Annual Report 2009


Annual Report 2009
Mission Statement
Relevant Radio exists to assist the
Church in the New Evangelization
by providing relevant programming
through a media platform to help
people bridge the gap between
faith and everyday life.
Relevant Radio Promotes:
The one, true Faith taught by Jesus Christ
and passed on by Peter and the Apostles
and their successors, the pope and bishops.
Letter from the Chairman
Dear Friends,
In reflecting on the past year, I realize how far Relevant Radio has
come. We have seen a lot in the last nine years, complete with hard
work and great joy, and 2009 brought its share of both. With the
addition of Father Rocky to our team in 2009, we have been able to
take our work to the next level. Having a priest on-board has brought
countless blessings, both spiritual and financial, to our Mission. And
now we find ourselves in our 10th year of broadcasting the Gospel to
countless souls around the nation.
You, our faithful supporters, have once again demonstrated your
generous hearts in supporting our Mission. Your support makes you
true partners in the priestly work of spreading the Gospel. While
we lay people are not ordained ministers, we certainly share in their
priestly ministry by supporting them, the Church, and those
apostolates whose mission is to assist the Church - like Relevant Radio.
Thank you for your continued support. If it weren’t for you, we would
not be here. You are a great blessing to us!
In Christ,
The sacredness of marriage and family
and the dignity of life from conception to
natural death.
William Raaths
Relevant Radio Board of Directors
Michael Ariens - Chairman, Ariens Company, Brillion, WI
The sanctity of all vocations and especially
those of priesthood and religious life.
Mark Balasa - Principal and Co-President, Balasa Dinverno Foltz, LLC, Itasca, IL
John Cavil - Co-Founder of Relevant Radio, Co-Founder and former
Vice-President, Fox Valley Metal Tech, Green Bay, WI
William Raaths - Chairman, Great Northern Corporation, Appleton, WI
Tom Vorpahl - Former President, Green Bay Cheese Co., Green Bay, WI
Timothy Wiggins - Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer,
Tellabs, Naperville, IL
Daily spiritual nourishment, including the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Rosary.
Prayer to Mary
Star of Evangelization
Letter from the CEO
by Pope John Paul II,
Patron of Relevant Radio
Dear Relevant Radio Family,
As we enjoy the great blessing of the Year for Priests, I am continually
reminded of the beauty and necessity of the priesthood. Just think
of how much the priest is a part of our lives: from our baptism to
our death, with so many special events in between, the priest is
there to minister to us and unite us with Jesus. The priesthood is
indeed a most wonderful gift to us.
As the Year for Priests ends, let us not lose the appreciation for the
priesthood that was so emphasized during this year. It is a solemn
reality that if there were no priests, there would be no Eucharist,
hence no Catholic Church. If there were no priests, there would
be no Relevant Radio, since there would be no Church for us to
assist. Together, let us make our priests evermore a part of our
daily lives by our prayerful support of their ministry and by
praying for vocations.
How appropriate that during the Year for Priests, the Relevant Radio
staff received the addition of a priest: Rev. Francis Hoffman, or
“Father Rocky” as he is known on-air. Our mission has been taken
to new heights with Father Rocky’s involvement as Senior Director
of Mission, Programming and Development. From his on-air
presence, to his work behind the scenes raising financial support for
our apostolate, to his guidance of our programming, we are indeed
very blest to have received his leadership.
Your support of our Mission is helping us assist the Church and
Her priests in carrying out Christ’s command to “Go into the whole
world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” Thank you for
your ongoing support for the Mission of Relevant Radio.
In Christ,
Tom Vorpahl
Chief Executive Officer
As of April 23, 2010, Tom Vorpahl was named Chairman of the Board and
also serves as Chief Operating Officer. Rev. Francis Hoffman was named
Executive Director of Relevant Radio. William Raaths continues to serve
Relevant Radio as a board member.
O Mary, on Pentecost morning, you supported
with your prayers the first preaching of the
Gospel, undertaken by the Apostles at the
prompting of the Holy Spirit. Today as well,
in these times of anxiety and of hope,
continue to guide the steps of the Church with
your constant protection, as she goes forth, in
obedience to her Lord’s command, to bring
the “good news” of salvation to peoples and
nations throughout the world. Direct the
decisions we make in this life and strengthen
us in time of trial, so that, faithful to God and
to man, we may humbly and boldly use the
wonders of the airwaves to bring to the minds
and hearts of all people the joyful
proclamation of Christ, the Redeemer of
mankind. O Mary, Star of Evangelization,
be with us on our way!
“The instrument of torture which, on
Good Friday, manifested God’s
judgment on the world, has become
a source of life, pardon, mercy, a sign
of reconciliation and peace... She
(the Church) invites us to give thanks
to God because from a tree which
brought forth death, life has burst
out anew.”
Ever Blest - Relevant Radio in 2009
As we see so clearly demonstrated in our Faith time and
again, with great suffering we always find tremendous joy
and blessings. If we bear our own crosses faithfully, God
will never be outdone in showering His grace and mercy
upon us. Our high priest, Jesus Christ, gives us the
greatest example of God’s glory shining in the darkness
as He submitted Himself to the cross so that God’s Will
might be done.
And thus we find ourselves and our Relevant Radio
family (listeners, supporters, and associates alike) at the
end of 2009. Few were able to escape the effects of the
difficult economic conditions of this year, and yet we at
Relevant Radio look back upon countless blessings that
have also been bestowed on our apostolate. It is our prayer
that each and every member of our family can also say the
same in their own lives.
Hours of Eucharistic Adoration by
associates and adorers in the Chapel
of the Nativity at the Relevant Radio
headquarters in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
In Service to God and to His Church
It is our mission and our commitment to remain faithful to
God by always remaining faithful to His Church and to the
teachings of the Magisterium. This commitment is played out
by serving our bishops and priests in the dioceses in which we
have our stations, as well as by providing our radio platform to
many bishops and priests as they fulfill their vocations to teach
and assist the faithful in growing closer to our God.
This Relevant Radio network of stations exists because of the
call of our beloved Pope John Paul II to a “New Evangelization”
- to use the proliferation of media in our world to bring souls
closer to Christ. We seek to introduce those to Christ who
do not know Him; to provide faithful Catholic apologetics to
those who do not believe that the Catholic Church truly holds
the fullness of the faith; to catechize those of our faith
community who seek to understand our teachings more fully.
(Taken from a homily delivered by Pope
Benedict XVI at an open-air Mass in
Lourdes, France on the Feast of the
Triumph of the Holy Cross in 2008)
Let us help you to grow in your knowledge of the Faith, to feel
a part of the greater Church, to stay current with the Vatican,
and to connect with other Catholics. Let us emulate our
patroness, the Blessed Virgin Mary, as we strive always to
point you to her Son.
Commitment to Mission
The year 2009 was one of numerous blessings and opportunities
for Relevant Radio. Greatest among these were the ways in which
we were able to tie ourselves more closely to Christ’s gift of the
priesthood. With the declaration of Pope Benedict XVI that we
celebrate the “Year for Priests” beginning on June 19, 2009, we have
greatly enjoyed offering our listeners the chance to pray together for
all priests. We have heard Father Rocky “praying for your priest”
with many listeners, schools, groups, and clergy across the United
States. Imagine the power of a single Hail Mary prayed in unison
by the thousands of listeners in our Relevant Radio family!
Changing Lives
Dear Morning Air,
I am 25 years old, I recently had a child, I am
unmarried and I am not with the father because he
did not want to be married. I had felt this horrible
unexplainable weight, a feeling of being all alone. I
lost my father, grandfather and had a child all in one
year. I have a long commute to and from work, and
I happened to be flipping through the stations and
landed on Relevant Radio. Without really thinking
about it, I just left it on and listened; it’s been about
a month and I have yet to change the station.
Father Rocky records a prayer for priests with a school group touring
Relevant Radio headquarters. Click HERE to hear some Praying for Your
Priests in the Year for Priests samples.
Most appropriately, it was a mere 17 days after the start of the
Year for Priests that we enjoyed the successful roll-out of our
new programming schedule. In our efforts to remain faithful
stewards of the funds entrusted to us by our generous donors as
well as in service to our listeners, we brought about changes that
would solidify the content of our programming day while also
decreasing the cost of production. Key to our mission, though, was
the creation of our latest Relevant Radio produced program, Go
Ask Your FatherTM. We open our airwaves for an entire hour each
day so that our listeners can ask questions about virtually anything
Catholic, from back-to-the-basics to sophisticated apologetics,
and we are blessed that they are able to receive answers from
highly-qualified, well-educated and faithful priests, including
Father Francis “Father Rocky” Hoffman, Father Thomas Acklin,
and Father Richard Simon.
God’s grace continued to be poured upon Relevant Radio when, in
August, Father Francis “Fr. Rocky” Hoffman became a full-time
I was baptized Lutheran but my family never
attended church. It was not until listening to your
station that I felt any connection with God. Most
questions I ever had regarding the Bible were
answered while listening to your show. Today
when I was listening to the show they were talking
about Mary and her importance. I suddenly felt
this complete understanding and have decided to
meet with one of my local Catholic churches about
converting. The moment I made that decision, I felt
the weight lessen. Just knowing that I’m going to
be going to church and accepting God into my life
has made me feel so much better.
I just wanted to thank you and let you know that you
are reaching people of all ages. Without your show,
I may have continued on as I was without hope.
Thank you,
Morning Air® with Sean Herriott
Weekdays 6-10am CT
Giving Hope
Dear Chuck:
I was in my car on Friday driving to a lunch
appointment listening to Relevant Radio 950.
You had a priest on the air from Wisconsin who
is suffering from ALS. His message moved me
to tears; tears of hope and joy. I am currently
fighting stage 4 metastatic kidney cancer. Despite
long odds I have always maintained a positive
outlook. The priest I heard on Friday went
beyond, far beyond, my positive outlook.
I have days of doubt and fear, and his message
[is] an incredible gift to me.
I’m a sports radio addict and gave it up for Lent.
My Lenten pledge was to listen to Relevant Radio
whenever in my car this year. Because of this
grace, I was able to hear this program, one I am
absolutely sure will change, strengthen, and bring
peace to the time I have left in this world.
God bless you and all you do!
- Doc
member of our team. After years of prayer on the part of our
Relevant Radio family, we have been blessed to receive the
presence and guidance of a priest on staff. In addition to his onair presence on Go Ask Your Father, Father Hoffman serves
as Senior Director of Mission, Programming and Development.
He believes that Catholic radio is meant to “help persons
discover that God is calling them to love and serve him in the
midst of their routine and daily activities.” We are very grateful
for Father’s share in our task of “Bridging the gap between faith
and everyday life!”
Hours of original Relevant Radio
programming broadcast on the
air and online in 2009!
In addition to exciting changes in our regularly scheduled
programming, it was our great pleasure to provide listeners with
three special content events in 2009. On October 1-2, we opened
our airwaves to our first-ever on-air retreat, “In Our Lady’s
Hands”. Featuring Marian experts, including Bishop David L.
Ricken of the Diocese of Green Bay, Father John Corapi, and
Father Francis Hoffman, we focused two full days of content on
Marian teaching and reflection with regard to Mary’s role in the
Church and in salvation history. This retreat was followed closely
by the “Great Stories about Great Saints” segment of our
November “Join the Family” Pledge Drive. We offered three full
days of content focused on the lives, deeds, and teachings of some
of the great saints of our church. A favorite among our show
teams and listeners, this special content was an uplifting and
educational opportunity for everyone.
Finally, from November 30th through December 8th, we prayed
a network-wide novena to the Immaculate Conception. We aired
the homilies offered the previous evening at Saint Mary of the
Angels Church by the likes of Francis Cardinal George, Father
Francis Hoffman, Father Peter Armenio, Father Richard Simon,
and others. It is a blessing to offer conversation and teachings
such as this on the airwaves, especially when you most likely
won’t find anything else like it anywhere on your radio dial.
Relevant Radio-Outside the Studio
In service to Christ’s Church, we know that we must always
provide the best possible programming content to our listeners,
but we also believe that we must be present to our listeners in
ways beyond the airwaves, and 2009 certainly graced us with
many opportunities to do just that.
The Inner LifeTM with Chuck Neff
Weekdays 11am-12pm CT
As we are blest to do every year, we again offered Relevant Journeys
pilgrimages. This year saw our pilgrims traveling in June to Rome,
Italy with Father David Simonetti, and in December to Fatima,
Portugal with Father James Kubicki. While only a small percentage
of our listeners were able to make the journey, it was our privilege
to allow all of our listeners to participate through live on-air
updates as well as through content on our website. We are grateful
to be able to share these pilgrimages with our listeners because, in
the words of Cardinal Telesphore Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi,
“The shrines and pilgrimage places... are there so that we may be
filled by His Spirit, hear the Word of God, and come to know
Jesus... more intimately and love Him more ardently.”
October brought great excitement to our network as we welcomed
our newest affiliate, K-YES AM 1180 in St. Cloud, MN. Covering
the entire Diocese of St. Cloud, this station will bring Catholic radio
to thousands more souls, and it is a privilege for Relevant Radio to
be involved in their mission. We are grateful to own and operate 12
of our own stations as well as to provide programming to an
additional 20 affiliate stations so as to broadcast our programming
in 12 states and through live-streaming on the internet.
Views per day for the St. Stanislaus
banner overlooking Chicago’s busy
Kennedy Expressway.
Nourishing Souls
Hello Father Rocky,
Relevant Radio is a God-send! Radio banner on St. Stanislaus.
It is a true pleasure to know that our programming is reaching
new listeners in the Diocese of St. Cloud, and it is always of great
importance to us to know that our programming finds its way to
more and more souls. In this effort, Relevant Radio was blest in the
past year to team up with the Catholics Come Home organization
and Saint Stanislaus Kostka Church in Chicago, IL, to invite people
to check out the Catholic Church. With a very large banner
hanging on the side of Saint Stanislaus Church, the thousands of
people traveling daily on the Kennedy Expressway could not help
but know that they are welcome to become a part of the Catholic
Church as well as a member of our Relevant Radio family.
As patroness of Relevant Radio, Our Lady of Guadalupe holds a
special place in our hearts, so it was an honor to be able to
I learn something daily. Father Simon’s bible
knowledge is astounding and affirming, and I
also enjoy the special programming especially
the about the Saints.
Please accept my donation in appreciation of
Relevant Radio affirming my faith. It gives me
the spiritual fervor I had when I came into the
Church in the early 1960s.
From your spiritual daughter in Christ,
- Eleanor
Go Ask Your FatherTM
Weekdays 12-1pm CT
participate in the festivities surrounding her feast day at the Our
Lady of Guadalupe Shrine at Maryville Academy in Des Plaines,
IL. This two-day event draws in upwards of 100,000 pilgrims to
the shrine, and we were pleased to be able to not only be present at
the event and pass out over 75,000 Our Lady of Guadalupe prayer
cards, but also to be able to provide live coverage of this special
Mass on our Chicagoland 950AM station.
His Eminence Francis Cardinal George addresses the pilgrims at the Our
Lady of Guadalupe Shrine at Maryville in Des Plaines, IL.
Operating as Good Stewards
Standing Strong
Thank you for all of your single-minded courage to
stand for the family. You affirm the true faith in the
authority God has given us as mothers and fathers.
We can and must choose the right way... We
show true love for our families by providing the
discipline you discuss on your show. This is the
way to keep the family strong.
The devil is winning in the destruction of the
family, but he doesn’t have a chance while you
are on the air!
- Mary
On CallTM with Wendy Wiese
Weekdays 1-2pm CT
We at Relevant Radio work day in and day out to faithfully
respond to God’s call that we share in this lay apostolate of Catholic
radio. Clearly, it is first and foremost that we remain faithful to His
Church and to His Will; we know that if we strive to do this that
He will always take care of us. This is His mission; this is His
message; this is His radio network. It is with this childlike trust
that we always rely on Him for guidance and for the continuation
of this work.
As with so many Americans, the year 2009 brought its share of
financial challenges to the Relevant Radio network, and we are
eternally grateful to God and to our generous listeners and
supporters for sustaining us through these trying times. We know
that it was every prayer and every donated dollar that kept us the
strong and healthy network that we see as this year comes to a
close. In our reliance on God, we also recognize, though, that He
expects us to be responsible stewards of our finances, and therefore
the year saw a number of difficult situations along with happy
opportunities which He brought our way.
Leaving an indelible mark of sadness on our network was the
necessary divestiture of three of our long-standing owned-andoperated stations. We think of each of our listeners as a member of
our family, so it was hard for us to let these stations go. It was only
done after a tremendous amount of diligent research and prayer
revealed that the sale of these stations must occur so as to protect
the rest of the network. With minimal financial support in these
local markets, these stations presented a tremendous strain on the
network that we could not continue to withstand in the current
economic climate. It is our prayer, though, that our time in these
markets bore great fruit and that those listeners will remain a part
of our family by accessing our programming through our livestreaming as well as our audio archives at
Prayer requests in 2009.
May had the highest number
of prayer requests at 8,149.
Another joy-filled cross that Our Lord asked us to bear this year
was the outcome of our quarterly Pledge Drives. These drives are
essential to the financial health of our organization, and yet each
one fell short of its necessary goal in 2009. This shortfall certainly
brought the burden of the cross to Relevant Radio—programming
changes had to be made, associates graciously accepted pay cuts,
and spending was minimized to its most bare bones. Yet, we also
look at this situation with a warm heart: we realize that we were
able to find ways in which we could be even better stewards of the
funds entrusted to us, and we also found the outpouring of support
received to be uplifting. So many people in financial stress of their
own still found ways to share their funds with us because of the
importance of this essential Catholic programming in their lives.
There were others who simply could not afford to share with us
in their own difficult times, and yet they bore us up to God in the
power of their prayers, for which we are eternally grateful.
The quarterly Pledge Drives are budgeted to provide $6 million of
the Relevant Radio operating budget of $10.5 million, but the 2009
Pledge Drives yielded a total of only $4,710,216. In a necessary
attempt to make up the difference, we held a two-day “Meet the
Need” on-air fund appeal in April which yielded an additional
$437,591. We also used our special two-day Marian retreat as an
opportunity to remind listeners that such special content could only
be made possible by their generosity; we were blest to find numerous
listeners stepping forward to assist us, and this brought about an
additional $356,168 in revenue.
What’s Important
A year ago I was glued to CNBC as the
markets crashed and our retirement
account went down through the market
and fraud. So I’ll be working a little longer
than I planned. Last March I found Relevant
Radio and got rid of XM-Radio. Now I realize
that net worth does not equal self-worth. I
went to confession for the first time in years
today, thanks in many ways to you.
Have a great Easter.
- Mike
The Lemonade Brigade in Green Bay, WI, sold lemonade to raise money for
Relevant Radio. They raised over $50 and, in turn, inspired through their
charity an additional $3,050 in gifts during the August Pledge Drive.
The Drew Mariani ShowTM
Weekdays 2-6pm CT
Relevant Radio is my spiritual life-support. As a
thirteen-year-old home-schooling boy discerning
the priesthood, this is one of the greatest resources
for research into my Catholic Faith. Fr. Corapi,
Fr. Larry Richards, and Archbishop Fulton Sheen
make the Faith really come alive with their
lectures. These champions of the Faith offer me
the greatest inspirations for my vocation. The
guest speakers on Go Ask Your Father and The
Inner Life offer me countless inspirations for my
future homilies. Drew Mariani blends the secular
news of the day with an understandable, Catholic
perspective. Relevant Radio is an indispensable
resource. Your guest speakers are not just
textbooks wired for sound, but real people
that bring the Catholic Faith alive. Thank you for
fulfilling Pope John Paul the Great’s call for a new
evangelization. Keep this treasure of the Lord on
the air!
- Ken
It is very humbling as Relevant Radio show teams and associates to
come to our listeners with regularity (and in the case of 2009, an
additional two times in the year) and ask for money, and the only
way we are able to do so is because we recognize the importance of
our mission—we do this truly as beggars for Christ. In an attempt
to show our appreciation to our listeners as well as to celebrate
the Year for Priests, we offered to “remember your parish priest”
during our August “Reach Out and Respond” Pledge Drive. This
was a wonderful success! Listeners called in with the names of
over 600 priests whom we were honored to remember during our
on-air Mass on October 1st. This was truly a blessing for everyone
involved! Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us!
With a renewed focus on maintaining a healthy financial position,
Relevant Radio was pleased to fill the open position for Chief
Development Officer when Karin Freihammer joined our team in
February. Based at the Relevant Radio 1330AM Twin Cities, MN,
offices, Freihammer is accountable for the implementation and
execution of all fundraising strategies for the network. She has a
MA in Theology from Saint Vincent de Paul Seminary and a BA in
Theology from the Franciscan University. Her commitment to her
Faith, her professional experience and her proven abilities are an
excellent fit for our apostolate.
Dr. Christine Mugridge’s speaking tour stop in St. Paul, MN
The financial times of 2009 brought about a chance for us to
exercise creativity in our revenue building, and this was a great
experience for Relevant Radio and for our listeners! In November,
Vatican analyst and network contributor, Dr. Christine Mugridge,
embarked on a speaking tour in a number of our Relevant Radio
markets. Taking her from the Twin Cities in Minnesota to Austin,
Texas, this tour allowed Dr. Mugridge to converse with listeners
about the future of the Church in America in the third millennium
while also generating sponsorship dollars for the network.
Download the complete Relevant Radio
Programming Schedule by clicking HERE.
Certainly Relevant Radio has felt the pinch of the financial stress of
2009, but we view this as an opportunity to make sacrifices in our
work for the Lord so as to open ourselves to His Will as well as His
generosity. We are both humbled and grateful for the opportunity
to work in His service and to experience the generous prayers and
financial support of so many listeners across the nation and even
around the world. To you, our supporters, we offer our gratitude,
and we continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Thank
you for allowing us to serve you in serving Him.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of Relevant Radio, pray for us.
Financial Overview
2009 Timeline
Blessings to all our listeners and supporters in
the New Year!
“Give From the Heart” Pledge Drive - Feb 9-13
Relevant Radio associates begin in-service
study on U.S. Catechism for Adults - Feb 19
Karin Freihammer joins Relevant Radio as
Chief Development Officer - Feb 24
Green Bay Relevant Radio associates provide
meal for St. John’s Homeless Shelter - Mar 4
Relevant Radio Catholic Business Association
Business Expo Waukesha, WI - Mar 24
“Meet the Need” 36-hr Marathon - Apr 2-3
“Answer the Call” Pledge Drive - May 11-15
Year for Priests begins - Jun 19
Relevant Journeys Italy Pilgrimage
with Fr. David Simonetti - Jun 23-Jul 2
Launch of new programming line-up
including Go Ask Your FatherTM - Jul 6
K-YES AM 1180 - St. Cloud, MN joins the
Relevant Radio affiliate family - Aug 1
“Reach Out & Respond” Pledge Drive - Aug 17-21
Fr. Rocky joins Relevant Radio as Senior Director of
Mission, Programming and Development - Sep 1
Relevant Radio Austin Golf Outing - Sep 25
First-ever 2-day Relevant Radio On-Air Retreat:
“In Our Lady’s Hands” - Oct 1-2
“Great Stories about Great Saints” Radio Event/
“Join the Family” Pledge Drive - Nov 9-13
Get social with Relevant Radio in 2010 on Facebook and Twitter!
Click icons below to join the conversation!
Dr. Christine Mugridge Speaking Tour
MN, WI, IL, TX - Nov 2-17
Relevant Journeys Our Lady of Fatima
Pilgrimage with Fr. James Kubicki - Dec 7-14
May God bless you in 2010!
Relevant Radio®
St. Gabriel Society
Charles and Joan Burke
Robert and Martha Trussell
Robert and Janet Waring
Anonymous (6)
Cornerstone Society
DeWitt Educational Association
KGYS Radio DeWitt Educational
Kovac Planitarium
Salt River
Brock Athman
John Balmes, Jr.
Robert Barkei
Marilyn Blair
John Bogovic
Dennis and Connie Buttjer
Todd and Ann Clark
James Clay
Timothy and Ruth Close
John and Penny Cromer
Greg and Pricillia Dantzman
Tillie Delak
Kathleen DeMong
Cornelius and Susan Dirkx
Mary Ellen DuCharme
Dr. Stephen and Mary Earney
Dr. William Evans
Stephen Fox
Hans and Elizabeth Froslee
William and Claudia Hamilton
Margaret Herman
Richard Hetland
Clifford and Joanna Hidalgo
Louis and Betsy Hillenmeyer
James Jr. and Corbie Hohn
Charlotte Hoyle
Michael and Cynthia Huempfner
Mike and Debby Hutchinson
Kenneth and Lavern Jacobs
Jeffrey and Stacy Jamison
Christopher Kabat
Brenda Kipness
Katherine Kuehn
Peter and Alison Lamporte
George and Mary Lazich
Cathleen Nelson
Cynthia Olson
Spencer and Dianne Parrott
JAN 1, 2009 - DEC 31, 2009
Edward and Donna Polanek
Kathleen Quinn
Amy Ramsay
Dawn Roper
Joshua and Anna Russell
Suzanne Sander
Lyle and Myrna Schlader
Raymond and Margaret Schluender
Rick and Carolyn Simpkins
Daniel and Rachel Stafford
Sharon Swanson
Dolores Terek
Judy Underwood
Michael Van Buer
Florence Wallace
Robert Wallet
Rose Warhank
Charles Weber
Dr. Thomas and Donna Weiner
Gerald White
Hank and Julie Whitman
Anonymous (1)
Jeff and Laura Brumm
Ramon Burke
Perry and Roxanne Carlson
Dave and Ashley Casto
Arthur Ching
Ada Cleveland
Bill Colaner
Roberta Colvin
James Connell
Mary Connell
Miguel and Lisa Contreras
Regis and Judy Convery
Jerry and Susana Cook
Christine Cote
Glen and Lisa Cronk
Jeffrey and Nicki Danford
William and Gail Darcy
Gerard and Sandra Debruin
Leo and Janet Delaney
Harlan Demers
Louise Demers
Veronica Demmel
Antonio DeMovellan
Thomas Digiacomo
Janice DiIulio
Mike and Angie DiMeo
Judy Donnelly
Robert and Roberta Donnelly
David Dooley
Mike and Susan Drewiske
Jim and Kristine Dudzik
Mark Ennis
Fred and Mary Erickson
Robert and Sherry Essig
Daniel Ewing
Michael and Margaret Foster
Eugene and Cindy Fox
David and Lastenia Fraley
Robert and Elizabeth Gallagher
Philip Garceau
Gail Gebert
Timothy Gilbert
Laurie Gimmon
Gerry and Colleen Goebel
Alyce Hafer
Howard Haines
Madonna Hall
Richard Hamilton
Patricia Hammer
Jane Hanchett
Linda Harris
Emily Jane Hennessy
George and Joan Highland
Buck and Jeannette Hoell
Carol Hollar
Dennis and Joy Holm
Kevin and Heidi Horcher
KQOP Charles City Educational
Morgan & Company of KY, LLC
RP Properties
St. Mary Catholic Church
Veteran Fire, Inc.
William and Lavonne Althoff
Kathleen Androlewicz
Joan Atherton
Mark and Cathy Averett
Dave and Helen Baldwin
Joseph and Barbara Balestreire
Jeffrey Banas
Amelida Barbosa
Keith Barr
Edward and Paula Basso
Rich and Donna Baumann
Betty Beall
Philip and Judy Becht
William and Marie Bellin
Jason and Joanna Benedetti
James and Dorothy Bennett
Nicholas Bjelica
Michael Blazicevich
Daniel Bork
Ronald and Judy Bormann
Marilyn Brandt
Greg and Teri Brennan
Patricia Brossard
Gloria Browne
Father David Brownfield
Sean and Tracee Bruin
Joseph Hutchinson
Dan and Jessica Jackson
Linda Johnson
Walter and Renee Johnson
Calvin and Diana Johnston
Otto and Kay Kaak
Sharon Kaberline
Michael and Deborah Keane
Linda Kecskes
Dianne Kinosian
Brenda Klein
Jeffrey Klucinec
Joseph Kosciesza
Frank Kovac
Gerald and Mary Kowalski
Michael and Deborah Kratz
Kevin and Rosemarie Krebs
Stephen and Patricia Kuffner
Gerald and Maureen LaChere
Tom Lamoureux
Deborah Landers
Carl Laudando
Jerry and Denise Laufenberg
Doris LeBlanc
Jesse and Sarah Loot
Justin Lutgen
Mary Lutgen
Jessica MacDonald
Maria Magana
Deacon Donald and Roxanne
Rosanne Mandia
Stephen and Mary Mangan
Pilar Marce
Joshua and Ashley Marquis
Annabelle Martin
Jeff Martin
Donald Matthews
Jackie Matthews
Marissa Mayo
Cecilia McCarron
Jennifer McDevitt
Rose Mceleney
Neil and Nell McKinnon
Margaret Miksch
Nita Moix
Dr. Vincent and Nancy Mullen
Brian Muzas
Ann Neff
Matthew and Marcena Neil
Duc and Hong Nguyen
Duane and Gayle Noraker
Thomas and Kerri Nykoluk
Marita O’Brien
Carol Oehlhaffen
“If everyone does something, we’ll get there.” - Father Rocky
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Julia Osetinsky
Eugene and Karen Pawletzki
Dana and Francine Pelan
Eric Petersen
Bernie and Betty Phillips
Alba Pineiro
Jeff Placzek
Jeff and Debra Poynter
Joseph and Lilibeth Pranger
Veronica Purker
Carlton Quamme
Edward III and Pamela Quarantillo
Patrick Reardon
Frank Reeves
Jeffrey and Cheryl Rehmann
Jack and Lisbeth Renwick
Sue Reuter
Paul and Laura Rick
William and Lorri Roberts
Carol Robocker-Andersen
William and Anna Marie Roche
Steve and Kayla Rokosz
Richard and Lisa Rowe
Lorrayne Ruby
Rita Rucinski
Paul Sander
Michael and Virginia San Souci
Bill and Joan Satterlee
Theodore and Marlene Sauer
Laure Schadler
Teresa Schenck
Larry and Rita Schmitt
David and Alicia Schonhardt
Bill and Janine Schubert
Joseph and Rita Schurger
Karen Schwetschenau
Anka Sega
Robin Shade
Robert Shannon
Paulette Shirley
Thomas and Teresa Simmons
Tom and Sandy Simon
Jerry Smith
William Soens
Robert and Diane Spaeth
Paul and Valerie Spence
James and Christie Stabile
John and Kimberly Stahura
Margaret Stimatz
Dr. Marilyn Storrow
A. F. and Mary Jo Streb
Ralph Studer
Laura Sueppel-Lansdon
Katherine Sweeney
Tim and Kathy Tague
Matthew and Kathleen Tate
Duncan and Carol Taylor
John and Lisa Taylor
Father Shane Tharp
Donald Thompson
Nathaniel and Amanda Toca
Ben and Laura Toeckes
Dr. Geoffrey Tolge
Kenny and Janet Tomky
David and Diane Tuescher
Amber Valentine
Douglas and Monica Venne
Joan Vidale
Donald and Michelle Vittitow
Mike and Renee Ward
Mark and Michele Waters
Ivan and Janet Weber
Barb Wellman
Mike and Barbara Wenzel
Dr. Al Wiemann
Tim Wilkinson
Jean Wolfe
Dr. Michelle Yi
Anthony Yoder
German Jr. and Joyce Zambrano
Anonymous (6)
(on-air 8/1/2004)
St. Gabriel Society
Mystic Monk Coffee
NAC Marketing Co., LLC
National Shrine of the Infant Jesus
Nationwide Tax Relief
One Way Publishing
Purity Products
Renaissance Communications
Robert G. Miller Advertising
Serra International - Headquarters
Seton Home Study School
St. Philip Neri Parish
Team Durand
The Marians of the Immaculate
Third Millenium Media
Thomas More Society
United Rare Coins and Precious
Vicki Kueppers
Wedding at Cana Event Ministries
Your Baby Can Read
Chicago W. Suburbs
Foot & Ankle Associates, Ltd.
Tech-Seal Products, Inc.
Dr. John and Teresa Bertolozzi
Mary Bickford
Thomas Hoffman
Mark Hopkinson
Craig Johnson
Timothy Johnson
Michael Lampe
Barbara Neustadt
Richard and Maria Portis
Claire Putlack
Tim and Debbie Wiggins
Alexian Brothers
Angela Alampi
Ascension Press (Called To Lead)
Ave Maria Singles
Ave Maria University
Bill Neu
Catholic Alumni Club of
Catholic Book Rack
Catholic Church Extension
Coalition on Abortion/Breast
Emmaus Road Publishing
Eton Corporation
Gator Radio Network
Israel Ministry of Tourism
Joe Klimas Sports
Lifelock - Barrington Media Group
Little Sacred Heart Connection
Marian Helpers Center (Abbey of the
Cornerstone Society
Diaz Interior Contractors
Holy Cross Church
Surburban Water Conditioners, Inc.
The Moxie Group
Michele Albertz
Charles and Janice Anderson
Joseph Balinski
Renee Barron
Dennis and Shawna Bartimoccia
Donna Behan
Greg and Colleen Bernhard
Wayne and Jane Bessette
Piotr and Danuta Bialecka
John and Patricia Bitz
Dr. Joseph and Blanka Blair
Edward and Deborah Blatz
David Brennan
George Brossard
Kevin and Lori Carlson
Scott Schoppe and Patricia Carlson
Dennis and Sharon Christenson
Gary and Jean Dau
Judy Deady
Concetta DiSilvestro
Donna Doherty
Tim and Anita Drendel
Robert and Maurita Freas
Joyce Gagnon
Jon and Carole Gassett
Michael Geiger
Dr. G. Nicholas and Cindy
Joseph and Mary Hartl
Doug and Tamera Hengesbaugh
Dr. Gerard and Anne Hinley
Irene Hollenbach
Mary Honer
Phil and Ann Hoving
Deborah Hutchison
Donald and Celine Hying
John and Amy Iwanski
Edward and Ursula Kaczynski
Robert Kaiser
Terrence and Jill Kasper
Peter Kinsella
Hans and Jacqueline Kollinger
Daniel and Susan Konicek
Larry Konz
Karla Kraemer
Linda Kulinski
Joan Larsen
Leo LeClair
Douglas and Karen LeDuc
Thomas and Mary Kay Livorsi
Joseph and Jeanne Luminiello
Dennis and Sharon Lynch
Regina Mann
Thomas Mark
Patricia Marks
Elizabeth Mazur
Thomas McGuigan
Michael and Nancy McLennand
Christopher and Leticia Medina
Rosemary Miller
William and Karen Moore
Victor and Magi Nafranowicz
“It’s not always easy to connect with parishioners on a day-to-day
level, and the greatest benefit of Relevant Radio is that it supports
the parishes and people throughout the day.”
Fr. Dean – 930 AM – Aurora, IL
Cornerstone Society... cont’d
Nomie and Paula Namie
Patricia Netti
Eugene and Dorothy Nonnie
Adam and Imelda Nunez
Steve and Cheri Obendorf
John and Renee O’Neil
Dave Ortman
Domenic Petitti
Gregory Poremba
Peter and Kelly Prina
William Recker
Douglas and Catalina Rentmeester
Brett and Ellen Riedl
Salvador and Maria Rivera
Robert and Claire Rollings
Kevin and Julie Rude
Libby Runge
Lisa Rylatt
Bruce and Kimberly Sanders
Dr. Donald and Wanda Sanders
Rollie and Judith Scroggins
William and Kathleen Silvestri
Marie Skokna
Bill and Nancy Sleboda
Mark and Mary Sliz
Howard Smith, Jr.
John and Rebecca Smith
Michael and Sandra Smith
Steven and Maureen Smolinske
Christian and Meredith Spesia
Ted and Cindy Stepniewski
Robert Steyer
Donald and Ruth Stump
Joseph Sukle
William Tice
Hugh Jr. and Maureen Toner
Dolores Trefelner
Jeffrey and Julie Van Domelen
Ken Warpinski
Kip and Janice Weller
Lora Westover
Joseph and Myrna Williams
Thomas Witt
Margaret Woods
Paul and Lori Yousif
Richard Zang
Thomas Zyck
Anonymous (4)
All Suburban Pest Control
Dennis Electric of Tampico, Inc.
Karen’s Kollectiques
KTM Auto Graphics
Lek Management Group
Midwest Case Management, Inc.
Smolinske PC Architects
St. Peters Home School Association
Unisource Group, Inc.
William Adams
Michael and Rita Adolphson
Jim Adrian
Larry and Renata Ahlemeyer
Michael and Maria Albers
James and Lynne Albrecht
Kelly Arcaro
Brock and Florence Austrums
James Bailey
Ted and Gidget Baker
Dr. Ronald and Mary Banaszak
Christopher and Ann Barney
Edward Barr
Mary Sue Barr
Carl and Mary Grace Bator
Linda Bayert
Justine Bennett
Jim and Anita Besch
Sylwester and Gosia Bigos
James and Mary Billington
Carl and Margaret Bills
Martin Bishop
Joseph and Sarah Bogusz
Joseph and Mary Boncher
Kenneth and Nancy Bonomo
Brett and Heidi Borter
David and Elba Boudreau
Kerry and Terri Boumans
Megan Boyle
Kathy Bradley
Paul and Laura Bringas
James and Karen Brown
Dr. Thomas and Maggie Brown
Rich and Diane Bucek
Ann Buldak
Michael Burke
Richard and Susan Burke
John and Marianne Calhoun
John and Rosemary Cannon
Brian and Janet Carani
Mary Alice Carlson
Lisa Cederoth
John and Sharon Challand
Frank Chellino
Anne Chevalier
Philip and Marie Clarke
Robert and Ann Clawson
Karina Colin
Bridget Collins
Philip Collins
Eugene and Ann Connolly
David Cortopassi
Sidonie Coryn
Cindi Dammann
Robert and Linda Daniel
Marilyn DeChant
Isabelita DelMundo
Gregory Deluga
Gerald and Maureen Deneen
Marion DeTamble
Ryan Devon
Marcos and Alicia Diaz
Joyce Dillon
Hubert and Eleanore Dix
Eric and Marietta Dizon
John Jr. and Martha Dlabal
John III and Peggy Dlabal
Malcolm Dodds
Dan and Anne Doheny
Louise Doherty
Michael and Marilyn Dolder
Beverly Dowling
Mario and Mariana Duzek
Therese Dvorak
Nancy Ebbers
John and Mary Therese Egizio
Todd and Ellyn Exline
John and Christine Faflik
Father Charles Fanelli
Kenneth and Teresa Fincher
Jeanne Fitzpatrick
Jason and Kristin Flesher
Craig and Katie Fobert
Donald Frieders
Wojcieh and Barbara Fugiel
Gerald and Kathryn Gabris
Paul and Kathleen Gagnon
Stanley and Nancy Gall
Brian Gallagher
Paul and Elizabeth Gallo
Jeffrey and Kimberly Galush
David and Mary Gambino
Manuel and Wanda Garcia
Adolph Gawrych
Dave and Shirley Glaser
Karen Glenn
Paul and Michelle Golko
Robert and Minerva Gordon
Daniel and Kelly Gorsky
Richard Grant
Brian and Mary Green
Leo and Jociline Gutierrez
John and Barbara Halbur
Marianne Halvorson
Gertrude Hanrahan
Tony Harmon
Scott and Cynthia Hauser
Carol Hayes
Paul and Barbara Hegele
Juliana Hepburn
Barbara Hintz
Steve and Ruth Hoehn
Antoinette Holzrichter
John and Inara Howard
Mark and Julie Hryniewicz
Catherine India
Thomas and Maureen Jackson
Paul and Diane Jagielo
George and Mary Jakobik
Joanne Janiak
Chris and Kimberly Janicki
Michael and Maureen Johnson
Thomas and Susan Johnson
William and Diane Johnston
Terry Jones
George and Helen Jost
Betty Kabance
Robb and Deborah Kaczmarek
Diane Kallis
Daniel Kang
Dr. Frank and Patricia
Mary Kay Kaufmann
Barbara Kearns
Stephen and Ruth Kelke
Jenny Kim
Mike and Maureen Kipfer
Dr. Michael and Kim Kipp
Brian and Katy Kirby
Virginia Kissamis
Karen Klaske
Robert Klatter
Robert and Carol Klein
David and Vickie Klick
Robert and Diane Knight
Charles and Diane Knudtson
David and Linda Kohlfeld
Charlene Krause
Mark and Mary Kravchuk
Patrick and Sharyn Kuhn
Kathleen Laken
John Lambert
John and Linda Lantz
Mary Therese Lanuti
William and Ann Marie Larsen
Marcia Laz
Paul and Rita Leganski
Mary Lehnus
James and Trish Lenahan
Ann Lessick
Bernardita Libot
Sam III and Christine Librizzi
“I suffer with depression. It’s a dark hole. But I am finally under a doctor’s
care. But, it was Relevant Radio that brought me back to what I was raised
to believe in... prayer, hope, and trust in God’s love and mercy.”
Lois – 950 AM - Chicago, IL
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Warren and Kathleen Lindsay
Ralph and Michelle LoCoco
Keith Loiselle
Timothy and Gloria Lowe
Frederick Jr. and Marcia
Gregory Mackintosh
Patrick Madden
Edward Mahr
Michael and Eva Marchese
Margaret Marcum
Joseph and Janet Marmion
Dr. Steve and Mary Martin
John Mastro
Andrew Matejcak, Jr.
Vivian Mattoon
Steve Matz
Janice Mayerhofer
Thomas and Elsie McCoy
Steve McDowell
Katherine McHugh
Michael and Lisa McLaughlin
Robert McLear
Michael and Jenifer McMahon
Dennis and Marlene McPartlin
Daniel McSweeney
Thomas and Carol Meade
Joseph and Dorothy Meagher
Matthew and Jeanne Meizis
Judith Michels
Rosemary Milczarek
Andrew Miller
Donald and Patricia Miller
Elizabeth Miller
Monica Monreal
Donald and Nancy Moore
William and Cathy Muetze
Michael and Susan Mulcahy
Joan Murphy
David and Karen Muthler
Mark Nash
Deacon James and Margaret
Susan Ngo
Tom Nickels
David and Susan Niedzielko
Laura Nolan
Susan Nonnie
Gonzalo and Zenaida Noyola
Monica O’Brien
Peter and Susan O’Connell
Kevin O’Hara
Jeffery Ohner
Michael and Lora Olenek
Joseph and Ruthy O’Malley
Kathleen O’Malley
Jeffrey O’Rourke
George Jr. and Anna Ostreko
Sandra Pannell
Lynne Passarella
Robert Pecherek
Jim and Donna Pellegrino
William and Mary Pellizzari
Sharon Pelton
Brian and Barbara Pennington
Claire Perez
Debbra Piening
Toni Pietrowski
Andrew and Pamela Pitock
Fran Plante
Frank and Mary Podojil
Willard and Maureen Pott
Ruth Pratt
Dr. Michael and Virginia Prisco
Thomas and Dolores Raddatz
Eduardo and Lolita Ranchero
Felipe Rangel
Deacon David and Josephine
Joseph Sr. and Katherine Reed
Armando and Gina Regalado
Doug and Amy Resenbeck
Martin and Rene Reynolds
John Richter
Deacon Daniel and Gisela
Tony Robbins
John and Connie Robin
Patricia Rolih
Lorraine Roloff
Patricia Rose
James Rudnicki
Cindy Ruggiero
John and Mary Runger
Randall Rupp
Janet Salihar
Barbara Sanders
David and Esther Schierl
Jeff and Sue Schmitz
Fred and Marcia Schoenfeld
Michael and Marybeth
Matt and Cathryn Schuck
Jerre and Constance Schultz
Scullans Family
John and Pat Sellick
Anna Serbu
Mike and Karen Sue Shutty
Peter and Sandra Smith
Ann Sodaro
Ethel Sorgatz
David Sorich
Annette Spencer
Caroline St. Clair
Tim and Catherine Stetenfeld
Thad Stewart
Thomas and Virginia Stubblefield
Supavas Sunavinvivat
Randall and Peg Tavierne
Brent Terry
Thomas Tomac
Benjamin and Laurie Topolski
Elaine Tovar
Kenneth and Jennifer Ubertino
Felix Venice, Jr.
Jennifer Vera
Ronald and Rosabella Vilbar
Bruce and Jeanne Vogel
John and Lisa Vogel
John and Karen Volkmann
Dr. Clare Walker
Mary Wallace
Michael and Christina Wallace
Stephen Webster
Dr. Donald and Jean Wedgbury
John and Tammy Welch
Robert and Beverly West
Jeffrey and Theresa White
William and Mary White
Fred and Lynne Wickham
James and Therese Wildman
Annette Wirth
Robert and Maryjane Witek
Frank Jr. and Kathleen Woodin
Jerrald and Barbara Youngren
Marie Zajac
Lydia Zambrano
Leonel Zamudio
Peter and Janet Zilka
Anonymous (4)
Catholic Shoppe and Marian
Cedar Pro
Charter Bus of Illinois
Daughters of St. Paul/Pauline
Books & Gifts
Dura-Crafts Corp.
Edward Jones
Elite Dental Care
Flagship Mortgage Marengo
Franciscan Vocations
Good Shepherd Council #5573
Guardian Painters
Holy Angels Church
Holy Angels School
Lake County Right to Life
Lasota Investments, Inc.
Leto Plumbing and Heating
Mayslake Ministries
Michael Klestinski & Assoc.
Montalbano Furniture
Murphys Window and Sunrooms
National Catholic Singles
Peaceful Nites
Pro Life Action League
Purity Products
Schmitts Landscape Co.
Seattle Sutton Healthy Eating
St. Jude Parish
St. Mary Immaculate Parish
Tabor Life Institute
The Little Way, Inc.
Totally Yours Pilgrimages
Womans Choice Services, Inc.
A Kirchheimer Co.
JF Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Lakeview Veterinary Clinic, LLC
Quantum Foods
Raffin Properties, Inc.
Mark and Laurel Balasa
Eugenia Bauer
Lawrence Beger
Joseph and Sheila Bettinardi
Leslaw Bigos
Michael and Kay Birck
Steven and Susan Bock
Byron Boneck
Thomas Sr. and Allison Carter
4 Sale Realty, Inc.
Advantage Futures
American Family InsuranceAlgonquin
Annunciation Byzantine Catholic
Bens Christmas Tree Farm
Borter Heating & Air
Conditioning Co.
Butler & Sons Lawn Care
Capitol Gold
Catholic Conference of Illinois
(on-air 11/27/2007)
St. Gabriel Society
“I am blessed to be a stay-at-home mom and listening to Relevant Radio
helps keep me on track with my spirituality, plus gives me some adult
‘conversation’ during the day. I have longed for some solid support for
my Catholic faith via the radio and am so glad you are here!”
Julianne – 950 AM - Malta, IL
St. Gabriel Society... cont’d
Lee Clementi
Dale and Suzanne Cooper
Zita Gavin
Michael and Mary Georgopulos
Victor and Mary Habisohn
James and Patricia Johnson
Jakub Koeller and Dr. Barbara
Harry Jr. and Julie Kraemer
Thomas and Patricia Krzak
John and Kathryn McAlarney
Virginia McCaskey
Kevin O’Hara
Frank and Karen O’Toole
Mark Peterson
Dr. Richard and Maria Radak
Michael and Therese Romano
Benjamin and Linda Ruf
Edward Sowin
Rosemary Sullivan
Andres Vera
Michael and Jacqueline Winn
Ned and Gail Zerwic
Anonymous (3)
Cornerstone Society
1739 West Beach, LLC
Chicagoland University Pediatric
Surgery, LLC
Fluid Pump Service
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
Meter Electric, Inc.
St. Mary Church
WomanCare Services, Inc.
Ronald and Sherrill Albion
Jeff and Janet Aleck
John and Carol Alvarado
Armando Alvarez
Helen Anderson
Stephen Andrin
Paul and Sandra Artusa
Cynthia Babinec
Beshar Bahjat
Leszek and Maggie Ballarin
Robert Banet
John Baran
Patricia Bartnick
Bart and Joan Basola
Richard and Ramona Behrendt
Alfred and Rita Belluomini
James and Bernadette Bilder
Jeanne Bodnar
Robert and Kathleen Boharic
Robert Boller
Adrienne Bonczek
Emily Brunner
Joan Brunner
Thomas Brusstar
Clare Bruun
Maureen Budinger
David and Michele Bungum
Gilda Cappetta
Bruno Caruso
Pablo Casillas
Phyllis Chaloupka
Regas Chefas
Jennifer Choi
Kathleen Christopher
Kenneth and Zenith Chua
James and Colleen Ciarlette
Carole Clark
Daniel Clark
William and Patricia Collins
John and Dawn Compton
Thomas and Francesca Conti
James and Diane Conway
Reverend Alfred Corbo
Ann Corty
Brian and Eileen Couri
Joseph and Joella Cramblit
James and Georgene Croteau
Dr. Alexius and Marianna Crowley
Lois Curry
Pasqu and Raquel D’Agostino
Mary Anne Damiani
Laurette Datta-Concaildi
Michael De La Mora
Kelly Dean
Richard and Val DeFrank
Matthew and Laura Dickerson
David Doerner
Terrence and Carol Doyle
Greg Dronen
Tom and Kay Duffy
Mary Dunne
Joe Eckert
Carl Eigelsbach
Ann Engles
Gerard and Michelle Erickson
Roberto Espinosa
William and Joan Essig
Thomas and Anne Esterquest
Dr. Walter and Patricia Falkowski
James Farina
James III and Sally Ferguson
James Ferneborg
Joe FitzPatrick
Arturo and Patricia Flores
Richard Franklin
Robert Jr. and Darlene Galgan
Lynn Galloway
Steven and Kathy Gaydos
Manuel and Patricia Geijalva
Raymond and Diane Gerard
Philip and Renee Gerskovich
David and Barbara Gewalt
Michael and Franca Giannelli
Jack Gibes
Fulvio and Dr. Katherine Gil
Martha Gilbert
George Gion
Vivian Goeb
Armelinda Gonzalez
Jeanne Graham
Timothy and Eliza Grant
Stanislaw Grochowski
Artur and Maria Gugulski
Gerard and Therese Haderlein
Michael and Patricia Haggerty
Mark and Michelle Harang
Noel and Mary Heffernan
Howard and Carol Heidorn
Mark and Julie Heneghan
Brian and Mary Loise
Julio and Elida Hernandez
Charles and Cynthia Hesser
Joan Hewitt
Miriam Hillmert
Doug and Shirley Hinderer
Peter Hurst
William and Mary Alice Isaacson
Tom Jacobs
Joseph Jamell
Robert and Michelle Janda
Steve and Miki Jarvie
Catherine Jarzombek
Arkadiusz and Ewa Jasnos
Zita Jobst
Joe Johnson
Brent Jones
Mel and Julie Kaiser
Timothy and Mary Lou Kavanaugh
Martha Kay
Thomas and Janet Keck
Miju and Rose Kedangan
John and Jacqueline Keenan
Dr. Michael and Mimi Kelly
Paul and Mary Kelly
Carol Kempf
Debra Khorsand
Susan Killian
Donald and Cathie King
Robert King
Chris Krozel
Dr. John and Mary Kurkowski
Robert and Camille Lajewski
Genevieve Lange
Robert and Arlyss Lasecki
Lois and Robert Leah
Christine Leber
Loretta Lelis
Mary Kay Lightner
Thomas Lisowski
Rocio Lopez
Michael Lorenz
John Lovetere
Marco and Manuela Loyola
Christine Lucas
Sophie Lukose
Ronald and Pamela Lundin
Mark and Luann Lytell
Emily Macrito
Steven and Mary Claire Madden
Stefan and Dr. Mariola Makos
Ellen Malloy
Frank and Kathleen Mampreian
Chester Manikowski
Therese Mannix
John and Mary Martin
Stas and Mary Therese Maslanka
Joseph and Mary Massura
Anabell Max
Barbara McArthur
James and Norine McCarthy
Eamonn and Sheila McCauley
Mary McDermott
Susan McDunn
John and Maureen McNally
Thomas and Colleen McParland
Jim Menard
Ramona Messex
Bob and Julia Michalak
Eduardo Mijangos
Leo and Nancy Miklius
Richard and Barbara Mills
Elvira Miranda
Mark and Elizabeth Moore
Richard and Kathleen Moran
Tadeusz Moskal
Bart and Barbara Mucha
Carolyn Munda
Dr. Vincent and Madonna
Dorothy Nardi
William and Rita Nash
Peter and Laura Nowicki
Stuart and Branka Nyberg
Morgan and Sarah O’Brien
Craig Odegaard
Matthew O’Keefe
“Our priest posted information about Relevant Radio in the bulletin. I’ve
been listening ever since and love it. I have it tuned in on my car dial and
my children are also listening. What a wonderful way to spread the Faith.”
Colana – 950 AM - Kenosha, WI
Cornerstone Society... cont’d
John and Deborah Olson
Larry and Marilyn O’Neill
Susan Origer
Mary Ortigara
Larry and Roseanne Oskielunas
Greg Osowski
Mary Panek
Matthew and Michelle Paoletti
Henryka Park
Carol Pelke
James and Kathleen Pick
Anthony Pileggi, Jr.
Dr. Thomas and Joan Planek
Patricia Plodzeen
Patricia Pomykalski
Martha Ponderlik
John Popelka
Chris Powers
Tom Prinske
Dorothea Przybycien
Thomas and Rosemary Purcell
Robert Reading
Charles and Patricia Rende
Lois Rhea
Leon Rich
Henry and Dina Richter
Stephanie Roeges
Deacon Michael and Lois Romano
Nancy Ross
Eileen Ruva
Lawrence and Gerry Ryan
Ann Rybak
Kandy Sanew-Hagge
Brian and Elizabeth Saunders
Diana Scheeler
Richard and Joanne Schickel
Mary Lou Seeley
Joyce Sewnig
Susan Sharkey
Alan and Kathy Sherbin
Mary Catherine Sherman
Robert and Cecily Shudy
James and Laurie Shults
Genevieve Siemianowski
Joyce Signaigo
Mary Christine Siqueira
Barbara Sirovatka
Daniel and Julie Smith
Pamela Smith
Arthur and Diana Stadtler
Jack Streich
Michael Strezo
Sue Sulkowski
Robert and Charlotte Sweeney
Michael and Kathleen Swift
Edmund and Mary Szafarczyk
Robert and Janice Tate
Mary Rose Teahan
Don and Julie Techen
John and Marion Therriault
Dr. Sean and Miriam Tierney
Thomas Tirpak
Gerardo Torres
Barbara Toschak
Anthony and Patricia Towey
Mary Kay Tschanz
Thomas and Dana Udovich
Julia Urhausen
Rose Vala
Miguel and Yolanda Vargas
John and Norma Vilutis
Michael Vlies
Michael and Diane Wall
Elizabeth Walsh
Gerald and Theresa Weakley
Kenneth and Marilyn Webb
Jerry and Cynthia Wester
Gary and Alice Williams
David Wirt
Robert and Ewa Wojtas
Nancy Wolniak-Cook
Kimberly Wuthenow
Ben and Katharine Wyatt
Neil and Marcella Young
Bruno Zaucha
Peter and Janet Ziegler
Anonymous (9)
Eulalia Alpasan
Guillermo Alvarez
Manuel and Teresa Alvarez
Joseph and Piera Amato
Leanne Anderson
Linda Andrejek
Lawrence and Barbara Antos
John Arellano
Bert and Bernardien Austin
Donald and Elizabeth Bailey
Irena Baleisis
Donna Bankowski
Susan Barber
Kristin Barker
Carmencita Barros
Brian and Jennifer Bartley
Robert and Annette Bedard
Ted and Sophia Bell
Eugene and Janet Bender
Wes and Pamela Bender
Tom Berndt
Marian Berrigan
Brenda Beverly
Dr. Ray and Lynn Bianchi
Ralph and Viola Bielobradek
Adalbert Bielski
Slawomir and Agnes Bigos
Ronald and Merilee Blake
Andrej and Krystyna Blizinski
Armando and Ali Bombino
Pablo and Liz Bottari-Tower
Michael Brazzale
Michael and Kimberly Brennan
John and Lori Brett
David and Lisa Brochu
Mike and Mary Beth Brummond
Ronald and Jeri Burke
Kevin and Lori Burns
Al and Guadalupe Canaveral
Betty Cardinal
Josephine Caruso
Noel Casey
Dr. Samuel Castillo
Donald and Lucille Cavi
Dr. Niluardo and Dr. Diana Cay
Reverend James Chambers
Stefania Chase
Daisy Chavez
Betsy Christensen
Daniel and Graziella Christoffel
Robert and Kathy Chwedyk
Daniel and Rosa Ciciora
Nilda Cinco
Stanley Cios
Jeanne Clark
Michael and Ann Clark
Academy of Dance Arts
Blake & Schaefer Excavating, Inc.
Chicago Association of Holy
Name Societies
CNA Foundation
Glendale Barber Styling
Hillside Lumber
Motorola Foundation
O’Tarpey’s Rental Service
SS Peter & Paul Parish
Treasures of the Heart, LLC
Wagner Family Trust
Jean Abbott
Dr. Edward and Rima Abraham
Eva Adams
Robert and Mary Adams
John and Catharine Aiura
Deacon Terris and Helene Albano
Jorge and Maria Alcaraz
Maria Cleope
Mary Kay Clerihan
Gertrude Coakley
Daniel Collins
Patrick and Virginia Collins
Frank Collura
Thomas Conway
Lillian Cook
Virginia Cordoba
Gerald and Mary Jean Cote
Guadalupe Cotto
James and Beth Craft
Edward and Linda Crockett
Keith Crotty
Keith and Amy Cuga
Ford and Marianna Culbertson
Susan Culjak
Timothy and Debbie Cullen
Joseph and Carmen Czajka
James and Dawn Czarnik
Robert and Joan Czerlanis
Joseph and Judith Czurylo
Lucy Czyszczon
Slawomir and Zofia Dabrowski
Wayne Dabrowski
Robert and Mary Jacqueline
Joan Dal Porto
Daniel and Anna Daley
Edward Daley
Steven Damolaris
Father Bernard Danber
Bob and Mary Daniel
Patricia D’Anza
Mary Ann Dardugno
Claudia Dasburg
Nancy Daumke
Cecelia Davis
Elizabeth Davis
Katherine Dawson
Christopher and Rosanne
Scott and Lisa Deboer
Richard and Joan DeCleene
Frank and Marianne Del Missier
Zeljko Delac
John and Joan Delisi
John Dembowski
James Derrico
Lourdes Diaz
Emad and Sabrina Dinkha
Laura Divane
Laura Doerner
Edward Domina
Paul Donovan
Cristov and Lisa Dosev
“Relevant Radio is the primary reason I have returned to full participation
in the Church. I always considered myself a Catholic but had drifted away
from attending Mass. Now I never miss Mass, read the Bible daily and have
Relevant Radio preset in my car. You’ve done the job on me!”
Stanley – 950 AM - Chicago, IL
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Mary Dragozetic
Gerard Dsouza
Patti Duda
Phillip Sr. and Janet Duffin
Janet Duket
Francis Dunn
Lawrence and Maureen Dunn
Dr. Katrina Duque-Kappe
Dorothy Durso
Steven and Lillia Dziak
Holly Ebner
Joseph and Mary Lou Egan
Andrea Eisenberg
Guadalupe Elizalde
Griselda Escarpita
Dr. Francisco Espinosa
Myrna Espinoza
Bill and Judith Everson
Sheila Faber
Gerard Fairfield
Louis Fanchi
Robert Fanter
Larry and Sherrie Fassett
Donald and Lois Feist
Barbara Fernandez
Fidel and Evelia Fernandez
Lorna Ferrell
Armand and Mary Ferrini
Anthony and Rosina Fidanzo
Frederick Fiedler
Greg Fifer
Mark Firlej
Sharon Fitzpatrick
Mary Ellen Flynn
James and Mary Ellen Forde
Thomas and Joanne Forkin
Joseph Fosco
Tim and Donna Framke
Dr. Manuel Franco
James and Susan Franz
William Frossard
Theresa Gapp
June Garby
Cesar and Mirta Garcia
Fernando and Cheryl Garcia
Margarita Garcia
Maricelle Garcia
Keith and Janina Gardeck
Adeline Garvy
Wesley and Loretta Gass
Marie Gaughan
Judy Gawron
Theresa Gaynes
Carl and Stella Gigante
Frank and Elizabeth Girdwain
John and Kacey Glennon
Col. Robert and Wanda Glitz
Mauro and Pearl Glorioso
Shahin and Corinne Golestani
Mariola Golota
Ana Gomez
Therese Gonzalez
Roger and Mary Ann Grabowski
Nancy Grady
Timothy and Therese Graff
Steve Gravante
Glen and Lisa Gray
Josephine Gray
Krystian Greba
Kathleen Green
Gregg Greiner
Chuck and Lluvia Gricius
George and Lorraine Griffiths
Elizabeth Grys
John and Patricia Gudac
John and Rebecca Guido
Antonio Guillen
Maria Josefina Guillen
Michael and Sherri Gurgone
Erwin and Rita Gurtatowski
Christopher and Janet Haig
Sandra Halick
Keith and Candy Hamilton
Ruth Haney
James and Debra Harding
Sandra Hardman
Mark Harrington
Jacqueline Hauser
Patrick and Cathy Hayes
William and Jeannette Heiney
Albert III and Leslie Herbst
William Hernandez
Audias and Carole Hernandez Hill
Steven and Sharon Hicks
James Hoder
Ann Hoekstra
Carl and Sheri Holborn
William and Teresa Holl
Joseph and Margaret Holohan
James Jr. and Amanda Holuj
John and Kathy Hubeny
Michael and Kathleen Hughes
William and Leslie Huzyk
John Hyneman
Carolyn Hyppolite
Louis Ibarra
Emelie Ilarde
M. S. Jablonskis
Mary Jaime
Jeff and Patty Jalowiec
Joyce Janowick
Dolores Jansyn
James and Faye Jaraczewski
Robert and Linda Jaroch
Henry and Barbara Jarosz
Irene Jasulaitis
Christopher and Rita Johnston
Michael Jones
Gerrit and Martha Terese Jonkhans
Karen Kaikaris
Dr. Julius and Rozalia Kaplan
Edward and Sarah Karolewski
W. P. and Louise Kauffman
William Kehoe
Dennis and Patricia Kelley
Mary Kelly
Ken and Suzy Kendall
Jeff Kendrick
John and Edythe Keon
Lawrence Kijak
Stephen and Michelle King
Patrick Kingsbury
Peter and Lori Klatt
Dorothy Klemm
Michael and Penelope Klestinski
Michael and Suzanne Klimas
Donald and Marcia Knorr
Thomas and Marie Knorr
John and Virginia Koch
Meg Koch
James and Julie Koenig
John and Jamie Kolasinski
Christine Kolman
Lukasz and Mary Konopka
Ted Kopczynski
Edward and Susan Korleski
John Kotarba
Bonnie Kottke
Bruno and Eva Koziel
Thomas and Carolyn Koziol
Tom and Karen Krueger
Mary Anne Krupa
Kenneth and Judy Kubica
Ted Kuczek
David and Kimberly Kuhlman
Kenneth and Rose Kuhlman
Mary Kuhny
John and Barbara Kulaga
Leroy and Beatrice Kunkel
Charles Kurns
Andrzej and Anna Lachowicz
Sonya Laicht
Francis and Joanne Lake
John and Becky Large
Marie Larson
John Lavitola
Tom Lemond
Nicholas and Elizabeth Leonard
Austin and Margaret Leyden
Vince and Christine Liskovec
Patricia Littva
Leonard and Judy Longawa
Joe Longo
Michael and Rosa Lopez
Irene Lopez Larucci
Cornelius and Maureen Loughery
Alex and Terry Luciano
Andrew and Beth Luther
Dennis and Virginia Lyle
Daniel Lyman
James and Teresa Maday
Albert and Gail Madden
Michael and Carol Madigan
Dr. Valerie Maguire
Henry and Barbara Majcher
Chuck and Karen Maloney
Daniel and Terry Maloney
Joe Manley
Slavko and Beverly Marasovic
Elizabeth Marquez
Dr. John and Sherry Marsala
Deacon Ted and Mary Marszalek
Dr. Marco and Susan Martinez
Elisa Martinez
Federico Martinez
Julio and Sureia Martinez
Mark Mastroianni
George and Karen Mata
Mark Materna
Diana Matras
Lili Anne Max
Patrick and June Mazza
Kathleen McCaffrey
Elsie McCarthy
Fintan McCarthy
John Jr. and Connie McCartney
Scot McCormick
Raymond and Gail McDermott
John and Pam McEnroe
Michael McGarry
Michael and Diane McGrady
William and Patricia McHenry
Vincent and Kathleen McInerney
Hugh and Tracy McKenty
Mark and Anna McLain
Milghen McMahan
Barbara McNabola
John McPheters
Matthew Meiers
Michael Meinardus
Margarita Melendez
“I am a Protestant, have an M.Div degree in theology, a broadcaster and a radio
manager/engineer. I think you are doing a SUPER job. I think I am more Catholic
than Protestant and I am struggling with that. Please keep going… I need you!”
Alfred – 950 AM - Shorewood, IL
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Ma Janet Memorando
Byron and Mary Menard
Myrna Mendoza
Stephen and Lucy Mendoza
David and Mary Mercury
Richard and Patricia Meyers
Helen Michalek
Witold and Ewa Mierzwa
Mary Mika
Helen Mikos
Marcy Miller
Michael Miller
Daniel Minarik
Philip Minarik
Charles and Catherine Mires
Robert and Jeanne Mixa
Richard and Susan Moellering
Lawrence Molloy
Jose Montalvo
Judy Moore
Craig and Debra Moynihan
Anna Mravec
Carl Mueller
Maria Muniz
Kathleen Murphey
Charlie and Mary Murphy
George and Susan Murphy
John Murphy
Joe Murrell
Joseph and Ronda Musuraca
John and Karen Mutnansky
Dennis and Evelyn Mutzabaugh
Diane Mytych
Richard Nash
John and Patricia Nawodylo
Jeannette Nedelsky
Thomas and Anne Nelson
Elizabeth Nemanich
Mary Nicolau
Eric and Colleen Nieckula
Casimir and Ann Marie Niedos
Father Joseph Noonan
Joseph and Roberta Noonan
John Oakley
Collin and Marie O’Brien
Patrick and Patricia O’Brien
Elvira Ochoa
Mike O’Connell
Sue Oda
Kenneth and Krystyna O’Gradney
Frank and Nancy Ogrinc
Thomas and Mary Ann O’Kane
Kevin and Beth Ann Okasick
John O’Leary
Dr. Arturo and Teresa Olivera
William O’Malley
John O’Neill
John and Dr. Irene O’Neill
Timothy and Kristin O’Regan
Susan O’Rourke
Edward and Mary Orvidas
Tom Pace
Luis and Katherine Pacheco
Rosemary Padula
Frank and Margaret Palmasani
Joseph and Dolores Papach
Harvey and Salwa Parhad
Patricia Paulmeyer
Maria Perales
Jose Perez
Kim Pesenko
Michele Petrielli
Michael and Susan Phillips
Dariusz and Dominika Piatkiewicz
Derek and Kataryzna Pilch
John and Josephine Piszczor
Nick and Andrea Polizzi
Jadwiga Polszakiewicz
Roy and Susana Postel
Zdzislaw and Dorota Potoniec
Richard and Jeanne Patricia
Helen Powell
David Prince
Daniel and Carol Pritchard
Patricia Proper
Michael and Lisa Provenzano
Brian and Cynthia Prus
Juana Puente
Paul and Dolores Puschautz
Dorothy Puszkarski
Bonaventura and Giuseppina
Betrice Quinones
Ruby Rabadia
Martha Racich
Mitchell Radycki
Richard Jr. and Cecile Raffin
James and Rosalinda Rago
Robert and Karen Rahn
Rose Raimondo
Patricia Rasheff
Robert and Mary Rebmann
Lisa Reed
Grace Reilly
Gilbert and Alicia Restrepo
Frank Rieser
William and Carolyn Rife
Father Malek Rihani
Maureen Riordan
James and Carole Ritchey
Daniel and Aimee Ritchie
Kathy Ritter-Stephans
Felix and Debbie Rivera
Jesse Rodriguez
Nenci Rodriguez
Edward and Teresa Rogala
Richard and Rebecca Roller
Miriam Romero
Barbara Roshangar
Marie-Mai Rossignol
Paul and Anna Rotella
Le Roy Royston
Irene Rozmenoski
Margaret Ruffalo
Felix Ruiz
Louis Ruiz
Jennifer Rupert
Edmund and Mary Sajewski
Mark and Valerie Sander
Edward and Marcia Sandrick
Fred Santiago
Margaret Santore
Timothy and Laura Savage
Jay and Carol Sbarboro
Pauline Scharres
Mark Schmitt
Patrick Schneider
William and Helen Schraeder
James Schubert
Robert and Theresa Schuhriemen
Robert and Mary Schumacher
James Schutzius
Dick and Lynne Sebok
Gerald Seelig
Fran Shambro
Patricia Shapiro
Richard and Debra Shutter
Sandra Sifuentes
Joseph Signore
Elizabeth Skibickl
Alan Smith
Carol Socha
Eugene Socha
Jaime and Adlin Sosa
Donna Spilotro
John Spitkovsky
Mike and Ruth Sportiello
Gary St. Pierre
Barbara Stec
Beverly Steele
Jerome Steinbrecher
Louis and Anna Steinkirch
David and Nancy Strenk
Kathleen Stringini
Mary Strom
Jim and Sylvia Sturrock
Stephen and Sandra Sugg
Jane Sullivan
Reverend John Sullivan
John and Lois Sullivan
Angel Swiech
Piotr and Christine Szatko
Bernadette Tacker
Rosenda Tagamolila
Eugene and Patricia Taglialavore
Judith Talaber
Anthony Tamosaitis
Ann Tanabe
Patricia Tapia
Jerome Tarpey
Virginia Tarro
Ned and Mary Tevis-Tuttle
Jessica Therriault
Julianne Thornton
John and Mary Timmons
John and Doris Toher
Holly Toohey
Susan Tourtelot
Donald Tragianese
Timothy and Maria Truckenbrod
Camilo Trujillo
Susan Trychta
Katherine Tunca
Joseph Jr. and Eleanore Ulaszek
Edward and Mary Ulrich
Janean Utley
Robert Utter
Mike and Sallie VanDaele
Greg and Rhonda VanDreese
Jorge Vargas
Dr. Juan and Dr. Gladys Vargas
Sue Vaught
Ruben and Laura Vazquez
Evelyn Velasco
Donald Vesecky
Britton Videbeck
Louie and Diana Vignocchi
Angela Vitellaro
Daniel Waadt
Marie Wackrow
Richard and Renata Wacura
Genevieve Wagner
Krzysztof Wais
Zbigniew and Irene Walenski
Doniece Walton
Rosemary Webb
Paul and Karen Weinewuth
Agnes Weiss
Arthur and Ruth Wesselhoff
Deirdre Whalen
“What a great way to start the day! I am a “cradle Catholic” and Secular
Franciscan and find that listening to Relevant Radio enhances and ‘fine
tunes’ my Catholic beliefs and Faith.”
Leonard – 950 AM - Chicago, IL
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Joseph and Susan White
Vivian White
Genevieve Wieszczyk
Rose Wilkes
Thomas and Evelyn Williams
Ann Wimunc
Timothy Winter
Roman and Joanne Wojcik
Theresa Wojdelski
Irene Wojtycki
Steve and Markie Marie Works
Robert and Jill Wosneski
Robert Wyatt
Susan Yohn
Mark Young
Alex Zajac
Philip and Barbara Zarob
Earl and Donna Zastro
Byron and Augusta Zawaski
Marianne Zawis
Piotr and B. K. Zbiec
Alan and Armanda Zinger
Anonymous (14)
Aid for Women
American Advisor / Goldline
Andy on Call
Archdiocese of Chicago
Archdiocese of Chicago-Office of
Ark Cafe
Autumn Leaves
Ave Maria University Institute for
Pastoral Theology
Baar Construction
Barnaby’s Family Inn
Benedictine University
Biolife Plasma Services
Borgert Products c/o Schmitt’s
Landscape Co.
Casa San Carlo Retirement Center
Casper Group
Catholic Citizens of Illinois
Catholic New World
Center for Performing ArtsGovernors St. University
Chicago Archdiocesan Vocation Assoc.
Chicago Catholic Scripture School
Chicago Lighthouse
Christmas Cheer Foundation c/o
St. Gertrude Parish
Come Holy Spirit Conference
Comfort Keepers
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Dearborn Buckingham Group
Dougal, McClellan, Sullivan and
Conti Eye Care
Dr. Gautam Gupta
Dr. Robert C. Lawler
Driscoll School
Emmaus Ministries
Euclid Foundation/Dr. Scott Hahn
Feldco Windows
Flood Brothers Recycling &
FPA Theatre Co.
Gift of Hope / Donate Life Illinois
Gloria Lange, LCSW, RN
God on the Go
God’s Positive Seeding
Great Lakes Catholic Men’s
Green Bee Property Solutions
Hartland Mortgage
Healing Gods Way
Healthcare Solutions Team
Herbalife/Easy Biz
Hoffman Financial Services, Inc.
Holy Family Parish
IHM Home School and Parent
Illinois Auto Insurance Service
Illinois Catholic Prayer Breakfast
Illinois Family Institute
Institute of Christ the King
Sovereign Priest
Internet Doorman
Jeffrey Gitomer
Keenager News
Kingswood Academy
Knights of Columbus
Lake County Annual Prayer Breakfast
Law Offices of Leasa Baugher
Lin-Mar Motors
Liturgical Institute
Loyola Press
Lumen Christi Institute
Majalis Design
Maria Council Knights of Columbus
McArdle, Frost & Brinton
McGrath Lexus of Westmont
Met Life
Michael Romano/Friends of
Miracle Cord
Morris Audiology
Murphy’s Fit LLC
Northridge Preparatory School
NorthShore Dental
Park Ridge Community Bank
Perma Seal
Phyllis Bergeron & Associates
Pope John Paul II Eucharistic
Adoration - Chicago
Prestige Home Health Services
Prime Architectural Metal and
Glass, Inc.
Pro Life Gary
Raffin Construction Co.
Respect Life Office
Riverside Law Group
Rosemont Theatre Radio City
Rosewood Restaurant
Shaynar Chicago
Shrine of Christ’s Passion
Shrine of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Speak Out Illinois
SS Peter & Paul Parish
St. Andrew the Apostle School
St. Isidore Parish
St. Mary Church
St. Mary of Perpetual Help Parish
St. Mary of the Angel
St. Monica Academy
St. Peter’s Book and Gifts
St. Peter’s Parish
St. Philip the Apostle Parish
St. Thomas Hospice
The MOM Team
The Sienna Group
Total CFO Solutions
Trinity Fiduciary Partners, LLC
Trinity University
TW Group
Universal Windows
Wickham Interiors
William J. Dennison II, Attorney &
Counselor at Law
Wolniak Funeral Home
WomanCare Services, Inc.
Womens Centers of Greater
Works Painting & Decorating
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
NW Indiana
1270 AM WWCA
(on-air 5/3/2003)
St. Gabriel Society
Joseph and Natalie Santucci
Cornerstone Society
Water Tower Place Uniforms
Robert and Christina Bernacchi
Philip and Karrie Coduti
Thomas and Jen Dorris
Mary Ellis
Dan and Edythe Fitzgerald
Maureen Flaherty
Laura Gundrum
Gregory and Karen Hanusiak
Blaine and Barbara Heric
James and Deborah Kirk
Wayne and Cynthia Kwallek
Dr. Edison and Jocelyn Lim
Jerome and Jeanette Marter
Donna McAllister
Rita Meinhardt
Tom and Carol Pappalardo
Frank and Helen Pukoszek
James and Francisca Somday
Emery Vamos
Michelle Abegg
Dennis and Cheryl Alderson
Robert Anderson
Dr. John and Mary Archibald
Debra Bailey
Gerardo and Cristina Baltazar
Grace Bauer
Peter Beda
Glenn and Sheri Berry
Robert and Theresa Birlson
Gary and Susan Blue
Robert and Mary Kay Bobos
Stephen Brazzale
Greg and Louise Carr
Therese Carroll
Peter and Ann Chovanec
Michael and Sharon Cox
Russell and Tracy Creel
Mary Cummins
Fred and Lorraine Czachor
Helen Denlinger
Gerald and Sharon Duracz
Emily Duttlinger
Sharon Elliott
Christine Finnegan
Martin and Bernadette Gianotti
Charles Sr. and Judith Gorney
Dolores Grabe
Dennis and Janet Guernsey
Richard and Janene Hembroff
Gregory and Rose Hunt
Mary Ann Ivanyo
“I love this station, and you are bringing souls back to the Church! My mom will vote
pro-life for the first time this fall as the result of listening to the hosts of your programs.
Another friend participated in Stations of the Cross for the first time this past Friday. I had
mentioned this radio station to her many months ago and she now listens all of the time.”
Theresa – 1330 AM - Saint Paul, MN
1270 AM WWCA
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Jerry and Sharon Kacmar
Jeanne Laich
Nancy LeClaire
Father Eduardo Malagon
Margaret Markowski
Jay Mattox
Ramona McCrovitz
Terry and Abby McFarland
Patrick and Deenna McNicholas
Sean and Tanya Meagher
Barbara Opperman
Ruth Oprisko
Penelope Pappas
Raymond and Marion Peregoy
Peter and Dolores Peters
Thomas and Kim Petrites
Robert Potosky
Joseph and Christine Pytel
Gregorio Rodriguez
Carol Rolfe
Susan Rousseau
Ed Rubio
Peter and Celeste Rupcich
Theresa Schafer-Smith
Marguerite Schweisthal
Dominick and Margaret Sharkey
Margaret Sirovatka
Barry and Marlene Smith
Stanley Sobilo
Sharon Staley
Phyllis Steiner
Glenn and Mary Taylor
Gino and Rina Testolin
Lee Tornincasa
Joseph and Venus Tschida
Sommai and Paz Tuamsuk
Elizabeth Varela
Jose Vazquez
Michael and Elizabeth Velten
Michael Williams
Gary and Julie Wolfe
Richard and Sandra Zang
Betty Zelenak
Region Sports Network
Twin Cities
1330 AM WLOL
(on-air 5/4/2004)
St. Gabriel Society
Judith Cloutier
Colleen Culhane
Robert and Mary Cummins
Paul and Nancy Curti
Tim Czech
Edith Daniels
Dana DeBoer
Marie Deputat
James and Ann Determan
Loretta Dischinger
Mike Dobihal
Tim and Diane Doppler
Alan and Mary Egging
Douglas and Kathleen Eiden
Dave and Paula Erato-Daggett
Eric and Diane Evander
Gregg and Tiffany Farnam
John and Jennifer Feltl
Beatrice Ferron
Frances Fignar
Steve and Julie Finn
Dr. Sheila Fitzgerald
James and Linda Flannery
Steve Franke
Jerome and Kathleen Frischmon
Michael George
David and Patricia Geraty
Jackie Gibney
Diane Gorski
Luci Gouin
Pamela Grayson
Philip Grisez
Ross Gronfield
Randy and Barb Gruber
Edward Jr. and Marsha Hamil
Nancy Hanowski
Mark and Mimi Hapka
Arthur Harris
Nathan Hildebrand
Christopher and Dianna Hobot
Geneva Hoey
Father Steven Hoffman
Walter and Paula Huss
Andy and Michelle Hybben
George and Mary Jace
Carol Jackson
Dewey and Anne Jahn
Stephen and Katherine Jensen
Jane Jestus
Dean and Diane Jilek
David and Linnea Johnson
Karen Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Gerald and Mary Jane Joseph
Herman and Alice Kashmarek
Janet Kauffmann
DQCI Services
Glasgow Automotive Service, Inc.
David and Jackie Berg
Steven and Kathleen Burke
Warren and Theresa Christianson
Jeff and Michele DeYoung
Clara Dolan
Dr. David and Barbara Dries
Dr. Tim and Jenifer Garvey
Patrick and Ann Kirsch
Deacon Ralph and Dr. Louise
Gregory and Emily Mailand
Audrey Manka
Thomas and Cynthia McGrath
Robert and Lorraine Melcher
James and Barbara Spohn
Janice Sweere
Pat and Molly VanOss
Anonymous (1)
Cornerstone Society
3M Foundation
Ascendancy Companies, Inc.
Awintech, Inc.
Cathedral of St. Paul
Donlar Construction
Island View Entertainment
Lovelette Transfer Company
Namrog, Inc.
Wel Come Inn
Westside Tire
Rodney and Denise Andersen
Gerald and Carol Arel
Joe and Connie Astuto
Brian and Kelly Aubrey
Roger and Mary Axel
Mary Margaret Bell
Gerald and Francine Bender
Al Bergsten
Paul Beskar
Ray and Janice Breth
Deacon Richard and Cheryl Broich
Kathleen Burke
Thomas and Carolyn Burns
Kevin and Susan Bushey
Raymond Buttschau
Jim and Norma Cahill
Donna Cammack
Lori Carmichael
Michael and Ann Cerney
Helen Christ
Todd and Rachel Cina
John and Kathy Cleveland
Bernice Kaye
Joseph Kelly
Michael Kelly
Barbara Kletschka
Gerald and Lisa Kliber
Emery and Karen Koenig
Dr. Steven and Debra Koop
Patricia Koplos
Peter and Debra Krych
Carol Krystosek
Thomas Lamb
Richard and Julie Langer
Mary LaRock
David and Ginger Larson
Stacy and Kelly Lehn
Shawn and Brenda Leuer
Donald Loehrer
James and Shannon Lyons
Mary Lou Machart
Mary Maki
James Jr. and Mary Manning
Jan Marie McCabe
Sheila McCallum
Brian McCullough
Joseph and JoAnn McCullough
Hugh McElroy
David and JoAnne McLaughlin
Robert and Danelle McLeod
Thomas and Barbara McLeod
Jim and Jennie McQuillan
Christopher and Mary Miller
Richard and Anne Miller
Robert and Kathleen Miller
Frank Jr. and Mary Jo Miske
Michael and Jean Moeller
Lee and Priscilla Moore
Deacon Terry and Carolyn
Tate and Lillian Nagengast
Chris Nei
Dr. Joseph Neve
Douglas Nevinski
John and Nancy Norris
John Notermann
David Obermiller
Thomas Ochsenbauer
Dale and Alice Oden
Christopher and Noelle Olson
Paul and Arlyss Onken
Mike and Colleen Osgar
Rose Marie Pelzel
Louann Perry
Mark and Cynthia Pikula
Dave and Joanne Pilon
Laurie Pohlen
Peter Posteuca
“I live in Assisted Living Marian Center and am getting ready for my next
move to be with Jesus... Relevant Radio is helping me along the way. God
bless Relevant Radio!”
Margaret – 1330 AM - Minneapolis, MN
1330 AM WLOL
Cornerstone Society... cont’d
Paul and Sharon Price
Marilyn Quigley
Joseph and Sharnez Ranasinghe
Douglas and Deborah Reetz
David and Kathryn Rennie
Thomas and Rachelle Rossini
Peter and Mary Rother
James Rougier
Andrew Jr. and Carol Rusinko
Joseph Sadowski
Ricardo and Guadalupe Santos
Michael and Colleen Schaefer
Ann Schiefelbein
Mike and Jane Schlangen
John and Dawn Schmitz
Roy and Cynthia Schneider
Kenneth and Ann Schramm
Genevieve Shubitz
Daniel and Priscilla Sleight
Paul Sokhor
Dan and Kathy Sonnek
Tom and Lesa Spaeth
Bill and Barbara Stender
Jerry Strenger
Janice Sullivan
Bruce and Loretta Thielen
Ken and Linda Timmerman
Leslie Torstenson
Donald and Dolores Traxler
Lawrence and Mary Tritchler
Ray and Barb Truzinski
Richard and Abby Turek
John and Evon U’Ren
Charles and Marilyn Van Heel
Larry and Suzanne Vandenplas
Norman and Nancy Villwock
Kurt and Michelle Virnig
Darlene Vohnoutka
Richard and Karrie Weber
Angela Weitnauer
Mark Werner
Steven and Michelle Westrich
Dr. Bill and Roberta Wheeler
Ken Widstrom
Paul and Geralyn Wilson
Ryan Wilson
Deacon Thomas and Lynne
Frank and Mary Claire Wohletz
Margorie Wood
Andrew Wowchak
Mary Jo Zarbo
Paul and Rebecca Zech
Anonymous (10)
Patricia Burchill
Irene Burke
Charles and Doris Burns
Gayla Burns
Rita Burwell
Bill and Jane Busch
Mary Butte
Colin and Jane Cain
Brian Carey
Father Scott Carl
Dale and Cathy Carlstrom
Allen Caron
Debra Case
B. J. Casello
Philip and Sandra Chabot
Leonard and Cornelia Chandler
Eugene Chatelaine
Alfonso Chavez
Leann Christopherson
Matthew and Kyron
Chad and Theresa Chryst
Brian and Barbara Clark
Terry and Mary Lou Clymer
Norman and Laurie Coleman
Frederic and Susan Contino
Kathleen Cooley
Richard and Catherine Cooper
Zoila Coto
Daniel and Anne Coughlin
Gregory and Debra Crane
Scot and Sonie Crockett
Daniel and Victoria Cross
Joseph and Mona Dahdah
David and Debra Dalbec
Alexander and Nancy Darbut
Linda Davison
Mary Deeds
Todd and Jamie Delehant
Hank and Janet Demarais
John and Barbara DeMars
David and Mary Demko
Kenneth II and Julianne Dines
Loretta Dittrich
Clement and Marilyn Dove
Ellen Drasin
Ronald and Susan Dressel
Ann Duffy
Jim and Linda Duffy
Justina Duncan
Michael and Mary Duncan
James and Carol Dungan
John and Marlys Dunlap
Brad and Libby Dupont
Ken Durden
Completely Home, Inc.
General Mills Foundation
Gregory Abbott
Albert Adams
Vincent and Leslie Ahlers
Julian Ahlquist
David and Sharon Altman
Jeff Anderson
Paul and Joanne Andress
Jeanette Andrews
Thomas and Nancy Arata
John Aretz
Sheena Arias
Lemuel and Arlene Arriola
Bruce and Mary Aubol
Lon and Geny Augdahl
Charles Austin
John and Jean Bakos
Jerome and Mary Ann Bambenek
Charles and Paula Barry
Jeanne Bauer
Louise Bauer
Charlie Beach
James and Jeanette Beatty
Darren Beaudette
Bob Becker
Jason and Inge Becker
Oliver and Eloise Becker
Leslie Bender
James and Virginia Benyon
Richard and Carol Biniek
Thomas and Kathleen Bisek
George and Marilyn Blackney
Matthew Blumkin
Mary Bochek
Edward and Patricia Bock
Lewis and Nancy Bogdanovich
Timothy and Ruth Borell
Teresa Borer
Rick and Kathleen Borg
Julie Bowman
Elizabeth Boyle
Michael and Dolores Boyle
Edward and Theresa Brang
Doug Breezee
Janet Brisson
Clarence and Barbara Brown
Janet Brown
Matthew and Jessica Brown
Maribeth Browning
Steven and Katerie Broz
Jeanne Buckeye
Ruth Bunda
Marc and Teresa Dvoracek
Janet Dynan
Ronald and Jan Faust
James Fishbaugher
Kathleen Fitzsimmons
Timothy and Ann Fleming
Kathleen Foley
Victoria Fondie
Darcy Fraenkel
Craig and Diane Francois
Roxanne Franzen
Michael and Cynthia Frase
Arthur and Agnes Fretag
Elizabeth Fucini
Dennis and Marybeth Gaetano
Drew Gaydos
Robert and Kathleen Gazich
Michael Gerads
Paul and Veronica Germann
Robert Gibbs
Mike and Mary Gibson
Janet Gilbertson
Mary Ann Gilbertson
John and Marti Lou Gion
Lee and Jennifer Giorgi
Richard Gladhill
Daniel and Bree Gleason
Paul and Sofi Goerdt
Charles and Gigi Gonderinger
Jerome Gracyalny
James and Patricia Gramke
Daniel and Nadia Graskow
Antoinette Grosslein
Daniel and Barbara Grundman
Laura Habegger
Louis and Rebecca Hall
Matthew and Ruth Anne
Hugh and Mary Hanson
James and Rita Hanson
Robert and Linda Harmon
Thomas and Catherine Harrington
Richard and Mary Ann Hawkins
John and Gretchen Healy
Timothy and Lynn Heeren
Gerald and Barbara Heil
Ryan and Sarah Heim
Thomas and Joyce Heither
John and Karen Henschell
James and Nancy Hermes
John and Carol Heselton
Joel and Maria Hill
Dr. Christopher and Karina Hipp
John and Teri Hirsch
Joan Hlas
“Thank you for helping me to better understand the Catholic Faith... so I
am better able to not only walk the talk, but talk the talk. God Bless!”
Bill – 1330 AM - Farmington, MN
1330 AM WLOL
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Keith and Maxine Hogan
Timothy Holcomb
John and Jayne Holker
Brian and Mary Lou Holt
Douglas and Mary Holt
Randy Holthaus
Wayne and Marlys Honeyman
John Hornby
David Horner
George and Molly Hottinger
Robert and Martha Houck
Father Lawrence Hubbard
Loren and Theresa Hubert
Richard Hurd
Thomas Hurley
Daniel and Molly Huschke
Lezlie Hynes
Richard and Karen Iffert
Tony and Theresa Jace
Brian and Michele Johnson
Jeff and Diane Johnson
Lindsay Johnson
Robert and Helen Johnson
Steven and Katy Johnson
Ralph Jones
Gregory and Julie Juba
Steve and Deb Jung
Steven and Connie Justen
Michael and Diane Kacer
Jon and Marlene Kainz
William and Sheryl Kalb
Gary and Audrey Kauffmann
Susan Keenan
Anne Keller
Peter and Stephannie Keller
John and Paula Kelly
Terrence and Jacqueline Kelly
Albert and Patricia Kempf
Hedwig Kesler
Andrew and Annmarie Kirsch
Preston and Amy Kitzmann
Jason and Dawn Klassen
Bill and Linda Klatt
Dave and Cheryl Kliszcz
Robert and Bridget Kluesner
Tom and Maria Knaeble
John and Loraine Kniprath
Russell and Mary Knoblach
Joyce Koch
Pauline Koes
David and Joellen Kohler
John Kokesh
Mark Kolesar
Matthew Kopyar
Jeff McNamara
Mary Meidl
John and Joan Melssen
Mark and Lisa Mevissen
Robert and Margaret Mock
Ken Monyok
William and Eileen Moore
Maximo Morgan
Patrick and Barbara Munnelly
Mary Nagel
Joseph and Luann Neaton
Joel and Luann Neisen
Agnes Nelles
Linda Ness
Paul and Mary Nestberg
Dr. Catherine Njogu
Thomas Novak
Brian Pankow
Richard and Julianne Paskach
Maryann Peffer
Robert and Rita Peichel
Carrie Peltier
Elizabeth Perry
Laverne Peterson
Barbara Pierce
Ralph and Lynn Pierre
Dr. Rolland Pistulka
Gerald and Bernadette Pohl
Gerald and Julie Popp
Barb Poppler
Tim and Jean Preimesberger
Kenneth and Kathryn Prom
Troy Przybilla
Shelley Psyhogios
Theresa Punyko
Ronald Pyka
Ernest Que
Donald Quick
Patricia Quinn
Thor and Paula Raarup
Richard and Jennifer Racine
Rick Raciti
Charles Ramsey
Daniel and Sara Rasinski
Robert Reese
Gary and Louise Ann Reinhardt
Jeff Reither
Joel and Debbie Rhein
John and Gail Rice
Hoyee Richardson
Mary Rinehart
Roger and Connie Rivard
Charles and Jane Roach
Kent Roberts
Austen Rockcastle
Patt Rogich
Mary Kostreba
Jonathan Kovach
Marjorie Kozachok
Ryan and Tracy Kracht
Todd Kraft
Don Kramer
Steven Krause
Gary and Debbie Krautbauer
Kenneth and Charlene Krepel
Paul and Kathy Krotz
Christopher and Sarah Kuehl
Tom Kuehn
Fran Kuhn
Timothy and Roxanne Lackas
Robert and Diane Landberg
Dr. Donald and Sally Lareau
Dianne Lascotte
Steven and Margaret Laudenbach
David and Beth Lauzon
Charles and Mary Lawrence
Evert Lehtola
Timothy and Molly Lenway
Donald and Jane Lenz
Roger and Margaret Leuthner
Diana Lightner
James Lind
Marion Linman
Mike and Mary Pat Litwin
Thomas and Janet Logan
Nancy Logering
George and Marcia Lowe
Vincent Lubbers
Daniel and Raelee Lunney
George Lysdahl
James and Ramonia MacDonald
Rebecca Maciej
Sara Macklin
Patrick and Marie Maczko
Timothy and Carole Mahan
Maureen Makens
Irene Mangan
Ann Manthey
Timothy and Marie Marden
Robert and Rosemary Marrs
Elaine Marsolek
Elizabeth Martin-Hinton
Susan Martinson
David and Mary May
John and Betty McCain
Joseph McCormick
Dan and Margaret McDonald
Michael and Pamela McDonald
Philip McDonald
Maureen McDonnell
Thomas and Roxanne McDonough
Lawrence and Andrea McGough
Dan and Mary Jo Rolczynski
Alan and Frances Romportl
Patricia Ross
David and Jan Roszak
Mark Rotz
Kevin and Jennifer Rymanowski
Lynda Sampson
Mary Sandquist
Marisela Santos
Arlene Sattler
Pete Savage
Paul Savaryn
Michael and Ellen Sayer
Raymond and Jeanette Schelonka
Joseph and Harriet Schepers
Robert and Mary Jane Schiferli
John Schleif
Ron and Kimberly Schloesser
Shawn and Kari Schmidtknecht
Sam and Patricia Schoenfelder
Mark and Elaine Schonhardt
Thomas and Cheryl Schreader
Todd and Yvonne Schreifels
Jim Schroeder
Mary Schubert
Michael Schultz
Brent and Patti Schwab
Dean and Mary Scott
Joseph and Mercy Sebastin
James and Marie Shovelain
Mary Shuman
Margaret Siekierski
Jeff and Jodie Siems
Arlene Sieve
Thomas and Lee Ann Silver
Jacob Simones
Donald and Elizabeth Skellie
Wayne and Sharon Skoblik
Jesse and Marybeth Slocumb
Frank and Julie Smaron
William Smelter
Anthony and Cherelyn Smith
James and N. Jeanne Smith
Mark and Karleen Smith
Michael and Roberta Smith
Daniel and Teresa Smock
Arnie Soden
Timothy and Nancy Sommers
John and Shirley Sorteberg
Donald and Janet Soupir
Ginny Spandl
Steven Spoering
John Sprangers
George and Nancy Stauner
Jay Steele
David and Lynn Steichen
“I truly believe that Catholic radio helps me to keep my mind on Christ,
and it refreshes my mind and soul. We all know the adage ‘Junk in - Junk
out!’ Well, let’s change that to ‘Christ in - Christ out!’”
Jayne – 1330 AM - Lakeville, MN
1330 AM WLOL
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Brian and Julie Stibal
Curtis and Kristina Sticha
Greg and Michelle Stoltman
Rhonda Sunnarborg
Ray Svobodny
Carol Swanson
Joseph and Kathleen Sweeney
Steve Symalla
David Tabor
Donald and Mary Tadich
Peter Taffe
Julie Taylor
Jim Thelemann
Harold and Molly Thibault
Charlene Thomas
John Thomas
Brian and Lynn Thompson
Tom and Kathleen Tiemann
Timothy and Liz Toenjes
Scott and Michelle Torborg
Justin Torres
William and Carol Townsend
Tim Treiber
Keith and Sara Triplett
Wallace and Judy Trochlil
John and Leona Trost
Francis and Dorothy Truax
Lyle Tschosik
David and Marilyn Tucci
Erin Tully
Garry and Amy Tupy
Marjorie Tushaus
Jim and Lori Valerius
Todd and Sarah VanHorn
Daniel and Roberta Vaughan
Walter and Dorothy Vavrosky
Dan and Rosemary Vos
Shawn and Nancy Vouk
Chuck and Denise Waletzko
Janet Walther
James Wangen
Jim and Mary Wappes
William and Sue Waytas
Gregory and Dianne Weber
Allen Webskowski
Daniel and Carol Weiler
Roxanne Weldon
Connie Wesley
Robert Western
Scott and Stephanie Weyenberg
Diana Whelpley
Mark and Mary Anita Whims
Brian Whitemarsh
Robert and Kara Wickenhauser
Florence Wieneke
Roxanne Wilcox
Aloys and Mary Willenbring
David and Judith Willits
Father Thomas Wilson
Richard Wing
Joseph and Michell Witchger
William and Loretta Wold
Elizabeth Wolney
Brian and Anastasia Wong
Patrick and Rebecca Wood
Tod and Cari Worner
Scott and Kathy Wosje
Walter and Theresa Wysopal
Jonathan and Kalley Yanta
Leonard and Patricia Yoerger
Robert and Barb York
Curt and Shawna Zachman
Jeffrey Zachman
Marilyn Zayac
Lambert and Virginia Zenner
David and Lisa Zimmerman
George and Susan Zirnhelt
Mike Zwack
Anonymous (9)
Celtic Crossing
Cerenity Care
CertaPro Painters
Christ the King - Kings House
Retreat Center
Christian Arts Ministries
Christian Community Fair
Collette Vacations
Coordinated Business Systems,
Core Ministries
Country Financial & Insurance
Covenant Village of Golden Valley
Cradle of Hope
Crestview Senior Communities
Cricket Digital
Custom Woodwork by Brad
Daniel S. Miller Law Firm
Deer Run Golf Club
DQCI Services
Echo Ministries
Edward Jones
Epiphany Studio Productions
Episcopal Church Homes
Faelon Partners, Ltd.
G & B Environmental
Gentle Transitions
Gianna Homes
Glasgow Automotive Service, Inc.
Globe Publishing
Golden Living Center
Higher Ground Music Festival
Holy Cross Catholic Books and
Gifts, Inc.
Home Based Hearts
Hopkins Center Drug, Inc.
Immaculate Conception
Intrepid Homecare Services
Jeff Wren Contracting
Jerico Christian Journey
John Paul II Center
Kletschka Publishing
Knights of Columbus - Twin
Cities Agency
Lehner Law Office
Living Bread Books & Gifts
Lovelette Transfer Company
Mall of America
MAPS Applied Research Center
Men’s Fellowship of St. John the
Baptist Church
Minnesota Citizens Concerned
For Life
Minnesota Harvest
Minnesota Orchestra
Minnesota Score
A Little Help, Inc.
Aarcee Classic Events
Above & Beyond Senior Services
Academy of Holy Angels
Action Coaching
Advisor Net Mortgage
All Saints Catholic Church
Allied Hearing
Apostle Books & Gifts
Archdiocese of Saint Paul and
Augastana Care
AutoGlass Installed
B Secure
Back In Balance Chiropractic
Bath Fitters of Minnesota
Becker Building and Remodeling
Broadway Pizza
Brookdale Senior Living
Cathedral of St. Paul
Catholic Aid Association
Catholic Cemeteries
Catholic Community Foundation
in Saint Paul and Minneapolis
Catholic Youth Camp
Cedarcrest Academy
Minnesota State Fair
Mosquito Productions
Mutual of Omaha Co.
N C Little Hospice
New Ulm Travel
Old Log Theater
Our Lady of Grace Church
Our Lady of the Lake
Park Nicollet Methodist Lifeline
Perpetual Resources
Peter Nasseff Maronite Home
Pioneer Estates of Minnesota
Platinum Bank
Prenatal Partners for Life
Pro Life Action Ministries
Pro Life Across America
Que Computers
R & J Tours
ReMax A-1 Excellence
Roses Daughters, Inc.
Safe Harbor Financial Solutions
Senior Helpers
Sharing and Caring Hands
Sister Rosalind Gefre Schools &
Sonshine Festival
St. Benedict’s Senior Community
St. Croix Flooring
St. John the Baptist
St. Patricks Guild
St. Paul Saints Baseball
St. Therese of MN
St. Therese Southwest
Star Exhibits
Steven Stott Management, Inc.
The Alternative Board
Totus Tuus Catholic Youth
Tri-County Broadcasting
Trojack Law Office
Twin Cities Catholic Chorale
Twin Cities Fertility Care Center
Twin City Lawn Maintenance
Union Gospel Mission
Valleyfair c/o Yellow Submarine
Vatican Splendors
Vein Associates PA
Vision Business Coaching
Voice Trek
Walters Construction
Warners Stellian
Washburn McReavy Funeral
Wells Fargo Reverse Mortgage
Westside Tire
World Apostolate of Fatima
“I just want to thank you for all you do at Relevant Radio. I’m a new Catholic having just
entered the Church this past Easter. Your network was a huge factor in my conversion...
I don’t think RCIA alone would have done it for me. I learned and continue to learn so
much about our beautiful Faith every day from Relevant Radio.”
Kevin – 970 AM - Cedar Rock, TX
1330 AM WLOL
Advertisers... cont’d
World Wide Marriage Encounter
Young Catholic Minute
Zero Rez
(on-air 1/23/2006)
St. Gabriel Society
Scanlan Foundation
Edward and Marilyn Finnegan
Dr. Jose A. and Catherine Martinez
Cornerstone Society
Aztec Roofing & Siding
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic
Alberto and Mary Ancira
Santiago and Mary Arana
Richard and Rita Barrett
Burton and Barbara Bartley
Maria Batte
Maureen Bourgeois
Georgina Bouton
Francis and Lisa Bradley
Alla Burago
Doug Burton
Richard and Deborah Butynski
Betty Carter
Audrey Charba
Kevin and Martha Collins
Chris Cosgrove
Dr. John Costanzi
Jonathan and Josephine Creath
Belinda De La Cruz
Charles DeWitt
Matt and Megan DiTeresa
Ricardo Dunia
John Flath
George and Selma Flores
Paul and Carol Gautier
Daniel Gonzales
John and Christine Gordon
Gregg and Donna Herdlitchka
Anthony Hicks
Chris and Kelly Hotz
Lee Hughes
Mauricio and Claudia Hurtado
Ralph and Kathleen Huttenhower
Diana Kelbell
Peter Bartell
Patricia Basilotto
James Baughman
Darryl and Michelle Beach
Craig and Colleen Bennett
Jose and Katherine Berbel
Mary Bernard
Joseph and Elaine Bindo
Ann Birrell
Peter and Debra Bisson
Brian and Jennifer Boettcher
Michael and Shelby Boismier
Kevin and Dorothy Borgendale
Aaron Bostick
Chip and Angela Boyd
Vincent and Mary Jane Boyle
Michael Brack
Dr. Delia Brownson
Jesse Brumbaugh
Peggy Buckner
Gibbons and Darlene Burke
Kent and Michelle Burr
Todd and Margaret Bushee
Rose Bustos
Alfonso and Connie Campos
Jesus and Paulina Castillo
Louise Cavanaugh
Earline Chapa
Omar and Dianna Chavez
Michael Clark
Stephen and Michelle Clark
Tom Collins
Adam and Kris Coronado
William and June Crook
Paul and Gail Curtin
Gracie Davis
Michael and Colleen Debner
Gloria Deitrick
Jeffrey and Amber Delaney
Jay and Linda Delmas
Ben and Linda Deluna
Stanislawa and Leszek Demkowicz
Lisa Devore
James DiSorbo
Gary Doughty
Gerald Dunn
Bradley Eilers
Michael and Maria Eisenmenger
Mark Elizondo
Tim Elliot
James and Corina Esquivel
George Faddoul
Kearby Fehr
Janice Fiore
John Jr. and Charlotte Franklin
Dr. Dana Garcia
Russell Knoblach
Margaret Kokernot
Dan and Martha Krischke
Linda Kutach
Jacquelyn Leonard
Ron Lievens
George Lourigan
George and Patti Mehaffey
Cindi and Ross Messner
Lee and Joan Mills
Ron and Ellen Morrill
Martin and Debbie Motal
Tim Nevlud
Pat and Kathryn O’Grady
Dustin Parks
Dorothy Pereira
Rebecca Peterson-Male
Phyllis Poget
Arnold and Mary Quevedo
Don Rauschuber
William and Constance Ricks
Kenneth Roche
Jessica Rodriguez
Bertha Salinas
Maria Segura
Shane and Erin Starr
Donna Rae Steele
Larry and Mary Taylor
Stephen Tomasko, Jr.
My and Lu Ann Van Dinh
R Douglas and Gina Verduzco
Connie Vinklarek
Nathan and Gracie Weber
Geraldine Weems
Asa Whitehead
Joseph and Marilyn Williams
Laura Wolbrueck
Anonymous (2)
HVAC, Inc.
TechCenter Design, Inc.
Trinity Publications, Inc.
Wilda Adams
Veronica Aguilar
Audon Aguillon
Lisa Almgren
Richard and Judy Ames
Sherrie Anderson
David and Lizette Anglin
Salvador Apud
Laura Arizpe
Christine Banks
Charles and Barbara Barker
Eduardo Barrios
Gabriela Garcia
Homer and Rose Mary Garza
Charles Geisler
John Gillen
David and Rebecca Gilmartin
Kenneth and Ann Gilmer
Bonnie Glasgow
Melissa Glass
Mary Goetschel
Patricia Gonzalez
Rodger and Stephanie Gordon
Robert and Sharon Gorski
Bonita Grahn
Joyce Greer
Terry and Linda Guilbert
Robert and Kathy Hadlock
Dr. Roger and Dr. Celie Harden
Steven and Barbara Hargus
Charles and Marchelia Hart
Melissa Hauschild
Mike Heiser
Alfredo Hernandez
Josie Hernandez
Kim Hickl
Robert Hill
Vera Hooper
Kevin Jackson
Susan Jahn
Alan and Anne Jefferson
Jerome and Terry Johnson
Albert and Ellie Jurado
Mary Kaszynski
Dr. William and Marcia Kaylakie
William III and Melissa Kelly
Judy Kieffer
Chris Kjeldsen
Criston and Diane Klotz
Jeff and Teresa Knavel
Scott and Jean Krantz
Mark and Carrie Kubala
Thomas Kunkel
Joseph and Elizabeth Leary
Michelle Levenson
Enrique and Bertha Lopez
Shawn and Christine Lucas
James and Cathryn Luhrman
Hanh Ly
James and Mary Lynch
Steven and Julie Lynk
Jennifer Macalalad
Jimmy Mancini
Arnoldo and Angela Marez
JaunCarlos and Cristina Martinez
Magdalena Martinez
Toni Martinez
Tony and Sharon Masterjohn
“I am an evangelical listener who loves your programming! I have directed
several friends, Catholic and non-Catholic, to your programs. I find myself
encouraged in my relationship with Christ through your shows.”
Jason – 1050 AM - Eau Claire, WI
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Michael and Karen May
Judy Mayo
Bill and Hilda McHugh
Bill and Linda Meehan
Cynthia Menasco
Gerardo and Stacy Mendez
Augustin Mendoza
Carl and Patricia Meuth
Henry and Sylvia Mojica
Matthew Mollica
Ines Monske
Jesus Montoya III
Manuel and Anita Moreno
John Morrel
Edward and Elina Mullen
Megan Mulva
John and Margie Murray
Donald and Patricia Nadon
Gregory and Stephanie Nelson
Kathleen Nichols
Patrick and Laurie O’Beirne
Angel and Maria Padilla
James and Rose Marie Page
Tom Partridge
Deacon John and Yolanda Peca
Dr. Bobby and Jaydee Perales
Liz Petry
Robert and Marianne Prybyla
Sang Quan
Agustin and Maria Quintero
Reo Rabon
Joe and Gloria Ramos
LeAnn Randall
Richard Ratliff
Ryan Reed
Elinor Reese
James and Sharon Reeves
David and Susan Reue
Alfred and Becky Reyna
Jason and Judy Robbins
Cecilia Robertson
Irene Robertson
Nancy Rodriguez
Ricky and Doris Rodriguez
Valentin and Maria Rodriguez
Roger and Sharon Ruether
Darrell Rupert
Wanda Russell
Patricia Ruth
Gilberto and Becky Saucedo
Shirley Scholl
Irene Segovia
Dominic Selvaraj
Mike and Mary Shearer
Craig and Joscelyn Shempert
Richard and Anita Shephard
Janet Smith
Scott Spinola
Lori Strobel
Robert and Leslie Suffoletta
Mary Lou Suhanin
Nicholas Sukup
Michael Sullivan
Gary and Valda Sutorius
Ben and Fran Svrcek
Charlmar and Theresa Tess
James and Nita Thomas
Eduardo Tinajero
Todd and Kerry Tomasoski
Brad Toups
James and Lucille Trainor
Michele Trepagnier
Evelyn Tybor
Kenneth Vail
Ted and Claudia Valmassei
Dieu and Alyson Van Dinh
Peter and Juanita Vargas
Jeanne Velasco
Bonnie Vinklarek
John and Sheila Ward
Mark and Vicky Wells
Scott and Jerie Wetzel
Robert Wilbert
Lynn Williams
John and Diana Wisneski
Ann Woodard
Mary Worley
P. and Sandra Worth
Blane and Elaine Zeiler
Anonymous (2)
Centex Information Technologies
Central Texas Fellowship of
Catholic Men
Christian Brothers Automotive
Ciani Financial Services
Clarence Griggs
CNA Construction
Cornerstone Financial Education
Diocese of Austin
Dominion Family Healthcare
Dr. Roger Harden
Eva Church
Fontaine Consulting, LLC
Fullness of Truth Ministry
Goodwill Industries Central Texas
Heyl Homes, Inc.
Highway 620 Animal Hospital
Hines Pool and Spa
Jeff Kress Realtor
John Paul II Family Life Center
Kevin Holcomb - Attorney At Law
Knights of Columbus Council #8156
Long Center for the Performing Arts
Majella Foundation
Mark Finley
McBride’s Guns, Inc.
Mickey Batsell CLU
Miracle Ear
Northwest Imports
Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery
& Prayer Gardens
R. G. Tate & Associates, Inc.
Republic Print & Mail
Rizzo Construction, Inc.
Ron Butler Custom Homes
Rudy’s Country Store and BBQ
Runtex, Inc.
San Juan Diego High School
Santa Cruz Catholic School
Santa Cruz Parish
Secular Order of Discalced
Senior Financial Services
Serra Foundation of Austin
Seton Family of Hospitals
Shepherds Guide
Sign O Rama
St. Albert the Great
St. Dominic Savio Catholic High
St. Gabriel’s Catholic School
St. Helen’s Catholic Church
St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Faith
St. Theresa’s Catholic School
Star Quest Production Network
AMCAP Mortgage
Anchor Ventana Glass
Annunciation Austin Home
Art on 5th Fine Art Gallery
ATX Personal Fitness
Austin Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic
Austin Flair Custom Remodeling
c/o Flair Homes
Austin Retina Associates
Aztec Roofing & Siding
Blanton Museum of Art
Canyon Creek Construction Co., Inc.
Casa Chapala Mexican Grill
Catholic Charities of Central
Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas
Catholic Scripture Studies - Austin
SVDP Austin Council
Texas Alliance for Life
Texas Garages
The O’Keefe Group
The Village at the Arboretum
Theology of the Body
International Alliance
Traxx Restaurant
Trinity Publications, Inc.
Universal Car Rental
Wag A Bag
Anonymous (1)
Eau Claire
1050 AM WDVM
(on-air 1/1/2001)
St. Gabriel Society
Russell Nelson
Tony and Patrice Sykora
Cornerstone Society
Dave Adler
Dr. Clifford and Virginia Bowe
Joe and Karen Dolan
William Haag
Marek and Dorota Kaminski
James McIlhargey
Cecelia Pudelkewicz
Margaret Racanelli
Dr. Robert and Deborah Ridenour
Stan and Joanna Setla
Clarence and Theresa Shakal
Veronica Sigurdson
Dr. David and Patricia Usher
Dr. David and Susan VanDeLoo
David and Andrea Weiler
Gregory Wolfe
MV Consultants
Gene and Carole Adams
Michael and Carol Bauer
Patrick and Patricia Bauer
Kristin Belling
Troy and Corinne Berg
Larry Brantner
Jeane Casey
Calvin and Maria Casper
Judith Corcoran
Dennis and Janet Fox
John and Patricia Gerseth
Thomas and Kim Gonyo
“I am not Catholic yet, but I have been listening for a while and it has helped
me to understand the Faith. I will be meeting with the priest at the parish
we attend to start the conversion process. I owe a lot of my growth to
Relevant Radio. Thanks so much!”
Shari – 1050 AM - Green Bay, WI
1050 AM WDVM
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Dennis and Carol Heyde
Robert Hollern
Jean Johnson
James and Alma Koenig
Todd and Karen Lagesse
David and Wendy Loew
James and Susan Maenner
Richard and Lynn Manthei
Dr. Jodi Meznarich
Peter and Janice Peloquin
Monica Pittman
Bob Ripple
Scott and Jean Roers
Don and Kathleen Scharlau
John and Christina Scharlau
Thomas and Sherry Schlosser
Agnes Schumacher
Louis Jr. and Jane Sonnentag
Pat and Pam Styer
Andrew and Andrea Teska
George Jr. and Mary Jo Walter
Altoona Family Restaurants
CASE - Catholic Area Schools
Eau Claire
Country Financial
Hansen Enterprises
Natural Solutions
Pleasant Valley Tree Farms /
Regis High School
Reliv International
Sacred Heart Hospital
Science Museum of MN
St. Mary Parish
Toppers Pizza
Woodford’s Service & Repair
Green Bay
1050 AM WJOK
(on-air 11/26/2000)
St. Gabriel Society
Michael and Mimi Ariens
Robert and Sally Atwell
Errico and Patrizia Auricchio
John and Robin Cavil
Dr. Mark Bullard and Dr. Karen
David and Ellen Cavil
Paul Holzman
Vonda Jossart
William Kartheiser
Conrad and Ann Kieltyka
Stan and Lori Klosiewski
Ryan Koch
Helen Kornaus
Andrew and Judith Leisk
Mark and Laura Letter
Jim and Sallie Magalska
Robert McDonald
Mary Beth Meehl
Richard and Diane Mihalski
William and Bridgett Mihalski
James Mongin
Ronald Muellenbach
Mark and Lynn Mullins
Ken and Debbie Niesen
Wayne and Bernardine Nitz
Peter Novotny
Jeff and Christina Pallini
Stephen and Cynthia Parent
Charlie and Melissa Peterson
Daniel and Margaret Pichler
Helen Pierquet
Dante and Andrea Pizzuti
Douglas and Amy Polasky
David and Kathleen Pozniak
Jeffrey and Mary Prickette
Robert and Mary Puissant
Ernest Remondini
Robert and Cathy Riordan
Erin Rosales
Michael and Mary Ryder
Mark and Patti Schick
Paul and Carol Schierl
Bob and Donna Schommer
Boyd and Nancy Seidler
Robert Shanahan
Dr. Pierre and Margaret Slightam
James and Elizabeth Sorenson
Elroy Stahl
Donald Stanek
Linus and Jeane Stoll
Reverend Milton Suess
Edward and Cindy Sypek
Marianne Van Drisse
Mary Jane Van Sistine
Jeff and Diane VanAsten
Jason Vandermause
Joseph and Kay Vandersteen
Dr. Donald and Mary Wackwitz
Bob and Christal Wavrunek
Mark and Renee Weber
John and Amy Weiss
Donald and Sharon Windey
Tim and Ann Emenecker
Paul and Carol Gehl
Robert and Josephine Kanzenbach
William and Natalie Raaths
Mary Schmidt
Thomas Schuh
Tom and Ann Vorpahl
Don and Rose Warden
Anonymous (2)
Cornerstone Society
Bay Verte Realty Co.
Great Northern Corporation
Holy Name of Mary Parish
Intensive Dairy Care, Inc.
Optima Associates, Inc.
Parker Freeze Dry
Sacred Heart Parish
Thrivent Financial For Lutherans
TNT Dental Studio
Varus Investments, Inc.
Royce and Karen Alsbach
Deacon James Asmuth
Paul and Sandra Baek
James and Barbara Ball
Dr. Matthew and Bridget Bayer
Father Patrick Beno
Patrick Beno
Mary Blohowiak
Thomas and Judith Bluma
Michael Bria
John and Jennifer Budde
Paul and Pamela Cleveland
Steve and Regina Corbeille
James and Gail Cummings
Dr. David and Irene DeGrave
Marjorie DeGrave
Jeff and Connie DeMeuse
Patrick and Julie Deprey
Rose Marie Derks
Reverend Anthony Dolski
Robert and Patricia Endries
Jeffrey and Celia Engel
Judson and Mary Fowler
Fran Frigo
Dr. Peter and Carolyn Gapinski
John and Jeanne Geigel
Paul Utrie and Dr. Robin
Steve and Barbara Gorches
Dr. Patrick Gregory
Bill and Joanne Griesbach
Pete and Jane Hein
Gerald and Barbara Hietpas
Arthur Hill
Dr. James and Virginia Winston
Thomas and Nola Wolf
Reverend Dennis Worzalla
Steven and Pamela Zagar
Linda Zegers
Anonymous (3)
Gezella Petroleum Equipment
Co., Inc.
James and Laurie Albers
Susan Allen
Shirley Ardell
Tom and Cherie Bamrick
Alex and Julie Barker
Andrew Barnes
Jerry Bayer
Jack and Nancy Beilfuss
Isabelle Belinske
Richard and Jennifer Bergstrom
Ella Blenke
Rose Borowski
Michael and Elaine Broderick
Mark and Rosemary Brueggeman
Donald Bruex
Jill Buckett
Norma Calawerts
Jane Charnetski
Deacon Peter and Antoinette
Vincent and Joan Cisler
Thomas and Roberta Conard
Don and Robin Coolidge
Robert and Linda Couch
Dr. Douglas Coyle
Clarence and Margaret Dahlen
Marvin and Kathleen Daniels
Sylvia Dannecker
Deacon David and Carol
De Young
James and Teresa DeMerit
David and Elaine Demro
Michael and Barbara Dercks
Kenneth and Ruth Deterville
Margaret Devaney
Dr. Marc and Julie Ditty
Germaine Doerfler
Very Reverend John Doerfler
Deacon Michael and Ann Dolezal
John Driscoll
Steven Dubord
Bruce and Clare DuMontier
Dennis and Lynda Dvorachek
Robert Dvorachek
Scott and Sandra Eithun
“Relevant Radio has been very inspiring as well as giving me hope that
the Catholic Faith is alive and moving forward in evangelizing a confused
world! Keep up the great work!”
David - 1570 AM - La Crosse, WI
1050 AM WJOK
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Bob and Robin Elfe
Anthony and Gina Ellis
Thomas and Martha Endejan
John and Sue Engelmann
Kenneth and Rose Everts
Tom Everts
Joyce Fiel
Carol Frahm
Rob and Kim Franda
Julie Froelich
Dr. James and Nancy Gapinski
Fred Gedemer and Dorothy Rowe
Roger and Marilyn Genske
Michael and Mary Georgia
Craig and Lori Gezella
Dave and Kay Goeser
Ken and Marilyn Govek
John and Mary Graycarek
Matthew and Michelle Greely
Russell and Laurie Griesbach
William and Susan Griffith
Judy Gruber
Steven Gruesen
Jim and Josephine Grunwaldt
Dyan Gwidt
David Hackney
Doug and Sharon Hale
Sam and Nicole Hall
Steven and Mary Hamilton
William and Sandy Hammond
Gladys Hansen
Edward and Rita Hart
James Heider
James and Janet Heiman
Debbie Herbst
Dr. Kurt and Gail Heyrman
Stephen and Jessica Hietpas
Russell and Elizabeth Hildebrand
Joel and Gail Hjortness
Deacon Richard and Anne Hocking
Carla Hoffman
Robert and Sandra Holz
Jeanette Jakubowski
Jim and Fay Janssen
Martin and Harriette Janssen
Kenneth Kabat
Dennis and Cathy Kallin
Brian Karman
James and Mary Lee Kaun
Francis Kerkhof
Gary and Sally Kimps
Wayne and Kelly Kinjerski
Monsignor Roy Klister
Anthony and Mary Jane Koehn
Donald and Elsie Krajnik
Mary Krueger
William and Cecilia Kwasny
Elaine LeDuc
Jennifer Lee
Mary Anne Lemens
Carol Lewis
Florence Link
Leonel and Lucille Maccoux
Robert Massart
Marie Mathews
Dean and Lillian Matthias
Peter McClone
Ruth McClone
Jeffrey and Jill McClure
Sharon McConnell
Robert Mongin
Todd and Lisa Moore
Thomas and Mary Murphy
Rose Murray
Sarah Neal
Shirley Nitka
Steve and Bonnie Nockerts
Gerald Nowak
Jon and Giovanna O’Donahue
Fredrick Otto
Darold and Janet Paisar
David and Denise Parker
Vicky Pelegrin
Colon and Sally Pendergast
Mike and Jackie Peot
James and Joan Pickart
Mary Pogue
John and Marianne Powers
Nancy Prokash
Michael and Carol Quinn
Nathan and Jennifer Raiche
Richard and Rosemary Rankin
Luke and Leslie Rasmussen
Jerry and Emily Rhodes
Susan Rothlesberger
Robert and Susan Ruonavarra
William and Martha Sacksteder
Jared and Elizabeth Saindon
Gregory and Pamela Saulnier
Elton Saunders
Glenn and Glenda Sayler
Eric and Claire Schack
Hans and Mary Schaupp
Mary Agnes Scheuer
John and Nancy Schmidt
Father John Schmitz
Andrew and Jeanne Schumacher
Father Paul Schumacher
Marvin Schuster
Ronald and Patricia Sedlacek
Chip Seidler
James and Wendy Sell
Father Joel Sember
Patrick and Judy Shimon
Deacon Richard and Judith Simon
Kim Simons
Bernard and Karen Skaletski
Thomas and Mary Ann Sladek
Kathleen Splichal
Roger and Nola Stanley
Donald and Ruth Stoehr
Richard and Denise Stoker
Eric and Monica Sumnicht
Maria Taivalmaa
James and Nancy Taylor
Gary and Jean Thiel
Robert and Mary Ann Treml
Andrew Tuxen
Dan Van Boxtel
William and Colleen Van Camp
Bill and Bernadine Van De Yacht
Andrew and Maxine VandeHey
David and Lynn Vanden Heuvel
Bert and Vickie Vandenlangenberg
Clarence and Barbara
Vander Putten
Dr. Francis and Josephine
Mark Waldecker
Edward and Janet Weisse
Timothy and Camille Welch
Gene and Suzanne Werner
Mary Weslow
Glenn and Christine Whipp
Amie Wicks
Marjorie Wicks
Rose Mary Wilhelm
Greg and Cindy Winiecki
Ron and Vicky Wolf
Elaine Writt
Thomas and Jeanne Young
Anonymous (9)
ACES Xavier Educational System
Allouez Catholic Cemetery &
American Climate Control
Appleton Xavier High School
Avenue Coins & Jewelry
Coldwell Banker, The Real Estate
Group, Inc.
Connect Men’s Group
Diocese of Green Bay
Envision Ink
Esto Vir
Esto Vir - Oshkosh
Fox Valley Metal Tech, Inc.
Hjortness and Associates CPAs SC
Holiday Inn
Holy Name Retreat House
Knights of Columbus - Council #617
Knights of Columbus - Council
Koss Industrial, Inc.
Lakeland Sports Center
Life! Promotions, Inc.
Lighthouse Catholic Media
McGlone Mortgage Company
National Day of Prayer
Neighborhood Communications,
New World Marketing
Nicolet National Bank
North Star Asset Management,
Northeast Wisconsin Passion Play
Renards Catering
Sentry Insurance
Square One of Green Bay, Inc.
St. Patrick’s Bookstore
St. Pius X Parish
St. Vincent Hosptial Auxilliary
The Dental Center
The Elite Group
Van Zeeland’s Auto Care Centers
Vande Walle’s Candies
Wisconsin Right to Life-Fox
Valley Chapter
Wrap Me Slender, LLC
La Crosse
1570 AM WKBH
(on-air 1/3/2003)
St. Gabriel Society
Hansen Family Foundation, Inc.
Timothy and Mary Brennan
Samuel and Judy Schmirler
Cornerstone Society
Reverend William Blazewicz
Timothy and Debra Colgan
Cory and Rebecca Cripe
Tim and Sheri Eimermann
“Relevant Radio has been the ‘missing link’ in my life. I love it! It is exactly what I
needed in my life, and I would be lost without it. It has given me more tools to help
me become more faithful, and there are no words that can express my gratitude for
that. I pray that Relevant Radio will be discovered by more and more.”
Kristine – 1240 AM WHFA - Dalton, WI
1570 AM WKBH
Cornerstone Society... cont’d
Nicholas and Kathleen Nicks
Galen and Marianne Pittman
David and Kimberly Schliebe
Kathryn Spelker
Gregory and Joan Stellrecht
Anonymous (1)
Ken’s Marina and Campgrounds
Dennis and Brenda Brandt
Brian Demro
Norman and Mari Erickson
Peter and Aretas Hafner
Michael and Jayne Harris
Janice Hoeschler
Virginia Horstman
George and Patricia Jehring
Dan and Carol Kalmes
Gene and Barbara Keehn
John Keuler
Dane and Kathryn Lamb
John Leisgang
Father Todd Mlsna
Ted and Nancy Nagel
Arnold and Marilyn Peterson
Michael and Rita Richmond
Stan and Sandra Roellich
Matthew Rogatzki
Francis Schelfhout
Prof. Dean and Virginia Stroud
Brian and Diane Sullivan
James and Mary Beth Vach
Ida Vessel
Anonymous (1)
Catholic Residential Services
Diocese of La Crosse
Franciscan Skemp Health Care
Gentle Family Dentistry
Paradise Pool & Spa
Providence Academy
Smile With Uss
1240 AM WHFA
(on-air 11/25/2001)
St. Gabriel Society
Greg and Jody Greiber
Matt Uselman
Cornerstone Society
Dr. Joseph and Carolyn Bellissimo
Dr. Kevin and Julia Blau
Dr. John Bohn
Delwin and Donna Breunig
Robert and Althea Burrier
Anthony and Kelly Butler
Thomas and Marcella Claridge
Patrick and Mandy Collins
Judith Conger
Ann Delmore
Jack and Mary Dillon
Amie Dragoo
Peter and Paulette Drozdowicz
Daniel and Rita Endres
Leon and Deanna Gilles
Virginia Glasgow
Michelle Godfrey
Edwin Hafenstein
Jeffrey and June Hausmann
Steven and Karen Holler
Wayne Hunt
Brian and Cathy Johnson
Patrick Kaiser
Donald and Nancy Keller
Michael Kelly
Beverly Kennedy
Margaret Kennedy
Jo Ellen Kilkenny
Scott and Bethany Kisting
Dr. Brian Kremer
Joe and Jane Krzos
Kathleen Kukawica
Peter and Kathryn Kurt
Tom and Connie Lange
James and Andrea Larson
Eugene and Mary Ann Lauritzzen
Cheryl Leik
Mark and Donna Lessner
David and Michelle Mack
Michael and Joan Mack
Doug and Mary Markielewski
JoAnn Marshall
Greg McCubbin
Howard and Mary Mead
John and Brenda Meganck
Daniel and Cathy Meinholz
Walter and Nancy Meinholz
Jennifer Morris
Eugene Mueller
Michael Mueller
Therese O’Connor
Dennis and Laura
Genevieve Pike
Knights of Columbus - WI
Mater Dei Tours
RG Heating & Air Conditioning
Douglas and Robin Avery
Rachel Baker
Vincent and Susan Bashynski
Dorothy Bollant
Margot Borchette
Dorian and Linda Brazy
Christopher Collins
Roger and Nancy Cook
John and Margaret Cuva
Mrs. Teresa Evans
Jane Frawley Tisdel
Joseph and Maureen
Stan and Sondra Gorius
Sue Gudenkauf
Richard and Beth Hellenbrand
Daniel and Angela Hineline
Rosemary Kuehn
Robert II and Ann Laux
Theresa Mangold
Nancy McIntyre
Christopher and Carol Miller
Mel and Gloria Nolden
John and Jane Renz
Rose Rettenmund
Kevin and Tracy Roche
Michael and Stacey Sanders
Monsignor Delbert Schmelzer
Neal and Ellen Schoepp
Robert and Antonia Seitz
Robert Simutis
George and Judene Skrum
Roman and Jean Statz
Del and Mary Teeter
Nicholas and Jane Voegeli
Greg and Ann Wagner
David and Jill Yanke
Joseph and Victoria Zaffino
Paul Zeier
James and Renee Zimmerman
Anonymous (1)
Schwab Fund for Charitable
Suncor North, Inc.
Jim and Jane Adams
Kent and Patricia Barlow
Nick Beerntsen
Laura Jeanne Powless
Geraldine Ptak
Mercedes Ptak
Thomas and Mary Quamme
Lawrence and Sheila Raab
Rolf and Syte Reitz
Darin and Molly Ries
Col. John and Ann Rogan
Carol Rogers
Dana Rooks
Paul and Abbie Rozeski
Christopher and Patricia
Dr. Brian and Cynthia Schroedl
Scott and Andrea Schulte
Mary Sharata
Tim Simon
Thomas Sracic
Sue Statz
Ivan and Maria Strmecki
James and Barbara Tierney
Craig and Marilynn Uselman
Shane and Georgia Van Loenen
Randy and Donna Verges
Lucas Walz
Frank Weiler
Raymond and Phoebe Weiss
Wayne and Susan Wessels
John and Kathryn Wittwer
Anonymous (2)
40 Hour Vigil
All Saints Neighborhood
Arvidson Law Office
Ballweg Construction, Inc.
Blau Family Chiropractic
Bushek ReMax Realty
Camp Gray
Carnation ChemDry of Middleton
Catholic Herald
Catholic Knights Insurance
Catholic Order of Foresters
Chiropractic USA
Dennis and Jeanne Breunig
Durward’s Glen
Edgewood High School
Edward Jones
First Weber Real Estate
Ganser Exteriors / Media Mix
His Humble Servant
House of Wellness
Indoor Enviromental Testing, Inc.
J A Products
John Lutz
“Thank you for your amazing ministry! Every day I am enriched and
renewed in hope! And especially in today’s world, that is a gift
beyond words!”
Beth – 100.1 FM - Glendale, WI
1240 AM WHFA
Advertisers... cont’d
Knights of Columbus - Council
3099 & 1637
Knights of Divine Mercy
Lauer Home Enhancement
Leon’s Roofing and Siding, Inc.
Madison Catholic Woman’s Club
Madison Fertility Care Center
Mater Dei Tours
Mauston Pumpkin Bash Committee
Nancy Mistele
Our Lady of Hope Clinic
Pepper Dry Firewood
Pregnancy Helpline of Madison
Red Letter Publishing
ReMax Preferred
River Arts, Inc.
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Sinsinawa Mound Center
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
St. Ambrose Academy
St. Mary Hospital
St. Mary’s of the Immaculate
Conception Church
St. Norbert’s Catholic Church
Sunrise Auction Co.
Tierney Builders
Tridentine Mass Society of
Wagner Insurance & Financial, Inc.
Walz General Surgery
Warden & Sons
Wisconsin Polish Festival
100.1 FM WPJP
(on-air 8/22/2003)
St. Gabriel Society
Dr. Mark and Dr. Teresa Bettag
Dr. John and Dr. Kathryn Goetz
Phillip and Barbara Hesselbein
Kurt and Kathy Kellogg
Philip and Nancy Lundman
Scott and Susanne Mayer
Dr. John and Marilyn Starynski
Dr. Ken and Dr. Mary Anne
James and Debbie Wozniak
Dr. John and Amy Yadgir
Cornerstone Society
Exhibit Systems
Faust Greenhouse
Landa Cleary Travel Company,
Senglaub Financial Group
Veritas Financial Services, LLC
Women of Christ Leadership Team
Anthony and Linda Adams
Jose Avila
Mary Bachowski
Philip Jr. and Barbara Bail
Maureen Balistreri
Kevin and Dianne Bay
Josef Becker
David and Paula Beine
Charles and Jennifer Boehm
Robert and Mary Breuer
Anthony and Andrea Bryant
Mary Ellen Burrescia
Denise Carroll
John Cattani
Linda Clerkin
Brion and Jennifer Collins
Steven Cronce
Jon and Elizabeth Cyganiak
Stephen and Laura Deguire
Salvatore and Gayle Dragotta
Tom Dugan
Marian Fassbender
Steven and Monica Fieweger
John Fischer
Richard and Diane Floryance
Michelle Forster
Mary Frey
Robert and Eugenie Friedman
Christopher and Kristen Gabel
Kevin and Bridget Gaughan
Ronald and Judy Gaulke
Jeff Keeling and Dr. Mary Eileen
Gerardo and Josephine Gonzalez
Ron and Michele Grall
Michael and Renee Gratz
Eugene and Julie Anne Guzniczak
Joseph and Betty Hamm
Steve and Judy Hansen
Michael and Jennifer Hartnett
Thomas and Theresa Hayssen
Robert and Amy Hietala
David and Julie Hribar
Dr. Peter and Yvonne Jahnke
Harlu and Karen Keller
Gregory and Regina Kennin
Lois Ketterhagen
Andrew and Sharon Kiselicka
Dr. Mark and Mary Knabel
Steven and Beatrice Krivos
Thomas and Clare Kuble
David and Michelle Larson
Kenneth and Maureen Lawniczak
Dr. James and Jean Linn
Rick and Laura Lyons
Richard and Paula Magliocco
Kurt and Jennifer Maltby
Michael and Pamela Matenaer
Steve and Ruth McGuire
Mary Medicus
Joseph Metrish
Joseph Meyer
Glenn Miller
Nicholas Moen
Richard and Lucille Moran
Father Robert Mueller
Claudia Nassaralla
Robert and Maria Neddersen
Joseph and Martha Nennig
Michael and Tobey Neuberger
Kevin and Leslie O’Brien
Agnes Obst
Russell and Kathleen Paulin
Jack and Diane Perrone
Paul and Mary Ann Petri
Nikolo and Gina Quinones
Cathy Rakers
Mike and Sharon Reichert
William Renz
Edward Robb
Betty Jane Roethle
Angela Schmitz
James and Marion Sember
Joseph and Elizabeth Senglaub
William and Cheryl Serb
Dr. Franklin and Krishna Smith
Steven and Arlene Spiegelhoff
Al Staehler
Frank and Terrie Stangl
Steven and Jo Anne Swanson
Michael Talaska
Jim Van Gemert
Gary Vogel
Marjorie Vukelich
Joel Wade
Christopher Wanta
John and Kim Weidmann
Jude and Nora Werra
Carol Wieseler
Arthur and Mary Ann Wigchers
Allison Wilke
Dr. Richard and Kathleen
Donald and Janice Zuern
Anonymous (5)
AMDG Medical
Aquinas Academy
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Sartori Food Corporation
Sharon Cutwell Co., Inc.
Trinity Academy
Thomas and Lisa Adams
Barb Althaus
George and Ellen Barker
Monica Bartley
John and Julia Bastin
Elizabeth Baszler
Felipe Bayron
Kevin Beck
Drusella Becker
Todd Becker
Thomas and Mary Bernacchi
Barbara Bichler
Jacqueline Blankenheim
Bob Boehler
William Bonifas
Edward Bonkoski
James and Bonnie Bougie
Dr. Andrew and Carrissa Brayer
Mary Brennan
Bernadine Brey
Timothy and Amy Briscoe
Dianne Burbank
Kim Butcher
Rosemary Buth
James and Judith Callan
Edward and Dorothy Capper
Guy and Terri Cardamone
Lynn Casperson
Stephen Centinario, Jr.
Ron and Kathy Champeny
John and Janis Coakley
John and Irma Crescio
Joseph and Stephanie Dailey
Steve and Eva Danner
June DaSilva
James and Carol Daun
Mary Decesaro
James and Mary Degenhardt
Kathy Dei
Joseph and Mary Kay Dentice
Andrew and Monica Dentino
Mary Jane Denton
Joy Devine
Patrick Diehn
James and Laneille Dieringer
Thomas Dineen
Gilbert and Linda Dominguez
“Relevant Radio is a wonderful light to the Catholic Church which
guides us all on our path of sanctification to heaven.”
Mark – 100.1 FM - Waukesha, WI
100.1 FM WPJP
Dollar-A-Day... cont’d
Thomas and Tamara Donnelly
Anthony Dorszynski
Rocio Doumanis
Rhea Dricken
Charles DuFrane
Bruce and Elizabeth Duncan
Randy and Tana Everts
Katherine Fischer
Abe and Janet Fisher
Jan Fisher
Cheryl Fox
Robert and Theresa Fox
Thomas and Katie Frelk
Daniel and Marybeth Gabler
Leif and Patti Gardner
Matthew and Beth Garni
Georgene Gazdik
Diane Gilbertson
Donna Gillen
Raymond and Mary Glowacki
Elizabeth Go
Joseph and Aimee Goetter
Torey Graham
Mary Grassel
John Gregor, Jr.
Patrick and Beth Griffin
Daniel Haas
Gordon and Sarah Hammill
Robert and Andrea Hart
Marita Hartshorn
Ann Hayden
John and Barbara Hayden
Vicki Heideman
Thomas and Christine Helm
Michael and Geraldine Heppe
Gary and Denise Herbert
David and Linda Holzinger
Patrick Hope
Kathy Hotz
Gail Huber
John and Margaret Iannitello
Robert and Diane Jaburek
Leon Jacoby
Michael Jacques
Jeanne Jaeger
Matthew and Karen Janes
John and Karen Jaskie
Dr. Alan and Cheryl Johnson
Ann Kaczmarek
George and Martha Kersten
David and Katherine Knaack
Kurt and Maureen Konkel
Lysette Kopecky
Jason Kopp
Paul and Virginia Kopp
Miles and Kathleen Kosovich
Dennis and Mary Jo Kowalinski
John and Sandra Krieger
Barbara Krings
Annemarie Krolicki
Maryjane Kroll
Timothy Krull
David and C. L. Kunze
Thomas Kurz
Mark and Lisa LaFond
Richard and Janice Lang
Robert and Mariann Larsen
Marlyne Laughlin
Donald and Anne Lawinger
Gerald and Kimberly Lee
Gerald and Victoria Lee
Randy and Erica Leistiko
Dorothy LePine
Marc and Rebekah Leupi
James and Kay Lubeck
Jennifer Lubeck
George Ludwig
James and Theresa Maciejewski
Barbara Maglio
Patricia Mahoney
Beth Maniero
Jennifer Manzano
Michael and Joni Matenaer
Jerry and Mary Beth Mayer
Patrick and Julia McDevitt
Donna McDonald
Peter McFadzen
Stephen and Moira McManus
Beverly Melius
Joseph and Margaret Mentink
Michael Mertens
Francis and Mathilda Messa
John and Patricia Metrish
Mary Metzger
Dale and Kate Meyer
Raymond and Geraldine Meyer
James and Helen Michaletz
Michael Michelz
Evelyn Milas
Dr. Todd and Colleen Miller
Jason and Laura Molitor
George and Anita Muckerheide
Maureen Mulcahy
Barry and Geri Murre
Annie Nolan
Thomas and Rosanne Nosacek
Mary Ann O’Connor
Lincoln and Mary Oro
Donald and Sharon Orth
John and Mary Pandl
Michael and Tina Pandl
Matthew and Sarah Parlier
Robert and Pamela Pericak
Christopher and Leann Peterson
Sherry Plevak
Timothy and Katherine Pomroy
Tom and Amanda Ramthun
Michael Reger
Steven Reilly
Deborah Roehr
Kenneth and Louise Rogers
Gregory and Karen Romagna
Bernadette Roubal
Bill and Susan Rusch
John and Kathleen Saunders
Michael and Debra Schalk
Luci Scheff
Larry and Linda Schmidt
Anthony Scholten
Germaine Schommer
Mary Schoofs
Robert and Jennifer Schuler
Michael and Mary Schultz
Richard and Colleen Schumaker
William and Elizabeth Schumaker
Peter and Nancy Schwabe
Ronald and Juliette Schwartz
Raymond Schweder
Jason and Stacey Seim
Doug and Terry Siedsma
Lena Siegert
Thomas and Anne Simonis
Philip and Debra Sliwinski
Dr. Barbara Spies
Erik and Heidi Stanton
Steven and Jill Stecker
Greg and Mary Ellen Steger
Robert and Rochelle Steininger
Anne Therese Stephens
Robert and Joan Stevenson
Dr. Scott and Cynthia Stillwell
William and Mary Stoiber
David and Laura Streator
Marlene Sweet
Ronald Szymanski
Emily Tannel
Thomas and Pamela Taugher
Jim and Janet Temmer
Mary Theisen
Charles and Kelly Thimm
William and MaryEllen Thompson
Joel and Sharon Tomski
Adam Tooke
Margaret Tradewell
Laurie Turner
David and Michelle Uttke
Michael and Melissa
Vander Sanden
Chad and Amy Waldvogel
Gregg and Melissa Warner
Vincent and Rhonda Weber
Mathew Wessels
Jerome and Barbara Wichgers
Dennis and Margaret Wiedmeyer
Deborah Winget
Robert Wisniewski
Dennis and Amy Wolf
Thomas and Mary Wolf
Brian and Angela Wolfe
Raymond Jr. and Karen Wollner
Torsten and Christine Wurm
Lisa Zeit
Terrence and Jill Zignego
Donald Zinda
Anonymous (5)
40 Days for Life
Action Coach
Algonquin Manor / Bradley
AmeriSign and Graphics
Animal Slurry Pumping, LLC (SP,
Aquinas Academy
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
ATI Physical Therapy
Basilica of Holy Hill
Benefit Companies and Benefits,
Bunzels Old Fashioned Meats
Caritas for Children, Inc.
Cathedral Consulting
Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Catholic Charities of Milwaukee
Catholic Family Life Insurance
Catholic Herald - Milwaukee
Catholic Press Apostolate
Catholic Knights
Catholic Knights - Headquarters
Catholic Knights - Phil Sliwinski
Cedar Creek Winery
Christel & Heiberger Builders,
Clement Manor
Columbia St. Mary’s
Compassionate Home and
Hospice Care
Comprehensive Counseling
“When I listen to you, it’s like having a retreat in my home!”
Caroline – 92.9 FM - Wausau, WI
100.1 FM WPJP
Advertisers... cont’d
Creative Living Environment
D & M Heating & Air Conditioning
Dalum Family Foundation
Deacon Jack Fernan
Discalced Carmelite Friars (The
Basilica of Holy Hill)
Dunne Commercial Properties
Eddies Service Inc (American Car
Care Centers)
Elizabeth Residence
Emerald Isle Marketing/PR
Exhibit Systems
Faust Greenhouse
Fichtner Painting
Fireside Theatre
Floor Mart of Brookfield
Frantl Industries, Inc.
Guardian Life Insurance
Hahn’s Water Well Service
Hartland Terrace Assisted Living
Home Sealed
International Monetary Systems
Italian Community Center/Festa
Jam Hospitality
John Paul II Center/Theology of
the Body
Light Up Your Marriage
Living Dimensions Real Estate
Manders Picture Framing Service,
Marcus Productions/Footlights
Marian Center
Men of Christ
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Milwaukee Business Journal
Milwaukee NARI Home
Improvement Show
Milwaukee Reperatory Theatre
Mortgage 2000
National Office of Post Abortion
Olive Promotions for Community
Open Hearth Restaurant
Paratech Ambulance Service
Pasternak & Zirgibel SC
Plant Associates, Inc.
Pregnancy Help Center
Pro-Life Wisconsin
Queen of Apostles
Redemptorist Retreat Center
Response Link
Sheboygan Cancer & Blood
Silver Spring Coin & Gem
Soho Publishing, LLC
St. Anne’s Salvatorian Campus
St. Camillus
St. Dominic Catholic Parish
St. Francis de Sales Seminary
St. Joseph Parish
St. Lawrence Seminary High
St. Mary of the Hill
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Summit Investment Management
Sunday TV Mass
The Salvatorians
Today’s Health
Town Bank
Trinity Academy
Uncle Josh’s Bait Company
United Health Care
USA Funding Inc
Vena - The Varicose Vein Institute
Veritas Financial Services, LLC
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
Wild Tree
Wisconsin Right to Life
Women of Christ Conference
Women’s Guild of St. Francis
YouNique Photography
John and Diane Schroedel
John and Nancy Skoug
Melvin and Eugenia Springer
Eric and Marcy Stenstrom
Joseph and Vernell Theisen
Linda Thompson
Anonymous (1)
GK & Associates
David and Serma Bennish
Michael and Debbie Bourguignon
Carrie Budzinski
Bob Buker
Michael and Marilyn Davison
Julie Dozer
Jay and Kathleen Drobnik
Roger and Roberta Elliott
Dr. Theodore and Barbara Fox
William and Christine Giebel
Dr. Michael and Frances Gontarz
Timothy and Nicole Grzesiak
Barbara Haynes
William Heil
Kipling and Sheala Hoppe
Rose Marie Kerner
Matt and Sally Korbisch
Bonnie Lemke
Allard and Tammy Meverden
James Moermond
David and Rita Murdock
Kevin Novak
John Proulx
Mark and Connie Roberts
Gary Rudemiller
Thomas and Elaine Schneider
Donald Schnelle
Luella Schreiner
Laura Sedivy
Wayne and Natalie Staley
Ken and Marcia Tokarz
Gary and Laurie Townsend
Betty Wisler
Anonymous (1)
92.9 FM WYNW
(on-air 4/21/2003)
St. Gabriel Society
Mary Kroupa
Jeffrey and Amy Plier
Cornerstone Society
Pablo and Araceli Amador
Michele Dirks
James and Mary Draeger
Dale and Judy Garfield
Stephen and Rebecca Hack
Kevin and Andrea Hagen
Bryan and Michelle Hilts
David and Bonnie Kaiser
Mel and Rhonda Kaiser
Roy and Kathy Kocik
Jason and Judith Kozikowski
Mathias Saxe
Wisconsin Rapids
93.9 FM WMMA
(on-air 10/2/2002)
St. Gabriel Society
Maher Water Corporation
Dona Konz
Avis Pings
James and Sharon Schmutzer
Kevin and Mary Wolosek
Cornerstone Society
Dirks Group
Glinski, Klein, Anderson & Haka
Joseph Lang Charitable
Foundation Trust
St. Joachim Parish
Lee and Pamela Alt
Jeffrey and Dana Ashbeck
Dr. Gerald and Frances Beyerl
George and Eujoo Breitenstein
Nathan and Betty Brockman
Gregory and Jill Brostowitz
Colette Dahlke
Dr. Christopher and Melanie
Robert Sr. and Catherine Dippen
William and Diane Dombrowski
Ann Dorobek
Eleanor Dziki
Mark and Michele Flatoff
Andy and Becky Franz
Robert and Jessica Giese
Thomas and Theresa Glavin
Kenneth and Ann Glazer
Bob and Barb Groholski
Matt and Cristie Hess
Tim and Pamela Huebner
Keith and Susan Imm
Craig and Lisa Jamison
Steve and Donna Jeske
Dr. Robert and Susan Koontz
Bernard III and Laura Lager
Walter and Anne Lobner
Michael and Mary MacLaren
Doug and Romona Manning
Gary Manning
Karl and Betty Merkel
Vincent and Mary Metcalf
William and Cathy Nelson
Roger and Jean Olson
Maxine Peroutka
Sally Peterson
Don and Louise Pett
Walter and Geralynn Rasmussen
Michael and Ann Marie Reilly
Paul and Joan Richmond
Roman and Kay Schaefer
Jim Schweich
Ken Simon
Arnold Steines
James and Terri Stott
Gerald and Yvonne Susa
Michael and Mary Voss
Dr. Timothy Wengert
“Relevant Radio stopped me from committing suicide!”
Anonymous – 93.9 FM WMMA - Wisconsin Rapids, WI
93.9 FM WMMA
Cornerstone Society... cont’d
John and Dana Wogerman
Wolosek & Wolosek, CPSs, SC
Chris Aderhold
Dan and Caren Alsides
Michael and Juanita Arttus
Bernice Becker
Orlando and Vivian Bellini
Dean and Jill Benjamin
Margaret Benzschawel
Steve and Pamela Bilderback
Arthur and Elaine Boucher
Dr. James Bowman
Dr. William and Susan Boylan
Jason and Darcy Bunn
Jody and Judy Conner
Mildred Covill
Lamont and Frances Dechant
Scott and Kelli Dempze
Peter and Susan Derleth
Bob and Bonnie Draxler
Thomas and Julie Dunn
Jim and Maryann Erdman
Joel and Christine Feucht
Thomas and Roseann Frank
Lawrence and Elaine Gagas
Robert and Vivian Gamble
Paul Glavin
Todd Gruna
Jack and JoAnn Hackman
Stanley Heidger
Ray and Cindy Heitzinger
Mildred Hoffman
Michael and Lori Horgan
Tom and Kathleen Huebl
Paul and Elizabeth Janssen
John and Adonna Jaskolski
Joseph and Helen Jersey
Steven and Susan Jilk
Don and Cheryl Jochman
Darrell and Kathleen Johnson
Jesse and Constance Johnson
Reverend Steven Kachel
Brian and Jean Kaiser
Samuel and Phyllis Kaiser
Karazan Family
Paulette Karper
Christopher and Terra Keding
Bernice Keenan
Tara Kircher
Ron Kirschling
Scott and Carolyn Klika
Paul and Dawn Klingbeil
Michael and Annette Knutson
Thomas and Patricia Koenings
Walter and Joan Konopa
Kevin and Shelly Korger
Dave and Margaret Kraus
Jon and Adelyn Krings
Karen Kuczynski
Randy Kuklinski
Steven and Karen Kunze
Marie Laska
John and Sherry Lazar
Karen Lee
William and Carolin Maguire
Casey and Helen Marek
Judi Marquard
Janet McCauley
Patricia Mesko
Todd and Sylvia Mews
Mark and Lisa Mueller
Gerald and Mary Nelson
Richard and Paula Nesbitt
Nancy Oltesvig
Clark and Betty Jane Pallen
Karen Quella
Sharon Rollins
Louis and Libby Rosandick
Jerome and Wendy Ruesch
Dorothy Sankey
Dr. Michael and Deborah Schaefer
Joshua and Deborah Schoenick
Merlin and Karen Schooley
Scott and Kim Schooley
Victor and Phyllis Schultz
James and Cynthia See
Theresa Selenske
Mark and Kay Shawbitz
Wayne Sherman
Joseph and Pamela Siegler
Neal Sigmund
Fred and Carmen Simonis
Raymond and Kathleen Sommers
Charles and Linda Spindler
Annette Stashek
Jim and Mary Sterzinger
Mark and Angela Sturzl
Harvey Suckow
Kenneth and Chris Sulzer
John and Veronica Sustar
John and Dorothy Tambornino
DuWayne and Shirley Tremmel
Jeanne VanErt
Mark and Diane Wanta
James and Jeannette Warzynski
Dawn Wenker
Dorothy Wojciek
Elaine Zarcone
Larry and Eunice Zwicki
Anonymous (3)
2 Lights Media
Ameriprise Financial
Arts Council of South Wood County
Ballweg Automotive Group
Center for Human Development
Dirks Group
Family Natural Foods
Gremmer & Associates, Inc.
Gwen’s Greenhouse
Hannah Center
Home and Garden Party
Lincoln Lanes & Banquet Center
Maher Water Corporation
Marshfield Area Catholic Schools
Marshfield Deanery
Ministry Health Care
Morgan Sand & Gravel
MTA Communications
Nekoosa Port Edwards State Bank
Park Ridge Catholic Gifts, LLC
Purity Products
Riverview Hospital
Shepherds Gifts
St. Bronislava Parish
St. Therese Parish
Tri-City Refrigeration, Inc.
Wisconsin Rapids Area Catholic
Every attempt is made to
ensure the accuracy of our
donor listings. We apologize
for any omissions or errors.
Please call 1-877-291-0123
with any corrections.
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