Alameda and Contra Costa Counties ECK Worship Services
Alameda and Contra Costa Counties ECK Worship Services
May 2016 The Golden Door Alameda and Contra Costa Counties Public Events and Services ECK Worship Services The public is warmly invited to ECK Worship Services. Each service focuses on an aspect of Eckankar. They often feature a reading from the Eck works; singing HU, talks, music, and a group discussion of spiritual principles at work in daily life. The service lasts about an hour. Join others seeking to bring more insight and divine love into their lives at this special celebration of the Light and Sound of God. Redwood City Second Sunday, May 8 at 11:00 a.m. ECK Cleric Officiating: tba Theme: tba Pleasanton Third Sunday, May 15 at 10:30 a.m. ECK Cleric Officiating: Carol Du Bey Theme: The Power and Beauty of HU “In all heaven and earth no name is mightier than HU. It can lift the grieving heart to a temple of solace. A companion in trouble, it is likewise a friend in times of prosperity. And is it any wonder, for HU is Soul’s most precious gift from God.” —Harold Klemp, The Living Word, Book 2, page 4 Berkeley ECKANKAR Center 3052 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley CA 94705 (510) 549-2807 Pleasanton: Four Points Sheraton 5115 Hopyard Road (Cross Street Gibraltar) Directions: (925) 460-8800 Information: (925) 944-0118 Redwood City ECKANKAR Center 2009 Broadway Redwood City CA 94063 Information: (650) 568-3209 Berkeley Fourth Sunday, May 22 at 10:30 a.m. ECK Cleric Officiating: Pat Duffey Theme: How Do We Know When God Speaks to Us? “The Creator, the Highest Being, speaks to creation through the Holy Spirit, the ECK. This voice of divine love is very real.” —Harold Klemp, The Living Word, Book 2, page 112 ECKANKAR, Religion of the Light and Sound of God Page 2 The Golden Door May 2016 BOOK DISCUSSION CLASSES AND SPECIAL EVENTS Spiritual Discussions Community HU Songs* May 7 First Saturday 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. The Parkview 100 Valley Avenue Pleasanton Information: (925) 944-0118 May 1, 15 & 29 First, Third & Fifth Sunday 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Berkeley ECKANKAR Center Information: (510) 549-2807 May 28 Fourth Saturday 11:00 – 12:00 a.m. Sycamore Green Apartments 2520 Ryan Road, Concord Information: Henri at (270) 312-3014 *We invite you to join us at a community HU Song. Regardless of your background or religion, we invite you to join us in trying this simple, 20-minute spiritual exercise. It has helped people of many different faiths experience the presence of God. Sunday, May 8, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Topic: Solving Problems with Divine Love Berkeley ECKANKAR Center Facilitator: Dion Wong Dream Workshop Saturday, May 28, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Dreams: Awaken to Their Spiritual Nature Discover how dreams… - can give us practical help in everyday life - offer insights on health, career and relationships - help us explore worlds of higher consciousness Location: Dublin Public Libraary Library Program Room 200 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Information: [email protected] (925) 944-0118 May 2016 Page 3 The Golden Door Eckankar Books and Other Media can be ordered from the following people: Contra Costa: Jeanette at (925) 672-5118 East Bay (Berkeley): Henri at (270) 312-3014 Complimentary ECK Books There are three ways to receive Is Life a Random Walk? and Ancient Wisdom for Today: - At any Eckankar Center, by phone at 1-800-LOVE GOD, or download from the web at ECK Video Presentation on Public Access TV The California Satsang Society is pleased to present Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, on the following television cable stations: Walnut Creek Comcast Cable Channel 6 Second and Fourth Wednesdays 6:00 p.m. Alameda, Hayward, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Union City Comcast Cable Channel 28 or ATT Uverse Ch 99 Monday & Friday 7:30 pm This is the latest information. Please notify the editor with information as to changes or corrections. Martinez, Pleasant Hill, Lamorinda, Blackhawk, Danville, Alamo, Rossmoor Comcast Cable Channel 3 Second and Fourth Wednesdays 6:00 p.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Glossary of ECK Terms ECK – Holy Spirit; the essence of God, which supports and sustains all life. Eckankar – Religion of the Light and Sound of God; means co-worker with God. The Golden Door Newsletter Request Form Please make donation checks payable to California Satsang Society, Inc. Mail to the following address: California Satsang Society, Inc. PO Box 771 Livermore, CA 94550 HU – The holy name of God (pronounced “hue”). ECKist – A member of Eckankar. Mahanta – A title to describe the highest of all states of God consciousness on earth, the sublime ECK in expression at the highest level. The full force of the Rod of ECK power and the Mantle of the Mahanta are embodied directly in the Living ECK Master of the time. Satsang – A class in which members of ECK study a monthly lesson from Eckankar. Soul – The true self; the inner, most sacred part of each person. Soul Travel – The expansion of consciousness. The ability of SOUL to transcend the physical body and travel into the spiritual worlds of God. Sugmad – The supreme God. The formless, allembracing, impersonal infinite, the OCEAN OF LOVE AND MERCY; from It flows all life, all truth, all reality, all WISDOM, LOVE, and POWER. (According to Federal guidelines, the full amount of your contribution to this publication is tax deductible.) I am a member of Eckankar. Enclosed is $20 donation for 12 issues. I am not a member of Eckankar. Please send 6 complimentary issues. I am unable to donate $20. Please accept my donation of $_________ My address had changed. Name__________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City______________________State______Zip_________________ To donate by credit card, please complete the following information: Visa Mastercard Card No.:__________________________ Exp. Date:_________________________ Telephone No.:____________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________ The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp. Copyright © 2016ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. . The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, P.O. Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317 USA. Published by the California Satsang Society, Inc., A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR.
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