application of a neural network for an improved control of the
application of a neural network for an improved control of the
APPLICATION OF A NEURAL NETWORK FOR AN IMPROVED CONTROL OF THE METALLURGICAL PROCESS C.Mapelli, M. Morotti, W.Nicodemi Dipartimento di Meccanica of Politecnico di Milano Abstract The factors of influence involved in many metallurgical problems are featured by a non-linear relation, so that their control is not an easy task. On the other hand, the quality of the metallurgical aspects of the product depends greatly on the knowledge of the relation that can allow a successful management of the metallurgical process.The technological control of the process can take advantage from the application of non-linear numerical methods that describe and simulate some not easy-understandable behaviours of the metallurgical systems. The neural network can be applied to build an automatic procedure for the definition of the productive parameters to obtain the desired results. Moreover, the neural networks find not only reliable relation for the forecasting task but also to develope a speedy and reliable classification of the different production cases to be treated.The neural network model here shown is devoted to implement both these issues and has been validated on the definition of the effect of the electromagnetic stirring on the solidification structure of a continuous casting machine, but it can be adapted to treat also other metallurgical processes in the foundry operations and so on. Riassunto I fattori di influenza coinvolti in parecchi processi metallurgici sono caratterizzati da relazioni non –lineari, così che il lro controllo non è facilmente realizzabile. D’altra la qualità metallurgica finale del prodotto dipende fortemente dalla conoscenza di una relazione che ossa permettere la corretta gestione del processo. Il controllo tecnologico del processo può quindi trarre vantaggio dall’applicazione di modelli numerici nonlineari, che descrivono e simulano i comportamenti di sistemi metallurgici caratterizzati da relazioni interne tra i fattori non immediatamente comprensibili. Le reti neurali possono essere applicate per costruire procedure automatiche finalizzate ad ottenere i risultati desiderati. Inoltre, la rete neurale non solo è in grado di fornire risultati previsionali attendibili circa l’esito di un processo, ma può consentire una veloce classificazione dei diversi casi trattati. La rete neurale qui presentata consente di raggiungere entrambi questi scopi ed i suoi risultati sono stati ritenuti affidabili dopo la sua applicazione al problema della determinazione della struttura finale di solidificazione di billette colate su macchina di colata continua con stirring elettromagnetico. D’altra parte un tale strumento può essere adattato pure per trattare i processi metallurgici nelle operazioni di fonderia. INTRODUCTION procedure to produce a metal product which respects the required specifications. In the studied case the billet has to be featured by a solidification microstructure which grants an efficient plastic deformation. Thus, the adjustment of all the productive parameters to implement an efficient process can assure a sucessful plant management. The neural network approach seems to satisfy these needs in metallurgical problems hard to be treated by more classical methods. Two main types of models can be used to understand and describe a technological process: physical models and statistical models. The neural networks belong to the second category, but their performance is greater than that of a linear regression with which most scientists are familiar, because the neural networks show at least three strong aspects that differentiate them from the classical linear or pseudo-linear regressions [1,2]: • the users are not constrained to choose a previous hypothesis about the relationship among the factors; • the neural networks can describe very well non-linear relationships among the inputs factor and between these ones and the outputs. The model proposed has a significant peculiarity: the use of a classifying algorithm which is able to distinguish a case from another on the basis of The effect of the electromagnetic stirring has many similiraties with other metallurgical processes, that is the non-linear relations among the factors of influences and between these ones and the final microstructure of the product. Moreover, the complete treatment of many problems by means of a precise physical formalism implies hard and long time spending simulation that can never be applied to the in-line control of the process, because the development of the industrial operation belongs to a shorter time scale than the time spent by the computation procedure.This situation makes the use of the physical model very difficult for the application in the industrial practice. An innovative approach that involves the interaction among the different significant parameters of the process is needed, so that the operators can apply a rapid and automatic 22 - Metallurgical Science and Technology the former learning task and on the main factors of influences that feature the case itself.The classification procedure is implemeted by a specific module based on the neural network as well and generally known as SOFM (Self Organizing Feature Map) [3]. Structure of the developed neural networks A neural network model is composed of different layers of nodes. Generally, the first layer of nodes is the input layer, while the last one is the output layer.These extreme layers are linked by a network formed by other layers, named hidden layers, which are linked in a complex network that permits the information transfer from a node to the other ones (fig.1). The input data are multiplied by weights which characterize every single linkage between the nodes (wi) and the sum of all the product becomes the argument of a non-linear function, that in the case of the present model is the hyperbolic tangent (hidden function): h = tanh( ∑ w (j1) x j + k ) i Fig. 1: Structure of the neural network with three layers [ ] where k is a constant value, named bias value, and xj is the input value coming from the former layer. The weights of the successive layer eventually present are indicated as w(n). The core of the method consists in the definition of the weights that link the different nodes and the procedure for this definition is the training of the neural networks, that needs some experimental tasks.The weights that define the interactions between the factors are adjusted on the basis of the experimental tasks, in which the value of the chosen factors of influence (input factors) were known and the output values were measured.Through a drawback propagating algorithm the network is trained by the computation of the weights. In this case a genetic algorithm [4] of back propagation was developed on the basis of a previous model proposed by Cormier and Raghavan[5]. The correct number of nodes and layers is fundamental for the stabilization of the weights of the networks. In the present case, the neural network is composed of three layers (one input layer, one hidden layer and one output layer) and the number of the nodes are defined by an empirical procedure [6], provided that there are six input nodes and one output node. The aim of the development of a statistical numerical model based on the neural network method permits the suitability of its results to a wide range of products and the possibility to support the operators by an automatic computation of the interesting aspects which in this case are the size of the different structure of the inner region of the billet solidified under the action of the electromagnetic stirring.The correct control of the inner solidification structure can allow to increase the performance of the productive plant by increasing the homogeneity of the billet structure and to improve the coordination between two different subjects involved in the process, the steelmaking unity and the rolling one that has to deform a material with a known inner structure. The approach described here allows the definition of a mathematical model that can represent the measure of the different area of the microstructure conditioned by the electromagnetic stirring action: the chill zone, the dendritic zone and the central equiaxic zone. The classifying step is needed in the architecture of the designed model for the following forecasting step. During the learning period the weights of the network have been defined by means of the back propagation genetic algorithm for every experimental case that is introduced for fixing the correct weights to be applied to the neural network.The basic idea is that two cases are similar if they have similar weights relating the input factors of influence with the output.The condition of similarity is determined on the basis of the eulerian distance between the set of the weights belonging to the different cases. If the weights of two cases are represented in this way: {w {w A 1 B 1 , w2A , w3A , w4A , w5A ....wnA } , w2B , w3B , w4B , w5B ....wnB }, the eulerian distance is: 6 δ = ∑ ( wiA − wiB ) 2 i =1 where A and B are two different cases compared by the difference between the homologous weights. This expression has the properties of a distance also in a multidimensional system because it respects the following relations: 23 - Metallurgical Science and Technology δ ≥0 ∀wi δ AB = δ BA δ AB ≤ δ AC + δ CA . If a case is found that has a distance from the other cases under a limit value, this case will represent well the behaviour of the nearest cases and it is possible to call it a model item for every case. The role of the SOFM is to define the set of weights that represents a model item.The algorithm used to implement the SOFM is known as the Kohonen’s algorithm [3].The idea of this procedure is to start from randomly chosen weights that characterize some different possible model items that have some initial relations with the experimental cases featured by the measured value of the input factors of influence and the correlated value of the output parameter. After some iterations the randomly chosen model items converge in a position within the multidimensional weight space and these movements permit them to characterize well the adjacent cases. It is possible that two or more randomized cases converge in the same position, thus reducing the number of the model items. The model items are constituted by the sets of weights that characterize the whole population has been introduced during the learning step. When a case characterized by a particular input set is introduced to the numerical model, the particular weight of a single model item is applied to that.The choice of the more suitable and reliable model item to be applied to the introduced case is operated by the comparison of the inputs of the introduced case and the inputs of all the experimental cases that have been used for the training of the algorithm and for the definition of the model items. The comparison between the input values is still performed by the computation of the Eulerian distance. When among the real experimental cases used for the training the nearest one to the case to be forecast is found, the numerical model evaluates what is the reference model item of that experimental case. So, the set of weights of this model item are used for the forecasting step of the introduced case to be forecast.The numerical model performance can be adapted by a continuous learning task richer and richer in experimental samples to train the neural network model and to enrich it of other model items. Fig. 2: Flow chart of the implementing software Thus, this model is organized by two cooperating software modules developed by a C++ language code, one devoted to the forecasting and endowed with the SOFM procedure while the training procedure is performed by the genetic algorithm. The peculiarity in the system architecture is represented by the presence of a SOFM algorithm that is able to distinguish several fundamental cases to which all the cases that can undergo the treatment of the numerical model (fig.2).can be reconducted. Experimental Procedure and validation The shown model is validated by the observations developed on the effect of the electromagnetic stirring on the solidification microstructure of the round billets solidified within a continuous casting machine equipped with that electromagnetic device. The studied materials are four types of resulphurised steel (tab.1) 24 - Metallurgical Science and Technology Table I. Chemical composition of the four studied steels Elements %wt 1 2 3 4 0,17 0,2 0,25 0,17 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,2 Si 0,26 0,27 0,35 0,4 P 0,013 0,012 0,014 0,013 S 0,02 0,025 0,035 0,015 Al 0,025 0,024 0,025 0,025 Ca 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 N2 0,008 0,008 0,009 0,007 C Mn different four main zones of the billet solidification structure: the chill zone, the dendritic zone, the dendritic-equiaxic zone and the central equiaxic zone (fig.2, fig.3). The measurements of the area of 250 etched billets are performed after the Baumman’s etchings by means of an image analyzer which permits to measure the areas of interest. The model has been trained on 210 samples and then validated on the other 40 samples whose significant input data are introduced to perform the forecasting task devoted to define the area of the different inner microstructure of the billets. The results of the model are very satisfactory, provided that the number of samples introduced to train the neural network can be considered smaller than that often used for these trainings (fig.3, fig.4, fig.5). EQUIAXIC CENTRAL ZONE 49 2 measured value (mm ) 47 45 43 41 39 37 35 Fig. 2: A macrographic billet structure etched by the Baumman’s etchings 35 40 45 50 2 computed value (mm ) Fig. 3: Comparison of the measured and computed chill zone area DENDRITIC ZONE 110 measured value (mm 2) 100 90 80 70 Fig. 3: Example of a treated image of the billet surface in which the different main zone are recognized: chill zone, dendritic zone, dendritic-equiaxic zone, central equiaxic zone (from the outer side to inner side) 60 60 70 80 90 100 110 expected value (mm2) The presence of the sulphur allows the application of the Baumman’s etchings requiring the use of a 92% H2SO4 concentrated solution that points out the sulphur prints on photography paper and permits to well recognize the Fig. 4: Comparison of the measured and computed dendritic zone area 25 - Metallurgical Science and Technology The factors of influence chosen in these tasks are the super-heat temperature of the continuously cast steels, the total heat extracted from the billet by the mould and the involvement of some different parameters related to the chemical compositions (%Mn, %C, %S, %Cr) which can variate and influence the solidification structure by modifying the liquidus temperature, the solute CHILL ZONE 25 computed value (mm 2) 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 15 17 19 21 expected value (m m 2) 23 25 Table II. Average and variance of the difference between computed and real experimenal value during the validation task Central equiaxic zone Dendritic zone Chill zone Average -0,36 -0,71 -0,18 Variance 1,03 2,07 0,51 partition during the solidification and the thermal conduction of the solidifying metal. The working parameters of the electromagnetic device are mantained constant in all the observed cases, so they have not been included in the factors of influence used in the neural network. I The average value and the variance of the difference between the computed and the expected values offer a good reliability for the numerical model (tab.2). However, this model can represent a good tool for the understanding and the description involved in problems related to the control of other metallurgical processes implemented by several industrial systems, provided that the main factors of influence are known. If one of the input factors is related to a less important factor of influences its neural connection linking it to the other nodes should be made unactive after several iterations of the training steps. Fig. 5: Comparison of the measured and computed dendritic zone area CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES The neural network approach can be used profitably to describe and control the evolution of some metallurgical processes governed by several non-linear relations among the main factors of influence and between these ones. The other great advantage of these method is that they are short time spending, if compared with precise simulation physical softwares that for this aspect cannot always find a good and speedy application needed in the indutrial practice. The neural network software here developed and validated on a steel making continuous casting plant of a steelmaking unit shows an architecture that is endowed with a SOFM algorithm which can permit also a classification of the case used for the learning and more important can recognize what are the model items which well represent the population in which the main possible cases of the studied phenomenon can be classified. [1] R. CALLAN - The essence of Neural Network, Prentice Hall Europe, London (1999), p.1-50. [2] H.K.D.H.BHADESHIA - Neural Networks in Materials Science, ISIJ Int., 39, 10(1999), p. 966. [3] R. CALLAN - The essence of Neural Network, Prentice Hall Europe, London (1999), p. 59-80. [4] Z.MICHALEWICZ – Genetic algorithm + Data structure = Evolution Programs, Springer-Verlag, New York (1996), p.13-120. [5] Z.MICHALEWICZ – Genetic algorithm + Data structure = Evolution Programs, Springer-Verlag, New York (1996), p.337. [6] A.FERRARI - Aspetti applicativi delle reti neurali artificiali, Franco Angeli, Milano(1996), p.10-40. 26 - Metallurgical Science and Technology CORRECT MANAGEMENT OF INCLUSIONAL DEFECT BASED ON A FAILURE ANALYSIS M. Cusolito Rodacciai S.p.A. C. Mapelli, W. Nicodemi - Dipartimento di Meccanica, Politecnico di Milano Abstract The non-metallic inclusions are metallurgical defect always present within the steel bulk. Although high cleanliness levels can be reached by the most up dated techniques, their presence is not avoidable, so the users of steel have to learn a correct management of such defects. This problem has become even more significant with the use of resulphurised steels, in which the sulphur is added to cause the precipitation of an abundant MnS population, which makes the steel more workable by the cutting tools. However, the presence of a not proper inclusional population can forbid the implementation of certain technological processes to be applied, i.e. welding, hot working etc.. Moreover, the sulphide inclusions improve the workability, but they remain within the product also after the technological transformations and they can weaken the whole material, so their use has to be decided only after a proper choice of the technological route.Thus, some indications about this topic have been obtained on the basis of some significant cases on which a failure analysis has been applied. Riassunto Le inclusioni non metalliche sono un difetto sempre presente all’interno degli acciai, nonostante attraverso le tecniche siderurgiche più moderne si possano raggiungere elevati minimi livelli di presenza. Quindi gli utilizzatori di acciaio devono apprendere la corretta gestione di tali difetti. Tale problema è divenuto ancor più significativo a seguito dell’avvento degli acciai risolforati a lavorabilità migliorata, nei quali lo zolfo è stato aggiunto per provocare la precipitazione di una consistente popolazione di MnS, che rende questi acciai più lavorabili agli utensili da taglio. Comunque, la presenza di una popolazione inclusionale dalle caratteristiche non corrette in termini di dimensione media, distribuzione e forma, può impedire l’applicazione di par ticolari processi tecnologici, es: saldatura, deformazione plastica a caldo ecc.. Inoltre, i solfuri, se da una parte migliorano la lavorabilità, dall’altra rimangono all’interno del materiale anche a seguito del processo di trasformazione tecnologica e possono indebolire il materiale, quindi il loro utilizzo può essere effettuato solo in seguito alla scelta di una corretta procedura tecnologica. Alcune indicazioni circa questo aspetto sono state ottenute nel presente studio mediante l’analisi eseguita su alcuni casi di avaria particolarmente significativi. INTRODUCTION Today it is possible to produce “clean steels”, i.e. steel with an extremely low inclusion content. But the production cycles are very expensive and in consequence they are not affordable for generic uses. In this paper, based also on experimental evidences founded on the failure analysis of some critical components, we will define the concepts of imperfection and defect and describe the origin of the most common defects as, in particular, the inclusions. At the end, we will present the most recent trends of the acceptance criteria based on the final application of the piece. This paper aims to clarify the problems arising from inclusional compounds that with the other frequent defects, like segregational imperfections or defects in the metallic matrix of a steel product represent the most usual and not avoidable defect within the steel products. The designers and the users think that steels are perfect, completely homogeneous and internally sound.The possibility to have an interruption of the matrix is normally excluded, although it certainly takes place. The reality in industrial production is not able to avoid a certain number of imperfections and defects, more or less detrimental for the life of the produced piece. 9 - Metallurgical Science and Technology DEFINITION OF DEFECT In the steel, the internal or surface discontinuities are geometrical irregularities or unwanted nonhomogeneous areas. These discontinuities are classified as imperfections when their dimensions are equal to, or minor of, the specified limit.They are classified as defects if their dimensions is above this limit. It is true that some imperfections can originate failures even if they have a dimension defined as “acceptable” by the designer: for example they can act as notch [innesco] to create larger and more important defects. But it is also true that a lot of defects exist, with a much larger dimension than the limits defined as acceptable, and they do not create any consequence on the piece and can be easily tolerated. Origin of the defects The defects in the steel can originate in any step of the production cycle: melting, solidification, cooling, hot deformation, heat treatment, cold transformation, surface finishing. Normally the defect forms during the melting and the solidification, while they are modified during the deformation processes. The defects caused by the first steps are internal or on the surface, but those generated towards the end of the production are mainly superficial; nevertheless important exceptions exist, especially related to the cold deformation phases. The inclusions are probably the most known defect of the steel because they can be found in every material. They originate from different causes: • external pieces of foreign bodies drawn into the steel by mechanical action or chemical erosion • not controlled chemical reactions that should have happened and didn’t or should not have happened and did. • modification of the solubility of some elements in the liquid bath with the modification of the temperature. One of the most important and frequent defect is represented by the nonmetallic inclusions, that in some cases are also intentionally produced with particular chemical composition, solidification and cooling pattern. An interesting case is constituted by the resulphurised or micro-resulphurised steel, in which the non-metallic inclusions, generally regarded as an usual defect, are developed to improve the cutting operations of the steels. A good calibration of this task could be an important example to understand the management of the defect in order to improve the desired mechanical characteristics and to avoid the detrimental effects that the non-metallic inclusions can generate too. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Four examples of the role of the non-metallic inclusions have been studied starting from the failure analysis developed on four different types of mechanical components which have shown a not proper behaviour during the exercise and the technological operations, like cutting, plastic deformation and welding. The failure cases have occurred repeatedly in a great number of samples produced and worked in different conditions: 1. rupture along the extrusion axis in a resulphurised steel (table I) component during the drilling along the extrusion axis itself. This type of piece has been heated at 1200°C, hot extruded and then annealed to remove the residual tension and the hardening effect before the drilling operation (fig.1); 2. rupture of two types of steel samples (table II) produced by hot forging operations performed between 1200-1260°C. After forging the samples have been austenitized between = > Fig. 1: Failed sample of the hot extruded steel with crack developed along the extrusion axis. Longitudinal view (a), transverse view with the hole produced by the drilling operation (X1) 860°C-880°C, oil quenched and tempered between 540°-560°C. The geometrical shape of these two types of failed samples are characterized by axial-symmetry; 3. defects on the welding borders showing significant and not acceptable irregularities.The two steels involved in the welding are X14CrMoS 17 and X5CrNi 18 10. 10 - Metallurgical Science and Technology Table I. Chemical composition of the hot extruded resulphurised steel (%wt) %C %Mn %Si %Cr %Ni %P %S 0.31 0.68 0.5 12.32 0.21 0.019 0.06 TableII. Chemical composition of the two hot forged steels (%wt) Steel %C %Mn %Si %P %S Ca (ppm) A 0.28 1.01 0.62 0.001 0.5 7 B 0.31 0.9 0.38 0.001 0.1 5 On the hot extruded steel 10 tensile tests have been performed according to ASTM E8 in the not deformed state, in the deformed state, and in the annealed state after deformation.The specimens for these tests have been taken with their axis parallel to the extrusion one. The study of the failed samples has implied to perform SEM analysis aided by EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) for determining the chemical compositions of the non-metallic compounds involved in the fracture process.The optical microscope has been used to acquire the images studied by the image analyzer system to determine the ditribution, the shape and the volume fraction of the observed non-metallic compounds. On each of the hot extruded and forged samples eighty photos have been performed with a magnitude of X200 and the statistical determination of the specified parameters has been developed. For a steel with the same composition of the forged ones five tests for the determination of KIC have been performed according to ASTM E1820 with a classical notch compact specimen tested at the environment temperature (25°C). The shape ratio has been determined by the approximation of the non-metallic inclusion with an ellipse whose major and minor axis have been determined.The anisotropy has been evaluated by the ratio between the major axis and the minor one. In the forged sample a chemical etching has been operated to point out the stream-line of the plastic flow.The chemical etching has been performed by a chemical solution of 50%HCl and 50%H2O in which the samples have been introduced for 17 minutes at 80°C. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 2: Typical string of non-metallic inclusions in the extruded samples Fig. 3: Typical string of non-metallic inclusions in the extruded samples (X400) In all the failed samples the non-metallic inclusions have played an important role. The feature landscape of the inclusions of the plastically deformed samples is quite different. In the hot extruded samples the inclusions have shown a significant anisotropy, because the shape factor defined just before has an average value of 11.2 and a standard deviation of 5.7, while in the not deformed annealed condition these parameters have the value of 2.4 and 0.95 respectively. The measured percentage volume fraction has an average value of 1.2% and a standard deviation of 0.3%. The population of the nonmetallic inclusions is prevalently composed by MnS, nearly pure, actually only an average value of 4%wt ( of Fe has been detected.The Ca is practically absent because it is present in an average quantity of 0.77%wt (, so it can be concluded that there are not CaO and CaS within the non-metallic inclusions.The inclusions are not homogeneously distributed within the metal matrix, because they appear to be grouped like strips involving several aligned non-metallic inclusions (fig.2,fig.3) and they usually assume the form of aligned clusters grouping an average between 3 or 4 inclusions with some significant exceptions (fig.4).The average area of the inclusions is 83*10-6mm2 and shows an important standard deviation of 93*10-6mm2. 11 - Metallurgical Science and Technology Fig. 4: Cluster with a number of non-metallic inclusions over the average value. Only a little number of these examples has been evidenced in the extruded samples (X400). According to the classification proposed by Gladman [1] the inclusions can be considered in this state as holes, because they can be regarded as discontinuities in the metal matrix. The string shape of the clusters is probably due to the elongation of an original inclusion fractured during the plastic deformation of the metal matrix. As this behaviour has been observed, it can be concluded that the MnS observed belongs to the II types [2]. From several studies [3,4,5] on the mechanism of the ductile fracture the decohesion occurring at the interface between the nonmetallic inclusions and the metal matrix (fig.5) has been found to be the phenomenon ruling the fracture process. The growth of such voids once nucleated is highly dependent on the strain state imposed. The rate of void elongation is increased with respect to the longitudinal strain. The void width is not sensible to the strain in a plane tensile test, but it can decrease under biaxial compressions like that occurring during the hot extrusion. On the other hand, the ultimate failure can occur when the adjacent voids link by shear. The strain to fracture produced by void Table III. Properties of the steel in the not deformed state R(MPa) Rp0.2(MPa) %A 315 270 16 Table IV. Properties of the steel in the deformed-annealed state R(MPa) Rp0.2(MPa) %A 320 290 11 Fig.5 Layout of the decohesion between the non-metallic inclusion and the metal matrix under a stress in longitudinal and transverse direction with respect to the major axis of the inclusion itself (a, b 1 are the longitudinal axis and transverse one with respect to the tensile axis respectively; b is the width of the nucleated void longitudinal to the tensile axis, R is the frontal radius of curvature (b2/a)) coalescence generated by inclusion-matrix decohesion depends on the inclusion parameters: F2 k 2 + 2 f r ε t = ε 0 + 0.5 k 1+ r 2 where εt true strain to fracture ε0 strain for the initial void decohesion F constant related to critical volume fraction of voids for catastrophic failure f initial volume fraction of the non-metallic inclusions k stain void factor (about 2) r average shape factor of the inclusions The F constant for the hot extruded steel has been determined on the basis of the tensile strength performed on the specimen of the not deformed and deformed-annealed samples (table III, table IV) tested on the direction parallel to the deformation one. On the basis of these results and under the hypothesis that the strain for the initial void decohesion has a not significant value so that it can be disregarded, the F value has been determined to vary between 0.01340.0135. But if the measured values are inserted taking into account the transverse direction (in which the shape ratio assumes the value of 0.09) then the ductility resources of the material has nearly completely eliminated, because is reduced to 1.07% against the 19.6% proper of the longitudinal stress. The drilling tool during the perforation induces a strength just in the transverse direction with respect to the elongation of the non-metallic 12 - Metallurgical Science and Technology Table V. Average chemical composition of the nonmetallic inclusions observed in the forged samples (steel A and steel B) (%molar) Steel %Mn %S %Fe % other elements A 37.7 35.6 15.2 11.5 B 43.2 44.1 7.8 5.2 = > Fig. 5: Streamlines flow of the forged samples for component (A) and component (B) 1.4 1.2 %Mn*%S solubility product 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 temperature ( C) Fig. 6: Variation of the solubility product of MnS inclusions and this can bring the material to a fast fracture process, as the ductility resources of the material have been nearly completely removed. The chemical composition of the non-metallic inclusions observed in the forged samples have revealed that the population is completely constituted by MnS (table V). But a main difference with the previously observed samples can be found in the shape ratio which has an average value of 2.2 and a standard deviation of 0.8, so that the anisotropy related to the nonmetallic inclusions is not significant as in the previous case. This is really peculiar, because the streamlines analysis has pointed out a great plastic deformation flow (fig.5) which should induce a great anisotropy on MnS inclusions, actually on the basis of the nearly completely absence of CaS any hardening effect on the inclusion structure should be observed.The inclusions of two samples have a similar average size of the area: 16*10-6mm2 ( 11*10-6mm2) and 14*10-6mm2 ( 12*10-6mm2). On the contrary, the average number of inclusions composing a cluster is higher and in the range between 8 and 9. The more little size and a more round shape of the inclusions of the forged samples can be a clue of the occurence of another important process related to the solubility of the MnS within the austenite and a new precipitation during the following coolings processes in a form of string composed by a greater number of non-metallic inclusions featured by a more little size. Similar processes have been described also by other authors [6,7] but with respect to other and not re-sulphurised materials with an inclusion population of a more little size than that observed in this study, however nowadays this represents the most conceiving explanation of the observed phenomenon. During the re-heating and austenitizing treatment the solubility product of MnS increases (fig.6) %Mn %S=1/K where K=9281/T+5.19 [8] and so part of the precipitated MnS can dissolve again in the form of Mn and S. The dissolved Mn and S have not a great diffusivity within the solid state (in the order of 10-10 m2s1 [9]) so after the cooling the atoms of Mn and S can meet again and precipitate in the form of different and more little inclusions with a not significant anisotropy. However, the effect is not less dangerous, because these adjacent non-metallic compounds constitute a string in which the coalescence of the nucleated voids is very easy and fast after the first growth. As the non-metallic inclusions are really close, the process of growth of dimples generated by the 13 - Metallurgical Science and Technology development of the voids is decreased. Because the part of energy spent for the growth of dimples is greater than that spent in the process by the coalescence process, this mechanism can facilitate the development of the overall process leading to the formation of a greater and not sustainable defect. The sustainability of a defect is clearly related to the KIC for the material. For the treated material the KIC tests have pointed out an average value of this parameter equal to 57MPam1/2. Under the hypothesis of a mean stress of 270MPa: KIC=δβ πa where σ is the applied stress β is the shape factor (for this type of inclusion is roughly 1) a is the defect size the steel can sustain an overall defect of 0.014m. Because the mean length of the string is 32.5mm only 443 elongated inclusion clusters in which the dimples have coarsed can be enough to produce the unstable propagation of the fracture within the components. As the average volume fraction of non-metallic inclusion for the two steels is 1.8% ( for the steel A and 1.94% ( for the steel B, there is a great possibility that the unstable propagation of the fracture can occur. Actually, considering the clusters like ellipses with the found average length in a volume of only 6*105m3, it is possible to estimate that at least 793855 string shaped clusters can be theoretically present.This means that only half of the estimated amount can produce the unstable propagation of the crack. It is true that some inclusions are not oriented in a favorable direction to interact with the applied stresses and some inclusions could not be present in the form of clusters. On the other hand, the performed measures have pointed out that 75% and 69% for component A and component B, respectively, are the ratio of the inclusions present in the form of string cluster and this appears certainly as a dangerous condition, to which can be ascribed the happened and repeated failure events occurred to these components. In the welding observed the non-metallic inclusions forbid a good heat exchanging and their removing promoted by the flow of metal can cause an unacceptable defect due to a great irregularity of the welding border (fig.7). This phenomenon can be produced mainly by very great non-metallic inclusions (with one of the dimension >25µm), otherwise the thermal shielding developed by the nonmetallic material of the non-metallic inclusion cannot develop its insulating effect. If the heat flow is considered: Q=2kinc(∆T)/(∆rinc) where Q the heat flow thermal conductivity of the non-metallic inclusion kinc ∆T thermal difference between the metal pool and the metal border Drinc inclusion dimension it will be possible to estimate the effect of the presence of a non-metallic inclusion of large size. The non-metallic inclusions with a higher size can produce a decreased heat exchange fifteen times more little than that exchanged in the absence of the insulating inclusion.This effect is amplified by the more little thermal conductivity of the non-metallic material that composes these compounds, based on SiO2 and MgO, which can be evaluated to be between 4-10Wm-1K-1 [10].Actually the evidenced defects cannot be ascribed to the MnS which has an average size of 50µm2 ( µm2) with a maximum linear size of 8.9 µm. Although the decreasing of the thermal exchange, the removal of the non-metallic inclusion operated by the convective flow in the metal pool [11,12,13] can rapidly remove the non-metallic inclusions, eliminate the thermal insulation and permit the adjacent liquid to compensate the void volume left by the removal of the inclusion itself. In presence of a great non-metallic inclusion the adjacent liquid cannot fill the pool, because the thermal insulation can avoid the heat input needed to melt a sufficient quantity of steel able to fill the significant volume made free by the inclusions.These inclusions are usually originated from exogenous factors (powder covering the tundish, pieces of entrapped refractory etc.). On the other hand, the dimensions of such inclusions are not acceptable also because they can constitute the originating factor of a possible fatigue fracture. They can be avoided by a better control of the parameters of the production process. Fig. 7: Defects on the welding border for a not complete penetration due to the former presence of large non-metallic inclusions whose trace can be noted in the central upper part of the welding border 14 - Metallurgical Science and Technology CONCLUSIONS According to the introduction of this paper and to the results of the experimental procedures, it is evident that the possibility to perfectly define the permissible limits of the defects contained in the steel (in particular the inclusion content) could be a good solution in order to avoid praecox failures of the pieces. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to manage the form, the dimension and the location of each single inclusion (otherwise they would not be regarded as defects): their distribution is regulated by the statistic laws as well as by the process parameters. The modern plants for steel production and transformation work more and more automatically: the process parameters are solely controlled and the results are used for the adjustment of the process itself. Each anomalous modification of the parameter results in an automatic rejection of the material produced in the “out-of-control” condition; the results of the examination of this material are also used to improve the process. This is not enough: even if the number of the controlled parameters is increased and all the parameters are optimised, one cannot be sure to detect all the potential defects introduced by the process itself and, of course, by the previous processes. The results of the control are not completely reliable, both because the measure are uncertain and because the processes themselves are variable. In the following table a list of the more common controls is presented for some siderurgical products together with the type of defect that can be detected. Each of the above mentioned controls have several limitations: for example the ultrasonic control is not normally able to detect the defects just below the “skin” of the material, while the eddy current controls are not able to control the bar ends (50 mm each side), to detect the cracks that have been “welded” by the hot rolling and to detect the “short” defects (machine Table VI. Typical control and defects for long products Type of control Defects that can be detected Product: billets destructive control of specimen taken in particular zones segregations, inclusions, internal defects, cracks Baumann test sulphur segregations acid attack internal cracks, segregations blue fracture test macro-inclusion condition ultrasonic control macro-inclusion, internal defect, internal cracks visual control only the larger defects and cracks automatic control limited possibilities to detect the defects Product: hot rolled or cold finished bars cut of samples and laboratory examination some defects of raw material: cracks, segregation, decarburization ultrasonic control macro-inclusions, internal holes eddy current surface defects with rotating probes) or long defects (machine with magnetisation coils). The possibility to perform a “good” control on a semi-finished product depends on the type and dimension of the defect that has to be detected, on the technological limits of the control machine and on the possibility to separate the defective part (for example it is easy for a bar, but not for a coil). A clear definition of the acceptability threshold allows to limit the rejections to the really defective pieces, i.e. those originating problems for the specific application. Too tight and not differentiated thresholds increase the transformation and control costs without any advantages for the final product. Only a few standards define the type and the dimensions of the permitted defects. In such cases, they refer to other standards cataloguing the defects and their evaluation criteria. More commonly, the standards require that the defects “detrimental” to the final use must be avoided: this is obviously a poor definition, generally not able to help the producers. Moreover, the standards do not allow any mistake in the control: no defect above the specified threshold is permitted. This would imply perfect process control together with perfect control machines: as above described, this is technologically impossible. Only in the last period some European standards [14] permitted a certain percentage of pieces with defects above the specified limits (for example, the standard for bright bars in relation to the surface cracks).This is an important step in order to consider the real technological limits. Some standards limit the inclusion content (for example the European standard for case-hardening steels [15]), but almost no standard specifies the limit for macro-inclusion content. More generally, the control of the internal soundness is left to the agreement at the enquiry and order; but for the bars no reference standard exists for the ultrasonic control with automatic machines (the most widely used). The control of the process and the control of the semi-finished products cannot eliminate the defects completely: some defects are not detected and, in consequence, cannot be eliminated. The situation is even worse for the inclusions, where the distribution and the evolution of the defects in the metallic matrix, as explained in the previous part of this paper, is difficult to evaluate because it depends upon several process parameters. 15 - Metallurgical Science and Technology In order to approach the “zero defect” philosophy it seems necessary to control, under certain circumstances, also some peculiar characteristics of the final products. This kind of control is extremely expensive, is not always effective for the inclusions, and cannot be performed by the intermediate transformers on the semi-finished products. REFERENCES [6] Stachura, S.: Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 53(1995), 781797. [7] Ito, J. Nasumits, N. Matsubara, K.: Trans. ISIJ, 21 (1981), 477. [8] Cicutti, C.E. Madias, G. Gonzales, J.C.: Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 24(1997), 2, 155-159. [9] Nastac, J.: Acta Materialia, 47 (1999), 17, 4253- 4262. [10] Schneider, S.J.: Ceramics and Glasses, Engineered materials handbook vol.4 ASM International, 1991. [11] Vedani, M. : La Metallurgia Italiana, 10 (2001), 17-24. [12] Limmaneevichitr, C. Kou, S. : Welding Journal, 8 (2000), 231. [13] Limmaneevichitr, C. Kou, S. : Welding Journal, 5 (2000), 126. [14] EN 19277-1, (1999). [15] EN 10084, (1998). [1] Gladman, T.: Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 19 (1992), 6, 457-463. [2] Gonzales, J.C.: Metalurgia Moderna, 2 (1985), 1, 29-46. [3] Henr y G. and Plateau J.: La mircrofractographie, Edition Metaux IRSID, St. Germain, 1957 [4] Gladman, T. Holmes, B. McIvor, D.: Effects of second phase particles on the mechanical properties of steel, 68, 1971, London, The Iron and Steel Institute [5] Gurland, J.and Plateau, J. Trans. ASM, 56 (1963), 442. 16 - Metallurgical Science and Technology DYNAMIC SOLIDIFICATION OF SAND-CAST ALUMINIUM ALLOYS P. Appendino *, G. Crivellone**, C. Mus**, S. Spriano* *Politecnico di Torino - Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali ed Ing. Chimica - Torino ** Teksid Aluminium S.p.A. Via Umberto II, 3/5 - Carmagnola Abstract The effect of low-frequency mechanical vibration, applied during the solidification process, on the microstructure and mechanical performance of aluminium sand-casting was investigated. Both green-sand moulds and chemically bounded sand moulds were used. The vibration was applied to the moulds along the vertical axe. The investigated acceleration range was included between 0.1g and 15g. The effect of different sections and cooling rate was considered, as well as the influence of using different amplitude at constant acceleration. The microstructure and porosity of the ingots was evaluated by optical microscopy and image analysis. The mechanical properties were investigated by tensile tests performed both on cylindrical and different section flat specimens. Microstructure modification of dynamically solidified castings was achieved, consisting on a refined or a completely non-dendritic microstructure, with a globular aspect and quite rare dendrite fragments. The effective threshold acceleration in order to modify the microstructure of the different section considered was assessed.The ingots presenting modified microstructure revealed interesting mechanical performance, that means mainly higher fracture strain. Riassunto INTRODUCTION Cooled and uncooled probes or magnetic fields can be used at this purpose, but they present technological disadvantages 3 , 4 . A wide frequency and amplitude range, obtained by these different equipment, were randomly explored by different authors, starting from low mechanical vibration (1Hz-1 cm) up to high ultrasonic waves (30000 Hz-10µm) 1. Most of the data refer to graphite, cast iron or steel moulds 1. In this work vertical low-frequency vibration of sand moulds was applied to A356 alloy castings, according to the interest on automotive application. Sand moulds, bound by thermosetting polymer, present a sufficient mechanical strength for this purpose. Several data confirm that grain refinement of pure metals by dynamic solidification requires strong acceleration 1, 5 . In the case of pure aluminium this means that an acceleration of 4×104 g must be The aim of this work was to obtain a modification of the microstructure of sand-cast aluminium alloys by mechanical vibration. The final goal consists in an improvement of the mechanical performance of sand castings and at this purpose a non-dendritic microstructure is preferable. Traditional methods utilised in order to obtain this effect are rapid cooling rate and addition of grain refining elements. Alternatively we employed dynamic solidification condition, by applying a mechanical vibration to the sand moulds. Because of the expensive equipment required and size limitation, this method was not widely used up to now. Nowadays the new development of dynamic system technology, with low investment, could permit new interesting largescale industrial application. The effect of dynamic condition during the solidification of castings was investigated in literature from a long time (1868), but it was not completely clarified due to the wide number of different equipment and materials employed and the often non-systematic investigations and data reports performed 1 , 2 . A dynamic state can be applied both by mould vibration (along a vertical, horizontal or rotational axe) and just by casting vibration. Vengono qui presentati i risultati della sperimentazione condotta su getti in lega d’alluminio colati in forme in sabbia. Sono stati studiati gli effetti sulla microstruttura e sulle caratteristiche tensili di vibrazioni meccaniche a bassa frequenza applicate durante la fase di solidificazione. Per le forme si è usato sia terra verde che sabbia legata chimicamente. La sollecitazione vibrazionale è stata applicata lungo l’asse verticale della motta. Il range di accelerazione investigato varia da 0.1g a 15g. E’ stato valutato l’effetto della velocità di raffreddamento considerando sezioni di diverso spessore. Si è anche valutata l’influenza di differenti ampiezze a parità d’accelerazione. L’esame microstrutturale e le misure di porosità sono stati condotti con microscopio ottico ad analisi d’immagine. Le caratteristiche meccaniche sono state misurate con prove di trazione quasi statica sia sulle provette cilindriche che su quelle piatte di differente spessore. La solidificazione dinamica dei getti ha determinato modifiche microstrutturali in generale affinando la struttura dendritica fino, in alcuni casi, a mostrare una microstruttura con aspetto globulare e rari frammenti detritici. I getti con microstruttura modificata mostrano caratteristiche meccaniche interessanti soprattutto nell’elevata capacità di deformazione a rottura. 27 - Metallurgical Science and Technology applied. On the other hand, suppression of columnar growth on alloys presenting dendritic solidification can be obtained by applying low or medium acceleration (0.1 g - 2×103 g). Grain refinement and non-dendritic microstructure by dynamic solidification was explained in literature considering a higher nucleation frequency by fragmentation of primary dendrite arms, but the discussion on the cause of dendrite fragmentation is still open 7. Some mechanical effects, like bending stress and fracture of primary arms, turbulent liquid flow around dendrite arms and showering mechanism due to impingement of detached dendrites were supposed 1. Other authors reported that the main cause was the damage of dendrites due to gas bubbles and cavitation effects 1. This is also the main cause of refinement in the case of pure metals, where a planar front solidification is involved and quite high accelerations are necessary. Finally thermodynamic aspects, like remelting at the neck of dendrites, due to local recalescence produced by stirring, and reduction of solidification time were also considered 6. Discordant data were reported about the secondary effects of dynamic solidification. Some authors underlined a decrease of pipes and shrinkage porosity, due to a decrease of the temperature gradient and solidification time 7. This effect can be related to a higher liquid flow around dendrite arms and to small dendrites carried around in the liquid. At this regard smaller feeders could be employed in the case of dynamically solidified ingots. Furthermore the dynamic state of the liquid causes also a degassing effect. The ingot soundness can take advantage of this issue or it can be a source of higher gas porosity depending of feed-head design. MATERIALS AND METHODS The vibration equipment employed consisted of a 900kg heavy machine (2m/s maximum speed, 60g maximum acceleration and 3000Hz maximum frequency). The vibration was applied to the moulds along the longitudinal axe, as a sinusoidal wave. The frequency range explored started from 5 up to 350 Hz and the amplitude range was included between 1×10-5 and 1×103 m. The peak acceleration can be obtain by using equation (1): (1) a = 4 π2 f2 x a = peak acceleration f = frequency x = peak to peak amplitude It was explored the peak acceleration range included between 0 and 15g. The vibration was applied to each ingot for 5 minutes.The melt temperature was checked before each casting and it was of minimum 717 and maximum 733 °C. The ingot shape can be observed in figure 1. It consisted of a conic shape central body (maximum and minimum diameter 60-40mm) and three rectangular ribs of different section (mm x mm): 5x20 (thin), 7x20 (medium) and 9x20 (thick). This ingot shape was selected in order to investigate the effect of the different vibration parameters on samples of different section and cooling rate. One ingot, representative of each vibration condition tested, was sectioned along the longitudinal axe and twelve metallographic specimens were obtained. In fact for each ingot the microstructure of the top, centre and bottom of the central conic body and of the three rectangular ribs was observed. The porosity of the ingots was evaluated by image analysis, performed on low magnification microphotographs, as ratio between pore and massive area. Tension tests were performed on three ingots for each vibration condition employed. From each ingot one cylindrical specimen was obtained from the conic central body and three rectangular samples (3-5-7mm thick) were cut from the lateral ribs. All the tensile samples were prepared according to ASTM normative B557-94 (“Standard test methods of Tension Testing Wrought and cast Al and Mg alloy products”).The tests were performed by controlling the cross slide speed with a nominal strain rate of 10-3 s-1. All the ingots were thermally treated, before cutting the tensile specimens, according to the T6 condition (solution at 540°C for 4 hours; quench in cold water within 25 seconds; ageing at 160°C for 4 hours). The A356.0 alloy was used and its average chemical composition was: Si 6.2%wt, Mg 0.3%wt, Fe max 0.2%, Ti max 0.2%, Al balance. The alloy was modified by Na and the modifier was added, to the melt bath, hour after hour in order to avoid that the modification effect was lost. Both green-sand moulds and chemically bounded sand moulds (cold box system) were used. Greensand means a simple mixture of sand-silica, clay (calcium bentonite) and water: pressure was applied to the sand in order to compact it firmly against the face of the pattern. The cold box systems used worked with phenolic resin and isocyanate component, cured by a vaporised amine catalyst. Fig. 1: The photograph reproduces the shape of the prepared ingots. They were formed by a central conic body and three lateral ribs of different sections 28 - Metallurgical Science and Technology J.Campbell 1 reported an extensive review about the effects of vibration on solidifying metals, containing useful amplitude-frequency maps. By using these figures the theoretically serviceable conditions, in order to obtain microstructure modification, can be approximately found. The lower limit corresponds to the lowest stress sufficient to bend roots, while the upper limit is the threshold beyond which surface standing wave patterns, with melt ejection, can occur. The amplitude-frequency range included between these two limits can be effective or not, depending on material mould, cooling rate, material and dimension of the ingot, type of the equipment employed. In this work we tested the conditions reported in figure 2.The range included between 0.1-2.5g was explored in the case of green-sand castings, because of the limited strength of these moulds, while accelerations up to 15g were tested in the case of chemically bounded moulds. In fact this type of mould showed good firmness up to 18g. In the case of 3 and 5g we compared the effects of the same acceleration obtained by using two different frequencyamplitude pairs, one close to the lower and one to the upper theoretic limit. Considering the microstructure of the α-aluminium phase, all the castings solidified by using acceleration lower than 2.5g presented a dendritic microstructure quite close to the static reference, as well as all the casting solidified by using low amplitude vibrations. In fact no significant microstructure modification was observed on the castings solidified at 3 or Fig.3: Microstructure of the medium thickness rib of a static ingot. Typical dendritic aspect. - 25x 5g, obtained by using vibration conditions close to the lower theoretic limit (Figure 2). On the contrary the castings solidified at 5g or higher acceleration, obtained by using amplitudes close to the upper theoretic limit (Figure 2), showed a non-dendritic microstructure both in the central conic body and in the lateral ribs. In figures 3, 4 and 5 the microstructure of the medium thick ribs was reported as an example. All the microphotographs referred to the central part of the rib. It could be observed that while the static ingot (Figure 3) showed a typical dendritic microstructure with long primary arms, the specimen solidified at 5g (Figure 5) presented a substantially nondendritic aspect. In the case of the ingots solidified at 3g a sort of intermediate microstructure was observed in the lateral ribs, while the central conic shaped had a non-dendritic aspect. In the case of the medium thickness rib solidified at 3g (Figure 4), dendrite fragments were distributed in the matrix 1000 5 3 15 7 100 2.5 5 3 Hz RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 0.8 10 0.1 1E-5 1E-4 m 1E-3 experimental conditions tested [g] lowest stress sufficient to bend roots highest limit in order to avoid liquid ejection Fig. 2: Vibration condition tested. The two lines represent the lower and upper theoretic limits with a higher frequency than in the specimens submitted to higher accelerations during the solidification. Furthermore the microstructure of this sample had a refined aspect respect to the static one, with a SDAS of about 40µm respect to the average value of 28µm in the static specimen. This gradient of microstructure modification versus the casting thickness can be explained by considering that thicker is the section of the ingots and slower is the cooling rate, as consequence longer is the time of vibration during the solidification. So it can be expected that the same acceleration will be more effective on thicker and slow cooled section.The metallographic specimens related to the ingots solidified at very high acceleration showed a completely non-dendritic microstructure, with a globular aspect and quite rare dendrite fragments, as in the case of figure 6 (central conic body solidified at 15 g). In any case the microstructure was not significantly refined by using very high acceleration. So as first it was assessed that the microstructure modification can be obtained, in the investigated cases, by using 3g or higher acceleration during the solidification process, that means that polymeric bounded sand moulds have to be employed. In the second place the use of an acceleration just higher than the assessed threshold and obtained in condition close to the 29 - Metallurgical Science and Technology upper theoretic limit, seams to be effective in order to refine the microstructure in thinnest sections and to obtain a non-dendritic microstructure in the thickest ones. Slightly higher acceleration allows to completely modifying the ingot microstructure, while on the contrary the use of quite high accelerations does not present any significant advantage. Considering the Si phase morphology it could be noted that the eutectic Si presented a wellmodified aspect in all the samples. Furthermore a slight coarser cell dimension was registered in the specimens related to the solidification at 3g or higher acceleration (Figure 7-8). The effect of dynamic condition of solidification on the morphology of the eutectic Si, in modified and unmodified alloys, is a controversial argument in literature 1, 1 . In any case data in agreement with our observations are reported in several papers 2, 3, 4, 5 . In these cases authors supposed that the vibration disturbs the envelopment and poisoning layer, that is reach in the modifier element, on the silicon growth front. As a consequence, the silicon diffusion to the growing silicon site is facilitated and hence a coarser structure develops.This effect can be avoided by short time of vibration. In any case it seams to have a moderate effect in the cases investigated in this research. The porosity of the static and dynamically solidified ingots was evaluated by quantitative image analysis on the metallographic specimens. It was observed that an increment in the acceleration, applied during the solidification process, involved an increment in the average porosity both in the central conic body and in the lateral ribs.The effect was more evident increasing the thickness of the section considered. In figure 9 the data obtained on the thinnest ribs were reported as an example. The almost linear trend of the porosity respect to the acceleration applied could be observed also by comparing the porosity on the top, centre and bottom area of the different ribs. In the most of the cases reported on figure 9 the top showed a higher porosity than the bottom. This trend was not reproduced in thicker sections, where in some cases the bottom presented a porosity peak. The position of the pores along the longitudinal axes can be an indication of the occurrence of a degassing effect due to the mechanical vibration. It seams that in thinner section it was easier to obtain sound ingots and that the most of the pores were confined on the top. This means that opportune feeders could probably avoid them. By comparing the same acceleration obtained at low and high amplitude, it could be remarked that in the thinner sections the samples obtained in Fig. 4: Microstructure of the medium thickness rib of an ingot obtained by applying 3g acceleration (high amplitude). Refined aspect - 25x Fig. 5: Microstructure of a medium thickness rib of an ingot obtained by applying 5g acceleration (high amplitude). Non-dendritic aspect - 25x Fig. 6: Microstructure of the conic shape central body of an ingot solidified by applying 15 g. Non-dendritic microstructure - 32x vibration condition close to the upper theoretic limit (high amplitude) presented a lower porosity. This is less evident as thicker was the section considered, in any case the highest level of average porosity was registered in the case of the central conic body of the ingot solidified at 5g at low amplitude (2.7%).These data are in agreement with some published results 6 where an enlargement and coagulation mechanism of the gas bubbles, due to vibrational treatment, and the preferential location of the pores on the top of the ingots was also reported. So it must be considered that when un-degasified melts are dynamically solidified, feeder dimension, location 30 - Metallurgical Science and Technology Fig. 7: The microphotograph reproduces the eutectic Si morphology in the conic central body of a static ingot. The alloy was modified by Na - 500x Table i. Mechanical data obtained on flat specimens Tensile sample thickness [mm] Acceleration applied Y UTS E% to 217 MPa and 230 MPa. In table 1 the results obtained on the flat samples were summarised. The average values obtained on three samples were reported, with the indication of the standard deviation (SD). In figure 10 two stress-strain curves related to static and dynamically solidified specimens (5mm thick) are reported as an example. It can be underlined that 3mm thick specimens solidified at 3 or 7g (high amplitude) showed an increment of the 66% in the elongation (E) respect to the static reference, with any significant decreasing in the Y value and also an increment in the UTS value. Also considering the 5 mm thick specimens a better behaviour of the specimens obtained at 3g (high amplitude) respect to the static reference can be observed and 52% of the increment in the elongation (E) was reached average average average value value value [MPa] St.Dev [MPa] St.Dev [%] St.Dev 3 5 7 a=0 a=3g (low amplitude) a=5g (low amplitude) a=3g (high amplitude a=5g (high amplitude) a=7g (high amplitude) a=0 a=3g (low amplitude) a=5g (low amplitude) a=3g (high amplitude) a=5g (high amplitude) a=7g (high amplitude) a=0 a=3g (low amplitude) a=5g (low amplitude) a=3g (high amplitude) a=5g (high amplitude) a=7g (high amplitude) 252 0 284 6 2.4 0.6 246 4 281 8 2.6 1.0 228 7 267 4 2.9 0.8 248 4 300 8 4.0 0.8 250 1 282 7 1.8 0.7 243 239 4 7 293 274 7 1 4.0 2.3 0.4 0 237 6 272 8 2.6 0.5 227 5 265 7 2.7 0.6 238 10 279 13 3.5 1.0 242 2 272 0 1.8 0 233 226 3 2 269 260 3 1 2.3 2.6 0.2 0.4 232 2 262 7 2.1 0.6 215 6 250 8 2.4 0.3 223 3 264 5 2.7 0.5 224 3 253 1 1.7 0 220 5 253 2 1.8 0.1 and design have to be strictly controlled in order to confine pores in uncritical zones.Alternatively by pouring well-degasified melts, dynamical solidification could be effective in order to minimise shrinkage 6, 6 . Tensile tests were performed both on cylindrical specimens cut from the central conic body of the ingots and on flat samples sectioned from the lateral ribs. The tensile tests executed on the cylindrical specimens didn’t show any remarkable difference between static and dynamically solidified ingots.The fracture occurred in any case at about 0.7% strain; the yield (Y) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) average values were respectively close Fig. 8: The microphotograph reproduces the eutectic Si morphology in the conic central body of an ingot solidified by applying 5g (high amplitude). The alloy was modified by Na - 500x (Figure 10). These data could be related to the microstructure modification observed on these types of samples. The correlation between SDAS of cast structures and the fracture strain is sufficiently strong and confirmed from many examples found in the literature 7 , 8 and the presence of a non-dendritic microstructure seams to produce a similar effect. This effect is of special significance considering that the fracture strain is the referring specification for the mechanical designer since the safety component, realised by using cast aluminium alloy, has to be verified in the crash resistance. The difference between static and dynamically solidified specimens is less evident in the case of thicker tension specimens (flat 7mm thick and cylindrical samples).This can be related to the higher porosity observed on these specimens respect to the static ones. In any case it could be supposed that the dynamically solidified specimens presented a higher deformation capability, considering that in spite of 31 - Metallurgical Science and Technology a higher porosity they showed a mechanical behaviour closed to the static reference. Unfortunately porosity enhancement probably hid the effect of microstructure on the mechanical performance also in the case of 5g (high amplitude) thin tension samples.According to metallographic observation the specimens solidified in condition closed to the lower theoretic limit (3 and 5g at low amplitude) didn’t show any remarkable difference respect to the static reference, both in the case of thin and thick sections. So, considering that the main objective of this research was to verify the effect of dynamic solidification on the microstructure of sandcastings, it can be concluded that once assessed, case by case, the threshold acceleration to be overcome, dynamic solidification allows to refine or completely modify the microstructure. The feeder design must be opportunely modify in order to avoid gas porosity. Furthermore the preliminary mechanical data obtained evidenced an improvement of the fracture strain of dynamically solidified sand castings. Fig. 9: Porosity data obtained on the thin lateral ribs of static and dynamically solidified ingots. L= low amplitude; H= high amplitude Fig. 10: Stress-strain curves related to tensile tests performed on static and dynamically solidified (3g high amplitude) medium thickness ribs CONCLUSIONS Microstructure modification of aluminium sand castings was achieved by low-frequency mechanical vibrations. In fact, while in the static condition the tested castings showed a typical dendritic microstructure with an average SDAS of 40µm (medium thickness ribs), on the contrar y dynamically solidified samples, prepared at low acceleration, showed a dendritic microstructure with a refined aspect (average SDAS of 28µm).The use of higher accelerations allowed obtaining a completely non-dendritic microstructure, with a globular aspect and quite rare dendrite fragments. The threshold acceleration to be employed depends on casting section and cooling rate, it was closed to 3g in the case considered. The ingots presenting modified microstructure revealed interesting mechanical performance, that means mainly higher fracture strain. Thanks REFERENCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Campbell, J. Effects of vibration during solidification. Int.Met.Rev. 2 (1981), 71. Gittus,J.H.The inoculation of solidifying iron and steel castings by means of vibration J. of the Iron and Steel Inst. 6 (1959), 118 Fang, Q.T. and Bruno, M.J. Casting of high purity aluminum alloys using mechanical stirring for grain refinement Light Met. 2 (1991), 851 Southgate, P.D.Action of vibration on solidifying Aluminum alloys J.Met. 4 (1957), 514 Southin,R.T.The influence of low-frequency vibration on the nucleation of solidifying metals J. Inst.Met. 94 (1966), 401 Fisher,T.P.Effects of vibrational energy on the solidification of aluminium alloys. Br. Foudryman 66 (1973), 71 Kocatepe, K and Burdett, C.F. Effect of low frequency vibration on macro and microstructures of LM6 alloys. J.Mat.Sci. 35 (2000), 3327 Burbure, R.R., Hareesha, I. and Murthy, S.S. Influence of low frequency vibrations on aluminium eutectics. Br. Foudryman 72 (1979), 34 Pillai, N.R. Effect of low frequency mechanical vibration on structure of modified aluminum-silicon eutectic. Metall.Trans.3 (1972), 1313 Abd-El-Azim,A.N. Proc. 7th. Inter. Light Metals Congres (Vienna, 1981), p.118 Pandel,U., Sharma,A. and Rajan, T.V. Effect of vibrations on some cast Al-Si-Cu alloys Proc. Indo-USWorkshops (Hyderabad, India)TransTech Publications , vol 2, p.769 Flemings, M. Solidification Processing, McGraw-Hill, Inc 1974 Campbell, J.“Castings”, Butterworth Ltd, 1995. The authors thank Mr. Ezio Merlo and Mr. Stefano Plano from Centro Ricerche Fiat for their 12 cooperation during the trials and results evaluation. 13 32 - Metallurgical Science and Technology FATIGUE PROPERTIES OF A CAST ALUMINIUM ALLOY FOR RIMS OF CAR WHEELS C. Bosi, G.L. Garagnani, R. Tovo Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy) Abstract Thanks to the potential weight saving, aluminium castings are good candidates for automotive, electronic, aeronautic, sport equipments and other high performance products. At present, one of the main limits to a wide use of aluminium alloys for these applications is a lack of complete understanding of their fatigue behaviour and of the relationships to microstructural features, particularly as far as casting alloys are concerned. In this paper, the rotating bending fatigue behaviour of a cast Al-10Si-0.6Cu alloy has been investigated. The specimens for both the fatigue tests and the microstructural analyses have been drawn directly from the rims of car wheels. The wheel design influences the microstructure of the alloy, conditioning the cooling rate during solidification and, of consequence, may have important effects on the wheel fatigue performances. Measurements of the sizes of the microstructural constituents, such as secondary dendrite arm spacing and of porosity, have been also carried out by means of optical microscopy, supported by an image analysis software. Rotating bending fatigue tests have been performed on specimens with different types of notches. In this way, after the fatigue tests, it was possible to study the effect of the wheel design and so, of stress concentrations, on the fatigue life. Riassunto Le leghe di alluminio da fonderia sono ampiamente utilizzate per molteplici applicazioni nell’industria automobilistica ed aeronautica, in articoli sportivi, nell’elettronica ed in impieghi dove sono richiesti materiali ad elevate prestazioni. Uno dei fattori che impediscono un più vasto uso dell’alluminio in questi settori industriali è la limitata disponibilità di dati sul comportamento a fatica ed in particolare sulle correlazioni tra questo tipo di sollecitazione e le caratteristiche microstrutturali e geometriche del componente. In questo lavoro è stato studiato il comportamento a fatica a flessione rotante di una lega da fonderia Al-10Si0.6Cu, impiegata per la produzione di cerchioni per autovetture. I provini per le prove meccaniche e per le analisi metallografiche sono stati ricavati direttamente dai componenti. È stato dimostrato che la geometria ed il disegno dei cerchioni, ottenuti per fusione in conchiglia, hanno una forte influenza sulla microstruttura della lega nelle varie parti del pezzo, in quanto condizionano la velocità di solidificazione e di raffreddamento del materiale e di conseguenza hanno significativi effetti sul comportamento a fatica in esercizio. Sono state eseguite osservazioni al microscopio ottico ed analisi di immagine con misure della spaziatura dendritica secondaria (SDAS) e delle dimensioni delle microporosità residue. Le prove di fatica a flessione rotante sono state condotte su provini con differenti tipologie di intaglio, eseguendo successivamente le osservazioni al SEM delle superfici di frattura. In tal modo è stato possibile studiare l’effetto localizzato dei difetti, della concentrazione localizzata delle tensioni e della geometria dei cerchioni sulla resistenza a fatica. INTRODUCTION correlating them with microstructure and, as a consequence, with the cast processing parameters, since the 1940s [1]. Cast pores are preferential crack initiation sites in these materials and, so, they have been considered as the main parameter to study because of their influence on the mechanical properties. Secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS), inclusions and grain size are also considered to be important microstructural factors to understand the mechanical behaviour of cast alloys. Recently, many studies have been carried out on the influence of microstructure and microporosity on the mechanical properties of aluminium cast alloys. In some cases, the influence of casting pores and of secondary dendrite arm spacing on the fatigue crack initiation and propagation in cast The application of aluminium alloy castings in many mechanical components, especially for cars and rail vehicles, has gradually increased in the last years, thanks to the great potential of these materials as replacements for ferrous alloys. In particular, for those applications in which the necessity of high mechanical properties is combined with the need of a substantial weight saving, aluminium castings seem to be extremely interesting solutions. Moreover, the opportunity of producing cast components in a finished or semi-finished shape permits a high reduction of the production costs. The lower mechanical properties and reliability of the aluminium cast alloys can be principally caused by the presence of defects and inhomogeneities, which could be preferential fatigue initiation sites. Also, a lack of complete understanding of the fatigue behaviour of aluminium cast alloys, does not allow a full exploitation of the potential weight and cost savings distinctive of these materials. The mechanical properties of aluminium castings have been studied 3 - Metallurgical Science and Technology aluminium alloys has been evaluated [1-6]. It is well known that, controlling the cooling rate during solidification of cast structures, it is possible to control the microstructural constituent sizes, in particular secondary dendrite arm spacing. Flemings [7] found that the SDAS of cast structures usually has a stronger influence on mechanical properties than the grain size has. Increasing the cooling rate during solidification SDAS decreases and, generally, mechanical properties increase. B. Zhang et al. [1], found that fatigue cracks initiated from porosity in the material solidified at slow cooling rates, while, as cooling rate increased, the fatigue cracks initiated from near- MATERIAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The material investigated was a Al-10Si-0.6Cu cast aluminium alloy. Samples have been directly drawn from the rims of two cast wheels (named “A” and “B” respectively); the two shapes were different, especially concerning the rim section: the minimum thickness changed, in fact, from about 25 mm for rim of wheel A to 15 mm for rim of B (see Fig. 1, a-b). The wheels had been cast in a partially cooled metallic shell and were used in the as-cast condition. The mechanical properties of the alloy, evaluated by the wheels supplier in previous tests, have been reported in Tab. I; in Tab. II the chemical composition has been summarised. Microstructural characterisation of the material has been carried out by standard metallographic grinding and polishing; measurements of secondary dendrite arm spacing have been also carried out on samples cut from different parts of the two wheels. In order to estimate the maximum occurring defect size, the pore size has been studied by means of a software for image analysis; the results have been then elaborated. Rotating bending fatigue tests, at a frequency of 200 Hz, have been then performed. Specimens with three different notches and un-notched have been tested, in order to evaluate the material behaviour in presence of stress concentration effects comparable to those in the fillets between two rims. Table II. Chemical composition of the aluminium cast alloy Chemical element Si Cu Mn Wt, % 10.7 0.6 0.35 surface eutectic microconstituents. Porosity has been observed to affect fatigue life of cast alloys, in particular at an high number of cycles; eutectic microconstituents, instead, affect fatigue life particularly at a low number of cycles (high stresses) [4]. This research has been carried out in order to obtain a better understanding of the relationship between cast design, which develops continuously, microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of cast aluminium alloys. In particular, the fatigue behaviour of a cast aluminium-silicon alloy has been investigated. As the material came from the rims of two car wheels with different shapes, the effect of the rims dimensions on microstructure has been studied. Rotating bending fatigue tests have been performed on specimens un-notched and with different notches, in order to evaluate also the stress concentration effect of different notch tip radii. The fatigue strength reduction factors have been investigated according to notch theory as presented in [8]. = > Fig. 1: Different design of the two cast aluminium wheels: a) wheel A); b) wheel B Table I. Mechanical properties of the cast alloy Value Ultimate Strength (MPa) Yield Strength (MPa) Elongation (%) Youngs Modulus (GPa) 220 160 15.0 72 The stress concentration factors calculated for these three different geometries (named, respectively, R1, R2, R3) have been summarised in Tab. III [9]. Finally, in order to understand the fatigue nucleation and propagation mechanisms, fractographic analyses have been performed on selected fatigue fractured specimens. Table III. Stress concentration factors of the three different specimen geometries Specimen Notch tip radius (mm) Kt R1 R2 R3 10 4 1.5 1.11 1.26 1.68 4 - Metallurgical Science and Technology RESULT S Microstructure Representative optical micrographs have been gathered in Fig. 2. In Tab. IV, the values of secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS), measured for the two different rims, and different parts of wheel “A”, have been reported (medium values obtained from twenty optical microscopy measurements). > 100 µ m = 100 µm Table IV. Mean values of secondary dendrite arm spacing measured in different parts of the two wheels SDAS (µm) Wheel A Hub Rim Wheel B Rim 74.8 46.5 36.0 The SDAS measured for the rim of wheel B is clearly lower than that of rim of wheel A, due to rim B lower thickness, which induces higher cooling rates during solidification. In Fig. 3, has been reported a diagram of the measured number of pores observed in the material drawn from the two different rims. It is important to note that porosity had the typical shape of solidification shrinkages. The rims of wheel A clearly present a higher porosity level. Fig. 2: Optical micrographs of the dendritic structure of the cast Al-Si alloy: a) rim drawn from wheel A; b) rim from wheel B Rotating bending fatigue tests 4 Measured number of pores (mm-2 ) Rim A Rim B Rotating bending fatigue experiments (R = -1) have been conducted at 200 Hz; for the rims of wheel A un-notched specimens have been used. The specimen geometries used for the fatigue tests have been shown in Fig. 4. 3 2 1 0 100 1000 Pore area (µm2) 10000 100000 Fig. 3: Measured number of pores (per square mm) as a function of pore area in the material drawn from the rims of the wheels A and B) = Fig. 4: Specimen geometries used in the fatigue tests (all dimensions in mm); a) un-notched specimen, b) notched specimens, respectively: R1, R2, R3 > R R1: R = 10 mm R2: R = 4 mm R3: R = 1.5 mm 5 - Metallurgical Science and Technology The results of this first serie of tests have been elaborated in the Wöhler curve of Fig. 5. Another serie of tests have been carried out on the notched specimens drawn from wheel B (see Fig. 4 -b). The three Wöhler curves, drawn by these further tests, have been reported in Fig. 6. As presented in [10], in order to estimate the reduction of fatigue resistance induced by the presence of a notch, the following equation can be used: kt kf= Amp [MPa] Wheel “A” (1) (1+ br ) N. cycles Hence the fatigue strength of notched components (as a function of nominal stress) turns out to be: σ (notched) = A, 2 106 ( σA, 2 10 Amp [MPa] (un-notched) kt 6 ) (1+ br ) σpeak (1+ br ) Wheel “B” (2) Where r is the notch tip radius and b is a coefficient characteristic of the material. A best fitting of the experimental data permitted us to find optimal values of the fatigue limit of the material (un-notched specimens, N = 2.106) and of b using the eq. (2).The results of this analysis have been reported in Tables V-VI. According to these data it is possible to evaluate the “notch sensitivity” of this material, i. e. the ratio kf/kt as a function of the notch tip radius. In Fig. 7, the trend of the kf/kt as a function of the notch tip radius has been plotted. Unfortunately, in geometrically complex components (as the car wheels), the nominal stress values cannot be defined, and only local stresses are available from numerical or experimental investigations. As a consequence, in order to take into account the reduced fatigue notch sensitivity, the local stresses should be reduced by a function of notch tip radius and material parameter b. For a proper fatigue strength prediction it is possible to compute the “effective value” (σeff) of stress at notch. σeff is function of (and lower than) peak stress value, according to eq. (3): σeff = Fig. 5: Stress amplitude versus fatigue life for wheel “A”; un-notched specimen (3) In Fig. 8 the Wöhler curves as a function of the effective stress value for the three series of specimen have been reported. N. cycles Fig. 6: Stress amplitude versus fatigue life for the three notched specimens drawn from wheel B Table V. Experimental and estimated fatigue strength of notched specimen at 2 . 106 cycles r (mm) Kt σA, 2·106 (MPa) (experimental σA, 2·106 (MPa) (eq. 2) A 10 1.11 76.1 76.6 B 4 1.26 72.7 71.8 C 1.5 1.68 61.5 61.9 Specimen Table VI. Material parameters for fatigue notch behaviour prediction σA, 2·106 (MPa) (eq. 2) b (mm) 81.25 0.96 6 - Metallurgical Science and Technology kf/kt 1 0,95 0,9 0,85 0,8 0,75 0,7 0,65 0,6 0,55 0,5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Notch tip radius 35 40 45 50 Fig. 7: Evaluation of kf/kt as a function of the notch tip radius Amp. (eff. stress) [MPa] As can be clearly seen from Fig. 8, the Wöhler curves tend to superimpose one upon another, forming a unique curve, when σeff is concerned, (while it is not so when peak values are considered); this curve represents the fatigue resistance of the material correspondent to the wheel B. It follows that eq. 3 (instead of eq. 2) can be used when peak local values are available (instead of nominal stress values). The fatigue resistance of the material drawn from wheel B is clearly higher than that of the material from wheel A, in particular at a high number of cycles. Fractography A SEM micrograph showing a typical fracture surface generated during the fatigue tests, has been showed in Fig. 9-a. These fracture morphology has been frequently observed both from specimens from wheel A and from wheel B. Crack initiation has been usually observed in correspondence of surfacial defects as porosities and scratches due to specimens machining. SEM fractographs at different steps of the crack propagation have been reported in Fig. 9 – (b,c,d). As can be seen in Fig. 9-c another typical crack initiation site has been observed in near-surface eutectic microconstituents. Wheel “B” N. cycles Fig. 8: Wöhler curve as a function of the effective stress value for the material drawn from wheel B = > ? @ Fig. 9: SEM topographies of the fatigue fracture surfaces; a) a typical fracture surface; b)-c) fatigue nucleation sites: b) scratch caused by machining, c) near surface eutectic microconstituents; d) region in the first stage of growth, with typical fatigue striations DISCUSSION The experimental results confirm obviously that the fatigue resistance decreases as the notch tip radius increases. Anyway, the lower fatigue resistance observed in the material drawn from wheel B could not be determined simply by the coefficient kt , because the peak stress value does not always control the failure mechanisms. In order to understand in which measure the fatigue strength is reduced by stress concentration effects, it has been necessary to study the fatigue behaviour of specimens with three different notch tip radii, comparable to those existent in wheel B. Worth noting is the high dispersion of the asobtained results, which is probably caused by microstructural defects and inhomogeneities, characteristic of cast alloys. After the experimental tests it was possible to evaluate both the fatigue resistance of the material and the fatigue strength reduction as a function of the notch tip radius and microstructure parameters. 7 - Metallurgical Science and Technology As a consequence, after that it has been obtained with a FEM analysis the peak stress value, it is possible to calculate also the effective stress value, which controls the fatigue behaviour. Regarding the fracture surface analysis, two potential crack nucleation sites have been observed: surfacial porosities and near-surface eutectic microconstituents. Also scratches and microscopic notches caused by the tool during specimen machining should be considered. From a comparison between Fig. 5 and Fig. 8 it is possible to note that samples drawn from wheel A show a lower fatigue resistance than the ones drawn from wheel B, in particular at lower stresses (high number of cycles); we had no information on the fatigue behaviour of the material from wheel A at high stresses (higher than 100 MPa), due to a low bending stiffness caused by the geometry of this first serie of specimens (see Fig. 4 -a). It’s important to note that the wheel A was characterised by a different geometry, with thicker rims than wheel B; the consequent lower cooling rate during solidification caused a slight coarser microstructure (larger secondary dendrite arm spacing). Secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) is a parameter that characterises the medium dimensions of dendrites in cast alloys; in literature it is possible to find several data [1,4,5] regarding the effect of SDAS on mechanical properties. Dendritic structure controls the precipitates and inclusions morphology in the cast alloys; higher cooling rates, reducing secondary dendrite arm spacing, reduce also the formation of interdendritic shrinkages and, so, of the consequent porosities. Also for this reason, as SDAS decrease, mechanical properties increase. Obviously, the best conditions are insured by extremely fine dendritic structure and absence of porosity. Our results, obtained both from microstructural analyses and from fatigue tests, substantially confirmed what it has been found in literature; the lower fatigue properties of the material from wheel A have been due to its different geometry that, causing lower cooling rates during solidification, caused the formation of a coarser dendritic microstructure, which affects mechanical properties of cast alloys. CONCLUSIONS 2) Samples drawn from wheel A showed a lower fatigue resistance than the ones drawn from wheel B, in particular at lower stresses (high number of cycles). 3) The lower fatigue properties of the material from wheel A have been related to the different geometry of this wheel that, causing lower cooling rates during solidification, caused the formation of a coarser dendritic microstructure (larger secondary dendrite arm spacing), which mainly affects mechanical properties of cast alloys. 4) The cast alloy showed low notch sensitivity. Fatigue stress reduction was lower than stress concentration factor, and, so, a notch theory has been used. 5) This research has confirmed that the marketing necessity of a continuous development of the cast design should be always accompanied by an accurate analysis of the consequent changes in cooling rates and solidification mechanisms, that strongly influence microstructural parameters, and of geometrical influence on stress distribution, valuable by the stress concentration effects. The fatigue behaviour of a cast aluminium/silicon alloy for car wheels has been investigated. In particular, the relation between rim thickness, material microstructure and fatigue properties has been evaluated. Rotating bending fatigue tests have been performed on specimens un-notched and with three different notches, in order to evaluate also the fatigue strength reduction caused by different notch tip radii. The investigation allowed to draw the following conclusions: 1) The aluminium cast alloy of wheel “A” showed a coarser dendritic microstructure, with larger secondary dendrite arm spacing. The porosity level in rims of wheel “A” was also higher. REFERENCES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) S. BERETTA and P. CLERICI, Conf. Proc.“La Fatica nelle leghe di Alluminio”, Padova (1997), AIM, Milano (1997). 7) M. C. FLEMINGS, Solidification Processing, McGraw-Hill, NewYork (1974), p 341. 8) B.ATZORI, P. LAZZARIN, and R.TOVO, J. of Strain Analysis 34, (1999), p 347. 9) R. E. PETERSON, Stress Concentration Factors, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1974). 10) P. LAZZARIN, R. TOVO, G. MENEGHETTI, Int. J. Fatigue 19, (1997), p 647. B. ZHANG,W. CHEN and R. POIRIER, Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater Struct. 23, (2000), p 417. S. E. STANZL-TSCHEGG, H. R. MAYER, A. BESTE and S. KROLL, Int. J. Fatigue. 17, (1995), p 1995. S. BERETTA and Y. MURAKAMI, Fatigue & Fracture of Eng. Mat. and Struct. 21, (1998), p 1049. R. TOVO, F. BONOLLO and G. MUFFATTO, Conf. Proc.“La Fatica nelle leghe di Alluminio”, Padova (1997), AIM, Milano (1997). M. ROSSO, G. SCAVINO, M.ALBERTAZZI and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A. ZENADA, Conf. Proc. “La Fatica nelle leghe The research has been carried out with the financial support of Fondmetal di Alluminio”, Padova (1997), AIM, Milano Technologies S.r.l. (Casumaro, FE). (1997). 8 - Metallurgical Science and Technology MECHANICAL AND MICROSTRUCTURAL CHARACTERISATION OF AN ALUMINUM FRICTION STIR-WELDED BUTT JOINT M. Di Paola, A. Falchero - Innovazione Tecnologica Alenia Aeronautica, Torino, Italy M. Cabibbo, E.Evangelista, E. Meccia and S. Spigarelli - INFM/Department of Mechanics, University of Ancona, Ancona, Italy Abstract The microstructure and the mechanical properties of a 6056 aluminium alloy Friction Stir-Welded (FSW) joint were investigated in the present study.The structure was analysed using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy.The change in microstructure across the welded joint was found to correspond to significant variation in hardness.As in most FSW joints, the structure was characterised by the presence of a region of severely deformed grains in proximity of the weld nugget, i.e. of a region of fine recrystallised grains. Tensile tests showed that the joint material exhibited a rupture strength similar to the parent material, even though the former was significantly less ductile. This difference resulted in a reduction in ductility of the welded sheets. A T6 treatment increased tensile strength, but further reduced joint ductility. Nevertheless, the strength of the welded sheet was found to be very close (80-90%) to that of the base alloy. Riassunto Il presente studio ha preso in esame la microstruttura e le proprietà meccaniche di un giunto in lega di alluminio 6056 prodotto per Friction Stir Welding (FSW). La microstruttura è stata analizzata tramite microscopia ottica ed elettronica in scansione e trasmissione. Si è osservato che la variazione della microstruttura trasversalmente alla saldatura corrispondeva a significativi cambiamenti del valore della microdurezza. La microstruttura, come del resto usuale in giunti prodotti per FSW, era caratterizzata dalla presenza, in prossimità della zona indicata come “weld nugget”, cioè della zona di grani ricristallizzati, di una regione in cui i grani erano severamente deformati. Le prove di trazione hanno mostrato che il materiale del giunto possedeva una resistenza a rottura abbastanza simile a quelle della lega madre, anche se era significativamente meno duttile. Un tale risultato si traduceva quindi in una complessiva riduzione della duttilità dell’insieme delle lamiere saldate. Un trattamento T6 aumentava la resistenza meccanica, a spese di ulteriori riduzioni della duttilità. Nondimeno, la resistenza delle lamiere saldate rimaneva molto prossima (89-90%) a quella del materiale base. INTRODUCTION top to the bottom of the joint, a change that corresponds to a variation in recrystallised grain size. The present study aims at characterising a friction stir-welded joint from the microstructural and mechanical points of view.To do this, specimens in as-welded, welded and aged conditions were investigated using different testing methods. Aluminum alloys are widely used to produce aerospace components with high specific strength. On the other hand, when traditional welding processes are applied to these alloys, they often entail disadvantage that have sometimes discouraged the use of welded components. Friction stir welding (FSW) is a recent method of joining materials patented in 1991 by TWI [1-13]; this process was developed from the classic friction welding methods and has the advantage of operating in solid state. In conventional friction welding the plasticized material is constrained in two dimensions (vertical and horizontal), while in FSW the layer of plasticized material is constrained in three dimensions [14]. FSW assures the absence of porosity, distortion and residual stresses, which are typical defects of the fusion welding processes, and the possibility to operate in all positions without protective gas.Alloys difficult to weld like the 2000 and 7000 series have successfully been welded using FSW. The process uses a shouldered rotating tool with a profiled pin that penetrates the clamped parts to be joined; the tool then starts to move along the join line (Fig.1). The heat produced by friction softens the alloy and the pin stirs the material of the joint until the sheets are joined. The stirring of one material into the other is associated with a solid-state flow, i.e. with a very high deformation, and involves recrystallisation of a portion of the joint (weld nugget).These extremely fine recrystallised grains are known to slide one over the other [8], leading to a superplastic flow that accommodates the FSW process. FSW temperature decreases from the EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The joined sheets measured 200x470x4 mm; the material, a 6056-T4 alloy, had the following chemical composition (wt.%): 07-1.3 Si, 0.3-1.0 Mn, 06-1.2 Mg, 0.25 Cr, Cu=0.5-1.1, Zn=0.1-0.7.(Ti+Zr)=0.2, Fe=0.5, Al=bal. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to analyse the friction stir-welded surface, i.e. the upper surface in Figure 1; upper and cross-sections were grinded, polished, etched with Keller’s reagent (20 sec), and examined by light microscopy (LM). Vickers microhardness was measured along the weld on the same surface. Samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy 17 - Metallurgical Science and Technology (TEM) were cut from the central region of the weld to observe the microstructure of the severely deformed zone and the weld nugget.Thin foils were mechanically thinned to a mean thickness of 5060 µm and treated with an electropolishing double jet with a solution of 25% HNO3 in methanol at 18 V and –35°C.TEM micrographs were taken with a Philips CM200 microscope equipped with double-tilting specimen holder. Tensile tests were carried out on specimens of different dimensions drawn from different locations (Fig. 2) to measure the mechanical properties of base, as-welded and T6-treated materials.The grey specimens in Figure 2 were subjected to ageing treatment, whereas the white ones were tested as-welded. Small samples were used to estimate the mechanical properties of the joint and large ones to evaluate the overall mechanical behaviour of the welded sheets. Post-weld heat treatment consisted in solutioning at 530°C for 4 h and ageing. The base material was first aged for different times at 160°C and 175°C to identify the peak ageing condition. Fig. 1: Schematic representation of Friction Stir Welding process. The head of the rotating pin is in black. The grey zone represents the weld Results and discussions Figure 3 shows a SEM image of the upper surface of the joint, where tool and sheet were in contact. The roughness of the surface after welding can easily be distinguished (recent studies mention the possibility of using radially located cutters on the welding tool to reduce this effect [2]). Figure 4 shows the macrostructure of the transverse surface across the welding zone. The cross-section has the typical aspect of a friction stir-welded zone, whose most prominent feature is the presence of a “weld nugget zone” characterised by fine equiaxed recrystallised grains. As mentioned above, the presence of this zone is due to the recrystallisation occurred during the welding. Figure 5 shows the microstructure of the weld.The difference in grain shape and dimensions between the weld nugget (Fig.5b) and the parent material (Fig.5c) is quite evident: the mean value of the grain size as measured by LM is 11 µm in the weld nugget and 65 µm in the parent alloy. Microstructure variations are also evident on the upper surface, where fine grains along the welding line are easily distinguished. Microhardness tests along the welded joint (Fig.6) showed the relationship between microstucture and mechanical properties. For the cross-section, the hardness values are closely connected with the nature of the process experienced by the Fig. 2: Identification of tensile test samples: small specimens had a gauge length of 25 mm, and a 5x4 mm section; large samples had a 55 mm gauge length and a 20x4 mm section Fig. 3: SEM micrograph of the FS-welded zone 18 - Metallurgical Science and Technology zones. In FSW aluminium joints four zones exist: the recrystallised central region (Fig.5b) surrounded by the thermomechanically affected zone (TMAZ), a heat affected and deformed region (Fig. 5a) and the heat affected zone (HAZ) on either side of the joint [14]. FSW creates a softened region around the weld center in precipitationhardened Al-alloys [15]; the analysis of hardness distribution in the weld led indeed some authors [16] to conclude that the hardness profile in particle-hardened materials is mainly governed by the distribution of fine precipitates. The lowest hardness value in Fig.6 is found in an area of great grain distortion, indicated as ‘’A’’ in Figure 4. A peak in hardness is observed in the central part of the weld-nugget; then, HV gradually decreases, reaches a minimum value in the heat-affected zone, and gradually increases up to the value typical of the parent alloy. Figure 7 shows the microstructure of the region of transition between weld nugget and nonrecrystallised stirred material (Fig.7a) and the typical microstructure of the weld nugget interior. A dramatic difference in dislocation density between recrystallised and non-recrystallised grains is apparent. The grain interior is heavily Fig. 4: Structure of the thermo-mechanical affected zone decorated with intragranular Mg2Si precipitates, which are extremely effective in reducing dislocation mobility, as clearly indicated by the high fraction of dislocations pinned on these precipitates. The low dislocation density in the recrystallised grains is well documented in Figure 7b.The fine grain size in the weld nugget can easily be appreciated; in particular, TEM analysis demonstrates that the average grain size obtained with LM measurements is overestimated. The size and distribution of intragranular precipitates do not change appreciably in the recrystallised region. Fig. 5: Microstructure corresponding to the A (a) and B (b) zones in TMAZ. In (c) the structure of the parent material is shown 140 center of the weld HV 120 605 6 100 X= 0 80 500 m 60 -2 0 2 4 6 8 position [mm] 10 12 14 Fig. 6: a) Hardness profile along the weld (transverse section); in b) the microstructure and the x = 0 position are clearly shown 19 - Metallurgical Science and Technology > = 2 2 m m Fig. 7: Microstructure of the joint (TEM): a) transition between recrystallized and non-recrystallized zones; the pinning effect of precipitates is apparent; b) typical morphology of recrystallized grains; the fine grain size and the relatively high fraction of precipitates can be easily appreciated 150 6056 140 130 HV Ageing curves at 160°C and 175°C are shown in Figure 8. Analysis of this figure allowed to identify the conditions for T6 treatment (solution treatment at 530°C for 4 h and artificial ageing at 175°C for 24 h). Figure 9 shows the typical microstructure of the weld nugget after T6 treatment.The grain growth that took place during solution treatment is evident in Figure 9a. Figure 9b permits to appreciate the distribution of Mg2Si precipitates after ageing. Figure 10 shows some of the stress-strain curves obtained in this study. The parent material is very ductile even in the T6 condition; by contrast, the small samples machined from the joint are characterised by a low ductility. The T6 condition enhances this brittleness, with minor advantages in terms of tensile strength.The strain to fracture of the large transverse samples is thus lower than that of the parent material, an obvious effect of the relatively poor ductility of the joint. Nevertheless, the mechanical response of the welded sheets in terms of tensile strength and yielding is 80-90% of that of the parent material. Figure 11 summarised the averaged results of tensile tests. The variation in strength illustrated in Figure 11 are fully consistent with other literature data on 6000 alloys [17].Also in the case of a 7075 alloy, the as-welded strength and ductility were found to be lower than those of the base material, that was characterised by the presence of precipitates of various sizes [18]; a post-weld heat treatment further reduced ultimate strength and ductility. This observation, and the fact that the tensile samples fractured in the region of the HAZ that experienced temperatures between 300 and 350°C during the welding process, led the authors to conclude that also in this alloy the mechanical response of FSW joint was controlled by the size and distribution of precipitates. The study of the fracture location showed that in as-received specimens the failure began from the transition zone of the cross-section (Fig.5a), a result that again is fully consistent with the available data [14] that indicate that fracture do not occur in the weld nugget or in the joint centerline. By contrast, in T6 samples sometimes the fracture originated from the joint line, probably due to a greater concentration of precipitates in that zone after heat treatment, even if a recent study [19] suggested that, in the case of a solution treated and aged joint, the fracture should occur in the region with the minimum average Taylor factor, i.e. the fracture location depends on crystallographicorientation distribution and strain tensor of imposed deformation. 120 110 1 60 C 1 75 C 100 90 80 0 1000 104 105 106 time [s] Fig. 8: Ageing curves obtained on parent alloy after solution treatment at 530°C for 4h > = 2 µm 2 µm Fig. 9: Microstructure of weld-nugget after T6 treatment (TEM); a) effect of grain growth during solution treatment; b) distribution of precipitated Mg2Si 20 - Metallurgical Science and Technology 350 300 x 11 4 x 5x x 300 200 stress [MPa] 250 stress [MPa] 400 x x 6056-T4 weld (sample 11) weld (sample 8) base (samp le 10) 150 100 200 x 10 605 6 T4 (samples 10-11) T6 (samples 4-5) 100 50 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 strain [%] 10 15 strain [%] 20 25 Fig. 10: Stress-strain curves for weld and parent material FSW was found to produce microstructural variations across the weld, due to the thermomechanical treatment involved in the process. Such variations result in local changes in mechanical properties. Nevertheless, the tensile strength of the welded joint is close to 90%, and its yield strength is almost equivalent to those of the parent alloy, an extremely satisfactory result that demonstrates the high quality of the process. After a T6 heat treatment, tensile strength rises to 95% of that of the parent alloy. The only disadvantage with FSW welding is a reduction of the material ductility, a disadvantage is enhanced bt subsequent T6 treatment. stress [MPa] 400 R Rp02 6056 25 A 20 300 15 10 200 5 100 base base T6 weld weld T6 strain to fracture [%] CONCLUSIONS 0 Fig. 11: Histogram showing the mechanical response (rupture strength, R, yield strength, Rp02, and ductility, A) for the FSW material; samples 4 and 10 were used to estimate the properties of base material, and samples 5,6,11 and 12 for the weld REFERENCES 1] C.J.Dawes, Friction Stir welding, in “Training in Aluminium Application Technologies – TALAT”, European Aluminum Association, in CD-ROM (1999), lecture 4410. 2] O.T.Midling, E.J.Morley, A.Sandvik, “Friction stir Welding”, European patent Application 959 078 88. 3] G. Liu , L.E.Murr, C.-S. Niou, J.C.McLure and F.R.Vega, Scrita mater., 37 (1997) 355. 4] K.V. 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