Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016
Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016
ONTARIO MINING & EXPLORATION AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ONTARIO PROSPECTORS ASSOCIATION Y R O T C E R DI E C R U O S E & R 016 GUIDE 2 ONTARIO MINERAL PRODUCERS CORPORATE OFFICES OF COMPANIES WITH METAL MINES IN ONTARIO COMPANIES ACTIVELY EXPLORING IN ONTARIO ADVANCED MINERAL PROJECTS IN ONTARIO 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 1 www.ontarioprospectors.com 2/10/2016 8:12:20 AM TE CH NO LO G Y MIN ING GE OC HE M IS T IN F ON RY O RM I AT ENH OCCU L O R AT I O N S E ED EXP RVI P AT I O N A L H Y G I E N E ANC CES FULL-SERVICE MINING LABORATORY BR RY LU I CA YOUR NT S TE ST ING SER VICE S ENVIR ONM T EN AL CH EM IS T Canada’s Mineral Exploration Laborator y providing you with high quality analysis from exploration to reclamation. Accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) in accordance with the recognized International standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (CAN-P-4E) for the VSHFLÀFWHVWVRUW\SHVRIWHVWVOLVWHGLQWKHVFRSHRIDFFUHGLWDWLRQDSSURYHGE\6&&DQGIRXQGRQWKH6&&ZHEVLWHDWZZZVFFFD Ser vice Beyond Analysis ɷ www.agatlabs.com Full Service analysis for the Mining, Energy, Environmental, Industrial, Transportation, Agri-food and Life Sciences sectors. 729057_AGAT.indd 1 2 784006_Nuna.indd 1 ONP-D0016_L.indd 2 19/01/15 7:31 PM 7:42 pm Ontario Mining and Exploration 16/12/15 Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:22 AM Message from the OPA Ontario Mining & Exploration Directory 2016 Garry Clark Executive Director, Ontario Prospectors Association “There are 10 specific points of focus that the Ontario Government expects to fulfill that will support exploration and mining and stimulate the economy of Ontario. The key to the strategy’s success is to have the Province fulfill these 10 points.” Explorers in Ontario have had a hard few years! Do we have the components to recover? We are enduring low commodity prices, skeptical investors and share prices falling to all-time lows. Looking back over the last 30 plus years reveals this may be the lowest exploration period and may rival the early 1980’s! Leading up to the early ‘80s, most of the exploration was focused on Saskatchewan uranium. Presently, Saskatchewan is a favourable location to be exploring again. The game changer for Ontario in the early ‘80s was the discovery of the Hemlo orebody that caused a huge staking rush and millions of dollars of exploration. The result of these exploration efforts was a 25 million ounce gold deposit (Hemlo) and numerous other discoveries like Wesdome’s Eagle River and Richmont’s Island Gold mines. Discovery is always a great stimulator, focusing explorers and investors back to the bush to explore for Ontario’s mineral wealth. I believe the stars are finally aligning, even though it seems they’re aligning very slowly! The Province, through consultation with the exploration industry, aboriginal communities and other stakeholders, has developed a new Mineral Development Strategy. The strategy is a framework for going forward! There are 10 specific points of focus that the Ontario Government expects to fulfill that will support exploration and mining and stimulate the economy of Ontario. The key to the strategy’s success is to have the Province fulfill these 10 points. One of these points is to increase mineral discovery rates! New discoveries are needed to replace the deposits we have mined over the past 30 years. Ontario was a leader in base metal (copper, zinc) production and discovery, but is now down to one primary producing deposit (Kidd Creek). The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation recently announced that it would provide the Ontario Prospectors Association (OPA) with $5 million dollars for rebates to junior exploration companies completing grassroots exploration in Ontario. This rebate system is designed to attract additional investment and retain exploration dollars for Ontario! The fund is set up to rebate 30% of the expended exploration dollars up to $100,000 for up to two projects per company. A guidebook and forms are located on the Ontario Prospectors Association website (ontarioprospectors.com). Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 3 3 2/10/2016 8:12:32 AM Minister’s Message Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Creating a renewed mining vision for Ontario “Our province has long been a leading jurisdiction for the exploration and production of minerals in Canada and a major player across the globe. We produce close to one-quarter of Canada’s total mineral production and we are one of the Top 10 jurisdictions for mineral exploration expenditures in the world.” January 2016 Ontario has just launched a renewed Mineral Development Strategy, aimed at providing a 10-year road map that will help us remain a global leader in sustainable mineral development. Michael Gravelle Minister of Northern Development Our province has long been a leading and Mines jurisdiction for the exploration and production of minerals in Canada and a major player across the globe. We produce close to one-quarter of Canada’s total mineral production and we are one of the Top 10 jurisdictions for mineral exploration expenditures in the world. While the mining industry is currently facing challenges, Ontario’s more than 125 years of experience in surviving and thriving in commodity cycles have helped us remain a very attractive place to invest. The secret to our success is our commitment to fostering economic growth, encouraging innovation and collaboration and promoting Ontario as a premier destination for mining investment. It’s also due to the organizations and companies that exemplify the spirit of our renewed Mineral Development Strategy. A strategy that will: •ensure a minerals sector that is competitive and innovative; •help make our industry safer, more sustainable and environmentally conscious; •promote efficient and effective regulation; •and, most importantly, support a healthy mineral sector to build a strong, prosperous economy for today and tomorrow. The simple truth is Ontario has some of the best mining know-how in the world. Our government is committed to bringing this knowledge and experience together to work towards common goals. Mining is at our core, and together we can overcome any challenges we encounter and continue to drive investment and growth for generations to come. 4 ONP-D0016_L.indd 4 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:37 AM The Ontario Mining & Exploration Directory is published for Ontario Prospectors Association 1000 Alloy Drive Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6A5 (866) 259-3727/(807) 622-4156 fax www.ontarioprospectors.com President: Roger Poulin Executive Director: Garry Clark [email protected] THE ONTARIO MINING & EXPLORATION DIRECTORY IS SUPPORTED BY THE FOLLOWING ASSOCIATIONS Boreal Prospectors Association c/o 1000 Alloy Drive Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6A5 (807) 577-6440 President: Michael Fox [email protected] Northern Prospectors Association P.O. Box 535 Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 3J5 (705) 679-5500 President: Gino Chitaroni [email protected] Contents Message from the OPA.................................................................................... 3 Minister’s Message.......................................................................................... 4 How to Contact Us........................................................................................... 7 Ontario Mining Operations.............................................................................. 8 Ontario Mining Operations Map..................................................................... 9 Ontario Mineral Producers Metal Mines - Gold........................................................................................ 10 Other Metal Mines......................................................................................... 14 Diamond Mine............................................................................................... 17 Industrial Mineral Producers......................................................................... 18 Gemstone and Mineral Specimen Mines and Quarries............................... 20 Northwestern Ontario Prospectors Association P.O. Box 10124 Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6T6 (807) 344-8151 President: Bob Chataway [email protected] Lime and Specialty Limestone Producers..................................................... 21 Porcupine Prospectors and Developers Association P.O. Box 234 Timmins, ON P4N 7W8 (705) 365-3267 President: Bill MacRae [email protected] Dimension Stone and Specialty Aggregate Producers................................ 25 Sault and District Prospectors Association #408 – 99 Pine Street Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 3Y3 (705) 946-1040 President: Delio Tortosa [email protected] Southern Ontario Prospectors Association 879 Kilburn Street Kingston, ON K7M 6A3 (613) 634-1821 Fax: (613) 634-0054 President: John McCance [email protected] Sudbury Prospectors and Developers Association 129 Fielding Road Lively, ON P3Y 1L7 (705) 682-9297 x 240 Fax: (888) 316-4156 President: Joshua Bailey [email protected] Trap Rock Producers.................................................................................... 22 Brick Producers’ Quarries............................................................................ 23 Cement Producers’ Quarries........................................................................ 24 Corporate Offices of Companies with Metal Mines in Ontario.................................................. 30 Companies Actively Exploring in Ontario...................... 31 Advanced Mineral Projects in Ontario 2016................ 35 Products & Services Marketplace........................................ 36 Index of Advertisers......................................................................... 41 Publisher: Bill McDougall Project Manager: Kim Davies Marketing Associate: Margaux Tomac Sales Executives: Bill Biber, Heidi Burgess (Book Leader), Anook Commandeur, Wayne Jury, Arlene Nowicki, Trevor Perrault, Matt Pierce, Judy Pringle, Amanda Rowluk, Susana Segura, Norma Walchuk 5950 NW 1st Place Gainesville, FL 32607 (800) 369-6220 www.naylor.com © 2016 Naylor (Canada) Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the publisher. Cover Design: Calvin Harding Pagination: Purushothaman K PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 2016/ONP-D0016/2172 Cover Photos: Landore Resources’ Junior Lake Project Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 5 Published by Editor: Cody Smith 5 2/10/2016 8:12:38 AM I n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h: September 26 - 28 2016 The Rit z Ca rlton, Toronto Mines and Money is coming to the Americas Meet the team at PDAC for exclusive deals BOOTH 651 americas.minesandmoney.com ONP-D0016_L.indd 6 2/10/2016 8:12:39 AM Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 7 7 2/10/2016 8:12:42 AM - Exploration (Plans and Permits) - Advanced Exploration - New Mine Development - Closure Plans Exploration and Development Section (705) 670-5865 - Compliance - Enforcement - Abandoned Mines - Financial Assurance - Rehabilitation Mines Rehabilitation, Inspection and Compliance Section (705) 670-3023 The Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines provides investors with extensive and up-to-date information on mineral exploration and development. For further information on exploring the many exciting mining investment opportunities in Ontario, you can contact us at one of the numbers above or visit the Ministry’s website: www.ontario.ca/mndm. Contact Us Today and Explore the Opportunities - Provincial Recording Office (Assessment Work, Document Filing, Mining Claim Management) - Technical Unit (Dispositions, Minister's Orders) (705) 670-5841 Mining Lands Section Mineral Development and Lands Branch (705) 670-5787 Willet Green Miller Centre 933 Ramsey Lake Road, Level B6 Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6B5 Canada Tel: (705) 670-5755 Fax: (705) 670-5818 Toll Free: 1-888-415-9845 Website: www.mndm.gov.on.ca Mines and Mineral Division Room 5630, Whitney Block 99 Wellesley Street West Toronto, Ontario M7A 1W3 Canada Tel: (416) 327-0633 Fax: (416) 327-0617 Minister and Deputy Minister’s Offices - Geosciences and Mapping Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section (705) 670-5758 - Mineral Sector Information, Analysis and Statistics - Diamond Production and Royalties - Diamond Certification of Origin Thunder Bay: (807) 475-1100 Timmins: (705) 235-1621 North Bay: (705) 494-4080 Senior Aboriginal Relations Officers - Project Management - Program Development and Evaluation - Class Environmental Assessment Strategic Support Unit (705) 670-5755 Strategic Services Branch (705) 670-5755 Provincial Recording Office Technical Services Unit Sudbury: (705) 670-5742 Mining Lands Consultant Thunder Bay: (807) 475-1311 *Some Service Ontario Locations Also Provide Services For Mining Lands Mining Lands Section Services: Sudbury: (705) 670-5815 Timmins: (705) 235-1625 Thunder Bay: (807) 475-1123 (705) 945-6931 (705) 670-5741 (807) 475-1331 (705) 235-1615 (613) 478-3161 (807) 468-2813 (705) 568-4520 (807) 727-3272 933 Ramsey Lake Road Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6B5 Canada Tel: (705) 670-5691 Fax: (877) 670-1444 Toll Free In North America: 1-888-415-9845 Publication Sales Kenora: Kirkland Lake: Red Lake: Sault Ste. Marie: Sudbury: Thunder Bay: Timmins: Tweed: - Investment Marketing Resident Geologist Offices - Divisional Financial and Human Resources Coordination Trade and Investment Marketing (705) 670-5755 Aboriginal Relations Branch (705) 670-5760 Finance and Administration (705) 670-5755 Mineral Exploration and Development Consultants Mineral Sector Analysis and Diamond Unit (705) 670-5755 Willet Green Miller Centre 933 Ramsey Lake Road, Level B2 Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6B5 Canada Tel: (705) 670-5819 Fax: (705) 670-5626 - Direct Client Services - Land Use Planning Resident Geologist Program (705) 670-5758 Mines and Minerals Division (705) 670-5755 How To Contact Us Ring of Fire Secretariat Ontario Geological Survey (705) 670-5758 - Geochemical and Mineralogical Analytical Services - Reference Material - Publications - Library GeoServices Section (705) 670-5644 Ring of Fire Secretariat (705) 670-5819 Ministry of Northern Mines and Development and Mines Minerals Division GOLD MINES Name Company 1 Bell Creek Mine Lake Shore Gold Corp. 2 Black Fox Mine Primero Mining Corp. 3 Detour Lake Gold Mine Detour Gold Corp. 4 Dome Mine Goldcorp Inc. – Porcupine Gold Mines 5 Eagle River Mine Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. 6 Hemlo Mine Barrick Gold Corp. 7 Hollinger Mine Goldcorp Inc. – Porcupine Gold Mines 8 Holloway – Holt Mine St Andrew Goldfields Ltd. 9 Hoyle Pond Mine Goldcorp Inc. – Porcupine Gold Mines 10 Island Gold Mine Richmont Mines Inc. 11 Macassa Mine Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. 12 Mishi Gold Mine Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. 13 Musselwhite Mine Goldcorp Inc. 14 Red Lake Gold Mines Goldcorp Inc. 15 Taylor Mine St Andrew Goldfields Ltd. 16 Timmins West Mine Lake Shore Gold Corp. 17 Young – Davidson Mine Alamos Gold Inc. BASE METAL MINES Name Company 18 Kidd Creek Mine Glencore PLC 19 Sudbury Operations: KGHM Polska Miedez S.A. Levack Mine McCreedy West Mine 20 Sudbury Operations: Coleman Mine Copper Cliff North Mine Creighton Mine Vale S.A. Ellen Mine Garson Mine Stobie Mine Totten Mine 21 Sudbury Operations: Glencore PLC Nickel Rim South Mine Fraser Mine IRON MINES Name Company 22 Tomclid Iron Mine Ferromin Inc. PLATINUM GROUP METAL MINES Name Company 23 Lac des Iles Mine North American Palladium Ltd. DIAMOND MINES Name 1 Company Victor Diamond Mine De Beers Canada Inc. MAJOR INDUSTRIAL MINERAL OPERATIONS Name 1 Blue Mountain Operations (nepheline syenite) Unimin Canada Ltd. 2 Goderich Brine Field (salt) Sifto Canada Inc. 3 Goderich Mine (salt) Sifto Canada Inc. 4 Hagersville Mine (gypsum) CGC Inc. 5 Mohawk Garnet Mine (garnet abrasive) Mohawk Garnet Inc. 6 Ojibway Mine (salt) The Canadian Salt Company Ltd. 7 Penhorwood Mine (talc) Imerys Talc 8 St. Lawrence Mine (wollastonite) Canadian Wollastonite 9 Tatlock Quarry (calcium carbonate) OMYA Canada Inc. 10 Windsor Brine Field (salt) 8 ONP-D0016_L.indd 8 Company The Canadian Salt Company Ltd. Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:43 AM Ontario Mining Operations Map Number of Mines in Ontario Metal Mines Gold Mines Base Metal Mines Iron Mines Platinum Group Metal Mines Non-Metal Mines Diamond Mines Major Industrial Mineral Operations Total Mines 31 17 12 1 1 11 1 10 42 Attawapiskat 13 14 1 Moosonee Red Lake Kenora 3 23 Marathon 6 Thunder Bay L. 12 5 SU PE 18 15 2 7 9 16 4 17 8 Timmins 1 10 7 Wawa 11 Kirkland Lake Cobalt RI OR Sault Ste. Marie 21 Sudbury North Bay 20 19 5 9 MINE LOCATIONS Numbers relate locations to names in charts Industrial Mines/Quarries ON Diamond Mine Toronto 2 3 6 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 9 L. 8 IO L. ONTAR 4 London Windsor 10 22 1 R L. HU Metal Mines Ottawa E ERI 9 2/10/2016 8:12:44 AM Metal Mines Mineral Producers Ontario Mineral Producers Metal Mines - Gold Bell Creek Mine Detour Lake Gold Mine Lake Shore Gold Corp. • gold producer • underground Detour Gold Corp. • gold producer • open pit Address1515 Government Road South Timmins, ON P4R 1N4 Tel: (705) 269–4344 Fax: (705) 268–1794 Websitewww.lsgold.com Mine ManagerDanny Batiston Production Rate3,000 tonnes per day Production2012 – 21,600 ounces of gold 2013 – 27,500 ounces of gold 2014 – 43,400 ounces of gold 2015 – 39,700 ounces of gold 2016 – 175,000 ounces of Gold (Bell Creek and Timmins West mines combined guidance) Resources9,303,000 tonnes at 4.60 g/t containing 1,371,700 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened2012 Employment119 total personnel NotesIn 2015, Lake Shore processed more ore at Bell Creek Mill than ever before, over 1.3 million tonnes. Bell Creek is currently producing from the Labine Deposit below the 800 m level. Reserves at the Labine Deposit extend to approximately the 1165 m level and resources are outlined to approximately the 1600 m level. The production potential of the Labine Deep zone is currently being evaluated. Address86 2nd Street, PO Box 1325 Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0 Tel: (647) 847–2089 Fax: (705) 272–2558 Websitewww.detourgold.com Mine ManagerCharles Hennessey Production Rate56,015 tonnes per day (Q3 2015) Production2013 – 232,287 ounces of gold 2014 – 456,634 ounces of gold 2015 – 505,558 ounces of gold 2016 – 565,000 ounces of gold (guidance) Resources617,400,000 tonnes at 1.027 g/t containing 20,384,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened2013 Employment100 direct employees, 800 person total workforce NotesExploration expenditures for 2015 increased to approximately $8 million with a 30,408 metre, 55 hole summer drilling program at Lower Detour, approximately 6 km south of Detour Mine. In 2016, the company plans to continue drilling at Lower Detour with an infill and step-out drilling program of up to 75,000 m. Black Fox Mine Primero Mining Corp. • gold producer • underground AddressPO Box 605 Matheson, ON P0K 1N0 Tel: (705) 273–1077 Fax: (705) 273–1097 Websitewww.primeromining.com Mine ManagerDan Gagnon Production Rate600 tonnes per day (underground) Production2012 – 77,374 ounces of gold 2013 – 98,710 ounces of gold 2014 – 63,884 ounces of gold 2015 – 69,705 ounces of gold 2016 – 75,000 ounces of gold (guidance) Resources10,703,000 tonnes at 4.50 g/t containing 1,549,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened2009 Employment310 (approximate) NotesThe open pit component of Black Fox Mine was closed in August 2015 after having been mined out. In 2015, definition drilling at the mine targeted a high grade zone located below the mine at the 800 m level. The company’s Grey Fox Gold project is currently in the environmental approval phase and a decision is expected in early 2016. 10 ONP-D0016_L.indd 10 Dome Mine (Porcupine Mines) Goldcorp Inc. • gold producer • underground Address4315 Gold Mine Road, PO Box 70 South Porcupine, ON P0N 1H0 Tel: (705) 235–3221 Fax: (705) 235–2343 Websitewww.goldcorp.com, www.porcupinegoldmines.ca Mine ManagerBrendan Zuidema, General Mines Manager, Porcupine Mines Operations Production Capacity11,000 tonnes per day for Dome Mill Production2012 – 155,358 ounces of gold (Stockpile contribution included) 2013 – 145,866 ounces of gold (estimated) 2014 – 141,727 ounces of gold (estimated) 2015 – 109,640 ounces of gold (estimated) Resources243,170,000 tonnes at 1.55 g/t containing 12,150,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014 for Porcupine Mines Operations combined) 1910 (underground), 1995 (open pit) Opened Employment 115 employees, 76 contractors NotesPorcupine Mines Operations include the Dome Mine, Hoyle Pond Mine, Hollinger Mine, several stockpiles and a mill. Dome mine is scheduled to close on July 31, 2016. At Borden Lake project, surface diamond drilling was conducted with seven drills on site. When Borden is operational it will be incorporated into Porcupine Mines Operations. Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:44 AM Mineral Producers Metal Mines Eagle River Mine Hollinger Mine (Porcupine Mines) Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. • gold • underground Goldcorp Inc. • gold producer • open pit 93 Mission Road, PO Box 1520 Address Wawa, ON P0S 1K0 Tel: (705) 856–2721 Fax: (705) 856–2979 Websitewww.wesdome.com Mine Manager Jeff Hutchings Production Rate 700 tonnes per day Production 2011 – 28,230 ounces of gold 2012 – 32,220 ounces of gold 2013 – 42,850 ounces of gold 2014 – 48,190 ounces of gold 2015 – 41,132 ounces of gold 2016 – 45,000 ounces of gold (guidance) Resources1,108,000 tonnes at 9.685 g/t containing 345,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened1995 Employment225 NotesEagle River has produced over 1 million ounces of gold since 1995. By mid-2016, a tonnage increase to 1,000 tonnes per day will be completed at the mine. Three new high grade, parallel zones will be the focus of work at the mine over the next few years: The 7 Zone, 300 Zone and 811 Zone. A third underground drill and a surface drill will be added in 2016 to test surface mineralization to 500 m. Address4315 Gold Mine Road, PO Box 70 South Porcupine, ON P0N 1H0 Tel: (705) 235–3221 Fax: (705) 235–2343 Websitewww.goldcorp.com, www.porcupinegoldmines.ca Mine ManagerDarren Fasciano, Pit Manager Production Rate8,500 tonnes per day (projections) Production2014 – 7,107 ounces of gold (estimated) 2015 – 15,607 ounces of gold (estimated) Resources243,170,000 tonnes at 1.55 g/t containing 12,150,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014 for Porcupine Mines Operations combined) Opened2014 Employment72 employees, 100 contractors NotesPorcupine Mines Operations include the Dome Mine, Hoyle Pond Mine, Hollinger Mine, several stockpiles and a mill. Hollinger mine is located directly adjacent to downtown Timmins. In 2015, an environmental control berm was completed between Hollinger and downtown Timmins in order to control dust and noise as the mine commenced 24 hour a day operations. The total mine life at Hollinger is currently expected to be eight years, through 2021. Hemlo Mine St. Andrew Goldfields Ltd. • gold producer • underground Barrick Gold Corporation • gold producer • underground, open pit PO Bag 11 Address Marathon, ON P0T 2E0 Tel: (807) 238–1041 Fax: (807) 238–1019 Websitewww.barrick.com Mine Manager Andrew Bauman Production Rate 10,000 tonnes per day Production 2012 – 206,000 ounces of gold 2013 – 204,000 ounces of gold 2014 – 206,000 ounces of gold 2015 – 219,000 ounces of gold Resources54,222,000 tonnes at 1.620 g/t containing 2,831,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened1985 Employment700 (total workforce including contractors) NotesHemlo operates from the Williams Mine area, which will continue through 2025. The Hemlo complex has produced over 24 million ounces to date. Barrick conducted a successful underground drilling program in 2015 and will release updated reserves and resources in February 2016. Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 11 Holloway–Holt Mine AddressHighway 101 East, Box 609 Matheson, ON P0K 1N0 Tel: (705) 567–4862 Fax: (705) 567–4863 Websitewww.sasgoldmines.com Mine ManagerMarc-Andre Pelletier Production Rate Holloway Mine: 700 tonnes per day Holt Mine: 1,000 tonnes per day Holloway Mine: 2012 – 21,629 ounces of gold Production 2013 – 21,330 ounces of gold 2014 – 23,780 ounces of gold 2015 – 28,720 ounces of gold Holt Mine: 2012 – 50,445 ounces of gold 2013 – 58,898 ounces of gold 2014 – 62,632 ounces of gold 2015 – 63,050 ounces of gold Resources Holloway Mine: 3,914,000 tonnes grading 4.83 g/t, containing 608,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Holt Mine: 19,295,000 tonnes grading 4.40 g/t, containing 2,729,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Holloway Mine: 2009 Opened Holt Mine: 2010 Holloway Mine: 116 Employment Holt Mine: 168 NotesHolt production in 2015 was 75% from the 925 m and 1075 m Levels of Zone 4 and 25% from the 775m Level of Zone 6. At Holt, work will continue on the lower Zone 6 at the 925 Level, which will provide a new mining horizon later in 2016. Production from Holloway mine in 2015 was 70% from the Smoke Deep Zone and 30% from the Blacktop Zone. The mine life at Holloway is currently expected to end in 2017. 11 2/10/2016 8:12:44 AM Metal Mines Mineral Producers Hoyle Pond Mine (Porcupine Mines) Macassa Mine Goldcorp Inc. • gold producer • underground Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. • gold producer •underground Address4315 Gold Mine Road, PO Box 70 South Porcupine, ON P0N 1H0 Tel: (705) 235–3221 Fax: (705) 235–2343 Websitewww.goldcorp.com, www.porcupinegoldmines.ca Mine ManagerBrendan Zuidema, General Mines Manager, Porcupine Mines Operations Production Rate900 tonnes per day Production2012 – 128,699 ounces of gold 2013 – 146,034 ounces of gold (estimated) 2014 – 151,165 ounces of gold (estimated) 2015 – 140,553 ounces of gold (estimated) 2016 – 310,000 (estimated for all Porcupine Mines Operations combined) Resources243,170,000 tonnes at 1.55 g/t containing 12,150,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014 for Porcupine Mines Operations combined) Opened1985 Employment1,110 including contractors (total for all Porcupine Mines Operations combined) NotesPorcupine Mines Operations include the Dome Mine, Hoyle Pond Mine, Hollinger Mine, several stockpiles and a mill. Exploration during 2015 focused on Hoyle Pond high-grade targets and the expansion of the TVZ zone. The #2 Winze project is nearing completion at Hoyle Pond. Once operational, the winze can increase the tonnage output of the mine by about 50%. Address1350 Government Road West, PO Box 370 Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 3J1 Tel: (705) 567–5208 Fax: (705) 568–6444 Websitewww.klgold.com Mine ManagerRaymond Belecque, General Manager Production Rate1,130 tonnes per day (guidance) 2,200 tonnes per day (capacity) Production2012 – 100,275 ounces of gold (fiscal year ending Apr. 30) 2013 – 91,518 ounces of gold (fiscal year ending Apr. 30) 2014 – 122,309 ounces of gold (fiscal year ending Apr. 30) 2015 – 153,957 ounces of gold (fiscal year ending Apr. 30) 2015 – 102,957 ounces of gold (stub year May 1-Dec. 31, 2015) 2016 – 170,000 ounces of gold (guidance) Resources8,084,000 tonnes at 17.50 g/t containing 4,687,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened2002 Employment1,003 (headcount) NotesIn 2015, work in the South Mine Complex of the HM claim at Macassa continued with development on the main ramp advancing towards the 5600 level. The company has a fleet of five battery operated haulage trucks that will be employed in the South Mine Complex. In 2015, the company achieved one million man hours without a lost time injury. Island Gold Mine Richmont Mines Inc. • gold producer • underground AddressGoudreau Road, PO Box 456 Dubreuilville, ON P0S 1B0 Tel: (705) 884–2805 Fax: (815) 797–0166 Websitewww.richmont–mines.com Mine ManagerJean Bastien Production Rate900 tonnes per day (mill capacity) Production2012 – 41,686 ounces of gold 2013 – 35,113 ounces of gold 2014 – 42,042 ounces of gold 2015 – 55,040 ounces of gold Resources5,176,000 tonnes at 8.45 g/t containing 1,405,550 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened2007 Employment181 NotesIn 2015, Richmont released a Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Island Gold Lower Zones that supported ramping up production to 1,150 tonnes per day by 2017. In 2015, the mine’s tailings dam was upgraded to 2.5 million tonnes and the mill was upgraded to a capacity of 900 tonnes per day. In 2015, a $3.75 million, 23,000 m directional drilling program utilizing 3 drills was initiated at the mine that will be completed in April 2016. 12 ONP-D0016_L.indd 12 Mishi Gold Mine Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. • gold producer • open pit Address93 Mission Road, PO Box 1520 Wawa, ON P0S 1K0 Tel: (705) 856–2721 ext. 507 Fax: (705) 856–2979 Websitewww.wesdome.com Mine ManagerDaniel Lapointe, Superintendent Production Rate980 tonnes per day (guidance) Production2012 – 4,776 ounces of gold 2013 – 2,362 ounces of gold 2014 – 4,567 ounces of gold 2015 – 9,580 ounces of gold 2016 – 12,000 ounces of gold (guidance) Resources7,242,000 tonnes at 2.54 g/t containing 591,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened2012 Employment40 (approximately) NotesIn 2015, exploration at Mishi included 79 holes totalling 9,915 metres of drilling. In 2016, two drills will be used in order to explore the Mishi pit at depth, to the West and to the North. By 2017, the company will double the output from Mishi to approximately 20,000 ounces per year and increase mill capacity to 1,500 tonnes per day. Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:45 AM Mineral Producers Metal Mines Musselwhite Mine Taylor Mine Goldcorp Inc. • gold producer • underground St. Andrew Goldfields Ltd. • gold producer • underground AddressPO Box 7500 Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6S8 Tel: (807) 928–2200 Fax: (807) 928–2067 Websitewww.goldcorp.com Mine ManagerBill Gascon Production Rate4,500 tonnes per day Production2012 – 239,200 ounces of gold 2013 – 256,300 ounces of gold 2014 – 278,300 ounces of gold 2015 – 252,070 ounces of gold (estimated) Resources15,610,000 tonnes at 6.20 g/t containing 3,110,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened1997 Employment560 employees, 210 contractors (approximately) NotesIn 2015, exploration focused on drilling in the Upper Lynx and West Limb Zones with a goal of reserve replacement. Drilling was concluded in the third quarter with positive results showing continuity of mineralization in both areas. AddressHighway 101 East, Box 609 Matheson, ON P0K 1N0 Tel: (705) 567–4862 Fax: (705) 567–4863 Websitewww.sasgoldmines.com Mine ManagerMarc-Andre Pelletier Production Rate675 tonnes per day Production2015 – 15,964 ounces of gold 2016 – 45,000 ounces of gold (guidance) Resources5,048,000 tonnes at 4.74 g/t containing 769,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened2015 Employment60 NotesCommercial production was declared at Taylor Mine on November 5, 2015. Taylor is expected to have a four year mine life. In 2015, production was from the 1004 lens area. Head grades were 26% higher than expected and the recovery rate was approximately 95%. The deposit at Taylor remains open along strike and at depth. Red Lake Gold Mine Timmins West Mine GoldCorp Inc. • gold producer • underground Lake Shore Gold Corp. • gold producer • underground Address17 Mine Road, Bag 2000 Balmertown, ON P0V 1C0 Tel: (807) 735–2077 Fax: (807) 735–2765 Websitewww.goldcorp.com Mine ManagerDan Gignac Production Rate3,100 tonnes per day Production2012 – 507,500 ounces of gold 2013 – 493,000 ounces of gold 2014 – 414,400 ounces of gold 2015 – 402,300 ounces of gold (estimated) Resources13,530,000 tonnes at 14.46 g/t containing 6,290,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened 1948 Employment1250 (total workforce, including contractors) NotesIn 2015, Goldcorp completed work on the haulage drift from the Cambell Complex. At the Bruce Channel deposit, underground drilling continued with over 80,000 m drilled in 2015. Ramp development to the 3540 foot level was completed and the decline to the 4,000 foot level was 32% complete. Address 1515 Government Road South Timmins, ON P4R 1N4 Tel: (705) 269–4344 Fax: (705) 268–1794 Websitewww.lsgold.com Mine ManagerDanny Battiston Production Rate2,500 tonnes per day Production2012 – 53,973 ounces of gold 2013 – 107,100 ounces of gold 2014 – 142,200 ounces of gold 2015 – 139,000 ounces of gold 2016 – 175,000 ounces of gold (Bell Creek and Timmins West mines combined guidance) Resources6,170,000 tonnes at 4.81 g/t containing 954,200 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened2011 Employment285 (total workforce) NotesTimmins West Mine production comes from the Timmins and Thunder Creek deposits. Production at Timmins West is fed to the Bell Creek Mill. The company plans to release an initial resource estimate of the 144 Gap Zone during the first quarter of 2016 and begin pre-production from the eastern portion of the 144 Gap Zone in the second quarter. The company included 12,500 ounces of pre-production from the 144 Gap Zone in their guidance. Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 13 13 2/10/2016 8:12:45 AM Metal Mines Mineral Producers Young–Davidson Mine Kidd Creek Mine Alamos Gold Inc. • gold producer • underground Glencore PLC • zinc, copper, lead, silver, cadmium, indium, sulphuric acid • underground PO Box 187 Address Matachewan, ON P0K 1M0 Tel: (705) 565–9800 Fax: (705) 565–2387 Websitewww.alamosgold.com Mine ManagerLuc Guimond, General Manager Production Rate6,000 tonnes per day (mill capacity) Production2012 – 56,138 ounces of gold 2013 – 120,738 ounces of gold 2014 – 156,753 ounces of gold 2015 – 160,358 ounces of gold 2016 – 175,000 ounces of gold (guidance) Resources64,598,000 tonnes at 2.72 g/t containing 5,644,000 ounces of gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened2012 (open pit), 2013 (underground) Employment300 (estimate; 207 underground miners planned for 2015) NotesAlamos Gold acquired Young-Davidson upon the completion of their merger with AuRico Gold Inc. on July 2, 2015.The company targeted a production rate of 6,000 t/d by the end of 2015 and was operating at 5,600 t/d in October 2015. Work at the mine continues the development of vertical access in the underground mine to an eventual depth of 1500 metres. Address11335 Highway 655 North, PO Bag 2002 Timmins, ON P4N 7K1 Tel: (705) 264–5200 Fax: (705) 267–8709 Websitewww.glencore.com, www.kiddoperations.ca Mine ManagerTom Semadeni, General Manager Production Rate7,900 tonnes per day Production2012 – 34,400 tonnes copper, 78,100 tonnes zinc, 2,877,000 ounces of silver 2013 – 36,900 tonnes copper, 67,800 tonnes zinc, 3,234,000 ounces of silver 2014 – 38,500 tonnes copper, 61,000 tonnes zinc, 2,066,000 ounces of silver 2015 – 33,700 tonnes copper, 86,000 tonnes zinc, 1,799,000 ounces of silver Resources19,400,000 tonnes at 2.10% copper, 5.00% zinc and 54.00 g/t silver (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened1966 Employment1,119 (total workers in mine and mill) NotesKidd Creek is the world’s deepest base metal mine below sea level. The company is currently mining the 9600 foot level and the shaft extends to 9889 feet. The mine life at Kidd has been extended to 2021. Other Metal Mines Broken Hammer Mine (closed) Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd. • copper, nickel, platinum, palladium, gold, silver • open pit Address129 Fielding Road Lively, ON P3Y 1L7 Tel: (705) 682–9297 Fax: (888) 316–4156 Websitewww.wallbridgemining.com Mine ManagerJ.R. (Rod) Doran Production Rate800 tonnes per day Production2014 – 4,600 tonnes of copper concentrate graded 23.5% copper, 19 g/t platinum, 33 g/t palladium, 9 g/t gold and 60 tonnes graded 1,300 g/t platinum, 90 g/t palladium and 210 g/t gold. 2015 – 207,000 tonnes of ore containing 1,840 tonnes of copper, 10,100 ounces of Palladium, 14,800 ounces of platinum 3,300 ounces of gold and 23,00 ounces of silver (estimated) Resources454,150 tonnes at 0.91% copper, 0.10% nickel, 2.24 g/t platinum, 2.04 g/t palladium, 0.71 g/t gold and 6.83 g/t silver (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Feb 2014) Opened2014 Employment8 employees, 18 contractors NotesBroken Hammer Mine ceased mining on October 30, 2015 upon the completion of mining of its reserves. The mine operated four months longer than expected. From June 2014-October 2015, 300,000 tonnes of ore were shipped 370 km to Redstone Mill in Timmins for processing. Wallbridge continues to explore in the Sudbury area at their Parkin project. 14 ONP-D0016_L.indd 14 Lac des Iles Mine North American Palladium Ltd. • platinum group metals • underground, open pit AddressPO Box 10547 Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6T9 Tel: (807) 448–2000 Fax: (807) 448–2001 Websitewww.napalladium.com Mine ManagerJeff Huffman Production Rate5,000 tonnes per day (underground) Production2012 – 178,000 ounces of palladium, 11,187 ounces of platinum 2013 – 148,000 ounces of palladium, 10,222 ounces of platinum 2014 – 174,194 ounces of palladium, 13,072 ounces of platinum 2015 – 165,000 ounces of palladium (revised guidance) 2016 – 199,000 ounces of palladium, 17,000 ounces of platinum (guidance) Resources106,875,000 tonnes at 2.11 g/t palladium, 0.20 g/t platinum, 0.15 g/t gold, 0.06% copper and 0.08% nickel (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Feb 2015) Opened1993 (open pit), 2006 (underground) Employment422 (total workforce) NotesExploration at the mine is currently focused on resource delineation drilling on the southern and northern extensions of the Offset Zone and extension drilling on several palladium mineralized trends located adjacent to the Roby open pit. Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:45 AM Mineral Producers Metal Mines Levack Mine KGHM International Ltd. • nickel, copper, platinum, palladium • underground Address4 Mine Road, PO Box 40 Levack, ON P0M 2C0 Tel: (705) 966–3021 Fax: (416) 360–0550 Websitewww.kghminternational.com Mine ManagerMike Garbutt Production Rate700 tonnes per day Production2011 – 2,700 tonnes nickel, 17,100 tonnes copper, 30,500 ounces of precious metals 2012 – 2,800 tonnes nickel, 18,500 tonnes copper, 37,300 ounces of precious metals 2013 – 2,900 tonnes nickel, 18,800 tonnes copper, 44,500 ounces of precious metals 2014 – 2,800 tonnes nickel, 15,600 tonnes copper, 41,000 ounces of precious metals 2015 – 2,000 tonnes nickel, 11,600 tonnes copper, 31,800 ounces of precious metals (estimated) Resources17,556,000 tonnes at 0.98% copper, 1.30% nickel, 0.23 g/t platinum, 0.32 g/t palladium and 0.10 g/t gold containing 171,562 tonnes copper, 227,302 tonnes nickel, 128,764 ounces platinum, 178,919 ounces palladium and 54,045 ounces gold (Sudbury Operations Total Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened 2007 Employment317 NotesSince 2012, Levack Mine has used infrastructure leased from the neighbouring Craig Mine in order to access the Morrison Deposit. In 2015, mining occurred at approximately the 1228 m level and definition drilling was conducted on the lower ore body that extends to approximately the 1433 m level. In 2015, work continued at the Victoria project in preparation for shaft sinking. A 15 year mine life is expected at Victoria with production beginning in 2020 and full production being achieved in 2022. NotesLockerby closed following First Nickel’s announcement on August 20, 2015 that it was being put into receivership. The company had attempted to restructure to reduce costs and extend the life of the mine but experienced a loss of $48.1 million in the first half of 2015 and faced declining base metal prices. The Company has been delisted from the TSX for failing to meet continued listing requirements. McCreedy West Mine KGHM International Ltd. • copper, nickel, platinum, palladium, gold • underground Address23 McCreedy West Mine Road, PO Box 190 Levack, ON P0M 2C0 Tel: (705) 966–3021 Fax: (705) 966–3017 Website www.kghminternational.com Mine ManagerRoger Lichty Production Rate2,000 tonnes per day Production2012 – 1,300 tonnes copper, 1,600 tonnes nickel, 2,000 ounces precious metals 2013 – 1,400 tonnes copper, 1,700 tonnes nickel, 4,000 ounces precious metals 2014 – 1,300 tonnes copper, 400 tonnes nickel, 4,100 ounces precious metals 2015 – 900 tonnes copper, 0 tonnes nickel, 3,300 ounces precious metal (estimated) Resources17,556,000 tonnes at 0.98% copper, 1.30% nickel, 0.23 g/t platinum, 0.32 g/t palladium and 0.10 g/t gold (Sudbury Operations Total Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Opened2003 Employment49 staff NotesMcCreedy Mine was put on care and maintenance on October 1, 2015 because of low nickel and ore prices. The company plans to recommence mining when prices are higher. Lockerby Mine (closed) First Nickel Inc. • nickel, copper •underground Address1000 Gordon Lake Road, PO Box 130 Chelmsford, ON P0M 1L0 Tel: (705) 866–9998 Fax: (705) 866–9292 Website www.fnimining.com Mine ManagerMike Rosinski Production Rate800 tonnes per day Production2011 – 244 tonnes copper, 409 tonnes nickel (pre-production) 2012 – 2,047 tonnes copper, 2,639 tonnes nickel 2013 – 3,460 tonnes copper, 5,840 tonnes nickel 2014 – 3,484 tonnes copper, 6,042 tonnes nickel 2015 – 1,600 tonnes copper, 2,780 tonnes nickel (estimated) Resources1,835,965 tonnes at 0.07% cobalt, 1.26% copper, 2.07% nickel (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Jul 2012) Opened2012 Employment115 employees, 20 contractors CUSTOM WORK INSTALLATION FENCING SUPPLIES DELIVERY Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 15 790221_Got.indd 1 ONP-D0016_L.indd 15 1/23/16 2:02 PM 2/10/2016 8:12:45 AM Metal Mines Mineral Producers Sudbury Operations – Vale Sudbury Operations – Glencore Copper Cliff North Mine, Creighton Mine, Ellen Mine, Garson Mine, McCreedy East / Coleman Mine, Stobie Mine, Totten Mine Vale S.A • nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum group metals, sulphuric acid, liquid sulphur dioxide • underground, open pit Fraser Mine, Nickel Rim South Mine Glencore PLC • nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum group metals, sulphuric acid • underground AddressCopper Cliff, ON P0M 1N0 Tel: (705) 682–4211 Fax: (705) 682–5319 Websitewww.vale.com Production Rate35,000 tonnes per day (Clarabelle Mill capacity) Production2012 – 65,500 tonnes nickel, 79,000 tonnes copper, 589 tonnes cobalt, 69,000 ounces of gold, 251,000 ounces of palladium, 134,000 ounces platinum, 2,012,000 ounces silver 2013 – 69,400 tonnes nickel, 103,000 tonnes copper, 853 tonnes cobalt, 91,000 ounces of gold, 352,000 ounces of palladium, 145,000 ounces platinum, 1,915,000 ounces silver 2014 – 64,300 tonnes nickel, 98,000 tonnes copper, 833 tonnes cobalt, 83,000 ounces of gold, 398,000 ounces of palladium, 182,000 ounces platinum, 1,693,000 ounces silver 2015 – 54,700 tonnes nickel, 89,000 tonnes copper, 639 tonnes cobalt, 85,300 ounces of gold, 349,000 ounces of palladium, 155,000 ounces platinum, 1,535,000 ounces silver (estimated) Resources85,200,000 tonnes at 1.26% nickel, 1.61% copper, 0.04% cobalt, 1.00 g/t platinum, 1.20 g/t palladium, 0.40 g/t gold (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Employment3,900 (Vale’s Sudbury Operations total workforce) NotesVale Ontario Operations include seven mines, the Clarabelle Mill, the Copper Cliff Smelter / Refinery Complex and the Port Colborne Cobalt Refinery. Coleman Mine Mine Manager Franco Cazzola Production Rate4,604 tonnes per day Opened1992 Copper Cliff North Mine Mine Manager Bob Macdonald Production Rate2,826 tonnes per day Opened 1886 Creighton Mine Mine Manager Dave Pisaric Production Rate3,142 tonnes per day Opened 1902 Ellen Mine Mine Manager Samantha Espley, General Manager Opened2010 reopened Garson Mine Mine Manager Brent Salem Production Rate2,195 tonnes per day Opened 1907–1986; 1994 (reopend) Address6 Edison Road Falconbridge, ON P0M 1S0 Tel: (705) 693–2761 Fax: (705) 966–6530 Websitewww.glencore.com Production Rate2.2 million tonnes per year Production2011 – 19,795 tonnes nickel, 47,533 tonnes copper, 344 tonnes cobalt 2012 – 20,425 tonnes nickel, 52,544 tonnes copper, 330 tonnes cobalt 2013 – 16,000 tonnes nickel, 41,600 tonnes copper, 200 tonnes cobalt (estimated) 2014 –17,440 tonnes nickel, 39,104 tonnes copper, 114 tonnes cobalt (estimated) 2015 – 15,172 tonnes nickel, 35,976 tonnes copper, 114 tonnes cobalt (estimated) Resources48,000,000 tonnes at 2.02% nickel, 1.90% copper, 0.07% cobalt, 0.85 g/t palladium, 0.77 g/t platinum (Measured, Indicated and Inferred – Dec 2014) Employment1,300 employees, 500 contractors (approximate) NotesGlencore’s Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations consist of two underground mines (Nickel Rim South and Fraser), a mill (the Strathcona Concentrator) and a smelter (the Sudbury Smelter). The company’s Onaping Depth project in Sudbury is currently in the feasibility stage. Onaping is planned to extend to 9,000 feet. Fraser Mine ManagerGary Potts, Mine Director Opened 1968 Nickel Rim South Mine ManagerPeter Xavier, V.P. Sudbury Integrated Nickel Opened2010 Tomclid Iron Mine Ferromin Inc. • iron as magnetite • quarry AddressSouth Canonto Township, ON Production12,000 tonnes magnetite from 30,000 tonnes of mined ore annually Resources 3 million tonnes averaging 40% Fe (1993); reserves estimate has not been adjusted to reflect production from the deposit Opened1997 (reopened on an “as-needed basis”) NotesProduction was restarted in late 1997 by Tomclid Iron Mines Ltd. and operations have continued on an as-needed basis by Coloured Aggregates Inc. Magnetite is mined and crushed as high-density aggregate for use in heavy concrete applications including radiation shielding. Stobie Mine Mine Manager John O’Shaughnessy Production Rate4,801 tonnes per day Opened 1886 Totten Mine Mine Manager Gilbert Lamarche Production Rate2,200 tonnes per day (expected) Opened 2014 16 ONP-D0016_L.indd 16 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:46 AM Mineral Producers Diamond Mine Diamond Mine Victor Diamond Mine De Beers Canada Inc. • diamond • open pit Address Website Mine Manager Production Rate 119 Pine Street South, Suite 310 Timmins, ON P4N 2K3 Tel: (705) 268–0988 Fax: (705) 268–0179 www.debeersgroup.com/canada James Kirby 2,700,000 tonnes per year Production 2011 – 779,000 carats 2012 – 690,000 carats 2013 – 654,000 carats 2014 – 650,000 carats 2015 – 600,000 carats (annual capacity) Resources 9,300,000 tonnes at 0.18 carats per tonne (Probable – Dec 2013) Opened 2008 Employment 600 Notes There are two diamond bearing kimberlites being mined from a single pit at Victor, the Victor Main and Victor Southwest. The pit depth is 120 m and 67 million tonnes of material has been removed to date. De Beers is currently in the environmental assessment phase of their Victor Extension project, seven kilometres Northwest of the Victor Mine. 230328_TSLLab.qxd 3/20/06 12:04 PM Page 1 Sample Core IP Tester To measure chargeability and resistivity Get information that you need to design an appropriate geophysical survey rock / ore properties y as E to e us Punctual sampling from DDH core or rock sample ble ta or P In e siv en p ex Relate DDH core to ground IP surveys 860 boul. de la Chaudière, suite 200 Québec (Québec), Canada, G1X 4B7 Phone: +1 418-877-4249 Fax: +1 418-877-4054 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.gdd.ca Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 491608_Instrumentation.indd 1 ONP-D0016_L.indd 17 17 9/23/10 8:12:36 AM 2/10/2016 8:12:46 AM Industrial Mineral Producers Mineral Producers Industrial Mineral Producers Blue Mountain Operations Hagersville Mine Unimin Canada Ltd. • nepheline syenite • open pit CGC Inc. • gypsum •underground Methuen Township Location Address PO Box 2000 Havelock, ON K0L 1Z0 Contact (705) 877-2500 Employees205 Oneida Township Location Address PO Box 99 Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 Contact (905) 768-3331 Employees40 Spanish River Carbonatite Mohawk Garnet Mine Boreal Agrominerals Inc. • carbonatite, vermiculite • open pit Mohawk Garnet Inc. • garnet abrasive • open pit Location Address Contact Venturi Township Suite 206, 57 Mill Street North Brampton, ON L6X 1S9 (905) 456-5436 Goderich Evaporator Plant Compass Minerals • salt in brine Goderich Township Location Address Evaporation Plant PO Box 100 245 Regent Street Goderich, ON N7A 3Y5 Contact (519) 524-8338 Employees90 Wahnapitae (near Sudbury) Location Address 808 Highway 17 East Wahnapitae, ON P0M 3C0 Contact (705) 694-5783 Employees40 North Williams Mine Marfred Minerals Ltd. •barite • underground ramp North Williams Township Location Address 158 Burnside Drive Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 1M7 Contact (705) 567-4125 Employeesseasonal Goderich Salt Mine Ojibway Mine Compass Minerals • rock salt •underground The Canadian Salt Company Limited • rock salt • underground Goderich Township Location Address PO Box 370 300 North Harbour Road Goderich, ON N7A 3Y9 Contact (519) 524-8351 Employees380 Windsor - Sandwich Township Location Address PO Box 7008 200 Morton Drive Windsor, ON N9J 3W9 Contact (519) 966-2142 Employees140 18 ONP-D0016_L.indd 18 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:46 AM Mineral Producers Industrial Mineral Producers Penhorwood Mine Tatlock Quarry IMERYS Talc •talc • open pit • primary plant • micronising plant OMYA (Canada) Inc. • calcium carbonate Tatlock Quarry - (Darling Township) Location Plant - Perth Address PO Box 245 Perth, ON K7H 3E4 Contact (613) 267-5367 Employees400 LocationQuarry and primary processing plant Penhorwood Township Micronising Plant - Timmins Address 100 Water Tower Road Timmins, ON P4N 7J5 Contact (705) 268-2208 Employees40 Windsor Evaporation Facility The Canadian Salt Company • salt in brine St. Lawrence Mine Windsor - Sandwich Township Location Address Evaporation Plant PO Box 7008 30 Prospect Avenue Windsor, ON N9C 3G3 Contact (519) 255-5404 Employees92 Canadian Wollastonite • wollastonite • diopside • granite aggregate • open pit Location Address Contact Employees Seeleys Bay (Kingston) 6675 Highway 15 Seeleys Bay, ON K0H 2N0 (613) 387-2734 Summer – 16, Winter – 4 Bureau Veritas Minerals “Industry Leading Solutions for the Exploration & Mining Community” Ph: +1 604 253 3158 | www.bureauveritas.com/um 740542_Acme.indd 1 31/03/15 5:53 am WINKIE DRILL SPECIALISTS -HELICOPTER PORTABLE- ‘WE DO IT EVERYWHERE’ Box 123 Husu Road, Kaministiquia, Ontario Canada P0T 1X0 Norske Drilling 777626 ONTARIO LIMITED Cell: 807.627.5236 Since 1986 Email: [email protected] Eric Mosley Geologist, HBSc. Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 451038_Norske.indd 1 ONP-D0016_L.indd 19 11/5/09 11:18:28 668102_Thunder.indd PM 1 19 04/12/13 5:23 PM 2/10/2016 8:12:47 AM Gemstone and Mineral Specimen Mines and Quarries Mineral Producers Gemstone and Mineral Specimen Mines and Quarries Producers: Products: General Information: Producers: Products: Amethyst Mine Panorama Boulder Creek Amethyst Quarry Precious Purple Gemstones/ Amethyst Gift Centre • specimens McTavish Twp. Steve & Tim Lukinuk • decorative stone Tourist Attraction 400 Victoria Avenue East • landscaping stone • pick-your-own-site Thunder Bay, ON P7C 1A5 • slabbing & tumbling • mine tours (807) 622-6908 stone [email protected] • jewelry, giftware, carvings www.amethystmine.com • faceted gem stones Chuck Anderson 27 Third Street Nipigon, ON P0T 2J0 (807) 887-2615 [email protected] AquaRose Gems and Minerals Beryl Pit/Rose Quartz Pit Dave Patterson 1327 Lower Craigmont Road RR 2 Combermere ON K0J 1L0 (613) 756-1361 [email protected] • mineral specimens • decorative stone • landscaping stone • slabbing & tumbling stone • quartz, feldspar, 35 accessory minerals in a complex pegmatite Lyndoch Twp. Tourist Attraction • fee for collecting site • mine tours Auralite 23 Mine Amethyst Howard Pilsmaker Thunder Bay, ON (807) 629-4300 [email protected] www.auralite23canada.com • mineral specimens Tartan Lake Area • Polished and Tourist Attraction tumbled stone • Guided tours • Jewellery available • Tiles and countertop stone Bear Lake Diggings Bancroft Chamber of Commerce PO Box 539 Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0 (613) 332-1513 • mineral specimens • apatite, hornblende, titanite, feldspar, etc. Monmouth Twp. Tourist Attraction • pick-your-own site • museum, gift shop • geologist guided tours Blue Points Amethyst Mine Lyndon Swanson #5 Road North Pearl, ON P0T 2M0 (218) 226-3147 (winter) [email protected] • specimens • decorative stone • aquarium stone McTavish Twp. Tourist Attraction • pick-your-own-site Bills Old Amethyst Mine (formerly Pearl Lake) Bram Hasler #5 Road North Pearl, ON P0T 2M0 (204) 541-0340 [email protected] www.facebook.com/ billsoldamethystmine 20 ONP-D0016_L.indd 20 • specimens • cluster specimens • decorative stone • landscaping stone McTavish Twp. Tourist Attraction • pick-your-own-site General Information: • specimens • giftware McTavish Twp. Canadian Shield Amethyst Mine Jerry Blakely • specimens PO Box 584 • decorative stone Nipigon, ON P0T 2J0 • landscaping stone (807) 887-3677 [email protected] www.canadianshieldstoneworks.com McTavish Twp. Diamond Willow Amethyst Mine Brandon Leroux and Carol Fayle #5 Road North Pearl, ON (807) 627-5515 diamondwillowamethyst@ hotmail.com • mineral specimens • Decorative stone • Landscaping stone • Jewelry and giftware McTavish Twp. Tourist Attraction • Pick your own site • tours • specimens • decorative stone • landscaping stone • giftware • jewelry Bancroft Tourist Attraction • pick-your-own-site Princess Sodalite Mine Andy Christie Rock Shop and Rock Farm 31241 Highway 28 East Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0 (613) 332-8274 Purple Haze Mine (Amethyst) Michael & Sandra Grieve • specimens 22 Knight Street • giftware Thunder Bay, ON P7A 5M2• jewelry (807) 345-6444 • landscaping stone www.purpleha • decorative stone zeamethyst.com Tartan Lake Area Windy Ridge Amethyst Quarry Larry Kowtuski • specimens 71 Stover Street South • giftware Norwich, ON N0J 1P0 • garden rock (519) 588-3205 [email protected] www.windyridgeamethyst.ca Tartan Lake Area Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:48 AM Mineral Producers Lime and Specialty Limestone Producers Lime and Specialty Limestone Producers Beachville Operations Dundas Quarry Carmeuse Lime (Canada) Limited • limestone: agricultural lime, crushed • high calcium lime • hydrator Lafarge Canada Inc. • dolostone: crushed Location Address Contact Location Address Contact Employees Zorra Township PO Box 190 Ingersoll, ON N5C 3K5 (519) 423-6283 Town of Flamborough West Flamborough Township 628 Highway 5 Dundas, ON L9H 5E2 (905) 538-0639 85 Blair Quarry Meldrum Bay Quarry A.L. Blair Construction Ltd. • limestone: agricultural lime, crushed Lafarge Canada Inc. • dolostone: crushed • metallurgical and chemical stone, aggregate Location Address Contact Finch Township 7 Labrosse PO Box 220 Moose Creek, ON K0C 1W0 (613) 538-2271 Location Address Contact Bucke Quarry Northern Operation Miller Minerals (Division of Miller Paving Co.) • limestone: crushed, agricultural lime • ime: neutralizing agent, metallurgical flux Location Address Contact Carmeuse Lime (Canada) Limited • high calcium lime Location Address Contact Employees Bucke Township PO Box 248 New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 (705) 672-2282 Dundas Operations Carmeuse Lime (Canada) Limited • dolomitic lime Location Address Contact Employees Dawson Township, Manitoulin Island 195 Mississauga Lighthouse Road PO Box 6 Meldrum Bay, ON P0R 1R0 (705) 283-3011 Blind River Hwy 17 East PO Box 1690 Blind River, ON P0R 1B0 (705) 849-2201 26 Sydenham Quarry E.C. King Contracting Division of Miller Paving • dolostone: crushed • dolomitic lime Town of Flamborough West Flamborough Township 600 Highway 5/ Gate 1 Bld 13 PO Box 2029 Dundas, ON L9H 5E2 (905) 628-8800 53 Location Address Contact Sydenham Township 2125 20th Avenue East PO Box 457 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5P7 (519) 376-6140 Traditional Welsh Miners’ Lamps Awards/Recognition/Gifts 1-800-221-9816 • www.davylamp.com 4120 An authentic piece of mining history makes a superb award or gift. May be engraved. Functional lamps for personal use. Come in all brass, copper/brass, stainless/brass and various sizes. A variety of styles available. The two lamps shown: Full Size Traditional Lamp - 10” (4120) & Welsh Lamp - 9” in height (R-400). R-400 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 477260_LCE.indd 1 ONP-D0016_L.indd 21 5/5/10 11:17:42 763648_Tundra.indd AM 1 21 9/3/15 12:30 AM 2/10/2016 8:12:48 AM Trap Rock Producers Mineral Producers Trap Rock Producers Bridgewater Trap Rock Mine MRT Traprock Danford Granite Ltd. • metagabbro • mineral wool raw material, high performance aggregate, railway ballast, filter stone MRT Aggregates Inc. • metagabbro • HL-1, DFC, OFC Location Address Contact Elzevir Township (northeast of Madoc) PO Box 749 Madoc, ON K0K 2K0 (613) 473-2468 Location Address Contact Methuen Township c/o MRT Aggregates Inc. 4999 County Road 46 Havelock, ON K0L 1Z0 (705) 877-8423 Havelock Quarry National Trap Rock Quarry Drain Bros. Excavating Ltd. • basalt • rail ballast, rock wool, high quality asphalt National Trap Rock Inc. • diabase • mineral wool raw material, high performance aggregate, railway ballast Location Address Contact Location Address Contact Belmont Township (east of Havelock) 2130 8th Line Road North RR#2 Douro-Dummer, ON K0L 2H0 (705) 639-2301 Ontario Trap Rock Quarry Hillsport Quarry Leo Alarie & Sons Limited • diabase • mineral wool raw material, high performance aggregate, railway ballast, filter stone Location Address Contact Hillsport, Ontario Highway 101 West PO Box 912 Timmins, ON P4N 7H1 (705) 268-2106; Fax: (705) 268-3571 I.K.O. Quarry I.K.O. Industries Ltd. • andesite • roofing granules, HL-1 aggregate Location Address Contact Employees 22 ONP-D0016_L.indd 22 Best Township, Temagami area 604 Reynolds Street, P.O. Box 217 Iroquois Falls, ON, P0K 1E0 (705) 258-5000; Fax: (888) 656-8856 Madoc Township PO Box 839 105084 Highway 7 Madoc, ON K0K 2K0 (613) 473-0430 100 Ontario Trap Rock Ltd. • diabase • mineral wool raw material, high performance aggregate, railway ballast, filter stone Location Address Contact Bruce Mines 9630 King’s Highway 17 Bruce Mines, ON P0R 1C0 (705) 785-3833 Smelter Bay Aggregates Quarry Smelter Bay Aggregates • diabase • construction aggregate, abrasives, roofing granules Location Address Contact Nestorville (5 km west of Thessalon) Boundary Road Industrial Park PO Box 400 Thessalon, ON P0R 1L0 (705) 842-2597 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:48 AM Mineral Producers Brick Producers’ Quarries Brick Producers’ Quarries Brampton Brick Ltd. Hanson Brick Ltd. • shale • clay brick • shale • clay brick Address 225 Wanless Drive Brampton, ON L7A 1E9 Contact (905) 840-1011 www.Bramptonbrick.com Cheltenham Quarry Location Brampton, Chinguacousy Township Hungry Hollow Quarry Location Lambton Shores, West Williams Township Address PO Box 668, 2170 Torquay Mews Mississauga, ON L5N 2M6 Contact (905) 821-8800 Aldershot Quarry Location City of Burlington, East Flamborough Township Burlington Quarry Location City of Burlington, Nelson Township Niagara-on-the-Lake Quarry Location Niagara Township Century Brick Ltd. Hungry Hollow Quarry • shale • clay brick Location Address 18 Namco Road Toronto, ON M9W 1M5 Contact (416) 741-4498 www.jazbrick.com Georgetown Quarry Location Esquesing Township GEOPHYSICAL SERVICES Lambton Shores, West Williams Township Paisley Brick and Tile Ltd. • clay brick • clay tile Address Contact 64 Brickyard Road Paisley, ON N0G 2N0 (519) 353-5681 THE POWER OF PEOPLE, FOR OVER 50 YEARS www.MacintyreMining.com -INDUCED POLARIZATION -Magnetometric & VLF -EM MaxMin -Beep Mat -Pulse EM -Gravity -Seismic -GPS -Compilation -Interpretation Pierre Simoneau, M.Sc. P. Geol. Ontario Regional Manager Ontario, 807.707.7585 Quebec, 418.877.7382 [email protected] www.geosig.ca Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 629995_Geosig.indd 1 ONP-D0016_L.indd 23 2/21/13 10:02 630449_ALEX.indd PM 1 1390 Government Road West Box 517 Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 3J5 Telephone: 705.567.6663 | Fax: 705.567.4925 23 25/02/13 5:19 PM 2/10/2016 8:12:49 AM Cement Producers’ Quarries Mineral Producers Cement Producers’ Quarries Bath Quarry Picton Quarry Lafarge Canada Inc. • limestone • cement Essroc Canada Inc. • limestone • cement Ernestown Township Location Address Highway 33 PO Box 160 Bath, ON K0H 1G0 Contact (613) 352-7711 Employees102 Sophiasburg Township Location Address 1370 Highway 49 South Picton, ON K0K 2T0 Contact (613) 476-3233 Employees136 Bowmanville Quarry St. Marys Cement Inc. • limestone • cement Darlington Township Location Address 400 Waverley Road South Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K3 Contact (905) 623-3341 Employees135 St. Marys Quarry St. Marys Cement Inc. • limestone • cement Blanshard Township Location Address 585 Water Street South PO Box 1000 St. Marys, ON N4X 1B6 Contact (519) 284-1020 Employees117 Ogden Point Quarry CRH Canada Group Inc. • limestone • cement Cramahe Township (quarry); Plant in Mississauga Location Address 176 Victoria Beach Blvd. PO Box 160 Colborne, ON K0K 1S0 Contact (905) 355-2534 Employees200 24 ONP-D0016_L.indd 24 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:49 AM Mineral Producers Dimension Stone and Specialty Aggregate Producers Dimension Stone and Specialty Aggregate Producers A and A Natural Stone Ltd. Attia Quarries 17 Keppel Township RR 1 PO Box 967 Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0 Contact Dawn Forbes, Manager (519) 534-5966, (519) 534-5540 Fax: (519) 534-2435 [email protected] Quarries Keppel Township (Owen Sound) 6 Satchell Boulevard Toronto, ON M1C 3B4 Contact Eid Attia (416) 286-7233, (705) 325-5068, (416) 453-2978 Fax: (416) 286-5693 [email protected] [email protected] www.attiaquarry.com Quarries 6414 County Road 169, Rama Township Algonquin Stone 1389 Port Cunnington Road Dwight, ON P0A 1H0 Contact Terry or Susan Boothby (705) 635-2613 Fax: (705) 635-2613 Quarries Franklin Township (Huntsville) Algonquin Natural Stone 57 Madill Church Road Huntsville, ON P1H 2J2 Contact Jim Alexander (705) 224-8699, (877) 456-8699 [email protected] www.algonquinnaturalstone.com Quarries 61 Lucky Road, Huntsville Allstone Quarry Products Inc. 16105 Highway 27 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Contact Peter Melo (905) 939-8491, (800) 263-1270 Fax: (905) 939-2797 [email protected] www.allstonequarry.com Quarries Bigwood Township (near Sudbury) Aqua Rose Gems and Minerals 1327 Lower Craigmont Road RR 2 Combermere, ON K0J 1L0 Contact D. Patterson (613) 756-1361 [email protected] Quarries Lyndoch Township (near Bancroft) Arriscraft International Inc. 875 Speedsville Road, PO Box 3190 Cambridge, ON N3H 4S8 Contact Joe Ippolito (519) 653-3275, (800) 265-8123 Fax: (519) 653-1337 [email protected] www.arriscraft.com Quarries Albemarle Township (near Owen Sound) Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 25 Birkendale Natural Stone 144 Stephenson Road 8 East, Utterson, ON P0B 1M0 Contact Mimi Lawrenson (705) 385-8000 Fax: (705) 385-3260 [email protected] www.ontariostonedepot.com Quarries Franklin Township (near Huntsville) Block and Stone Resource Group Inc. 370 2nd Avenue South East Owen Sound, ON N4K 5T1 Contact Andrew Negus or Ben Snyder (519) 416-7625, (855) 416-7626 Fax: (519) 416-7626 [email protected] www.bsrg.ca Quarries Amabel Township (near Wiarton) Boothby Quarry PO Box 96, 4 Seabreeze Road Dwight, ON P0A 1H0 Contact Dan Boothby, Owner (705) 635-1774 Fax: (705) 754-2440 [email protected] www.danboothby.ca Quarries Finlayson Township (near Parry Sound) Bot Aggregates Ltd. 6791 Concession Road B-C Ramara, ON PO Box 46, Sebright ON L0K 1W0 Contact Dan Boothby, Owner (705) 635-1774 Fax: (705) 754-2440 [email protected] www.danboothby.ca Quarries Sebright (near Orillia) 25 2/10/2016 8:12:49 AM Dimension Stone and Specialty Aggregate Producers Mineral Producers Brent Quarries Coloured Aggregates Inc. 3841 Highway 118 West Port Carling, ON P0B 1J0 Contact Ron Brent (705) 765-6447, (866) 478-2779 Fax: (705) 765-5373 [email protected] www.brentquarry.com Quarries Medora, Humphrey and Watt townships (near Parry Sound) Unit 12, 158 Don Hillock Drive Aurora, ON L4G 0G9 Contact Jeff Oravecz (416) 491-0230, 1-800-465-5066 Fax: (416) 494-1014 [email protected] www.colouredaggregates.com Quarries Canonto Township magnetite (near Kingston), Ashby Township marble, Marmora mill Bruce Peninsula Stone Ltd. Credit Valley Quarries Co. Ltd. 451 Mar Sideroad South Bruce Peninsula ON N0H 2T0 Contact Eric Shouldice, Manager (519) 534-3991 Fax: (519) 534-4191 [email protected] www.brucepeninsulastoneltd.com Quarries Amabel Township, Albemarle Township, Lindsay Township (near Owen Sound) 14550 Heritage Road Caledon, ON L7C 1P5 (905) 877-3686 Contact Fax: (905) 877-3686 [email protected] www.creditvalleyquarries.com Quarries Chingacousy Township (near Caledon) Callander Industries Ltd. Box 121 Callander, ON P0H 1H0 Contact Gary M. Mote (705) 752-2396, (705) 752-2562 Fax: (705) 752-5643 [email protected] www.callanderindustries.com Quarries McAuslan Township, Jocko Township, Garrow Township (North Bay) Canadian Colour Rock Inc. 244 Copper Street, Suite 301 Sudbury, ON P3E 2C2 Contact H. Tsambis, Manager (705) 690-0300 [email protected] Quarries Gordon Township, Robinson Township (Manitoulin Island), Aylmer Township (near Sudbury) Colonial Brick and Stone Inc. 5956 Perth Road 119 Brunner, ON N0K 1C0 Contact Elroy Wagler (519) 595-4261 Fax: (519) 595-2399 [email protected] www.colonialbrickandstone.com Quarries Robinson Township (Manitoulin Island) 26 ONP-D0016_L.indd 26 Cushman Stone and Gravel PO Box 161 166 Savage Settlement Road Novar, ON P0A 1R0 Contact Jim Cushman, Owner (705) 789-7830 Fax: (705) 789-7830 Quarries Perry Township (near Huntsville) Cut Above Natural Stone 7172 Concession, B-C, Ramara, ON L3V 6H5 Contact Scott Gareau, Owner (705) 327-1158, (888) 557-7625 Fax: (888) 349-7625 [email protected] www.cutabovenaturalstone.com Quarries Rama Township (near Orillia) Dufferin Aggregates 2300 Steeles Avenue West Concord, ON L4K 5X6 Contact Jeff Benedict, Sales (905) 761-7500 Fax: (905) 761-5905 www.dufferinconstruction.com Quarries Flamborough, Acton, Buckhorn, Milton Ebel Quarries Inc. 161 Old Oliphant Road, PO Box 69 Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0 Contact Mark Ebel, Vice President (519) 534-0380, (877) 614-4406 Fax: (519) 534-0077 [email protected] www.ebelquarries.com Quarries Amabel Township (near Owen Sound) Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:49 AM Mineral Producers Dimension Stone and Specialty Aggregate Producers Fowler Construction Company Limited J.C.Rock Ltd. 1206 Rosewarne Drive, PO Box 630 Bracebridge, ON P1L 1T9 Contact (705) 645-2214, (800) 268-7687 Fax: (705) 645-5025 [email protected] www.fowler.ca Quarries McDougall Township (near Parry Sound), Rama Township (near Orillia), MacAuley Township (near Bracebridge) 4337 Burnside Line, Unit 1 Severn, ON L3V 0W1 Contact Cynthia Lis (877) 326-4006 (705) 326-4000 Fax: (705) 329-2473 [email protected] www.jcrock.ca Quarries Norland (north of Lindsay), Crookston (north of Belleville) Fraser Quarry PO Box 83 Dwight, ON P0A 1H0 Contact Quarries Jeff Parnell Contracting Ltd. Mike Fraser, Owner (705) 635-2111 Finlayson Township (near Huntsville) Georgian Bay Marble and Stone Inc. PO Box 353 Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0 Contact Carl Anson Barfoot, Owner (519) 534-3992 Fax: (519) 534-3586 www.gbmstone.com Quarries Amabel Township (near Owen Sound) Harold Sutherland Construction 323545 East Linton Sideroad West Kemble, ON N0H 1S0 Contact Jennifer Sutherland (519) 376-5698 Fax: (519) 371-6121 [email protected] www.hsc-ltd.com Quarries Keppel Township, Lindsay Township, St. Vincent Township (near Owen Sound) 866 Settlers Trail, RR 1 Ennismore, ON K0L 1T0 Contact Quarries Brian Aziz (705) 292-6587 Fax: (705) 292-8233 Galway Township (near Peterborough) John Bacher Construction Limited PO Box 190 Dorset, ON P0A 1E0 Contact Eric Doig (705) 787-5038 Fax: (705) 766-0204 [email protected] www.johnbacherconstruction.com Quarries McClintock Township (near Huntsville) Johnston Quarry Blare Hampton Road, RR 2 Minden, ON K0M 2K0 Contact Mervin Johnston (705) 489-2829 Fax: (705) 489-2829 Quarries Galway Township (near Peterborough) Hilltop Stone and Supply Inc. Keystone Granite PO Box 241 Georgetown, ON L7G 4Y5 Contact J. Ferraro 416-571-8775 (905) 877-8587 Fax: (905) 877-0138 [email protected] http://www.hilltopstone.ca/ Quarries 11679 17th Sideroad, Halton Hills, Equesing Township (near Brampton) 2451 Highway 60, PO Box 5287 Huntsville, ON P1H 2K6 Contact Blayne Hutchins (705) 783-6356 Fax: (705) 788-2655 [email protected] www.keystonegranite.ca Quarries Lake of Bays Township (near Huntsville) Hope Bay Quarry Inc. 1692 Highway 6, Box 820 Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0 Contact Tim Arnold (519) 793-3830 Fax: (519) 793-3994 [email protected] www.limberloststone.com Quarries Albemarle Township (near Owen Sound) 1664 Bruce County Road 9 Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0 Contact Paul Bridge (519) 592-5115 Cell: (519) 378-8766 [email protected] Quarries Albemarle Township (near Wiarton) Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 27 Limberlost Stone Inc. 27 2/10/2016 8:12:49 AM Dimension Stone and Specialty Aggregate Producers McDonald Quarry 10 Dairy Lane Huntsville, ON P1H 1L4 Contact Quarries 2294669 Ontario Limited on behalf of Odawa Stone Ltd. Partnership Bill McDonald, Owner (705) 789-3139 [email protected], [email protected] Finlayson Township (near Huntsville) McFadyen’s Stone Quarry 1020 Old Highway, RR 4 Huntsville, ON P1H 2J6 Contact Quarries Cindy McFadyen, Administrator (705) 635-2983 Fax: (705) 635-9706 Franklin Township (near Huntsville) Mill Lake Stone Quarry Limited 12 Mill Lake Road Parry Sound, ON P2A 2X9 Contact Wilfred Hall, Owner (705) 746-5152 [email protected] www.parrysoundstone.com Quarries McDougall Township (near Parry Sound) Miller Paving Ltd. 356 Miller Road, PO Box 270 Brechin, ON L0K 1B0 Contact Rob Lindsay (705) 484-1101 ext 31 [email protected] www.millergroup.ca Quarries Carden Township (Brechin Quarry) Miron Topsoil Ltd. Box 1377 (Quarry: 999932 Highway 11) New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Contact Edmond Miron (705) 647-5823, (705) 563-2430 (quarry) Fax: (705) 647-9322 www.mirontopsoil.com Quarries Harley Township (Thornloe ON) NaturStone Corporation 9680 Highway 63, RR 1 Redbridge, ON P0H 2A0 Contact Mike Hill (705) 498-1015 (866) 786-4168 [email protected] Quarries McAuslan Township (near North Bay) Nelson Granite Limited PO Box 178 Vermilion Bay, ON P0V 2V0 Contact Craig Spence (807) 227-2650 Fax: (807) 227-2722 [email protected] www.nelsongranite.com Quarries Docker Township, Forgotten Lake Area, Wonderland Lake Area, Red Deer Lake Area (near Kenora) 28 ONP-D0016_L.indd 28 Mineral Producers 1079A Sheshegwaning Road Sheshegwaning, ON P0P 1X0 Contact Emilio Tomaselli (705) 283-3292 Fax: (705) 283-3481 [email protected] Quarries Robinson Township, Silver Water, Manitoulin Island (near Sheshegwaning) OMYA (Canada) Inc. 18595 Highway 7 West, PO Box 245 Perth, ON K7H 3E4 Contact Larry Sparks (613) 267-5367 [email protected] www.omya.com Quarries Darling Township (near Perth) Owen Sound Ledgerock Limited 138436 Ledgerock Road, RR 5, PO Box 445 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5P7 Contact Tom Stobbe (519) 376-0366 Fax: (519) 376-7078 [email protected] www.ledgerock.com Quarries Amabel, Keppel, Albemarle Townships (near Owen Sound) Redstone Quarries PO Box 424 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 Contact Ted Sturman (705) 738-4100 Fax: (705) 738-4100 [email protected] www.redstonequarries.com Quarries Harvey, Galway, Cavendish Townships (near Peterborough) Rice and McHarg Ltd. 50 Windsor Road Georgetown, ON L7G 4W7 Contact Joe Rice or Ivan Rice, Owners (905) 877-6374 Fax: (905) 877-1337 Quarries Esquesing Township Rideauview Contracts Ltd. 2081 Washburn Road, RR 2 Inverary, ON K0H 1X0 Contact Jim Jackson, President (613) 546-7779, Saw Shop: (613) 387-3851 Fax: (613) 546-2433 [email protected] www.rideauviewcontracts.com Quarries Camden, Portland, Pittsburgh, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Townships (near Kingston) Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:50 AM Mineral Producers Dimension Stone and Specialty Aggregate Producers Rigbe’s Quarry The Rock Centre 686 Edenderry Line Ennismore, ON K0L 1T0 Contact Sharon Tomlinson (705) 292-5455, (800) 920-2088 Fax: (705) 292-6171 [email protected] www.rigbesquarry.com Quarries Harvey Township (near Peterborough) 160 Pinewood Park Drive North Bay, ON P1B 8Z4 Contact Brigette C. Gauthier (705) 495-1744, (705) 358-3060 Fax: (705) 495-1745 [email protected] www.therockcentre.ca Quarries 5 quarries, North Bay Area Rockleith Quarry Ltd. Trillium Stone Inc. 1268 Oldebarrie Road E Oro-Medonte, ON L0L 1T0 Contact Graham Harper (705) 326-1407, (866) 288-2516 [email protected] www.rockleith.com Quarries Severn Township (near Orillia) 2255B Queen Street East, Suite 3261 Toronto, ON M4E 1G3 Contact Jim Attridge (800) 952-0296 [email protected] www.trilliumstone.com Quarries near Huntsville Speiran Quarries Upper Canada Stone Company Ltd. 376 Millard Street Orillia, ON L3V 4H4 Contact Diane Speiran, Owner & Manager (705) 329-4899 [email protected] Quarries Rama Township (near Orillia) 3094 Line 4 North, RR 1 Oro Medonte, ON L0L 2L0 Contact Richard Scratch, Vice-President (705) 835-7530, (800) 806-0000 Fax: (705) 835-7535 www.uppercanadastone.com Quarries Gibbons Township (near Sudbury), Mayo, Cashel, Madoc, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Townships (near Kingston) Stonescape Quarry 2189 County Road 36, PO Box 72 Buckhorn, ON K0L 1J0 Contact Rob Darling (705) 657-7111, (877) 657-7111 Fax: (866) 666-7325 [email protected] www.stonescapeinc.com Quarries Harvey Township (near Peterborough) Taillefer Quarry 12301 Highway 17, Apt 4 Sturgeon Falls, ON P2B 3K8 Contact Edgar Taillefer, Owner 705-471-7878 www.tailleferquarries.com/home.html Quarries Aylmer Township (near Capreol) Ted Boyes and Sons Construction Limited PO Box 75 Burk’s Falls, ON P0A 1C0 Contact Quarries Tom Boyes, Manager (705) 382-3626 Fax: (705) 382-2199 Ryerson Township (near Parry Sound) Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 29 Van Dyk Natural Stone Supplies Inc. 51 King William Street PO Box 30051 Bracebridge, ON P1H 0B5 Contact Jim Van Dyk, Manager (705) 787-6241 Fax: (705) 645-7932 [email protected] www.vandykstone.com Quarries Franklin Township (near Huntsville) Wiarton Stone Quarry Inc. 3577 Bruce Road 13, RR 3 Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0 Contact Mike Ebel (519) 534-2226 Fax: (519) 534-5120 [email protected] www.wiartonstonequarry.com Quarries Amabel Township (near Owen Sound) 29 2/10/2016 8:12:50 AM Corporate Offices of Companies with Metal Mines in Ontario Corporate Offices of Companies with Metal Mines in Ontario Alamos Gold Inc. 130 Adelaide Street West, Suite 2200 Toronto, ON M5H 3P5 (416) 368-9932 Fax: (416) 368-2934 www.alamosgold.com • Young – Davidson Mine Barrick Gold Corp. Brookfield Place, TD Canada Trust Tower 161 Bay Street, Suite 3700 PO Box 212 Toronto, ON M5J 2S1 (416) 861-9911, (800) 720-7415 Fax: (416) 861-2492 www.barrick.com • Hemlo Mine Detour Gold Corp. Commerce Court West 199 Bay Street, Suite 4100, Box#12 Toronto, ON M5L 1E2 (416) 304-0800 Fax: (416) 304-0184 www.detourgold.com • Detour Lake Gold Mine Ferromin Inc. Coloured Aggregates Inc. 158 Don Hillock Drive, Unit 12 & 13 Aurora, ON L4G 0H6 (416) 491-0230 Fax: (416) 494-1014 www.colouredaggregates.com • Tomclid Iron Mine Glencore PLC Glencore Canada Corporation First Canadian Place 100 King Street West, Suite 6900 PO Box 403 Toronto, ON M5X 1E3 (416) 775-1500 Fax: (416) 775-1744 www.glencore.com • Kidd Creek Mine Glencore PLC Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations 6 Edison Road Falconbridge, ON P0M 1S0 (705) 693-2761, ext 3120 Fax: (705) 966-6530 www.glencore.com, www.xstratanickelsudbury.ca • Fraser Mine • Nickel Rim South Mine 30 ONP-D0016_L.indd 30 Goldcorp Inc. 666 Burrard Street, Suite 3400 Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8 (604) 696-3000 Fax: (604) 696-3001 www.goldcorp.com • Musselwhite Mine • Porcupine Gold Mines (Dome Mine, Hollinger Mine and Hoyle Pond Mine) • Red Lake Mine KGHM Polska Miedz S.A. KGHM International Ltd. 145 King Street West, Suite 1500 Toronto, ON M5H 1J8 (416) 628-5929 Fax: (416) 360-0550 www.kghminternational.com, www.kghm.pl • Levack Mine • McCreedy West Mine Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. 1350 Government Road West PO Box 370 Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 3J1 (705) 567-5208 Fax: (705) 568-6444 www.klgold.com • Macassa Mine Lake Shore Gold Corp. 181 University Avenue, Suite 2000 Toronto, ON M5H 3M7 (416) 703-6298 Fax: (416) 703-7764 www.lsgold.com • Bell Creek Mine • Timmins West Mine North American Palladium Ltd. One University Avenue, Suite 402 Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2P1 (416) 360-7590 Fax: (416) 360-7709 www.napalladium.com • Lac des Iles Mine Primero Mining Corp. TD Tower South 79 Wellington Street West, Suite 2100 PO Box 139 Toronto, ON M5K 1H1 (416) 814-3160, (877) 619-3160 Fax: (416) 814-3170 www.primeromining.com • Black Fox Mine Richmont Mines Inc. 161 avenue Principale Rouyn-Noranda, QC J9X 4P6 (819) 797-2465 Fax: (819) 797-0166 www.richmont-mines.com • Island Gold Mine St. Andrew Goldfields Ltd. 20 Adelaide Street East, Suite 1500 Toronto, ON M5C 2T6 (416) 815-9855 Fax: (416) 815-9437 www.sasgoldmines.com • Holloway-Holt Mine • Taylor Gold Mine Vale S.A. Vale Canada Ltd. Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower 200 Bay Street, Suite 1600 PO Box 70 Toronto, ON M5J 2K2 (416) 361-7511 Fax: (416) 361-7781 www.vale.com/canada • Coleman Mine • Copper Cliff North Mine • Creighton Mine • Ellen Mine • Garson Mine • Stobie Mine • Totten Mine Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. 8 King Street East, Suite 1305 Toronto, ON M5C 1B5 (416) 360-3743 Fax: (416) 360-7620 www.wesdome.com • Eagle River Mine • Mishi Mine Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:50 AM Exploration Companies Active in Ontario Companies Actively Exploring in Ontario # 7247915 Canada Inc. 126 Duncan Avenue Kirkland Lake, ON P3N 1Y5 A Abbey Gold Corp. 3483 Portage Road Niagara Falls, ON L2J 2K5 (905) 353-1158 Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. 145 King Street East, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5C 2Y7 (416) 947-1212 www.agnicoeagle.com Alamos Gold Inc. 130 Adelaide Street W Toronto, ON M5H 3P5 (416) 368-9932 www.alamosgold.com Alexandria Minerals Corporation 1 Toronto Street Toronto, ON M5C 2V6 (416) 363-9372 www.azx.ca ALX Uranium Corp. 789 West Pender Street, Suite 1450 Vancouver, BC V6C 1H2 (604) 681-1568 www.alxuranium.com Anconia Resources Corp. 65 Front Street East, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5E 1B5 (416) 815-9777 www.anconia.ca Ardiden Ltd. 981 Wellington Street, West Perth WA 6005, Australia 61-8-6555-2950 www.ardiden.com.au Argonaut Gold Inc. 9604 Prototype Drive Reno, NV 89521, USA (775) 284-4422 www.argonautgold.com Atacama Resources International Inc. PO Box 217 Killam, AB T0B 2L0 (780) 512-3805 www.atacamaintl.com Augustine Ventures Inc. 141 Adelaide Street West, Suite 520 Toronto, ON M5H 3L5 (416) 363-2528 www.augustineventures.com AurCrest Gold Inc. 67 Yonge Street, Suite 808 Toronto, ON M5E 1J8 (416) 368-2929 www.aurcrestgold.com Canadian Wollastonite 6675 Highway 15 Kingston, ON K0H (613) 387-2734 canadianwollastonite.com Avalon Rare Metals Inc. 130 Adelaide Street West, Suite 1901 Toronto, ON M5H 3P5 (416) 364-4938 www.avalonraremetals.com Canoe Mining Ventures Corp. 277 Lakeshore Road East, Suite 403 Oakville, ON L6J 6J3 (905) 844-7612 www.canoemining.com B Balmoral Resources Inc. Suite 2300 - 1177 West Hastings Street Vancouver, B V6E 2K3 (604) 638-3664 www.balmoralresources.com Barrick Gold Corp. 161 Bay Street, Suite 3700 Toronto, ON M5J 2S1 (416) 861-9911 www.barrick.com Benton Resources Inc. 3250 Highway 130 Rosslyn, ON P7K 0B1 (807) 475-7474 www.bentonresources.ca Bold Ventures Inc. 15 Toronto Street, Suite 1000 Toronto, ON M5C 2E3 (416) 864-1456 www.boldventuresinc.com Bounty Gold Corp. 104 Howey Street, PO Box 1160 Red Lake, ON P0V 2M0 (807) 728-1997 www.bountygoldcorp.com Brixton Metals Corp. 409 Granville Street #1411 Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2 (604) 630-9707 www.brixtonmetals.com C Cadillac Ventures Inc. 65 Front Street East, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5E 1B5 (416) 203-7722 www.cadillacventures.com Canadian Silver Hunter Inc. 36 Toronto Street, Suite 1000 Toronto, ON M5C 2C5 (647) 348-6966 www.canadiansilverhunter.ca Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 31 Canstar Resources 56 Temperance Street, Suite 1000 Toronto, ON M5H 3V5 (647) 557-3442 www.canstarresources.com Centerra Gold Inc. 1 University Avenue Toronto, ON M5J 2P1 (416) 204-1953 www.centerragold.com Chalice Gold Mines Ltd. 1292 Hay Street, Level 2 West Perth, WA 6005, Australia 6-18-9322-3960 www.chalicegold.com Claim Post Resources Inc. 141 Adelaide Street W Toronto, ON M5H 3L5 (416) 203-5248 www.claimpostresources.com Confederation Minerals Ltd. 1075 West Georgia Street, Suite 1980 Vancouver, BC V6E 3C9 (604) 652-3950 www.confederationmineralsltd.com Conquest Resources Limited 220 Bay Street, Suite 700 Toronto, ON M5J 2W4 (416) 362-8243 www.conquestresources.net Constantine Metal Resources Ltd. 800 West Pender Street, Suite 320 Vancouver, BC V6C 2V6 (604) 629-2348 www.constantinemetals.com Copper Lake Resources 4664 Lougheed Highway, Suite 232 Burnaby, BC V5C 5T5 (604) 922-2030 www.whitetigermining.com Crown William Mining Corp. 401 Bay Street, Suite 2828 Toronto, ON M5H 2Y4 954-667-8181 Cypress Development Corp. 777 Dunsmuir Street, Suite 1610 Vancouver, BC V7Y 1K4 (604) 687-3376 www.cypressdevelopmentcorp.com D De Beers Canada Inc. Unit 900, 250 Ferrand Drive Toronto, ON M3C 3G8 (416) 645-1710 www.canada.debeersgroup.com Detour Gold Corp. 199 Bay Street Suite 4100, PO Box 121 Toronto, ON M5L 1E2 (416) 304-0800 www.detourgold.com Duncan Park Holdings Corp. 372 Bay Street, Suite 406 Toronto, ON M5H 2W9 (416) 203-0860 www.duncanpark.com E Edurance Gold Corp. 543 Granville Street, Suite 303 Vancouver, BC V6C 1X8 (604) 682-2707 www.endurancegold.com Empire Rock Minerals Inc. (formerly Ultra Resources Corp.) 889 West Pender Street, Suite 702 Vancouver, BC V6C 3B2 (604) 683-3288 Explor Resources Inc. 15 Gamble Street E., Suite 204 Rouyn Noranda, QC J9X 3B6 (819) 797-4630 www.explorresources.com F Fancamp Exploration Ltd. 7290 Gray Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 3Z2 (604) 434-8829 www.fancampexplorationltd.ca First Mining Finance Corp. Suite 1805, 925 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2 (604) 639-8824 www.firstminingfinance.com Frontline Gold Corp. 67 Yonge Street, Suite 1102 Toronto, ON M5E 1J8 (416) 362-9100 www.frontlinegold.com 31 2/10/2016 8:12:50 AM Exploration Companies Active in Ontario G General Magnesium Corporation 6855 Highway 101 E, Suite 3 Porcupine, ON P0N 1C0 (705) 235-1530 www.quesnelgroup.ca Giyani Gold Corp. 277 Lakeshore Road East, Suite 403 Oakville, ON L6J 6J3 (905) 844-1456 www.giyanigold.com Glencore PLC Baarermattstrasse 3 Baar, CH-6341, Switzerland +41 41-709-2000 www.glencore.com Global Cobalt Corp. 1050 West Pender Street, Suite 1510 Vancouver, BC V6E 3T4 (604) 688-4219 www.globalcobaltcorp.com Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. 14th Street, Suite 86 Rouyn-Noranda, QC J9X 2J1 (819) 797-5242 www.globexmining.com Gold Bullion Development Corp. 2875 Ave Granada Rouyn-Noranda, QC J9Y 1J1 (819) 797-4144 www.goldbulliondevelopment.com Goldcorp Inc. Park Place 666 Burrard Street Suite 340 Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8 (604) 696-3000 www.goldcorp.com Golden Share Mining Corp. Unit 7, 145 Riviera Drive Markham, ON L3R 5J6 (905) 968-1153 www.goldenshare.ca Goldeye Explorations Ltd. 85 West Wilmot Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1K7 (905) 886-2538 www.goldeye.ca Impala Platinum Holdings Limited 2 Fricker Road Illovo, 2196, South Africa (011) 731-9000 www.implats.co.za Kesselrun Resources Ltd. 1158 Russell Street, Suite D Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5N2 (807) 285-3323 www.kesselrunresources.com GoldON Resources Ltd. 108-800 Kelly Road, Suite 416 Victoria, BC V9B 6J9 (250) 474-7999 www.goldonresources.com Inspiration Mining Corp. 70 York Street, Suite 1710 Toronto, ON M5J 1S9 (416) 842-9000 www.inspirationmining.com KGHM International Ltd. 200 Burrard Street, Suite 500 Vancouver, BC V6C 3L6 (604) 689-8550 www.kghm.pl, www.quadrafnx.com Good Mining Exploration Inc. 1151 Stuffles Crescent Newmarket, ON L3X 0E4 (905) 235-8805 www.goodmining.com International Montoro Resources Inc. 625 Howe Street, Suite 600 Vancouver, BC V6C 2T6 (604) 683-6648 www.montororesources.com Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. 95 Wellington Street West, Suite 1430 Toronto ON M5J 2N7 (416) 840-7884 www.klgold.com Gowest Gold Ltd. 80 Richmond Street West, Suite 1400 Toronto, ON M5H 2A4 (416) 363-1210 www.gowestgold.com GPM Metals Inc. 141 Adelaide Street West, Suite 301 Toronto ON M5H 3L5 (416) 628-5904 www.gpmmetals.ca Great Lakes Resources LLC 545 King Street North Waterloo, ON N2L 5Z6 (519) 746-4120 GTA Resources and Mining Inc. 855 Brant Street Burlington, ON L7R 2J6 (905) 681-1925 www.gtaresources.com Houston Lake Mining Inc. 2736 Belisle Drive Val Caron, ON P3N 1B3 (705) 897-7622 www.houstonlakemining.com I IAMGOLD Corp. 401 Bay Street, Suite 3200 Toronto, ON M5H 2Y4 (416) 360-4710 www.iamgold.com Inventus Mining Corp. 36 Toronto Street, Suite 1000 Toronto, Ontario M5C 2C5 (416) 214-5952 www.inventusmining.com KWG Resources Inc. 141 Adelaide Street West, Suite 420 Toronto, ON M5H 3L5 (416) 703-6298 www.kwgresources.com L J Jubilee Gold Exploration Ltd. 80 Richmond Street West, Suite 605 Toronto, ON M5H 2S9 (416) 364-0042 K Kapuskasing Gold Corp. 1021 West Hastings Street, Suite 650 Vancouver, BC V6E 0C3 (647) 360-0897 www.kapuskasinggold.com Lake Shore Gold Corp. 181 University Avenue, Suite 2000 Toronto, ON M5H 3M7 (416) 703-6298 www.lsgold.com Landore Resources Ltd. 555 Central Avenue, Suite 1 Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5R5 (807) 623-3770 www.landore.com Kasabonika Minerals Corp. Kasabonika Lake, ON P0V 1Y0 (807) 535-2547 Laurion Mineral Exploration Inc. Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 2400 Toronto, ON M5H 2T6 (705) 788-9186 www.laurion.ca Kerr Mines Inc. 365 Bay Street, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5H 2V1 (416) 855-9300 www.kerrmines.com Lexam VG Gold Inc. 150 King Street West, Suite 2800 Toronto, ON M5H 1J9 (647) 258-0395 www.lexamvggold.com Lonmin PLC 4 Grosvenor Place London, UK SW1X 7YL 44-0-20-7201-6000 www.lonmin.com M MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. 141 Adelaide Street West, Suite 520 Toronto, ON M5H 3L5 (416) 364-4986 www.macdonaldmines.com Manitou Gold Inc. 957 Cambrian Heights Drive Suite 101, Sudbury ON P3C 5S5 (705) 222-8800 www.manitougold.com www.lamontagnegeophysics.com 32 777021_Lamontagne.indd 1 ONP-D0016_L.indd 32 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 09/12/15 8:37 pm 2/10/2016 8:12:51 AM Exploration Companies Active in Ontario Q Marshall Lake Mining PLC 15 Young Street London, UK W8 5EH 44-020-7795-6535 www.mlmining.co.uk/ Nikos Explorations Ltd. Suite 1950, 400 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3A6 (604) 681-2802 www.nikosexplorations.com Panoramic PGMs (Canada) Ltd. 1004 Alloy Drive Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6A5 (807) 345-6966 www.panoramicresources.com Matamec Explorations Inc. 1010 Sherbrooke Ouest, Suite 700 Montreal, QC H3A 2R7 (514) 844-5252 www.matamec.com Noront Resources Ltd. 110 Yonge Street, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5C 1T4 (416) 367-1444 www.norontresources.com Parkside Resources Corporation 6 Beaufield Avenue Toronto, ON M4G 3R3 (416) 452-0455 www.parksideresources.com MDN Inc. 1693 rue Saint-Patrick, Bureau 106 Montreal, QC H3K 3G9 (514) 866-6500 www.mdn-mines.com/ North American Palladium Ltd. One University Avenue, Suite 402 Toronto, ON M5J 2P1 (416) 360-7590 www.nap.com Pele Mountain Resources Inc. 2200 Yonge Street, Suite 905 Toronto, ON M4S 2C6 (416) 368-7224 www.pelemountain.com Rapier Gold Inc. 1055 West Georgia Street Suite 2270, PO Box 11144 Vancouver, BC V6E 3P3 (604) 569-0049 www.rapiergold.com Melkior Resources Inc. 3208 Richmond Road Ottawa, ON K2H 5B6 (613) 721-2919 www.melkior.com Northern Graphite Corp. 290 Picton Avenue, Suite 201 Ottawa, ON K1Z 8P8 (613) 241-9959 www.northerngraphite.com Phoscan Chemical Corp. 350 Bay Street, Suite 700 Toronto, ON M5H 2S6 (416) 972-9222 www.phoscan.ca Red Pine Exploration Inc. 141 Adelaide Street West, Suite 520 Toronto, ON M5H 3L5 (416) 364-7024 www.redpineexp.com Metalex Ventures Ltd. 1634 Harvey Avenue, Suite 203 Kelowna, BC V1Y 6G2 (250) 860-8599 www.metalexventures.com Northern Iron Corp. Unit 1001 - 409 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2 (604) 566-8570 www.northernironcorp.com Platinum Group Metals Ltd. 550 Burrard Street, Suite 788 Vancouver, BC V6C 2B5 (604) 899-5450 www.platinumgroupmetals.net Redstar Gold Corp. 800 West Pender Street, Suite 615 Vancouver, BC V6C 2V6 (604) 245-5861 www.redstargold.com Metalore Resources Ltd. 89 Kitchen Road, Rural Route #1 Vittoria, ON N0E 1W0 (519) 428-2464 www.metaloreresources.com Northern Sun Mining Corporation 130 Adelaide Street W, Suite 3420 Toronto, ON M5H 3P5 (647) 494-5445 www.northernsunmining.ca Premier Gold Mines Ltd. Suite 200, 1100 Russell Street Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5N2 (807) 346-1390 www.premiergoldmines.com Richmond Minerals Inc. 133 Richmond Street W, Suite 403 Toronto, ON M5H 2L3 (416) 603-2114 www.richmondminerals.com Metals Creek Resources Corp. 945 Cobalt Cres. Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5Z4 (807) 345-4990 www.metalscreek.com Nuinsco Resources Ltd. 80 Richmond Street W., 18th Floor Toronto, ON M5H 2A4 (416) 626-0470 www.nuinsco.ca Richmont Mines Inc. 161 Avenue Principale Rouyn-Noranda, QC J9X 4P6 (819) 797-2465 www.richmont-mines.com Minfocus Exploration Corp. 300 New Toronto Street, Unit 2 Toronto, ON, M8V 2E8 (416) 232-0025 www.minfocus.com NuVision Resources ULC 8838 Jamaca Avenue North Stillwater MN USA 55082 Primero Mining Corp. 79 Wellington Street West Suite 2100, PO Box 139 Toronto, ON M5K 1H1 (416) 814-3160 www.primeromining.com Mistango River Resources Inc. 4 Al Wende Avenue Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 3J5 (705) 567-5351 www.mistangoriverresources.com Moneta Porcupine Mines Inc. 65 Third Avenue Timmins, ON P4N 1C2 (416) 579-3040 www.monetaporcupine.com MPH Ventures Corp. Suite 1610 - 777 Dunsmuir Street Vancouver, BC V7Y 1K4 (604) 687-3376 www.mphventurescorp.com N New Gold Inc. 200 Bay Street, Suite 3120 Toronto, ON M5J 2J4 (416) 324-6000 www.newgold.com/ O Pure Gold Mining Inc. Suite 1900, 1055 West Hastings Street Vancvouer, BC V6E 2E9 (604) 646-8000 www.puregoldmining.ca Oban Mining Corp. 155 University Avenue, Suite 1440 Toronto, ON M5H 3B7 (416) 848-9504 www.obanmining.com R Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Ltd. 200 Granville Street, Suite 354 Vancouver, BC V6C 1S4 (604) 669-1880 Rockex Mining Corp. 580 New Vickers Street Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6P1 (807) 623-0661 www.rockexmining.com Orefinders Resources Inc. 2500 - 120 Adelaide Street Toronto, ON M5H 0A2 www.orefinders.ca P Pacific North West Capital Corp. 101 - 2148 West 38th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6M 1R9 (604) 685-1870 www.pfncapital.com Hearst Air Service Ltd. 4 season air support and logistics for exploration camps in ONTARIO’S FAR NORTH ~ Hearst HWY 11 N to Hudson Bay Lowlands Pacific Iron Ore Corp. Suite 2000, 500 4th Avenue S.W Calgary, AB T2P 2V6 (403) 269-6795 www.pacificironorecorp.com call toll free 1-866-844-5700 [email protected] Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 33 653230_Hearst.indd 1 ONP-D0016_L.indd 33 Q-Gold Resources Ltd. 809 W. Riordan Road Ste. 100-391 Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 (928) 779-0166 www.qgoldresources.com 22/08/13 8:20 PM 2/10/2016 8:12:51 AM Exploration Companies Active in Ontario Rogue Resources Inc. 1055 West Georgia Street, Suite 2270 PO Box 11144 (604) 629-1808 www.rogueresources.ca Stillwater Canada Inc. 10 La Verendrye Cr. Marathon, ON P0T 2E0 (807) 229-2719 www.stillwatercanadainc.com Treasury Metals Inc. 130 King Street West, Suite 3680 Toronto, ON M5X 1B1 (416) 214-4654 www.treasurymetals.com Wellgreen Platinum Ltd. Suite 915-700 West Pender Street Vancouver BC V6C 1G8 (604) 569-3690 www.wellgreenplatinum.com Romios Gold Resources Inc. Suite 500, 2 Toronto Street Toronto, ON M5C 2B6 (416) 221-4124 www.romios.com StrikePoint Gold Inc. Suite 507, 837 West Hastings Street Vancouver BC V6C 3N6 (604) 602-1440 www.strikepointgold.com Tri Origin Exploration Ltd. 125 Don Hillock Drive - Unit 18 Aurora, ON L4G 0H8 (905) 727-1779 www.triorigin.com Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. 8 King Street East, Suite 811 Toronto, ON M5C 1B5 (416) 360-3743 www.wesdome.com Rubicon Minerals Corp. PO Box 274 Cochenour, ON P0V 1L (866) 365-4706 www.rubiconminerals.com Sudbury Platinum Corporation 410 Falconbridge Road, Unit 5 Sudbury ON P3A 4S4 (705) 669-1777 www.sudburyplatinumcorp.com S Sage Gold Inc. 36 Toronto Street, Suite 1000 Toronto ON M5C 2C5 (416) 204-3170 www.sagegoldinc.com Superior Copper Corporation 141 Adelaide Street West - Suite 301 Toronto, ON M5H 3L5 (416) 628-5905 www.superiorcopper.ca V Vale SA 200 Bay Street, Royal Bank Plaza Suite 1600, Toronto, ON M5J 2K2 (416) 361-7511 www.vale.com/canada White Metal Resources Corp. 3250 Highway 130 Rossyln, ON P7K 0B1 (807) 623-6840 www.whitemetalres.com West Red Lake Gold Mines Inc. 65 Queen Street, West, Suite 520 Toronto, ON M5H 2M5 (416) 203-9181 www.westredlakegold.com T Valterra Resource Corporation 1100 - 1199 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3T5 (604) 684-9384 www.valterraresource.com X Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. # 375 - 555 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V7X 1M9 (604) 998-4175 www.sabinagoldsilver.com Takara Resources Inc. 401 – 1231 Barclay Street Vancouver, BC V6E 1H5 (819) 797-4144 www.takararesources.com Victoria Gold Mines (East Timmins) Limited 91 Conrad Court Timmins, ON P4N 8S5 (705) 268-7793 Xmet Inc. 120 Adelaide Street West, Suite 2500 Toronto, ON M5H 1T1 (416) 644-6588 ww.xmet.ca Sanatana Resources Inc. 908-925 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2 (604) 408-6680 www.sanatanaresources.com Tamaka Gold Corp. 401 Bay Street, Suite 2702 Toronto, ON M5H 2Y4 (416) 477-1047 www.tamakagold.com VMS Ventures Inc. 200 West Esplanade Street, Suite 500 Vancouver, BC V7M 1A4 (604) 986-2020 www.vmsventures.com Sarissa Resources Inc. 201-2368 Lakeshore Road West Oakville, ON L6L 1H1 (905) 827-3666 www.sarissaresources.com Tasca Resources Ltd. #2007-1177 West Hastings Street Vancvouer, BC V6E 2K3 (604) 669-0401 www.tascaresources.com Sierra Iron Ore Corp. 13236 Cliffstone Court Lake Country, BC V4V 2R1 (250) 766-1517 www.sierrairon.com Teck Resources Ltd. Suite 3300, Bentall 5 550 Burrard Street Vancvouer, BC V6C 0B3 (604) 699-4000 www.teck.com Signature Resources Ltd. 595 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2T5 (705) 445-0184 www.signatureresources.ca St. Andrew Goldfields Ltd. 20 Adelaide Street East, Suite 1500 Toronto ON M5C 2T6 (416) 815-9855 www.sasgoldmines.com 34 ONP-D0016_L.indd 34 Transition Metals Corp. 410 Falconbridge Road, Unit 5 Sudbury ON P3A 4S4 (705) 669-1777 www.sudburyplatinumcorp.com U Union Glory Gold Ltd. 3650 Victoria Park Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, ON M2H 3P7 416-490-0088 www.unionglorygold.com Y Yamana Gold Inc. 200 Bay Street, Suite 2200 Toronto, ON M5J 2J3 (416) 815-0220 www.yamana.com Yorbeau Resources Inc. 110 Place Crémazie West, Suite 430 Montréal, QC H2P 1B9 (514) 384-2202 www.yorbeauresources.com Z W Wallbridge Mining Co. Ltd. 129 Fielding Road Lively ON P3Y 1L7 (705) 682-9297 www.wallbridgemining.com Zara Resources Inc. 208 Queens Quay West, #2506 Toronto, ON M5J 2Y5 (647) 931-9775 www.zararesourcesinc.com Zenyatta Ventures Ltd. 1224 Amber Drive Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6M5 (807) 346-1660 www.zenyatta.ca Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:12:51 AM Mine Development Projects Advanced Mineral Projects in Ontario 2016 Hudson Bay Manitoba Eagle's Nest - Noront Resources (Ni-Cu) ( ! Advanced Mineral Projects in Ontario 2016 Kyle Lake (U2) - Metalex Ventures (Diamond) ! ( ( Victor Extension - De Beers (Diamond) ! James Bay Springpole Lake – First Mining Finance Corp. (Au) Pickle Crow - First Mining Finance Corp. (Au) ( (! ! ( ! ( ! Thierry - Cadillac Ventures (Cu) RED "! ( Phoenix - Rubicon Minerals (Au) LAKE Cochenour - Goldcorp (Au) KENORA " Québec Albany Graphite - Zenyatta Ventures (C) ! ( ( Hardrock Gold - Premier/Centerra (Au) ! Goliath - Treasury Metals (Au) ! ( Cameron Gold - Chalice Gold Mines (Au) ( ! ( ! Brookbank - Premier/Centerra (Au) Rainy River Gold New Gold (Au) ( ! ( Hammond Reef - Agnico - Eagle/Yamana (Au) ! Marathon PGM-Cu - Stillwater Canada (PGM) Bradshaw - Gowest Gold (Au) ( ! Golden Highway - Moneta Porcupine Mines (Au) ( ! ( Sugar Zone - Harte Gold (Au) ! ( ! " Thunder Bay North - Rio Tinto (PGM) ! Garrison - Oban Mining Corp. (Au) MARATHON (( " "TIMMINS! ( ! Upper Beaver - Agnico - Eagle/Yamana (Au) Magino - Argonaut Gold (Au) ! THUNDER BAY ( Timmins - Globex Mining (Magnesite/Talc) " ! (! ( McGarry - Kerr Mines (Au) KIRKLAND " CA LAKE WAWA NA e S uperior k a L D U. ( Cote Gold - IAMGOLD Corp. (Au) ! S.A A . " SAULT STE. MARIE ( ! Eco Ridge - Pele Mountain Resources (REE) ( ! River Valley - Pacific North West Capital (PGM) ( Bissett Creek - Northern Graphite (C) Victoria - KGHM International (Ni,Cu) ! Project Name - Company Name (Mineral) Abbreviations Gold Au Nickel Ni Copper Cu PGM Platinum Group Metals Cr Chromite REE Rare Earth Elements Graphite C Zinc Zn 0 ( ! SUDBURY ( " ! 60 120 240 Kilometres Lake Huron TORONTO " Lake Ontario Lake Michigan 360 N Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 35 rie eE Lak 35 2/10/2016 8:13:03 AM Products & Services Marketplace We represent construction and mining companies, owners and Insurers/Sureties facing Performance and L&M Bond Claims, construction liens, contractual claims and disputes, occupational/ safety inquests and other complex construction and mining litigation. We advise litigate the construction and mining industries on insurance coverage opinions, contract claims, liens, and defences, Fidelity/Dishonesty Bonds, and proposed business practices. We all manner of construction, mining and contractual disputes, fraud related actions, class actions and private actions. Excellence in Commercial Litigation and Competition Law Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP 365 Bay Street, Suite 200 Toronto, Canada M5H 2V1 T 416.360.2800 agmlawyers.com thelitigator.ca 785192_Affleck.indd 1 21/12/15 10:14 PM POWER IS NOT JUST A WORD BTI's Mine Runner is not your average 4x4. It's designed and built for the demanding underground environment. Powered by our innovative Hydraulic Wheel Drive (HWD), with 12 inches of ground clearance, the Mine Runner easily navigates rough terrain. No mechanical parts means lower maintenance costs and higher uptimes, keeping you ahead of the grade. IT’S A STATE OF MINE Visit aheadofthegrade.com 1- 800-567-8267 HWD Extends Maintenance Cycles 36 781492_Breaker.indd 1 ONP-D0016_L.indd 36 Certified ROPS/FOBS Cabin Operator-Friendly Tram/Braking Control System 01/12/15 8:33 PM Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:13:07 AM Products & Services Marketplace 616100_Havemen.indd 1 776990_ALS.indd 1 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 37 19/11/12 7:33 PM 1/14/16 7:14 776985_Argo.indd PM 1 2/3/16 3:01 PM 37 2/10/2016 8:13:20 AM Products & Services Marketplace CHIBOUGAMAU DIAMOND DRILLING LTD G4 Drilling offers you a diversified drilling fleet Through its associated subsidiaries G4 puts at your disposal; 7 14 5 11 8 3 21 1 HTM 1500 surface rigs HTM 2500 surface rigs Underground rigs Man portable rigs Heli-Portable rigs RC rigs Percussion rigs Water well rig As well as an engineering division ready to customize rigs to your specific needs. Website: www.g4drilling.com Email: [email protected] www.chibougamaudrilling.ca Tel : 1(418) 748-3977 791669_Chibougamau.indd 1 Phone (819) 825 4079 1/31/16 1:38 777909_Forage.indd PM 1 12/22/15 4:40 PM Mining Insurance Specialists We can handle your general liability and unique coverage needs - worldwide. AGGREGATES AND MINING You Call. We Answer. High Eye Aerial Imaging Inc. is the first UAV service in Ontario to operate both, Multi Rotor, and Fixed wing UAV’s for professional aerial mapping, surveying, and imaging applications 10 Konrad Cres., Markham Toll Free 1. 800.492 .4070 x 231 1. Land management applications a. Surface monitoring / mapping b. environmental assessment / monitoring c. Assist in mine planning 2. Operations a. Contour mapping / DEM’s b. Volume measurement /Inventory management e: Areas where you will benefit by utilizing our UAV service: • Safety – ground based survey crews are not placed in hazardous environment • Production – no interference from survey crews with production operations • Flexibility – UAVs can be scheduled around your needs • Resource Utilization – You can focus your resources on your mining operations • Data Management – Export the data we collect to CAD & GIS software High Eye Aerial Imaging Inc. is fully insured & SFOC certified by Transport Canada For more information : call, email, or log on 705-812-0978 | email: [email protected] web: www.higheye.ca 617764_Hallmark.indd 1 38 ONP-D0016_L.indd 38 30/11/12 3:48 729668_High.indd PM 1 1/22/15 5:00 PM Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:13:22 AM Products & Services Marketplace High Floatation Experts Winter Road Construction Groomers Extreme Terrain Vehicles Low Ground Pressure Articulated Trucks 807 472 7357 lochlomondequipmentsales.com 783376_SJ.indd 1 10/12/15 2:43 722698_Loch.indd am 1 26/11/14 7:12 PM A Proud Tradition. A Progressive Approach. • Mining Law • Aboriginal Law • Labour & Employment Law 1-866-WEILERS 807-623-1111 www.weilers.ca 777028_Northern.indd 1 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 39 12/18/15 4:41 777049_Weilers.indd PM 1 12/3/15 5:23 AM 39 2/10/2016 8:13:24 AM Products & Services Marketplace K+S Windsor Salt Limited ARGOutv.com The Salt of the Earth NEW 8x8 750 HDi Involved in the mining, refining And distribution of salt products Across North America for Over one hundred years Northwest ARGO Sales Since 1986 99 Little Norway Road THUNDER BAY 807-344-1937 www.northwest.ARGOatv.com Proulx ARGO Sales HEARST 705-362-8304 www.proulx.ARGOatv.com Ojibway Mine 200 Morton Drive ICE CONTROL Windsor, Ontario SALT 755832_Proulx.indd 1 7/13/15 8:16 722080_KSWindsor.indd PM 1 DE-ICING 19/11/14 7:33 PM Celebrating our 50th Anniversary The Ultimate Utility Vehicles for extreme off-road performance Your northen Ontario Commercial Argo Dealers 126 GOVERNMENT RD, KAPUSKASING, ON P5N 2W8 1-705-335-5200 1860 LOCH LOMOND ROAD, THUNDER BAY, ON P7J 1E9 P: 807-472-7357 • F: 807-683-2636 784804_Timmins.indd 1 40 ONP-D0016_L.indd 40 •Complete heavy machining and fabricating facilities utilizing the latest CNC machine tools and CAD/CAM technology •Babbitt service up to 120 inch diameter (Crushers, Mill and Hydro bearings) •Complete service and repairs to all Mining Equipment •Remanufacturers of all makes and sizes of Jaws, Cones, Gyratory Crushers and Hammer Mills complete with warranty •Manufacturers of the Birdsboro-Buchanan line of Jaw Crushers 249 Toronto Avenue Oshawa, Ontario, Canada L1H 3C2 T: 905.579.9721 F: 905.434.6878 www.prengineering.com 29/12/15 3:32 731110_PREngineering.indd am 1 1/28/15 1:28 AM Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:13:26 AM Index of Advertisers Index of Advertisers AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHING Breaker Technology, Inc. (BTI)....................36 CRUSHERS PR Engineering, Ltd. ....................................40 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Nuna Logistics Ltd.............Inside Front Cover AERIAL SURVEYING/MAPPING High Eye Aerial Imaging..............................38 CUSTOMIZED INSURANCE PROGRAMS Hallmark Insurance Brokers Ltd..................38 GEOLOGICAL & PROSPECTING EQUIPMENTS Instrumentation GDD, Inc............................17 DIGITAL MAPPING Corriveau J.L. & Ass. Inc............................ Inside Back Cover GEOPHYSICAL SERVICES Lamontagne Geophysics Ltd........................32 SJ Geophysics, Ltd. ......................................39 DRILLING BITS & ACCESSORIES Forage G4 Drilling........................................38 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS Geosig Inc......................................................23 DRILLING CONTRACTORS Chibougamau Diamond Drilling Ltd...........38 Foraco Canada Ltd........................................41 Norske Drilling..............................................19 INDUSTRIAL/CONSUMER SALT PRODUCTS K+S Windsor Salt Limited............................40 AIR CHARTER SERVICES Custom Helicopters Ltd..... Inside Back Cover Hearst Air Service.........................................33 AIRBORNE GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS Tundra Airborne Surveys..............................21 ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES Proulx Argo Sales..........................................40 AMPHIBIOUS UTV Timmins Rent All..........................................40 ASSAYERS & LABORATORIES AGAT Laboratories............Inside Front Cover ALS Minerals................................................37 Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd..................................................19 TSL Laboratories..........................................17 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Dryden Development Corporation...................... Inside Back Cover ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY SERVICES AGAT Laboratories............Inside Front Cover INSURANCE/EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Hallmark Insurance Brokers Ltd..................38 LAW FIRMS Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP....................36 LAWYERS Weilers Barristers and Solicitors...................39 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission.........................19 EQUIPMENT SALES & RENTAL Loch Lomond................................................39 MINES - HEALTH & SAFETY G4S Secure Solutions (Canada) Ltd.............41 CAMP LOGISTICS & SERVICES Haveman Brothers Forestry Services Inc.....37 EXPLORATION & MININGS Argo / Ontario Drive & Gear Ltd.................37 MINING AWARDS AND INCENTIVES Welsh Miners Lamps....................................21 COLLEGES Northern College of Applied Arts & Technology....... Outside Back Cover EXPLORATION EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Elemental Controls............. Inside Back Cover MINING CONTRACTORS Alex MacIntyre & Assoc. Ltd. .....................23 Nuna Logistics Ltd.............Inside Front Cover CONSULTING ENGINEERS WSP Group........................ Inside Back Cover EXPLORATION SERVICES Superior Exploration.......... Inside Back Cover SURVEY SUPPLIES Northern Survey Supply...............................39 CONTRACT MININGS Nuna Logistics Ltd.............Inside Front Cover EXPLORATION SUPPLIES Got Wood Building Supplies........................15 TRAINING CONSULTANTS Nuna Logistics Ltd.............Inside Front Cover Foraco Canada Ltd. 1839 Seymour Street, North Bay, ON P1A 0C7 (705) 495 6363 • (705) 495 4951 • (877) 795 6363 north [email protected] • www.foraco.com Contact: Hans Vanderlinden Operations Manager Eastern Canada (705) 495 6363 • [email protected] Foraco is a leading global drilling services company providing turnkey solutions for mining, energy, water and infrastructure projects. Foraco operates in 23 countries across five continents. FAR listed on TMX. Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 41 G4S Canada 703 Evans Avenue, Suite 103, Toronto, ON, M9C 5E9 (888) 717 4447 • www.g4s.ca Contact: Katie McLeod Marketing, Can Div. (416) 490-9851 • [email protected] “Today’s world has more risk than ever. Today’s G4S has more ways to protect you. G4S works with mining customers in 60 countries. Our solutions combine risk consulting, systems integration, and security personnel.” 41 2/10/2016 8:13:26 AM Notes 42 ONP-D0016_L.indd 42 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:13:26 AM INVEST IN DRYDEN DISCOVERING DEEPER SOLUTIONS We provide a complete range of engineering and environmental services for mining and mineral processing, as well as the comprehensive expertise of specialists who are involved in every phase of project development and execution. Timmins 705-264-9413 1-877-737-9336 Sudbury 705-674-0119 [email protected] www.dryden.ca Sault Ste Marie 705-942-2070 Thunder Bay 807-625-6700 www.wspgroup.com 2/15/14 4:36 788451_Dryden.indd AM 1 681528_WSP.indd 1 Ortho Photos - 3D Topography - Monitoring Exploration and Mining survey - Bathymetry Airborne and Ground 3D Lidar - Cavity scan Gyro-theodolite - Borehole deviation (Gyro) Photos and DTM by Drone RENTALS & SERVICES 1085, 3rd Avenue, Val-d’Or (Québec) Canada J9P 1T5 www.corriveaujl.com Tel: (888) 825-3702 Fax: (819) 825-2863 [email protected] 726988_Corriveau.indd 1 1/26/16 7:02 PM We Help Protect the Environment • SERVING THE MINING INDUSTRY • AIR TAXI SERVICE • CHARTER HELICOPTER SERVICE • SERVING THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY • HELICOPTER FLIGHT TRAINING • CONTRACT SERVICE 1-800-782-0780 401 Helicopter Dr., ST. Andrews Airport, St. Andrews, MB R1A 3P7 Winnipeg (204) 338-7953 Rankin Inlet (867) 645-3885 Thompson (204) 677-3720 Gillam (204) 652-2212 Garden Hill (204) 456-2655 The Pas (204) 623-4595 05/01/15 7:09 474703_Custom.indd PM 1 4/15/10 9:38:00 AM SUPERIOR EXPLORATION, ADVENTURE & CLIMBING CO.LTD Ground VLF Surveys Data Processing, Interpretation & Modeling Historical Data Processing of Airborne and Ground VLF Case Histories Available P: 705-946-6054 | E: [email protected] W: www.yvlf.ca 723553_Elemental.indd 1 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 ONP-D0016_L.indd 43 16/12/14 5:36 784481_Superior.indd pm 1 1/6/16 1:05 PM 43 2/10/2016 8:13:28 AM 44 ONP-D0016_L.indd 44 Ontario Mining and Exploration Directory 2016 2/10/2016 8:13:29 AM
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