Selection Guide 2012 - Louisiana Wholesale Florists
Selection Guide 2012 - Louisiana Wholesale Florists
Prom & Wedding Selection Guide 2012 Presented by Fitz Design Berwick Offray LLC Milton Adler Company Supplement to Periodical Publication Necklace Sets Delilah Arm Bling Dazzle DH1203 Glove not included Wonderland Dazzle WL1103 Simplicity Dazzle SP1103 Feathered in Diamonds Dazzle FD1103 Tie It On - Cupid’s Kisses Rhinestone Belts Lola Dazzle TO1303 Dazzle LO1203 Roxie Dazzle RX1203 Floral Necklace Dazzle FN1103 02 800. 500. 2120 Eye Candy Dazzle EC1203 All bracelets include our patented design disk www.creations 03 Cascadezz Sheba Pyramid Dazzle CZ1303 Diamonds Dazzle CZ1103 Dazzle CZ1203 Girl’s Best Friend Dazzle BF1103 Trend Setter Dazzle TS1103 Floral Ring Dazzle FR1103 (2 pcs. per pack) All bracelets include our patented design disk 04 800. 500. 2120 Showgirl Dazzle SG1103 9 1/2” long Diamond Strands Dazzle DS1103 Excitement Headband Dazzle EX1103 Floral Barrette Up-do Hair Clip Dazzle FB1103 Finishing Touch Hair Pins Dazzle FT1103 (5 pcs. per pack) www.creations Dazzle UD1103 Accent Hair Clip Dazzle AC1103 05 Adjustable Bracelets Love Knots Dazzle LK1203 Glow Bracelet Dazzle GW1203 Shooting Star Bracelet Dazzle SS1103 (10 1/2” long) Heartfelt Bracelet Dazzle HF1103 (10” long) Earrings Princess Caroline Dazzle PC1103 06 Princess Grace Dazzle PG1103 Princess Diana Dazzle PD1103 Princess Lea Hoop Dazzle PL1103 800. 500. 2120 Blingzz Shazaam Sophisticated Lady Dazzle BZ1103 Dazzle SZ1103 Dazzle SL1003 Angelic Dazzle AN1203 Orbs Magic Eyes Cupid Dazzle OR1103 Dazzle ME1103 Dazzle CP1103 Rock Candy Dazzle RC203 Licorice RC210 All bracelets include our patented design disk www.creations 07 Wrist Cuffs Allure Sterling AL1207 Nina Serendipity Sterling NI1207 Sterling SD1107 Imperial Illusion Sterling IM1103 Sterling IL1107 Arm Bands Queen of the Nile Arm Cuff Sterling QN1107 08 Athena Arm Cuff Dazzle AT1103 Falling Star Arm Cuff Dazzle FS1103 800. 500. 2120 Fabulous Collection Dazzle FA1203 Caramel FA1214 Emerald FA1204 FA1201 Sapphire Amethyst FA1205 Onyx FA1210 FA1209 Ruby All bracelets include our patented design disk www.creations 09 Diamond Rose Dazzle DI1203 Midnight DI1210 Sterling DI1207 Paparazzi Ice PP1203 Midnight PP1210 Sterling PP1207 Red Carpet Dazzle RC1503 Midnight RC1510 Sugar and Spice Dazzle SS1112 Rock Star Dazzle RS1103 10 Midnight RS1110 800. 500. 2120 Sarina Collection Sugar SA1212 Midnight SA1210 Sunshine SA1218 Champagne SA1211 Mocha SA1214 Pink Rose SA1202 Sugar Plum SA1205 Sterling SA1207 Ruby SA1209 All bracelets include our patented design disk www.creations 11 Tiny Dancer Collection Midnight TD1210 Dazzle TD1203 Mystery Collection Charcoal MY1106 Sterling MY1107 Dancing Butterflies Collection Sugar DB1212 Midnight DB1210 Splendid Time Midnight ST1510 Hot Pink DB1202 Champagne DB1211 Dazzle ST1503 Diva Collection Dazzle DV1103 Pepper DV1110 Cotton Candy DV1102 All bracelets include our patented design disk 12 800. 500. 2120 Potpourri Collection Icy Mint PO1212 Blackberry PO1210 Pink Rose PO1202 Blueberry PO1201 Lemon PO1218 Cherry PO1209 Tangerine PO1217 Kiwi PO1204 Cappuccino PO1208 Violet PO1205 Pink Passion PO1219 Tropical Turquoise PO1215 www.creations 13 Luminous Collection Sugar LM1112 Blackberry LM1110 Simple Elegance Collection Sugar SE1212 Midnight SE1210 Cotton Candy SE1202 Sterling SE1207 Champagne DU1211 Sterling DU1207 Duchess Collection Sugar DU1212 Midnight DU1210 Spice Drops Collection Dazzle SP1203 Midnight SP1210 Blossoms Rainbow BL1189 Double Bubble Collection Licorice DB1110 Cotton Candy DB1102 Sugar DB1112 Blueberry DB1101 Champagne DB1111 Mocha DB1114 14 800. 500. 2120 Sofia Collection Sugar SF1112 Blackberry SF1110 Champagne SF1111 Cotton Candy SF1102 Raz-Ma-Tazz Collection Licorice RZ1110 Cotton Candy RZ1102 Green Apple RZ1104 Lavender RZ1105 Blueberry RZ1101 Tangerine RZ1117 Lemon RZ1118 Mocha RZ1114 Ruby RZ1109 All bracelets include our patented design disk www.creations 15 Gypsy Collection Caramel GP1214 Cotton Candy GP1202 Sugar Plum GP1205 Blueberry GP1201 Dazzle GP1203 Green Apple GP1204 Mermaid GP1215 Tangerine GP1217 Ruby GP1209 Midnight GP1210 Bubble Bath Collection Charcoal BU1506 Cotton Candy BU1502 Lavender BU1505 Blueberry BU1501 Sugar BU1512 Green Apple BU1504 Mermaid BU1515 Ruby BU1509 Champagne BU1511 Midnight BU1510 16 800. 500. 2120 Gum Drops Collection Icy Mint GD1112 24 Karat GD1108 Sterling GD1107 Licorice GD1110 Lemon GD1118 Green Apple GD1104 Cotton Candy GD1102 Mocha GD1114 Blueberry GD1101 Lavender GD1105 Tangy Turquoise GD1115 Tangerine GD1117 Raspberry GD1109 All bracelets include our patented design disk www.creations 17 Classic Collection Ice R101 Licorice R106 Pepper R110 24 Karat R108 Sugar R112 Carnival CL1289 Sterling R107 Champagne R111 Special Day Collection Champagne SD1211 (4 pcs. per pack) Licorice SD1210 Sugar SD1212 All bracelets include our patented design disk 18 800. 500. 2120 Avery Collection Sugar AV1112 Licorice AV1110 Tangerine AV1117 Champagne AV1111 Tangy Turquoise AV1115 Ruby AV1109 Cotton Candy AV1102 Mocha AV1114 Green Apple AV1104 Lavender AV1105 Sky Blue AV1101 All bracelets include our patented design disk www.creations 19 Isabelle Collection Sugar IS1112 Licorice IS1110 Champagne IS1111 Cotton Candy IS1102 Blueberry IS1101 Snapzz Collection Sterling SZ1207 Midnight SZ1210 Rock On Collection Sugar RO1112 Midnight RO1110 Candy Shoppe Collection Sugar CS1112 20 Licorice CS1110 Cream Soda CS1111 Cotton Candy CS1102 800. 500. 2120 Christine Collection Retro Collection Midnight CT1110 Dazzle CT1103 Runway Collection Midnight RT1510 Sugar RT1512 Midnight RW1110 Dazzle RW1103 Specially designed for SMALLER wrists! Dainty Delicate Collection Dazzle DA1203 Sugar DL1212 Cotton Candy DL1202 Midnight DL1210 Champagne DL1211 Specially designed for LARGER wrists! Glorious Debutante Dazzle GL1203 www.creations Sugar DE1212 21 Boutonniere Holders & Accents Easy Pin Magic Magnetzz Design Disk New and improved! Now in clear! *Green no longer available EP1103 (2 pcs. per pack) Clear MM1104 (3 sets per pack) DD1103 (3 pcs. per pack) Accent Rayzz Sparkler (2 pcs. per pack) (3 pcs. per pack) Dazzle SR1203 Silver AR1107 Flourish Our Bucklezz also make great boutonnieres! Dazzle BB2103 Black AR1110 22 800. 500. 2120 Boutonniere Holders Our boutonniere holders use specially designed magnets — no pins needed! Super Star Dazzle SS1503 Diamond Horizon Pipezz Licorice DH1110 Dazzle DH1103 Sterling PZ1107 Calla Sterling CB5207 Filigree Swirl 24 Karat CB5208 Sterling M501 Vineyard Sterling VY1207 24 Karat M5018 Midnight VY1210 Glitterati Cinnamon MG5109 24 Karat MG5108 Sterling MG5107 Pepper MG5106 www.creations Sugar Plum MG5105 Green Apple Cotton Candy Blueberry MG5104 MG5101 MG5102 23 Design Leaves Mini Fan Topsy Turvey Dazzle MF1203 Size: 3 1/2” (2 pcs. per pkg) Flowing Willow Dazzle FW1203 Size: 5” (2 pcs. per pkg) Dazzle TT1203 Size: 3 3/4” (2 pcs. per pkg) Button Ivy Rhinestone Blossom Dazzle BI1203 Size: 6” (1 pc. per pkg) Dazzle RB1203 Size: 6” (1 pc. per pkg) Gleaming Leaves Dazzle GL1103 Size: 2 1/2” (12 pcs. per pkg: 6 with rhinestones, 6 without rhinestones) 24 800. 500. 2120 Design Accessories Dazzleline Chain Dazzle DZ1103 36” long Get Wired Dazzleline Dazzle DW1203 24” long Sparkling Garland, Wired Dazzle SG1203 Fireworks 36” long Enhance any flower design! Dazzle FW1503 1. Tie or glue Fireworks on Fitz Design Disk 2. Add flowers 3. Shape rhinestones anywhere in your corsage www.creations 25 Regal Rhinestones Quintet (12 sprays per pkg) (6 sprays per pack) Dazzle KK2303 Tangerine KK2317 Sapphire KK2301 Peach KK2313 Lilac KK2305 Ruby KK2309 Emerald KK2304 Rose KK2302 Onyx KK2310 Iridescent KK2307 Mermaid KK2315 Diamond Dotzz (5 cards per pkg) Rhinestone and Pearl DZ1212 Dazzle KK4503 Rhinestone DZ1203 26 800. 500. 2120 Kara’s Kisses come on a 3” wire stem Kara’s Kisses Diamond Spotlight KK2803 Infinity KK3103 Razzle KK1503 Deluxe KK2903 Splendor KK1703 Solitude KK1103 Delightful KK1412 Center Stage KK1603 Edelweiss KK1203 Fun Time KK2703 Twinkle KK1803 Pixie KK1903 Butterfly KK2203 Sparkle KK2003 Brilliance KK2403 Reflection KK1303 (5 in a package) (5 in a package) (5 in a package) (3 in a package) (3 in a package) (3 in a package) (5 in a package) (3 in a package) (3 in a package) (3 in a package) (3 in a package) (3 in a package) (3 in a package) (3 in a package) Monarch KK2603 (3 in a package) (3 in a package) (3 in a package) Diamond Dots KK3003 (10 in a package) Waterfall KK2503 (1 in a package) Flutterzz Peacock FL1201 Flamingo FL1202 www.creations White Dove FL1212 Black Swan FL1210 27 Wrapzz Stream of Diamonds (5 yards long) Moonlight Stream DS1312 Midnight Flash DS1310 Red Stream DS1309 Dazzle DS1303 River of Diamonds Moonlight River RD1212 (5 yards long) Midnight Flash RD1210 Red River RD1209 Dazzle RD1203 Ocean of Diamonds Moonlight Sea OD1212 Gold Rush DS1308 Gold Rush RD1208 (5 yards long) Midnight Sea OD1210 Red Sea OD1209 Dazzling Sea OD1203 Gold Rush OD1208 Crystal Moments - Ultimate Bouquet Stand Crystal CM1203 28 800. 500. 2120 Amazing Wrapzz River of Diamonds Sparkling Connection AW2303 39” Long X 1 1/5” Wide AW2103 39” Long X 4 1/2” Wide Diamond Frost AW2003 39” Long X 1 7/8” Wide Diamond Dazzle AW2203 39” Long X 1 7/8” Wide Bouquet Bracelets Eternity Bouquet Bracelet Dazzle ET1103 Devotion Bouquet Bracelet Dazzle DE1103 Inspirationzz Picks Cherish Dazzle IN1403 (comes on a 3” wire stem) Delight Dazzle IN1303 www.creations Thrill Dazzle IN1203 29 Dream Makers Circle of Dreams Dazzle CD1203 Fleur Des Dreams Dazzle FD1203 Diamond Dreams Dazzle DD1203 Dream Maker Dazzle DM1203 Touch of Romance Bucklezz Dazzle TR1103 Flourish Dazzle BB2103 Butterfly Dazzle BB1703 Dragonfly Dazzle BB2003 Florette Pearl BB1612 Heart Dazzle BB1803 Floraburst BB1903 Rectangle Dazzle BB1503 Circle Dazzle BB1303 Dimensions Design Cone Daisy Dazzle BB1003 Diamond Dazzle BB1403 Oval Dazzle BB1103 Gemma Diamante Design Cone DC1107 (Includes liner) Cone Liner CL1103 (12 pcs per pkg) Round BJ3403 Heart BJ3203 Emerald BJ3303 30 800. 500. 2120 Bouquet Jewels Lucky Charms Elephant Gold/Multi BJ1808 Snowflake Dazzle BJ2803 Available in Blue Ladybug Bee Frog Turtle Red/Silver BJ2207 Dazzle/Blue BJ1103 Gold/Green BJ2008 Gold/Multi BJ3808 Available in Gold Elephant Silver/Multi BJ1807 Starfish Starfish Aquamarine BJ2915 Dazzle BJ2903 Pineapple Gold/Multi BJ2508 Plumeria White BJ2612 Cross Dazzle BJ0603 Estrella (25 pcs per pkg) Cobalt BJ2601 Coral BJ2613 Shamrock BJ2704 Heart Dazzle BJ2103 Stella (25 pcs per pkg) Aqua BJ2615 Also available in other colors: Yellow, Fuchsia and Red Butterfly BJ1901-BJ1920 Available in: Dazzle BJ1401 Green BJ1404 Lavender BJ1405 Pink BJ1402 Sweet Dreams Aqua BJ1615 Purple 1605 Also available in: Ivory Also available in other colors: Pink, Green, Blue, Aquamarine and Champagne BJ3002 - 3018 Also available in: Champagne, Lavender, Peridot and Yellow (25 pcs per pkg) Dragonfly Dazzle BJ1603 Also available in other colors: Pink and Green Blue BJ1601 BJ3106 - 3112 (10 pcs per pkg) Minigrams Monograms Royal Pave A-Z Items BJ003A - 003Z A-Z Items BJ2403A - 2403Z Also available in: Dazzle BJ3501 - 3504 (500 stones per pkg) Bling it On Pearl - 4mm BJ1212 Dazzle - 3mm BJ1303 www.creations Dazzle - 5mm BJ1201-1303 Also available in other colors: Light Blue, Sapphire, Hot Pink, Light Pink, PInk, LIght Green, Lilac, Purple, Ruby Red, Black, Turquoise, Orange, Yellow and Fuchsia. 31 Cosmic Sprays (3 sets per pkg) Pearl Magic (6 stems per pkg) Sugar KK5212 Dazzle CS1203 Sterling CS1207 Champagne KK5211 Midnight CS1210 Pearl Wispzz Sugar CS1212 (12 stems per pkg) Also available in Iridescent and Ivory Midnight KK5210 Pearl Sprayzz (12 stems per pkg) Also available in Iridescent and Ivory Midnight PW1210 Sterling PW1207 Midnight PS1210 Sterling PS1207 Sugar PW1212 24 Karat PW1208 Sugar PS1212 24 Karat PS1208 32 800. 500. 2120 Tinsel Poms (24 sprays per pkg) Sterling TP1207 Pink Flash TP1202 Emerald TP1204 Sapphire TP1201 24 Karat TP1208 Ruby TP1209 Astro Wire Collection Sterling AW1107 Licorice AW1110 Raspberry AW1109 Skinny Wire Collection 975 inches • 24 gauge Green Apple Cotton Candy AW1104 AW1102 24 Karat AW1108 110 yards • 28 gauge Green Apple SW1104 Blueberry SW1101 Mermaid AW115 Caramel AW1114 J Schwanke DVD DV1189 Fuchsia SW1119 Copper SW1120 Silver SW1107 Sugar Plum SW1105 Midnight SW1110 24 Karat SW1108 Raspberry SW1109 Caramel SW1114 www.creations Presented by Fitz Design®, this DVD features flower expert J Schwanke, host of JTV, sharing easy-to-follow tips, techniques and ideas for fabulous flowers to wear! Stepby-step videos will help you create one-ofa-kind flower jewelry for prom, homecoming or any special occasion. Create gorgeous flowers in no time using fashionable and easy-to-accessorize jewelry. 33 Display Display Hand Bracelet Display Necklace Display (3 pieces per pkg) DH1510 BD1110 Five Bar Rack ND1110 Three Bar Rack TB1210 FB1210 Display Stands Counter Top Floor Stand (Height: 27”) DC1207 (Height: 67”) DS1207 Hooks (50 pieces per pkg) 2 inches DH1307 4 1/2” inches DH1407 34 800. 500. 2120 ***Prices Are Suggested Wholesale Price*** Product Description Price USD Price CAD Pg. Product Description Price USD Price CAD $2.42 16 Pg. Accent Hair Clip.................................................... $3.20 $3.52 5 Bubble Bath Flower Bracelet ............................... $2.20 Accent Rayzz - 3 pcs per pkg ............................. $3.50 $3.85 22 Button Ivy Leaves .................................................. $3.70 $4.07 24 Allure Wrist Cuff ..................................................... $5.50 $6.05 Calla Boutonniere ................................................. $7.90 $8.69 23 $2.20 20 8 Amazing Wrapzz - 1 yard Candy Shoppe ...................................................... $2.00 Diamond Dazzle.................................................. $11.90 $13.09 29 Cascadezz ............................................................ $7.90 $8.69 Diamond Frost ..................................................... $9.90 $10.89 29 Christine Flower Bracelet ..................................... $3.50 $3.85 21 River of Diamonds............................................... $3.90 $4.29 29 Classic Flower Bracelet ........................................ $3.00 $3.30 18 Sparkling Connection......................................... $5.90 $6.49 29 Cosmic Sprays - 3 pcs per pkg ........................... $5.00 $5.50 32 7 4 Angelic Flower Bracelet ....................................... $7.90 $8.69 Crystal Moments - Ultimate Bouquet Stand ...... $17.00 $18.70 28 Astro Wire - 975 inches, 24 gauge ...................... $3.00 $3.30 33 Cupid Flower Bracelet .......................................... $7.90 $8.69 7 Athena Arm Band ................................................. $3.90 $4.29 8 Dainty Flower Bracelet - 6cm .............................. $5.50 $6.05 21 Avery Flower Bracelet .......................................... $1.90 $2.09 19 Dancing Butterflies Flower Bracelet .................... $3.90 $4.29 12 Blingzz Flower Bracelet ......................................... $3.90 $4.29 7 Dazzleline Chain - 36 in ........................................ $5.90 $6.49 25 Blossoms Flower Bracelet - Rainbow .................. $3.50 $3.85 14 Debutante Flower Bracelet - 10 cm.................... $2.50 $2.75 21 Delicate Flower Bracelet - 6cm.......................... $2.50 $2.75 21 Bouquet Bucklezz Butterfly ................................................................ $7.50 $8.25 30 Delilah Arm Bling ................................................... $27.90 $30.69 Dragonfly ............................................................. $7.50 $8.25 30 Design Disk - 3 pcs per pkg ................................. Floraburst.............................................................. $7.90 $8.69 30 Devotion Bouquet Bracelet.................................. $6.50 $7.15 29 Heart..................................................................... $7.50 $8.25 30 Diamond Dotzz - 5 cards per pkg ....................... $1.90 $2.09 26 $3.90 2 $4.29 22 Circle .................................................................... $5.50 $6.05 30 Diamond Horizon Boutonniere Holder ............... $11.90 $13.09 23 Daisy ..................................................................... $2.00 $2.20 30 Diamond Rose Flower Bracelet ........................... $9.00 $9.90 10 Diamond .............................................................. $5.50 $6.05 30 Diamond Strands Hair Comb ............................... $4.50 $4.95 5 Flourish .................................................................. $5.00 $5.50 22/30 Dimensions Design Cone Oval ...................................................................... $5.00 $5.50 30 Design Cone - includes liner............................... $9.50 $10.45 30 Rectangle ............................................................ $5.00 $5.50 30 Cone Liner - 12 pcs per pkg ............................... $6.50 Florette Pearl........................................................ $5.00 $5.50 30 Bee - Dazzle/Blue ................................................ $8.00 $8.80 31 Bling it On - 5mm................................................. $5.00 $5.50 31 Counter Top ........................................................ $99.90 $109.89 34 Bling It On - 3mm ............................................... $4.00 $4.40 31 Display Stand Hooks - 2 in - 50 pcs per pkg ...... $25.00 $27.50 34 Bling It On - Pearl 4mm....................................... $4.00 $4.40 31 Display Stand Hooks - 4.5 in - 50 pcs per pkg ... $30.00 $33.00 34 Butterfly ................................................................ $9.00 $9.90 31 Diva Flower Bracelet ............................................. $7.00 $7.70 12 Cross ..................................................................... $5.00 $5.50 31 Double Bubble ....................................................... $4.50 $4.95 14 Dragonfly ............................................................. $9.00 $9.90 31 Dream Makers Bouquet Jewels $7.15 30 Display Hand - Black............................................. $17.90 $19.69 34 Display Stand Floor Style ............................................................ $390.00 $429.00 34 Elephant............................................................... $12.00 $13.20 31 Dream Maker ....................................................... $3.90 $4.29 30 Estrella - 25 pcs per pkg ..................................... $12.00 $13.20 31 Circle of Dreams .................................................. $4.50 $4.95 30 Frog - Gold/Green .............................................. $12.00 $13.20 31 Diamond Dreams ................................................. $4.50 $4.95 30 Gemma Diamante ............................................. $5.00 $5.50 30 Fleur Des Dreams ................................................. $4.50 $4.95 30 Heart..................................................................... $7.00 $7.70 31 Duchess Flower Bracelet ...................................... $3.90 $4.29 14 Ladybug............................................................... $6.00 $6.60 31 Easy Pin - 2 pcs per pkg ....................................... $3.50 $3.85 22 Minigram - Dazzle - A-Z ...................................... $2.00 $2.20 31 Eternity Bouquet Bracelet..................................... $6.50 $7.15 29 Monogram - Dazzle - A-Z ................................... $6.00 $9.90 5 $6.60 31 Excitement Head Band ........................................ $9.00 Pineapple - Gold/Multi....................................... $12.00 $13.20 31 Eye Candy ............................................................. $7.00 $7.70 3 Plumeria ............................................................... $7.70 31 Fabulous Flower Bracelet ..................................... $7.50 $8.25 9 Royal Pave - 10 pcs per pkg ............................. $35.00 $38.50 31 Falling Star Cuff Bracelet ...................................... $4.50 $4.95 8 Shamrock ............................................................. $9.00 $9.90 31 Snowflake............................................................. $5.00 $5.50 31 Feathered in Diamonds Necklace and Earrings Set ................................ $27.90 $30.69 Starfish .................................................................. $9.00 $7.00 2 $9.90 31 Filigree Swirl - Boutonniere................................... $7.90 $8.69 23 Stella - 25 pcs per pkg........................................ $39.00 $42.90 31 Finishing Touch Hair Pins - 5 pcs per pkg........... $4.50 $4.95 5 Sweet Dreams - 25 pcs per pkg........................ $10.00 $11.00 31 Fireworks ................................................................ $3.50 $3.85 25 Turtle - Gold/Multi................................................ $13.00 $14.30 31 Five Bar Display Rack ........................................... $27.90 $30.69 34 Bracelet Display - 3 pcs per pkg......................... $3.00 $3.30 34 www.creations Floral Barrette......................................................... $5.50 Floral Necklace ..................................................... $9.90 $10.89 2 $6.05 5 35 ***Prices Are Suggested Wholesale Price*** Product Description Price USD Price CAD Pg. Product Description Price USD Price CAD Floral Ring - 2 pcs per pkg .................................. Flowing Willow Leaves - 2 pcs per pkg .............. $5.50 $6.05 4 Paparazzi Flower Bracelet.................................... $7.00 $7.70 10 $3.00 $3.30 24 Pearl Sprayzz - 12 pcs per pkg ............................ $1.70 $1.87 32 Flutterzz - 3 pcs per pkg ....................................... $3.90 $4.29 27 Pearl Wispzz - 12 pcs per pkg.............................. $1.90 $2.09 32 Get Wired - Dazzleline Wire - 24 in ...................... $5.90 $6.49 25 Pipezz Boutonniere Holder ................................... $7.00 $7.70 23 Girl’s Best Friend Flower Bracelet ........................ $14.50 $15.95 Pg. 4 Potpourri Flower Bracelet ..................................... $2.00 $2.20 13 Gleaming Leaves - 12 pcs per pkg .................... $5.00 $5.50 24 Princess Caroline Earrings .................................... $3.00 $3.30 6 Glitterati Boutonnieres .......................................... $5.90 $6.49 23 Princess Diana Earrings ....................................... $5.90 $6.49 6 Glorious Flower Bracelet - 10cm ......................... $5.50 $6.05 21 Princess Grace Earrings ....................................... $3.90 $4.29 6 6 Princess Lea Hoop Earrings .................................. $5.00 $5.50 6 8 Glow Flower Bracelet ........................................... $13.90 $15.29 Gum Drop Flower Bracelet .................................. $2.50 $2.75 17 Queen of the Nile.................................................. $3.90 $4.29 Gypsy Flower Bracelet ......................................... $2.50 $2.75 16 Quintet - 12 pcs per pkg ...................................... $5.90 $6.49 26 Heartfelt Flower Bracelet ...................................... $11.90 $13.09 6 Red Carpet............................................................. $3.90 $4.29 10 Illusion Flower Bracelet ......................................... $3.90 $4.29 8 Regal Rhinestones - 6 pcs per pkg ..................... $4.50 $4.95 26 Imperial Flower Bracelet ...................................... $8.50 $9.35 8 Raz-Ma-Tazz Flower Bracelet .............................. $3.00 $3.30 15 Retro Flower Bracelet............................................ $4.50 $4.95 21 Inspirationzz Cherish.................................................................. $3.50 $3.85 29 Rhinestone Blossom Spray ................................... $2.50 $2.75 24 Delight .................................................................. $3.50 $3.85 29 River of Diamonds - 1.5 in wide, 5 yards long ... $8.50 $9.35 28 Thrill ....................................................................... $3.50 $3.85 29 Rock Candy Flower Bracelet .............................. $5.90 $6.49 Isabelle Flower Bracelet ....................................... $5.00 $5.50 20 Rock On Flower Bracelet .................................... $3.50 $3.85 20 Rock Star Flower Bracelet .................................... $9.00 $9.90 10 J Schwanke DVD - Fantastic Flowers to Wear... $19.90 $21.89 33 Roxie Rhinestone Belt ........................................... $39.90 $43.89 Kara’s Kisses Brilliance - 3 per pkg........................................... $5.00 $5.50 27 Runway Flower Bracelet ....................................... $5.50 7 2 $6.05 21 Center Stage - 3 pcs per pkg ........................... $4.50 $4.95 27 Sarina Flower Bracelet .......................................... $5.00 $5.50 11 Delightful - 3 pcs per pkg................................... $3.90 $4.29 27 Serendipity Flower Bracelet ................................. $4.50 $4.95 Edelweiss - 3 pcs per pkg................................... $3.50 $3.85 27 Shazaam Flower Bracelet .................................... $7.90 $8.69 7 Pixie - 5 pcs per pkg .......................................... $5.50 $6.05 27 Shooting Star Flower Bracelet .............................. $11.90 $13.09 6 5 8 Razzle - 3 pcs per pkg ........................................ $3.90 $4.29 27 Showgirl Hair Piece ............................................... $31.90 $35.09 Reflection - 3 pcs per pkg ................................. $3.50 $3.85 27 Simple Elegance Flower Bracelet ....................... Solitude - 5pcs per pkg ...................................... $3.00 $3.30 27 Simplicity Necklace and Earrings Set ................ $27.90 $30.69 Sparkle - 3 pcs per pkg ..................................... $5.50 $6.05 27 Skinny Wire - 100 meters ...................................... $3.90 $4.29 33 Splendor - 3 pcs per pkg ................................... $4.50 $4.95 27 Snapzz Flower Bracelet - 3 pcs per pkg............. $3.00 $3.30 20 Twinkle - 5 pcs per pkg....................................... $4.50 $4.95 27 Sofia Flower Bracelet ............................................ $1.90 $2.09 15 Butterfly - 3 pcs per pkg..................................... $3.50 $3.85 27 Sophisticated Lady Bracelet ................................ $3.90 $4.29 Deluxe - 3 pcs per pkg....................................... $3.90 $4.29 27 Sparkler - 2 pcs per pkg....................................... $5.00 $5.50 22 Diamond Dots - 10 pcs per pkg........................ $5.90 $6.49 27 Sparkling Garland - 36 in ..................................... $5.00 $5.50 25 Fun Time - 3 pcs per pkg.................................... $4.50 $4.95 27 Special Day Flower Bracelet - 4 pcs per pkg.... $5.00 $5.50 18 Infinity - 3 pcs per pkg ........................................ $5.50 $6.05 27 Spice Drop Flower Bracelet ................................. $5.00 $5.50 14 Monarch - 3 pcs per pkg ................................... $4.50 $4.95 27 Splendid Time Flower Bracelet ............................ $9.90 $10.89 12 $4.50 $4.95 14 2 7 Waterfall............................................................... $2.50 $2.75 27 Stream of Diamonds - 1/2in wide x 5 yds.......... $3.50 $3.85 28 Diamond Spotlight - 5 per pkg.......................... $4.50 $4.95 27 Sugar and Spice Flower Bracelet........................ $7.90 $8.69 10 Pearl Magic Spray - 6 pcs per pk ..................... $3.90 $4.29 32 Super Star Boutonniere Holder ............................ $7.90 $8.69 23 Lola Rhinestone Belt .............................................. $17.90 $19.69 2 Three Bar Display Rack - Black............................ $15.90 $17.49 34 Love Knots Flower Bracelet .................................. $13.90 $15.29 6 Tie It On-Cupid’s Kisses ........................................ $11.90 $13.09 2 Luminous Flower Bracelet .................................... $2.50 $2.75 14 Tinsel Poms - 24 pcs per pkg ............................... $3.00 $3.30 33 Magic Eyes Flower Bracelet ................................ $7.90 $8.69 7 Tiny Dancer Flower Bracelet ................................ $5.90 $6.49 12 Magic Magnetzz - 3 pair per pkg ....................... $5.90 $6.49 22 Topsy Turvey Leaves - 2 pcs per pkg ................. $3.50 $3.85 24 Mini Fan Leaves - 2 pcs per pkg ......................... $3.00 $3.30 24 Touch of Romance Bouquet Stems Mystery Flower Bracelet ....................................... $9.00 $9.90 12 3 pcs per pkg ...................................................... $13.90 $15.29 30 Necklace Display ................................................. $11.90 $13.09 34 Trend Setter Flower Bracelet ................................ $16.50 $18.15 4 Nina’s Flower Cuff ................................................. $4.29 8 “Updo” Hair Clip .................................................... $7.50 $8.25 5 Ocean of Diamonds - 4 in wide, 5 yds long ...... $15.00 $16.50 28 Vineyard Boutonniere Holder .............................. $7.90 $8.69 23 Orbs Flower Bracelet ............................................ 7 Wonderland Necklace and Earrings Set ........... $27.90 $30.69 36 $3.90 $7.90 $8.69 Contact your favorite wholesaler, or contact us, for additional information. 2 800. 500. 2120 2012 For product information, please contact Berwick Offray LLC Customer Service 800.237.9425 Jungle 16-12504 - #3 x 25 yds. Powerful prints that are growling for attention. C1 Cheetah C2 Tiger C3 Giraffe C5 Snake C4 Zebra 630 Citrus 750 Orange 156 Hot Pink 465 Purple 38 800. 237. 9425 NEW! Sparkle Tulle 22-2222 - 6” x 25 yds. Traditional Tulle + Sparkling Glitter = Hot! New! Trendy Look! 29 White 810 Ivory 610 Lt. Yellow 675 Gold 12 Silver 150 Pink 139 Honeysuckle 156 Hot Pink 250 Red 277 Burgundy 465 Purple 550 Apple Green 340 Turquoise 350 Royal 30 Black 39 Garbo 17-2512 - #3 x 20 yds. The perfect combination of delicate sheer edges and a solid satin center unite for a classic look. White and Ivory also available. 156 Hot Pink 250 Red 284 Eggplant 547 New Chartreuse 343 Tornado Blue 030 Black NEW! Luxe 16-1650 - #3 x 50 yds. Double the fun ... Radiant, metallic highlights on the front side and luxurious, rich satin on the back. 12 Silver 673 Gold Dust 149 Wild Rose 745 Mandarin Orange 188 Raspberry 250 Red 560 Green Ice 342 Mallard 470 Regal Purple 40 30 Black 800. 237. 9425 NEW! Olivia 22-2214 - #3 x 25 yds. Rich and Luxurious best describes this double face satin accented with iridescent edges. 29 White 821 Chardonnay 150 Pink 520 Clean Green 558 Leaf 156 Hot Pink 250 Red 465 Purple 341 Sapphire Blue 22 Pewter WIRED Majestic 16-99364 - #3 x 25 yds. Vibrant satin-edge sheer with a spot of bling! C2 Lavender C6 Hot Pink C1 Lemon C5 Apple C4 Turquoise C7 Black C3 Orange 41 Double Face Satin - NEW COLORS! 2205 - #3 x 50 yds. Revel in the beautiful vibrant colors, consistent quality, and luxurious finish of our rich satins. 029 White 810 Ivory 117 Lt. Pink 826 NEW! Raw Silk 640 NEW! Lemon 750 Torrid Orange 156 Hot Pink 250 Red 520 Clean Green 528 NEW! Lemon Grass 340 Turquoise 350 NEW! Royal 476 Grappa 850 Brown 022 Pewter 030 Black 42 800. 237. 9425 Veronica - NEW COLOR! 16-12164 - #3 x 25 yds. Just the right amount of iridescent or metallic accents add flair to thin satin stripes on sheer. C1 White/Opal C2 Ivory/Opal C15 White/Silver C3 Pink/Opal C6 Lime/Opal C5 Yellow/Opal C14 Gold/Gold C4 Coral/Opal C9 Fuchsia/Opal C13 Red/Gold C8 Chocolate/Opal C10 Blue/Opal C12 Teal/Opal C7 NEW! Purple/Opal C16 Black/Silver 43 Simply Sheer Asiana 16-9434 - #3 x 25 yds., 16-9436 - #3 x 100 yds. This chiffon, with an almost iridescent sheer shimmer, features a monofilament edge to hold the shape you want. 029 White 815 Cream 012 Silver 117 Lt. Pink 642 Yellow 744 Tropical Orange 250 Red 175 Shocking Pink 355 Robin’s Egg 465 Purple Emma 16-1562 - #3 x 25 yds. A dainty satin center stripe is paired with a sassy scalloped edge for flair and pizzazz. 029 White 810 Ivory 642 Yellow 150 Pink 424 Lavender 311 Blue Mist 44 630 Citrus 800. 237. 9425 Ilissa - NEW COLOR! 16-94344 - #3 x 25 yds. A necessity for corsage work! - A beautiful sheer-and-satin ribbon with iridescent or metallic edging. C1 White/Opal C3 White/Silver C2 White/Gold C6 Ivory/Opal C8 Pink/Opal C11 NEW! Yellow/Opal C12 Lime/Opal C16 Aqua/Opal C10 Lavender/Opal C14 Fuchsia/Opal C17 Red/Opal C4 Black/Silver 45 Chic - NEW COLOR! 816 - #3 x 25 yds. An opalescent edge casts a glow on this shimmering sheer, making it a basic must have. (C4 Ivory/Gold also available) C3 Iridescent C1 White/Silver C2 White/Gold C7 Yellow/Opal C9 Lime/Opal C10 Aqua/Opal C12 NEW! Blue Mist/Opal C19 Teal/Opal C11 Hot Pink/Opal C8 Orange/Opal C13 Red/Opal C5 Purple/Opal 46 800. 237. 9425 Kendra 16-99214 - #3 x 25 yds. Scalloped edges and iridescent highlights make this dainty beauty irresistible. C13 White C10 Silver/Silver C1 Yellow/Opal C3 Lime/Opal C5 Lt. Pink/Opal C2 Orange/Opal C4 Hot Pink/Opal C7 Purple/Opal C6 Blue Mist/Opal C8 Aqua/Opal C9 Royal/Silver C18 Black/Silver 47 WIRED Flash - NEW COLORS! W3503 - #3 x 25 yds. Richly colored sheer covered with bright, twinkling glitter. 52 NEW! White/Iridescent 20 White/Silver 86 Ivory 15 Gold 02 NEW! Pink 17 Copper 13 Red 41 Fuchsia 08 NEW! Lavender 09 Purple 94 Burgundy 18 Chocolate 19 Citrus 10 Turquoise 12 Royal 26 Black/Silver Contact your favorite wholesaler, or contact Berwick Offray LLC at 800.237.9425 for additional information. 48 800. 237. 9425 2012 Selection Guide Floral Jewelry Shown: 271CL Clear Aphiria® Crystal Stems and 140 Majesty Crown Jewels Crown Jewels 5” pointed wire Galaxy 138 Crown Pearl 139 Majesty 140 21⁄2” pointed wire The Emperor 134 The Duke 135 The Duchess 136 The Regency 137 Jewel Picks 3” pointed wire Shown: 762 Flower Burst Jewel Pick and 574 Fuchsia Sequin Wristlet Round Stone 750 Flower Burst 762 Princess 799 Aphiria® Crystal Stems 10” twisted wire Aphiria Crystal Stems come with a 10 mm crystal on a 10" twisted wire. Add to a water-filled vase or cut and place into any design to add sparkle and shine. Surgical steel wires will not rust and are safe for food applications like wedding cakes. ® ® a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. (a) Purple, (b) Yellow, (c) Clear, (d) Copper, (e) Light Green, (f) Gold, (g) Black, (h) Red, (i) Light Blue, (j) Purple Rainbow, (k) Pink, (l) Bright Blue, (m) Silver, (n) Burnt Orange, (o) Swiss Blue a. b. a. Straight Teardrop 273CL (11⁄2” crystal head) b. Dangling Teardrop 272CL (13⁄4” crystal head) 50 Shown: 271 Bright Blue Aphiria® Crystal Stems and 854 Silver Corsage Leaves. 800. 651. 0113 Pins "The Perfect Little Pin" Pixie Pins 3/4” pointed wire a. k. j. b. i. c. d. a. White 160 b. Black 161 c. Silver 162 e. d. Gold 163 e. Pink 164 f. Green 165 h. g. f. g. Blue 166 j. Purple 169 h. Red 167 k. Orange 170 i. Champagne 168 Shown: 168 Champagne Pixie Pins Corsage Pins 11⁄2” Round Head Pearl 107 Matte White 109 Matte Black 110 Round Head 21⁄2” Pearl 102 2” Pearl 100 Pear Head 21⁄2” Pear 106 2” Pear 104 Diamond Pin 2” wire 112 Assorted Packs: Pear - 2” pointed wire Bank Pins a. b. c. d. 2” Metallic 711 2” Stainless Steel 32 13⁄4” Stainless Steel 28 11⁄2” Stainless Steel 24 11⁄4” Stainless Steel 20 2” Pastel 710 Assorted Packs: Round - 1 1⁄2” pointed wire 11⁄2” Metallic 715 11⁄2” Pastel 714 a. b. c. d. 51 Wedding & Sympathy Pillows and Baskets a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Lace Heart 10100 Lace Pillow 05100 Lace Cross 40200 Satin Heart 10300 Satin Pillow 05300 Satin Cross 40300 Flat Heart 30500 Styrofoam Heart 25200 i. Flat Cross 40400 j. White Basket 55200 k. Ivory Basket 55201 l. White Garter 50100 m. Blue Garter 50102 Shown: 10100 Lace Heart Pillow, 138 Galaxy Crown Jewels, 271CL Aphiria® Crystal Stems and 167 Red Pixie Pins j. k. l. m. Handmade in the USA Bridal and Event d. a. Cake Server (2 pc set) 70366 52 a. b. b. Feather Pen Set (2 pc) 70450 c. Bride & Groom Champagne Glasses (2 pc set) 70305 c. d. Guests Book 70502 e. e. Centerpiece Mirrors 10” Mirror 80010 12” Mirror 80012 14” Mirror 80014 800. 651. 0113 Corsage Wristlets Laser Collection Laser Collection wristlets come with a convenient metal clip. Each sequin is laser cut to reflect more light. a. a. b. c. d. e. f. b. c. Silver 570 Iridescent 571 Gold 572 Red 573 Fuchsia 574 Green 575 d. g. h. i. j. e. f. Purple 576 Turquoise Blue 577 Chocolate 578 Black 579 g. h. i. Shown: 574 Fuchsia Laser Sequin Wristlet, 168 Champagne Pixie Pins and 853 Iridescent Corsage Leaves j. Traditional Wristlets Miss Petite Wristlets Lace and Velcro Wristlets Hand-sewn for strength c. Elastic wristbands 1 Ribbon Tie 12/bg 500 2 Ribbons Tie 12/bg 501 Metal Clip 12/bg 58100 a. Iridescent card 20/cd 460 bag 24/bg 46024 Shown: 460 Iridescent Miss Petite Wristlet and 850 Moss Corsage Leaves. b. Silver card 20/cd 400 bag 24/bg 40024 dispenser 72/box 40025 a. d. Velcro wristbands 1 Ribbon Tie 12/bg 517 2 Ribbons Tie 12/bg 518 Metal Clip 24/bg 40524 b. c. d. 53 Atlantic Brand® Waterproof Tapes A Bond You Can Trust Exclusive! Davee Tape® Distributor Atlantic Brand® 1/4" Green 302 1/2" Green 300 1/4" White 303 1/2" White 301 DAVEE Tape® 1/4" Green 323 1/2" Green 322 Davee Tape® The Strongest Tape in the Business! Atlantic Brand® Clear Tape 1/4" Clear 313 1/2" Clear 304 Tape Dispensers Convertible! Made in the USA Dispenser 319 Holds 1” or 3” core 3-Roll Tape Dispenser 318 Atlantic Brand® Clear Floral Adhesive Sticks to glass, resin, ceramics, plastic, fabric and more! Dries clear! Great for fresh or silk designs. Design courtesy of Celebration Florals; Corvallis, Oregon whose customer commented, “... how did you get those rhinestones to stay put all day? The bouquet was perfect all day! Amazing.” Handmade in the USA Chenille Stems a. b. c. d. a. b. g. h. Moss Green 620 White 621 Black 622 Red 623 54 c. d. i. j. e. f. g. h. Kelly Green 624 Ivory 627 Light Pink 625 Light Blue 626 e. f. k. i. Silver Metallic 629 j. Gold Metallic 628 k. Brown 630 800. 651. 0113 Corsage Leaves Corsage Leaves Sizes available: Large 3” x 1 1⁄4” leaves on 6” wire Small 2 1⁄4” x 1 1⁄4” leaves on 5 1⁄2” wire Spray Corsage Leaves Moss 865 9” wire 5 leaves, 1 1⁄2” x 3⁄4” 10 leaves, 1 1⁄8” x 5⁄8” Additional colors and sizes coming soon to your favorite wholesale distributor Ivy Leaves Moss 860 1” x 1 1⁄4” leaves on 6” wire Shown: 850 Moss Corsage Leaves and 138 Galaxy Crown Jewels Moss 2 1⁄4” - 840 3” - 850 White 2 1⁄4” - 841 3” - 851 Black 2 1⁄4” - 842 3” - 852 Iridescent 2 1⁄4” - 843 3” - 853 Silver 2 1⁄4” - 844 3” - 854 Gold 2 1⁄4” - 845 3” - 855 Eggshell 2 1⁄4” - 846 3” - 856 Purple 816 Red 817 Laser Leaves 3 styles in every package: (left to right) 11⁄2” fern, 2” rose & 31⁄2” fern Chocolate/ Copper 812 Green 814 Turquoise Blue 811 Silver 818 Iridescent 815 Fuchsia 810 Shown: 818 Silver Laser Leaves Black 819 Gold 813 55 floral jewelry pillows wristlets tapes ® corsage leaves clear adhesive pins
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