Brand Guide - US Highbush Blueberry Council


Brand Guide - US Highbush Blueberry Council
Little Blue Dynamos
Brand Guide
Little Blue Dynamos
Table of Contents
Brand Essence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Brand Relationship/Personality . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Voca-BLU-ary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Tone of Voice / Visuals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Key Points. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Soul Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Brand Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Seal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Color Palette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Typography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Image Cube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Stationery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Little Blue Dynamos
Brand Essence
brand essence
Creating a single, own-able thought in the minds of
consumers is the key to differentiating blueberries
from other fruits. Winning brands do that: Coke (bond
of happiness), Altoids (shocking freshness), Nike
(performance), etc. It’s known as the brand essence – and
it drives everything they do.
So what is the brand essence of blueberries? What is the
living, breathing idea that we exemplify?
We’re little. We’re blue. And we’re dynamos. It’s a promise
as simple as we are extraordinary.
We’re alive and upbeat, optimistic and ready to take on
whatever dish rolls our way. We’re excited, enthusiastic
and fun. We’re energetic. Dynamic. Magnetic.
Think about it. How much more fun is a smoothie when
it’s got a burst of blueberries? What about muffins?
They’re just a batch of bran until blueberries show up on
the scene. Even unloading groceries gets better when you
secretly pop a handful of blueberries in your mouth.
Our boundless energy, magnetic optimism and spirited
souls make us nature’s little jet-engines, bringing out
the best in every eating occasion and everyone who
consumes us.
We’re little. We’re blue. And we are most definitely
Little Blue Dynamos
Relationship and Personality
rel ationship and personalit y
Another important aspect of our brand is the type
of relationship we have with people. As Little Blue
DynamosSM, that relationship is sociable. We’re friendly,
outgoing and approachable. We’re compatible with many
different people and situations; or, as we like to say, we
play well with everyone. Which is quite fitting, considering
our versatility.
Little Blue DynamosSM also have a distinct personality. We
are energizers – exciting the emotions, invigorating the
senses and empowering people to make the most out of
every moment. We are charismatic and fun-loving – always
on the lookout for new adventures and escapades. We are
little blue marvels that enhance everything we roll into –
cereal, pancakes, salads…even you – to create individual
moments of bluetopia or blueureka! Let’s just call it
It’s what makes us different and special. It’s what makes
us dynamos.
• Charismatic
• Enliven
• Lively
• Excite
• Upbeat
• Electrify
• Radiant
• Invigorate
• Magnetic
• Rejuvenate
• Charged
• Empower
Little Blue Dynamos
It’s all about perception, and the words we use paint a
vivid picture of how the world perceives us. We like to
think of ourselves as Little Blue DynamosSM of action
and excitement, jam-packed with lively entertainment,
adventure and good times. I guess you could call us a pop
sensation. So when you talk about us, choose words that
are active, not passive, and speak to these characteristics
to achieve this effect.
With blueberries, it’s about the emotions and the
sensations as one; they’re stronger for having each other.
So we’ve put together lists of words that embody the Little
Blue DynamosSM’ essence, relationship and personality.
These words and phrases help convey our spirit when you
talk about who we are and what we do.
• Rinse and go (easy to use)
• Endless popabilities (versatile)
• Super (healthy)
• Pop
• Blast
• Bounce
• Roll
• Excited
• Energized
• Invigorated
• Playful
• Lively
• Charged
• Captivating
• Dynamic
• Charismatic
• Charming
Using these words and others like them will ensure that
your message communicates the essence and personality
of Little Blue DynamosSM. Remember – we’re a funloving, lively bunch. So use vibrant, active and animated
language to talk about us.
Little Blue Dynamos
Tone of Voice
tone of voice
Little Blue DynamosSM also have a distinct tone of voice
that helps convey our dynamic spirit. Think of it as our
verbal style – or rather our style, verbalized. This tone
of voice needs to come across in all written and verbal
communications, be it advertisements, point of sale
displays, press releases, even trade materials.
The Little Blue DynamosSM tone of voice is indicative
of our relationship and personality. It’s friendly and
unassuming, with an air of excitement and fun that draws
people in. Call it our plant magnetism. It is dynamic and
upbeat, with an aura of playfulness and optimism. It is not
preachy or riddled with functional attributes (e.g. healthy),
but conversational. Above all, our tone is energetic,
charismatic and fun.
Our tone of voice is:
• Dynamic
• Upbeat
• Energetic
• Charismatic
• Enthusiastic
• Fun
Just as Little Blue DynamosSM have a verbal language,
we also have a visual one, and all visual images should
embody the same characteristics as our tone of voice.
Photographs and other images should convey a dynamic
sense of energy, excitement and fun, and should be both
friendly and sociable.
Little Blue Dynamos
Key Points
ke y points
So blueberries are Little Blue DynamosSM of excitement
and fun. We’re familiar with the rush of bluephoria brought
on by our electrifying energy and charismatic charm. But
how do we convey that to consumers?
Below are a few key points to use whenever you find
yourself in the position of singing blueberries’ spritely
little praises. Be it in advertisements, POS displays or even
on the Today Show, if you’re talking about blueberries you
should be talking about Little Blue DynamosSM – because
they’re one and the same.
• Blueberries are a small package with big benefits,
packing a powerful punch of both flavor and healthy
• They pop, blast, burst and bounce their way into any dish
you can imagine, infusing it with both flavor and fun.
• Blueberries are Little Blue DynamosSM of energy and
excitement that transform ordinary moments into
extraordinary ones.
• Blueberries are nature’s tiny jet-engines, charged and
ready for a new adventure.
• Their sweet taste and simple versatility bring out the best
in everything and everyone.
There’s much more you can say, of course, but here’s
where to start. Just remember that Little Blue DynamosSM
have a personality – and a dynamic one at that. Be sure
you stay true to the blue.
Little Blue Dynamos
Soul Statements
soul statements
• We are powerhouses of freakish nutritional wonder
that will rock your taste buds, invigorate your body and
electrify your mind.
• We make everything better, transforming ordinary foods
into extraordinary experiences and enhancing life’s
simple pleasures with blueberry-stained smiles.
• We are Mother Nature’s little engines for life, bringing
excitement and adventure to everyday eating occasions.
• We pack a powerful punch, igniting the senses as we pop,
blast and burst our way to charismatic, radiant fun.
Little Blue Dynamos
Our Story
the lit tle blue dynamo
All three of those words tell the story of who I am, and
more. Together, they paint the picture of how I am an
extraordinary fruit that packs a powerful punch and
enlivens every eating occasion as well as the people who
enjoy me.
There’s a reason I’ve been touted as a superfood.
Everything about me is super. From amazing antioxidants
to mind-blowing memory boosts, from effortless ease
and versatility to sweet deliciousness – I am, in essence,
the most super little engine-that-could that appeals to
Many describe me as charismatic, compelling, electric,
influential, magnetic and lively. It’s because I bring out
the best in everything and everyone. With me at hand (or
in hand), folks just seem to brim with energy, enthusiasm
and charm. And the best thing about my little added
benefits? I deliver them every day.
For every bowl of corn flakes or batch of pancakes that
I embellish, there’s a burst of high-powered energy
and excitement – a combustion of the forces of all my
energetic spirit and charm. For every dinner salad I spark
up, I ignite a flame in people that activates their own inner
dynamo. I bring out the best in everyone.
No matter how you serve me up, there’s no denying
what’s in store – captivating charisma, effervescent
excitement and the assurance that in the end, it isn’t size
that matters. It is my uncanny ability to make the ordinary
extraordinary and help harness the power of life’s
Little Blue Dynamos
Logo Versions
our logo
Our logo is developed around who we are –
blueberries. The logo uses a fun, lively font that dots
the “i” with a blueberry. Our blueberry wears a fivepoint calyx and contains a starburst highlight to denote
our dynamic personality.
There are three main versions of our logo:
1. Plain
2. With our alias, Little Blue Dynamos
3. With our Web address,
Each version of our logo is available in three variations:
1. Color
2. Greyscale
3. Black and white
• The color version of our logo uses PMS 654.
• Don’t reproduce it in any other color than PMS 654 or
process equivalent. Remember, we need to stay true
to the blue.
• Don’t use any tag lines or other words with our logo
other than the supplied version with our Web address.
• Don’t distort our logo. It looks great the way it is!
• Don’t put a drop shadow or other graphic effect on
our logo.
Please contact the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council for brand materials,
including logo files.
Note: Little Blue DynamosSM and the blueberries logo are service marks
of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, an organization that provides
promotional services for the highbush blueberry industry in North and
South America.
Little Blue Dynamos
Logo Protected Space
protected space
Sure, blueberries are sociable. But we like our space,
too. It’s important that our logo always reside in
a protected space. A space that’s not encroached
upon by typography, photography, or other graphic
The protected space around the four sides of our logo
is equal to the lowercase height of the characters in
“blueberries.” Therefore, the protected space maintains
a constant relationship to the logo regardless of the
size of the logo.
Note: do not include the service mark, SM, when
determining the protected space.
Little Blue Dynamos
Minimum Size
minimum size
We want people to recognize our logo. So, for legibility
purposes it’s important to maintain a minimum size.
The minimum size for the color and greyscale versions
of our logo is a width of 1.25 inches, or 7.5 picas (7p6).
The minimum size for the black and white logo is one
inch, or 6 picas.
1.25 inches · 7p6
Note that the width measurements are from the “b”
to the “s.” Do not include the service mark, SM, in the
1 inch · 6 picas
Little Blue Dynamos
The Little Blue DynamosSM seal speaks volumes. It’s
friendly, visually appealing and inviting – just like us.
A symbol of our dynamic, lively personality, the seal is
ready to pop up in a great many places, because after
all, blueberries are sociable.
Including the seal on industry materials, advertising
and packaging will create an iconic symbol for the
high-quality energy that we provide to fruit consumers.
It will help spread the Little Blue DynamosSM word at
the retail level by connecting the shopping experience
to the brand identity experience that we provide online,
in our advertising and in other materials.
Of course, we’re pretty good at attracting attention
all by ourselves. But the seal makes us even better.
It helps us be more recognizable by providing a
consistent, easily remembered customer reference
point to match up to our most universal appeal.
Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind regarding
the seal.
• Only use it in its entirety.
• Use it alone. Don’t combine the seal on a single
graphics surface with another emblem or symbol.
• Don’t crowd it with type or put type over the seal.
• The round shape is already perfect, so don’t distort it.
• Use only reproduction quality images of the seal
available from the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council.
• Always use the seal with our URL, unless of course
it’s on our website.
Little Blue Dynamos
Color Palette
color palet te
Primary Colors
PMS 654
PMS 1585
Using a color palette will help build associations with our
brand. Just like other visual elements, use color correctly
and consistently to be effective.
Pantone Matching System (PMS) numbers are shown
as well as RGB values for 100% of Primary and Neutral
prim ary colors
PMS 143
PMS 355
PMS 484
PMS 654
PMS 1585
PMS 143
PMS 355
PMS 484
Screens of 63% and 37% of these colors are also
considered primary colors.
neutral colors
Neutral Colors
PMS 5585
PMS 453
Neutral colors compliment the entire palette and offer the
ability to add color contrast without creating color noise.
Neutral colors are:
PMS 5585
PMS 453
Although various screens of the neutral colors are
acceptable, screens of 63% and 37% are preferred.
Little Blue Dynamos
Typography for Print
Dead History
Dead History Bold
ITC Bauhaus Light
ITC Bauhaus Demi
ITC Bauhaus Bold
ITC Bauhaus Heavy
Univers Light
Univers Light Oblique
Univers Medium
Univers Oblique
Univers Bold
Univers Bold Oblique
Univers Black
Univers Black Oblique
Univers Condensed Light
Univers Condensed Light Oblique
Univers Condensed
Univers Condensed Oblique
Univers Condensed Bold
Univers Condensed Bold Oblique
t ypography for print
Another important element of our visual style is typography.
Here are the fonts that represent our brand.
Dead History is a typeface which explores combining structural
elements of both geometric sans-serif and Didone serif
typefaces. Dead History’s strokes transition from unbracketed
serifs and contrasting stroke width on the left side of characters
to a mono-weighted sans-serif with soft, rounded terminals on
the right.
Dead History is a unique and exciting font and works well for
headlines that need to express dynamic energy.
ITC Bauhaus was designed by Edward Benguiat and Victor
Caruso in 1975. Inheriting the simple geometric shapes and
monotone stroke weights, it includes separate upper and lower
case characters.
ITC Bauhaus is a display font that can be used for headlines that
require a more even color than that given by Dead History.
Univers is a neo-grotesque sans-serif typeface that figured
prominently in the Swiss Style of graphic design.
Univers was designed by Adrian Frutiger and offers a large
family of weights and styles to meet a variety of typographic
Univers is the typographic work horse of our brand.
Little Blue Dynamos
Typography Web
t ypography for the web
The Web presents a unique set of typographic challenges.
Although you may use Dead History and ITC Bauhaus as graphic
elements, our brand designates a different set of fonts for html.
Georgia Regular
Georgia Italic
Georgia Bold
Georgia Bold Italic
Trebuchet Regular
Trebuchet Italic
Trebuchet Bold
Trebuchet Bold Italic
Arial Regular
Arial Italic
Arial Bold
Arial Bold Italic
Georgia is a fun, happy, serif font. It can be used for headlines as
well as running copy. It is available in four styles: Regular, Italic,
Bold, and Bold Italic.
You can think of Georgia as a substitute for Dead History.
Trebuchet is unique. It is a bit of a hybrid of sans and serif styles.
It is an excellent font to use for text purposes. It is also versatile
for headlines or subheads. It is available in four styles: Regular,
Italic, Bold, and Bold Italic.
You can think of Trebuchet as a substitute for ITC Bauhaus.
Arial is a sans-serif font. It should be used for text purposes,
or headlines when space is an issue. Arial sets very efficiently,
being more compact than Trebuchet and Georgia. Arial is
available in four styles: Regular, Italic, Bold, and Bold Italic.
You can think of Arial as a substitute for Univers.
Little Blue Dynamos
Brand Image Cube
brand im age cube
By now, you should have a pretty good understanding of the
brand elements that make us Little Blue DynamosSM. But here’s
an exercise to help you visualize it. If blueberries were the below
items, what would they be?
1. Electronic Device: iPhone. Social, fun and iconic, with a
connection to people. Versatile.
2. Vehicle: Vespa. Fun, small and green (thus healthy). Energetic
and zippy.
3. Furniture: Bean Bag Chair. Fun, comfortable and adaptable.
4. Drink: Smoothie. Delicious and nutritious, providing natural
5. Personality: Shakira. Amazing bounce and verve, with a
compassionate and kind side.
6. Color: Blue. Confident, universal and natural (like the color of
the sky).
7. Animal: Golden Doodle. Approachable and friendly. Energetic
and fun loving.
8. Clothing: Athletic shoe. Active and healthy. Inspiring
9. T
oy: Water Balloon. Fun and playful. It even bursts! Perfect.
Little Blue Dynamos
Stationery is available for the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council.
This is the official stationery of the Council and should not be
altered in any way.
Mark Villata
Executive Director
[email protected]
2390 East Bidwell
Suite 300
Folsom, CA 95630
U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council
2390 East Bidwell · Suite 300 · Folsom, CA 95630
2390 East Bidwell, Suite 300 • Folsom, CA 95630 • (916) 983-0111 •
For brand materials please contact:
Mark Villata, executive director
U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council
[email protected]