Memorándum No. UTS/SA/0084B/2012. Ocosingo, Chiapas. 23 de
Memorándum No. UTS/SA/0084B/2012. Ocosingo, Chiapas. 23 de
;;t¡h¡H-~ I~Lut Tl'c uoluf;;:; dI:' t~ "-r 1\1'1 Memorándum No. UTS/SA/0084B/2012. Ocosingo, Chiapas. 23 de abril de 2012. Dr. Antonio Magdiel Velázquez Méndez Mtro. Harvins Arinel Burguete Trejo Mtro. José Jorge Rodolfo Ruiz Serrano Encargados de Dirección de División de Carreras Presentes En el marco de continuidad del proyecto TIES suscrito entre la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, la Western IIlinois University y nuestra Institución, me permito enviar a Ustedes adjunto al presente la convocatoria del programa correspondiente para su fase final, donde tendrán la oportunidad de que 3 docentes participen en una estancia académica en el extranjero, mismo que se realizará del 02 al 15 de junio del presente año. Por lo anterior, me permito solicitar a Usted seleccionar a los docentes que considere pertinente participen y en una reunión posterior con esta Secretaría Académica seleccionaremos a los docentes que nos permitan cumplir con los objetivos planteados en el programa. Sin otro asunto en particular, aprovecho la ocasión para enviarle un cordial saludo. C.c.p. C.P. Rosa Elena Pulido Aguilar. Directora de Administración y Finanzas. Para su conocimiento Archivo. LRZR/ppn. Entronque Toniná Km 0.5 carretera Ocosingo-Altamirano, Ocosingo, Chiapas, México. C.P. 29950 Teléfonos: (52) (919) 6730970, 72,6731290,93 .... '.:: . .' , . ...t l~víPLEMENTING AGREEi\'iENT BETWEEN THE Bo.ARD OF TRUSTEES \\lESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY I\1ACOJ\1B" lLLINOJS, U.S.A. OF AND lJNIVERSID.liD TECNOLÓGICA DE LA SELVA CHíAPAS, MEXrCO ~:::-::-:::;:.'':::;::-E:,íE;(T, , __ ·_~.o .• entered inro rhis 29th da}' of May, 2009, by n)¡,.,n;~ Lriiversitv -'.'""_~">.~~ -',\:'27;0:;;';, c,1e presidents ", , 7," } r . r- bctweeri tnc board 01 to as \X!IUl of Macomb, Illinois, C.s.:\., rher{,:lnafter rcferrcd lxk,<;.]co {hcn:inaf~e:r referred 'T~~~~üj¿~i~,; d~Jll! iei,T~~ of Ciüapas, ..- -- •.'~~.~~,=-~:=,,:~~ . and of \XJestcrn Illinois Universiry 10 ,\5 1_ and the Universidad Tecnológica de la affiliarion agreement.; vnu and IJTS are morivarcd to stl'engthen the ties of friendship and coope.a-?tion -..::::i-,'e¡:sines" and are inreresred in promotiog fue deye}opmcm oí specifl'C cooperarioa ::1110 educacional, technicsl, scientiíic and rechnological specislizations; WGerE,"$ borh . '.' _._ 'T'2ereas ooth instirutions are aware of the cultural and historical bonds ihat urure our counines .:.::::.::::::':::::- ::=::::'~"::é1g lnte.test for social and econonuc development; ~::.e.::<,:.1S 'S'ID1ects and exchanges undertaken hv WIUr..nd CTS'\vould be beneficia] \,;jere;~s 1.1or11institutions are convinced of the importance of establishing rC) ro forcifv \VaY5 hoth ihe ~;,~:':~;.:~~~~ ~":¡~~;c::~~!.~~;T:;'~~ t~::~~:~;,~~::~~r; ~;::~:i~~:r:~~:~~:~~~~ ed1.K"ÚVé ~\~t '::;:~ncre~lS '0:'):'\.' ~lndUTS are cornrnnred '" "'_ ,',.:, =-~cq,nllLltl\CC devcloprnent ~:c:: ~'=;::::[2nt 111our world ~;O\\ THEI?gPORE, .,._- ,. .r: --:t: ol:'educauonal ,1l1dr.ulrural processes of OUl"educational institutions, in such a wuy that we can match the today; .::~':-:-: ';-..:::: z: se:t';: c;f e:schanges, -=-:-~-:-::-- ,- -~ to rhc irnprovcment b··:::~=-h insúrutS()'HS sfrengrhening ir 15 1~rr¿tr1L~TIr .:lg~ced ~1~{(;11G~';.~s:,tbZ-tt tJu:: ·t\V(:I.inslit;'Ttic~.ns CO-{}l)(:'r~.r~:-UJ and acadennc ~mdresearch progunns designed ro errrich rhe inreilectual and to f~cjJ1t'nr'f': thr-- ('~cb:'ingc ()f ~dC:L:; :H1"lOnE~:f~'Cuhr ~Hld srudcnrs, of .7'7',. '-"::-.:~:.:>,'UT contacr and exchangc OUt trainees and trainers, among individuals Efforts will focus upon providing in arder to foster mutual undcrstandinc. ~COE'E OF .\GREE:t\lENT - Thepurpose of thisAgrccrncnt is ro esrablisha basis ofcollaboration for , of educational and cultural acúvities, which conid include specific -pxogmm.sand projects CO\f:~IIT!-'iENTS Tú rC;tTll::1lize specific -4 instrnments and m'ligtn1TlS, illF.tng ,,_ "li.._' ,..... 3. details about the 01'rojccrs . ~?~Ccl..)rTIp lished. '~',~;promete project creanon and provide feedback within both insritutions. ). tD be 2.0 e) '1'0 develop student, faculty, and rcsearch cxchange prograrn~ which will internationalize the academic curricnlum of both universitiesand faól1tate cultural undcrstanding among their students. d) To engage in academic staff and research exchange in order to develop seminars, gladuate degrees, rnasters, workshops, meetings and academic, scientific, technical, and technological forums. e) '1'0 f) To devclop .inter-insututional research. g) T o dev elop distanceleaming p:tograms. h) To develop any other educacional and cultural co-operation institutions agtee. exchange inforrna:non and produce co-publications about the developmcnt of cducational curriculums that could be used as a basis for the developrncnt of a population with higher educational levels. form upon which the SPECIFICPROGRAMS 1n arder to achieve the objectives that arise from this agreemcnt, WIU and UTS agree to formúlate written Annual Operative Programs (AOP), which will include projects and specific co-operative actions, which will be part of this agreement. The A OP will be developed in consultation . . llUI1UnUm between the mstitutions and must mect the iollowing rCll'.llIe1I1ents: a) Definition of specific goals and ob}cctives; b) \X!orkschedule; e) Profile, number and sta)! of the assigned personnel; d) Responsibility of each .instirution and their respective con trihutionsto program; e) A vailable human and financialresources; f) Mechanisms general; g) Methods fot the approval, execution and fulfilrnent of the operacional projects; h) Necessary data and documenrs obiectives; i) Reguhcions about publications andj j) i\ny other information each phase of the for the oversight and evaluatioa of fue projects aswell as thc progratn 111 for determining as exactlyas possible the gonls ami Ot disscmination of the fmdings and resulrs; and that is considered necessary. .3.0 OVERS1GHT Ai'\TD LABOR RELATIONS COMMITTEE -for rhe ~lppl'opriate deveiopmeot wí11establish ~11 oversight . nI the coopew tivc actrvities of this agreernem, committcc with represemarivcs designared by both . 1y'n - vI! i I.J and UDIYCrsltlC5. .' . • L'·"'" ,.1::;, . The oversight committee will meet períodicalJy in a place.agrec:I upan b~ the two U1s~turlo;S m order lo evaluate, analvze, review, and approYe the aspects derrved from the lmplcmcntatJon 01. this agreement, ~. Consequently, Iimited 10, a) some of the activities fue commitree will be chaxged with include, but ate not the following functions: To receive, review and approve the reports on the advances of the cooperative arcas of this document; b) 'To rrÓ EUídeJ orzanize and fonmilate recommcndations b .relevant tu the ;lccornplishrnenr uf rhe activities; e) To make the neccssary decisions in order to fulfill the proposed d) To úIentify the arcas of cornmon intercst, and to formulate f) To designste faculty andj or researchers objcctivcs; speciíic cooperativo in charge of accomplishing projects; the actions agrced upon and those that arise from this agreement. The mernbers of the oversight commitree act as coordinatots of rhe coopeT~rt1Ye ac tivities , JIH:y "vil.!design-ate faru1ty :and/ür mvescgators responsible for cm:!}'lng out the agreed actrvities, and oithose which Ir/ay resulr from this present mstrament, in conformity withits respective applicable laws. The oversight committee will develop pcriodic repotts on accornplishmenrs ami acti~.ítics of the prescnt agreemenr, communicating this to me institutions. Mcmbers of the oversight cornmittee, as well as other assigned personnel frorn each of the mstirntions for the execution oftb.e r==« .ngreement, ',vtU corirmue 'under thc gLlid,uJCc and :sl1ppnrr of the instirution ro which they belong, /l..Iso, rhe rnembers senr by either UTS or WIU will he subjecr ro the will of app.lícablc iaw of the host countrv and to the will, norms and rcgulations of theinstirution in which they are Iocated. The instirutions agree that ernployees who wil] be assígned for thc exeouti ou of the planncd activities in the present agrcement will have health and life insurance provided through thcir respective ernployers' p,kms. In the event ni un accident while cllgaged in a,greement-re.lated -acrisrties, cosrs Ior damages and indemnity would be covered b)" the insnrance of the empJoycc's institntion. lXIIU and UTS will take appropriatc steps wirh the ptopeT authoriries in order tu provide organizanonal assisrance for the arrival and stay of the faculty aodí or rescarchers who will participate in thc projects of coopcration included in this agreernent 4Jl INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY me The .instinaions affirm importance of an adequate and effecnve protecrion of anv intelícctual properrycreated al derived trurn. fue '.lct1v1Uesm projects which are phnned or executed under the frarnework of the presenr agr.eement in accordance with the applicable laws ano agreernents of which they are p~ll:t. .;-\nycornmercial products and copyrights oE .intellecrual prope11:y joindy gener>l.tecl by the ~Ktiv\ties of rhis agreemenrwill be guided by applicsble federal laws and by in ternarional conventions related 10 tlris mattcr signed by thc United States of Mexico and the Urrited States ofAmerio«. Any work produced results and any other lJ) derivec from thecollaboTI\tiyc activities, can hCallilouncecl, publishedor exploited by speciíic ngreemenrs between the institutions in accordance with appEcabk Iaws ano poíicies. Therefore.jt is spcc.ifiecl that t11.C informarion exchanged. under fue trame oí t~e present agreemcnt will not be published OY transferred to a third party without previous written authorization frorn thc party frorn whom the information originates. 5.0 {toro rcsearch and development, FINANCIALSUPPORT \VIU 2J1d UTS will finance the activities referred to by the present agxeement with assigned resources frorn their own respective budgets pending availability and according to applicable Iaw. Therefore, they agrce to determine the leve! of fmancmg which each specific program requires. Fach institution will cover expenscs rclated to their particípation, except whcn other sources of funding can be found for spccific activities.when appwpriate. In this last conrexr, the institutions mar solicit {m-ancla! SUpp01-r, should they deern ir neccssary, from SQUJ:ccssuch as mtemr¡úonal 01~sanjz-at.iQ115 ano other countries, programs and projects implemcnted in accordance with the pre:>cnt agreement. 'CXtCD1q} 6.0 for the execution oí SOLUTION IN THE EVENT OF DISAGREEMENT Differences which may come up regardingthe interpretarion 01' application of this agreement and agreement bctween the instítutions .. its specific progr:ams will be resolved bycom..moll 7.0 TERMINATION The present agreement will take effect from the date it is signed and it w111.remain in cffcet for three (3) years, extendable for periods of the S21IH.~dnration, pending a writtenevaluation from both \VID andUTS, Either of the instirutions may terminate the prcsel1t agrcement directed to the other institution with six (6) months of anticipation. 8.0 with a writtcn comrnumcation MODIFICATION The terms of this l\greement mar be -chang-ed 01 modified only by written consent of the institutions, indicaring the date the modification '1.\1111 go into force. 9.0 REVIEWOF AGREEMENT The: partners agree to consult periodically conceming the status of these colla.boration snd relevant matters. Signed: This day of , 20__ , BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY IJNIVERSI SELVA Ms. Dana Biernbaum M.R·lt· Assistant Vice President Services for Administtati:ve Rector Date Dr. Jack Thornas Provost and Vice-President .---' .~. Date for AcaderiJic Affairs othet DE LA Additional Signature Page Q. I Dr. Jack T mas, Provost and Academic vice Presldent Date Ms. Dana Biernbaum, Assistant Vice President for Administrative Support Servíces í2 \//L Date ~. !<'el/'> Ms Ienill>Q Roegge, Dir:ectQf Purchasing Office Date