Alexandria Bulletin Safwat et al. 845 ANATOMICAL STUDY OF THE NEUROVASCULAR PEDICLE OF THE SERRATUS ANTERIOR MUSCLE Safwat M.D, Abdel Rahman W.A Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University ABSTRACT Introduction: The serratus anterior flap become a favorite option for small wounds of the distal limb or composite and large defects in association with flaps of the subscapular system based on the subscapular-thoracodorsal vascular pedicle. The lower serratus anterior flap is ideal for reconstruction of small to moderate-sized defects because of its flat and broad dimensions. The serratus anterior flap can be used with varying composition of tissue ranging from fascia only, to adiposofascial, to muscle, to muscle with bone in the form of either underlying rib, or in conjunction with a scapular bone flap. There are some variations in the branching patterns of the axillary artery. Such variations are significant in the diagnostic or therapeutic invasive procedures carried out on the axillary artery. Aim of the work: The aim of this anatomic study was to examine the neurovascular supply of the serratus anterior muscle in cadaveric specimens, describe their typical anatomy and possible variations, and to identify their different measurements. Materials& methods: Fourteen axillary regions of seven formalin-fixed cadavers were dissected. Specimens were measured for the origin, lengths, and external diameters of the subscapular, thoracodorsal arteries, and their serratus anterior branches. All branches of the serratus artery were documented for location, diameter and which slips they served. Also, nerve dimensions (length, diameter and which slips they served) were measured. Inaddition, muscle slip length, muscle slip width and thickness at its origin were measured. Results: In all dissected specimens at least one serratus anterior branch was observed. Four branching patterns were observed. In five specimens (35.7 %), it was a unique branch; in six specimens (42.9%), there were two branches; in two specimens (14.3%), there were three branches and in one specimen four branches were observed (7.1%). Conclusion: The results of this study provide an anatomic framework to improve current reconstructive procedures on the serratus anterior neurovascular structures. Key words: Amatomy, serratus anterior, neurovascular pedicle. Abbreviations: • LT: Lateral Thoracic Vessels • T: Thoracodorsal Vessels • N: Long Thoracic Nerve • AV: Axillary Vein • SM: Serratus Aanterior Muscle • S: Subscapular Artery • AA: Axillary Artery • C: Circumflex Scapular Artery • PM: Pectoralis Minor Muscle • L: Latissimus Dorsi Muscle • AC: Anterior Circumflex Humeral Artery • PC: Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery • AN: Axillary Nerve • LA: Nerve To Latissimus Dorsi Muscle INTRODUCTION The Serratus anterior muscle is a thin muscular sheet, situated between the ribs and the scapula at the upper lateral part of the chest. It arises by fleshy digitations from the outer surfaces and superior borders of the upper eight, nine or even ten ribs, and from the aponeuroses covering the intervening intercostals. Its fibers pass backward, closely applied to the chest-wall, and are inserted into the ventral surface of the vertebral border of the scapula.(1) The Serratus anterior muscle is supplied by the long thoracic nerve, which is derived from the fifth, sixth, and seventh cervical nerves. This muscle carries the scapula forward, and at the same time raises the vertebral border of the bone. It is therefore concerned in the action of pushing. Its lower and stronger fibers move forward the lower angle and assist the trapezius in rotating the bone at the sternoclavicular joint. The serratus anterior muscle may assist in raising and everting the ribs; but it is Bull. Alex. Fac. Med. 43 No.4, 2007. not the important inspiratory muscle as it was formerly believed to be.(2) The serratus anterior muscle is a type III muscle (has 2 dominant pedicles). The first dominant pedicle is lateral thoracic artery which supplies the upper three or four slips. The second dominant pedicle is thoracodorsal artery which sends two to four branches to the muscle. The lateral thoracic artery arises directly from the second part of the axillary artery. It also supplies the pectoral muscles and the subscapularis muscle. The subscapular artery is the largest branch of the axillary artery which ends as the circumflex scapular and thoracodorsal arteries. The thoracodorsal artery follows the lateral border of the scapula between the latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior muscles supplying them. It also supplies the teres major, and intercostals muscles.(3) The serratus anterior free muscle flap was first introduced by Buncke et al.(4) Because of its thinness, and the length and diameter of the vascular ISSN 1110-0834 852 Serratus Anterior Neurovascular Pedicle. pedicle, the serratus anterior flap become a favorite option for small wounds of the distal limb or composite and large defects in association with flaps of the subscapular system based on the subscapularthoracodorsal vascular pedicle.(5) The lower serratus anterior flap is ideal for reconstruction of small to moderate-sized defects because of its flat and broad dimensions. The dominant vascular pedicle of slips six through nine (or ten) is consistent and of a relatively large diameter. Also, its long arc of rotation allows the utilization of the serratus anterior muscle flap in head and neck, and mediastinal surgery without microvascular anastomoses.(6) The branches to serratus anterior were of sufficient dimensions to support either a latissimus dorsi flap or a serratus anterior flap. These facts, in combination with the ease of harvest, acceptable donor-site morbidity, and well concealed location of the donor site scar all make it an ideal candidate for muscle transfer. Also, the divisibility of the flap into multiple force vectors makes the serratus a versatile muscle flap.(7) The flap is known for its low rate of operative, perioperative, and long term morbidity.(8) Complication rates for seroma, hematoma, and neuropraxia have been reported to be less than that for the gracilis muscle donor site.(9) The entire muscle can be used as flap but this will result in severe winging of scapula, to prevent this condition and to maintain function it is very important to preserve at least the upper five digitations and their innervations and, only the lower three or four slips should be harvested as a flap. No evidences of shoulder dysfunction or decreased shoulder strength were observed with the harvest of this flap. Vu et al.(10) and Gordon et al.(11) have reported mild winging but no differences in the push or abduction strength. Fassio et al. (12) have noted no correlation between the degree of scapular winging and the number of slips harvested (up to four). Also, Pittet et al.(13) have not observed any functional deficit in patients. A recent study has also shown that there is no impairment of shoulder function on removal of the three distal slips of the muscle.(14) The serratus anterior flap can be used with varying composition of tissue ranging from fascia only,(15) to adiposofascial,(16) to muscle,(17) to muscle with bone in the form of either underlying rib(18,19) or in conjunction with a scapular bone flap.(15) The serratus anterior muscle has often been transferred along with the latissimus dosi muscle to reconstruct larger defects.(20) Duteille et al.(21) have used muscle flaps, myocutaneous, osteomuscular flap or osteomyocutaneous flaps with a good functional outcome. The serratus anterior muscle is used for flap reconstruction of lower limbs,(22) dorsal surface hand defects,(23) head, neck, and extremity injuries,(24) bony and soft tissue defects in the face,(25) the mandible,(26) chest wall(27) and vascular Bull. Alex. Fac. Med. 43 No.4, 2007. Safwat et al. reconstruction and revascularization of extensive ischemic areas such as cerebral hemispheres.(28) The serratus anterior muscle has recently been suggested as a versatile and reliable flap for reconstruction of complex craniofacial and neck lesions, sacroiliac region injuries, as well as intrathoracic and extrathoracic reconstruction procedures.(29) The ideal flap for reconstruction of the face should bring with it tissue similar in consistency, quantity, and appearance, with minimal donor – site morbidity. Pittet et al.(13) have used serratus anterior muscuocutaneous flap and have found it to meet most of the criteria. Donor muscles commonly used today for facial reanimation, such as the gracilis(30) is limited by bulkiness and the number of force vectors they can provide. Other muscles such as the extensor digitorum brevis, rectus abdominis, and pectoralis major and minor, have been used but are often too forceful and produce a single or at best two reliable vectors of force.(31) There are some variations in the branching patterns of the axillary artery.(32) Such variations are significant in the diagnostic or therapeutic invasive procedures carried out on the axillary artery (such as ligation of injured arteries, angiographic studies of the axillary vessels, and axillary aneurysms). It is also considerable to avoid the possibility of arterial damages during surgical interventions of the serratus anterior flap surgery.(33) More recent cadaveric studies have attempted to characterize the serratus muscle and its neurovascular supply to aid in its usage as a flap, but various aspects remain to be determined precisely for its clinical use.(32) Thus the goal of this anatomic study was to examine the neurovascular supply of the serratus anterior muscle in cadaveric specimens, describe their typical anatomy and possible variations, and to identify their different measurements. METHODS Fourteen axillary regions of seven formalin-fixed cadavers from the Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, were used for this descriptive study. They were injected by red latex via the subclavian arteries using manual pressure. The cadavers were then positioned in the supine position with the ipsilateral arm abducted 90 degrees at the shoulder and with the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion. The long thoracic nerve and the vascular pedicle from the subscapular artery were followed distally until the circumflex scapular, thoracodorsal, latissimus, and serratus arteries were identified. Serratus anterior slips were exposed. The serratus artery was followed to its branching points on the muscle. The long thoracic nerve was followed distally to its divisions; the slips innervated by each of the divisions were documented. The overlying fat and fascia were removed, and selected specimens Safwat et al. Alexandria Bulletin were preliminary photographed. After confirming the presence of paired venae comitantes accompanying the artery to its most distal extent, veins were removed to allow better visualization of the artery and the nerve. Additional photographs were taken at this time. Specimens were measured for the origin, lengths, and external diameters of the subscapular, thoracodorsal arteries, and their serratus anterior branches. All branches of the serratus artery were documented for location, diameter and which slips they served. Nerve dimensions (length, diameter and which slips they served) were measured. Attention was then turned to the arterial pattern supplying the serratus anterior muscle. The arterial length was measured with a scale 0.5 mm ruler. The external diameter of the arteries was measured with a scale of 0.1 mm. The external diameter of the arteries was measured after removal of the perivascular tissues untiles the superficial layers of the adventitia. The serratus anterior muscles were freed from the ribs and their insertion on the scapula. The scapular insertion of the muscle was divided with a scalpel. Attention was then turned to the neurovascular pedicle. The long thoracic nerve was divided distal to its origin, and dissected from the surrounding tissues. A 2-cm section of the axillary artery containing the subscapular artery was divided. The circumflex scapular and the latissimus dorsi branches were divided, isolating the muscle on the serratus branch. Muscle slip length (origin to insertion), muscle slip width at its origin from the superior to the inferior edge, and slip thickness near the slip origin were measured. RESULTS The serratus anterior muscle and fascia were found to have a dual blood supply, with the upper part supplied by the lateral thoracic artery and the lower part by terminal branches of the thoracodorsal artery. The lateral thoracic artery was noted to supply the upper four slips. In all specimens, branches of the thoracodorsal artery to the serratus anterior muscle (the serratus arteries) were providing the dominant blood supply to the lower serratus anterior slips (Fig. 1). The axillary artery and its branch, the subscapular artery, were patent in all cases. The subscapular artery was present in all cases. It originated from the third part of the axillary artery in 11 of 14 specimens (78.6%) (Fig. 2), and from the second part in the remaining 3 specimens (21.4 %) (Fig.3).The circumflex humeral arteries arose from the circumflex scapular artery in 1 of these three specimens (Fig.4). Also, the lateral thoracic artery was seen arising from the subscapular artery in these 3 specimens and in one of the normal 11 subscapular origin specimens (Fig. 5).The mean Bull. Alex. Fac. Med. 43 No.4, 2007. 845 external diameter of the subscapular artery at its origin was 6.0 ± 0.1 mm. Its mean length till its division into the circumflex scapular and thoracodorsal arteries was 2.7 ± 1.2 cm. The thoracodorsal artery was extending directly from the subscapular artery. It was found in all dissected cases. Its mean external diameter was 3.0 ± 0.06 mm at its origin. The mean length from the beginning of the circumflex scapular artery until its division into its two terminal branches (the serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi arteries) was 5.2 ± 1.06 cm. (Table I) The diameter and lengths of the serratus arteries were measured. The mean external diameter at its origin was 2.1 ± 0.05 mm, and the mean length till its division in the muscle slips was 4.8 ± 2.5 cm .In all dissected specimens at least one serratus anterior branch was observed. Four branching patterns were observed. In 5 specimens (35.7 %) it was a unique branch (Fig. 4); in 6 specimens (42.9%) two branches (Fig. 2, 5); in 2 specimens three branches (14.3%) (Fig. 6), and in 1 specimen four branches were observed (7.1%) (Fig.7). In the case of multiple branches the distal branch always presented the largest diameter. The site of penetration of the first serratus artery branch to the serratus muscle varied from the 4th intercostals space to the sixth rib. In all specimens, paired venae comitantes accompanied the serratus artery and its branches to their distal-most extent. After confirming this for each specimen, we removed the veins to allow better visualization of the artery and nerve. In one specimen, the origins of the lateral thoracic vein and lateral thoracic artery were 2.5 cm apart from each other (Fig.8). The long thoracic nerve was consistently present inferior to the clavicle and lateral to the serratus muscle. The nerve branching pattern mimicked the arterial branching pattern, but the nerve consistently branched proximal to the artery by one intercostal space (Fig. 4, 7). The nerve was consistently deep to the artery, which was deep to the venae comitantes, all of which ran superficial to the serratus anterior muscle. The nerve divisions mirrored those of the artery. The mean diameter of the nerve at its beginning was 2.00 ± 0.09 mm, and at the beginning of each muscular branch was 1.5 ± 0.7 mm. The mean length of the nerve from the contribution of C7 to the beginning of its first division was 11.9 ± 0.9 cm. (Table I) The serratus anterior muscle was separated from the cadever (Fig. 6, 9). Dimensions of the muscle slips were measured. They were varied minimally. Their mean length (from origin to insertion) was 16.1 ± 1.7 cm, mean width (at its origin) was 2.5 ± 0.09 cm, and mean thickness at its origin was 4.4 ± 0.7 mm. 852 Serratus Anterior Neurovascular Pedicle. Safwat et al. Table I: Values of length and external diameters of the arteries and long thoracic nerve to the serratus anterior muscle Name Subscapular artery Length External diameter (at origin) 2.7 ± 1.2 cm 6.0 ± 0.1 mm Thoracodorsal artery 5.2 ± 1.06 cm 3.0 ± 0.06 mm Serratus arteries 4.8 ± 2.5 cm 2.1 ± 0.05 mm Long thoracic nerve 11.9 ± 0.9 cm 2.00 ± 0.09 mm Values are presented as mean + standard deviation. Fig 1: A photograph of the right serratus anterior muscle (SM) showing its dual blood supply from the lateral thoracic (LT), and thoracodorsal (T) vessels. N: long thoracic nerve, (→): serratus branches, AV: axillary vein. Fig 3: A photograph of left serratus anterior muscle (SM) showing the origin of the subscapular artery (S) from the second part of axillary artery (AA). serratus branches are seen (→). N: Long thoracic nerve, T: thoracodorsal artery, L; latissimus dorsi muscle. AV: axillary vein, LT: lateral thoracic artery. Bull. Alex. Fac. Med. 43 No.4, 2007. Fig 2: A photograph of the left serratus anterior muscle (SM) showing the origin of the subscapular artery (S) from the third part of axillary arter (AA). Two serratus branches are seen (→). N: Long thoracic nerve, T: thoracodorsal artery, C: circumflex scapular artery, PM: pectoralis minor muscle, L: latissimus dorsi muscle. Fig 4: A photograph of the left serratus anterior muscle (SM) showing the origin of the subscapular artery (S) from the second part of axillary artery (AA). The anterior (AC) and posterior circumflex arteries (PC) are arising from circumflex humeral artery (C). One serratus branch is seen (→). N: Long thoracic nerve, T: thoracodorsal artery, L; latissimus dorsi muscle. AN: axillary nerve. Safwat et al. Alexandria Bulletin 845 Fig.5: A photograph of right serratus anterior muscle (SM) showing the origin of lateral thoracic (LT) from subscapular artery (S). Two serratus arteries are seen (→). N: Long thoracic nerve, T:thoracodorsal artery, C: circumflex humeral artery. Fig. 6: A photograph of separate serratus anterior muscle (SM), with three serratus branches (→) from thoracodorsal artery (T). AA: Axillary artery, S: subscapular artery, C: circumflex scapular artery, N: long thoracic nerve, LT: lateral thoracic artery, LA: artery to latissimus dorsi muscle. Fig 7: A photograph of right serratus anterior muscle (SM) showing four serratus branches (→) from thoracodorsal artery (T). N: Long thoracic nerve, L; latissimus dorsi muscle. Fig 8: A photograph of right serratus anterior muscle (SM) showing separate origin of lateral thoracic artery (LTA) and vein (LTV). N: long thoracic nerve. Fig 9: A photograph of separate serratus anterior muscle (SM), with two serratus branches (→) from thoracodorsal artery (T). AA: Axillary artery, S: subscapular artery, C: circumflex scapular artery, N: long thoracic nerve, LA: artery to latissimus dorsi muscle, LT: lateral thoracic arising from subscapular artery. Bull. Alex. Fac. Med. 43 No.4, 2007. 852 Serratus Anterior Neurovascular Pedicle. DISCUSSION The subscapular vascular system has a lot to offer to the reconstructive surgery. Serratus anterior muscle has been suggested as a versatile and reliable flap for reconstruction of head, neck, and extremity injuries. In the present study, the serratus muscle was found to have a dual blood supply, with the upper part supplied by the lateral thoracic artery and the lower part by terminal branches of the thoracodorsal artery. This finding was in agreement with Moore and Dalley(3) and Magden et al.(1) They have concluded that the pedicle of choice for elevation of either a standard flap or for microvascular transplant is the thoracodorsal pedicle. However, Erdogmus and Govsa(29) have found that the lateral thoracic artery was extending into the lower serratus anterior muscle in two out of 15 specimens. Also, Lipa and Chang(34) have mentioned that the main blood supply to the serratus anterior comes from the lateral thoracic artery. Also, Magden et al.(1) and Rabi et al.(35) have observed unusual vascular pedicles of the serratus anterior muscle. The serratus anterior branch originated directly from the first part of the axillary artery as the first branch. However, they found that the branches which supplied the serratus anterior muscle were of satisfactory size (diameter of more than 1.0 mm) for using the muscle as a muscle flap. The serratus branch has also been reported to arise from the first intercostal artery,(36) or directly from the subscapular artery.(37) In the present study, the circumflex humeral artery arose from circumflex scapular artery in one out of 14 specimens. This finding was in agreement with Aizawa et al.(38) The subscapular artery is the largest branch of the axillary artery. In the present study, the subscapular artery was found in all specimens. It was arising from the third part of axillary artery in 11 of 14 specimens (78.6%), and from the second part in the remaining 3 specimens (21.4 %). However, Malikov et al.(39) have found that its origin was located in the third part of the axillary artery in 35 of 40 cases (87 %) and in the second part in 5 cases (13%). Also, its origin from the second part of the axillary artery was reported in 8% by Bartlett et al.,(40) 13% by Rowsell et al.,(41) and 10% by Vu et al.(10) In the present work the mean external diameter of the subscapular artery at its origin was 6.0 ± 0.1 mm, and its mean length was 2.7 ± 1.2 cm. These findings were in agreement with Malikov et al.(39) They have found that the external diameter of the subscapular artery at its origin was 5.5 mm, and the mean length was 2.4 cm. Also, Rowsell et al.(41) have found the mean external diameter was 6.0 mm and the mean subscapular artery length was 2.2 cm. The thoracodorsal artery was found in all the dissected specimens arising from the subscapular artery. In the present work, the mean length was 5.2 Bull. Alex. Fac. Med. 43 No.4, 2007. Safwat et al. ± 1.06 cm, and the mean external diameter at its origin was 3.0 ± 0.06 mm. Also, Malikov et al.(39) have found that its mean external diameter was 3.00 (1.9-4.2) mm at the origin, and Godat et al.(42) have measured it to be 3.3 ± 1.0 mm. The diameter and lengths of the serratus arteries were measured. Godat et al.(42) have measured the mean diameter of the serratus artery at the take-off of the latissimus artery was 2.1 ± 0.5 mm, but they did not measure the length of serratus branches alone. In the present work, the mean lengths of the serratus branches were 4.8 ± 2.5 cm, and the mean external diameters at their beginning were 2.1 ± 0.05 mm. By adding the mean length of the thoracodorsal and serratus arteries, it was found that the mean length from the beginning of the circumflex scapular artery until its penetration into the muscle was measured 10 cm in this study. Similar results were observed by Godat et al.(42) who found that the mean ± SD length of the vascular pedicle from its origin from the circumflex scapular artery to the junction of slips 5 and 6 was 9.2 ± 2.3 cm. Also, Malikov et al.(39) have observed that the mean length from the beginning of the circumflex scapular artery until its penetration into the muscle was measured at 8.7 cm. However, Cuadros et al.(43) have mentioned that the mean pedicle length was 11.3 ± 2.8 cm. In the present study, the vascular pattern of the serratus anterior muscle were four types: type I with one branch (35.7%), type II with two branches (42.9%), type III with three branches (14.3%), and type IV with four branches (7.1%). In all specimens dissected at least one serratus anterior branch was observed. In the case of multiple branches the distal branch always presented the largest diameter. These findings were in agreement with other studies, but with varying percentages. Three vascular patterns were identified by Cuadros et al.(43): type I with one branch (40 %), type II with two branches (50 %), and type III with three branches (10%). Godat et al.(42) have found a different distribution of blood supply to the lower portion of the serratus muscle. They found three branching patterns: (38٪) no branch points (type 0); all common slip arteries branched off the main serratus artery, (60 ٪) had one arterial branch point (type 1); several common slip arteries divided from each branch, and (2٪) had two branch points (type II). Only, Rowsell et al.(41) have mentioned four vascular patterns as that found in the present study. In contrast, Malikov et al.(39) and Vu et al.(10) have found that type I was more than type II in the distribution of branches from the thoracodorsal to the lower serratus muscle. In this study all the dissected specimens showed paired venae comitantes that accompanied the serratus artery and its branches to their distalmost extent. This finding was in agreement with Godat et al.(42) In the present study, only in one Safwat et al. Alexandria Bulletin specimen, the lateral thoracic artery was away from its accompanying veins by 2.5 cm. Also, Malikov et al.(39) have noticed that in one out of 40 specimens, the origins of the thoracodorsal vein and thoracodorsal artery was located 3.5 cm from each other. In the present work, the long thoracic nerve was consistently present inferior to the clavicle and lateral to the serratus muscle. The nerve branching pattern mimicked the arterial branching pattern, but at a proximal level by one intercostal space. The same findings were reported by Godat et al.(42) and Cuadros et al.(43) Godat et al.(42) have found that the branching pattern of the nerve was proximal to the artery by an average of 7 mm (ranging from 0 to 22 mm). They have mentioned that this finding was useful for the surgeon in isolating a single muscle slip. In the present study, the mean length of the long thoracic nerve from its beginning to its first branch to the serratus muscle was 11.9 ± 0.9 cm, its mean diameter at its beginning was 2.00 ± 0.09 mm, and at the beginning of each muscular branch was 1.5 ± 0.7 mm. Also, Godat et al.(42) have found that the mean length of the nerve from the contribution of C7 to the junction of slips 5 and 6 was 12.7 ± 2.1cm, its diameter after C7 contribution was 2.0 ± 0.4 mm, and its diameter at the slip 5/6 was 1.6 ± 0.4 mm. In the present study, the mean dimensions of the serratus muscle slip were 16.1 ± 1.7 in length, 2.5 ± 0.09 cm in width, and 4.4 ± 0.7 mm in thickness. These findings were nearly similar to Godat et al.(42) They have found that the mean length of the slip was 17.2 ± 2.0 cm, the mean width was 2.4 ± 0.5 cm, and the mean thickness at its origin was 5.4 ± 1.5 mm. The results of this study provide an anatomic framework to improve current reconstructive or aesthetic procedures on the serratus anterior neurovascular structures. The vascular pedicle to the serratus anterior muscle flap is a reliable one, permits the flap to be used in diversity of ways and in combinations with the overlying skin or ribs. The serratus anterior flap can be dissected with ease, but data about the axillary vascular tree and pedicle of the serratus anterior muscle and their anatomical variations will provide a valuable anatomical knowledge for non complicated medical interventions and surgical approaches on this region especially in case of reconstructive surgery. REFERENCES 1. Magden O, Gocmen-Mas N, Caglar B. Multiple variations in the axillary arterial tree relevant to plastic surgery: A case report. Int J MorphoL 2007; 25(2): 357- 61. 2. Standring S, Ellis H, Healy JC, Collins P, Johnson D, Williams A, Wigley C. Gray’s Anatomy. 39th ed. 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