2016 GR Graduation
2016 GR Graduation
Graduation 2016 *UXQG\&HQWHU+LJK6FKRRO&RPPHQFHPHQW 6XQGD\0D\SP $WWKH+LJK6FKRRO*\PQDVLXP 'LNH1HZ+DUWIRUG&RPPHQFHPHQW 6XQGD\0D\SP $WWKH+LJK6FKRRO*\PQDVLXP %&/8:+LJK6FKRRO&RPPHQFHPHQW 6XQGD\0D\SP $WWKH+LJK6FKRRO*\PQDVLXP The Grundy Register 6SHFLDO6RXYHQLU(GLWLRQ0D\ 2B GRADUATION Grundy Thursday, May 19, 2016 Register www.thegrundyregister.com Grundy Center High School Class of 2016 Jared Alan Clapp Kara Ackley Son of Kevin and Amy Clapp BIRTHDAY:0D\ SIBLINGS: Jordan and Jensen HOBBY: 6QRZPRELOLQJ PARTICIPATED IN: Football, %DVHEDOO DQG 7HQQLV MOST MEMORABLE MOMENTS: +RPHFRPLQJ :HHN DQG 3URP FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza FAVORITE TV SHOW: *ROG 5XVK FAVORITE MOVIE: :DONLQJ 7DOO FAVORITE SONG: 5HFRUG <HDU FAVORITE SINGER:6QRRS'RJJ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: *UDGXDWLQJ.LQGHUJDUWHQ IN MY SPARE TIME: Hang out ZLWKIULHQGV PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mom, because VKH·VWKHEHVW WORDS OF WISDOM: Get good grades in KLJKVFKRRO FUTURE PLANS: Attend Hawkeye Community &ROOHJHIRU\HDUVIRU*HQ(GV SECRET AMBITION: Own my own business. “Do not go ZKHUHëH SDëPD\ lead; go instead where ëHUHLVQR SDëDQG leave a trail.” —Ralph Waldo (PHUVRQ Austin James Grimm Sydney Marie Hogle Son of Julie and Jeremy Heltibridle Daughter of Ken and Tamberlyn Hogle BIRTHDAY:-DQXDU\ SIBLINGS: Allyson Grimm and $XVWLQ +HOWLEULGOH NICKNAME: %RE HOBBIES: Sports, IDUPLQJ PARTICIPATED IN: %DVNHWEDOO EDVHEDOO ))$ AWARDS: Leadership award, Ag mechanics proficiency DZDUGEURQ]HLQSRXOWU\MXGJLQJDW6WDWH))$ MEMORABLE MOMENTS:6SULQJEUHDN FAVORITE FOOD: Anything IURP 3HSSHU·V FAVORITE TV SHOW: %OXH %ORRGV FAVORITE MOVIE:6XSHU7URRSHUV FAVORITE SONG: You VKRXOGEHKHUH FAVORITE SINGER: Florida Georgia Line EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Spring break 2015 IN MY SPARE TIME: )DUP VSRUWV KDQJ ZLWK IULHQGV PERSON I ADMIRE MOST:-RKQ(GOHUIRUKLVKDLU WORDS OF WISDOM:'RQ·WWXUQOHIW FUTURE PLANS: Hawkeye for $J%XVLQHVV SECRET AMBITION: Play on a volleyball team. BIRTHDAY:1RYHPEHU SIBLINGS: Leah and Ethan NICKNAME:6\G6TXLG6\GHU%HH HOBBIES: Watching TV, hanging out with friends, baking, doing random stuff ZLWK $OH[D PARTICIPATED IN: Dance, cheer, tennis, student senate, chorus, GC Jazz, musicals, plays, madrigal HONORS: National Honor Society, Trusted Reader, cheer FDSWDLQ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Becoming a two-time pom state champion, and winning the IA stunt division at state cheer. Six a.m. practices with the cheer and dance WHDP FAVORITE FOOD: Homemade chicken pot pie, peanut EXWWHU FAVORITE TV SHOW:*UH\·V$QDWRP\ FAVORITE MOVIE: Cinderella, Sound of Music, The Man From U.N.C.L.E FAVORITE SONG::DQWWRZDQWPH7KHSUD\HU FAVORITE SINGER:7D\ORU6ZLIW EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: State dance my freshman year, it made me realize that all the work was worth it and the dance team is so much more WKDQWKHKDLUDQGPDNHXSDQGFUD]\IDFLDOV IN MY SPARE TIME: Watch Netflix, nap, play tennis, drive around with /H[/LYDQG1LFROH PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: All of the teachers because they put up with us every day and they KDYH WDXJKW XV DOO VR PXFK WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t be afraid to try something new, who know, you may end XSORYLQJLW FUTURE PLANS: Attend Iowa State University DQGPDMRULQ(YHQW0DQDJHPHQW SECRET AMBITION: Be on Dancing With The Stars and dance with Derek Hough, have a British accent, and get married and have a big family. Cearra Jo Aguon Daughter of Lisa and Paul Aguon BIRTHDAY:'HFHPEHU SIBLINGS: Mitch Turner, -HVV DQG 3DXO $JXRQ NICKNAME: -R-R 6KRUW 6WXII HOBBY: 6SRUWV 5HDGLQJ &RORULQJ PARTICIPATED IN: Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Yearbook, Youth Group, Chorus, DQG 0DGULJDO HONORS: Honor roll all throughout high VFKRRO AWARDS: Lettered every year so far in softball, 2 years in track, 3 in volleyball, 1 so far for tennis, Mary Allen 7HQQLV$ZDUG MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Sophomore year ZLWK-HOHQD-DJJL3URPWHQQLVZLWK0U%DDGH FAVORITE FOOD: &KLFNHQ DQG ,FH &UHDP FAVORITE TV SHOW: 0DNLQJD0XUGHUHU FAVORITE MOVIE:+RPH FAVORITE SONG:$Q\%H\RQFHVRQJ FAVORITE SINGER:%H\RQFH EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Being the last child at home, responsibilities became much bigger and harder. It PDGHPH JUDWHIXOIRU ZKDW,KDYH IN MY SPARE TIME: Read, watch movies, attempt to take good selfies, hang with IULHQGV PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mom. She’s been through a lot in life, both good and bad, but she still makes LWWKURXJKZLWKDVPLOH WORDS OF WISDOM: Stay involvedDQGJRWRHYHU\WKLQJ FUTURE PLANS: Attending Missouri Western State University majoring in Biology then Dental 6FKRRO SECRET AMBITION: Flip (remodel) houses. Hana Elizabeth Edgerton Izzy Henning Daughter of Korine and Cory Edgerton BIRTHDAY:$XJXVW SIBLINGS: Cameron, David, %UH (VWKHU /XNH NICKNAME: +DQD %HOO HOBBIES: (DWLQJZDONLQJP\GRJ79VKRZV1HWIOL[ PARTICIPATED IN: 9ROOH\EDOO WUDFN /2/ $FDGHPLF 'HFDWKORQ VSHHFK AWARDS: All academic four years volleyball, 1st team all conference volleyball 2015, 2nd team all conference YROOH\EDOO MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Going to state YROOH\EDOO FAVORITE FOOD: 3ULPH ULE FAVORITE TV SHOW: *RWKDP 7HHQ :ROI 6XSHUQDWXUDO FAVORITE MOVIE: -DFN )URVW FAVORITE SONG: Love by Michael %XEOH FAVORITE SINGER:0LFKDOH%XEOH EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:*HWWLQJDMRE IN MY SPARE TIME: Be RXWVLGHZDWFK1HWIOL[SOD\YROOH\EDOO PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mother because she can do anything, she’s SUDFWLFDOO\:RQGHU:RPDQ WORDS OF WISDOM: You can do anything in life as long as you put your heart and mind LQWRLW FUTURE PLANS: Attend Central and play volleyball SECRET AMBITION: Travel the world. Jared Warren Freeman Son of John Freeman and Carol Freeman BIRTHDAY: )HEUXDU\ SIBLINGS: Nolan and /LQGVD\ )UHHPDQ NICKNAME: 0HDWEDOO HOBBY: Deep VHD GLYLQJ OLRQ WDPLQJ PARTICIPATED IN: Golf and %DVHEDOO AWARDS: *ROI /HWWHU VRSKRPRUH \HDU MEMORABLE MOMENTS: 6SULQJ %UHDN N FAVORITE FOOD: 0XUSK·V )UR]HQ )UXLW &XSV FAVORITE TV SHOW: )DPLO\*X\0\WKEXVWHUV FAVORITE MOVIE: Any Star Wars PRYLH FAVORITE SONG: American Capitalist- Five Finger 'HDWK3XQFK FAVORITE SINGER: Fiver Finger Death Punch EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Spring Break 2k15 IN MY SPARE TIME:+DQJRXWZLWKP\FDW PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My cat, because he’s secretly a successful EXVLQHVVPDQ WORDS OF WISDOM: You can catch flies Jillian Maureen Itzen Daughter of Bridget and Bill Itzen BIRTHDAY: $SULO SIBLINGS: 1LFN ,W]HQ NICKNAME: %HDQ 7UHHV -LOO\ %HDQV 0F6TXLO HOBBY: 6SRUWVEDVNHWEDOOVRIWEDOOJROIWUDFN PARTICIPATED IN: %DVNHWEDOO6RIWEDOO*ROI7UDFN AWARDS: State Champions ZLWK KRQH\ EXW \RX FDQ FDWFK PRUH KRQH\V EHLQJ IO\ FUTURE PLANS:%HDPDWKPDMRU SECRET AMBITION: Own a performance motorsports shop. Blake Raymond Henningsen Son of Larry and Nanci Henningsen BIRTHDAY: 2FWREHU SIBLINGS: =DFK NICKNAME: 'RXJ HOBBIES: ZDWFKLQJSOD\LQJ VSRUWV PARTICIPATED IN: Basketball, baseball, FFA, 2 years of IRRWEDOO\HDUVRIWHQQLV AWARDS: Greenhand, Chapter Jack Calvin Beck Brunk ))$ GHJUHH EURQ]H LQ SRXOWU\ MXGJLQJ DW 6WDWH ))$ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: When Mr. Ackerman dabbed in SUDFWLFHWHDFKHUVNLWV FAVORITE FOOD: Ribeye, mac and FKHHVH ULEV FAVORITE TV SHOW: )DPLO\ *X\ (631 FAVORITE MOVIE: Hangover trilogy, American Sniper, Blind 6LGH FAVORITE SINGER: *UDQW :HOGRQ IN MY SPARE TIME:JULOODQGFKLOO WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t turn left FUTURE PLANS: Attend Hawkeye Community College, get JHQ HGV DQG WUDQVIHU WR ,68 SECRET AMBITION: Be an Son of Steven Brunk and Tara Beck BIRTHDAY: 0D\ SIBLINGS: Aaron, Issac and $GDP HOBBIES: Photography, videography, and gaming PARTICIPATED IN: Chorus, band, GC jazz, sole/ensemble, cheer, large group speech, NICL band and chorus, madrigal HONORS: +RPHFRPLQJ FRXUW DOO VWDWH VPDOO JURXS AWARDS: Scholastic achievement award, distinguished academic achievement award, president’s award for HGXFDWLRQDO H[FHOOHQFH MEMORABLE MOMENTS: All of *X\V LQ %RZWLHV IN MY SPARE TIME: *DPH FUTURE PLANS: Go to Hawkeye Community College for digital mass media. astronaut. Kaitlynn Marie Ehrig Daughter of Barry and Tina Ehrig Jordan Robert Graham BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU SIBLINGS: (PLO\ HOBBIES: $UW VSRUWV EHLQJ ZLWK IULHQGV DQG IDPLO\ PARTICIPATED IN: Football cheer, competition cheer, EDVNHWEDOOFKHHUWHQQLV1+6VWXGHQWVHQDWH HONORS: Son of David and Sue Graham NHS, homecoming court, 2015 Honor Cheer, Trusted Reader MEMORABLE MOMENTS:+RPHFRPLQJ:HHN FAVORITE FOOD:&KLQHVH)UHQFKWRDVW FAVORITE TV SHOW: Friends DQG)L[HU8SSHU FAVORITE MOVIE:/2/ FAVORITE SONG: &HFLOLDDQGWKHVDWHOOLWH FAVORITE SINGER: Frank Sinatra DQG /RUGH EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Moving WR*UXQG\ZKHQ,ZDVLQWKJUDGH IN MY SPARE TIME: 0DNH DUW PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Jan and Paul Ehrig (my grandparents) they are the most kind, selfless and ORYLQJSHRSOH,NQRZ WORDS OF WISDOM: There’s always VRPHWKLQJ WR EH KDSS\ DERXW FUTURE PLANS: Attend ,RZD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\WRPDMRULQLQWHULRUGHVLJQ SECRET AMBITION: Buy a van and travel around the country to art and music festivals. Austin Burroughs Golf 2015, All Academic Team in Basketball, Golf, Track, DQG 6RIWEDOO MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Golf State 2015, Participating in State Track 2015, Prom, Football Games, +RPHFRPLQJV FAVORITE FOOD: 6KULPS FAVORITE TV SHOW:1HZ*LUO FAVORITE MOVIE: My Big Fat Greek :HGGLQJ FAVORITE SONG:)UXLW6DODGE\WKH:LJJOHV FAVORITE SINGER: .DOHR EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Golf - being a part of something bigger than myself PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Mr. Schupbach - Once my golf coach, but forever my life coach, taught me not to dwell on the past, but to keep taking steps forward. He taught me the power of vulnerability and to take it and thrive with it. It is the moments when you are the weakest, that can create the most powerful and strongest opportunities. (He would say.) He also taught me that appreciation is key, and I appreciate him the most. For it was him who taught me more than I will ever be able to learn from most. I will never be able to thank him enough for all that he has done IRUPH,·PJUDWHIXOIRUWKHUHODWLRQVKLS,KDYHZLWKKLP WORDS OF WISDOM:<2/2(QMR\WKHMRXUQH\ FUTURE PLANS: Attend Iowa State University and major in visual FRPPXQLFDWLRQV DQG PLQRU LQ JUDSKLF GHVLJQ SECRET AMBITION: Work for the CIA. BIRTHDAY: 2FWREHU SIBLINGS: Nathan and /DQGRQ NICKNAME:*5DP HOBBIES: Boating, biking, JRLQJWRWKHWUHVWOH PARTICIPATED IN: Football, basketball, WUDFN1+6IULHQGVILUVW MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Trips to the box crusher in bakery freshman year, play off football DQG FAVORITE FOOD: Bubble pizza on 7KXUVGD\ FAVORITE TV SHOW: The Office and Brickleberry FAVORITE MOVIE:'MDQJR8QFKDLQHG FAVORITE SONG: (YHU\WKLQJZLOOEH2ND\ FAVORITE SINGER: Tim McGraw, (ULF &KXUFK - &ROH * (D]\ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 3DUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ IRRWEDOO WKH ODVW \HDUV IN MY SPARE TIME:3OD\SHSSHUZLWKWKHVTXDG PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Any adult that teaches/coaches/volunteers for their time for us students (Vikki Murphy, Stef Rohler, Jeff 0DWKHZV WORDS OF WISDOM: Love God, Love people, GR VWXII FUTURE PLANS: Study kinesiology at Iowa 6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ SECRET AMBITION: Athletic train for the Minnesota Vikings. Brandy Hippen Levi Jacobs Spahn & Rose Lumber Co. Mason Spahn, Manager Stefanie L. Rohler, O.D. 509 G Avenue Grundy Center 319-824-6380 Arlington Place of Grundy Center 95 D Avenue Grundy Center Investments® Investment solutions with people you know & trust 319-824-5674 603 7th Street Grundy Center www.arlingtonplaceretirement.com 319-825-5295 618 G Avenue PO Box 38 Grundy Center, IA 50638 Phone: 319.824.5221 Fax: 319.824.5225 404 6th Street Grundy Center, IA (319) 825-3316 Your Building Project Headquarters 1706 G Ave., GC 825-4800 Congratuatlions to the Class of 2016! GRADUATION Grundy www.thegrundyregister.com Register Thursday, May 19, 2016 3B Grundy Center High School Class of 2016 Piper Lane Johanns Brenton Gene Kiewiet Katie Lea Lindeman Alyssa Marie Mathews Dalyn Marie Maxson Daughter of Robert and Beth Johanns Son of Mindy Greany and Gary Kiewiet Daughter of Matt and Jan Lindeman Daughter of Jeff and Kelly Mathews Daughter of Dave and Lynn Maxson BIRTHDAY:6HSWHPEHU SIBLINGS: Zoe Johanns NICKNAME:3LSHV3LS HOBBY: Read, Crochet, Spending WLPH ZLWK IULHQGV PARTICIPATED IN: Volleyball, Tennis, BIRTHDAY:$SULO SIBLINGS: Eli and Hannah Lane, +DOHLJK DQG +D\GQ .LHZLHW HOBBY: :RUNLQJ RQ FDUV FAVORITE FOOD:3L]]D FAVORITE TV SHOW: Street Outlaws FAVORITE MOVIE:*RQHLQ6HFRQGV FAVORITE SONG: .LFNLWLQWKH6WLFNV FAVORITE SINGER:%UDQWOH\*LOEHUW IN MY SPARE TIME:+DQJRXWZLWKIULHQGV PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: *UDQGSD %RE IRU HYHU\WKLQJ KH KDV WDXJKW PH FUTURE PLANS: Attend college for welding. BIRTHDAY:0D\ SIBLINGS:6DUDKDQG$EELH NICKNAME:.DWKHULQH.DWH.DWDOLQD HOBBIES: Reading, VSRUWVVSHQGLQJWLPHZLWKIULHQGVDQGIDPLO\ PARTICIPATED IN: Volleyball, basketball, track, chorus, musical theatre, BIRTHDAY: )HEUXDU\ SIBLINGS: Kayla and 6\GQH\ NICKNAME: $O $OO\ /\VV HOBBY: Spending WLPH ZLWK IULHQGV DQG IDPLO\ 1HWIOL[ PARTICIPATED IN: Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Softball, FFA, FCA, Student 6HQDWH 1+6 &KRUXV 7UXVWHG 5HDGHU HONORS: NHS, Trusted Reader, Junior Class President, Student Senate 3UHVLGHQW AWARDS: 1st Team all conference in volleyball, basketball, and softball, 1st Team all district in volleyball, basketball, and softball. All State Honors in volleyball and softball. All conference academic in volleyball, basketball, WUDFN VRIWEDOO $OO GLVWULFW DFDGHPLF LQ EDVNHWEDOO MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Homecoming week, Sophomore YROOH\EDOOUHJLRQDOILQDO FAVORITE FOOD: Plain Hamburger DQG &KLFNHQ $OIUHGR FAVORITE TV SHOW: Pretty Little /LDUV 7KH )RVWHUV 2QH 7UHH +LOO FAVORITE MOVIE: $Q\ 1LFKRODV 6SDUNV FAVORITE SONG: Almost anything FRXQWU\ FAVORITE SINGER:$Q\WKLQJFRXQWU\RUSRS IN MY SPARE TIME:+DQJRXWZLWKIULHQGV1HWIOL[ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My dad, he has taught me how to do my best in everything I do and he has always pushed me to EHWKHEHVW,FDQ WORDS OF WISDOM: High school only ODVWVVRORQJVRJHWLQYROYHGDQGHQMR\LWZKLOHLWODVWV FUTURE PLANS: Attend Simpson College to play volleyball and softball. Major in Mathematics. BIRTHDAY:6HSWHPEHU SIBLINGS: David, Holly NICKNAME:'DO/%'D\ HOBBIES: Rollerblading, biking PARTICIPATED IN:6RFFHUGDQFHFKHHUVWXGHQWVHQDWH HONORS:+RQRUGDQFH$OO,RZD AWARDS: Team captain, GDQFLQJ TXHHQ 0LVV :DFN\ DOODFDGHPLF MEMORABLE MOMENTS: +RPHFRPLQJ ZHHN VWDWH GDQFH FAVORITE FOOD:+DPEXUJHUV FAVORITE TV SHOW: Anything HGTV FAVORITE MOVIE: *UDQ 7RULQR FAVORITE SONG: Hit WKH )ORRU E\ /LQNLQ 3DUN FAVORITE SINGER: - &ROH EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:+DYLQJDQLQWHUQVKLS PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Mom and dad, they have always HQFRXUDJHG DQG PRWLYDWHG PH WORDS OF WISDOM: Always work hard and know the difference between AM and 30 FUTURE PLANS: Attend University of Iowa, real estate OLFHQVH SECRET AMBITION: To own my own business. Dance, Basketball Cheer, Softball, FCA, NHS, Student 6HQDWH &KRUXV HONORS: 1DWLRQDO +RQRUV 6RFLHW\ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: State appearances, Homecoming ZHHNV FAVORITE FOOD:&KLFNHQ FAVORITE TV SHOW: *UH\V$QDWRP\7KH2IILFH FAVORITE MOVIE:7DQJOHG FAVORITE SONG: 7RWDO (FOLSVH RI WKH +HDUW FAVORITE SINGER: /DQD 'HO 5H\ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:*RLQJWR*HUPDQ\ZLWKVFKRROIUHVKPDQ\HDU IN MY SPARE TIME:5HOD[5HDG+XOD+RRS PERSON I ADMIRE MOST:$XQW0DU\VKHILQGVJRRGLQDOOWKLQJV WORDS OF WISDOM:6WD\-R\IXO FUTURE PLANS: Attend University of ,RZD1XUVLQJ6FKRRO SECRET AMBITION: To be a welder. VWXGHQW VHQDWH IULHQGV ILUVW 6XQGD\ VFKRRO WHDFKHU HONORS:1+6+RPHFRPLQJ4XHHQ AWARDS: Basketball: NICL MVP, NICL 1st team unanimous, class 2A 3rd team all state, class 2A 1st team all state, All district, All region. Volleyball: NICL 1st team, All district, class 2A honorable mention, class 2A 3rd team all state. Track: 4 x 8 7th, 5th DQG WK SODFH DW VWDWH &LWL]HQVKLS DZDUG MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Any memory with Piper, Kayla and Alyssa, Senior basketball season, playing in state championship volleyball JDPHIUHVKPDQ\HDU FAVORITE FOOD: Steak or peanut EXWWHU FAVORITE TV SHOW: Sports Center and One Tree +LOO FAVORITE MOVIE: Remember the Titans and How to /RVHD*X\LQ7HQ'D\V FAVORITE SONG: Just be held and 'LH D KDSS\ PDQ FAVORITE SINGER: Carrie Underwood DQG /XNH %U\DQ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Playing with so many great teammates to accomplish one FRPPRQ JRDO IN MY SPARE TIME: Read and hang out ZLWKIULHQGVIDPLO\ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My dad, he has shown and taught me to work hard, never give up, and EHFRQILGHQWLQP\VHOI WORDS OF WISDOM: Be yourself EHFDXVHHYHU\RQHHOVHLVWDNHQ FUTURE PLANS: Attend :DUWEXUJ ZLWK XQGHFLGHG PDMRU DQG WR SOD\ EDVNHWEDOO SECRET AMBITION: Work at Nike. William D. Kirchmann Son of William Kirchmann, Maria Cuevas, and Kimberly Kirchmann BIRTHDAY:)HEUXDU\ SIBLINGS: Mary Edwards, Angel Kirchmann, Chelsey Baysinger, Cody Mattson, Josie 'RHVFKHU -RUGDQ 0DWWVRQ NICKNAME: 1DWR +HUHQFH HOBBIES: Playing League of Legends and Smash Bros, UHDGLQJ PDQJD ZDWFKLQJ DQLPH DQG OLVWHQLQJ WR PXVLF PARTICIPATED IN: Band, chorus, speech, community play, PXVLFDOWKHDWUHDFDGHPLFGHFDWKORQ HONORS: I get told ,·PQLFHDORW AWARDS:0\KDLU MEMORABLE MOMENTS: 3OD\LQJ D SLDQR VROR DW 6KLQHIHVW FAVORITE FOOD:0\PRP·VFRRNLQJ«QRVHULRXVO\ FAVORITE TV SHOW: 1LFKLMRX FAVORITE MOVIE: Digimon: The Movie FAVORITE SONG: 8QGHUWDOH E\ 7RE\ )R[ FAVORITE SINGER: *X\V LQ %RZWLHV EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 3DUHQWV GLYRUFLQJ IN MY SPARE TIME: Be on the FRPSXWHU PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My father has gone WKURXJK PDQ\ KDUGVKLSV WKDW ,·P DEOH WR OHDUQ IURP WORDS OF WISDOM: The mind is an expanding puzzle; those who solve it are the ones who make the biggest GLIIHUHQFHV FUTURE PLANS: Enter digital mass media 2-year program at Hawkeye Community College and work at %OL]]DUG(QWHUWDLQPHQWRU5LRW*DPHV SECRET AMBITION: Become a professional gamer. Jeremy Kalina Blake Edwin Kelley Son of Gary and Stacy Kelley BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU SIBLINGS: Jack Kelley NICKNAME: .HOOH\ HOBBY: 0XVLF 9LGHR *DPHV PARTICIPATED IN: Band, AcDec, Speech, Envirothon, Quiz %RZOV HONORS: National Honors Society, Silver Cord, 5HG&RUG AWARDS: Division I ratings for band solos, and SHUIHFWVFRUHVRSKRPRUH\HDU MEMORABLE MOMENTS: 6HQLRU \HDU SURP FAVORITE FOOD: Chocolate shakes FAVORITE TV SHOW: -HRSDUG\ FAVORITE MOVIE: 6WDU :DUV FAVORITE SONG: 2QH /DVW %UHDWK &UHHG FAVORITE SINGER: 9ROEHDW EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Going to my first live rock concert with my dad. IN MY SPARE TIME: :ULWH PXVLF PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: 3XP\ P\ JUDQGPD WORDS OF WISDOM: “Take the hard road, but the only problem with the high road is WKDWLW·VKDUGµ8QFOH-HII FUTURE PLANS: To drop out RI+DZNH\H&RPPXQLW\&ROOHJHDQGEHFRPHDURFNVWDU SECRET AMBITION: To become a Buddhist Monk. Shannon M. Meester Daugther of Jason and Wendy Meester Kayla Christine Mathews Daughter of Leon and Kelly Mackie BIRTHDAY: -DQXDU\ SIBLINGS: Calvin Mackie DQG 1DWH 0F*UDQH NICKNAME: -DQDHQDH HOBBIES: :DWFKLQJ 79 VSHQGLQJ WLPH ZLWK IULHQGV VOHHSLQJ PARTICIPATED IN: Cheer, band, chorus, GC jazz, madrigal, PXVLFDOVDQGWKHSOD\ AWARDS: 3rd place in state cheer GDQFH MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Pep band – Alumni night 'HFHPEHU VW FAVORITE FOOD: 3L]]D FAVORITE TV SHOW: 7KH 9DPSLUH 'LDULHV FAVORITE MOVIE: The 3ULQFHVV%ULGH FAVORITE SONG: Missing You by All Time /RZ FAVORITE SINGER:)LYH6HFRQGVRI6XPPHU EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:6KLQHIHVW IN MY SPARE TIME:/LVWHQWRPXVLFDQGVSHQGWLPHZLWKIULHQGV PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My dad because he is one of the most hardworking and caring people I’ve ever had the chance RI NQRZLQJ WORDS OF WISDOM: Life waits for no one FUTURE PLANS: Attend Hawkeye Community College and PDMRULQOLEHUDODUWV SECRET AMBITION: Travel the world. BIRTHDAY: )HEUXDU\ SIBLINGS: Sydney DQG $O\VVD NICKNAME: . .D\OHH HOBBY: Going on ZDONV QHWIOL[ VSHQGLQJ WLPH ZLWK IULHQGV DQG IDPLO\ PARTICIPATED IN: Volleyball, basketball, track, softball, FFA, FCA, NHSM, student senate, chorus, madrigal Honors: 1+6WUXVWHGUHDGHU AWARDS: All-conference awards in basketball, softball, volleyball, and track, all-conference DFDGHPLFEDVNHWEDOOVRIWEDOODQGYROOH\EDOO MEMORABLE MOMENTS: $Q\DOO VWDWH DSSHDUDQFHV FAVORITE FOOD: 3L]]DDQGSDVWD FAVORITE TV SHOW: One Tree Hill, Pretty /LWWOH/LDUV FAVORITE MOVIE:9DFDWLRQ FAVORITE SONG: 7RWDOHFOLSVHRIWKHKHDUWZKHUHLVWKHORYH" FAVORITE SINGER: $Q\WKLQJ SRS RU FRXQWU\ IN MY SPARE TIME: 6SHQG WLPH ZLWK IULHQGV DQG IDPLO\ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My parents; for everything they have done for me WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t waste time it goes faster than \RXWKLQN FUTURE PLANS: Attend UNI, major in education. Haylee Elizabeth Neessen Daughter of Cindy Neessen Class Flower: Dalton Scott Laughlin White rose tipped in red Son of Karen Kay Reed and Scott Laughlin BIRTHDAY: -XQH SIBLINGS: .D\OLH /DXJKOLQ NICKNAME:'/DXJK HOBBY:%DVHEDOO5XQQLQJ)RRG PARTICIPATED IN:%DVHEDOO&URVV&RXQWU\ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Sophomore year baseball-Winning district FKDPSLRQVKLS FAVORITE FOOD: Anything to do with SRWDWRHV FAVORITE TV SHOW: 7UDLOHU 3DUN %R\V FAVORITE MOVIE: )RUUHVW *XPS FAVORITE SONG: 5,&20HHN0LOOIHDW'UDNH FAVORITE SINGER: Drake EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Getting a job made me reevaluate money and caused me to grow up and mature. IN MY SPARE TIME: 6OHHS 5HOD[ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mother- Constantly keeps her head up and stays SRVLWLYHUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHVLWXDWLRQ WORDS OF WISDOM: 'RQ·W HYHU SXW RII VKRZHULQJ FUTURE PLANS: Attend 0LVVRXUL :HVWHUQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ SECRET AMBITION: Professional Dodgeball Player. Schuck Realty Co. Check Out Our Listings schuckrealtyco.com Van Wert Inc. Daughter of Jeff and Kelly Mathews Jeane Mackie BIRTHDAY: 6HSWHPEHU SIBLINGS: Jacob 0HHVWHU HOBBY:5HDGLQJ'HHU+XQWLQJ PARTICIPATED IN: Academic Decathlon, Literature Over Lunch, Friends )LUVW AWARDS: AcDec medals and ribbons from regional DQGVWDWH FAVORITE FOOD:3LH FAVORITE TV SHOW: )XOO 0HWDO $OFKHPLVW %URWKHUKRRG FAVORITE MOVIE: 'UDJRQKHDUW FAVORITE SONG: Sparrows by Jason Gray FAVORITE SINGER:7RE\0DF EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:%HLQJERUQ IN MY SPARE TIME:5HDG FUTURE PLANS: Attend the University of Iowa and study English. BIRTHDAY: $SULO SIBLINGS: /LOO\ 1HHVVHQ NICKNAME: +D\ZHH PARTICIPATED IN: Track, Cross &RXQWU\ 6SHHFK $FDGHPLF 'HFDWKORQ FAVORITE FOOD: 0DF DQG &KHHVH FAVORITE TV SHOW: The Big Bang 7KHRU\ FAVORITE MOVIE:(YHU$IWHU FAVORITE SONG: /HDQ2Q0H EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: My little sister being born. I want to be someone she can look up to. IN MY SPARE TIME:*RIRUZDONV WORDS OF WISDOM: (YHU\WKLQJ KDV LWV EHDXW\ EXW QRW HYHU\RQH VHHV LW FUTURE PLANS: I plan to go to UNI. I want to become a FKLOGWKHUDSLVW SECRET AMBITION: I want to go to India. Class Officers: 3UHVLGHQW6WHSKDQLH:DçHQ Vice President-Nelson Sager 6HFUHWDU\7UHDVXUHU.DWH5RVV Manly Drug Store Hallmark 606 8th Street Grundy Center Joyce Harrenstein, Broker/Owner Call Our Office Today! 319-824-3293 319-825-3841 Lori Burmester 319-415-9980 Cell GRUNDY CENTER, IA US Cellular & Local Dish Grundy Center & Parkersburg 824-5446 ǁŚŝŶŬ services, inc. WUDGLWLRQDOKHDWSXPSJHRWKHUPDO UHVLGHQWLDODQGFRPPHUFLDO+9$&VHUYLFH As You Like It 625 G Avenue 805 G Ave. Grundy Center, IA your local Lennox dealer Rouse Motor Company $ISZTMFSt%PEHFt+FFQ 824-6004 or 1-866-319-8246 www.rousemotor.com See Don or Marty Engelkes-Abels Funeral Home 509 4th Street Grundy Center, IA 50638 319-824-3319 abelsfuneralhomes.com 4B GRADUATION Grundy Thursday, May 19, 2016 Register www.thegrundyregister.com Grundy Center High School Class of 2016 Kaleb Mikal Neher Katherine Ann Ross Alexander John Lawson Sealman Jarrett James Stoner Stephanie Carol Wallen Son of Paul and Ronda Neher Daughter of Ryan Ross and Christi Crane Son of Denise Son of Ellen Daughter of Nancy and Richard Wallen BIRTHDAY:0DUFK SIBLINGS: Lucas, Lara, Julen, .ULVWLQ 6NLHO\U -RQ HOBBIES: Video games, reading, SKRWRJUDSK\ ELNLQJ PARTICIPATED IN: GC jazz, Guys in %RZWLHV WKHDWUH FKHHUOHDGLQJ HONORS: All state small JURXS AWARDS: Four I’s at large group speech, four I’s DW ODUJH JURXS EDQG MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Forming JX\V LQ ERZWLHV VLQJLQJ DW :HOOV)DUJR DQG 81, 'RPH FAVORITE FOOD:3L]]DLFHFUHDPGHVVHUW FAVORITE TV SHOW: %ULFNOHEHUU\ FAVORITE MOVIE: Schindler’s List EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Traveling to foreign FRXQWULHV IN MY SPARE TIME: Play video games and hang RXW WORDS OF WISDOM: Do your homework, but have IXQWRR FUTURE PLANS: Digital mass media at Hawkeye &RPPXQLW\ &ROOHJH SECRET AMBITION: If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret. BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW SIBLINGS: Libby and 5\GHU NICKNAME: Kate, Kathranann, Agirlkate, Shorty HOBBY: Spending time with family and friends, Golfing PARTICIPATED IN: Dance team, Girls golf, NHS, FFA, 6WXGHQW6HQDWH&URVV&RXQWU\ HONORS: All-Iowa Honor 'DQFH1DWLRQDO+RQRU6RFLHW\ AWARDS: 3 time 1A State *ROI &KDPSLRQV MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Homecoming ZHHN 6WDWH JROI 6WDWH GDQFH 3URP FAVORITE FOOD: )UXLW VQDFNV FAVORITE TV SHOW: Scandal, How to Get $ZD\:LWK0XUGHU*RVVLS*LUO FAVORITE MOVIE: BIRTHDAY: 2FWREHU SIBLINGS: 7UHYRU NICKNAME: /H[ HOBBIES: 'UDZLQJ UHDGLQJ ZULWLQJ PARTICIPATED IN: Art club, Vans shoes contest, musicals, SOD\V MEMORABLE MOMENTS: First day of musical theatre FAVORITE FOOD: 3DVWD FAVORITE TV SHOW: Steven 8QLYHUVH FAVORITE MOVIE:1LJKWPDUH%HIRUH&KULVWPDV FAVORITE SONG:'HDWKRID%DFKHORU FAVORITE SINGER: %UHQGRQ8ULH EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Reading FKLOGUHQ·V ERRNV WR HOHPHQWDU\ VWXGHQWV IN MY SPARE TIME: 'UDZ DQG SDLQW PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Esther (GJHUWRQVKHLVDOZD\VKHUVHOI WORDS OF WISDOM: 2 DPLVQHYHUDJRRGWLPHWRJRWRVOHHS FUTURE PLANS: $UW WHDFKHUPDVVDJH WKHUDSLVWFRVPHWRORJLVW SECRET AMBITION: Famous artist. BIRTHDAY: 0D\ SIBLINGS: Tayler, Errin, and -RUGDQ HOBBIES: Hanging out with friends, playing sports PARTICIPATED IN: )RRWEDOO EDVNHWEDOO WHQQLV ))$ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: All of the sports I played and the SHRSOHDQGPHPRULHVWKDWJRZLWKWKHP FAVORITE FOOD: 0DVKHGSRWDWRHVDQGSHDFKSLH FAVORITE TV SHOW: Blue %ORRGVDQG&KLFDJR)LUH FAVORITE MOVIE: The Lion King DQG$QQDEHOOH·V:LVK FAVORITE SONG: You don’t know her OLNH,GRE\%UDQWOH\*LOEHUW FAVORITE SINGER: Brantley *LOEHUW EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: When I was ERUQ IN MY SPARE TIME:+DQJRXWZLWKIULHQGV PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Blake Henningsen, he’s a pretty cool guy WORDS OF WISDOM: +DYH IXQ ZKLOH LW ODVWV FUTURE PLANS: Attend Hawkeye Community College then transfer WR,RZD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ SECRET AMBITION: Own a lion. BIRTHDAY:0DUFK SIBLINGS:/DXUHQ:DOOHQ NICKNAME: 6WHSK HOBBY: Softball, Working, Watching 1HWIOL[ PARTICIPATED IN: NHS, Class President, FFA 6ZHHW+RPH$ODEDPD6L[WHHQ&DQGOHV3UDFWLFDO0DJLF FAVORITE SONG:6KH·V&RXQWU\-DVRQ$OGHDQ FAVORITE SINGER: Miranda Lambert, Rihanna, Beyonce, Jason Aldean, *HRUJH 6WUDLW EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: The activities I have been able to participate in throughout high VFKRRO IN MY SPARE TIME: Golf, hangout with friends and IDPLO\EHRXWVLGHZDWFK1HWIOL[ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Dad, he’s been by my side through thick and thin, and I can JRWRKLPZKHQHYHU WORDS OF WISDOM: PA, PO (Positive $WWLWXGH 3RVLWLYH 2XWFRPH FUTURE PLANS: Attend the University of Northern Iowa and major in business/finance. SECRET AMBITION: Do lots of traveling. Christopher William Siefka Courtney Paige Porter Jack Stumberg Son of Allisa and Gary Siefka Daughter of Penny and the late Dennis Porter BIRTHDAY:'HFHPEHU NICKNAME: Corty and C 3RUW HOBBIES: Playing on Facebook, going to the library, ULGLQJKRUVHVVSHQGLQJWLPHZLWKP\IDPLO\ PARTICIPATED IN: Cheerleading my sophomore year and junior year, basketball manager for girls basketball sophomore and VHQLRU \HDU FKRUXV SXEOLFDWLRQV GXULQJ MXQLRU \HDU AWARDS: Lettered in chorus, cheerleading, and basketball IRU PDQDJHU MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Being basketball PDQDJHUDQGJUDGXDWLQJIURPVFKRROLQ0D\ FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza Ranch BLT pizza, homemade mac and cheese, FKLFNHQ DOIUHGR )DPRXV 'DYH·V FAVORITE TV SHOW: Degrassi, Saddle Club, Dancing with the Stars, Dog Eat 'RJ2QHRQ2QH FAVORITE MOVIE: Lifesize, Willy Wonka DQGWKH&KRFRODWH)DFWRU\'LUW\'DQFLQJ+DYDQD1LJKWV FAVORITE SONG:0\/LWWOH*LUODQG-HVXV7DNHWKH:KHHO FAVORITE SINGER: Adele, Lionel Richie, Shania Twain, Billy -RHO EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: The day my dad SDVVHGDZD\DSDUWRIPHZHQWWRKHDYHQZLWKKLP IN MY SPARE TIME::DWFKPRYLHVFRORUJRRQ3LQWHUHVW PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mom, I don’t know where I would be without her love, encouragement and support. Love you PRP WORDS OF WISDOM: Shoot for the moon … even LI\RXPLVV\RX·OOODQGDPRQJVWWKHVWDUV FUTURE PLANS: Take some time off after school and attend college to do QDLOV SECRET AMBITION: Someday swim with dolphins. Austin Schafer 3UHVLGHQW 6RIWEDOO 6WXGHQW 6HQDWH 7UXVWHG 5HDGHU HONORS:,QGXFWLRQLQWR1+6 AWARDS: Academic Awards, ))$$ZDUGV MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Homecoming, Prom, &RDFKHV96&DQFHU FAVORITE FOOD: Macaroni and cheese FAVORITE TV SHOW: One Tree Hill, Friends, The Bachelor FAVORITE MOVIE:7KH%OLQG6LGH FAVORITE SONG: She :LOO %H /RYHG 0DURRQ FAVORITE SINGER: Miranda /DPEHUW EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: When I got WRJRWR+DLWL IN MY SPARE TIME: Listen to music, Watch 1HWIOL[ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Bobbi Jo Paige, because VKHLVDVWURQJDQGNLQGZRPDQZKROLYHVKHUOLIHIRU*RG WORDS OF WISDOM: Spend time with family while you have WKHFKDQFH FUTURE PLANS: Attend UNI for Elementary (GXFDWLRQ SECRET AMBITION: Work at a record label. BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU NICKNAME: &KULV FAVORITE FOOD: 3L]]D FAVORITE TV SHOW: Full Metal $OFKDPLVW FAVORITE SONG:'DUNHVWSDUW5(' IN MY SPARE TIME: 'UDZ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mom EHFDXVHVKHKDVOHD WORDS OF WISDOM: Life is short... HDWSL]]D SECRET AMBITION: To eat all pizza. Son of Mike and Heather Stumberg Grant Richard Weldon BIRTHDAY: 2FWREHU SIBLINGS: +DQQDK NICKNAME: -4XL] HOBBIES: /LIWLQJ VNDWHERDUGLQJ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Junior basketball season when Son of Mike and Susan Weldon Bryce and Grant didn’t know how many inches or how PXFKDILYHGROODUIRRWORQJFRVW FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza FAVORITE TV SHOW:%UHDNLQJ%DG FAVORITE MOVIE: 1DFKR/LEUH IN MY SPARE TIME: Life, skateboard, listen to PXVLF PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My dad because he works KDUGDQGQHYHUJLYHVXS WORDS OF WISDOM: Put some UHVSHFNRQLW FUTURE PLANS: Attend Kirkwood. BIRTHDAY: 6HSWHPEHU SIBLINGS: Garret NICKNAME: *ZHOGR HOBBY: 6LQJLQJ 6SRUWV PARTICIPATED IN: $OO 6SRUWV AWARDS: 2nd Team All Conference Baseball freshman year, Division I rating on VLQJLQJ VROR DQG MEMORABLE MOMENTS: 3LWFKHGDSHUIHFWJDPHRQ0RWKHU·V'D\ FAVORITE FOOD: &KHHVHEXUJHU DQG &KHHVHEDOOV FAVORITE TV SHOW: 7KH9RLFH FAVORITE MOVIE: For the Love of the Game/ +DSS\ *LOPRUH FAVORITE SONG: 6HYHUDO FAVORITE SINGER: 'DXJKWU\ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 0LVVLRQWULSWR'HWURLW IN MY SPARE TIME: Play baseball/ ZDWFK79OLVWHQWRPXVLF PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Jackie Robinson, because he not only played the game I love, but accomplished and broke the chains of things much JUHDWHUWKDQKLPVHOI FUTURE PLANS: Attend Grand View 8QLYHUVLW\WRSOD\EDVHEDOODQGWRVLQJ SECRET AMBITION: To be remembered. Nelson Sager Jori Steenhoek Daughter of Brian and Geselle Steenhoek SIBLINGS: /\GLD %UHQQDQ DQG &DPHURQ PARTICIPATED IN: Cross Country, Track, Northern Iowa Youth Orchestra, *& -D]] DQG )ULHQGV )LUVW HONORS: National Honors 6RFLHW\ 0HPEHU AWARDS: Most Valuable Newcomer &URVV &RXQWU\ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Qualifying for VWDWHFURVVFRXQWU\ FAVORITE FOOD:%DFRQ FAVORITE TV SHOW:'RZQWRZQ$EEH\ FAVORITE MOVIE: Pride and 3UHMXGLFH EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Moving to *UXQG\DWWKHHQGRIP\MXQLRU\HDU IN MY SPARE TIME: 6SHQG WLPH ZLWK IDPLO\ DQG IULHQGV FUTURE PLANS: 1RUWKZHVWHUQ&ROOHJHWRVWXG\&RPPXQLW\'HYHORSPHQW SECRET AMBITION: It’s a secret. Kyle James Reuther Class Sponsors: Son of Jason and Denise Reuther BIRTHDAY:0DUFK SIBLINGS: Cam (brother) and .LUE\VLVWHU HOBBY:)LVKLQJ PARTICIPATED IN: Band HONORS: 1,&/ %DQG MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Fourth RI -XO\ )LUHZRUNV DW 0W 5XVKPRUH FAVORITE FOOD: 6WDUEXUVW MHOO\ EHDQV DOO FDQG\ FAVORITE TV SHOW: -HRSDUG\ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Moving to *UXQG\ &HQWHU IN MY SPARE TIME: *DPLQJ FUTURE PLANS: Attending Hawkeye Community College. 0UV$URQVRQ0UV0XUSK\ and Mr. Seitz GRUNDY VETERINARY CLINIC 319-825-PETS (7387) 608 G Avenue Grundy Center John Jorgensen, DVM Janessa Butterfield, DVM Best of Luck Class of 2016 1400 G Avenue, Gruncy Center 319-824-3849 www.shopbrothersmarket.net Toni Nederhoff 803 G Avenue Grundy Center 319-825-2318 1120 Edgington Ave (OGRUD 641-858-2318 Caleb Michael Van Hauen Son of MeLissa and Chad Van Hauen BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU SIBLINGS: Jared, and '\ODQ NICKNAME: 6FRREV HOBBY: Cooking, Fishing, *RLQJRQZDONV PARTICIPATED IN: Band, marching band, -D]]EDQG*&-D]] HONORS: Lettering awards for band, outstanding attendance certification, and getting my poem SXEOLVKHG LQ D ERRN AWARDS: Certification of musical achievement, scholastic achievement award, distinguished DFDGHPLF DZDUG MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Isle Casino ILHOGWULSIRUFXOLQDU\H[SHULHQFH FAVORITE FOOD: Chicken DOIUHGRSDVWD FAVORITE TV SHOW:)DPLO\*X\ FAVORITE MOVIE: 6WDU :DUV WULORJ\ FAVORITE SONG: Rapper’s 'HOLJKW RU (OHFWULF 6OLGH FAVORITE SINGER: Taylor Swift EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: When my grandpa took me to Canada to fish there for my first time it taught PH KRZ WR ILVK EHWWHU DQG KDYH SDWLHQWV IN MY SPARE TIME:*RLQJRQZDONVDQGSOD\LQJYLGHRJDPHV PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My parents because they both helped me get to where I am today and helped me get my dream to EHFRPH D FRRN IRU FROOHJH WORDS OF WISDOM: Never ODXJKDWDQ\RQH·VGUHDPV FUTURE PLANS: To become a FKHIRUDEDNHU SECRET AMBITION: To become a better cook and learn to make new foods. AUTO PARTS 707 G Avenue Grundy Center, IA 50638 319-824-6917 Dalton Bradley Schmitt Son of Christie Inman and Steve Schmitt BIRTHDAY: 0D\ SIBLINGS: Tessa Schmitt, %ODNH 6FKPLWW DQG :KLWQHH %HHQNHQ NICKNAME: Little 6FKPLWW\ HOBBY: Fishing, hunting, bowling, and golf. PARTICIPATED IN: %RZOLQJ /HDJXH AWARDS: Most LPSURYHG%RZOHU MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Spending time ZLWKIDPLO\ FAVORITE FOOD:3L]]D FAVORITE TV SHOW: %OLQG6SRW FAVORITE MOVIE: )ULGD\ FAVORITE SONG: :DOND/LWWOH6WUDLJKWHU FAVORITE SINGER:+XQWHU+D\HV EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Birth of my nieces and QHSKHZV IN MY SPARE TIME:*ROIDQGERZO PERSON I ADMIRE MOST:0\GDG,VHHDORWRIKRZKHDFWVLQPH WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t bring yourself down, our graves DUHWKHVDPHVL]H FUTURE PLANS: Drag race. Real Estate® Service. Trust. Results. (319) 825-3633 603 7th Street Grundy Center gnbrealestate.com ick edeIrTURE FrFURN Making Your House a Home Congrats Class of 2016! Downtown Grundy Center 824-5235 www.frederickfurnitureinc.com GRADUATION Grundy www.thegrundyregister.com Register Thursday, May 19, 2016 5B Dike-New Hartford High School Class of 2016 DeMarius James Ackerson Shelby Erin Bertram Son of Bobbi Ackerson Daughter of Aaron and Michelle Bertram NICKNAME: '- &RPHV IURP WKH ' DQG WKH - SIBLINGS: 0DU6KDZQ $FNHUVRQ HOBBIES: I like to play football, ZHLJKWOLIW DQG KDQJ ZLWK IULHQGV ACTIVITIES: Football DQG ZUHVWOLQJ BEST MEMORY: Going to the Dome in IRRWEDOO FUTURE PLANS: Go to college, earn my degree, DQG VHWWOH GRZQ ZLWK D EHDXWLIXO ZLIH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Try hard in school and everything else NICKNAME: 5HG EHFDXVH RI P\ UHG KDLU SIBLINGS: 6KD\DQG6XPPHU%HUWUDP HOBBIES: Camping, fishing, PXGGLQJ DQG EDE\VLWWLQJ ACTIVITIES: )&&/$ BEST MEMORY: When we did the mix it up day and we played will work for you! JDPHV DQG JRW WR NQRZ RWKHU SHRSOH LQ WKH VFKRRO FUTURE PLANS: My plans for the future include going to Hawkeye Community College and then going to UNI to get P\WHDFKLQJGHJUHH ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Enjoy it while you can because it does fly by. Tucker Adams -”If we can QRWàQGëH URDGWRVXFFHVVZHZLç PDNHRQHÓ Î$QRQ\PRXV Bryce William Dall Madison Christians Dove Son of Ben and Amy Dall Daughter of Brent and Burnette Dove NICKNAME: $FH &DPH UDQGRPO\ DIWHU VQRZERDUGLQJ SIBLINGS: 7HVVD DQG 1RODQ 'DOO HOBBIES: Soccer and EHDWLQJ-DFHLQ ACTIVITIES: Cross Country and Soccer BEST MEMORY: Going down to state soccer and placing UG P\ MXQLRU \HDU RI KLJK VFKRRO FUTURE PLANS: My NICKNAME: Maddawg - The boys in my class gave me this plans include attending a two-year school and eventually WUDQVIHUULQJWR,68IRUDWKOHWLFWUDLQLQJ ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: It’s never too late to do what you were suppose to do. Nolan Marshal DeBuhr Chelsea Lee Bolhuis Daughter of Fred and Dee Bolhuis John Christopher Crew Son of Patricia Carroll and Mark DeBuhr NICKNAME: &KHOV DOPRVW HYHU\RQH &KLOL )DPLO\ SIBLINGS:&DURO\Q&RXUWQH\ HOBBIES: Hanging out with Son of Valerie Crew and Christopher Crew NICKNAME: Nolbear- My friends called me this because P\IULHQGVDQGIDPLO\OLVWHQLQJWRPXVLFZDWFKLQJ1HWIOL[ ACTIVITIES: Football manager, softball manager, band, and YRFDO BEST MEMORY: Going to the Dome twice in football FUTURE PLANS: *R WR FROOHJH WR EHFRPH D QXUVH ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Have fun in high school because it goes by fast! Track and Field, Group Speech, Theatre, Vocal, and Show &KRLU BEST MEMORY: Probably on one of the Colorado trips, at the top of one of the mountains, those memories ZLOOQHYHUJRDZD\ FUTURE PLANS: Get through college and live in the middle of nowhere in a nice house, make FRRO VHFUHW SDVVDJHV LQ WKDW KRXVH ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Do stuff; it costs money to try later. I’m quite large, and my name is Nolan. Mr. Prez- I am the 3UHVLGHQW SIBLINGS:-DGH'H%XKUDQG+HDYHQ0H\HUV HOBBIES: Ending Twitter beef, being the greatest President WR HYHU ZDON WKURXJK WKLV VFKRRO ZDWFKLQJ VSRUWV ACTIVITIES:6WXGHQW&RXQFLO*ROI BEST MEMORY: Winning WKHHOHFWLRQIRU6WXGHQW%RG\3UHVLGHQW FUTURE PLANS: Go to college and become the greatest at whatever I do. ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: When you think you have it all figured out, you will find out that you actually don’t. Dilan Jon Cummings Hannah Christians Dove Son of Marilyn Burke and Al Cummings Daughter of Brent and Burnette Dove NICKNAME:'&JLYHQE\0UV0LOOHULQUG*UDGH SIBLINGS: NICKNAME: HD - Coach Connolly gave me this name. Han - SIBLINGS: 7\OHU DQG 9DQHVVD &UHZ HOBBIES: Video JDPHV5HQDLVVDQFHDFWLYLWLHV ACTIVITIES: Cross Country, Blaine Jordan Becker Son of Gary and Sandy Becker NICKNAME: Night Train- Jace Moree gave it to me GXULQJ IRRWEDOO SIBLINGS: 'UHZ /XNH DQG %URRNH HOBBIES: +XQWLQJ %HDYHU &UHHN 4XDG ACTIVITIES: )RRWEDOO ZUHVWOLQJ WUDFN \RXWK JURXS + BEST MEMORY: Building the cabin and playing football with the WHDP LQ WKH 'RPH FUTURE PLANS: Attend Upper Iowa 8QLYHUVLW\IRU&RQVHUYDWLRQ0DQDJHPHQW ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” –Robin Jones Gunn nickname. Doc- Coach Connolly gave me this nickname in softball because he calls my twin sister HD and my initials DUH 0' ZKLFK DUH WKH LQLWLDOV IRU D GRFWRU SIBLINGS: +DQQDK 'RYH HOBBIES: I enjoy hanging out with my friends and family. We like to snowmobile and sled in the ZLQWHU , DOVR HQMR\ ULGLQJ IRXUZKHHOHUV ACTIVITIES: &URVVFRXQWU\EDVNHWEDOOVRIWEDOODQG%LJ+RXVH BEST MEMORY: My favorite high school memory is being a part of the sports teams and hanging out with my teammates everyday. I also really liked playing powder puff football because it was fun to be able to play football and have WKH ER\V FRDFK XV FUTURE PLANS: I plan to attend a community college, get my nursing degree and become a pediatric or neonatal nurse. I then plan to get married and VWDUWDIDPLO\ ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Have fun and enjoy the time you have left because it goes by way too fast. Jordan Mykelle Brandt Daughter of Ivan and Stacy Brandt NICKNAME: J, a lot of people call me this to shorten my QDPH SIBLINGS: Justin McAndrews and Nicolas Rembert HOBBIES:+DQJLQJRXWZLWKP\IDPLO\DQGIULHQGV BEST MEMORY:3URPZLWKP\IULHQGVDQGP\ER\IULHQG FUTURE PLANS:*HWDJRRGMREJHWPDUULHGDQGKDYHDIDPLO\ ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Good luck and have fun because four years goes by faster than you think! Make the most out of every opportunity that you get because you may not get it again! Cody Cummings, Ryan Cummings, James Cummings, Dustin &XPPLQJV HOBBIES: Running, drawing, hanging out with IULHQGV VSRUWV ACTIVITIES: Cross country, basketball, WUDFNDQGILHOGEDVHEDOOVWXGHQWFRXQFLO BEST MEMORY: 7KHVSULQJEUHDNWULSWR0H[LFR FUTURE PLANS: Attend D XQLYHUVLW\ DQG VWXG\ WR EHFRPH D SK\VLFDO WKHUDSLVW ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Take the time to go the extra mile; it’s never crowded. Samantha Belk Tyler Nicholas Nathaniel Duitsman Son of Neal Duitsman and Nicole Stephenson NICKNAME: Randy—I got it in Mrs. Becker’s language arts class. Due to the lack of a name on a paper I had been writing, one of my former classmates Dylan Giberson, took the initiative to write a name for me, and because there had been 3 Tylers at our school, including myself, it caught RQDVDZD\WRGLVWLQJXLVKEHWZHHQPHDQGWKHRWKHUV SIBLINGS: .LUNODQG %HWKDQ\ -D\VRQ .LQQLFN HOBBIES: *DPLQJH[HUFLVLQJZDWFKLQJVSRUWV ACTIVITIES: Football, WUDFNDQGILHOGDQGWHFKWHDP BEST MEMORY: I have no favorite memories, or more like can’t pick one. I’ve loved HYHU\WKLQJWKDW,·YHGRQHLQKLJKVFKRRO FUTURE PLANS: To go to college, get a well-paying job that I enjoy, and then VWDUW D IDPLO\ ZLWK WKH JLUO RI P\ GUHDPV ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: I know that this is said every year to underclassmen, but that’s because it’s true and should be taken seriously. Make every moment of your high school days count because you’ll never get them back. You will never get to go hang out at your friend’s house and talk about how easy Koop’s class is, or how hard Gingery and Seitz’s classes are. You will never be able to hang out with your friends on a weekday again because we all grow up, and go to live our own lives. So make the most of it now since you’ll never get this moment back. Taylor and my mom always call me Han. Hannison - My uncle Byron could never tell my twin sister, Madison, and I apart VRKHMXVWFDOOHGXVERWK+DQQLVRQ SIBLINGS:0DGLVRQ HOBBIES: I like to hang out with friends and family. I also like EHLQJRXWVLGHDQGSOD\LQJZLWKP\GRJ ACTIVITIES: I am involved in cross country, basketball, softball, science club, DQG%LJ+RXVHDW2UFKDUG+LOOV&KXUFK BEST MEMORY: My best high school memory would be playing powder puff football. It was a lot of fun to be involved in and it was fun to have the boys coach us and teach us more about IRRWEDOO FUTURE PLANS: My future plans are to attend college, get a degree, get a good job as a nurse, find a nice man, get married, and start a family. I also plan to KDYHDORWRIDQLPDOVDQGDELJKRXVH ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Always dream big because you never know what might come true! Jenessa Leigh Edwards Daughter of Robin and Steve Edwards Class Flower: Class Colors: %OXHWLSSHGZKLWHURVH 5R\DO%OXHDQG%ODFN Heronimus Schmidt Allen & Schroeder Attorneys-at-Law ("WFt(SVOEZ$FOUFS 319-824-6951 NICKNAME: 1HVVHU LW FDPH IURP IDPLO\ DQG IULHQGV SIBLINGS: 6LVWHU.HQGUD +DZN HOBBIES: Fishing, being ZLWK IULHQGV DQG IDPLO\ ZDWFKLQJ PRYLHV ACTIVITIES: %R\V EDVNHWEDOO PDQDJLQJ BEST MEMORY: Laughing ZLWK P\ IULHQGV HYHU\GD\ FUTURE PLANS: Work, go to FROOHJHJHWPDUULHGDQGKDYHDIDPLO\ ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Do the best you can now, so you can succeed later. BEARD’S Doug Jordan, C.P.A. 608 7th Street Grundy Center 319-825-6965 Plumbing, Excavating & Septic Insurance® Solutions to help protect what’s important to you. 603 7th Street Grundy Center gnbinsurance.net 205 D Avenue, Grundy Center 319-824-6214 Best of Luck Class of 2016! Bob Eisenman State Farm Agent 717 G Avenue Grundy Center 319-824-6311 bobeisenman.com 6B GRADUATION Grundy Thursday, May 19, 2016 Register www.thegrundyregister.com Dike-New Hartford High School Class of 2016 Claire Jean Folkerts Callie June Gifford Brynn Lauren Harberts Josie Marie Hill Tamiko-Ann Nicole Kelley Daughter of Darrin and Deena Folkerts Daughter of Judith and Duane Gifford Daughter of Dave and Julie Harberts Daughter of John and Shari Hill Daughter of Julie and Terry Junker NICKNAME: &ODLUHEHDU ,W UK\PHV SIBLINGS: Joe and 1DWDOLH HOBBIES: Netflix, playing cards, going out to eat, JRLQJWRVSRUWLQJHYHQWV ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, wrestling manager, softball, church group, scholars club, backstage IRU WKHDWUH EDQG BEST MEMORY: Just being able to experience everything with the same people that I went WRSUHVFKRROZLWK FUTURE PLANS: Go to the University RI ,RZD DQG JHW D GHJUHH LQ ILQDQFH ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: “Sometimes we’re all too quick to count down the days that we forget to make the days count.” -Unknown NICKNAME: I don’t really have a nickname, but my coworkers NICKNAME: Brynnie or B- friends, Shum- Rachel Koop, BrianHYHU\ VXE HYHU SIBLINGS: &ROWRQ CATS: Shadow and 6PRNH\ HOBBIES:6LQJLQJJXLWDUSLDQR1HWIOL[HDWLQJ ACTIVITIES: Cross country, basketball, golf, softball, show FKRLU BEST MEMORY: Powder Puff, Cabaret, Spanish trip WR0H[LFRHYHU\VLQJOHFURVVFRXQWU\EDQTXHW FUTURE PLANS: I plan on attending the University of Northern Iowa NICKNAME: -R P\ VLVWHUV FDOO PH WKDW SIBLINGS: Erica +LOODQG.DUD+LOO HOBBIES: Eating, Netflix, spending time ZLWKIULHQGVDQGIDPLO\ ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, WUDFN YRFDO VKRZ FKRLU )&&/$ )DLWK )RUPDWLRQ BEST MEMORY: Spanish Mexico trip, State Volleyball, State Track FUTURE PLANS: Go to UNI, graduate, get married, have NICKNAME: Miko- My family and friends, Meek- My family SIBLINGS: +DLOH\ -XQNHU -DFRE -XQNHU (PLOHH -XQNHU HOBBIES: Watching Netflix, hanging out with my boyfriend, IDPLO\ DQG IULHQGV DQG HDWLQJ ACTIVITIES: Football FKHHUOHDGLQJ DQG EDVNHWEDOO FKHHUOHDGLQJ BEST MEMORY: 3ODFLQJ QG LQ 6WDWH &KHHU FUTURE PLANS: call me Callie Cat sometimes. I think they started it just EHFDXVHLWERWKHUVPHWREHFRPSOHWHO\KRQHVW SIBLINGS: &KULVWRSKHU*LIIRUGDQG'DQLHOOH3UDWKHU HOBBIES: I really like sketching and listening to music. I enjoy trying new VW\OHVDQGPDWHULDOVWRFUHDWHDILQDOSURGXFW ACTIVITIES: Name almost anything involved with instrumental music— MD]] SHS PDUFKLQJ DQG FRQFHUW EDQG³DQG ,·P LQ LW BEST MEMORY: After After-Prom my junior year my friends and I went out to breakfast, we were tired and grumpy but we had some pretty interesting conversations and great SDQFDNHVDWIRXU$0 FUTURE PLANS: I am going to be attending Iowa State and hopefully will finish with a degree in Materials Science and Engineering but I’ll go where fate WDNHV PH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Try your best and participate, but make sure you take time for more than classes and activities, be up for anything. Go jump in the lake with your friends some summer night or go out after the big game. Don’t be afraid to live. to study speech-language pathology. Someday I hope to get a job in a school or children’s hospital, travel the world, get married, have kids, adopt two dogs and a cat, and live DJUHDWOLIH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t ever let anyone tell you your Crocs aren’t cool. EHDXWLIXO FKLOGUHQ DQG RZQ D 'DOPDWLDQ SODQWDWLRQ ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t worry. Be happy. Attend Iowa State, major in vet med, get married, travel, probably have a kid or two, maybe travel some more, and OLYHKDSSLO\HYHUDIWHU ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Actually try to do well in school. Mary Jacobson Christopher Jon Kluiter Jordyn Foster Taylor Elaine Hedges Son of Jason and Holly Kluiter Daughter of Sara Fails and Steve Hedges NICKNAME: &KULV MXVW VKRUWHQHG P\ QDPH SIBLINGS: %ULDQQ.OXLWHU HOBBIES: My hobbies would involve hanging RXWZLWKIULHQGVDQGZRUNLQJ ACTIVITIES: I am involved LQPDUFKLQJSHSDQGFRQFHUWEDQGDQGSDFN BEST MEMORY: There really are so many good memories, if it’s NICKNAME:+HGJHKRJ²)ULHQGV$OELQR.DWLH1LHOVHQ SIBLINGS: 0DGLVRQ +HGJHV HOBBIES: Sports, reading, Brody Lynn Goos Son of Brock and Jennie Goos NICKNAME:+XJV)ULHQGV SIBLINGS:2ZHQ HOBBIES: 6SRUWV YLGHR JDPHV DQG KDQJLQJ RXW ZLWK IULHQGV ACTIVITIES: )RRWEDOO EDVNHWEDOO DQG WUDFN BEST MEMORY:%HLQJZLWKIULHQGV6WDWHWUDFN FUTURE PLANS: *RWRFROOHJH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Have fun 1HWIOL[ KDQJLQJ RXW ZLWK IULHQGV DQG HDWLQJ LFH FUHDP ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, track, softball, student FRXQFLO )&&/$ VKRZ FKRLU BEST MEMORY: Winning VWDWHYROOH\EDOO FUTURE PLANS: Attend the University of Northern Iowa, play volleyball, find a profession that will bring me joy, and hopefully make a difference in this world by KHOSLQJRWKHUSHRSOH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Set your goals high, and don’t stop until you get there. during the school year it would have to be marching/pep/ FRQFHUWEDQG FUTURE PLANS: My plans for the future are go to college for high school chemistry/all science, then go to seminary to get my Masters of Divinity. After college and after being a pastor for a while I would like to go back and IXUWKHUP\HGXFDWLRQ ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: “You walk outside, you risk your life. You take a drink of water, you risk your life. Nowadays you breathe and you risk your life. You don’t have a choice. The only thing you can choose is what you’re risking it for.” –The Walking Dead and enjoy high school. Hailey Elizabeth Junker Daughter of Terry and Julie Junker, Jenn and Nathan Boege Derrick Joseph Franzen Son of Timothy and Sarah Kirkpatrick NICKNAME: Hails-my family started it when I was younger. 7$0,.2 .(//(< -$&2% -81.(5 $1' (0,/(( -81.(5 HOBBIES: Singing, cheering, reading, and hanging out ZLWK IULHQGV ACTIVITIES: Football and wrestling cheer, NICKNAME: I have been neglected in the sense that I GRQ·W KDYH D QLFNQDPH 7KDQNV ´IULHQGVµ SIBLINGS: Kelly Franzen, Timothy Robert Kirkpatrick II, Brooklyn .LUNSDWULFN 0LWFKHOO .LUNSDWULFN HOBBIES: Reading, playing video games, and listening to music nobody HOVH VHHPV WR OLNH ACTIVITIES: Musical/plays, speech, $FDGHPLF 'HFDWKORQ BEST MEMORY: Any of the times I had full leave to be absolutely ridiculous onstage or in class ZLWKP\IULHQGV FUTURE PLANS: Learn, live, and leave all RIP\KRSHVDQGH[SHFWDWLRQVLQWKHGXVW ADVICE FOR DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Learn when you can; dream when you can’t. show and jazz choir, concert choir, concert band, and YROXQWHHULQJ DV OHDGHU DW P\ FKXUFK·V 6XQGD\ VFKRRO BEST MEMORY: Being in all of the activities and making QHZIULHQGV FUTURE PLANS: I plan to attend college at either Northwestern College or UNI, major in elementary education, get a great job at a small school in a small town, JHW PDUULHG DQG KDYH D KDSS\ IDPLO\ ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Make your decisions on your own. Don’t worry so much about what other people think about it. Jenna Marie Hensley Daughter of Doug and Linda Hensley Nicholas Richard Gronowski Kody Christopher Kugel SIBLINGS:$VKOH\DQG1LFROH+HQVOH\ HOBBIES: Running, Son of Cindy and Rich Gronowski NICKNAME: 1LF *URQN 1RZVNL 6NL DQG 6NHHWHU SIBLINGS:.U\VWDO(ULFD-DG\QDQG-D.RE\ HOBBIES: I like being outside fishing, hunting, being with friends and IDPLO\DQGZRUNLQJRQSURMHFWVZLWKP\GDG ACTIVITIES: )RRWEDOOEDVNHWEDOODQGWUDFN BEST MEMORY: Athletics FUTURE PLANS: To go to college (undecided), get my degree in engineering or something where I can be hands on and design and build things. Then when the time is right get married, have kids, and live in the country with some IXQWR\V ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: It goes faster than you think, so make sure you enjoy it. Son of Teresa Kugel and Casey Sanderson eating, sleeping, camping, playing with my dog, and ZDWFKLQJ 1HWIOL[ ACTIVITIES: Cross country, basketball, WUDFN WHFKQRORJ\ FOXE DQG MD]] EDQG BEST MEMORY: My favorite high school memory is making it to the State &URVV&RXQWU\PHHWP\VHQLRU\HDU FUTURE PLANS: After high school, I plan to go to Iowa State University. Once I graduate from college, I am going to become an engineer WRFKDQJHWKHZRUOGDQGPDNHORWVRIPRQH\ ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” - Dr. Seuss HOBBIES: &2' ACTIVITIES: )RRWEDOO :UHVWOLQJ 7UDFN BEST MEMORY:6WDWHGXDOVMXQLRU\HDU FUTURE PLANS: $WWHQG +DZNH\H &RPPXQLW\ &ROOHJH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Have fun. Class Officers: 3UHVLGHQW+D\Oæ/XQD 9LFH3UHVLGHQW.DWLH1LHOVHQ 6HFUHWDU\7UHDVXUHU'LDQH&RPPLQJV Insurance® 529 G Avenue, Grundy Center 824-5431 Congratulations Class of 2016! www.gnbbank.com Grundy Mutual Ins. Assn. & Mutual Agency Ltd. Konken Electric, Inc. 715 G Ave., Grundy Center 319-824-6962 800-477-6962 Farm, Residential, Commercial Since 1973 JOHN DEERE 1502 G Ave Grundy Center Fred Burmester 319-824-5247 800-397-8158 602 8th Street Grundy Center, IA 50638 824-5211 Precision Lawn Care & More Chad VanWechel 304 N Park Ave. 319-824-3370 Grundy Center 319-824-3150 Dike 319-989-2155 Reinbeck 319-788-3150 GRADUATION Grundy www.thegrundyregister.com Register Thursday, May 19, 2016 7B Dike-New Hartford High School Class of 2016 Joshua Joseph Latting Jurane Isabella Lizer Logan Marie Mead Jace Michael Moree’ Katie Ann Nielsen Son of Danny and Wendy Klatt Daughter of Tom and Deb Lizer Daughter of Rod and Amy Mead Son of Shawn and Amy Moree’ Daughter of Jerry and Karen Nielsen NICKNAME: Bubby, Bubbydoe, and or Bub. Family and )ULHQGV SIBLINGS: Mandy, Shianne, and Madelynn HOBBIES: Anything having to do with making music, NICKNAME: Juju (Maddi Demro), Junebug (my family), Jiji 5RJHWWH/L]DUG.DGL: SIBLINGS: Josh (Rosemary), SIBLINGS: 0LUDQGD 0HDG HOBBIES: I love to read and VSHQGWLPHZLWKP\IULHQGVDQGIDPLO\ ACTIVITIES: Football DQGEDVNHWEDOOFKHHUOHDGLQJ BEST MEMORY: Tamiko and I had to get balloons for homecoming so I drove us in to Cedar Falls to get them. My car is quite small so getting 19 balloons to fit was quite the struggle. Also, my car’s air doesn’t work so Tamiko had her window down and the balloons kept popping out the window. P.S. We only lost one EDOORRQ FUTURE PLANS: I am going to attend Wartburg in the fall to study psychology. After college I plan to move somewhere warm, hopefully meet a nice man, get married, DQG KDYH FKLOGUHQ ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: High school isn’t the best time of your life; it is simply four short years that we must go through to become who we are. Try to have fun and make some memories, but know life goes on after high school. NICKNAME: The Punisher, I got it from my wrestling coach 7UDYLV0HDGDQG%ODLQH%HFNHU HOBBIES: Playing video JDPHV DQG ZDWFKLQJ WKH 1)/ FKDQQHO ACTIVITIES: )RRWEDOO :UHVWOLQJ 6RFFHU BEST MEMORY: Wrestling ZLWKWKH1LJKW7UDLQ%ODLQH%HFNHULQWKHFLUFOH FUTURE PLANS: Attend UNI after I graduate and become a physical WKHUDSLVW ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: “I guess NICKNAME:.DWH6SDGH/L]]\%ORXJK SIBLINGS: Daniel DQG 1LFKRODV 1LHOVHQ HOBBIES: Reading, sleeping, and HDWLQJ ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, softball, FCCLA, drinking coffee, working out, hunting, hanging with friends, DQGFKXUFK ACTIVITIES: Football, wrestling, vocal, band, jazz choir, show choir, jazz band, small groups, worship EDQG DQG FKXUFK BEST MEMORY: Football. There isn’t anything better than the memories made doing what you love with a group of guys that you grew up with. Live it XSER\V FUTURE PLANS: Attend UNI and get my BA in Music Performance and Technology and minor in Human Services. After graduation, move to Tennessee, get heavily involved at church, continue to write music, find a beautiful ZLIH KDYH WRQV RI NLGV DQG ORYH OLIH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Be confident in yourself and strive to be the best you can be, stay humble and true to who you are. Live it up! -HVVH 6KDQQRQ 5HND %HQ 5RJHWWH $YHQLD 9DLVKDOL HOBBIES: Shopping, hanging out with friends, watching Netflix, Wii (especially Wii Dance), cooking, reading, FDPSLQJ ACTIVITIES: Track, cross country, vocal, 4-H, County Council, church, Big House, play/musical, )&&/$ BEST MEMORY: State cross-country, state track, FODVV ZLWK 1RQD 6PLWK WLPH VSHQW ZLWK IULHQGV FUTURE PLANS: Attend college, be successful in a career helping SHRSOH JHW PDUULHG KDYH NLGV WUDYHO ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” -Christian D. Larson Jakob Michael Luna Alex Lewis Son of Veronica and Tyler Michaelsen SIBLINGS: 9DQHVVD /HZLV +D\HV 0LFKDHOVHQ HOBBIES: , HQMR\ ILVKLQJ ND\DNLQJ DQG EXLOGLQJ FRPSXWHUV ACTIVITIES: I am involved in DNH Robotics and Cross &RXQWU\ BEST MEMORY: Something crazy and awesome happened almost every day in my sophomore year chemistry class with Mrs. Stone. On this particular day I had the opportunity to demonstrate what happens when aluminum is mixed with hydrochloric acid in a closed 2 liter bottle. Well, we thought we went far enough away from the school to prevent any shrapnel from hitting it, but we were wrong. While still enjoying the satisfying explosion that had just occurred a very angry teacher, Ms. Hall, poked her head outside of her window. She was not too happy about pieces of our science experiment smashing into her windows, but I’m sure she thought it was pretty cool too. FUTURE PLANS: I plan to major in chemical engineering at Iowa State University. After I get my degree I want to move somewhere warm, maybe Texas. Find a job, invent VRPHWKLQJ QHZ DQG PDNH EDQN EUR ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Get involved. Don’t be afraid of trying a sport or joining a club just because it is something you have never done before. Son of Trish and Mark Alexandria Marie Meyer NICKNAME:-/IURPP\LQLWLDOV SIBLINGS: 2 older brothers Daughter of Dave and Renee Meyer Dru and Marcus, twin sister Haylee, sister Morgan, and EURWKHU QDPHG 5HHFH HOBBIES: I play a lot of video games, I hang out with my friends, and I enjoy playing any VSRUWUHDOO\ ACTIVITIES: I am in cross-country, basketball, WUDFNDQGEDVHEDOO BEST MEMORY: There’s too many to just pick one. Every day at this school is memorable with all WKHJUHDWNLGVDQGSHRSOHKHUH FUTURE PLANS: I hope to go attend college somewhere and afterwards marry a very beautiful girl. In addition to adopting a child, I hope WRFUHDWHRUNLGVZLWKWKDWEHDXWLIXOJLUO ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Please try to enjoy things as much as possible and be grateful for the great people you have around you. NICKNAME: $OL HOBBIES: Tennis, Netflix, Shopping, and &RORULQJ ACTIVITIES: Band, Football Managing, and Tennis BEST MEMORY: Going to the UNI Dome with the football WHDPWZLFH FUTURE PLANS: I am attending University of Son of Greg and Shannon Moore Daughter of Darin and Kendra Mangrich SIBLINGS: Jordan, Mikayla, Autumn, Rhilynn Mangrich and (OL]DEHWK0REOH\ HOBBIES: Singing, reading, writing and GUDZLQJ BEST MEMORY: My solo during the winter concert RQWKHVRQJ´6RRQ,:LOO%H'RQHµ FUTURE PLANS: Go Dylan Anthony Mrzlak Kayla Leanne Nissen Son of Tim Mrzlak and Dawn Mrzlak Daughter of Lisa and Brian Nissen NICKNAME:0U]LWFDPHIURP&RDFK&RQQROO\ SIBLINGS: NICKNAME: Bug. My dad always called me that since I was DEDE\ SIBLINGS:'LOORQ1LVVHQ HOBBIES: Music and 1HWIOL[ ACTIVITIES: Show choir, jazz choir, tech club, )&&/$ BEST MEMORY: Last year’s Cabaret so far but I’m Joseph Gorby, Brittany Gorby, Destiny Mrzlak, Madyson 0U]ODN $\GHQ %URWHQ HOBBIES: Video games, running ACTIVITIES:&URVVFRXQWU\WUDFNDQGILHOG7$* BEST MEMORY: Playing football during cross-country practice FUTURE PLANS:*RWR,RZD6WDWHDQGJHWDGHJUHH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.” –Thomas A. Edison KRSLQJ WKH PXVLF WULS WR 1<& ZLOO EH WKH EHVW PHPRU\ FUTURE PLANS: , GRQ·W PDNH SODQV , PDNH KHDGOLQHV ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Be involved in everything you can, and don’t be afraid to express yourself. Northern Iowa for early elementary education, elementary HGXFDWLRQDQGPLGGOH OHYHOHGXFDWLRQ ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Every flower must grow through dirt. Jacob Michael Moore Sierra Leann Mangrich when your stars align. You do like the solar system and planet out.” -Big Sean TAG, show choir, student council, scholar’s club, speech, DQG \RXWK JURXS BEST MEMORY: Playing at the U.S. &HOOXODU&HQWHUIRUVWDWHYROOH\EDOO FUTURE PLANS: Attend ,RZD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\DQGVHHZKHUHOLIHWDNHVPH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Get involved, have fun, and you will survive. NICKNAME:-0,WFDPHIURP%URG\*RRV SIBLINGS: Ryan, 1DWKDQDQG&DUVRQ HOBBIES: Hunting, fishing, outdoors, DQGKDQJRXWZLWKIULHQGV ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, WUDFNEDVHEDOO BEST MEMORY: Making it to the Dome in IRRWEDOO FUTURE PLANS: Go to a college somewhere to EHFRPHD'15RIILFHU ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Brooke Nicole Myers Shariah Reann Regner Daughter Mike and Rhonda Myers Daughter of Jim Regner and Renae Regner SIBLINGS:-RUGDQ%UD[WRQDQG7UHQW HOBBIES: Watching NICKNAME: 5LDK VKRUW IRU 6KDULDK SIBLINGS: Skylar, 6KDZQWHO6KD\OD HOBBIES:*RLQJWRUDFHV ACTIVITIES: 'DQFH BEST MEMORY: 3URP ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: You’re only in high school once, so make 1HWIOL[ KDQJLQJ RXW ZLWK IULHQGV DQG SOD\LQJ VSRUWV ACTIVITIES: %DVNHWEDOO DQG VRIWEDOO BEST MEMORY: 6XPPHU QLJKWV SOD\LQJ VRIWEDOO FUTURE PLANS: I DP SODQQLQJ RQ DWWHQGLQJ FROOHJH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t stress over anything that you can’t change. it count. Don’t waste time with your friends you may not see after. to college for veterinarian, get married and have at least NLGV ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Plan for tomorrow because today is too late. Haylee Marie Luna Daughter of Patricia Marx and Mark Luna NICKNAME: Luna- literally everyone, Haylez- friends, Mexican- Katie Nielsen from junior high, Bugsy- from my IDPLO\ ZKHQ , ZDV OLWWOH SIBLINGS: Dru, Marcus, Jakob, 0RUJDQ 5HHVH HOBBIES: 6SRUWV IULHQGV IDPLO\ ACTIVITIES: Cross country, basketball, track, softball, band, VWXGHQWFRXQFLOVSHHFK BEST MEMORY: The week of state FURVV FRXQWU\ VHQLRU \HDU DQG WKH 0H[LFR WULS FUTURE PLANS: Go to the University of Iowa, travel the world, get married, start a family, travel some more, and have a bunch RI GRJVRK DQG ZRUN DW -RVLH·V 'DOPDWLDQ 3ODQWDWLRQ ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Try. THE FRESH LOC AL HOMEMADE Fresh Local Homemade Nicole Lea Roberts Connor Neuroth Daughter of Eric and Lisa Roberts, Jill Roberts Son of Kirk and Suzanne Neuroth NICKNAME: 1LNNL 6LHUUD SIBLINGS: Kori and Reece 5REHUWV $QG\ DQG 0DULD *DUFLD HOBBIES: Hanging out with friends, listening to music, sports, and traveling ACTIVITIES: Football and basketball cheerleading and )&&/$ BEST MEMORY: Being able to cheer in the Dome IRUIRRWEDOOWZLFHLQP\KLJKVFKRROFDUHHU FUTURE PLANS: Attend UNI and become a physical therapist, graduate, get married and have a family. Be the manager of Josie’s 'DOPDWLDQIDUP ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Forget what’s gone, appreciate what remains, and look forward to what is coming next. NICKNAME:&1HZDQG,GRQ·WNQRZKDYH,JRWLW SIBLINGS: 0DOHD DQG 1LFNRODV HOBBIES: Hanging with friends, JRLQJWRDWKOHWLFV ACTIVITIES: Football, track, basketball, EDVHEDOO%LJ+RXVH BEST MEMORY: Playing football my VHQLRU\HDUDQGPDNLQJLWWRWKH'RPH FUTURE PLANS: *R LQWR HGXFDWLRQ ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Scotty’s Saloon 806 G Avenue Grundy Center 825-4455 Always enjoy what you’re doing because you may never get it back. Congats Area Grads! From: Clint, Michaela, Rob, Brenda, Lisa, & Diane www.thegrundyregister.com 8B Grundy Thursday, May 19, 2016 GRADUATION Register www.thegrundyregister.com Dike-New Hartford High School Class of 2016 Photo not available. Mitchell Montgomery Samec Adam Charles Schwickerath Katelyn Lee Soska Tyler Allen Wiese Anna Michelle Williams Son of Roger and Teresa Samec Son of Terry and Angel Schwickerath Daughter of Lori Soska and Tom Soska Son of Wade Wiese and Meri Wiese NICKNAME: Mitch, Mitchdog (By my baseball team), 6DPLFK %\ P\ $3 WHQQLV WHDP SIBLINGS: Morgan 6DPHF HOBBIES: Working on cars and trucks, mowing, SIBLINGS: %UHWW DQG -RXUGDQ 6FKZLFNHUDWK ACTIVITIES: NICKNAME: Kay (friends), K Sauce (friends), Snack cakes SIBLINGS: 1LFKROH :LHVH HOBBIES: Hunting, fishing, 4-wheeling, snowmobiling, and hanging out with friends. ACTIVITIES: )RRWEDOO DQG ZUHVWOLQJ BEST MEMORY: 0DNLQJ LW WR WKH 'RPH WR SOD\ IRRWEDOO FUTURE PLANS: I plan on going to Hawkeye Community College, studying $J PDQDJHPHQW DQG IDUPLQJ ZLWK P\ GDG ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Make the most of every opportunity because you never know if you will get another shot at it. Daughter of Laura Williams and the late Dave Williams snowmobiling, bike riding, motorcycling, helping out my QHLJKERUKDYLQJERQILUHVZRRGZRUNLQJZRUNLQJRXWVLGH ACTIVITIES: Church, tennis (4 years), baseball (3 years), LQWHUQVKLS DW +HDUWODQG $XWR %RG\ \HDUV BEST MEMORY: Working for the school each summer. Another memory is when Mr. Koop and I rode our snowmobiles to VFKRRO FUTURE PLANS: Enter the workforce, get my CDL, continue to work in the auto body industry, and own my own ERG\VKRSVRPHGD\ ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Take electives like art, shop and foods. Take advantage of the internship opportunities. Be sure to make friends with the school secretaries. Band, pep band, choir, jazz choir, All-State Music Camp, Meistersinger Honor Choir, Real Men Sing Festival, NICL 9RFDO 6WDWH 0XVLF )HVWLYDO FUTURE PLANS: Hawkeye Community College Welding Program. (Spy School Play), @K-Sosk (follow me on twitter), Jenner (softball), Kelsey (anyone who knows my sister). SIBLINGS: .HOVH\ 6RVND =RH\ FDW %OXEE\ ILVK HOBBIES: Binge watching Netflix and cat videos, sleeping, HDWLQJILQGLQJPRQH\WKDW,ORVWDPRQWKDJR ACTIVITIES: 6RIWEDOO VSHHFK EDQG FURVVFRXQWU\ )&&/$ BEST MEMORY: Going onto all-state large group speech two years in a row and going through the pre-performance rituals, SRZGHUSXIIDQGOHDYLQJDWWKHHQGRIHYHU\GD\ FUTURE PLANS: Go to Kirkwood for psychology, graduate and move on to get my bachelor’s, travel the world on a shoe string budget, find love and marry, honeymoon in Hawaii, live in a DIY decorated house with my husband and cats and figure RXWWKHUHVWDV,JR ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: “Better to be a nerd than one of the herd.” —Mandy Hale NICKNAME: #D\\ZLOO IROORZ PH SIBLINGS: Sarah, 1LFROH 'DYLG DQG (PPD HOBBIES: Playing with cats, ULSVWLNLQJDQGZHDULQJFURFV ACTIVITIES: Cross country, wrestling cheer, softball, FCCLA, science club, tech team, EDQGDQGMD]]EDQG BEST MEMORY: Getting 2nd team all FRQIHUHQFHLQVRIWEDOO FUTURE PLANS: To go to college, PDNHDORWRIPRQH\JHWPDUULHGDQGRZQDORWRIGRJV ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: If anyone tells you they don’t like your crocs, drop them. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. Ty Jordan Sohn Son of Tyler (Dad) and Jackie (Mom) Calvin John Wildeboer NICKNAME: Mitties and Tubbz: A lot of my friends call me Carien Scheepens Daughter of Theo and Toos Scheepens Hostparents: Byron and Lori Mulder NICKNAME: Skeep, my Dutch friends call me that because of P\ODVWQDPH6,%/,1*6 Lisan and Antoon Scheepens HOST SIBLINGS:-RQ-DNHDQG-RVLH0XOGHU HOBBIES: 7KHDWHU DQG KDQGEDOO ACTIVITIES: Cross country, EDVNHWEDOOVRFFHUDQGVSHHFK BEST MEMORY: My whole H[FKDQJH \HDU FUTURE PLANS: Go to college in the them but I think I originally got them from Jake Sonnenberg, -DFH 0RUHH· &ROH :LOGHERHU DQG &DOYLQ :LOGHERHU SIBLINGS: Ely (Brother), Abby (Sister), and Addy (Sister) HOBBIES: Sports, fishing, being outside, watching TV, VOHHSLQJ ZHLJKWOLIWLQJ ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, WUDFNEDVHEDOO\RXWKJURXS BEST MEMORY: Going out to eat with my friends after football and basketball games, or SOD\LQJLQWKHIRRWEDOOVHPLILQDOVLQWKH81,'RPH FUTURE PLANS: Go to college to study environmental sciences, and play football. Hopefully I graduate with an associate’s and EDFKHORU·VGHJUHHVDQGWKHQJHWDJRRGMRE ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Make everyday count and do not take any of them for granted. This is the best time of your life and it goes by way too fast, so do what you can while you can do it. Netherlands, get a job, which involves a lot of travelling, and VHHWKHZKROHZRUOG ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Live life for yourself, and do what makes you happy. Son of Chris and Lisa Wildeboer Nicholas Strickler Son of Tyler and Gail Strickler NICKNAME: Nick Strick- from Jace, Strickdaddy- from Sam. SIBLINGS:0DULVVD HOBBIES: Soccer, drumming, sports, ILVKLQJFDPSLQJ ACTIVITIES: Soccer, church youth group, ZRUVKLSWHDP BEST MEMORY: Making it to state soccer and JHWWLQJWKLUGSODFH FUTURE PLANS: To go to college and EHFRPHDSKDUPDFLVW ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: NICKNAME: Cal Pal. I really have no idea where it came IURP SIBLINGS:&ROH:LOGHERHU HOBBIES: I really enjoy \R\RV ACTIVITIES:)RRWEDOOEDVNHWEDOODQGWUDFN BEST MEMORY: Probably when I wore a ridiculous inflatable cowboy costume to a home volleyball game and galloped DFURVV WKH IORRU WR VWDUW WKH ZDYH FUTURE PLANS: To attend Iowa State and pursue a Mechanical Engineering 'HJUHH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Enjoy your time at DNH; it truly is a special school. Always apply yourself and take the opportunities you are given. Emma Grace Williams Daughter of Laura Williams and the late Dave Williams NICKNAME: EmDubs - Brynn Harberts, @EmDubs19 - follow PH SIBLINGS: Anna, David, Nicole, and Sarah, Dayna HOBBIES: Running, tennis, Netflix, solitaire, kayaking ACTIVITIES: Cross country, tennis, FCCLA, tech team, science club, scholars club, concert band, marching band, SHSEDQGEDFNVWDJHIRUWKHDWUH%LJ+RXVHOLIWLQJ BEST MEMORY: 7KH FURVVFRXQWU\ WULS WR &RORUDGR FUTURE PLANS: Graduate from Iowa State with an engineering GHJUHH PRYH WR &RORUDGR DQG KDYH D ORW RI GRJV ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: The key to success is to rock Crocs and socks. Cole James Wildeboer Son of Chris and Lisa Wildeboer Jake Sonnenberg Son of Kevin Sonnenberg and Sue Sonneberg Samuel Michael Schlamp Son of Jon and Laura Schlamp NICKNAME: 6DP SIBLINGS: *UDFH 6FKODPS HOBBIES: My hobbies are hunting, playing Xbox, four wheeling, and IDUPLQJ ACTIVITIES: ,·P LQYROYHG LQ IRRWEDOO BEST MEMORY: :KHQ WKH ZKROH KLJK VFKRRO KDG D IUHH GD\ FUTURE PLANS: I plan on joining the Iowa National Guard. ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: When I graduate high school, I want to look back and say that I did the best I could while I was stuck in this place, had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place, played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place. NICKNAME: -LI -DFH 0RUHH· VWDUWHG FDOOLQJ PH WKDW SIBLINGS:'UHZ6RQQHQEHUJ HOBBIES: Watching sports DQGZDWFKLQJ1HWIOL[ ACTIVITIES: Baseball, football, and EDVNHWEDOO BEST MEMORY: Beating Hampton-Dumont in baseball during the 2nd round of districts my sophomore \HDU FUTURE PLANS: Go to college and make a lot of PRQH\ ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Pay attention in class because, honestly, how else do you plan to become rich? William David Thompson Son of Dad Travis Thompson, Mom Cari Thompson NICKNAME: Wallace- Coach Soppe gave it to me in football SUDFWLFH SIBLINGS:%URWKHU-DFRE7KRPSVRQ HOBBIES: Four-wheeling, football, playing clarinet, video games, and KDQJLQJRXWZLWKIULHQGV ACTIVITIES: Band and football BEST MEMORY: Getting Randy in trouble during class by throwing stuff at him and he got me back by throwing a pencil back, which then got the teacher’s attention and he got in trouble by her saying the famous words, “It’s always the second guy that gets caught.” It’s my funniest memory. FUTURE PLANS:6RPHPLOLWDU\FDUHHU ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: D’s get degrees ;). NICKNAME: &ROH\ :ROH\ -DFH 0RUHH SIBLINGS: Calvin :LOGHERHU HOBBIES: 6SRUWV ACTIVITIES: Football, EDVNHWEDOOWUDFN BEST MEMORY: Schlamp getting hit by D ILUH WUXFN FUTURE PLANS: &ROOHJH ZLQ WKH ORWWHU\ ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Floor hockey is the best time of your life. Kadi Marie Wright Daughter of Lonnie and Joni Wright SIBLINGS:&OD\WRQ:ULJKW HOBBIES: Running, Netflix, and IRRG ACTIVITIES: Track and field, cross country, large JURXS DQG LQGLYLGXDO VSHHFK )&&/$ DQG MD]] EDQG BEST MEMORY: Running at state cross country and track. FUTURE PLANS: Go to college, get a good job, and enjoy OLIH ADVICE TO DNH UNDERCLASSMEN: Have fun and don’t worry what people think of you. www.thegrundyregister.com Grundy GRADUATION Register BCLUW High School Class of 2016 What lies EHKLQGXV and what lies EHIèHXVDUH WLQ\PDWWHUV FRPSDUHG to what lies ZLëLQXV Thursday, May 19, 2016 9B Jay Dean Borgman Morgan Ann Close Toni Lynn Gibbs Kyla Marie Hernandez Daughter of Dirk and Sharon Borgman Daughter of Robert and Rhonda Close Daughter of Sandra Gibbs, Greg Gibbs, Jeff DeNeui Daughter of Jim and Kelly Hoover BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW SIBLINGS: Sister- Elly %RUJPDQ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Drawing, painting, photography, adventuring, writing, track, volleyball, basketball, basketball stats, show choir, yearbook, science FOXE VWXGHQW FRXQFLO 1+6 FAVORITE FOOD: 3DVWD FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Criminal Minds,” “NCIS: Los $QJHOHVµ´0DOHILFHQWµ´7KH,PLWDWLRQ*DPHµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: ´)RUHYHUµ E\ &KULV %URZQ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Playing Heads Up at Taco John’s after home IRRWEDOO JDPHV EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 0LVVLRQ WULS WR *XDWHPDOD LQ ROLE MODEL: My SDUHQWV IRU WKHLU SDWLHQFH VHUYLWXGH DQG JUDWLWXGH WORDS OF WISDOM: Through everything, keep your chin up DQGWUHDWHYHU\RQHZLWKNLQGQHVV FUTURE PLANS: Attend ,RZD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\DQGPDMRULQ$UFKLWHFWXUH SECRET AMBITION: To be a fashion designer and photographer. BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU NICKNAME: 0DF HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Playing sports, hunting, fishing, YROOH\EDOOVRIWEDOOWUDSVKRRWLQJ FAVORITE FOOD: Chicken QXJJHWV FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Chicago Med,” ´&RGH%ODFNµ´7KH%HVWRI0Hµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: ´7DWWRRV 2Q 7KLV 7RZQµ -DVRQ $OGHDQ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Being a part of the volleyball team when we EHDW*UXQG\&HQWHU EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: +DYLQJ P\ KDQGVRPH DQG KHDOWK\ VRQ ROLE MODEL: BIRTHDAY:0DUFK NICKNAME:7'RJ HOBBIES/ ACTIVITIES: Singing, writing, designing and making jewelry, BIRTHDAY:2FWREHU SIBLINGS: Siblings- Benito +HUQDQGH] (PPD +RRYHU 7UHYRQ :DONHU HOBBIES/ ACTIVITIES: Makeup, painting, drawing, basketball cheerleading, football cheerleading, state competition FKHHUOHDGLQJKRQRUVTXDGWUDFNFKRLU FAVORITE FOOD: (YHU\WKLQJ FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Prison Break,” ´/DZDQG2UGHU698µ´*UHDVHµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: 'UDNHDQG7KH:HHNQG MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Winning VWDWHFKHHULQ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Moving to the BCLUW school district my freshman year, ILQGLQJ PDNHXS ROLE MODEL: Kelly Hoover for never being selfish, always taking care of others and always ILQGLQJ WKH JRRG LQ D VLWXDWLRQ WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t be ashamed of your story because it will inspire RWKHUV FUTURE PLANS: Attend PCI Academy in Ames for FRVPHWRORJ\ DHVWKHWLFV DQG PDVVDJH WKHUDS\ SECRET AMBITION: Be an FBI agent or an interrogator. My uncle Chris, for accomplishing things he was told he FRXOGQ·WGR WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t look back at the SDVWORRNWRWKHIXWXUH FUTURE PLANS: Go to nursing VFKRRODQGEHFRPHDVSHFLDOLVW SECRET AMBITION: Being an elementary teacher. —Ralph Waldo (PHUVRQ PJ Crompton Photo not available. Austin Fouts Olivia Kay Callaway Daughter of Chad and Shauna Callaway Grandson of David and Linda Callahan BIRTHDAY:2FWREHU NICKNAME:/LY SIBLINGS: %URWKHUV0D[DQG$QJXV&DOODZD\ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: BIRTHDAY: -XQH NICKNAME: &RXJDU +XQWHU HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Pro wrestler, young stunner, school ZUHVWOLQJ IRRWEDOO VWXGHQW FRXQFLO FAVORITE FOOD: /DVDJQD FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Californication,” ´7KH 1RWHERRNµ ZLWK 'DULDQ :HEE FAVORITE SONG/ SINGER: “Who Let the Dogs Out” by the Baha Men; The DQG6202 MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Pictures with %REEL DQG 2OLYLD EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 0HHWLQJ.DUHQ+DPPHUV ROLE MODEL: Derrick McNeese, KHQHYHUJLYHVXSHYHQZKHQWROGQR WORDS OF WISDOM: -XVW EH \RX FUTURE PLANS: 7R VXFFHHG SECRET AMBITION: Rule the world. Taking pictures, watching documentaries, volleyball, EDVNHWEDOO VRIWEDOO JROI 1+6 FAVORITE FOOD: Crab 5DQJRRQ&KLQHVH IRRG FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: ´7HHQ:ROIµ´2QH7UHH+LOOµ´)HUULV%XHOOHU·V'D\2IIµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER:$Q\WKLQJE\+R]LHU MEMORABLE MOMENTS:6RIWEDOOVHDVRQLQWKHVXPPHURI EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Experiencing diversity among SHRSOH ROLE MODEL: My mom because she is the hardest working person I know and is always helping me to be a EHWWHU SHUVRQ WORDS OF WISDOM: ´'R LW DQ\ZD\µ FUTURE PLANS:$WWHQG7UXPDQ6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ SECRET AMBITION: To be a photographer for National Geographic. NHS, FCCLA, drama, show choir, writer’s club, science FOXEERRNFOXEVWXGHQWFRXQFLO FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza, DQ\ ,WDOLDQ IRRG GLUW FDNH FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: ´2QFH 8SRQ D 7LPHµ ´/RVWµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: 6RPHERG\·V +HUR MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Anything to GRZLWKGUDPDFOXE EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Going to Washington, D.C., and experiencing all the history IRU P\VHOI ROLE MODEL: My mom because she is the PRVWDPD]LQJDQGNLQGKHDUWHGSHUVRQ,NQRZ WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t let people make you someone you’re not FUTURE PLANS: Go to Upper Iowa University and major LQ(QJOLVK SECRET AMBITION: To be a best selling author. Kayla Lynne Giesking Daughter of Jason and Heidi Weaver BIRTHDAY:1RYHPEHU SIBLINGS: Brother- Alec *LHVNLQJ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Shopping, swimming, YROOH\EDOO FAVORITE FOOD:3DVWD FAVORITE TV SHOW/ MOVIE:´7KH%DFKHORUµ´6SLULWµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: ´3URPLVHµ E\ .LG ,QN IHDWXULQJ )HWW\ :DS 6DP +XQW MEMORABLE MOMENTS: 8QLRQ KRXVH EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:*HWWLQJP\&1$ ROLE MODEL: My grandma because she has always been there for me and LQVSLUHVPHWREHDEHWWHUSHUVRQ WORDS OF WISDOM: Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until LWEHFRPHVDPHPRU\ FUTURE PLANS: Go to college for UDGLRORJ\ SECRET AMBITION: Have twins. Ethan Connor Hoveland Son of Rod and Jen Hoveland BIRTHDAY:)HEUXDU\ SIBLINGS: Siblings- Mason, .DLWO\Q (PPD HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Reading, video JDPHVILVKLQJJROIEDVHEDOO FAVORITE FOOD: Pepperoni 3L]]D FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Game of Thrones,” ´+DSS\ *LOPRUHµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “The Sound RI 6LOHQFHµ 'DYH *URKO EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:0RYLQJIURP0DUVKDOOWRZQWRWKHFRXQWU\ WORDS OF WISDOM: Focus on the present, don’t get caught up LQ WKH SDVW FUTURE PLANS: Attend Iowa State and get D GHJUHH LQ HQJLQHHULQJ SECRET AMBITION: Code and develop software. Alexis Rene Dinsmore Daughter of John and Gina Dinsmore BIRTHDAY:$XJXVW NICKNAME:/H[L SIBLINGS: 6LVWHU$QQD HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Sing, act, do makeup, watching Youtube videos on SFX makeup, cheerleading, VKRZ FKRLU VSHHFK GUDPD WKHVSLDQV EDQG FKRLU FAVORITE FOOD:0DFDQGFKHHVH FAVORITE TV SHOW/ MOVIE: ´&ULPLQDO 0LQGVµ ´&LQGHUHOODµ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Winning state cheer and all of the plays I was LQ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Moving to Iowa in WKLUGJUDGH ROLE MODEL: My mom, because no matter ZKDW VKH·V DOZD\V WKHUH IRU PH WORDS OF WISDOM: -XVWEH\RXUVHOI FUTURE PLANS: To go to the University RI 1RUWKHUQ ,RZD SECRET AMBITION: To be a Disney princess. Orion Gunderson Valerie Paulina Hulin Grace Mae Garber Macie Corrin Casper Daughter of Andi and Willie Averill, and Jake and Jessica Casper BIRTHDAY:$XJXVW NICKNAME:9DO SIBLINGS: BIRTHDAY:-XQH SIBLINGS:6LVWHU=RH*DUEHU HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Swimming, shopping, reading, choir, Siblings- Matt, Levi, Brandon and Haley Storjohann; Lucas, -DFRE(PDOLHDQG5D\FKDHO+XOLQ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Video games, collecting Pokemon cards, thespian, drama, VFLHQFHFOXE FAVORITE FOOD:3KR FAVORITE TV SHOW/ MOVIE: “Baccano,” “Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind” FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: The first Pokemon theme song, <XL MEMORABLE MOMENTS: 6FLHQFH ZLWK 7RQL *LEEV EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Moving to Conrad and FKDQJLQJVFKRROV ROLE MODEL: My mom because she’s DOZD\V WKHUH IRU PH WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t worry DERXWZKDWRWKHUVWKLQNEH\RXUVHOI FUTURE PLANS: Go WR0&&DQGWKHQWUDQVIHUWR,RZD6WDWHDIWHUWZR\HDUV SECRET AMBITION: I can’t tell you. It’s a secret. show choir, chamber choir, drama, speech, thespians, NHS, VWXGHQWFRXQFLOERRNFOXEGDQFH FAVORITE FOOD: Tater WRWFDVVHUROH FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Friends,” “The 1RWHERRNµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “She Will Be Loved” E\ 0DURRQ 'LHUNV %HQWOH\ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: %RQILUHVDW0LNDHOD·VKRXVH ROLE MODEL: My mom and GDGEHFDXVHWKH\DUHWKHEHVW WORDS OF WISDOM: Show XS HYHU\ VLQJOH PRPHQW OLNH \RX·UH PHDQW WR EH WKHUH FUTURE PLANS: Go to ISU for two years, then transfer to $OOHQ&ROOHJHWREHDQXUVH SECRET AMBITION: To be a contestant on “So You Think You Can Dance.” BIRTHDAY: -XO\ NICKNAME: 0DH0DH SIBLINGS: Siblings- Emma, Drew, Sophia, Reiley, Jordan. HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Hanging out with friends, eating, watching Netflix, volleyball, track, basketball cheer, M.O.C. FAVORITE FOOD: Mom’s homemade mac and cheese; SHSSHURQL SL]]D FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Criminal 0LQGVµ´/DZDQG2UGHU698µ´6DYHWKH/DVW'DQFHµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER:$Q\WKLQJH[FHSWFRXQWU\*(D]\ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Meeting Kyla our sophomore year DQGKDYLQJ%LDQFDLQWKHOLEUDU\HYHU\GD\ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:0RYLQJWR&RQUDGLQHLJKWKJUDGH ROLE MODEL: Mom, because she has been there to help DQGXQGHUVWDQGZKHQ,IDLO WORDS OF WISDOM: Do what SOHDVHV\RXQRWRWKHUV FUTURE PLANS: Move back to $QDPRVD DQG WKHQ VWDUW FROOHJH IRU 'HQWDO $VVLVWLQJ SECRET AMBITION: To be a millionaire and have a different car for each day of the week. Daughter of Amber Storjohann Daughter of Kristy and Scott Garber Joshlyn Rose Hayes Allison Colleen Fisher Daughter of Mike and Kandy Fisher BIRTHDAY:0D\ NICKNAME:$OOLH SIBLINGS: %URWKHUV&ROHDQG%ODLQH HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Reading, writing, singing, drama, band, choir, chamber choir, show FKRLU ERRN FOXE 1+6 ZULWLQJ FOXE FAVORITE FOOD: 0DVKHG SRWDWRHV FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Boy 0HHWV :RUOGµ ´/DVW 2XQFH RI &RXUDJHµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “Don’t Stop Believing”/ Sabrina Carpenter MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Playing the cowardly lion in RXUVFKRRO·VSURGXFWLRQRI´7KH:L]DUGRI2]µ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Having Mr. Acton as a teacher EHFDXVHKHKDVKHOSHGPHGLVFRYHUP\ORYHRI(QJOLVK ROLE MODEL: My grandma, Colleen Ferriss, because she LVZKR,ZDQWWREHOLNHLQDOOZD\V WORDS OF WISDOM: 7UXVWLQ*RGLQDOO\RXGRQRPDWWHUKRZELJRUVPDOO FUTURE PLANS: Attend the University of Northern Iowa to EHFRPHDKLJKVFKRRO(QJOLVKWHDFKHU SECRET AMBITION: To become an author or a Broadway actress. Daughter of Jill and Kent Hayes BIRTHDAY: -XQH NICKNAME: -RVK\ SIBLINGS:Siblings- Jessica Hayes, Brian Erickson, Michelle (ULFNVRQ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Farm work, volleyball, WUDFWRUULGHVKDQJLQJRXWZLWKIULHQGV)&&/$ FAVORITE FOOD:3L]]D FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Cupcake Wars,” ´6HYHQ3RXQGVµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “Amarillo Sky,” -DVRQ$OGHDQ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Going up in front of the volleyball team and their parents with toilet paper stuck to my shoe at my sophomore year volleyball potluck. EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:$SULO ROLE MODEL: My mom, she is so selfless and gives all she has to everyone. The most loving and compassionate woman I NQRZ WORDS OF WISDOM: The cost of not following your KHDUWLVVSHQGLQJWKHUHVWRI\RXUOLIHZLVKLQJ\RXKDG FUTURE PLANS: %H KDSS\ SECRET AMBITION: Become either a racecar driver or a motocross racer. 10B Thursday, May 19, 2016 GRADUATION Grundy Register www.thegrundyregister.com BCLUW High School Class of 2016 Photo not available. Colton Dean Kruse Kaitlyn Elizabeth Moore Photo not available. Emalie Kay Olson Elijah James Ralston Son of Mike and Mindy Kruse Daughter of Rob and Brandy Moore Daughter of Ben and Melissa Olson Son of Troy and Krista Ralston BIRTHDAY:$XJXVW NICKNAME:&' SIBLINGS: 0LNH 6KDQH DQG .LHUVWLQ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Call BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW NICKNAME: .DWH SIBLINGS: $VKOH\ -HVVH DQG 'DQLHOOH HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Play BIRTHDAY: -XQH NICKNAME: (P SIBLINGS: 0HUFHGH] 3XWQH\ /H[L 0DQVKLS HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: BIRTHDAY:-DQXDU\ NICKNAME:/LM SIBLINGS: ,VDLDK0LOHQD(VPHUDOGD/HLG\1HLIHU%UD\DQ HOBBIES/ ACTIVITIES: Basketball, video games, cross-country, show FKRLU 1DWLRQDO +RQRU 6RFLHW\ FAVORITE FOOD: 3L]]D FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Sportscenter,” “Band of %URWKHUVµ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Promise .HHSHUV WORDS OF WISDOM: One of the greatest EOHVVLQJV LQ OLIH LV WR EH D EOHVVLQJ WR RWKHUV FUTURE PLANS: Go to Crown College, play basketball and study EURDGFDVWLQJ SECRET AMBITION: Broadcast on ESPN. Abbie McDonald ukulele, walk dogs, state cheer, wrestling cheer, football FKHHU EDVNHWEDOO FKHHU DQG YROOH\EDOO FAVORITE FOOD: &KHHVH EDOOV FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “One Tree +LOOµ´)HUULV%XHOOHU·V'D\2IIµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: ´+HDUWEHDWµ&DUULH8QGHUZRRG MEMORABLE MOMENTS: :LQQLQJVWDWHFKHHU EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: :LQQLQJVWDWHFKHHUIRU$ ROLE MODEL: My parents— WKH\ DUH FDULQJ DQG JLYH XV WKH EHVW OLIH WORDS OF WISDOM: <RX DUH FDSDEOH RI DPD]LQJ WKLQJV FUTURE PLANS: Attend Kirkwood Community College for Dental +\JLHQH SECRET AMBITION: Travel the world and speak different languages. RI 'XW\ VZLPPLQJ PXVLF URDG WULSV IRRWEDOO WUDFN FAVORITE FOOD: +DPEXUJHUV FAVORITE TV SHOW/ MOVIE: ´*DPH RI 7KURQHVµ ´,QWHUVWHOODUµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “Tell Your Friends” by The Weeknd; Drake MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Moving to California for a month ROLE MODEL: My brothers, because they give the best DGYLFH WORDS OF WISDOM:*RWREHG FUTURE PLANS: 0RYHWR&DOLIRUQLD SECRET AMBITION: Take over the rap game. Reading, running, having fun, cheerleading, state FRPSHWLWLRQ FKHHUOHDGLQJ FAVORITE FOOD: Ice cream RU FKHUU\ 3RS 7DUWV FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: ´)XOO +RXVHµ ´7KH /LWWOH 0HUPDLGµ FAVORITE SONG/ SINGER: ´/RVW %R\µ 5XWK % MEMORABLE MOMENTS: State cheerleading, accomplishing my tumbling goals and $FWRQ·V FODVV EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: My PRWKHUILJKWLQJWKURXJKFDQFHUDQGEHLQJDGRSWHG ROLE MODEL: Mom, she’s my best friend. And dad, because he WDXJKWPHPRVWRIZKDW,NQRZ WORDS OF WISDOM: Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind GRQ·WPDWWHUDQGWKRVHZKRPDWWHUGRQ·WPLQG FUTURE PLANS: Registered Nurse specializing in Pediatric Oncology SECRET AMBITION: Go watch worlds (cheerleading competition). Derrick James McNeece Son of Mark McNeece and Susan Turner BIRTHDAY:-XO\ NICKNAME:'XUN SIBLINGS: *DYLQ %UDQG\ DQG %ODNH HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Riding P\ IRXU ZKHHOHU KDQJLQJ ZLWK IULHQGV FAVORITE FOOD: &KHHV\ SRWDWRHV FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: George /RSH] 'HDGSRRO FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “March 0DGQHVVµ)XWXUH MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Going to IRRWEDOOJDPHVLQWKHIDOOWRPDNH0U%XWOHUDQJU\ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Acton saying to laugh at his Breann Elizabeth Lechner pain. It shows that sometimes you’ve got to take pain to PDNHRWKHUVODXJK ROLE MODEL: My uncle, he was always WKHUH IRU PH DV D OLWWOH NLG WORDS OF WISDOM: Mind \RXUVHOI FUTURE PLANS: Go to college for construction. Daughter of Marsha Lechner Jordan Ray Joshua Michael Myers BIRTHDAY: -XO\ NICKNAME: % SIBLINGS: 6LVWHU 0RQWDQD /HFKQHU HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Take Son of Mike and Deb Myers naps, swim, fish, wrestling manager, volleyball, thespians FAVORITE FOOD: 0DVKHG SRWDWRHV FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Criminal Minds,” “The Dark Knight Rises” FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “Die a Happy Man” by Thomas 5KHWW /XNH %U\DQ DQG *(D]\ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Wrestling practices/meets with Darian, the team and FRDFKHV EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Making and JHWWLQJ FORVH WR IULHQGV WKURXJKRXW KLJK VFKRRO ROLE MODEL: My mom, she’s a great role model and one of WKHVWURQJHVWSHRSOH,NQRZ WORDS OF WISDOM: Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life FUTURE PLANS: *R WR ,68 DQG PDMRU LQ FULPLQRORJ\ SECRET AMBITION: Travel the world. BIRTHDAY: )HEUXDU\ NICKNAME: 0XUUD\ SIBLINGS: .DUL DQG 7\OHU HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Golfing, fishing, playing cards, Xbox, hanging with friends, football, EDVHEDOODQGVWXGHQWFRXQFLO FAVORITE FOOD:6WHDN FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Friday Night Lights,” “The *UHHQ0LOHµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “Come Sail Away”/ /RJLF MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Kansas City band and FKRLU WULS IUHVKPDQ \HDU EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: *ROILQJ IRU WKH ILUVW WLPH VRSKRPRUH \HDU ROLE MODEL: My mom, she has taught me so much about life and KDVPDGHPHWKHSHUVRQ,DPWRGD\ WORDS OF WISDOM: /LYH OLIH HYHU\ GD\ WR WKH IXOOHVW FUTURE PLANS: Major LQ 6SRUWV 0DUNHWLQJ DW ,RZD 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ SECRET AMBITION: Own a cabin in Wisconsin for fishing. Patricia Miller Bobbi Jo Paper Daughter of Valerie and Jason Paper BIRTHDAY:0D\ SIBLINGS: Brittany, Bo, Nic and %HQ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Scrapbook, baking, taking photos, boating, volleyball, track and field, yearbook, fall PXVLFDOVDUWFOXEVFLHQFHFOXE FAVORITE FOOD: Mashed SRWDWRHV FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Prison Break,” ´(QGOHVV/RYHµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: MEMORABLE MOMENTS: State track sophomore year, beating Hudson in YROOH\EDOOMXQLRU\HDU EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: ROLE MODEL: My parents and siblings, because they are VXSSRUWLYH LQ DQ\WKLQJ , GR DQG JLYH WKH EHVW DGYLFH WORDS OF WISDOM: You’ll never remember class time, but \RXZLOOUHPHPEHUWLPHZLWKIULHQGV6RKDYHIXQ FUTURE PLANS: Attend Indian Hills to play volleyball, transfer to a four year school and in the future run my own chiropractic EXVLQHVV SECRET AMBITION: Play rugby. BIRTHDAY:-XO\ NICKNAME:0DU0DU SIBLINGS: &DQGLFH +DQQDK -RUGDQ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Art, GDQFH PXVLF UHDGLQJ MRXUQDO WUDFN FAVORITE FOOD: 5DPHQQRRGOHV FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Adventure 7LPHµ ´7KH 1LJKWPDUH %HIRUH &KULVWPDVµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER:´&UXVKHGµE\3DUNZD\'ULYH.HOOLQ4XLQQ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: When Mr. Silver raced me down the KDOOZD\ EHFDXVH KH ZDV WU\LQJ WR FKHHU PH XS EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: When I had my first seizure Jorie Anna Oaks Daughter of Doug and Jill Lutes wrestling cheer, track, softball, NHS, student council, youth JURXSOHWWHUZLQQHUV1+6 FAVORITE FOOD: Fruit pizza FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Friends,” “Friday Night /LJKWVµ ´7KH %HVW RI 0Hµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: ´,·OO %H WKH 0RRQµ E\ 'LHUNV %HQWOH\ 7KRPDV 5KHWW MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Beating Hudson junior year in YROOH\EDOOVHQLRU\HDUORFNLQ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 0LVVLRQ WULS WR *XDWHPDOD ROLE MODEL: My PRP,GRQ·WNQRZZKHUH,·GEHZLWKRXWKHU WORDS OF WISDOM:'RQ·WWDNHDQ\WKLQJIRUJUDQWHG FUTURE PLANS: Attend Wartburg College and major in elementary education SECRET AMBITION: Marry a country boy and live on a ranch. Daughter of Earl and Teri Ray and just thinking that my life was flashing before my eyes. ROLE MODEL: I admire my parents a lot. They always are there when I need them and push me enough to reach my JRDOV WORDS OF WISDOM: I’d rather die for what I believe WKDQOLYH D OLIHZLWKRXWPHDQLQJ FUTURE PLANS: Go to FROOHJHJHWDVWHDG\MREDQGJHWDQDSDUWPHQW SECRET AMBITION: Travel the world and skydive. Nicole Marie Lutes BIRTHDAY: 6HSWHPEHU NICKNAME: &ROH\ SIBLINGS: %URWKHUV 5\DQ DQG 7\OHU /XWHV HOBBIES/ ACTIVITIES: Boating, hanging out with friends, volleyball, Marah Ann Ray Daughter of Rod and Jodi Oaks Nicholas William Mills BIRTHDAY: )HEUXDU\ NICKNAME: -RU SIBLINGS: 6LVWHU 6\GQLH 2DNV HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Son of Ronny Matney and Jim Mills BIRTHDAY:$XJXVW SIBLINGS: Brother - Matthew 0LOOV HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: 6OHHSLQJ VSRUWV HDWLQJ FAVORITE FOOD: 7DFRV FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: ´7UDLOHU 3DUN %R\Vµ ´7RPP\ %R\µ FAVORITE SONG/ SINGER:´0DUYLQ·V5RRPµ'UDNH MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Friday night lights, Drew Carson’s joke of the day, prom and WUDFNZLWK3HQLFN EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: My PRWKHUDQGEURWKHUEHLQJGLDJQRVHGZLWKFDQFHU ROLE MODEL: My mother, she always puts me first so I can have HYHU\WKLQJ , QHHG WORDS OF WISDOM: Always smile DQGEHLQYROYHG FUTURE PLANS: Attend MCC for Human 6HUYLFHV SECRET AMBITION: To win the lottery. Reading, cross country, track, softball, FCCLA and art FOXE FAVORITE FOOD:0DFDQG&KHHVH FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Criminal Minds,” “Sweet Home Alabama” FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: 7KRPDV 5KHWW MEMORABLE MOMENTS:6RIWEDOOVHDVRQ ROLE MODEL: My dad IRUDOZD\VVXSSRUWLQJPH WORDS OF WISDOM: Have fun FUTURE PLANS: $WWHQG .LUNZRRG &RPPXQLW\ &ROOHJH SECRET AMBITION: Write a book. Jessica Popejoy-Geiken Daughter of Lynn and Kathleen Geiken BIRTHDAY: 6HSWHPEHU SIBLINGS: Sister- Liz 3RSHMR\*HLNHQ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Reading, writing, drawing, drama, choir, band, show choir, speech, writing FOXE DUW FOXE WKHVSLDQV FAVORITE FOOD: 1DFKRV FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Sense 8,” “Scott Pilgrim vs the :RUOGµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “Hum Hallelujah” by Fall 2XW%R\-RVK*UREDQ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: That one GRJ ROLE MODEL: My mom. That isn’t a cop out answer; VKHUHDOO\LVP\KHUR WORDS OF WISDOM: It’s not what \RXNQRZLW·VZKR\RXNQRZ FUTURE PLANS: Outlive my FODVVPDWHV SECRET AMBITION: To be Hardcore Parkour. Madison Beth Reyes Daughter of Ramon and Beth Reyes Class Flower: :KLWHFDUQDWLRQZLëJROGWLSV Class Colors: %ODFNDQG6LOYHU BIRTHDAY:-XO\ NICKNAME:0DGV SIBLINGS: /LQGVH\ -HVVH &RQQRU DQG *DEH HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Playing guitar, petting my dog, doing hair and makeup, YROOH\EDOO ZUHVWOLQJ FKHHU VFLHQFH FOXE VKRZ FKRLU FAVORITE FOOD: 3L]]D FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: ´3DUNV DQG 5HFUHDWLRQµ 7KH /RUG RI WKH 5LQJV WULORJ\ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “Head Over Boots” by Jon Pardi; %UHQGRQ8ULH MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Receiving the first SODFHWURSK\DW3HOODIRUVKRZFKRLUP\MXQLRU\HDU EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: When I was baptized at age VHYHQ ROLE MODEL: My AP English teacher Mr. Acton. He’s the toughest guy I know, and he’s always positive. WORDS OF WISDOM:%HDOLJKWWRWKHZRUOG FUTURE PLANS:,ZLOODWWHQG3&,$FDGHP\WRVWXG\FRVPHWRORJ\ SECRET AMBITION: I want to travel the world. Grundy www.thegrundyregister.com GRADUATION Register Thursday, May 19, 2016 11B BCLUW High School Class of 2016 Jodi Robovsky Mikaela Rae Simpson Photo not available. Ted Alan Switzer Daughter of Robert and Steph Robovsky Daughter of Stacy and Tambra Simpson Son of Van and Kathy Switzer Daughter of Jill and Lee Van Cleave Daughter of Jim and Jody Wiegand BIRTHDAY:-XQH NICKNAME:-R-R SIBLINGS: %URWKHU&RG\5RERYVN\ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Painting, GUDZLQJDQGYLGHRJDPHFOXE FAVORITE FOOD: Chinese FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE:*UH\·V$QDWRP\ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: ´3DUDGLVHµ E\ &ROGSOD\ %UHQGRQ %R\G MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Spending time with such great SHRSOHWKURXJKP\KLJKVFKRROH[SHULHQFH EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Meeting my best friend that I’ve been ZLWKVLQFHPLGGOHVFKRRO ROLE MODEL: Miss Frost—she BIRTHDAY: -DQXDU\ SIBLINGS: Brother0DFNHQ]LH 6LPSVRQ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Netflix, BIRTHDAY: 1RYHPEHU NICKNAME: 7HGG\ SIBLINGS: 7\VRQ 7ULVWDQ DQG .D\ 6ZLW]HU HOBBIES/ ACTIVITIES: Fishing, gardening, Dutch oven baking, BIRTHDAY: -DQXDU\ NICKNAME: Maddy SIBLINGS: 6LVWHU 0DND\OD 9DQ &OHDYH HOBBIES/ ACTIVITIES: Singing, reading, FCCLA, show choir, state BIRTHDAY: $SULO NICKNAME: 6KD\/\QQ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Swimming, taking naps, track, has always been a great teacher and has always been there IRUPH WORDS OF WISDOM: Enjoy school while you can! FUTURE PLANS: Work at the Iowa Veterans Home and go WRDUWVFKRRO SECRET AMBITION: Travel the world. reading, bow and arrow, golf, volleyball, wrestling cheer, softball stats, speech, drama, book club, FCCLA, NHS, student council, yearbook, science club and letter winners FAVORITE FOOD: 3DVWD VDODG FAVORITE TV SHOW/ MOVIE:´)ULHQGVµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: Thomas Rhett MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Getting a flat tire in Waterloo ROLE MODEL:0\EURWKHU FUTURE PLANS: Go to ISU, major in journalism and minor in Pre-Vet before getting P\ JUDGXDWH GHJUHH LQ 9HWHULQDU\ 0HGLFLQH SECRET AMBITION: Open a dog shelter. football, basketball, track, baseball, boy scouts, chamber choir, choir, band, speech, drama club, drama, book club, VKRZFKRLU\RXWKJURXS FAVORITE FOOD: Chicken Alfredo FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Drake and Josh,” “Miracle RQ,FHµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: My father Van Switzer, ´:RQGHUIXO7RQLJKWµ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: I sliced my hand open, and a piece of skin fell into the lake. I watched DSHUFKHDWLW EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: When a lamp fell and broke, and I had a piece of glass cut me under WKHOHIWH\H ROLE MODEL: My brother Tyson for showing PHWKDWDQ\WKLQJLVSRVVLEOH WORDS OF WISDOM: Take HYHU\RSSRUWXQLW\WKDW\RXDUHSUHVHQWHGZLWK FUTURE PLANS: $WWHQG +DZNH\H WKHQ WUDQVIHU WR ,68 SECRET AMBITION: Start a strawberry farm tucked away deep in the country. Photo not available. Joshua Dean Stanley Hannah Marie Sams Shay Lynn Wiegand cheer, book club, drama, writing club, Thespian Society. FAVORITE FOOD: :DWHUPHORQ FAVORITE TV SHOW/ MOVIE:+RZ,0HW<RXU0RWKHU FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: ´&RPIRUWDEOHµE\.&DPS0LFKDHO-DFNVRQ MEMORABLE MOMENTS::LQQLQJVWDWHLQDQG EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE::LQQLQJVWDWHFKHHU ROLE MODEL: Brennan Acton. He’s been the most inspirational teacher ,·YHHYHUKDG WORDS OF WISDOM: High school goes by IDVW(QMR\LW FUTURE PLANS: Attend Kirkwood Community &ROOHJH SECRET AMBITION: To become a famous chef. BIRTHDAY:-XQH NICKNAME:6WDQOH\ SIBLINGS: %URWKHU*UDQW6WDQOH\ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Blowing up IURJV VSLWWLQJ EDUV FURVVFRXQWU\ DQG JROI FAVORITE FOOD:)URJOHJV FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “It’s Always 6XQQ\ LQ 3KLODGHOSKLDµ ´5RFN\ ,9µ FAVORITE SONG/ SINGER: ´*RQQD )O\ 1RZµ 5RFN\ WKHPH MEMORABLE MOMENTS:%ORZLQJXSDIURJZLWKDERWWOHURFNHW EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Getting my driver’s license ROLE MODEL: 0H IRU EHLQJ WKH EHVW PH , FDQ EH WORDS OF WISDOM:´6WD\)URVW\µ&DSWDLQ3ULFH SECRET AMBITION: Spit super hot fire! volleyball, wrestling cheer, golf, show choir, volleyball VWDWV VFLHQFH FOXE FAVORITE FOOD: 3DVWD FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: ´&ULPLQDO 0LQGVµ ´&KDUOLH 6W &ORXGµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “Ready Set Roll” by Chase Rice; %ODNH6KHOWRQ/XNH%U\DQ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: When we went on the Kansas City band trip, and people got stuck LQWKHHOHYDWRUV EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: When P\ KRXVH IORRGHG ROLE MODEL: My mom, she went through a lot and is still one of the strongest people I know. WORDS OF WISDOM: Cherish your high school time with \RXU IULHQGV FUTURE PLANS: Attend MCC and major in 3HGLDWULF2QFRORJ\ SECRET AMBITION: Have a house on the beach and own a pug. Devon Viles Son of Chris and Lisa Stanley Daughter of Gary and Christy Sams BIRTHDAY: )HEUXDU\ SIBLINGS: Taylor and &ODLUD HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Reading, baking, riding my horse, world domination, volleyball, basketball, track and field, show choir, plays and musicals, NHS, student council, ERRNFOXE)&&/$DQGIRXUWKJUDGHOHDGHUVKLS FAVORITE FOOD:)UHVKIUXLWDQGFRPIRUWIRRG FAVORITE TV SHOW/ MOVIE: ´0DGDPH 6HFUHWDU\µ ´8QEURNHQµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER:´7KHUH:LOO%H7LPHµE\0XPIRUGDQG6RQV MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Beating West Marshall in volleyball sophomore year, Perkin’s after drama performances, KRPHFRPLQJZHHNV EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: $FFHSWLQJ&KULVW ROLE MODEL: Mother Teresa, because VKHZDVVRVHOIOHVVDQGKDGVRPXFKFRPSDVVLRQ WORDS OF WISDOM: Find the good in everything, and pick your EDWWOHV FUTURE PLANS: Attend ISU to double major in PDUNHWLQJ DQG VRPHWKLQJ HOVH XQGHFLGHG SECRET AMBITION: Become a gymnast, roller derby chick, amazing chef or prodigy of some kind. Madison Leigh Van Cleave Austin Paul Willett Son of Dave and Jami Willett Ashley Thurman BIRTHDAY: 1RYHPEHU NICKNAME: :LOOLH SIBLINGS: -HQQD DQG &RE\ :LOOHWW HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: 6SRUWV YLGHR JDPHV KDQJLQJ ZLWK IULHQGV FAVORITE FOOD: 3L]]D FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Spongebob 6TXDUHSDQWVµ ´6DYLQJ 3ULYDWH 5\DQµ FAVORITE SONG/ SINGER:7KH%HDFK%R\V MEMORABLE MOMENTS: When ,WRUHP\$&/RQHJDPHEHIRUHVHQLRUQLJKWLQIRRWEDOO EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE::KHQ,WRUHP\$&/ WORDS OF WISDOM: You miss 100 percent of the shots you GRQ·WWDNH:D\QH*UHW]N\ FUTURE PLANS: Attend Central &ROOHJH DQG PDMRU LQ 0HFKDQLFDO (QJLQHHULQJ SECRET AMBITION: To be an airline pilot. Photo not available. Darian Ann Webb Daughter of Heather and Joseph Robinson, and Brett Webb Amelia Rose Tonner Daughter of Dan and Jeannie Tonner BIRTHDAY:-XQH SIBLINGS: Sister- Lizzie Tonner HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Reading, Netflix, watching movies, Clark Mitchell Stevens Son of Brad and Jackie Stevens Joshua Louis Sharp Son of Kenny and Sandy Sharp BIRTHDAY:$XJXVW NICKNAME:6KDUS SIBLINGS: %URWKHU -LPP\ 6KDUS HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Golf, pool ball, poker, ping pong, basketball, baseball, football, VWXGHQWFRXQFLODQGVFLHQFHFOXE FAVORITE FOOD: Steak FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “Spongebob Squarepants,” ´6KDZVKDQN 5HGHPSWLRQµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: ´0H0\VHOIDQG,µE\*(D]\.DQ\H:HVW MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Getting stuck in an elevator for an hour in KC on WKHFKRLUWULSIUHVKPDQ\HDU EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Getting stuck in the elevator; don’t jump in elevators NLGV ROLE MODEL: Mr. Bohlke; I never had class with him, EXWKHSXWVXSZLWKDORWRIFUDSDQGORYHVKLVMRE WORDS OF WISDOM:%X\D6XEDUXLWPDNHVHYHU\WKLQJEHWWHU FUTURE PLANS: Attend Central College and study Athletic 7UDLQLQJ DQG %LRORJ\ SECRET AMBITION: Compete in a professional golf tournament. BIRTHDAY: 1RYHPEHU SIBLINGS: Brother*UDQW 6WHYHQV HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Reading, running, cooking, student council, NHS, band, yearbook, drama club, thespians, FCCLA, elementary leadership team, art club, science club, letter winners, book club, choir, crossFRXQWU\DQGER\V·EDVNHWEDOOPDQDJHU FAVORITE FOOD: %UXVFKHWWD FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “House of &DUGVµ´+DUU\3RWWHUDQGWKH'HDWKO\+DOORZVµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: ´, :RQ·W *LYH 8Sµ E\ -DVRQ 0UD] $GHOH MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Eating at Perkin’s with friends after GUDPDSHUIRUPDQFHV EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Attending Kendall Betts Horn Camp in New Hampshire. ROLE MODEL: My mom because she always gives back to others and goes above and beyond what is required. FUTURE PLANS: I plan to attend college and earn an undergraduate degree in Horn Performance, then attend medical school and become a doctor. hanging out with friends, cross country, track, NHS, student FRXQFLO FAVORITE FOOD: )HWWXFLQL $OIUHGR FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: ´7KH 2IILFHµ ´,QWHUVWHOODUµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: /DQD 'HO 5H\ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: 6WDWHWUDFNMXQLRU\HDU ROLE MODEL:0\GDG WORDS OF WISDOM:(QMR\HYHU\VHFRQGRIKLJKVFKRRO FUTURE PLANS: Attend the University of Iowa and major in business SECRET AMBITION: Be famous. BIRTHDAY:$SULO NICKNAME:'DUH SIBLINGS: McKaylee Krause (sister), Austin Krause (brother-in-law), &U\VWDO (GZDUGV VLVWHU HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Singing, learning new instruments, teaching, FCCLA, book club, worship band, youth group, leadership group, wrestling PDQDJHU JROI FKRLU VKRZ FKRLU FAVORITE FOOD: Hot GRJV WHQGHUORLQV FKHHVH EDOOV FAVORITE TV SHOW/ MOVIE: ´&ULPLQDO 0LQGVµ ´*OHHµ ´7DQJOHGµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “Life Is Worth Living” by Justin Bieber; Zach 6HDEDXJK MEMORABLE MOMENTS: State wrestling, four seasons with Breann, Friday football games, prom and the VFLHQFHWULSWR&KLFDJR EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: My parents’ divorce. After that, I saw my mom work so hard for my sister and my needs, and now I just want to make her SURXG ROLE MODEL: My grandma Pat. Though she has fought cancer twice, she never gives up and always puts RWKHUV EHIRUH KHUVHOI WORDS OF WISDOM: Be selfish. This is your time and your life to do what you want and be ZKDW \RX ZDQW FUTURE PLANS: Go to MCC a year and a half then go to UNI to get a secondary math education GHJUHH ZLWK D VSHFLDO HGXFDWLRQ HQGRUVHPHQW SECRET AMBITION: Be an astronomer or professional violinist. Ross Russell Wolken Son of Larry and Megan Wolken BIRTHDAY:6HSWHPEHU SIBLINGS: Brother- Tanner :RONHQ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Hunting, fishing, video JDPHV WUDS VKRRWLQJ ULGLQJ P\ PRWRUF\OH FAVORITE FOOD:3HDQXWEXWWHUDQGEDQDQDVDQGZLFK FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE:´*DPHRI7KURQHVµ´'HDGSRROµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER:'DYH%LUG MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Getting P\ILUVWPRWRUF\FOH EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 7ULSV WR 0LQQHVRWD ZLWK P\ GDG ROLE MODEL: Randy Omvig—he has not had an easy life but is still one of the PRVW SRVLWLYH SHRSOH WKDW , NQRZ WORDS OF WISDOM: $Q\RQH FDQ SUHGLFW WKH IXWXUH D YLVLRQDU\ VKDSHV LW FUTURE PLANS: Attending college to become a police officer. Jacinta Sue Treft Daughter of Brenda Treft and Adam Medina Class Song: Ò:HÐUH$ç,Q7KLV7RJHëHUÓ —HSM BIRTHDAY:-XQH NICKNAME:-& SIBLINGS: Alex, $GDQ .DVVDQGUD HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Photography, painting, band, science club, art club, Yearbook, National +RQRU 6RFLHW\ FAVORITE FOOD: %UHDNIDVW IRRG FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE: “I Love Lucy,” “Ugly Betty,” ´7KH 6RXQG RI 0XVLFµ FAVORITE SONG/SINGER: “Don’t 6WRS%HOLHYLQ·µ´=DUD/DUVVRQµ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: :L]DUGRI2]DQGWKHVFLHQFHFOXEWULSWR&KLFDJR EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: *HWWLQJ EDSWL]HG ROLE MODEL: Esther Mosher. She is such a good person, and DORWRISHRSOHUHVSHFWKHU WORDS OF WISDOM: Enjoy WKHOLWWOHPRPHQWV FUTURE PLANS:%HFRPHDGRFWRU SECRET AMBITION: Travel. Junior Class Escorts: :Lç:LVHPDQ DQG&ODLUH6WXIáHEHDP 12B Thursday, May 19, 2016 GRADUATION Grundy Register www.thegrundyregister.com Some final words of wisdom: Ò:HÐUHQRWMXVWJDëHUHGKHUHRQDORYHO\0D\GD\LQDQèGLQDU\ DXGLWèLXPDW>*UXQG\+LJK6FKRRO'LNH1HZ+DUWIèG+LJK6FKRRO %&/8:+LJK6FKRRO@:HÐUHDçVWUDSSHGLQVHDWHGWRJHëHURQDJLJDQWLFEDç ZKLUOLQJDURXQGëHVXQDWPLOHVSHUKRXUQHVWHGLQDJDOD[\KXUWOLQJ ëURXJKëHGHSëVRIVSDFHDQGWLPHDWPLçLRQPLOHVSHUKRXUÓ Î.LUN6FKQHLGHU Ò,WLVLPSRVVLEOHWROLYHZLëRXWIDLOLQJDWVRPHëLQJXQOHVV\RXOLYHVRFDXWLRXVO\ ëDW\RXPLJKWDVZHçQRWKDYHOLYHGDWDçÍLQZKLFKFDVH\RXIDLOE\GHIDXOWÓ Î-.5RZOLQJ Ò<RXUWLPHLVOLPLWHGVRGRQÐWZDVWHLWOLYLQJVRPHRQHHOVHÐV OLIH6WD\+XQJU\6WD\)RROLVKÓ Î6WHYH-REV Ò)RçRZ\RXUSDVVLRQVWD\WUXHWR\RXUVHOIQHYHUIRçRZ VRPHRQHHOVHÐVSDë8QOHVV\RXÐUHLQëHZRRGVDQG\RXÐUH ORVWDQG\RXVæDSDëëHQE\DçPHDQV\RXVKRXOGIRçRZ ëDWØ%HWUXHWR\RXUVHOIDQGHYHU\ëLQJZLçEHàQHÓ Î(çHQ'H*HQHUHV Ò<RXNQRZ\RXGRQÐWKDYHWREHIDPRXV\RXMXVWKDYHWR PDNH\RXUPRëHUDQGIDëHUSURXGRI\RX$QG\RX DOUHDG\KDYHÓ Î0HU\O6WUæS The Grundy Register CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES WE WISH THE BEST FOR YOUR FUTURE Forest City, Iowa // www.waldorf.edu // 800.292.1903