newsletter 7-4-2016
newsletter 7-4-2016
The Martin News PO Box 5233 Sylvester, GA 31791 [email protected] (229) 272-4356 or (229) 776-6269 7-4-16 Casino Night Fundraiser Page 2 Isabella Station Opens Page 3 Worth County Health Department Employee Awarded District Honor Page 4 Sylvester Main Street Receives 2016 National Main Street Accreditation Page 6 Pet Photo Contest Page 9 HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY FROM THE MARTIN NEWS The Martin News Sylvester, Georgia 7-4-16 The Martin News Sylvester, Georgia 7-4-16 Words from Lynn Isabella Station Opens Downtown Sylvester is growing again! And we are very excited to welcome Worth Counties own Shane Brooks. Shane recently returned home to open a new restaurant in Downtown Sylvester. He and his longtime friend, Chris Bryant, chose Downtown Sylvester and are happy to return home. The new Restaurant “Isabella Station” is located at 101 North Isabella Street. They will be open Wednesday through for lunch and Thursday through Saturday for dinner. Everyone is so very excited for Shane and Chris to return homed and venture out with “Isabella Station”. Once the guys secured the location for the restaurant, they began researching the community Shane grew up in and found that Sylvester was formally known as "Isabella Station" and this is where the name comes from. The restaurant business is definitely not new to the guys. This is a way of life for them, and I can promise when you visit their restaurant you will not be disappointed. Blue Plate Specials can be found daily as well as a wonderful variety of menu selections. Larry and I have visited several times and just love it. The appetizers are great and have a variety to choose from which will start your meal great. Choosing an entre will be difficult because all the food is great but I get my own specialty which is a Cheeseburger, really think and really done which is also known to the cooks as the “Lynn Burger” and it is fabulous!! Take a few moments out of your busy life style and go visit Isabella Station. You will LOVE it!! For more information contact the restaurant at 229-463-7080. State Farm Providing Insurance and Financial Services Stuart Pate, Agent PO Box 189 Sylvester, GA 31791-0189 Phone (229) 776-6906 Fax (229) 776-0149 Thank you for your loyalty. We appreciate you. Happy Fourth of July to everyone! I hope everyone is having a great day, has had a great weekend and will have a great week! We have sure been busy this weekend having a great time together as a family. We enjoyed the fireworks from the Albany Marine Base on Friday night and then had a great supper at Talk of the Town. Always enjoying family and friend time. Saturday, Larry and I decided to take a trip to Albany for a few hours and we had a great time. We went to the Christian book store, toy store, to eat lunch and then to get my car washed. They had to run the car through the car wash twice so I guess they were trying to say it was dirty ;)… We also enjoyed some family time, pool time and went to church on Sunday. If you do not have a church home, we would love for you to come visit with us at Gordy New Bethel Baptist Church. We enjoy it so much. I teach the 4th-6th graders and LOVE every minute of it. With July here, it’s time to start making those back to school lists and Christmas lists. I know you are probably thinking Christmas already?? But Hobby Lobby has the Christmas items out and ready for you to shop up a storm. I want to remind everyone to please stay tuned to the dates to remember here in The Martin News along with the calendar of events posted by the Sylvester Worth County Chamber of Commerce which will keep you up to date on all the great things happening in our Community. We would love to see you all there. I hope you all have a great week and as always, Thank You so much for your support to the Martin News. ~ Lynn Meeks Manley ~ The Martin News Sylvester, Georgia 7-4-16 Worth County Health Department Employee Awarded District Honor Worth County Health Department Immunization Coordinator Cynthia McKinney has received an award from Southwest Health District’s Immunization Program for “Outstanding Service and Dedication.” McKinney was nominated by Worth County Health Department Nurse Manager Gina Connell, whose recommendation helped cinch her the award, said Rebecca Snow, who oversees the District Immunization Program. “The nominations came from throughout the District,” Snow said. “Cynthia’s dedication for assuring people in our community are properly vaccinated shows in her interaction with our patients,” said Connell. “She is genuinely concerned and enjoys explaining all vaccinations to them. She does not mind taking extra time with patients who have a lot of questions because she wants them knowledgeable with all needed vaccines.” McKinney is quick to share the credit with her colleagues. “I feel that all of us at Worth are responsible for that award, we work as a team and depend on one another,” she said. “We are fortunate to have Cynthia as part of our team her at Worth County Health Department,” Connell concluded. For information on how immunizations safely and effectively protect against diseases, contact the Worth County Health Department at 777-2170. For great new stories like this and others, please follow “Southwest Georgia Public Health District” on Facebook! Welcome Auto Damage Appraisers, Inc. to Sylvester and Worth County The Sylvester-Worth County Chamber of Commerce welcomed Auto Damage Appraisers, Inc. to town during a grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony on June 27th. Visit the business at 106 E Industrial Blvd. in Sylvester or call them at (229) 439-2858 for any questions you may have. The chamber encourages people to support these and other businesses in Sylvester-Worth County at every opportunity. Thank you for all your support! The Martin News Sylvester, Georgia 7-4-16 The Martin News Sylvester, Georgia 7-4-16 Sylvester Main Street Receives 2016 National Main Street Accreditation Sylvester, Georgia June 22, 2016-Sylvester Main Street has been designated as an accredited Main Street America™ program for meeting rigorous performance standards set by the National Main Street Center. Each year, the National Main Street Center and its Coordinating Program partners announce the list of accredited Main Street America programs in recognition of their exemplary commitment to preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach®. "Once again, we are thrilled to recognize this year's nationally accredited Main Street America communities for their outstanding work," says Patrice Frey, President & CEO of the National Main Street Center. "We are experiencing an exciting era for America's cities and towns, with a growing recognition of the importance of strong local enterprise, distinctive character, engaged residents, and sense of place. These are things that Main Street America programs have been working to protect and advance for years, strengthening the economic, social, and cultural fabric of communities across the country." The organization's performance is annually evaluated by the Georgia Main Street Program, which works in partnership with the National Main Street Center to identify the local programs that meet ten performance standards. Evaluation criteria determines the communities that are building comprehensive and sustainable revitalization efforts and include standards such as fostering strong public-private partnerships, securing an operating budget, tracking programmatic progress and actively preserving historic buildings. Main Street America has been helping revitalize older and historic commercial districts for more than 35 years. Today, it is a network of more than 1,000 neighborhoods and communities, rural and urban, who share both a commitment to place and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. Since 1980, communities participating in the program have leveraged more than $65.6 billion in new public and private investment, generated 556,960 net new jobs and 126,476 net new businesses, and rehabilitated more than 260,000 buildings. Main Street America is a program of the nonprofit National Main Street Center, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. WP WILMOT & POWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Real Estate Wills Probate General Practice RALPH W. POWELL [email protected] 101 East Pope Street Sylvester, Georgia 31791 229-776-3396 Different sizes available to fit your needs On site friendly staff to help you Manage your account online 101 Thompson Street Sylvester, Georgia 31791 (229) 776-3335 Hours are Monday-Thursday 9-4:30 Friday 9:30-5 CALL US TODAY FOR A TOUR OF OUR FACILITY The Martin News Sylvester, Georgia 7-4-16 The Martin News Sylvester, Georgia 7-4-16 ~ Dates to Remember ~ July June 27th thru July 4th ~ BFHS Firework Sale at Wal-mart Parking Lot 4th ~ Happy 4th of July 5th ~ Books & Bubbles at The Margaret Jones Public Library 5th ~ Book Signing with Trinka Polite at Margaret Jones Public Library 4pm 7th ~ Ground Breaking Ceremony for The Gift Barn 10am 9th ~ Sylvester Downtown Farmer’s Market 12th ~ Poulan City Council Meeting 12th ~ Books & Bubbles at The Margaret Jones Public Library 16th ~ Sylvester Downtown Farmer’s Market 18th ~ Sylvester City Council Meeting 19th ~ Warwick City Council Meeting 19th ~ Books & Bubbles at The Margaret Jones Public Library 20th thru 24th ~ Revival at Gordy New Bethel Baptist Church 21st ~ Third Thursday Lego Club at The Margaret Jones Public Library 5:30pm-6:30pm 23rd ~ Sylvester Downtown Farmer’s Market 24th ~ Summer Musical at First Baptist Church 26th ~ Books & Bubbles at The Margaret Jones Public Library 30th ~ Sylvester Downtown Farmer’s Market *** Email your events to [email protected] and we will get them listed on the calendar *** Ed’s Tires 202 East Franklin Street Sylvester (229) 776-6952 Tires, Brakes & Oil Changes Ed’s Truckstop 209 Highway 82 NW Poulan (229) 776-4795 Home Cooking You’ll Love The Martin News Sylvester, Georgia 7-4-16
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