Service report - Boston Bar Association


Service report - Boston Bar Association
Service Report
a s s o c i at i o n & f o u n dat i o n
“Here’s what I see all across this
great city—people working together
to make Boston a better place to
live and to raise children, to grow
and pursue dreams.”
—The late Mayor Thomas Menino
Our Mission
The mission of the Boston Bar Association is to advance the highest standards of
excellence for the legal profession, facilitate access to justice, serve the community
at large and promote diversity and inclusion.
The Boston Bar Foundation is the charitable affiliate of the Boston Bar Association.
Its mission is to promote justice by funding and promoting innovation in legal
services, enhancing access to justice for the underserved, and supporting the public
interest activities of the bar.
If you would like to get involved in any of these programs, please contact:
Katie D’Angelo, Public Service Programs Coordinator, at [email protected].
2 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Dear Members and Friends,
We’re proud to present the Boston Bar Association’s and Foundation’s 2015 Public
Service Report. Each year, we are impressed and inspired by our members who step
up to serve, engaging in a range of projects that improve people’s lives, and strengthen
our neighborhoods. Some spend a day at Housing Court, on hand to ensure that pro se
litigants have fair and equitable access to justice. Others donate time and resources to
assist current and former members of the U.S. Military. And still more volunteer to teach
future generations what it means to be a lawyer.
In the pages ahead, you’ll read about the work of these volunteer lawyers, as told by
the people who have seen the impact of their service first-hand. We hope these stories
inspire you as they have us, and that you join us next year as we work to improve our
community, help our fellow citizens and create a brighter future for Boston.
If you would like to get involved in any of these programs, please contact Katie D’Angelo,
Public Service Programs Coordinator, at [email protected].
Julia Huston
Lisa Goodheart
Boston Bar Association
Boston Bar Foundation
4 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
6 About the Boston Bar Association & Foundation
8 Reentry Education Program
10 Summer Jobs Progam
14 Lawyer Referral Service
16 Law Day in the Schools
18 Judicial Internship Program
20 Lawyer for the Day in the Boston Housing Court
22 Further Initiatives
24 Public Interest Leadership Program
26 Expanding Access to Justice
27 John & Abigail Adams Benefit / Grants
28 Law Day Dinner: Honoring Public Service
29 Committees & Volunteers
Donors, Sponsors, Sustaining Members & Fellows
39 BBA Council and BBF Trustees
ABOUT THE BOSTON bar association
The Boston Bar Association (BBA) is the hub of the legal
profession—a strong and diverse group of attorneys
committed to professional excellence, giving back to our
community, and fostering equal access to the justice
system for all.
Starting as a small group of lawyers led by John Adams in
the late 1700’s, the BBA is now more than 12,000 strong, with
members ranging from large firm practitioners, solo and boutique lawyers, affinity bar leaders, in-house counsel, regulators, legal aid attorneys, court personnel, law school faculty,
law students, and other legal professionals. Our members are
experts in a wide range of fields, including Boston’s most
prominent industry practices: health, financial services, and
college and university law. Our members are also proof that
an inclusive legal community is a strong legal community.
As an organization, we’ve built formal partnerships with
six affinity bar associations (the Asian American Lawyers
Association, the Massachusetts Association of Hispanic
Attorneys, the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association, the
Massachusetts Black Women Attorneys, the Massachusetts
LGBTQ Bar Association, and the South Asian Bar Association
of Greater Boston). Together with our fellow bar associations,
our partners in the city, and the Boston Bar Foundation, we
work to strengthen our initiatives and expand our capabilities
as we look to a bright future.
6 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
ABOUT THE BOSTON bar foundation
The Boston Bar Foundation (BBF), the charitable affiliate of
the Boston Bar Association, is where the legal community
comes together to make a difference and give back. Since its
founding in 1957, the BBF has engaged thousands of lawyers
in projects that directly improve people’s lives and strengthen
our community.
The BBF takes a holistic approach to advancing its mission
to expand access to justice and engage lawyers in service
opportunities that make a meaningful impact in our community. In addition to funding the portfolio of projects described in
this report, the BBF also provides direct grants to community
non-profits that provide legal assistance to those in need.
The Boston Bar Foundation is able to fund the projects and
programs described in this report thanks to the generous
donations and financial support from individuals, law firms,
businesses, and other sponsors.
The Boston Bar Association and Foundation have engaged
thousands of lawyers in projects that directly improve people’s lives.
Pro Bono
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 7
Reentry education program
The courtroom inside the John Joseph Moakley
Federal Courthouse buzzes with quiet activity.
Attendees start to fill in the seats, some of them
equipped with pads of paper and pens. They are
here to attend sessions of the Reentry Education
lihood of recidivism, both judges proposed to the
BBA the idea that lawyers might have helpful legal
expertise to offer to probationers as they prepare
to reenter society.
The initiative began in 2012 as a collaborative effort
between Judges Leo T. Sorokin and Timothy Hillman of the District Court and the BBA’s Public
Interest Leadership Program (PILP). Involved with
the probation programs C.A.R.E. and RESTART,
which respectively offer support to probationers
struggling from drug addiction and the high like-
After incarceration, rejoining society again is no
easy task. Formerly incarcerated individuals face
obstacles in regaining their licenses, finding jobs,
securing housing, and any number of other basic
needs. Navigating this road without assistance can
seem daunting. Topics covered in this program
include: CORI management, finding affordable
housing, family law, public benefits, financial literacy,
reinstating drivers licenses, and landlord tenant law.
103 12
Number of Participants
Number of Sessions
“The participants were incredibly
engaged and eager to apply the class
tools towards their own fresh start.”
—Adrienne Walker, Mintz Levin
8 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Topics Covered
Life anew: Adrienne Walker
(right) and Raquel Webster
(below) are two of the volunteers
who help formerly incarcerated
individuals rejoin society.
o u r S to ry
Raquel Webster & Adrienne Walker | Volunteers
Raquel Webster,
(National Grid) one
of the committee
members involved
with the creation of
the program, cited
an overwhelmingly
enthusiastic response from participants
from the very start: “In the first workshop, there were enough questions to
have kept us there for hours. The attendees were very engaged and had all
sorts of questions—you could see them
scribbling down notes for the entire
session, and many approached [the presenter] after to thank him and ask extra
questions. We left feeling encouraged
that, even if it was in a short amount of
time, we could tell that they were trying
to soak it all in… ”
With resounding success in its first
iteration, the BBA formally adopted the
Reentry Education Program to embark
on a second year. Workshop leaders
include attorneys from private practice,
legal services, solo practitioners, and
more—all of whom have eagerly offered
to volunteer for this critical program.
So far, participants at the sessions have
learned more about public benefits,
their tenancy rights and affordable
housing options, driver’s license reinstatement, and beyond.
As to whether the program continues
to have a positive effect, the close attention that participants have shown in the
workshops is testament enough. Adrienne Walker (Mintz Levin), who taught a
financial literacy course, affirmed, “Learning about credit and the tools needed
to build a strong credit history are vitally
important to regain independence and
financial security. The participants in the
BBA Reentry Education Program…recognized this need and were incredibly engaged and eager to learn, and apply the
class tools towards their own fresh start.”
That’s exactly what this program
seeks to offer to the participants of the
workshops: their best chance at a fresh
start. Equipped with information about
their rights and how to live responsibly,
participants are more likely to avoid
recidivism. The Reentry Education
Program teaches them that the justice
system is there to support them, and
in doing so creates a safer, healthier
community for all.
PILP 11 and Choice
Following the structure established
by the Reentry Education Program’s
presentation, PILP 11 provided educational programs to participants in the
Boston Municipal Courthouse in Roxbury
CHOICE program. Formed in 2009, the
CHOICE program combines intensive
probation supervision and monthly incourt sessions with encouragement for
job placement and continuing education.
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 9
m y s to ry
Marty Walsh
Mayor of Boston
Q: Why are summer jobs for Boston’s
youth so important?
A: Summer jobs provide Boston
youth with meaningful employment
experiences in a professional environment, with opportunities to gain the
necessary skills to become effective leaders in college, careers, and their future.
We know that summer work improves health and safety for urban
youth. But I want to do more than that;
I want to connect jobs to the college
and career pathways we are building
in our high schools.
At these jobs, youth are able to
connect with committed, responsible,
and reliable mentors. These strong and
empowering relationships will help to
shape our youth, and ultimately support
our thriving, healthy, and innovative
communities in Boston.
Q: How does the Boston Bar
Association’s participation support your
overall goals for summer jobs?
A: The Boston Bar Association is a great
partner in supporting my Summer
Jobs Program and my efforts to provide
Boston’s youth with positive learning
experiences that extend beyond the
Because of their remarkable
network across the legal community,
the Boston Bar Association is one of
the top private sector partners, helping
to secure over 60 youth jobs with
more than 40 law firms for the summer of 2015. Together, we are opening
opportunities for Boston’s youth to
create the next generation of diverse,
professional leaders within our
The Boston Private Industry Council (PIC)
PIC has partnered with the BBA for the past 22
years. In that time, we’ve worked together to
place nearly 800 Boston public high school
students in paid legal internships and to prepare
them for successful careers down the road.
Our program would not be possible without
the support of the PIC. The PIC career specialists
in each Boston public high school select the
best candidates for the program, help students
with applications, and provide workshops to
prepare students for their jobs.
recognizing our partners
The City of Boston
Under Mayor Martin Walsh, the City of Boston
works tirelessly to provide young people summer employment opportunities. We thank him
for his commitment to this initiative and to the
BBA Summer Jobs Program.
10 2015 Boston Bar Association Service Report
For decades, the City of Boston and the Boston
Private Industry Council have worked to organize
private sector employers to participate in the
Mayor’s Summer Jobs Initiative. And each summer,
nearly 900 Boston-area employers—large and
small, public and private—answer the call to hire
Boston high school students.
The Boston Bar Association’s eight week paid
internship offers these students professional experience, a steady paycheck, and a chance to meet
new mentors and learn from the best in the field.
The influence that this short period can have on
their lives is immeasurable. We’ve watched as they
have gone to college and returned to their communities as lawyers, teachers, and successful adults.
This year, we employed more students than ever
before. Sixty-five teens, 15 funded by the BBF,
representing every neighborhood of Boston spent
the summer in law firms, legal departments and
non-profit organizations. Each week they came together for enrichment seminars, career panels and
fieldtrips to various courts.
Amount of Money Invested in
the Community
Number of Employers
Number of Student Positions
“Being in the atmosphere of an actual law
firm was more exhilarating than I thought
it would be. Even if I was not being paid,
I would still continue with the job.”
—Danielle Miles-Langaigne, BBA Summer Jobs student
and junior at Boston Latin Academy
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 11
Thank you to our summer Jobs Employers
44 Employers
particpating in the Boston Bar Association’s
2015 Summer Jobs Program!
Hiring Multiple Students: Burns & Levinson LLP ■ Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen and Loewy, LLP ■ Goodwin Procter LLP ■ Locke Lord
LLP ■ Ropes & Gray LLP ■ Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP Hiring
One Student: Anderson & Kreiger LLP ■ Brown Rudnick LLP ■ Choate Hall
& Stewart LLP ■ Chu, Ring & Hazel LLP ■ Collora LLP ■ Conn Kavanaugh
Rosenthal Peisch & Ford LLP ■ DLA Piper ■ Foley Hoag LLP ■ Hinckley, Allen
& Snyder LLP ■ Holland & Knight LLP ■ Lynch Brewer Hoffman & Fink, LLP
■ Margolis & Bloom ■ McCarter & English, LLP ■ Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris,
Glovsky and Popeo P.C. ■ Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP ■ Nixon
Peabody LLP ■ Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP ■ Pierce Atwood LLP ■ Posternak Blankstein & Lund LLP ■ Prince Lobel Tye LLP ■ Proskauer Rose LLP ■
Sherin and Lodgen LLP ■ Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak & Cohen, P.C. ■ Sullivan & Worcester LLP ■ Sunstein Kann Murphy & Timbers LLP ■ Thornton Law
Firm LLP ■ Todd & Weld LLP ■ Verrill Dana LLP In-House LegaL Departments
Hiring Multiple Students: LPL Financial non-profits Hiring Multiple Students:
Boston Bar Association ■ Boston Bar Foundation Government AGencies Hiring
Multiple Students: City of Boston, Office of the Corporation Counsel Hiring One
Student: Office of the Massachusetts Attorney General ■ Suffolk District Attorney’s
Office Student SponSorS Donoghue Barrett & Singal, P.C. ■ EMC Corporation ■
Hemenway & Barnes LLP ■ Peabody & Arnold LLP Partial Student SPonSorS
Arrowood Peters LLP ■ Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
law firm EmployErs
12 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
ask e d :
“What was the most memorable part of the BBA Summer Jobs Program?”
arcos Hernandez, Intern at Proskauer Rose LLP
John D. O’Bryant School of Math & Science
“ The most memorable part of the summer program has been
the opportunity to network with litigators, paralegals, and
lawyers to help decide my own career path.”
Jorgiana Martin, Intern at Fragomen, Del Rey,
Bernsen & Loewy, LLP
Snowden International High School
“Not only did the attorneys enlighten me, but meeting an actual
lawyer in Boston, where I am from, and learning about the steps
they took to become a lawyer, changed my life. I now am sure of
what type of lawyer I want to become and the type of law I want
to pursue.”
Funding for Internships
The Boston Bar Foundation
provides paid internships
through the Summer Jobs
Program for students at
non-profits, government offices,
and the courts. This year, 15
positions were funded through
the BBF at the following offices:
Committee for Public
Counsel Services
Legal Advocacy &
Resource Center
Massachusetts Department
of Public Health
Massachusetts Department
of Labor Standards
Massachusetts Executive
Office of Health and
Human Services
Massachusetts Interest on
Lawyers’ Trust Accounts
Kevin Truong, Intern at Goodwin Procter LLP
Boston Latin School
“My most memorable part of the BBA Summer Jobs Program
is that I was able to file documents with the Supreme Judicial
Court and the First Circuit Court. I think that it was quite an
experience to see and interact with the centers of the legal
Massachusetts Law
Reform Institute
Suffolk County District
Attorney’s Office
United States Bankruptcy
Court - District of
United States District Court—
District of Massachusetts
Volunteer Lawyers Project of
the Boston Bar Association
Kamay Gordon, Intern at Suffolk County
District Attorney’s Office
New Mission High School
“ The most memorable part of the BBA Summer Jobs Program
was the seminar where BBA interns, like myself, got to meet different professionals in the law field. It was very eye-opening to
not only see the different careers in law but also, to learn about
the various types of law that one could practice. Overall, this
seminar was very enlightening and showed me that within the
law field, there isn’t one set path or career that I can pursue. The
opportunities are endless.”
2015 public ervice Report 13
lawyer referral service
“Hello, Boston Bar Lawyer Referral Service.”
professionally, Unflat stayed with the Lawyer
Referral Service.
That’s the phrase heard at 16 Beacon Street an
average of every 12 minutes all year long, as Greater
Boston residents reach out in search of an attorney.
The BBA Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) is a resource
for people who need legal help but don’t know
where to start. For more than 60 years, the BBA
has referred thousands of LRS callers every year
to lawyers who specialize in the area of law related
to each caller’s situation.
One such lawyer is Laura Unflat, a family law
practitioner based in Wellesley. Unflat signed on
through the office she worked with when she first
began practicing law. But even after moving on
Percentage of Attorneys Who Take
Reduced Fee Cases
“When I went out on my own, I kept my membership with the LRS as a way of providing community service. Many referrals are people who don’t
know where to go or who to ask for an attorney;
they’ve never had the need before. It is a wonderful
resource for all, but I find particularly for those from
a more modest income background.”
“For me, the best part about being an LRS attorney
is reaching clients who otherwise would not have
been in touch with me. They are from a variety of
backgrounds, socially and economically, and I
enjoy that.”
Number of Callers Helped
“I really think that without the help
of my attorney, my case would have
had a different outcome.”
—Troy Shennette, LRS caller
14 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Amount of Hours Spent
on the Phone
“The best part
about being an
LRS attorney is
reaching clients
who otherwise
would not have
been in touch
with me.”
—Laura Unflat,
Family Law Practicioner
better outcome: Troy
Shenette received the
help he needed through
Laura Unflat (pictured
here) and the LRS.
o u r S to ry
Troy Shennette & Laura Unflat | Caller & LRS Attorney
It isn’t always easy to ask for help
when facing a legal problem; it takes
courage to share details that are
often personal and to place your trust
in someone you don’t know. Troy
Shennette took that chance.
“I first learned about the BBA’s
Lawyer Referral Service online; I went
on the web, did a search for lawyer
referral services, and found the site.
My attorney was really helpful—she
gave me all types of options and information to help with my problem. I really
didn’t expect her to be so caring and
to give me the chance to learn about
my options.”
“I really think that without the help
of my attorney, my case would have
had a different outcome. Ms. Unflat
really educated me on what to do
versus what not to do if I needed to
think about these issues in the future.
It made me think about what I could
do differently moving forward. Without
her, I wouldn’t have been so informed
on my options and the process in general. I’d call the Lawyer Referral Service
any time I’m looking for information
or legal support—it makes things so
much easier.”
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 15
learning the letters
of the law: Emily Hodge
(above left) teaching
fourth graders at Bradley
m y s to ry
Emily Hodge & Bradley Elementary School | Volunteer at School
The fourth graders at Manassah E.
Bradley Elementary School in East
Boston had no trouble coming up with a
list of rules that they follow every day.
“I have to go to bed at eight,” said one
“I have to do my homework before
I can watch TV,” said another. “And we
can’t run in the hallways at school,
Emily Hodge, a lawyer with Choate
Hall and Stewart LLP, is leading the
students in a discussion about laws, the
16 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
justice system and the role of lawyers.
“Laws are like adult versions of the
rules,” she explains. “What we’re doing
today is figuring out why we have laws.”
Hodge’s task as guest teacher is a
part of the BBA’s week-long Law Day
in the Schools Program. In total, nearly
80 volunteers taught more than 1,000
students in seven different schools.
In addition to offering attorneys the
chance to spend a day out of the office
and in the community, the program is a
way to help prepare the next generation
to be active, educated citizens.
“When you can teach kids early on
to appreciate and understand the
basic ideas that underlie our justice
system, they can gain a sense that
it’s something that they want to participate in,” says Hodge.
Fourth grade teacher Michael
Wilson agrees. “You always want to
expose kids to as much knowledge as
you can,” he says. “For someone to
come in besides me and teach them
is a great way to learn.”
law Day in the schools
For one week this spring, seven Boston public
schools played host to nearly 80 volunteer attorneys. They were there to mark the 800th birthday
of the Magna Carta, and lead a lesson plan on the
famous document.
And while the lesson began with the Archbishop of
Canterbury’s attempt to make peace between an
unpopular English king and a group of rebel barons, the conversations in classrooms across Boston
moved well beyond that, to discussions about rules,
laws, why we have them, and the important role
lawyers play in our justice system.
Each May, the Law Day in the Schools program
gives elementary, middle and high school students
a firsthand look into the legal profession. In turn,
the Program offers lawyers a way to engage with
Boston public school students, share their passion
for the law, and be inspired by the next generation.
Number of Students
Number of Volunteers
Number of Schools
“Thank you for Law Day! My students
will not stop talking about it. You have
gained a Law Day classroom for as
long as you do this program.”
—Fourth Grade Teacher, Michael Wilson
Manassah E. Bradley Elementary School
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 17
Judicial Internship program
Keenly aware of the challenges that law students—
particularly those from diverse backgrounds—face
entering the profession, the BBA has established programs that offer support and guidance to students
while connecting them to resources in the broader
legal community. Perhaps the most significant of
these is the Judicial Internship Program, held in
collaboration with the Commonwealth’s Trial Courts,
including the Boston Municipal Court, District Court,
Superior Court, and the Probate and Family Court.
Students are also placed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court
for the District of Massachusetts and the United
States Bankruptcy Appellate Panel for the First Circuit
Number of Interns
(“BAP”). More than 125 law students have participated
since the program’s inception.
Established in 2010 based on a suggestion by
Judge Robert Tochka, the program offers immersive experiential learning coupled with a sense
of community investment in the futures of the
students. Over the summer, interns are paired
with a participating judge, where they have the
opportunity to work directly in support of the
court staff. Throughout the summer, the BBA holds
educational programs specifically geared toward
the interns.
Number of Hours Worked
“This was, without a doubt, the absolute
best experience I could have had.”
—Paulette Pagan, Intern, Suffolk University Law School, Class of 2016
18 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Number of Judges
& Supervising Clerks
“The advice and mentoring
I received in the early years
certainly helped me become
a better attorney.”
—Judge Robert N. Tochka, Superior Court
o u r S to ry
Judge Robert N. Tochka and Paulette Pagan | Volunteer & Intern
If any proof is needed that the program
is a valuable initiative, talk to Paulette
Pagan, part of the Summer Judicial Internship’s Class of 2014 and an intern in
the Boston Municipal Court with Judge
Tochka (who has since moved to the
Superior Court).
“I wouldn’t trade last summer for the
world,” she said firmly. “It was, without
a doubt, the absolute best experience I
could have had after my 1L year, and I’m
more than grateful for the opportunity.
That’s why I’m such a big proponent of
the program: it has catapulted my law
school career and my post-law school
career in a direction that I had never
As a self-identified diverse student,
gaining this sense of inclusion in
Boston’s legal community was critical
to Pagan. Not only did her internship
introduce her to the world of the trial
attorney and convince her that this
was her path to pursue, but it also gave
her an entrée into the profession that’s
actively aiding her: the connections she
made through the Judicial Internship
Program led to her getting a term-time
internship at the Suffolk County District
Attorney’s Office.
“Boston is a microcosm of the
world,” explained Judge Tochka. “Its
diversity is part of what enriches the city
in myriad ways. If students from various
backgrounds and law schools meet
during a summer internship, it could
be the first step in forging long-lasting
relationships. In my experience, the challenges and rewards of this profession
lie in the inter-relationships we develop
with so many different people in all
strata of society.”
the 2015 program
Included students from:
Boston College Law School
Boston University School of Law
George Mason University School of Law
New England Law | Boston
Suffolk University Law School
Western New England University
School of Law
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 19
Lawyer for the Day
in the Boston Housing Court
Imagine being summoned to a place that you had
never been to and didn’t understand. You knew
that it was an important visit, but weren’t sure what
to do or say, and had no one to help you. Unfortunately, that’s a situation facing many people in our
These unrepresented litigants are often unsure of
how the court operates, uncertain of what they are
supposed to do when they come before the judge,
and with little understanding of the law or knowledge of their legal rights. The Lawyer for the Day
volunteers are their safety net.”
Judge Jeffrey M. Winik, First Justice of the Boston
Housing Court, sees this firsthand regularly.
The Lawyer for the Day in the Boston Housing
Court Program provides crucial advice and assistance to unrepresented landlords and tenants
navigating the Housing Court system. Over the
past 16 years, volunteers have assisted over 17,000
landlords and tenants.
“People come to this court every week who are
unrepresented. They include tenants at risk of
losing their apartments, landlords facing significant
defenses or monetary claims brought by tenants,
and homeowners at risk of losing their homes.
Number of Volunteers
Number of
Landlords/Tenants Served
20 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Unrepresented litigants have the benefit of talking
to knowledgeable lawyers trained in housing
law who are able to help them understand their
options, better articulate their defenses and claims,
and enable them to make informed decisions
regarding how they should proceed.
In one instance, a property owner came into court
without a lawyer. His tenant—who had not paid rent
in six months—had asserted numerous counterclaims and was asking for thousands of dollars in
damages. After speaking with a volunteer lawyer
the landlord was able to negotiate an agreement
with the tenant that reestablished the rent flow and
gave the owner time to make repairs.
In another case, a tenant was facing eviction. The
tenant had filed a written answer that included
defenses and counterclaims. The tenant negotiated an agreement with her landlord’s attorney
that required her to vacate her apartment on a
very short timeline and pay a significant amount
of money. The agreement was presented to Judge
Winik for review. After questioning the tenant and
the landlord’s lawyer, Judge Winik was left with the
impression that the tenant didn’t understand that
she had agreed to waive the defenses and counterclaims asserted in her answer. He suggested
Holding Court: Before convening
hearings in Housing Court, Judge Winik
instructs visiting law students and new
lawyers on what to expect.
that the tenant bring the proposed agreement to a
Lawyer for the Day volunteer lawyer. The volunteer
lawyer reviewed the agreement with the tenant,
explained what her rights as a tenant were, and
discussed what other options were available to her.
The volunteer lawyer was able to work with the
landlord’s attorney to come to a new agreement,
one that not only allowed the tenant more time to
find a new apartment, but also included a reduction in the amount of rent owed based on claims
asserted in the tenant’s answer that the volunteer
attorney helped the tenant understand.
“The beauty and benefit of the Lawyer for the Day
program from where I sit is that it’s even-handed,”
says Winik. “It provides counsel and support to
both landlords and tenants, so it is fair in appearance and in reality. I think that is an essential component of the program, and I see evidence of
it every day in my courtroom.”
“Judges try to make sure that everyone who comes
into their court has a fair opportunity to be heard.
Volunteer lawyers make that a reality every day.”
—Judge Jeffrey M. Winik, First Justice of the Boston Housing Court
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 21
And we’re working
on so much more…
The BBA’s reach extends much further than the aforementioned
programs. We work to support the courts, address unmet needs in
the legal community and train the next generation of attorneys.
M. Ellen Carpenter
Financial Literacy Program
Number of Schools
Number of Students
Number of Volunteers
WHAT the Program does: Partnering
with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, we
educate high school students throughout
the state on personal finance and budgeting, understanding and using credit,
buying a car, and the consequences of
poor financial decisions.
22 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Pro Bono
Number of Trainings
Number of
Attorneys Trained
WHAT the Program does: Every year
the BBA partners with legal service organizations and the courts to train volunteer
attorneys on specific unmet legal needs
in our community, including veterans
discharge appeals, special advocacy for
at-risk youth, legal support for victims of
human trafficking and landlord tenant law.
Number of Mentees
Number of Mentors
WHAT the Program does: Knowing
that a clear indicator of career success is
having a supportive mentoring environment, the BBA’s Group Mentoring Program
promotes the development of a new
generation of diverse leaders at the BBA
by providing a neutral platform for tackling
career challenges, building connections
and fostering success.
Military & Veterans
Legal Help Line
Number of Calls
Number of Firms Taking
Pro Bono Cases
Number of Attorneys
Taking Cases
WHAT the Program does: As
part of our ongoing efforts to provide
much-needed legal assistance to servicemembers and veterans, the BBA manages
the Military & Veterans Legal Help Line to
connect veterans, military personnel, and
their families with lawyers and other legal
resources appropriate to their needs.
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 23
Public Interest Leadership Program
Welcome PILP 12
Nathaniel Adams
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Elizabeth Barrett
Legal Department of the Trial Court
Erica Carroll
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
Chelsea Dunn
Committee for Public Counsel Services
Christopher Hart
Foley Hoag LLP
PILP 2012
David Hartnagel
Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green PA
The Public Interest Leadership Program (PILP)
promotes civic engagement and public service by
advancing the leadership role of lawyers in service
to their community, their profession, and the Commonwealth. This selective program attracts a diverse
group of talented, motivated attorneys who have
graduated law school within the last 10 years, have
demonstrated a commitment to pro bono and public
service, and have a history of organizing bar activities.
PILP participants connect with prominent community
leaders at meetings and events. They learn about
the challenges confronting local organizations, and
then take part in efforts to address specific community needs. After completing the 14-month program,
graduates enter a growing network of accomplished
alumni who provide mentoring and support to their
Michael Homer
Ropes & Gray LLP
Marcus Hughes
Partners HealthCare
Jessica Katz
DOVE, Inc.
Kevin Larivee
MA House of Representatives
Jessica Lu
Brown Rudnick LLP
Shabnam Mashmasarmi
BayState Law Group, PLLC
Alex Mancebo
Locke Lord LLP
Elizabeth McEvoy
Donoghue, Barrett & Singal, P.C.
Erika Reis
City of Boston Law Department
Eric Teasdale
Choate Hall & Stewart
“PILP made it possible to connect with like-minded
peers early in my career. Many of them have become
colleagues, collaborators, and friends.”
—Samantha Morton, Executive Director, Medical-Legal Partnership
24 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
what I
As the BBA welcomes the twelfth class of Public Interest Leaders, we reached
out to past PILP classes to learn about the many achievements of this impressive growing network of alums.
“PILP made it possible to connect with like-minded peers early in
my career. Many of them have become colleagues, collaborators,
and friends. I was able to meet and talk with prominent leaders
from all sectors of the legal community—rare opportunities indeed. PILP set the stage for other types of valuable BBA involvement - I’m sure that my positive experience with the program
helped pave the way for other rewarding BBA leadership roles.”
—Samantha Morton, Executive Director, Medical-Legal Partnership
“The BBA’s Public Interest Leadership Program (PILP) provided me
with an opportunity to hone my leadership skills while establishing
a priceless network of ambitious and civic-minded professionals.
The BBA also takes care of its own. For example, since graduating from PILP, I have had the opportunity to serve on the PILP
Subcommittee and as an at-large member of the BBA’s Business
Transactions Steering Committee. Most recently, I was appointed to be Co-Chair of
the BBA’s Energy and Telecommunications Subcommittee. I very much look forward
to seeing where my PILP network and experiences take me next.”
“I found my
participation in
PILP to be very
rewarding, both
personally and
I enjoy working
with a diverse
group of attorneys.”
—Christopher Saccardi, The Law
Office of Christopher T. Saccardi
—Camal Robinson, National Grid
“I found my participation in PILP to be very rewarding, both personally and professionally. I enjoyed working closely with a diverse
group of attorneys whom I would likely not otherwise have gotten
to know. I am still in touch with many members of my former
PILP class and find them to be good friends, helpful for discussing
legal questions, and a value source of referrals. I also learned a lot
about the BBA as a PILPer and have found its resources and staff to be very helpful
to me in my own practice.”
—Christopher Saccardi, The Law Office of Christopher T. Saccardi
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 25
BBA President Julia Huston addresses more than 500 attorneys at Walk to the Hill.
Expanding Access to Justice
Beginning with our founding father John Adams,
who provided pro bono representation to the British
soldiers prosecuted for the Boston Massacre, the BBA
has been at the forefront of promoting justice and improving access to the legal system in Massachusetts.
We work to ensure adequate funding for the courts
as well as civil legal services, so that those who need
to turn to the justice system to protect their rights or
resolve their disputes will find the sufficient staff and
resources to assist them.
BBA Statewide Task Force to Expand
Civil Legal Aid in Massachusetts
Did you know that 64% of people who seek civil
legal aid are turned away due to lack of resources?
That’s what the Task Force learned following an
18-month examination of unmet legal aid across the
state. The report, Investing in Justice, is the most
comprehensive study of civil legal aid in Massachusetts. Its findings made headlines, prompted op-eds
and even inspired a Globe editorial cartoon, all advocating in support of increased funding.
Perhaps most significantly, the report showed that
every dollar spent on legal aid yields a return on
investment between $2 and $5. This finding empowered the legal community to request $25 million for
26 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation (MLAC)
in FY16 to fund civil legal aid.
Walk to the Hill
Remember the record-setting winter of 2015? In late
January—just days after the first of many blizzards—
more than 500 attorneys joined Attorney General
Maura Healey at Walk to the Hill to ask their legislators for increased funding for civil legal aid.
As Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Hon. Ralph
D. Gants pointed out, while then current budget of
$15 million may sound like a lot, it is the equivalent
of every person in the state buying a single cup of
Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. The request for $10 million in
additional funding, therefore, is nothing more than
that cup o’ joe plus a bagel…without cream cheese.
In the end, the legislature appropriated $17 million to
MLAC in FY16, a satisfying increase in a year marked
largely by level funding.
Thank you to everyone who spoke with your
legislators about access to justice. The reception we
received from the State House was overwhelmingly
supportive. We are confident that the Legislature
will continue to support civil legal aid as not only the
right thing to do, but also a smart investment.
John & Abigail Adams Benefit
Welcoming a record breaking crowd of over 1,000
guests and raising over $650,000, the Boston Bar
Foundation’s John & Abigail Adams Benefit plays a
major role in funding legal services organizations
in our community. 100% of the proceeds from
this event are used to fund grants to community
non-profits working to prevent homelessness,
protect victims of domestic violence, advocate for
those facing injustice and much more. The BBF
thanks the sponsors and attendees, including the
over 200 young lawyers who attended the inaugural “Late Night at the Museum” party, for their
support of this important cause.
$950,000 in grants were provided by the BBF to
23 community organizations that work to provide
legal services to those in need.
Members enjoy the venue at the John & Abigail Adams Benefit
In legal services granting over the past ten years
FY15 Grantees
Casa Myrna Vazquez
Irish International Immigrant Center
Medical-Legal Partnership | Boston
Children’s Law Center
of Massachusetts
Kids in Need of Defense
MetroWest Legal Services, Inc.
Northeast Legal Aid
City Life/Vida Urbana
Lawyers Clearinghouse on
Affordable Housing & Homelessness
Community Legal Services
and Counseling Center
Legal Advocacy & Resource
Center, Inc.
East Boston Ecumenical
Community Council
Massachusetts Advocates
for Children
Veterans Legal Services
Finex House, Inc.
Massachusetts Coalition for
Occupational Safety and Health
Volunteer Lawyers Project of the
Boston Bar Association
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
Women’s Bar Foundation
Greater Boston Legal Services
Housing Families
Political Asylum/Immigration
Representation Project
Prisoners’ Legal Services
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 27
Law Day Dinner: Honoring Public Service
On May 27th, more than 1,300 members of Boston’s
legal community gathered at the Seaport Hotel for
the Boston Bar Association’s annual Law Day Dinner.
During the event, BBA president Julia Huston honored three legal service professionals.
The Thurgood Marshall Award, which recognizes
private attorneys in greater Boston for their efforts to
enhance the human dignity of others through legal
services, was given to Al Wallis, Executive Director of
the Brown Rudnick Center for the Public Interest. Mr.
Wallis has combined pro bono legal representation,
charitable giving and community service to engage
thousands of volunteer attorneys in service to their
community. It is truly an innovative model that has
motived and inspired others in the legal profession
to contribute time, expertise and resources to help
those in need.
The John G. Brooks Legal Service Award, which
was established to recognize professional legal services attorneys for their outstanding work on behalf
of indigent clients in greater Boston, was awarded to
Barbara Mitchell, Executive Director for the Community Legal Services and Counseling Center (CLSACC).
Ms. Mitchell leads the only volunteer-based agency
of its kind in the area, combining legal assistance and
mental health counseling.
“The satisfaction of making a
positive difference in people’s
lives is the best part about
being an attorney.”
— Barbara Mitchell, Recipient of the John G. Brooks Award
BBA President Julia Huston (second from left) with honorees
Jack Ward, Barbara Mitchell and Al Wallis.
The President’s Award, a special honor granted
occasionally to single out an individual or group for
their extraordinary contributions to the field of legal
services, was given to Jack Ward, recently retired
from Greater Boston Legal Services. The award
recognized Mr. Ward’s more than 30 years of leadership and guidance. Known nationally as one of the
foremost fundraisers for legal services, Mr. Ward’s
finance and development efforts have given tens
of thousands of people in our community access
to justice.
“The BBA helps instill the power and
the possibility of the law.”
—Attorney General Maura Healey, keynote speaker at the Law Day Dinner
28 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Thank You to our Committees & Volunteers
Active Duty Military, Family
Members & Veterans Committee
Donald Lassman, Law Office of
Donald R. Lassman (Co-chair)
Anna Schleelein Richardson,
Veterans Legal Services (Co-chair)
Elizabeth Alfred
Elaine Benkoski, Law Offices of
Elaine M. Benkoski
David Bizar, Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Morgan Callahan, Massachusetts
Attorney General’s Office
Samantha Caplan, U.S. Coast Guard
Cameron Casey, Ropes & Gray LLP
Nancy Dempze, Hemenway &
Barnes LLP
Alexandra Dillon, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Martha Drane, Committee for
Public Counsel Services—Lowell
Alan Einhorn, Foley & Lardner LLP
John Fitzpatrick, U.S. Army Reserve
Linda Freitas, Sullivan &
Worcester LLP
Kate Georgen, Feinberg
Hanson LLP
Galen Gilbert, Gilbert & O’Bryan, PC.
Lynn Girton, Veterans Legal
Nancy Grodberg, Sullivan &
Worcester LLP
Betsy Gwin, Legal Services Center
of Harvard Law School
Rochelle Hahn, Massachusetts
Law Reform Institute
Scott L. Harshbarger, Proskauer
Rose LLP
Jonathan Hayden, McCormack
Firm, LLC
Dylan Hayre, Lawyer for Soldiers
Gina Holness, Gina Dines
Holness, Esq.
William Keating, Norfolk County
District Attorney’s Office
Fred Kemper, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Lisa LaFera, Law Office of
Lisa LaFera
Tera Lally, Proskauer Rose LLP
Jeffrey Lomas, Suffolk Law School
Cynthia MacCausland, Law Office
of Cynthia E. MacCausland
Dan Magoon, Massachusetts
Iraq and Afghanistan Fallen Heroes
Memorial Fund
Britte-Anne McBride,
Massachusetts Attorney
General’s Office
Shannon McLaughlin,
Massachusetts National Guard
David Merson, Suffolk University
Law School
Dana Montalto, Legal Services
Center of Harvard Law School
Daniel Nagin, Legal Services Center
of Harvard Law School
Jerald Parisella, Massachusetts
House of Representatives
David Prentiss, David G.
Prentiss, P.C.
Rosa Previdi, Legal Advocacy and
Resource Center (LARC)
Alistair Reader, Massachusetts
Attorney General’s Office
John Regan, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Michael Riley, Goulston & Storrs PC
Jennifer Rowe, Norfolk County
District Attorney’s Office
Christopher Schmitt, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Anthony Sciaraffa, Massachusetts
National Guard
Tyler Sparrow, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Kimberly Strovink, Massachusetts
Attorney General’s Office
Mary Sullivan, Massachusetts
Attorney General’s Office
Patrick Tracey, Morgan Lewis
Michelle Wolf, Veterans’ Disability
BBA Reentry Education
Program Committee
Julia Devanthery, Legal Services
Center of Harvard Law School
Eric Haskell, Middlesex District
Attorney’s Office
Emily Hodge, Choate Hall &
Stewart LLP
Brendan St. Amant, Donnelly,
Conroy & Gelhaar, LLP
Raquel Webster, National Grid USA
Group Mentoring Committee
Leslie Su, Minerva Law, P.C.
Julia Cosentino, Nutter McClennen
& Fish LLP (Co-Chair)
Joel Buenaventura, Massachusetts
Department of Public Health
Stephen Honig, Duane Morris LLP
Richard Quinby, Gonzalez Saggio
& Harlan LLP
Mala Rafik, Rosenfeld Rafik &
Sullivan, P.C.
Jesse Redlener, Dalton &
Finegold, LLP
Laura Unflat, The Law Office of
Laura M. Unflat
Judicial Internship Pipeline and
Recruitment Committee
Sarah Kim, Office of the
State Treasurer
Law Day in the Schools
Curriculum Committee
Jeremy Eisemann, Liberty
Mutual Group
Dara Kesselheim, Suffolk County
District Attorney’s Office
Anuj Khetarpal, Committee for
Public Counsel Services
Matthew Welnicki, Melick &
Porter, LLP
Lawyer Referral Service
Review Committee
Mala Rafik, Rosenfeld Rafik &
Sullivan, P.C. (Chair)
Joseph Griffin, Law Office of
Joseph M. Griffin Jr.
Andrea Lance, Lance Law LLC
Mary Lee, Mary K.Y. Lee P.C.
Justin Mikowski, Mikowski &
Leonard, LLC
Christopher Saccardi, The Law
Office of Christopher T. Saccardi
Dino Santangelo, Law Office of
Dino R. Santangelo
Leslie Su, Minerva Law, P.C.
Francis Teague, Frank J. Teague
& Associates
M. Ellen Carpenter Financial
Literacy Program
Hon. Joan Feeney, U.S. Bankruptcy
Court, Judicial Co-Chair
Hon. Frank Bailey, U.S. Bankruptcy
Janet Bostwick, Janet E. Bostwick,
PC, Co-Chair
Douglas Rosner, Goulston & Storrs
PC, Co-Chair
Benjamin Loveland, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, Vice
Western Massachusetts Division
John Davis, Cooley Shrair, P.C.,
Western Division Co-Chair
Elizabeth Katz, Rescia & Katz, LLP,
Western Division Co-Chair
Public Service Oversight
Lynn Girton, Veterans Legal
Services (Co-chair)
Douglas Gooding, Choate Hall &
Stewart LLP (Co-chair)
Essence Arzu, The Arzu Law
Group LLC
Thomas Bean, Verrill Dana LLP
Daniel Biagiotti, Legal Advocacy
Resource Center (LARC)
Cameron Casey, Ropes & Gray LLP
Jennifer Durand, Schmidt &
Federico P.C.
Alexandra Gorman, Skadden,
Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
& Affiliates
Maureen McDonagh, Legal
Services Center of Harvard
Law School
Christopher Morrison, Jones Day
Dino Santangelo, Law Office of Dino
R. Santangelo
Charla Stevens, McLane Middleton
Public Interest Leadership
Program 2014-2015
Jared Barnes, Boston
Medical Center
Carrie Benedon, Massachusetts
Attorney General’s Office
Kathryn Day, Klein Hornig LLP
Lizbeth Ginsburg, Greater Boston
Legal Services
Julie Heinzelman, Prince Lobel
Nita Kumaraswami, Sullivan &
Worcester LLP
David Lieberman, Day Pitney LLP
Jenevieve Maerker, Foley Hoag LLP
Rochelle Levy, JP Morgan Chase
& Co.
Elizabeth Mooney, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Elianna Nuzum, Suffolk County
District Attorney’s Office
Rory Pheiffer, Nutter McClennen &
Fish LLP
Nency Salamoun, The Victim Rights
Law Center, Inc.
Sarah Schendel
Arivee Vargas, Jones Day
Katy Ward, Mintz, Levin, Cohn,
Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Public Interest Leadership
Program Subcommittee
Christopher Morrison, Jones Day
Jennifer Doran, Hinckley Allen
Jacquelyn Burke, Mintz, Levin,
Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and
Popeo, P.C.
Jane Harper, State Street
David McGowan, Suffolk County
District Attorney’s Office
Jesse Redlener, Dalton &
Finegold, LLP
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 29
Thank You to our Committees & Volunteers
Camal Robinson, National Grid USA
Katherine Schulte, Casa Myrna
Suleyken Walker, Massachusetts
Attorney General’s Office
Matthew Welnicki, Melick &
Porter, LLP
Real Estate Public Service
Seth Malamut, STAG Industrial, Inc.
Maureen McDonagh, Legal
Services Center of Harvard Law
School (Co-chair)
Joanna Allison, Volunteer
Lawyers Project of the Boston
Bar Association
Andrew Cohn, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Bruce Eisenhut, Board of Bar
Mary K. Y. Lee, Mary K.Y. Lee P.C.
Robert L. Lewis,
Boston Housing Court
Sharon Jones
Samuel Moskowitz, Davis, Malm
& D’Agostine, P.C.
JoeAnn Smith, Boston
Housing Court
Hon. Jeffrey Winik,
Boston Housing Court
Barbara Zimbel,
Greater Boston Legal Services
Summer Jobs Steering
Matthew McTygue, Locke Lord,
LLP (Co-chair)
Colin Van Dyke, Mintz, Levin, Cohn,
Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Neil Austin, Foley Hoag LLP
Elaine Carmichael, DLA Piper LLP
Jennifer Doran, Hinckley Allen
Shane Early, Office of the
Corporation Counsel of the City
of Boston
David McGowan, Suffolk County
District Attorney’s Office
Jeffrey Mittleman, Holland &
Knight LLP
Edward Notis-McConarty,
Hemenway & Barnes LLP
Young Lawyers
Advisory Committee
Jonathon Anderman, Intarcia
Therapeutics, Inc.
Azure Aronsson, Collora LLP
Stephany Collamore, Foley
Hoag LLP
30 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Bryan Conley, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Shane Early, Office of the
Corporation Counsel of the City
of Boston
Dan Krockmalnic, Massachusetts
Attorney General’s Office
Nikkie Marie Oliveira, Bass, Doherty
& Finks, P.C.
John McBrine, Nutter McClennen
& Fish LLP
Jennifer Mikels, Duane Morris LLP
Kimberly Butler Rainen, Tamkin
& Hochberg, LLP
Christopher Somma, Goodwin
Procter LLP
Marissa Urban, Holland &
Knight LLP
Adam Veness, Acceleron
Scott Adams, Law Offices of
Scott Adams
Karen Adamski, O’Brien & Adamski
Warren Agin, Swiggart & Agin, LLC
Thomas Ahmadifar, Sullivan &
Worcester LLP
Karlene Aiken, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Sam Ames
Nicholas Armington, Mintz,
Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and
Popeo, P.C.
Judy Arnost, Liberty
Mutual Insurance Stephanie Babin, Parker
& Associates
Hon. Frank Bailey,
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Joseph Baldiga, Mirick O’Connell
Elizabeth Barrett, Massachusetts
Executive Office of the Trial Court
David Bean
Joshua Beiser, Liberty
Mutual Group
Scott Bell, Liberty Mutual Group
Nicholas Bentley, Axiom
Amanda Blaske,
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Daniel Bleck, Mintz, Levin, Cohn,
Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Gary Bloom, Law Office
of Gary Bloom
Hon. Henry Boroff,
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Janet Bostwick, Janet E.
Bostwick, PC
Stephen Brake, Nutter McClennen
& Fish LLP
Heidi Brewster, Biogen
Christopher Brine, Culik Law P.C.
Clayton Brite, United States
Bankruptcy Court
Michael Broderick, Law Office of
Edward Fegreus
James Browning
Renee Burgher, State Street
Jennifer Butler, Weiner Law
Firm, PC
Danielle Byrdsong, New England
Law | Boston
Lisa Callahan
Jason Campbell
Christopher Candon, Sheehan
Phinney Bass + Green
Jennifer Cardello, U.S. Attorney’s
Alison Casey, Nutter McClennen
& Fish LLP
Fred Chase, Liberty Mutual Group
Christine Chilingerian, Tufts
Health Plan
Esther Cho, Mintz, Levin, Cohn,
Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
John Cohan, McLane Middleton
Stephen M. Cohen, Choate Hall &
Stewart LLP
Tara Colby, Liberty Mutual Group
Michele Collins, MetLife
Christopher Condon, Murphy
& King
Derek Constantine, Mintz,
Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and
Popeo, P.C.
Chloe Coravos, Dalton &
Finegold, LLP
Sean Cronin, Culik Law P.C.
Katherine Crossman, National
Lawyers Guild
Milton D’Andrea
Jeanne Darcy, Sullivan &
Worcester LLP
Adam Davey, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
John Davis, Cooley Shrair, P.C.
Scott Davis, Sun Life Financial
Rebecca De Chellis
Jeanette Demasi, Liberty
Mutual Group
Joan Densberger
Michael Diener, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Christine Dieter, Goodwin
Procter LLP
Mark DiOrio, Bulfinch
Companies, Inc.
Danielle D’Onfro, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Sean Doran, Goodwin Procter LLP
James Drabick, U.S. Securities &
Exchange Commission
Nicholas Drew, Goodwin
Procter LLP
Elizabeth Duffy, State Street
Sultan Durzi, Volunteer Lawyers
Project of the Boston Bar
Ty Edmondson, Biogen
Nathan Edwards, Finnegan,
Henderson, Farabow, Garrett &
Dunner, LLP
Albert Elia, Northeastern University
School of Law
Anne Farina, Sun Life Financial
James Fauci, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Hon. Joan Feeney, U.S.
Bankruptcy Court
Megan Fein, Liberty Mutual Group
David Ferrera, Nutter McClennen
& Fish LLP
Dahlia Fetouh, Goodwin
Procter LLP
Sheila Flaherty, Demandware
Kate Foley, Mirick O’Connell
Nicole Fontaine Dooley, Wilmer
Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Eric Fox, Goodwin Procter LLP
Robert Friedman, Burns
& Levinson LLP
Brendan Furey, American
Student Assistance
Shira Furman, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Tammie Garner, Nutter McClennen
& Fish LLP
Andres Garron, Ropes & Gray LLP
Henry Geberth, Hendel & Collins, PC
Emily Gianetta, Jones Day
Galen Gilbert, Gilbert & O’Bryan, PC.
Daniel Gleason, Nutter McClennen
& Fish LLP
Genevie Gold, Goodwin Procter LLP
Lane Goldberg, Goldberg Law
Marcia Gookin, Biogen
Alexandra Gorman, Skadden,
Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
& Affiliates
Richard Goulding, Sullivan &
Worcester LLP
Michelle Greco, Sun Life Financial
Nancy Gregory, BlumShapiro
Nicholas Grimaldi, Fierst, Kane &
Bloomberg, LLP
Joshua Grinspoon, U.S. Securities
& Exchange Commission
Geraldine Gruvis, Americorps
Jeffery Habenicht, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Thank You to our Committees & Volunteers
Yomarie Habenicht, Ernst &
Young LLP
Lisa Halbert, Bacon & Wilson, PC
Adam Hamel, McLane Middleton
Brenda Hansen, Biogen
Richard Harper, U.S. Securities &
Exchange Commission
William Harrington, Office of the
U.S. Trustee
Kelly Haynes, Boston Children’s
Bonnie Heiple, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Rachel Hershfang, U.S. Securities
& Exchange Commission
Benjamin Higgins, U.S.
Bankruptcy Court
Emily Hodge, Choate Hall &
Stewart LLP
Hon. Melvin Hoffman, U.S.
Bankruptcy Court
Erin Hogan
Joseph Horne, Goodwin
Procter LLP
Yalonda Howze, Mintz, Levin, Cohn,
Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Rebecca Israel, U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission
Jeffrey Jones, Williams College
Sara Jones, Ropes & Gray LLP
Sharon Jones
Martsyl Joseph, M Joseph Law
John Kacoyannakis, Law Offices of
John Kacoyannakis
Matthew Karambelas, Mintz,
Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and
Popeo, P.C.
Shiva Karimi, McLane Middleton
Geraldine Karonis, U.S. Department
of Justice-NH
Elizabeth Katz, Rescia & Katz, LLP
Michael Katz, Bacon & Wilson, PC
Elizabeth Kayatta, Arrowood
Peters LLP
Bethany Keating, Biogen
Ryan Kelley, Pierce Atwood, LLP
Sarah Kelly, Nutter McClennen &
Fish LLP
Dara Kesselheim, Suffolk County
District Attorney’s Office
Justin Kesselman, Supreme
Judicial Court
Jennifer King, Massachusetts
Commission Against Discrimination
Eric Kornblum, Law office of
Eric Kornblum
Emily Koruda, Boston College
Law School
Lindsay Kosan, Supreme Judicial
Kathryn Kosinski, Goodwin
Procter LLP
Nathaniel Koslof, Sullivan &
Worcester LLP
Stacy Krause, Demandware
Kimberly Kroha, Supreme Judicial
Court of Massachusetts
Peter Lane, Foley Hoag LLP
Joseph Lange, Lyon &
Fitzpatrick, LLP
Cassandra LaRussa, Ropes &
Gray LLP
Mary Lee, Mary K.Y. Lee P.C.
Mike Leusaul, Goodwin Procter LLP
Michael Levesque, Goodwin
Procter LLP
Deborah Levine
Stephanie Lin, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Amy Lipman-White, Lipman
& White
Charles Liu
Andrew Lizotte, Murphy & King
Eric Lockwood, Clark Lau LLC
David London, U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission
Patrick Long, Patrick Long Law
Firm, P.C.
John Loughnane, Nutter
McClennen & Fish LLP
Benjamin Loveland, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Anthony Low, Shapiro Law
Group, PC
Cornelio Lozada, Massachusetts
Attorney General’s Office
Corrine Lusic, Goodwin Procter LLP
Michael MacDonald
Stephanie Macholtz, Biogen
Ashley Mann, New Lease for
Homeless Families
Janice Marsh
Erica Mastrangelo, Burns &
Levinson LLP
Andrew McArdell, Nutter
McClennen & Fish LLP
Keith McCarthy, Harmon Law
Offices, P.C.
Lauren McCarthy, Massachusetts
Attorney General’s Office
Leigh McCloskey, The
Bulfinch Group
Michele McCormick, Liberty
Mutual Group
Julie McCormick, Legal Services
Center of Harvard Law School
James McGarry, Goodwin
Procter LLP
Kathleen McGrath, Liberty Mutual
Brian McLaughlin, Brian
McLaughlin Esq. LLC
Wendy Mead, Kressler &
Ehrhard PC
Jonathan Meindersma
Ellen Palminteri, Axiom
Rakel Meir, Tufts Health
Michael Parran, Biogen
Kathleen Patton, Demandware
Lisa Menelly, Raytheon Company
Christopher Pavlow, McCarter &
Stephen Meunier
English, LLP
Marc Migliazzo, Ropes & Gray LLP
Michael Pi Utle
Richard Mikels, Mintz, Levin, Cohn,
Ian Pinta, Todd & Weld LLP
Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Nicholas Planty, Goodwin
Laura Miller, Sullivan &
Procter LLP
Worcester LLP
Steven Pohl, Brown Rudnick LLP
Paul Momnie, DLA Piper LLP
John Polley, Wilmer Cutler
Sarah Montgomery
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Peter Moores, Choate, Hall &
Jaimeson Porter, Kenney
Stewart LLP
& Sams, P.C.
John Morrier, Casner &
John Prendergast, Morrison
Edwards, LLP
Mahoney LLP
Rebecca Morton, Nutter McClennen Steve Provaza, Wilmer Cutler
& Fish LLP
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
David Moynihan, McLane
Pauline Quirion, Greater Boston
Legal Services
Justin Murphy, Law Office of Justin Thomas Reith, Burns &
M. Murphy
Levinson LLP
Karen Murphy, Pioneer Valley
Kara Rescia, Rescia & Katz, LLP
Legal Associates, LLP
Alexandra Reynolds, Wilmer Cutler
Yavor Nechev, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Ray Ripple, Locke Lord LLP
Sean Nehill, Boston Redevelopment Catherine Robinson
Gretchen Roin, Wilmer Cutler
Emily Nelson, Burns & Levinson LLP Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Kat Newman, Volunteer Lawyers
Douglas Rosner, Goulston &
Project of the Boston Bar
Storrs PC
Allison Roso
Mark Nickas, McLane Middleton
David Rozenson
Patrick Noone, U.S. Securities &
Adam Ruttenberg, Posternak
Exchange Commission
Blankstein & Lund LLP
Maxine Norgard, Biogen
Kathleen Ryan, U.S.
Lynn Norton, Burns & Levinson LLP Bankruptcy Court
Jansulu Nurpeisova
Christopher Saccardi, The Law
Elianna Nuzum, Suffolk County
Office of Christopher T. Saccardi
District Attorney’s Office
Nency Salamoun, Victim Rights
Irina Oberman Khagi, Choate, Hall
Law Center, Inc.
& Stewart LLP
Regina Sam Penti, Ropes &
Andrea O’Connor, Hendel &
Gray LLP
Collins, PC
Megan Schaubhut, U.S.
Wadner Oge, Massachusetts Board Bankruptcy Court
of Bar Examiners
Adriana Schick, U.S. Securities &
Alexa O’Keefe, Nutter McClennen
Exchange Commission
& Fish LLP
Cathy Schmidt, McLane Middleton
Andres O’Laughlin, Wilmer Cutler
Christopher Schmitt, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Helen O’Rourke, Liberty
David Schnock, Stewart Title
Mutual Group
Jenna Scinicarello
Allison Orpilla, Goodwin
Jordan Scott, Strang, Scott, Giroux
Procter LLP
& Young, LLP
Gregory Pakhladzhyan, American
Leah Segal, Wilmer Cutler Pickering
Student Assistance
Hale and Dorr LLP
Shirley Paley, Sonus Networks, Inc.
Ellen Shachter, Greater Boston
Legal Services
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 31
Thank You to our Committees & Volunteers
Mary Sharon, Pro Se Debtors
Bankruptcy Clinic
Matthew Shea, Hampden County
District Attorney’s Office
Denise Shear, Ostrander Law Office
Adam Sherwin, The Sherwin
Law Firm
Gregory Shiferman, Skadden, Arps,
Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
& Affiliates
Jennifer Sieczkiewicz, Biogen
Julianna Smith, Hamel, Marcin,
Dunn, Reardon & Shea, P.C.
Barry Smith, Liberty Mutual Group
Sarah Solomon, Boston University
School of Law
Kelly Soltis, Electric Insurance
Company (General Electric)
Huu Son
DeBorah Sonnenschein,
Sonnenschein Law LLC
Sophocles Sophocles, Biogen
Danielle Spang, Law Office of
Danielle Spang
Spencer Stone, Bacon & Wilson, PC
Leslie Su, Minerva Law, P.C.
Michael Sugar, Lobel Neue &
Till, LLP
Alex Sugerman-Brozan, Segal
Roitman LLP
Sara Suleman
Mark Svalina, United States
Bankruptcy Court for the District
of Massachusetts
Ryan Swartz, McLane Middleton
Sean To
Shagha Tousi, Nutter McClennen
& Fish LLP
Macken Toussaint, Riemer &
Braunstein LLP
David Travers, Todd & Weld LLP
Jethro Trenteetun, Liberty
Mutual Group
Christina Turgeon, Law Office of
Christina M. Turgeon
Jeffri Uber
Emily Unger, Goodwin Procter LLP
Irina Vaglica
Stephen Vander Stoep, Biogen
Christopher Versfelt, Goodwin
Procter LLP
Ignacio Walker, Avery Dooley Post
& Avery, LLP
Adrienne Walker, Mintz, Levin,
Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and
Popeo, P.C.
Jacob Walker, Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates
Robin Walker, Biogen
Leann Walsh, Goodwin Procter LLP
Natasha Walwyn, General
Dynamics Mission Systems
Katy Ward, Mintz, Levin, Cohn,
Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Raquel Webster, National Grid USA
Mikal Weiss, Burrows, Weiss Mintz &
Lippiello, LLP
Rebecca Whitfield, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Ashley Whyman, Murtha
Cullina LLP
Y. Allyson Wilkinson, Mintz, Levin,
Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Thomas Wilson, Dunn & Wilson
Lawrence Wind, The Law Office of
Lawrence A. Wind
Keri Wintle, Duane Morris LLP
Karen Witherell, McLane Middleton
Jingliang Wu, Boston University
School of Law
Kevin Yurkerwich, Wilmer Cutler
Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Ajay Zutshi, Goodwin Procter LLP
Public Service Donors
Bakhtiyor Abdulhamidov
Russell Abell
Alexander Adam
John Adams
Samuel Adams
Warren Agin
Hon. Peter Agnes
Matthew Albanese
Clifford Alexander
Susan Alexander
Stephen Allard
Aaron Allen
Douglas Allen
Richard Allen
Sarah Allen
Joseph Ambash
Hon. Mary Ames
Stephen Anderson
Susan Anderson
K. Lianne Ankner
Barbara Anthony
Marjorie Anthony
John Arata
Hon. Joan Armstrong
Alexander Augst
William August
Danilo Avalon
Carolina Avellaneda
Amy Azza
Ona Balkus
Hon. Carol Ball
Heather Balmat
Richard Bardi
Serina Barkley
Hon. James Barretto
Kathryn Barry
John Bartenstein
Janice Bassil
Linda Bauer
John Beard
Christopher Beck
Donald Becker
Joel Beckman
Peter Beebe
Margaret Begley
Jennifer Belli
Michael Berman
Peter Berman
Alexa Bernstein
Deena Bernstein
Susan Bernstein
James Berriman
Sarah Biglow
David Bilodeau
Thomas Blake
Timothy Blank
Kevin Blanton
Michael Blau
Jay Blitzman
Jeffrey Bloom
Lester Blumberg
Jonathan Bockian
32 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Sara Boehs
Gavriela Bogin-Farber
Joan Bok
Melinda Bonacore
Anthony Bongiorno
Hon. Beverly Boorstein
Steven Boris
Allen Bornheimer
Hon. Henry Boroff
Laurie Bosman
Hon. Margot Botsford
Marie Bowen
Judith Bowman
Karnig Boyajian
Nicholas Bradley
Hon. Patrick Brady
Ann Braga
Andrew Branz
Julie Brennan
Richard Briansky
Robert Brink
Adam Brodsky
Justine Brousseau
Graeme Brown
Mimi Brown
Sandra Brown
Julianna Bruce
Raymond Bruttomesso
Thaddeus Buczko
Hon. Kimberly Budd
Megan Bunting
Dianne Burden
Dennis Burke
Nonnie Burnes
Harvey Burstein
Joseph Bussiere
Steven Buttacavoli
Hon. Philip Cahill
Christopher Callanan
Margaret Callanan
Jesse Caplan
Michael Cappucci
John Carey
Laura Carey
Hon.Paula Carey
Holly Carlson
Elizabeth Carnes Flynn
Jeffrey Carp
John Casagrande
Frank Castellucci
Katherine Cavanaugh
Jane Ceraso
Mary Chaffin
Jonathan Chiel
Kyle Childers
Eric Christofferson
Marcia Cini
Erick Cipau
Lori Clark
Mark Clark
Richard Clark
Leonard Clarkin
Charles Cobb
Hon. Cynthia Cohen
Devin Cohen
Eliot Cohen
Jessica Collins
Joseph Collins
Hilary Conant Bacon
Edward Condit
Rose Connolly
Rosemary Connolly
Hon. Thomas Connolly
Hon. Thomas Connors
William Constable
Michael Contant
Colleen Cook
Edward Corcoran
Sheila Corkhill
Erika Cormier
Jared Correia
William Cosmas
Robert Costello
Brian Coughlin
Hon. Judith Cowin
Jared Craft
Susan Craighead
Roy Cramer
Hon. Daniel Crane
Susan Crane
Hon. John Cratsley
Ronald Crawley
Francis Crimmins
Arthur Crooks
Michael Croteau
John Curley
Maureen Curran
Robert Curry
Patricia D’Agostino
Laura D’Anca
Justin Daniels
Joseph D’Antuono
Jonathan Davis
Raymond De Rise
Paegan Deering
Michael DeFao
Hon. Judith Dein
Andrea DeLaney
Brackett Denniston
Neil DePaul
Jean deValpine
Vincent DeVito
Stephen DiGianfilippo
Dennis Ditelberg
Joseph Ditkoff
Luke Dixon
Kristin Doeberl
Deborah Dong
Hon. Elizabeth Donovan
Michael Donovan
Stephen Dooley
Rodney Dowell
Lauren Dowley
Raya Dreben
Hon. Mary Driscoll
Paul Driscoll
Frances Drolette
Hon. Fernande Duffly
Michael Duffy
Daniel Dufresne
Scott Duggan
Hon. Sean Dunphy
Jennifer Durand
W. Sanford Durland
Suzanne Durrell
Carmen Durso
Matthew Dwyer
Richard Dyer
Gabriel Dym
Laura Dziorny
David Eber
G. Mitchell Eckel
Alan Edelstein
Andrew Egan
Patrick Egan
Rachel Eisenhaure
Jinanne Elder
Sarah Ellis
Ivor Elrifi
Robert Engel
Russell Engler
Elizabeth Ennen
Peter Enrich
David Eppley
James Ernstmeyer
Craig Evans
Mercedes Evans
Hon. Elizabeth Fahey
Joshua Fairchild
Lynnette Fallon
Thomas Fallon
Peter Fariel
James Farmer
Jean Farrington
Peter Farrow
Scott Faust
Michael Fee
Saul Feldman
John Fieldsteel
Luke Fine
Jared Fiore
Thomas Fiore
Sarah Fischer
Desmond FitzGerald
John Fitzgerald
Michael Fitzhugh
Mary Fitzpatrick
Hon. William Fitzpatrick
Jennifer Flanagan
Ellen Flatley
Pamela Fleming
Joseph Foley
Michael Fondo
Christine Foot
Edmond Ford
Scott Ford
Hon. Annette Forde
Barbara Foster
Hon. Robert Foster
Jeffry Fowley
Massimo Fragola
Austin Freeley
David Fried
Ivria Fried
Michael Friedman
Nicholas Frye
Howard Fuguet
Steven Gabovitch
Peter Galoski
Anthony Galvagna
Amin Ganjalizadeh
Christine Gannon
Hon. Ralph Gants
William Gantz
Hon. Gail Garinger
Jennifer Garner
Victor Garo
Hon. E. Susan Garsh
Richard Gelb
Hon. Andre Gelinas
Merrily Gerrish
Hon. Nancy Gertner
Ron Gerwatowski
Aaron Gesin
Deborah Gevalt
Michelle Gewandter
Hon. Linda Giles
Frederick Gilman
Matthew Gilman
David Gilpatric
Hon. Edward Ginsburg
Donald Glazer
Caitlin Glynn
Lena Goldberg
Benjamin Goldberger
Lindsay Goldstein
Joel Goloskie
Daniel Gora
Edmund Gorman
Hon. Nathaniel Gorton
Alan Gosule
Hon. R. Graham
Amy Green
Judith Greenberg
Dennis Greene
Thomas Greene
Steven Greenzang
Steven Grindle
Robert Grodberg
Henry Grossman
Angie Guarracino
Robert Guimond
Robert Gulick
Thomas Gunning
Barry Guryan
John Gushue
Amy Hackett
James Hackett
Henry Hall
David Halpert
Paul Ham
Philip Hamilton
Roy Hammer
Caroline Hanania
Kevin Handly
Jeffrey Hanley
David Hanrahan
John Harrington
Timothy Harrington
Paul Hartnett
Allyson Hatton
Jonathan Hayden
Sasha Hayes-Rusnov
Bennet Heart
Hon. Paul Heffernan
Thomas Hemnes
Creelea Henderson
Sean Heneghan
Kathleen Henry
Brady Hermann
Matthew Herndon
Jennifer Hertz
Kathleen Heyer
Wendy Hickey
Benjamin Higgins
Hon. William Hillman
Hon. Margaret Hinkle
Thomas Hippler
Leonard Ho
Hon. Melvin Hoffman
Robert Hoffman
Hon. Michele Hogan
Ramsay Hoguet
Les Hoiberg
Pamela Holleman
Hon. Robert Hopkins
Jonna Hopwood
Meghan Horrigan
Lawrence Horsburgh
Eve Horwitz
Kathryn Howe
Philip Howe
Margaret Hoyt-Rupert
Roland Hughes
Joseph Hunt
William Hunter
Michele Hunton
Gail Hupper
Cornelius Hurley
Andrew Hyams
Maria Hylton
Hon. Roderick Ireland
Nancy Israel
Wendy Jacobs
Paul James
Judith Jarashow
David Jellinek
Hayley Jodoin
Daniel Johnedis
Laurin Johnson
Jeffrey Jones
Malcolm Jones
Leslie Joseph
Janet Judge
Hon. Scott Kafker
Thomas Kane
Miriam Kanter
Alan Kao
Alexis Kaplan
Richard Kaplan
Hon. Rudolph Kass
Joyce Kauffman
Nancy Keating
Barbara Keefe
Joseph Keller
Michelle Kelley
Richard Kelley
Justin Kelsey
Brian Kennedy
Shaun Keough
Arthur Kerr
Dara Kesselheim
Hoil Kim
Nina Kimball
Patrick King
William King
Paul Kirk, Jr.
Sarah Kitchell
Rosanne Klovee
D. Paul Koch
Amanda Kool
Jeffrey Kopacz
Steven Kornstein
Sebastian Korth
Sandra Kozlowski
Burton Kreindel
Hon. Peter Krupp
Jessica Ladd
Joseph Ladocsi
Philip Lake
Ann Lambert
Robert Lamere
Barbara Landau
Renée Landers
Doug Lareau
Kevin Larivee
Douglas Larson
Donald Lassman
Jennifer Lauro
Jennifer Lawrence
Christine Lee
Marie Lee
Donald Leka
Hon. Barbara Lenk
Edward Lenox
Kenneth Lepage
Michael Leshin
Michael Leskiw
Michael Leslie
Paul Levenson
Richard Levine
Hon. Paul Lewis
Robert Licht
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 33
Public Service Donors
Christina Licursi
Susan Lillis
Hon. Stephen Limon
Hon. Kermit Lipez
Amy Lipman-White
Jonathan Lipnick
Susan Lipsitz
Scott Lively
Jaime Loda
Jennifer Loebach
Mickey Long
Scott Lopez
Gerard Lorusso
Eric Losey
Chelsea Loughran
Lucy Lovrien
Matthew Lowe
Ellen Lubell
Erik Lund
Elizabeth Lynch
Jeremiah Lynch
Timothy Lynch
Pamela Lyons
Eric Macaux
William Mackey
Sandra Madden
Joseph Maher
Patrick Mahoney
Hon. Frank Maloney
Brooke Manfredi
Paula Mangum
Jill Mann
Haig Manuelian
Arlene Marcus
Harry Margolis
Amy Mariani
John Marshall
Joan Martin
Stephanie Marzouk
Gerald Mason
Marcia Mavrides
Karim Mawani
David Mawhinney
Maureen Mayotte
Felecia McBride
Robert McCarron
Paul McCarthy
William McCarthy
Michelle McClafferty
Leslie McDonell
Walter McDonough
Mathilda McGee-Tubb
Kathleen McGrath
James McGuire
Hon. James McHugh
Michael McHugh
Matthew McIntyre
Edward McKenney
Thomas McKinnon
Matthew McLaughlin
Scott McLean
John McMurray
William McNally
Edward McNulty
Colin McPhelimy
Elisabeth Medvedow
Ann Meilus
Gregory Melton
Hon. Paul Menton
Jonathan Merrigan
Peter Merrigan
Dawn Mertineit
Andrew Meyer
Pete Michaels
Jonathan Michaud
Andy Miller
Christina Miller
David Mitchell
Edward Molari
Paul Momnie
Kristin Moody
Francis Moran
Jason Morgan
George Moriarty
William Moriarty
William Mostyn
Cornelius Moynihan
Elizabeth Munnell
Jennifer Nassour
Bryan Natale
Robert Nault
Nancy Nemon
Martin Newhouse
Marshall Newman
Richard Newman
Joseph Nicholls
Steven Nisenbaum
Kevin Nolan
Kimberly Nuzum
Suzanne O’Brien
Larry O’Bryan
Charles O’Connell
Tiffany O’Connell
John O’Donnell
Kathleen O’Donnell
Thomas O’Donnell
Nathanael Okhuysen
Thomas O’Konski
Nikki Marie Oliveira
Daniel Orenstein
Chesley Oriel
Robert Owens
34 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Mark Pandiscio
John Pappas
Nina Parker
William Parks
Kenneth Parsigian
Donna Patalano
Mark Pearlstein
Peter Pease
Hon. Joseph Pellegrino
Hillary Pelletier
Gail Pennington
Christopher Perry
Paul Piasecki
Hon. Laurence Pierce
Peter Pingitore
Hon. Gordon Piper
James Plotkin
Robert Plotkin
Linda Podheiser
Nicholas Pollard
Matthew Poppel
Tovah Poster
Lindsay Potter
Gregory Pottle
Christopher Powell
Ronald Pressman
Arthur Price
Brian Price
Allison Pristash
Rosemary Purtell
Tracey Quarles
David Quinn
Mahvesh Qureshi
Joel Reck
Jesse Redlener
Kenneth Reich
Katherine Reilly
R. Jason Resmini
Eric Reustle
Svetlana Revina
Hanson Reynolds
Arthur Ricci
Hon. Maurice Richardson
Stephen Richmond
Lauren Rikleen
Michael Riley
Hon. Jennifer Rivera Ulwick
Albert Robinson
Allan Rodgers
Todd Rodman
Hon. James Rooney
Margaret Rosenberg
Arnold Rosenfeld
Martin Rosenthal
Alexander Ross
Philip Rossetti
Stuart Rossman
Hon. Barbara Rouse
Steven Rowell
Kim Rubin
Allan Ryan
Elizabeth Ryan
Liam Ryan
Stephen Ryan
Justin Saif
Dustin Saldarriaga
Irving Salloway
Andrew Salzman
Hon. Janet Sanders
Hon. Ernest Sarason
Kristen Scammon
Joseph Scanga
Steven Schafer
Yuliya Scharf
Hon. Karyn Scheier
Mary Schmidt
William Schmidt
Russell Schuck
Hal Schwartz
Jonathan Schwartz
Franklin Schwarzer
Ellen Scult
Lawrence Scult
Jeremy Sears
Matthew Segal
Matthew Selig
Evan Semerjian
Jessica Seney
Andrea Serlin
William Shaevel
David Sheehan
Patrick Sheehan
Lisa Sheeler
Michael Shepard
Joel Sherman
Kathleen Shields
Ellen Shimer-Brenes
Marlene Shiner
Peter Shults
Melvin Shuman
Casey Shupe
Jay Siegel
Steven Siegel
Milton Silva
Harvey Silverglate
Aaron Silverstein
Lisa Sinclair
Paula Singer
Robert Sinsheimer
Erik Skramstad
Stephen Small
James Smeallie
Adrienne Smith
Barbara Smith
Gary Smith
Sean Smith
Marney Smyth Fischer
Lisa Snellings
Mary Snyder
David Solet
Christopher Southgate
Richard Southgate
Emily Spieler
Hon. Francis Spina
Jared Spinelli
Michael Sroczynski
Roger Stanford
Thomas Stanton
James Storey
Tamara Sturges
Stephen Subrin
Michael Sugar
Hon. Mary Sullivan
Thomas Sullivan
Jennifer Sunderland
Jeffrey Szafran
Michael Tabak
Richard Tardiff
Joseph Teja
Victoria Thavaseelan
Joel Thompson
Melissa Thompson
Matthew Tobin
David Tolley
Karl Topor
John Towers
Marikae Toye
William Trach
Paul Tremblay
Anne Trinque
Vivian Tseng
Basilios E. Tsingos
Michael Tucker
Mark Tutelo
Hon. Robert Ullmann
Brenda Ulrich
Laura Unflat
Kenneth Vacovec
Hon. Allan van Gestel
Walter VanBuskirk
Stephen Vander Stoep
Mark Vanger
Francis Veale
Stephen Viegas
Kenneth Vining
Vladimir von Timroth
Sarah Walsh
Joseph Wang
Molly Warren
Ann Warren Lyons
Patricia Washienko
Mindee Wasserman
Thomas Weesner
Hon. David Weingarten
Barry Weisman
Susan Weissinger
John Welch
Brian Wells
Kimberly West
Bancroft Wheeler
Margaret Wheeler
David White
Robert White
Susan White
Robert Whitney
Jay Wickersham
Herbert Wilkins
Gwyn Williams
Damian Wilmot
Mariah Wilson
Neal Winston
H. Reed Witherby
John Wofford
Jeffrey Wolf
Toni Wolfman
Michael Wolfson
Hon. Gabrielle Wolohojian
Bryan Wood
Jeffrey Woolf
Lori Yarvis
Cynthia Young
Joblin Younger
Georgia Ypsilantis
Dana Zakarian
Tara Zeltner
Hon. Elliott Zide
Hon. Rya Zobel
Jason Zorfas
Jonathan Zschau
BBF Donors: annual appeal, special funds
Scott Aftuck
Robert Allen
Paul Auerbach
Steven Barrett
Shirley Bayle
John Beard
Ann Berwick
Michael Bogdanow
Arthur Bowen
Janet E. Bostwick
Hon. Patrick Brady
Marijane Benner Browne
Laurie Burt
Andrew Cohn
Eben Colby
Hon. Thomas Connolly
Peter Costanza
Robert Crabtree
Teri Culbertson
Kevin Currid
Robert Diettrich
Hon. Fernande Duffly
Jennifer Durand
Bruce Eisenhut
Benjamin Ericson
Hon. Judith Fabricant
Peter Farrow
Barbara Foster
Stuart Freeland
Jennifer Gallop
Deborah Goddard
Hon. Nathaniel Gorton
Beverly Hjorth
Richard Hoffman
Jonathan Hulbert
Warren Hutchison
Jeffrey Jones
Hon. Rudolph Kass
Barbara Keefe
Stanley Keller
Hannah Kilson
Burton Kreindel
Charles Le Ray
David Lee
Richard Levine
Joseph Maher
Shaw McDermott
Edward McKenney
Howard Medwed
Barbara Mitchell
Peter Mullin
David Nagle
Hon. Stephen Neel
Martin Newhouse
Michelle O’Brien
Mark Pearlstein
Paul Perkins
Richard Perlmutter
Lee Peterson
Joel Pierce
Dean Richlin
Elizabeth Ritvo
Allan Rodgers
Hon. James Rooney
Alan Rose
Bob Rosenthal
Carolyn Rosenthal
Alexander Ross
Stuart Rossman
David Rountree
Catherine Ryan
Mary Ryan
Evan Semerjian
Peter Shapiro
David Sheehan
Prof. David Siegel
Robert Silberman
Milton Silva
Maxwell Solet
Gary Spiess
Shoshana Stern
Jeffrey Sternklar
Alexandra Thaler
Gerald Tishler
John Towers
Hon. Allan van Gestel
Constance Vecchione
Michael Vhay
Jamie Wacks
Katy Ward
Scott Webster
Barry Weisman
Hon. Herbert Wilkins
Kenneth Willis
Toni Wolfman
Raymond H. Young
Kenneth Zais
BBF Event Sponsors
John & Abigail Adams Benefit
Platinum Sponsorship 2015
Goodwin Procter LLP
Ropes & Gray LLP
Gold Sponsorship 2015
Choate Hall & Stewart LLP
Foley Hoag LLP
Nixon Peabody LLP
Silver Sponsorship 2015
EMC Corporation
Latham & Watkins LLP
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &
Flom LLP & Affiliates
Bronze Sponsorship 2015
Bank of America Corporation Legal Department
Brown Rudnick LLP
Burns & Levinson LLP
Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch
& Ford, LLP
Fidelity Investments
Holland & Knight LLP
John Hancock Financial Services
Liberty Mutual Group
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky
and Popeo, P.C.
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
Proskauer Rose LLP
Raytheon Company
Robins Kaplan LLP
Santander Bank, N.A.
Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak &
Cohen, P.C.
Participating Sponsorship 2015
Arrowood Peters LLP
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Massachusetts, Inc.
Casner & Edwards, LLP
Chu, Ring & Hazel LLP
Citizens Bank
Collora LLP
Counsel on Call, LLC
Day Pitney LLP
Donoghue, Barrett & Singal, P.C.
First Republic Bank
Foley & Lardner LLP
Goulston & Storrs PC
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Hemenway & Barnes LLP
Hinckley Allen
Jones Day
K&L Gates LLP
Kenney & Sams, P.C.
Krokidas & Bluestein LLP
Lando & Anastasi, LLP
Locke Lord, LLP
Manion Gaynor & Manning LLP
McLane Middleton
Meehan, Boyle, Black &
Bogdanow, P.C.
Morgan, Brown & Joy, LLP
Murphy & King
Nelson Mullins Riley &
Scarborough LLP
Partners HealthCare System, Inc.
Peabody & Arnold LLP
Pierce Atwood LLP
Rockland Trust Company
Ruberto, Israel & Weiner, P.C.
Sherin and Lodgen LLP
Sidley Austin LLP
State Street Corporation
Steward Health Care System LLC
Sullivan & Worcester LLP
Sunstein Kann Murphy &
Timbers LLP
Todd & Weld LLP
Verrill Dana LLP
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 35
BBF Event Sponsors
Contributing Sponsorship 2015
Beck Reed Riden LLP
Berluti McLaughlin & Kutchin LLP
Clements & Pineault, LLP
Dain, Torpy, Le Ray, Wiest &
Garner, P.C.
Hirsch Roberts Weinstein LLP
Major, Lindsey & Africa
Middlesex Sheriff’s Office
O’Connor, Carnathan, and Mack LLC
Plymouth Rock Assurance
Proveris Scientific Corporation
Stone, Stone & Creem
TCF Law Group, PLLC
Casino Night for Summer Jobs
Title Sponsorship
Eastern Bank
Catuogno Court Reporting &
Stentel Transcription
CT Corporation, Wolters Kluwer
Elysium Digital, LLC
Floyd Advisory
FTI Consulting
G.T. Reilly & Company
Key Discovery
Kiersted Systems
Merrill Corporation
Morningside Translations
NextPoint Inc.
O’Brien & Levine Court
Reporting Services
Robert Half Legal
StoneTurn Group LLP
Vintage Filings, LLC
Passport to Pairings to
Benefit Public Service
Jet Setter Sponsor
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale
and Dorr LLP
Ace Sponsorship
Evidox Corporation
King Sponsorship
Beacon Hill Staffing Group, LLC
Frequent Flyer Sponsor
Donoghue, Barrett & Singal, P.C.
Foley Hoag LLP
Goodwin Procter LLP
Holland & Knight LLP
Ropes & Gray LLP
Day Tripper Sponsor
Arrowood Peters LLP
Choate Hall & Stewart LLP
Collora LLP
Dain, Torpy, Le Ray, Wiest &
Garner, P.C.
Day Pitney LLP
EMC Corporation
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Hermes, Netburn, O’Connor &
Spearing P.C
Jackson Lewis P.C.
Kenney & Sams, P.C.
Key Discovery
McLane Middleton
Meehan, Boyle, Black &
Bogdanow, P.C.
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky
and Popeo, P.C.
Morgan Lewis
Nixon Peabody LLP
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
Prince Lobel Tye LLP
Robins Kaplan LLP
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &
Flom LLP & Affiliates
Strang, Scott, Giroux & Young, LLP
Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak &
Cohen, P.C.
Sullivan & Worcester LLP
Sunstein Kann Murphy &
Timbers LLP
Law School Sponsor
Northeastern University School
of Law
Boston University School of Law
Roger Williams University School
of Law
University of Massachusetts School
of Law-Dartmouth
Sustaining Members
Barbara Accetta
Paul Alpert
Arthur Anderson
Paula Bagger
Shaun Barnes
Peter Barnes-Brown
Joshua Bearce
Richard Bergin
Herbert Bohnet
Ryan Boland
Bernard Bonn
Steven Boris
Judith Bowman
Richard Breed
Kenneth Brier
Richard Campbell
Linda Champion
Rachel Churchill
Leonard Clarkin
Brett Corson
Francis Crimmins
William Crowe
Kevin B. Currid
Joanne D’Alcomo
Jonathan Davis
Juliet Davison
Jean deValpine
Lauren Dowley
Jinanne Elder
Peter Farrow
Janet Elie Faulkner
Amy Feinman
William Flanagan
Michael Fleischer
Evan Fray-Witzer
Charles Gagnebin
Timothy Gagnon
Lisa Gallagher
Richard Gelb
Kathleen Genova
Jason Gish
Ileen Gladstone
Joel Goloskie
Myra Gordon
36 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
Edmund Gorman
Steven Gurdin
Jeffrey Hanley
Jeffrey Hart
Richard Heller
Katherine Hesse
Helen Holcomb
Daniel Holmes
Jennifer Itzkoff
Nancy Keating
Ann Lambert
Melissa Langa
Marie Lee
Donald Leka
Brenda Levy
Scott Lopez
Beirne Lovely
Douglas Lovenberg
David Lurie
John Lynch
Arlene Marcus
Marcia Mavrides
Robert McCarron
Edward McKenney
Robert McLaughlin
Gregory Moore
Robert Moran
Matthew Morris
Lawrence Morse
Beth Newmark
Karbert Ng
Charles O’Connell
Karen O’Toole
Christopher Panos
Ronald Pressman
Stephanie Richardson
Morris Robinson
Leah Rochwarg
William Rogerson
Michael Satterwhite
Mary Schmidt
William Schmidt
Ingrid Schroffner
Nicholas Scobbo
Evan Semerjian
William Shaevel
John Shevlin
Harvey Silverglate
Lisa Sinclair
W.P. Colin Smith
Michael Sroczynski
Julie Taylor
Pamela Thomure
Karl Topor
David Tornstrom
Basilios E. Tsingos
Christopher Valente
Scott Waldman
Mindee Wasserman
Barry Weisman
Keri Wintle
John Wofford
Arthur Young
David Zimble
William Zucker
BBF Society of Fellows
The Society of Fellows is
a group of over 400 of
Boston’s most charitable
lawyers, who have collectively pledged over $2.6
million to the BBF’s endowment—providing a permanent and stable source of
support for the organization as it continues its work
to expand access to justice,
serve the community, and
make Boston a better place
to live and work.
Executive Fellows
Hon. Nonnie S. Burnes**
Laurie Burt**
M. Ellen Carpenter** (dec.)
R. J. Cinquegrana**
John F. Cogan, Jr.**
Paul T. Dacier**
John D. Donovan **
Lena G. Goldberg**
Joan A. Lukey**
William C. Mutterperl**
Regina M. Pisa**
R. Robert Popeo*
Joel M. Reck**
Hon. Christine M. Roach**
Gary A. Spiess**
J. Owen Todd**
John Towers**
Senior Fellows [$25,000]
John H. Clymer*
Gene D. Dahmen*
Karen F. Green**
Michael K. Fee*
Anthony A. Froio
Julia Huston
Wm. Shaw McDermott**
Martin F. Murphy & Robin
D. Murphy*
Christopher Panos*
John J. Regan*
Lauren Stiller Rikleen &
Sander A. Rikleen*
Sustaining Fellows
R. J. Cinquegrana
John H. Clymer
Donald R. Frederico
Lisa C. Goodheart
Wm. Shaw McDermott
Edwin E. Smith
Fellows [$10,000]
Samuel Adams*
Jonathan M. Albano
Susan H. Alexander*
Ferdinand Alvaro, Jr.
Paula K. Andrews*
Lisa G. Arrowood
William R. Baldiga
Thomas O. Bean
Edward J. Barshak*
The Bartlett Family
Nancy Baskin
Michael Batson
John E. Beard*
Russell Beck
G. d’Andelot Belin* (dec.)
Roberta F. Benjamin*
Kenneth W. Bergen* (dec.)
Kenneth R. Berman
Marc Bloostein
Randall W. Bodner
Michael Bogdanow
Beth I. Z. Boland
Janet E. Bostwick*
Hon. Margot Botsford
& Stephen Rosenfeld*
Jeremiah Bresnahan*
Lee Carl Bromberg*
John G. Brooks*(dec.)
Margaret Brown*
Marijane Benner Browne
Michael Bunis
Michael F. Burke
Scott Douglas Burke*
Thomas D. Burns*
Charles C. Cabot* (dec.)
Richard P. Campbell*
J. W. Carney, Jr.
Stephen W. Carr*
Truman S. Casner*
Hon. Denise Jefferson
David C. Chapin*
Ansel B. Chaplin
Tyler E. Chapman
Abigail A. Cheever*
Jonathan Chiel
John H. Chu
David S. Clancy
Frances S. Cohen
Michael A. Collora
Sarah Columbia
Ian Crawford*
John J. Curtin, Jr.* (dec.)
George L. Cushing*
Paul P. Daley*
A. Jeffrey Dando*
Jeanne Darcey
Juliet A. Davison
Michael DeMarco
Brackett B. Denniston*
Lawrence S. DiCara*
James S. Dittmar*
Anthony M. Doniger*
John B. Douglas III*
John P. Driscoll, Jr.* (dec.)
Kenneth F. Ehrlich
Alan Einhorn
Douglass N. Ellis, Jr.*
David L. Engel*
Donald J. Evans*
Bruce Falby
Scott Faust
Phyllis E. Federico
David L. Ferrera
Vinita Ferrera
George P. Field
Terrence M. Finn*
Robert A. Fishman
Mark C. Fleming
Richard E. Floor* (dec.)
Martha J. N. Frahm
Samuel Frankenheim*
Robert B. Fraser*
Donald R. Frederico*
Harvey W. Freishtat*
Susan V. Fried &
Jeffrey B. Rudman*
Elizabeth S. Fries
Thomas Gallitano & Margaret Talmers
Marc Gary
Megan Gates
Randy M. Gioia
Jason C. Gish
Jane Goldstein
Lisa C. & Marc L.
Douglas R. Gooding
Louis A. Goodman*
Dana M. Gordon*
Alexandra M. Gorman
Christopher Green
Stanley N. Griffith*
Ernest M. Haddad*
Daniel W. Halston
John P. Hamill*
John D. Hamilton, Jr.*
Roy A. Hammer*
John D. Hanify*
Michael J. Haroz*
Mark P. Harty*
James C. Heigham*
Irwin M. Heller*
Gerald P. Hendrick
Peter G. Hermes*
Harold Hestnes*
Richard Hiersteiner*
Erin K. Higgins & Douglas
B. Rosner
Keith F. Higgins*
Edward F. Hines, Jr.* (dec.)
Jeffrey L. Hirsch
Christian M. Hoffman*
Renée Inomata
Nancy D. Israel &
Lonnie A. Powers*
Robert W. Iuliano
James & Laura Jacobson
Andre C. Jasse, Jr.*
Sandra L. Jesse*
Hugh R. Jones, Jr.*
Jeffrey F. Jones*
Julie Jones
William Kannel
James F. Kavanaugh, Jr.
Michael B. Keating*
Jeffery L. Keffer*
Christopher A. Kenney
George H. Kidder*(dec.)
Hoil Kim*
Robert L. Klivans*
William A. Knowlton*
Joseph L. Kociubes*
Martha J. Koster*
Renée M. Landers
David H. Lee*
William F. Lee*
Hon. Edward
Daniel Levin
Stephen P. Lindsay*
Diana K. Lloyd &
Jordan D. Hershman
Stephanie S. Lovell
Hon. James P. Lynch,
Hon. Sandra L. Lynch*
Leiha Macauley
William Macauley*
Alex H. MacDonald*
R. Bradford Malt*
Deborah J. Manus
John K. Markey
Hon. Margaret H. Marshall*
Edward I. Masterman*
James Matthews
Sam Mawn-Mahlau
Terence P. McCourt
James A. McDaniel*
Willard G. McGraw, Jr.*
James E. McGuire*
Hon. James & Katherine
William J. McNally*
Joan McPhee
Mark C. Michalowski
Richard G. Mintz* (dec.)
John T. Montgomery*
Michael E. Mooney*
George Marshall Moriarty*
John T. Morrier
Peter Moser
Joseph E. Mullaney*
Elizabeth H. Munnell &
Jarvis P. Kellogg
Timothy Murphy*
Thomas R. Murtagh*
George W. Mykulak
John A. Nadas*
Christine M. Netski
Nestor M. Nicholas*
Edward Notis-McConarty
Michael F. O’Connell
Brien T. O’Connor
Kevin O’Connor & Janet
Thomas L. P. O’Donnell*
Stephen H. Oleskey*
Mary Ellen O’Mara*
Karen M. O’Toole
William H. Paine
Merriann M. Panarella*
Gordon R. Penman*
Adrienne M. Penta
Lawrence T. Perera*
John A. Perkins*
Max Perlman
Kevin T. Peters
Rudolph F. Pierce*
Lon & Ilissa Povich*
Elizabeth F. Potter &
Alan L. Lefkowitz* (dec.)
Jill Cranna Preotle*
Rebecca B. Ransom
Maria E. Recalde
John R. Regier*
*Denotes Life Fellow fulfillment of $10,000 **Denotes fulfillment of additional pledge over $10,000 +Denotes Fulfillment of Supporting or Junior Fellow Pledge
As of 8/17/15
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 37
BBF Society of Fellows
Richard W. Renehan*
Michael Ricciuti
Dean Richlin
Lynne Riley
Elizabeth Ritvo*
Scott A. Roberts
Ian Roffman
Alan D. Rose
David P. Rosenblatt*
Philip R. Rosenblatt
Peter Rosenblum*
Joseph F. Ryan*
Mary K. Ryan*
Michael P. Sams
Joseph F. Savage, Jr.
William H. Schmidt*
Richard S. Scipione*
A. Hugh Scott*
Sara J. Shanahan &
Joseph Callanan
Gregory Sheehan
Joel B. Sherman*
Edward Matson Sibble, Jr.*
Sara Silva
Thomas G. Sitzmann*
Robert Skinner
James D. Smeallie
Clark R. Smith* (dec.)
Edwin E. Smith*
Gary Smith*
Mark Smith
Robert H. Smith*
Richard A. Soden*
Nicholas U. Sommerfeld*
Carol A. Starkey & Lisa
Russell J. Stein*
Joseph D. Steinfield*
Christopher D. Strang
C. Thomas Swaim*
Deborah L. Thaxter
Gary Owen Todd*
Richard A. Toomey*
William B. Tyler*
Robert L. Ullmann
Walter G. Van Dorn*
Herbert W. Vaughan* (dec.)
Mary E. Weber & Robert
Kathy B. Weinman
Christopher Weld Jr.
Henry Wheeler* (dec.)
Barry B. White*
Michele Whitham
Jane E. Willis &
Richard A. Davey, Jr.
Nancy R. Wilsker*
Toni G. Wolfman*
Lisa Cameron Wood*
Steven H. Wright
Raymond H. Young*
Peter F. Zupcofska*
Supporting Fellows
Victor N. Baltera
Brandon L. Bigelow
Julia Satti Cosentino
Paul G. Cushing
Jed DeWick
W. Lee Dunham
Ellen Marie Giblin
Angela Gomes
Myra Miller Gordon
Joseph M. Griffin, Jr.
Brent Henry+
Stephen W. Howe (dec.)+
Kelly A. Leighton
Melissa S. McMorrow
Katherine J. Michon
Jeffrey W. Mittleman
Christopher M. Morrison
Suma Nair
Karbert S. Ng
Michael J. Pappone
Nicole L.M. Parsons
Jeffrey L. Roelofs
Leanne Elizabeth Scott
Lisa M. Tittemore
Patrick Tracey
Bruce Tribush
Laura M. Unflat & Stephen
M. Honig
Melissa (Lisa) Thompson
Colin G. Van Dyke
Mindee Wasserman+
Cheryl A. Waterhouse
Junior Fellows [$1,000]
Susan L. Abbott+
William & Claire Bishop
Azure Abuirmeileh
Meredith L. Ainbinder+
Erin Anderman & Jonathan
Essence McGill Arzu
Raymond Ausrotas
Elizabeth Barrett
Gerrit Betz
Michael Birch &
Elizabeth McEvoy
Jesse M. Boodoo
Brian J. Boyle, Jr.
William Brady
Esme Caramello+
Charles Charpentier+
Stephany Collamore
Bryan S. Conley
Kevin Currid+ &
Jennifer Perrigo+
Alyssa DiRusso+
Emily Derr
Atinuke O. Diver+
Jennifer V. Doran
William J. Durkin
Shane Early+
Albert Elia
Robert M. Elmer+
Matthew Fitzsimmons+
James O. Fleckner+
Brian K. French+
Timothy A. Gagnon+
Christine M. Genaitis &
Scott Fink+
Benjamin K. Golden
Stephen P.Hall
Colleen A. & James
M. Hankins+
Allyson Hatton
John Hitt+
Leonard Ho+
Emily F. Hodge
Miche Jean
Michelle Kalas+
Redi Kasollja
Elizabeth Kayatta+
Laura Stephens Khoshbin+
Dan Krockmalnic+
Michael J. Licker
David W.S. Lieberman &
Jessica Schauer Lieberman
Neil T. Lindquist
Juan Lopez
Crystal & Daniel Lyons
Kyle MacDonald
John A. McBrine
Matthew McGinnis
Julia McLetchie
Matthew V.P. McTygue+
Jennifer Mikels
Paul Momnie
Michael C. Moran
David J. Nagle+
Nikki Marie Oliveira
Steven Pacini
Rachel Irving-Pitts
Kimberly Butler Rainen
Randall E. Ravitz+
Christopher T. Saccardi
Jordan Scott
Caroline K. Simons
Mary B. Snyder+
Monica Snyder
Christopher Somma
Angelo Thalassinos
Marissa Renee Urban
Christopher J. Valente+
Adam Veness
Sarah Walsh &
Christopher Shea
Daniel V. Ward
Kathryn Wilhelm
Cole Young
*Denotes Life Fellow fulfillment of $10,000 **Denotes fulfillment of additional pledge over $10,000 +Denotes Fulfillment of Supporting or Junior Fellow Pledge
As of 8/17/15
38 2015 PUBLIC Service Report
2014-2015 BBA Council
Julia Huston
Foley Hoag LLP
Lisa G. Arrowood
Arrowood Peters LLP
Carol A. Starkey
Vice President
Conn Kavanaugh
Rosenthal Peisch &
Ford, LLP
Jonathan M. Albano
Morgan Lewis
Mark D. Smith
Laredo & Smith, LLP
Members of the Council
Susan H. Alexander,
Jacquelynne J. Bowman,
Greater Boston Legal
Roberto M. Braceras,
Goodwin Procter LLP
Paul G. Cushing, Partners
Paul T. Dacier, President
Emeritus, EMC Corporation
Lisa C. Goodheart,
Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak
& Cohen, P.C.
Joseph M. Griffin, Joseph M.
Griffin Jr., Attorney at Law
Dustin F. Hecker, Posternak
Blankstein & Lund LLP
Hon. Margaret R. Hinkle
(Ret.), JAMS
Geoffrey A. Howell,
DLA Piper
Sheila A. Hubbard,
Volunteer Lawyers
Project of the Boston Bar
Kelly A. Leighton, Barnes
& Leighton
Deborah J. Manus, Nutter
McClennen & Fish LLP
Christopher M. Morrison,
Jones Day
Suma V. Nair, Goulston
& Storrs P.C.
Christine M. Netski,
Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak
& Cohen, P.C.
Kevin J. O’Connor,
Hinckley Allen
Karen O’Toole, Fidelity
Chinh H. Pham, Greenberg
Traurig, LLP
Jeffrey J. Pyle, Prince Lobel
Elizabeth A. Ritvo, Brown
Rudnick LLP
Mark D. Roellig,
Massachusetts Mutual Life
Insurance Company
Rachael Rollins
David P. Rosenblatt, Burns
& Levinson LLP
Sara J. Shanahan, Sherin
and Lodgen LLP
David M. Siegel, New
England Law | Boston
Wendell C. Taylor, Wilmer
Cutler Pickering Hale and
Dorr LLP
Laura M. Unflat, The Law
Office of Laura M. Unflat
BBF Board of Trustees
Lisa C. Goodheart
Sugarman, Rogers,
Barshak & Cohen, P.C.
Diana K. Lloyd
Choate Hall & Stewart LLP David L. Ferrera
Nutter McClennen &
Fish LLP
Board Members
Jonathan M. Albano,
Morgan Lewis
Lisa G. Arrowood,
Arrowood Peters LLP
Essence McGill Arzu, The
Arzu Law Group LLC
Hon. Nonnie S. Burnes (Ret.)
Russell Beck, Beck Reed
Riden LLP
Janet E. Bostwick,
Janet E. Bostwick, P.C.
Jonathan Chiel, Fidelity
John H. Clymer, Nixon
Peabody LLP
Sarah C. Columbia,
McDermott, Will &
Anthony A. Froio,
Robins Kaplan LLP
Thomas J. Gallitano, Conn
Kavanaugh Rosenthal
Peisch & Ford, LLP
Alexandra M. Gorman,
Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher & Flom LLP
Julia Huston, Foley
Hoag LLP
Stephanie S. Lovell,
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Massachusetts, Inc.
James D. Smeallie, Holland
& Knight LLP
Carol A. Starkey, Conn
Kavanaugh Rosenthal
Peisch & Ford, LLP
Christopher D. Strang,
Strang, Scott, Giroux &
Young, LLP
2015 PUBLIC Service Report 39
The Boston Bar Association’s Growing List of Partners
Supporting Excellence in the Profession, Access to Justice, Diversity & Inclusion and Serving the Boston Community
Law Schools
30+ years: Ropes & Gray LLP  Goodwin Procter LLP  Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
 Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.  Locke Lord LLP  Goulston & Storrs PC  Brown Rudnick LLP  Morgan
Lewis 20+ years: Foley Hoag LLP  Choate Hall & Stewart LLP  Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP  Nixon Peabody LLP 
Rackemann, Sawyer & Brewster  Robinson & Cole LLP  Sherin and Lodgen LLP  Collora LLP 
Yurko, Salvensen & Remz, P.C. 15+ years: Burns & Levinson LLP  Sullivan & Worcester  Peabody & Arnold
LLP  Todd & Weld LLP  Hemenway & Barnes LLP  Day Pitney LLP  Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak & Cohen,
P.C.  Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP  Murphy & King, P.C.  Donnelly, Conroy & Gelhaar, LLP
 Davis, Malm & D’Agostine, P.C.  Gesmer Updegrove LLP  Holland & Knight LLP  Duane Morris LLP
10+ years: DLA Piper LLP  Hinckley Allen  Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP  Sunstein Kann Murphy & Timbers LLP 
Anderson & Kreiger LLP  Verrill Dana LLP  Shilepsky Hartley Michon Robb 5+ years: Greenberg Traurig, LLP
 Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP  Casner & Edwards, LLP  Morgan, Brown & Joy, LLP  Ruberto, Israel &
Weiner, P.C.  Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.  Robins Kaplan LLP  Jones Day  Hirsch Roberts
Weinstein LLP  Dain, Torpy, Le Ray, Wiest & Garner, P.C.  Sugarman and Sugarman, P.C.
 Pierce Atwood LLP  Rose, Chinitz & Rose  Schwartz Hannum PC
EMC Corporation  Partners HealthCare System, Inc.  Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc. 
Haemonetics Corporation  State Street Corporation  Coverys GOVERNMENT Office of the Massachusetts
Attorney General  Office of the Corporation Counsel of the City of Boston  Boston
Redevelopment Authority  Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection  Office of Labor Relations of the City of Boston  Massachusetts Department
of Energy Resources  Committee for Public Counsel Services NON-PROFITS Greater
Boston Legal Services  The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice
 Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Boston Bar Association  Legal Advocacy and Resource
Center  Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation  Medical Legal Partnership | Boston
 Community Legal Services and Counseling Center  Veterans Legal Services  Mass Housing
New England Law | Boston  Boston University School of
Law  Suffolk University Law School  Boston College Law School  Northeastern University School of Law WELCOME TO... Prince Lobel Tye LLP  Posternak
Blankstein & Lund LLP  Pepper Hamilton LLP  Kotin, Crabtree & Strong, LLP 
Krokidas & Bluestein LLP  Saul Ewing LLP  McLane Law Firm  Pierce & Mandell, P.C.  Sheehan Phinney Bass +
Green PA  Atwood & Cherny, P.C.  Witmer, Karp, Warner & Ryan LLP  Arrowood Peters LLP  Berluti McLaughlin
& Kutchin LLP  Chu, Ring & Hazel LLP  Meehan, Boyle, Black & Bogdanow, P.C.  Strang, Scott, Giroux & Young, LLP
 Kates & Barlow, PC  O’Connor, Carnathan, and Mack LLC  Beck Reed Riden LLP  Looney Cohen & Aisenberg LLP 
Mackie Shea, PC  Blake & Associates  Barclay Damon LLP  Laredo & Smith, LLP  Rosenfeld Rafik & Sullivan, P.C.  Stone,
Stone & Creem  Donoghue Barrett & Singal, P.C.  Dwyer LLC  White and Williams LLP