nofa 2016 bulk order


nofa 2016 bulk order
PO Box 697
Richmond, VT 05477
Address Service Requested
Postmark Deadline:
February 5th
Pickup Date:
March 5th, 9am-3pm
B I G,
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 37
Richmond, VT
2016 NOFA Vermont Bulk Order
Natural Soil Amendments, Pest Controls, Cover Crop Seeds, Livestock Supplements, and Grower Supplies
Dear Organic Growers and Gardeners,
The 2016 NOFA Vermont Bulk Order season is upon us! Thank you
for another successful Bulk Order in 2015. The goal of the bulk order
is to provide you with high quality farm and garden products at reduced prices while supporting NOFA Vermont’s Farm to Community
Mentor Program, which builds partnerships between schools, farmers, and their communities and promotes the critical role of farmers
as both agricultural producers and agricultural educators.
This brochure includes descriptions of all the available products
and an order form. Our suppliers for 2016 include: Bunzl (BZ),
Butterworks Farm (BW), Clifford Lumber (CL), Fedco/Organic
Growers Supply (F), Fertrell (FER), Green Mountain Compost formerly Intervale Compost (GMC), Lakeview Organic Grain (LV), McEnroe
Organic Farm (McE), North Country Organics (NCO), and Vermont
Compost Company (VCC). Notice that some items that have more
than one size may come from two different suppliers.
All of the products sourced from North Country Organics will be
made without Chilean nitrates for the Bulk Order again this year.
The National Organic Program has not made any changes to the
allowance of Chilean nitrate. It is our understanding that they are
analyzing the financial impact of prohibiting Chilean nitrate and
are not yet offering a timeframe for publishing a rule on this topic.
Producers who use Chilean nitrate must ensure that its use com-
Postmark Deadline: February 5
Pickup Date: March 5, 9am-3pm
plies with the organic standards for soil fertility and crop nutrient
Please note that NOFA Vermont is required by the State to charge
sales tax. Some of the items offered are non-taxable, and in these
cases no tax is listed. Farmers who include an S-3A form with their
order are exempt for certain products (fertilizers, amendments, pesticides, and inoculants). Please make the appropriate calculations. If
you do not include your S-3A form, we cannot grant the exemption.
The VT Department of Taxes has ruled that all growers, including
commercial operations with agricultural exemptions, are not exempt for sales tax on bagged compost and potting soil. All compostpurchases through the NOFA Bulk Order are taxable.
We have tried to keep prices as low as possible while still covering all
costs. Thank you for your understanding. We always welcome suggestions for additional items to carry in the future.
Mike Good, Bulk Order Coordinator
NOFA Vermont must have your payment in full enclosed with your order form and cannot offer credit. Orders
to suppliers will be placed right after the deadline. Please mail orders in as early as possible.
The pick-up day is Saturday, March 5th from 9am to 3pm for all depots.
The products you order will be delivered to the depot you choose on the order form. This year’s depots are:
SHOREHAM (Champlain Orchards) · WOLCOTT (High Mowing Seeds) · WESTMINSTER (Harlow Farm)
STRAFFORD (Strafford Organic Creamery) · RICHMOND (VYCC Quonset Barn)
You must pick up your order
on March 5 by 3pm.
There will be a $20 late fee for each day you are late
picking up your order.
Please be respectful of the depot coordinators. Their time is
valuable and we do not want to inconvenience them. Also
please come with an appropriately sized vehicle that can withstand the weight and volume of your order.
• For those claiming “tax exempt,” please attach a copy of your S-3A form
(which can be downloaded at
• Please make a copy of this form for your records and bring it with you to pick
• Overpayments of $10 or less that result from math errors will not be refunded and will be considered donations to NOFA.
• If there is a balance due on your order, we will notify you promptly.
• Payment in full is due before we can process your order.
• In the case of unavailable or missing products, refunds will be issued within
2-3 weeks of the Bulk Order pick up date.
Thank you for participating in the Bulk Order!
Prices below do not include tax.
01. Alfalfa Meal 2.5-0.5-2.2
(avg.) Excellent alternative
to blood meal as a nitrogen
source. Gives plants a noticeable
boost and feeds soil organisms.
2-3#/100 sq ft or 800#/ac. $7 for
5# (F), $28.50 for 50# (NCO)
07. Buckwheat Hulls Serves as
a mulch around perennials. Helps
retain soil moisture, allows the
soil to breath, acts as an effective
weed barrier and looks attractive
in the landscape. Breaks down
slowly over time and adds to the
organic matter of the soil. Only
½” of mulch is needed. $15 for 2
cu ft. (F)
13. Fruit Tree Planting Mix
Fedco’s well-balanced blend of soil
amendments in a humus-rich base
of worm castings. Also contains
Tennessee brown phosphate,
alfalfa meal, azomite and K-mag.
Add 3#/tree hole when planting.
$40 for 30# (F)
14. Greensand 0-1-7 This
naturally occurring iron-potassium
silicate (also called glauconite) has
02. Azomite, Granular 0-0-2.5,
5% Ca Slow release. Contains over Developed by Fedco Bulbs for slow the consistency of sand but is able
release of fertilizers. Use 1-2 tsp
to absorb 10 times more mois67 minerals and trace elements
ture, making it an exceptional soil
beneficial to plants and anisoil
conditioner for pastures, forage
mals. Hydrated sodium calcium
5#/40-50 sq ft as a top dressing
fields, lawns, orchards, small fruits,
aluminosilicate derived from a
after planting in the fall and again vegetables and greenhouse potnatural volcanic mineral deposit.
ting mixes. Contains potassium,
Broadcast at 1-2#/100 sq ft. $5.50 each spring. Contains soybean
iron, magnesium, calcium and
for 5# (F), $25.50 for 44# (NCO)
K-mag, greensand and kelp meal.
phosphorus plus as many as 30
$6 for 5# (F)
other trace minerals. 25#/1000 sq
03. Azomite, Micronized 0-0ft. $29.50 for 50# (F)
2.5, 5% Ca. Same as azomite
09. Cheep Cheep 4-3-3
granular except Ca in powder
Dehydrated poultry litter. 2515. Gypsum, Pelletized (Calcium
form. 1 tsp/gal., $25.50 for 44#
sulfate) 23% calcium and 19%
and annuals, 15-20#/1000 sq ft for sulfur. Provides calcium to soils
perennials, legumes and herbs.
without affecting pH. Prilled with
04. Bio-char Inoculated The
$20 for 50# or 40+ bags, $18.50 ea. NOP-allowed binding agent for
result of heating organic matter
easy spreading. $16.50 for 50#
in a low-oxygen environment;
instead of releasing the carbon
10. Custom 5-5-5 NOFA’s cusin the atmosphere, this converts
16. Humates, Black Earth Mini
it to a highly stable form that can tom blend from North Country
Organics for those who desire an
Granule Coarse Alberta humalite
be held in the soil for hundreds
withis a highly oxidized naturally ocor thousands of years. A fairly
curring organic material that has
rich source of the major plant
bag or 40+ bags $25 ea. (NCO)
the lowest ash content at 11%, and
nutrients; also prevents essential
the highest humic acid content
nutrients from leaching out of the
at 83%, of all humates mined in
root zone. Apply 2-20#/100 sq ft
North America. 100#/ac or 300#/
or 70-700 #/ac. Add up to 20%
ac if soil is low in humates. $27 for
volume to compost piles in layers wish to increase phosphorous
levels in their soil. Made without
55# (NCO)
with nitrogen-rich material. $50
for 25# (F)
17. K-Mag 0-0-22 (formerly called
Sul-Po-Mag) 11% Magnesium, 17%
05. Blood Meal 12-0-0 Readily
Sulfur. A good source of potassium
available N source, ideal for heavy
with blood meal, fish meal, feather and magnesium for depleted soil
feeding crops. 7-20#/1000 sq ft
where calcium is abundant. 0.5depending on N need of soil. $15 meal, alfalfa, rock phosphate,
1#/100 sq ft or 200-500#/ac. $6.50
for 5# (F) or $85 for 50# (FER)
kelp. Apply when planting at
for 5#, $38 for 50# (F)
2–3#/100 row ft and side-dress at
06. Bone Char 0-16-0 Calcined
the same rate when plants are a
18. Lime, Hi-Cal, Pelletized
(burned) bone meal containing
few inches high. Can be used un(95% CaCO3) Raises soil pH,
more than 16% available phosder transplants at 1/4 cup per hole. loosens clays, promotes stem and
phate. $25 for 50# (FER)
Side-dress later if needed. $31 for
root growth, and helps prevent
50# (FER)
blossom-end rot. $12 for 50# (F)
19. Menefee Humates Contains
65% humic acid in a carbon matrix
to chelate minerals and nutrients
making them more easily available
to soil microorganisms and plants.
Use 6-10#/1000 sq ft or 250-400/ac
in several applications and incorporate into the soil surface for best
results. $5.50 for 5#, $28 for 50# (F)
20. Neem Oil Promotes the
health and vitality of trees and
plants. Neem has long been
recognized for its antifungal,
antibacterial, and anitparasitic
properties. Mix 1 oz neem oil with
approximately 1 gal of lukewarm
water and ½-2 tsp liquid soap.
Spray for full leaf coverage every
7-10 days for 4-5 weeks. Avoid
spraying when bees are pollinating as neem is harmful to larvae
and developing grubs. $40.50 for
qt, $138.50 for gal (F)
21. Peanut Meal 8-1-2 A byproduct of the U.S. peanut oil
industry. Oil is extracted from
non-GMO peanuts and the
leftover meal is then pelletized
and crumbled into a flowable
dust-free consistency. Vegetable
protein meal that contains 8%
total nitrogen. $32 for 50# (NCO)
22. Phosphate, Soft Rock 0-3-0
(granular) A natural, untreated
soft phosphate with colloidal
clay containing valuable minor
minerals in addition to phosphorus. It is not acid forming, will not
cake or harden and spreads easily
through any type of lime, phosphate or fertilizer spreader. When
applied to the soil it adheres to
and becomes a part of the soil.
Once applied, remains in the soil
until used by the plants. Contains
no harmful acids and encourages growth of soil bacteria and
earthworms. 300-500#/ac. $19 for
50# (NCO)
Bunzl (BZ), Butterworks Farm (BW), Clifford Lumber (CL), Fedco/Organic Growers Supply (F), Fertrell (FER), Green Mountain Compost (GMC),
Lakeview Organic Grain (LV), McEnroe Organic Farm (McE), North Country Organics (NCO), Vermont Compost Company (VCC)
Prices below do not include tax.
23. Planter’s II Trace Minerals
0-0-0.09 Mined in Colorado from
the remains of the great inland
sea. Crushed and then pelletized
with the addition of brewer’s
yeast. Planter’s II is 14% silicon, 5%
calcium and 5% sulfur along with
28 other trace elements necessary to plant health. Hay grown
in fields treated with this consistently shows increased yields and
higher protein levels. Apply at a
rate of 100#/ac in rows or 250#/
ac broadcast to improve germination and stimulate stronger root
formation and overall plant vigor.
$4.50 for 5#, $30 for 50# (F)
24. Pro-Booster 10-0-0 A
combination of vegetable protein
meals (such as alfalfa meal, cocoa
meal, cotton seed meal, kelp
meal, peanut meal, and soybean
meal), animal protein meals
(such as blood meal, crab meal,
dried whey, feather meal, and
fish meal), and natural nitrate of
soda that contains 10% total N.
A fast acting fertilizer with 1/3
of its N immediately available
(water-soluble). Can be side or top
dressed wherever extra nitrogen
is needed. Made without Chilean
nitrates. $38 for 50# (NCO)
25. Pro-Gro 5-3-4 North Country
Organics' premium general-purpose fertilizer that excels in every
application. A high nutrient blend
of natural ingredients that plants
and trees respond to with rapid
and sustained growth. For use
on vegetables, small fruits, trees,
lawns, annuals, and perennials.
Made without Chilean nitrates.
1-2#/100 sq. ft. $22 for 50# bag or
40+ bags $20.50 ea. (NCO)
27. Pro-Start 2-3-3 A natural,
non-burning, eco-compatible
starter fertilizer for any variety of
seed or transplant. Is an excellent
choice for root crops, legume
vegetables, perennials, flowering
shrubs, mature fruit trees, legume
hay (as a summer top dress),
and as a starter fertilizer for any
kind of seed or transplant. Made
without Chilean nitrates. $16.50
for 50# (NCO)
28. Stress-X A soluble extract
from Ascophylum nodosum seaweed. Provides plants with trace
elements and natural growth
hormones that greatly improve
health, growth and resistance to
stress related problems. 8-12 oz/
ac for vegetable production. $45
for 1.5 kg. (NCO)
33. Fort Vee Potting Mix
Complete compost based germinating and growing-on mix
designed for soil blocks. Excellent
for trays, pots, and containers.
When roots have filled container,
top dress with Compost Plus and
water in. $12 per 20-qt bag or $32
per 60-qt bag. (VCC)
29. Sulfate of Potash Natural
potash mineral that contains 51%
soluble potash and 18% sulfur.
It also contains trace amounts of
calcium and magnesium. 1#/100
sq ft or 200-500#/ac. $51 for 50#
34. Nursery Planting Mix A
blend of compost and Sphagnum
peat moss. Developed for landscapers and nurseries requiring
lower pH to mimic the acidic environment of woodlands. Promotes
populations of beneficial fungi
and microorganisms that are
particularly important to maintain nutrient cycling in woodland
systems. Ideal when transplanting
or top dressing rhododendrons,
azaleas, or plants that are native
to the deep woods. $7 per 1/20
yd. (McE)
30. Sulfur, granular Used to lower soil pH for acid-loving plants.
Easily applied through any type of
spreader. No more than 20#/1000
sq. ft. $27.50 for 50# (NCO)
31. Zeolites These aluminosilicate lattices, derived from
volcanic ash, hold up to 55%
of their weight in water in the
small cavities of their crystal
structure. Negatively charged,
the lattices hold the cations of
essential elements. Can improve
the productivity of any structure
of soil, improving water and mineral retention in sandy soils and
improving aeration and minimiz26. Pro-Holly 4-6-4 A fertiling compaction in heavier soils.
izer specifically for Ericaceous
Add 2-3# for each 10# potting
and other acid loving plants
soil. Spread 1-2.5 tons/ac. Added
including azaleas, blueberries,
rhododendrons, and hydrangeas. to compost, it retains ammonium
Formulated from elemental sulfur, ions and prevents their transformation to ammonia gases, keepanimal protein meals, vegetable
ing the nitrogen from escaping
protein meals, natural sulfate of
potash, natural nitrate of soda and into the air. Water thoroughly
bone char. Made without Chilean after application so the zeolites
will absorb the moisture. $6 for
nitrates. $23 for 50# (NCO)
5#, $18 for $25 (F)
32. Fort Light Potting Mix
A complete germination and
growing-on mix, which is particularly desirable for growers
using smaller celled plastic flats
or where lightweight is preferred.
Usually no additional fertility
required until the roots fill the soil
mix. $12.50 per 20-qt bag or $32
per 60-qt bag. (VCC)
35. Perennial Blend Ideal
where coarse texture is preferred.
Particularly suited for large
containers, beds, boxes and the
mulching of vegetables. No additional fertility required until the
roots fill the soil. $9.50 per 20-qt
bag. (VCC)
38. Premium Potting Soil Made
from GMC’s organic compost,
sphagnum peat moss, vermiculite,
perlite, aged pine bark, alfalfa
meal, kelp meal, Actino-iron,
ferrous sulphate, rock phosphate,
green sand and gypsum. $6.50
per 20 qt bag. (GMC)
39. Premium Seed Starter A
high-performance blend of GMC
compost, sphagnum peat moss,
vermiculite, and organic nutrients
such as bone meal, alfalfa meal,
kelp meal, Actino- iron, ferrous
sulphate, rock phosphate, greensand and gypsum. $6.50 per 20 qt
bag. (GMC)
40. Premium Topsoil Made from
GMC organic compost. Contains
a blend of sand, minerals and
organic material to give plants a
boost and improve soil structure
for better drainage. Easy to spread
and great for patching, seeding
and creating new lawns. $5 per 20
qt bag. (GMC)
41. Compost McEnroe
Composted cow and horse
manure combined with crop residues. A dark, rich earthy humus.
$6 per 40# (McE)
42. Compost Plus Can be added
to rejuvenate tired soil mix in containers or garden beds. Provides
a blend of minerals and organic
matter. Improves texture and
feeds the soil to nourish plants.
$12.50 per 20-qt bag, $31.50 per
60-qt bag. (VCC)
36. Premium Lite Growing Mix
The same lightweight characteristics as conventional soilless mixes
w/o the addition of synthetic fertilizers or wetting agents. $11.50
per 1/20 yd. (McE)
37. Premium Potting Mix
Excellent for making soil blocks,
potting seedlings and transplanting. $11 per 1/20 yd. (McE)
Bunzl (BZ), Butterworks Farm (BW), Clifford Lumber (CL), Fedco/Organic Growers Supply (F), Fertrell (FER), Green Mountain Compost (GMC),
Lakeview Organic Grain (LV), McEnroe Organic Farm (McE), North Country Organics (NCO), Vermont Compost Company (VCC)
Prices below do not include tax.
43. Manure Compost A
fully mature composted blend
bovine, equine and avian
manures, bark, late cut
hay, spoiled silage, food
residuals and mature compost.
Tested for maturity. Free of live
weed seed. $7 per 20-qt bag.
44. Premium Compost Finely
screened for superior feel and
spreadability. Made from farm
manures, yard trimmings, wood
chips and food scraps. $6 per
20-qt bag. (GMC)
45. Fish Hydrolysate with
Kelp 3-2-1 9:1 ratio of fish and
kelp that provides the NPK of
fish emulsion and the micronutrients and growth hormones
of kelp. Can be used as a foliar
feed, in drip irrigation, and for
better seed germination and
seedling growth. Improves plant
vigor and stress resistance. 2-3
tbsp/gal water for foliar spray, 4
tbsp/gal for soil drench. $21.50/
gal or $102/5 gal (F)
46. Kelp Meal Dried and
ground seaweed contains trace
minerals, enzymes and amino
acids. An excellent source of
naturally chelated elements.
Brassicas respond well to it. Mix
into the soil at the rate of 300–
600#/acre or 1#/100 sq ft. Added
to animal feed, kelp provides
60 minerals, 12 vitamins and
21 amino acids that improve
animal health and production
while enriching the manure for
compost or crop application.
Use as 1–2% of ration. $9.50 for
5# (F), $69 for 50# (F)
47. Liquid Kelp Use when
starting seeds to improve seed
germination and increase root
growth. As a foliar feed, it will increase mineral uptake in leaves
and improve photosynthesize.
Can be applied to seed, root
or leaf: 2 tbsp/gal water or 1.5
qt/50 gal water/ac. $24.50/gal or
$91.50/5 gal (F)
48. Diatomaceous Earth
Fossilized remains of tiny
aquatic organisms. A dust with
microscopic razor sharp edges
used as a barrier to control a
wide variety of insects. Avoid
foliage contact. $11 for 4# or
$46.50 for 50# (F)
49. Dipel DF Wettable Powder
(Bacillus thuringinesis subsp
Kurstaki) Better known as Bt.
Effective on cabbageworm, cabbage looper, larvae of codling,
diamondback and gypsy moths,
spruce budworm, and tomato
hornworm. Use with ThermX 70
for adhesion. $27.50 per 1# (F)
50. Garlic Barrier 99.3% garlic
juice. Just mix with water and
spray to repel insects such as
ants, aphids, grasshoppers,
spiders, spider mites, thrips and
whiteflies. Best mixed outdoors.
Odor doesn’t last and taste of
vegetables is not affected. 1 qt
covers 80,000 sq ft. $14.50 for
qt. (F)
51. Golden Spray Oil A spray
for dormant scale on fruit
trees and an insecticide for
corn earworms, aphids, beetle
larvae, leafhoppers, and other
vegetable pests. Can be applied
with a hand sprayer and may be
mixed with other pesticides. $14
for qt. (F)
52. Milky Spore Bacterium
Bacillus popilliae works on
Japanese beetle grubs not
adults, so results seen over
long-term. Grubs die within 7-21
days and release billions of new
spores. 1 tsp. of powder every 4’
in 4’ rows. $46 for 10 oz. (F)
53. NuFilm P Spreader-sticker
that increases life and effectiveness of pesticide applications.
4-6 oz/100 gal water. $97 for 1
gal. (F)
54. PyGanic A broadspectrum pyrethrin product
that has a rapid kill rate. Breaks
down quickly, making toxicity short-lived. 5% pyrethrins.
Derived from chrysanthemum. May be used up to 12
hours before harvest. Effective
for Colorado potato beetle,
leafhopper, cucumber beetle,
flea beetle, and others. This is a
broad-spectrum insecticide, so
results are not limited to pests.
Please use wisely. 4.5-18 oz/ac
depending on pest and severity
of infestation. $216 per qt. (F)
55. Rootshield Home and
Garden Contains Trichoderma
harzianum to help protect roots
against soil-dwelling pathogens.
Tomato plants treated with this
have shown increased resistance to early blight. 1-3 tbsp/
gal of water covers 25 row ft.
½-1 cup of same dilution per
plant for transplants or established plants. $19 for 0.25# (F)
56. Safer Insecticidal Soap
Biodegradable contact insecticide effectively controls mites,
aphids, earwigs, lace bugs,
leafhoppers, mealy bugs, scale,
spider mites, thrips, tent caterpillars, and whiteflies. Fatty acids
penetrate insects’ soft outer
membranes and disrupt normal
functions. Use 2 oz/gal of water.
$12.50 per pt (F)
57. Serenade A bacterial fungicide Bacillus subtilis, effective
on a wide range of bacterial and
fungal diseases of vegetable
and fruit crops such as early and
late blight, powdery mildew,
fireblight and scab. By colonizing the leaf surface, it prevents
the establishment of diseases
by outcompeting pathogens
for space and nutrition and by
preventing their reproduction.
Application is about 4 oz/gal.
$28 for qt (F)
58. Sluggo
A blend of iron phosphate
(a naturally occurring soil
mineral) and snail and slug bait.
Many species of snails and slugs
are attracted to the bait, leaving
their hiding places and plants
to feed. When they ingest even
small quantities of iron phosphate, they cease feeding and
die a few days later. Apply at
1#/1,000 sq ft or 1 tsp/sq yd $12
for 1 #, $37 for 5 # (F)
59. Stylet Oil High-grade mineral oil for control of powdery
mildew, scale, mites and other
insets on trees and vegetables.
Use as a dormant or summer
oil. Kills mildew on contact and
protects sprayed surfaces for
10-14 days. Controls plantfeeding mites, leafhoppers, leaf
miners, fall armyworms and
corn earworms. Spray at 3 qt-2
gal/100 gal water depending on
application. $46 for gal (F)
60. Sulfur, micronized Used to
control scab, powdery mildew
and leaf spot. Is not water
soluble; the smaller the particle
the better it stays in suspension.
These particles are less than 5
microns. $14 for 1# (F)
61. Surround WP Kaolin clay
forms a particle film that coats
the surface of leaves and fruit,
creating a barrier that acts as
a broad-spectrum crop protectant, reducing damage
from various insects, mites and
disease-carrying pests. The clay
forms a layer of white particles
creating an unfamiliar environment for attacking insects,
prevents them from recognizing
their target and, if they land,
the particles rub off on them,
causing irritation and excessive
grooming. $64.50 for 25# (F)
Bunzl (BZ), Butterworks Farm (BW), Clifford Lumber (CL), Fedco/Organic Growers Supply (F), Fertrell (FER), Green Mountain Compost (GMC),
Lakeview Organic Grain (LV), McEnroe Organic Farm (McE), North Country Organics (NCO), Vermont Compost Company (VCC)
Prices below do not include tax.
62. ThermX 70 A wetting
agent and spreader-sticker,
made from a liquid concentrate of 70% yucca solids. Use
as a soil penetrant to help
plants make the most of available water, thus promoting
root growth and penetration.
A great foliar feed, the high
level of saponins improves the
absorption of nutrients and
increases resistance to stress.
Mix 8 oz/100 gal water as wetting agent or spreader-sticker.
$38 for qt. (F)
63. OG Alfalfa “Viking 3800”
High yielding variety and winter
hardiness. Strong disease resistance and persistence. Traffic
tolerant with wide adaptability
and moderate resistance to
potato leafhopper. ½#/1000 sq
ft or 12-20#/ac. $336 for 50# (LV)
64. OG Barley, “Robust”
Midseason 6-row feed grade
barley varieties, once approved
for malting, high yield, good test
weight and lodging resistance.
116-164#/ac. $36.50 for 48# (LV)
65. OG Barley, Spring This is a
2-row variety compared to the
regular barley that has 6 rows.
A dual-purpose variety that
can be for feeding livestock or
malting. 3#/sq ft or 115-160#/ac.
$12.50 for 10#, $49 for 50#. Local
source. (BW)
66. OG Buckwheat A prized
cover crop for weed and disease
control, also releases phosphorous from the soil. Can also be
used as a forage. This variety is
not food grade. 1-2#/sq. ft. or
40-60#/ac. $56 for 50# (LV)
67. OG Clover, Mammoth Red
Perennial legume, great green
manure or hay/pasture crop.
½#/sq. ft. or 7-18#/ac. $13.50 for
2#, $58.50 for 10#. (F)
68. OG Clover, Yellow Sweet
Thick succulent plants make an
excellent green manure. Long
thick taproots are very effective
at breaking up subsoils and improving soil aeration. They bring
up phosphorus and potassium
in the process. Bees love sweet
clover. ½-1#/sq. ft. or 9-20#/ac.
$58 for 10# (F), $182 for 50# (LV)
69. OG Corn “Early Riser”
Open pollinated field corn for
silage or grain. A very hard
textured flint/dent cross, bright
orange in color. High test weight
(density). Good for grinding into
corn meal. ½ #/sq ft or 15#/ac.
$49 for 10#, $210 for 50#. Local
source. (BW)
70. OG Oats A common variety-good for feed or for hulling
for human consumption. 2.5-4#/
sq. ft. or 75-100#/ac. $11 for 10#,
$42 for 50#. Local source. (BW)
71. OG Oats “Leonard” An
older variety, makes a strong
tall plant, the highest potential
yield, late maturity, medium
height with lodging resistance,
disease resistance, good straw.
$32 for 50# (LV)
72. OG Pasture Mix Orchard
grass, timothy, perennial and
annual ryegrass, festilolium, &
meadow fescue. 12-15#/ac with
alfalfa or 5-8# with clover. $154
for 25# (LV)
75. OG Radish, Tillage Springplanted crops show early boost
in growth and N uptake. Creates
channels for moisture and air,
while capturing as many key
nutrients as possible in your soil
profile. 6-10#/ac. $364 for 50#
76. OG Rye/Vetch Mix Superb
cover mix for fall planting.
Produces abundant green manure, adds nitrogen to the soil
and suppresses weed growth.
The rye acts as a nurse crop for
the vetch, protecting it from
frost damage and providing
support for the vines, making
mowing much easier. Mix is 78%
rye and 22% vetch by weight.
Seed at 2#/1000 sq ft or 90#/ac.
$6.50 for 2#, $82.50 for 45# (F)
77. OG Rye, Winter Extremely
winter hardy and competitive
grain thrives on well-drained
loam soils but will do well in
heavy clays or sandy soils.
Tolerates pH from 5.0-8.0. Best
planted in early September to
give good growth before winter
dormancy, but may be planted
at higher seeding rates as late as
mid-October. 2-5#/sq ft or 100200#/ac. $8 for 5# (F), $31.50 for
#25 (F), $39 for 50# (LV)
73. OG Peas, Field “4010”
Purple forage peas, large leafy
plants with greater biomass,
best when grown with a small
grain for support. 3-4#/sq ft or
100#/ac if grown with something else, 150#/ac if grown
alone. $47.50 for 50# (LV)
78. OG Soil Building Seed
Mix (PVO) 71% Peas, 14%
hairy vetch, 15% oats. Great
soil builder and nitrogen fixer.
The oats come up first and are
pulled down by the peas, which
are eventually pulled down by
the smothering vetch. 4” mat
of vegetation should be disked
or mowed and incorporated
in autumn. 5#/sq ft or 212#/ac.
$6.50 for 2.5#, $21 for 10#, $91
for 50# (F)
74. OG Peas, Yellow Grain
“Admiral” Early maturing
high yielding, works best with
support of early oats or spring
barley for high grain yield and
quality. Can be successful as
a forage if there is sufficient
moisture. 3-4#/sq ft or 100#/ac
if grown with something else,
150#/ac if grown alone. $47.50
for 50# (LV)
79. OG Sorghum/Sudangrass
(BMR) Good for soil building,
weed and pest control, erosion
control and can serve as N trap
crop. Exceptional warm season
forage. Can be chopped, grazed
or round baled. Works well in
mixtures with small grains and
peas. 1#/sq ft or 25-35#/ac.
$12.50 for 2.5# (F), $112 for 50#
80. OG Timothy “Climax” High
quality, high sugar grass for hay
or pasture, works best with alfalfa or clover. Very winter hardy,
tolerant of wet soils but not very
drought tolerant. Best for hay.
If grazed, take care to prevent
overgrazing. 1/2#/sq ft or 8-15#/
ac. $210 for 50# (LV)
81. OG Triticale Hybrid of
wheat and rye. Taller and leafier
than wheat and oats, with higher protein and more feed value
when chopped for forage. Great
as feed grain in forage mix with
peas and as cover crop. 100125/ac. $39 for 50# (LV)
82. OG Tritilege 50% forage
peas, 50% triticale for rapid
growth to produce large quantities of early excellent annual forage with high palatability and
nutrition. 120-150#/ac. $47.50
for 50# (LV)
83. OG Vetch, Hairy Normally
planted in the fall, this biennial
legume produces large amounts
of organic matter and nitrogen
early in the season, often used
as a cover/green manure crop,
often companion cropped with
rye for overwinter cover. Can become a serious weed problem,
especially on farms producing
wheat and other small grains.
20-40#/ac. $168 for 50# (LV)
84. OG Wheat, AC Walton Hard
Red Spring A modern Canadian
hard red spring wheat variety
bred for yield,
fusarium resistance and good
baking quality. $17 for 10#, $70
for 50#. Local source. (BW)
85. OG Wheat, Spring Hard
Red “Glenn” Suitable for milling with high yield and very
high test weight and protein.
Medium height, excellent strong
straw for lodging resistance.
120-160#/ac. $39 for 50# (LV)
Bunzl (BZ), Butterworks Farm (BW), Clifford Lumber (CL), Fedco/Organic Growers Supply (F), Fertrell (FER), Green Mountain Compost (GMC),
Lakeview Organic Grain (LV), McEnroe Organic Farm (McE), North Country Organics (NCO), Vermont Compost Company (VCC)
Prices below do not include tax.
86. OG Wheat, Spring “Red
Fife” This was the primary variety used in all of Canada until
about 1915. It is renowned for
its flavor and loved by artisan
bakers. 2-3#/sq ft or 100-120#/
ac. $21for 10#, $98 for 50#. Local
source. (BW)
87. Annual Ryegrass Widely
adaptable to a variety of soils.
Dense fibrous root systems
withstand temporary flooding
and are effective at holding
soil and improving tilth. Uncut,
will grow to 2–4', but should
be kept mowed if you wish to
prevent reseeding. Good annual
smother crop when seeded
heavily. ½-2#/sq ft or 15-50# /ac.
$17 for 5# (F)
88. Dutch White Clover Low
growing, shade tolerant, perennial clover, good nitrogen fixer,
suppresses weeds. ¼#/sq ft or
6-14#/ac. $63.50 for 10# (F)
89. New Zealand White Clover
More vigorous and heat tolerant
than Dutch variety. ¼#/sq ft or
6-14#/ac. $13.50 for 2#, $64 for
10# (F)
90. Clover/Alfalfa, treats 50# $6
91. Peas/Vetch, treats 50# $5.50
92. Soybean, treats 50# $3.50
93. Black Plastic Mulch, IRT
100 A smooth, 1.0 mil black
plastic mulch that suppresses
weeds and allows infrared light
through to heat the soil. Adds
days to the growing season. $7
for 4’x50’ roll, $31 for 4’x250’
roll. (F)
94. Earth Staples To anchor
row cover or landscape fabric.
$4.50 for 25, $11.50 for 100. (F)
102. Plug Flats (72 plugs) Made
of lightweight plastic with bottom drain holes. $9 for 5. (F)
95. Flash Tape, Bird-scaring
Silver and red metallized
7/16"x290' plastic tape is a
cost-effective method to protect
crops against bird damage.
Wind causes tape to flash and
flicker resembling fire. Very
effective against flocking birds
and crows, less so against robins, sparrows and their ilk. Don’t
apply too early or birds may get
accustomed to tape. 7/16” x 290’.
$7.50 ea. (F)
103. Red Ball Trap Used in
orchards to monitor and trap
insects. Sturdy 3½” reusable
hollow glossy red ball with hook
and wire for hanging. One ball
monitors 2-3 ac. To reduce apple
maggot damage, 1-6 traps per
tree. Use with Tangletrap adhesive. $4 ea. (F)
96. Hoops, Galvanized Wire
For building tunnels with slitted
plastic or other row covers. Most
effective if spaced every 5' or
less. Shipped as straight 74” flexible rods of 10 gauge wire. $28
for 20, $126 for 100. (F)
97. Jiffy Pots Peat pots that
can be planted directly in the
ground without disturbing
seedlings. OMRI approved. (F)
a) 3” Round Good for tomatoes,
brassica and melons. $5.50 for
b) 4.5” Round Good for squashes and up-potted tomatoes. $10
for 50. c) 3" Square More space efficient than round pots and
conserves moisture. $5.50 for 36
98. Orchard Netting Throw
over trees or bushes and fasten
to protect fruit or berries from
birds, deer and possibly raccoons. Strong and durable black
polypropylene 3/4" mesh with
UV inhibitors. 14’x14’ - $10,
28’x28’ - $34. (F)
99. Plant Trays, Heavy Duty
11x22x2 ¾” plastic trays will last
for years and can hold fifty 2”
soil blocks. $10 for 1. (F)
100. Plant Tray Domes, Heavy
Duty Sturdy clear plastic domes.
$5 for 1. (F)
104. Row Cover, AG-19 Floating
A white, spun-bonded polypropylene material that protects
crops from insects and offers 4°F
protection. Weighs 0.55 oz/sq yd
and transmits 85% of sunlight.
$17 for 83”x50’ roll, $57 for
83”x250’ roll. (F)
105. Stakes, Field 18” high,
untreated wood. $15.50 per 25
or $44 per 100. (F)
106. Stakes, Garden 12” high,
untreated wood. $8.50 per 25 or
$50 per 250. (F)
107. Sticky Strips, Yellow Used
to monitor pests including
aphids, cucumber beetles, fungus gnats, corn rootworms or
whiteflies. Comes with wires for
hanging or sticking in ground.
$8 for 10 (F)
108. Tangletrap (Sticky Stuff)
All-weather adhesive used to
coat red balls for monitoring
and trapping insects. Sticky and
odorless. Will cover approx. 13
red ball traps. $11 for 1# (F)
109. Trellis Plus 7" reachthrough nylon mesh with a
strand strength of 60 lbs for
tomatoes, climbing beans, peas,
cucumbers and luffas. Weave a
strand of fence wire through the
top for extra support. Will last
for many years if you can avoid
tangling. $13 for 5x30’ or $22.50
for 5x60’. (F)
110. Weed Guard Plus Sturdy
dark brown paper provides
a biodegradable mulch and
weed barrier made from cellulose fibers. Porous enough
to allow water penetration.
Recommended for pumpkins,
squash, cabbage, broccoli and
cauliflower. 36’x250’ OMRI approved. $79. (F)
111. Wooden Pot Labels
Untreated 6x¾” wooden sticks
for labeling seedlings. $4 for 50,
$38.50 for 1000. (F)
112. Bags, Brown Paper
12x7x17. $49.50 per pack of 500.
113. Bags, Poly Roll 12x20”,
clear, 3680 per case. $105. (BZ)
114. Bags, “Thank you” Plastic
11.5x6.5x22”, with handles, 1000
per case. $28. (BZ)
115. Baskets, Berry Green pulp.
Half pint case of 600 - $56. Pint
case of 420 - $42.50. Qt., case of
250 - $40. (BZ)
116. Baskets, Harvest Wooden
lath and wire baskets. Bundle
of 3 same size baskets. $13.50
pecks, $15.50 half-bushels,
$16.50 bushels. (F)
117. Boxes, Waxed ½ bushel,
produce, $42 for 15/bundle.
1-1/9 bushel, leafy green, $65
for 20/bundle. 1-1/9 bushel,
produce, $44.50 for 10/bundle.
1.35 bushel, produce, $49 for
14/bundle. (F)
118. Burlap Bags Untreated,
holds 50 lbs of potatoes. Also
works well in market displays:
soak thoroughly to keep produce damp and cool. $6.50 for
3. (F)
101. Plug Flats (50 plugs) Made
of lightweight plastic with bottom drain holes. $8.50 for 5. (F)
Bunzl (BZ), Butterworks Farm (BW), Clifford Lumber (CL), Fedco/Organic Growers Supply (F), Fertrell (FER), Green Mountain Compost (GMC),
Lakeview Organic Grain (LV), McEnroe Organic Farm (McE), North Country Organics (NCO), Vermont Compost Company (VCC)
Prices below do not include tax.
119. Rubber Bands Good for
broccoli, beets, carrots. $6 per
bag of 460. (F)
120. Twist Ties Yellow, 4 in.
$5.50 per pack of 2000. (BZ) 121. Wooden Display Boxes
Great for displays at farmers
markets or farm stands. Hand
crafted in VT. ½ bushel for
$10.50, bushel for $12, Tomato
box for $10.50. (CL)
122. Twine Waxed hemp twine.
Cut down vines along with their
twine and compost the whole
tangle. 200 gr. 265’ $6.50 per
roll. (F)
123. Grazier’s Choice A ready to
use mix of kelp meal, calcium,
phosphorus, trace mineral salt
from Redmond minerals, vitamin E, selenium, and diatomaceous earth. Does not contain
added copper, other than what
is found naturally in kelp and
Redmond’s natural trace mineral
salt. Therefore it is not harmful
to sheep. $46.50 for 50# (FER)
124. Horse Power Add to feed at
2 oz per day for mature horses
to improve strength and stamina and reduce stress. 9-10.5%
Ca, 3% P, 1% Mg, 18-20% salt
with trace minerals, vitamins,
yeast and lactic acid bacteria.
$76.50 for 50# (FER)
125. Poultry Nutrient Balancer
Mix of supplemental nutrients
and vitamins to be added at a
rate of 60 lbs. per ton of feed.
12-14% Ca, 10% P and 10-12%
NaCl with necessary trace minerals, vitamins and beneficial
microbes. Formulated with kelp
meal, not methionine. $81.50
for 60# (FER)
130. Sheep Nutri Balancer
Vitamin and mineral supplement, nutritionally complete,
with no added synthetic copper,
promotes optimum animal
health. Feed 1 oz per animal per
day. Includes 8% Ca, 3% P, 1%
salt, 3% K, 8% Mg in addition to
vitamins and minerals. $56.50
for 50# (FER)
126. Prism Crystal Creek’s
topical liquid for more challenging situations including
foot rot, puncture wounds,
infected wounds and abscesses.
Formulated with tea tree oil,
rosemary, lemon, peppermint
and cloves. $42.50 for 16 oz. (F)
131. Sow Premix Blend of calcium and other minerals along
with vitamins to support gestating and lactating sows. $48.50
for 50# (FER)
127. Redmond Conditioner A
trace mineral colloidal silicate,
which contains a combination of
nearly 50 mineral compounds. It
can be fed free choice, used as a
top dressing, or mixed in a TMR.
Can be fed to beef cattle, dairy
cattle, horses, hogs, sheep and
poultry. $18.50 for 50# (FER)
132. Swine Grower Vitamin and
mineral supplement provides
a nutritionally complete hog
premix. Maximizes weight gain
and feed efficiency. 18-21% Ca,
8.5% K, 7-9% NaCl with traces of
Se, Zn and Fe, and with vitamins
A, D3 and E. Contains no lysine.
Mix with grains and proteins at
60# per ton of feed. Do not over
mix. $47.50 for 60# (FER)
128. Redmond Trace Mineral
Salt Bag A pure rock salt (95%
sodium chloride) that contains
many valuable trace minerals
that all livestock need: calcium,
potassium, magnesium, sulfur,
zinc, copper, iodine, iron, phosphorus and manganese. These
minerals are essential to proper
growth and development of
your livestock. $15 for 50# bag.
133. Wound Spray Crystal
Creek’s soothing mildly antibacterial topical spray for
minor wounds and abrasions.
May be used safely on mucous
membranes: recommended for
pinkeye. Formulated with garlic,
calendula and comfrey. $26 for
24 oz (F)
134. ZeoMax Flow Agent
Zeolites are microporous
minerals of volcanic origin with
a highly regular structure and
of pores and chambers that
allows some molecules to pass
through and excludes or breaks
down others. Are used at 5-10#/
ton of feed to protect animals
from harmful mycotoxins and at
20-30lbs/ton of feed to improve
feed efficiency and reduce odors
of manure. Zeolites also bind to
excess ammonia in the rumen
and release it slowly, buffering
the rumen against changes in
pH. A clinically proven, powerful
and inexpensive additive for all
species of livestock. $23.50 for
50# (F)
129. Redmond Trace Mineral
Salt Block Same as above
except in block form. $14 for 44#
block. (FER)
For more information about these products, please visit our suppliers' websites:
Butterworks Farm:
Green Mountain Compost:
Lakeview Organic Grain:
McEnroe Organic Farm:
North Country Organics:
Vermont Compost Company:
Bunzl (BZ), Butterworks Farm (BW), Clifford Lumber (CL), Fedco/Organic Growers Supply (F), Fertrell (FER), Green Mountain Compost (GMC),
Lakeview Organic Grain (LV), McEnroe Organic Farm (McE), North Country Organics (NCO), Vermont Compost Company (VCC)