Audio instructions for appliances
Audio instructions for appliances
US007587469B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent: Brown (54) AUDIO INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLIANCES (56) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,426,150 A (73) Assignee: Health Hero Network, Inc., Redwood 2/1969 Tygart City, CA (US) Notice: (Continued) Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 0286456 This patent is subject to a terminal dis claimer. (21) Appl. N0.: 11/668,092 (22) Filed: (Continued) OTHER PUBLICATIONS Products, 1989. (Continued) Prior Publication Data US 2007/0124466 A1 Primary ExamineriSalad Abudullahi (74) Attorney, A gent, 0r Firm4Christopher P. Maiorana, PC May 31, 2007 Related US. Application Data (57) Continuation of application No. 11/524,117, ?led on Sep. 20, 2006, Which is a continuation of application No. 11/150,301, ?led on Jun. 13, 2005, Which is a continuation of application No. 09/658,209, ?led on Sep. 8, 2000, noW Pat. No. 6,968,375, Which is a con tinuation-in-part of application No. 09/300,856, ?led on Apr. 28, 1999, noW Pat. No. 6,368,273, Which is a division ofapplication No. 08/946,341, ?led on Oct. 7, 1997, noW Pat. No. 5,997,476, Which is a continuation in-part of application No. 08/ 847,009, ?led onApr. 30, 1997, noW Pat. No. 5,897,493. (60) 10/1988 +5V Powered Isolated RS-232 Drivers/ Receivers Maxim Integrated Jan. 29, 2007 (65) (60) *Sep. 8, 2009 References Cited (75) Inventor: Stephen J. Brown, Woodside, CA (US) (*) US 7,587,469 B2 ABSTRACT A communications network, system, and method includes a server; a primary device in communication With the server through a communications channel, Wherein the primary device comprises a component that detects data transmissions from the server, converts the detected data transmissions into audio transmissions, and audibly transmits the audio trans missions; and a secondary device connected to the primary device and adapted to be operated by an individual in response to the audio transmissions. The component com prises an audio processor that receives a ?rst set of electrical Provisional application No. 60/041,746, ?led on Mar. signals corresponding to any of queries, instructions, and 28, 1997, provisional application No. 60/041,751, messages from the server; converts the ?rst set of electrical signals to a second set of electrical signals capable of being ?led on Mar. 28, 1997. audibly synthesized; and audibly synthesizes the second set (51) Int. Cl. G06F 15/16 (52) (58) (2006.01) US. Cl. ..................................... .. 709/217; 600/300 Field of Classi?cation Search ............... .. 709/217, 709/219, 224, 202; 600/300 See application ?le for complete search history. 18s SERVER 33 f‘ of electrical signals. The housing unit comprises a household appliance. The component comprises an audio processor that detects audio transmissions, and converts the audio transmis sions to data transmissions. 22 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets WORKSTATION DATABASE M20 1‘56 40 \v SCRIPTPROGRAMS I SCRIPT ASSIGN 41 CRIMES V RESPONSES 44\_/j MEASUREMENTS 4 6 J "IE: I 48 \JL MONITORING APPLICATION f57 REMOTE APPARATUS {V26 SCRIPT PROGRAM RESPONSES hi4: 50 \r SCRIPT GENERATOR 52 \x scRrPT ASSIGNOR 54 \‘r REPORT GENERATOR MEASUREMENTS 1 2B /‘\_. MONITORING DEVICE 44 US 7,587,469 B2 Page 2 US. 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Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 1 0f 19 16 US 7,587,469 B2 :1 SERVER q/ 18 \\ 24 26 A L REMOTE APPARATUS I COMMUNICATION NETWORK rvga 7 3D MONITORING ,v 28 DEVICE REMOTE { APPARATUS 2 18 18s SERVER WORKSTATION 40 \f SCRIPT PROGRAMS RESPONSES 44 \_/ MEASUREMENTS DEVICE Z 2Q FIG. 1 42 \J MONITORING ‘ ' 20 SCRIPT ASSIGN 57 58 46 ‘J "IE: REMOTE APPARATUS éN/ 26 I 48 \P MONITORING SCRIPT PROGRAM ‘ _ APPLICATION T RESPONSES 00 \f SCRIPT GENERATOR 52 \{~[ SCRIPT ASSIGNORW 54 \f\[ REPORT GENERATOR | ME SUREMENTS A A 28 A, MONITORING DEVICE FIG. 2 ’\_/42 44 J US. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 2 0f 19 US 7,587,469 B2 | DISPLAY h /64 1* 82 “V26 66 FDISPLAY I DRIVER : TELEPHONE “ PROCESSOR JACK MODEM 22 é MONITORING A 90 8 JACK 1 ‘—'l I/O INTERFACE 7O DEVICE JACK 2 ’\ ~/ 6813 BUTTONS |—— JACK 3 "\_/ 68C FIG. 4 28 US. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 4 0f 19 US 7,587,469 B2 NUMBER: 9001 {LP} ' 510 LED: 1 {LF} 5 ZAP: {LF} 06 DISPLAY: ANSWER QUERIES NOW? PRESS ANY BUTTON TO START {LF} WAIT: {LF} CLS: {LP} ISPLAY: HOW DO YOU FEEL? VERY BAD VERY BAD GOOD GOOD {LF} 7 /\_INPUT: 0000 {LP} DISPLAY: HOW WELL ARE YOU MANAGING YOUR DISEASE? VERY VERY WELL BADLY WELL WELL {LF} INPUT: 0000 {LF} CLS: {LP} DISPLAY: HOW HARD IS IT FOR YOU TO FOLLOW YOUR TREATMENT PLAN? VERY VERY HARD HARD EASY EASY .{ LF} INPUT: 0000 {LF} DISPLAY: HOW HARD IS IT FOR YOU TO CONTROL YOUR BLOOD SUGAR? VERY HARD VERY HARD EASY EASY {LP} FIG. 6A US. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 5 0f 19 US 7,587,469 B2 INPUT: 0000 {LP} CLS: {LP} DISPLAY: CONNECT GLUCOSE METER AND PRESS ANY BUTTON WHEN FINISHED {LP} WAIT: {LF} CLS: {LP} DISPLAY: COLLECTING MEASUREMENTS {LF} an NCOLLECT: GLUCOSE_METER {LP} CLS: {LP} DISPLAY: CONNECT APPARATUS TO TELEPHONE JACK AND PRESS ANY BUTTON WHEN FINISHED {LP} WAIT: {LF} LED: 0 {LP} CLS: {LP} DELAY: 03:00 {LP} DISPLAY: CONNECTING TO SERVER {LP} CONNECT: {LP} {EOP} FIG. 6B US. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 6 0f 19 US 7,587,469 B2 55 SCRIPT ASSIGNMENT SCREEN AVAILABLE SCRIPTS: PATIENTS: 106 \_/~|Z| DIABETES SCRIPT 1 108 v12] DAN LINDSEY B DIABETES SCRIPT 2 U MARK 5w ASTHMA SCRIPT 1 110 \w ADD SCRIPT 112 DEAN JONES P ASSIGN SCRIPT DELETE SCRIPT ’\/ 114 FIG. 7 HOW DO YOU FEEL? VERY 26 \f‘ BAD ) VERY ’\/ 64 BAD GOOD ) GOOD \ \ \ Y 70A 70B 70C 70D FIG. 8 CONNECT GLUCOSE METER AND PRESS ANY BUTTON 26 V WHEN FINISHED )\ )\ \ \ 70A 70B 70C 70D FIG. 9 ’\/ 64 US. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 7 0f 19 US 7,587,469 B2 w__ m. :w E QE55a~535ox5q0m A. m okagmo._bmonéBcmAN wm PrZgm-FOH/x 2.2:5"#Déiwz4m532n:8Ez?i 5: w EQ w m\:WPZ2OMm DEO S2onBE0c:>:i H=5 c2‘I- 2E21530m>?woE~-z2:56<2isEm .enUH owI E5-2E~Bm50§<o>y; m.! ? 8 o30>av:92:>6:.5;. g2: US. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 8 0f 19 US 7,587,469 B2 START MONITORING APPLICATION NEW SCRIPT ENTRY‘? GENERATE AND STORE *VZO‘I SCRIPT PROGRAM STORE SCRIPT M208 ASSIGNMENTS REMOTE CONNECT’? RECEIVE UNIQUE ID 212 N I RECEIVE NO AND STORE RESPONSES AND MEASUREMENTS ‘PM I RETRIEVE W216 ASSIGNED SCRIPT I : TRANSMIT ASSIGNED SCRIPT <15 FIG. 11A N218 US. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 9 0f 19 US 7,587,469 B2 220 NO YES RETRIEVE 222 \p RESPONSES AND MEASUREMENTS i GENERA'IE 224 \/~ AND DISPLAY REPORT FIG. 11B US. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 10 0f 19 START SCRIPT PROGRAM 302 \r ASSIGN SCRIPT ID I 304 \p LIGHT LED I ERASE LAST 306 v‘ RESPONSES I 308 \p PROMPT PATIENT l 310 w RECEIVE REPLY I DISPLAY QUERIES 312 \/~ AND RECORD RESPONSES J, 314 PROMPT FOR \P DEVICE CONNECTION 316 \f“ 318 \f‘ l RECEIVE REPLY I COLLECT AND STORE MEASUREMENTS 6 FIG. 12A US 7,587,469 B2 US. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 11 0f 19 R PROMPT FOR PHONE LINE CONNECTION 322w T RECEIVE REPLY 324m TURN OFF LED T WAIT TO CONNECT 328 J , CONNECT \C TO SERVER l 330 v TRANSMIT RESPONSES AND MEASUREMENTS l RECEIVE AND STORE NEW SCRIPT END SCRIPT PROGRAM! FIG. 123 US 7,587,469 B2 US. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 12 0f 19 US 7,587,469 B2 YOU HAVE UNANSWERED 27 \r QUERIES. SAY "BEGIN" TO START SURVEY. FIG. 14 /\/64