Six Sigma Power Point Presentation for OSBA (Nov. 2011)
Six Sigma Power Point Presentation for OSBA (Nov. 2011)
g Lean Six Sigma g Using in y your district. C120 122 C120-122 Learn how Olmsted Falls City y used the Lean Six Sigma problem-solving methodology to improve business and the organizational performance f off support staff ff employees. l 1 How many districts would like to have additional financial resources in which to operate your district? How many feel it would be easy to pass a tax levy in your district in the current economic climate? How many feel the need to stretch existing fi i l resources iin order d tto push h off ff a financial future tax issue? 2 How many feel additional financial resources will ill soon be b provided id d to you by b “the “ h State”? S ”? How many feel additional financial resources will soon be provided to you by “Washington DC”? How many feel that your district is likely at a “h h water mark” k” in regard d to its ffinanciall “high resources for the next several years? 3 What are we going to do in order to stretch h our current financial f l resources for f as long as possible? How do we find additional financial resources in order to fund much needed improvements within the school district? What process exists to help us become “more efficient” in our current operations? p 4 Introduce you to the concept of Lean Six Sigma and provide a brief overview of the methodology. Display examples of the deployment of Lean Si Sigma Six Si as a strategy t t to t increase i efficiencies / stretch financial resources for a public school school. 5 A combination of two business concepts: ◦ Lean ◦ Six Sigma 6 Based on teachings of Taiichi Ohno (Toyota). Specify value from the standpoint of the customer. Identify all the steps in the value stream (process); eliminating whenever possible those steps (waste) that do not create value. Re-examine the process again and again and again until a state of perfection is reached in perfect value is created with no waste. which p 7 The core idea is to maximize •The customer value while minimizing waste. waste •Simply, lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resources. 8 9 •Eliminating unnecessary steps in a process. process •Maximize value (customer) while minimizing g waste. 10 Based on teachings of Dr. W. E. Deming (1950s in Japan). Japan) • Improvement can be accomplished project by project. project • Use of Statistical tools to improve processes. Developed by Bill Smith at Motorola in 1980s • Father of Six Sigma. • DMAIC (Define / Measure / Analyze / Implement / Control). 11 • Business Definition A strategy to significantly reduce variability in every aspect of business. • Technical Definition A statistical term signifying 3.4 defects per million opportunities. t iti 12 • • The implementation of a measurement-based strategy that focuses on process improvement and defect reduction. Reduce the number of defects. 13 With 99 % Quality US Post Office: For every 300,000 letters delivered: Aircraft Landings: Out of everyy 500,000 , landings: With Six Sigma Quality 3,000 wrong deliveries 1 wrong delivery 5,000 crashes , Less than 2 crashes 14 Lean Reduce Waste Six Sigma Reduce Defects 15 Project Phases Define Measure Analyze Identify, Analyze data, Collect data evaluate and establish and on size of the select projects confirm the selected for “vital few “ problem, improvement. determinants of the Identify key Set goals performance. customer requirements, Validate hypothesis Improve Control Improvement Establish standards to strategy maintain Develop ideas process; to remove root Design the causes controls, Design and implement and carry out monitor. experiments, Evaluate Optimize the financial process. impact of the Final solutions project 16 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are we trying to accomplish? Why are we working on this project? Who are the customers? What output is important to the customer? How does the current process flow? What resources will be required to complete this project? 17 Project P j t Charter Ch t Form F 18 19 20 1. 2. y What are the critical to q quality characteristics (identify and define)? What is the current performance of the process? 3. What are the relevant metrics? 4. Develop a Cause and effect matrix. 21 22 23 Through analysis, the team can determine the causes of the problem. Through Th h analysis, l i the h team can determine d i how to eliminate the gap between existing performance and the desired level of performance. 24 25 1. What improvement actions are necessary? 2. What are the obstacles to improvement? 3. How might the system “push back”? 26 27 Yellow hat versus Black hat thinking: Yellow hat – is for optimism and a positive view of things. things Emphasizes the logical benefits of the proposal. Black hat – is for caution and critical judgment. Can stifle creativity. 28 Project Prioritizer 1) Project Importance Cost to to Implement 2) Rating Categories Feasibility Cost (Likelihood Customer Reduction of Success) Leverage 3) Total (Positive Impact Project Rate 1 to 5 High = 5 Rate 1 to 5 High = 1 Rate 1 to 5 High = 5 Rate 1 to 5 High = 5 On Other Processes) ocesses) Rate 1 to 5 High = 5 Low = 1 Low = 5 Low = 1 Low = 1 Low = 1 Foreign Language offerings x Teacher PD on technolgoy x Support system for struggling students x Increase % of students going to college x All-Day Kindergarten x Onsite PSEO classes x Increase AP course offerings x Senior Project x Local x oca Internships e s ps Programs for non-college bound students x Preserving Art / PE / Music / Home Ec x Introduction of Business / Computer Science classes at HS x Re-examine MS Life Skills and Tech Ed curriculum Increase HS college counseling Services Priority x x x x x x = = 0 0 x x x = 0 x x x x x x x x x = = = 0 0 0 x x x x x x x x x = = = 0 0 0 x x x = 0 x x x = 0 x x x = 0 29 1. 2. 3. 4. Has a mechanism been p put in p place to p provide ongoing feedback and prevent backsliding? A significant Are i ifi t characteristics h t i ti being b i monitored? it d? Are appropriate preventive actions in place to ensure new process is being preformed in a consistent fashion? Are improvements, lessons learned, and best practices being p g shared in a systematic y fashion? 30 31 School Food Service Operations School Transportation Operations School Custodial Maintenance Operations School IT Operations 32 p Participants Carrie Bargholt Roberta Gonzalez Teresa Haun Cheryl Hennessey Denise Tabar Food Service Staff D Dates: N Nov. 23 23, 2010 - March 24, 2011 Voice of the Customer - Critical to Quality (CTQ) Voice of the Business - Critical to Process (CTP) BUSINESS: Olmsted Falls School Food Service CTQs Scorecard Results Voice of the Business Make a Profit Business Issues labor time & total time to prepare Critical Business Requirements CTPs cost vs. output Prep time Critical Customer Requirements Tasty, hot product Customer Issues flavor, appearance,text ure,temperature Voice of Customer Good product for the cost Type of Waste Observations Means to Eliminate Source of Waste or Obstacle to Eliminating Waste Savings / Benefit from Eliminating the Waste Overproduction Not reading and understanding the recipe. Eliminates over or under production Time and ability to produce. Inventory Not letting manager know you need supplies (milk gallons and macaroni noodles). Communicate with the manager. Time and money. Transportation Lifting pans over her head to the top oven when the bottom one was not being utilized. Heavy pans should always be used in the bottom ovens when possible. Eliminates possible serious injury. Waiting _________________________ _________________________ _______________________ Excess motion Not gathering all of the ingredients and supplies at one time. Walking back and forth to get supplies. Gather supplies on carts. Time and quality of product. Non value-added processing Walkingg back and forth. Covered macaroni and cheese when not necessary to do in a combi oven. Opened 8 oz cartons of milk instead of having gallons of milk. Pay attention and follow operating instructions of equipment. Pre-plan supplies needed. Time and quality of product. Correction Training / Asking questions. Consistency Quality of time and products. Under-used intellectual assets Not using knowledge learned during in-service day, staff meetings and classes. meetings, classes Not asking questions. Paying attention in meetings and applying what is being taught. Time, quality of product. 51 out of 182 perfect scores Survey Results for Macaroni and Cheese Number of students who respond ded 20 18 16 14 FALLS 12 OFIS 10 MS 8 HS 6 4 2 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Survey Score 4 3 2 1 0 Total Prep Time Mac & Cheese 120 100 Total Time e 80 Falls OFIS 60 MS HS 40 20 0 1 2 Location 3 Wasted motion in preparation time Recipes not standardized throughout the district Diff Different equipment i required i d diff different process Preparers added or deleted parts of recipe over time Standardize recipe Be sure all tools and equipment needed are available D Develop l checklist h kli ffor the h production d i process Train staff Take measurements a second time and compare results Survey Results Macaroni & Cheese 2nd collection 40 35 81 out of 215 perfect scores Number o of students who res sponded 30 25 FALLS OFIS 20 MS HS 15 10 5 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Survey Score 5 4 3 2 1 0 Total Prep Time Mac & Cheese 100 90 80 70 60 Time 50 40 30 20 10 0 Falls OFIS MS HS Falls Location OFIS MS HS Production Record with time column added Checklist Revised Standardized Recipe Training Leveraging for future time savings: new quality improvement projects increase labor intensive recipes to provide higher quality nutrition to customers use this method to analyze current scratch recipes Less pans to clean Easier cleaning of pans ( No Sticking) Easier and faster serving to students (not sticking to serving utensils) Better quality end product Less use of employee time to maintain quality during hold time i Training for all Food Service staff on project Project hopper for each building kitchen Additional average of 71 minutes saved to be used in continuation of quality improvement Use of process to evaluate current scratch recipes Improved quality to customers 71 min/bldg=284minx9=2556min/year=42.6hrsx$15.44/hr=$ 657.74 This sums it all up! School Food Service Operations School Transportation Operations School Custodial Maintenance Operations School IT Operations 45 Lean Six Sigma Project: AM/PM KG CLASS RE-DISTRIBUTION RE Our project subject was developed due to concerns over an imbalance of student numbers in our AM and PM Kindergarten classes. Through research, it was found that following the registration process in April 2010 and a submittal to the Early Childhood Center in May 2010 with a tentative class assignment for students students, transportation had developed an AM class roster of approximately 102 and a PM roster of approximately 103. Voice of the Customer - Critical to Quality (CTQ) Voice of the Business - Critical to Process (CTP) CTQs Critical Customer Requirements Balanced KG Class sizes class sizes (21 +/-2) +/ 2) Voice of the Business Don't increase cost of transportation Balanced KG class sizes for teachers effectiveness Business Issues Stay within budget Critical Business Requirements Don’t increase cost of transportation Better teaching Class sizes environment (21 +/- 2) CTPs Cost remains the same Balanced AM & PM class sizes Customer Issues Voice of Customer Lower class sizes for maximum educational benefit More conducive learning environment for students. ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Tim Atkinson, Director of Business Affairs Jan Holecko, Transportation Coordinator Greg Surtman, Surtman Director of Business Development (Tri-C) (Tri C) Dr. Jim Lloyd, ECC Principal Loretta McClelland, ECC Secretary Dr. Todd Hoadley, Superintendent Kathleen Fenderbosch, KG Bus Driver Means to Eliminate Source of Waste or Obstacle to Eliminating Waste Savings / Benefit from Eliminating the Waste Type of Waste Observations Overproduction Students that are double registered at O.F. and a nonpublic school. Create registration deadline. Eliminate phone calls to parents and more accurate data. Waiting for parents to register students. Create registration deadline. More accurate data to balance classes. Inventory Transportation Waiting Excess motion Non value-added Updating/revising lists & routes processing Correction Under-used intellectual assets Duplicate registrations. Better communication & registration deadline for more Reduce number of revisions. thorough list to start. Better communication between school, parent & Time to correct mistake. transportation. PR O C E SS M A P P r e - r e g is t e r e d stu d e n ts. S tu d en t h as IE P . N o n P r e - r e g is t e r e d stu d e n ts. T r a n s p o r t a t io n a s s ig n s s t u d e n t s to A M /P M b a se d o n s t r e e t lis t s . E C C a s s ig n s s tu d e n t to A M o r P M s e s s io n . A d ju s t s t r e e t s to e q u a l c la s s s iz e s A M /P M R e v ie w c la s s s iz e s . A M /P M even? Y E S ST O P. N O M ake a d ju s t m e n t s . Process/Product Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Process or Product Name: KG Class Cl A Assignment i t Prepared by: Ticketing Team Responsible: Process Step/Input Registration Registration Registration Registration Page __1__ of __1__ FMEA Date (Orig) ________ (Rev) _____________ Potential Failure Mode Double entry at OF and non-public school Summer address change Potential Failure Effects Extra phone calls, route changes Potential Causes Parent didn't decide where child should go or used one school as a backup plan Current Controls R P N Cross check lists and try to get an anwer from parent early. Actions Recommended Adding a KG registration deadline 315 Could change class sizes and routes. Failure of parent OR school to Inform parents to notify notify transportation of change. transportation of potential moves. School forgot to notify transportation of new student Last minute route changes, no postcard for student Failure at school office Late entries/registration Last minute route changes, no postcard for student, added phone calls Carelessness of parent, newly moved into district Communication with school frequently. 80 40 None Communication to parents to notify transportation. School registration checklist. Adding a KG registration deadline 200 Registration Student withdrawn/doesn't enter Route changes Parent moved out of district or decided not to send the child to KG this year. Screening process. Adding a KG registration deadline 12 There were 49 students added to AM KG from April ‘10 thru March ‘11. Of the 49 students, 36 were new (29 over summer), 8 were due to street assignment changes and 5 were IEP placements. 40 Numbe er of students 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 New students Street changed IEP [49 added – 15 deleted (previous slide) = net gain of 34 to AM class] SUMMARY A large influx of new students occurred over the summer months Changes in street assignments to adjust the class sizes were made too early Class placements due to IEP’s had a minimal effect FUTURE PROCESS MAP Pre-registered students by June 15th Non pre-registered students. Student has IEP. Transportation assigns students to AM/PM based on street lists. ECC assigns student to AM or PM session. Adjust streets to equal class sizes AM/PM Daily il contact with i h Loretta/ECC Review class sizes. AM/PM even? YES STOP. NO Make M k adjustments in July. Loretta will communicate student enrollment changes daily (or as needed). After July, ECC will place students in am/pm classes to maintain a +/- 2 students balance. FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS •Add Pre-registration deadline of June 15th to reduce number of late registrations •Reinstate R i old ld street boundaries b d i andd wait i until il July J l to make k any adjustments dj with streets •Monitor Before/After KG daycare enrollment and use as a tool to adjust class sizes as needed •Daily communication on student enrollment changes with ECC/Loretta •Get feedback related to street assignments/routes from KG driver Generates sustained success Sets performance goal for everyone Enhances value for customers; Accelerates rate of improvement; Promotes learning across boundaries; Executes strategic change 57 Company General Electric JP Morgan Chase Annual Savings $2.0+ billion *$1 $1.5 5 billion (*since inception in 1998) Motorola $ 16 billion (*since inception in 1980s) Johnson & Johnson $500 million Honeywell $600 million 58 59 60 Olmsted Ol d Falls F ll City Ci Schools S h l Dr. Todd Hoadley, Superintendent (440) 427-6000 [email protected] thoadley@ofcs net Denise Tabar, Director of Food Services (440) 427-6440 [email protected] Tim Atkinson, Director of Business Affairs (440) 427-6000 [email protected] Tri-C Corporate College Greg Surtman, Director of Business Development (216) 987-5855 [email protected] 61