Shamanic Plant Diet Apprenticeship in Sacha Huarmi Ayahuasca
Shamanic Plant Diet Apprenticeship in Sacha Huarmi Ayahuasca
6 01 ar m i2 EL MUNDO MAGICO VISIONARY JOURNEYS BETWEEN MEDICINE AND MAGIC +44 (0) 1206 710615 [email protected] ha Hu 3 Months Plant Teachers Diet Shamanic Apprenticeship in the Tradition ac in -S Sacha Huarmi (“Women of the Rainforest”) Co py ry gh t© El M un do M ag ic o Maestra Ercilia performing the Tamishi ritual, honouring the “vine of wisdom” Photo: M. Mori 1 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Shipibo Maestra Ercilia and female apprentice, during the Sachamama ritual Photo: M. Mori ag ic o Shamanic Plant Teacher Diet: Programme Outline un do M Day 1 Am: Arrival, unpacking and welcome in Sacha Huarmi. 1 pm: Lunch. 4 pm: Private consultation with the shaman and Q&A about the sauna in the evening. 6 pm: Dinner. 7 pm: Hot sauna with local Amazonian aromatic plants. 8 pm: First ritual drink of Chullachaqui caspi (Tovomita sp.) tea. Co py ry gh t© El M Day 2 7 am: Jungle hike along the ethno botanical garden circuit, getting to know teacher plants. 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: First cleansing ritual bath with ayahuasca vine leaves. 11 am: Chullachaqui caspi ritual - Asking permission to integrate ourselves in the medicine world of the jungle. [1] 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Second and final ritual drink of Chullachaqui caspi tea. 2 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Maestra Ercilia preparing Ayahuasca ag ic o Photo: F. Sammarco un do M Day 3 9 am: Breakfast. 11am: Second ritual cleansing bath with ayahuasca vine leaves. 12 pm: Second Chullachaqui caspi ritual - Asking the Chullachaqui spirit to bestow upon us its healing energies. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: commentary on the importance of the ritual baths of limpieza (cleansing), florecimiento (fflowering) and barro (clay). 7 pm: First ritual drink of Remocaspi (Aspidosperma excelsum) tea. t© El M Day 4 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Third ritual cleansing bath with ayahuasca vine leaves. 12 pm: Third Chullachaqui caspi ritual - Receiving the Arcana, or spiritual protection. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Second and final ritual drink of Remo caspi tea. Co py ry gh Day 5 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Fourth ritual cleansing bath with ayahuasca vine leaves. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: First ritual drink of Piñón Colorado (Jatropa gossypifolia) tea. Day 6 9 am: Breakfast. 11am: First cleansing ritual bath with the flowers of the Sacha-Chacruna (Psychotria poeppigiana) plant teacher. 2 pm: Lunch. 3 ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Shipibo textile painting with the natural juice of the Huito fruit Photo: F. Sammarco M 7 pm: Second and last ritual drink of Piñón Colorado tea. El M un do Day 7 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Second cleansing ritual bath with the flowers of the Sacha-Chacruna plant teacher. 2 pm: Lunch. 3 pm: Exhibition-sale of Shipibo crafts & textiles. Please help to support the local Shipibo community in Sacha Huarmi by purchasing their products. 7 pm: Toé Dream Journey (1). A night ceremony with the Plant Teacher Toé (Brugmansia suavolens). Co py ry gh t© Day 8 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the shamans to discuss the Toé ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Third cleansing ritual bath with the flowers of the Sacha-Chacruna (Psychotria poeppigiana) plant teacher. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Suggestions and recommendations for the Ayahuasca ceremony (followed by the actual Ayahuasca ritual). Ayahuasca Ceremony (1). Day 9 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Ritual clay bath (1). 4 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Ayahuasca ceremony with Maestra Rosa Photo: M. Mori un do M Day 10 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual clay bath (2). 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca Ceremony (2). ag ic o 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. El M Day 11 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Ritual clay bath (3). 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. ry gh t© Day 12 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Introduction to the Shipibo Tattoo ritual with Huito, followed by the actual performance of the ritual (Transferring Symbols of Power). 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca Ceremony (3). Co py Day 13 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Practicing icaros’ melodies (1). 12 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. 5 o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Blowing Mapacho smoke over an ayahuasca vine ag ic Photo: M. Mori. un do M Day 14 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Practicing icaros’ melodies (2). 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (1). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (4). t© El M Day 15 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Practicing icaros’ melodies (3). 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (2). 6 pm: Dinner. ry gh Day 16 9 am: Breakfast. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (3). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (5). Co py Day 17 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (4). 6 pm: Dinner. 6 Photo: M. Mori t© El M un do M ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Ayahuasca ceremony with Maestra Rosa ry gh Day 18 7 am: Preparing the Ayahuasca brew, under the supervision of the Maestra. 9 am: Breakfast. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (6). Co py Day 19 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Practicing icaros’ melodies (4). 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (5). 6 pm: Dinner. 7 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Maestra Ercilia whispering an icaro to San Pedro brew during the Huachuma ceremony ag ic o Photo: M. Mori Day 20 9 am: Breakfast. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (6). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (7). El M un do M Day 21 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (7). 6 pm: Dinner. t© Day 22 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Practicing icaros’ melodies (5). 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (1). 7 pm: Toé Dream Journey (2). Co py ry gh Day 23 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Practicing icaros’ melodies (6). 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice, who will be putting into practice the different melodies of icaros learnt in the course of the shamanic plant diet). 8 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Tamishi ritual, honouring the “vine of life” Photo: M. Mori un do M ag ic o Day 24 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Practicing icaros’ melodies (7). 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (3). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (9). (Second Ayahuasca ritual led by the apprentice, who will be putting into practice the different melodies of icaros learnt in the course of the shamanic plant diet). El M Day 25 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Flowering ritual bath (1). 12 pm: Practicing icaros’ melodies (8). 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. Co py ry gh t© Day 26 7 am: Practicing the preparation of the Ayahuasca brew, by the apprentice. 9 am: Breakfast. 12 pm: Flowering ritual bath (2). 2 pm: Dinner. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (10). (Third Ayahuasca ritual led by the apprentice, who will be putting into practice the different melodies of icaros learnt in the course of the shamanic plant diet). Day 27 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 12 pm: Third flowering ritual bath (3). 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. 9 -S Photo: J. G. Ramirez ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Doña Leonilda pounding ayahuasca vine cuts M ag ic o Day 28 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Set of recommendations by the Maestra, upon completion of the first stage of the shamanic plant diet. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (11). un do END OF THE FIRST STAGE OF THE SHAMANIC DIET ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Followed by two days break - “descanso”) El M Day 29 8 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Circle meeting with the shamanka. Commentary on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 1 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. gh t© Day 30 8 am: Breakfast. 1 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. ry BEGINNING OF THE SECOND STAGE OF THE SHAMANIC DIET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Co py Day 31 9 am: Breakfast 10 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Ayahuma (Couropita guianensis) (1). 12 pm: Chullachaki caspi ritual - Receiving energies for the continuation of the shamanic diet. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ritual drink of Ayahuma tea (1). 10 un do M ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Remocaspi teacher tree Photo: F. Sammarco t© El M Day 32 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Ayahuma (2). 12 pm: Chullachaki caspi ritual - Receiving the Arcana, or spiritual protection. 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. Co py ry gh Day 33 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Ayahuma (3). 12 pm: Chullachaki caspi ritual (invoking the spirits of the teacher trees, to receive health, prosperity and spiritual fortitude). 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. Day 34 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Mucura (Petiveria alliacea) (1). 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (12) - 1. 11 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Ayahuasca ceremony at night, with Maestra Ercilia o Photo courtesy: I. Grau un do M ag ic Day 35 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Mucura (2). 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. El M Day 36 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Mucura (3). 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (13) - 2. ry gh t© Day 37 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Ajo sacha (Mansoa alliacea) (1). 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Toé Dream Journey (3) - 1. Co py Day 38 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Ajo sacha (2). 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Toé experience of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (14) - 3. 12 6 01 Day 39 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Ajo sacha (3). 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. ar m i2 Day 40 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Ruda (Ruta graveolens L.) – i.e. the Rue plant (1). 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (15) - 4. ag ic o -S Day 42 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Ruda (3). 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (16) - 5. ac ha Hu Day 41 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Ruda (2). 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. un do M Day 43 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Ritual cleansing bath with Rosa Sisa (Tagetes recta) leaves (1). 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (8) - 1. 6 pm: Dinner. t© El M Day 44 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual cleansing bath with Rosa Sisa leaves (2). 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (9) - 2. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (17) - 6. Co py ry gh Day 45 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Ritual cleansing bath with Rosa Sisa leaves (3). 2 pm: Dinner. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (10) - 3. 6 pm: Dinner. Day 46 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual bath with Piñón Colorado (Jatropa gossypifolia) (1). 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (11) - 4. 13 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Ayahuasca concoction brewing Photo: F. Sammarco o 7 pm: Ritual drink of Ayahuma tea (2). un do M ag ic Day 47 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Piñón Colorado (2). 12 pm: Practicing icaros melodies - 1. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (12) - 5. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (18) - 7. t© El M Day 48 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Ritual bath with the plant teacher Piñón Colorado (3). 12 pm: Practicing icaros melodies - 2. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (13) - 6. 6 pm: Dinner. Co py ry gh Day 49 9 am: Breakfast. 12 pm: Practicing icaros melodies - 3. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Ritual of Spiritual Purification (14) - 7. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (19) - 8. Day 50 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 12 pm: Practicing icaros melodies - 4. 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. 14 un do M ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Remocaspi teacher tree Photo: F. Sammarco t© El M Día 51 9 am: Breakfast. 12 pm: Practicing icaros melodies - 5. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (20) - 9. (Fourth Ayahuasca ritual led by the apprentice, who will be putting into practice the different melodies of icaros learnt in the course of the shamanic plant diet). Co py ry gh Day 52 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 12 pm: Practicing icaros melodies - 6. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (4) - 1. 7 pm: Toé Dream Journey (4) - 2. 15 6 ar m i2 01 Day 53 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Toé experience of the previous night. 12 pm: Cushun practice - 1. [2] 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (6) - 2. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (21) - 10. (Fifth Ayahuasca ritual led by the apprentice, who will be putting into practice the different melodies of icaros learnt in the course of the shamanic plant diet). ha Hu Day 54 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 12 pm: Cushun practice - 2. [2] 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (7) - 3. 6 pm: Dinner. ag ic o -S ac Day 55 7 am: Ayahuasca preparation. 9 am: Breakfast. 12 pm: Cushun practice - 3. [2] 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (8) - 4. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (22) - 11. (Sixth Ayahuasca ritual led by the apprentice, who will be putting into practice the different melodies of icaros learnt in the course of the shamanic plant diet). un do M Day 56 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 12 pm: Cushun practice - 4. [2] 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (9) - 5. 6 pm: Dinner. t© El M Day 57 9 am: Breakfast. 12 pm: Cushun practice - 5. [2] 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (10) - 6. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (23) - 12. Co py ry gh Day 58 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night and recommendations for the end of the second cycle of the shamanic plant diet. 12 pm: Cushun practice - 6. [2] 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (11) - 7. 6 pm: Dinner. 16 END OF THE SECOND STAGE OF THE SHAMANIC DIET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Followed by two days break- “descanso”) ar m i2 01 6 Day 59 8 am: Breakfast. 1 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. Day 60 8 am: Breakfast. 1 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. Hu BEGINNING OF THE THIRD STAGE OF THE SHAMANIC DIET ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -S ac ha Day 61 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual bath with the bark of the Catahua (Hura crepitans) teacher tree (1). 12 pm: First Remocaspi (Pacho) ritual - Invoking the Pacho spirit to grant us its healing energies. [3] 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: First ritual drink of Ajo sacha tea (1). M ag ic o Day 62 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual bath with the bark of the Catahua teacher tree (2). 12 pm: Second Remocaspi (Pacho) ritual - Receiving healing energies. [3] 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Second ritual drink of Ajo sacha tea (2). El M un do Day 63 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual bath with the bark of the Catahua teacher tree (3). 12 pm: Third Remocaspi (Pacho) ritual – Invoking the Pacho spirit to grant us fortitude and shamanic wisdom. [3] 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Third ritual drink of Ajo sacha tea (3). t© Day 64 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Ritual bath with the Sharamasho (Ocimum americanum) plant (1). 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. Co py ry gh Day 65 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Second ritual bath with Sharamasho (2). 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (24) - 1. 17 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Gathering the Sigueme-sigueme plant teacher, for love magic rituals o Photo: M. Mori un do M ag ic Day 66 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Third ritual bath with Sharamasho (3). 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. El M Day 67 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: First ritual bath with Toé (1). 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (25) - 2. Co py ry gh t© Day 68 7 am: Medicinal plant remedies practice: preparing a brain tonic medicine to strengthen memory. 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Second ritual bath with Toé (2). 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Toé Dream Journey (5) – 1 (The Toé ritual will be led directly by the apprentice, as practical hands-on part of his/her training). Day 69 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Third ritual bath with Toé (3). 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (26) - 3. 18 M ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Ayahuasca ceremony un do Photo: M. Mori t© El M Day 70 7 am: Practicing the preparation of medicinal plant remedies: Para para (to treat impotence). 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: First ritual bath with Pachulí (Pogestemon Cablin) (1). 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. Co py ry gh Day 71 7 am: Medicinal plant remedies practice: preparing Chuchuwasi (to treat rheumatism). 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Second ritual bath with Pachulí (2). 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (27) - 4. Day 72 7 am: Medicinal plant remedies practice: preparing Huitochado (to treat bronchitis & colds). 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Third ritual bath with Pachulí (3). 19 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Ayahuasca ceremony with Maestra Rosa Photo: M. Mori ag ic o 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 4 pm: Ritual of spiritual purification (15) - 1. 6 pm: Dinner. un do M Day 73 7 am: Medicinal plant remedies practice: preparing a cologne with the Rue plant (to alleviate headache). 9 am: Breakfast. 2 pm: Lunch. 4 pm: Ritual of spiritual purification (16) - 2. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (28) - 5. t© El M Day 74 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Circle meeting with the shamanka. Commentary on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 4 pm: Ritual of spiritual purification (17) - 3. 6 pm: Dinner. Co py ry gh Day 75 9 am: Breakfast. 2 pm: Lunch. 4 pm: Ritual of spiritual purification (18) - 4. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (29) - 6. 20 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Preparing the San Pedro (Trichocereus pachanoi), or Huachuma, cactus Photo: M. Mori M ag ic o Day 76 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 4 pm: Ritual of spiritual purification (19) - 5. 6 pm: Dinner. El M un do Day 77 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Practicing icaros melodies. 2 pm: Lunch. 4 pm: Ritual of spiritual purification (20) - 6. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (30) - 7. gh t© Day 78 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Practicing icaros melodies. 2 pm: Lunch. 4 pm: Ritual of spiritual purification (21) - 7. 6 pm: Dinner. Co py ry Day 79 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Practicing icaros melodies. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (31) - 8. 21 ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Maestra Ercilia smoking Mapacho during an Ayahuasca ceremony Photo: F. Sammarco El M un do M Day 80 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Practicing icaros melodies. 2 pm: Lunch. 6 pm: Dinner. gh t© Day 81 9 am: Breakfast. 11 am: Practicing icaros melodies. 2 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (32) - 9. (Seventh Ayahuasca ritual led by the apprentice, who will be putting into practice the different melodies of icaros learnt in the course of the shamanic plant diet). Co py ry Day 82 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11 am: Cushun practice. [2] 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practicing the ritual of spiritual purification, directed by the apprentice (12) - 1. 7 pm: Toé Dream Journey (6) - 2. (This Toé ritual will be led directly by the apprentice, as practical hands-on part of his/her training). 22 Photo: M. Mori t© El M un do M ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Offering Mapacho cigarettes and tobacco smoke to a Palo Maestro Co py ry gh Day 83 7 am: Ayahuasca preparation, directed by the apprentice. 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Toé experience of the previous night. 11 am: Cushun practice. [2] 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practicing the ritual of spiritual purification, directed by the apprentice (13) - 2. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (33) - 10. (Eight Ayahuasca ritual led by the apprentice, who will be putting into practice the different melodies of icaros learnt in the course of the shamanic plant diet). 23 6 01 Day 84 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Ritual clay bath (1). 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practicing the ritual of spiritual purification, directed by the apprentice (14) - 3. 6 pm: Dinner. Hu ar m i2 Day 85 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Ritual clay bath (2). 11 am: Cushun practice. [2] 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practicing the ritual of spiritual purification, directed by the apprentice (15) - 4. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (34) - 11. (Ninth Ayahuasca ritual led by the apprentice, who will be putting into practice the different melodies of icaros learnt in the course of the shamanic plant diet). o -S ac ha Day 86 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Ritual clay bath (3). 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 2 pm: Lunch. 4 pm: Practicing the ritual of spiritual purification, directed by the apprentice (16) - 5. 6 pm: Dinner. El M un do M ag ic Day 87 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: First ritual flowering bath. 11 am: Shipibo Tattoo ritual (employing the juice of the Huito fruit): “Transferring Symbols of Power”. 12 pm: Chullachaqui caspi ritual - Thanking the Chullachaqui spirit for its spiritual help. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practicing the ritual of spiritual purification, directed by the apprentice (17) - 6. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (35) - 12. (Tenth Ayahuasca ritual led by the apprentice, who will be putting into practice the different melodies of icaros learnt in the course of the shamanic plant diet). Co py ry gh t© Day 88 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Second ritual flowering bath. 11 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 12 pm: Chullachaqui caspi ritual - Receiving spiritual protection: the Arcana. 2 pm: Lunch. 5 pm: Practicing the ritual of spiritual purification, directed by the apprentice (18) - 7. 6 pm: Dinner. 24 ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Maestra Rosa pounding ayahuasca vine cuts Photo: M. Mori un do M Day 89 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Third & final ritual flowering bath. 12 pm: Chullachaqui caspi Farewell ritual - Receiving purification and spiritual protection: the Arcana. 2 p: Lunch. 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony, led by the Maestra (36) - 13. t© El M Day 90 9 am: Breakfast. 10 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 1 pm: Lunch. 7 pm: Special Ayahuasca ceremony, led by the Maestra (37) - 14. 12 am (midnight): End of the shamanic diet. Co py ry gh Day 91 8 am: Breakfast. 9 am: Circle meeting with the Maestra. Reflections on the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. Final follow-up recommendations for the shamanic plant diet apprenticeship. 11 am: Farewell ceremony. 1 pm: Lunch. Free time to rest, packing and final farewell. Retreat Ends 25 Photo: M. Mori t© El M un do M ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Shipibo Maestra Lucinda Co py ry gh [1] = Welcoming Ritual of the Chullachaqui (Day 2) After the initial introductory talk, the apprentice will take a tea prepared with the bark of the Chullachaqui caspi teacher tree. The actual Welcoming Ritual of the Chullachaqui will follow. This ritual consists in introducing oneself to the mother spirit (madre) protector of the selva, to ask permission before starting any shamanic activity in the rainforest. [2] = Cushun practice (Day 48, 53-58, 82-83 and 85) The Cushun is a type of icaro which is usually employed by Amazonian shamans “to cure” their remedies, to give strength to their medicines. It’s different from the 26 M ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 [3] = The Remocaspi or Pacho ritual (Day 61-63) Shipibo legends tell the story of Ashi, the primordial Meraya, the very first among all Merayas who shape-shifted himself into a semi-divine being, after having obtained unequalled supernatural powers. Ashi – the Grand Meraya – was the first to discover, identify and give names to different teacher plants, trees and vines of the selva. One night, whilst Ashi was engaged in teaching shamanic arts to his disciples, he saw in vision a pretty beautiful plant spirit being. He was in awe when he was revealed the great supernatural powers of the spirit of this plant, which nearly surpassed those of all other teacher plants. When Ashi asked the spirit for its powers and spiritual beauty to be transmitted to his disciples, he was refused and was told: “I never share my powers and knowledge with anybody!”. Ashi got then very angry and replied: “From now on your name will be Pacho” (which means, literally, “squashed”,” humiliated”, “cursed”) and then whipped him a great deal. After having been whipped and cursed by Ashi, Pacho promised to share its powers with everyone who would seek its knowledge, but attached the following condition: “All those who wish to receive my healing and medicine powers, aside from taking my concoction must compensate with making offerings to me and bow before me, so that I will hear their prayers”. It’s for this that now the Pacho – or Remocaspi teacher tree – hasn’t a smooth surface/bark as the other trees, but it’s deeply scarred, because of the whip lashes it received from Ashi. At dawn of the following day, Ashi ordered his apprentices to fast until midday. They then went through the virgin rainforest and came across an ugly tree: it was Pacho. They performed there their very first Pacho (or Remocaspi) ritual and offered each a mapacho (black jungle tobacco) cigarette. Going around the tree, Ashi’s disciples sang special supplicants’ melodies to Pacho so that they would receive its healing powers. This is the mythical origin of the ancestral Remocaspi ritual and this is why is important for a shaman’s apprentice to do it. This ritual consists therefore in imploring the spirit (genio) of this teacher tree, to receive its spiritual beauty, its medicine and healing powers, as Pacho has a very proud spirit and requires that all those who approach him to ask for its help, would do it in a special, highly respectful, fashion. 6 (louder) icaros sang during the Ayahuasca ceremonies, and takes the form of a whistled melody. t© El M un do Ayahuasca ceremonies: Opt In/Opt Out Guests who may not take Ayahuasca for health reasons, or else, who do not wish to work with the Ayahuasca medicine, may still do the shamanic plant diet, whilst opting out of – all or part of - the Ayahuasca rituals. One may also attend the ceremonies and receive healing, without actually drinking the brew. We keep a flexible approach when it comes to the apprenticeship. Shipibo Maestra Rosa maintains that when one diets with the plant teachers, the teaching is received in form of messages and revelations in dreaming, whilst when taking Ayahuasca, the teachings are received in form of visions. And both of them – dreaming and visions – are part of the process of knowledge. Co py ry gh Plants of the shamanic diet: The list of the plants mentioned in this apprenticeship programme outline may be subject to change, depending on local availability of the plants (rarely an issue), to your individual predilections/preferences, your level of experience and personal circumstances - i.e. mental, emotional and physical health - in tune with the initial assessment of the Shipibo Maestra who will follow you during the apprenticeship and your progress during the retreat. 27 ar m i2 01 6 The bell-shaped flowers of the Toé plant (Brugmansia sp.) Photo: F. Sammarco -S ac ha Hu The Toé Dream Journey: During the Toé ritual the apprentice may take the freshly squeezed juice of the Brugmansia plant – the strongest possible way to take the Toé, which requires a very strict and long diet – or else, may opt for the more gentle (yet still effective) option to take it as a tea. In this second instance the tea is prepared leaving in infusion the fresh leaves of the plant in hot water for a few minutes, and drinking it when the water is lukewarm. A third way to take the Toé is by smoking the rolled leaves of the plant, in form of a cigar, which is the mildest possible way to experience this plant teacher. Photo: M. Mori ry gh t© El M un do M ag ic o Shipibo Maestra Leonilda Co py The Tamishi ritual: The Tamishi ritual takes the name from the homonymous “Tamishi” plant teacher, known among the Shipibo shamans of the Peruvian Amazon as the “Vine of Wisdom”, the “Vine of the Soul”, or the “Vine of Life”. One diets with this jungle vine to acquire wisdom and knowledge, and also to prolong one’s life. The diet also helps one to keep his/her mind focused, open, to stay connected with the energies of the earth and with the celestial energies of the stars. It prolongs one’s life. The aura of the body is ultimately cleansed and purified. In the 13 weeks/3 months retreat, the Tamishi ritual will be practiced once a week, every Thursday, at 3 PM. 28 un do M ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 The Sachamama ritual Photo: M. Mori Co py ry gh t© El M The Sachamama ritual: The Sachamama represents - in Amazonian shamanic lore - the Mother spirit of the jungle, of the forest and all plants and animals living in there (as legend goes, it appears as a giant eared snake, so big that trees and vegetation grow on top of it!). After digging a large hole in the ground, once the Maestra has cleared the space (with Mapacho smoke) and drawn a ritual tattoo (on the body of the apprentice , usually on the face) for protection, the apprentice lies at the bottom of the cavity, and has her/his body partially covered with dirt. Then the shamanka invokes the spirit of the Sachamama, to receive the energies of healing, protection and love of Mother Earth. In certain cases also the spirits of the ancestors are invoked, in order to connect and be able to communicate with them. Alongside the Tamishi ritual, the Sachamama ritual was also practiced by the Shipibo Merayas - the grand shamans of old times - and their inner circle of apprentices. In the standard 13 weeks/3 months shamanic plant diet apprenticeship programme, the Sachamama ritual will be practiced once a week, every Wednesday, at 3 PM. Depending on individual circumstances and needs, and at the Maestra's discretion, the Tamishi and Sachamama rituals may be offered when staying for shorter periods of time, also for plant diet tester (pre-diet), Ayahuasca, or mixed Ayahuasca and plant diet retreats. 29 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 San Pedro brew Photo: F. Sammarco o San Pedro or Huachuma: The Cactus of Vision un do M ag ic As integral part of the shamanic apprenticeship, you may opt to diet with the legendary San Pedro, the cactus of vision, at no extra cost to you. We also offer a complimentary San Pedro ritual (it may be done during the day or at night), during each month of your apprenticeship. If you would like to reserve more San Pedro ceremonies aside from the three rituals already included in the 3 months/13 weeks apprenticeship programme, please note that those must be booked in advance, at the same of the reservation of your retreat. Mapacho (Nicotiana sp.) rolls Co py ry gh t© El M The San Pedro brew may make you more aware of the surrounding environment, to the extent that you may drink it in full daylight, walk through the rainforest, perform ritual offerings, Photo: F. Sammarco and feel your connections with other people, the animals, the jungle, at a much deeper level. San Pedro ceremonies may be held during the day or at night. 30 -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Maestra Anita whispering an icaro to the Ayahuasca medicine Photo: M. Mori ag ic o Mapacho: Organic black jungle tobacco. A Great Plant Teacher un do M Alongside the San Pedro, for those who feel to venture even deeper into the world of Amazonian shamanism and plant teachers, we offer the opportunity to diet with Mapacho (Nicotiana sp.), black organic jungle tobacco with no tar and a very high concentration of nicotine. You may also take part to a complimentary Mapacho ceremony each month, at night. During the ceremony, Mapacho juice, extracted in water, will be drunk. A very powerful and demanding experience, which we only recommend to those who have impeccably followed a strict diet and who are in excellent physical conditions (with no heart complaints of any sort). Mapacho is reputed to be – alongside Ayahuasca, San Pedro (Huachuma), the Coca Plant, and Toé – one of the most revered and sacred plant teachers in Peru. El M The Shipibo Maestras in Sacha Huarmi Co py ry gh t© Several Shipibo Maestras periodically alternate in Sacha Huarmi, offering their wisdom and healing services: Maestra Ercilia, Maestra Rosa, Maestra Leonilda, Maestra Anita and Maestra Lucinda. Please visit our website, to learn more about them. 31 El M un do M ag ic o -S ac ha Hu ar m i2 01 6 Maestra Ercilia preparing the San Pedro cactus Photo: M. Mori Cost Payment gh t© £ 5,065 GBP for the full 3 months/13 weeks (equivalent to only £ 390 GBP p.w.). ry Please follow the link below to make your payment: Co py After registration, you will be prompted to choose between paying by direct bank transfer or by PayPal Express Checkout, with your credit or debit card. Bon voyage in the magical world of plant teachers! 32