ONA Yard Sale Map (2013) - The Oaks Neighborhood Association


ONA Yard Sale Map (2013) - The Oaks Neighborhood Association
9 10 8 4 5 2 13 3 14-­‐15 7 12 1 6 11 16-­‐17 18: take a right onto to Delmar from LaClede Legend Yard Sale Locations: You can enter the Oaks Neighborhood via 1) O ld Conn. Path and Brownlea Road, 2) Old Conn. Path and Pinecrest Road and 3 ) Old Conn. Path and Lake Road (near Saxonville Beach). 1. 3 Brownlea Road: bikes, purses, video games, new microwave oven, kitchen tools, kids storage, toys…
2. 8 Springhill Road: baby strollers, carriers, clothes, toys, household….
3. 1 Mayflower Road: household items, baby items…
4. 8 Mayflower Road: side tables, household items, clothes, toys….
5. 23 Brownlea Road: furniture(table) victorian chairs, keurig, tile saw, toys, books, DVD, ceramics….
6. 9 Maymont Drive: jewelry, 5 gallon glass jugs, vintage glassware, household, books, sewing machine…
7. 70 Chouteau Avenue: microwave oven, toys, kitchen items, electronics….
8. 27 Chouteau Avenue: kitchen & barware, framed pictures, infant & kid items (toys, clothing, strollers)
9. 40 Lakeview Road: 8x10 oriental rug, a Pottery Barn (PB) teen rug(boy), Pottery Barn patriots chair….
10. 34 Florissant Avenue: sports equipment, bookshelves, fireplace screen, wood storm doors….
11. 21 LaClede Avenue: retro furniture, lamps, futon, sports equipment, CD’s, DVD’s….
12. 84 Bellefontaine Avenue: twin headboards, baby bassinet, elliptical, lawn mower, men’s dress shirts…
13. 22 Bellefontaine Avenue: Books, CD’s, AC, bookcase, TV’s….
14. 25 Delmar Avenue: Antiques, Car dvd player, Snow blower, patio umbrella, desk, jewelry, purses….
15. 26 Delmar Avenue: LP’s, 45’s, CD’s, office furniture, xmas collectibles, lawn mower….
16. 52 Delmar Avenue: furniture, household items….
17. 56 Delmar Avenue: braided rug, round rug, small table, lamps, curtains, quilt…..
18. 70 Delmar Avenue: LP’s, snowblower, household items, kids items…..

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