer of The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, talks with Warren
Jamieson, right, manager of the Valleyfield plant, which deYoung
recently toured. At the left is president-elect H. G. MacNeill and
between deYoung and Jamieson is P. P. Daigle, a member of the
Canadian company's board of directors.
Page 3/November, 69
't's all in bagging one's supper
Shopping for meat - Medicine Hat style
If all the electric carts are in use and you have to get from one end
ot Goodyear's Metro Toronto ll-acre warehouse in a hurry, a bicycle
isn't anything at which to snub your nose. George Ellis would be the
first to agree. There's an added advantage in using a bicycle rather
than an electric cart. It can be maneuvered down narrow passageways and past obstacles, like this truck tire.
Employee and his 2 children
flee as blast levels plaza
Burned-out shells of cars and
gutted stores were aU that was
left of a small shopping plaza at
Malton, near Toronto, after a gas
explosion late in October. Miraculously, only one person died, but
over 20 were injured.
One of ,t he burned-out cars belonged to Ray Watson, a tire
builder at New Toronto Plant,
and Watson still wonders how he
managed to escape. Watson and
his two chi.ldren, Laurie, four,
and Murray, eight, were the only
ones in the plaza parking lot
when a 30-inch gas main exploded. "There was this very loud roar
and I saw flame shooting up into
the sky. My only thought was to
get the children out of there,"
\V atson said.
J ust before the explosion, Murray, who had been to a hockey
practice, was removing his skates
in the car, while Dad and Laurie
went for a jug of milk. Watson
and his daughter had just arrived
back at the car when a wave of
extreme heat struck. "Murray still
had one skate on, but I knew there
was no time to bother trying to
get it off. I just told him to run
as fast as he could and I grabbed
Laurie, pulled her parka hood
over her head and started running."
Murray hobbled as fast as he
could on one skate but it will be
some ·time before he dons skates
again. Despite his heavy hockey
equipment, Murray was severely
burned from knee to ankle on one
leg and received lesser bums to
his back. He is in the Hospital
for Sick Children in Toronto undergoing treatment. His father
and sister were luckier. Watson
suffered second-degree bums on
his hands, neck and head and
Laurie, whom he was carrying,
suffered minor bums on her back.
"I fell five times in the short distance from the car to the plaza
exit, carrying Laurie. I thought
I'd never get there."
His hands still in bandages,
Watson isn't sure when he'll be
ahle to com e b a c k to work.
"They're healing well, so I hope
it isn't too long," he said.
Hunting has got to be a way of
life in Medicine Hat. There's no
other answer. Where else can you
walk through a plant parking lot
and see several cars and pickup
trucks with rifles or shotguns
lying across the rear seats?
Where else does a factory worker come off shift - be it at 8
a.m. or 4:30 p.m. - change into
his bright red hunting jacket and
cap, and drive past his home on
his way to the open prairie?
Certainly not Toronto or Montreal. Medicine Hat is a community most residents of bustling
metropolis would envy. The first
to appreciate this are Goodyear
employees, transferred to the Alberta plant.
The Medicine Hat Goodyear
plant employs 168 men - and
two girls. About one in every
three men is an avid hunter or
fisherman. And no wonder. Within one hour's drive of the town,
a hunter can find an abundance
of white~tail or mule deer, antelope, pheasants, ducks, geese
and upland game birds.
. You don't even have to go that
far for good ·fishing. The TransCanada Highway bridge spanning
the South Saskatchewan River,
which cuts through town, is a
popular perch from which to dangle a line for pike, no less.
On weekends, some outdoorsmen drive the 200 miles to the
Rockies to stalk black bear, elk,
and moose. Some, like Hal Banasch, production scheduler at
Goodyear, prefer to take a threeday holiday for mountain hunting.
Banasch's hunting party took
such a trip in early November
and bagged two mule deer. While
Banasch was scouring the Rockies,
Fred and Ed BleiJe, two other
Goodyear employees, were shooting deer within a few miles of
the IO-year-old plant. They had
time to hang their two trophies
before going on shift at 4: 30 p.m.
Eastern hunters may wonder
how game can be stalked on the
open prairie, where trees are few
and far between. Prairie folk call·
it "coulee hunting." City folk
would probably better understand
the term " dry gulch hunting."
Coulees are a prairie phenomenon. Long ago, when rivers dried
up, the prairies were dotted with
thousands of snake-like gullies.
Deer often meander along the
densely-covered dry river beds.
Hunting isn't too diHicult except for the man who vol un-
teers to go down into the gully
and flush out any game that may
be hiding in the bush. The other
memhers of the hunting party
walk along the gul1y walls, ready
to zero-in on the fleeing prey.
Reg Castelani, engineering clerk (left) and Andy Graham, Division A
foreman (right) examine buck that Hal Banasch shot in the Rockies.
Vaughan goes to Seiberling
as secretary-treasurer
J. D. Vaughan, manager of general accounting at Head Office,
has been appointed secretarytreasurer of Seiberling Rub b e r
Company of Canada, Limited. He
will he succeeded by John Rennie.
F. E. Walker has been named
assistant manager of accounting
and will report to Rennie.
Vaughan started with Goodyear
in the shipping department in
1948 and in 1951 became cash
accounts clerk. From 1953 to
1956, he served in accounting in
Calgary, Head Office and Toronto Branch. In 1956, he was
named manager of the tabulating
department at Head Office, a post
he held until appointed manager
of general accounting.
Rennie joined Goodyear in
1949 in accounting at Head Office and in 1961 was named manager of sales accounting. In 1965,
he was made assistant manager of
general accounting, a position he
held until his new appointment.
Walker started with Goodyear
as a cost clerk in 1955 and from
1961 to 1963 served in various
jobs in accounting. He was named
a supervisor in 1963 and in 1965,
was appointed section head of the
sales accounting department.
Page 4/November, 69
Inquest into banbury fire
verifies earlier findings
other safety measures were added
immediately following the investigation of the accident in August.
The inquest considered only
the death of Harald Indriksons
nd the jury ruled the fire accidental. James Giroux also died
as a result of the accident. Coroner Dr. Kenneth Baxter ca\1ed the
fire " a one in a mi11ion accident."
A coroner's jury at an inquest
into the banbury fire found that
the accident was caused by an
inspection port cover which fell
into a weigh hopper and jammed
open two valves allowing carbon
black flow into the banbury unchecked.
The jury's findings were the
same as those of an investigation
by the company and the Ontario
Department of Labour fo\1owing
the accident in August.
Of the five recommendations
from the jury, three had already
been implemented and one was
under planning and design. The
other recommendation had been
implemented, but in a manner
suggested by the Department of
La'bour, which was slightly different than t hat suggested by the
As well as these five, several
Golf Results
Carl Wieneke, Emmerson Ellis,
Gord Schissler and Bob HeLlam
were the playoff champs in the
Goodyear Bowmanville house golf
league. The league champions
were Morley Thompson, Russ
Oke, Russ Foster, Bil1 Crossey,
Doug Cooper and Harry Cooke.
Don Oke shot the low gross. Tom
Gatchel1 shot Jow net in the first
flight and Bob Hellam got low
net in the second flight.
Driver Accident Prevention
~.~~~ ,..
Ithink Iwhat would you do?
With your .yes?
- ~.
(Put an "X" through what YOU would dol)
With your feet?
el _
~ ~ I ~ "It!Fj0
CliP nlWlY
stlln RlVOS(
'1M; •II, SNnI, New York
(Answers on page 5)
~ n~ ~ I ) t )
br VI""I DyNftllu ,
40 Years
E. R. Grayer, Head Office.
35 Years
J A. Dodds, New Toronto Factory.
30 Years
R. L. McCord, M. C. Mannings, New Toronto Factory; F.
W. Bradd, Collingwood.
25 Years
H. Charlebois, J. Gray, H.
Chillman, S. Dragositis, W. Parfeniuk, New Toronto Factory; E.
J Blair, New Toronto Office.
20 Years
Head Office
R. Osborne, H. Arnold, New
Toronto Factory; E. J. Nicholls,
M. Turgeon, J. L. Langlois, P. E.
Drouin, J. P. Loignon, S. Ferland,
Lucien Ouimper, Quebec Plant.
15 Years
J. R. Seidewand, New Toronto
Factory; A. B. Evans, K. A. Hoole,
New Toronto Office; J. M. Boivin, G. Cantin, C. Therrien, J.
C. Lemieux, J. C. Letel1ier, Quebec Plant.
10 Years
R. Johnson, C. Shepard, H. E.
Preukschat, A. Grammenz, C.
Manuel, L. Hacker, New Toronto
Factory; E. E. El1is, D. E. Osborne, Bowmanville; C. A. Lockhart, Collingwood; J. Sidoriak,
New Toronto Office; E. J. Morris,
Mimico Retread Plant.
Goodyear's soccer squad
captures Consolation Cup
Goodyear's entry in the Lakeshore Industrial Soccer League
wound up the season by winning
the consolation cup with a 5-1
viotory over last year's champions,
the Port Credit Peelers.
On season's play the Goodyear
team finished on tOP of the league
with 15 wins, two ties and a single
loss for 32 points.
In the cup game, Port Credit
opened the scoring at -the mid
mark of the first half when a shot
from 18 yards out eluded Goodyear goalkeeper Al Wilkowsky.
Five minutes later the score was
tied when inside right Ron Gourlay pounced on a deflection by
the P.C. goalie on a head shot
from John Foulds.
Five minutes into the second
half, Goodyear went ahead when
inside left Tony Quinn took a
pass from left winger Scott Wilson, eluded a defender and fired
a low hard shot past the P.C.
goalie. Quinn scored again 10
minutes later after -centre half
Andy Kerr had been grassed in
the box. John Foulds, the leagueleading scorer in season play,
scored Goodyear's fourth goal on
a pass from Quinn. The final goal
came with five minutes remaining
when outside left Ted Collins
scored on a pass from right winger
Campbell Ramsay.
With your hands?
Goodyear's soccer team in the Lakeshore Industrial League and the three trophies won during the 1969
season. Kneeling, from left: Scott Wilson, Crawford Heaney (captain), Campbell Ramsay, Jimmy Collie,
Ted Collins, John Rowe (coach) , Billy Hutcheson. Standing, from left: Andy Kerr, Don Clarke, Ron
Gourlay, John Busby, AI Wilkowsky, John Foulds, Tony Quinn, Albert Gill, Joe Bakalar, Jakob Igel, Bill
Scott and Ian Dunlop. The trophies, from left: Consolation Cup, Streetsville Invitational Tournament
Cup, League championship trophy.
" ..tee III U.S.A.
SEAI£~ No ~
- 0 II
the WinF'ot clan
Published Monthly in the interest
of Employees of
Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Company of Canada, Umlted
Published In Toronto
Editor ..... ..... ... ... Blaine Gaouette
Vol. 4
November, 1969
No. 11
Goodyear Wolves goalie, C. Desroches, falls to the ice and loses his
stick as Ivan Taylor (10) of the Factory team, bats the puck into the
top corner. Taylor got two goals in Factory's 8-1 win over the Wolves.
Other Factory scorers were: Pat Rupert, Lloyd Lamore, Danny Touseant (2), Brian O'Shea and Rod Stuart. The lone Wolves' goal
was scored by AI Payne.
Page 5/November, 1969
Spencer elected
(continued from page 1)
and later as chief of commerce
and industry for the American,
British and French Zones of Germany. From 1949 to 1952, he
served as executive vice-president
of The Kelly-Springfield Tire
Company, a Goodyear subsidiary,
and from 1952 to 1955, was assistant to the president of The
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company at Akron. In 1956, he was
named a vice-president of that
company and in 1958 came to
Canada as executive vice-president of The Goodyear Tire &
Rubber Company of Canada,
MacNeill, a native of Sydney,
N.S., started wi th Goodyear as a
production squadron trainee at
Toronto in 1948 after graduating
from Acadia University wi,th a degree in economics. The following
year, he was transferred to the
efficiency department at the company's Quebec City plant and
subsequently became development
manager and plant manager. In
1960, he was appointed plant
manager at Goodyear's BowmanviI.Ie, Ontario plant. In 1963, he ,
was named general manager of
the Industrial Products Division, ..
and, in 1966, vice-president, general products.
Moriarty joined Goodyear in
1949 :as a salesman at Halifax
aft ! serving three years in the
Canadian Navy, and in 1953, was
named sales supervisor for Nova
Scotia and Newfoundland. From
1954 to 1961, he held sales managerial posts in Northern Ontario,
the Maritimes and Quebec. In
1961, he was appointed assistant
manager of ,tire sales at the company's head office and three years
.later named president of Seiberling.
L. S. Souch, Bowmanville Factory, 36 years.
LOOK STRAIGHT AHEAD ~ Water may sudden ly be splashed on your Windshield obstructing
your VISion , Keep your eyes on the road evpry second of the time until you are out of danger
DECREASE GAS. but do not take your foot suddenly off the accelerator The water Will slow
up your car greatly . By deceleratmg too qUickly. you may lose control
Keep your foot OFF THE BRAKE Once again. any sudden deceleration while you are mov ing
through the water can cause you to lose contro l.
GRIP FIRMLY , The water may pull your car to one or the other Hold on to the whee l
with both hands
DON'T SHIFT. Shlftmg can be dangerous In this Situation. Don't let go of the wheel for any
reason unti l you are out of trouble
DON'T SIGNAL. At thiS pomt . signahng won't help you, and you could lose cant rot If you
take your h'ands off the wheel for even an lOstant.
Additional control measures: Even when you are out of the water, you are st.1I
not out of danger. Your brakes may not work because they are wet . Do not accelerate As the
car slows to a safe speed, pump your brakes slowly , Gnp the wheel tightly-the wet brakes
may pull the car to one Side or the othel , If they do not work properly after a few moment s.
have y OU4' ca r servIc ed as QUIckly as poss,bte,
If you have bee n dfl vmg through a pudd le or heavy ram st on n try the
brakes to see If tht' 'lnlngs are wet
If the car pulls toward one Side (or doesn't brake at all),
shift Into low or second and proceed slowly With your left foot on the
brake as you dove_ The heat created by the fnctlon should dry out the
lining If you hnd that thiS procedure does not help. stop at your nearest
service station and have them checked .
It you must drive over· a flooded -road. dnve very slowly to
prevent water bemg splashed up IOta tht: brake hnme . Also. be certam to
leave more than the average amount of distance between your car and
the car ahead .
Dick Skidmore, manager of Medicine Hat Plant, left, presents safety award to plant master mechanic
Harvey Beck, whose department had the best safety record for July, August and September. Employees
of the winning department received lapel pins and a draw was held in the department for a pair of
safety shoes, which were won by Edgar Robinson.
Busby and Hooper re-elected
as six locals name officers
Edward Busby was re-elected
president of Local 232 of the
United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum
and Plastic Workers of America,
at New Toronto, recently. He defeated John Meharry for the top
post. Also re-elected as vice-president was Velkjo Cosic. Also elected: James Johnstone - secretary; treasurer - Ron Lawrence;
executive board: Donald Stockdale, Darcy Burnie, Duncan Murphy, Stephen Whelan, Ronald
Heal, Gerald Armstrong and Kenneth Gee.
At Local 189, Bowmanville, the
union representing the factory,
Kenneth Hooper was elected president. Others elected: vice-president - Donald Oke; secretary William Colville; treasurer Howard Davey; executive board
Donald Kemp, Clinton Ferguson, Maurice Prout, Keith Porter,
Edward Hallman, Ronald White,
Thomas Wilson. Local 397, represeITting the office personnel , elected William G. Burgess president.
Others elected: vice-president Gary Tighe; secretary - Doreen
Bryant; treasurer - Mrs. Fern
Covert; executive board - Mrs.
Jean Urwin, Donald Bagnell,
Russell Oke.
In elections at Local 818, at
Owen Sound, Elsie Gunn was
named president and Mary Watson, vice-president. Dorothy Raymond was elected secretary and
Grace McGregor, treasurer. Elected to the executive board were:
Wayne Clark, Mable Subject and
Tenna Bosch.
Members of Local 628 at Medicine Hat elected Dale Simpson as
president, Barry Crittenden, treasurer; Albert Kleckner, secretary
and Charles Keifer, treasurer.
Executive board members are
Alex Krassman, John Vangen,
Henry Stapleton, Neil Stewart
and Mike Hansen.
At Collingwood, members of
Local 834 elected Paul Alexander as president, Don Laws as
vice-president, Neil Edwards as
secretary and Dalt Ho'llingshead
as treasurer. Elected to the executive board were Earl Lennox,
Gary Crawford and James Ward.
Hiiacked hose
goes to Rome
At least it didn't go to Cuba.
That's about the best that can
be said for a shipment of hose
from Collingwood which was
aboard the jet hijacked to Rome
on Ha.llowe'en.
The heater hose, 170 pieces,
38-inches long, was destined for
the Ford assembly plant at Dallas, Texas, where ,the supply of
this type of hose had run dangerously low. So low in fact that
it threatened to close down the
assembly line and a two-day
deadline was put on the shipment.
The hose was due to arrive at
Dallas following a TWA flight
from Baltimore, Md., to Los Angeles, but a young Marine had
other ideas, not about the hose,
but about the plane.
Latest information is that the
hose will arrive in Dallas soon,
after a 14,000-mile detour. Ford
was able to get hose from another
Goodyear plant to get over the
In Memoriam
H. Shaw, New Toronto Office, 38 years; F. C. Tovey, New
Toronto Factory, 33 years; R. V.
Martin, New Toronto Factory, 27
Akron experts' report
(continued from page 1)
it." MacNeill commended employees at the plant for their
achievements, saying .they "can
continue to feel justifiably proud
of their efforts".
Bowmanville Plant, MacNeill
reported, is making a real comeback this year, with overall sa.les
lip 63 per cent. "This figure," he
cautioned, "must, however, take
into considera!tion the problems of
supply that we had last year."
The picture doesn't look as
bright insofar as the Collingwood
Hose Plant is concerned, MacNeill revealed. "We cannot seem
to get enough business to fill this
p.lant .to a ,break-even position,"
he explained. "While our sales are
up 32 percent and our losses have
shown some improvement, we will
have to make a super human
effort to get this operation under
control in 1970".
MacNeill also reported that the
automotive replacement products
show a 33 per cent increase in
sales, although there was increased losses over .last year. "This
loss is caused mostly by our problems at Collingwood in hose products and again we are looking for
improvement," he
Fire, security chief
Art Coakwell
dies suddenly
Arthur Frederick CoakweIl,
chief security, fire and safety
officer at New Toronto Plant,
died suddenly October 4.
Coakwell came to Goodyear in
1947 as police chief after a 12year career with the Toronto
Police Department. He had received his certificate as a director
of physical culture at the Ontario
Provincia.! Police School and was
a detective when he left the
Toronto force.
___ _
.a ... .-&-L__
Page 6/November, 1969
What our
are doing
3 at Valleyfielcl, New Toronto
exchange tire production jobs
Three key tire production men
exchanged jobs on November 17.
Don Whidden went from superintendent of the Tire Division at
New Toronto to production superintendent at Valleyficld; Murray
Wright, who was production superintendent at Valleyfield, took
over as superintendent of Preparation Division at New Toronto;
and Norman Pearson went from
Preparation Division superintendent at New Toronto to superintendent of the Tire Division at
the same plant.
AlI t h r e e are graduates of
Goodyear's production squadron.
Whidden started with Goodyear in 1956 at New Toronto in
the cure department then moved
to the production squadron. In
1959, he was made supervisor in
the mill room and a year later was
named shift foreman in calenders.
From 1962 to 1964 he was on
special assignment in the tire
room. In 1964, he was made department foreman in the passenger tire room and in 1965 was appointed superintendent of the
Tire Division.
Wright started as an hourly employee at New Toronto in 1941
and a year later joined the Canadian Army. Upon his discharge
in 1946, he became a member of
the production squadron. In 1948,
he was named supervisor in the
millroom and two years Jater became a foreman. In 1960, he was
named manager of the production department and in 1965 was
transferred to Valleyfield as foreman of the Preparation Division.
He was appointed production
superintendent in 1966.
Pearson joined the company as
a production squadron trainee at
New Toronto in 1953 and in 1957
went to the Preparation Division.
In 1959 he worked in the calenders and pre-dip. In April, 1960,
he was named foreman in the
Preparation Division and in 1965
was appointed superintendent in
the division.
In announcing the job exchanges, L. F. Huhta, general
manager of tire production, said
the moves were in keeping with
the policy of providing broad experience for personnel in various
areas of tire production.
Industrial Tires Limited has
introduced the Loadmaster 80
tire, with a slot around the middle of the tread surface to dissipate heat, for material handling
equipment, reports the magazine,
Materials Handling in Canada.
ITL claims the tire is four times
longer-wearing with twice the load
capacity and resistant to cutting
and chipping.
In one of his first official acts as chief of fire, security and safety at
New Toronto, George Feeley, left, presents certificate to George Allan,
seated, department foreman of the tuber department, which won the
third lap of the plant's safety race. Others in photo are winners of
draw held in the winning department. From left: Ron Baumgartner,
who won a first aid kit; Ed Hall and Chris McDonald, who won safety
Tuber dept. wins third lap
of New Toronto safety race
The tuber department moved
up from third pJace in the second
quarter of the safety race to take
the lead in the third quarter of
the New Toronto Plant's safety
race. Vitafilm moved up from
ninth place to second and internal
trucking, which led the second
quarter, dropped to third.
Safety performance is based on
the departments' improvement
over their average injury rate
from 1966 through 1968 and is
rated on the number of injuries
per 100 employees per month.
Standings of the departments
and their percentage of improvement: tubers, 43.1; Vitafilm,
42.3; internal trucking, 38.4;
Metro Warehouse, 28.9; receiving,
27.6; passenger tires, 21.2; mechanical division, 20.4; truck tires,
12.8; stock preparation broke
Feeley named chief
of fire, security
and safety
Mary Miller, Goodyear's representative in the Collingwood area Miss
United Appeal contest, receives cards with over $1,500 in pledges
from employees at the Goodyear plant. Presenting her with the cards
is Neil Edwards, of receiving, who canvassed for the pledges.
George Feeley has been named
chief fire, security and safety officer at New Toronto Plant, succeeding A. F. Coakwe.ll, who died
suddenly late in September.
Feeley started with the company in 1943 as an hourly employee and in 1964 became an
hourly-rated supervisor. In 1965,
he was named shift foreman in
final inspection and the next year
became floor foreman of Building 41. In October, 1967, he was
named night superintendent, a
position he held until his new
The remaining departments
had an injury rate increase over
their 1966-68 average. Departments and ·their percentage of increase: cure, 6.3; tuhes, 12.5;
millroom, 13.9; miscellaneous,
16.7; calenders, 21.2; janitors and
yard gang, 23.6; final inspection,
35.7; morgue, 78.
Managers named
for retread plants
Uniroyal Ltd. is marketing a
flexible waterproof membrane virtually impossible to damage and
self - healing, according to the
D a i I y Commercial News and
Building Record, Toronto. A hot,
rubberized asphalt, the membrane coats all surfaces, no matter how rough, the newspaper
Dunlop Canada Ltd. has been
awarded three contracts by the
Department of National Defense
worth $577,025, repol'ts the magazine, Canadian Aviation.
Goodrich is devcloping a rubber-fingered hand which is designed to curl and grasp when
pressurized with gas or fluid, says
the Moncton Transcript. The device could be made with fingers
large enough to hold, pull or lift
objects weighing several tons, a
company spokesman said.
Uniroyal Ltd. and B. F. Goodrich of Canada Ltd. supplied the
latex foam for fumi·t ure displayed
at the recent Interior Design
show in Toronto, reports the
Kitchener-Waterloo Record.
Denis W. Edwards has been appointed manager of the Calgary
retread plant and Henry Keizer
has been named manager of the
retread plant at Edmonton, W. H.
Hayes, manager of tread rubber
sales and retread operations, has
Edwards started with Goodyear
in 1965 as a member of the production squadron at New Toronto. In 1968, he ·became a senior
specifications clerk and a year
later became a retread plant manager trainee which prepared him
for his new appointment.
Keizer came to Goodyear from
a supervisory position with a large
rubber company in 1964 and
worked at various jobs in the Edmonton plant prior to his recent
§ party for New Toronto Plant, §
~ Head Office and other em- ~
§ ployees in the Toronto district §
§ will be held December 6, at §
~ the Westwood Theatre at Bloor ~
§ Street West and Kipling Ave- §
~ nue.
§ Sponsored by the Recreation §
§ Club at New Toronto, the §
~ party will feature Santa and ~
~ the kiddies will receive the ~
§ usual candy, fruit and pres- §
~ eots. Also on hand to lend ~
§ color to the proceedings will §
~ be a dozen Goodyear girls, ~
~ dressed in a variety of cos- §
~ tumes.
§ Shows start at 9 a.m., 11: 30 §
~ a.m. and 2 p.m.
" .... this time of year
reminds us that we are
simply human beings after all."
In a year when man has set foot on the moon, we
may be tempted to feel somewhat indifferent toward
something as traditional as Christmas.
However, despite man's technical accomplishments, this time of
year reminds us that we are
simply human beings after all,
and that we all owe something to
each other.
And that wisdom, integrity and
tolerance are the cornerstones
upon which our civilization was
Although there are situations in
the world which depress us and
give us a feeling of helplessness,
we can contribute by making our
personal goals beyond reproach.
As we look forward to a new
year, let us hope for world unity,
justice and a lasting peace.
~e> ~~
Chairmall of the Board
Key on people potential
Goodyear's plan for '70
Nineteen-seventy will see new
trai ning programs, increased
em phasis on internal communications and a change in market ing priorities throughout
Goodyear, the company's president-elect, H. G. MacNeill said
du ri ng a recent interview with
the Clan.
These changes, coupled with
a "management by objectives"
program are expected to result
in improved performance from
employees and a more profita ble future for the company,
MacNeill said.
" Everybody's going to have
a n objective, everybody's going
to have a part to play in making
thi s company more successful."
Communications would have
a key role in telling the employees just what kind of a job
they are doing. "We must tell
people how they are doing.
They should always know where
they stand with the company."
MacNeill pointed out that
this method was instrumental
In getting Quebec Plant in the
black. "Morale was low and
there was talk of closing the
operation or moving some other
operation in."
Instead, objectives were set,
employees became involved and
took a renewed interest in their
jobs. "Suddenly they see these
objectives can be met. This
thing wasn't impossible anymore. They could see what
they'd done. Their performance
improved and soon the operation was showing a profit."
MacNeill said he intends to
meet with the division heads
and set objectives with them.
"They will be given full authority to carry out plans to
meet their objectives." This,
said MacNeill, would spread
out such authority.
"Instead of having a small
group of people making all the
decisions, doing all the imaginative thinking and all the planning, we'll have a larger group
This could result in two
things: it would bring more
talent into play and enable top
management to assess the capabilities of those involved.
"Within this company, we
have as much talent as any
competitor, much of it still to
be utilized. I am impressed with
the calibre of people we have. I
think we should give them more
responsibility to give them a
chance to show their talents."
New training programs could
help spot potential in employees
and would also serve to give
such employees more job satisfaction. "I'm thinking now of
programs which would be available to several levels of management and production. People
with high potential would be
selected and given a short
course in finance, management
by objectives, production, sales
and general business. This
would create a valuable pool
from which we could draw at
any time."
MacNeill said he will welcome constructive dissent and
criticism. "Ifsomeone has some(continued on page 4)
Who would dare peek at a lady getting in the tub? That's what Abby, an
eight-year-old orang·utan seems to be thinking as she pretends one of
Goodyear's snow vehicle tracks is a bath ..Abby's tub was ~ade at Bo~­
manville Plant, one of the largest suppliers of snow vehicle track In
North America. A native of Borneo, Abby didn't appreciate the attention
she was getting from the Goodyear photographer and showed her disapproval by trying to confiscate his camera.
Page 2/December 69
Only one Goodyear win
in industrial hockey
Goodyear teams in the Lake- the second. Singles went to:
shore Industrial League fared Joe Laforte from Bill Cochrane;
badly in recent games when Bill Cochrane, unassisted; and
faced with teams from the Winston Wells, from Frank
Lakeshore Commercial League. Lycette and LaForte.
The Flyers and the Wolves
Factory scoring in the 4-4
each suffered one-sided losses tie with Wideman : John Casey,
in recent contests, the Flyers assisted by Ron McDonald and
dropping a 6-1 decision to Ron Stuart; Ivan Taylor from
Trane Company and the Sonny LeBlanc and Lloyd LaWolves on the losing end of 7-3 more; Irwin Koscher, assisted
score in a game with Christies by Paul Dickie and Brian
Donnelly; Donnelly from Brian
I n other games, the Flyers O'Shea and Stuart.
defeated John Varty Plumbing
5-4 and Factory drew 4-4 with
the same team which had
acquired a new sponsor be- New Toronto Factory
Dennis Russell from section
tween games and is now known
head, tire scheduling, to manager
as Wideman Movers.
of production control at ValleyGary Lonsburg scored the field .. . George French from
only goal for Flyers in the 6- 1 section head, production control,
loss, with assists from goalie to section head, tire scheduling
Herb Strode and Ron Nayduk . . . Harvey Bowerbank to section
head, production control . . .
at 10:52 of the third period.
Wolves got goals from AI John Dear to section head . . .
Payne, from Stan Lane and Karl Gangleberger to night superJohn Ross; Ross, from J. intendent . . . Jim Cain from
to foreman , janitors,
Sibbins and Sibbins from Denis supervisor
yard gang, salvage and garage ...
Desroches and Payne in their Reg Hassall, to supervisor of janiloss to Christies.
tors, yard gang, salvage and
Jim Copeland scored a pair garage ... Jim Miller from superto lead Flyers to their 5-4 win visor, tube department, to night
over Varty, with assists from superintendent . .. John ThompB. Blodell on the first and Gary son to supervisor, Vitafilm deLansbard and Ron Sadowski on partment.
On the move
Don Sherlock calls a lively square dance as Dick Redford, supervisor in final inspection at New Toronto, swings
wife, Eleanor.
There's a lot of swinger in these squares
There's nothing square about
modern square dancing. Except
the squares from which the
dance gets its name. That's the
word from Don Sherlock, manager of plastic film production
at Toronto, who teaches people
how to dance and call.
There are no squeaky fiddles
playing Turkey in the Straw for
Sherlock and his fellow square
dancers. It's more likely to be
Hello, Dolly or something even
more swinging, Sherlock says,
played by some of the wilder
"Old time" square dancing
had a fixed routine, while the
modern brand is more impromptu, Sherlock says. "The
one thing about modern is that
the calling has been standardized so that you can dance anywhere in the world if you are
familiar with it. It's just that the
caller can keep you on your toes
by mixing his calls."
Modern square dancing is
even popular in Japan, where
the calling is done in English.
"Most of the people don' t
know any English except the
square dance calls. I don't
know how they do it," Sherlock
Sherlock, who has a total of
80 pupils attending his classes,
says it takes three years to become a proficient square dancer. "It takes a whole season,
30 lessons, just to get them
dancing," he said.
He decided to get into square
dancing seriously almost by accident. He just happened to be
at the Royal York Hotel in
Toronto when the Toronto
District Square Dancing As-
sociation was holding an international convention. "My wife
and I were so impressed with
this that we became involved."
That was six years ago. Now
he's on the executive of the association which represents some
150 clubs, and is one of the
recognized experts in the field .
Also active in modern square
dance circles are Bob Noble and
Dick Redford, of final inspec-
tion and Richard Adams and
Jack Sexton, of the electrical department, all at New Toronto
The dancers wear western
garb as opposed to the overalls
and plaid shirts of Old Time
"It's a lively, yet relaxing
recreation. It's lots of fun and
for me the ideal hobby," Sherlock said.
Udall named
to new post
at Bowmanville
Robert J. Udall has been appointed manager of engineering
at Bowmanville, Plant Manager
Jack Taylor has announced.
Udall joined Goodyear in
1967 as a design engineer at
Collingwood and in June, this
year, was appointed supervisor
of hose design.
The appointment is a result
of the continuing growth of the
operations at Bowmanville,
Taylor said.
30 Years
Mike Threader, right, of receiving at Collingwood, wears the "before'
pair of gloves, while Bill Carrington, left, has donned the " after" pair.
The fact there is an "after" pair is the result of a suggestion by Threader
that the gloves be reconditioned rather than discarded. There is a saving
even though the gloves are shipped to Quebec for reconditioning. For
the suggestion, Threader was awarded $25 by Carrington, who is chairman of the Suggestion Committee. other Collingwood employees who
won suggestion awards recently were: R. W. Wood, and Don Laws, tubers;
Gary Waugh, machine building; Les Black, maintenance.
W. Wilson, New Toronto
25 Years
S. Brown, D . R. Maclean,
New Toronto Factory.
20 Years
G. Fradenburgh, R. 'Kuton,
D. Brown, N. Fin.,spnt, New
Toronto Factory; Jac9ueline Thibodeau, Quebec Plant.
15 Years
H. R. Turnbull, Head Office;
Andre Drouin, Paul Servant,
Robert Michaud, Quebec Plant.
10 Years
G. J. Winkels, C. H. Jones,
D. Stevenson, J. Cameau, New
Toronto Factory; B. lytle, New
Toronto Office; Mrs. I. Bond,
Head Office; E. A. Taciuk,
Valleyfield; Andre lachance,
Quebec Plant.
E. W. Grayer, who recently marked
40 years with the company, started
as a junior at Toronto Branch. He
served in stock control, general accounting and in the audit depart·
ment at Head Office, before being
named assistant manager of Cal·
gary Branch in 1948. Since then he
has been office manager, manager
of the credit department at Toronto Branch, assistant manager
of general credit and manager of
retail credit, the position he has
held since 1966.
the. ~J~f,f:?OJ _clan
Published Monthly i n the i nterest
of Employees of
Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Company of Canada, Limited
Published In Toronto
Editor . .. , . . , . . . . ,. . . . Blaine Gaouette
Vol. 4
December, 1969
No. 12
Page 3 / December 69
A conveyor belt to move the tar sands
106 steel cables strong
Santa's going to have his hands full when he visits the home of Robert
Cadeau, of receiving at New Toronto. The Cadeau children, Carol Ann,
Cindy, Chris and Cathy filled his ear at the Christmas party.
Santa packs them in
4,000 at Xmas party
Over 4,000 parents and children provided three full houses
at the Westwood Theatre for
New Toronto Plant's annual
Christmas party.
Apart from the usual cartoons, toys, candy and oranges
given all kiddies, 64 girls and
66 boys, for whom this party
was the last because they are 12
years old, received watches
from President H . G . MacNeill,
J . C. Moon, executive vicepresident of manufacturing, and
L. F. Huhta, general manager
of tire production.
A dozen Goodyear girls
brigh tened the party with royal
blue racing minis especially
made for the event, and gold
leotards and members of the
Recreation Club committee,
\\ ho organized and ran the
party, wore new blue and gold
racing jackets.
featured on
front page
What our
are doing
Tory Latimer, daughter of Don
Latimer of the machine shop, uses
her bunny bag for a hat- tempor·
The Christmas card on our i
(ront page is by Canadian ~
artist, J. David Brown, of~
Kingston, Ontario, and is ~
(rom the selection available ~
this year from the Canadian i
Sore The Children Fund.
The Canadian Save the ~
Children Fund (CANSAVE) ~
is a Iiolumary internationa/ ~
clriJd Il'elfare agency whose ~
p'ograms in 24 countries are ~
dziJd-family oriented. It is the ~
the Canadian member of the =
In/emational Union for Child ~
Welfare with headquarters in ~
Gme"a, S wit=erland.
Bowmanville plant recently
completed production of the
widest steel-cable conveyor belt
ever built in Canada. The belt,
which is 72 inches wide and
3,388 feet long, has been shipped
by flatcar to Great Canadian
Oil Sands Limited in Fort
McMurray, Alberta.
Jt will be used to convey tar
sand from the oil mine to the
extraction plant. Great Canadian Oil Sands is located in the
world-famous Athabasca Tar
Sands and is the only "oil
mine" in the world.
The conveyor belt, which
was produced in four sections,
has more than 100 steel cables
imbedded in it for strength. It
weighs 106 tons and will move
400 tons of tar sands per hour.
It has been constructed to
withstand temperatures plummetting to 60 degrees below
zero and rising to more than
100 degrees Farenheit. The
belt, which is Ilh, inches thick,
has a tensile strength of 17,000
pounds per inch of width.
The Athabasca tar sands deposit covers a wide area about
250 miles north of Edmonton,
Alberta, and is in muskeg
Mae Campbell, of the law depart·
ment, in Goodyear racing dress,
has a doll for Sylvia Bucik, whose
father, Silvester, works in the tube
country where the winter freeze
is welcomed as an aid to overland transportation in the absence of roads.
It is estimated that the tar
sands underlie an area of some
30,000 square miles, a little
larger than Lake Michigan.
Except for the town of Fort
McMurray (population now
nearly 4,000), there are few inhabitants in the entire area
aside from smaJl viJlages of
The estimated amount of oil
in the Athabasca deposit is
about 600 biJlion barrels. Oil
men agree that, with the exception of shale oil, the accumulation is the greatest known
anywhere on earth.
A generally accepted figure
of 300 billion barrels of physically recoverable oil was veri fied late in 1963 by the Alberta
Oil and Gas Conservation
Hap Harrison, supervisor at Bowmanville, inspects the more than 100
steel cables In the belt.
Mansfield-Denman General
Company Ltd. will undertake
a multi-million dollar expansion and modernization of its
tile plant at Barrie, Ontario,
according to the Barrie Examiner. The company is expected to spend over $1 million in
the first year of the program
and the plan is expected to take
three years to complete.
B. F. Goodrich Canada Ltd.
is marketing a new rubber
sheeting which is corrosionproof and abrasion-resistant,
suitable for linings for tanks,
piping and process machinery
in steel, plating, metal working,
chemical and paper industries,
reports the magazine, Industrial
Products Equipment.
Dunlop is using a dynamometer which tests and proves
out new conveyor belt designs
prior to market introduction,
according to the magazine,
Materials Handling in Canada.
The machine is said to be able
to test belts 50 feet long and 24
inches wide and has a tension
capability of 10,000 pounds at
speeds of 1,400 feet per minute.
It can be adjusted to simulate
conveyor belting in the field .
Carpenter Bill Ellis, right, and Joe Kuddahee, of shipping, prepare section
of belt for shipment to Alberta.
Page 4/Decembe r 69
For the first time since
1961, The Goodyear Tire
and Rubber Company of
Canada, Limited has a chairman of the board.
L. E. Spencer, president
of the company since 1959,
was elected to this position
at the last meeting of the
board of directors and H. G.
MacNeill was elected president.
This pictorial chart illustrates who reports to the
president and chairman of
the board. The broken line
leading to C. R, McMillen
indicates that he serves the
president in an advisory capacity on quality control matters.
For the first time since '61
a chairman of the board
for the Canadian company
l. E. Spencer
Chairman of the Board
Chief Executive Officer
H. G. MacNeill
• President
General Manap r
S. G. Fearman
Vice President
J. C. Moon
Vice President
Manufacturin e
K. E. Kennedy
Vice President and
General Counsel
J. H. Maxey
Key on p e 0 pIe
Charlie Trim, of industrial engineering at Bowmanville plant, posts the
latest edition of It's Happening in Bowmanville on the bulletin board.
The weekly newsletter on plant activities comes off the press every
Wednesday and is immediately distributed to all 500 plant employees.
Although it has only been appearing for eight weeks, the newsletter has
been well received by employees, who already are approaching the
editors to give them information. Collingwood is also publishing a weekly
news bulletin.
thing constructive and intelligent to say, l'lIlisten every day,
even though we may not agree
with his point of view. You've
got to listen to people. Some of
them have good ideas."
He will encourage management to listen, he said, because
the men who actually do the
jobs know the problems they
face and could help solve them.
"We must encourage ideas.
Capable men with ideas aren't
yes-men. They want to do
things and get ahead. We need
these people."
As a result of a new marketing program, the company 'will
have a smaller share of the original equipment market and
more tires will be put on the replacement market, MacNeill
said. "I expect a 10 per cent
increase in our tire production
in 1970 because we are getting
A. Comparey
Public Relations
G. R. Stevens
Salaried Personnel
C. R. McMillen
Development and
Quality Control
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(continued from page 1)
new equipment in at Valleyfield and New Toronto."
MacNeill said he could not
see the end of weekend wor k
in the tire plants for two years.
"We're in a bind because of an
increasing market. Mr. Spencer
has been bringing in new equipment to cut down the weekend
work, but as soon as it is
installed, the market grows and
we're back to we~end work
again. We can't catch up."
Profit, MacNeill said, would
determine when the company
could afford to cut back on
weekend work.
Commenting on the report
of the Akron experts on the
Canadian operation, MacNeill
said: "The report only verified
what we felt we had to do."
~here will be some reorganizatIOn, mostly among salaried
personnel, he said.
~ Mrs. Indriksons
! says Ithank you
~ to employees
'"~ Dear Sir:
Please include in the Christ- ;
i mas edition of the Wingfoot j
! Clan the following thank you I
~ note to Goodyear employees. ~
I would like to thank all ~
~ the employees of the Good- i
~ year Tire and Rubber Com- ~
~ pany for their kind support ~
~ and financial backing follow- ~
~ ing the untimely death of my ~
§ husband.
Yours Sincerely,
Anna Indriksons ,
~ Ed.
Mrs. Indriksons' husband ~
i Harald, was one of two em~ ~
i ployees who died following !
~ the banbury fire in August. ~