Folie 1 - 4. Kongres Morski w Szczecinie
Folie 1 - 4. Kongres Morski w Szczecinie
Vortragstitel Present hydrological situation in the Baltic Sea - the Major Baltic Inflow of December 2014 (after ELKEN & MATTHÄUS 2008) Michael Naumann, Günther Nausch, Volker Mohrholz Assessments of the Baltic Monitoring group at the IOW Szczecin, 10.06.2015 3rd International Maritime Congress Veranstaltung Vortragstitel Classification of this saline inflow Veranstaltung Intensity index of MBIs for the period 1880-2014 (extended after Matthäus et al. 2008) Rank MBI 1 2 3 3 4 5 25 November/December 1951 December 1921/January 1922 November/December 1913 December 2014 January 1993 November/December 1897 January 2003 Salt [Gt] VTotal [km3] 5.17 5.12 3.80 3.98 3.40 3.35 2.03 225 258 174 198 159 177 97 Comparison of the five strongest MBIs since 1897 (Fischer & Matthäus 1996) with the actual MBI in December 2014 and previous one in 2003 Suboxic to anoxic conditions are dominating the deep-water of the central basins since the 80ies 1 Ventilations and renewals of this water layer became rare in the last decades Areas of oxygen deficiency – changes due to earlier intrusions Vortragstitel Veranstaltung oxic conditions! 2 (A) maximum of the stagnation period, (B) impact of earlier intrusions winter 2013-2014 Vortragstitel Wind forcing and sea level changes Veranstaltung 3 Wind forcing in the western Baltic and sea level changes November/December 2014 Vortragstitel Data sources for first assessments Veranstaltung Darss Sill – MARNET mast Bathymetric map of the southwestern Baltic Sea with positions of the measurement sites 4 Arkona Basin – MARNET bouy Vortragstitel Tide-gauge data Veranstaltung Sea level changes at Landsort Norra, blue – hourly means, red – low pass filtered, green – numerical model Sea level differences between Kattegat and Arkona Sea, blue – Great Belt (Hornbaek - Gedser), red - Sound (Viken - Klagshamn) 5 Vortragstitel Volume transport estimation Veranstaltung -187 km³ -45 km³ +103 km³ +30 km³ +137 km³ +34 km³ -59 km³ -22 km³ Total inflow +240 km³ +64 km³ -43 km³ -59 km³ Total inflow +248 km³ +240 km³ Volume transport through the Belt Sea (blue) and the Sound (red) estimated from sea level differences -195 km³ -187 km³ 6 +110 km³ +103 km³ +138 km³ +137 km³ Volume transport at the Darss Sill, blue – calculated from current and salinity measurements (MARNET), grey – sea level difference Hornbaek - Gedser Vortragstitel Inflow propagation at the Darss Sill Veranstaltung Current velocity: Salinity (measurements): Salinity (model): 7 Observations of along channel velocity (a) and salinity (b) at the MARNET station Darss Sill, compared with salinity from numerical modeling (c) Vortragstitel Arkona Basin Veranstaltung Salinity observations at the MARNET-station Arkona Basin in November/December 2014 Sound wasser 8 Vortragstitel Inflow propagation at the Darss Sill and Arkona Basin Results of cruise EMB092 – MARNET (December 15th-19th 2014) Veranstaltung Volume estimation: - Total volume Arkona Basin approximately 225 km³ - 140 km³ Surface water + upliftet bottom water - 42 km³ Great Belt – Darss Sill - 43 km³ Sound mean parameters of the water volumes: 9 Water volume Temp [°C] Sal [g/kg] Oxy [ml/l] Turbidity [NTU] AB >17 g/kg 7,72 20,75 6,49 0,90 Gr.Belt-Darss 7,29 18,88 6,78 0,55 Sound 8,18 22,75 6,19 1,26 Vortragstitel Volume calculations of the MBI December 2014 Veranstaltung Period Vtotal [km3] Sea level change Landsort VØresound [km3] Sea level difference Viken - Klagshamn VØresound [km3] Numerical model VDarss Sill [km3] Sea level difference Hornbaek - Gedser VDarss Sill [km3] Current and salinity measurements at MARNET Darss Sill VDarss Sill [km3] Numerical model Vtotal [km3] VDarss Sill + VØresound Observations Vtotal [km3] VDarss Sill + VØresound Numerical model Outflow period 07.11.2014 – 03.12.2014 Precursory period 03.12. 2014 – 13.12.2014 Main inflow period 13.12.2014 – 25.12.2014 Post inflow 25.12.2014 – 31.12.2014 -242 161 162 323 -111 -45 34 (34) 0.78 Gt salt 38.9 0.85 Gt salt 137 64 (60) 1.38 Gt salt 76.4 1.44 Gt salt 240 -22 -187 30 (26) 0.60 Gt salt 37.5 0.59 Gt salt 103 -195 110 138 (138) 2.60 Gt salt 248 (138) 2.60Gt salt -43 (9) 0.17 Gt salt -145.8 70.6 0.16 Gt salt 140 (26) 0.60 Gt salt 108.1 0.75 Gt salt 134.4 2.24 Gt salt 172 (172) 3.38 Gt salt 173.3 3.09 Gt salt 205.0 2.40 Gt salt 312 (198) 3.98 Gt salt 281.4 3.84 Gt salt -63.5 0.11 Gt salt -65 (9) 0.17 Gt salt -97 0.11 Gt salt -67.5 -235 -213.3 Summary of transport calculations (netto transports in km³) 10 Total inflow phase 03.12.2014 – 25.12.2014 -33.4 -59 Vortragstitel Research programme to follow this large inflow event Veranstaltung Summary: the large volume of the MBI will most probably turn the entire Baltic deep-water from anoxic to oxic conditions, with wide spread consequences for marine life and geochemical cycles for the next years Scientific cruises: December 15th-19th, 2014 – EMB092 (MARNET) January 12th-14th, 2015 – EMB093 (SECOS) January 26th-28th, 2015 – EMB094 (MARNET) February 2nd-14th, 2015 – EMB095 (Baltic Monitoring) February 17th-25th, 2015 – EMB096 (SMIS) February 26th-March 11th, 2015 – AL451 (ILWAO) March 17th-30th, 2015 – EMB099 (Baltic Monitoring) April 16th-23rd, 2015 – EMB100 (SECOS) May 1st-21st, 2015 – FRV Herwig (vTi OSF) May 5th-15th – EMB102 (Baltic Monitoring) Darss Sill to Arkona Basin Arkona Basin, Bornholm Basin Arkona Basin to Bornholm Gat Western Baltic to Baltic Proper Eastern Gotland Basin Eastern Gotland Basin Western Baltic to Baltic Proper Bornholm Basin to Eastern GB Arkona Basin to Eastern GB Western Baltic to Baltic Proper upcoming cruises: 11 June 28th-July 5th, 2015 – R/V Salme (MSI Talinn) Gulf of Finnland to Eastern GB July 17th-July 29th – EMB107 (REDOX) Eastern Gotland Basin th th July 22 -August 17 – M117 (Baltic Monitoring, …) Western Baltic to Baltic Proper September 24th-30th – EMB113 (SMIS) Eastern Gotland Basin th rd October 18 -3 November, 2015 – POS492 (STB-AUTSTAT) Baltic Proper October 2015 – R/V Salme (PROSID2014) Gulf of Finnland to Baltic Proper th th November 6 -17 – EMB117 (Baltic Monitoring) Western Baltic to Baltic Proper Vortragstitel Veranstaltung further information: MOHRHOLZ, V.; NAUMANN, M.; NAUSCH, G.; KRÜGER, S.; GRÄWE, U. (2015): Fresh oxygen for the Baltic Sea – An exceptional saline inflow after a decade of stagnation. – Journal of Marine Systems 148, 152-166. … publications of the propagation of inflowing highly saline water in the deeper basins of the central Baltic and their environmental impact will follow soon 12 Vortragstitel Acknowledgements Veranstaltung Forecast simulation of the inflow propagation – Salinity (model: GETM, 2015 February 5th, U. Gräwe) numerous colleagues of our monitoring group, vessel crew members and modelling groups who delivered their „piece of cake“
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