Germany - International Actuarial Association
Germany - International Actuarial Association
COUNTRY REPORT GERMANY CONTENTS New Research ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Research in progress .............................................................................................................................. 2 country Background ................................................................................................................................ 2 Protection Insurance ............................................................................................................................... 4 Retail Longevity Protection ..................................................................................................................... 7 Relevant Organisations ......................................................................................................................... 13 Details on Government Statistics Department ............................................................................... 13 Actuarial Society of the Country .................................................................................................... 13 Insurance regulator ........................................................................................................................ 13 NEW RESEARCH Eva Kibele et al – Widening socioeconomic differences in mortality among men aged 65 years and older in Germany J Epidemiol Community Health 2013; 67:5 453-457 Eva Kibele – Regional mortality differences in Germany Doctoral Dissertation (2005-2010) The aim of this study was to analyze the variation in regional mortality in Germany. Eva Kibele investigated the regional mortality patterns and trends at different spatial sclaes in Germany and to identify mortality determinants at the individual and contextual levels. y_differences_in_germany_4699.htm 1 Mortality Tables Germany RESEARCH IN PROGRESS - Mortality working group of the German actuarial association (“Arbeitsgruppe Biometrische Rechnungsgrundlagen”) review of the DAV mortality tables, in particular the DAV 2004 R - Max-Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung in Rostock ( COUNTRY BACKGROUND Current Population= 80.2 Million People estimate *Destatis – 2011 Census Life expectancy at birth : 2 Both sexes Male Female 1965-1970 70.7 67.6 73.4 1970-1975 71.2 67.9 74.1 1975-1980 72.3 68.9 75.3 1980-1985 73.7 70.2 76.7 1985-1990 75.0 71.6 78.0 1990-1995 75.9 72.5 79.0 1995-2000 77.2 73.9 80.2 2000-2005 78.6 75.6 81.4 2005-2010 79.8 77.1 82.3 2010-2015 80.7 78.2 83.1 Life expectancy at 65: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Germany Female 20,5 20,7 20,7 20,8 20,9 21,2 21,2 Germany Male 17,2 17,4 17,5 17,6 17,8 18,2 18,2 * Population Mortality table: Statistisches Bundesamt: 3 PROTECTION INSURANCE Market background Statistical Yearbook – German Insurance 2014 Published by: Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV), German Insurance Association, Wilhelmstraße 43/43 G, D-10117 Berlin. GDV Yearbook, Table no. 34: Life Insurance Premiums incl. Pensionskassen and pension funds* – by type of business GDV Yearbook, Table no. 36: Life insurance premiums – by type of business (without pension funds and Pensionskassen) 4 5 GDV Yearbook, Table no. 37: New business in life insurance* by type of business Mortality Tables All relevant tables published by the German Actuarial Association such as o DAV-Sterbetafel 2004 R für Rentenversicherungen o Rechnungsgrundlagen DAV 2008 P für die Pflegerenten(zusatz)versicherung o Sterbetafel DAV 2008 T für Lebensversicherungen mit Todesfallcharakter 6 o Raucher- und Nichtrauchersterbetafeln DAV 2008 T R/NR für Lebensversicherungen mit Todesfallcharakter o DAV-Sterbetafel 2006 HUR o Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Erwerbsminderung DAV2001EM DAV2001EM-T o Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Erwerbsunfähigkeitsversicherung DAV1998EU o Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung DAV 1997 can be found under the following link: the Heubeck tables (proprietary tables for private pensions): refer to RETAIL LONGEVITY PRO TECTION Market Background 7 8 Statistical Yearbook – German Insurance 2014 Published by: Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV), German Insurance Association, Wilhelmstraße 43/43 G, D-10117 Berlin. Table no. 39: Basisrenten* – business in force and New business 9 Table no. 38: Riester Pension funds/ business inforce and new business 10 11 Table no. 40: Occupational pensions: direct insurance and reinsurance business in force 12 RELEVANT ORGANISATIONS DETAILS ON GOVERNMENT STATISTICS DEPARTMENT Statistisches Bundesamt – Destatis – Population statistics available on English language website: ACTUARIAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTRY Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung – DAV – German actuarial association – INSURANCE REGULATOR Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – Federal Financial Supervisory Authority – BaFin – English language website for Insurance supervision: sionfunds_node.html 13