saind results sept 15 q 101115
saind results sept 15 q 101115
s- Sefutu &, 6'g'(Auditsection) CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CA( 11/5. SOUTH TUKOGANJ NATH MANDIR ROAD, INDORE-452001 PHONE : (O) 4065948,2511022 (R) 2431713 Telefax : 2523117 MOBILE :98262'94918 E-MAIL : [email protected] [email protected] website : Auditor's Rcport on Ouarterly / Flalf Ycarlv Financial Results of SAM Industrics Ltd. pursuant to thc Clause 4l of the Listing Agrccment To. The Board of Directors SAM Industries Ltd. 401 . Dalamal Chambers. 4tl' Floor, 29. New Marine Lines, Mumbai (M.H.) - 400 020 We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited flnancial results of SAM Industries L-irnited ('the Company') for the quarter ended / half year ended September 30,2015 (the "Statentent"). except fbr the disclosures regarding'Public Shareholding'and'Promoter and Prorroter Group Shareholding'rvhich have been traced fl'om disclosures made by the r.nanagement and lrave not bccn reviewed by us. This Statement is the responsibility of the Company's management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on the Staternent based on our review. 2. We corrducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SIi.E) 2410. Review of lnterim Financial lnformation Perforrned by the Indeperrderrt Auditor of the Entitv issued b1' -l-his standard requires that we plan and pertbrrn tlrc the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. revierv to obtain moderate assLlrance as to whetlrer the Statement is fiee o1'rnaterial misstatenrcnt. A revielv is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We have not perfbrmed an audit and accordingly. we do not express an audit opinion. 3. to bclieve that thc accompanving Statement of LrnaLrdited finarrcial results prepared in accordance u,ith rccosnition and measlrrement principles laid down in Accountirru Standard 25 "lnterinr Financial lleporting". specified under section 133 of the Companies Act,20l3, read with rule 7 of the Cornpanies (Accounts) Rules. 2014) and other recognized accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the infbrrnation required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 4l of the Listing Agreement including the rnanner in lvhich it is to be disclosed. or that it contains any rnaterial rnisstatement. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causcs Iror M.Mehta & Company Chartered Accountants o r C Cl:aiere l/o.,rtr, -lrnr. (PartGr) M.No.400394 I) Iace: lndore Dated F 10.1t.20r5 Lrs ffi SAM INDUSTRIES LTD. crN : L1 51 43MHl 994PLC 16434 Work : village Dakachiya, A.B. Road, Dist. lndore - 453771 (M P') INDIA Phone : OO91 -731 - 4229333, 422937 4 Fax : 0731'4229300 UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER AND HALF YEAR ENDED 3OTH SEPTEMBER, 2015 PART - 1 Audited Unaudited 3 Months ended Sr. No. Particulars a) Net Sales / lncome from Ooerations b) Other Ooeratino lncome f. fohl Exoenses Profit / (Loss) from Operations before other income, finance costs and exceptional items ('l Frnance Costs 7 Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities after finance costs but before exceptional ltems (5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 30.06.201s 30.09.2014 Corresponding 6 months end€d in previous year 30.09.2015 30.09.2014 31.03.2015 296.59 335.41 '155.96 140.63 r82.35 296.59 336.49 643.45 643.45 t 2.33 465 4.81 5.89 13.1 I 22.89 16.89 22.97 20.59 1 9.00 45.86 34.00 273.36 358.03 47.69 35.39 261.29 350.26 100.1 1 720.28 17.11 68.80 '166.06 '147.99 192.23 (36 00) (2s,43) (s 88) (61.44) (13.77) (76.83) 21.48 (14.52) 27 82 43.5i 33 68 49.30 (12.14) 63.4 49.68 124.07 2.35 33.68 o.52 (12.66) 49.61 46.73 I 3.85) 2.35 33.68 (1 49.61 99.45 (52.72) (4.60) (0.85) (e.25) 3.20 (5.45) (6.06) 24.75 24.86 45.13 (97.85) 14.53 (5 05) 1,'108.85 1,108.85 24.86 1,108.85 123.66 538.1 8 - (1 t 6) Exceptional ltems - Expenditure / (lncome) Profit / (Loss) from Ordinary Activities before tax (7 2.48 149.70 191.96 Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before finance costs and exceptional ltems (3 ! 4) 6 9 (6 Months) 182.35 2\ Other lncome 8 figures for the current period previous year figures for the ended Yoar to date Exoenses in-orooress and stock -in-trade d. Emolovee benefits exoense e. Depreciation and Amortization expense Other Expenses 5 Year to date 140.53 a. Cost of Material Consumed b. Purchase ofTraded Goods/Stock-in Trade c. Changes in inventories offinished goods, work- J Correspondin g 3 months ended in previous year 55.96 1 Total lncome from ooerations (net) 2 3 ended 30.09.201 5 1 Preceding months ended 239 004 0.48 5.00) (1.1 5) ( 47.24 0.07 0.51 (1.1 5) 1 .51) 8) Tax Exoense Net Profit / (Loss) from Ordinary Activities after 1 9.1 14.53 tax (9 !'10) Extraordinary items (Net of Tax expense Rs. Nil) Net Profit / (Loss) for the Deriod fi1 t'l2l Paid-up Equity Share Capital (Face Value Rs. 10/each) Reserves Excluding Revaluation Reserves as per Balance Sheet of previous accounting year Earning Per Share (before extraordinary items - not annualized) (a) Basic (b) Diluted Earning Per Share (after extraordinary items - not annualized) (a) Basic (b) Diluted tr 1 (9.25) 108.85 1 3.20 108.85 (0.08) 0.03 0.03 (0 08) (0.08) (0.08) 0.13 0."t3 003 013 0.03 0.13 / J--.A(A I (0.0s) (0.05) 0.22 0.22 (0.88) (0.88) (0.05) (0.05) 0.22 0.22 (0.88) (0.88) /l[A- iroctcx/a utrrcriscd Signatorv Reg. offrce : 401, Dalamal chambers, 4th Floor, 29, New Marine Lines, MUMBAI - 400 020 INDIA Phone : OO91 -22- 404091 91 Fax : OO91 -22 - 4U281 01 Website : wwsr.sam-industries.@m (97.85) 108.85 2931.46 Etrr SAM IN)USTBIES LlMlfED k^-", 1 ;t h I ffi SAM INDUSTRIES LTD. CIN : Ll 5143MH1 994PLC1 6434 Work : village Dakachiya, A.B. Road, Dist. lndore '453771 (M.P.) INDIA Phone : 0091 -731- 4229333, 4229374 Fax : 0731'4229300 PART - 2 Unaudited Months A 1 2 g 3 months months Sr. No. for the period ended in previous year (6 Months) ended Particulars PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDING Public Share Holdino Number of Shares Percentaqe of Shareholdinq 3,696,671 33.340 Audited previous year ended Year to date 3,696,671 33.34o/o 3,696,691 33.34o/o 3.696.671 33.34o/o g 6 months ended in previous year 3.696.691 33.340k 3.696.671 33.Mo/o Promoter and Promoter Group Shareholding a) Pledoed / Encumbered - Number of Shares - Percentage of Shareholding (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter qroup) - Percentage of Shares (as a % of total share capital of the Company) b) Non - Pledoed / Encumbered - Number of Shares - Percentage of Shares (as a % of total shareholding of promoter and promoters orouo) NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 7.391.799 100.00% a hh of the 7.3S1.799 7.391.77 7.391.799 7.391.7 7.39',t.77 100.00% 100.00% 100 00% 100 00% 100.00% 66.66% 66.66% 66.66% 66.66% 66.66% SEGMENT WISE REVENUE RESULTS AND IN Unaudited 3 Months ended Sr. Particulars No. Preceding months ended 3 Correspondin g 3 months ended in Year to date figures for the current period previous year (6 Months) ended 30.09.2015 30.06.2015 30.09.2014 30.09.2015 previous year figures for ended the Correspondin g 6 months ended in Year to date 30.09.2014 31.03.2015 Seomenf Flevcnrrc' A C D 2 6.6,| Soya Weldinq Real estate lnvestment Net Sales/ lncome from Op€rations (TOTAL) Segment Results Profit before interest and tax from each segment D 117.34 23.93 20.16 177.43 23.69 27.43 168.45 (6 32) (18.26) Soya B 133 34 Weldinq Real estate 15.40 19.44 10.26 lnvestment Total Less: (l) lnterest ii) Other unallocable expenditure / ( income) net Total Profit before Tax 0.48 23.63 (1 <, r 3 85) (8.54) (9.37) 151.95 30.97 42.98 225.90 250.68 47.62 47.59 345.89 296.00 41.76 62.18 399.94 s34.33 1 18.54 ('10.00) (14.86) Q2.71\ fiU.04'l (27.63\ 22.98 1 6.38 50.65 67.30 0.07 17.63 49.60 Q4.08\ 7.39 19.27 12.41 29.63 44.78 31.92 0.52 42.90 2.35 33.69 (1 1.50 14.23 16.42 25.34 21.66 0.04 32.29 46.1 0 '108.04 767.52 75.08 94.59 1 63.76 (52.72\ C' &^\"^^r-,^^,- P -j z \ * DO Reg. Offlce : 401, Dalamal Chambers, 4th Floor, 29, New Marine Lines, MUMBAI - 400 020 INDIA Phone : OO9'l -22- 404091 91 Fax : OO91 -22 - 404281 01 Website : 1.55 0.51 SAM INDUSTRIES LTD. ctN : L1 5143MHl 994PLC 1643U Work : village Dakachiya, A.B. Road, Dist. lndore - 453771 (M P.) INDIA Phone : 0091-731- 4?29333,4229374 Fax : 0731'4229300 Capital Employed (Seqment Assets - SeffoelllEbllitiesl A Soya B C D Weldinq Real estate lnvestmenl 589.05 952.75 198.30 2,462.43 Total 4,202.53 lnvestor Comnlainls B 1 2 J 4 3 months Statement of Assets & Liabilities Pending at the beginning of the quarter Received during the year NIL Disoosed of durino the quarter Remaining unresolved at the end of the quarter NIL 2n no ,n{ NIL Unaudited NIL As at Particulars E As at 2{ n2 rn{( Audited Equity & Liabilities Shareholdefs funds The above Results of the Company has been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on 10th November 20'15. 2 Sub-total Non-Current Liabilities Long -term borrowings Deferred tax liabilities (net) Long -term provisions The Statutory Auditor of the Company have carried out a Limited Review of the above results in accordance with Clause 41 of the Trade payable Other current liabilities Short-term provisions Previous period figures have been regrouped, rearranged & reclassified wherever considered necessary to make them Sub-total comparable with those of current period. TOTAL The 4 manufacturing operation of Soya dlvision has Tax Expenses includes provision for current tax and deferred tax. Sub-total Current assets Current investments lnventories Trade receivables Cash & bank balances short-term loans & advances other current assets 60.48 4,73'.t.94 829.86 863.86 1.681.63 1.634.08 780.51 1.30 734.11 1.30 3,293.30 3.233.35 399.40 49.84 10.98 404.21 897.81 TOTAL 4,73',1.94 tiA. DIN: 00094596 U S t, a\ ir I .h tq Reg. offrce : 401, Dalamal chambers, 4th Floor, 29, New Marine Lines, MUMBAT - 4oo o2o INDIA Phone : 0091 -22- 404091 91 Fax ; 0091 -22 - 4C/,2B1 01 \( I ( ) * \ Dated : 10.11.2015 Website : 1.92 333.16 276.97 1.53 338.98 4,723.58 80.62 1,438.65 Whole Time Director Place : lndore 80.'t 5 151.09 43.29 Sub-total For Sam lndustries Limited Gita 1 317.87 0.38 361.54 Non-current assets Fixed assets Tangible assets Capital work in progress Non-current investments Long term loans and advances Other non-current assets administrative expenses and depreciation is still continuing. ,lrz//{a 1 ,1 1 9.98 2,931.46 4,051.44 Assets been discontinued in the year 2013-14. However, the impact of certain 5 80.1 5 143.34 1.52 325.01 1 Sub-total Current Liabilities Listing Agreement. An unqualified report has been issued by them thereon. 3 1,1 19.98 2.925.41 4,045.39 Share Capital Reserves & surplus Notes: o ()f t t 0 39.44 '15.20 939.80 91.58 1,490.23 4,723.58