Soil Mechanics − Outline
Soil Mechanics − Outline
Soil Mechanics − Compressibility of Soil Chih-Ping Lin National Chiao Tung Univ. [email protected] 1 Outline Introduction Immediate Settlement Primary Consolidation Settlement Consolidation Settlement Consolidation Rate Secondary Consolidation Settlement 2 Introduction δ versus δD (a)Leaning Tower, Pisa (b) Palacio de las Bellas Artes, Mexico City (The Palace of Fine Arts) 3 Introduction Types of Settlements Immediate (elastic) settlement (Se) Time-dependent Primary consolidation (Sc) Å transient pore pressure Secondary consolidation (Ss) Å creep Total settlement ST=Sc+Ss+Se For soft soils (i.e., clays): Sc>>Se>Ss (Usually) 4 Immediate Settlement Contact Pressure and Settlement Profile Sand Clay 5 Immediate Settlement Theory of Elasticity B Δσ 1 − μ s2 S e = ΔσB Ip Es Es,μs Influence Factor (shape, position, foundation rigidity) 6 Immediate Settlement Improved Relationship for Se Equivalent diameter Foundation embedment Foundation rigidity 7 Immediate Settlement ©2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. 1 − μ s2 S e = ΔσBe IG I F I E E0 8 ©2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. ©2001 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Immediate Settlement 9 Immediate Settlement 10 Consolidation Settlement Fundamentals of Consolidation Δu =Δσ Δσ’=0 Δu =0 Δσ’= Δσ 11 Consolidation Settlement 12 Consolidation Settlement 13 Consolidation Settlement What is Consolidation? When a saturated clay is loaded externally, GL saturated clay the water is squeezed out of the clay over a long time (due to low permeability of the clay). 14 Consolidation Settlement What is Consolidation? settlement This leads to settlements occurring over a long time, time which could be several years. 15 Consolidation Settlement In granular soils… settlement Granular soils are freely drained, and thus the settlement is instantaneous. time 16 Consolidation Settlement During consolidation… Due to a surcharge q applied at the GL, the stresses and pore pressures are increased at A. q kPa Δσ A ..and, they vary with time. GL Δu Δσ’ saturated clay 17 Consolidation Settlement During consolidation… Δσ remains the same (=q) during consolidation. Δu decreases (due to drainage) while Δσ’ increases, transferring the load from water to the soil. Δσ q kPa Δσ A GL Δu Δσ’ Δu Δσ’ saturated clay q 18 Consolidation Settlement One Dimensional Consolidation ~ drainage and deformations are vertical (none laterally) ~ a simplification for solving consolidation problems q kPa GL water squeezed out reasonable simplification if the surcharge is of large lateral extent saturated clay 19 Consolidation Settlement ΔH -Δe Relation average vertical strain = ΔH Ho q kPa GL saturated clay e = eo Time = 0+ ΔH q kPa GL Ho saturated clay e = eo - Δe Time = ∝ 20 Consolidation Settlement ΔH -Δe Relation Consider an element where Vs = 1 initially. Δe eo 1 Time = 0+ Time = ∞ ∴average vertical strain = Δe 1 + eo 21 Consolidation Settlement ΔH -Δe Relation Equating the two expressions for average vertical strain, consolidation settlement initial thickness of clay layer change in void ratio ΔH Δe = Ho 1 + eo initial void ratio 22 Consolidation Settlement Coefficient of compressibility ~ denoted by av = Δe/Δσ Coefficient of volume compressibility ~ denoted by mv ~ is the volumetric strain in a clay element per no units unit increase in stress = change in volume original volume i.e., mv = ΔV V Δσ kPa-1 or MPa-1 kPa or MPa 23 Consolidation Settlement Consolidation Test ~ simulation of 1-D field consolidation in lab. GL porous stone undisturbed soil specimen metal ring (oedometer) Dia = 50-75 mm Height = 20-30 mm field lab 24 Consolidation Settlement Consolidation Test loading in increments allowing full consolidation before next increment Δq1 Δq2 ΔH1 eo- Δe1 Ho eo Δe1 = ΔH 1 (1 + eo ) Ho Δe2 = 25 Consolidation Settlement Consolidation Test unloading 26 Consolidation Settlement e – log σv’ plot - from the above data void ratio loading σv’ increases & e decreases unloading σv’ decreases & e increases (swelling) log σv’ 27 Consolidation Settlement Compression and recompression indices Cr void ratio 1 Cc ~ compression index Cc Cr ~ recompression index 1 (or swelling index) Cr 1 log σv’ 28 Consolidation Settlement Preconsolidation pressure void ratio is the maximum vertical effective stress the soil element has ever been subjected to preconsolidation pressure σp’ log σv’ Consolidation Settlement Virgin Consolidation Line original state void ratio eo virgin consolidation line eo, σvo’ σvo’ σp’ log σv’ 30 Consolidation Settlement Overconsolidation ratio (OCR) original state σvo’ Field void ratio eo virgin consolidation line σ p' OCR = σ vo ' σvo’ σp’ log σv’ Consolidation Settlement δ-logt or e-logt plot for each loading step 32 Consolidation Settlement e-logσ’ plot for all loading steps 33 Consolidation Settlement Determining Cc, Cr, Preconsolidation Pressure Casagrande’s Method 34 Consolidation Settlement Effect of Disturbance Normally consolidated Clay of low to medium plasticity 35 Consolidation Settlement Effect of Disturbance Over-consolidated Clay of low to medium plasticity 36 Consolidation Settlement Calculating Consolidation Settlement 37 Consolidation Settlement Settlement computations Two different ways to estimate the consolidation settlement: q kPa (a) using mv settlement = mv Δσ H H Δσ=q (b) using e-log σv’ plot next slide eo, σvo’, Cc, Cr, σp’, mv -oedometer test settlement = Δe H 1 + eo Consolidation Settlement Settlement computations ~ computing Δe using e-log σv’ plot If the clay is normally consolidated, the entire loading path is along the VCL. initial eo σ vo '+ Δσ ' Δe = Cc log σ vo ' Δe σvo’ σvo’+ Δσ Consolidation Settlement Settlement computations ~ computing Δe using e-log σv’ plot If the clay is overconsolidated, and remains so by the end of consolidation, eo σ vo '+ Δσ ' Δe = Cr log σ vo ' initial Δe note the use of Cr VCL σvo’ σvo’+ Δσ Consolidation Settlement Settlement computations ~ computing Δe using e-log σv’ plot If an overconsolidated clay becomes normally consolidated by the end of consolidation, eo σ p' σ vo '+ Δσ ' Δe = Cr log + Cc log σ vo ' σ p' initial Δe VCL σvo’ σp ’ σvo’+ Δσ Consolidation Settlement Calculation of Consolidation Settlement under a Foudation 42 More to come… 43 Consolidation Rate Time Rate of Consolidation 44 Consolidation Rate Governing Eqn 45 Consolidation Rate 46 Consolidation Rate Solution of Consolidation Equation 47 Consolidation Rate 48 Consolidation Rate 49 Consolidation Rate 50 Consolidation Rate 51 Consolidation Rate Determining Cv (logarithmic method) 52 Consolidation Rate Determining Cv (square root method) 53 Secondary Consolidation Settlement Secondary consolidation 54 55