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.ca ~ -o • Cover Photo from the collection of Don Weston , University of Otago INTRODUCTION The famous Moeraki Boulders lie scattered along the shore between Moeraki and Hampden on the east coast of New Zealand's South Island . They are remarkable for their size and roundness and there is nothing quite like them anywhere else in New Zealand. Since the first human settlement the boulders have been a source of fascination. They were the inspiration of Maori legend, and in the early days of European colonisation smaller specimens were taken as "souvenirs". Today, however, the boulders are reserved for all to enjoy. Every year thousands of visitors ask the same questions. Why are the boulders so round? Where did they come from? How did they form? We hope this pictorial memento will provide you with some answers to these questions and enhance your appreciation of this natural phenomenon. THE MAORI EXPLANATION The Ngai Tahu people of the area relate the Moeraki Boulders to the wreck of the great canoe Arai Te Uru . As it was travelling south, the canoe foundered in a storm near Matakaea (Shag Point). Its cargo was washed up on the nearby beaches - the round food baskets and wa ter gourds are Te Kai Hinaki (the Moeraki Boulders), while the seed kumara (sweet potatoes) are the irregularly shaped boulders further south . The hull of Arai Te Uru forms the reef which extends into the sea at Shag Point, and the large rock nearby is Hipo, the navigator. Several of the hills between Moeraki and Palmerston carry the names of crew members: Pukehiwitahi (Pakihiwitahi), Puketapu, Nga Tamariki a Hekura (Hekura's children) and Poutaiki. The hills can also be taken to represent the great waves which overwhelmed the canoe. PHOTO 1 Model of a Polynesian ocean-going canoe , and gourds used by the Maori to carry water on long sea voyages . Photos.' courtesy of the Otago Museum THE SCIENTISTS' EXPLANATION The boulders may look as though they were washed up onto the shore, but a geologist would direct your attention in the opposite direction . The Moeraki Boulders were once buried in the mudstone cliffs at the back of the beach (e.g. Photos 2 & 3). For millions of years the sea has been eroding these cliffs , washing away the soft mUdstone which surrounds the resistant boulders. In the process PHOTO 2 Once hidden from view within the the cliffs have con stantly slumped seaward and mudstone cliff thiS concretion has been the boulders have been left lying on the exposed by erosion. Photo. J Forsyth shoreline. There are countless more still embedded in the mudstone waiting to be uncovered . To geologists the Moeraki Boulders are septarian concretions. Their roundness has nothing to do with being washed by the surf they were round when they formed in the mudstone. The process by which they formed began some 60 million years ago (in the Paleocene period). At that time much of North Otago was covered by the ocean. Muddy sediment, with fragments of plants and shells, accumulated on the sea floor. As great thicknesses of mud piled up over millions of years, chemical changes occurred in the wet sediment and the concretions gradually grew within the mudstone. About 15 million years ago, during the Miocene period , the mudstone and other rocks of the region were lifted up above sea level and the agents of erosion began to work away at the new landmass. Eventually the modern coastline was sculptured, exposing the mudstone beds containing the concretions. WHAT ARE CONCRETIONS? Concretions are hard masses which form in sedimentary rocks (rocks which are laid down in oCean s, lakes or rivers). They range in size from small pellets to huge spherical bodies three metres across. Some of the Moeraki boulders are giants of their kind at over two metres in diameter. "Concretion", like "concrete", means a hard, cemented material. In a concretion the cement is usually the mineral calcite (calcium carbonate), but may also be silica (silic on oxide), pyrite (iron sulphide) or an iron oxide. HOW DO CONCRETIONS FORM? Small amounts o f th e cementing minerals are dissolved in sea water. During deposition of sediment on the ocean fl o or, sea water becomes trapped between the sedimentary particles. Decaying organic matter in the sediment, such as shell, bone or plant fragments, acts as a nucleus aro und which the con cretionary minerals gradually crystallise. The chemical components in the wet sediment migrate toward the nucleus and continue to collect around it until con ditions change or the supply runs out. This takes place slowly over thousands or millions o f years. If the crystall isation of mineral s proceeds equally in all directions from the nucleus , the concretion grows in a spherical shape; otherwise a flat or irregular shape develops. SO HOW DID THE MOERAKI BOULDERS FORM? Geological studies of the Moeraki Boulders have identified a number of stages in the formation of the concretions we see today . The following illustrations give a schematic history of boulder formation spanning 65 million years. Illustrated by Geoffrey Cox. Abou t 60 milli on years ago muddy sediment slow ly accumulated on the sea lIoor. Shell fragments and plant debns were incorporated Into the layers of sedi ment during depoSItion. 2. As the mudstone at Moerak l accumula ted on the anCient sea Iloor, It was continuous ly mixed by burrowing animals ' fiSh, marine worms, molluscs and sea urchins. Th is destroyed any original layering In the sediment. 3. Within the wet sedimenl the cement in g mineral calcite gradually crystallised around organ ic nuclei to form spherical nodules Geologists ca lculate that this took about 120 000 years lor a small concretion (less than 0.5 metres across) and about lour million years lor a large one (over two metres across) . J J " 4 The outside surface of the developing concretions then became hard and brrllle. and the inside material began to dehydrate by chemical reactions. caUSing sh rink age cracks to propagate outwards Irom the core to the rim . , '. 5. Subsequently the cracks became fi lled with ca lcite crystals which grew in Iwo stages. Tiny crystafs of brown ca lcite grew first. followed by larger crystals 01 ye ll ow ca lCite (see Photo 6) . • 6. By the time the yellow calcite began to form , Ihe region had been uplifted on the edge of the new New Zealand landmass. This period of mountain building IS known as the Kalkoura Orogeny. It began In the MIOcene period and IS conlinuing today. ..... .... . .......... . . ••• ,. # . .. . . . e• ~. • • •• . • ,. •• •.. . 7. Finally, in the last few million years, erosion of this landmass exposed the mudstone beds containing the Moeraki Boulders as seen in Photo 3. The weathering effects of rain , surf and sun have worn away the outside of many of the bou Iders reveahng the network of calcite-filled veins (Photos 4, 5 & 6) . Fragments of the boulders litter the beach PHOTO 3 Progressive erosion of the coastal cliffs IS slowly brtnging more Moerak i Boulders down onto the beach . Photo.' 0 Weston PHOTO 4 The Moeraki Boulders display well developed "veins" which radiate out from the cent re These veins were once Internal cracks which became infilled with the secondary mineral calci te. They often form within concretions and are known as septa (meaning dividing walls or partitions) , hence the name septarian concretion Photo ,' J. Forsyth PHOTO 5 This photograph shows a Moerakl Boulder with the distin ctive surface pattern which forms when erosion exposes Ihe internal network of veins This pattern Is tYPical of septanan concretions and has given rise to the names 'turtle backs" or "turtle stones" PIIOtO. J Forsyth PHOTO 6 ThiS close-up of the smoothly eroded surface of a Moerakl Boulder shows the lWO kinds of calcite wh ich crysta llised In cracks during Ihe formation of the boulders. The finely crystalline. early stage calcite (A) formed as the cracKs first developed The coarse ly crystal line ye llow ca lCite (8) (ormed milch later. SClenlists have found the Is%pic signature of rainwater wllhln the yell ow calcite, Indicating that this minerai formed after the region had been uplifted to form a new landmass Photo. J Forsyth THE SHAG POINT CONCRETIONS AND THE PLESIOSAURS South of Moeraki lie the long sweep of Katiki Beach and the headland of Shag Point. Here there is another set of concretions, less spectacular than the Moeraki Boulders, but more exciting in that some are formed around the bones of two kinds of extinct marine reptiles, plesiosaurs and mosasaurs. A few years ago a near-complete skeleton of a 7-metre plesiosaur was discovered near Shag Point (Photos 7 & 8) It was excavated with some 15 tonnes of the enclosing rock, and is being prepared for display in the Geology Museum at Otago University, Dunedin. This plesiosaur belonged to the long-necked elasmosaurfamily, and had a large body, a small head, four streamlined flippers and a short stumpy tail. Elasmosaurs lived from 205 to 65 million years ago (Jurassic to Cretaceous time) and died out during the worldwide extinction of the dinosaurs and many other organisms at the end of the Cretaceous period. Bones of a small mosasaur have also been found near Shag Point. Mosasaurs were large swimming reptiles closely related to living lizards, but they too became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous. The Shag Point concretions date back about 65 million years and are somewhat older than the Moeraki Boulders. PHOTO 7 A large volume of rock conta ining th e remains of a 7 metre-long plesiosaur IS seen here being excavated from a site near Shag Point In 1984 Photo. courtesy of REFordyce PHOTO 8 The ske leton of the plesiosaur found at Shag POint is being recovered pa instaking ly from the enclosing mudstone In the Geology Department at the UniverSity of Otago. Photo. o Weston, courtesy of R E Fordyce