Nicole E. Moore (Nikki) Advisor


Nicole E. Moore (Nikki) Advisor
Nicole E. Moore (Nikki)
Advisor: Anita Grunder
B.S. - Earth Science, University of Nebraska at Omaha
M.S. - Geology, Western Washington University
Research Interests:
Petrology and geochemistry of primitive basalts,
including: origin and differentiation of Steens flood
basalt, petrologic and geochemical evolution of
continental arc basalts.
Recent Publications and Abstracts
Presented: Moore, N.E. and Grunder, A.L., 2014, Variations in whole rock
and mineral composition of the Lower Steens Basalt, SE
Oregon, Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 46, no. 6, p. 551
Moore, N.E., and DeBari, S.M., 2012, Mafic magmas from
Mount Baker in the northern Cascade arc, Washington: probes
into mantle and crustal processes, Contributions to Mineralogy
and Petrology, v. 163, p. 521-546.
Moore, N.E., and DeBari, S.M., 2009, Origin and geochemical
evolution of mafic magmas from Mount Baker in the northern
Cascade arc, Washington: probes into mantle and crustal
processes, Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 41, no. 7, p. 191.

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