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Link to Souvenir Program
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Science can amuse and fascinate us all
it is engineering that changes the world
“Let’s make a Difference”
In Celebration of National Engineers Week
February 16-22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
National Engineers Week Committees
Kenneth Davis, Sonja Domazet, Stephen Guine,
William Johnson, Sharlene Katz, Paul Landry,
Robert Tarn, Thomas R. Tarn, Charles Volk,
Marek Barylak, Kenneth Davis, Stephen Guine, Sharlene Katz,
Paul Landry, Charles Olsefsky, R. Freeman Straub, Robert B. Tarn
Ken Davis, Sonja Domazet, James Flynn, Bill Johnson,
Sharlene Katz, Charles Olsefsky, Charles Volk
Anita Gallardo, Olivia Landry, Maria Tarn
Paul Landry
Mike Matte
Swank Audio Visuals, Carlos Guerra
Marissa Bayless, Margo Guerra, Mahsa Hatam
Jerry Kraim, Eli Stiny
Larry Dalton
R. Freeman Straub
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
The Engineers’
Universal City,
Honors & Awards
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Welcome & Introductions – 6:00 p.
Council esident
Sonja Domazet
Presentation of Awards – 7:00
Master of
William K. Barzca
Kenneth G. Davis
Frank Flores
Alton Romig, Ph.D.
Eli Stiny
Robert Tarn
Thomas R. Tarn
Sean D. Tucker
Charles H. Volk, Ph.D.
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
The Engineers’ Council
Board of Directors
Sonja Domazet
Vice President
Stephen Guine
Charles H. Volk, Ph.D.
Eli Stiny
Robert J. Budica, Ph.D., Kenneth G. Davis, Paul F. Landry,
A. F. Ratcliffe, Ph.D., Robert B. Tarn, Charles H. Volk, Ph.D.
Marek Z. Barylak, Ph.D., Sharlene Katz, Ph.D., William J. Johnson,
Jerry Kraim, Victor M. Moreno, Ph.D.
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Hypersonic Aircraft Demonstrator
Design Team
Surfing Aircraft Vortices for Energy
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, California
The Boeing Company
Tukwila, Washington
Team Members
Chan Cho
Lyle Johnson
Dr. Frank Marconi
Jeff Theroux
Brian Zuchowski
Team Members
John Bonet
Nam Chiang
Dr. Tristan Flanzer
David Halaas
Steve Rosenzweig
Rick Selder
Jeff Slotnick
Dr. Brian Whitehead
Accepting the Project Award
Adam Belles
Accepting the Project Award
Dr. Stefan R. Bieniawski
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
For the successful development of a viable, near-term
and reusable hypersonic demonstrator aircraft
In recognition of engineering achievement while
developing complex software to demonstrate safe,
automatic and fuel efficient flight of large, transport
category aircraft flying in formation
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
Triton Flight Test Team
RS-68 One Test Acceptance
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, California
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Hollywood, Maryland
Team Members
Chuong Luu
Marc Patton
Paul Sorensen
Nacer Thomas
Mark Winquist
Team Members
Ashley Brawner
Carl Hall
Bob Humphrey
Tom Wayne
Roc White
Accepting the Project Award
Thomas E. Booth
Accepting the Project Award
Christopher Dunphy
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
In recognition of outstanding efforts leading to the
reduction in the number of acceptance tests for the
RS-68A engine and for contributing to RS-68
program affordability and cost goals
For exceptional effort organizing, preparing and
executing the MQ-4C Triton First Flight and overall
Initial Envelope Expansion flight test program
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
X-51A Chief Engineer Team
J-2X Nozzle Extension
Air Force Research Laboratory
Dayton, Ohio
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, California
Team Members
Thomas B. Fortin
Steven N. White
Team Members
Jim Beck
Scott Fowser
Accepting the Project Award
James S. Murphy
Accepting the Project Award
Dennis P. Lim
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
For guiding all technical efforts during the design,
manufacture and test of the first ever demonstration
of a practical, free-flying, scramjet powered vehicle
In recognition of technical excellence and
outstanding teamwork to ensure successful
development and risk reduction of the J-2X nozzle
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
Satellite Structural Test Recovery
The Boeing Company
El Segundo, California
Team Members
Isak Feldman
Aeron D. Jackson
Roy E. Pereira
John A. Russell
Accepting the Project Award
Kenneth R. Johnson
Description of Project:
For leadership and selfless commitment to the
restoration of a critical structural test program from a
dire condition to full recovery and providing the
energy needed to re-energize a struggling supplier to
complete the structural test phase ahead of plan
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Ramsey C. Eldib
Dr. Shahnam Mirzaei
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
Cal State University, Northridge
Northridge, CA
For outstanding leadership on the J-2X rocket engine Ancillary
and Interconnect Component development program in the
pursuit of innovative, cost effective and environmentally sound
In recognition of outstanding performance in electrical and
computer engineering as an educator, researcher, designer,
motivator, and mentor
James R. Burke
Dr. Meyya Meyyappan
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, CA
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA
In recognition of outstanding technical achievement in the
design and development of a critical U-2 sensor system
For outstanding technical achievement in the development of
high performance nanoscale vacuum tubes for radiation
immune space electronics
Jason A. Lechniak
Steven R. Bennett
Hypersonic Combined Test Force
Edwards Air Force Base, CA
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
In recognition of outstanding achievement advancing space and
flight test planning technology to safely assess risks associated
with hypersonic flight, space launch and return operations
For distinguished service in the area of systems engineering in
support of liquid fuel rocket propulsion
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson
Skunk Works Award
Dr. Leland Nicolai
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, California
Dr. Alton Romig
Vice President Advanced Development Programs
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
Dr. Lee Nicolai has dedicated his career to the development of technologies, products and people. He served 23
years in the USAF before retiring as a Colonel working R&D. During part of this time he worked at DARPA
developing the Teal Dawn air launch cruise missile which became the AGM-129A/Advanced Cruise
Missile. Upon retirement from the United State Air Force, Dr. Nicolai joined Northrop Aircraft as manager of
flight sciences working on the F-5E, F-18A and F-20. He then went to Fairchild Republic as VP Engineering and
worked on the A-10A and T-46A. In 1986 he joined the Lockheed Aircraft Company / ADP (Skunk Works) as
director of advanced design and then chief engineer on several classified programs. He has also worked on the F22A, JASSM/AGM-158A, and F-35. He has been very active in professional societies and academia and was
recognized as an AIAA Fellow. He is the author of numerous papers and reports and three books. Dr. Leland
Nicolai retired from Lockheed Martin as a Fellow for Aircraft Conceptual Design and Systems Engineering in
Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson Skunk Works Award
Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson’s achievements captured every major aviation design award and made him an
aerospace legend, but he may be best known for organizing the Lockheed Skunk Works in 1943. Kelly played a
leading role in the design of more than forty aircraft and he received more than forty aircraft design awards and
honors, including two Collier Trophies, two Theodore von Kármán awards, the Wright Brothers Memorial
Trophy, two Sylvanus Albert Reed Awards, and the Daniel Gugenheim Medal. In 1964, President Lyndon
Johnson presented him with the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom. President Ronald
Reagan honored Kelly Johnson with the National Society Medal in 1983 and the National Medal of Technology
in 1988. Kelly was enshrined in the Aviation Hall of Fame in 1974.
“The Skunk Works is a concentration of a few good people solving problems far in advance – and at a fraction of
the cost – by applying the simplest, most straightforw
methods possible to develop and produce new
products.” — Kelly Johnson
Past Recipients
Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson (Posth.)
Maj. Gen. James A. Fain, Jr., USAF
Major Gen. Richard Scofield, USAF
Ben R. Rich (Posthumously)
Gen. Joseph W. Ralston, USAF
Gen. Howell M. Estes III, USAF
Lt. Gen. George K. Muellner, USAF
Natalie W. Crawford
Burt Rutan
Sherman N. Mullin
Lt. Gen. Bruce Carlson, USAF
Lt. Gen. Michael A. Hough, USMC
Lt. Gen. Harold W. Blot, USMC (ret.)
Dain M. Hancock, LMAC
Dr. Anthony J. Tether, DARPA
Richard Heppe, LMAC
Gen. Gregory “Speedy” S. Martin (ret.)
Abraham Karem
Thomas J. Cassidy, Jr.
Frank J Cappuccio
James E. Cartwright
Dr. Stephen Walker
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
Tonopah Crescent Dune Concentrated
Solar Power Receiver Assembly
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA
Team Members
Mark Ayres
Ken Metcalf
Rod Santa Ines
Yves Sergile
Dave Wait
Team Members
David Gallagher
Jefferson C. Hall
Accepting the Project Award
George M. O'Connor
Accepting the Project Award
Suzanne R. Dodd
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
In recognition of outstanding technical achievement
in developing, fabricating and installing the world’s
largest molten salt receiver
For significant engineering achievement, careful
stewardship and dedication, resulting in Voyager 1’s
successful transition into interstellar space 35 years
after launch
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Hypersonic and Space Transit Flight
Test Team
BAMS-D Achieves 10,000 Combat
Hours in CENTCOM
Hypersonic Combined Test Force
Edwards, California
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Hollywood, Maryland
Team Members
Wartan Bozoghlanian
Ryan W. Carr
Jacob J. Downey
Robert G. Kennington
Jason A. Lechniak
Gregory P. Mucks
Paul W. Phillips
Farid K. Rafla
John J. Spravka
Team Members
Jason Boulay
Melissa Curtis
Joe Hiner
Kenneth Minner
Reggie Young
Accepting the Project Award
Lt Col (Dr). Timothy R. Jorris
Accepting the Project Award
Glenn E. McAdam
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
In recognition of leading the requirements, test/safety
planning, analyses, and reporting on the X-51A
scramjet demonstrator, HTV-2, Dream Chaser,
airborne launch assist space access, and X-37B
For successfully achieving and continuing beyond the
milestone of 10,000 combat hours in 5 years of
service, while providing over 50% of the maritime
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
operations in the Persian Gulf
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
SM3-1A IMU Investigation Team
Miniature Reconfigurable Desktop
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Woodland Hills, California
The Boeing Company
Long Beach, California
Team Members
Randall Curey
James Denovchek
Dr. Christine Geosling
William Moon
Dr. George Pavlath
Edward Slatter
Daniel Tazartes
Joe Tung
Daniel Wiener
Team Members
Trung Banh
Trung Le
Julie Yanase
Accepting the Project Award
Eric Cuaresma
Accepting the Project Award
Trung Q. Hua
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
For diligent and insightful work to identify,
understand and apply corrective action to a critical
component in the country’s missile defense system
In recognition of outstanding achievement in
developing the Miniature Reconfigurable Desktop
Simulator with sufficient capabilities to replace a full
cockpit test environment
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Lee A. Ritholtz
Brett J. Kozma
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, CA
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Woodland Hills, CA
For outstanding accomplishments as chief architect and project
manager of the first fully digital and open architecture long
endurance small unmanned aerial system
For outstanding leadership and technical achievement in the
design, analysis, improvement, and product delivery of inertial
navigation sensors and systems
John A. Medley III
Joseph R. Behrman
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles,CA
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, CA
In recognition of outstanding technical contributions to the
Delta IV Launch Sequence Hardware and Launch Sequence
Software improvements
For outstanding performance in conjunction with the design
and development of unique special technologies in support of
the United States military
Steven W. Lee
Nacer B. Thomas
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
For outstanding achievement in management and technical
contributions to the successful delivery of the Mars Science
Laboratory guidance, navigation and control subsystems
For outstanding performance and execution of the RS-68A onetest analysis in support of program affordability and cost targets
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Jack Northrop
Spirit of Innovation Award
Louie Chavez
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
El Segundo, California
Presented by
Frank Flores
Vice President, Advanced Development Programs
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
El Segundo, California
Jack Northrop Spirit of Innovation
The Jack Northrop Spirit of Innovation
commemorates the vision,
perseverance and
prowess reminiscent of aviation pioneer Jack
whose achievements and techniques broke the barriers traditional
The Engineers’ Council bestows this award in honor of
individual technical contributions that inspire
and advance the progress
of the
2006 Douglas E. Wood
2010 Dr. John M. Papazian (posth.)
2007 Paul Marchisotto (posth.)
2011 Clayton K. S. Kau
2008 Charles Tomita
2012 Daniel Rihn
2009 Douglas L. Fronius
2013 Allen A. Arata
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
National Engineers Week
From the International Space Station
Expedition 38 Astronauts and Flight Engineers
Rick Mastracchio and Michael Hopkins
Hello, from the International Space Station.
I’m Astronaut Rick
Mastracchio, along with my crewmate Astronaut Mike Hopkins. We’d like
to congratulate all of you on this 63rd observance of National Engineers
Week. During this special week, activities by volunteers from engineering
societies and professional organizations all across our nation are stimulating
interest in math and science among our youth who will one day be
contributing to the pool of engineering and scientific talent that our nation
needs to meet the future.
These activities include science fairs, mentoring, educational outreach, and
student design competitions. Additionally, many engineering professionals
are being recognized this week at celebrations highlighting their many
contributions to making our world a better place. And finally, we’d like to
recognize and say thanks to the thousands of engineers that help design,
build, and maintain this wonderful Space Station.
Once again, thanks for all you do and enjoy your week.
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Fariba Azad
Marcial Anaya
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
Keystone Engineering Company
Long Beach, CA
For outstanding leadership and execution of RS-68 Lot Buy
Program supplier material reviews and corrective actions
In recognition of technical excellence and outstanding
contributions to human-rated spacecraft propulsion tank design
Trevor L. Jackson
Robert B. Koneck
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, CA
In recognition of outstanding leadership and management in
Materials and Processes Engineering
For outstanding performance in conjunction with the design,
development and integration of a unique communications
infrastructure supporting the United States military
Irina Dubovitsky
Dr. Jeffry W. Umland
The Boeing Company
El Segundo, CA
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA
In recognition of outstanding technical leadership and
execution of the 702SP avionics flight software development
For exceptional achievement as the Mars Science Laboratory
chief mechanical systems engineer, resulting in the successful
landing of the Curiosity rover
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
1959 Roy E. Marquardt
1987 Dr. Rodney A. Boudreaux
1960 Richard Bradshaw
1988 George J. Hallinan
1961 Milford G. Childers
1989 Paul H. Lane
1962 Paul R. Vogt
1990 William F. Ezell
1963 George T. Harness
1991 Edward G. Linhart
1964 Ralph Balent
1992 Sherman N. Mullin
1965 Clarence L. Johnson
1993 Robert D. Paster
1966 Steven J. Domokos
1994 Byron K. Wood
1967 James A. Broadston
1995 Jack S. Gordon
1968 Dr. Arnold M. Levine
1996 Ernest Schaeffer
1969 Willis M. Hawkins
1997 Paul B. Smith
1970 Ralph A. Lamm
1998 Anthony Joseph Spear
1971 Arthur A. Daush, Jr.
1999 Robert Goetz
1972 Dr. R.N. Ghose
2000 Dr. Michael E. Polites
1973 John J. Guarrera
2001 Dr. Charles Volk
1974 Elliott H. Green
2002 Maynard L. “Joe” Stangeland
1975 Mathew C. Ek
2003 E.R. “Ed” Glasgow
1976 Sam F. Iacobellis
2004 Norman S. Sakamoto
1977 Lon L. Sanders
2005 Thomas R. Gavin
1978 Norman J. Ryker
2006 John B. Plowden
1979 Donald C. Tillman
2007 Thomas W. Blakely
1980 Dominick J. Sanchini
2008 Jeffrey S. Kincaid
1981 Ben R. Rich
2009 Frank Flores
1982 Dr. Paul B. MacCready
2010 Daniel A. Tazartes
1983 Charles G. Fargo
2011 Eric D. Knutson
1984 Dr. Malcom Currie
2012 James S. Paulsen
1985 Phillip V. King
2013 Dennis P. O’Donoghue
1986 Sophia K. Ashley
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Engineer of the Year Award
Peter Reccia Omni Award
Don Wilkes
Vice President
Northrup Grumman Aerospace Systems
El Segundo, California
Dr. Charles H. Volk, PhD
Vice President
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Woodland Hills, California
Mr. Donald D. Wilkes is recognized for his career of commitment and contributions to
Northrop Grumman and the defense of our nation, and for his exceptional leadership of
America's premier weapon system, the B-2 Spirit bomber.
Peter Reccia Omni Award
The movies have their Oscars, the television industry has its Emmy, and The Engineers’
Council presents, for the 42nd time, its Engineering Omni Award. This award was
presented in 1973 to the Engineer of the Year, San Fernando Valley. Since then, each
succeeding Engineer of the Year has been awarded this beautiful, original trophy
conceived, designed, and produced by Peter Recchia, PE, SME, AIEE. Mr. Recchia was
a dedicated supporter of the engineering community and when he passed away, the
Engineering Omni Award was renamed in his honor, “The Peter Recchia Omni ward.”
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
Dr. Douglas E. Bernard
Thomas Strasser
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA
Northrop Grumman Aerospce Systems
Corona, CA
For outstanding achievement leading to the
successful design, development, and delivery of the
JUNO Spacecraft, now on the way to Jupiter
In recognition of achievements in innovative
propulsion designs which have been key to the
development of unique aircraft configurations and
have provided unequaled system level capabilities
Dr. Nagi M. El Naga
California State Univ Northridge
Northridge, CA
In recognition of a distinguished career as an electrical engineering educator and for contributions to
the electrical engineering profession
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Dr. Dileep Singh
Dr. Christine Geosling
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Woodland Hills, CA
For leadership and pioneering contributions to the
For extensive technical achievements in the design,
science and engineering of advanced ceramic
development and innovation of gyroscopes and
materials, sensors for environmental applications and
instruments critical to the space industry
systems for energy generation
Daniel H. Meyer
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Sacramento, CA
In recognition of an extensive career devoted to the
design, fabrication, testing and continuous
improvement of solid rocket motors
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Robert H.Goddard
Space Propulsion Pioneer Award
Dr. Munir M. Sindir
Senior Director of Fellows
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Sacramento, California
Presented by
William K. Barza
Vice President and Deputy, Engineering
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, California
For leadership of Aerojet Rocketdyne advanced analysis organizations in improving analysis in
propulsion development, including ushering in the emerging field of multi-disciplinary analysis and
optimization, and the promising new area of heterogeneous scalable computing
Robert H.Goddard Space Propulsion Pioneer Award
This award is given in honor of the founder of modern rocketry, Dr. Robert H. Goddard. Dr. Goddard was a physicist of great insight who envisioned the exploration of space and had a genius for invention. In childhood, Robert Goddard was intrigued by the chemical energy of pyrotechnic devices,
and dreamed of harnessing their energy to produce propulsive power. In 1912, Dr. Goddard developed the mathematical theory of rocket propulsion as a research fellow at Princeton University, and
at Clark University in 1915, proved experimentally that rockets could produce thrust in a vacuum in
order to dispel the doubts of a less enlightened
community. A modest researcher who eschewed the public eye, he moved his research to Roswell, New Mexico, in 1930, where he built and
tested liquid propulsion rockets which successfully achieved high altitude
and demonstrated
control, and
dozens of related patents, including gyroscopic guidance systems
and multistage rockets. Dr. Goddard’s developments spawned the rocket industry that put the
Americans into space and the
humans on the Moon, and his legacy lives today in those who followed his pioneering work.
2007 Byron K. Wood
2011 John B. Plowden
2008 Maynard “Joe” Stangeland
2012 James G. Maser
2009 Paul F. Seitz
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Tenacious Retrofit Accumulator Tank Commercial-Scale High Concentrated
Photovoltaic Pilot System
Keystone Engineering
Long Beach, California
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, California
Team Members
David Adams
Marcial Anaya
Paul Lopez
Glen Parker
Tiger Quach
Angel Sanchez
Wayne Tuttle
Antonio Zamora
Juan Zamora
Team Members
Doug Lilly
Brent Mercer
Kristan Miner
Yves Sergile
Accepting the Project Award
Ian Ballinger
Accepting the Project Award
Michael W. McDowell
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
For outstanding dedication, creativity and technical
excellence in the rapid development, manufacture
and test of a liquid-separation gas accumulator tank
for retrofitting a completed spacecraft for new
mission parameters
For efficiently installing and successfully
demonstrating a 17.5 kilowatt DC, commercial-scale,
High Concentrated Photovoltaic pilot system at the
Solar Technology Acceleration Center
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
Robust Hypersonic Inlet Design Team
Large Diameter Titanium Select Net
Shaped Impeller Fab and Spin Test
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, California
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, California
Team Members
Lyle Johnson
Bradley Leland
Dr. Frank Marconi
Sevan Megerian
Andrew Tworek
Team Members
Dave Blue
Peggy Eng
Sukjun Ko
Johnny Mandel
Greg Somerville
Accepting the Project Award
Scott Van Weelden
Accepting the Project Award
Stephen H. James
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
For successfully developing a new benchmark in
hypersonic inlet design which achieves high
performance, excellent operability and affordability
For successfully fabricating and spin testing a select
net shape, large diameter titanium impeller,
consolidated by hot isostatic pressing
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Advanced Super Hornet Conformal
Fuel Tanks (CFTs) Prototype
Agile for Systems Development
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
El Segundo, California
The Boeing Company
Long Beach, California
Team Members
Jose Antongiorgi
Jim Lee
Bettie Marino
Dave Pemberton
Mo Sadrpour
Team Members
Osvaldo Ballestas
Mark Doan
Trung Le
Katherine Plummer
Joseph Schottmiller
Henri Tran
Davis Bui
Trung Hua
Vinh Nguyen
Gina Parodi de Reid
Jon Steinberg
Dennis Truong
Accepting the Project Award
Amanda McZeal
Accepting the Project Award
Gregory A. Fields
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
For extraordinary effort taking the advanced Super
Hornet conformal fuel tank program from design
through first flight in ten months and demonstrating
both viability and significantly increased
performance of the F/A-18
In recognition of excellence while developing a test
infrastructure through the deployment of the Agile
development process to the test and evaluation
systems and hardware engineering functions
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
Sherman Oaks,
A Brief History
The Engineers’ Council was founded in 1955 as the “San Fernando Valley Engineers’ Council”
through the joint efforts of the California Society of Professional Engineers, the American
Institute of Plant Engineers, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, and the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. National Engineers Week, a national week of recognition of
the engineering profession, has been celebrated since 1951.
Over the years, the Council’s activities have grown from a joint meeting of these societies into
the largest Annual Honors & Awards Banquet celebrating National Engineers Week. These
banquets honor deserving professionals whose accomplishments warrant recognition by their
The 1959 banquet was special. The first Engineer of the Year Award was given to Roy E.
Marquardt, one of the most respected engineers in the San Fernando Valley. His
accomplishments and technical innovations became a benchmark to measure all future candidates
for this most prestigious honor.
The next milestone for the Council was in 1969 when the first Honorary Engineer of the Year, Ed
Reineke, was selected. Since then, a host of nationally renowned individuals has proudly
received this award.
The Peter Recchia Omni Award was added to the list of major awards in 1973. This award is
named for Mr. Peter Recchia, a great supporter of engineering in our community and designer of
the award. This perpetual trophy is presented annually to the Engineer of the Year.
In 1987, Brigadier General Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager lent his name to the San Fernando Valley
Engineers’ Council, which has since annually presented the Brigadier General Charles E.
“Chuck” Yeager International
Award to the individuals who, with the
general’s concurrence, have attained historically outstanding achievements in the field of
aeronautical flight test and engineering.
In February 1993, the Advanced Development Programs of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Company granted The
Council the privilege of using both service marks “Skunk
Works” and the stylized “Skunk” in our Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson Skunk Works Award, and
in 2006 and 2007 we developed our Jack Northrop and Robert H. Goddard awards in
cooperation with Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems and Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne.
Through the years, The
Council has presented thousands of awards recognizing
outstanding contributions by individuals in our community and throughout the world in the fields
of engineering, education, special fields of work, and public service.
Proceeds from The Engineers’ Council Honors & Awards Banquet are used to fund scholarships,
high school mentoring, and middle-school math and science educational enrichment programs.
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Dr. Jin-Woo Han
Alan D. Podmore
University Space Research Assoc.
Moffett Field,CA
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles,CA
For outstanding technical achievement in the development of
high performance nanoscale vacuum tubes for radiation
immune space electronics
For advancing the state of the art and maturity of aerospace
software development applications
Robert M. Manning
Robert A. Hess
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
For exceptional achievement as the Mars Science Laboratory
chief engineer and for technical leadership during the design,
development and delivery of the Fault Protection System
In recognition of technical contributions to the expanded use of
unmanned aerial systems in public airspace while ensuring
safety and personal privacy
Stephen S. Storry
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
For advancing the state of the art and maturity of liquid rocket
engine performance analysis
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
MATHCOUNTS is a National Mathematics Competition sponsored by the National Society
of Professional Engineers. The competition is for students from the sixth to eighth grades. A
school sends a team of four students and as many as six individuals to the local competition.
The team coach is a teacher-volunteer from that school. MATHCOUNTS is an extracurricular activity for the students and the coach. Study guides and teaching materials are
provided to participating schools by the National Society of Professional Engineers.
The team winning the local competition participates in the state competition. A team of very
bright students, from individuals competing in the state competition are chosen to represent
the state in the national competition in Washington, D.C. This is the 31 st year for the NSPE
Local MATHCOUNTS competition is supported by the Southern Chapters Council of the
California Society of Professional Engineers (CSPE). Support at the State and National level
for the NSPE MATHCOUNTS competition is by major corporations and local businesses.
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
John J. Guarrera
Engineering Educator of the Year Award
Dr. Mau-Chung F. Chang
Chair, Electrical Engineering Department
University of California Los Angeles
Dr. Sharlene Katz
Professor of Electrical Engineering
California State University Northridge
Northridge, California
For transformative contributions in undergraduate engineering education to prepare students for the
challenges of the 21st century, and for pioneering research in high-speed, high frequency
semiconductor devices, materials and integrated circuits
John J. Guarrera Engineering Educator of the Year Award
The Engineering Educator of the Year Award is given in recognition of signi cant achievements by a
professor in the successful involvement of students in learning, research and in the application of science
and mathematics to the solution of problems in engineering design or theory.
Recognition of a top educator began in 1982, with the “Education Achievements Award.” In 1985, the top
educator award was renamed the “Distinguished Education Achievements Award”, which became the
“Distinguished Engineering Education Achievements Award” in 1987. At the National Engineers Week
Banquet of 1991, the award became the “Engineering Educator of the Year Award”.
Dr. Alfonso F. Ratcliffe
Dr. Robert Y. Wong
Dr. Edmond S. Gillespie
Dr. Thelma Estrin
Dr. Gregg W. Dixon
Dr. Michael A. Melkanoff, P.E.
Dr. Diane Schwartz
Dr. Larry Lichten
Dr. B. J. Shell
Dr. Mihran S. Agbabian
Dr. Michael Hassul
Past Recipients
Dr. John W. Adams
Dr. Sembian R. Rengarajan
Dr. Roger Di Julio
Dr. Martin S. Roden
Dr. Ramin Roosta
Dr. Helen A. Ryaciotaki-Boussalis
Dr. Sharlene Katz
Dr. Stewart Prince
Dr. Nagwa Bekir
Tarek A. Shraibati
Dr. Robert G. Ryan
Dr. Mihri Ozkan
Dr. Diane Schwartz
Dr. Behzad Bavarian
Dr. Chi-Tsen Lin
Dr. Hamid Johari
Dr. Melvin A. Breuer
Dr. S. K. Ramesh
Dr Vijay K. Dhir
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
Brian Y. Nakasone
John Larson
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, CA
In recognition of outstanding leadership, technical
achievement, strategic vision and continuous
improvement of the component product engineering
In recognition of a distinguished career as an
engineer, program manager and mentor, which has
directly contributed to the success of more than 10
major aircraft programs
Karen S. Sindir
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Woodland Hills, CA
For distinguished achievement in the field of materials
and process engineering, and in the development of
critical unique methodologies for specialty gas production, leak detection and residual gas analysis
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Jay K. Yoshinaga
James A. Donaldson
The Boeing Company
Huntington Beach, CA
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA
In recognition of a distinguished career as an
engineer, program manager and mentor in the
aerospace and defense industry
For exceptional initiative and contributions as the
Avionics Chief Engineer of the Mars Science
Dr. Chandrashekhar J. Joshi
University of California Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
For distinguished achievement as an educator and mentor and for pioneering technical contributions in the
field of laser and beam-driven plasma accelerators
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
Farid K. Rafla
Vijay Sharma
Hypersonic Combined Test Force
Edwards Air Force Base, CA
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
For advancing modeling and simulation capabilities to better
predict aerodynamically induced structural heating and
enhancing the understanding of shape dependency and thermal
In recognition of outstanding technical contributions to the
human space flight and Mars programs
Brian J. Fox
Greg Burchfield
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
Keystone Engineering Company
Long Beach, CA
For outstanding quality engineering effort on the RS-68 Engine
Control Unit
For dedication and outstanding service at preserving and
maintaining the worldwide fleet of AWACS E3 Sentry aircraft
Robert J. Crouch
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
For outstanding leadership and resolution of the RS-68 Crossover Indications and Low Brush Seal Resistance anomalies
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Leonardo DaVinci Award
Dr. Edward C. Stone
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, C
Brian Muirhead
Chief E#ngineer
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, California
Dr. Edward C. Stone is presented this award for his many decades of service and scientific exploration
as well as the leadership of The Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Dr. Stone is an internationally known
physicist who has been the project scientist for the Voyager program from 1972 to the present and has
served as the science leader on numerous other projects. Voyager 1 has been his project from its
inception and after 36 years, it has become the first man-made object to leave our solar system. Like
Da Vinci, Dr. Stone exhibits multi-faceted talents as a scientist, engineer, leader, and is the driving
force behind many of JPL’s greatest mission successes. He conceptualizes the innovative scientific
drive required to push the farthest reaches of space exploration. He too embodies “To Know How to
See” and what it takes to make a vision become a reality.
Leonardo DaVinci Award
This award is given in honor of Leonardo Da Vinci who has been called the archetypal Renaissance
man and a true genius. Leonardo exhibited unrivaled talent as an engineer, inventor, artist,
mathematician, anatomist, and writer. Leonardo is revered for his technological ingenuity. He
conceptualized such advanced inventions such as helicopters, tanks, concentrated solar power,
calculators, and he outlined a rudimentary theory of plate tectonics. His ideas were mainly theoretical
explanations, laid out in exacting detail and although relatively few of his designs were constructed or
even feasible during his lifetime, many of his inventions have become realities for us today. He is
widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented
person ever to have lived. He truly epitomizes Saper Verdere or “To Know How to See”.
Past Recipient
Dr. Charles Elachi
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Integration Lab New-Build
Automated Functional Test
The Boeing Company
Long Beach, CA
The Boeing Company
Long Beach, California
Team Members
Mark Doan
Michael Harlan
Trung Le
Dao Nong
Peter Pho
Dennis Truong
Team Members
Mulu Biftu
Davis Bui
Terrence Kiyabu
Patrick Lui
Katherine Plummer
Conrado Buen
Frank Dinh
Tri Le
Steve Phung
Joseph Schottmiller
Ieng Tan
Accepting the Project Award
Stanley M. Wood
Accepting the Project Award
Stan Chan
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
In recognition of ingenuity while developing the
Automated Functional Test system which has created
a 24/7 test environment and drastically reduced test
cycle times, resulting in on time and under budget
project completion
In recognition of engineering excellence and
commitment to both schedule and budget, bringing to
completion a complex design, build and test program
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
Rotating Detonation Engine
X-56 First Flight
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, California
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, California
Team Members
Chris Brown
Tom Ferguson
Alan Fung
Peter Himmerich
Doug Lynch
Raul Martinez
Cal Morrison
Team Members
Jeff Beranek
Joe Biviano
Carlo Bonamassa
Jim Harris
Mike Hartenstine
Dr. Brian Holm-Hansen
David Reed
Accepting the Project Award
Jeffrey B. Stout
Accepting the Project Award
Ed Burnett
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
For contributions to the rapid development of
rotating detonation engine technology for gas
turbines, rocket engines and industrial applications
For the successful completion of first flight
and initial configuration and verification flights
of the X-56A experimental multi-utility
aeroelasticity demonstration aircraft
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
LN-251 INS Adaptation for MQ-8C
Fire Scout
Propulsion Offsite Test Team
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Woodland Hills, California
The Boeing Company
El Segundo, California
Team Members
Team Members
Kent Banno
Raul Castellanos
Donald Farra
Joseph Franiak
Mark Jacobs
Abel Markow
Martik Begi
Phil Dimonte
Elena Fong
Michael Giovanelli
Jonathan Lincoln
Andy Spencer
Jason D. Castaneda
Jack D. Drale
Mike S. Heller
Richard Lopez
William M. Pulliam
Vincent De La Torre
John P. Engstrand
Dale E. Lamason
Kevin A. Nemeth
Jeremy L. Strom
Matt Williams
Accepting the Project Award
Omid Haghighi
Accepting the Project Award
William Prophet
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
For distinguished engineering achievement in
In recognition of selfless commitment to complex
developing an upgraded navigation capability for the and hazardous propulsion test activities in support of
FireScout aircraft and for outstanding collaboration
an offsite proprietary program
resulting in rapid design, integration and successful
system qualification
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Albert Pedroza
Cameron S. Brenner
The Boeing Company
Hunnington Beach, CA
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
In recognition of the completion of all B-1B full scale fatigue
test project contract objectives and enabling the future
operational success of the USAF fleet
In recognition of outstanding performance as the Ancillary
Valve team leader for the J-2X rocket engine development
Michael J. Sierchio
Michael Gaudette
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, CA
For exceptional achievement in the design, construction and
testing of the Mars Science Laboratory avionics subsystem
In recognition of outstanding technical achievement in the
design of arresting hook systems for unmanned aerial vehicles
Kelvin P. Sorensen
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
For outstanding technical echievement in RS-68
turbomachinery structural analysis, customer review
support and anomaly resolution
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
Karl A. Wefers
Dr. Linn Zien
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, CA
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Woodland Hills, CA
For contributions to human space flight and Mars
exploration programs, ensuring astronaut safety on
the SSME program and operational success on the
International Space Station and
Mars Science Laboratory
For distinguished achievement in the field of
pointing, location and navigation systems, leading to
enhanced capabilities and improved accuracy in
demanding environments
Baldev S. Gill
City of Long Beach
Long Beach, CA
For exceptional technical contributions in petroleum
engineering and civic contributions to the Society of
Petroleum Engineers, American Institute of Chemical
Engineers and the National Academy of Engineering
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Carl S. Guernsey
Dr. George H. Youssef
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA
California State Univ Northridge
Northridge, CA
In recognition of a distinguished career in space
propulsion design and program management,
culminating in the architecture of the Mars Science
Laboratory propulsion system
For contributions to the educational mission of
California State University Northridge, initiating
projects to support student development and for
fundamental discoveries in polymeric materials and
Blaine Baggett
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA
In recognition of a distinguished career bringing
engineering and scientific achievements and
education to the public's awareness and engagement
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
General Chuck Yeager Foundation
P.O. Box 579
Penn Valley, CA 95946
Mission Statement
The General Chuck Yeager Foundation is
dedicated to the enhancement and enrichment
of young people's lives through programs that
are focused on the principals that Chuck Yeager
has exemplified.
These include the thirst for knowledge in
scientific fields including aviation, perpetuating
the idea of honor and dedication to serve one's
fellow man and one's country, and preserving
the ideals and image of an American hero.
CSUN Students: Nermeen Aldaoud, Gor Beglaryan, Misagh Heidari, Yan Jin,
Dongchul Kim, Aaron Lawson, Alex Rusin, Kevork Sepetci, Farnaz Shafiei
Rufus Simon, Chenchin Yeh, Joseph Zitkus
Council Members: Ken Davis, Sonja Domazet, Bill Johnson, Sharlene Katz
Charles Olsefsky, Charles Volk,
Friends of the Council: James Flynn, Eli Stiny
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Brigadier General Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager
International Aeronautical Achievement Award
Richard A. Lee
Sr. Developmental Test Pilot, Rotorcraft
Boeing Associate Technical Fellow
The Boeing Company
Mesa, Arizona
Sean D. Tucker
Aerobatic Pilot
Team Oracle
Salinas, California
A Vietnam veteran with 860 combat flight hours as an OH-6A Scout pilot, over 21,000 flight hours in
more than 40 different aircraft, and 35 years of test pilot experience, Richard “Rich” Lee is one of
only two pilots in the Boeing Technical Fellowship and has held positions as the Chief Development
Test Pilot Rotorcraft and as Engineering/Experimental Test Pilot most recently assigned to the AH64D, CH-47 and AH-6 programs. Rich personifies experimental test pilot.
Brigadier General Charles E. “Chuck’”Yaeger International Aeronautical Achievement Award
During World War II, General Yeager
down 13 enemy
He was shot down over
help of the French Maquis.
himself in aerial combat over France and
France but
to escape capture with the
test pilot of the
in which he became the
faster than the speed of sound on October 14, 1947,
of the 417th Fighter
Pilot School, 405th Fighter Wing in South
4th Tactical Fighter Wing in Korea, and
of the Seventeenth Air Force
General. He has
341 types of
during his career and has more than 11,000 hours of
time. His military
and awards
include The
Service Medal with one oak leaf cluster, The Silver Star with one oak leaf cluster, The
Legion of Merit with one oak leaf cluster, The
Flying Cross with two oak leaf clusters, The Bronze
Star Medal with “V” device, The Purple Heart,
Unit Citation
with one oak leaf cluster, and
the Air Force
Unit Award Ribbon.
person to
for this
a lifetime career of
to the
Past Recipients
Brig. General Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager, USAF
Maj. Gen. Joe H. Engle, USAF
Robert A. “Bob” Hoover
Robert R. Sandusky, Jr.
Joseph T. Gallagher
Edward C. “Pete” Aldridge, Jr.
Franklin Chang Diaz
Jack Real
David L. Ferguson
Maj. Gen. Richard L. Engel, USAF
Bruce Hinds
Jon S. Beesley
Lt. Gen. Thomas J. Keck, USAF
Gen. John P. Jumper, USAF
Col. Russell E. Schleeh, USAF (ret)
Maj. Gen. Doug Pearson, USAF
Roy Martin, NGC
Lt. Col. Dawn M. Dunlop, USAF
Col. Frank Borman, USAF (ret.)
Col. David R. Scott, USAF (ret.)
Sean D. Tucker
Charles F Brink
Robert H. Liebeck
Clay Lacy
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
Completion of Lot 1 RS-68 Engine
Production - with 100% Mission
U-2 SPIRITT Rack Modification Team
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Los Angeles, California
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, California
Team Members
Roger Berenson
Rob Brazier
Steve Ebert
Mike Malinzak
Brent Milburn
Martin Oliver
Matt Scardino
Jim Scarpati
Team Members
Joe Clark
Justin Frazier
Mike Kent
John Warren
Accepting the Project Award
Daniel R. Adamski
Accepting the Project Award
Greg Prince
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
In recognition of completing the production of all 42
RS-68 Lot 1 engines with a continuing record of
100% mission success
For the flawless execution of a critical U-2 SPIRITT
rack field modification, while significantly reducing
cost and schedule
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
UCAS-D First UAS Carrier Based
Arrestment and Carrier Operations
Joint Precision Approach and Landing
System (JPALS)
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Rolling Hills Estates, California
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Woodland Hills, California
Team Members
Team Members
David Allen
Paul Balke
Elena Fong
Michael Giovanelli
Abel Markow
Mark Post
Ted Schulman
Todd Tilley
Matt Williams
Martik Begi
Richard Card
Brian Cassady
Jonathan Lincoln
Donald Nardone
Gregory Salvagni
Karen Olin
Carlos Valencia
Andrew Spencer
Guy Varty
Accepting the Project Award
Joseph R. Chody
Accepting the Project Award
Gregory Safonov
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
For successfully demonstrating X-47B UCAS
unmanned, autonomous operations, aboard multiple
aircraft carriers at sea
In recognition of extraordinary contributions to
significantly advance GPS/Inertial integrated
navigation solutions and mature the US Navy Joint
Precision Approach and Landing System
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
AeroMarti Airborne Broadcast
737NG Portable Wire Integrity
Tester (PWIT) Project
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Palmdale, California
The Boeing Company
Seattle, Washington
Team Members
Team Members
Peng Guo
Jason A. Koh
Jeffery D. Markley
Kurt T. Neuman
Kenneth B. Pavletich
Vincent L. Truong
Del Warman
Ken Wong
Mark Towle
Eric Newsome
Hank Marchionni
Gerold D. Keener
Anthony B. Lombardo
Oscar Mireles
Paul D. Nguyen
Jason A. Stanley
Gregory M. Wellbrook
Accepting the Project Award
H. Eugene Holloway
Accepting the Project Award
Monte J. Marchetti
Description of Project:
Description of Project:
For rapid development and fielding of a costeffective, first airborne, dual-channel live TV
broadcast system combining innovative technologies
and legacy systems
In recognition of exceptional technical achievement
on a highly demanding fast-paced design, build and
test program which resulted in improved factory
cycle times, and lower production costs.
February 22, 2014
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
Special Thanks To:
~ Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne for
the awards artwork.
~ California State University
Northridge for hosting Awards
Assembly Committee.
~ Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Company Skunk Works for
assistance with the cost of audio/
~ The Boeing Company for
assistance with the cost of
printing of program and award
The 59th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet
February 22, 2014
The Engineers’ Council
Sheraton Universal
Universal City, California
Souvenir Program