D. Asner, J. Conway, S. Greenwald, J. Kim, Y. Li, V. Medjidzade, T
D. Asner, J. Conway, S. Greenwald, J. Kim, Y. Li, V. Medjidzade, T
49th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop October 8 –12, 2010 In Situ SEY Measurements at CesrTA D. Asner, J. Conway, S. Greenwald, J. Kim, Y. Li, V. Medjidzade, T. Moore, M. Palmer, C. Strohman Introduction Measuring secondary electron yields (SEYs) on technical surfaces in accelerator vacuum systems provides essential information for many accelerator R&D projects, such as the ILC Damping Rings, regarding to electron cloud growth and suppression. As a part of CesrTA research program, we developed and deployed SEY in-situ measurement systems. Two such SEY systems were installed to expose samples with direct and scattered synchrotron radiation (SR), and the SEYs of the samples were measured as a function of SR dosages. In this poster, we describe the in-situ SEY measurement systems and the initial results on bare aluminum (6061-T6) and TiN-coated aluminum samples. Sample System Schematic Horizontal In Situ SEY Station in L3 of CesrTA CESR beampipe In Situ SEY Stations Sample Isey Gun Sample ~2nA Ip 20-1500V Gate valves -20V Gun power supply Keithley 6487 Beampipe It Sample Inserted for Exposure Sample retracted for measurement PC • Electron gun (inside crotch) • Magnetic manipulator (electrically insulated from crotch) • • • 2 samples in beam pipe, one horizontal in the radiation strip, one at 45° beneath radiation strip. • Samples are retracted periodically during accelerator accesses Hardware components controlled and their SEYs measured in situ. remotely via LabVIEW software on PC • SEY at 9 grid points on sample measured (right), with incident Gun energy cycled from 20-1500eV with angles 20˚ (pts. 1, 2, 3), 25˚ (pts. 4, 5, 6), & 30˚ (pts. 7, 8, 9). current ~2nA and beam size ~0.5mm • A typical measurement (~ 1.5-hr) can be easily accomplished in Ip is measured with 150V bias before and a normal accelerator access, to minimize disruption to CESR after It is measured operations. It measured with -20V bias Initial Results – SEY vs. Beam Doses TiN-Al Sample 2/2/2010 1.0 10 22 10 Photon Dose (photons/m) 23 10 23 24 10 10 3 Horizontal "Fresh" Horizontal "N2 Vent" 45 deg "Fresh" 45 deg "Contaminated" 1.6 24 10 4 5 6 2 3 10 4 5 6 2 450 1.6 1.4 3/23/2010 1.2 1.0 EMAX (eV) Secondary Electron Yield 1.4 400 3/2/2010 1.2 350 1.0 0.6 0.6 400 800 1200 1600 0 Primary Electron Energy (eV) 800 0.001 1200 Primary Electron Energy (eV) 9/2/2010 9/3/2010 9/21/2010 1.5 1.0 10/5/2010 0.5 0 400 800 1200 18 10 9/2/2010 1600 Primary Electron Energy (eV) 10 100 300 10 1000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 100 1000 Total Beam Dose (Amp·Hr) 19 10 20 21 10 22 10 Photon Dose (ph/m) 23 10 18 10 10 380 19 10 20 21 10 22 10 23 10 10 2.6 2.0 9/3/2010 360 2.4 9/4/2010 1.5 2.2 2.0 1.0 9/7/2010 340 320 1.8 0.5 6061-T6 Aluminum Horizontal Sample Data 6061-T6 Aluminum o 45 Sample Data 1 Photon Dose (ph/m) 8/31/2010 Secondary Electron Yield 2.0 0.1 SEY Peak Beam Processing - Al6061-T6 2.5 8/31/2010 0.01 Total Beam Dose (Amp·Hr) Al6061-T6 Sample 2.5 0.0 400 Emax (eV) 0 0.0 0 400 800 1200 1.6 1600 Primary Electron Energy (eV) 300 Horizontal 45 Degree 1.4 Measured Current & SEY Calculator/Plot Scanning Parameters & Controls LabVIEW Block Diagram • Hardware is controlled by LabVIEW GUI developed at Wilson Lab, incorporating existing Kimball Physics Electron Gun and Keithley 6487 Picoammeter software. • Developed software includes: -Synchronizing gun power supply voltages and bias voltages -Automating electron beam energy scanning and raster scan subroutine while recording current from ammeter -Automating SEY calculation and plotting subroutine 280 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Electron Beam Dose (Amp•hr) Angular Dependence of Peak SEY in TiN-coated Horizontal Sample Keithley Controls 0.8 5/25/2010 SEYmax Secondary Electron Yield 1.4 21 1.8 2/23/2010 1.6 20 10 at 45 Orientation 1.8 1/14/2010 Secondary Electron Yield 19 o 1.8 0.8 Photon Dose (photons/m) TiN Coated Aluminum Gun Parameters TiN Coated Aluminum Sample @ Horizontal Orientation 1.2 SEY Peak Beam Processing – TiN-Al 2.0 Peak SEY 2.0 Control & Data Acquisition System 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Electron Beam Dose (Amp•hr) D-0.030) • Data shows a steady (~ decrease in SEY peak with increased beam dosage (D) for both types of samples • 45° system has a consistently higher SEY than the horizontal system for TiNcoated sample • Measured SEY peak is dependent on incident angle (left figure). Conclusions & Future Work • Measured the SEYs from 6061 alloy are much lower than reported values from 6063 alloy. We plan to do comparison using our in situ systems • Measure the SEY of a sample cut from an extruded aged (30+ years) 6063 aluminum CESR chamber Plot showing angular • Comparing SEY while suppressing E-cloud with solenoid magnetic field generated. dependence of SEY • Measuring in situ various coated samples (such as NEG thin film, amorphous/diamond-like carbon, etc) provided by collaborators • Building and testing in situ SEY systems for the FNAL Main Injector Supported by the National Science Foundation (Contract No. PHY-0734867) and the Department of Energy (Contract No. DE-FC02-08ER41538) LEPP, the Cornell University Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics, has joined with CHESS to become the Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education (CLASSE). LEPP's primary source of support is the National Science Foundation. Visit us on the web at: www.lepp.cornell.edu
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