Proposed Widening of US Route 17 (Speedway Blvd.) Jasper


Proposed Widening of US Route 17 (Speedway Blvd.) Jasper
Proposed Widening of US Route 17 (Speedway Blvd.)
Jasper County, South Carolina
Public Information Meeting
Hardeeville Community Center
Tuesday, Septembel' 14, 2010
4:00 - 6:00 PM
South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCOOT) proposes to widen US Route 17 (Speedway Blvd.) beginning at the
Georgia state line and ending at SC Route 170. The purpose of this project is to improve safety and increase capacity along
US Route 17. The project is funded through preliminary engineering and right-of-way by the Lowcountry Council of
Governments. The majority of the project as proposed will be constructed within the SCOOT existing right-of-way. The
project is currently not funded for construction.
The purpose of the meeting is to allow the local community, concerned citizens and project stakeholders an opportunity to
review and comment on the proposed widening of US Route 17 (Speedway Blvd.). This meeting is being conducted with an
informal, open house format. You are encouraged to review the various displays and discuss your questions or concerns with
any of the SCOOT representatives at this meeting. You are also encouraged to provide written comments on the forms
provided so that we may have a written record of your concerns or suggestions. Comment forms may be placed in the
comment box or mailed to:
Brent Rewis Program Manager 955 Park Street -RM 40 I Columbia, SC 29201 PROPOSED PROJECT INFORMATION
US Route 17 is currently a two-lane ditch typical section. The Department is proposing to widen US Route 17 to a four lane
roadway with a divided median. Existing SCOOT right-of-way varies from 200 to 300 feet wide. This roadway currently
has an average daily traffic (ADT) of 14,700 vehicles per day with a level of service rating of C in 2009. If no improvements
are made, future projections show a 2033 level of service F with an ADT of21 ,900 vehicles per day. The construction of a 4
lane divided section would improve the 2033 level of service to a B.
The Department is currently reviewing various alternatives including a narrower median, or shifting the alignment to reduce
right of way and wetland impacts between the S.c.L. railroad bridge and the intersection of US Route 17 and SC Route 170,
adjacent to the National Wildlife Refuge.
SCOOT is currently performing environmental studies and preliminary design on the proposed widening project. The
information gathered from the various studies, along with your input will be used to assist with selecting a Preferred
Alternative. Once selected, the Preferred Alternative will be presented at an official Public Hearing, at which time the public
will have a second opportunity to ask questions and provide input on the project.
Public Hearing. .. . . ......... ... . .. ...... ...... .................. ... ... .... .... .................. ... .... .. ...
Summer 20 II
Right-of-Way Acquisition. .. ... .. ... ....... ..... .... ....... ..... .. ........... ......... ..... .... ..... .. ..
Fall 20 II
Construction.... ....... ... .. ... ....... ............... ........ .................. ........ ... ...... ..................
Dependent on funding
Proposed Typical Section US Route 17 Widening from Georgia state line to SC Route 170 RIGHT OF WAY PROCEDURE
Once the right of way plans are completed, an agent with the Department will be assigned to the project. At times, the
SCOOT will contract with an experienced right of way consultant company to perform the rights of way services. Consultant
companies and their agents are regularly monitored by the SCOOT staff. The agent's first job is conducting title research to
determine the ownership of each parcel of land shown on the plans. The agent will then contact the property owner to verify
the information on ownership and property lines and to explain how construction of the project will affect the property. In
some instances SCDOT is allowed by the Federal Highway Administration to make offers based on estimates of fair market
value without having an appraisal prepared. If the property value is below the threshold for estimate offers, the agent may
present an offer for the needed right of way during the first contact. In the event that the property estimate exceeds the
designated threshold, an appraisal will be ordered to establish the offer ofjust compensation. The acquisition agent will make
these offers in writing. If an appraisal is required, the appraiser shall provide an opportunity for the landowner to be present
when the property is inspected with the landowner being entitled to a copy of the appraisal.
Details of the right of way acquisition procedures can be found in the brochure "Highways and You", which is available upon
request. Relocation benefits are explained in the brochure and consist of moving expenses and replacement housing
payments. No person that occupies real property will be required to move from a dwelling, business, or farm without at least
90 days notice of the vacate date. The following is SCOOT's policy on replacement housing:
The Federal Highway Administration will be given specific written assurance that comparable replacement hous ing will
be available or provided for before the initial written approval or endorsement of any project is requested.
Construction authorization will not be requested until comparable replacement housing has been made available to all
affected persons.
SCOOT acknowledges that all housing must be fair housing and must be offered to all affected persons regardless of their
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
CONTACT INFORMATION: For more information on this project, you may contact Brent Rewis, SCOOT Program
Manager, at 803-737-7903 .
We appreciate your attendance at this meeting, and look forward to the opportunity to serve throughout the development of
this very important project. Please provide written comments on the Information Meeting Comment Forms.