Brick Formats - Wittmunder Klinker
Brick Formats - Wittmunder Klinker
Brick Formats Thickness = Depth L 3,2DF Dutch Liliput Belgian boom 8-inch brick, Holstein Belgian module 50 German 8-inch Belgian Brussels English NF Waal format Waal format, thick Vecht format, Dutch Belgian Virginia Belgian Roman Oldenburg format (OF) Paving clinker flat / upright Hamburg format, thin Hamburg format, thick Flensburg format Danish NF Kiel, thin Kiel, thick, Norwegian NF Euroformat Roman brick, Belgium Roman brick, Germany Thin format Imperial format from 1952 Normal format 2DF 4DF 3DF 8DF 10DF Swedish NF Reichsformat v. 1871 Normal format Austria, Sweden Imperial format from 1879 Dutch monastery format Dutch Martinitor Small monastery format Large monastery format Byzantine format k.u.k. Standard format, Austria-Hungary Danish Fünen monastery ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. WF ca. WF, thick ca. ca. ca. ca. OF ca. OF ca. HF, thin ca. HF, dick ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. DF ca. RF, new ca. NF ca. 2DF ca. 4DF ca. 3DF ca. 8DF ca. 10DF ca. ca. RF, alt ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. mm 145 150 180 190 190 195 200 200 210 210 210 210 220 220 220 220 228 228 230 230 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 250 250 250 252 280 280 285 285 290 290 290 D H Approx. pcs. req. mm mm /m² /m³ 300 113 53 178 70 35 140 85 50 88 90 40 90 50 78 92 50 85 880 95 60 70 100 65 65 100 50 76 100 65 65 100 40 92 100 70 54 105 40 85 105 52 72 648 43/86 105 105 108 108 110 110 100 105 115 115 115 115 115 115 175 240 300 120 120 120 122 130 130 135 135 115 140 140 55 65 40 55 55 65 71 40 40 52 65 71 113 238 113 238 238 62 65 62 69 80 70 65 85 31 65 90 67 56 90 64 64 56 50 585 520 80 64 50 48 32 16 32 640 512 418 384 256 530 495 168 16 53 52 50 385-400 52 52 37 41 46 318 34 245 30 Standard Wittmunder Klinkerwerke format Phone +49 (0) 44 62 / 94 74-0 E-mail [email protected] Brick Formats Thickness = Depth L Old Bavarian brick type 3 Old Bavarian format 1 5DF Special format I Special format II Special format III 3,75DF 7,5DF Ancient Babylonian brick, type 3 Ancient Babylonian brick, type 2 Belgian Forsala Old Bavarian brick type 2 Old Bavarian format 4 Monastery format, marienburg (Prussia) Old Bavarian format 2 Old German monastery format Old Bavarian brick type 1 Old Bavarian format 3 Ancient Babylonian brick, type 1 Bavarian brick, large 6DF 9DF 12DF 15DF 18DF 14DF 8DF 12DF 16DF 20DF OF 5DF SF I SF II SF III 6DF 9DF 12DF 15DF 18DF 14DF 8DF 12DF 16DF 20DF ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. mm 295 295 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 310 320 320 320 320 320 330 340 340 350 360 365 365 365 365 365 425 490 490 490 490 DF D H Approx. pcs. req. mm mm /m² /m³ 145 65 145 65 115 238 13 145 52 51 322 145 71 38 248 145 113 26 168 175 113 27 175 238 13 180 70 180 70 100 70 34 120 50 120 50 150 90 155 70 250 69 165 70 165 70 350 90 180 65 115 238 11 175 238 11 240 238 11 45 300 238 365 238 240 238 115 238 8 175 238 8 240 238 300 238 NF Exclusion of warranty. While Klinkerwerke Wittmund GmbH has taken great care in compiling this overview, it cannot assume any liability for possible errors or omissions in the information provided, or for the practical use or suitability of such information for a specific purpose
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