July 3 - 21, 1947 Council Minutes


July 3 - 21, 1947 Council Minutes
Minutes of Special.Baeeting
i n t h e Counc i l Chamber, City .Hall, on
Thursday,July 3rd 1947 a t
9 a.m.
His worship Mayor Jack .Loutet,
Alderman E. N. Copping,
c. McMdillan and
Alderman A. Stewart.
The Clerk reported that the meeting had
been a d v e r t i s e d
f o r 24 h o u r sa sr e q u i r e d
by the1MunicipalAct."
Moved by Alderman Coppinf, seconded by AldermanMcMillan
By-law 194711
be r e c o n s i d e r e d , f i n a l l y a d o p t e d
and passed by theCouncil,
signed by t h e Mayor and C i t y C l e r k and s e a l e d w i t h t h e
Whereupon t h e By-law was r e c o n s i d e r e d , f i n a l l y a d o p t e d
and passed by the Council, signed
by the Nayorand C i t y
Clerk and s e a l e d with t h e C o r p o r a t e S e a l and numbered 1811.
Novedby Alderman A. Stewart,seconded
by AlderrnanCopping
t h a t 1fThe City of North Vancouver E l e c t r i c a l I n s p e c t i o n By3 law 1926, Amendment By-law, 1'94711 be r e c o n s i d e r e d , f i n a l l y
by the Council, signed
by t h e Mayor and
with theCorporateSeal.Carried
Whereupon t h e Ey-law was r e c o n s i d e r e d , f i n a l l y a d o p t e d
* a n d passed by the Council, signed
by t h e Mayor and C i t y
Clerk and s e a l e d w i t h t h e C o r p o r a t e S e a l
and numbered1812.
Moved by Alderman Copping, seconded by Alderman
McMillan that the meeting adjourn.
a t 9.20 a.m.
Whereupon the meeting adjourned
-.,. ~ , .
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" .
Minutes: of Regular .meeting o f . .the.:.. .
Council, held i n the .Council Chamber,
City Hkll; on.Monday, July 7th, 1147
a t 8 p. m.
His Worship Acting Mayor A. M. Stewart
Alderman Copping, Alderman Goldsworthy,
Alderman McMillan, Alderman A. Stewart
and A l d e m n Walker.
Movedby Alderman Copping, seconded byAlderman A.Stewart that t h e Minutes
of t h e Regular meeting held
on June 16th 1947, t h e Minutes of the Special
Meeting held on June 30th 1947 and t h e Minutes of the Special meeting held
on July 3rd 1947, beadopted,se!ehevingbeenread
by the members of the
From Mrs.Walter Rvcar.~.
1520 Frederick Road. askim the Council to consider
changing t h e 12.30 a. m. Ferry t r i p from Vi.ncouver t o 12.40 or 12./+5 a. m.
Moved by Blderman A. Stewart, seconded by AldermanMcMillan t h a t t h i s r e questbereferredtotheFerry
Committee forconsideration.Carried.
Fro% Dr. R. F.Brown,
M. H. 0. advising that he had inspected the local
had found that newpaper reports of the unsanitary condi t i o n of $he Reserve where very much exaggerated. He reported that a Swimming pool used by the -Children in the Reserve i s a d e f i n i t e h e a l t h hazard a.nd
t h e r e is a l s o a dearth of wa.ter taps but he pointed out that both these
c o n d i t i o n s a r e m a t t r r s t h a t t h e Departmelt of Indian Affairs could and should
r e c t i f y a t once.
Movedby Alderman McMillan, se'conded by Alderman Goldsworthy t h a t Dr. Brown
be thanked f o r h i s r e p o r t and t h e l e t t e r f i l e d .
of t h e 1947 Conference t o be held
From t h e B. C. Aviation Council, advising
a t Harrison Hot Springs Hotel on September 1 8 t h and 19th.
Moved by Alderman McMillan, seconded by AldermanCopping t h a t t h i s m a t t e r
be referred t o Superintendent Greenwood f o r a report.Carried.
From Mr. J. S. Matthews, Vancouver 'City Archivist, complimenting the Council
on t h e i r having i n i t i a t e d t h e i d e a of establishing a Metropolitan Archive.
k Moved
Alderman A. Stewart,seconded by Alderman McMillan t h a t Mr. Matthew
bethanked f o r h i s remarks and h i s l e t t e r r e f e r r e d t o t h e Committee now preparing a H i s t o r i c a l Mbum of tee City of North Vanoouver. Carried.
From S.,F.McIlwain,
26L East 25th Street, reGuesting the installation
of a
s t r e e t l i g h t a t 2 5 t h and St. Andrew's.
Movedby Alderman Copping, seconded byAlderman AStewart t h s t t h i s request
and Light Commit6ee f o r consideration.Carried.
The Clerk submitted 8 applications t o purchase tax sale property.
Movedby Alderman A. Stewart,seconded by Alderman Copping t h a t t h e
following sales of tax sale lands be placed
on t h e next By-law f o r convqance:-
19 & 20
25 & 26
1 & 2
3 6
Name of Purchaser
& Annie Silby
$275.00 Y
Thomas Frederick White
$112.50 J
Ronald Albert Spencer & Florence
Charles Gosse Maltby
$175.00 v
Harry Hanson & Norah
$662'50 LI
& Evelyn
$250.00 J
$ 75-.OO v
Hugh Alexander Gunn
Albert Robert Tho@son& Clare
$ 50.00 J
The Clerk reported that two tenders ha.d been received
Lynn Creek Bridge on Cotton Road.
f o r t h e painting of
. ..
.. .
. .
.Moved 'by'Aldermq' A. Stewart.,
. .
now 'operied. . Carried.
Tenders were opened a s follows:\
St. James Painters
J . Boshard & Son Ltd. (1coat)
by Ald'erman Walker that
$ 958.00
Movedby Alderman Walker, seconded byAldermanCopping
that the tender of S t .
James P a i n t e r s t o p a i n t t h e Lynn Creek Bridge on cotton Road f o r t h e sum of
$1,000.00 beaccepted.Carried
RECOMMEND that t h e Mayor and Clerk be authorized t o s i e n a renewal f o r a ueriod
of one y e a r from July 1st 1947, of t h e l e a s e by C. H. & t e s & Sons Ltd., covering thewesterly 50 f t . of parcel 1 of A, Block177,
0. L. 274, Plan 5936, f o r
t h e 'sum of $50.00, per month.
P. G. E;' s t a t i o n
RECOMMEND t h a t S. Houlden be rented the portion of .the former
formerly used by,his ?inn, for the
sum of $10.00 per month,from Ma&h 15th 1947.
RECOMMeND t h a t t h e
C. E l e c t r i c Reilway Cornpa@ beallowed the use of the washroom f a c i l i t i e s i n t h e former P. G. 'E. s t a t i o n , f o r t h e sum of $10.00 per month
from J u l y 1st 1947, t h e eompany t o b e a r the cost of providing an entrance.
RECOMMEND t h a t @.H. Cates & Sons Ltd., be rented the southerly
16 f e e t of the
former P. G.E. s t a t i o n f o r t h e sum of $25.00 per month, from July 15th 1947.
RECOMMEND t h a t an increase of $15.00 per monthbe wanted to Ferry Ticket Sellers, Turnstile Attendants, Cleaners aid
Watchmen, r e t r o e c t i v e t o j a n u a r y lst,
RECOMMEND that the Ticket Sellers classifica.tion be paid a rate of
$160.00 per
1 month from t h e d a t e t h a t t h e d u t i e s
of t h i s p o s i t i o n e n t a i l s b o t h t h e s e l l i n g
and collecting of f a r e s on the Ferry system.
RECOMMENC t h a t t h e h o u r l y r a t e of t h e maintenance men be 82$ per hour f o r ordinary and 87# per hour for special or
advznce l 6 h O U r ; retroactive to January l s t ,
RECOMMEND that the Ticket Sellers work a 48 h o w week and t h e maintenance men
40 hours per week, provided a mutual arrangement. is reached for one maintenance
man t o be' on duty each Saturday morning i n return for an equal period off duty
during the following
RECOMMEND t h a t StatuCory h o l i d q s b e observed and time off allowed i n lieu thereof and the following shall be deemed t o be the Statutory Holidays referred to:
New Year 1 s Day
Day Day
Good Friday
Christpias Day
Labour Day
Empire Day
Thsnksgiving lky
Boxing Day
RECOMMEND that t h e lunch hour of maintenance men be reduced from one. hour t o
one-half hour and the men allowed t o l e a v e t h e i r work one-half hour e. a r.~l i e r .
RECOMMEND that time and one-half be paid maintenance
men f o r time spent worki
g i n s i d e pontoons e.nd f o r time spent cleaning boilers.
RECO"J3NC t h a t t h e Mayor and Clerk be authorized to s i g n an agreement with t k
Canadian Seaqen's Union with the abovechanges incorporated therein.
Acting Mayor Stewart reported that the
Labour Relaions Committee of the^ Council
had been unalbe to reach an ,agreement with the Canadian Merchant Service Guild
\U, covering the Masters
and Mates on t h e c i t y F e r r i e s and that 'the~Departmentof
Lahour wodd be appoint& a Concil4ation Officer with a
view t o having t h i s
matter settled.
RECOMMEND t h a t t h e F i n a w e Cormnittee be empowered t o spend up t o $500.00 f o r
t r a n s p 0 ' r t a t i t ; n f a c i l i t i e s for the Assistant Licence Inspector,
Mr. Blackwell.
Movedby Alderman McMillan, seconded by Alderman 4.. Stewsrt th8.t the
above report of t h e Finance Committee, beadopted.Carried
Alderman Goldsworthy v o t i n g a g a i n s t t h e l a s t
recommendstion. Carried
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. .,
, Alderman Copping r e p o r t e d t h a t t h e F e l l
' ready f o r Eus;,,oper~~t.ion . . . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . .
Avenue roadway t o 20th Street is now
- .........
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
RECOMMEND t h a t t h e Vaniouver Sun be requested t o move t h e i r p a p e r d i s t r i b u t i n g
s t a t i o n a t t h e c o r n e r o f K e i t h & MacKay t o a location on t h e l o t t h a t w i l l not
t o b s t r u c t t h e view of t r a f f i c on adjacent streets.
Movedby Alderman Copping, seconded by Alderman A. 'Stewart
t h a t t h e above report of t h e Board of Works Committee be
Alderman A. Stewart reported that 3,000 f e e t of waterpipe had arrived on.July
I 2ndand.
the work of i n s t a l l a t i o n had commenced. He redorted t&t Xis Debart"
ment expected tocomplete the programme ofwater ma& i n s t a l l a t i o n b e f b r e
. . . . .
, , .
the end of year.
. .. . . . . .
. . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
Moved by AldexVnan' A.St,ewart,'.SecOnded by Aldei.man
Goldsworthy t h a t the'above'report of the Waterworks
Committee beadopted.Carried.
' ~ '
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. . . :' . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alderman McMillan reported^ t h a t a:20 .Minute'Ferry'.Sei-viCe was:iiOw .being.",
malritained throtghout' t h e day' until 1O'p. 'm. .'and t h & t " h i s'Coniinittee-is"re*examining
'the FerW Operations with
aview t o r e d u c i n g t h e d e f i c i t a t t h e end
. .
. . .
. . . .
of the
' '
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
. . .
Moved by' Alderman' McMilBn, seconded by' Alderman A.
Stewart that the 'above report of the Ferry Committee
i t
discussion arose as to statements
i n t h e p r e s s t h a t t h e Council wasconsidering abolishing the Ferries.
Alderman copping r e p o r t e d t t a t a s f a r as the Ferry Committee is concerned
there i s no intention of ceasing operations i n the near future.
Alderman Goldsworthy f e l t t h a t Suhh statements as appeared i n t h e l o c a l
5- pressrecentlyregardingtheferryoperationsshouldbe
A motion was offered.
Movedby Alderman McMfllan, seconded by Alderman Walker t h a t the Ferry
Comniittee and the Treasurer prepare a Financial Statement the Ferry
and Tressurer prepare a Financial Statement showing the position of the Ferry
RECOMMEND t h a t a survey be made of e l l City owned v e h i c i e s a s t o t h e use ma&
t h e name of the person operating same and the location where each
vehicle is kept 'after working hours.
Movedby Alderman Goldsworthy, seconded by Alderman Copping
t h a t t h e above r e p o r t of t h e F i r e and Light Committee be adopted,
RECOXMEND that the Building Inspector be authorized to issue the followi
g Commercial BuildingPermits:McMillar? Motors Ltd. Lot 2 t o which is added t h e S.
3, Block132, D.L.274-0ffice-----------------------------
J. N. Davidson Lot A, Block 72, D.L. 548
Sunday Schoml-----------------------
R. G. L. Giuliani Lot 4;'West Ptn: Block 50,
D.L 549- st or^^--------------------------------$10,000.00
n.i Durnie Lot
4, Resub: 3, Block.19.
D. L. 548-549-Lanundry-----"----------------~. ~.
8 500.00
RECOMMEND t h a t H. Robertson,2690'Mathers Avenue,West Vancouver, be
appointed, City Electrician and E l e c t r i c a l I n s p e c t o r , commencing August 1st
8 1947, a t a salary of $240.00 per month, i n accordance with the report of the
Building Committee dated July 3rd 1947.
Movedby Alderman A. Stewart, secondedby Aldermen
Goldswort& that t h e aboverecommendations of t h e
Building Committee beadopted.
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B n s .f ~. s ..s. ... . .
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The Clerk reported that .an' Ag-eement signed ~on'October 'lSt,;1941between the
coverir@ the' coristi%ctlon of'
City, :and M. B. KingLuinberCompany;
spur on F e l l Avenue, had now expired and asked for instructions regarding
Moved by Alderman A.Stewart,seconded
by Alderman McMillan that t h e M. B.
King 'Limber Company .Limited'be''notifie'd 'that .their''perinission 'to operate the
Rai1way'~Spurl k i e on Fell 'Avenue'has"now 'expired and requesting the Company
f o r a reply as to their intentions in this regard. Carried.
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_. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A t " t h i s point t?ie Waysgrid Mearis"CommittFe, representing the North Vancouver
General Hospital asked t o beallowed t o address the vouncil'.
AldermanCopping a d v i s e d t h a t t h i s Commithe had &en s e t up f o r t h e purpose
of s t u d v i w t h e problem of overcrowding a t the Hospital and he reported 'that
West Vancouver t o s h a r e in the operation of t h e North Vancouver Hospital
by financing the construction of
a wing t o same.
AldermanCopping reported that.the Special
the last suggestion.
Ways and Means Committee favoured
The Council was then addressed by Mr. Paine, Chairman of the Board of Management;
Doctors Therrien snd J. McCarley, Commissioner Sowden, and Councillors Richardson
andTleming of West Vancouver.
All speskers stressed the need for additional Hospital accommodation and were
i n favour ofWest Vancouver c o n t r i b u t i n g t o t h e North Vancouver General Hospital
j by the construction of an additional wing t o same.
It was f e l t t h a t t h i s proposal would be successful i f the proper programme of
educe-tion of the Ratepayers of t h e North Shore was pursued.
Movedby Alderman Copping, seconded byAlderman McMillan that the delegation
bethanked f o r t h e i r r e p r e s e n t a t i o n and the Clerk i n s t r u c t e d t o a d v i s e the
Municipality ofWest Vancouver t h a t t h i s C i t y i s w i l l i n g t o open negotietions
with them with aview t o securing additional Hospital accommodation, a f t e r t h e
West Vancouver council has had a i opportunity of receiving the report of t h e
Bommittee of t h e North Vancouver GeneralHospital.Carried.
The Clerk submitted a reDort from t h e Medical Health Officer. shcwiw thet
t h e month of June only one out of the 35 10 C. C. portions of water tested were
.Movedby Alderman A. Stewart,seconded byAldermanMcMillan
t h a t t h . i s report
and f i l e d .
Moved ?qAlderman A.Stewart,seconded
by AldermanCopping that Mr. George A.
Aspell be and he is hereby appointed Acting Building
and Plumbing Inspector
on vacation of Mr. D.A. Peers.Carried.
The Clerksubmitted a report from the Building Inspector showing t h a t 121 permits were i s s u e d f o r t h e first six months of 1947 t o s t o t a l va.lue of $45?,110.00.
Movedby Alderman McMillan, seconded by Alderman Walker t h a t t h i s r e p o r t b e
received and filed.Carried.
Movedby Alderman Go'ldsworthy, seconded by AldermanWalker and resolved that the
Mayor and Clerk of the City of North Vancouver be and a r e hereby authorized t o
execute and sign a Certificate detailing the following person
a permanent
employee cf the Corporation under the
Unemployment InsuranceAct, 1940."
Chester Hershall Calhoun.
Movedby AldermanGoldsworthy, seconded byAlderman Walker that Chester Hershall
Calhoun beincluded i n t h e Superannuation Scheme effective, July l s t , 1917.
% The Clerk reported that By-laws No. 1811 and 1812 a r e now r e g i s t e r e d i n the
County Court.
Ordered received and filed.
Movedby Alderman Goldsworthy,seconded byAldermanCopping
t h a t "The City of
North Vancouver Highways Dedication By-law No. 2, 1947" be introduced and read
9 a f i r s t time. Carried.
Whereupon the By-lawwas read a f i r s t time.
___ ...............
Movedby Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Goldsworthy t h a t "The
2, 1947" be
' C i t y of North Vancouver Highways Dedication By-lawNo.
read'.a second time. Carried.
Whereupon the By-law was read asecondtime.
. . . . .."
3 69..
Moved-by AldeirnanGoldswortk, seconded by Aideman Copping that the
Coiddtittee proceedings be dispensed with
and t h a t "The City of North
Vancouver Highways Dedication By-law No. 2, l947"'be read a t h i r d time.
. '.
Whereupon the By-lawwas read a t h i r d time.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Moved by Alderman Goldsworthy, s,econded byAlderman McMillan t h a t t h e
3 "City of"North Vancouver Highways Dedication By-law No. 2, 1947" be
. .~ by Council
. . .
MoveCby Al;etermanWaLker, seconded byAlderman Goldsworthy t h a t "The
City of.~NorthVaqcouver Tax Lands Sale By-law 1947, No. 12" be introdh uced'and"read' a first time.Carxied.
Whereupon t h e By-law was read a f i r s t time.
Moved'b?Alderman McMillan, seconded by Alderman A.Stewart t h a t "The City
o f North Vancouver T a x Lands Sale By-law 1947, No, 12" be read a second time.
5- Carried;
Whereupon t h e By-law was read asecondtime.
. . . .
Goldsworthy,seconded byAlderman McMillan that t h e
Committee proceedings be dispensed with and
that t h e " c i t y of North Vancouver
i, Tax~La.nds.Sale By-law 1947, No. 12" beread a t h i r d time,Carried.
whereupon t h e By-law was-read a t h i r d time.
Rovedby Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Goldsworthy t h a t "The City
of'Noxth.VanCouver T a x Lands Sale By-law 1947, No. 12" be passed by t h e
Voting for: Aldermen Copping, Goldsworthy, McMillan, A. Stewart,
Walker? and Acting A. M. Stewart.
TRe ClerK reported that'Mayor Eoutet and himself had prepared eight resolutions
f o r siibmissidn t o t h e U. B. C. M. Convention a t Harrison on September 15th,
lbth'and 17th.
.Moved'by Alderman A. Stewart, seconded by Alderman Goldswortky t h a t t h e
resolutions as prepared by t h e Mayor and Clerk and submitted t o t h e Council,
be' foiiiarded. to'the-U. B.C. M. Convention and f u r t h e r t h a t a n a d d i t i o n a l
resolution be~forvarded asking the U. B. C. M. t o p r e s s t h e P r o v i n c i a l Governof Education.Carried.
ment f o r s. more equitable method of assessing the costs
.. ~ .
Moved by'Alderman Copping, seconded by Alderman Goldsworhty t h a t t h e
"Ho$pital'Act'l be amended t o provide that Municipalities not containing a
F'tibliC Hospital'within their corporate limits be required to contribute
the.HospitKi.concerned a g r e a t e r sum o r grant per patient per diem than
t h a t now-paid and f u r t h e r t h a t a copy o f t h i s resolution be forwarded t o
the U. B. C. M. Convention. Carried.
. .
Tkie Clerk'reported that a Watermain easement which had been submitted t o
the'CouAci1 by the Netional HarboursBoard, had been r e j e c t e d by t h e S o l i c i t o r
6n the grounds that same contained many covenants t h a t Gere not agreed t o
in'the.-original agreementofJune
1st 1940 and the Board now stated a t length
theiYreasons for including
such additional cofivenants.
,Moved by' Alderman McMillan, seconded byAlderman
Stewart that this matter
Board of Works Committee forreport,Carried.
Letter'was received from the President of t h e North Vencouver City and D i s t r i c t
Property Ownera Association, recommending the complete elimination of a l l
Taxi Stands on Lonsdale %venue.
Movedby Alderman Walker,seconded by AldermanMcMillan t h a t t h e Clerk be
instructed to advise the President
of the above A s s o c i a t i o n t h a t a l l T a x i s
standingon.Lonsdale Avenue aboveEsplanade S t r e e t have no s p e c i a l r i g h t s
t h e r e and must comply with the provisions of t h e new Parking By-law whichkyill
soonbe i n effect.Carried.
The Clerk submitted a l e t t e r from E. Pare asking if he could havean sdjustment of $15.00 off his bid of $80.00 f o r t h e o l d No. 4 Ferry b o i l e r a s he
found upon inspection, that the
door frame t o t h e b o i l e r i s missing.
. . . . .
. . . . . . . .
Moved. by..Alderman McMillan, . seconded .by Hlderman .GoldSworthy"that. a n . aslowarice of '$15.00 be given E. Paf-e a n d ' h i s ' t e n d e r of $65.00 be accepted for tke
o l db o i l e.ro .u t. . . of
No. 4 Ferry.Carried.
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . . . .
The.'Clerk.'reported that one-large. family sad one
a r e still living
. . . .
. . . . . . . .
i n t h e condeuinea Palace'Ckbins.
Movedby AldermanWplker, seconded by Alderman Goldsworthy t h a t t h e Ulerk
be authorized to take the necessary legal action to
have Herman C. Nause e v i c t ed from the Palace Cabins and
t h a t a n e f f o r C b e made t o f i n d o t h e r a c c o m o d a t i o n
f o rt h ef a m i l y
of Thomas Gallant.Carried
,. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
Movedby AldermanWalker, seconded by kldernan Goldsworthy that.a:.letter
thanks be sent to the
King LumberCompany;
Evans, Coleman & Evansand c e r t a i n
members of t h e F i r e ~ D e p a r t m e n t f o r t h e i r h e l p i n constructing the City Float
f o r t h e July 1st Celebration. Carried.
,. .
Goldsworthy t h a t t h i s c o u n c i l 40 now adjourn.
Whereupon the Council adjourned,at 9.50 p.m.
Minutes of Regular meeting of the
Council,held i n the Council Chamber,
' C i t y H a l l , on Monday, J u l y 21st 1947
a t 8 p.m.
His Worship' Mayor J. L o u t e t ,
Alderman E. N. Copping, Alderman
F. R. Goldsworthy, Alderman T. C.
McMillan, Alderman A. M.Stewart,
Alderman A. Stewart and Alderman
S. H. Walker.
. ..
Alderman Copping,seconded
by Alderman Goldsworthy t h a t
on J u l y 7 t h 1947 be amended by
the Minutes of the meeting held
striking out the following
words onPage 368 of t h e Minute Book
of New Business: IlFor t h e C i t y
and D i s t r i c t t o b u i l d a Wing to the Hospital!'
and s u b s t i t u t i n g
using the
H o s p i t a lt ol o c a lP r a c t i t i o n e r s . "C a r r i e d
Moved by Alderman Copping,seconded
by Alderman Goldsworthy t h a t
the Minutes of the Regular meeting held
on J u l y 7 t h 1947 as now
adopted, same havingbeenread
by t h e members ofthe
From t h e A r m y & Navy Veterans. North VancouverBranch. r e m e s t i n g
permission t b u s e t h e E a s t s i d e
of the North VancouveG Fe&y Wharf
f o r embarking and disembarking on August 1 0 t h 1 9 4 7 , t h e o c c a s i o n
b e i n g t h e i r Annual S t a g P i c n i c .
Alderman A. Stewart,seconded
by Alderman McUillanthat
permission be granted as requested provided that the
Army & Navy
VeteransBranch i s a d v i s e d t h a t t h i s C i t y w i l l n o t be r e s p o n s i b l e
of t h e
f o r damages o r a c c i d e n t s whichmightoccurduringtheuse
F e r r y Wharf.
Fr.om t h e B. C.. .E. R. Company L i m i t e d , a d v i s i n g t h a t t h e y a r e
a Bus S e r v i c e o n . F e l 1 Avenue t o 2 0 t h S t r e e t ,
e f f e c t i v e August 1st 1 9 4 7 , t h e s e r v i c e t o
be every 20 minutes during t h e r u s h h o u r s and every hour during non-rush hours and
?Sundays and Holidays.
that the
Moved by Alderman Copping,seconded by AldermanWalker
Bus Service orovided the
City approve the proposed Fell avenue
. D i s t r i c to fN o r t h
Vancouver f i n d s same acceptable.Carried
From t h e E. C. E l e c t r i c Railway Co. L t d . , a d v i s i n g t h a t on A u g u s t
1 s t t h e Company w i l l imorove theLonsdale and i n t e r - c i t y Bus r o u t e s
by i n s t i t u t i n g a 1 5 m i n u t e s s e r v i c e on b o t h these routes from
5 1 0 p.m. t o 11.30 p.m.
Moved by Alderman Mchiillan,
by Alderman
t h i s l e t t e r be r e c e i v e d and f i l e d . C a r r i e d
The Clerk submitted a copy o f a l e t t e r f r o m the B. C. E. R. ComDany
t o Commissioner Sowden, a d v i s i n g t h a t e f f e c t i v e August 1st every
, . o t h e r t r i p on theLonsdale Bus Route w i l l be extended t h r o u g h t o
-Rockland Avenue.
Moved by Alderman A. Stewart,seconded by Alderman Goldsworthy
and f i l e d .C a r r i e d
t h a tt h i sl e t t e r b er e c e i v e d
.From the Public
U t i l i t i e s Commission, a d v i s i n g t h a t r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s
B. C. E l e c t r i c Railway Company t o s t o p
- h a v e been receivedfromthe
their inter-city buses at the North Clover-leaf of the Lions
. B r i d g e and t o c h a r g e a f a r e of 10 c e n t s f o r a d u l t s and 5 c e n t s f o r
-rchildren, from any point
of the C i t y o r D i s t r i c t o f North Vancouver
t o this
Moved EOint
y Alierman Copping, seconded by Alderman Walker t h a t , t h e
Clerk be i n s t r u c t e d t o a d v i s e t h e P u b l i c U t i l i t i e s
Commission t h a t
this Cityconsidersthatthetencentfare
i s too h i g h and f u r t h e r
t h a t a copy of the Company's l e t t e r t o t h e Commissionbe forwarded
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
. .
t o the..Municipality. o f . WesLVancouver.
asking.. .if..their. Transportation .Committee
would meet .with a .Joint.
Transportation.. Committee. representthe.
D i s t r i c t of North Vancouver, with a view t o m a k i g a recommendation t o t h e P u b l i c
Utilities Commissionon the Company's application.Carried.
P 4
From McMilIan Motors Ltd., asking
f o r p e r m i s s i o n . t o remove two tkees on the
Boulevard d i r e c t l y i n f r o n t of their..premises.
Moved by Alderman:. A S . Stewart, seconddd by Alderman Copping t h a t t h e request of McMillan Motors Ltd., Wgranted.,Carried.
Alderman. McMillan refrained from -voting.
From Miss Ena Palmer, President, Student's Council, asking
the.Counci.1 t o p l a c e
waste paper receptacles
on 23rd S t r e e t between.Lonsdale Ave., and St. George's
Ave., for the use of the
High School students.
'?J Moved by Alderman A. M. Stewart, secondedby .Alderman Goldsworthy t h a t t h e
Junior Chmber of Commerce be asked t o c o n s i d e r - i n c l u d i n g t h i s a r e a i n t h e i r campaign t o place more wastepaperreceptacleson-Citystreets.Carried.
From T.W.Amstrong, 15th & Lonsdale,askingpermission
t o - e r e c t a small office
measuring 8' x 10' a t t h e r e a r of McKinnon's Store.
Alderman A. Stewart,seconded
by Alderman McMillan that t h i sm a t t e r
be referred to the Building
Committee f o r a recommendation. Carried.
The Clerk then read the report
of Mayor Loutet on t h e Canadian Federation of
Mayors and Municipalities Convention a t Winnipeg held from July 8 t h t o 11th 1947.
The report advised t h a t a l l f o u r of the resolutions of the Council submitted
t o t h e Convention, had beenpassed unanimously with small amendments.
Movedby Alderman McMillan, seconded by Alderman A. M. Stewart that the report of Mayor Loutet be received and f i l e d , t h a t he .be thanked for.same snd furt h e r 'that the.Clerk be instructed to convey.this Council's appreciation for the
e f f i c i e n t a,nd hospitable manner i r w h i c h t h e Convention was conducted. Carried
The Clerk read a r e p o r t from Mayor Loutet summarizing the discussions and actions
of t h e Council f o r t h e p a s t two y e a r s r e l a t i v e t o t h e o p e r a t i o n of the Ferry
System. He s t a t e d t h s t t h e Council had informally ree.ched thefollowingconclusions:-
(1) The f a r e might be.increased to. 6 cents, but traffic might'decrease
f u rw
t hiet h
t h i s was rejected.
( 2 ) We could continue to operate the Ferries
making every e f f o r t t o . g i v e good
service and.in the event of a loss, charging this loss to the ratepayers through
a l l other sei-vicesof the
taxes.. I t was f e l % that due t o i n c r e a s e d c o s t s i n
t h i s was nofadvisable.
(3) We couldeventually abendon theFerryservice.
With regard t o t h e . c r i t i c i s m . o f t h e . a r t i c l e e p p e a r i n g - i n t h e"North Shore Press"
on the 27th day ofJune, t h e Mayor stated. that i f t h e r e is any c r i t i c i s m warranted it should he directed a t himself as the Treasurer had acted on h i s i n s t r u c t .to t h e operation of the Ferry System.
ions in giving out certain -data relating
Moved by Alderman Copping, seconded byAlderman A. Stewart that the report
Mayor Loutet on the operation of t h e F e r r i e s b e l a i d on t h e t a b l e and discussed
under the heading of the Ferry Committee report.
The Clerk suhmited 9 auulications to uurchase Tax Sale'urouertv.
Moved by AldermanA:Stewart,
seconied byAlderman A. M. Stewart that the following s a l e s of tax sale lands be placed
on the next By - law f o r conveyance:"
23, 24
E. 50' 14
550' Tait & West 'Construction Co. Ltd.,,eb987.5OJ
550 Wiliam Simpson
$950.00 U
550 John Clifford Simpson
15 A
545/6 Margaret Maxwell White
243 A
$200.00 J
Lilias Georgina Wight &
George Surnaby Wight
Gaston Joseph de l a Giroday
Mary Ellen Aldous
Norah Thornton Rensbaw
. . . .
$275 .OQ
$125.00 V
. . . . ,.
Moved by Alderman Copping, seconded
139 Board of Works
. . .
3,011.29v $14,250.76 Carried
Moved by Alderman A.Stewart, seconded by Alderman Copping that the Treasurer
be authorized to pay the following warrants:-
$6,471.69 *'
140 Waterworks
373.511' $2,020.13 Carried
.. ,
Moved by Alderman McMillan, seconded by Alderman
A. M.Stewart that the
Treasurer be authorized to pay the following warrants:-
lL6 Ferry
Moved by Alderman
Goldswortb, seconded by Alderman
be authorized to pay the following warrants:144 FEre & Light
$4,173.00 V
$5,769.28 Carried
Moved by Alderman Walker, seconded'by Alderman Goldswort& that the Treasu
be authorized to pey the following warrants:111. Parks
112- Health
149 Health Unit
177.11Y $6,042.39 Carried
Moved by Alderman.A.Stewart,-seconded by Aldeman Copping that the Treasure
be.authorized to pay the following warr&tns:-
9.63.~ $165.87 Carried
Aldefman A. M.Stewart reported that up to and includi;lg.July194
a total of $292.926.00 had been collected iwtaxes. This was approximately
$2S,OOO.OO more than the amount collected last year during the same period.
00 Second Prize
Aldermad A. M. Stewart reported.that.the City had received$10.the
&for its Float Entry in the Kinsmen Parade
on and one-half of this would
July 1st
be sent to the Board of Trade which had shared.expenses on this venture
Alderman A. M.Stewart reported that the
V. 0. N. .had advised.that they would
possibly be making an appeal to the Council later on in the year for a
on and when such appeal is received consideration would be gi
3funds to cprry
the matter.
Alderman Copping advised that Qe had received
a report fromthe Superintendent
of Workscovering the draft Watermain Easement proposed between the Harbour's
&Board and the City on the south side of the
L0.s Level Road, and in this regard
he recommended as follows:-
of Works report be referred
to the Solicitor
RECOMMEND'that the SuperintencYent
action the Counc
RECOMMEND that the Superintendent be authorized to proceed with the wideni
Queensbury AvenuefromKeith Road to4th Street and Mahon Avenue fron 3rd str
bto Keith Road, after the renoval of the B.C.Electric rails and.ties.
Moved by Alderman Copping, seconded by Alderman
Walker.that the above report of the Board of Works Committee
be adopted. Carried.
.. .. .
. .
. ...
.. .
... .
Alderman AStewart reported that meetings'.had been held with the Solicitor
the Corporntion and representatives of the Greater Vancouver Water Boa.rd and an
Agreement had new been reached on a l l points i n t h e proposed Agreement with the
Board covering i t s proposed construction through-:Rice Lab.
Alderman Stewart further reported that the
changes made i n t h e Agreement since
l a s t submitted t o Counail, were, i n his opinion,,decidedly advantageous to the
City and he therefore recommended. a s follows:-
R E C O W N D tha.t the necessary By-law be prepared and submitteg t o t h e n e x t meeting
of t h e Agreement with
of the Council, t o authorizetheexecutionbytheCcrporation
the Greatei. Vs.ncouver Wa.ter D i s t r i c t , r e l a t i v e t o t h e l a t t e r ' s p r o p o s a l t o c o n s t r u c t
. .
Wa.terma,in .snd'road',th?ought D i s t r i c t . L.o t .s 855,:-.856;and 857. . '
. ..
. .
. ....,.:,.
. ,
Movedby Alderman A.Stewart,seconded by Alderman
A. M.Stevart that the above report of t h e Waterworks Committee
RECOMMEND that the Building Inspector be authorized-to issue the following
Commerc i a l Building permit, providing the construction
is in accordance.with C i t y @-laws:-
Movedby Alderman A.Stewart, seconded byAlderman
Goldsworthy t h e t t h e a b o v e r e p o r t of the Building
Committee beadopted.
AldermanMcMillan gsve a resume of t h e work of the Comittee.during the past
months and a d v i s e d t h a t a f t e r many meetings the Committee had decided t o recommend
that the following action be
RECOMMEND k h a t i n view of t h e contemplated cash loss in Ferry operations f o r t h e
current year, created by the increased cost of operation
now existing, application
be made t o t h e P u b l i c U t i l i t i e s Commission.to discontinue the use
of 20 f o r $1.00
Commutation t i c k e t s .
RECOMMEND that under Section 34 (a) of the "City of North Vancouver DebtRefunding Act" application be made t o t h e M i n i s t e r of Municipal Affairs f o r permission :..
b t o d i s p o s e of FerryNo. 3 and t h a t on r e c e i p t of such permission, such.vesse1 be
advertised Tor sale.
RECOMMEND t h a t the c o s t of convemion of F e q p No. 4, being an amount of $7,350.80
be. paid from Ferry &serve and that instructions be given s.uthorizing preparation
of a By-law f o r that purpose.
P.1derma.n Goldsworthyand Alderman A.M.Stewart gave t h e i r view on t h e Ferry situation, the former a d v i s i n g ~ . t h a the had prepared several proposals
and submitted
$ them t o t h e FerYy Committee f o r t h e i r c o n s i d e r a t i o n w i t h aview t o reducing the
operating costs. of t h e f e r r i e s .
Both Alderman McMilhnand,.Alderman A. ?I.Stewart advised that the Committee
would give serious consideration tosany proposals that
would h e l p t o keep t h e
RECO~ND that Mra;Walter Rycar be advised .that the .Ferry Committee h8.d studied
her request that t h e 12.30 a. m. Ferryfrom.Vancouverleaveat.12.40
a.m. o r 12.45
a.m. and a f t e r " c a r e f u l c o n s i d e r a t i o n it was decided that t h i s change wou.ld ino, convenience a g r e a t number of Ferry passengers who leave Vancouver on the.12.30
a.m. t r i p i n order to cstch the last buses leaving the Ferry
Wharf a t 12.45 a. m.,
accordingly the request cannot be gra.nted.
RECOMMEND t h a t Mr.W.Brand
with the proposal to erect
and Bus passengers.
Young be thanked f o r h i s h e l p and advice in connection
a s h e l t e r a t t h e f o o t of Lonsdale Avenue for Ferry
Movedby Elderman McMillan, seconded byAldermanCopping
t h a t t h e aboverecommendations of the Ferry Committee be
a.dopted. Carried.
Alderman Goldsworthy reported that no reply had been received as yet
from the
(FireUnderwriters on theCorporation'srequestfor
a reduction i n Insurance
The Clerk reDOrted t h a t t h e r e c e i u t s from r e n t a l s of the Horticultural and Scout
Halls fromJanuary 1st t o .June 30ih, had increased approximately 40% over the
'amount receivedfor.the.same.period1ast.year.Filed.
The Clerk submittedthe.Po1ice Report for the
3 F.eceived and filed.
A.forma1 notice of exercise of option was submitted-from the Vancouver O i l Co.
Ltd., as required by t h e termsof t h e l e a s e between t h e Corporation and t h e Company
dated February 1st 1946 and covering the BewickeAvenue S t r e e t Erxd extension.
4 Moved. by Alderman A. M. Stewart, seconded by Alderman-A.Stewart t h a t the Notice
of Exercise of Option by the Vadcouver O i l Company .be accepted and the said
l e a saccordingly.
e extended
The Clerk reported that he'had taken-up with the Solicitor, the matter
of t r e s p a s s
E.F.edden 1641 Mahon Avenue, who had constructed 8.
on City property of Mr:L.
p o r t i o n o f ' h i s home on City property and t h e S o l i c i t o r recommended t h a t Mr. Redden
he asked t o remove the said building.
5be instructed
Moved by Alderman McMillan, seconded by Alderman A.B. StewartthattheClerk
to advise Mr. L. E.Redden.that he h a s b u i l t a p a r t of a House
and fence on city property described as the
North 22' of Lot 10, Block 28,
D.L.547 and requesting that the said portion
of house-and fence be
removed, frriling which the Corporation w i l l b r i n g s u i t a g a i n s t him f o r damages anda judgment compelliw him.to remove the said portion of house & fence from the said
Sands. Carried.
month of June.
The Clerk rdported that Order-in-Council No. 1334 approving the YXty
of North
Vancouver'Ferries Operation and Maintenance By-law 1939; AmendmentBy-lawNo.1
61947" had been received.Filed
The Clerk reported t h a t By-law No. 1806 wasnow
r e g i s t e r e d ' i n t h e - County
y Vancouver.
Moved by Alderman Walker,secondedby-Alderman
A. Stewart that "The City of
North Vancouver Tax Lands Sale By-Law 1947, No. 12" be. reconsidered, finally
adopted and. passed by the Council, signed by the Mayor and.City'Clei-k and
sesled with the Corporate Seal. -Carried.
Whereupon the By-lawwas
and passed.bythe
Council, signed by the Mayor and City.Clerk and sealed.with tbe Crrporate
Seal and numbered 1813.
Voting f o r t h e By-law:-
Aldermen Copping, Goldsworthy, McMillan, A.
Stewart, A. M.Stewart and Walker.
Mayor Loutet refra?,ned fron vding.
Moved by A1derman.A.M. Stewart, seconded-by Alderman Walker, -ghat "The City
of North Vancouver Highways Dedication By-lawNo.
2, 1947" be reconsidered,
f i n a l l y adopted a.nd passed by t h e Council signed by t h e Mayor and C i t y Clerk
Sandsealed w i t h theCorporateSeal.Cmried
Whereupon the By-law
and passed by t h e
Council, signed by t h e Mayor and City Clerk and.sealed with the Corporate
S e s l and numbered 1814.
Movedby P-lderman A.Stewart,seconded
by4-lderman Walker that "The City of
North VaillcouverTax Lands Sale By-law 1947, No. 13" be introduced and read
a first time,Carried.
ib Whereupon the By-lawwas
read a f i r s t time.
Movedby Alderman A.Stewart,seconded byAlderman Walker that "The City of
,I North Vancouver Tax Lands Sale By-law TB~~,-Na-r:~l3:'bBLread
Whereupon the By-law was read a second tine.
Mooedby AldermenA.M.Stewart,
seconded by Alderman McMillan t h a t t h e Committee
and t h a t "The City
North Vancouver Tax Lands
1947, No. 13 beread a t h i r d time.Carried.
.Whereupon the By-law was'read a t h i r d time.
Moved by Alderman A.M.Stewart
seconded by AldermanMcMillan
t h a t "The c i t y
by t h e
1'3 of North Vancouver Tax Lands $ale By-law 1947, No. 13" be passed
. .
. . .. .
....... , .
.. .
. . . ~ .
i '
Voting f o r t h e By-law:-Mayor,
Loutet, Ald.ermen.G,oldsworthy, McMillan, A.
Stewart, A.M.Stewart and Walker.
AldermanCopping refrained fron voting.
Moved by Alderman A.M. Stewart, seconded.by Alderman A.Stewart that "The
"City of North Vancouver .Highways Dedication By-law No. 3, 1947"be introduced a.nd read a first time.Carried.
Whereupon the By-lawwasrea.d
a first~time.
Movedby Alderman A.Stewart,seconded'.by Alderman McMillan t h a t "The City of
North Vancouver Highways Dedication By-law No. 3, 1947" be read asecondtime.
Whereupon the &-law was read asecondtime.
Movedby Alderman McMillan, seconded by Aldernian Walker t h a t t h e Committee
proceedings be dispensed
with and t h a t l1 The City of North Vancouver Hig.hways
3 Dedication By-law No. 3 , 1947" he w8.d a '. t h i r d time.. Carried.
Whereupon the By-law was read a third.;time.
Moved by AldermanA.M.Stewart;
seconded by Alderman.McMillan that "The City
of NorthVsncouver Highways Dedication By-law No. 3 , 1747" be 2assed by the
lf Council subject.to.reconsideration. Carried
The Clerk submitted reports from the Superintendent-of -Works and the Treasurer
covering the operation.and use of City owned vehicles.wnder-their control, as
requested by a resolution of the Council passed on the 7th instant.
seconded by Alderman A.Stewart t h a t t h e s e
reports be left in the
hands of','theCouncil forconsideration.Csrried.
L e t t e r was received from t h e M. B. KingLumberCompany,
advising that they
would like the Corporation to grant
a new l e a s e o r term f o r - t h e i r Company t o
operate the Railway Spur down F e l l Avenue t o t h e i r premises.
Moved by Alderman McMillan, seconded.by Alderman Goldswort& t h a tt h i s
m a t t e r b e l e f t i n the hands of the Finance Committee t o c o n s u l t w i t h t h e
S o l i c i t o r and r e p o r t t o t h e n e x t
meetingof the Couricil. Carried.
The Clerk submitted an applicstion for
a licence from Smith Auto Sales covering;theirpremises
a t 4 t h & Lonsdale. This application hadbeen tabled a t the
meeting held on June 16th.
Alderman A.Stewart,seconded
by Alderman Goldsworthy tha.tthe
Treasurer be authorized t o i s s u e a Trade Licence t o Smith Auto Sales covering
t h e i r premises a t 4th & Lonsdele.Carried.
The Clerk reported that it would be necessary for the Council to appoint four
o f f i c i a l d e l e g a t e s t o r e p r e s e n t t h e City 8.t the Bmual Convention of t h e U.
t o b4 held a t Harrison Hot Springs on September 15th, 16th and 1 7 t h 1947.
Movedby AldermanA.M.Stewart,
seconded by Alderman A.Stewart that the matter
of selection of delegates to attend the
r e f e r r e d t o Mayor
Report was received fron the Superintendent
of Works, a d v i s i n g t h a t t h e
Annual Conserence of t h e B.C.Aviation Coymcilwould be held a t Harrison 9 o t
Springs on Septea5er 18th and 19th.
seconded by
Walker thatSuperintendent Greenwoc:d be appointed the City's Delegate to attend the
The Clerk repor6ed t h a t t h e B.C.ElectricRailway
Company had not complied w i t h
the provisions of the Frenchise i n r e s p e c t t o t h e removal of e l e c t r i c a l p o l e s
and wires from the Grand. Boulevard by June 30, 1947.
Movedby Alderman Walker,seconded byAlderman Goldsworthy t h a t t h i s m a t t e r
be l e f t i n t h e hands of Superintendent Green.,rood t o t a k e up w i t h o f f i c i a l s of
the Compmy and report.Carried.
Movedby Alderman 8 . M.Stewart, seconded byAldermanCopping
that Alderman
Walker be authorized to attend the meetings of the Metropolitan Health Comitteei n a. watching capacity and t h a t he so advise them a t the next meeting t h a t he
'% is attending in an unofficial cspacity,
pending the reaching of a new f i n a n c i a l
. . . ~.
. .
.. .
Alderm8.n Waliier advised that he would, a t t h e n e x t meetingof t h e Council, ask
' t h a t a Committee beappointed t o study.. the method of administration of Health Ser.
i c e s , having i n mind the possible permanent withdrawal from the Metropolitan
Health Committee.
Alderman A.M.Stewartcommentedon
the good attendance a t t h i s Council meeting
by ratepayers and other interested persons
and hoped t h a t % h i s meant t h a t
2. citizkns'were taging a more a c t i v e i n t e r e s t i n c i v i c ~ a f f a i r s .
Movedby AldermanA.M.Stewart,
seconded byAlderman
Copping tha.t the Council adjourn.
Whereupon the Council adjourned at;lO.fl5
(See note foot of Page .372')
The Clerk submitted a petition signed by26 persons, 18 of which a r e owhers
of property i n t h e v i c i n i t y of the 300 Block East Keith Road.The
complained of the nuisance created by motor cycles allegedly operated by a person
by t h e name ofMoore residing a t 378 East Keith Road.
Movedby Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Copping t h a t a report be received
8:t the next meeting of the Council from the,License Bpector regarding the
operation of the abovemotor cycle delivery service and t h a t t h e P o l i c e Department
beasked f o r a r e p o r t as t o t h e o p e r a t i o n of t h e above vehicles. Carried
The Clerk reported that two tendem had been received to purchase the FerryCoal Scow.
4 Movedby Alderman Copping, seconded by Alderman A. .M. Stewart that these tenders
he opened. Carried.
Tenders were opened a.s follows:L & K Lumber (North Shore) Ltd.,----------------------s"------$2500.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans, Ltd,,----------------------------------$1525.00
seconded by Alderman Copping that these ,tenders
Movedby Aldernan A. M. Stew
be r e f e r r e d t o t h eFinance,a?*- ommlt eesfor report to the next
meeting of the Council.
A plan was submitted covering the construction
o f a Railway Spur crossing
at the
i n t e r s e c t i o n of 3rd Street and the Low Level Road, submitted by t h e Dominion
Construction Company oil behalf of the Murphy Paint Co. Ltd.
6 MovedbyAlclerman
A. M. Stewart, seconded byAlderman A. Stewart that the plan
Q-379 covering the Level Railway crossing
of t h e Dominion Construction CompanyNo.
t o Murply Paint Company, beapproved as a temporary spur on the'understanding that
the Federal Government w i l l be approached with a view to constructing a permanent
Railway Spur l i n e fron the Eastern end t o s e r v e t h e Commercial s i t e s i n D i s t r i c t Lo1
272 and f u r t h e r t h a t Harland Bertholemew & Associetes be asked for their
recommends t i o n gs t o t h e l o c a t i o n of a Railway Spur i n D i s t r i c t Lot 272. Carried.
Movedby Alderman A. M. Stewart,seconded by Alderman A. Stewert &hatthe Treasurer
be authorized to pay the following warrants:138 Finance
151 Authorization
145 PQlice
883.99 V
2,462.00 V