Gis development in the department of agriculture sabah
Gis development in the department of agriculture sabah
Presented by Elizabeth Malangkig Assistant Director (Research) 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 1 I. II. III. IV. V. INTRODUCTION FUNCTION HISTORY GIS CONCLUDING REMARKS Note: This Is Not A Technical Presentation 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 2 OBJECTIVE OF THIS PAPER: To share experience on GIS development within DOA Sabah To inform on the capacity of the DOA in Land Resource Management 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 3 DOA Sabah through the Land Research and Resource Management Section conducts the ongoing project recognized as the Present Land Use Survey (PLUS) with the objective: To Buildup And Update Spatial Data on The Present Land Use Pattern Of The State Of Sabah …………….Land Resource Management 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 4 LANDUSE COVER 2009 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 5 o Conducts Soil Survey o Reconnaissance o Semi Detail o Detail SOIL CLASSIFICATION USDA, Soil Taxonomy Order : Spodosols Suborder: Orthods Great group: Haplorthods Subgroup: Typic Haplorthods Family: sandy, siliceous, isohyperthermic FAO/Unesco Legend Soil Group: Podzols Soil Unit: Orthic Podzols Local Classification Sabah: Silimpopon Family Sarawak: Silantik Series Pen. Malaysia: No equivalent 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 6 Morphology & Physical Diagnostic Horizon: Albic E and Spodic B. Colour: light grey of E, dark brown to brownish of B. Texture: loamy sand. Consistence: friable at <30cm and slightly compact to compact at 31cm to 50cm (Fe&Al). Structure: structureless and single grain. Drainage: somewhat imperfectly to moderately well drained. 12/7/2010 Chemical Properties pH : acid to strongly acid Org. Carbon: very low. Easily soluble P: low to very low. Exch. Bases: low. Base saturation: high on surface but very low on the subsurface. CEC: low to very low. ECEC: low Exch. Al : moderate on the upper horizon but high on the lower horizon (60% 90% Al saturation). PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 7 Soil Limitation Soil texture of loamy sand. Soil structure. Low nutrients status. Shallow soil profile. Crop Suitability Only recommended to short rooting crops such as vegetables and cash crops, or pasture. Soil Management Applying organic material and adequate fertilizer. Liming 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 8 Land Suitability Evaluation (for Agricultural Crops) o Soil Classification o Topography o Climate (Rainfall) o Crop Requirement o o Crop Suitability 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 9 Aerial Photography : 12/7/2010 Taken between 1958–1970 by RAF (1:50,000/60,000). Labuk Valley (1:30,000) taken in 1962 for the UNDP study). 1:25,000 scale taken by Forestal Ltd. Vancouver Canada under the auspices of the Colombo Plan Canadian Aid for Forest Inventory Purposes. PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 10 Topographic maps: 1:500 000 published by Land and Survey Sabah in 1964 (DNMM MISC. 37) Maps 1:50,000 also available published by British Directorate of Overseas Survey or Directorate of Military (DMS) Geology and Landform (Collenette 1954, 1958, 1965; Fitch 1955, 1959; Wilford, 1960; and Wilson 1961; Wilson & Wong 1964) 1970 – First Land Cover for most part of Sabah 1:50,000 scale Photogrammetry 2009-2010 – Converted to Digital 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 11 1993 (6th. MP) – GIS Technology introduced into DOA Sabah Initial start-up PC ArcInfo Sun Workstation DOS Digitising Table Mainly for conversion of Land Use Maps into Digital Maps 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 12 One of the Pioneer in GIS (Sabah) Present Land Use Study (PLUS) Soil Resources Capacity : Hardware & Software: - ArcGIS ArcEditor - ArcGIS ArcView - Geomedia Professional - ENVI – Image processing software - R2V – Raster to Vector - Global Mapper 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 13 1970 – First Land Cover for most part of Sabah 8th. Malaysia Plan 1:50,000 scale Photogrammetry 2009-2010 Converted to Digital Data Use of Satelite Imagery Landsat, RadarSat 9th. Malaysia Plan SPOT 4, SPOT 5 for Land Cover IFSAR for DEM, DTM, Slope Map 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 14 SLOPE MAP DERIVED FROM IFSAR DTM LAND USE 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 15 LANDUSE COVER FOR NORTHERN SABAH SOURCE: SPOT 5 2009 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 16 LAND USE (2000) 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 17 Data Conversion (Digital Geospatial Data) 12/7/2010 Soil Data (Soils of Sabah, NB50 Series, 1974) Land Capability Classification Project (LCCP Map) Detail Soil Survey Reports/Maps District Soil Survey Reports/Maps PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 18 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 19 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 20 AGRO-CLIMATIC MAP 1997 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 21 DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS SUITABLE FOR AGRICULTURE 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 22 HOW DO WE USE GIS? STRENGTH OF GIS Integration and Visualisation tool Data Organisation Data Analysis Aggregation of Data on the basis of geographic location Spatial Analysis An example CROP SUITABILITY DETERMINATION 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 23 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU CROP SUITABILITY DETERMINATION SOIL SUITABILITY CLASSIFICATION SOIL SURVEY MAPPING UNIT - LIMITATION TO CROP GROWTH - SUITABILITY CLASSES - CROP REQUIREMENTS(Climate, Soil, Topography) - Crop Suitability (Suitable, Marginal, Unsuitable) 24 Soil Properties Soil characteristics Terrain Slope Effective depth Texture soil Structure Climate Consistency Drainage Physiography CEC (meq./100 g soil) Soil acidity (pH values) Peat layer (depth in cm) Non-Limiting Desirable 0 - 2 degrees Or Degree or intensity of limitation Moderate Serious 2 - 6 degrees 6 - 12 degrees >90 cm 75 to 90 cm 50 to 75 cm Very serious >12 degrees <50 cm clay; silty clay sandy clay; clay loam; silty clay loam; weak to moderate, fine to medium subangular blocky loam; sandy clay loam; sandy loam; loamy sand; sand well to moderately well 2.00 to 4.00 excessive >8.00 imperfect moderately well 4.00 to 8.00 > 5.0 4.5 – 5.0 4.0 - 4.5 < 4.0 < 10cm 10 - 30 30 - 50 > 50 weak coarse subangular blocky; structure-less plough layer below 30 cm very poor to poor to <2.00 Landuse Land Suitable for Padi 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 25 • GIS is a tool • Data visualisation, integration, spatial analysis • Informed decision making • Efficient, productive • Continually evolving for better efficiency • Easy to learn 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 26 THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION VIEW OF KUNDASANG FROM DREAM WORLD RESORT 12/7/2010 PROMENADE HOTEL TAWAU 27