walnut valley unified school district
walnut valley unified school district
WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Location: District School:____________ State Priority 1: Credentials/Materials/Facilities Goal: All facilities, materials and teachers credentials, will be monitor, maintained and provided, so all students will learn in a safe, clean environment, with the appropriate materials and highly qualified teachers. Objectives Actions/Steps Credentials WVUSD will ensure all teachers are fully WVUSD Human Resources Department credentialed meeting state requirements will continue to recruit and hire highly and highly qualified per Federal guidelines. qualified educators with appropriate credentials. WVUSD will identify needs and align credential holders to support the WVUSD Human Resources Department classroom subject matter and student will continue to conduct annual monitoring achievement. to verify credential alignment. To include annual trainings for staff responsible for monitoring credentials. WVUSD will continue to provide effective support for teachers in General and Special Education during first and second year. WVUSD will ensure that a trained support provider will provide intensive individualized support and assistance for each new teacher as they complete induction to earn their clear credential Metric Verification of fully credentialed new hires is required within WVUSD. Screening of credential to class schedules to attain 100% compliance. HR staff to attend annual trainings to keep up to date on State and Federal guidelines. Success and completion rate of our newly hired certified staff will indicate progress. WVUSD will continue to encourage and/or recommend an Induction Program that is in alignment with all accreditation standards Success of the Induction Program will and guidelines to all new teachers. show the positive outcome of WVUSD efforts to support new certificated staff. WVUSD will provide information, training, materials, and professional development to new teachers and mentors to support successful completion of all clear The additional added authorizations and/or credentialing requirements. advanced degrees attained by certificated staff. 1 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” WVUSD will support and encourage continuing education to obtain additional authorizations to broaden teaching opportunities and staffing flexibility for district. WVUSD Human Resources Department will build relationships with local higher education institutions to foster opportunities in continuing education for teachers by 2015. WVUSD Human Resources Department will inform and encourage teachers in special education and special settings to pursue the Verification Process for Special Settings certification (VPSS) and or other opportunities as they are provided to the district by 2015. Materials WVUSD will convert from the California State Standards to the Common Core State Standards. WVUSD will complete the conversion from CST to CCSS in the areas of Language Arts and Math by 2015, and Social Studies and Science by 2016. Student outcome. WVUSD will continue to integrate technology to support student learning including alignment with CCSS. WVUSD Technology and Educational Calendars, Agendas, Sign-In Sheets, Services Departments will continue to work Flyers/Survey Monkey. together to provide professional development for certificated and classified staff in the area of technology integration/CCSS alignment within the classroom. WVUSD will provide the ability for all students to have equal access to state aligned textbooks, instructional materials, and technology. Teachers, administrators and parents, with the Common Core State Standards Materials’ work team, will evaluate grade level/CCSS specific textbooks, instructional materials, and technology to ensure alignment by 2015. Review Adoption Cycle Process. Presentation to WVUSD Cabinet. 2 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” WVUSD will keep a district wide inventory system and maintenance program of technology devices and equipment. Facilities WVUSD will continue to modernize and maintain the infrastructure of district wide technology. WVUSD will implement more green facilities throughout the district. WVUSD will continue to maintain safe and functional facilities. WVUSD Technology Department will present an annual report on technology inventory and a plan to refresh technology with an emphasis on equal access to students. WVUSD Business, Technology and Educational Services Departments develop a District wide technology plan to determine the technological needs of school sites and departments with the implementation of the plan to begin in 2015. WVUSD Business Division will develop a “Go Green” plan to possibly include; Nonflush urinals, solar tubes/sky lights, solar panel, CA native plants, etc. Implementation of the plan to begin in 2015. WVUSD Business Division will conduct an annual needs assessment and a safety inspection to be implemented by 2015. Cabinet Review. Board Quarterly Report Cabinet Review. Board Quarterly Report Cabinet Review. Board Quarterly Report 3 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Location: District School:____________ State Priority 2: Adopt Standards General Goal: All students will attain proficiency in the core content areas. Objectives Actions/Steps Metric CCSS • • All teachers, instructional support staff, and administrators will receive in-depth professional development training on Common Core State Standards implementation strategies All students (including, but not limited to English Language Development, special education, etc.) will receive Common Core State Standards education. By June 2015, all teachers, instructional support staff and administrators will have received in-depth training on Common Core overview, standards, and instructional shifts, Depth of Knowledge, Mathematical Practices, English/Language Arts Capacities and 21st Century Skills. Professional development will continue on text-based evidence, close reading, instructional strategies and assessments. District and sites will continue to develop implementation plans regarding technology as an instructional tool including purchases and training of staff and students with the support of District Technology Coaches. District and site time will be provided for collaboration, unit and lesson preparation, deepening understanding of implementation process of Common Core State Standards. • • • • • District and site sign-in sheets at all district and site meetings Review of all material handouts related to CCSS education Calendars of trainings/meetings and related events Teacher, administrator, instructional support surveys Formative, summative and state assessments 4 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” By June 2016, a year-long curriculum map and the corresponding units of study will be written and implemented in both English/Language Arts and math; professional development will continue based on teacher input via survey. District and sites will continue to develop implementation plans regarding technology as an instructional tool including purchases and training of staff and students. District and site time will be provided for collaboration, unit and lesson preparation, deepening understanding of implementation process of Common Core State Standards. By June 2017, professional development will continue based on teacher input via survey and state implementation of new content standards. Training on newly adopted instructional materials will be provided as materials are implemented in classrooms. District and sites will continue to develop implementation plans regarding technology as an instructional tool including purchases and training of staff and students. District and site time will be provided for collaboration, unit and lesson preparation, deepening understanding of implementation process of Common Core State Standards. 5 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” ELD Standards • WVUSD will adopt the English Language Development (ELD) Common Core Standards with full implementation by developing the California English Language Development Implementation Plan. • The ELD committee will finalize the In alignment with Title III, Improvement Plan: ELD Implementation Plan by providing recommendations to the three phases of the • By December 2014, the district will Implementation Plan: develop a working draft of the 1) The Awareness Phase California English Language 2) The Transition Phase Development Implementation Plan. 3) The Implementation Phase • During the Awareness Phase of the Implementation Plan, the district will introduce the California English Language Development Standards to stakeholders, plan systems of implementation, and establish collaborations among stakeholders. • By June 2014, teachers will take an online survey to determine additional professional learning opportunities. • By June 2014, the District will create a professional development calendar for administrators, teachers, and classified staff on the Common Core Standards in English Language Arts, English Language Development, and Math. • By June 2015, 100% of teachers, instructional support staff and administrators will have received indepth training on the overview of the California English Language Development standards and instructional shifts as evidence by sign-in sheets. 6 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • • During the Transition Phase of the California English Language Development Implementation Plan, the district will concentrate on building foundational resources, implement needs assessments, establish new professional learning opportunities, and expand collaborations between all stakeholders. During the Implementation Phase of the California English Language Development Implementation Plan, the district will expand new professional learning support systems, full alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessments, and effective • By June 2016, English Learner parents will have received an indepth overview of the California English Language Development Standards as evidenced by sign-in sheets. • By September 2014, a district committee of teachers will develop new English Language Arts/English Language Development benchmarks aligned to the California English Language Development standards for grades K-12. • By June 2015, supplemental materials for English Language Development will be purchased as needed to support students with the CCSS curriculum based on their instructional language level. • By June 2015, curriculum planning days will be provided to teachers for collaboration, unit and lesson preparation, and deepening understanding of implementation process of Common Core State Standards as evidenced by sign-in sheets. 7 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” integration of these elements across the field. • By June 2015, teachers will take an online survey to determine additional professional learning opportunities. • By June 2015, English Language Development strategies will be infused into the curriculum maps and the corresponding units of study. • By June 2015, the district will purchase new English Language Arts/English Language Development instructional materials if the state has an approved list for the Local Educational Agencies. • By June 2016, teachers, administrators, and instructional staff will be trained on newly adopted instructional materials will be provided as materials are implemented in classrooms as evidenced by sign-in sheets. • By 2016, a district committee will refine the English Language Arts/English Language Development summative and formative assessments. • By June 2016, the district and sites will continue to develop implementation plans regarding technology as an instructional tool 8 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • for English Learners including purchases and training of staffs. By June 2017, professional development will continue based on teacher input via survey and state implementation of new content standards. Special Education To support the curricular needs of special education students within the Common Core State Standards. By June 2015, Special Ed teachers will be given common time for collaboration with their peers regarding accommodations and modifications that will be necessary in order for students to access Common Core State Standards. Professional development will continue based on teacher input via survey and feedback from general education teachers. Supplemental materials will be purchased as needed to help students implement the Common Core State Standards. curriculum at their instructional level. District and site time will be provided for collaboration, unit and lesson preparation, deepening understanding of implementation process of Common Core State Standards. • All special education staff will receive training on Common Core State Standards, as pertaining to the special needs population. Signatures from participants will be collected. • Signatures of participant will be collected. • Specifically designed materials for Common Core State Standards. , as pertaining to special populations will be purchased and distributed. Receipts will be collected and kept on file. By June 2016, strategies that support the special education population will be infused into the curriculum maps and the corresponding units of study. Professional development will continue based on 9 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” teacher input via survey. District and sites will continue to develop implementation plans regarding technology as an instructional tool including purchases and training of staffs. Supplemental materials will be purchased as needed to help students implement the CCSS curriculum at their instructional level. Full alignment of special education goals with Common Core State Standards. District and site time will be provided for collaboration, unit and lesson preparation, deepening understanding of implementation process of Common Core State Standards. By June 2017, professional development will continue based on teacher input via survey and state implementation of new content standards. Training on newly adopted instructional materials will be provided as materials are implemented in classrooms. Supplemental materials will be purchased as needed to help students implement the Common Core State Standards curriculum at their instructional level. District and sites will continue to develop implementation plans regarding technology as an instructional tool including purchases and training of staff and students. District and site time will be provided for collaboration, unit and lesson preparation, 10 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” deepening understanding of implementation process of Common Core State Standards. 11 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Location: District School:____________ State Priority 3: Parental Involvement General Goal: Provide information and opportunities for parents of all students to have a voice and advocate for their child’s education. Objectives Actions/Steps Metric Seeking Input • • • • Educate and communicate with parents effectively in all major WVUSD languages Clearly define an avenue of communication for all parents to express concerns, seek information, and receive responses. Record and make accessible for later viewing all major parent presentations for parents unable to attend. Provide facilities and staff to encourage active parent participation. • • • • • • • Determine key languages by district and school Provide written and Connect Ed communications in English and primary languages. Update AERIES (Student Information System), with correspondence language. Investigate text messaging as a tool for communication Investigate and purchases hardware necessary for recording of informational presentations. Upload and maintains informational presentations on district website. Develop a parent brochure/pamphlet (available in both print and on the website) that gives information on whom to call. • • • • A list of languages used by stakeholders, will be compiled by the Educational Services Division. The list will be available in the Assessment Center. A list of Parent Liaisons will be compiled and available in the Assessment Center. A parent information brochure will be developed by the Educational Services Division, and will be made available to all parents prior to enrolling in the school district. When available, translations will be provided. Parents will be actively recruited by school Principals and District Administrators, to join the different committees and parent advisory groups in the district. 12 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • • • • Recruit and train a network of parent liaisons. Develop a dedicated staff to respond to parent concerns and inquiries. Establish district sponsored parent events (i.e., ice cream social, hot dog BBQ, etc.) to provide a social connection between administration and parents, and disseminate information. Provide child care during parent meetings. 13 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Location: District School:____________ State Priority 4: Pupil Achievement General Goal: All students will have access to high quality core curriculum, enrichment, and intervention in preparation for college and career Objectives State Wide Assessment Objective 1: The Walnut Valley Unified School District will close achievement gaps for all students, specifically in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Objective 2: All K-12 students will participate in ELA and Math formative and summative assessments aligned to California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). Objective 3: All instructional staff will receive professional development in scientifically-based instructional pedagogy and assessment. 3a. All instructional staff will participate in rigorous, ongoing professional development for successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Actions/Steps Metric 1. English Learners, Students with 1a. Programs of intervention and enrichment will be developed and offered Disabilities, Hispanic, White, and AfricanAmerican subgroups will increase to all students. proficiency levels in the California 1b. All K-12 students will have access to Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) by 10% in English counselors by May 2014. Language Arts and 7% in Mathematics by 2016-2017 school year. 1c. All K-12 School Sites will receive support to continue existing and successful interventions and enrichment. 2.100% of K-12 students will participate in ELA and Math formative and summative 2a. Provide funding and align formative assessments aligned to California Assessment of Student Performance and and summative assessments to the Progress (CAASPP) by May 2015. California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) across all grade levels. 3.100% of instructional staff will implement the California Assessment of Student 2b. Sites will use this summative data to Performance and Progress (CAASPP) aligned instruction, intervention, measure intervention and enrichment program quality to support student acceleration, and assessments by May 2015. access to curriculum by May 2015. 14 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” 3b. All instructional staff will be trained on developing and administering California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) aligned assessments. 3a. Provide ongoing funding for District Technology Coaches and professional development on the implementation of the Common Core Standards. 3c. All instructional staff will participate in professional development on and successful implementation of intervention and acceleration of CCSS core curriculum. 3b. Provide assistance and training on developing and administering CAASPP (Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) (California aligned assessments 3c. Provide ongoing funding for professional development for successful implementation of intervention and acceleration of CCSS core curriculum. A – G Completion Rate Objective 1: The Walnut Valley Unified School District will communicate to students, parents, and the community about A-G requirements. Objective 2: Counselors, Grade Level Coordinators and lead teachers will participate in professional development about the A-G requirements. Objective 3: The Walnut Valley Unified School District will build consistency between middle and high school sites. College and Financial Aid Fairs and Career Centers will be available for all high school students. 1a. Beginning in 4th grade parents will 1a. Increase percentage yearly of parental be informed of A-G requirements through involvement in educational opportunities. yearly parent education nights. 1b. By May 2015, all upper elementary 1b. Upper elementary instructional staff instructional staff will participate in A-G will participate in A-G requirement inrequirement in-service. service. 2a. Counselors and GLCs will identify and support all new and current students. 2a. 100% of 7th-12th grade students will have developed with their counselors, Six Year Plans by May 2016. 2b. Site Teams, including counselors, GLCs, and teachers, will identify and provide additional interventions and supports for at-risk students. 2b. 100% of identified at-risk students will participate in additional intervention and support. 15 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Objective 4: Track, monitor, and improve A- 3a. High schools will provide Career G completion rate. Centers and College/Financial Aid Fairs. 3b. High school Four Year Plans will be continued and updated annually. 3a. 100% of all high school students will participate in Career Center by May 2015. 3b. 100% of all high school students and their parents/guardians will participate in a Four Year Plans by May 2014. 3c. Beginning in August 2015, middle school students will transition to use of 3c. 100% of all middle students will begin Six Year Plan and will share annually to develop a Six Year Plan by May 2015. with high school to track and monitor A-G completion rate. 4a. The A-G completion rate will be at 82% by May 2016. CELDT (California English Language Development Test) Proficiency Rates • English Learners (EL) will continue to meet Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives 1 (AMAO) on the state English proficiency assessment. • The district will properly place EL students in the appropriate instructional settings. • The district will monitor student progress using district monitoring tools. Students in elementary will be monitored every trimester. Students at the secondary level will be monitored every semester. Any necessary adjustments will be made at the end of the monitoring period. In alignment with Title III, Improvement Plan: • By June 2015, the percentage of English Learners meeting Annual Measurable Achievement Objective 1 on the Title III Accountability report will increase from 71.8% to 77% on the California English Language Development Test (CELDT). • By the end of each school year, teachers will use the current monitoring tools (Student Oral Language Observation Matrix), and 16 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” year end reports to measure student progress. • • • By the end of each school year, teachers will have administered ELA/ELD benchmarks. • By June 2016, the district will analyze the results of the English Language Proficiency Assessments of California (ELPAC) and the English Language Arts/English Language Development benchmarks and then determine the district goal. The district will align the ELD programs at the High School and Middle Schools in order to provide the necessary support for English Learners to meet the CCSS ELA and ELD standards. • By June 2017, the district will determine the new Title III Accountability goal based on the English Language Proficiency Assessments of California. Teachers will provide consistent and daily English Language Development instruction that is aligned to the Common Core State Standards. • By June 2015, additional English Language Development Instruction and/or Sheltered classes will be offered at the middle schools with the necessary instructional materials. By June 2015, curriculum planning days will be provided to teachers to develop English Language Development lesson plans and • 17 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” English Language Development benchmarks. • By June 2016, the district will meet with the English Language Development liaisons to revisit the English Language Development program to better support English Learners as evidenced by sign-in sheets. • By June 2014, the district and school sites will identify students who have not reclassified but have met proficiency on the California English Language Development Test and provide the list to teachers. • By June 2014, the district will recommend English Language Development intervention for EL students who did not reclassify and for Long Term English Learners. • By June 2014, the district will offer an English Language Development Summer School program for English Learners students for targeted intervention with pre and post assessments. EL Reclassification Rate • English Learners (EL) will continue to meet Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives 2 (AMAO) on the state English proficiency assessment. • The district will focus on increasing the English language proficiency of EL students who did not meet AMAO 2, while decreasing the number of Long Term English Learners (LTELs). 18 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • By June 2015, the percentage of English Learners who have been in schools for 5 years or less meeting AMAO 2 on the Title III Accountability report will increase from 33.5% to 38%. • By June 2015, the percentage of English Learners who have been in schools for 5 years or more meeting AMAO 2 on the Title III Accountability report will increase from 58% to 63%. • By June 2016, the district will analyze the results of the past two years and make any necessary adjustments to further support Long Term English Learners students. Advanced Placement Passing Rate (AP) Objective 1: The AP participation and pass rate will increase yearly. 1a. Provide tutoring support before assessment 1b. Provide funding for teacher training through AP workshops. 1c. Provide funding for teacher compensation for before/after school or weekend tutoring. • Participation rate will increase by 2% each year for the next three years. • Passing rate will increase a minimum of 0.5 % each year for the next three years. 1d. Create a forum for student feedback 19 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” College Early Assessment Objective: Increase Early Assessment Program (EAP) pass rates each year in ELA (all) and Math, if the Early Assessment Program still is available through the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress. 1a. Teachers will administer practice assessments. 1b. Provide funding for teacher compensation for before/after school or weekend tutoring. 1. The number of students reaching a score of 5 or 6 in the English Language Arts test, will increase by 5% each year for the next three years. 2. The number of students “ready for college math”, will increase 2% each year for the next three years. Technology Objective 1: The Walnut Valley Unified School District will provide sufficient numbers of current devices for the dual goals of assessment and instruction. Objective 2: The Walnut Valley Unified School District will provide ongoing professional development for teachers and staff for 21st century instruction. 1. Fund sufficient numbers of current devices for students and staff. 1. 100% of all K-12 students have classroom access to current devices. 2. 100% of instructional staff participate in 21st century professional development. Objective 3: The Walnut Valley Unified School District will provide students the ability to prepare for online assessments with online test preparation. 2. Professional development will be funded and available 12 times per year, including during and after school. CCSS professional development sessions will include 21st century instructional skills. 3a. Students in K-2 will develop basic keyboarding skills and knowledge of computer parts (i.e. monitor, keyboard, etc.) Objective 4: The Walnut Valley Unified School District will identify explicit goals for all K-12 students in digital citizenship. 3b. Students in 3-5 will develop intermediate skills (i.e. use of cloud, PowerPoint, manipulation of a document, etc.) 4. K-12 Digital Literacy Plan will be developed by the end of the first trimester of the 2014-2015 school year, and revisited annually by the WVUSD technology coaches. 3. 80% of all students will obtain mastery of skills at their appropriate grade level on summative assessments measuring technology skills. 20 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Objective 5: The Walnut Valley Unified School District will implement online formative and summative assessments to simulate the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) 3c. Students in middle and high school will understand the components and workings of computers and develop advanced computer skills (i.e. write a blog, manipulate pictures, create a website, record audio tracks, make video, etc.) 5a. 100% of K-12 students will participate in ELA and Math formative and summative assessments that will prepare them to appropriately perform on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) by May 2015. 3d. Create formative and summative assessment for K-2, 3-5, 6-12. 5b.100% of instructional staff will implement the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) aligned assessments by May 2015. 4. Provide funding for the development of a technology curriculum for K-12 students. 5. Provide funding and instructional staff (including Technology Coaches) professional development for development of online formative and summative assessments to simulate the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). 21 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Location: District School:____________ State Priority 5: Pupil Engagement General Goal: Create a learning environment that encourages student attendance and engagement. Objectives Attendance Rates The District will increase its attendance rate by: • 0.5% over the 2014/15 school year • 0.5% over the 2015/16 school year • 0.5% over the 2016/17 school year Actions/Steps Each school site will provide attendance incentive program. Walnut Valley will create three Public Service Announcements, uniquely targeted toward elementary, middle, and high school students, to promote improved attendance. In addition a fourth Public Service Announcement, will be produced in English, Korean, Mandarin, and Spanish for parents/guardians. WVUSD will continue to participate in LACOE’s “I’m In Attendance” program. Metric At the end of every school year, the Pupil Personnel Services Director will analyze the data produced by Data Works and share with all the Principals and District Administrators. Meeting agendas for the beginning of the year, will be reviewed by the Pupil Personnel Services Director. All the District Policies and Administrative Regulations will be consistent with California Education Code. At the beginning of each school year, the District will provide professional development to educate all school site staff responsible for accurate attendance reporting. 22 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” School sites will be consistent in applying California Ed. Code and District policies regarding attendance. Chronic Absenteeism Rates The District will reduce the Chronic Absenteeism rate by: • 0.5% over the 2014/15 school year • 0.5% over the 2015/16 school year • 0.5% over the 2016/17 school year Note: Highlighted areas to be modified once data is obtained from District. A nurse will serve in the SART/SARB process. The District will monitor elementary absenteeism in order to identify potentially chronic absent students and provide early intervention for those at risk. SARB attendance records will be verified. At the end of every school year, the Pupil Personnel Services Director will analyze the data produced by Data Quest and share with all the Principals and District Administrators. The District will provide/post full-text information on California Ed. Code regarding the definition of truancy. PSAs will include legal definition of truancy. The District will explore funding options to restore one full-time Health Clerk position at all sites. (SIS 2012-13 over 27,000 health office visits recorded District wide) 23 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” WVUSD will explore options to reduce the school nurse-student ratio in order to provide services to students with more complex health needs. The District will increase parent awareness and education regarding communicable disease control. WVUSD will continue to fund one Child Welfare and Attendance worker, to support attendance, homeless students, and Foster youth. Middle School Drop Out Rate The District will maintain a 0% drop out rate The District will continue to monitor at all middle schools. student attendance and drop-out rates. At the end of every school year, the Pupil Personnel Services Director will analyze the data produced by Data Quest and share with all the Principals and District Administrators. 24 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” High School Drop Out Rates The District will decrease its dropout rate • 0.1% over the 2014/15 school year • 0.1% over the 2015/16 school year • 0.1% over the 2016/17 school year As part of the attendance Public Service Announcements for parents, a segment will address how to notify the district/school of a student’s departure from WVUSD. At the end of every school year, the Pupil Personnel Services Director will analyze the data produced by Data Quest and share with all the Principals and District Administrators. The District will provide documents online and at school sites for parents to complete at the time of a student’s transfer out of WVUSD. The District will track Statewide Student Identifier numbers by working with the Technology Department to create a data tool. Extra/Co-Curricular Activities To educate the “whole child”, which includes not only a strong academic foundation, but support for the development of a multi-dimensional student. (Socio-emotional, Arts, Activities, and Athletics) To provide financial support to all three levels (elementary, middle and high school), for the enhancement of extra and co-curricular activities, such as Athletics, Arts, and Activities. At the end of every year, Principals will gather information regarding all the extra/co-curricular activities provided to students. Upon request, Principals will share this information with Cabinet. 25 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Location: District School:____________ State Priority 6: School Climate General Goal: Create a learning environment that promotes safety and respect for all as measured by a decrease in discipline referral, suspension, and expulsion rates over three years. Objectives Pupil Suspension Rates Clearly communicate behavioral expectations and consequences with everyone involved (students, parents, teachers, counselors) including resolution piece Pupil Expulsion Rates Consistent and clear practices that warrant expulsion across grade levels communicated to all Actions/Steps Communication • Establish and publish guidelines and expectations and consequences for student behavior: to and from school and while on campus. • Educate 100% of parents and students regarding expectations and consequences of violating campus rules and California Education Code • Clear definition of suspension criteria posted (website in full text), distributed upon registration, and through parent nights. Communication • Establish and publish guidelines and expectations and consequences for student behavior: to and from school and while on campus. • Educate 100% of parents and students regarding expectations Metric Suspension rate (California Department of Education) Referral data from school sites will be collected by the Pupil Personnel Services Director. Expulsion rate (California Department of Education) Referral data from school sites will be collected by the Pupil Personnel Services Director. 26 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • Maintain “ZERO” percentage of expulsions through continued student support and parent involvement and consequences of violating campus rules and California Ed. Code Clear definition of expulsion criteria posted (website in full text), distributed upon registration, and through parent nights. Student support • Provide in-district alternative placements for students at risk for expulsion: independent study, virtual high school, online programs, alternative education, and home study. • Explore the possibility to provide additional staffing to expand opportunities for alternative placements for students • Research devices and subscriptions to provide online alternatives for all students • Communicate alternative placements to students and parents in need • Build and advertise virtual high school with A-G and full diploma options. Expulsion rate (California Department of Education) Referral data from school sites will be collected by the Pupil Personnel Services Director. 27 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Other Local Measures Increase responsiveness to community needs through School Climate surveys of students, parents, and staff Provide student education on safety and safe reporting procedures Provide mental/emotional/social health support for all students ensuring appropriate staffing and training for early recognition and intervention. School climate survey: • Gather timely data: annually approximately between first and second semester • Use the same verbiage on survey for the staff, parents, and students: written at the students' level • Review survey data and set goals by school site • Survey data shared with all stakeholders • Survey data analyzed at a district level Safe Reporting • Anonymous tip line through text/email to administration and law enforcement • Ensure adequate investigation of reporting • Teach students responsible reporting and provide a safe environment for reporting. Student Support • Implement early mental health interventions at the Elementary level • Place students in classes that are academically appropriate to avoid stress • Establish criteria and train staff to provide early intervention of all Survey results. Every two years, a school climate survey to parents. Staff and students will be administered and shared with the community. Monitoring of tip line data and usage Decrease in number of mental health referrals including hospitalization and mental health emergencies. Number of students receiving services by school Psychologists/Counselors 28 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • • • • • • • • • students and those at risk for a referral to mental health services, including hospitalization and mental health emergencies Training staff and students to recognize stress triggers “Back on track” plan by providing connections and supports within school community Site principals and support staff implement appropriate interventions based on analysis of discipline data Provide staffing to provide student support at all levels: school psychologist, nurses, counselors, Speech Pathologists, Early Learning Specialists, etc. Explore the possibility to increase the number of Counselors serving the elementary and middle school program, aiming to reduce the counselor-student ratio at each site. Consider aligning nurses’ caseloads, with suggested national standards. Provide school nurse training inside and outside of district Ensure that student support personnel maintain current with ongoing training Discipline referral data will be analyzed by Illegal substances use and abuse school sites and District personnel, at the prevention activities, will be end of every school year. implemented at all sites. Survey data 29 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • • • • Create a Bully-free learning environment in all of our schools Create a campus culture of safety and mutual respect where students and staff trust one another Provide training to ensure discipline is carried out equitably to all subgroups Provide parent outreach to support positive student behaviors; parent nights and workshops Provide mental health support at all levels to alleviate academic and social stress Consider restoring the Early Learning Specialist at all nine elementary schools. Campus Culture • All elementary and middle schools implement the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support program. o Yr. 1: PBIS training K-12 o Yr. 2: Beginning implementation o Yr. 3: SWIS implementation o High schools will explore the feasibility of plan implementation. • Provide stronger character education and bullying prevention programs at all levels • Shorten window of ineligibility and recognize “progress” of lowerperforming students • Provide positive reinforcement for students on track and improving with behavior. 30 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • • • • • • • Ensure disaster preparedness at all sites through proper training and maintenance of supplies Staff training in appropriate positive intervention and support in dealing with student behavioral issues. Staff to maintain a professional demeanor at all times. Analyze data to ensure discipline is carried out equitably to all subgroups Provide community services opportunities Ensure ongoing, explicit instruction in behavior expectations for all students For the 2014-2015 school year, reinstitute the Diversity Committee with representation from all stakeholders. During the year 2014-2015 and thereafter, diversity and equity training will be provided by sites and/or district. Disaster Preparedness • Provide annual training for all roles in the disaster team • Ensure current safety plans with annual approval from local emergency response departments • Maintain disaster supplies • Ensure practice opportunities in accordance with CA Ed Code. • Provide active shooter training • Ensure current first aid and CPR certification on all required staff Every school site and District-wide Emergency and Disaster Plan will be reviewed and shared with staff, in accordance with California S.E.M.S and national N.I.M.S. requirements. 31 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • Provide incentives for non-required staff to obtain first aid and CPR certification 32 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Location: District School:____________ State Priority 7: Course of Study General Goal: Students will have access to a broad curriculum to meet college and career readiness Objectives Access and Enrollment All students will have awareness to course pathways Actions/Steps Metric Parent information nights for students in grade 5, 7 & 9 introducing and explaining A-G requirements and additional potential pathways Six year plan for students to prepare for college and career readiness beginning in grade 7 Provide Professional Development opportunities Sign in sheets at parent nights Parent surveys/feedback Student 6 Year Plans Student Exit Survey All students will have access to appropriate course pathways Provide opportunities for world languages course pathway in K-8 Added elective courses in curricular areas to align with Common Core State Standards Recommended appropriate prerequisites for course of study pathways Student 6 Year Plans Student Exit Survey Use multiple measures of data to properly place pupils in course pathways including standardized formative assessments Expand opportunities in Career Technical Education courses in K-12 Partner with local colleges/Regional Occupational Program to provide additional Career Technical Education courses School reporting Newsletters/Websites/Outlook ROP course offerings Master schedule 33 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Expand opportunities in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) Education courses in K-12 Utilize community resources for Career Technical Education Master schedule Provide courses with access to all students in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math Unduplicated Pupils Identified students will receive support and accommodations to participate in appropriate course pathways. Emphasis on access to all career pathways will be placed when developing the students’ 6 year Plan • • • • • • • Exceptional Individuals Identified students will receive support and accommodations to participate in appropriate course pathways • • • • Provide parent information regarding course pathways in home languages Decrease student-adult ratio of qualified support staff Provide professional development opportunities for staff training Provide collaboration time among staff and support personnel Mentoring program Programs conducive to increase college admission for the identified students Create sustainable interventions Parent surveys/feedback Student 6 Year Plans Exit Survey SARC Individualized Education Plans Provide parent information regarding course pathways in home languages Decrease student: adult ratio of qualified support staff Provide professional development opportunities for staff training Provide collaboration time among staff and support personnel SARC Parent surveys/feedback Student 6 Year Plans Exit Survey Individualized Education Plans Students’ 6 Year Plan 34 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • Mentoring program • Programs conducive to increase college admission for the identified students Create sustainable interventions • Individual Student Schedule Individualized Education Plan (Transition Plan) 35 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Location: District School:____________ State Priority 8: Pupil Outcomes General Goal: Provide college and career readiness for all WVUSD students to ensure they can compete in our global society. Objectives All Subject Areas as defined by Ed.Code 51210 1–6 Grades 1-6 English Language Development Support • To create a more personalized experience for English Learners students in WVUSD Technology Literacy • To ensure all students have the skills necessary to navigate and operate increasingly complex technology and apply it to learning Visual and Performing Arts • To provide extraordinary experiences in the arts for all students. Civic Education • To create positive, contributing, informed citizens Actions/Steps Grades 1-6 English Language Development Support • English Learners teachers and instructional aides – proper training and continuous professional development • Increase the number of hours and or personnel to support the needs of Bilingual/Bicultural students • Provide after-school English Learners tutoring to support Core classes in grade 6 (i.e., science, social studies, etc.) • Expand New Comer Magnet Center Metric • • • • • • Share district technology plan with all stakeholders Board Policy addressing the technology grade requirement Contract a Tech Grant writer Human Resources will provide a list of all staff, to demonstrate adequate staffing in all areas of study as required by the Education Code. Schools’ schedule and individual student’s schedule, will be examined to make sure all students have access to all courses of study, including but not limited to advanced classes. Continued financial support will be provided for the implementation of the Primary Years Program (PYP) and 36 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Health Education • To help students develop healthy lifestyles at an early age Science • To expand students’ understanding of science beyond the traditional disciplines to include 21st century perspective International Baccalaureate / Primary Years Program • to provide a premiere, globally recognized, educational experience Foreign Language • to provide opportunities for all students to communicate in more than one language Academic Intervention New Comers Clubs College and Career Readiness Technology Literacy • Develop a district-wide plan to increase o student to device ratio to achieve a 1 to 1 experience for all students by 2017 • Fund innovative programs at all levels such as: Legos Robotics and Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Launch • Development of technological skills foundations benchmarks • Build partnerships with local industries and colleges that will provide work-based and learning opportunities for students. • Provide introduction to “Coding” across grade levels Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) • Provide highly qualified staff for district funded music/arts programs grades 1-6 • Articulate VAPA with middle and high school to strengthen pathways • Consider integrating arts into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) to create STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) opportunities Civic Education • Implement the PBIS program in all elementary and middle schools International Baccalaureate (IB) programs. • A – G and Graduation rates will be reviewed in Data Works, by school Principals and District personnel. • Continued partnership and funding to the Regional Occupational Program. • The comprehensive high schools will re-design their offering catalogs to make sure that students and parents understand the availability of CTE offerings and the Pathways that are available. • AP participation and passing rate will be examined at the end of each school year by school and district’s administrators. • Full implementation of the Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports program, will be completed in all nine elementary schools and middle schools High schools will initiate a process of exploration to decide if this program is appropriate for their campuses, upon discussion with 37 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • their community and District’s personnel. Integrate civic education into all curricular areas including social studies Health Education • Provide Health Education during the school day- integrating into the appropriate curriculum (science and P.E.) • Continue to fund grades 1-6 P.E. Experts • Continue to expand and enhance Adaptive P.E. as needed. • Explore the feasibility to develop Athletic Programs at all schools, including but not limited to physical education. Science • Expand the definition of science to include: Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math (STEAM) • Provide funding for classroom labs and experiments • Provide deliberate, high quality, professional development that trains teachers to deliver STEM education • Integrate engineering & robotics experiences into the science and math 1-6 curriculum including innovative programs such as: PLTW, robotics, coding academies • Master Schedule • Co-curricular activities • Programs Offerings • Time sheets • Master Schedule • Public Announcement 38 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” IB – grades 1-6 • Explore IB/PYP expansion at other elementary schools • Fund time for articulation between IB/PYP teachers k-12 Foreign Language • Provide foreign language experiences for all elementary schools; allow schools to choose models such as Dual Language Immersion. • To continue to expand the existing Mandarin DLI program from Kindergarten to grade 8. • Collaborate between elementary and Middle School Foreign Language teachers to create a foreign language pathway grades 1-6 • Explore the possibility to expand the Dual Immersion to include other Global languages including Spanish, Korean, and Arabic • School Flyers • Master Schedule Clubs • Provide more outside school day activities (Climate Survey) at all levels. 39 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • Expand the Club offerings at middle and elementary schools. College and Career Readiness • Explore and provide exposure to both College and Career opportunities, in middle and high school. All Subject Areas as defined by Ed.Code 51220 7 – 12 K-12 ELD Aide Support Technology Literacy VAPA Civic Education Health Education Sports/Athletics STEM/K-12 Health Services Special Education IB – K-12 AP College Courses Foreign Language Academic Intervention New Comers Clubs College and Career Readiness Foreign Language • Collaborate between High School and Middle School Foreign Language teachers to discuss the creation of a 5th year language program • Master Schedule • Course Offerings K-12 • School Climate Survey Results Support schools by helping funding transportation for regional performing arts competitions Character Counts • The School Climate survey needs to be re-evaluated in the area of student behavior. Language and directions are unclear. • Better consistency • Student/Staff perspective • Climate survey – Improve safety at school from students perspective (I 40 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • • feel safe at my school) 21% don’t know Leadership programs for students. (Associated Student Body). Align student/teacher program ratio to classified/student ratio AP College Courses • A-G College Prep • Scholastic Aptitude Test preparation • Provide sheltered instruction (core classes) at an appropriate teacher ratio (24:1) • Increase opportunities for teacher professional development in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate. • College Night for both middle school and high school students • Targeted Scholastic Aptitude Test and preparation for English Learners and Low Socio Economic. • Develop A-G program document for parents – with course records guidelines starting 6th and 9th grades • Scholastic Aptitude Test prep for all students thru education system, so students don’t have to spend extra money to go to private SAT prep courses • • • • • Master Schedule Graduation Rate AP Testing results College Admission data Completion rate of Certificate Programs 41 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Scholastic Aptitude Test prep assistance in regular school classroom English – vocabulary • Regional Occupational Program/Career Technical Education offerings in high school will be expanded • Partnership Academy • Career Pathways • More offerings within Project Lead The Way • Continue implementing Design Based Learning/Project Based Learning in our schools • Continue to add “13th” year classes • Career Technical Education expansion and completion for low income and foster youth will be offered • Support WVUSD teachers to obtain Career Technical Education • Academic Design Program at Walnut High School will be offered next year for seniors. (10th-11th currently) • Offer different paths after High School and show they are equally valued Regional Occupational Program/Vocational Education./ Community College, Military and incorporate parent education • Need California Technical Education, State course listing and our course listings • 42 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” • • • • • Work Collaboratively with both high schools to create the 16 identified Career Technical Education pathways within our district Graduation requirements should include 1 Career Technical Education course Academic Foundation (AF) (9th) Career Vocational Education prepare our students for the job market R.O.P job ready on graduation Align student/teacher program ratio to classified support staff 43 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Location: District School: ____________ Foster Youth General Goal: The educational outcomes of foster youth will mirror that of the general student population. Objectives Close foster youth achievement gap; decrease foster youth school mobility; decrease adverse effects of school mobility on foster youth Actions/Steps Metric For foster youth: Establish policy and data infrastructure necessary to support and monitor the educational success of foster youth. Achieve and document significant progress on District-determined achievement data, until CAASPP provides reliable scores... (2015) A minimum of 5% growth from the previous year, is expected in English Language Arts and Math. Achieve and document significant progress on District-determined achievement data and CAASPP scores... (2016). A minimum of 5% growth from the previous year, is expected in English Language Arts and Math. Achieve and document significant progress on District-determined achievement data and CAASP scores... (2017). A minimum of 5% growth from the 44 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” previous year, is expected in English Language Arts and Math. For foster youth: Ensure LEA foster youth liaison (Ed Code 48853.5) has adequate time, knowledge, and resources (including additional staff if needed) to fully execute his-her responsibilities. LEA will hire or assign, train and supervise sufficient foster youth liaison staff to achieve and document significant progress in the prescribed goal. For foster youth: Ensure LEA foster youth liaison (Ed Code 48853.5) has adequate time, knowledge, and resources (including additional staff if needed) to fully execute his-her responsibilities. LEA will allocate funds sufficient to meet the needs of all foster youth served by foster youth education counselors. 45 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” LCFF, every foster youth receives educational counseling from a foster youth counselor with the skills, time and training necessary to carry out responsibilities. Foster youth counselors’ caseloads shall be limited to a number consistent with these responsibilities and not to exceed 50. LEA will allocate funds sufficient to meet the needs of all foster youth served by foster youth education counselors. Location: District School: ____________ English Learners General Goal: The educational outcomes of English learners will mirror that of the general student population. Objectives By June 2015 the percentage If English Learners meeting ELA proficiency will increase from 69.9% to 75% as measured by the District Common Core State Standards English Language Arts Benchmark Assessments and the ELA State assessment. Actions/Steps WVUSD will implement the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts, while providing full access and support for English Learners. Metric District ELA Benchmark assessments ELA State assessment 46 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” By June 2015, the percentage of English Learners meeting AMAO 1 will increase from 71.8% to 77% on the CELDT. Students will be properly placed in ELD CELDT Data classes in all sites and teachers will ELD Program Specialist supervision provide consistent and daily ELD Site principal observations instruction that is aligned with the Common Core State Standards. By June 2015, the percentage of English Learners who have been in schools for 5 years or less meeting AMAO 2 will increase from 33.5% to 38%. The district will continue to focus increasing English Language proficiency for English Learners who did not meet AMAO 2, while decreasing the number of Long term English Learners (LTELs). CELDT Data ELD Program Specialist supervision Site principal observations By June 2015 the percentage of English Learners demonstrating proficiency on the California High School Exit Exam English Language Arts, will increase 2%. WVUSD will implement the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts, while providing full access and support for English Learners. CAHSEE Test Results Additional CAHSEE support and interventions will be provided to English Learners. 47 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” By the end of June 2015, 100% of teachers, administrators, and support staff will participate in professional development on the Common Core State Standards, ELD Standards, CCSS ELA Standards, and CCSS Math Standards. The district will offer workshops to teachers, administrators, and support staff on CCSS for implementation. Topics will emphasize an overview and specific instructional strategies to ensure equal access for EL students. Sign-in Sheets Agendas Professional Development Calendar. By June 2015 WVUSD will increase the graduation rate of EL students from 90.4% rate to 93%, and the dropout rate will decrease from 6.6% to 5%. Sites will monitor EL students who transition from 8 to 9 grade. Sites will closely monitor EL students in danger of not meeting graduation requirements. Intensive interventions will be provided to identified students. Data Works data will be closely examined by the Site Principal, the EL Program Specialist and the Director of Special Projects. Location: District School: ____________ Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Pupils General Goal: The educational outcomes of socioeconomically disadvantaged pupils will mirror that of the general student population. Objectives Actions/Steps Metric 48 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Parents, guardians and caregivers, will be actively recruited by school Principals and District Administrators, to join the different committees and parent advisory groups in the district. • • • • • Students will have access to quality tutoring and interventions, to support the acquisition of proficiency in English Language Arts and Math. Determine key languages by district and school Provide written and Connect Ed communications in English and primary languages Develop a parent brochure/pamphlet (available in both print and on the website) that gives information on whom to call. Recruit and train a network of parent liaisons. Develop a dedicated staff to respond to parent concerns and inquiries. Programs of intervention and enrichment will be developed and offered to all identified students in need of additional instructional support. Site Teams, including counselors, GLCs, and teachers, will identify and provide additional interventions and supports for at-risk students. Instructional staff will participate in professional development on and successful implementation of intervention of CCSS core curriculum. Provide ongoing funding for professional development for successful implementation of intervention of CCSS core curriculum. • • • A list of languages used by stakeholders, will be compiled by the Educational Services Division. The list will be available in the Assessment Center. A list of Parent Liaisons will be compiled and available in the Assessment Center. A parent information brochure will be developed by the Educational Services Division, and will be made available to all parents prior to enrolling in the school district. When available, translations will be provided. English Learners, Students with Disabilities, Hispanic, White, and AfricanAmerican subgroups will increase proficiency levels in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) by 10% in English Language Arts and 7% in Mathematics by 2016-2017 school year. Agendas Support Systems in place at each school 49 WALNUT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Leading Change” Close Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Pupils achievement gap. For Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Pupils, establish policy and data infrastructure necessary to support and monitor the educational success of the identified students. Data and follow-up systems in place at the District and Site level. To actively search and serve Homeless Youth in our attendance area. For Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Pupils, the Child Welfare and Attendance staff, will proactively search for homeless children in need of service. Logs Contacts To provide basic services, or the information in how to attain them, to all Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Pupils. A parent information brochure will be developed by the Educational Services Division, and will be made available to parents prior to enrolling in the school district. When available, translations will be provided. Brochure 50