Gear Up and Ride! - Pocahontas County
Gear Up and Ride! - Pocahontas County
Gear Up and Ride! Are you looking for spectacular motorcycle rides? You’ve come to the right place — Pocahontas County, West Virginia! Get your ride rolling as you snake through the twisties, climbing over ridges and descending to the valley floor. Take in the fresh mountain air as you pass beautiful mountain vistas, old horse farms as well as amazing mountain resorts. Our roads wind along following mountain streams from their headwaters to major rivers. An endless path of curves, mountains, and tranquility await you in Pocahontas County. 800.336.7009 Attractions (GPS Coordinates) CVB Marlinton LA 38.22421 LO 80.09380 Edray Trout Hatchery LA 38.27051 LO 80.10522 Highland Scenic Highway (North) LA 38.30673 LO 80.09580 Seneca State Forest LA 38.29667 LO 79.92934 Cass Train Depot LA 38.39724 LO 79.91436 Durbin Train LA 38.54523 LO 79.82294 Green Bank Telescope LA 38.43040 LO 79.81773 Beartown LA 38.22429 LO 80.09392 Cranberry Glades Botanical Area LA 38.19810 LO 80.27518 Cranberry Nature Center LA 38.18384 LO 80.25345 Droop Mountain Battlefield LA 38.10949 LO 80.27247 Falls of Hills Creek LA 38.17834 LO 80.33878 Highland Scenic Highway (South) LA 38.18409 LO 80.25376 McNeel Mill LA 38.15747 LO 80.18173 Watoga State Park LA 38.11654 LO 80.12803 Snowshoe Mountain New Milton Stonewood Lost Creek Snowshoe Routes Philippi 119 Auburn nner Parsons 250 Hodgesville Weston Hendricks Belington 32 Buckhannon Start Tour Glenville Gas 33 Abbott 19 Food 3 Thomas WV Wildlife Center Burnsville Attraction Elkins Womelsdorf Bowden Tygart Flyer Train Historic Beverly Beverly Rock Cave O Bemis 79= 7 mi) Map Scale (1/2 in osedale Cleveland Sutton 4 Wildell Huttonsville Pickens 20 Hacker Valley 219 28 Holly River State Park Diana Point Mtn. Overlook Webster Springs 20 Cowen la Jerryville Summersville Fenwick Cass 219 19 Huntersville 220 Minnehaha Springs Lake Moomaw Quinwood Trout 60 Rainelle 20 Mustoe Hillsboro 20 41 Vanderpool Dunmore Frost Marlinton 39 Green Bank 92 Highland Scenic Hwy. Richwood Green Bank Telescope Cass Scenic Railroad Slaty Fork 39 Mount Nebo 250 Snowshoe Mountain 150 Craigsville Durbin Valley Head 15 Clintonville 39 Jefferson Pools Warm Springs Falling Spring Frankford 39 Healing Springs High Road (177 Miles) • FromSnowshoe,travelRt.219N.toValleyHead(17miles). • InValleyHead,takeRt.15toWebsterSprings(30miles). • InWebsterSprings,takeRt.20N.toBuckhannon(52miles). • InBuckhannon,takeRt.33toElkins(29miles). • InElkins,takeRt.219S.toRt.66andSnowshoe(49miles). Sweepingcurvesalongsomeoftheregion’smostbeautifulroads makethisroutea“mustsee.”StopatHollyRiverStateParkandPaint MountainOverlooktoenjoyspectacularviews.Visittheuniquetownsof BuckhannonandElkinswhereyoucangrabameal,chatwithfriendly locals,andjustliebackforawhile. A Pleasant Valley (119 Miles) • FromSnowshoe,takeRt.219S.toHighlandScenicHighway150. • ThentakeRt.150W.toRt.39W.toRichwood(44miles). • ThenontoFenwick(3miles). • InFenwick,takeRt.20N.throughWebsterSprings(34miles). • ThentakeRt.15toMontervilletoValleyHead(24miles). • TakeRt.219S.toRt.66backtoSnowshoe(13miles). Freedom Fest EverysummerSnowshoeMountainResorthoststhepopularFreedom FestRally!Thispremierallbrandsrallycontinuestodrawbikersfrom everypartofthecountry.Newandexcitingtoursandactivitiesare plannedeveryyear.Vendorandexhibitareas,dailyentertainment,bike shows,andrallypartiesmakethistheonerallyyouwon’twanttomiss! For information and registration details about the next Freedom Fest Rally, visit or call 877-441-4FUN. Beginningat4,848’atSnowshoeMountain,thisridetakesyouthrough beautifulsylvanvalleys.TheHighlandScenicHighwaywindsfor22 milesalongamountainridgeoverlookingvalleysthathavevirtuallyno evidenceofhumanexistence,exceptforthewell-maintainedhighway, endingatoneofthemostuniquenaturalsettingsinNorthAmerica, theCranberryGlades. The Virginia’s (139 Miles) • FromSnowshoe,travelRt.66throughCass.Turnright onRt.28/92andcontinuetoDunmore(24miles). • Stayon92toFrost(7miles). • AtFrost,take84E.toVanderpool,VA(19miles). • TakeRt.220S.toWarmSprings(31miles). • TakeRt.39throughMountainGrove(13miles)acrossthestateline throughMinnehahaandHuntersvilleandMarlinton(18miles). • AtMarlinton,takeRt.219NbacktoSnowshoe(27miles). Rt.66takesyouthroughthehistorictownofCasswhereyoustepback intimeandridetheoriginalShayenginestoBaldKnob,thesecond highestpointinWV. Green Bank Telescope Diana Strange Creek 119 le 4 4 Clendenin Cowen Blakeley Zela Smithers 19 Ansted NewRiver Gorge Bridge Cliff Top Oak Hill 16 Mt. Hope Beckley Sophia 10 ary Trout Clintonville 20 Meadows Mullens Frankford Lewisburg Alderson 63 39 Falling Spring Waterfall Covington Glen W 220 311 19 Healing S 220 Humpback Bridge Alleghany 220 Clifton Forge 269 64 60 Je Wa Lake Moomaw The Greenbrier New R. Daniels Watoga State Park Homestead Resort Falling Spring Rainelle Minnehaha Spring Hillsboro Locust Creek Covered Brdige 60 Danese 39 Quinwood Babcock State Park Frost Marlinton Cranberry Glades Falls of Hills Creek Beartown Meadow Bridge 16 h 41 61 Pineville Richwood Mount Nebo 41 Fayetteville Prosperity 219 20 Powellton b 92 39 Cedar Grove Pax Green B Slaty Fork Summersville 39 Colcord Jerryville 20 Craigsville 16 Tol l Addison Birch River Swandale Clay Durbin Valley Head 15 3 UnionSouthern & Parks (228 Miles) Bluestone L. Sweet Springs Oriskany Comfort (135 Miles) Paint Bank 3 20 • InMarlinton,takeRt.39E.toHuntersville(7miles). • FromMarlinton,takeRt.219S.toLewisburg(48miles). New Castle Fincastle Camp Creek 219 Waiteville • TakeRt.21S.toWatogaStatePark. • TravelI-64E.totheCallahanexit#7Rt.60.TravelRt.60E. Lindside 311 10 • GothroughtheParkonRt.21toRt.219S. to Covington, VA (38 miles). Northfork Troutville Matoaka Abbott to Lewisburg (46 miles). • InCovington,takeRt.220N.throughHotSprings(17miles) • TakeRt.60N.toClifftop(49miles). to Warm Springs, VA (8 miles). Princeton Maybeury Rich Creek Blue • TakeRt.41toRt.61W.toMt.HopeandOakHill(26miles). • TakeRt.39W.intoMarlinton(32miles). 20 Pembroke 77 • FromOakHill,takeRt.16toFayetteville(13miles). Pearisburg Bramwell Salem 460 Vinton • GetonRt.19tocrossbridgetoSummersville(23miles). Bluefield 81 Bluefield Roanoke • TakeRt.39E.toRichwood(21miles). Blacksburg 100 Tiptop Parrott • TakeRt.55/39E.fromRichwoodtoRt.219(30miles). Merrimac Starkey • ThenRt.219N.toMarlinton(7miles). Shawsville Bastian Mechanicsburg TazewellSpectacular winding roads leadBland you to Babcock State Park and into Burkes Garden Fayetteville. Ride over the longest arch bridge in the Western Hemisphere,theNewRiverGorgeBridge,overlookingtheoldestgorge and the oldest river in the world! Radford 11 Boones This route takesChristiansburg you through diverse watersheds, wideMill valleys, and comfortable settings. You may want to dip in the Jefferson Pools along 122 theway.Rt.39takesyouthroughextraordinaryswitchbacksonyour Simpsons way back to Marlinton. Durbin 42 250 reen Bank MarlintonDayton RoutesBridgewater Monterey McDowell Gas Williamsville 81 Staunton Attraction Jefferson Pools Warm Springs 64 60 Sherando Lake Monticello Covesville 11 Virginia Horse Center Esmont 6 29 Centenary Buena Vista Natural Bridge Scottsville James R. Lovingston Lexington 20 Glasgow 501 Mountain Waters (176 Miles) Amherst Big Island Buchanan 15 Gladstone Buckingham • FromMarlinton,travelRt.39E.(AppalachianWatersScenic Monroe Byway) through Warm Springs (32 miles). 122 • TravelRt.39E.throughGoshenPasstoRt.11. ville • TakeRt.11toLexington,VA(45miles). Lynchburg 43 • InLexington,VAtakeRt.60W.toRt.850. 221 Blue Ridge • TakeRt.850toRt.269toCliftonForge,VA(33miles). Bedford Timberlake 24 • Rt.269(LongwoodFurnaceRd)continuesinto Rustburg Clifton Forge. 24 TakeRt.220N.toI-64W.toCovington(12miles). • Evington 24 • InCovington,takeRt.220N.toWarmSprings. Moneta •ThentakeRt.39W.backintoMarlinton(47miles). Gladys stle Batesville Brownsburg 39 850 Glen Wilton Commonwealth Waynesboro Map Scale (1/2 in = 14 mi) Greenville Goshen 269 Newtown Grottoes Churchville Food Goshen Pass Harrisonburg Start Tour Springs aling Springs Syria Shenandoah 11 Beartown State Park 42 Mustoe 220 Stanley Linville Toga 24 Appomattox 460 Pamplin Madisonville 15 43 Smith Mountain L. Springs and soakAltavista Visit the village of Warm in the natural springs of the Jefferson Pools. Stay on Rt. 39 through Goshen Pass, where the Maury River carved out this breathtaking gorge with rocky cliffs and rushing whitewater. Dillwyn 40 Brookneal Phenix Charlotte Court House Glade Creek Mill t Bartow Routes Bayard Scherr Start Tour Philippi 119 dgesville 22 Thomas Gas O 42 Parsons Food 250 Mo Hendricks Attraction 32 Map Scale (1/2 in = 5 mi) Elkins Bowden Womelsdorf Smoke Hole Caverns Harman 33 Beverly Seneca Rocks Historic Beverly 250 Mill Creek 33 Bemis Riverton Wildell Huttonsville Circleville 33 Valley Head 250 28 Durbin Railroad Upper Tract Seneca Caverns B 220 Judy Gap Gaudineer Scenic Area 219 Petersburg 28 Franklin Buffalo Lake Bartow 250 H 219 Green Bank Monterey Mustoe 92 McDowell 42 Seneca Rocks Mountains & Streams (119 Miles) • BeginatBartow.TakeRt.250N.for3milesandmakealefton Rt.28 to Judy Gap. • Take33E.toRt.220N.toPetersburg(58miles). • ThenRt.28/55W.toSenecaRocks(23miles). • TakeRt.55/33W.toHarman(12miles). • BearleftatHarmanonRt.33/35andontoElkins(21miles). • TakeRt.250S.toHuttonsville(16miles). • StayonRt.250backtoBartow(21miles). Durbin Railroad The changing landscapes and mountains of this tour have to be ridden to be believed. The rugged, rural beauty of Rt. 220 has some of the best country roads for motorcycle touring we have ever seen. Rocky Road (130 Miles) • FromBartow,WVtakeRt.250S.toRt.28N.toJudyGap. • InJudyGap,takeRt.33W.toSenecaRocks(35miles). • ThentakeRt.55/28N.toPetersburg,WV(22miles). • InPetersburg,takeRt.220S.toMonterey,VA(51miles). • InMonterey,takeRt.250backtoBartow,WV(23miles). This tour takes you through the most spectacular rock formations in West Virginia.SenecaRocksNationalRecreationAreaandSmokeHoleCaverns are just two areas along the way worth stopping and checking out. Highland Scenic Highway P O C A H O N TA S C O U N T Y Motorcycle Touring 800.336.7009 • Services All brands – service only BackMountainService Marlinton,WV(304.799.4238) Can-Am, KTM *(62 miles) DirtWorks Elkins,WV(304.637.2100) Can-Am, Honda, Yamaha *(93 miles) MidStateMarina Sutton,WV(304.765.7325) Honda, Kawasaki *(61 miles) UnitedCycleofSummersville Summersville,WV(304.872.6626) Harley-Davidson *(77 miles) RiverGorgeHarley-Davidson Hico,WV(304.658.3300) Kawasaki, Suzuki *(89 miles) UnitedCycle Beckley,WV(304.252.9775) *milesfromMarlinton For other nearby motorcycle service centers, call us at 800.336.7009 or visit us on the web at