mission statement - St. Mary`s Church, Dartmouth, MA
mission statement - St. Mary`s Church, Dartmouth, MA
MISSION STATEMENT St. Mary’s Catholic Parish: A Welcoming, Eucharistic Community where we promote our faith, share our gifts and serve all in the name of Jesus Christ. Pastor Rev. Rodney E. Thibault, JCL [email protected] Director of Parish Faith Formation Benvinda Costa-Reedy, [email protected] Director of Youth Ministry Peter Carvalho, [email protected] Parish Faith Formation Office (508) 992-7505 Director of Music Ministry David Arruda Facilities Manager Thomas Bernat Parish Office Secretaries Stella M. Souza Barbara A. Mello Parish Office Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Phone: (508) 992-7163 or (508) 992-2945 Fax: (508) 992-5209 Parish Website: www.stmarysdartmouth.org . Mass Schedule Rosary: Monday through Friday at 7:30 AM Daily Mass: Monday through Friday at 8:00 AM Civic Holidays: 8:00 AM Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM & 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 3:00 PM until 3:30 PM or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:30 PM Attendance at Baptismal Preparation Session is required of parents and godparents. Sacrament of Marriage Couples contemplating marriage must contact Fr Thibault one year in advance for proper preparation. Communion to the Homebound Please notify the rectory of any parishioner who is unable to attend Mass due to illness, disability or age. Eucharistic Ministers are available. New Parishioners Welcome! Please introduce yourself to Fr. Thibault and be sure to register to become a new parishioner. ST. MARY’S, DARTMOUTH Super Bowl Soup Fundraiser To Benefit The Ladies Guild From Father Rodney We welcome into God’s family through the Sacrament of Baptism We all know the story and plight of Moses so well. One day he is revered by the people he has been chosen to lead and the next day they turn away from him. This, of course, goes on for years…40 to be precise. It is a constant game of tug and pull. When he gets exacerbated, Moses usually turns to the Lord and asks God what he is supposed to do with these stiff-necked people. In response, God usually does one of two things: He tells Moses that he will destroy the people and start over again or He enables Moses to perform some miraculous sign and wonder so that they remember how powerful God is. In the first reading we read from the Book of Deuteronomy this Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Moses realizes that his time on the earth is coming to the end and predicts that God will choose from them, one from their own kin, a great prophet who will lead and guide them. His prophecy reminded me of something: from our own families and friends and neighbors, people who have been called to preach the Gospel this very day are in our midst. Of course, we sometimes think that it cannot be possible. How can so and so preach? He or she is not capable of helping me to hear the voice of God. Actually, as a sign of humility in the sight of God, we are challenged to hear His voice from the baptized and be open to how God is speaking today in and through those in our very midst. We might actually be surprised what God has to say or whom He has chosen/selected to speak His words. We must be open to how God’s Spirit is active and alive in the 21st century. If we listen carefully, we might be surprised at what God has to say to us! Landen John Patricio, Benjamin Noah Cordeiro, Confirmation Soup will be on sale this weekend Saturday, January 31st after the 4:00pm Mass and Sunday, February 1st after all morning Masses at the church. Your choices will be: Kale, Chicken, Minestrone, Chili, Baked Beans, assorted Pastries and more. Sunday February 1st Faith Formation Class Grades 4, 5 & 6 8:45am - 9:50am or 10:15am- 11:20am Life Teen Mass - 5:00pm Monday, February 2nd Adult Faith Formation - 10:00am - 11:30am Edge Grade 7- 6:00pm - 8:00pm Thursday, February 5th Life Teen Bible Study - 6:30pm Saturday January 31st Faith Formation Class Grade 2- 9am - 10:15am Grades 1 & 3 10:45am - 12noon John Cole Meehan and Gavin Kiel Meehan These children were Baptized during the month of December and January. Congratulations to their Parents and Godparents. A Preparation Course for Adult Confirmation Any adult 18 and older wishing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation should contact their parish priest for details and registration forms Spring Classes will begin on February 28 & March 3, 2015 Classes will be held at two locations: Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, MA and Holy Family Parish, East Taunton, MA The Conferral of the Sacrament will be held at St. Mary Cathedral on Saturday, May 9,.2015. Parish Prayer Line If you would like to have someone prayed for please call Jeannette Houbre at 508-994-8676 and your intention will be added to our Prayer Line. Please remember in your prayers all our Service Men and Women, who are separated from their families serving our country. We received word that Bishop Edgar da Cuhna will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation here at Saint Mary’s on Friday, 1 May 2015. This will be our new Bishop’s first pastoral visit to our parish. Please pray for our confirmandi as they prepare to confirm their faith in Jesus Christ. First Communion Our second graders will be celebrating First Communion on Saturday, 2 May 2015. There will be two groups: one at 10:00AM and another at 1:00PM. Please pray for our second graders as they prepare the Eucharist for the very first time. Flu Season 2015 Well, it is official: FLU SEASON 2015 has begun. The Southcoast Hospitals Group made the news public in late December and so, to that end, in an effort to keep everyone healthy this Flu Season, we will be suspending the Precious Blood. The Flu Season usually runs until the end of March and so hopefully, we will be able to resume that Sacred practice at that time. Thanks for understanding. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Winter Clean-up Special Parish Collection Next Weekend February 7th/8th Looking ahead…LENT 2015!!! That’s right: LENT! Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, 18 February 2015 just a few weeks away and the season of preparation for Easter will soon be upon us. Just a few things you might want to take note of as you prepare your schedule. Mass during Lent will be celebrated Monday through Saturday at 8:00AM. The Saturday morning Mass is added for those who wish to attend. Likewise, a Friday evening Mass will be celebrated at 7:00PM each Friday during Lent. This is a good opportunity for families to take some time during the week to pray as a family. Additionally, before the Friday evening Mass, Stations of the Cross will be prayed at 6:30PM. Watch the bulletin for more information from the Social Concerns Ministry who will be hosting an Agape Supper at some point during Lent. The evening will begin with the Celebration of the Eucharist in church and the soup supper will be held in the parish center. Hopefully, some of these opportunities will help you to spiritually gear up for Lent. Inclement Weather It has been the practice at St Mary’s in past years that when school is canceled in the Dartmouth School District the 8am Mass will likewise be canceled. Please note that this practice was established in an effort to ensure the safety of parishioners. The Mass intention will always be satisfied at a later date.! We also would like to ask our Daily Communicants attending the 8am Mass to please park in the back parking lot and use the Door on the West side of the church which has our handicapped ramp during inclement weather so that not all sidewalks and stairs would have to be shoveled and ice melted by 7:30 am. Thank You ! This collection helps with snow-removal, sanding and higher than normal energy cost that each of us incurs during the winter months. Thank you for your continued generosity and ensuring that our parish grounds and buildings are safe places for everyone to visit. February = Anchor Month Every year, the month of February is the time when we renew our subscription to the Diocesan newspaper: the Anchor. If you would like to renew your subscription which is $20 per year, there are yellow renewal envelopes at each entrance of the Church. If you do not yet subscribe to the Diocesan newspaper and would like to do so, please take one of those same yellow envelopes to subscribe. You can simply drop the envelope into any collection basket and we will take care of the renewal/new subscription. Our Prayers are asked for: Maria DaGloria Rodrigues, Monica and Lionel Saint, and all the faithfully departed whose anniversary of eternal life occurs at this time St. Mary’s Parish Blood Bank We would like to thank our parishioners for their donations to our parish blood bank at St. Luke’s Hospital.. We are asking any parishioner who is able to give the "Gift of Life" by donating blood please do so. To donate to our blood bank go to St. Luke's Hospital Blood Bank and tell them you would like to donate to St. Mary's Parish Blood Bank. Any registered parishioner is covered under St. Mary’s Blood bank if they are in need of blood. For more information call St. Luke's Blood Bank 508 961-5320 or Stella at the rectory. (992-7163) Second Collections for the Month of February 8th - Winter Clean-up 18th - Evangelization 22nd - Catholic University of America Winners for Calendar Raffle January 25th - January 31st Jan. 25th Scott Borowicz - Jan. 26th Louis Bernier Jan. 27th Michael Long - Jan. 28th Joan Walker Jan. 29th Joseph Martin - Jan. 30th Bertha Vieira Jan. 31st Isabel Motha SANCTUARY CANDLE The Sanctuary candle burns the week of 1 February - 7 February In Memory Of William L. Wilde Jr. FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Seeking the Peace of Forgiveness Saturday, January 31st Vigil Mass - 4:00pm Mary C. Freitas Sunday, February 1st 8:00am – 1st. Anniversary Aguinaldo G. Cacilhas 10:00am – Parish Memorial: Margaret J. Folan, Georgianna Pedro, Donald M. Dwyer, David James Kubiski, Alzira Carvalhana, Genevieve Tracz, Catherine LeBlanc 11:30am – Jose Pimentel 5:00pm – For the Parishioners of St. Mary’s Monday, February 2nd - 8:00am Barbara Amaral Tuesday, February 3rd - 8:00am 12 Anniversary Hilda Andrade Wednesday, February 4th - 8:00am Special Intention Thursday, February 5th - 8:00am Antonio Manuel Sousa & Family Friday, February 6th - 8:00am Joao Raposa Saturday, February 7th Vigil Mass - 4:00pm Antone and Mary DeLima Sunday, February 8th 8:00am – For Parishioners of St. Mary’s 10:00am – Rachel Cunha and Joao Cunha 11:30am – Jessie Bernier 5:00pm - 1st Anniversary Sheila Martinez Pina Presiders Schedule Feb. 7th & 8th 4:00pm Fr. William Kelly 8:00am Fr William Kelly 10:00am Fr. James Preskenis 11:30am Fr. Thomas Rita 5:00pm Fr. James Preskenis A day retreat for Women will be held at St. Mary’s on February 21st, 2015 from 9am to 3pm. Offered by Catholic radio host and speaker, Allison Gingras. What are you struggling to let go of and who are looking to forgive? The day will include inspiring talks, small group discussion, delicious lunch, Reconciliation and even shopping! Register by mail: or online;: https://seekingpeacedartmouth.eventbrite.com Send a check payable to Reconciled To You for $25.00 to: Reconciled To You; PO Box 784, Raynham Center MA 02768 **Please include lunch choice (ham, tuna or turkey) and contact information in mail in registrations. For Information email Alison at: [email protected] or call her at 508-243-1133 Mass Intentions and Sanctuary Lamp Please be advised that the Mass book has been opened for January thru June of 2015. Please contact the rectory to book Masses for 2015. You can book one weekend mass and 2 daily masses at this time. Please note that the recommended donation as set by the province is $10 a Mass. Additionally, those who would like to reserve the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one to burn for a particular week is also available at this time. The donation is $25 a week. Ladies Guild Sunshine Chairperson For the month of February is Gail Costa. Please call Natalie at 508-99-35716 if a Guild Member is in the hospital or ill at home. 2014 Year End Statements of Donations to the Parish Anyone wishing to receive their record of donations for 2014 tax purposes, can send us a note or email the office at [email protected] Clothing Drive A sincere thank you to all parishioners and Faith Formation families who so generously contributed clothing and coats to the Clothing Drive. With the help of St. Mary’s, Diapers’n Things was able to give out over 100 warm winter coats to families in need. Thank you so much! January 24th/25th Parish Collection $10,270 December Monthly Report Receipts $68,093 Expenses $62,370 Thank You for Your Faithful Stewardship Desiree F. Winterhalter, D.M.D. Antonio Fernandes, Jr., D.M.D. JOHN T. VEALE, D.M.D., M.P.H. PETER G. VEALE, D.M.D. Perry Funeral Home FAMILY DENTISTRY 609 Dartmouth St. So. Dartmouth, MA 02748 William J. Perry Thomas H. Perry (508) 678-7641 www.BayCoastBank.com 508-996-0922 Member FDIC Member DIF General Dentistry 111 Darmouth St., New Bedford (We are family owned) 999-3038 Gardner Realty Infant/Toddler Program Preschool Program School Age Program Service & Installation Deanna Melo, Director 508-999-3882 • 508-758-7906 26 Old Westport Rd., N. Dartmouth www.dgservicecompany.com Route 6 • Mattapoisett, MA 02739 (508) 991-8900 Fax (508) 991-8558 508-993-2921 45 Slocum Road Dartmouth, MA Sunday B Sund Brunch h 10am-2pm 10 -2 Serving Southeastern MA & RI FULL SERVICE CATERING OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LUNCH & DINNER 508.997.8000 www.FaysRestaurant.com 613 Dartmouth St., Dartmouth, MA 508-944-9029 www.gardnerrealty.com John A. Slyvia Construction, Inc. 776 Dartmouth Street So. Dartmouth, MA 02748 C: 774-263-3264 Bus: 508-990-0638 $5 OFF $15 WORTH OF DRY CLEANING Blinds & Designs INCOMING ORDERS ONLY, Drycleaning only. Not valid on Laundered Shirts, Suedes, Furs & Leathers, Wedding Gowns or speciality items. Coupon must be presented with incoming order! Cannot be combined with any other offers. Dry Cleaning Laundromats Custom Made to Fit Your Windows & Your Wallet 154E Faunce Corner Road North Dartmouth, MA 02747 (Cardoza’s Plaza across from 99 Restaurant) 508-990-3299 www.mass.gov/dcf www.bdblinds.com J. MARSHALL MASONRY H. 508-994-9269 THIS SPACE IS (508) 999-5137 Jason Marshall owner REIS ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS LOAM / GRAVEL NEW LAWNS C. 508-524-7759 Victor & Natalie Reis Since 1986 Dartmouth 996-0735 chimneys rebuilt, repainted, reflashed stainless steel caps brick and stone porches es and steps concrete and paver walkways lkways LICENSED AND INSURED # 90834 * Weekly Lawn Maintenance * Tree & Shrub Pruning * Bobcat Service * Fertilizer Programs * Mulch Delivered * Sod Installation * Landscaping www.earthworkslawnandtree.com Free Estimates • Est. 1980 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. DECEMBER 29, 2014 8:59 AM St. Mary, Dartmouth, MA 03-0834 • Lumber • Drywall • Windows • Doors • Millwork • Kitchens • Stairs STAR OIL CO. Hair in Motion Visiting Nurse Hospice Care Private Care 24 hour burner service 508-991-4299 Fax: 508-991-4381 An award-winning not-for-profit home care agency serving southeastern Massachusetts since 1918 by Lilly Fagundes Walk-Ins Welcome 219 Rockdale Ave. So. Dartmouth, MA 02748 774-526-0238 Ask about our discount for St. Mary’s Parishioners 508-992-6278 958 Reed Road Dartmouth, MA “Creative Hairstyles” 62 Center St. Fairhaven, MA 02719 228 Rockdale Ave. New Bedford, MA 02740 www.communitynurse.com OFFICE MANAGER: [email protected] JASON BARKER (508) 990-2389 CAS For Advertising Information, call DAN LINNELL at LPi today! Auto Home Business Life LAWN MAINTENANCE • MULCHING FERTILIZING • SPRING & FALL CLEAN-UP TREE & SHRUB PRUNING POWER WASHING & GUTTER CLEANING SNOW PLOWING CHRISTMAS LIGHT SET-UP Rosemary Neto Hazzard, CIC Stephen M. 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DECEMBER 29, 2014 8:59 AM Parishioner 992-2844 St. Mary, Dartmouth, MA 03-0834