Aluminum Containers
Aluminum Containers
C092011 Aluminum Containers Rounds & Oblongs CLOSEABLE Cups, Pans & LIDS J.2 Foil Container Lids Round Domes & Foil BOARD Lids OBLONG Domes OBLONG Foil BOARD Lids J.4 J.4 J.4 PerformancePak® Steamtable Pans Oblongs & Lids J.6 Roasters Rectangles & Ovals J.6 CaterLuxe® Catering Trays & LIDS J.8 CaterServe® Catering Tray LIDS J.8 Pie & Pizza Pans & Dome Lids Baking Round Pans & Dome Lids Squares, Oblongs & Dome Lids Loaf Pans & Lids J.10 J.12 J.12 J.14 Aluminum Containers Rounds & Oblongs CLOSABLE Cups, Pans & LIDS B14 C48 C53 C47 C74 D96 A78 B28 C52 D72 A74 A73 B23 B37 D73 A58 B31 D48 C77 C75 B25 A48 J.2 C58 C32 C26 Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 C33 C34 D51 D59 C1.10.14 Aluminum Containers Rounds & Oblongs Closable Cups, Pans & Lids C1.10.14 Item No. Description Material Color Out Dimen. (in.) In Dimen. (in.) Depth Fl. Oz. (in.) Case Wt. (lbs.) Cube Case Corresponding (ft3)Pack Lids B14 4 oz. Utility Cup Alum Silver 3.25 2.94 1.66 4.20 10.00 2.06 1000 K16 C48 7" Round Closable Pan Alum Silver 7.13 6.56 1.50 24.00 12.04 3.79 500 K18, H22 C53 7" Round Closable Pan, Heavy Alum Silver 7.13 6.56 1.50 24.00 13.36 3.86 500 K18, H22 C58 8" Round Closable Pan Alum Silver 8.31 7.81 1.56 37.0 17.84 4.93 500 K19, H23 C77 9" Round Closable Pan Alum Silver 8.94 8.38 1.66 46.2 20.00 6.31 500 K21, H24 C47 7" Round Pan w/ lid Alum/FB Silver/Foil Board 7.13 6.56 1.50 24.00 12.20 2.02 250 Combo Pack C52 7” Round w/ Dome lid Alum/OPS Silver/ Clear 7.13 6.56 2.19 24.00 11.00 2.60 250 Combo Pack C74 9" Round Pan w/ lid Alum/FB Silver/Foil Board 8.94 8.38 1.66 46.20 16.00 3.03 200 Combo Pack C75 9" Round Pan, Heavy w/ lid Alum/FB Silver/Foil Board 8.94 8.38 1.66 46.20 21.00 3.20 250 Combo Pack D96 Casserole Smoothwall Alum Silver 6.36 x 4.17 5.97 x 3.41 1.19 12.00 20.30 2.03 1000 - A78 13 oz. Oblong Closable Alum Silver 6.66 x 5.00 6.03 x 4.09 1.06 13.00 12.00 3.50 500 K13, H12 A73 1 lb. Oblong Closable Alum Silver 5.56 x 4.56 5.06 x 4.06 1.63 15.00 11.00 2.56 500 K12, H11 A74 1 lb. Oblong Closable Alum Silver 5.56 x 4.56 5.06 x 4.06 1.63 15.00 20.10 4.75 1000 K12, H11 D72 Oblong Deli Tray Alum Silver 7.88 x 5.88 7.50 x 5.50 1.38 24.00 28.00 4.13 1000 - A48 25 oz. Oblong Closable Alum Silver 7.13 x 5.13 6.63 x 4.63 1.69 25.00 12.90 2.02 500 K10, H28 B25 1.5 lb. Shallow Oblong Closable Alum Silver 8.50 x 6.00 8.00 x 5.50 1.19 27.04 18.00 4.27 500 K15, H14 B23 1.5 lb. Medium Oblong Closable Alum Silver 8.44 x 5.94 7.94 x 5.44 1.47 30.75 20.00 3.95 500 K15, H14 B37 2 lb. Oblong Closable Alum Silver 8.50 x 6.38 8.00 x 5.88 1.47 33.20 22.10 5.52 500 K17, H21 B31 2.5 lb. Oblong Closable Alum Silver 8.44 x 5.94 7.94 x 5.44 1.81 36.16 18.08 4.28 500 K15, H14 A58 3 lb. Oblong Closable Alum Silver 12.38 x 6.25 11.75 x 5.63 1.50 48.00 30.00 6.13 500 K25 D73 4 lb. Oblong Closable Alum Silver 12.13 x 8.13 11.50 x 7.50 1.50 66.00 24.00 5.89 250 K22, H63 D88 5 lb. Oblong Closable Alum Silver 9.63 x 7.06 9.00 x 6.44 2.72 76.00 22.00 4.95 250 K23, H21 D48 3 Comp. Low Div. Closable Alum Silver 8.50 x 6.38 8.00 x 5.88 1.47 10.7, 4.5, 4.5 22.00 4.29 500 K17, H21 D91 3 Comp. High Div. Closable Alum Silver 8.50 x 6.38 8.00 x 5.88 1.47 13.2, 5.8, 5.8 24.00 C32 Shallow Oblong Alum Silver 6.50 x 5.00 6.00 x 4.50 1.22 14.00 21.00 4.29 500 K17, H21 3.50 1000 - C33 2-Comp. Hamburger Oblong, Shallow Alum Silver 6.50 x 5.00 6.00 x 4.50 1.22 5.40, 3.00 21.00 3.50 1000 - C34 2-Comp. Hot Dog Oblong, Shallow Alum Silver 6. 50 x 5.00 6.00 x 4.50 1.22 5.40, 1.00 21.00 3.50 1000 - B28 2 1/4 lb. Oblong w/ lid Alum/FB Silver/Foil Board 8.44 x 5.94 7.94 x 5.44 1.81 36.16 16.00 2.50 250 Combo Pack C26 3 Comp. Oblong, Lo Div. w/ lid Alum/FB D51 3 Comp. Oblong, Large w/ lid Alum/FB D59 3 Comp. Oblong, Alum/FB High Div. w/ lid Silver/Foil Board 8.50 x 6.38 8.00 x 5.88 1.47 10.7, 4.5, 4.5 18.00 2.41 250 Combo Pack Silver/Foil Board 9.94 x 9.19 9.25 x 8.50 1.63 16, 6.42, 3.0 34.40 4.29 250 Combo Pack Silver/Foil Board 8.50 x 6.38 8.00 x 5.88 1.47 10.7, 4.5, 4.5 19.00 2.48 250 Combo Pack Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 J.3 Aluminum Containers Foil Container Lids Round Domes & BOARDs K16 H22 H23 K18 K19 H24 K21 OBLONG Domes H12 H11 H28 H21 H14 H63 OBLONG BOARDs K13 K12 K15 J.4 Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 K17 K25 K10 K22 C1.10.14 Aluminum Containers Foil Container Lids Round Domes & Boards Item No. Description Material Color Outside Dimen. (in.) Inside Dimen. (in.) Depth (in.) Case Wt. (lbs.) Cube Case (ft3)Pack H22 Dome for 7" Round OPS Clear 7.06 6.38 0.69 8.00 0.67 500 H23 Dome for 8" Round OPS Clear 8.25 7.44 0.69 12.00 1.07 500 H24 Dome for 9" Round OPS Clear 8.88 8.00 0.69 12.00 1.03 500 K16 Board Lid for 4 oz. Utility Cup Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 3.03 3.00 - 5.00 0.34 1000 K18 Board Lid for 7" Round Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 7.09 - - 10.48 0.31 500 K19 Board Lid for 8" Round Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 8.22 - - 14.24 0.38 500 K21 Board Lid for 9" Round Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 8.88 - - 15.14 0.47 500 Aluminum Containers Foil Container Lids Oblong Domes Item No. Description Material Color Top Out Dimen. (in.) Top In Dimen. (in.) Depth (in.) Case Wt. (lbs.) Cube Case (ft3)Pack H12 Dome for 13 oz. Oblong OPS Clear 6.59 x 4.94 5.72 x 4.06 0.69 12.00 1.30 1000 H11 Dome for 1 lb. Oblong OPS Clear 5.50 x 4.50 4.66 x 6.66 0.69 5.00 0.42 500 H21 Dome for Comp. & 2 lb. Oblong OPS Clear 8.47 x 6.34 7.72 x 5.59 0.56 10.00 0.81 500 H28 Dome for 25 oz. Oblong OPS Clear 6.97 x 5.09 6.00 x 4.19 0.81 7.00 0.47 500 H14 Dome for 1.5 lb. - 30 oz. Oblong OPS Clear 8.38 x 5.88 7.72 x 5.88 0.69 10.00 0.93 500 H63 Dome for 4 lb. Oblong OPS Clear 12.06 x 8.06 11.29 x 7.28 0.75 11.00 0.77 250 Aluminum Containers Foil Container Lids Oblong Boards C1.10.14 Item No. Description Material Color Top Out Dimen. (in.) Case Wt. (lbs.) Cube Case (ft3)Pack K13 Board lid for 13 oz. Oblong Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 6.59 x 4.94 9.00 0.32 500 K12 Board lid for 1 lb. Oblong Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 5.53 x 4.53 7.00 0.28 500 K17 Board lid for Comp & 2 lb. Oblong Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 8.44 x 6.31 14.00 0.33 500 K10 Board lid for 25 oz. Oblong Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 7.00 x 5.06 9.00 0.29 500 K15 Board lid for 1.5- 30 oz. Oblong Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 8.41 x 5.91 14.00 0.29 500 K25 Board lid for 3 lb. Oblong Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 12.31 x 6.19 19.00 1.00 500 K22 Board lid for 4 lb. Oblong Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 12.17 x 8.06 17.10 1.00 250 K23 Board lid for 5 lb. Oblong Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 9.56 x 7.00 9.00 0.25 250 Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 J.5 Aluminum Containers PerformancePak® Steamtable Pans Oblongs & Lids B92 B74 E33 B76 B79L / B79M B79 C15 / C15M B96 B91 E35 B98 C10 B95L / B95 B72L / B72 Roasters Rectangles & Ovals D52 J.6 D13 Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 C1.10.14 Aluminum Containers PerformancePak® Steamtable Pans Oblongs & Lids Item No. Description Material Color Top Out Dimen. (in.) Top In Dimen. (in.) Depth Fl. Oz. (in.) Case Wt. (lbs.) Cube Case Corresponding (ft3)PackLids B92 1/3 Steamtable Alum Silver 12.63 x 6.50 11.75 x 5.63 3.94 93.00 10.62 2.03 100 B91 B74 1/2 Steamtable Shallow Alum Silver 12.75 x 10.38 11.75 x 9.38 1.50 78.75 9.26 1.90 100 B72 E33 1/2 Steamtable Medium Alum Silver 12.75 x 10.38 11.75 x 9.38 2.19 104.00 11.90 1.97 100 B72 B76 1/2 Steamtable Medium Alum Silver 12.75 x 10.38 11.75 x 9.38 2.19 104.00 12.80 1.91 100 B72 E35 1/2 Steamtable Deep Alum Silver 12.75 x 10.38 11.75 x 9.38 2.56 120.00 10.04 1.79 100 B72 B79L 1/2 Steamtable, Deep Alum Silver 12.75 x 10.38 11.75 x 9.38 2.56 120.00 8.48 1.74 100 B72L B79M 1/2 Steamtable, Deep Alum Silver 12.75 x 10.38 11.75 x 9.38 2.56 120.00 9.30 1.74 100 B72L B79 1/2 Steamtable Deep Alum Silver 12.75 x 10.38 11.75 x 9.38 2.56 120.00 9.237 1.79 100 B72 B96 Full Steamtable Shallow Alum Silver 20.75 x 12.81 19.56 x 11.63 1.50 174.80 14.00 2.07 50 B95 B98 Full Steamtable Medium Deep Alum Silver 20.75 x 12.81 19.56 x 11.63 2.19 228.00 15.00 2.13 50 B95 C10 Full Steamtable Deep Alum Silver 20.75 x 12.81 19.56 x 11.63 3.38 346.00 15.89 2.28 50 B95 C15 Full Steamtable Alum Silver 20.75 x 12.81 19.56 x 11.63 2.94 320.00 14.98 2.07 50 B95 C15M Full Steamtable Alum Silver 20.75 x 12.81 19.56 x 11.63 2.94 320.00 13.92 2.07 50 B95 B91 Foil Lid for 1/3 Steamtable Alum Silver 12.69 x 6.56 12.31 x 6.19 0.50 - 4.00 0.49 100 - B72 Foil lid for 1/2 Steamtable Alum Silver 12.81 x 10.88 12.31 x 9.94 0.63 - 5.56 1.07 100 - B72L Foil lid for 1/2 Steamtable Alum Silver 12.81 x 10.88 12.31 x 9.94 0.63 - 4.84 0.80 100 - B95 Foil Lid for Full Steamtable Alum Silver 20.81 x 12.88 20.31 x 9.47 0.63 - 8.33 1.15 50 - B95L Foil Lid for Full Steamtable Alum Silver 20.81 x 12.88 20.31 x 9.47 0.63 - 6.22 1.15 50 - Depth Fl. Oz. (in.) Case Wt. (lbs.) Cube Case (ft3)Pack Aluminum Containers Roasters Rectangles & Ovals Item No. Description Material Color Top Out Dimen. (in.) Top In Dimen. (in.) D52 PerformancePak Rectangular Roaster Alum Silver 16.25 x 11.75 15.25 x 10.75 2.14 171.00 22.00 3.26 100 D13 Large Oval Roaster Alum Silver 18.50 x 14.00 17.25 x 12.75 3.75 287.00 9.00 1.83 25 C1.10.14 Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 J.7 Aluminum Containers CaterLuxe® Catering Trays & LIDS A01 H16A J.8 A02 A03 H17A A04 A05 A06 H20A Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 C1.10.14 Aluminum Containers CaterLuxe® Catering Trays & Lids C1.10.14 Item No. Description Material Color Outside Dimen. (in.) Depth (in.) Case Wt. (lbs.) Cube Case Corresponding (ft3)PackLids A01 12" Embossed Flat Tray Alum Silver A02 12" Embossed Lazy Susan Tray Alum Silver A03 16" Embossed Flat Tray Alum Silver 12.00 - 9.18 0.90 50 H16A, H16 12.00 - 9.18 0.90 50 H16A, H16 16.00 - 16.00 1.56 50 H17A, H17 A04 16" Embossed Lazy Susan Tray Alum Silver 16.00 - 16.00 1.56 50 H17A A05 18" Embossed Flat Tray Alum Silver 18.00 - 18.00 2.13 50 H20A, H20 A06 18" Embossed Lazy Susan Tray Alum Silver 18.00 - 18.00 2.13 50 H20A, H20 H16A 12" Scalloped Dome Lid OPS Clear 12.63 2.50 6.00 1.51 50 A01, A02 H17A 16" Scalloped Dome Lid OPS Clear 16.44 2.63 12.00 2.92 50 A03, A04 H20A 18" Scalloped Dome Lid OPS Clear 18.50 3.25 11.00 3.86 50 A05, A06 Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 J.9 Aluminum Containers Pie & Pizza Containers Round Pans & Dome Lids A90 A96 B16 B18 G87 B66 E50 I47 J.10 B10 B13 B20 B38 B41 B68 C81 D65 B69 D64 G94 D57 G78 C94 H82 Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 C1.10.14 Aluminum Containers Pie & Pizza Containers Round Pans & Dome Lids C1.10.14 Item No. Description Material Color Outside Dimen. (in.) Inside Dimen. (in.) Depth Fl. Oz. (in.) Case Wt. (lbs.) Cube Case Corresponding (ft3)Pack Lids A90 3" Tart Pan, Deep Alum Silver 3.44 3.00 0.88 2.50 9.00 1.29 2000 - A96 4 1/4" Tart Pan, Medium Alum Silver 4.06 3.75 0.66 3.40 5.14 1.10 1000 - B10 4 1/4" Tart Pan, Deep Alum Silver 4.34 3.69 0.88 4.50 6.40 1.30 1000 - B13 4 1/2" Tart Pan, Deep Alum Silver 4.47 3.69 0.88 4.50 13..94 2.43 2000 - B16 5" Standard Pot Pie Alum Silver 5.00 4.38 1.19 7.00 9.78 1.72 1000 - B18 5" Deep Pot Pie Alum Silver 5.03 4.50 1.25 8.50 10.28 1.70 1000 - B20 5" Super Size Pot Pie Alum Silver 5.72 5.00 1.53 12.00 20.00 2.91 1000 - G87 8" Pie Plate, Shallow Alum Silver 7.94 7.06 0.88 16.00 26.50 4.66 1000 - B38 8" Pie Plate, Medium Deep Alum Silver 7.94 7.06 0.94 16.20 26.50 3.84 1000 - B41 8" Pie Plate, Deep Alum Silver 7.94 7.00 1.09 17.00 26.72 3.75 1000 - D65 9" Pie Plate, Extra Shallow Alum Silver 9.00 8.00 0.88 17.88 20.64 2.61 500 - D64 9" Pie Plate, Medium Alum Silver 9.00 8.00 1.00 20.60 17.10 4.62 500 - B55 9” Pie Plate, Medium Alum Silver 9.00 8.00 1.00 21.00 39.00 5.23 1000 - D79 9" Pie Plate, Deep Alum Silver 9.00 8.25 1.06 26.00 22.00 2.88 500 - D57 9" Pie Plate, Extra Deep Alum Silver 9.00 8.25 1.19 29.50 20.00 2.74 500 - B50 9" Pie Plate, Extra Deep Alum Silver 9.00 8.25 1.19 29.50 38.00 5.64 1000 - B66 10" Pie Plate, Shallow Alum Silver 9.61 8.69 0.94 27.00 47.00 7.56 1000 - B68 10" Pie Plate, Deep Alum Silver 9.61 8.69 1.13 33.00 22.78 3.50 500 - B69 10" Pie Plate, Deep Alum Silver 9.61 8.69 1.13 33.00 45.50 6.49 1000 - G94 12" Pie Plate, Shallow Alum Silver 11.69 11.00 0.94 42.97 37.96 4.76 450 - G78 12" Pie Plate, Extra Deep Alum Silver 11.69 11.00 1.34 57.10 38.00 4.76 500 - E50 7" Foil Pizza/ Baking Pan Alum Silver 8.13 7.50 0.81 17.50 7.00 1.60 250 I47 C81 13" Foil Pizza/Baking Pan Alum Silver 13.50 12.50 0.59 38.00 17.00 3.40 250 H82 C94 13" Foil Pizza/Baking Pan Alum Silver 13.50 12.50 0.59 38.00 7.00 1.45 100 H82 I47 Dome for 7" Foil Pizza Pan OPS Clear 8.50 7.63 1.00 - 1.96 1.02 50 - H82 Dome for 13" Foil Pizza Pan OPS Clear 13.50 12.50 1.31 - 6.00 2.50 50 - Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 J.11 Aluminum Containers Baking Containers Round Pans & Dome Lids C68 C86 D54 E53 Squares, Oblongs & Dome Lids D93 H29 E14 H10 A42 D81 B85 B84 A39 J.12 B87 B90 H18A B93 H78 E18 Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 H19 A37 A38 C1.10.14 Aluminum Containers Baking Containers Round Pans & Dome Lids Item No. Description Material Color Outside Dimen. (in.) Inside Dimen. (in.) Depth Fl. Oz. (in.) Case Wt. Cube Case Corresponding (lbs.) (ft3)PackLids C68 8" Round Cake Pan, Shallow 8.50 8.00 1.16 30.50 17.00 2.39 500 - C86 8" Angel Pan, PreAssembl. Alum/OPS Silver/Clear w/ Cup & Dome 8.75 8.13 3.75 55.00 12.00 3.66 100 Combo Pack D61 8” Angel Pan, UnAssembl. Alum/OPS Silver/Clear w/ Cup & Dome Clr Dome 8.75 8.13 3.16 55.00 11.20 2.75 100 Combo Pack D54 10" Angel Pan, PreAssembl. Alum/OPS Silver/Clear w/ Cup & Dome 10.00 9.00 3.63 74.00 14.00 4.61 100 Combo Pack D62 E53 10" Angel Pan, UnAssembl. Alum/OPS Silver/Clear w/ Cup & Dome 10.00 9.38 3.63 74.00 15.00 3.96 100 Combo Pack 10" Focaccia Pan 10.88 10.38 1.00 40.00 12.50 1.40 250 - Alum Alum Silver Silver Aluminum Containers Baking Containers Squares, Oblongs & Dome Lids Item No. Description Material Color C1.10.14 Top Out Dimen. (in.) Top In Dimen. (in.) Depth Fl. Oz. (in.) Case Wt. Cube Case Corresponding (lbs.) (ft3)PackLids D93 4 Cavity Texas Muffin Alum Silver 8.75 x 8.38 7.13 x 7.13 1.88 5.25 ea cavity 18.00 3.70 250 H29 E14 6 Cavity Muffin Alum Silver 9.75 x 6.50 9.03 x 5.91 1.25 3.2 ea cavity 30.00 5.47 500 - H29 Dome for Texas Muffin D81 OPS Clear 8.72 x 8.66 7.63 x 7.63 1.25 - 13.00 3.91 250 - 8" Square Cake w/ Dome Alum/OPS Silver/Clear Combo 7.88 x 7.88 7.38 x 7.38 2.75 32.00 9.00 1.56 100 Combo Pack A42 8" Square Cake Pan Alum Silver 7.88 x 7.88 7.38 x 7.38 2.75 32.0 20.80 3.18 500 H10 H10 Dome for 8" Square Cake OPS Clear 8.25 x 8.25 7.44 x 7.44 0.88 - 18.00 3.47 500 - B85 1/4 Sheet Cake Alum Silver 12.81 x 8.81 12.25 x 8.25 1.25 56.30 8.00 1.64 100 H78, H18A B87 1/4 Sheet Cake Heavy Alum Silver 12.81 x 8.81 12.25 x 8.25 1.25 56.30 8.50 1.49 100 H78, H18A B90 1/2 Sheet Cake Alum Silver 17.75 x 12.75 17.13 x 12.13 1.25 116.00 19.40 3.29 100 H19 B93 Full Sheet Cake Alum Silver 25.80 x 17.81 24.81 x 16.81 1.34 240.00 15.00 2.28 25 - B84 1/4 Sheet Cake w/ Dome Alum/OPS Silver/Clear 12.81 x 8.81 12.25 x 8.25 3.50 56.30 9.00 1.79 50 Dome Pack H18A Dome for 1/4 Sheet Cake OPS Clear 13.25 x 9.25 12.38 x 8.38 1.44 - 10.00 2.40 100 - H78 Low Dome for 1/4 Sheet Cake OPS Clear 13.25 x 9.25 12.00 x 8.00 1.00 - 8.20 3.26 100 - H19 Dome for 1/2 Sheet Cake OPS Clear 18.03 x 13.22 17.19 x 12.38 2.25 - 16.00 3.19 100 - A39 Large Danish Alum Silver 11.38 x 7.13 11.00 x 6.75 0.69 25.0 16.00 3.39 500 - E18 Long Danish, Sidewall Ribbed Alum Silver 11.50 x 5.63 11.13 x 5.25 1.00 32.00 18.00 2.83 500 - A37 Oblong Cake Pan Alum Silver 8.63 x 6.00 7.94 x 5.34 1.25 28.00 15.00 3.23 500 - A38 Oblong Cake Pan Heavy Alum Silver 8.63 x 6.00 7.94 x 5.34 1.25 28.00 17.00 3.23 500 - Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 J.13 Aluminum Containers Baking Containers Loaf Pans & Lids A79 A80 A87 J84 J.14 A82 A84 A86 A89 J85 Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 K26 K14 C1.10.14 Aluminum Containers Baking Containers Loaf Pans & Lids C1.10.14 Item No. Description Material Color Outside Dimen. (in.) Inside Dimen. (in.) Depth Fl. Oz. (in.) Case Wt. Cube Case Corresponding (lbs.) (ft3)PackLids A79 1 lb. Loaf Pan, Full Curl Alum Silver 6.13 x 3.75 5.72 x 3.34 2.03 16.00 12.00 1.45 500 J84 A80 1.5 lb. Loaf Pan, Full Curl Alum Silver 8.00 x 4.25 7.38 x 3.63 2.34 29.00 17.50 2.39 500 J85 A82 2 lb. Loaf Pan, Full Curl Alum Silver 8.38 x 4.16 8.00 x 3.78 2.38 35.20 20.00 3.34 500 - A84 2 lb. Loaf Pan, Closable Alum Silver 8.38 x 4.16 8.00 x 3.16 2.38 37.00 26.00 3.39 500 K26 A86 Loaf Pan, Closable Alum Silver 8.44 x 4.31 7.94 x 3.81 2.25 32.70 28.00 5.23 500 K14, H13 A87 Large Loaf Pan, Closable Alum Silver 10.75 x 4.75 10.31 x 4.31 2.31 50.00 2400 5.47 350 - A89 Large Loaf Pan, Full Curl Alum Silver 10.75 x 4.75 10.31 x 4.31 2.31 50.00 21.00 5.50 350 - J84 Dome for 1 lb. Loaf OPS Clear 6.50 x 4.13 5.31 x 2.94 0.88 - 7.00 2.15 500 - J85 Dome for 1.5 lb. Loaf OPS Clear 8.38 x 4.63 7.25 x 3.50 0.88 - 10.00 2.50 500 - H13 Dome for Loaf OPS Clear 8.38 x 4.25 7.53 x 3.41 0.69 - 7.00 0.60 500 - K26 Board lid for 2 lb. Loaf Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 8.31 x 4.19 - - - 8.00 1.00 500 - K14 Board lid for Loaf Foil Board (FB) Foil Board 8.38 x 4.25 - - - 10.00 0.29 500 - Customer Service: 800.849.4004 Fax: 800.849.3477 J.15
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