Congratulations to our Winners!


Congratulations to our Winners!
ns to o
ur Winners!
Paul Katz’s Bravura takes 1st place in PHRF B, 2013 CYC Sunset Series
Duchess won first place in Cruising A Class and was the winner of the Allan Elliot Perpetual trophy and second place
runner-up for the Millard Rosen Cruising Division championship.....see photo page 18.
October 2013
Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore
Jr. Staff Commodore
Judge Advocate
Fleet Surgeon
Fleet Captain
Port Captain
Asst. Port Captain
Paul Artof
Ilona Fellows
Peter Glick
James Gould
Paul Berger
James Garvey
Dede Allen
Peter Hirsch, M.D.
David Ross
S/C Pauline Dror
Dir. Joshua Merel
Stanley Edmond
Martin Fliegel
Peter Glick
Edward Gold
Peter Hirsch
Dan Howard
Victor Jedlicka
Howard Katzman
Norman Magidow
Joshua Merel
Gary Mohilner
Laurie Romanak
Russ Runnalls
Mickey Scheinbaum
Michael Schneider
Debbie Wasserman
Admissions Liaison & Greeter
Auxiliary Liaison
Community Outreach
Committee/New Member Liaison
New Member Mentor
New Member Orientation
Press Officer
Signal Publication
Dir. Debbie Wasserman
Allan Bertik
P/P Nancy Dubois
Jack Topal
Susan Artof & Vivian Callahan
Michele Silverstein
S/C David Feinstein
Albert Algaze & Barbara Katzman
Lionel and Arlene Garbus
Dir. Howard Katzman
Melanie Jedlicka & Dir. Howard Katzman
Melanie Jedlicka & Dir. Howard Katzman
Joan Godfrey, Lucille Hirschman
Vivian Callahan
S/C David Feinstein
Vicki Magasinn
Rikki Barker, Carole Bolotin
Allison Fine, Dir. Martin Fliegel,
Sharlene London
Jr. Staff Commodore
Long Range Planning
Commodore Delegates
V/C Delegates
R/C Delegates
Richard Somers, Barry Chass
S/C Pauline Dror, S/C William Graves
S/C Peter Patman, Jason Artof
Vice Commodore
Cat Harbor
Challenge Racing
DRYC Fleet/Dry C
Fly Fishing
Jr. Activities/Sailing
Predicted Log Racing
Race Committee
Sail Committee
U.S. Coast Guard Aux.
Dir. Victor Jedlicka
Cristie George
David Ross
S/C Bob Heintz, Dir. Russ Runnalls
Eddie Hollister
Dennis Wilder
Virginia Howard
Dir. Mickey Scheinbaum
Sterling Tallman
Tucker Strasser
Robert Godfrey & Sheldon Ferdman
Sterling Tallman
Rear Commodore
Awards and Trophies
Dock Captains
Food & Beverage
Hospitality and Red Coats
House and Grounds
Rich Cincinelli
Harvey Ross
S/C William Graves
Roger Friedman
Gail McLatcher
S/C Peter Patman
Donna Johnson & Dir. Howard Katzman
Dir. Mickey Scheinbaum
Lynn Morris
Earnie Barker, Steve Pokras
Office Manager
Accounting Manager
Maintenance Manager
Lynne Silverstein
Annie Jamir
Pedro Quezada
Thank you to this month’s photographers. Joan Godfrey,
Sherry Barone, Andy Kopetzky, Estelle Ferdman , Paul Artof
and S/C Ann Ach of CYC for the cover and photo page 18.
October 2013
The Commodore’s Cruise has now settled into the history books. I
thank all of you who attended. I had a great time. I saw the hard work that
the Fleet Captain and countless others put forth. There were large coolers
of food all arriving on volunteers boats. There was artwork, activities
planned, set-up of the Facility, arranging for professional help for cooking
and organizing the band, the roast (that would be about me), organizing
servers, and countless behind-the-scene members. I would thank all of
them in this column but listing the names would fill this column to overflow.
Some old traditions came back, Chief Potchentouchas, and some
continued like the Dinghy Log Race and Dinghy Rugby (we definitely need
rules for this one). The newest was the Margarita toss - too complicated to
describe here so talk to F/S Peter Hirsch or Jessica for more information.
One of the longest race series in Marina del Rey is the
Wednesday night races offered by California Yacht Club. It runs from
Memorial Day until after Labor Day. My hat goes off to Duchess for winning
the Cruising Class A perpetual trophy and Bravura, first place for PHRF B.
Duchess won this honor in 2010, 2011 and this current year. You have to
do well in a lot of races in order to achieve this.
September marked this year’s conclusion of a host of exceptional
Corinthian Yachting activities. The Yacht Club temporarily suspended our
much respected bi-annual Puerto Vallarta race scheduled two years ago. It
was time to bring new and significant events to the Club. The first was the
Marina del Rey to Newport Beach race; a partnership with Bahia Corinthian
Yacht Club. The second was a long distance race starting in San Francisco
and partnering with Encinal Yacht Club. Both races will be scheduled again
next year.
The Race Committee conducted two National Championships for
the Lido 14s and Ultimate 20s. There were a number of boats from other
states. Somehow, the Race Committee was able to add these
commitments to their already busy schedule.
Our Predicted Log Racing conducted a West Coast Regional
Championship with teams coming from Canada to San Diego. A big
undertaking. Why do I mention this? You already know that we are a wellrespected Yacht Club, known for our facilities, friendship, Corinthian
Yachting and participating in the yachting fraternity. You can now see by
the above we are constantly developing greater achievements. I'm proud of
that, but I am also proud of our membership for allowing this to happen.
Each new event takes volunteers and inconveniences members looking for
a hard to find parking space or a spot at a crowded bar. These are
commitments that yacht clubs make to enhance their image in the yachting
Now that we are going into a period where the weather may not be
as accommodating to wearing shorts and bathing suits on a cruise, it is
time to enjoy the Club and all your friends here. I would make it a
commitment to meet 10 new friends who will enhance your Club
experience. There is no shortage of terrific people to meet.
Lastly, elections for the 2014 Board of Directors will take place in
November and it is your responsibility to vote intelligently. Get to know the
candidates and learn which will best represent you. I also urge you to
attend the October Board of Directors meeting to see which of the skills of
the directors are important and sample the topics they must address.
Get involved! You will enjoy your Club even more.
We only have one more cruise, this one to go get
your taste buds going, at the It’s All About Food Cruise held
on Friday, October 11th to Sunday, October 13th with Chef
Frank from the French Culinary Institute of New York! At this
time, I would like to thank everyone who chaired a cruise. I
know it takes work and many hours of planning, organizing
volunteers and teamwork to pull it off so that the rest of the
Club can have a terrific time. This year I heard no
complaints, which means we are either getting more
appreciative of our volunteers, or they were just great cruises
(I think it’s the latter). Which brings me to say that we are all
members/volunteers that keep this Club going - so I would
like to thank you all; and remember that we need you to
volunteer next year to keep making DRYC the best Club
The DRYC Friday Night Sundown Series Races are
over. Congratulations to all the racers, but special congrats
to Klexy and Misque / Toon Town for taking second and third
places consecutively for Sport Boat Class; Wolfhound for
third place in the PHRF Class, and Krazy Kat and G-Rated
for second and third places consecutively in the Novice
Class. We will be continuing the Friday Night Sundown
Paddle Board Races, so please come down and participate
or watch; thank you Judy Gavin for taking over these races.
This past weekend, our Del Rey Yacht Club held
(what I was told) our first national championship, the
Ultimate 20s. This race was hosted two years ago in
Florida, at the prestigious St. Petersburg Yacht Club.
Visiting sailors who participated at DRYC were from
Colorado, Michigan, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Northern
California and as far away as North Carolina. With light
winds, we were able to get in 10 races without any protests.
Each day the leaders changed. Our Michael Eisenberg in
his boat, Toon Town, was the overall winner and now will
have the opportunity to defend his title next year in
Honored to serve as the PRO, what gave me the
greatest pride was watching our Club members’ teamwork.
Our DRYC team included V/C Ilona Fellows (overall race
organizer), Judy Gavin (recorder and crew organizer), Ken
Roberts (mark set boat), Rich Cincinelli (line and finish
judge), Jeff Druce (mark set boat), Adam Klien (mark set
boat), Dir. Ed Gold (mark set boat), Donald and Martina
Smallwood (recorder and line judges), Earnie Barker
(driver of the DRY C and flags), Dir. Howard Katzman
(flags), Sterling Tallman (mark set boat), race chair Tucker
Strasser (notice of race, sailing instructions and land
organization), Eddie Hollister (launching, food, and mark
I would also like to
congratulate the following
DRYC racers for their
participation in the CYC
Sunset Series: Duchess
for first place Cruising A
Class, winner of the Allan
Elliot Perpetual trophy and
second place runner-up for
the Millard Rosen Cruising
Bravura for first place PHRF
B Racing Class; Sea Scout
for third place Cruising B
The last Sundown Series race
Class and third place runner
of the season took place last
month. Photo by Andy
up for the Millard Rosen
Last congratulations go to our outstanding Race/Sail
Committee for successfully putting on the Ultimate 20
Regatta last month. We had a total of 14 boats competing
from nine different states in this National Race, and our own
Michael Eisenberg took first place!
Finally, a sad farewell to Betty Gerard who passed
the bar last month. Betty was a special person who endured
and survived the Holocaust during World War II, being
interned at the Westerbork Camp in Holland among others.
Her name and legacy will live on in our hearts.
set boat), Lynne Glick (recorder and scorer), Bruce
Warren (judge), Gary Green (judge) and Doug Weitz
(judge). Each person volunteered between one to three
days of their time, to sit on the water and watch others race.
Each one of them acted as a team. If one member failed to
do their job, the entire race would have failed. Most of our
race committee are not racers; some were on race
committee for the first time. Even some of our experienced
members had to learn and take on new tasks. The marks
were set correctly and on time. The line was watched for
those on the course side. The finishes were all recorded
and scored correctly. All the racers appreciated the
hospitality and said they were looking forward to coming
back to DRYC.
I am proud to be a member of DRYC especially
when our members are called upon and give their time,
talents and energies to make sure that others enjoy the
October 2013
A great summer of activities is now in the memory
book. On August 18th, soon after our very successful Got
Guts Cruise to Cat Harbor, the Auxiliary hosted a novel new
activity at the pool for our juniors, headed up by P/P
Barbara Gold and Dir. Gail McLatcher, with the help of
some of our younger moms. We had a good turnout for this
family pool party, complete with pool noodles, beach balls
and pool toys for all to use and take home. The Auxiliary
made sure that all participants enjoyed snow cones and
chips, provided by Allison Fine and fun music played by
Mickey Van Reingold. The action on this lovely Sunday
was definitely at the DRYC pool!! This was the second kids
event held this summer, with the first one at Catalina during
July 4th, thanks to the help of our chairperson, Gail
Friedman. Our final Kids Day event is our annual Children’s
Halloween party chaired by Tanya Spero and scheduled for
September 27th. Make a note on your calendar and hold the
Our annual Fashion Show was held on September
18th. P/P Estelle Ferdman and P/P Amanda Berris
teamed up again to make this event a memorable one with
fashions provided by Lorna Jane. Our models wore the
latest in workout and exercise attire which was a welcome
change from the more formal shows of the past. The show
brought a sparkle of color to our dining room and I look
forward to seeing more people at our Wednesday and
Saturday Pilates classes.
Back from summer recess, we held our joint Board
and General Meeting on September 11th, where we elected
our nominating committee. This important annual meeting
was chaired by Parliamentarian P/P Arlene Carabet. The
committee nominates our slate of officers and directors for
next year and will provide the list at our October meeting.
Then on September 25th, Janet Bubar Rich put together
our final speaker’s lunch with a representative from the
USC Wrigley Marine institute educating us about the cutting
edge of marine biological research. These lunches have
been a huge success and the Auxiliary is planning a new
schedule of educational speakers next year.
We are now planning our last activities for my year
with a special October shopping trip to Morongo Casino and
outlet shopping on October 29th and 30th, led by Toni
Appell and Sheila Chadroff. Hopefully, by the time you
read this, all of the details will be available on a very colorful
flyer. On October 4th, P/P Paula Bertik is organizing a field
trip to the Autry National Museum. And finally, our
installation tea is scheduled for November 17th. All 2013
Auxiliary members will be invited, at no cost, for a delicious
lunch and fun program organized by Alice Impliazzo. Mark
your calendars now so you don't miss any of these great
Sue Artof
Auxiliary Officers
President ................................. Susan Artof
1st Vice President ................... Joan Wilder
2nd Vice President .................. Dotte Antelman
Treasurer................................. Barbara Patman
Recording Secretary ................ Lynne Glick
Corresponding Secretary ......... Joan Godfrey
Parliamentarian ....................... Arlene Carabet
Board of Directors
Toni Appell
Janet Bubar-Rich
Carol Franklin
Arlene Garbus
October 2013
Arlene Mohilner
Beverly Pessell
P/P Debbie Wasserman
Showcase Your Talent!
We are looking for our TALENTED
MEMBERS to display their photography,
paintings, drawings, handmade jewelry, knitting, or any other miscellaneous artwork to
display in the DRYC ART SHOW scheduled for the WEEKEND OF FEB 22-24.
We want to showcase your art. Please
let us know if and what you want to display.
If interested, please call Gail at
(310) 821-1290.
Gail McLatcher - Chair
A Hospitality Event
Open most Sundays Noon - 3 PM. If closed, the office
staff or a member of our team would be happy to assist you
if available.
Joan Wilder, Dotte Antelman, and the Ship’s Store Crew
Auxiliary Community Outreach
OPCC Dinner
On Thursday, September 12th, the Auxiliary prepared and served dinner at the Ocean Park Community
Center as part of the ongoing outreach program for the
The homemade chili, cornbread, coleslaw and dessert was greatly appreciated by those served. Members
who prepared, served, and supported the effort to help the
homeless in September included Jamie Berger, Vivian
Callahan, Jeanne Dominguez, Carol Franklin, Arlene
Garbus, Sandi Guttman, Dir. Gail McLatcher, Arlene
Mohilner, Elaine Orner and Bob Kerziner, Eileen
Schwartz, and Jamie and Bruce Terrence. A special
thank you to Elaine who was ill but sent her friend, Diane,
from Australia to cover and to Jamie Terrence who sent
Bruce with chili she made.
If you’re interested in helping to prepare and/or
serve on the second Thursday of the month, contact Arlene
Mohilner as we always appreciate involving new people.
October 2013
By: Lynne Silverstein, Manager
Yay, Spooktober (aka October) is back! And you
can be sure that I’ll be all decked out in Halloween costume
attire on that fateful and special day! And, for you other Halloween lovers, the Employees will once again show their
talent for the macabre, silly and obscure when we hold our
4th Annual Employee Pumpkin Carving Contest. Make sure
to stop by the week of Halloween, view the pumpkins and
vote on your favorite (four departments: Front Office,
Maintenance, Juniors and F&B)! The member votes are
anonymous and the winning employees will get a pizza party. And I’m laying down the gauntlet now to say that Front
Office will bring it again this year and go for its third win…
can you say three-peat?
Some things to be aware of in October (other than
black cats, cobwebs and open graves). Call the Front Office
for reservations for Oktoberfest Buffet Night, Friday the
18th, a wonderful smorgasbord of traditional Bavarian cuisine. There’s a keg of German beer available to those who
partake in the buffet (good until final consumption). Meet
the Candidates is on Wednesday the 23rd at 7:30 PM in the
PV Room. Save the date and make plans to attend this important evening so you know which members (eight of them
to be specific) to vote for come election night in November.
The next few months just blur together in a holidayfestlike manner, so make sure to call the Office now for
dates in which you’d like to host your family or company
holiday party, dinner, fete, soiree, etc…
Now on to some hints and tips…
 Roster Info – October is the month
that the Club sends out a roster update form in your billing statements. If
you have any changes – address,
phone, email, etc. – please take the
time to update your information for us
and the new 2014 Member’s Roster.
 Election Talk – Remember that
Board of Director Absentee Ballots
are available starting Thursday, October 24th if you will not be able to attend the election meeting on November 13th.
 Thanksgiving – Sign-up now for our
wonderful and scrumptious Thanksgiving Buffet Feast. Only $30.95++
per person or $15.95++ for children
under 12. Make reservations from 26:15 PM with the Front Office. This
wonderful buffet sells out, so act fast!
As always, feel free to email me at [email protected] with any suggestions or comments! Please
continue to look to my weekly “Event Reminder” emails to
keep up with all the current Club events and news, as well
as local news and events that affect YOU.
October 2013
Patricia “Trish” Lambert
14007 Palawan Way, #103
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Sponsor: N/A
Craig & Rena Leeds
(Flag Conversion)
6004 County Oak Road
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Sponsor: F. Leeds, I. Fellows,
F. Rapp
Sheri Senter
(Flag Transfer)
24961 Nellie Gail Road
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Sponsor: H. Feldman, R, Hasson,
M. Schorr
Michael Mosbach
8033 W. Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Sponsors: P. Artof, I. Fellows,
M. Pynes
Herbert Moorman
219 S. Barrington, # 223
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Sponsor: J. Terrance
Chandos Erwin & Sara Dee
946 Indiana Avenue
Venice, CA 90291
Sponsor: Y. Kwee
In Memoriam
Phyllis Fliegel
Betty Gerard
DRYC’s Fashion Show
The Auxiliary’s
Annual Fashion Show
and Luncheon was a
huge success with models sporting Active Wear
from Lorna Jane located
at Waterside Shopping
Center in Marina del
A big ‘Thanks’
goes to Chairs: P/P Estelle Ferdman and P/P
Amanda Berris, wardrobe Assistants: Arlene Garbus
and P/P Debbie Resnick, models: Janet Bubar Rich,
Vivian Callahan, Racquel Frawley, P/P Barbara Gold,
Jennifer Head, Diane Kaplan, Suzanne Kassap, Cindy
Phillips, Rita Silverman, Marlene Sostman, Tanya
Wilder; and Comm.
Paul Artof, acting as
the models’ runway
Donate your used Marine Equipment
Receive a Tax Deduction
Proceeds provide scholarships to
local Junior Sailing Programs
And support Youth Sailing
Activities • 310-387-0747
[email protected]
After a long afternoon,
it’s time to relax on the
red carpet!
Election Process for
2014 Directors and Officers
Sunday, Sept. 22 – Sunday, October 13
Nomination by Petition submitted to Secretary:
The petition needs to be signed by at least 30, but
not more than 35 Flag certificate holders in good
standing. The completed petition needs to be turned
in to the Secretary no later than October 13th.
Sunday, Oct. 13
Director’s Bios Due to Signal:
Submit bios to Secretary of not more than 150
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 7:30 PM
Meet the Candidates Night
Thursday, Oct. 24 – Wednesday, Nov. 13
Absentee Ballots Available: Absentee ballots must
be turned in by November 13th before 5:00 PM. No
Wednesday, Nov. 13, 6:30 PM
General Membership Meeting: Election of Directors
by Membership.
Saturday, Nov. 16, 10:30 AM
Special Board Meeting: Election of Officers by
Board of Directors.
Saturday, Dec. 7, 6:30 PM
Installation of Officers and Directors Gala
2014 Membership
Roster Update
In January of next year, DRYC will print a new
membership roster listing ALL members as of December
31, 2013. A copy will be mailed to each member. The roster
is only useful to the membership if its data is accurate and
the set of members’ photos is complete.
A profile of each member’s roster information will be
enclosed with the October 1 statement from DRYC. Please
check the profile carefully and update your address and
phone numbers, if necessary. Report the corrections to the
DRYC office by returning your marked-up profile page by
mail, fax or in person.
If your photo is missing, out-of-date, or you just
would like a new one, please contact Jim Garvey at [email protected] or (310) 338-1185 to arrange a time that is
convenient for you. NOTE: the camera is generally set up
on evenings when there is an Admissions meeting
(Wednesdays Oct. 9th, Nov. 6th and Dec. 11th). If one of
these dates is convenient for you, just stop by between 6:30
and 7:30 PM, and Jim will take your picture.
Peggy Redler
October 2013
MEN’S BOOK CLUB - Reviews Gone Girl
Dear Readers,
October, the tenth month of the year is
here. And the leaves are turning colors somewhere but not in Southern California.
Congratulations to P/P Rita Diamond.
A new great grandson joined the family recently.
His name is Braxton Lalo. The proud parents are
Jonathan and Heather Lalo. Rita also celebrated her 95th birthday at the Auxiliary Fashion
Show Luncheon surrounded by dear friends.
Ken and Jill Raich are proud first time
grandparents to Jack Robert Raich, born on
September 2nd. The parents are Jason and
Amanda Raich. Congratulations to the whole
“God grant me patience… and I want it right
We have taken the plunge for the first time. We
read a New York Best Seller while it was still on the list.
Thanks to Howard Feldman who obtains his reading material via Audio Books, we chose his selection Gone Girl by
Gillian Flynn, and we quickly found out why it is a best seller.
According to our members, it had all the elements that
make it a thriller. Howard Katzman gave it a high rating as a mystery
with lots of twists and turns. Jim Foyer found that he could not outsmart
the author which he usually can do with most mysteries. However, he
joined some of the others in not liking the ending. Tom Redler read it
once and was ready to toss it but decided to give it a second chance and
upon rereading found the book well written, interesting, and now likes the
ending. Joe Goodman felt the book should be retitled The Psycho Couple, since the behavior of the characters portrayed them as unbelievable
even contemptible. Randy Parker said it best, “they are two miserable
human beings both being punished by going on to live together.”
Like all books, some liked it, some disliked it, but the consensus
is that it was interesting. Picking up on current themes, it deals with loss
of jobs, parental complications, murder, and much more, including unfaithfulness and lots of explicit sex. Add the pathological lying, and for
good measure, it contains an intriguing mystery.
For next month, we return to the world of reality and will be discussing A Higher Call written by Adam Makos. This read is a true story of
combat and chivalry in the war torn skies of World War II.
Mel Small
October 2013
Don’t’ worry about what
you’re going to do when you’re
not boating. It looks like
Hospitality has a great fall
season planned.
There will be Monday
Night Football, hosted by Dir.
Gary and Arlene Mohilner; the
Godfrey’s have planned the
handicapping and the bar is
hamburgers were prepared by
It’s All About the Food cruise.
Plan to come every Monday Night until the winners of both
leagues are chosen and announced and . . .It’s Super Bowl
time! Invite your friends, you’ll have fun, dinner and maybe
even go home with some winnings.
Friday Night’s Big Plans include Movie Nights. Look
for the ‘Coming Attractions’ board, which will tell about the
films you won’t want to miss. On September 27th, Howard
Feldman, a long time fan and collector, showed his Jackie
Mason tapes. It was a night of comedy and memories of
yesterday’s topical events.
Argo will be screened by Bonnie Blumenkrantz on
October 4th. Get together with friends, enjoy the bar and
watch the film.
It was a Party! Margaritaville was held on Saturday,
September 28th. Dancing, Caribbean Fusion food was on
the patio with music by Uncle Monkey.
Michael Cladis & Willie Aron (members are saying
they miss them), Hugo (on October 11th), and Roberto
Cordero (last here September 20th) will be semi-regular
music fare on Friday Nights. Check the Club calendar to
see just when they’re coming. It’s a nice evening of relaxing,
eating, conversation, a few drinks or a glass of wine and
listening to music. You’re always invited to dance.
The Car Show with classic, vintage and sports cars
was a great happening! Thanks to car buff chairs Roger
Friedman, Lionel Garbus, Bob McLatcher, Steve Head,
and Steve Mitan.
Future Planning: Clean out your closets. Joan
Godfrey will run the ‘White Elephant Gift Exchange’ on New
Year’s Bowl Day (for members only). Remember, “Your junk
is another man/ woman’s treasure.”
A Member Art Show is scheduled for February 22nd
and 23rd. Dir. Gail McLatcher is asking for people with art
who want to show it, and people who want to help setting up
the show.
Mark your calendar
The next Hospitality Meeting is Sunday, October
6th at 4:00 PM. We could use your great ideas, so please
come and share them!
Howard Katzman and Donna Johnson, Co-chairs
October 2013
October 2013
2 Book Clubs
-5:30 Pilates
-7:00 Dart Night
6 4PM Hospitality
7 5:30PM Monday 8
9 10AM Auxilliary
-6PM New Member
Night Football
-5:30 Pilates
14 5:30PM
15 7:30PM
16 5:30 Pilates*
Monday Night
SeaVenturers Mtg.
(Pacific Room)
Cruise (Cat Harbor)
-Nom. Cut-off/Dir.
Bios due to Signal
1PM Aux Kid’s
Halloween Party
4 7:30 Movie
5 10AM Pilates
-Aux Trip to Gene
Autry Museum
12 10AM Pilates
FOOD Cruise (Cat
FOOD Cruise (Cat
-8PM Hosp. Hugo
Fernandez, singer
6:30PM BOD Mtg.
18 6PM
19 10AM Pilates
Oktoberfest Buffet
-3PM Halloween
Regatta & Party (Aft
-8PM Roberto Cordero
Jazz (Lounge)
21 5:30PM
22 Aux Viejas
23 5:30 Pilates*
24 Absentt Ballots 25
26 10AM Pilates
Monday Night
-Aux Viejas
(Pacific Room)
-6:30 Halloween Party/
28 5:30PM
30 5:30 Pilates
-7:30PM Meet the
Candidates Night
Monday Night
The Wreck Deck hosted
some great activities this year. In
June, we watched a movie under the
stars enjoyed by many members both young and old.
Mid July we had our Rave Dance, a first for the Club.
The DJ played some great music that everyone had fun dancing to. It was so good that now the adults want to have one!
The Life of Pi was an artistic success. The movie was
shown in the pool area and members and kids watched from
the comfort of their deck chairs and dinghies floating in the
pool. Intermission featured a "make your own ice cream sundae
The snow cone machine has been a great treat for the
kids; we have been using it at many of the Cat Harbor cruises
and our Wreck Deck events.
Our warm summer days are coming to an end, as are
Julie and my involvement in Wreck Deck activities. It's time to
pass the baton on to another member willing to organize 2014
events for our young DRYC members. Contact us or your Commodore for info.
Wreck Deck Organizers
Anita van Duyn & Julie Reingold
10 October 2013
November 2013
1 Movie Night
4PM Hospitality
4 5:30PM Monday 5
6 Book Clubs
Night Football
-5:30 Pilates
-7:00 Dart Night
11 5:30PM
13 6:30PM
Monday Night
& Election Board
-Absentee ballots
due by 5PM
17 8AM Drumstick 18 5:30PM
19 7:30PM
20 5:30 Pilates
-Aux. Tea/Luncheon
SeaVenturers Mtg.
-6:30PM BOD Mtg.
Monday Night
8 8PM Music TBD 9 10AM Pilates
-6PM Commodore’s
Awards Dinner
8AM Angler
Shooting Contest
2 10AM Pilates
22 8PM Aux. Bingo 23 10AM Pilates
10AM Pilates
-10:30AM Special
BOD Mtg to elect
-8PM Bingo Night
(No Brunch)
Monday Night
27 5:30 Pilates
29 no food/dining
30 10AM Pilates
service. Club closes
Is it ever too early to plan for your gala New Year’s party?
Mark your calendars to join your friends at DRYC’s
New Year’s event. More details to come!
Hospitality Mtg.
18 BOD Mtg.
Monday Night Football
20 Michael Cladis & Willy Arons
Book Clubs
Dart Night
21 Pilates
Holiday Night
Movie Night
Installation Night
24 Christmas Eve-Club closes at
Monday Night Football
25 Christmas - Club Closed
23 Monday Night Football
11 Auxiliary Mtg.
28 Pilates
13 Junior Holiday Party
closes at 5PM
New Year’s Eve Party
14 Pilates
MdR Holiday Boat Parade
16 Monday Night Football
October 2013
Monofilament Fishing Line can entangle and
kill wildlife, and cause boat damage. It's NOT biodegradable and can remain in the environment for over
600 years.
Wildlife may suffer loss of limbs from line entanglement and even death from gangrenous infection,
or ingestion of the
line. Fishing line
discarded in our
fouls boat propellers and is a serious litter problem,
especially around
boat ramps and
Even when we
dispose of the line
in trash bins, it still goes to the landfill which creates the
same hazards for wildlife, unless it is cut into small
pieces. The best solution is to save your used line for
Monofilament line can be recycled at the fuel
dock right here in Marina del Rey at Del Rey Landing,
13800 Bora Bora Way, (310) 822- 4878.
Debbie Wasserman
Ecology Chair
The Seaventurers cruise started August 14th and
involved seven boats who visited Channel Island Yacht Club
and harbor then went on to Santa Barbara Yacht Club and
harbor for several more days of sight-seeing and socializing.
Our fleet then went to Santa Cruz Island where we practiced
anchoring and dinghy exploration before heading down to
Cherry Cove in Catalina.
Several members anchored out for the first time and
we all got practice with our radar, navigation equipment and fog
horns. Our Seaventurers fleet then joined up with the Newport
Cruise and Cruise-to-the-Cruise at Avalon and finally, the
Commodore’s Cruise.
All together, we spent nearly three (3) weeks on the
water and came away with new skills and enhanced suntans.
The next Seaventure meeting is Tuesday, October
22nd at 7:30 PM and will feature several new items to make
boating easier at SHOW AND TELL.
Bob Godfrey & Sheldon Ferdman, Co-chairs
12 October 2013
Six boats from three Yacht & Fishing Clubs (DRYC, Only one considered a winner for 18 boats. We scoured the
PMYC & MDRA) teamed up to go on a Wolf Pack Fishing ocean and never saw any signs of marlin or even a decentTuna Trip in U.S. Waters. The plan was to cover waters from sized kelp paddy. We fished one of the days for yellowtail
Catalina and as far west to the Cortez Bank, Tanner Bank, that was an included species in their tuna category. I fought a
the 60 Mile Bank and as far south to the 43 & Butterfly Spots very large fish off the East end of Catalina, but lost it before it
looking to score on a tuna bite. We did have one boat, Pez got to the boat.”
Finder, also fishing in Mexican waters in the hunt.
We call it the Wolf Pack because we hunt as a team Coming Events:
of boats to find our prey and stay in contact with each other.  Sunday, November
If tuna are found, we all can converge on the location to catch
10th at 10:00 AM:
our sushi. Well, the hunt produced no tuna to our
Sporting Clay
disappointment in our waters at that time. Divergent came the
Shooting Contest –
closest with 8 Bonito (Tuna Family) in the 8-10 lb. size, and 13 offsite range
we got some big Sheepshead 6-10 lb. fishing at the Cortez  Saturday, January
Bank. By the way, those Bonito make excellent Sushi! To the
25th, 2014 at 6:30
south outside of Ensenada, Pez Finder had a nice catch of
PM: Angler’s Awards
30 Yellowtail.
Most of us were
able to rendezvous on
Turn in your Catch!
Saturday night in Pyramid DRYC Weigh-Slips are
Cove at San Clemente available at the Angler's
Island for a wonderful Bulletin and on our
evening of camaraderie, Website:
sushi, dinner and fishing on
the hook. Some good
Tight lines to all.
Vic & Larry.. At the Cortez Bank
fishing with quality halibut
as well as other species can Vic Jedlicka, Chair
be caught here.
Fishing Challenge, we had
two boats Three Flags and
Big Mama entered in this
tournament. The fish did not
cooperate for our DRYC
team at all.
Smothers was able to hang
on to 5th place. But the win
went to Randy Sprout of
CYC with a 16 lb. 13 oz.
Lingcod earning them the
holder of the perpetual
Mario Paz scores 30 yellowtail
trophy until next time.
with family.
Congratulations to all the
Ron Smothers reports on the King Harbor Marlin
“There were 9 boats in the tournament with 3 marlin
released. We had fun enjoying the beauty of Avalon and we
trolled along the beaches on the front side for catching some
Richard Somers reports on the Catalina Island
Yacht Club Tournament.
“There were 3 fish hooked and brought to the boat,
but two of them didn't quite make it to be considered caught.
October 2013
From the Galley
By: Bryan LaForte
The fall is arriving in the Marina so
warm your bellies with some great food and
drinks at the Club this month. We will be
featuring an Oktoberfest on Friday the 18th.
This will be a fun German-style feast
featuring a keg of delicious beer. Make your
reservations early for this event! We will also
be having our Halloween party for the adults
on Saturday the 26th. Come dressed up in
your scariest or funniest costume and enjoy
dinner, dancing and companionship with your fellow members.
Contact the Office to sign up for these events.
For the past few months, our drink specials have been
very well received, so that brings us to the October specials.
This month we will feature two amazing wines. The first is
Clean Slate Riesling from Germany. Credited with producing
the finest Rieslings in the world, the slate soil of the Mosel
region is where the long-ripening Riesling grape finds its most
perfect growing conditions. Prolonged ripening allows for
maximum flavor development from the terroir [land] and a crisp,
refreshing acidity with mineral notes. The result is a truly unique
and elegant Riesling that is simply not possible to produce in
warmer, early-ripening climates. All month long this wine will be
available for $6 a glass!
The second wine is a fantastic limited edition wine from
Sonoma County called Besieged. This wine is a blend of
Carignane (35%), Petite Sirah (20%), Zinfandel (18%),
Moourvedre (9%), Alicante Bouschet (9%), and Barbera (5%).
We only have a limited amount of this wine so try it soon. We
are offering this at a steal of $30 a bottle.
Lynne Glick asked me to also publish a recipe that
many people have been asking her for. Here is her secret
recipe for Island Curry Layers Dip.
Island Curry Base Layer:
8 oz. Cream Cheese, softened
1 cup Cottage Cheese
¼ cup Sour Cream
2 teaspoons Curry Powder
Combine these ingredients, blending until smooth.
Spread into serving dish.
Layer the next ingredients on the cheese base
in this order:
1 cup Indian-style Chutney
1/3 cup Green Onions, chopped
1/3 cup Raisins, chopped
1/3 cup shredded Coconut
1 cup cooked Chicken, chopped
½ cup Salted Peanuts, chopped
Cover and chill for 4 hours or overnight to blend. Serve
with assorted crackers. (You can add more of the additional
ingredients onions, raisins, etc. if you want!)
Bon Appétit!
14 October 2013
FLEET SURGEON - how NOT to slip on your boat
I had a great time on the Got Guts Cruise right up
until I slipped going down the companionway stairs, grabbed
the overhead rail with one hand and strained the ligaments
in my wrist. On the positive side it gave me the idea for this
month’s article – how not to slip on your boat. Beyond the
usual advice of “one hand for the boat and one hand for
yourself,” and of course “try keeping your eyes open,” I
decided to narrow the discussion to footwear.
Let’s start with the morbid details. Slips and falls are
the leading cause of serious injury on boats and the second
leading cause of accidental death behind drowning. Though
some of us have been seen crawling around on deck, the
usual point of (or loss of) contact between the deck and us is
our feet. Let’s assume we’re smart enough to know not to go
around in just our stocking feet while aboard (or at least we
get smart after slipping down a companionway). The
discussion then becomes one of “what is the best footwear
to prevent slipping and falling?” Since a teenager I have
worn Top Siders and to this day I have not thrown away a
single pair. My closet floor looks like a used car lot for these
“classics.” The common assumption is, “If you don’t want to
slip, wear your Top Siders.” I decided to run some
experiments gathering about eight pairs of these shoes on
the boat, including some specifically designed “sailing
shoes.” I then proceeded to test them by trying to force my
foot to slide on the deck. I compared the results with an
examination of the soles of the shoes. Admittedly I knew
how this was going to look so I did this on a Thursday
afternoon when I assumed there would be few members
around – this part worked out just fine except for the Sheriff’s
patrol boat giving me some strange looks, circling back and
taking what I assume was a video.
I found that most of the soles had hardened and
become slick. This was even happening to shoes bought just
a year ago. The harder and slicker, the easier to slide! They
had lost their “stickiness.” So how do I restore my
“collection” to Bristol stick? I spent several weeks
researching this question and spent another Thursday in
“the lab.” I tried rubbing the soles in circles with sandpaper. I
applied different solvents (acetone and lacquer thinner)
hoping to soften the material. I scuffed up the bottoms by
putting my feet down while riding my bike in the parking lot.
As they do to enhance the performance of racing tires, I
attacked the soles with a
knife, putting cuts (known
in the tire industry as
“sipes”) in various patterns.
I even sprayed on a variety
of things like silicone and
hairspray. Improvement in
traction was minimal and
temporary. What I did
succeed in doing was
moving my collection of
shoes out of the closet and
putting most of them in “the salvage yard.” I was
disheartened. I then looked around on the docks and noticed
that not one of the boat maintenance people (who clamber
over the boats with water, soaps and waxes) was wearing
anything that resembled a boat shoe. All of them wore
various types of athletic shoes.
There’s a lesson in this – save yourself a slip and
fall (and possibly some money). All you need is a sole that’s
rubbery with grooves. At the high end are shoes such as
Shoes For Crews designed to keep people upright even on
wet and greasy kitchen floors. For me, I just bought a pair of
aqua socks at West Marine for $18. I wear them like slippers
over my socks and now I’m like Spiderman!
Peter B. Hirsch, M.D.
Fleet Surgeon
October 2013
“Semper Paratus” (“Always Ready”)
If you have a boat/yacht that does not get much use
and if you would like to be on-the-water more often, then you
might want to consider getting involved with the USCG Auxiliary. Auxiliarists can become highly trained as Crew and Coxswains to Coast Guard standards. Auxiliary boats/yachts are
known as Facilities.
They are essential to the mission of the Coast Guard
and the Auxiliary. The USCG Auxiliary is an all-volunteer organization Established by Congress in 1939, the nearly
40,000 members of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
provide vessel safety checks, harbor patrols, safe boating
courses, search and rescue operations, and marine environmental protection - nationwide. Each year, Auxiliarists volunteer more than two million hours benefiting boaters, their families, and the public. For information about and/or joining the
Auxiliary go to
DRYC is home for two Flotillas 12-4 (of which, I’m a
member and 12-7). Both Flotillas meet on the third Monday of
each month in the Puerto Vallarta Room at 7 PM. Guests are
always welcome.
Want some first class training, both on and off the
water? Then join us for a “tryout.” If you like what you discover, become an Auxiliarist.
Ultimate 20s National
Championship Regatta at DRYC.
Sterling Tallman
Past Division 12 Commander, USCG District 11,
Southern Region
16 October 2013
Congratulations to Virginia Howard, Scott DeCurtis
and all of those who spirited the DRYC Junior Program into
its hugely successful sailing season. Experienced and novice Juniors attended major sailing clinics and workshops
and continue to enjoy major successes on local and national levels.
This year to date, SMBSF has funded more than
$32,000 in grants including:
Full sponsorship for every Junior invited to the
prestigious CISA Advanced Racing clinic.
Scholarships for the DRYC Junior Programs and
charter fees as needed.
Underwriting Clinics and education to inspire and
enable Junior Sailors of all skill levels.
Enrollment fees for US Sailing Level One training for DRYC coaches.
Funding the rebuild of the DRYC trailer to haul
boats to racing events.
Enrollment fees for individuals who attend racing
clinics and training opportunities.
Competition Grants for U.S. Sailing single
champs, Orange Bowl, Ida Lewis Jr. Women’s
Double Handed Regatta, US Youth Champs,
Shadden series, Junior Olympics and more.
Sponsorship of two of the Del Rey Anglers’ summer youth fishing trips.
Thanks for your donations to the foundation that
always pays it forward with immediate benefits to DRYC
Junior Sailing. Your tax deductible contributions of goods
and cash are deeply appreciated and welcomed throughout
the year.
Please join us in registering your Ralph’s card by
handing this article to the checker next time you shop. A
portion of your expenditures will be credited to SMBSF at
no cost you.
NPO 82356
Barbara Patman &
the SMBSF Board
Santa Monica Bay Sailing
Foundation is a
501(c)3 tax exempt corporation:
ID 95-4271678.
October 2013
It ’s 1st Place for Duchess!
Cruising A Class; and winner of the Allan Elliot Perpetual trophy; and 2nd place
runner-up for the Millard Rosen Cruising Division championship.
Duchess Crew, Ron Jacobs, S/C Bob Heintz, Dir. Russ Runnalls, Peter Arkin, York Truin
and Peter Gmiter wins the CYC Sunset Series Allan Elliot Trophy. Photo by S/C Ann
Ach of CYC.
A Month of Cruises...
18 October 2013
We will be continuing the Friday Night Sundown Paddle Board Races so come down
to watch! Photo by Andy Kopetzky
October 2013
Van Nuys, CA
Permit N. 20
13900 Palawan Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
(310) 823-4664
Fax (310) 821-1346
The Commodore’s Cruise
20 October 2013