The Talon - Chain O Lakes Eagles
The Talon - Chain O Lakes Eagles
President: Vice-President: Treasurer Secretary Safety Officer: Field Marshall: Webmaster: Newsletter Editor: Larry DiRubbo (815) 341-7889 Mike Schulz (815) 307-5594 Gino Santi (262) 279-6896 Ed Pate (815) 354-6008 Chain O Lakes Eagles The Talon Chain O Lakes Eagles RC Club PO Box 1283 McHenry, IL 60051-1283 March 2015 2015 Issue FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS (Chief) Mike Schulz (815) 307-5594 Mike Loser (815) 385-9438 Mark Geisler (847) 508-7942 Ron Navlyt (815) 648-2076 Bill Arnos Jr. Bill Hood Mike Schulz Mike Schulz Flying Field Address: 5707 Pioneer Rd Ringwood, IL 60072 Meetings - Third Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the McHenry Township Senior Center, located at 3519 N. Richmond Road in McHenry (west of Rt. 31 & Johnsburg Road). Online Forum - The COL Eagles forum is located on The web address of the forum is this: Calendar March 2015 Monthly Meeting: Wednesday March 18th, 2015 - 7:00 pm - McHenry Township Senior Center April 2015 Monthly Meeting: Wednesday April 15th, 2015 - 7:00 pm - McHenry Township Senior Center From the President (Larry DiRubbo) FROM THE PRESIDENT: If you have been to any meetings of late you know I have been talking about the rewards, challenges and satisfaction of building your own model. I don't know if I have struck a chord with many of you or not. But I can say I do know that in this age of ARFs, RTFs, Bind-and-fly and EPO Foam you might wonder how to get started, where to get supplies, especially since Chicago area doesn't have a real hobby shop any more. Well that troubled me enough to do some research into where you can find kits, wood and supplies. Certainly Tower and Horizon web sites can get you accessories, glue, wheels covering from. In fact there are several large web sites to visit: Phil's Hobby, Falcon Hobbies and others. But this does not answer the question where can you find a kit that may interest you. I started searching the internet and found many, many places that offered something to do with model aircraft. In fact I visited over one hundred web sites to check them out. The result is about 30 or so that I thought can supply you with kits, partial kits and kit making services. Here for your edification and amazement is my list: Company Klarich Kits Eurecka Models Description Large selection of hand crafted kits from the 50s 60s and 70s Large selection of hand crafted kits from the 50s 60s and 70s Website Aero-werkes Manzano Laser Works Pat's Custom Models Penn Valley Hobby Center Mountain Models Dare Distributers Dumas Products Brodak Precision Cut Kits Laser Cut USA Stevens Aero Easy Built Models Guillows BMJR Models A&M Models Alien Aircraft Corp Arizona Model Airplane Aircrafting Top Notch Products D.B. Sport & scale T&J Models Warbird Kits Ziroli Laser cut reproductions of rubber and small scale models from 50s 60 including original Guillows 18" WWI series Small laser cut kits, short kits mostly electric Laser cut sport and scale electric kits Laser cut reproductions of old rubber kits Laser cut sport and scale electric kits Laser scale electric kits Sport and scale kits, rubber and electric CL and R/C kits, building supplies Large size scale kits Large scale kits high-quality laser-engineered kits Laser cut rubber kits Rubber and small motor kits United Kingdom small R?C kits Large scale models Laser cut R/C kits Large scale kits Sport and scale kits British company sport and scale plans and short kits of historic and unique aircraft pre WWII military aircraft large scale kits Then you can check out the link page on Kit Cutters for other sites and good information. Lastly there is my favorite site: E-bay. I have found old kits, reproduced kits and building supplies, even found a source for inexpensive silk. Bud and I have been buying dope for covering from Wagaero. I hope this motivates you to try your hand at building. Remember the building contest will end around Memorial Day so there is time. If I can help with advice, supplies or contacts don't be afraid to ask. -Larry From the Vice President (Mike Schulz) For anyone who is interested, I found this list of Fly-Ins that are planned for this year: March 20-22 3D Bowl in Jacksonville, Florida March 27-29 4th Annual Giant Scale Fly-In & Fun Fly / Newark, TX April 10-11 Mobile AL Big Bird 3D Fly-In April 23-26 25th Annual Texarkana Big Bird / Texarkana, TX May 9-16 Joe Nall / Woodruff, SC June 5-7 SLRCFA Annual Big Bird /3D Event / Eureka Missouri June 20-23 Rocky Mountain 3D Throwdown Dacono, CO. June 25-28 FBI Huckfest (Corn Huck) July 23-26 Bowling Green EX3D Bowling Green, KY. July 30-Aug 1 Hoverpalooza in Ohio Aug 12-16 2015 3D Hobbyshop / Extreme Flight - Knoxville,TN Fly-Low-In Aug 21-23 Monster Fest 2015 / Eugene OR Sept. 3rd-6th 3D Throw Down in Louisville / Rosewood, IN Sept.10-13 Kennett MO 3d Event / Kennett, MO. Sept.10-13 Tri-Cities Huckfest Othello, WA Sept 18-20 3DBASH / Las Vegas NV Sept 25-26 Tulsa Huckfest In The Heartland Tulsa, OK October 1-4, SUPERFLY! Southark Taildraggers Field, Magnolia, AR October 2-4 Lodi Huckfest Lodi, CA Oct 15-18 Ice House Fly In Apache Pass in Rockdale, TX. I’m planning on going to the Sep 10-13 Fly-In in Kennett, Missouri. If you ever travel, stopping at one of these events should be on your list. There is also a local event that should be really awesome to attend: Windy City Warbirds and Classics event on June 25th thru 27, 2015 Saint Charles, IL Closer to home, the snow is starting to melt, and I still have lots to do with my airplanes before they are ready to fly. Does anyone know if the field is accessible (is the gate clear of plowed snow?) Also gotta start working on my Tiger Moth for the building contestKI’m not letting Larry walk away with it this time! Have you started your build yet?! Also, just saw a new item announcement:!-Hitec-s-MD10-amp-S60Action-Cameras-are-HERE!!&p=79604#post79604 Best Regards, Mike Robby’s Shop March 2015 Last year various glues and materials were described and used...we rebuilt a Four Star 120....spent a long time doing it but was worth it and the plane HAS flown and very well I might add: Marcus should be flying it at the field this year enjoying it.... In January Larry spoke of a building contest.... Here is what he proposed: Chain O Lakes Eagles Model Aircraft Building Contest General Rules: Purpose: To introduce members to the challenges, skills and rewards of building and flying a model created by their own hands. Subject: Any machine capable of maintaining sustained flight, open to scale replicas of existing aircraft, purpose designed model aircraft. So pretty much ANYTHING that is NOT an ARF or RTF... Size: No limitation on size of final aircraft except for the 55 pound limit imposed by the AMA Construction: Any construction method is allowed (members are encouraged to document process for the education and learning of fellow members) No ARFs or RTF models will be allowed. Materials: Any common construction materials are allowed, balsa, common woods, fiberglass, foam, paper, cardboard, foam board, metals, carbon fiber, plastics and cloth. Building can be from plans: It can be a scratch build or it can be a kit or partial kit: Power: Any form of propulsion except rocket, nuclear and, glow, gas, electric, diesel, JP5 are all acceptable. Performance: Model must be successfully flown at the date set by club at the event planned by the club at the club flying site. Exception: airframes which cannot successfully operate at the club flying site, i.e. seaplanes, can submit a video of the successful flight as part of the final presentation. Judging will take into consideration: subject, craftsmanship, appearance and flight performance. Judges will consist of club members (who have not entered into the contest), friends of the club and full scale aircraft builders and pilots. This is a great opportunity to do some actual building and present a friendly rivalry between members. Remember, the club is only as good as its members. So the more YOU put into participating in club events such as this one, the more fun for everyone! -Robby Field Improvement Committee Draft document for discussion at the March Meeting: Chain of Lakes Eagles Field Spring Improvements Assumption: Defer projects requiring long term investigation / large investments 1. Change in Field Orientation / Location and related significant investments (A survey will be developed to measure total membership interests) 2. Field Safety: Critical, but may be more a function of safe practices vs. investing in expensive fences, etc. – Safety Officer Recommendation Needed Proposed: Immediate Improvements to have a safe, enjoyable 2015 flying season (Assumes member labor): Approval Requested for: 1. Purchase New Shelter Roof ($120 – 150) or total replacement including framework ($300 – 600) 2. Replace rotten / warped picnic table boards ($200 – 250) 3. Upgrade Frequency Board (Bob Fischrup - $100) / Paint Announcement Board (Deck Stain by DRH / Misc. Supplies ($25) 4. Clean out “field junk” by mowers / Storage Locker / Assess improvement or replacement to be waterproof and easy to access materials 5. Others - Discussion Secretary’s Report (Ed Pate) 2/18/2015 Meeting Minutes Larry inquired if there were any new visitors to the meeting and there was one visitor Clarence Konecki, he would like to learn to fly. . Larry noted that several members’ dues arrived in the mail today. Larry reported that he has obtained a club debit/credit card so that gas or other routine expenditures can now be paid quickly. Kane county swap meet is this Saturday $5.00 entry fee and is open 9 to 2. Chain-o-Lakes meeting are listed in the things to do this week section of the Herald and we received a new visitor because of the posting. Secretary’s report Published in the news letter Treasure’s report Gino read the treasures report we are $731.25 above what we were this time last year. Gino suggested perhaps that money spent for field maintenance should be paid from the field account. Motion to approve by Bill, second by Richard, approved by majority of members present. Old Business Larry reported that Wally is bed ridden and cannot speak, and was grateful for the candy that Larry brought for him. Barb and Wally both want us to retain the use of the field for as long as they are alive. There is one son but it appears that his is little interested in the property, Barb assured Larry that we would have first right of refusal for purchase of their entire property should they decide to leave. Barb also said that we could make any improvements to the field as long as we remove them should we leave. Barb also asked if we could mow the front law due to Wally’s disability. Dave asked about the possibility of moving the field location to the top of the tree line with the field facing north so that we could fly all day. To do this we would need to rent two sections of land while we prep the new field. There was some concern that we may fly over the road with the new location. Robbie presented a bill for repair of the John Deere for $515.30 Motion to approve the bill by Dave, second Richard approved by majority of members present. New Business Larry talked about upcoming possible events and this year’s schedule of events. Larry is proposing adding a seaplane fly in and dropping Air Fest. Members present voted for inclusion of the Seaplane fly in Building contest fly off May 30, rain date 31 Fourth of July parade TBD (most likely the 5th or 6th) Club Picnic July 19 Electric Fun Fly August 15, rain date August 16 Peterson Park Seaplane Fly in September 19, with a rain date September 20 If your Newsletter email goes to spam you will need to right click on the email and click not spam it will then go to regular mail and you will be able to open the newsletter. Building contest anything, goes only restriction is that it must be built not an ARF with a prize of $100.00. Show and Tell Larry brought plans for two seaplanes. A builder of one of them flew it across Long Island sound. Dave had several items in the back for sale. Gino also has two items for sale. Treasurer’s Report (Gino Santi) Starting Balance Deposits 2/19/15 Dues rec’d Subtotal Debits 2/18 /15 CK #1827, REIM., L. DIRUBBO, MOWER STORAGE 2/18/15 CK #1828, Void 2/18/15 CK #1833, D. Eskarick, J. Deere Repair 2/19/15 CK #1834, USPS, Box Rent Subtotal Ending Balance Field $9739.86 General $-1000.11 Total $9851.74 $90.00 $810.00 $900.00 $9829.86 $-190.11 $10751.74 $135.00 ---------- $515.30 $515.39 $9314.56 $135.00 ----------$515.30 $80.00 $80.00 $215.00 $730.30 $-405.11 $10021.44 Feb.2014 ending balance was $9365.49 so we are + $655.95 compared to where we were this time last year. The club has 29 paid members so far this year. Please make checks out to: COL Eagles Dues checks may be sent direct to me at: Trimcraft Aviation PO Box 488 Genoa City WI 53128. Please be sure the check is made out to COL Eagles! The new standard yearly dues are $100. Membership Manual All members will be required to download the club manual and return the last page with their signature stating that the manual was read and understood before they may receive their membership card. The manual can be downloaded from our website at: Please take some time to read the manual. If you have any questions, attend the next meeting and they will be answered. Membership Handbook All members will be required to read the membership handbook and return the handbook acknowledgement form with their signature stating that the handbook was read and understood before they may receive their membership card. The handbook can be downloaded from our website at: Once you have read the handbook, download, print, and sign the following acknowledgement form: and bring it to the next meeting. Every club member is required to sign a new acknowledgement form each year. Please take some time to read the manual. If you have any questions, bring them to the next meeting and they will be answered. AMA Membership Dues Reminder To protect you, the club, and the field property owner from liability, membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics is required. You must have a current AMA membership in order to fly at the COL Eagles field!