1947 Reunion - a report in booklet format/PDF
1947 Reunion - a report in booklet format/PDF
INTRODUCTORY NOTES (lonsiderabletime haspassedbecausewe aimed to set all the namesand dates correct. However theie still miry be mis[akesfor which weaskyour forebearance. We are trying to give a brief report of the number of David C. Yoder's decendants,both living and deceased. W[en we wrote for inflormationfrom someof you, rnany seemedto think we were planning to make a regular family history book, which was'.. '' not our aim. as you see. We- merely wanted to get the npmber of David C. Yoder'sdeseendants, but we thank all who took the trouble to send additional information. However, we hope to find someonesoonwho will undertaketo write up the family history. The one undertaking that task will' greatly appreciateyour good co-operatiou in supplying the required complete ittfor,rnalion. For thosewho are wondering as to whether dur line of Yoders comesfrom the widow Barbara Yoder who cameto this country in 1710, we do not; and do not know how near our first Christian Yoder ( B. t;26, Switzerland) was related to Christian Yo'er. the husbandof Barbara Yoder, who died at sea,coming over here, to America. We think the family tree of Arnold Lynn Bonteageris especiallyinteresting, but, of course, hg is too young to appreciateit now, This report,is made up principally for the'bene-1- r1 I l li fit of those who becauseof-age or for other roasons n,'t attend, but were interesbedenough lo "o"fa want a report of the day and its hap-penings, There *"te t"p.".entatives from sixteen statesoo" missionery family from South America' "od tft" total numbered- about eight hundred' "na of whom didn't get registered' some You will notice on the page listing the ancestors and descendantsof David C' Yoder that there are 33 of whom atttended ;ill 59 ti"ing nttt "oo.irr.' been ,fine if they have it the reunion. Wouldn't. could all have attendedl TABLEOF CONTENTS PROGRAM8r-*"7 trl|#.rl No. 5 in the Yoder SongBook was sung; "All Hail the Power of Jesus'Name'" D. J. Yoder gave a talk <rnhow the town of wasstarted in 1886' Yoder J. J. Yoder lold-'ivhenhis p-arentscameto McPherionCountY,Kansas.in 1879' Yalentine D' Yoder's cameto Reno County' Kansas,in August, lBB4' Song No. l'l was sung; "We Praise Thee' O God." J. J. Yoclerreturned thanks for the meal, and went to eat lunch' "n.tybodY rrrniluucs SongNo.7 wassung;"We're Marchingto Zion' l.'hn E. Weaver gaYea talk on dillerent branProgram..... of Yoclers. ches e p p o i n t e d . . . . . . . . , . ' . . : ' . . ' . ' . .$. . N e wC o m m i t t eA D. J. Yoder gave a short report of the living David C. Yoder-Ancestersapd Qecendants...5 ot l-ravia C' Yoder--number 2'0L7' d;;;;";;t 9 12 cousins.............', Generation, Our Pa.rents 151--total2.170' deceased ....'.'...10 A p p r e c i a t i vN e otes..............;... J. J. Yoder gaYe a talk on the Yoders in Tbe Old Barbara Yoder Bible was' Brought general. " D^n R. Yoder of Goshen.Indiana, w-ho is 89 t o t h e Y o d e rR e u n i o n . . . . . . :. .. .. .. . . . . . . .; . '.l 0 talk on the Yoders and about a of.i. s-* L e t t e ro f H i s t o r i c afln t e r e s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . : . . . . . . 1 { " """-ti in 1900' EuroPe to made irip he ? F'amilyTree of Arnold Lynn Bontrager....-..16-l story of the Yoders gave the Yoder iloval .......,.18 of Names.... Registering comingfrom Suiizerland' -8- 'l i l'.t 'i Joe Bontraser of Oklahoma explainedhow the Bontragersa[ relatedto the Yoders. Mr. Bishop of Haven, Kansas,talked about the tirne he came to Kansasin 1870. He now lacks 1l months of being 100yearsold and walks without a cane. John K. Yoder of Belleville,Pa., gave a short talk. THE NEW CO\IMITTEE The new comrtritteeon arrangementsfor the next Reunionare: Royal Yoder. Conway,Kansas; Henry D. Yoder, Haven, Kansas; Lawrence J. Yoder, \{cPherson,Kansas; William D. Yoder, Haven, Kansas;Bli S. Schrock,Haven, Kansas. Song No. 3, Yoder Scng Book: '.Yoder Reunion" was sung. The congregationwas dismissed. William D. Yoder,Secretary. ANCESTORS AND DAVID DESCDNDANTS OF C. YODER SinceI have found a number of Yoder peonle wboserelationshipstarts back with the first' .rucond and third C^hristianYoder, I will give the namesand birth datesof the children of there itt.". *u" for the benefit of those who may wish to trace t,heir own ancestors' The first Christian Yoder, of whom we have u"V t..*a, was born in 1726in Switzerland, and cameto Americain 174{. He settled iT Berks County, Pa., and was married. He had four children by his first wife, who are as follows: YearBo;1 .'rJDo Fanny........ Barbar.a""' achristian. Jacob....... """""""1756 """""'1758 '.""""""'1760 he married Barbara wife he had 11 child' rl I -{- 5' I I .l .$i; Liclia.. . (marriedDan Nisley,Ind.)...'. ' ......1814F V, ( n this year, 1776,Christian the lst, with his Therr his.wifedied. His secondmarriagewas { iamily moveclwest to SomersetCounty, Pa' ) to CatherienMiller. From this union there were , G e r t y . . . ( m a r r i eYdo s t i l L i l l e r ) . . . . ' . ' ."."." " ' 1 7 7 8 ' . . . - . . . . . . " " 1 7 8 0 9 childrenas follows: J e p h i aI . . . . . . . . (EsthermarriedPeter Baumgardner) D a r i d C . . . . ( m a r r i eSdu s i eM i l l e r ) . . . . .'..'. . , . \ 9 ! 7 1 6 r s - Edther| . . . . . . . . . 1 7 8 2 Christian.... D^ F l e n r v . . . . . . . . CmarriedKatie Hershberger).....'1819 '-' The first Christiandied Nov. 20, 1816, , Yoder)..""1821 C. Joseph \Iagdalene...Cmarried ? : * and was 90 Yearsold' ,i," { marriedJohnJohns).. .'.." -"' 1B2:r,7^ Catharine... | a :fn. seconclCht'istianYoder was born in 1758 ,, Elizabeth...(marriedSam Beachy.Kur*rir'ap'1827 i I{e beTroyer' Nladalna to )""1829 .l and wai?arried Z r . Sarah.......6" FrederickSwartzendruber Amish LR e u b e n . . . . ( * a r . i "l ta" r r i t R i e h l ) . . . . . . - . . " " " 1 8 3 ? F came mrnlsrerand Bishop of the Glates Pa' tlis SamuelJ' Schrock)"' "1833 / z Rebecca....(married i Cttor"t, near Berlin' SomersetCounty, 'ijJrj". ).'.."' "lBl+-A F;; Ki".inger i ;;;;il . . . follows: as 14 childenwere Hostettler)""""'178C Peter \ Madlena...(married ' Now we cometo David C' Yoder' son of Thirh" l781 Hostettler)"" " " " grand father' - He was P Ni;;t"h-. 1mar.iedJoseph . . . . . . . . . 1 7 8 2 Christian,who was my d Abraham.... io Susie Nliilei in lB3B and h-ad -16 ;;;i;d four of whom died when sm-all' In the ""' r roo John-.. County, Ind' "irliat"", i""t rgdg ittey moved to Elkhart "'1790 Christian.... """"'f793 ' Solomon..... The remaining12 childrenare as follows: jonathan.... """180:t Roes,......:...fr#f;;rr;t'l*:l .........1808 j 1. pollyyoder Anna....... ---i"ti, died Barbara and David Jo.ob. Sarah, I 14living' 6 deceased Total 1!Qf,ss,r'endants"' when young. ' children old' 2,'"R;;rt"iv","aq Stutzman"'::"."':":9 '.'a n,,-"" 1 living, B deceased This secondChristian lived to be B0 years | t..in *J.,, to The t&igLChristian Yoder was- married living' 46 deceased 455descendants"'409 and Minist'er q became gfirul"tEfiiiter' He also children 3. lrqteniineD. Yoder"""""""";"'6 His childrenYele as follows: ;iltth$. Brlrrt B"tl"ti'.. t*"t,iud 'Iot"ph Bo-ntragerL'"'-l \r-a . i living, 17 deceased 633 descendants."616 died and born Young Benjamin }""pu....... lil: -6- J 4, 5. 6. 7. o o. 9{ *L ^'"-'-lt'; K a t i e Y o d e { S t u t z m a n . . - . . . . " . . . . . . . . c. 'h9i l d r e n ii*],,*no ,. * ##o.i*', All livirrg 5 6 d e s c e n d a n t s . . . 5l3i v i n g , 3 d e c e a s e d ..... 13 children Levi D. Yoder...... l0 living, 3 deceased t 6* ..**n*. nnf,* 103 descendants'..94living, 9 deceased '.....14 children David D. Yoder...' /i.\,,.,'ii",: , ,,n, , il.r i.* B living, 6 deceased 189 descendants...lT4living, 15 deceased ......6 children Jacnb D. Yoder.'.... //!a ,tlfiit,x*ar.*, d living' 2 deceased 64 descendants...56living, B deceased S u s i eY o d e t L e h p a n . . . . . . , , . . . . . ' . . . . 3c h i l d r e n I living,2 deceased ".&,'"f 32 descendants...24living' B deceased .7 children Jeremiah D. Yoder.... 4 Jiving, 3 deceased t!* i, tu-*. ,1..s -:; " B? descendants...B0living,7 deceased ....--...9children 10. TobiasD. Yoder.... living,2 deceased / t;; t {, "S,.i,*lr^"..-i living, 17 deceased 143descendants...126 children 11. AnnieY.oderpgtersheim...'.........9 fi-a-** 3 deceased 6living. , i.."n: dr-r* '186-ilescendant9,..l7B living, B deceased i..,..':.i....6 children 72. Sam D, Yoder.... "l:r..'..5 living, I deceased d E:-:: J' ' "/.fr;:' living, 9 deceased 102descendants...93 ........'2170 Total descendants....... nowliving...... .........'..,.,2017 Total descendants . . . . . . . .1 5 1 Deceased.... 77c./2;, {^ a*|I]-'l/ H:e' " 10,,"^"8 7aq- /q7YL years' The These,altogetlrer'have lived 987 of 12 only and cousins, first -left'out 'ncles Mv "i,."ult"-ufl on r't'" Yoders'side';i;; ffi;;;in. LY father' JeremiahD' Yoder' all ;;;;;;J any one il"f".*"a i" this group of coirsins' .If would we c<rttsins t''"ti morefirst ;;;;3;; "fro* u3]l1ual' "+i se "tv pl quri-e^ ea ; -nou,. i ti;;' i; h ; D. J. YODER the NOTE:- Relorethis hooklet was printed forrnd rvas lldiana of n""-frunJ. Bontrager ' Fle "oJ ;:;; ;; i[;-n'*"ing of December26' 1947 farm' sarne the lived'all his life on *;"1;.;;J it is believed. -9- THOSD NOTES OF INFORMATION FOR NOT PRESENT The Old Barbara Yoder Family Bible was brought from e"nn.yin'*iu "tpt"iully..for tliis Nlost of thoseplcsentve-ryllKely saw c,cc"iion. btought to thii counl'rvbv the widow il^'-i;;"" gutf;tu VnA"" ind her family in -the year 17l0' 367 f rl a"t" of printing was I580, makingit now yearsold. CAREY SALT ITITNEVISTT Arrangements had been made for visitors to see the Care'y Salt Mine at Hutchinson; special permission being given hy }loward- Cryqv' to go down in the iriie on Motrclay, the 9th day of June. A number took advanLage of the oppor;;;,itt to Eo clown in this mine' 610 feet under qrou.rd, wjhereLhe solicl rock salt' is mined' APPRECIA|TIYE NOTES DearCorrsin: I have but a very Iittle time this morning to write, brrt I do want'io let you know that we of o,it'fu-lff** all enjoyed the ieunion and t'he lunch very much; in fact the entire day' It^ meant a tt [e able to meet so many folks and rfii."* most of them relatives' some of whom we had i,'en before but not for a good many ye-ars, and oui cousios we had never met before' ;iii;t;;f One of the things we talked about on our -10- vtav bome as we thought of the day and about i in" folks we had met' is whab I don't believe "f .oou could duplicate itl any other place, and that is with as lalge a gathering as we had that' day and not find any imoliirrg of cigarettes or cigars' it .".rot almosi unbelieveableto folks that live in the ciries as we do where you cannot go to any public eating houses,hotels, or even home gatherinn* o, busir-ressmeetings, but before you get tbroosh with your dinner or meal some will be rrnokfoe. If anv there that day do use-the stuff thev abieast showed enough respectand courtesy "the rest of us, and that is nob being done any for more. I get so disgusted',I. quit- going .to such olaces for-meals beiause of it, trnd as I said before i think one could not dirplicale it anywhere in the tt. S. Really, that is something to think about. I am happy to belong to such a family of relatives. The dal"eof our retrnion came at a very opportune time for this is thtr year that our son' iIo*a.d and family are home on their year's furlouEh frorn Peru, Soubh America, so they were able to meet rvith us. I doubt if there was one out of the 33 first cousins who were there had ever seen all of the cousins before the day of the reuniorl' Anyhow, we all had a good time and a fine day for it' SincerelY,Your cousin, A. D. YODER,. Winfield,KansaS.' -11-- '1Oneof the most interesting events that came *it tn" Reunion of into our :-ihe dav "tp.ti"o"l"";;;!J .wasbeaut'iful ;#ft;-F"-lvl::"' li""ty of gootl shadeunder beau"ti ;ir nio'n6tmb"le seats'- an abundance fi;' ;#;l "il"."tt. of fooa and wonderfulfellowship";T;it;;;.i "'il;;;" pf"ntv of gootl seat'sfor the af[ertinsing' speakingand 'isitins' t";;;;il-lt but Sucha meering-;i"""ot n" held annually' a was It shouldbe repeate'levery 3 or 4 years' wornen and men *"lft"ttun*.i g*oupof c-hristian and children' ' a happy' friendly fellowshipwhich feelingthat sent folks trome baopy and with the lifri that the ,t," yoO"r, are living'and enjoying blesses' sincerely,J. J' YODER, N{cPherstln,Kansas o n n ] e . B g . a n d w i t h m a n y t r i peast s l h a v e m a Atlandewitlr ;' far ill'ii'i'"'a]'i""a-';;;; ": * iit"-i'""in""lttd "tl" north 'from ric and us f'" 'o"'t''SloiiiJt'' ftorida' in none of ern Michigat' to treatmenl and morq them have t *"u toiiil iiinder did on this trip' we fi;; ' friendlv ' "on"id"'"iit'; Sincerely. rf,ltoo"o Goshen' Indiana safely on Tuesday after" ' ' We arrivecl home " " ncon at 2:30" 1*.,'":9:* Thanksfor vour nospitalitv' *l:;':fi.'Wtri'f I reunron * dti; ;;i j;; ;f srncererJ, ". A;rh;; Indioqu I suGtrorr you of "It givesme great pleasureto advise of Reunion Yoder the to had we trii rheole-asant ancl tion recep fi ne 't-"il;;;nJ irt" *onaerfullv 'rnr.r,*" had with kind relativesand frienCswhile the,e. !\ e enioyedthis reunion of 800 to-e-were ' Yoders. or more Ttris largereunionwas made possrblethrough '-'-l-ruoiiog out invitations to t'he Yoder relaalmost from coastto coast' tionship, ""b;;;ih."gh the years have been creeping up 1r- fine,an$,1lvisable We think it would be see that *t'o"Lt"9 -to, slrould in order that each uaott Lookleb' tttit Tf eachchild have a "opv riitrl '*-"br hisancestrv' yoDER ;:"k;;'; -13- --E- A LETTER IO2 YEARS OLD Penn' !\rritten' in trB-l5,.Be"lin, Somersr:t County' Septembcr 26, 1845 lov'r of The savin€ grace of Gotl ind'1hs'perfbct and Holy' the of f".u. Ct ri.i a]14 the copr,nlgnion CHristii{n Children'f"rbl'Ja, Good Spirit, To, You anrl Catherine, ancl also to ail lny beloved Ghildren' Iiret,hrerr anrl Sislers in tho Lord' a hearty €reetingl cf love antl Peace. p'rayers Il.emember us also alrT'aysfon €ood in your for' unlo thc l-ord. Likewise ws ?rle invited to do Otur God, anfl the $ood indeed €racioucl 1ioru, that i,{erciful Father, 'us and you in His grace and mere'fulness keep unto a saveal cncl, through Jesus tjlrrist, Arnen. Further, q'e ancl the people arq '€enerally well' old and 5'c1 quite a ferv have died this stlmrner Oesch spring, and Jo'ni the in :'outg, Somit Miller (llaish) i,n harvqse, and Daniel Hostettler an'i oltl Johannes Gnegi( Knagy) seleral weeks ago' Further, I arn indedd anxious to know if yortt reoeived 11,t6letter and the twenty rlo'llars in moneS'/ tlrlt J sent yo,rr iln the spring. I ktrorv and did see that tl-re atldress was Elkhart Cortuty, Middleb'ury Post Oflice. Ind,iana.. If horvever you have received it since, just keep it, bdt' I will t'ake this onrportunity to again send ytru twenty dollars. I hope Tobias deliver it' when he comeq Yoder will rightly you have received and when to see yorl, this letter ald the two Bank Notes, making tl'en.ty dollar-s, one from Wheelin€, Pa., antl one from Brownsvilile, Pa., then write me again I as soon as 5'sll can, e'v'bn tho:ugh it is try mail. -1{:- postallc if 5orr.'rvill-o:ltl.tt'tt" u'ill glatlly pay the gin" somc inforntation'horv 'us, u1'o and oftener to *.h:t.h"l cr'""h; th* i,'' t;;; ;; :"-u'::-:^:""*o* taking the uPper^hantl' ";; is .tisunrt'il irg or whethe, in the Churclt it qr,eves us very ''"'"h' "'p""iall51 c.nei'e€iatiot' our ni""t n"i i.' i;,.,;:";;t,l"-uoin in now uniformity more .days rl'hat there is not Lord' the of Vineyarcl or housekeeping in the House from your lVlinister ho'w letter a ."""ivu,l nru" ,nr" g;i€f at heart' yes' you' and there is you that rvith go be^3ausewe--are so ,rr'"rt", 1an see horv things vou and vour iit""r. g.;"""dio. a"upr:t concerned)for from the led be lo' -away chililren that we marl our tlritten also 1vs have u", i; christ' ;#;,t as you no theln' to it sent and l\finisters an answer to heard' If it lvere not so far ;;;;;;";';lreadv in the et'ocl to vcu heJprul eruarr':5'6 ;;;:;;';'"iJa tuo.L ,fY the helP of Godi I I'can lv*ite.no more' Otherrv,ise,by this time, the congree-1flo],,3n must ritle tom,orron" to trre Pitichi(PeaChv) ot-O"n"*r Z'i the until and 're Il)ver, Vallev if ti'e-r<isrrccocluillas to ;;-Jo ',;.ii s' l i v e a r t d G o d W i l l'our are winter and summer.croils Furthermorbr I\je better' has:been itr bnrt u", or",i"'g;J-*tt'til enoggh. for this' all ,lo rrot tha,nk and p'"i*-Coe tlte that $ood Lo'd gives us' things ii'l"'et".f '";riili';;;itr, .hcer"' r"r'i"t,"-rorvuoobt sr gootl much piood if It is true '!'!'e are podo iltt' """civing right' live r* f"u, Gotl, shun srn and :'I;";luJi fo. t", vourFatJrer 3lfrll,tiliJ; his -sor ttrird who lviot! Io -Yotlcr' This 'rvasChristian the C' David of Christian who was a brother -15- 109 Amotd Kenneth 8 M.attie 76 Lizzie Christiait q,)Y .ilt,u' 5LY' 1 Minister Christian Davitl /.rs'!r.r' Valentiue b.t726 b. July16,1841 Aug. 3!1----.-_n'rzso tr'1758 3 Bishop 2 BishoP Christian.^GhtttliSl -iirr tutt ( *,,oo,on Bontraeer J 3"T,.%ftuf-"-'iliX?ii, Ilate Junc';, 1947 lH;1,il'i*g--Feb'2,1e'12 l rff:'iu,ui;13" t'rI "L?irr"i1t..r,,'oo' I, "'?;:,. r, JTo"lr' I tMilI*i$fliiliJ'u''n'o t:Jerry 11. Bontra€er MaY 18, 1902 Kenneth BontraBer April 22' 1926 Arnold Lynn Bontrager Dec. 14. 1946 I *1,[nttie Miller APril 22, 190'6 NOTE: Arnold has 12 Aaces' Liviag ters and they were all Pres' ent. Alarked'i< Amy Rontra$er Nov.28,1926 Compiletl bY J'E.\\reaver 4X) South 8th St' Goshen' [nd. Arnold l Amy Polly -16- I t *Polly Yoder July 21' 1906 Jacob Jeremiah 9,1e25 I Nott. 22,1866 l xMatt';eJ. Miller I J^n. 2, 1809 / Isaac BointraEler ZS' 185'1--Jan'8' 1904 ')I l*. FannY Keirn I o"t. ab, 1854--Feb. 4' 1t89 ( Moses T. Yoder 26' 1910 Yotler 'lI cl"t. r r, 184?--Jan' or"nnto M. Miller FannY 13,1928 sePt. 4, 1880 ( irt. tz, f'sse--Mar' t "":$:fl:rii?;" Rontrager June 22, 1902 I Miller I.x,:?;,",# t:Wm. I ( Iohn c. I S"olzs;rsas--APr-' / *HarveY J' Miller 'I Fannie Hochstetler t"". 5, 18.87 ( o.t. X, rs+s--Oct'2s'1923 ) / *Christidir V. Yoder ) \ Yoder I .'"r,lnl;J"l;; lil i mlXl'fu11,' ( Jeremiah D' t I *Annrl Miller I Sent.14. 1878 -^. f cbristian C. Mriller sePt.lo1e31 'iI lvi;;.ii.tssi^ Plank PcllY l,lre] r8,'i8iz--Feb' 7,192i' Christian David 1L l- Christian. I have said nolhing atiout the descendant of LIST OF THOSE PRESqNT AT YODER' ''; St;;; Jake Yoder. Somemention them as the REul{IoN: JUNE 7,1947 ! !, ln all the hardshipsand. difficult;i";;v;a;r. in came i;;h;;;tup-Eoto" with their great'.strength or whom thev told must have had ir;*i;.' At the Home of Q.iJ. Yoder, Near Yoder' weighing 3TB lbs' { srand noila, til." ;;il; good rnind' \-erv 89, still faving a ;":"';ilil;"st Reno Count5l,Kansas things thev wereable to drr that il1";;;6;tt -'' ! .) l, unbelievibleand pointed out 1 larse , ;;;;lt"J barn rock old -Bthe r""t.-rol" thc gableend of one and pounds,. 600 Okla. and , 500 Joe------=.------------Thomas, Bontrager, betweJn ;"t-m; Kans' Bont,ragsr', Mr. anrl [116. D.K.------Haven, *"tt laid it in the wall trvhimself ;iTh;;.;;og "be 'Bontrager,Mr. and Mrsr Harry.D., Rt, 2 Haven, Ks. written about the giant -Yoders' e f"of. time and li,{rs. W. A. and Mr. Bontrhger; the when """fd permits, and wills so ii iU. t."a Kans. David, 4rlioe-.----Hutchinson, for the nexLYodei Reunion,,why .doesn't' Bont'rager;' lVtrr.rrand "['snnle Eli iVL and 'Mrs. , of Yoders "o*". Strong Pt' ' ;;;;;;; si;; a talk on the Ivan Waynel Mervin Jay, fnez - ttte new committeefor that !-fpossible iJr. begin to "t[ A"d it would probably be well ' : Bontrager, Mr" and Mrs. Jonas J.----Haven, i" iqS0. Kans. planningnow for the 1950Reunion' .. Bontrager, Mr. and Mrs. Ilenry R. --205 --. a Goshen, Ind. ., South l0th Street-'Bontrager, Mr. and Mrs. Ha,rveY and Gwyn----1007 Southldth, Goshen, I'nd. We surely thank you all who came'for-'lhere- ' Bontra9er. Mr. and'Mrs. Levi E and Ind. union, a"d espe"iulty ttre 33 fi'rst ctrusins': At I Elizabeth Annj-----------Middlebury, Bontrager, Mr. an.d Mrs. Jerry R. and least 15 or 20 more of the cousins should have cousins Kans. Laverta and Carol-------------Yod,er, b".tt h"t". While there are still 50 fi1st '!!re Yoder Bontrager, I![isses IVIary Alice a,nd on cousins first * had ' 94 we u"a li"ion Susie Ella--------------------Ilaven, Kans. ;id-;il;t";t-wiih, we wish to thank allwho help Kans. Bontrager, Mrs. John M. ----------Ilaven, we Further' success' reunion a to mut e this Kans. Bontrager, Mrs. Ed Fr--------------I{aven, Givor "d thank our'HeavenlvFather as the ;;i;; Bontrager, Melvin, Hutchinson, Kans., of all goodthings' Bontra$rr; Mr. and S{rs. Dan H. and D. J. Y'DER Leo and Ruth------------Hutchlnson, Kans. .: CONCLUSION -18- -19- Kans' Kans' Bontl:aEler, Miss Amelia----:---:---lla\.en' Miss Glenda--------IVlcPhcrson' s.;trug"i M'r. and Mrs' lA/rn' ft' and ;;;;#;'; Kas' i"r"ti", John, Mariam------McPherson' and J' Jeriy Mrs' goottigJ", fvrr. and triae--Hayes' Kans' Grace, Lola, Fay, n"y, D""-" Rno Kennetn lllrs' and Bontrager, Mr. Kans' . Arnold Lynn- ---- --------[Iutchinson' chlo goottug"t; Mr. and Mls' Irijo'rris C' an'l Karx' ""^"';il, antl Galen-Lee------Hutchinson' a'nd R' g."a.ug;., M". o"a l'Irs' LeroY ""^'-'-Eo"-o, Kans' Franklin, GarY--Hutchinson' ' Jr' ' Bontrager, Mr. antl l{rs' Hany -rrtt.-""a and Merle-- not t"Jiui, lvlrs' Wm' D' and- Kas' Roberta Larry, Robert-----Hutchinson' and Mr. and Mrs. Emery J. -. nontrfier, ---City' Kas' CfJ.io, Emery, Karen,Barry--Sco-tt Kans' Bornt.ager', Mr. and Mrs' Jonas J'--Haven' ' and Paul Mrs. Bontra€er. Kans' ann-----------Hutchinson' Margaret " Kans' ---Hutchinson' ----Doyle--B.rntrater, lVIr. and Mrs' Simon aud s;"t"";"", Kans' BiUie ancl Dean Joy------Ilutchinson' Kans' Ray------Hutchinson' Eltlen Rorrtr"ger. mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence and Betsy' Boshari --Jutly, Uolo' Peg$y Sue----Colo'ado Springs' R'*'--Trenton'Ne'b' Bernard Baker. Mr. and Mrs. -----Ronte 1, Kalona, Iowa M. and D. - 'Xi.ntu Kans' l-ee and David LeRoy----Yoder, ----Yodet, -RAlvin lleachy, 51":' g"""fr]t, Sam M.------Rotrte 1, Hutchinso'11' Kans' Kans' Beachn Mis Mary Ellen------------Yoder' -.20- Iowa lJendel', Dun---.-------:-------------Kalona' Neb' Ijecliler, Eula Faye-------:----------Milford tiucl<, -{anr Stlrtzrotrn an(l Grove, llls' O. D. Buck------------Franklin and Royct: Willard I{rs. l{irn and I}'junk, ' Kans' Louise, Ronald, Ivlarjorie------Inman, Neb' Mrs. Noah------Benedict' and IVir. llurkharcl, --Crystal Springs, Kans' l3o5'ts, ilI. F.----------'.s. 99 years old, ucarly , tliihop, 1\[r. George 1l|0 ycars and walks v/ithout a Kans' ------Ilaven' cane-------- . -c- ---Cons'ay, Gline, Delma--'------------Conway, Cline, Clrde L. ---Conn'ayi Ciine. Loreen-.---Crine, NevaCochran, Mrs. lttlith and Ruudee, Diane lven' Barbara Jear-r------------------H Cooprider, l\'Irs. T. J' ------------Hesston, Kans' Kans' Kans' Kans' I(ans' ---Kalona' Iowa --Hytlro, Okla' ni"kle, Mrs. Beulah Detwiler, Mrs. Joe----.E- Kans' F)ales, Mr. and, Mls. H. T' ------Hutchinson' -Eck, - - ' NIr. and Ortnand and Kans' Diane, Davitl-----------------Ifarper' Kans' riasrr, l.-1t1. and Wilbur----------l4''indorn' -FHaven' I(ans' Fry; Iimer5r and D. David Fry, Mr. and Mrs Fry, 1\,Ir.and Mrs' Amos J.--Rottte 2,Haven, Kans' -21: Kans' Fry, Mr, Harley D. ----------------Haven' Emery' and Mrs. Willie -" IvIr. and -Irry, 'Wilma, Lvdia, Katie, Hutchinson' Kas' i;dy, 2, Hutchinson, Kans' Fry. Doris------------Ro'ute -GGarber, Mrs. Ida-------------!-----Flarper, Garber, Lela------*Goulden, Mr. and lvlrs. Gene--------Yoder, I{an';' Kans' -HIlcrstbtler, Mr. and IVIrs. Henry E. --Harper, Kans' Okla' Hostetler, Mrs. John J. --------------Adair, Krns' Harrison. Mr. Floyd------------Hutcliilison,, Heacling, lvlr. and l\{rs. Da;r J. --Hutchinson, Kas. -JJohnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. --------Haven, --Haven, Johnson, Harold------ Kans. Kans. -KI(auffman. IiIr. anrl Mrs. J. H, ------Harren, Kans, -Haven, Kans. Kauffman, Mirss Betty-Ka'ulfman, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Kans. and Baby Duane---------------Ilaven, I(au{Iman. l\{r. and IVIrs. David and six children------Route 2, Haven, Kans. I(auffman, Mr. and Mrs. Edr'vard ancl Pauline Ann Lois Jane--R. 2, Haven, Kas. I(auffman., Mrs. Rudl' J. --------Ship'shewana, Ind. liaulTman, l\{r. and Mrs. N. L.----Creston, nfont, I{a ufTman, David----- ------ ------ -Crestun, JlIont. Haven, Iians. fiauffman, Lerory------Iiaulfman, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob and ilIerle J. and i\{iriam Iona--Hutchinson, Kas. Kansas Kaullrnarr, I\{rs. Chtis------------Ifesston, -22- ll a I I . I(au{tnran, Eli, Age 92--------,------Hesston' l(aulfman, Mr. and Mrs. Alpha, and Norma' . JoYce, Eva and Carl--Route 2' Haven' King, Mr. D. E.-----tiing;'E. H. -------------------''Hutc'hinson' K;i;;t, i\Ir. and Mrs. Harold--"-----Buhler' Krider, Nrrs' L. C' Racher (Weaverl Newton, ------North I(ans' Kans. Texas Kans. Kans., Kans. Kans' I(eim, Mrs' D. L. --------------Hutchlnson, ----Goshen, Ind' Iinepp, Mr. Levi L. . -L- Lanrl.is, Mrs. Fanny Johnson, 27 N'' Ills' llainard Ave',--------------Lacrange, Leitzell, NIr. and Mrs. A. S. --800 E' C St ', Hutchinson LouckS, Mr. ahd ldm. A. S. and Irene Kans' ----lYindom, ancl Loren-._MIG' I\filler,Mr. and l{rs. D. Lloytl and Don--Couray' Miller. i\{r. and Mrs. LloYd and six childrenKans' Miller, Miss Katie .S. ----------------Ilaven, Ka'lona, Xowa Miller, Miss Etsie H---------Kans' ----Yoder, Miller, Nora-------Kans' Miller, Mr. and 1qrs. S. D. --------Conw4y, Miller, l\[r. ancl Mrs.Billie D.and Biliie,Jr' and Kans. LaVera Galert, Russell----Pr'otection, Kana. Miller, Mr. an.d.Mrs' A. J' --------Windom, fowa l\{iller, Mr. and l\{rs. Harvey J. ------Kalono' Kans, l\liller, Mr. and Mrs. Dan N. --------Yoder, Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Noah J. and Kans. -------Yoder, son Joe---------Yoder, Kins. l\{illcr, Miss Edna--- -23- S and Ivliller, X1r5' QrPha, Jimmie J2nice----------H'utclinson' Mi1l";:'A;;.1 i""i J' ----E'--Frutchin'son' Noah Mrs' nno 'iil'lt"r #ii;;:'r,t". lians' Kans' fiist sa'ui,- Iis' ur. nov----712'So' Maple' H'utchinson' ;;thl Kans' -Protection' Mr'. Chester-n*'etililii"., i;iii;;; m." Kans' ----------Haven' Miller, A. 1\{. Kans' -----Yoder'' N1;il;t: Mr. David-Kans' -Hutchinson' l\,Illler, Miss Erma-Kans' CIea--------------Hutchinson' Miss il;ii;": 'niiii"t,lftt. Ranier'Md' Mt, I'Ave' R. llistrard--3614 -o- Kans' g;1,er, NIrs. $e14 (Parsons)------Hutchinson' -PN' IVlonroe'Itrutcrhinson'Kans' M., 406 J. Mrs. Palsons, Onie and lvlrs' Potto"t, l\{r. and Kas' Maegene foyoe------------Hutchinson'' MarY' and Gene Mrs. Mr ancl Poter, ' "---'.l"Ay, Kans' an.d Pe99y Jo-----------Viofa' "Mrs. Cr-ossing, Neb' Ecl----------B"rrr"r' I,ank.ire, Kans' i"ift"it"itti-nr". anrllltrs' s' J' ------Haven' -----Yoder" Kans' Plank, Mrs. Sam--HaveD' Kans' F, l\',-----frage. Mrs. Janice Mrs. Ruhv(Zook)and -i'"igott, " Colo' Gtne, Kathlene------Colortrdo Springs' -RKans' ------Ilarper' -------(TroSlet) Rnmer. Kate -Milford' Nel:' ii.iit, I'r"* Marv------ttoth, lfr. antl Mrs' Bdqrzrd and Evelyn' Krns' antl Cleta Niae----------------Yoder' Ncb' --------Milforcl' P' John NIrs. and 1\'Ir. Roth, --:24-- Kans' Schrocli. Mr. and Mrs. Eli is.--------Halen. Schrock, l\Ir. and Mrs J,. T. and Shrock, lV[15.g[sie, Ruharna, Ida--Ilutchinson. Kas. 3,Flaren, Kans. Schrcck, Sam E.and Doris----llt. Shrqstr, Mrs. Sam E. and Sarah----Hayen, Kans. Shqock, Mr. and IVIrs. Paul and Joella and Leanna------------Haren, Kans. Schrrck, 1\{r. and Ivlrs. 1,1r-, H. Sotrth Hutchin.son, Kas: Schrock, Mrs, Rufus J.a,-rd lrene--Hntchinson, Kas, Schroek, Mrs. Clyde and Lerv, ()lytt:ne and Gary------------Har.en. Kans. Schrorrli, NIr. Lawrerrce--------Ifutchinson, Kans. Shrock, Mr. Ivan--------------Hutchinscn, Kans. Shrock, Mr. and I',[rs. Dr. C.--------Haven, Kans. Shrock, Mr and &Irs. Aller andl C;rol---.--.------Route 2, Hutchinson. Kans. Schroch, Ir4r. antl Mrs, Duvicl E. ----Haven, I(ans. Schrock, .l\ir', Leroy----------------Haven, Kans. 'Schrrock, --Haven, Kans. Mr. Eli------Haven, Kans. St'hrock, Miss Sarah-Schrock, Miss Mamie----------Hutchinson, Kans. Sehlocli. Iliss Marie------------Hutchinson,' Kans. Salyor', Mrs. Ella(St,utzman)(Eash)--Carlton,Neb. Selzer, Mr. hnd Mrs. Wiltrer and Kans. Johnnie and llarylin--------Canton, Kans. Spohn, Mrs. Maud (Eash)--------Conway, Calif. Shiyer, 1\tr. and Mrs. Earl--------Lindsey' Showalter, Mr. and Mrs. Ro,bert and , son Cilcrrn-------Yoder, Kans. Shorvalter, I{rs., R.ussell and Particia,Leoti, Kans. -,Kans. Stutzman, l\Irs. 1\[ary---------".-It{cPherson, -25- Calif. Stutzman, Mr. David--------------I-indsay, qalif. Stutzman, iVIr.and Mrt'. Henry M.--Lindsay, Kans. Stutzman, Mrs. Betty Ruth------Mulvane, .Stutzman, Mr.and Mrs. Joe R.--Shipshewana, Ind. Stutzman, IvIr. and Mrs.Frank----Thomas, Okla. Stutzman, Mr. and Mrs. John B'.--Oolway, Kans. Kans. Stutzman, Mr. J. M.--------------C.o:rway' Stutzman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Kans. Ei|e,cn, Marilyn--------------Haven, Svrartzentruber,Mr. andMrs. George--St. John, Mich. Iowa Srvartzentruber, Mr. Dan B.---'----Kalorra. Iowa Swartzentru.ber, IVIlss Salina------M/ayland, Kans. Stocher, [fr. C., 93 yeals old--------Haven, Kans. Stecker, Mfs. Fi. F. ------.--,---.-,---Haven, , -T.Troyer, Miss Bertha Troyer, UIr. and Mrs. Ora E. and Lo'nrcll, Jacob------- --, - -----HaYen, T.royerl, M. and l![rs. Harry A.--Hutchinson, troygl, Mr. a'nd .[\{rs.Mr. M., Crurtis. Pa'ul : ----Conwan anil Paul---Springs, Troyer,' N. A.---.---------Crystal and Mrs. A.E. and Gharles, Troyer, Mr. ' Marilyn afird Donald--------:-Conwey' froyeri, Mr. and Mrs. J.,S.--Rt,lHutchinson, Troyer. lVlrs. 14. Z. - - - -- - - - - ----- - -()onrvav, I'royer,. Mr. and IVhs. A.P.--.--Hutchinson, Tro;'er, Miss Esther------------Hutchinson, Kans. Kans. Kans. Kans. Kans. Kans. Kans, Kans. K4ns, Kans. -vO.W.--Cth folkland, , . ancl Main, If r:thinson, Kans. -w- \\reaver, IIIr. John E. ----420 So, 8th, Goshen, fnd. -26- l4r,enger,l\{rs. Frances and Anna Bellc-_Ilutchinson Williams, lfr. Glenn----------Hutchinson, Kans. -Y2, Haven, Kans. Yoder, Mr,. D.--------------Rt. Kans. Yoder, Mr. ald Mrs. J. J.------McPherson. 'West Yoder, Mr. Daniel R., Age 89, 211 -------Goshen. Ind. Clinton----Yoder, Mr. Menno S., a€e 84--Shipshewana, Incl. Ind. ------Middlebury, Yocler, Levi R. Penn. d Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. Abe--------Belleville, Yoder, Mr. and'IVlrs. Manasa anrl " ] 2, Haven, Kans. 3 Frarrces------------Route 11} Yodbr, Mr. and Mrs. Dan.iel D.' and Andrew D.,lVlerle D,, Freda D, and Esther--Yodor' Kflns' Yoder, Mr. Omar M. ----21216llain, Houston,-Tex' $ Yoder, j\Ir. and Mrs. C. C. ----------Haven, $ fanl Kans' 3l Yoder, Mr. and. Mrs.C. V.-------.--*{aven, l: f'^.f+r. flr. an,l -b;F-------Qrvstal, Springs, Kans' M;. fi,t"t Yoder, Mrs. Harvel'--------Ctystal Spnin$s,Kans' Kans' Yoder, Mr. Wm. H. ----------Htttchinson, Yoder, Mr. an.d Mrs. Howard W' and Daughtsr Barbaia--Lima, Peru, also 1432 E' Kans. ---winfield, Third st. --Kans' Susie--------Windom, Yocler, Mrs. (Charles) Kans' W.--------------Haven, l\{iss,susan Yoder, Kans' W.--------------Haven' Betsy focler,' Miss Kans' Yotler, Miss Anna W. ----------------Haven, Kans' --------------Haven' W. Clara Yoder, Miss Kans' Yoder, lliss Clara Alice------------Haven, Kans' Yotler lf ilber G,------------------Harper' Colq' Yoder, IvIr. and. Mrs. Sam D' --------Liman' Yoder, 1\{r. and Mrs. Harry and Melvin, Kans' Lloyel, and Katie Irene--Hutchinson, Kans' Yoder, Ernma lVlae------------Hutchinson. Penn. Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. John R.----Belleville, Kans' Yod,er, Mr. and Ir'Im. Abe D.------Winfield, Kans. --------Haven, Yodci, Norman, -Millersburg, Ohio Yoder, Aden------Kans. Yoder, Mrs.'satnuel----------------[Iaven, Yorlie,r,Mr.Joe J,antl son Donald--Hutchinson, Kas. Yoder,, Mr. and Mrs.G.G' and R.ussell, Galen and Jeanne----Crystal Spfings. Kans. Yorler, Ivfr. and Mrs. Wilbul and V:tncc A. and Lane Dee----r60'tlE.Euclid, McPherson,Kas' Kans. Yrrder, Mr. Fred D.----------------Haven, Yocler, Mr. and NIrs. R, Gordon and A,larcia Ann----915 N.Main,McPherson, Kits. Yoder, Mr. and lVlrs.T. C. and Lloyrl Kans. ------Haven, and Orval-Yoder. Mr. Orie W. and Delbert D. Freda &fae and Wayne E.--Ilutchinson, Kas. Kans. ----Haven, Ycder, Daniel-----Kans. ----Haven, Yoder, Elmer-----Yocler, Lois----505 No. Storkweather, Pampa' Tex. Yod:er, Mar5r EllenYoder, Mrs. and Mrs. Daniel C. and I{ans. son Daniel Ray----------------Haven, Yoder, 114r.andM"s.S. J.--Rt.,1, Hutchinson, Kas' 1, Hutchinson, Kas. Yod,er,Christia'n L,f. --------Rt. Yoder, Mr. and l\{rs. Ilenry--Qrystal Springs,Kans. Yoder Mr. and l\Irs. Floyd--Crystal Springs, Kans. P. and Betty Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas 'Wilma--Hutchinson, I{as. Ann, Linda Sue, KrC., Mq Yoder, Mr'. Edward D.--P.O.4,Argt., Yotler, Harry- -- -- ------ -- -- ---Hutchinsonn Kans. -28- Yoder, Wilma---___ Hutshinson, I(ans. Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. Tjlman ancl Lea, Anita---Hutchinson, Kans. l'oder, Mrs. William II._-____102ff South Walnut,---__Hutchinson, Kans. Yoder, Mrs. Tilly-__'Wtndoln, Kans. Yoder, Mr. Edward penn. Mohrwilte, Yoder, Benjamin--_Mohrsville, pcnn. Yoder, Mr'. andMrs, J. E.______Rt,. Haveri, Kans, Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. fVernon L, and son Norman ______Nlilford, Neb. Yoder, Ir,fr. and Mrs. \4'. 1'.__________yoder.Kans, Yoder, Omer Dean_-.___yoder, Kans. l-ocler, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan*_.______pampa,, Texas Yoder, Gordon---_-*___pampa, Texas Yode:, Mr. and Mrs. Daytcn_____-_-Conwav. Kas,. Yoder, Royal-----__ ___Conway,'Kgns. Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. Eli'1 .________Neu,to]n. Kans. Yoder, lVlary Kathryn________Rt,4, Nervton, Kas. Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. J2go6 S. -_l\{illersbu"g, Ot io Y r r d e r , l V l r . T o b e 1 ' , - - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ I , i i < l r l l e b ri rnrrvl .. Yoder, l\Ir. and Mrs. ;fs1,. B. :rntl son John James---_________Flufchinson,Kus, Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry j\4. ancl Ruth Marvin and Loren________Hutcbinson, Kans. Yo{er,Mr. and Mrs.Eli M., Rt,2 predericksburg, (). Mr. Ifenry M.__________Millersburg, Ohio I-"{"", Yoder, Mr. Jrrr:cb N.__________Hutchinson, Kans. _\:oqer, MisS Polly J.-_-_____________Haven, Kurr". Yrrder, Miss Elva Mae______________Haven,Kans. Yoder, Mre. Enos C. ---_____________,I{aver5Kans. .Yoder,.;ilD,. Ralph_________________-Shickly, Neb. Yoder, Frank---_____*_208 Ivlills iSt. , Goshen;- J,nd. Yoder, Mr. Gene-_ Mcpherson, Kang. -2!)-- Ohio ----Dundee' Yotlet, l![i5-s t{ntig-Kans' yotler, Rrobert A. ------------------conwayt Oltro Fredericksbulg' 1.odrer, Anla E, oluo r oder' Robert A' --*---------Frctlericksburg' Yoder, PhYIlis JoY--------Yocler, -shirley Ann-------Pa' ivlr. ani n{rs. Sarn M'--------Belleville" Y;:t; u e' Ave' 'Portldnct' SW'11th K.1i005 r-",i".,t1i;.ora Kans' L. ----------Hutr:hinson' Mr. lVtrelvirr. ;;.r'; Kans' ------McPherson' L' J' Mrs. lir Y;;t; Kans' Eli T. ----------------Newton' mr. ",ta +;;"; and P' Sol' Mrs. and Yoder, Mr. Kans' V"rnon and Lestor'------Hutchlnson, and D' HenrY NIrs. and Mr. Yoder, -SallY Dee, Kans' ----Haven, Yoder, John K.---i l j . D ' a r d W ' E " A l b e r t n r f c ' Mr. an,I i-; ""-.-' : 'S-. 'W', Vera f .l David E', Merle Kans' --------Haven' A. and Ruby F' Etlna , Kanq' Yoder, Mr. iusserll------------McPherson, Char'les, McPheIson, Kans' Kaye------227 VrJ"., Kans' Yotler, Mr. arrd Mns, Shem D'------Yoder' Crystal Springs' Kans' Mr. HarveyioJ"., r u\r\,r i,=I4i: gg-UD: : ; lffi-q)'L t lrrv! jil-!,.- - - -- -- -- -Kalona' rowa Kans' -- -l-- -----cotffi ---Conway, Kans' Yoder, Karen------Kan$r Yoder. Flos.sie Louise--------------Hatperr Kans' --------Harper, Ynder, De]os F. Kans' ---Harper, Yotler, Venus-------Harper, Kans' -Yo<ler, Ethel------Kans' ---Ifarper, Yoder, Sadie------Kans. Yoder, Mr. and Mrs". Henry C.------Havenr Yoder, Mr. anr Mts. o.1" J.--------Ha1'enr Kans' Kans' Yoder. lvlr. Enos C"------------.----Haven, -30- Kans. Yorle,r, llr'. Lawrence--- -- -- ---- -- -Walton' Kans. ---Walton' Mr. Vernoni"a"r, Yoder, Mr. and Mls. David J' Springs' I(ans. and Family----------Cr$tal . AAITD W'-------Ftat.'tt' Am'os lvlrs' antl ,\.Ir. Yodel, and J. Mrs. Joe Yoder, l\{r. and 1, Haven, Kan's. children------------Route Kans. -------------*--Haven' l\[' Lela I\riss Yoder' Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. Levi L' and Kans. bluin" and f)onna--------Hutchinson, Kans. Yoder, 1\'Ir. Glen E. ----------------Haven, Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. lldrvard P. ancl lda E,rtlrer, Elmer and Perry--Hutchinso'n, I{ans. Yoder, Mr. and Mns. E. S. and Kans ilt".yu Elno:a and Do'ris--Ilutchinson, Kans' I o.der, Mr. and Mrs. Moses J. ------Haven, Katt's' Yoder, lNr. -fel,y \, '--------------tlaven, Kans' ---Garnett, Yodgn, M,r. Irwin--Kans' Yoder, iMiss Anna Fluth,------------Haven, Kans' )'cder, Miss Erme Louella----------Haven, Kanl -----Haven, Yoder. Mr, Calvinlr'aus' Yoder, Itlr. Donald E.--------------Haven, --Rt. 2, Haven, Kans' Yoder, Sarah E. tr'a-5' Yoder, Mr. and l,,{rs. R. D'--------Hawn, Kans. Yoder, Miss Elizabeth D.------------Ilaven, -zI(ans. Zimmerrrran, Mr, J. J.-------------Harper, Zrmmerman, 1\{r. and, lVlrs. Raymond and Kans. Radine and Leslie----------Windom, ha'r. Zink, Mrs. Barbara----------------rnrlall, No. Dakottt Zook, Miss Ruby--------------,Surrey, Zook, Mr. and Mrs. A.A.--1209 So. Springs, Colorado 25--------------Colorado Zooh, Roy A. ----1419 South 38th St',K'C,3,I{ans. -31-