Impacts of Urban and Industrial Development on Arctic Land Surface Temperature in Lower Yenisei River Region, Russia Ziqi Li and Nikolay Shiklomanov The George Washington University, Department of Geography, Washington D.C. Methods Urbanization and industrial development have significant impacts on arctic climate that in turn controls settlement patterns and socio-economic processes. In this study we have analyzed the anthropogenic influences on regional land surface temperature of Lower Yenisei River Region of the Russia Arctic. The study area covers two consecutive Landsat scenes and includes three major cities: Norilsk, Igarka and Dudingka. Norilsk industrial region is the largest producer of nickel and palladium in the world, and Igarka and Dudingka are important ports for shipping. We constructed a spatio-temporal consistent surface temperature model by including 1km MODIS LST, Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) air temperature , DEM, and Land cover classification. Those aforementioned spatial data have various resolution and coverage in both space and time. We analyzed their coupled relationships and reconstruct a monthly spatio-temporal consistent surface temperature (Ts) model at 1km resolution from 1980 to 2011. The temperature model then was used to examine the characteristic summer mean surface temperature signatures, related to several representative assemblages of Arctic urban and industrial infrastructure in order to quantify anthropogenic influence on regional surface temperature. All spatial data were resampled to 1km resolution and reprojected to EASE-Grid. From 2002-2011, 80% of summer mean MODIS LST (JJA) were used to derive the multiple linear regression using four variables: MERRA air temperature, XY coordinates and elevation. MODIS LST(land cover) = a MERRATair + bX + cY + dDEM The relationship was used to reconstruct surface temperature for the period 1980-2001. Three different time interval land cover maps were used. Temperature maps were smoothed out using xyz coordinates of MODIS pixels. Land Cover Ts for different land cover types Reconstructed Ts MERRA Tair 1980s 10-yr Mean Introduction Study Area Results To validate the model, 20% of summer mean temperature data from 2002 -2011 are randomly chose to test the accuracy. Figure 6. shows comparison between reconstructed Ts with MODIS LST for forest, tundra, barren, built-up respectively. All land cover types yield mean difference (SD) of 0 with standard deviation around 1 degree and Pearson’s correlation around 0.8. Built-up is the best reconstructed land cover type. MD = 0.00 SD = 1.26 R = 0.79 MD = 0.00 SD = 1.32 R = 0.79 MD = 0.00 SD = 1.32 R = 0.81 MD = 0.00 SD = 0.93 R = 0.88 1990s 10-yr Mean a) b) Conclusions • Reconstructing historical surface temperature from MODIS LST and NASA-MERRA air temperature yields promising accuracy. • Based on reconstructed surface temperature (Ts), From 1980 – 2011, built-up areas have the highest temperature and warm faster than the regional warming. • The urban warming indicates urban and industrial development have significant influence on land surface temperature in Lower Yenisei Region. Figure 2. Photos of Norilsk (a) and Talnakh (b), industrial area (c), and damaged building (d). 2000s 10-yr Mean d) c) Figure 1. Map of Lower Yenisei River Region. Study area is bounded by black line. Map courtesy to Kelsey Nyland. Figure 6. Comparison between reconstructed Ts and MODIS LST. Acknowledgements This research was supported by U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) grants 1231294, 1558389,1204110, 1304555 and by the National Research Council of Norway grant 34306/1/ECNS21015N to The George Washington University. We gratefully thank the University of Waterloo to deliver the MODIS Monthly LST product. Also, I appreciate the land cover classification maps provided by Kelsey Nyland. Data Used Data Spatial resolution Temporal coverage MODIS LST product1 MERRA 2m Air Temperature Landsat NDVI - driven Land Cover Classification2 DEM 1km x 1km 0.5°x 0.66° 30m x 30m 2002-2011 1980-2011 Three time intervals: 1985-1987, 2000-2002, 2012-2014 N/A 1. 2. 1km x 1km MODIS 1km LST product was preprocessed by University of Waterloo, Canada. The preprocess approach involves MODIS Aqua/Terra spatio-temporal aggregation and interpolation (Claude et al., 2012). Land cover classification is based on Landsat NDVI dense time stacking method (Nyland, 2015). Figure 4. Water Barren Forest Built-up Tundra Figure 3. Land cover maps, reconstructed Ts maps, MERRA Tair maps and boxplots for three decades. Figure 5. References Nyland, K. E. (2015). Climate-and Human-Induced Land Cover Change and its Effects on the Permafrost System in the Lower Yenisei River of the Russian Arctic (Master dissertation, The George Washington University). Duguay, Claude R; Soliman, Aiman; Hachem, Sonia; Saunders, William (2012): Circumpolar and regional Land Surface Temperature (LST), version 1, with links to geotiff images and NetCDF files (2007-2010). University of Waterloo, Canada.