The Sioux Tribe
The Sioux Tribe
LucasSienne2.notebook January 15, 2014 The Sioux Tribe The Sioux lived in North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The Sioux lived in the northern great plains. Teepees are good homes for people who move a lot. The Sioux lived in teepees. 1 LucasSienne2.notebook January 15, 2014 They used horses to travel. All of the plains people rode horses for hunting and traveling. A shaman or a medicine man is a important man. A sun dance is a type of ceremony. A buffalo bone would make a good painting stick. The Sioux mostly traded weapons. Some of the Sioux people grew crops. Some men were warriors. The Sioux grew corn,squash,and beans. Some of the Sioux ate buffalo. The Sioux men wore moccasins, breechcloths, leggings, and buckskin shirts. The women would wear dresses. 2 LucasSienne2.notebook January 15, 2014 Mrs.Bell 3 LucasSienne2.notebook January 15, 2014 4