2008-02-09 Sat
2008-02-09 Sat
Time's up Crawman with Sunrise Constnidkm Install ttie hour and minute hands on the dock face Thursday afternoon before hoisting It Into place on the tower of Gaylord's new city hall. At eight feet In diameter, It took several crewmen to guide the ckick Into the frame already built Into the tower. Once It's hooked up, the chxsk will be backllt HT • Chn« Engle i More photos on A3 75C GAYLORD Saturday, February 9, 2008 • Gayiord, MI News at the speed of life DEQ: TOXIC DISPOSAL OK Township vows to fight state, EPA over plan Gayiord businesses shine Snocross races free weekend GAYLORD The (jaylord' Otsego C h a m b e r of Commerce"s Annual A u a r d s honored four individuals. four businesses and ihe Edelweiss Ciarden Club for their contributions to ^ the community , in 2007. Two hundred people attended the annual awards luncheon held Wednesday at theTreetops Resort Convention Center, where Uxial community members, businesses, and organizations are celebrated for excellence in the Gayiord area. The awards and recipients: • C o r d o n Ci. Everett M e m o rial Bell Tower A w a r d ; Recognizing new construction and/'or renovation projects that best exemplify investment in Otsego County, while maintaining the Alpine spirit and theme. This year there were two recipients: By Jll Schutt Staff Wrtter GAYLORD World PowerSpons Association (WPSA) snocross organizers have been busy mo\ ing snow and bringing factory teams to the Otsego County Fairgrounds in preparation for the (iaylord Appreciation Snocross W^^kcnd beginning tcxiay. HT • Bill Serveny GARY KOSCH of Kosch Properties and Alpine Oven received the Gordon C. Everett Memorial Bell Tower Avi/ard. See Chamber, p. A8 According to Steve Latuszek, Michigan operations manager for WPSA, the free admission to grandstand seating is a way of showing how much W P S A appreciates the community's continued support. "Not everybody can afford a S10 ticket," said-Latuszek. "The community does so much for us; it's our See Free, p. AID By JllSchult Staff Writer MIDLAND — T h o u g h she studied biology, graduating with a bachelor's in science from Alma College in 2000. former Gayiord resident Sarah Fossati will be ordained to the priesthood at St. John's Episcopal Church in Midland today (Saturday). •it's not usually something you decide you want to do as a child, said Fossati during a telephone interview, "It's more of a calling than a premeditated matter." For the 30-ycar-old daughter of Vbl. 133. No. 64 34 4 Secttona * 9 Supplements nw MM AM ' r/vtotnow 9m cptntna ot joc'tlmarttilor t w atlmr mown "-wrtar-" p.vooumdnrwitv MARSIfl^^ NOWUTKWMW « i i o m i r t n t i . amofo. ml Story online; heraldtimes.com ^ ^ Carlos and DeDe Fossati of Gayiord, Saturday marks the end of a sevenyear journey. Fossati's discernment included an internship and three years of seminary. S h e was baptized as a child at St. A n d r e w s Episcopal C h u r c h in Gayiord. In 2002. Fossati interned at Transfiguration Episcopal Church in Indian River, her sponsoring congregation. "I had individuals, a a^mmittee of fnends, helping me toward discemm e n C Fossati said. See 1996, p. A10 In Owr fMntf Eatabltthwj m 1876 Parties settle 1-75 crossing dispute 4FastFacts Fossati ordained to priesthood The former Gayiord ' woman is the daughter of Carlos & DeDe Fossati of Gayiord. By Ryan Bentley News-Revisw Staff Wnter EiAY HARBOR linvironmental regulators have granted permits for a controversial .^ntrim C o u n t y injection well which would allou disposiil of shoreline contaminants from Bay Harbor. The U.S. linvironixientul Protection Agency (LPA) and Michigan Department of r:n\ ironmental Quality (DHQ) a n n o u n c e d they were issuing permits to Beeland G r o u p for the well proposed for a site east of Alba in Star T o w n s h i p in news releases Thursday. Star Township s s u p e r v i s o r and the head o f a wat e r s h e d advocacy g r o u p said T h u r s d a y that t h e i r organizations intend to challenge the permits. Despite e n v i r o n m e n t a l regulators' e x p e c t a t i o n s that the well wouldn't pose drinking water concerns, numerous Alba residents have voiced concerns about how it might alfect groundwater. See Township, p. A8 Howard and Jeanne Crenshaw, proud parents of musician-songwriter Marshall Crenshaw, enjoy watching son's career from home in Michaywt (CI). _ The Vanderbilt girls basketball team won its first league title in school history (B1). _ Gayiord revving up for snowmobile ice drag • r a c e s (B4). ^ State legislators stop in Lewiston during r e c ^ t Northern Michigan snowmobile tour (B6). Cotrtesy photo SARAH FOSSATI will be ordained into the priesthood at St. John's Episcopal Church in Midland today. . A view from the 45th Paralle Auto OtMQe County H«rM TVnM. ine CepvftgM 2CDe • Al RigrM n*Mrv«d Classifieds 2058 S. OtM0O AM*.. . Editorial Oeylwd. Ml <e734 Entertainment Garden Death Notices Lewiston Outdoors Inside D8 02-8 A4-5 C3 C2 .A7 B6 B7 Puzzles SnowmoMini. Sports TV Weather....'. Ybunger Generation Weekend Zone heraldtimes.cor C6 B4 Bt-3 C7 A9 C4 CI Qayford H*rakl Tlmas A - 2 • S a t u r d a y . February 9, 2008 Commissioners Reminder Secretary of State branch offices closed for Presidents' Day to meet Feb. m LANSING - / Secretary of Stale their driver's license or license plates offices may close O T S E G O C O U N T Y O T S t G O C O U N T Y The Board of Commis- can "skip the trip" to the branch of- branch for the sioners Land reminds residents e x p i r e to give t h e m a m p l e t i m e to f i c e a n d d o b u s i n e s s b y m a i l , o r if lunch hour. O n Wednesdays most of- that all b r a n c h oft'ices a n d the O f - renew. Licenses a n d plates that expire eligible, by Internet or touch-tone f i c e s a r e o p e n f r o m 11 a . m . t o 7 p . m . a.m. Thursday, Hce o f the Great Seal will be closed o n a day w h e n state offices are closed, telephone. Easy to follow instructions S U P E R l C e n t e r s also provide Satur- the in o b s e r v a n c e o f P r e s i d e n t s ' D a y o n such as a holiday or weekend, can be can be found with the renewal notice. day hours f r o m 9 a.m. to noon. t h e J. R i c h a r d Y u i l l A l p i n e M o n d a y , F e b . 18. renewed the following day without L i c e n s e plate tabs will arrive by mail penalty. within seven business days. Terri Lynn The Department of State mails notices to motorists 45 days b e f o r e For the more visit Web site at u-H-u'. m ichigan.gov/sos. With the exception of holidays. Motorists renewing license plates information department's will meet at 9 : 3 0 Feb. 14 in Multipurpose Room at Center. T h e meetings are o p e n to the public. From an HT blogger. Blogs 7 1 7 1 By v e r y c o n c e m e d Posted: Friday. F e b r u a r y Rock on! Upcoming Events -75 crossover Video Staff blogs fresh to you Catch regular staff blogs on our W e b site; • See pictures and listen t o samples of songs f r o m singer/ songwriter, M a r s h a l l C r e n s h a w , w h o s e parents, Howard a n d Jeanne Crenshaw, reside in Michaywe. • Get ^ 1 the information you need o n upcoming t n o c r o s s races, w i n e tastings, ber>efrt dinners, w o r k s h o p s and more. • Catch highlights of the Feb.2 matchup between the G a y l o r d Blue Devils a n d M p e n a Wildcats 1 w o u l d love to tell you first hand on w h a t is going on w i t h the county and the overpass. Put it this way, h o w w o u l d you like the county to come in and tell • K u r t K o l k a asks whether certain comics belong on t h e editorial page in O u t of t h e Ink Bottle. • Sonw k x a l business owners objected a property takeover to make way for the 1-75 crossover p r o j e c t during a Friday hearing. Share your opinions in a blog on our Website. 8, 2 0 0 8 1 0 : 1 0 a . m . EST • C h r i s Engle seeks smelt fishing tips (and your leftovers) in O u t s i d e w i t h Engle. • B e n T e e t e r takes on " R a m b o ' in T e e t e r ' s T a k e s . and gives it 4 stars out of 5. you t h a t 15 years of your life building a business and a g o o d reputation is only w o r t h a f e w thousand dollars? They d o n ' t cae, it's not affecting their paychecks and their family. H o w much w o u l d it be w o r t h if it was YOU! (SIC as posted.) v o c x CLXSSeS ux w k k tlxjs kfma OPENINGl F e b r u 3 r y I 0 : 3 0 a . m . 1 1 Qrr£. M a r o a r b t a . C o t a n t , PLC, A t t o r n b y ft C o u n s e l o r a t L a w C o n t i n u i n g t o specialize in f a m i l y law, including: Thursday, February 14 8C T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 9 10:30 a.m. - N o o n at N a u t i l u s Fitness Divorce, Custody, Parenting time, Child Support. Tuesday, February 19 Juvenile Law, G u a r d i a n A d Litem. - 1 0 . p . m 5:30-7:00 p.m. at S a k s Wellness t n u t m e a t t l i u t i m e i n y o t i r life* W h a t ' s a Culver's ButterBurger ? W Culver's famous ButterBurgers are Dig^ Hncy hamburgers & cheeseburgers made with fresh, never frozen, choice around chuck trtend. To add the distinctive "ButterBurger" flsvof, we hghtly butter the crown of the toasted bon I win be a a d v o c a t e a n d c o m p a M i o n a t e listener." G e n t l e Yoga & M e d i t a t i o n Monday, February 25 L o c a t e d at 2 1 3 E a s t M a i n S t r e e t in d o w n t o w n G a y l o r d . 4:06-5:30 p.m. at University C e n t e r www. ucgaylord .org Can (989) 732-2630 W h a t is C u l v e r ' s Frozen C u s t a r d ' Fro/eti custard ts a premium tee crcnni that IS made fresh »n the re.stauritnt thioughotit ttie day Its (leiiciuus. vfjIvKty siiiuoth tHxtiJie IS !>«:<fKCt in a coHH. dish, malt or shake A qucst.s r a n riistu ini/e the;i riesbHtt with nu)r« tli.jn 30 'IIIX ILLS ^ to()ph1||s 'News at the speed of life' Gaylord Herald Times S^^-72S.A 111 S.iodijonc*. Ccrtitibl Voga Instructor PHYSICALTHERAPY may be right for Y O U . Established 1875 Published by Otsego County Herald Times, Inc. (USPS413-5aO) The Gaylord Herald Times is published semi-weekty on Wednesday and [ Saturday, Periodicals Postage paid at the Gaylord, Michigan Post Office under the Act of Congress Marcti 3.1B79 i i f — ' Otsego County Herald Times; IWC"** j S«nd address changes to Gaylord HefaW| Times, PO Box 598, Gaylord, Ml 49734. eOlTORIAL: Wnters . ... Michael Jones, Jil Schult Chris Engle Support , ., . Kurt i(olka Chief Photographer Bill Serweny M.iin. ( ..ivIoM] locations t o receive a 9 8 9 - 4 4 8 - 8 3 0 0 HERALD TIMES General Manager Manlyn Kaczanowski . Chris Grosser Editor ,,. Cathy Landry News Editor , Jeremy Speer Sports Editor . . Frank Mtchels Design Editor Advertising Sales Manager Kim Ballard Graphic Arts Manager ..Matt Smith Grculation Director JA Thompson Visit a n y o f o u r 5 1 39 / W 'A view from the 45th parallel iftoavloml) p* * FREE 10 Minute Screening i j:. f n >'4-' ONLINE MEDIA: Manager/Editor . Assistant Manager Peter Comings Darren Hardy ADVfffnS/NC; Classified Advertising Manager/ Asst Advertising Sales IManager Kathleen Murray Sales Staff; , . Karen Gregor, Jodi Mdxon, Ben Teeter Sales Assooates;. . .. Beth Anderson, Adele Woskobojnik and get a FREE NIKE' Gymsack GHAPHKAfiTS: Artists Todd Pfaff, Jami Stinnet Page Coordinator Enca Wescoat-Large BUSINESS: Office Suff , Gina DeForge, Vicky Plummer, Linda Lyons Publisher Emeritus OFFICE; Houri: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mortday through Friday you YOUR GAME, YOUR WORK and YOUR LIFE in less time than you think. % We'll get y o u 0 ^ t i p James L Grisso b a c k to O r t h o p e d i c injuries " Balance problonis WofK iniuriss - Hip, Knee, ankle Back and neck pa.n Post-»urnk:al rohab Carpal tunnel 2058 5. Otsego Ave. Mailing address: P.O. Box 598, Gaytord, Ml 49734 Telephone: (989) 732-1111 Toll free (877) 819-6170 Fax (989) 732-3490 e-msil address: pubOgaylordheraldtimfs. com Dynamic n H U M and loot in^ir^s - ShoukWf, Wbow, wnst — 7 and I w ^ l miufws J / Web site address: www gaylordheratdtimes.com Terms of Subscription In Otsego. Cravrford, MontmorerKy, Chartevoix, Antrim. Cheboygan ar>d Oscoda counties. 1 year $53/6 moruhs $33 Local Senior Crtizertt. 1 year S51/6 rT>onths 532. Outside these counties 1 year $72 00/6 months $43,25. Non-^ocal Senior Crtizem; 1 year $70.00/6 months $42 25 ($10 00 Carxettation Fee) / 99% of our patients say they w o u l d refer a friend or family member to us. Winner of 443 awardi sme 196S. mclutfiog • Winner of 18 national preu awMtk in t h e p i M 3 y M n • Btct WMkly Ntwipaptr bt the Nation 2007 (or, S.OOO-iaOOO) • Michigan Newipaper of the Y»«r 1991-2001, 2003-a00s, 2007 • l i M t w H of the YMv -1*99, • e t w lueineB l i e w u mpAI^ www.dynamicptmichigan.com SK\ O Saturday, F e b r u a r y 9, 2006 • A - 3 Qaylord H«rald Tlm^s A watched clock -Vi, , TOP: C R E W M E N (l-r) Dan Warner, J o e Variot and J a m e s McGee ease t h e clock into place f r o m inside ttie t o w e r Above: Still in its protective plastic, t h e clock is brought to the fr o n t of the n e w city hall by crane. Right: T h e Photos by Chris Engle clock, as seen f r o m the tower, begins its journey s k y w a r d . Po ice p.m. when he reportedly lost control Driver hits guardrail of the 2004 Chevrolet Impala he was on 1-75 Company seeks to revise apartment building plan driving, • Christopher Lackenbucher, 37, Gaylord, was northbound on 1-75, onehalf mile north of Charies Brink Road in Bagley Township, Monday, around 5:55 p.m. when he reportedly lost control of the 2000 Chrysler he was driving. jured and there were no citations Lackenbucher's vehicle reportedly issued. slid into a guardrail on the icy roadway and sustained moderate damage. Rollover crash Lackenbucher reportedly viras not on Old 2 7 injured and there were no citations is• Anthony Heintz, 17, Vander- sued. bilt, was southbound on Old 27, three-tenths of a mile north of Ma- Gaylord City Police telski Road in Livingston Township, Wednesday, around 10;30 a.m. w h e n D r i v e r c i t e d i n c r a s h he reportedly thought an oncoming • Kellie knight, 38, Grayling, was vehicle had crossed the centerline southbound on South Otsego Avenue at causing him to attempt to pull the West Main Street, Monday, around 9:50 1998 Chevrolet pickup he was driv- a.m. when a 2002 Dodge van driven by ing, closer to the shoulder. Tracy Sekora, 28, Gaylord, reportedly Heintz's vehicle reportedly drove ran a red light and crashed into the off the west side of the roadway passenger side of the 2004 Pontiac and rolled over and struck the guide knight-was driving. wires of a utility pole. Moderate damage was reported to Dupuie s vehicle reportedly sustained moderate damage after he Sitruck a guardrail on the west side of the roadway. Oupuie reportedly was not in- Blotter M i c h i g a n State Police Driver hits tree In H a y e s T o w n s h i p • Susan Robin, 57, Gaylord, was northbound on Hayes Tower Road, one-half mile south of Old Alba Road in Hayes Township, Jan, 29, around 6:15 p,m, when she reportedly lost control of the 2002 Ford Taurus she was driving. According to reports, Robin's vehicle sustained minor damage when she drove off the road and struck a tree. Reports indicate the roadway was extremely icy at the time of the accident. Moderate damage after driver hits guardrail • William Dupuie, 27. Cheboygan, was southbound on 1-75, onemile north of Winters Road in Corw i t h Township. Jan. 31. around 1:50 Heintz was not injured and extensive damage was reported to his vehicle. He was cited for hazardous driving — violation of basic speed laws. G A Y L O R D — A special meeting of ect, the r e d u c t i o n w o u l d be n e c e s s a r y Gaylord's Zoning Board of Appeals next to m a k e r o o m for p h a s e three of the w e e k will d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r a d e v e l o p e r development and allow DeShano Con- ! can construct an apartment complex on struction to build a 20-bed adult foster [ less land and with fewer parking spaces care home. ! I as required by city o r d i n a n c e . Gladwin-based DeShano ConstrucI tion has plans t o build a 32-unit c o m p l e x D e S h a n o C o n s t r u c t i o n a l s o is r e - as part two of a tlyee-phase develop- questing a p a r k i n g variance to provide ment plan. City o r d i n a n c e calls for a 106 parking s p a c e s rather than the re- j m i n i m u m of 9 2 , 8 0 0 square feet for such quired 128 per city ordinance for that ! a complex; however, to m a k e room for particular development. The ordinance phase three o f the d e v e l o p m e n t . De- calls for t w o s p a c e s per residential unit I S h a n o C o n s t r u c t i o n is a s k i n g t h e y b e a n d all p a r k i n g m u s t b e p r o v i d e d o n site, a l l o w e d to revise their original site plan C u r t i s s a i d o f f i c i a l s w i l l d e t e r m i n e if all and build the c o m p l e x on 71,264 square p a r k i n g s p a c e s at t h e e x i s t i n g c o m p l e x feet — 2 1 , 5 3 6 s q u a r e feet less than re- are being used. both vehicles and there were no inju- q u i r e d b y o r d i n a n c e . T h e m e e t i n g , w h i c h b e g i n s at 7 p , m , , ries. A c c o r d i n g t o a l e t t e r t o c i t y c l e r k will b e h e l d in t h e C i t y C o u n c i l C h a m Sekora was cited for hazardous i Becky Curtis from Linwood-based Apex bers of the C o u n t y - C i t y Building, T h e driving. ^ E n g i n e e r s , w h i c h d e s i g n e d t h e p r o j - p u b l i c is e n c o u r a g e d t o a t t e n d . — Compiled by Michael Jones February 10, 2008 Pastor Joe Scrcno " K M p i n g Your H M d ' lOIN NOW! 8:30 a.m. Traditional Service 9:45 a.m. Ministering Communities and Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Service $ 1 0 0 0 MR MAMTL BUM* 1 6 4 9 M - 3 2 Eatt, Gayiord OAtr atipi'W ^Nautilus FITNESS • T • T I M 989-732-5820 1140 O o m l c k A v * , , n«ar t f w S p o i f s p l * ! www.g<irvtt*mpi*n .com sion, according to Curtis. w i t h i n its W e s t S h e l d o n S t r e e t p r o p e r t y Gaylord Evangelical Free Church H«tk)! My rum* it Paula f m and my whola bmrfy wms th« GS-20 m)r>u<e worVoui jt Nawokw Sytwfm. K m and •aty wortoxit that vhows rtwKi aknoit .mfTwduuty. 1 tow two vrhol* sii« « irry ckrtfm My pir«nts and chiWr«n also do vwVout as a* and fitn«$i l«v«l$ can from n. Th« GS-20 minute wofiiout makt you $tronftr. i t n t r and h«aWii«r. My Innband jeffrty .i 4 J and it iit»>f GS-20 minutt worttoui tironftr and it m b«n*r shap« tKan h« wat 20 ytars afo Jeffrey Fo* The original development had been approved by Gaylord Planning Commis- www.gay(oniefree.org 989-732-2647 Clo**d CapMoA «»r tlM lnipair«4 Are you out of cash? Getoutolyouffimial bind today! •pinions HERALI^TIMES Yours &Qurs Snowed in PURVIEW A mid the economic distress, a m o n g the reports of tragedies a n d problems, it's good to f i n d positives to counter the negatives. Wednesday's annual Gaylord/Otsego C o u n t y C h a m b e r of C o m m e r c e awards luncheon gave us opportunity to celebrate some of the great things hapAsa pening here. Yes, there are e m p t y storecommunity, fronts. But there are people we celebrate like Wally, A n n a n d Neil those Drzewiecki o f Gaylord A C E Hardware/Gaylord Feed & committed Grain; and G a r y Kosch of to m a k i n g Kosch Properties, developer life b e t t e r of the Alpine Ov e n , w h o are still willing to invest here. For in Otsego that c o m m i t m e n t , they are the County. recipients of the chamber's G o r d o n Everett Bell Tower Award. Wednesday's awards heralded the efforts of people like Larry Edwards, recipient of the Daune Weiss Businessperson of the Year award; m e m b e r s of the Edelweiss Garden C l u b w h o earned the "You M a d e it Happen Award" for their s p r u c e u p of the Energy Outlet; and retired H T publisher Jim Grisso, recipient of the President's Award for commitment to business and community T h e luncheon reminded us w e are fortunate to have businesses that deliver top-notch customer service; Dunn's O f f i c e Solutions and Jan's Northside Deli shared G o l d e n Pineapple award honors. It allowed us to salute outstiinding volunteers: Ron Chavcy, Volunteer of the Year; and Ron S i m m o n s , Ambassiidor of the Year. To all of these award recipients, we say, •'Thank you, and j o b well done." The Gaylord Herald Times editorial board IS made up of general manager Marilyn Kaczanowski, editor Chris Grosser, news editor Cathy Landry, and design editor Frank Michels. Reaching Us vit-w Jrom ihc 4^ih parallel " Share your views with us Write to: Letter to the Editor ' By mail: Gaylord Herald Times PO Box 598, Gaylord. Ml 49734 By e-mail editor^gaylordheraldtimes. com By phone: (989) 732-1111 By FAX: (989) 732-3490 ^ Gaylord Herald Times E d i t o r : Chris Grosser • [email protected] Saturday, February 9, 2008 Job well done, award recipients A4 T he 30-mile trip, from doors'icp to doorstep, should take about 30 minutes to complete. At least that's how long it took me lo get from my home in Lewiston to the work during the non-winter nionths (which can be few and far between in Northern Michigan). The Gaylord HerI aid Times building Tha't IS located on South Otsego Avenue in I (iaylord. It should I take approximately 10 • — I minutes to get from my home to Vienna Corners, another 10 minutes to McCoy Road and 10 minutes from McCoy Road J}| to work. Yet lately it 5chult 30-minute (we measure in minutes Upnorth) drive has turned into 40-50 minutes. The reason is obvious: the roads are simply not adequately maintained for the amount of snowfall we've accumulated this winter. And what's worse than my drive to work is my 16-year-old son is driving to school daily on these oftentimes poorly maintained roads. Trekking through snowy back roads, sliding through stop signs and bouncing ofl'snow banks is fine for Sno*l)rift Rally racers, but long after the yellow tape is rolled up and the banners are taken down, the rest i>t us have (o travel lo work and school e \ erv day on those back roads ot Montmorency County. We're not happ> about it: u e col- lectively complain about it and some of us call the Montmorency Road County Commission for an explanation. Hut wait, if there's one thing this job has taught me. there's always two sides to every story. So. before you bombard the Albert Township office and Montmorency County Road Commission w ith complaints, learn the reason behind the season. There are two main reasons the roads are a little less maintained this winter; limited funds and snow accumulation. According to Keith Berger. meteorologist at the National Weather Service (NWS) south of Gaylord, Atlanta recorded 52.1 inches of snow this season ending Jan. 31 - last years snowfall tlirough the end of January 2007 was 33.1 inches. KOAI) MAINTKNANCE is paid for from monies from three sources: gas lax. registration fees and license plate fees. According to Joel Kim Bleech, Montmorency County Road Commission manager, there has not been an increase in fuel tax in 10 years. Which means, the county is operating on the same budget as they were nearly a decade ago. However, instead of paying an estimated $5,000 per month for fuel for the county vehicles, they spent S30.000 for fuel last month. •1f we don't cut back now. there u ill be no money to blade the roads in the summertime." Bleech said. The people u h o live on paved roads don't care so much about blading ihe dirt county roads, he ex- plained. However, the county maintains 500 miles of back roads compared to 140 miles of mam roads. Ignoring the dirt roads is not an option. Here a few more facts from Bleech people need to know before picking up the telephone to complain about road conditions; • Montmorency County Road Commission employs 19 people for the three garages, Atlanta, Lew iston and Hillman, three fewer employees than two years ago. Each garage lost one employee. • None of your property tax, even if there's a millage, goes to road maintenance. • No part of the sales tax on gas goes to county road maintenance. So some may say, with the price of gas increasing, the road commission should get more money, right? Wrong. The tax is based on gas usage, not price. As gas prices increase, people tend to reduce unnecessary travel, which decreases gas usage, thus decreasing money for road maintenance. The problem is w idespread across Northern Michigan not just in Montmorency County. In Osceola County firefighters recently reported crews couldn't respond to a chimney fire because of slippery road conditions. And once again, there are two sides to every story, imagine rhat! — Jil Schult is a staff writer for the Gaylord Herald Times. Contact Herat 74H-45}8 or jiK^.gaylordheraldtimes.com. Letters to the Editor Have an opinion; improve things To the liditor: In response to Bill Light's letter ("Wrights are wrong again." Wediicsday. Jan. 23 Herald Times), we are all aware of the president's job approval ratings, seeing that you left-wingers talk about nothing else. But. please remember Congress is in control by your party and their approval ratings are far lower then the president's. .•\nd to correct you, I never stated Clinton was impeached by the Senate. He was impeached through the House of Representatives. No. Clinton's lies embarrassed the American people as well as his otVice. You stated that president Bush lied: So. Sir. please show me your pri>of. Remember, several members of your partv also voted for war after seeing the same Intel as Bush. No. we have not found the major caches of WMDs. that I will concede. Just because we have not found them does not mean they are not there. Instead, we found a bigger threat there which is Al Queda. And considering we have not suffered another terror attack shows us the president is doing something Word on the Street ^ Lastly, you stated we lost over 3,000 service members and untold civilians in Iraq. Maybe you never heard: People do die in war. Unlike you, those service members serve iheir country proudly Seeing how high the number is for men and women ^ Visit us online: www. gaylordheraldtimes. right. The problem with your facts. Sir. is that you can't prove the president lied; all you can do is slander and call names. Clinton's lies were proved and on Dec. 19. 1998 he was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives. Clinton not only disgraced himself, like you said: he disgraced this country and the oHIce he held. com \ Online Polls r By Cathy Landry QUESTION: There is talk of giving Michigan Democrate a second chance to pick a presidential candidate by holdings caucuses. Do you think this should be pursued or not? w h o a r e e n l i s t i n g in the armed forces shows me they ' are proud to serve their country, and serve the noble cause of giving freedom to a nation of people who never knew it before. I know that is a hard pill to swallow for an unpatriotic person as yourself, who serv es a party of cowards. Try this as a remedy: Support the troops, even though you don't support the war. Have your own opinion, instead of left-wmg slander that is baseless. Come up with ideas to improve things instead of attacking others. Matthew L . W r i g h t Elmira Township n Recent o n l i n e p o l l results After listening to or r e a d i n g about Gov. ' J e n n i f e r f l r a n h o l m ' s State of t h e State ad- i dres-s: I A. I a m e x c i t e d a n d c o n f i d e n t w e ' r e i ing l o turn the e c o n o m y a r o u n d . 8% i B. I f e a r i t ' s t h e . s a m e o l d t a l k a n d n o results. I 71% I C. I t h i n k p a r l y p o l i t i c s i s I h e o n l y i t h i n g standing in Ihe w a y of turning • things around. I 20% N u m b e r o f \AOTES: 148 ^ (this is not a scientific poll) NEW ONLINE QUESTION (atartlii« | Saturday): No, I don't think they Let the best man win Absolutely They should should. It's OK. I'm liv— they'll have one pursue it here and in ing with it. heck of a job to clean Florida, too Frank Bennett up the mess. GaryPanton Dearborn Heights Rose Tomaskl Denver. Colo. Gaylord Well, probably not beNo. cause of the expense. Stanley Costello Dearborn Heights What's done is done Let's move on Karia Stephens Lakes of Ihe North . A. B. C. n. E. I I i I j MySpace Facebook Twitter HT blogs You call that social? I T o v o t e o n l i n e , go t o : www.gayiordheraidlime.s.com l _ ^ Where do you socialize online? \ J Saturday, February 9, 2008 • A-5 Qaylord Herald Times The beauty and the beast T he Beauty and the Beast. Thai would seem to best describe two major events that kicked off the new year in our state. 1 entered the world of retirement Dec. 31 and decided to take a short break, but the column-w riting juices came bubbling to the top in the form of a beauty and a beast. And here I am once again consuming this space in your favorite newspaper. The beauty in all this is Kirsten Haglund who was crowned Miss America Jan. 26 in Las Vegas. She entered the competition as Miss Michigan and hails from Walled Lake. What great news for our struggling state. In her travels around the country over the next 12 months, she will give Michigan a needed boost everywhere she goes. fused to settle with the cops for a substantially smaller amount. You know what "exposed" him? Lovey-dovey text messages between him and Beatty "uncovered" through an intensive investigation by the Detroit Free Press. Big Brother is lurking everywhere. Hiz Honor now faces possible perjury charges if the Wayne County prosecutor lives up to her responsibilities and sincerely investigates the matter. If the judge and mayor truly are not political pals, both Kilpatrick confined to and Beatty could be going Detroit City down the river to Jackson Hall, either. for a while. No text-mesFor many saging in that place. And to years, it's been happen- think Kilpatrick is a lawyer. ing through- Shouldn't he know better Jim than to lie under oath? out virtually Oneeo every form of Oh, yeah, the mayor government apologized in front of a TV in what was once proudly camera last week, with his dubbed the "Motor City." w ife by his side, inside their In the latest scandal. Hiz church, no less. His performance sort of reminds me Honor has been caught in w hat appears to be a big. fat of another politician who lie. No. Wrong. Let s call it a once said ... "1 never had sex w ith that woman ..." The difbig bunch of fat lies. We should apply the term ference with Kwame is the little matter of the text mes"alleged" in all this except sages and lying about firing that there is very strong the two cops who were about ev idence he lied under oath in court, before a jury of his to expose him. peers, about his love atfair By the way. Hiz Honor with his then chief of staff. has no intention of resignChristine Beatty. ing. So. the murky waters of The result of that was he Detroit politics continue to also lied when he testified and does my stomunder oath that he had noth- churn ach. ing to do w ith the firing of two good Detroit cops who VMio do you want on got a little too close to home your team, the Beauty or the to the lose atTair. They filed Beast? a "whistle-blower" lawsuit — Jim Grisso is publisher and ultimately were awarded emeritus of the GaylonJ Herald Times. Contact him million of Detroit taxa t Jini(aga} -lordheraldtimes. payer money. The jury vercom dict was after the mayor re- be amazed if we could account for every dollar ot our money wasted to subsidize various forms of Detroit government through state tax funds. That wouldn't be so bad if Detroit didn't have such a terrible track record ot squandering money through various forms ol graft and corruption. MisusOff the ing state tax for Record money political and personal gain is not just As we Michiganders all know Michigan is a beautiful state. But then we turn to a man by the name of Kwame Kilpatrick. What a beastly state of atYairs this mayor has created for the city of Detroit and in many respects, the entire stale of Michigan, We digress from the good, skipping the bad. to the ugly In case you've been living in a cave, or Just don't give a rip (doesn't matter to me), the mayor of our state's largest city has dug himself a really big hole. 1, for one, wish he would craw l into it. but nature otherwise known as "justice" must take its long, windy coursc. The reason I protesth so loudly is that what happens in Detroit atTects all of us who live and pay taxes in Michiuan. We would Candice Miller for governor? A funny thing happened to Candice Miller on the way to electing Rudy Giuliani president. He lost and the Michigan Congresswoman got asked to run for governor, and by gum she just might. " I ' m thinking about." she concedes but "I've made no determination " Others say she has. Now if this Miller for Governor stuff sounds familiar, it should. The former G O P Secretary of State's name was on the short list when Jennifer Granholm ran the first time. The press corps foamed at the mouth over a womano a womano battle. But alas, Gos. John Bngler created a safe Congressional seal for Miller instead and she took it and has been there ever since. Congresswoman is considering the run this time. While out on the campaign trail for her guy Rudy (iiuliani, she kept bumping into the "money people" and others who urged her to get in. But her support of the moderate leaning former _, , . , , NYC mayor 5kublCK6 come back Capitol to haunt her with the ullra conservative Tim 5kubick Didn't you think that would end after high school? Has your financial advisor become too cool for you? A g o o d financial advisor is like a g o o d friend. S o m e o n e y o u trust. Someone w t i o ' s l o o k i n g o u t for you. S o m e u n c w t i o s t i c k s - w i t f i y o u t f i r o u g h ttiick and tfiin. That's s o m e o n e who's increasingly hard t o find, unless y o u look in t h e right place Maier & Associates Financial Group is t h a t place. You II find a t e a m of e x p e n e n c e d professionals focused c o m p l e t e l y on y o u r financial goals. We • u n d e r s t a n d that good financial planning begins w i t h a good relationship. And a g o o d relationship is s o m e t h i n g y o u don't t h r o w away. If y o u feel like your financial advisor is t a k i n g y o u for g r a n t e d , call Stan .. and get t h e a t t e n t i o n you deserve Because w e l l a l w a y s t h i n k you're w a y cooler t h a n w e are MaieR 4241 old us 27 Suuth Suite 1 Gaylorfl M1-I973S Phune: .'31 hi'JO &ASSOCIATES Tull Irec; iBfifii 'jiv 0H4'< maierdndrfssru latt^^ Financial Group, Inc. Are you financially fic? V-." ::f • '.BA Community Connect Sponsored by Otsego Housing S Homeless Coalition insider puts it. But don't underestimate Miller. If she gets in. she won't be scared off by anybody, including Dick DeVos and his fat wad of money. She privately confides if she runs, she won't be run out of town by him. If she runs, she's hoping for a crowded primary where she could emerge as ihe only woman in the GOP field. Some betting money is on current Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land staying out of that hunt. Instead she religious might run for Congress to wing of the succeed Vern F-hlers from Slate G O P They did not West Michigan who is share her close lo retiring. enthusiasm for him. Any friend of Rudy's won't be a friend of theirs. Nonetheless, the Miller inner circle it is a light and close-io-the-vest bunch taut her prowess as a statew ide candidate. M I L L E R ' S name was To be sure, winning m the mix again in 2006, Secretary of State twice is but it never got beyond nothing to sneeze at, but that. At that lime. Miller her detractors observe she was very comfortable beat a guy who was 84 and m Congress where then had overstayed his v>sit. Speaker of the House And four years later, she Dennis Hastert took her beat a Detroit Democrat under his wing. who didrr't even campaign But Hastert is a hasfor the post. Anybody was. The G O P is not remember w h a l s her calling the shots in the name? U.S. House anymore, so Miller has "never been Miller weighs her fortunes battle tested. She hasn't back here instead of in had to raise money and DC. dust it up and swing her It was serendipity a r m s " in a hotly contested the story goes, that race, one Washington (K)P the Macomb County He's moved on to new friends. You're no longer cool enoughforhim. He makes excuses for not being able to see you. Miller is an interesting contrast to a GOP Wesl Michigan Congressman Peter Hoekstra. Yes. he's interested in governor, loo, but he frets that if the voters see his re-election bid as a stepping-stone toward the 2010 governor's thing, he could be booted out of Congress this November. The fearless Ms. Miller IS not in the same boat. She candidly talks about running and there's a 5050 chance the third time will be the charm. Evan'igemai Free Shwrch 16J#M-32 East, Gaylord T h i s o n e day e v e n t will' p r o v i d e i n f o r m a t i o n a n d services t o t h e a t - r i s k m e m b e r s of o u r c o m m u n i t y a n d b r i n g all of us t o g e t h e r in a c e l e b r a t i o n of c o m m u n i t y a c t i o n a n d concern during difficult times. Join us in celebrating our community's strength S caring by donating services or items for the event • Food & d r i n k d o n a t i o n s & preparation for luncheon • Personal care • Health care screenings • health care services by a c t u a l h e a l t h care professionals • Eye c a r e • Dental care • General benefits counseling • Substance abuse counseling • Mental health counseling • Legal services For questions or to participate, contact Lorene Parshall at 705-1965 or [email protected] ( Tim Skuhick is the longest-serving member of the State Capitol Press Corps, with .? 7 years of covering Michigan government and politics. His column appears in the Saturday Herald Times • E m p l o y m e n t services • Housing and shelter information • Haircuts • Spiritual services • Give us y o u r ideas • Personal h y g i e n e i t e m s • Bags, t o y s , b o o k s & treats • Food p a c k a g e s • Clothing • First aid kits • Diapers, f o r m u l a , school supplies • Senior aids Community Connect: Our Community Cares I Dwwr Contact . Orgamzation Needs Table to Display Information . I Contact l>h._ I will be a Contact Email _ . Partner _ Needs Private Space for Interviewing Guests Contributor ^ volunteer Will provide I Paf<ners„ . - mm Gaylord Herald Times A-6 • Saturday. February 9, 2008 aturnl Booksellers 1 bookstore shop Saturn Booksellers °'TonSX\a"ndUan Saturn Booksellers is ' Saturn Booksellers 's special because they actually treat you like famili/. I go i„ sc^jromtheconvemence m y f a v o r i t e place to o f m v home from siturnbookseUersxom. ZuwBarhcr.Ro^co^ buy books. Shop local, shop Gaylord "•ey're like Vh, it's Beth.. - Ellen 'They are all readers, we have a new book in mi might like it." - Beth Krupiarz and can all make recommendations^ "Saturn Booksellers named BOO 7 Michigan They all know the kinds of books "If I had the opportunity to choose the Michiaan Retailer j of the Vear. it would be the Alpine Chocolat Haus! But ! since I didn't get that choice. I'm sure glad it went to Saturn BooltseKers in l)eautiful downtown Gaviord." - Bruce Brown. Owner. Alpine Chocolat Haus I like, but often they'll suggest something great luck. .lve had You don't get ser- vice at Borders or at Barnes Retailer 4 Noble like you do at Saturn Booksellers. the hometown store! . Deb Fisher " J l i k e r o pJay H i t h P l a y m o b i l •It S a t u r n B o o k s e l l e r s . " "I vf been lucky ciiciigh to visit Iwokstorcs all imr the country on iny notional hook tours, and Jill Miner rocks the most. I just low Saturn Booksellers, aiui my publisher in New York docs, too! \ very from - Cliim- c 'oi'k. iMust Love n\'.<. Life's it Hciiih iiuthiv I Sidiiiihi Hliniviir McClure "I'm f r o m d o w n s t a t e a n d w e like Saturn Booksellers so v e r y m u c h t h a t we w a i t f o r o u r visits t o Gaylord t o buy o u r books. The people t h e r e are t h e friendliest. They are so v e r y k n o w l e d g e a b l e . . a n d ...one o f o u r f a v o r i t e places t o go." \ mom\ ^ \ (here,voul»«j^,.,inet\pers I oftheYe^- I love to buy from • Diane Brennan l: "I'm canstnnti}/ looking/or interefting book? for iny sturiaits. iittrl all the stuff iit Saturn Booksellers is nhmys so helpful in finding books to capture my students' interest." ' .\iigir, h-iklicnit Lewi^l'Vi lli;:;li siwi'l What \ rc.iUv . u i r h o t evi'iit.ocn , , ' n f o v t u u ^ ' - ; o l .naciu-iuwmbook.cuaoi 1 hey spiiil all t h i ' i n u s l o n u ' i s M;; M ' > •si.i(nri>nr. anJ sotne- V. t . . V; sUf •i-'- ;tun>u.UMnou-'-'" p.r a t . S . i t u r n Irt c u t - h ' m c r ^ .'n.-ij .im^^r.ifcfulfortne - . . I . ' I . I M R I L P I - , . ; T . I N J CSPTV^URC TFICTJ I nncr IMVC Iime Id hrouM' iinil • • f'' ••. r,' . Sue llio s-iiK know oxcidly thi' lypo iil "Unlike the big h o o k s I h i i l Hike sdlhi'Viilwdys g.ieszka ally very impressive. l i o o k s i i l o n j ; Willi m y i o H e e " S d Jan B r e t t - Marti Mdlelski: j I j j i v o l v e m e n t is re- tomers and t h e « (ID is run in liirl they deliver the .irt'-'fs j r i j ^utkurs. " " u t i o n s h i p w i t h cas- really number one. vdvi' t h e m lor mo so oil I hiivc l o ' ^ biggest names m f f chUdren's b o o k P a u s e ,it;t in mjnt^ Mr! Lnowlfd'scanci -its?:: w e toew exceUent event. S a t u r n w o u l d hoW an Dennany " " a r t s my day out r i g / , , , 0 7 I brewed ® f f i « W r y morning. I have a i t a n d i n g order and the service Booksellers) Is Incredible." "They have play s'uff there and really Interestins beaks to read." ^vseuets.co^^ iWtnboo • l o r i Relcliard " I I l k sboppinu 111 S a l u r n l l o c k x c l l o r s for i b c i r qoncronily l e Ihc beal...cc>.mniunli,v anJ for i h o l r f o t n m l i i n o n i l o j i o d proirioilPD o f i b c d p w n i o w n irtJoponJonl m c r c b a m * . " • Lcri U'cHlcrmna - Qrace 'n Booksellers^ 133 W. M a i n St., Gaytord. Michigan 49735 989-732-8899 ™^saturnbooJ^se//ers.com — ^ . jiil tie^ i Monday - Thursday. Saturday Q to 6 Friday 9 to 8.• ^LincJay Sunday li to ^5 j m m m m m i Saturday, February 9, 2008 • A-7 Qaylofxl Herald H m M Death Notices Joseph & Wanda Zamoyski Joseph Walter ZamoyskJ, bom May 18, 1913 was a loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. He died on Feb. 3 , 2 0 0 8 at the age of 94. Wanda Veronica Zamoyski, bom on Nov. 26, 1921, was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She died on Feb. 5 . 2008, at the age of 86. They were in the company of those who loved them as they went to rest at the hands of our good Lord. It is with great sorrow that we say goodbye to this wonderfully kind and loving couple. They will forever be in our thoughts and memories. They both lived a long and happy life and will be deeply missed. travel and spent many weeks visiting various places In the United States and Europe, but they were always glad to return home to Gaylord. A ing World War II, Joseph started his business as an owner of the Gay-Sego Mobil Station and Wotel on US 27 in Gaylord. The motel, now called the Royal Crest, is now owned and operated by Tom and Sylvia Zamoyski. Joseph loved living in Gaylord and Otsego County. His fondness for hunting, fishing, morelmushroom picking, cross country skiing, growing flowers and vegetables, Alpenfest and just taking drives through the various counties to see what was " n e w " were all things he enjoyed doing. u p o n honorable discharge " in late 1945 from the U.S. Army, after serving for over three years in Burma dur- Both Dad and Mom loved to Wanda worked as an executive secretary at Standard Products for many years, and completed her career at Gaytord State Hospital, retiring in 1983. Even with her career. Mom was devoted to her family, always having our best interests in mind. She was a wonderful mother with a heart of gold. Joe and Wanda were married on Aug. 1 6 , 1 9 4 2 and spent more than 65 years together. They are survived by their three children, James (Carol) of Bloomfield Hills, Thomas (Sylvia) of Gaylord and Jan (Bill) of Newbury Park, Calif.; their eight grandchildren. Shannon (Kirk), Shelly, John (Shazy), Joanna, Katie, Jessica (Jason), Lauren and Jake; and their six great- Robert is survived by his wife, D o r o t h y ; his c h i l d r e n , Dianne (Tom) Tessman. Kathleen (Jim) Grove, Laura (Tom) Beger, Nancy (Bill) Kelly and Sandy Morgan; eight grandchildren, Cameron, Corianne, Nicholas, Allyson, Wesley, McKinley, Chase, and Anna; and his sister. Ann Marie Griswald. Beverley M, Brado. age 74, of Vanderbilt. passed away Tuesday, Feb. 5,2008. She was bom Feb. 18, 1933, to Byron and Myrtle (Struthers) Watson in Grayling. Beverley w a s a retired real estate broker and also had spent time working at Bill's Party Store and Hogan's Jewelers. DurRobert was preceded in death ing the 1960s, she spent by his parents, Glenn and Bar- 10 years working as a bara (Wilson) Sly; his son, Rus- housekeeper and cooksell; daughter, Barbara; and two ing assistant at Fontinalls Ranch in Vanderbilt, ki brothers, Donald and Graham. Funeral services were Friday, addition, Beverley was a Feb. 8 , 1 1 a.m., from the Nelson past Conwith Township deputy derk Funeral Home. The Rev. John and a past Village of Vandertilt treasurer She enjoyed l^itting and was a Naile officiated. Visitation at the Nelson Fu- lifetime member and past matron of neral Home in Gaylord was held the Order of the Eastern Star. ChryThursday, Feb. 7. 1 - 3 p.m. and santhemum Chapter 114. formerly 4 - 7 p.m., and on Friday at 10 the Marguerite Chapter #87, She a.m. A Masonic service was held had resided at the same home in Vandertilt since 1952. Thursday at 7 p.m. Beverley was preceded in death Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart by her parents; husband, Harold; her Association, through the Nelson infant son. Thomas Eric; sister, Ruth Funeral H o m e . PO Box 1 5 4 8 , Riddle: and stepsister, Elizabeth Matts. Gaylord, Ml 49734, She IS survived by her children. Edward (Eileen) of North Pole, Friends may share condolences Alaska, Kevin of Wolverine, and online at www.nelsonsfunera Douglas (Ruth) of Loveland, Colo.; lhome.com R o b e r t a t t e n d e d s c h o o l in V a n d e r b i l t w h e r e he met a n d married his high school sweetheart. Dorothy (Slater) Sly. They were married for 55 years and had seven children. After high school he attended Ferris I n s t i t u t e b r i e f l y before moving to the Detroit area where he attended a trade school and became a tool and die maker. He w o r k e d in the trade for 40 years as a journeyman, plant manager and, finally, as a busin e s s m a n . o w n i n g and o p e r a t ing his o w n tool and die shop in Clare. After r e t i r e m e n t . Robert moved to Petoskey where he had worked at Odawa casino for the last eight years. Robert was a lifetime member of the F&AM Gaylord Cyrene Lodge No. 366. He loved t o cook, enjoyed people, and had a large circle of friends. William L. Kucel, age 95, of Gaylord, died M o n d a y , Feb. 4, 2008, He was born Oct. 1 1 , 1 9 1 2 In Scranton, Pa. He is survived by his w i f e , Sylvia; two sons; three daughters; and many g r a n d c h i l d r e n and great-grandchildren. Private m e m o r i a l s e r v i c e s Memorials may be made to ' Hospice of Michigan, care of the Nelson Funeral Home, PO Box 1548. Gaylord, Ml 49734. The family would like to exJack Henderson, age 82, of tend their deepest gratitude to ^ the staff at Aspen Ridge who ' Gaylord, died Monday, Feb. 4, treated Mom and Dad with such | 2008 at his home, surrounded by love and respect during their his family. He was born April 1 , 1 9 2 5 In two and a half years there, and to the Hospice of Michigan f o r ' Mio, the son of the late William their comforting and thoughtful; and Rilla (Huffman) Henderson. On concern and care for the entire Dec. 21.1946, he married Bartjara LaShay. family. He graduated from Roscommon High School In 1947 and spent a year at Central Michigan University. He — w a s a U.S. six grandchildren. Amy, TJ, Ross. Eric, Bethany, and Justine; and 12 <Army veteran, statk)ned in Hawaii great-grandchildren. Beverley is also i during Worid War II. survived by seven sisters, Dorothy ' Lee Nitkin of Texas, Ethel Knetch of Imperial Beach. Calif.. Ellen Mahler of Bay City, Lela Binnal of S a g i n a w , Heather Gedye of Henderson, Nev., Renee Moquin of M i d l a n d and Barbara Miller of Fairhaven, Vt.; her brother. Wallace (Rebecca) Webster of Glennie; tvwD stepsisters, Irene Glazier of Boyne Falls and Doris Glazier of Vandertilt; two sisters-in-law. Marion (Don) Henry of S t TTwmas, Ontario, Canada, and Carol Brado of Posen; and many, many nieces and nephevre. Funeral services wilt be held today (Saturday), Feb. 9 at 3 p.m. from the fielson Funeral Home in (SaykKd wtth the Rev. LeRoy Sutfin officiating. Bunal will take place at Evergreen Hill Cemetery in Vanderbilt. Visitation at the Nelson Funeral Home in Gaylord was held on Friday, 6 - 9 p.m.. and today beginning at 1 p.m. Friends may share condolences online at www.nelsonsfuneral home.com (989) 348-3242 800-348-5S83 wkwmjtvcfonlcaft) Y d U K © R I V E W A ^ ' will be held at a later date. Contributions in memory of William Kucel may be made to the A m e r i c a n H e a r t A s s o c i a tion through the Nelson Funeral Xome, PO Box 1548. Gaylord. Ml 49734. Share condolences online at www.nel5onsfuneralhome.com. Jack Henderson Beverly Brado Robert Sly Robert Louis Sly. age 74, died quietly on Monday, Feb. 4, 2008 at Northern Michigan Regional Hospital in Petoskey. Robert was born in Standish on March 10, 1933 to Glenn and Barbara (Wilson) Sly. William Kucel grandchikjren. Jack, RileV. Ethan, Joshua, Peyton and Skylar. | Visitation at the Nelson Funeral Home will be Sunday. Feb. 10. noon-9 p.m. and at St. Mary Cathedral on Monday beginning : at 10 a.m. A Knights of Colum-' bus/Daughters of Isabella rosary ' will be Sunclay at 5 p.m. with a wake service at 6:30 p.m. Funeral services will be held on Monday. Feb, 11 at 11 a.m. from St.. Mary Cathedral in Gaylord. Jack retired on May 2 1 . 1 9 8 2 after 34 years wtth the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources. He had been the assistant manager of Otsego Lake State Park. He was a member of ttie Michi- David Yurack gan Ruffed Grouse Society and the Michigan Democratic Party, and enjoyed hunting birds and deer, fishing, and playing horseshoes and golf. Jack is survived by his wife, Barbara; c h i l d r e n , Paul (Hoily) HerKlerson of New Smyrna Beach. Fla. and Leah (Dennis) Cygan of Manistee; three grandchildren, Jeremy Henderson of Port Orange, Fla., Jason (Kristy) Alexander of Higgins Lake and Katherine (Adam) Kaczanowski of Gaylord; and three g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d r e n , Cody and Nathan Alexander, and Jackson Kaczanowski. He was preceded in death by his parents; and siblings, William, Joseph, Clara, Margaret, Alma and Nola. A private memorial service is p l a n n ^ for late spring. Thefemifyof Williain Kucel David William Yurack. formerly of Gaylord, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 5,2008 at his home in Cadillac. He was 67. Memorial services were held at Hltesman-Holdship Funeral Home in Cadillac on Friday, Feb. 8. Memorials may be made to Foursquare Lighthouse Church in Boon, Mich., or t o Hospice of Michigan. Online condolences may be made at vrww.hitesman-hold ship.com would like to extend their heartfelt thanks & appredadon to aD who helped us & Bill, making Bill's last weeks comfortable, Thankyou. M o l M A M A R A o f % 208 $outh James 8.1-75 BuslneM Loop o r m t u n o Gra)Ang. Michigan Y O U R S N O W P L Q ' iiiliTriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiil Last Call On ALL 2007 Fisher Snowplows S h o w r o o m Models! Purchase b e t w e e n n o w & February 29th & receive FREE installation! t TURN IN YOUR LEASE EARLY - WITHOUT PENALTY! EKRLN URD V.IASE 0»LS\ WE DELIVER AMYWHERE FREE! 2 0 0 8 FORD FUSION SE 2 0 0 8 FORD FOCUS SES $<flOCMOiirnf. $^^Qmohth $0 Down! 2 0 0 8 FORD ESCAPE XLT 2008 FORD EXPLORER XLT iminnnnimiimiiiimmi^^ $0 Down! ^ Down! FWb. V«. power ••tCiulpfM WATERS GARAGE • 989-732-2124 10483 O l d 2 7 S o u t h , W a t e n 4x4, tM; MMTMc A/2 Plan toaM plus tax, acqulaMon, Mm out fer 36 monte, at 10300 m l « par yaar. 9 B B H w 9 No appointment necessary. Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday ttiru Friday " lUfffi three kids, I know all about colds, Hu, cuts or scrapei, bruises and sprains I also know about Otsego Memorial Hospital's MedOtmWalk-ln CUnlc.' You i h o u i d tod , i M i - Kristy S o m o r > l l l 0 . . ! 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Weekends and Holidays. . V'' OTSEGO MEMORIAL w a l m e d c k - i n a r c l e i n i c 1996 Walden Drlv* lust off McCoy Rd: Oaylord (98ft) 731-4111 Visit o u r w e b s www.goodhealthst mmat • M M Qaylord HarakJ Timas Jump Page One A-8 • Saturday, February 9, 2006 Toxic waste disposal dispute Township: Groundwater at risk Cont. from p. A1 Star Township s u p c r v is o t Richard Steele is a m o n g those w h o believe the well might put g r o u n d w a t e r at risk. He said Thursday that the township intended to p u r s u e administrative appeal of the well The watershed g r o u p sees three potential responses to the p e r m i t a p p r o v a l s , he added. T h e s e i n c l u d e cooperating w ith S t a r T o w n s h i p to s e e k a c o u r t i n j u n c t i o n a g a i n s t the w e l l , p u r s u i n g an administrative appeal and approval and. if needed, any a r r a n g i n g a p u b l i c m e e t i n g other available legal options. in Alba in the near future to "I feel that t h e EPA and air concerns they believe are the DKQ have not acted in the unresolved. The EPA will otTer opporbest interest of the people ot Northwest Michigan to pro- tunities to appeal its well pertect o u r water and e n v i r o n - mit through m i d - M a r c h . An administrative appeal process ment." he said. Concerning the permit de- is available for DI-,Q s permit cisions, Friends of the Jordan as well. "HPA u n d e r s t a n d s that River W a t e r s h e d p r e s i d e n t John Richter said: "Obviously people are c o n c e r n e d about we're not surprised, but (are) the s a f e t y o f u n d e r g r o u n d injection wells." said Tinka disappointed." Richter noted that the Jor- 1 lyde, acting EPA water dividan River is fed by ground- sion director. " T h e agency has water f r o m the Alba area. He carefully reviewed Beeland s said his group has heard from permit a p p l i c a t i o n , supportgeological experts w h o ques- ing technical information and t i o n w h e t h e r u n d e r g r o u n d public c o m m e n t s and has derock formations near the well termined that the well can operate safely and w ill not harm are impermeable. " T h e t h i n g a b o u t nature sources of d r i n k i n g water or that we find time and again is the Jordan River." Beeland is a subsidiary of that everything is connected."* R i c h t e r said. " T h a t ' s e s p e - Jack son-based C M S Energy, C M S . a former partner in the cially true \N ith water." G a u g i n a comnnunications CMS Energy recently has been working with a downstate firm to gauge how effectively it has communicated with the public about fts efforts to deal with pollution in the Bay Harbor area. Bay Harbor resort, is responsible for a d d r e s s i n g caustic shoreline seepage along parts of the resort corridor and at nearby East Park. T h e seepa g e . k n o w n a s l e a c h a t e . is formed when water passes t h r o u g h d e p o s i t s of c e m e n t kiln dust ( C K D ) , a waste product remaining beneath parts of the corridor from the y e a r s w h e n a c e m e n t plant operated there. CMS area manager Tim Petrosky said the research involves telephone surveys of some area residents as well as focus-group discussion. The Communication Research institute of East Lansing has assisted with the project. After u n d e r g o i n g treatment to bring its pH to a more n e u t r a l l e \ e l . the c o l l e c t e d seepage currently is trucked to one of two disposal sites: a c o m m e r c i a l injection well near Johannesburg or a wastewater plant in Grand Traverse County. S K K K I N ( i m o r e control over the entire disposal-process and the costs associated G i v e n its c a u st i c nature, with it, C M S has been seekh e a l t h o f f i c i a l s h a v e n o t e d ing to develop its ow n site to that the seepage could burn or handle the seepage. T h e well will allow disdamage human skin or tissue. and that the leachate contains posal of treated groundwater toxic metals such as mercury in a l i m e s t o n e f o r m a t i o n at in concentrations too high for a d e p t h o f 2 . 1 5 0 f e e l . T h e formation is separated from surface water release. C M S has installed collec- shallower g r o u n d w a t e r used tion lines in atTected shoreline for drinking water by several areas to capture the high-pH layers of i m p e r v i o u s r o c k , the EPA niJted. T h e water is seepage b e f o r e it enters surrequired to be treated prior face water. to disposal to r e d u c e its alkalinity and c o n c e n t r a t i o n s of metals to below hazardous waste levels. Ort-site disposal of seepage is part of C M S s interim strategy for d e a l i n g with the contamination. For the longer term, the c o m p a n y is considering on-site treatment of collected s e e p a g e to prepare it for release into LittleTraverse Bay. and would use the Alba well as a backup disposal site in case maintenance or other issues shut d o w n the treatment systems. " O u r d e c i s i o n (on t h e well permit) atTirms that this proposal m e e t s all existing environmental standards, however, we will continue to work with C M S to e x p l o r e long-term disposal options." DEQ director Steven E. Chester said. " T h e contamination ai Bay H a r b o r m u s t be rem e d i a t e d 10 p r o t e c t h u m a n health and the e n v i r o n m e n t in a m a n n e r that is best for Michigan." With contractors yet to be picked for the project, C M S area m a n a g e r T i m Petrosky said his company's timetable for well construction isn't yet f i r m . But he noted that construction should take several m o n t h s to c o m p l e t e following site preparations, and that testing would occur once the w'ell is developed. "We're committed to operating the well to all applicable safely and industry standards and will work with the local c o m m u n i t y to provide information regarding ihe operalion of the well," he said. G i s e n the exhaustive nature of the pennittiog process. Petrosky added that "We believe any a p p e a l o r lawsuit would be without merit and u n s u c c e s s f u l , and would be an u n f o r t u n a t e e x p e n d i t u r e of resources." — Contact Ryan Bentley- at 231-439-9342 or rbentley(^ petoskevnews. com. Wally Drzewiecki (I) and his son Neil inside Gaylord Ace Hardware and Gaylord Feed & Grain. The Orzewieckis received the the Gordon C. Everett Memorial Bell Tower Award for their renovation of the former Wolohan Lumber Co. building. (1,11' HT - Bill Serveoy Chamber awards given for businesses, individuals Cont. from p. A1 Kosch Properties LLC for their renovation of 220 S. Otsego Ave., now home to the Alpine ( K e n ; and Gaylord A C E Hardware Gaylord Feed & Grain for their renovation of the f o ^ m e t Wolohan Lumber building at 1961 S . O t s e g o Ave. Gary Kosch, the developer of Kosch Properties and Alpine Oven, told those gathered: "I am proud and appreciative ... this is a great place to live and do business." "I guess I am a little surpnsed," ACT. Hardware Gaylord Feed & Grain owner Wally Drzewiecki said upon receiving the award with his wife, Ann, af>d son, Neil. • You M a d e i t Happen A w a r d : Given to a person, business or organization that, through exceptional contributions and/or commitment, positively afTected the growth o f the Gaylord community over the past year. Brenda Snapp Larry Edwards The t{delweis.s (iarden Club received ihe award for membeiTi' e f f o r t s in securing the Time M a g a z i n e grant that paid for landscaping work at the Energy Outlet Park at the O t s e g o County Sportsplex. Carol Brown and Sue Symkowiak accepted the award for t h e club. • C h a m b e r Volunteer of the Year: Recognizing a community leader who donates his or her time to Chamber activities and events. It was presented to Ron Chavey for his volunteer efforts on behalf o f Jim Grisso Ron Simmons Theresa Dunn • President's Award: the C h a m b e r ' s Leadership Presented to a m e m b e r of Otsego County prt)gram, the C h a m b e r of C o m m e r c e as well as service with the w h o exhibits a commitment C h a m b e r Ambassadors. "You can't do it alone, . to his or her business and you need lots of volunteers," the community, the recipient is chosen by the outgoing Chavey said. "1 appreciate C h a m b e r President. It was the opportunity." presented to Jim Grisso, recently retired publisher of • C h a m b e r Ambasthe Ciaylord Herald Times, sador o f the Year .\ward: Presented to the Ambassador by Jim I>river, 2007 C h a m ber president. w h o put forth extraordinary "This really is close to efforts on behalf of the the heart because (iaylord chamber in 2007. Ron Simm o n s of Northwestern Bank is close to my heart," Grisso said of receiving the award. was the winner. "This makes me. stay con" I ' m speechless," Simnected to the community. mons said in accepting the Gaylord is my town; this is award. Carol Brown Sue Symkowlak my place." • (lOtden Pineapple Award: Honoring a member of the C h a m b e r of C o m merce for their exceptional customer service. Two recipients were honored this year: Dunn's Business Solutions and Jan's Northside Deli & Market. Theresa D u n n accepted the award for Dunn's Business Solutions and Brenda Snapp for Jan's Deli. • Daune W'eKs Memorial — Bu<iine«sperson of the Year A w a r d : Given to a business o w n e r or manager who best exemplifies the Ron Chavey late Daune Weiss' generosity in giving time, money, staff and/or facilities for c o m m u nity benefit. It was presented to Larry Edwards of the Old Spud Warehouse. Edwards, a former county commissioner, is a module leader for Leadership O t s e g o County, Otsego Wildlife Legacy Society ( O W L S ) chairman, a 25-year Rotary m e m b e r and the new University Center Board of Directors chair person. " I t is a wonderful place to live " Edwards remarked. '*What a wonderful, wonderful place to b e . " ' • H H M H I i i M M I M H M I S a t u r d a y . February 9, 2 0 0 6 • A - 9 Qaylord H«r*kl T l m M Sign up for daily local weather forecast text messages to your phone at: gaylordheraldtimes.com Comparing pump prices Sources: * AAA Michigan weekly "Fuel Gauge" survey of 300 gas stations for unleaded regular last week ** IfKJependent newspaper staff reports tor unleaded regular Sign up for Text Message and E-mail Alerts Woodpecker feast Kathy Heinz, CPA P l e a s e give m e a call for ¥A all y o u r p r o f e s s i o n a l t a x planning and preparation needs. $3,017* State Avg. Both individual and business clients ( 8 0 . 6 c e n b h i g h e r t h a n a year ago) are being accepted. $3,000* $2,999** $2,989** $3,054* Detroit Gaylord Grayling Traverse City D A N SMITH CPA 1 1 4 S. C e n t e r A v e . S u i t e 108 G a y l o r d , Ml 4 9 7 3 5 989.732.1441 KATHRYN T H O M A S p h o t o g r a p h e d this w o o d p e c k e r having a snack of suet near Bradford Lake. Your p h o t o c o u i d appear here. Send a p h o t o (brief description of p h o t o subject), name of p h o t o g r a p h e r a n d h o m e t o w n (city, township, etc.). Include daytime t e l e p h o n e number. Send photos t o : Herald Times, PO Box 598, Gaylord. M l 49734, or e-mail a JPEG i m a g e t o : frank@gaytordheral<itimes.com. Those w h o have t h e i r p h o t o g r a p h s p u b l i s h e d will receive a free classified a d in t h e Herald Times. CLASSIFIED ADS get results. Call 989-732-1111 or 8 7 7 - 8 1 9 - 6 1 7 0 to place your ad. an the Gaylord areo weather QUICK FORECAST Sat. H e r o l d Times, a l o n g w i t h t h e G a y l o r d / O t s e g o C o u n t y C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e Tues. Men. Sun. CUTTIIXilitEDGE In r e c o g n i t i o n of t h e e v e r - g r o w i n g business c o m m u n i t y of t h e G a y l o r d a r e o , t h e w o u l d like t o c o n g r a t u l a t e this business o n their r e c e n t g r a n d o p e n i n g c e l e b r a t i o n . P l e a s e Join.us in w i s h i n g e a c h e n d e a v o r t h e b e s t of future s u c c e s s . Periods of snow & blowing snow Hi 7, Lo 3 Periods of snow Hi 30, Lo 0 Chance of snow showers Hi 24, Lo 9 Snow showere likely Hi 19. Lo 9 Mostly cloudy Hi 26,Lo 11 G a y l o r d a r e a w e a t h e r in r e v i e w Date Feb. 8 Feb. 7 Feb. 6 Feb. 5 Predp. .01" .03" .07" .25" Low 2 5 23 25 HI 27 23 31 32 Snow .3" .5" .8" 1.7" Hi 28 28 25 20 Date Feb. 4 Feb. 3 Feb. 2 Feb.1 Low 24 21 20 3 Prectp. Snow 0 1" 1.4" 1.4' 0 .08" .12" .08" Last year's totals This year's totals Total snowfall to date Snowfall this month Current snow depth Total snowfall to date Snowfall this month Snow depth 106.78" 7.1" It"*- • 126.3" 22.9" 17" Source: U.S. Weather Service Owners: GaU Skerett. Dione Bortow & Coirie Fonvsl It yixi »e » opw lof yo/ne* DusreK wuW /v) my circle "MENTME y y means more choice i n a o e i ^ ^ / i e o i a l a H ^ On T h u r s d a y A. 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Alltel wireless Choose the circle that's ngm forj^pu. shopaittei.corT^ 1-dOO-aUtel-1 Locjl prti •^•elaiMs: Qwy L Fueht, MO * CartiMW Ihnoek W * olf*r; • On-site injection therapies • Medication management • Intrathecal pump management • Neurostimulator management W * p r o v W * i v a l u t t i o n t n d t r u t m c n t l o r alt t y p « « of p«ln p r o b t M i w , I n c l u d i n g pain chj« t o : • Back and neck part • Pes*: pan • Chnrvc heedactie and laoal pam • chaaimlpa*^ •Cancer-cvMedpam (poct-harpatic nauraig«) •Cofflptex r»g«nal p«n tyndroma (RSO) • Carpal U M i lyndrame • Diabeac nauropatty Alftal Retail Stores 'hfsf HfOd Stores Non Open Stmdsv MKW US Hwv IS|l33i)l4a-«aU TnComCatuUr.Inc |(231)MT'4m MM Kanu) nssits a s i«n)3s4^im KTTiUS Mwv 3t^ <23I)3«8-8>7S jwandtrmnrd jmi)a7-0m aMcCofflffl I me) m-nw taMMf ^(onham boMt VMao I tllBI T3MI1S TnvanaCkr Btsk Conwr I nsil Wi ESfW<rataM Uai) q3wrr«auiraimi04(m if731)T96 7*7 Ca*llac maooafu imnrs-stsd irf31)B27 ?on M3? 1 nan nn S ns •natdaXmar^inmW'J' jfmnn* CMf xuts awontrd [(nns»3m [C s'fmi travtrm mah l23l|9»no» i Shop at a participating retailor EQuipmant a stQnorionti aft*rk m o l caDOAS nay vary to 131 Wiraiats. UC H231) W Pranw Sound i mat 3SB »33 ISrSoMnun UH Di. inMa Kmart' (MM «22-7liS nmcomn |<ai|7tvmn WU-MZZ ar *W( alNa»Maiaaa».etni inni3w-nDe a«»c c(xnm.|nwmum a Ratail. Inc. I nan 17^ 2399 IMaKarwck Mafiai I 3aM CaaCtmTic [11001WTM3 LlCjiMlW aavcComm ](SIIMVtI23 hmmm Bowel W*«e« 1031»IW-W $m tattm•mm-<*vCMa: A«««aMattmm«tmmm cm • ' • - riaamnmwarmilancfammtartorcltninni MlaetrMfSne MKiwiamrawHanoTHtW«a>iOrciaHannawftao.B>10nMWtan.ai<"l»»l^a^^Wtcyawwa wwwy_rwi ^ ' aaarwaieamil MtiadtotnMn 5wm»wsmwtor3ewe^ • ^taurologkalpan 23M M h M NHL (MM, M M I • N t a M v i i « 7 N • • F K 3}1.«7'4WI MOST M8UMNCES ACCEPTED • NO MFBMU. KOUmED aawrawahaaSTfaei^ iaaanri<an<a>iaacO»wtonl^ C88 aa*V iar»yia»on >aa wy apply »af Ina \ a J SanZmawaaaMa Many AIM MrtariaMcaA Ml a laonca marts rataraocad $n #• nana*. M«a mrnt. irMamafti a iaf*« et aw* ranie^w «Miart sciw* mhm m wwmim V 4 •aMAMM Alrlihiiraaarwd • . Q a y l o n I H « r a M TIITIM Jump Page Two A-10 • Saturday, February 9, 2008 Free snocross revs up for this weekend at fairgrounds Cont. from p. A1 way to give back." Sm)cix>sii features 25 classes of compeiit<.)fs ranging in age from 4 to 55, accoi^ing to Laluszek. l o u n g e r pacers, ages 4 to 10. enjoy a separate track in Gaylord. Laluszek expects the race to draw alxuil 150 racers fmm as close as Gaylord and from across Michigan. Ohio. Indiana. Ilhnois. Wisconsin and Ontario. -We should hase a huge pro tunuuit." Latus/.ek actkNi can be tast and f u r i o u s as racers jockey for position. s;nd o f t h e racers. Audiences can watch SHCTVS mobilers as ihey Jump banks and moguls, speed around turns and pick up points in the priK'ess. Latus/ek appreciates the snow from the city and local plow companies and J&N C onstruction for setting up the track with all the accumulated snow. "It's the onlv sho\s in the Midwest." he added. '*\\e're ready to rock*." Races begin at ^ a.m. For nu)n' infommtion on H'FSA Racing. onto Mn-M; wpsatuang.com. Contact Jil Schiitt at 74^-45Iti orJil(a,gaylof-dhemldtimt's. c -om. HT FILE CMOTO 1996GHSgrad to be ordained into priesthood Cont. from p. A1 Transfiguration alsti was her w orsii i pi ng commun it y. "She's a cosmopolitan kid from Northern Michigan." said the Re\. David Vickers of Transfiguration Iipiscopal Church. "She s^as raised in the (iaylord area, she's been to Tokyo. loves sushi and lo\cs New York." mone mutes. pus ministry at Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU). I ler job is to fonn Christian communities. . "I hang out in cotTee shops," she said. K O S S A ' r i i s a 1W6 graduate ofCiaylord I ligh Schot^l and an av id runner. She ran cross country and track and c o m A c c o r d i n g to V i c k e r s . peted at the state level regui'ossati worked in the otVice larly. In sixth grade she broke and lived in a nearby cabin. six minutes in the mile." l or fun she loves to read and She helped out with services. symphonies helped put tt>gether a worship enjoys the arts music hook and olVered pas- and concerts. S h e loves her toral care (taking c a a ' of and miniature schnauzer. I leidi, her friends, family and travel. visiting people). "This is my first lob," Ibs•'She was a giXKl addition to the siatV." said \ ickers. " We re sati concluded. "My future is pleased for her pri)ud of her wide open. Ill like to see this she \s i 11 be a gtXKl colleague ministry take on it's own life, maybe continue, maybe go to 10 work with." I'ossati earned a master's in another church, may be go back div inity from Cieneral Theolog- to schix)l." m GET FREE ACTIVATION O N ALL ^ FAMtLYTALK* LINES. ^ ADO A LINE FOR JUST ^ . 9 9 par Im pv nunin altrr hnt I urm tor M>9 99 Mdrtwnd chor^cs appiy H GET ROLLOVER: > your umncd anytime rntnu(<r: mnrth month. > Prawcl youTMtt f>em osNKsge ctv*rgM. > ttM latrt^l VBtuf m wtrrtesi. (•'ossati will be ordained durical Seminary in New York C'ily m May 2(K)7. She was hired by ing a U);3() a.m. ritual by the the Bpiscopal diixrese of l:ast- Right Rev. Steven Todd Ousley, ern Michigan as a missioner to bishop ofthe fa.stem Michigan. young adults. — Contact Jil Schult at "!' m out i n t he com m un ity." 74H-45I8 or fU{^,gaylord she said. "1 have a Bible study heraldtimes. com. in Saginavs ; I'd like to see cam- Hve the gn Let US help you find the perfect Valentine's gift for better Iwaring. S7999 $9999 $29^ s09mihkfcome4hlit ^jntwwtdmapacfaiga itfcfuie and 2-i*si w n i M s r w i •gFeen»«e. NOMA MSS MU> J.3 megaptxet camera HPS v»tth stereo t r f l ? blueumtti* FREE jihw Sao mat-vi rtbatt drtf. cird«mttmapaem9e putctvm mt }-yhr wmtru serve* j g n w w i SOMYimCSSOM wmoi BuMt-jfi FM radio Walkman* m«d<a plsyar with Stwke Coi^trol i b r slooikratmintam (macmknthpoadat) cato Uffv or oMn ir4 «*9Me mc* ^ anri >• ymt 50vic* jgrvamnt BLACKJACK"- H inteQrated GPS Windows MoM«* 6.0 The new at&t Your world. Oetivered. Call tcxJay so wo can lielf ) you iSiilrssiiMi.tl \ u i l i i » l o j ' \ S« I \ n « • 1 1 " . u I I u I AM I'. • I h . i r i i u i l « ' . t i i i ' t • I h'.Hnw) Aid ' .11(»ln " . y. I ^ 'I). m 1/ Authorized R e t a l t o n Renee VanSlckle / I ) i . M i i II.K I W . K o s l v i i s , f I ( krxiioms, 1 4 2 9 W e s t M a i n Street • G a y l o r d (In the Big Lots Plaza) ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 4 0 0 2 Grayling C a s h Fast (Glen's Mini Mall Parking Lot) ( 9 8 9 ) 3 4 8 - 9 1 0 0 Jennifer Qarner iim tud F«d*r« UnMTUi S«rMCt MClWiyi •• aaMMr.taM4 mtd iinui imiil «»• • « < o n M ATIT t>mian«« am v)wnwnt-<e**eddw^M. \ a m i M i K m n . a'll™,« n a n M r a i w k, o i S b ^ r « k m , « « I M n f . • » . u M K no m M « f • ' . l \ l« ' i . I fftjlKtr *d/v ATlT It valid at the Qaylon) location opiy. a More Inside Sports SOMETHING TO CHEER ABOUT STANDOUTS Blue Devil varsity, junior varsity cheerleading squads take first place at home invitational Thurday Story Page B3 Sports I H E ^ I ^ I M E S Sports Editor: Jeremy Speer Jerem^gaylordheraldtimes.com D Andrsw OMs His match with Petoskey's Tyler Smyley was supposed to be dose, txrt Okls ptnned him In 37 seconds as the Devils won the Big North league title. Kriitina Drayton Her threepointer wfth six seconds remaining lifted the Vandy girls to a 40-38 win and the Northem Lakes Conference title. 'I Saturday, February 9, 2008 BEST TEAM EVER Scholar Athlete 3-point shot gives Vanderbilt 1 st league title 'It was an intense moment. I was ecstatic and the kids went crazy.' Vanderbilt coach Chris Rupe ra^ints Game pics online at.. www.heraklTimes. J-L's Christina Winkelman By J e r e m y Speer Sports Editor VANDERBILT I was the fining cap to what has been nothing short of a storybook season. Sophomore Kristina Drayton took a pass from junior Jamie Dudley and took a shot that had much more than three points riding on it. With if rode the hopes of a team, a community and a history that will always point to 2008 — the year the Yellowjackets won their first-ever conference title. Drayton's game-winning threepointer with six seconds remaining gave Vanderbilt a 40-38 victory against Harbor Light Christian and preserved its 13-0 Northern Lakes Conference record. With trophy already in hand, only a win against last-place Wolverine Tuesday seperates Vanderbilt from a perfect conference season. I 'Jackets sting Vanderbilt boys win first league battle in Alba B2 Snowbirds w i n St. Mary boys, girls garner Ski Valley "It was absolutely amazing " said Vanderbilt coach Chris Rupe. "1 was ecstatic and the kids just went crazy. It was an intense moment." The Yellowjackets shared the league crown in 1984, but now they have it for themselves. "It is huge for the kids and for me as a first-year coach " Rupe said. "They have really bought into the team concept and it has carried them far. They have come together and persevered." victories B2 What's on the Web There have been plenty of obstacles that could have impeded the Yellowjackets' dream season. See Vanderbilt, p. B2 HT — BiH S«fveny VANDERBILT SOPHOMORE SAM JONES drives the lane during Vanderbilfs 40-38 victory against Harbor Light Christian that lifted the Yellowjackets to the Northern Lakes title. Devils blitz Petoskey, retake league crown P E T O S K E Y — The m u c h a n t i c i p a t e d wrestling s h o w d o w n b e t w e e n G a y l o r d and P e t o s k e y d i d n ' t live up to its billing. T h a t ' s b e c a u s e the Blue D e v ils a b s o l u t e l y d o m i n a t e d t h e N o r t h m e n , c o m i n g up w i t h s i x p i n s t o r e c l a i m the B i g N o r t h Conference championship with a 5 5 - 1 3 throttling. G a y l o r d , ranked No. 9 in Division II, finished the c o n f e r e n c e s e a s o n with a p e r f e c t 4 - 0 record. Petoskey had a c o u p l e key w r e s t l e r s out with injury, b u t it didn't overshadow the Devils' 1 dominance. See Blue Devils, p. B3 HT - aw S«rv«ny J-L SUPER JUNHW Ashlle House drives into the lane against Central Lake during the Cardinals' victory. By J e r e m y S p e e r Sports Editor JOHANNESBURG — The t e a m versus the star. It w a s a s t e l l a r S k i V a l l e y s h o w d o w n Tuesday as a d e e p and talented J o h a n n e s b u r g - L e w i s t o n girls basketball team battled the c o n f e r e n c e ' s most d o m i n a n t player — Centra! Lake's J a s m i n e Mines. In t h e e n d , t h e C a r d i n a l s skill and s p e e d t r u m p e d M i n e s ' strength as J-L avenged an earlier loss by topping the l e a g u e - l e a d ing T r o j a n s 6 5 - 4 8 at h o m e . "It's j u s t a w e s o m e " said J - L c o a c h H e a t h e r Huff. "We really c a p i t a l i z e d on our p r e s s u r e d e See Cardinals, p. B3 McCourt Also, McCourt will blog about the happenings on the track each week. Just go to www.gaylordheraldtimes.com and head to the sports page, where you will see a link to the NASCAR forum on the right side. Kubota RTV1100 Kubota BX-50 Series In stock at all three locations! ' 18 to 23 hp > 4-wheel drive > 3-cylinder diesel 5pccta* iKuboho.! Special writer Mike McCourt will be back with a column live from Daytona next Saturday, and print columns the first Saturday of each month. Team play lifts J-L past league leader BIG NORTH CHAMPS " T h e w a y w e w r e s t l e d it NASCAR returns and so does our coverage! ACaPlato*® ON M 68 • ALANSON 231 b48-2272 • 800 344 4667 SALES All new destgn Premium Grand Cab Inc. 0% APR for 36 months on t h e Kubota BX-50 Series Kuboho.. ftoykloq offf fwh mfch 31, 2008 ON M-72 • WILIIAMSBURG 231 267-5400 • 800-304-4667 VSWW.GINOP S A L E S . C O M ON M-32 • HILLMAN 989-742 7500 • 877-334 4667 I t y ? c « uou think titililt/ T / f l X K GIXOP ivhkic.s.. SAU':S! •Mil Oaytord Haratd Tlm#« B-2 • Saturday, February 9, 2008 Vanderbilt wins league title for 1st time C o n i from B1 A 30-point loss to Johannesburg-Le\v'iston on the opening night of the season did not defer them however, nor did a rash of injuries that seemed to affect every starter at some point during the season. Through a solid team concept, the Yellowjackets kept clicking, winning e\'ery single NLC game, including two apiece against nemeses Ellsworth and Harbor Light Christian. For seniors Katie White. Ahsha Clark, Summer VanTielen and Vanessa Cole, this is a special time as they will go down as leaders of the best Vanderbilt team ever. For junior starters Katie Homshaw and Jamie Dudley and sophomore starter Sam Jones it is the high point on a career that could see many future peaks. And for Drayton, the win is extra-special, as her shot will go down as one of the biggest in school history. It's also a victory for the small community ofVanderbilt — for the school, for the fans, for the other students. "Vanderbilt has been through some tough times, so hopetlilly this can bring the community together and it can rally around the girls." Rupe said. "These are the seasons you dream of." The sun is far from setting on this season, however. The Yellowjackets host rival St. Mary in the opening game of districts in less than two weeks, with a likely district title at stake. Beating the HT - Bill Sefv«ny JUNIOR KATIE HORNSHAW RISES for a shot during the monumental victory against Hartjor Light Christian. games like this and that exSnowbirds and w inning the title would be a true exclama- actly what the 'Jackets did. tion point for a team that has overcoming a cold night from White and a hip injury to prosided many. Drayton. The conference share Jones led the way with 10 was clinched in Wednesday's 36-30 w in at Alba, far-ft-om- points while Dudley had nine points and Drayton six. pretty performance. Dudley shut down Harbor "That was the ugliest Light star Kaylee Hewitt in game I've seen all year," the fourth quarter Thursday, Rupe said. "But it doesn't leading to the comeback win. maner how ugly it was beDudley led the team with cause we still won." Alba's physical style gave 11 points while Jones had eight points and eight rethe Yellowjackets some fits bounds. and some cold shooting alVanderbih started its lowed the Wildcats to hang around. Vanderbilt held a 36- three-game run with a 6321 lead with less than a min- 21 win at Alanson Tuesday. While had a huge game with ute to go before three con23 points, nine rebounds, secutive Alba three-pointers seven steals, five assists and made the game interesting. five three-pointers. But good teams win HT - BiH S«fveny JUNIOR JAMIE DUDLEY WAS the player who made the pass to Kristina Drayton that resulted in the game-winning three-point shot Thursday. Prep Sports Roundup Secret-weapon Spyhalski leads Snowbirds to league victory Scott Hansen led East Jor- House and Stephanie Fisher team broke through Thursday G A Y L O R D - W i t h enough offense against a stall- looking to challenge St. Mary dan (8-6, 5-5 LMC) with 27 again buzzed the Hornets as with a 53-52 win at Harbor Pellston locking in on a couple ing Wildcats team to come up in the upcoming boys basketpoints while Adam Daneff they combined for 45 points Springs. of St. Mary's usual suspects, with the victory. Despite scor- ball district. The victory was the Viking' and 11 steals. If W e d n e s d a y ' s 3 5 - 2 9 added 25 points. the Snowbirds found a couple ing just 35 points, the Yellow-Uous^^-lM^-the. w a y . ^ i t h (2-14 overall jackets hit 50 percent of their clunker won by the Loggers is of secret weapons. 24 points, six rebounds, five Michigan Corrfeiun^e. any indication, both will have GIRLS BASKETBALL Sophomore Peter Spyhal- shots. "It was good to see the girls assists and four steals while ST. MARY 53, "They try to put you asleep to pick it up. ski hit six three-pointers for a Fisher added 21 points and finish this one." said Grayling "If we keep playing like that FOREST AREA 37 team-high 19 points as St. Mary and get a quick bucket," MathFIFE LAKE — A 21-6 seven steals. Bridget Fisher coach Kelly Sheehan. "Now defeated the nemesis Hornets ias said. "We didn't let it rattle St. Mary will win easy," said Wolverine coach Gary Matel- first-quarter outburst led the St. added eight points for the Car- that we have made it over the us and stayed on our toes." 59-54 at home Wednesday. hurdle, 1 can see their confiVanderbilt (2-12, 1-9 NLC) ski. "There wasn't a lot of good Mary girls to a 53-37 Ski Valley dinals while Christina Winkel"It was the game of his life," man had six. Nikki Ormsbee dence getting stronger." win at Forest Area Thursday. said St. Mary assistant coach led through much of the game, shooting out there." Six-foot-4 junior Laura Brittany Oehlers led St. swiped seven steals. Defense ruled the court Rick Butler. "He didn't play breaking a 6-6 first-quarter tie Boylan had the game of her Mary (7-11,6-9 SVC) with 13 as Boyne (8-6, 7-3 Northern loiakea 14-12 halftimelead. the last lime again and I'm life, hitting for29 points, 17 reThe Yellowjackets led 22- Lakes Conference) avenged an points while Liz Foster, called GAYLORD 62, sure their coaching staff was bounds and five blocks. Annie OGEMAW H E I G H T S 52 up from the junior varsity, 20 atter the third before taking earlier loss to the Wildcats. wondering who he was." GAYLORD— The Gaylord Melrqy added five points, three added 10 points. The Loggers shot just 23 a six-point lead in the fourth The Snowbirds also reBlue Devils broke their three- blocks and three steals, Sam percent from the field, while ceived a defensive e n e i ^ spark quarter. game losing streak, defeating Schreiber four points and four BELLAIRE 48, Wolverine (8-6. 5-5 NLC) "A bucket here and a bucket from junior Jake Hall, who also Ogemaw Heights 62-52 Tues- assists, Ashley Feldhauser four ST. M \ R \ 44 checked in at 14 percent. didn't play in Pellston's earlier there was the difference." Mathpoints and four rebounds and day. BELLAIRE — T h e St. "We got the ball where we ias said. 15-poinl win. Rachel Doremire four points Senior Tessa Walsh led the Mary girls basketball team wanted it to go but we just have Junior Nathan Embree conAs a team, the Snqwbirds and three rebounds. team in scoring with 14 points gave Bellaire all it could handle to finish," Matelski said. "Our (9-6, 7-5 Ski Valley Confer- tinued his consistent play with while Kayla Roney and Taylor ence) came up with one of their 14 points and nine rebounds, defense was pretty good, but Tuesday, but fell 46-44 on the Hazlett each added 12. Vanessa HOCKEY better efforts of the season, con- Senior Tony Heintz added nine we just stunk up the gym of- road. The Snowbirds led by one Lake contributed nine points T.C. CENTRAL 4, fensively." trolling the high-octane Hornets points in the victory. GAYLORD 3 (OT) Josh Haskin led Boyne Falls point with 30 seconds left but and Sophomore Brooke Arand their 6-foot-6 star. Ridge GAYLORD —The Gaylord with 10 points while sophomore Bellaire senior Molly Poel hit nold had eight points and nine Hahn. Hahn. being recruited by ALPENA 72, Josh Brush netted 11 points a pair of ftw throws to re-take rebounds. Bailey Gooding hockey team is battling excelanumberofDivision II schools, GAYLORD 41 chipped five points and five lent teams hard, but it still isn't ALPENA - It wasn't even for a foul-plagued Wolverine the lead. rinished with 21 points but was paying off in the win column. St. Mary had a chance to tie rebounds. close, not even from the start. squad. forced to work hard. The Blue D e v i l s t o o k " I ' m thankful we won The Wildcats' inside pres- the game — both from the field Alpena senior center Na"The credit goes to the debut fell. We made the least amount of Big North Conference-leadfensive effort of our kids," But- than Kindt started whar would ence of Justin Evans, Mike and at the foul line mistakes and this win will give ing Traverse City Central to ler said. "That combined with be a long day for the Gaylord Evans and Robbie Bauer com- just short. "We played extremely well," us enough confidence for our overtime at home Wednesday, just 14 turnovers and Peter's basketball team Thursday when bined for just 10 points, well said St. Mary coach Dale Ja- conference game against this but the Trojans Alex Goodshooting were the differences he blocked two shots arxl fired below their season average. cob. "We're still learning how Friday against Alpena," said hue scored 2:23 in to seal the up the crowd with a putback in the game." to compete and we're look- Gaylord coach Kelli Parker, victory. EAST JORDAN 52, The Snowbirds twercame a dunk. The goal overshadowed a ing forward to taking the next who noted senior Vanessa Lake It jast got worse for the Blue GRAYLING 43 tough first quarter where they played well along with Hazlett nice comeback by Gaylord (7GRAYLING A fourth- step." found themselves down 9-4. Devils, who lost 72-41, ending 13, 3-6 BNC), who was down Senior Mattie Forcier led and Ciooding. Spyhalski hit a trio of treys in all hopes of a Big North Con- quarter spurt lifted East Jordan The Lady Devils started the 3-1 entering the third period. to a 73-67 boys basketball vic- the Snowbirds with 15 points the second quarter to push a ference championship. Senior defenseman Jesse while junior Brittany Oehlers game strong with outstanding 29-21 lead. St. Mary led 39-31 Gaylord's top four scor- tory at Grayling Wednesday. The Vikings led 52-43 early and sophomore Mariah Beyer defense in the first quarter lead- Richardson fired a shot from heading into the final quarter. ers — Nick Freeman, Quinn Senior Alvin Sitkiewicz Woodhouse, Joe Arnold and in the quarter before the Red each added 10 points. Junior ing 13-10. With 3:23 left in the the pomt that went through combined Devils exploded with a 27- Jessica Schmidlin was cred- first halfOgemaw took the lead the legs of Central netmmder added 17 points while senior Robert Phillips ited with strong defense on the leaving the score at 27-25 at Hunter Kelly six minutes into Matt Foster added six points for just 15 points in the blow- point outburst. "Turnovers killed us — we high-scoring Poel. who finished halftime. Junior Jessica Green the third before junior Gavin and 10 rebounds. Hall added out. came out with a three-point play Palm scored on a beautiful Alpena's win tightened the had nine in the last quarter with 27 points. six points in the victory. in the top of the third quarter wraparound play that knotted conference race in a big way. which directly resulted in 15 pushing the Devils to lead the the game with 1:52 remainCoupled with Cadillac's loss at Eiast Jordan points." said Gray- J-L 65, VANDERBILT 35, whole secofKl half ing. PELLSTON 55 ling coach Rich MofTit. "TurnPetoskey, the Wildcats (12-5, ALBA 33 Junior Kyle Fxkert assisted "The girls really stepped it PELLSTON - The JohanALBA — T h e y ' v e de- 6-2 BNC) and Cadillac are now overs (hiring pressure situations on Palm's goal. up tonight and I am very proud served it for a long time and tied for fii^t. They will meet have been our Achilles' hefl nesburg-Lewiston girls basSenior captain Scott Horketball team survived a scare of them," Parker said "We have this year." on Wednesday, they earned it. next week in Alpena. the capability and the talent. rigan netted the Blue Devils' Thursday, outscoring Pellston f h e Vikings led 32-27 at Junior Lucas Wickert led the The Vanderbilt boys bas31-14 in the final quarter to we just need the mentality. At first goal in the first period, ketball team sprung its first Blue Devils (10-5, 4 ^ BNC) halftime. this point in the season, it^ all sandwiched between Central Junior Trent Larm led Gray- surge to a 65-55 victory. Northcm Lakes Conference with 13 points. The Cardinals, who found about how the girls are think- scores by Offis Aichambo and Kindt, a 6-foot-9 player ling (4-10, 3-7 Lake Michigan victory of the season, topping who signed with Michigan Conference) with 17 points themselves down 19-5 after the ing, it isnt about being physical Shane Darrow. Alba 35-33 on the road. The Trojans' Jared Van- T h e kids took it upon Tech, led Alpena with 21 points and seven rebounds while se- fit« quarter, played catch up all anymore. We need to light the Worrrter scored to make the themselves to earn the win," while Alex Borchert added 16 nior Josh Stapleton added 11 night long and then exploded fire under them and get them score 3-1 after the second pepoints and junior Spencer Dean for one of their trademark hot prepared." said Vanderbih coach Jason points. riod. 10 points. Rocky McNamara quartets. Mathlas. "So many teams coukl Junior Brandon K n o p p chipped in nine points for J-L improved to 16-3 overall GRAYLING 53, have given up and thrown in the BOYNE FALLS 35, turned aside 19 shots fot Grayling while Tyler SlefFey and 12-3 in the Ski Valley Con- HARBOR SPRINGS 52 towel but they kept digging and WOLVERINE 29 Gaykxd while Kelly stopped 18 HARBOR SPRINGS wofkir^ harder." W O L V E R I N E — Both had seven points and seven re- fererx* with the victory. The combination of Ashlie The Grayling girls basketball for Central (13-6,7-2 BNC). VarKierbiIt managed to get Wolverine and Boyne Falls are IxHinds. uayioni naraio I imaa B-3 • Saturday. Fabruary 9, 2006 Sports Schedule Saturday. February 9 HOCKEY Traverse Bay Reps at Gaylord, 7 p.m BOYS BASKETBALL (JV at 6 p.m.) Harrison at Grayling BOWLING Gaylord at St. Ignace. 10 a.m. Cardinals run past Central Lake In convincing win Cont from B1 fense and hit our layups." Mines, a m a m m o t h 6foot-3 freshman averaging 30 points per game, was effective as always, scoring 35 points by showing a soft Monday, February 11 touch both around the basket BOYS BASKETBALL (JV at 6 p.m.) and at the foul line. However. Hartxx Light at VandertMit J-L's pesky defense gave fits Ellswortn at Wolverine to Central Lake's guards, as evidenced by the 28 Cardinal TtiMday, February 12 BOYS BASKETBALL (JV at 6 p.m.) steals. "Our pressure defense Gaylord at St. ignace GIRLS BASKETBALL (JV at 6 p.m.) didn't really work the last time we played them," Huff Gaylord at Charlevoix Mancelona at J-L said. "We really analyzed it Inland Lakes at St. Mary by looking at the tape and Wolvehne at Vandertilt got it figured out and corrected." WMlnetday, February 13 Another d i f f e r e n c e beBOYS BASKETBALL (JV at 6 p.m.) tween the two games was the Ogemaw Heights at Gaylord play of athletic sophomore St. Mary at Bellaire Stephanie Fisher. Fisher was Aianson at Vanderbilt held in check in the teams' Central Lake at J-L Wolverine at Harbor Light Christian f i r s t battle, but e x p l o d e d for 16 points and four steals Kalkaska at Grayling Tuesday. HOCKEY Traverse City West at Gaytord, 7 "I told her that she was p.m. our secret weapon out there," VW^ESTLING Huff joked. Team Districts at Sautt Ste. Marie Fisher's play was complewith Sault, Petoskey and Marquette, mented by the always-steady 6 p.m. CHEERLEADING Gaytord at Evart Invitational, 5 p.m. production of junior Ashlie Mouse, who led the t e a m with 17 points and e i g h t steals. Her three pointer early in the fourth quarter gave J-L a 10-point lead that seemed to break the Trojans' back. S e n i o r Bridget Fisher, who battled hard all night guarding Mines, added nine points and seven rebounds while talented s o p h o m o r e M a r y Schlicher. r e c e n t l y called up from the j u n i o r varsity, also added nine. Junior glue player Nikki Ormsbee added seven steals and four assists. The game was back-andforth through much of the first three quarters as Mines' 10-point outburst gave Central Lake a 16-12 advantage after the first. Thanks to a laie lift from S c h l i c h e r . the C a r d i n a l s spurted toward the end of the second quarter and built a 26-25 halftime lead. The Trojans held a 34-32 advantage midway through the third quarter before J-L went on an all-important 9- 0 run. During that time, four differentCardinals - Stephanie Fisher, Jessica Sewell, Ormsbee and House — scored, a notable nod to J-L's deeper lineup. The Cardinals went lO-deep in the victory. "Fverybody who stepped on the floor made a contribution in one way or another," Huff said. From that point. Central Lake could not play catch up as the Cardinals' buzzing defense seemed to lire Mines and the Trojans in the final stanza. Because of J-Ls three conference road losses. Central Lake (15-2. 12-2 SVC) still has a one-game lead over the Cardinals (15-3, 11 -3). While HutTis holding out hope for another Trojan loss, she knows the teams could battle again in the regtonal. First, the Cardinals must finish out the regular season and play in the districts, at HT - Bin S«v«ny the home gym where th<y have not lost a game all sea- J-L SENIOR BRIDGET RSHER battles hard witti Central Lake super freshman Jasmine Hines, who scored 35 points. son. Gaylord fires up crowd Thursday, February 14 GIRLS BASKETBALL (JV at 6 p.m.) Traverse City West at Gaylord St. Mary at Hartwr Springs Traverse City Christian at Wolverine at home invitational GAYLORD — The Gaylord cheerleading squad wowed the home crowd Thursday night, breezing to a first-place finish at its home invitational. With a score of 713.6, the Blue Devils more than e c l i p s e d the n e x t - c l o s e s t team, upholding their No. 7 ranking in the state poll. "These girls are amazing athletes," said Gaylord coach Ronda Davis. "We definitely got the crowd fired up with our stunts and tumbling. It was great to have the support today." G a y l o r d i m p r o v e d its round one score, something that pleased Davis. Still, she k n o w s i m p r o v e m e n t will happen before Gaylord's challenging regional. "Some of the girls were a little overwhelmed by the crowd today but they cer- Friday, February IS BOYS BASKETBALL {JV at 6 p.m.) Gaylord at Traverse City West St. Mary at Forest Area J-L at Peflston Alba at Wolverine Traverse City St Francis at Grayling The Gaylord varsity Saturday, February 16 cheerleadWRESTLING Ing team Individual Districts at Gaylord. 10 gets in a.m. formation CHEERLEADING during the Gaylord at Houghton Lake Invitacrowd' tional, 11 a.m. wowing round three. The Blue Devils won their home Invitational Thursday. Sports Schedule also online only at... www.heraldtimes. com. Blue Devils slam Northmen 55-13 to win BNC Cont from B1 w o u l d n ' t have m a t t e r e d , " said Gaylord c o a c h J e r r y LaJoie. " T h e kids have worked really hard and it's nice to see it start to pay off." Pins came from both the expected and u n e x p e c t e d spo^^ as s e a s o n e d v e t e r ans senior Shane Gapinski (140) and j u n i o r s Andrew Olds (135) and Brian Bliss (275) all recorded falls. But three w r e s t l e r s who have been in and out of the lineup this season — seniors Laith S a m a r a h ( 1 5 2 ) and Kyle Mervela ( 2 1 5 ) and j u n i o r Mike Taubitz (160) — also pinned their opponents. "I thought Taubitz, Samarah, Mervela and Olds really wrestled well," LaJoie said. Junior Danny Sharrard (125) defeated Steve Brecheisen in a 12-3 decision w h i l e j u n i o r D o u g Tyran took a 4-2 win over Aaron Uebelhoer, Justin Gehringer won by void at 103. Petoskey's biggest wins c a m e at 119 w h e r e Alex Cannon defeated Junior Jake Armstrong 4-2 and at 189 where Jake Kisro beat senior Josh Marcotte 5-3. it was a tough day for Petoskey. who also dropped an unexpected 39-36 match to Traverse City West. GAYLORD — The Gaylord Wrestling Club Is open to all boys In grades K though 6th-grade interested In youth wrestling. Practice will take place every Monday and Wednesday beginning Feb. 4 and lasting through Mar. 22 at Gaylord High School. Grades K through 3 will practice from 6.15-7 p.m. while grades 4 through 6 will go from 7-8 p.m. The purpose of the club Is to expose area youth to wrestling through the Sports Briefs instruction of Gaylord High School coaches and wrestlers. Athletes will be grouped together by age, weight and ability level during practices and competition. Cost for joining the club is $30 per wrestler or $50 for two Each participant will receive a T-shirt and should bring workout clothes to practice. Wrestling shoes are preferred, but not necessary. to • « MMM TV troM row TV Wrestlers will have the choice of competing in weekend medal tournaments in locations across Northern Michigan. A tournament schedule will be provided at practice and there Is a $5 entry fee for each tournament. Contact Jerry LaJoie at 731 -0969 (GHS) or 731-3492 (Home) for more information. Wrestlers will be selected to participate in the advanced Freestyle/Greco portion in March. Gel over 100 top c h a n n e l tor \99 $ 2 9 ?irno. With the Big North trophy in hand, the Blue Devils will now look for bigger things -- n a m e l y a t e a m district c h a m p i o n s h i p and much success at the indis idual districts. T h e t e a m d i s t r i c t s is Thursday at Sault Ste. Marie while t h e i n d i v i d u a l districts are next Saturday in Gaylord. Petoskey will likely have a rematch with the Devils in the district. meets Mondays, Wednesdays tainly enjoyed it," Davis said. "We keep working hard and getting better." Davis singled o u t t h e strength and improved tumbling skills of S t e p h a n i e Renkiewicz and the strength of Chelsey Williams, who has earned the n i c k n a m e "Magnus," from the World's Strongest Man. M a g n u s Samuelsson. Gaylord topped Alpena in the Division I varsity competition while C h e b o y g a n edged out Bellaire by just 1.5 points in the Division IIMV competition. Pellston took third. The Blue Devil j u n i o r varsity also took first, edging Traverse City West and Alpena. Gaylord has a c o m p e t i tion Wednesday at Evart before competing at Houghton Lake Saturday. RadioShack Radio Shack o* G«yton3 989-732-6731 1-800-S82-5915 Sunday, February 10th 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. msmn • • • • NASCAR • Sports Cards • Nor)-Sports Cards Diecasts • Collector's Supplies Custom Plaques • Autographed Items McFarland Figures Gaylord Eagles Hall F r C 6 A U W I S S I O H SIS S. Wisconsin Ave., Caylord AWESOME FOOD AVAILABLE AT THE SHOW! Gaylord HGrald Times Scholar-Athlete ofths^Aleelc Profiles of the area's young people who excel In both academics and athletics. NAME: Christina WInkelman TEAM; J-L basketball OTHER SPORT: Softball GRADE: Junior GPA:4.0 PARENTS; Chris and Ann Winkelman FAVORrn SUBJECT American his tory FAVORTTE TEACHER: Mr. Peppin MOVIE; Save the Last Dance nhfMkui winkiMnun CtHMkia Wlnkemwn Anatomy jayior Swift WEBSITE: www.facebook com FOOD; Goulash ATHLETE: Shaun White HOBBIES: Reading, snowboarding PLANS AFTER GRADUATION; Attend college with intentions of entering medical school. NOTABLE: Winkelman is a junior contributor for the 16-3 Cardinals who usually provides a spark off the bench She has spent parts of ttie past three seasons on varsity. She had six points Thursday JSaScnorUa MEXICAN RESTAURANTS 737 Watt Main • Gaylord • Michigan Congratulations Athlete of the Week C 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 1 T - / ! l a H f l M M M U M M I i l l l i p p p a p m Uaytoro Herald l i m e s bnowmobiling • M i u i a a y , t-«uraary v, 'For Women Only'ride benefits Easter Seals GRAYLING —For the21st year, a group of snowmobile enthusiasts will ride across pristine Northern Michigan trails in support of Easter Seals — an organization focused on meeting the needs of disabled adults and children. The all-female event, slated as the "For Women Only" ride, is headquartered at the Ramada Inn (formerly Holiday Inn) in Grayling today (Saturday). According to Renee Wyatt, manager of annual funds for Easter Seals-Michigan, each woman commits to raise a minimum of $500 for Michigan HT - B4II serveny Easier Seals. Most, she said Kris Bedard checks the progress of the track for the World Series of Ice and Muscle Sled Mania races. average close to S1,000. Sponsored by Michigan Snowmobile Association (MSA) and Nelsons Speed Shop in Greenville, the event includes a Friday evening gettogether to discuss the event and break into groups; today's 100-mile ride, stopping to eat approved the site and organizers have many people come to town. It s a the race. Organi/.ers anticipate 1.500 ByJII SchuR at different locations, dependhuge thing." been working on the tracks for the spectators each day. Staff Writer ing on the trail each group is Price is hopeful this ev ent raises past couple of weeks. Located ofV Milbocker Road at GAYLORD assigned. Then it's back to the awareness in the community. •I've taken two big events, put the back of the Ciaylord Regional nowmobile nice laiis. rev up Ramada Inn for a salon night "1 think It's going to surprise thetn together and brought them to a Airport property, formerly the site your engines as the World presented by Rea's Dollhouse everybody and make people take spot like Ciaylord (a place) that is a ofthe grass drags, the event w ill Series of Ice and Muscle Salon. Houghton Lake, and the snowmobiler s tavorite." said Bedard. snowmobile drag racing more serious include competition featuring twoSled Mania bursts into banquet with the awarding of than in the past." he added. .lason Pnce. owner of Priceless lane. 1 .()(K)-foot snow drags and Gaylord Satualay and Suiidas' Keb. 16 prizes, including three new sled At the close of kmii day's events, Performance of Ciaylord builds highwhat's billed as "the wi>rld s fastest and 17, giveaways. spectators are inv ited to race on IK'rlbrmance snovvmi">biles and races performance trail sled shoot-out": According to i^aul lieachnau. Last year the event raised the snow track, against the clock or year-rountl.! ie races the summer executive direcloi" ot the Ciaylord Area drag cross classes featuring two-lane. S202.t)00 for Easter Seals. grass drag circuit and won the asphalt against their friends forS5, I.OOO-foot drags with five jumps; a Convention &. Iburisni Bureau, this According to the MSA, this However, Bedard warns. "If you're racing shinH-out at the Martin I>ag four-lane. 06()-foot ice drag: and five event, in its debut, was nuned irom year this year s goal is S210.000 coming olVthe trail and you've been Way in Martin, Mich. shc>oi-out classes. Omano tt> Ciaylord because i>t'the to celebrate the 21 st year. drinking, you won't be allowed to nde .'\nd yes. he races on snow. Price. " This President's Day weekend has Alpine Village's central location. For more information, visit on the track." 28. v v ill be racing in both the king of become one o f t h e busiest wintertime Organized by the C'enltal the Piaster Seals-Michigan Web Tile show starts at 11 a.m. both the trail all motor class and the king weekends. " said Beachnau. "lliis Ontario Snowmobile Drag Kacing site at www.essmichigan.org. days. C ost is S10 per person for the ofthe trail power adder class next event is going to have a pretty Association (C'OSDR). the events is day. Children 12 and younger will be weekend. substantial impact on the community." expected to draw an estimated 6(M) Contact Ml Schult at admitted free. "It is very unusual for Ciaylord Beachnau met with Kris Bedard racers from as I'ar as five states awa\. 74H-4518 or jil(^gay'lord Contact JU Schult ot 748-45IS or to have this race." he said. "It's a event organi/er. to discuss Ciaylord plus crews are expected to come to heraldtimes.com. lordhei •alJtimi'S.c om. blessine for the econoni\ to have that hostmi: the races. The county the Alpine V illage midweek before Feb. 16&17 Ice drags to debut in Gaylord S R o n ' S Auto Wrecker Service • Accelerated Dial-up Coni>ections • Spyware, Virus And Pop-up Protection • DSL available to Pigeon Telephone customers w t h 584 & 585 phone numbers • 24 Hour Towing • Ught. Medium & Heavy • Lochouts S n o w m o b i l e Rentals O W E R • Mi c'.i- • Spicl.llN • !v\n-ups ,Av.nl.ll^k- Yamaha and Arctic Cat S P O R T S M - F 9 - 6 , S a t . S-3 • I'.irrs, RENTAL EXPRESS 2572 S. Otsego Ave., Gaylord, Ml 49735 At Intersection of Trails 4 & 7 989-732-4331 w w w . e x t r e m e p o w e r - s p o r t s . c o m Lovell's Riverside TiVi BAY M O N T Welcome Snowmobiler^ Thurxfe SOpm & Saturday Friday & S a t u r d a y Specials! • Fish Fry (5pm - 10pm) • Hot Roast Beef Platters • Hot Turkey Platters • Tenderloir> Steaks I N N '' SOam' iOam ;'oaj/r Sundd ' ^ 8c S U I T F. S Located n e a r the Sportsplex I n d o o r H e a l e d Pool 25 C h a m p i o n s h i p Golf C o u r s e s ' V Free C o n l i n e n t a l • Sandwiches • Burgers , LERS RENTALS l.(x-olions to .serve you! VL.nt.inr M - U I'.irkMdj- ((x.ntr. CprfvlfKd fhixvi i Ha\ Siipt'fHrr sNifps (.rjofl M.»r t'cfiofrf HMt-rsi 989-785-4017 e l Gaylord UcwiMd EiKtricd Confractor (tbhrtHM§ 33 ymt h Imbust! Chuck Klee Bob tClee 9S9-732-3396 989-732-6933 Fax: 989-731-4415 334 Mofquordr MooA Swtaf ^ " ^ (989) 7 8 6 4 6 0 0 U w i s t o n www.tfieredwoodJteakhouse.com Great menu items under $10! liickerson Moor & 2234 M-32 West, Gaylord Tile H a u s 989-731-2003 E x p e r i e n c e Grayling, Ml 49738 (989)348-5690 SNOWMOBILE " • FajltaS • Reuben Q u a l i t y Moetini^ R o o m G a y l o r d 1-75 Exit 282, 510 South Wisconsin 6535 E. Co Rd. 612 • Patty Melt .--r. Buffalo Wings S^toop«'«»<by»S«lay.lno« Breakfast ' 6659 M - 9 3 G r a y l i n g , M I 49738 snowmobilers! We are on the trail! Weekend entertainment! Great Bar Menu? Ser% kc 1-75, Exit 313 I n d i a n River, M l 231-333-3600 SERVICE trjiKTMinlinc.^iim miiiiD smi! ma • ( "Icirhinj; .V Anessorn •aiBealEEGCTii & 989-344-8034 Fax 9 8 9 - 3 4 4 - 9 1 1 8 888.282.4932 611 west 4th street • Gaylord, MI 49735 - T R A I L E R PARTS Hours: Call Aaron 989 31S-1178 Call Olena "Len" Jensen Sales Manager - 989 550-8864 TRAILER SALES And Antique Auto Sales IV 1-800-225-0434 -Over 400 Open b Enclosed Trailer Inventory Ydur Internet Connection To This w o r n 989-732-3142 U*S*A High S p e e d DSL Internet Ooirtorrf OtMfO C—mly Mk* t f f * 1 - 9 8 9 - 7 3 1 - 6 3 3 1 Introducing Lonq Distance Savings and Unlimited Internet! Now vou can surf the w e b anytime you want for as low as $ 1 2 . 9 5 per month, fjlus call anywt>ere, anytime across the continental U5. for as icM/ as Voiir TiHkhNt«)nc r.rkTj,;v'C»x)ptTativ 3 . 9 certs per minute. M Great Lakes ENERGY Call Today 1-877-981-3000 or visit liS online at www.g1lakes.com i 'ioi req>iiated By tne M-chtgan PuW-c S«ncce Conv»i.s5i(y. L e g e n d s on t h e Hill R* E x c e l l e n c e • 1 - 8 8 8 - 8 0 8 - 6 3 3 1 B e g i n n i n g S OOpm F e a t u r i n g Daily Dinner & Drink Specials j i f-' •MIJUPJUiiM' M i l . Sled Shed • PalliiShlPOlM 2S4< S o u t h O t M g o A v * . , G a y t o f d OB9XZ31-2^ ' Mini Steraae Units wviow.tledth«d.net Email: tl«4th«d®chart»fint«rnetCQni Gaylord Herald Times SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscribe to the Gaylord Herald T • D o u g T h o m a s p « r f o r m t live every T h u r s d a y starting at 7 ; 0 0 p m • J a m e s G r e e n w a y p e r f o r m s live every Saturday, b e g i n n i n g D e c e m b e r 22. 2 0 0 7 To a d v w I i M , c a n (989) 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 . 989-732-6711 • Extension 2473 w w w . t r e e t o p s . c o m • 3962 W i l k i n s o n Road • Gaylord 2aM 1 O l M t a *»•., O a f t x A M a N f M MiiiiiilllilliililMMllH iiVPiP b a t u r a a y , r e o r u a r y V, 2 U 0 6 • B - 5 Qayiord Herald Ttmes The foundation of the Boy Scouts of America is the Boy Scout Oath: On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to God and my country, and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. THEBQT SCOUT U t A Sco#j£ Ctairt^us Ch^jul Auto Value Thrifts Clean ^ JIM'S ALPINE AUTOMOTIVE ^Brave 1050 S Wisconsin Gaylord, Ml 49735 Reverent 989-732-6431 R h S () R 1 I ^.jur liif 'X(rve of the/Jmne P.O. Box M1804 Oaylord. Ml 49734 (989) 732-6711 www.treetops.com JP HEATING Of Northern Michigan, LLC SheriES J i m M c B r i d e 732-3555 rieeman Family Enterprises 7057711 (AXt/trmtNTIRl fAMki Eye care y o u can trust for t h e e n t i r e family! 732-1234 3 2 4 West Main G a y l o r d . Ml 4 9 7 3 5 595 W. McCoy Gaylord 989-732-5656 1 8 6 2 S. O l d 2 7 H w y Qaytord. Ml 4 9 7 3 5 989-731-2003 989-786-2296 1-800-547-3245 « (989) 333 W. CotTimerce Bivd.. Gaylord ( 8 7 7 ) 9 3 7 - 2 3 2 8 E.xt. 4 0 0 1 60^^ N. Conn St.. (iavlord 989-732-4753 THE NIEMAN AGENCY ALPINE ELECTRONICS SERVICE Complete TV, Service Wasai* M o t o r S a l e s 9 8 9 - 7 3 < - 4 < 8 8 TOU n i l l U - T l f INSURANCE COMPANY IHT TOUCATTP CHCHCT 989-73I-S060 • 1-Wft S2.?-S060 2S08 M-32 WcM • (iayloni. Ml 49".)^ 1001 Manl(owsl<i Rd., Gaylord 989-732-5991 (989) 732-1111 Fax: (989) 732-3490 Attomey-al-Law I .M9 S. Otsego • Gavlortl 1-800-244-6633 989-732-5004 2058 Soutti Otsego Ave. P.O. Box 598 Gaylord. Ml 49734 989-732-7544 Its N. Otsego Ave. Gaylord. MI 49735 RAINBOW JANET ALLEN Gaylord 829 W. Main, Gaylord (989)731-3221 4ft(h ( ir< uit O M 27 S o « f t h (I 75 Exit 279) 9S0 Edelweiss Parkway. Gaylord, Ml (989) 732-8090 Dine in or carry-outl Open daily at8 s.m H e r a l i ^ P M E S PLAQUE C O . Friendlier Market 7 3 2 - 4 A 3 1 or 732-7171 Parksidc Mini-Mali WAL'^MART Your Closer, Old 27 S.. Just oft 1-75 Exit 2 7 9 , Gaylord • Michigan FEENY.COM CREDIT U N I O N Faster. 989-732-6565 2234 M-32 West, Gaylord Always Open At LAI, Serving N. Ml for 35 years Gaylord Foot Clinic Dr. T h o m a f t D « K o r t « . D P M and C O M M U N I T Y t M « S. O t s * s a Atfc., O a y l e n l (989) 7 3 2 - 5 6 5 4 time 4 4 2 2 Sailing St. Lewiston. Ml 49756 Amencss Prooine Company Woffor New Owner Mark Williamson Bud Jones Insurance Agency for all effort." 989-731-6363 Physical T h e r a p y F i N A N I KAM'S TOWING your 1413 West-Main St. Gaylord Vance's IN A JAM? AmenGas ASKFDRKAM! 989-732-7571 Bensinger, Cotant & Menkes "Thanks I Gaylord Eye Care Center 829 W. Main St. • Gaylord (989) 732-6261 COOUNG-HEATING 1830 Dickerson Rd., Gaylord QgKBAL M u m m o w ( OIIRL INDUE 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - S 4 6 S (989) 732-3336 CRAYTLNS M-ra w * * t 1821 S. Otsego Ave. Qaytord. 49735 (989) 7 3 2 - 0 2 2 5 • l i H I I I i i i l f t M M M M M I M M M B I f l M i l l M I I I I I Qaytord Herald Ttmes Lewiston B-6 • Saturday. February 9, 2008 State legislators stop in Lewiston on snowmobile tour Michigan Legislatures and Michigan Snownnobile Association (MSA) memtMrs stopped by Lewiston Sunday, (l-r) LEWISTON M e m b e r s of the Michigan Legislature and representatives from Michigan S n o w m o b i l e Association ( M S A ) s t o p p e d in Lew iston Sunday during their three-day ride to explore Northern Michigan and w itness the positive economic impact created by winter tourism. A c c o r d i n g to Hill Lucas, M S A N o r t h e r n Michigan representative, the ride offered an opportunity for the MSA and legislators to work together tO promote the snowmobile industry. T h e group left f r o m Ciaylord f e b . 1 and s p e n t the night in C h e b o y g a n . T h e y stayed in Alpena Saturday night and participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony at the new bypass trail in Alpena. " W e ' r e hav ing a ball," Sen. Jason Allen. RTraverse City, at the Lew iston stop. M e m b e r s of the Lew iston Fun O n e s hosted the g r o u p , which was escorted into town by Monlinorency County Sherifl'deputies. They e n j o y e d a l u n c h e o n at the L e w i s t o n Hotel, where members of various clubs visited with the riders and three trail g r o o m e r s were on display. T h e legislative ride has been a tradition lor five years. The past two years were canceled due to lack of snow. Follow ing lunch, the group returned to Ciaylord where they ended their trip be for e heading home. tonner Speaker of the House Rk:k Johnson, MSA Executive Director BUI Manson, MSA Northern Rep. Bill Lucas, Montmorency County Deputy Chad Brown, Montmorency County Deputy Dan Oelfke, Bill Taylor and Sen. Jason Allen, R-Traverse City. KT - Jll Schult L e m s i O T i BUSINESS L a n d / o f i a k e ^ DIRECTORY Doing business in or around Lewiston? IMES To p l a c e y o u r b u s i n e s s c a r d in t h i s d i r e c t o r y , call K a t h l e e n at ( 9 8 9 ) 732-1 111. fax ( 9 8 9 ) 732-3490 o r s t o p b y o u r o f f i c e a t 2 0 5 8 S. O t s e g o Ave. Licensed - Bud Jones Insurance Agency « « n A.H.K (Any Home Repair) Call Sally or Patsy for a quote. 4422 Sailing Sc. • Lewiston. Ml 49756 thestaff@bu(i-)on€s-insurance-agencv.coni 'The best is yet to be.' I.800-547.324S or 989-786-2296 m '"sured 3232 F'ineridge, Lewiston • New Homes • Log Homes Roofing » Siding (All Types) (All Types) Pole Barns • Garages Decks • Additions Windows & • Docks Doors j M o n Haath (9»9) 786-3490 OITlce (989) 858-6965 RAYMOND JAMJES S .WYFAOR-AATEFH RSIN Our fender menden will have your car looking like new in no timel 2*^47 Mant/ Street l.c\s iston. Ml 4475A Qg9-786-7663 800-^27-A6.'^9 Kcgioniil DUkf WK1 [ avi i ronl Mrcel lravcrM-til>. Ml ->^8^ Twin Lakes Collision Lewiston Auto Sales 1080 Co. Rd. 612 • Lewiston 989-786-4712 iou firsi H^py Valentine's Day!! GARLAND RESORT presents the Kirtland Community Theatre in an Audience Participation M u r d e r - M y s t e r y Dinner Theatre Production of S a t u r d a y F e b r u a r y 16 5pm - 10pm Adults $ 2 6 . 9 5 Children under 1 2 $ 1 5 . 9 5 Garland's Famous Prime Rib Served with Horseradish Cream Sauce Snow Crab Legs Stuffed Flounder with Crab & Creom Sauce Fried Coconut Shrimp Seafood Pasta with lobster, Crab, Friday, F e b r u a r y 15 & Shrimp in a light garlic cream sauce 6 p.m. C a s h Bar 6 : 3 0 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. S h o w Steamed Asparagus with Hollandaise Souce Peal & Eat Shrimp Salad Bar Romano Cheese Rolls The G r e a t R o o m Dessert G a r l a n d Resort Chocolate Fountain with Strawberries, Bananas, & much more Lewiston $ 3 0 per person Including Chocolate Seduction Coke & Assorted Cheesecakes V r " r :'l n r " • i-1'' t o i l ' , FOR RESERVATIONS, PLEASE CALL: (877)4-GARLAND inmiiiiiiiiMniiH Saturday, February 9, 2006 • 6 - 7 Outdoors Qaytord H«rcld T I m M Youth Ice Fishing Derby Feb. 16 at state park OTSEGO LAKE TWP. — Young anglers and their families are invited to take to the ice Saturday. Feb. 16 during the annual Youth Ice Fishing Derby at Otsego Lake State Park. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. at the park. Participants must be accompanied by an adult and should be properly dressed for the weather The event coincides with Michigan's Free Fishing Weekend, when all fishing license fees arc waived. Regulations still apply. Bait and some poles will be furnished, but anglers are cncouragcd to bring their own poles if possible. Hot chocolate and cofTee will be available for those wanting to warm up. Fishing will continue until noon, at which time all participants and parents are invited to the Northland Sportsmen's Club, corner of West Otsego Lake Drive and Old Alba Road, for a free hot dog and soup lunch, and awards. Each participant will get a prize. The event is free and open to the public. Fishermen work together to punch a hole In the ice during iast year's derty. State, sportsmen should work together to reverse trend A while back, when the Natural R e s o u r c e s Commission p r o p o s e d h i k e s in hunting and f i s h i n g license f e e s , m a n y s p o r t s m e n and w o m e n w e r e u p in a r m s o v e r the p r o p o s a l . T h e i n c r e a s e d cost o f licenses, t h e y argued, would drastically reduce the number of people who p a r t i c i p a t e in t h o s e activities w h i l e also c a u s i n g a j u m p in the n u m b e r of u n l i c e n s e d h u n t e r s and anglers. M i c h i g a n ' s b e e n strugg l i n g with a s h r i n k i n g p o p u l a t i o n of s p o r t s m e n f o r T n u n U > e t i C y e a r s . The last t h i n g this state n e e d s 2-day hunter safety course offered UVINGSTON TWP.—Afree twoday hunteis' safety dass Is slated for March15-16at LMngston Township Hall, 3218 Old 27Nortt),Gaytord. are 8:30 am.-4:30 p.ih. March 15 aiid 9 a.in.-3 p.m. March 16. During tlie dass, each student will have a turn using a Laser Shot ftrearms simulator, which hetps In teaching students the correct way to hold and akn a firearm and when tofira safely. coiTi(iMlonof the courw earns students their hunter^ safety caiWIcale.ClaBS ttelsHniited. more Chris Engle is a r e a s o n for even m o r e s p o r t s m e n to forget about b u y i n g a license and retire their f i s h i n g poles and shotguns. T h e D e p a r t m e n t of Natural Resources (DNR) r e l i e s on license fees to p r e s e r v e the quality f i s h ing a n d h u n t i n g found in o u r w o o d s and on o u r l a k ^ a n c f T i ^ r ^ On?brtii^ nately, a s the n u m b e r of Bnn^ outdoorspeople shrinks, s o d o t h o s e f u n d s , and it s e e m s s o m e s e r v i c e s t h e D N R provides a r e in g r a v e d a n g e r of c o m i n g to an e n d . W e ' v e a l r e a d y s e e n the e f f e c t s of a r e c r e a t i o n budget c r u n c h in t h e c l o s u r e of several c a m p grounds across the^tate. Fish p l a n t i n g s and p u b l i c a c c e s s sites could b e next to g o . T W I C E a year, t h e D N R makes a statewide p u s h to get p e o p l e int e r e s t e d in f i s h i n g . Free F i s h i n g Weekend, w h i c h c o m e s around Feb. 16-17 a n d a ^ a i n in J u n e , is an efTort t'o d r i v e T o t t i r e s i d e n t s and n o n r e s i d e n t s to Your >\vcLtlh\v[ to PJ l-or the s p o r t . L i c e n s e f e e s a r e w a i v e d a s incentive to p a r t i c i p a t e . It's the stale's w a y of s a y i n g , " L o o k , you s h o u l d really give f i s h i n g a try." T h e D N R only a s k s a n g l e r s to f o l l o w t h e rules. Certainly for some, t h o s e w e e k e n d s are the only t i m e s t h e y ' l l get out f i s h i n g e a c h year. But picture this: E a c h and e v e r y p e r s o n is w e l c o m e — and encouraged — for one w e e k e n d to try the sport. A f t e r that, it's a m a t t e r of a c c e s s : T h e availability of f i s h i n g e q u i p m e n t and a shortage of knowledge a b o u t f i s h i n g may be a b a r r i e r to m a n y potential n e w anglers."" T h a t ' s w h e r e we c o m e in. As k n o w l e d g e a b l e and experienced outdoorsm e n a n d w o m e n , it is o u r r e s p o n s i b i l i t y to h e l p o u r kids, f a m i l y m e m b e r s and p e e r s get out f i s h i n g . With o u r h e l p , their odds of l a n d i n g a f e w fish might b e a bit better, and they'll be m o r e likely to b u y a l i c e n s e and g o f i s h i n g a g a i n . A f t e r all. w e ' r e the o n e s w h o d o n ' t want to pay m o r e f o r our licenses. T h e state can e x p a n d o n this idea, too. For two w e e k e n d s a year, state park e n t r a n c e fees c o u l d be waived. While parks rely solely on the r e v e n u e generated from vehicle p e r m i t s a n d c a m p i n g f e e s, t h e r e v e n u e lost over f o u r d a y s would b e a small p r i c e t o pay for o p e n ing p a r k s to a n y o n e w h o might otherwise never visit. It c o u l d be the state's w a y of saying, " L o o k , you s h o u l d really c o m e see o u r b e a u t i f u l p a r k s . " It g o e s a l o n g with the state's " G O — Get Outdoors" campaign. I d o n ' t w a n t to pay any m o r e for my l i c e n s e s either, but we s h o u l d all e x p e c t an eventual hike. H o w big that hike is ... w e l l , that's up to us. — HT writer Chris Engle is an avid outdoorsmen. Contact him at c€ngle@, gavlordheraldtimes. com or 748-4517. Remember Your Sweetie On... f ValcijlliK's Prime Rib & A l a s k a n King Crab Buffet op'atentine's ^ > 9 ' lAII you c a n eat- Alaskan King Crab Leg Dinner Thursday, February 14, 2008 S I 795 Don t It's not t o o early to n u k o youf r e s e r v a t i o n s for dli yo'-'^ rental n e e d s ! FOUR C o u r s e S a i o t V U : ^ ^ •Tables •Chairs • Linens •Tents BI's Restaurant N C O U P L E (.'iitt'iiiiij 990 Old 27 N . CUiyiorrt V U - ' ' (989)732-4010 lieetops www.bjscatering.coin 1 4 , 2 0 0 8 hmnm Relaxation A ckage Massage Relaxation Massage agne G orld Crab ichigan W n & Seafood B I at Haus Truffles & Co Port Wine Farewell CtfVfcOUAlMtotf 731-1906 to , From S.-00 a>massag}a Full Dinner Iwnu Ano Available Healing H'Arts ThierapeuHc Massage & Bod?^»3orks ps Kathy Beauchamp. GMT, AMTA, NCBTMB Reletuing th* healing power of the Ho/y Spirit Alpine Suites - Suite 103 11029 Gomick Ave. (989) 7 4 5 - 1 2 5 1 R E S O R T Call 9 6 8 - 7 3 2 - 6 7 1 1 , E x t M S k m 2 4 7 0 mm Oaylofd Herakl TImaa B - 8 • S a t u r d a y . February 9, 2006 Business After Hours at mBank Wednesday _ (GAYLORD) Anottier Business rt I. M nrp S take place at mBank, 1955 Kato and nnM$CI tnr nonmembers. nnnmnmKAiv bers 1 0 for Northern Inn staff. Sponsored by mBank, Busi- After Hours is on the Gaylofd/ Otsego Ave. Guests can look for Otsego County Chamber of Com- v»ard to catching up with associ ness After Hours will be held merce calendar for Wednesday, ates and friends wtiile sampling from 5- 7 p.m. The event is February 13. delicious appetizers, beer and open to the public: admission is wine served by Bennethum's just $5.00 for Chamber mem- The event is scheduled to For more intormatkxt, contact Bob Kasprzak at the Gaylord/ Otsego County Chamtjer of Commerce at 989.732.6333 THE 'Adventures of Robinson Crusoe will be presented today by tt>e Missoula Children's Theater at 4 p.m. at the Cheboygan Opera House. Robinson Crusoe on stage today at Opera House CHEBOYGAN — Auditions for Missoula Children's Theatre production of "Robinson Crusoe " wili be held Monday at 4 p.m., on the stage at the Opera House in Cheboygan. Roles for students in grades kindergarten through 12 are available. Approximately 50 to 60 local students will be cast to appear in the show with the Missoula Children's Theatre Tour Actors/Directors. There is no guarantee everyone who auditions will be cast. Students wishing to participate in the group audition should arrive by the sched- h Remember uled starting time and plan to stay for the entire two-hour session. The first rehearsal begins approximately 30 minutes after the auditions. Section rehearsals will be daily, 4-8:30 p.m. (with a dinner break) at the Opera House. THE PERTORMANCES will be Saturday, Feb. 16 at 3 and 7 p.m. and will be presented at the Opera House in Cheboygan. Missoula Children's Theatre is a nonprofit organization based in Missoula, Mont. Your Valentine even C/Ounesy prwto n p f p n j u nnarks 2 0 VC3rS L / ^ l ^ 1 1 ^ ^ 11 l u i J jr OTSEGO C O U N T Y L I B R A R Y D I R E C T O R Maureen Derenzy (standing) w a s j o i n e d recently by friends, associates and library p a t r o n s to help her cel- 0 t s 6 9 0 County Libr3ry Redwood Chance! Remember Your Sweetie On... N o w t h r o u g h April 3 0 / 1 lb. T - B o n e S t e a k • $1958 Reg. $2499 Alaskan King Crab Legs • si958 R e g . $2495 "SNEAKY PEAT" - FEBRUARY 8 & 9 "UVTO" CLASSIC R ( X K - FEBRUARY 15 & 16 ( f a Q n t i n e ' s Thursday, February 14, 2008 No last minute Valentine's shopping for the one you love this year! rnXN G. Buy a minimum Kneaded Relief Professional Massage from Mary's Petals i Viae and receive a (omplimenUgf 18-hole round of ooft* on The Classic oj^ The Tribute jjofrcourses (I lifikifrinSMtiJil. Ills social must be^Ordered by 5pim n February 1Z by^calling 731-57517. ijjOTSETOi ^ ^ _ Located in the Alpine Paza 829W.MamSc..Gayk>rd,MI Thursdi:^, February 14th • 5;30 to Close OPEN HEARTH R(X)M J3AV Tisha Murdoch • Pene Murdoch wnmiH ^50 Roral nwj arrangement [ 786-4600 Karen F a c U e r - Beth Woods Relaxation • Manual nanipulation rre l\atai • Raindrop Aromatherapy Thai Mas»age • NyofaKial Release Deep Tissue • racial Massage Hot Stone Treatment Gift Certificates Available By a p p o i n t m e n t Monday - S a t u r d a y Winter Warm UP SpeciaL$65 1-hour Massage plus your choice of a winter warm up add on: • Inner Defense Treatment • not Stone Treatment • Finishing Touch Back Treatment CLUB RcM>n & ( onfcrence ( ciucr 6 9 6 M-32 Eajt, S j j i o r d BUiiiCa Roast Prime Rib Of Beef Valentine I ^ Reg. $19.95 Special House Cut OR Broiled fetra Fresh Lake Superior Whitefish Fillet j . y j Valentine Special 15.95 Reg. $21.95 Dinners indude homemade soup cup or tomaic juice. Caesar, spfnocii. Greek talad or our famous gourmet laUe. poiaio choke. vegetaUe. hoi rolls and butter niM<s Reservations Suggested \ i s o \yAU\»Li 989-732-5524 # u u a r liottil 7fi0 Sufftr Bc^rB8tm/rmrt is mon than Just M name sinc« 1919. ft Is a frtdWoo and a marti of axcatlane*. (989) 7 3 2 ^ 9 3 6 DOWntOWH r^aui/\rrl UaylOro lib. N IMAGE Take your sweetheart to our Special Candlelight Dinner featuring our famous V a l c i u i i i c Bc>x NORTH Filled with m Nb -•, Assorted Chocolates Regularly $19.95 Expires 2-1208 rRpplebee's '•^w-vToh * Ml prodtt®**' Dr. P a t r i c k M c N a m a r a , I Medical Diroctor ZENO^ C a r r i e K c h o c , Ccrtifiod Laser Specialist 1911 D & M (lust off W Drive • Caylord O t s e g o L.ike D n y o ) 9 8 9 - 7 0 J - I I 0 0 Jorgenson Quintet at Kirtland Weekend ZONE NMi iRg lhl t C3 ^ R e d w o o d Steak House. Lewiston, will host Sneaky Peat today (Saturday), 9 p.m.-l a.m. Call 786-4600. MARSHALL CRENSHAW . Rock-N-Country will perform at GIno's (formerly the White Pine) in Gaylord every Friday and Saturday, 8:30 p.m.-l;30 a.m., through the snowmobile season. Call 731-1505. . Treetops Resort. Gaylord. features Doug Thomas Thursday nights, 7-10, and James Greenway Saturdays. 9 p.m.-midnight, at Legends on the Hill. A ^ T i m o t h y ' s Pub, Gaylord, features live entertainment Thursdays, 9:30 p.m.-l:30 a.m.; Friday is karaoke, 9:30 p.m.-l :30 a.m.; Saturday is dancing with DJ,'9:30 p.m.-close, call 7329333. ^ Ugly Bar and Grill, Old 27 North, Vanderbilt, hosts Open MIc Night Thursdays, 9 p.m.-l a.m., with host Chris Young; and karaoke Friday and Saturday nights. Tuesday nights are free pool, 7-11 p.m.; call 983-2279. . Rallslde Bar and Grill, Elmira, will host The Jelly Roll Blues Band today (Saturday), 9:30 p.m.-l:30 a.m. Open pool is every Sunday, 7 p.m.-close; karaoke every Friday; call 546-3248. ^Stampede Saloon, 3885 Old 27 South, Gaylord, has sporting events on three screens Sundays and Mondays; and guitar jam sessions Thursdays, 7 p.m.Also, Stampede Saloon will host Perpetual Never and Seventh Sorrow today (Saturday), 9 p.m.-l a.m., during its Mardi Gras celebration. Call 705-7100. . T h e White Wolf Inn, Vanderbilt, features free pool night Mondays; and karaoke Fridays and Saturdays. Call 9834568. . T h e Keg Bar & Grille, Waters, features free pool Monday; pool tournament Tuesday nights; pool leagues Wednesday; Saturdays feature karaoke 9 p.m1 a.m. Call 732-4378. . Jazz guitarist Randy Reszka performs at the Perry Hotel Fridays and Saturdays, 6-9 p.m. Log onto www.randyreszka.com. . Garland Resort in Lewiston presents Jeff and Sue/Cult of 2 Friday and Saturday nights, 9 p.m.-l a m Call 786-2211 or 877-4GARLAND. 'Songwriter, Jeanne Crenshaw . HOWARD and Jeanne Crenshaw with the platinufrt record son Marshall received from the La Bamba soundtrack. 'He's a contentiotis, meticulous, dedicated musician and he's honed his craft over theyears.' Howard Crenshaw First Presbyterian Church of Harbor Springs, 7940 Cemetery fload, will host a benefit concert of contemporary music today (Saturday), 7:30 p.m., at the church. The concert features numerous local artists including Craig Cotrill and his all-star band, Krlstine Seelye of Petoskey, 16-year-old singer/ songwriter Felicia Gregory, TamI Frampus of Petoskey, Toby Jones and more. Admission Is a free-will donation More photos online at: heraldtimes.com ^ % EARLY DAYS at the family home in Berkley — the Crenshaw brothers (l-r) Mitchell, John, Robert and Marshall Story by Michael iones Page design by Frank Michels My Valentine 1 ^ C L ^ e Saturday, february 9, 2008 MICHAYWE — fter HcAviird and Jeanne Crenshaw retired ihey moved fix)m the Detroit suburb of Berkley in i 992 to the weekend home they owned in Michaywe and quickly became a local fixture there — Jeanne golfing t"ive days a week; Howard, a bit less. but frequently dining with friends at the Michaywe Clubhouse. Just your typical retirees - with one exception — these retirees are the proud parents of pop and rock star Marshall Crenshaw, an acclaimed and asv-ardwinning song\Miter and musician with 13 albums to his credit and a recent Golden Globe nomination for best i original song in a mov ie. WTien asked which they believe their son considers himself more — a writer of finely crafted pop songs or the v oice behind the top4() hit "Someday Someway." they reply in unison; "Songwriter." says Jeanne: "Musician." proclaims Howard. They laugh and Howard adds. "He's a contentious. meticulous, dedicated musician and he's honed his craft over the yeiirs." I lov^ard said his son considers his most recent rcleiise "What's in the Bag." his best yet. "Miracle of Science" (released in 1996) is fantiistic." added the pmud did. While Jeanne likes all of her son's music, his first album "Marshall Crenshaw." released in 1982. still sounds f r u ^ today. "That was a great one " Over the past 25 years. Crenshaw has carved out a successful career as a recording artist, with many of his songs cov ered by the likes of Robert Gordon, the Gin Blossoms, Carrie Underwood and Bette Midler. Jeanne said in the late 19S()s. Marshall receivcxi an award for songwriter of the year, and many of his compositions have found their way onto movie soundtracks. He played Buddy HoHy in the 1987 movie "La Bamba" and earned a platinum record for his performance on the movie's soundtrack album. Although the Crenshaw's oldest son, "Marsh," as his mom calls him. makes his home in Rhinebeck. a small town north of New York City, and spends part of the year on tour, he still finds time to visit his parents a couple of times a year. "He likes the restaurant at the Michaywe clubhouse. That's where we had Howard's 80th birthday party with the whole family in August and he was here last summer after he played at the Cherry Festival," Jeanne said of the son who began playing in bands in the seventh grade. Jeanne addc^ that Marshall's younger brother. Robert, a robortcs technician, played drums on his big brother's fiRt four records. While the Crenshaws have reason to be proud of their son's successful career in music. J e ^ n e said she is especially plea.scd with Marshall's nomination for a Golden Globe in the best original song category for the title song of "Walk Hard —The Dewey Cox Story.'* a parody of tfie nx:k musician biopic genre movies. "The movie tanked" she l a u d e d but added it was quite an honor for her son to be recognized for his work. "He was one of 30 songv^riters asked to write the song for the mov ie and his was the only one picked." According to Jeanne, a parody of the "Walk Hard" .song, "Block Hard" had been played a couple of times on Monday Night Football.last year, %o what's it like being the parents of a rock star? "We're kind of used to it now. It's ahvays been exciting." Jeanne said. "It's ahvays been hin. We're proud of him. All four of our sons have done great things," said Howard. "Our kids say vve rock." Rock on Mr and Mrs. Crenshaw. HeralmTimes J get one F R E E W I O Q a y l o r d Herald T i m e s Gardening C - 2 • S a t u r d a y , February 9, 2006 My dear companion b e n e f i c i a l t o others, whether by repelling pests, attracting b e n e f i c i a l insects, or improving soil condialentine's Day tions. Others is almost here, have the abilthe day of the ity t o hinder y e a r w h e n great root developb o u q u e t s of m s e s are given m e n t , taint the and the w o r d s "You shouldn't flavor of the have" are mumbled from fhiit, or attract m o u t h s full of gtxxi c h o c o h a r m f u l bugs. late. a n d the w o r d s .. But For the rest I ' m glad you did." are implied. AnnMaric of the m o n t h T h o s e o f us w h o are blessed Rowland of February, with t n i e l o \ e feel happy, we'll look at while the a*st p i n e and sigh. s o m e gocxt a n d bad. c o m p a n We all w a n t t h e s a m e thing; a ions in the g a r d e n . true c o m p a n i o n . Perhaps the most comliven in the garden, c o m m o n , a n d a v e r y beneficial, p a n i o n s are i m p o r t a n t , a n d c o m p a n i o n plant is the marithe w r o n g c o m p a n y can spell gold. I ' m not a big f a n of disaster for plants. C e r t a i n plants are naturally these tlowers b e c a u s e of their {Editor's note: T h i s is the first o f a three-part series on c o m p a n i o n planting.) V that t h e y ' r e tasty additions t o a n d d o n ' t w a n t any fertilp a p e r c u p ? O n c e established, smell, b u t that s a m e scent is s u m m e r t i m e salads. Try c o m izer, t h a n k y o u very m u c h . they r e q u i r e m i n i m a l care, a l s o a n e f f e c t i v e insect repelb i n i n g a h a n d f u l of flowers Talk a b o u t l o w - m a i n t e n a n c e aside f r o m regular d e a d h e a d lent. M o s t notably, marigolds with s o m e spinach, chervil, c o m p a n i o n s . Plant the yellow ing, w h i c h is a g o o d g a r d e n repel w h i t e f l i e s , those tiny, m i n c e d garlic, violet leaves b l o o m i n g varieties to trap ing c h o r e f o r the kids. s u c k i n g i n s e c t s that are a black aphids. Plant barriers of and flowers, and a simple A n o t h e r m a r i g o l d varic o m m o n c a u s e o f leaf d r o p n a s t u r t i u m s a r o u n d tomatoes, d r e s s i n g o f l e m o n juice, olive ety. M e x i c a n m a r i g o l d s (T. on e v e r y t h i n g ftx)m poinsetoil, salt a n d pepper. c u c u m b e r s , a n d radishes, to m i n u t a ) is even m o r e p o w e r tias to pepf)ers. Whitetlies b l o o m in red a n d o r a n g e beM a r i g o l d s and nasturtiums fiil. T h e scent is very strong; hate m a r i g o l d s . T h e roots of side t h e yellow ones. They re- look m a r v e l o u s together, so strong e n o u g h to help k e e p what w e r e f e r t o as " F r e n c h ally brighten u p the garden. w h e n the t i m e c o m e s (and it h u n g r y b u n n i e s away f r o m m a r i g o l d s " (T. patula) also will) t o get y o u r knees dirty the g a r d e n . Plant it well away N a s t u r t i u m s d o n ' t like to emit a s u b s t a n c e that kills be transplanted, so if you start in t h e g a r d e n , plant these t w o harmfiil n e m a t o d e s , and it can f r o m b e a n s a n d c a b b a g e , c o m p a n i o n s generously, a n d r e m a i n e f f e c t i v e in the soil f o r t h o u g h , as it can act as a n her- t h e m inside, use peat pots or with love. b i c i d e for t h e m . c u p s s o that the w h o l e bit can a c o u p l e of years. Since there be planted, leaving the roots —AnnMarie Rowland is a are f e w plants that object to A better c o m p a n i o n f o r undisturbed. T h e y ' r e great in Gaylord-area freelance writer living w i t h t h e s e flowers, you c a b b a g e is n a s t u r t i u m s . T h e y pots, too, so if y o u ' r e planting and Master Gardener. can plant t h e m liberally. are attractive, fast-growing, a c o n t a i n e r g a r d e n , tuck in a Write her ai harmfiil insect m a g n e t s that M a r i g o l d s are easy to few f o r c o l o r a n d pest [email protected] g r o w f r o m seed, sown directly also repel whiteflies, woolly tion. or c/o Gaylord Herald Times, a p h i d s , s q u a s h bugs, a n d cuin t h e soil o r started indo(.)rs PO Box 598 Gaylord, c u m b e r beetles. N a s t u r t i u m s O f c o u r s e , an a d d e d benfor later transplanting. W h o MI 49734 like p o o r soil, d r y conditions. e f i t o f p l a n t i n g n a s t u r t i u m s is h a s n ' t g r o w n a marigold in a vocalists, bring accompaniment; no Gaylord Area • Singles for Christ meets amplification necessary; 732-3242 Council for the Feb. 16,7 p.m., at China King Arts Arts Center, • Ballroom Dancing Club, Buffet. 1340 N. US-31. Petoskey. Suite 300 of the Mondays, through April 28 at KirtMovie will follow dinner; bring Phoenix Buildown popcom and beverage to Zion • land Community College Auditoriing, Gaylord; um: two classes, 3-4 p.m. and 4-5 Lutheran Church, 500 W. Mitchell, p.m.; two separate dances, partici- 732-0996 Petoskey; call Frieda. 231-347pate in one or both; all welcome; • First 3438 or 231 -347-5747 to RSVP instructors wanted; call Melinda, Congregational • White Wolf Inn, Vander989-701 -0325 Of 989-685-3571. Church, 218 bilt, hosts euchre games every W. Second St., • Christian Writers' Group, Wednesday, 7:15 p.m., S3; call Gaylord, commuthird Tuesday, 10 a.m.-noon. Alpine 983-4568 nity meal Fridays. 5-7 p.m.; Baptist Church, North Tovfliline • The Northem Michigan donations accepted; sponsored Road, Gayiord; open to anyone Amateur Radio Emergency Serby Goodwill Industiles of Northern vices Organization, third Wednes- interested in learning about ChrisMichigan; 989-858-0594 tian writing; 939-7766 or 732day. of month, 6 p.m.. Elmira Town4602 • Accidental Photographers, ship Hall. 2035 Mt. Jack Road. • Nova Martial Arts Academy, third Wednesday, 7 p.m., 317 SchElmira. email Jim. [email protected] nees-Lochen. Gaylord: all formats Tae Kwon Do classes. Mondays • Alpine Leisure Pilots Sociwelcome; 370-0883 ore-mail and Fridays. 6:30-8 p.m.. Mount ety (ALPS), an AMA-charted, [email protected] for Hope Church, 1672 M-32 East, Gaylord-area radio-controlled details Gaylord; ages 9 and up; first class mc^el airplane ctub. second • Wohrerine Lumberjack Thursday of month, 7 p.m.. Otsego free: 800-253-1190 Committee, third Thursday of the • TO. Singles dances, third County Community Center. 315 S. month, 7:30 p.m.. Wolverine Fire Center Ave., during the off-season. Sunday of the month; open to sinDept., 231-525-9366 or www.wol gles 21 and over; 989-932-1300 Meetings at local flying field inseason: call Jim Quinn, 731-1981 • Sunday Singles. Sundays for verinelumberjackfest. com • Northwestern Coin and • Gaylord Area Council for the a dance at the Quality Inn, HoughStamp Club, fourth Monday, 7 Arts hosts "In a Chord" sessions, ton Lake, 8 p.m., admission $7; p.m.. Big Boy Restaurant in PetoBemadette, 989-539-5406 first and third Tuesdays of the skey, US 131 and 31; 231-487• Otsego County Mounted month. 7-9 p.m.. GACA Arts Center, 0713 Mam Street; for musicians of vary- Division, second Monday, 7 p.m.. • Alpine Car Enthusiasts Club, Multimedia Room, J. Richard Yulll ing skill levels to perform for each second Wednesday, 6 p.m., White Alpine Center; Kathy, 732-3143 other and discuss music as a perPine Restaurant. 137 West St., forming art. Bnng your own i n s ^ • Writer's Bloc, first and third ment; electric keyboard availei)le: Thursdays of the rronth, 6-8 p.m., Gaytord: every Friday night is cruise Community Activities night beginning at the Pavilton on Court around 7:30 p.m.; 731-9944 I •NoHhI em Mk:Mgan I AiHsts Guild, second Monday, 11:30a.m.-2 p.m., St. Andrews Episcopal Church. Gaylord. bring own lunch; and Guild meeting noon-12:30 p.m. with vwjriohop to follow, call Billye Thatcher. 989-983-4293 • Michigan N o i ^ e m Lights Sweet Adelines International rehearsal, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.. Trinity Lutheran Church; 731-2844 or 732-2174 • Line Dancing, Gaylord Bowling Center, Tuesdays; b^inners 6:30-7 p.m.; regular classes, 7 p.m.; 732-4878 • Alpine Singles, first Tuesday of the month. 7 p.m.. BJ's Restaurant; dancing afterward at Timothy's Pub • The Northwoods Carving Club. Tuesdays. 6:30 p.m.. Masonic Lodge on Old 27 Soutti, Gaylord; 732-3222 • Harmonie Meisters. Gaylord all-male bart3ershop chorus, Mondays, 7 p.m.. United Methodist Church: 732-9215 • Student Woiltoul Program; Jujitsu; Self-Oefanse For Women; Personal Protoctton; Spom Cheer TUmMnQ/Hoor Qym; Dance, Nautilus Rtness Systems, 1140 Gomick Ave. (north of the Sportsplex); 732-5820 • Dupiicate bridge, 7 p.m. Monday. Alten Zimmer. 120 Grandview BM. • Painting and crafts, 10 a.m. Tuesday, Alten Zimmer, 120 Grandview Blvd. • Bingo. 7 p.m. Mondays, St. Mary Parish Hall, statewide Big Money Bingo (via satellite). 8 p.m.; jackpots grow each week and are worth at least S5.000; open to public, ages 18 and up: 732-5448 • Bingo (smoke-free). 6 p.m. Tuesday, Alten Zimmer. 120 Grandview Blvd. • Bingo. 7-11 p.m. Tuesdays. Knights of Columbus Hall, Grayling • Bingo (smoke-free). 6 p.m. Wednesdays, 7910 Arthur St., Vanderbilt • Bingo (snx)ke-free), 7-11 p.m. Thursdays, Knights of Columbus Hall, Ga^ord • Bingo. 7 p.m. Wednesdays. Hudson Township Hall • Korean karate classes. 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays, North Ohio Elementary School gymnasium; 731-1555 • Alpine Martial Arts. Mondays and Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m., 5420 C-42 Alba Road; 7328750 • Senk>rs Exercise Group, Stretch & Flex, 10:30-11:30 a.m, Tuesdays and Fridays, Powerhouse Gym • The Great Lakes Stamp & Coin Club, second and fourth Thursdays of month. 6-7:30 p.m., Aften Zimmer. 120 Grandview Bhrd. • Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter No. 1095, second Wednesday of ttie month. 7:30 p.m., Otsego County Airport • Top-ol-Michigan Amateur Radio Ctub. 6-8 p.m., second Tuesday. Otsego County Library. Gaylord; a dub breakfast every first Thursday. 7-9 a.m., at Bob Evans in Gaylord; and amateur radio testing sessions at the library, 9 a.m., on 4/5,5/3,8/2,9/6 and 12/6. cost is $14. The dub. along w i ^ the library and the National Weather Sen/ice In Gaylord will host a weather spotter talk Feb. 12.6 p.m., at the library. All events open to public, call Jeff. 877-733-5637 or email wd8dx@ yahoo.com • The Northern Squares square dancers, second and fourth Saturdays, Alpine Alten Zimmer; prerounds 7 p.m., squares 7:30-10 p.m., 786-2543 or 732-7290 C r o s s w o r d & S u d o k u s o l u t i o n s f r o m t o d a y ' s G a y l o r d H e r a l d Times p a g e C-b. A n n o u n c i n g A n d r e w H . Teklinski, M D , M S j o i n s as P a r t n e r w i t h H a r r y T, C o l f e r , M D , F A C C . Cardiology Consultants 9 3 1 6 5 4 8 2 7 1 7 3 2 8 9 4;5 2 6 4 9 8 7 5 3 1 8 6 9 1 5 4 2 8 5 7 1 3 2 6 4 9 2 4 5 7 6 3 1 8 8 5 7 9 1 6 2 3 9 e r 5 A 1 3 7 4 2 1 s j4 8 7 A leader in C a r d i a c D i a g n o s t i c s N o w s e e i n g p a t i e n t s in 5 4 9 Petoskey, Cheboygan, Gaylord & Newberry 3 8 2 3 7 B 2 7 1 7 9 6 4 8 2 9 5 6 1 2 7 8 7 5 6 9t 1 8 3 2 4 9 5 1 6 4 4 9 1 6 3 2 8 7 5 4 8 9 5 3 3 2 8 5 4 7 6 9 1 2 3,8 3 6 3 7 5 6 3 9^1^ Self-Referrals W e l c o m e . Ptcturcd fromteflto righi: H«tT> Colfer. MD. FACC: Jeanlfer Jenen. BN. FNP-C: and Andrew TcfcllmkU MfJ. MS Specializing in the diagnosis and management of patients with all aspects of heart disease. Dr. Teklinski will be seeing patients o n the fifth floor of the Burns Professional Building while managing inpatient care at N o r t h e r n Michigan Regional Hospital. SHOP YEAR-ROUND Monday-Saturday 9 a m to 9 p m Sunday 10am to 7 p m CARDIOLOGY CONSULTANTS Evaluation, management h diagnostic services for patients with heart problems. SOO VC'. M I T I H F i I . S I : t T i 5 0 0 PTTOSKKY. M I 4 9 7 ' : ' O (231)487-2493 FAX: 2 3 1 - 4 8 7 - 2 5 9 3 W>*^.rjKRDIOI.OCyr.ON.<»l!LTANTS.U.S To advertise, call the Gaylord Herald Times at 989-732-1 111. At Gaylord Tire Center, our dres really iirab the road. Our prices will really grab you. • Best Prices Buannteeill • Out the Hoorpriclng^ • While you welt senrleel lord nra Cantor conveniently locatad at: JIM — WERNIO CHfVBOlEI ' • - I OLD 2 7 SOUTH, GAYLORD JUST A SHORT DRIVE FROM I-7S! 989-732-5161 nothir^ beats winter POlO UlrtlM FACTOKY ITOM JIO M«« C»»IEP»'S C«P OUTLIT rE«FUM*NI« OMSMMN FKTO** MAND SHOtS I I I ClAHOKIIt OUTUT KOKtT EDOIC «AUtR OUTLCT OOTin STMl ZALtS m WAIKWD SIOM OUTltT TH£ SWIIT LIFE FOSIOH JWeHY 1 FASHION KJUtlOUE AHO MORE TangerOutlets FREE COUPON BOOK Stmc>»y bnr^ thrs ad to th« Customer SwvKt C«nt« »nd recttvc a FREE. Tangsr Coupon Book nvorth hundwto of doitinintddititnaiMtnngs Exptrts4/l/06Cod« U14006 WM(Br»nch. Ml 1-75. Exit 212 989-345-2594 MofKU»-S«u«tay 9-9 Sund** 10-7 nm.tK^MDUlM.coni buy direct from th« nanufacturw tnS ine mn VhMourothtf t™»t TinewOutWCtrteiin Hoi«ll, Ml iurt oH 1-96 memm Saturday, F e b r u a r y 9, 2008 * C - 3 Entertainment Qaylord H«rald T i m e s Community Events Jorgenson Cost is $6 lor adurts. $4 for chlWfen has been ages 4-12, and tree tor kids 3 and described younger. Every 25th adult receives a free breakfast. Proceeds benefit as a the ciiA's functions; call 732-6389 ''dazzling" dunng breakfast hours. Also, the club's guitarist annual Youth ice Fishing Decty is slated Feb. 16 at Otsego Lake State Park. 9 a.m.-noon, with lunch and pnzestofoltow at the dub. ^ A Winter WHie Show is today •(Saturday), 6-10 p.m.,attiie O t s ^ CM)'s Special Events Center, Gaytord. For $20 at the door, guests may sample from afieldof 100 wines and enjoy hors d'oeuvres and entertainment by (Sene Pen^. For more information call 600-752-5510. ext. 0. ^ T h e Top of Mrchigan Amateur • f i a d t o Club, along with the Otsego County Library and the National Weather Service (NWS) in (Gaylord. will be putting on a Weather SpottaTalk Tuesday. 6 p.m.. at the library. South Otsego Avenue. Gaylord. The discussion explains what the NWS looks for in amateur radio severe ^Wortd PowerSports Association weatiier reporte. Event is open to •(WPSA) Snocross racing comes the public and all ages. For more to the Otse^ County Fairgrounds information call Jeff Morey, 877-733Saturday and Sunday. As Gaylord 5637, or e-n^l [email protected]. Appreciation Weekend, admisskxi is ^KirHand Community College. frM to anyone entering at the north Roscommon, will ho^ a grandstand gate; entrance to the pits community bk)od drive Tuesday, is $5 daily. Racing begins at 9 a.m. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. CaW Kathleen Wray, daily and continues through the day. 989-275-5000 ext. 303 for an b a n d m a k e m u s i c that is equally ^ W o f l d Series tee Drags & Musde appointment. ROSCOMMON — r o m a n t i c and ecstatic, played with • s i e d Mania will come to Gaylord ^ T h e Crawford County usic lovers will Feb. 16-17. The event features the virtuosity a n d soul, say p r o m o t •commission on Aging's (CCCOA) have a c h a n c e to Saturday. Feb. 16 world's fastest performance sleds, ers. medical equipment loan cbset is enjoy g y p s y j a z z , four lanes on a 2.500-foot ice tiack 8 p.m. overflowing with items, and the Tickets f o r the p e r f o r m a n c e as the Kirtland and two, 1,000-foot drag croK lanes CCCOA is giving away items on a firstTici^et prices: $24 & $22 are $ 2 4 and $ 2 2 a n d m a y b e purwithfivejumps. After racing Is finished come, first-serve basis Tuesday at C e n t e r for the P e r f o r m i n g A r t s Ticket office: c h a s e d o n l i n e at www.kirtland. each day, spectators cantimetheir presents the John J o r g e n s o n 308 Lavmdale St., Grayling, 2-6 p.m. 989-275-6777 sleds on the 1.000-foot track, tt's edu/kcpa or by calling the K C P A For information call 348-7123. Q u i n t e t Saturday, Feb. 16 at 8 sponsored by the Central Ontario Ticket O f f i c e at 9 8 9 - 2 7 5 - 6 7 7 7 . ^ T h e Friends of Mancetona p.m. Snowmobile Drag Racing Association • u b r a r y will host a Romance h e w a s chosen to portray " D j a n g o Senior, student, g r o u p a n d family T h e John J o r g e n s o n Q u i n t e t (COSDRA). Cost is $10 adutts and free Book Sale Monday. 8 a.m.-noon. discounts are available. R e i n h a r d t " in the feature film for kids 12 and younger. For more features guitarist J o h n J o r g e n s o n , at Java Link Cafe, 101W. State Child care s e r v i c e s are availinfomiation visit www.cosdra.cvm or St., Mancetona The sale features " H e a d in the C l o u d s . " a f o u n d i n g m e m b e r of the Deswww.gaylonlmichigan. net able at the C h i l d r e n ' s L e a r n i n g ert R o s e Band, the Hellecasters A s a guitarist, J o r g e n s o n s romance novels available for sale and ^ T h e Otsego Christian School's C e n t e r on the c a m p u s . a free cup of coffee from Java Link a n d a six-year m e m b e r of Elton w o r k has been d e s c r i b e d a s " d a z annual auction is today Cafe for those who sign up as a Friend For more information, call J o h n ' s band. Artistii r a n g i n g f r o m zling," a n d he is a m a s t e r clarinet (Saturday), 4:30 p.m., at Gaylord of the Mancelona Library (in sen/ice the KCPA Ticket office or 989Barbra Sn-eisand to B o n n i e Raitt player and vocalist.Whether playEvangelical Free Church, M-32 East, area of library). For information call 275-5000. ext. 232. or visit ini-w: to Earl S c r u g g s have sought out ing his o w n c o m p o s i t i o n s o r clasGaylord. Items up for bid include a 231-587-8331. johnjorgenson. com. seven-night spring break trip for four J o r g e n s o n ' s guitar work. Recently, sic standards, J o r g e n s o n a n d his ^ T h e 2008 l-aw Enforcement to Kisslmee. Fla., a BlackBerry, a • T o r c h Run Polar Plunge is digital camera, an iPod Touch, a Dell Feb. 16 on Burt Lake in Cheboygan. laptop, and many more live and silent Runge registration begins at 11:30 auction items. Doors open at 4;30 a.m. Anyone can take a plunge tor a p.m.; dinner is at 6. Cost is S30 per minimum donation of SW; those "too person or S200 for a table of eight. chicken to plunge" can also collect Proceeds go toward the general donations and receive prizes. A postoperating fund of the school. For in the Ligurian Sea a b o u t 6 0 miles C H E B O Y G A N - Sunday, plunge party and awards ceremony tickets or information, call the school, off the northeast coast of Italy. will foltow aftePiward, and the Golden Feb. 17, the C h e b o y g a n A r e a A r t s 732-8333. Plunger goes to the best-costumed C o u n c i l will present " C o r s i c a a n d ^ T h e Otsego Memorial Hospital plunger. All plungers receive prizes Tickets are $6 for adults and t h e Rivieras," the s e c o n d film o f its • Auxiliary hosts its annual and a T-shirt. Pnxeeds of the event $4 for students, and are a\ ail2 0 0 8 Travel A d v e n t u r e Series. T h e Valentine's Day ''Chocomania" benefit the Law Enforcement Torch able through The Opera House f i l m begins at 2 p . m . at T h e O p e r a bake sale Wednesday. 8:30 a.m.Run, a group of police officers and 1 ;30 p.m., in the waiting area of the Box Office, open Tuesday through H o u s e in C h e b o y g a n . correctional personnel committed to hospital. All homemade goodies, sold raising funds and support for Special Friday. 9:30 a.m.-4:30p.m. and Stan Walsh's film d e p i c t s t h e by the pound, will be wrapped in red Olympics of Michigan. For more Sunday, noon -shoy\ time. tiny island of Corsica w h i c h lies cellophane and tied with red ribbon. infomiation visit www.somi.org or C3i\ ^ T h e Northland Sportsmen's 800-644-6404. • c h i b , comer of Old Alba Road and _ Feb. 11 is the deadline to register West Otsego Lake Drive, Gaylord, will • in Frtske Orchards' Cherry sen/e an ail-you-can-eat breakfast Recipe Contest slated for Feb. 23 at of pancakes, french toast, eggs, Friske's Farm Market, US-31, Atwood. sausage and choice of beverage every For registration information call 231 the money to its rightful owner. Sunday, 8-noon. through March 9. THE BUCKH LIST 599-2604 or visit www.fnske.com. Chigurth, brandishing a pneumatic This W e e k a t tite M o v i e s c o l u m n b r o u g i t t t o you by: Long ago, Carter Ctiambere' Legends on t h e H i l l device used to slaughter cattle, philosophy professor had his leaves a body count in his wake Casual ajKl Finf Dining • Dally Dinner and Onnk Special* students compile a 'bucket list' Live Enifrtainment FMlunng Doug Thcinia* ^very Thursday Evening for Sherrtf Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) of all the things they wanted to <M»-73Z«7M • ExtenatoD 2473 to deal with. Directed by the Coen www.treetopfl.coiD do before they kicked the bucket. 3962 WllUoaofl Roftd • Gaylord. Ml 49735 brothers. Unfortunately, life intruded and, Rated R for strong graphic strong gruesome violence, and language. some 46 years later, that list is vkHence and some language. nothing more than a memory. Meanwhile, bilMEET THE SPARTANS lionaire Edward Cole has lived only to make Heroic Leonidas leads a less-than-impres- 27 DRESSES money and hasn't thought about his deeper sive and under-dressed amy of 13 Spartans Jane (Katherine Heigl) is always a bridesneeds in life. When the two share a hospital '07: Reverberations" intematonai ^Otsego County Ubrary, South in a fight to defend their homeland from the maid whose own wedding is nowhere in sight. room, they begin talking about their destiny quitt exhitMt and tt)e "27111 annuaJ Otsego Avenue, Gaytord, is invading Persians in this "300" spoof. Also It's not until her younger sister, Tess, captures hosting another session of Begkining Juried Photography ExNbition" will and reviewing what they've made of their seemingly threatening the Spartans' way of the heart of Jane's boss — for whom Jane Computer Classes. Sessions are fiee be on display through March 1. Also, lives. They decide the only thing to do is set life are various pop-cutture icons including shares a secret love — ttiat she examines her "From Artful Fabric to Artful Quilts" out on tfie adventure of a lifetime and start and open to the public, and students Ghost Rider, Rocky Balboa, Transformers, a will be tajght Fet). 16-17, by Desiree own situation as "always a bridesmaid, never doing whatever they've dreamed of. Starring may sign uptoras many classes hunch-backed Paris Hilton and many more. No a bride." Vaughn and Kathle Briggs. For more as ti«y wish. Classes continue vflth Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. one is safe in this comedy, directed by Jason informatjon call 231 -347-4337 or visit "Mouse Skills" Feb. 19,2-3 p.m.; Rated PG-13 for language, some innuendo Rated PG-13 for language, including a Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. www.crookedtree.org. Feb. 20.6-7 p.m.; and Feb. 21.10-11 and sexuality. sexual reference ^ J o r d a n R)ver Arts Center, 301 Rated PG-13 tor cnide and sexual content a.m. To sign up, call Jackie Skinner, Main St., East Jordan, is hosting an 732-5841 throughout, language and some comic vioUNTRACEABLE CLOVERFIELD exhibit, Clay ArOsts and Friends" lence. Heri) Shop 112 N FBI Special Agent Jennifer ftorsh (Diane Five young New Yori(ers throw the party through Fhday. featunng the worits of Otsego Ave., (^ylord, will host local day artisans. For information call Lane) has seen it all on her beat of investigatof a lifetime for their friend the same night a "Hormones and Female issues" ing cybercrime — until now. An Internet pred- NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN 231-536-3385giant monster attacks the city. Documented Thursday, 7 p.m., with speaker, In a small Texas border town, Uewelyn ^ Cross Country Ski Headquarters ator has been posting his graphic murders only by their single video camera, the group is Dale Tamminga. cbscussing natural Moss (Josh Brolin) finds $2 millkxi left over on his Web site, and the more hits his site Roscommon, has t^am to Ski in a stmggle to survive the terrifying night. approaches to hot flashy, mood for Free dasses Saturdays ttvough gets, the faster his victim dies. When the case from a drug deal turned deadly When he Rated PG-13 for vkjtence, terror and disswings, menopause and more. For March 8.4 p.m.. for lods and adutts. decides to keep it for hfmsell and his wife, becomes personal. Agent Marsh is in a race turtiing images more information call 732-1205. Program indudes traditional and skate against time to stop the cnminal's sick game. Carta Jean, Moss is pursued by the psycho^Crooked Tree Arts Center, 461 — Compiled skiing. Rental equipmerrt is available. Rated R for some prolonged sequences of pattiic Anton Chigurth wt)o intends to return • E . MItcheH St., Petoskey, is hosting For information caU 800-832-2663. by Ctms Engle two exhibitions; 'n'ransformatkms ^ T h e 21 St annual -For Women • o n l y " snowmobile ride continues tfrough Sunday, with ndes starting at the Ramada Inn (formefly the Holiday Inn) in Grayling. Partcipaints will travel on 50 to 100 miles of groomed dBils and enjoy spa amenities, t)anquets and more. Participants collect pledges to support the Easter Seals, vi/hich provides therapeutic services for children and adutts with disabilities, and some recipients of Oiose services will be present at the event sponsored by the Michigan Snowmobile Association and Nelson's Speed Shop of Greenville. For more information call 800-75-SEALS (800-757-3257) or visit www.essmichigan.org. ^ T h e Waters Festival Committee • w i l l host a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for Thunder Over Waters today (Saturday). 5-8 p.m., at the Otsego Lake Township Rre Hall in Waters. Spaghetti, salad, garlic toast and dessert will be served for a donation. Proceeds benefit this year's Thunder Over Waters Festival. Taking center stage Feb. 1 6 at t h e Kirtland Center for the Performing Arts Jorgenson Quintet Concert info M At Cheboygan Opera House Feb. 17 'Corsica and the Rivieras'travel adventure This week at the movies Shows & Workshops B I MGO St. Mary Big Money Bingo In th« Pairlsh Hail North Ohio St.. Gaylord Ev«ry Monday • 6:45 p.m. N*w Gsmes • Smok0'Ft*e •ring your frt«nds and com* (hecK M outl Big Money Bingo : Hudson IVvp. Aux. iackpots starting at $10,000. tn t h e H u d s o.r\ n ITSsm. W p . Hail C a m p Tan M . . I l m i r a 7 p.m. Cvary W e d n a s d a ; Ucf A214{l ; ^urpof • Proemdi go to th^ P.O. 4 Othor O%f*tios or W I IWISIEI F * lOw HMO ^ W hf(t) C«l Ttt-1111 Family Dentistry Inlernel (iraytins C. Thomas Rieste,D.D.S. Unllmll«d Houra. No Coolrads! D o y o u h a v e a p r o b l e m w i t h l o o s e dentures? U n a b l e t o c h e w b e c a u s e o f nnissing teeth? *9.95.m • m m H H Tedwics I w p f e i • mMM Mvwagrg' kMp yaw buddy tat* • 1ft c-mal Jdiyw1«« WttrrM* • Cumem Siari SuH up to wMtwr t DENTAL IMPLANTS YOU CAN AFFORD! -V faster! ) • fualfSiKtm — ^ S l 9 ) U p O n « M l www.LeceWeteem C . T h o m a s Riegle, D . D , S . , u t i l i z e s n e w m i n i d e n t a l i m p l a n t s that can stabilize dentures, partial dentures a n d also p r o v i d e s i n g l e o r m u l t i p l e t o o t h replacements often in one or t w o appointments. C a l l G r a y l i n g F a m i l y D e n t i s t r y at ( 9 8 9 ) 3 4 8 - 4 3 0 0 for y o u r free i m p l a n t c o n s u l t a t i o n . (Anv nfTrnviry (989)732-5113 <wMrtKMUl rcnn 1664 Hartwick Pines Rd., Grayling (989) 348-4300 IMHflMMMMMMAMiMAiiiAMMiiil T R I P L E "M" TIRE,™c "J*- • • • • • mes hteBSQ BRAKES EXHAUST ALIGNMENTS MUFFLERS • SHOCKS • STRUTS JJQYY FEATURING ASE CERTIFIED TUNE-UPS T COMPUTER DIAGNOSTICS VALVOL/NE OIL CHANGES 1641 South Ots«90 » Gaylord • (989) 732-9021 MMIIMMaiill What's Gaylord Herald Times Younger Generation C-4 • Saturday. February 9, 2008 Debaters go 'back to back' at state CJAYLOKI) In tmitball it's the e q u i v a l e n t of g o i n g beyond the regional tournament. In b a s k e t b a l l , it's called m a k i n g the g r e a t eight. In debate, this sort of advance• There is no school for students of Gaylord Community, St. m e n t is c a l l e d m a k i n g the Mary Cathedraf. Vanderbilt Area. Ot- quarterrinuis or elimination sego Christian or Wolverine schools r o u n d s . M a k i n g it to t h i s Feb. 15-18. Students of Johanlevel twice is called " g o i n g nesburg-Lewiston schools have no back lo back." Upcoming events school Feb. 18. • The Northland Sportsmen's That's what Gaylord High School debate team members Club's annual Youth Ice Rshcelebrated on their way home ing Oert}y is Saturday. Feb. 16 at Otsego Lake State Park, Old 27 from the 1 st annual stale deSouth, Gaylord. The derby begins at bate l o u r n a m e n t . By break9 a.m. and is open to all youth and ing to the quarterfinals, the their parents. Bait and some fishing team maiiaged its first ""back equipment will be provided, as will to b a c k . " u h d e r c o a c h Tim hot chocolate and coffee. A free hot dog lunch for derby participants will McPherson. and made CJIIS debate history. follow at noon at the Sportsmen's Club, corner of Old Alba Road and "It was a little stressWest Otsego Lake Drive. Prizes also f u l " admitted McPherson. win be given out. The event coin"1 knew we had the talent to cides with Michigan's Free Fishing compete, but you Just never Weekend, when all fishing license know ai state finals. All of the fees are waived. • The Otsego County Sport- teams are prctt\ well esenly matched." splex has open skate Sunday, 11 a.m.-12:20 p.m. and 4:30-5:50 • The lournajiient began p.m.; and drop-in hockey for ages W i t h an early morning d r i \ e 16 and younger Sunday. 12:30-1:20 d o w n to t h e C e n t e r Point p.m. ($3). Open swim is today (SatM a r r i o t H o t e l in A u b u r n urday) and Sunday, 1 ;30-3:30 p.m. Heights. T h e storm tJie day and 4-6 p.m.; with the small pool bcfi>re siuit down an\ hopes open 10-11 a.m. today and noono f a r r i v i n g early. " W e did 1:30 p.m. Sunday. Call 731 -3546 or tTianage lo meel at the high visit www.ocsportsplex.com: s c h o o l on W e d n e s d a y a f for a few h o u r s lo in order, review the for each team, and evidence tubs so we would be prepared to leave early the next d a \ . —Are schools closed? Sign up t e r n o o n for e-mail and text message alerts put files of area school closings, at strategy www.gaylordheraldtimes.com. pack the Courtesy pfwto BREAKING INTO THE QUARERFINALS at the 91 St annual state debate tournament was the team of (l-r) Katie Polus, Tyler Patrick and Katee Woodhotjse. Missing is Marisa Barajas. Katee W o o d h o u s e . a novice debater, and Tyler Patrick, a second-year debater. Marisa Barajas. a nov ice debater as well, was the scout. "People d o n ' t reali/.e how •"At that point 1 knew we i m p o r t a n t h a v i n g a s c o u t w e r e in g o o d s h a p e . " said ( M a r i s a ) . is to a leam." exM c P h e r s o n . f h e next b i g p l a i n e d M c P h e r s o n . " H e r upset came lw\i rounds later job was to c h e c k all ot the w iih a sweep of the Seaholni other t e a m s we were debating and to m a k e sure that the leam. the No. 7 seed. The final win c a m e in a arguments they were running split with f o r e s t Hills C'en- hadn't c h a n g e d since we last saw t'^em." iral. e i g h t h in t h e t o u r n a m e n i . The t o u r n a m e n i began with the team t a k i n g two ballots f r o m the Holt d e b a t e team, then a split with the No. 4 seed. Mona Shores. After the first round, and a win over Holt, Patrick said it appeared " t h i s wasn't going to b e easy," but that, "we could easily break. Polus. a veteran, added, "I felt good because I knew we could compete." AT T H E E N D of the second day the team knew that they had earned a spot in the elimination rounds. In l e a r n i n g that. W o o d house said her emotions " T h e only p r o b l e m was Ci lord Alumni .lohn Pom- s w u n g f r o m " p a r t e x c i t e " I h e y w e r e not r a n k e d that the whole area had lost pei also joined the team to help m e n t , p a r t a g o n y b e c a u s e p o w e r the d a y b e f o r e and v e r y h i g h , b u l t h e y s u r e for the tournament, " H e de- I d i d n ' t want it to be a bad s i n c e the hotel had its own gave us a b a t t l e . " r e p o r t e d bated for three years and this is round." After the round, she g e n e r a t i n g s y s t e m p e o p l e McPherson. "It wasn't one of my best the second time he has helped a n n o u n c e d s h e "really enwent there for the evening. the team at state finals." said joyed it; it w a s a good last T h e hotel was full, so there rounds." admitted Katie PoMcPherson. " H i s experience round to have." w e r e no r o o m s lo c h a n g e , lus. "It was a sloppy round. 1 really made a ditTerence." In m a k i n g q u a r t e r f i n a l s . o r p r e p a r e b e f o r e the first iust didn't feel like 1 debated very well." 1 or l^atrick and Barajas, liic..•ilie-Maiu luad^ Ciaylord derounds." said McPherson. The team consisted of Ka- state finals VKere a new experi- h a t e history. O a y l o r d a r r i v e d lo dis" I t ^ f e l t strance. almost ence. c o v e r that it w a s s e e d e d tie Polus. a third-year debater. Campus Central Michigan University MOUNT PLEASANT — A Central Michigan University student with ties to the Gaylord area was among nearly 200 students who recently unveiled research or creative projects to the public as part of the Student Research and Creative Endeavors exhibition sponsored by the College of Education and Human Services. Uvonia native Megan Curtis, a CMU junior majonng in child development, presented a project titled "The Multiple Aspects of Polygamy." A Uvonia Stevenson High School graduate. J P H K A T I N C ; OK Curtis is tfie daughter of Douglas and NOKI III RN M K HK^AN. L L C Kathleen Curtis of Gaylord Celebrating its fourth year in 2007, the Student Research and Creative Endeavors event featured a record 65 pnDjects by more than 170 students. All five College of Education and Human COOUNG-HEATING Services departments were represent24 H o u r Service ed. To learn more about the exhibition, visit its Web site at www.ehs.cmich. edu/srace. 1830 Dickerson Rd. • Gaylord 732-7571 ArnWriON AU. VETERANS J o i n United V e t e r a n s of A m e r i c a M^bership Details dream like." said Barajas. Said Patrick, "It felt good, but it will feel better to be state champs." "I felt almost not worthy." said W o o d h o u s e . "It was a little humbling." "It feels crazy, but I felt honored." added Polus. "It w a s s a t i s f y i n g to finally make it back to back." said the coach. "The best part of that w a s that the debate c o m m u n i t y r e a l i z e d that we did it with a novice and second-year debater, w lich made it all the sweeter," McPherson. on behalf ot the t e a m , e x p r e s s e d thanks to those who sponsored them overthe past year."especially Dave M i l l e r for his recent g e n e r o u s c o n t r i b u t i o n , and every parent w h o helped by driving to debate league uid tournaments." Affordable Health Insurance New Vision Optical The top plans at the best rates 927 South Otsego, Gaylord * 989-732-7518 Individuals-Families Seniors-Groups Major Medical Doctor Visits Prescriptions HSAlax Savings Programs Dental Medicare Advantage Can for a N8 OBUGfllON free quote Dave Chaplin 989-619-3597 American Benefits Company, LLC Farmington Hills, Michigan ""'FREE Not to De ccmbmed P A I f l l l F wittJ snu iiTsuiance promot'iyn o' aiscoum rrtV'am SUNGLASSES I smgie Most major Insurances accepted including SVS Vision, Delphi, Delta Vision & E 3 Owosso • Cheboygan • West Branch • Petoskey • Gaylord • East Tawas U.V.O.A. welcomes all Veterans, thetr family members & Allied Forces ot the U.S. to join. We have worldwide members. Annual dues S25, Certificate, i.O. card, coffee mug & details on how you, s a member, can earn your degree from home with U.V.O.A. University. For just details, send S3 to: U.V.O.A. World Headquarters i ^ O S c h o o l Lunch Menu PO Box 539 • Freeporl • Flonda 32439 JOIN TOOAVII For the week of February 11th - 15th, 2008 New Year Spectacular Transfer Station Open Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. S A M I T J I T i e N G e t tKis great offer t e f o r e it's gone! General Public W e l c o m e (989) 732-4243 Bviy any ^ Lit t l e League Drive, Gaylord, Ml Culli^an 1 MONDAY Ijefore Peliniary 2 9 t K I GAYLORD SCHOOLS : K6 f o r as low as $21.90 per montKl • 10 Bags TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Pizza, garden salad with dressing, fruit & milk Heart-shaped chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, heart-shaped snack crackers, fruit & milk No school Hot dog & bun. baked beans, ctilll sauce, mixed fruit Spaghetti & sauce, garlic bread, green beans, fruit 1^0 school Water S o f t e n e r ST. MARY'S SCHOOL K 5 Lunch $1.50 642 Lunch: $2 25 Milk: 25« Chicken soft-shell Hamburger on a bun, carrot sticks. taco with fixings, fruit roll-up, cheese & salsa, fruit fruit & milk, & milk sack lunch Hamburger & bun, tator tots, broccoli salad, fruit Chicken nujgets, rice & gravy, corn, pears Breakfast for lunch Mammy sammy, baked fries, peaches, salad Chicken pot pies, LEW - (or dell subs), fresh veggies, apples, bananas Happy Valentine's Lunch Chicken tenders, steak fries Baked mac n' cheese, popcorn fish Pizza Plus Pizza, potato chips IQTQ satt delivered nght to your home • 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee or your money back' JOBURG - • No payments for 6 months' or our 12 Months Same As Cash finanong." LEWISTON SCHOOLS Cook's choice fD • Get Free Installation • We'l even pay your sales tax' VANDERBUT SCHOOL b«tt«r w a f e r , p u r e a n d sin>pl«. (231)347-2151 • (800)58^917t • l4l9SlandbhAve. PrtoHwy K-4 Lunch $2,00 512 Lunch: $2 25 Milk: 25( Mozzarella cheese dippers No school I O Saturday. February 9, 2006 • C - 5 Qayiord H « r a l d T i m e s How Gaylord fared without a hospital from 1936 to 1951 Editor V note: G. Michael McKiUop of Gaylord submitted the/dilowing story, dated Oct. 12. 2i)06. to Bill Granlund. detailing how Gaylord fared without the ser\ ices of a local hospital fyxtm 1956 to 1951. D r. G. L. McKiilop deemed it necessary to close the Gaylord Hospital, neu's which was d o c u m e n t e d in the Nov. 5, 1936 Otsego County Herald Times. There was a period of 15 years when Gaylord did not have a hospital. T h e current facility o p e n e d in 1951. The nearest hoi^ital was Mercy Hospital in Grayling. Gaylord doctors w h o practiced during this time were G.L. McKiilop and R.C. Peckham. Dr. Floyd G. Refinberger from Alba and Gaylord served the area from around 1925 until A Step Back K i n Time Submitted by Bill Granlund the late 1930s when he passed away at the age of only 41 years. Today it is d i f f i c u h to comprehend the situations these doctors faced — n o cell phones or four-wheeled drive vehicles and near daily trips to Grayling, often in severe weather. Dr. McKiilop had office hours in Grayling 1-5 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. Over the course of this time there would have beCT hundreds of local births, with ser\ ing in the role of midwife. at least 70 percent or more of Although they were the babies having been not trained, they b o m at h o m e or at were certainly farms out in the well qualified country. through life T h e trip experiences. to Grayling Both Drs. to have a Peckham baby would I and McKhave been ' illop had ofdifficult fices on the for many second floor who didn't in downtown have transGaylord and portation without an or couldn't Dr. G.L. IU\cKi|o elevator, patients afford the cost took the stairs. Dr. of a hospital birth. dc^vn the stairs. The local doctors' cars had the caduceus etnblem — the familiar symbol of the American medical profession — on their license plates, and people, even if they did not know them, realized the car belonged to a doctor. Although they had families of their own to support, being a doctor during this era was a way of life and they were well respected by many people. It was of course human nature that the people did expect the doctor to be available at all hours of the day. knee in 1956. Months Jater. w ith the use of an artificial leg. Dr. M c K i i l o p was back in his o f f i c e and going out on night calls. Gaylord's " n e w " hospital opened in 1951, signaling tfie end of an era for local doctors Peckhiim, Libke. Hayes and Barstou w h o were featured in a photo in the Herald Times, which was hung at Otsego Memorial 1 lospital alongside a portrait of Dr. McKiilop after his death in 1959. It was around this time that many of these good doctors got out of private practice. McKiilop had a complete X-ray room and so those with broken legs would have to be carried up stairs for an X-ray. Al^er a determination that the leg was indeed broken, a large plaster cast would be made and applied ~ followed by the patient being carried back Years ago Dr. McKiilop froze his feet when he got stuck in the s n o w w h i l e out on a call to a farm. Later in life he developed the illness of diabetes and subsequently, due to the poor circulation as a result of his frozen feet, had a leg amputated just below the So changes, rightfiilly so, were upon us but during their time they certainly provided a wonderful scrv icc to their patients of this area. — Bill Granlund is a retired Gaylonl High School principal and an Otsego C 'ount\' historian. There were many of us w h o had the beginning to life in this m a n n e r and we came along just fine. The local doctors, with usually a nurse, served the populace. T h e "busias" or grandmothers, were also in attendance at many births Quartets will deliver singing Valentines on Feb. 14 G A Y L O R D - The melodic s o u n d s of love will b e f i l t e r i n g t h r o u g h t h e air w h e n two quartets from the Harmonic Meisters Barbershop C h o r u s deliver singing vale m i n e s a c r o s s G a y l o r d andsurrounding areas Thursday, Feb. 14. The Sonic Tonics are one of the quartets that will be delivering singing valentines. T h e q u a r t e t s w ill p e r f o r m ai o f f i c e s , h o m e s , j o b s i t e s , schools and factories. You c a n e n l i s t t h e i r h e l p s i n g i n g w o r d s of love a n d a p p r e c i a t i o n by m a k i n g r e s e r vations for their h a r m o n i o u s services. Reservations will b e t a k e n Feb. 1 1 - 1 3 , 9 a . m . - 7 p.m. Requests made before 1 p . m . on Feb. 14 u i.i be h o n ored, time-permitting. For S 2 5 . t h e q u a r t e t w i l l s i n g two s o n g s , p r e s e n t a r o s e and a personalized valentine card to the recipient. The Sonic Tonics, one of the two quartets delivering t h e m e s s a g e s of love a n d a p p r e c i a t i o n , a.ssure m e n c a n b e recipients, too. • Cwll Air Patrol. Gaylord Squadron, Thursday, 7 p.m., Otsego County Airport terminal Ixiilding; inquiries welcome • Girt Scouts of Mitten Bay, seeking new members: for meeting times and dates call Colleen Wojtkowlak, 231 -584-3485 • Otsego County Democratic Parly, third Tuesday. 6 p.m., United Way Building, East Rfth Street, Gaylord • Guardian Gals, group open to sixth- through lOth-grade girts of Otsego Coonty; call Abt)y, 732-3826 • American Legion Post 458, Gaylord, fourth Thursday of the nxDntfi, 7:30 p.m., VFW HaH. 408 W. Main, Gaylord; all vets welcome • O t ^ o Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, second Tuesday of the month. 10 am,, Hospital Qassroom: Anita, 939-7466 • Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group is forming at Zion Lutheran Church. Petoskey, 9:15-11:15 a.m. Open to all mothers with one or more children in kindergarten or younger; childcare and registration free; meetings the second and fourth Fridays. Zion is next to Northern Michigan Hospital: call Susan, 231-622-3839, • Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS), second and fourth Thursdays duhng school year, 8:45-11 a.m., Gaylord Evangelical Free Church; child care provided; 7319926 • The Northern Michigan Highlands Audubon Society, second Thursday of the month, 7-9 p.m., varyingtocations:Tim Weier, 731-2859 • The University of Michigan Club of (^ylord "meet and eat," first Thursday of the montii, LaSeiiorita; special prizes for wearing maize and blue; public invited • Heart of the Pines Quilt Guild, first Tuesday of the nx)nth, 79 p.m., Quitter's General Store, 132 W. Main St, Gaylord; 732-7012 • North Country Riders Motorcycle Club, second Wednesday of the month, dinner at 6 p.m., meeting at 7, BJ's; 732-7713 • Alpine Master Garden- ers Association. fourth Wednesday of the month, 6:45 p.m., United Way Building • Gaylord Cyrene Masonic Lodge, first Tuesday of month. 7:30 p.m., 3707 S. Otsego Ave.; 732-7819 • Otsego County Fair Board, second Tuesday of the month. 7 p.m., fairgrounds office: 732-3811 • Edelweiss Garden Club, member of MGC. Inc. and NGC. Inc,, second Wednesday of the month, location varies; Roseann Kujawa, 989-731-6242 • Knights of Columbus, second and fourth Wednesdays, 7:45 p.m.; Fourth-Degree Knights, first Wednesday, 7:45 p.m,; Knights of Columbus Hall • The Lewiston Area Historical Society, second Wednesday of ttie month, 7 p.m.. museum; 7^-2451 • Daughters of Isabella, first • Bereavement Support Group, every Wednesday, 5-6:30 p.m., in the conference room at Otsego Memorial Hosprt^'s Professkjnal Building, caH Patti, 231 -9358491 • Montmorency County Alzheimer's Support Group, first Tuesday, 11 a.m., MediLodge, 631 Canng St., Hillman, Beth. 989-7424581 • Organ transplant Support Group of Northern Mictiigan meets every other nx)nth. In the conference room of tfw professional txiikJing behind Otsego Memorial Hosprtal, next meeting is Feb, 14.6 p.m.; call Bev, 983-4188 or e-mail [email protected] for dates and times • Diabetes Support Group, third Tuesday. Pastoral Center. 611 W. North St.. Gayhird; call Eileen Mikus, 731 -2194; next meetings are Feb. 19, March 18 and April 15 • Hmplce of Michigan grtof support group for an^)ne who has tost a frtond ortovedone through death; beginning in November and running through the hoHdays; sponsored by Hospice and United W ^ ; call B r i ^ . 705-2603 • HPV vacdnatiora availaUe for girls and vM)men ages 11 -26 at health department offtces in Otsego, Arrtrtm, Charlevoix and En*net and counties to protect against certain types of HPV that cause cervical cancer and genital warts. Also available: appointments providing no/low-cost birth control and STI testing in a confidential setting; 800-432-4121 for an appointment • Compasskmate Friends Safe Haitxir Chapter, first Monday (except holidays), 7 p.m., Gaylord Evangelical free Church, 1649 M-32 E., for those who have k)st children of any age or cause; Sue Taylor, 731-1933; or Loti Mead, 732-3209 • Otsego County Caregivers Support Group, third Saturday of month, 10 am., Univetsity Center, LMngston Blvd., Gayknl; Nancy, 731 -2258, Oona, 732-1122, Otsego Haus, 732-4121 or Northeastern Michigan Alzheimer's Association, 989-356-4087 • Radon lB(t k i t i availabte at the health department office in Gaylord: no appointment necessary; cost, $10 and property tax 10 number required; low-cost assistance availaUe for high radon levels; 231547-6523 • Hoaptce of IMcMgan Support Greup; first Monday of month, noon-1«)p.m., 1723 M-32 W., Gaylon), 732-2151 • DenW appoMmanti for chMren and adults; accepts Medi c i , HeMh Kids Dental Ml Chtd. Northern Dental Plan; 877-3217070 • Parkinson's Support Group, woriishops fourth Thursday of nnontti, 3-5 p.m., Univetsity Center, Gaytord; 732-1122 • "LMng With Cancer" Community Education Classes, weekly broadcast Thursdays, noon-1:15 p.m., via REMEC Telehealth Networi( system; Kelly Guswiler. 231 -935-6576,231-8838080 • WIG appoMments available at Gaylord office of the Northwest Mk:higan Community Health Agency; WIC provWes free food for eligible pregnant and post-partum women. Infants, and chlklren; 231 547-0295 or 800-432-4121 for appointment • Immunization appotntmenti for Infants and chUdren. Northwest Mk:higan Community Health Agency office In Gaylord; accepts Medkakt, or pdvate pay per visit; 800-432-4121 lor an appointment • Gaytord High School VaMow R M o n CMi, (Chapter of Gaylord), meets quarterly; Cannen Ciane, 5:30 p.m., Sugar Bowl Restaurant • Alpha Delta Kappa, first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m.; 7324887 for location • Gaykxtj Chapter No. 119 Royal Arch Masons. 7:30 p.m., third Wednesday of the month, Gaylord Masonic Temple • Rotary. 12:10 p.m. Thursday, BJ's Restaurant • Kiwanis. 6:15 p.m., Thursday, BJ's Restaurant and Catering • Gaylord Lions. 5:30 p.m.. Gaylord Area Elks Lodge No. 2544, second and fourth Thursdays, 7:30 second and fourth Tuesdays, Eagles Club, South Wisconsin Avenue p.m. at the lodge, 1116 Grandview • American Business WomBlvd., Gaylord • Northland Sportsmen's Club, en's AssociatkHi (ABWA), third first Thursday, 7:30 p.m., dubhouse, Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., BJ's Restaurant 1542Alt)a Road; 732-6389 • Gaylord Fact Finders Gene• Camo & Lace, group of outakigk^l Society, third Wednesday, doorswomen, final Wednesday of (except July and December), 7 p.m., the month, Northland Sportsmen's 600 N. Elm Ave. Club, 1542 Old Alba Rd., Gaylord, • Fraternal Order of Eagles call Connie Ouellette, 731-1906 for first Tuesday of the month, 8 p.m., more information Eagles Hall, South Wisconsin Av• Otsego County United Way, enue noon Tuesday; 732-8929 for loca• Ladies Auxiliary No. 1825. tion f=ratemal Order of Eagles, first and • Zonta Club, second Tuesday, third Wednesdays of the montti, 7 p.m.. Eagles Hall • Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post 1518, third Monday of the month (except Nov. and Dec., which are second Monday), 7 p.m., VRIV Hall • The North Central Michigan Home Builders Association, third Tuesday, 6 p.m., location varies; 732-6543 • American Association of University Women, Gaylord branch, second Tuesday of month, 6:45 p.m.; 732-4981 for location • Daughters of the American Revolution. 11:30 a.m., second Saturday, BJ's Restaurant • Beta Sigma Phi, second Monday of the month; Barb, 7325901 • Friends of tfie Otsego County Library, second Tuesday of month, 11 a.m., library; Linda, 231546-3205, or Maureen, 732-5841 • Patent Advisory Council (PAC), third Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m.. Career Counseling Room, Gaylord High School ings. noon Wednesdays • Women's Resource Center. support group, Mondays, 6-7:30 p.m., 200 S. Court Ave., Gaylord; 731-0918 • Meditatnn Class first and third Tuesdays of Ifie month, 6 p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, East Main St. & Hayes • CODA co-dependency, noon Wednesday, Gaykxd Church of Christ; 731-1500 27 South, Gaylord; literature-based open meetings; last Monday of the month, speaker meeting; 619-2754. • AA Gaykjrd New Beginnings. Institutkmal meeting. Wednesday 7 p.m.. 200 Livingston Blvd.. Gaylord; 705-7171 • AA. 8 p.m. Wednesday, 1492 Marlette Road. Waters; 732-1759 • Al-Anon 12 & 12 Study Group. Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. Peace Lutheran Church. Old 27 South, Gaylord, no meeting when Gaytord schools ckjsed due to weather; can 989-275-5802 or 989-619-7244 • AA Gaytord 12 & 12 study group. 8 p.m. Tuesdays, Gathering Room of the Diocesan Pastoral Center. 611 W. North St. • AA Gratitude Group, dally. 6 am.. Habitat for Humanity Re-store, 1384WMain St., Gaylon) • AA Women's meeting. Tuesdays. 6 p.m.. Gaylord Alano Club. 2397 S. Otsego Ave, 989-8580594 • AA Women's Group, Thursdays. 7 p.m.. Dwcesan Pastoral Center. 611 W North St.. Gaytord • Adult CMMren of Akxtwltes, 7 p.m., Thursdays. Alano Oub on OM 27 South. Gaylon) • AA A n o d a f k m of Recovering MotorcydMs (ARM), Wednesdays, 7 p.m., 302 E Main SI, Gaytord Service & Fraternal Clubs Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., St. Mary Parish Hall; 732-4375, 7321 3595 • Tlie ' Otsego Lake Association, fourth Tuesday, 7 p.m.. Peace Lutheran Church 731-0969 • Reformers Unanimous, Fridays, 1 7-9 p.m., Grace Baptist Church; 732-5676 • Gamblers Anonymous, 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday. Bethlehem Lutheran Church, corner of Front and Garfield, Traverse City; 732-8966 or 705-8565 • Breast Cancer Support Group; Pam Courtright. 231 -5463158 a 989-370-8317; or Mary Pagels, 939-8187 • Growing Through Loss Grief Support last Thursday of the month, 7 p.m.. Nelson Funeral Home; 732-1770 • Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS). Thursday. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church; weigh-in 6 p m.. meeting 6:30 p.m.; Mary Piper, 732-1190 • Take Oft Pounds SensMy (TOPS No 1566, Gaylord), Wednesdays, 9:30 am., weigh-m 8:30 am.. Church of the Nazarene on Wilkinson Road • Watght Watchers, United Methodist Church, Gaytord, meetings, 5:30 p.m. Thursdays; weighms, 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays; meet- Support Groups AA/NA Croups • Nortfwm Mkihigan Area Information Servk» for Al-Anon call for meeting tinws and dates tor noithem Mk^igan groups, 989590-7289 • District 12 AA Hotline, 866366-9588, call for meeting times and dates • AA Gaykxd Group, daily. 8 p.m.. 114 S Center Ave.. Suite 107, Gaylotd, • Three Legacies AA, every day,11am,2397US-27 South, Gaylord; 705-8565 • MA 45fh Parallel Shidy Group, Thursdays, 7 pm.. 2397 US27Soulh. GayKrt; 706-8565 • Al-Anon Support Group. Frtdays, 7 p.m., 2397 S. Otsego Ave at Alano Ckib. Gaylord; 731 -6242 • AA FoxhaN Group. Mondays. 7 p.m.. Peace Lutheran Church, Ok) Gayiord Herald Timas Puzzles C - 6 • Saturday, F e b r u a r y 9, 2008 12 13^ MO Koscori; Sudoku Fill in the squares so that each row, column and A R I E S - M a r 21/Apr 20 3-by-3 box contain the numbers 1 through 9. Aries, some people will not like what you plan to do this week and will be quite vocal about their opposition to your plam. You will move on with your original plan. TAURUS - A p r 2 1 M a y 21 •k - 1 9 UI S t 42. S u p p l e m e n t e d with difficulty 43. W r i n k l e s 4 5 . I DELAWARE 46 . tic; i n f c c t e d 47. H'TML tag 48. I-arm towers 49. Y u k o n ' l c m t o r \ ' 50. N o t silently 53. P & CT d e t e r g e n t 54. C l o w n v e n u e s 57. The r e l i g i o u s c c n t e r o f Saudi Arabia 60. I-'iddlcr c r a b s 61. A h a l f - g r o w n q u a h o g C)4. S t a k e s 65. M a n v h o r t i c u l t u r a l f l a v o r s 66.48846 67. P o i n t m i d w a y b e t w e e n li a n d SLi 6 8 . ] - l u i d a c c u m u l a t i o n in t i s s u e s 69. C e n t e r of a cambered road T'ormal T u r k i s h t i t l e i i p i n c ' t | u i l l e d rtKlenl !-rank's diar\' C'cAcrcd a ^ a i n Pair o f s a w h o r s c s A w i H i i ol' an insect I n.inieled m e l a l w a r e 5. a k.a. l . a k e ( i c n e \ a V ("aiisinj: asitmishmcnl i n A t jx-ace 11. O n e SV1K> r a n s i ^ i n s 1 2. A r a b i a n ( t u H l.V H a r d 18 l:nci'»niiiinis 22- 1 l a i t u n c r initial.s 24 S l i m c a n d l e 26. I ! . \ t e n s i \ e l a n d e d p r o p e r t y 27 S l u T i - b i l l c d O l d W o r l d rails 29. B c i i e l s ^2. ( i o l T i n i i assistant 1 3 1 1 y \ 5 -4 •k-k-k-ft 1 7 5 CANCER-Jun22/Jul 22 1 6 Cancer, if someone in a position of authority is critical of your vwjrk, don't let it bother you t o o much. Use criticism to your advantage to improve as much as possible. 9 S 7 8 L £ 0 - J u l 23/Aug 23 Try t o see the humor in the events this week, Leo. Although it seems like everything is going wrong, there is a silver lining to every mishap that occurs. Others may not share your good humor. i V I R G O - A u g 24/Sept22 3 Virgo, make a conscious effort to get your head out of the clouds this week. White it is fine t o daydream once in a while, it is not productive t o do so all of the time. U B R A - S e p t 2 3 X > c t 23 -- 4 5 Libra, even though you have a lot of responsibilities filling your already packed calendar, you'll take on one more this week v*rfwn a friend needs a hand. e SCORPtO - Oct 24/Nov 22 2 1 You have to figure out what it is about a certain person that is rubbing you the wrong way. Otherwise, you will not be able t o move on from this fixation. 1 6 1 2 SACfHARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 6 1 4 8 9 8 • 1 2 A last-minute change in plans leaves you flustered, Capricorn. You will rebound, but much more slowly than others involved w i t h this event. !3 i 1 3 ITOSIS 56. N u c l e a r near reach w e a p o n 5 S . V i s u a l reccpl*,^r c e l l s c n s i l i \ e l o coU^r 59. C u c k o o s 6 2 . A s h a g r u g m a d e in S w e d e n 6 3 . ' T a k e in s o l i d ftxKl 8 2 Sagittarius, if you want t o make your latest venture a success, you have to boost your manpower and financial resources. Without these t w o elements, nothing gets off the ground. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 6 8 2 AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 1 Aquarius, there are no straight answers for you at work this week and you're frustrated. Fortunately, thing's at home are a bit more cut-and-dry, P I S a S - F e b 1 9 / M a r 20 See page C-2 for Crossword & Sudoku solutions. Keep track of your belongings carefully, because someone close to you is not being honest or trustworthy this week, Pisces, Student Driver Education Northern Driving School, LLC m O w n e r s : Darrin Haw«s. Kevin Foster, & Michael Reichard '"sassBr I^PerchorSauleedtfBteiiedGw Segment 1 Classes Gayiord Wlntcr/Sprir>g Schedule Gayiord High School low Offering Complete Automotive Repair; Domestic And Foreign Open Monday - Friday, Sam To 5pm (Class2} 6:30 - 8 : 3 0 p . m March3,4, 5,6,10, 11.12,13, 17.18.19, 24. (Class3) Apr«14,,28, 30. Mays. 7,12.14.19, Locally owned and operated by expenenced educators. O w n e d & o p e r a t e d b y T h e H o n e s t M e c h a n i c Inc 108 West Commerce Blvd., Gayiord. Ml 4 9 7 3 5 (989) 731-9000 0<< Chang* 8p*ci«t 3 Gemini, this v ^ k you're feeling vulnerable. Some reassuring words from a close friend v^'ll bolster your confklence and you'll be able t o move on. 9 9 9 l\it within A genetic characteristic O n e w h o cuts up for analysis Tc* a c t a s a b a m e r b e t w e e n R. I-uller's dome Totally llaticned S l i p p e r y anil MNCOUS Bimnc ' delicK^us morsel 5 I. N o t c a p s 52. M a k e s tractors 54. R a i s e to the 3rd p o w e r Sending Your Husbands TB US! • 3 1 33. 36, 37. 39. 4 1. 43. 44, 47 Attention We're So Honest You'll Even Feel Safe <99 4 6 7 5 55. 2 2| 8 DOWN 1 2. ?>. 4. .5. 6. 1 4 A C R O S S i. NiH u>i:cilicr 6. R o o k o t niu|iN 1 1. K n o c k 14 SlMllCOtlC t-lvHMTlcd 15. I . c r n c r und , wrote Rnga«.UH>n 16. O l i i T o k y o 17. A r n u gc^U'cr 19. R i \ c r m NI-; S c i t t l a n d 2(>. A w a y lo 21. Allc% 2.^. Q u a n u i ; u i \ c I'aci 2.S. Tile p r e s e n t o c c a s i o n 26. C a r r i e r i n v e n t i o n (ahbr.) 2X. A n n h o n e s .V), ( ) l I 1. l ^ i ^ n c CO. acquired by V c r i / o n M C'hrotniuin 35. A pause l o r rela.xation 37. A c a d e m i c a d i n i n i s l r u t o r 3S. Tears d o w n 4(1, M a k e a i n i s t a k c 4 1 . I - n c i r c l c s w i l h a belt 7 5 1 G E M I M - M a y 22/Jun 2 1 9 8 There is no point pushing yourself beyond v ^ a t you can comfortably do, Taurus. How productive will you be if you exhaust yourself putting in extra effort? 7 8 Fee: $260* Segment II Classes Please call for more Information. Gayiord High School 6:30 - 8 : 3 0 p . m . To register, call Febnary 12.13,14 March 25, 26. 27 May20,21,22 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 2 7 2 7 Fee; $40* Trarrammw ( 9 8 ^ 731-^•OTO ^ _ Otu^o ^ Lounlij Commiiiion February 10 to February 15 SUliPM 100 pm. Gayiord MONDAY 12:00 p.m. Johonnesburg Goytord TUESDAY 12:00 p,m. Elmiro, VondertHlt WfiPNESDAY 12:00 p,m, Johonnesburo Goylord. VondertXtt on c^aina Please call for reservations at 732-1122. 10 Soiisbury steak mashed potatoes, mixed vegetobles. fresh fruit saiod Reservations Nee<)ed 11 Open faced BBQ pork sandwich, ranch style potatoes. Kyoto biend fresh orange 13 12 Open foced B6G pork Chili, salad, appte sandwich, ranch style juice, corn muffin, potatoes. Kyoto piend fresh banana fresh orange THURSDAY 12:00 p.m Elmlro. Goylofd, Vanderbiti 14 Baked chcken, baked potato, com. peoches, wtieot bread This menu sponsored by: 12:00 p.m Gayiord 15 Tittpio scompi. yukon gokls. cole sk3w. peofs, wheat breed Grayling Nursing and Rehabilitation C o m m u n i t y Professional & V U c o t n i t Caring (989) 348-2801 ^'SENIOR C I T I Z E N S S e r v t i c e ^ Care, Personal 331 M e a d o w s Drive, G r a y l i n g . Churches V i r e c t o r y 1-1111 tor intormatlon. It takes is $5 a w M k lor you to show l o c a l S « n l o i CIttMns h o w your busltwss honors thorn *rtth discounts a n d s o r v l c M l M i l 7 J2-1 Entertainni.e*it ConstructWK Dorothy TIM prime plocc to find HM lottst inforiMtioii and orco t v M t t ond odivitiM for Hwsc SS ond boHor. PrimeTimes L.PINE EYE CARE 0«)MH»-7U44H OFFUM »L WW OWTOV««>2»L4R-9>W off • ! •ytwMr & S o n ' s Construction 10% Senior citizens discount Call 231-585^750 0T5C00 COLNTY FREE SPORTSPLEX COFFEE -_- - I wM I tor Sanier POOL AHO 'Ct AflCNA CWW* 12S0 Oemieh AMOaytord • (880) 731.3S4* tuM f f iMtr§i CM teO-733-1111 lod8y for your aubtcHption to th* t1 n««v»(Mp8r In ttw nitlon. 2056 South Ottogo • Qaytord. Ml 40734 O ^ C E BAPTIST C H U R C H H z z B i m m HeAkkCMre KtstaurMvts VltalCare ...fMC/thcan eomm W « o f f f o S»nlor M * n u 210 U,. Goyierd - 989-731 -^29 M umt H E R A L I ^ r i M E S S«nk>r Menu Avaitobtc 8 1 ) 1 Pin«vi«w Drive horn* FREE BATTERIES M E A L T T L J I O I Y E FLNRWIMTMR Nurjes • Akfci • Oxygw Horn Medical Eqoipmnt G a y i o r d , M l 49735 8 0 0 - 3 4 2 - 7 7 1 1 ( 9 6 9 ) 732-1S33 for Me e< hraring «d. ASK US HOW1 1-800-968-8080 1001 G o r n l c k A v e . m t)R. .MlCHACl KOSKLS BOARD f ERT*lED AUOKX(X-ftT 8S4 N. Crmrr • Kcnm from OMM T tmm 6:00 ' G A Y U O R D 7:00 [News 1Fortune Ray Buai Entertain Fnends News CD 'ABC ,CBS SporttCenter Reba |Reba fD Law Order. Ci " Get 3 ) €D SB as Late EditKxi Reliable Sources ' ; a LPAHJ_ Paid [Athlete _^ID OffRe : ' a o ' " GR^P Euro NBA NBA Baskett>all. Spurs at Celtics I Religion | P a M j_NHLJ;K:_ |l QD ED S:30 60 I NFL FMtbai Pro Bowl " _ ; 8(2 KidS Tkeeptfigjcfank Dark 6ZD _ Jsiavry-Amenca Q3 jNBA Baskett»all' Clippers at Heat SD I PGA Tour GoH PebWe B e ^ NatKXia) Pro-Am C^LEGE B^ETLALL [War Stofies-North Weekend Liye_ I This Week at War Late Edition 4:30 I 5 : 0 0 4:00 S) | Fox News Live @ Newsroom j In the Money i Investigations 8 : 0K) 0 NFL Football AFC-NFC Pro_B<^ News ~ft^BC Simp M ^ : ' H u s h Hour 2* Movie T h e Longest Yard" Conrd Home Videos 60 Minutes CBS Idol Rewind NBA BaWiettali. Ni^gets at Cavaliers "Gtrt s Best Fmd' Movie 'Making Mr Right* CoW Case Files TOfake Two Corrwr SharV | Deadliest Shark Sport Science Mind ' Final J Breaking Bad Breaking Bad The Kenr>edy Assassination Murder She Wrote " I ' P s ^ Mason. Musical Murder* Band of Brothers _ ^^ngland 'Jane Doe Ey«' j Murder, She Wrote Movie "Die Hard* Cont'd Movie. 'Strikif^ Distance' Matloc* Affair" _ l^lews Cont'd Today ^<)FF Sesame Street 8:30 8:00 Beiiev jcunous r 1 ^ Montei Williams JPaid [ Dragon i Rogers J l k ) ^ [Oiftord _ _^p«r The 700 Ckib __ i Tyra Banks Show Good MorT>ing America _ News Confd The Early Show Regis and Ketly Fnends First Fox and Fnends Arrterica's Newsroom Feud [Paid News Days of our Lives [AH My Children [vbung-Rasttaas Fox News Live Vbur World Today 6:30 SemteW N ^ [Bold The Live Desk KING-TJI* News Ffienas Ray News-Lehfer Fnends ABC C ^ Funniest Furviiest m. 55L.. jPaid ]paid Peo Vaned 3:00 4:00 3:30 Maksim Lopez Euro Wash NOW Time Fnends ABC Entertain insider News CBS Ray O Funniest Funniest Home Videos m SportsCenter Rtitia j^Drake 4:30 Paid jPaid 3^. jjaop [Two 1 Wings 1 Law & Order iModern Marvels . Property Ladder O ; U S Farm Report Place o . Sign-OW Cont'd o 03 The Pnce Is Right €B 5:00 Simp 5:30| i 1 Party Will House Psych Lopez CSl: Miami The Sopranos Home Videos The 700 a u b Fight Ouesi Fight Quest iLopez Wngs Home Im [Home Im [Final Best Damn 50 Insde NBA Basketball Rookie Chalenge •Law & Order Shockwave Texas Ranger Movie: "A Stranger's Heart* Murder. She Wrote 1 Shootout T h e Howlirtg* [Movie "Save the Tiger" Movie -Little Big Man" Nip/Tuck ! Movie 'Elektra' 10 Years Vbunger INOI to Wear I Say Ves-Dress ['Drum UFO Hunters ICatigula; Reign Modem Marvels 1 Movie. "Heartbreak idge' iChel IWill El Tigre _|^Tak News Maya Fetch Ellen Show As World Turns Guiding Light Judge J. [Holly iNews Fox News Live Studio B-Smith Vour World |The Big Story jlmagin Home Videos Reba _ fpetw Dog Show Sponge [ Drake [ Not to Wear Imtle October floeO CSl: Miami V ^ N News Home Videoe CoHepe Basketball Kansas at Texaa • | [Mam^ Good Morning ^Emperor iReplace Paid ^Cake [Horse ! The Early Show J Animal I Special Report i Fox and Fnends Saturday ! InvesliQations IcNN Saturday Mommg jNews Veggie Dragon Home Michi Tracks Mo Lopez_ Para Home Videoe Engineeong My Tlf*** Law & Order_ Dscovenee My Wite [Winfli Law i Ordaf SVU [Cafpooi JBolonLagai BigBfo»w9 S Park SaintM Maw* Ton^t House Wdvi^ [ Sews 5:00 5:30 [ Hith ColKoe Basketball Regional Covefage PGA Tour GoW Northem Trust Open - Third Round | Watch invesCgatlons [Newsroom [School Drake 98 Headline N e w s 99 Charter Info N e t w o r k 2 3 Local access WFQX • FOX 33 WPBN . NBC 4 |,^WW8_ Nighfma 5 6 7 TBS W C M L - PBS 66 TV Guide Channel W G l U • A B C 29 QVC jScruba LawOrdar CI Ti^i T>wRi«l4a "jpartone [FfaahPf. Pfaah Pr Paiiqng [ftwlang ThaTOOOub IHomaVUaoa AaamHyRaq piftyJoba JVC Jawatry Wotwar ^40(DAR LMiOrdar LaaAOidar Law&Odar uodamMwan ThaUnawva ThaUnMrw Oog Show jNHL Hocfcay Bad Winga a> Praflaliyi CoMCaaa lMagi_p«ja>i_m Uovia 'Jual Oaaaarti' LAink LAM( 12 W G N 13 L o c a l A c c e s s 14 C - S P A N 1S E? E n t e r t a i n m e n t 16 D i s t K y C h a n n e l 17 E S P N 18 L i f e t i m e 31 E S P N 2 32 F O X hiews Channel 33 C N N 34 The Discovery Channel 35 F O X Sports Detroit 36 T N T 37 C N B C 38 History 41 Cartocm N e t w o r k 42 PAX-TV 43 National Geographic 45 Game Show 46 Hallmark 19 T E N MufOar, ShaWreai 20 VH-1 21 O u t d o o r L i f e 50 A M C 51 T C M 22 U S A 23 Nickelodeon 52 FX 53 M S N B C 54 H G T V N^WTUCFC Uevia; "X-yan* 11 C a b l e M a r k e t p l a c e 29 M T V 30 Family Channel HOOKAD-M^ TMCMA.THA RadShoaa 24 A & E LA Ml N e t t t f o r k s K e y 26 W e a ^ r Channel 27 Comedy Central 28 Food Network 47 Golf 48 Court TV •Day Eaftt-Str M M a : HTia I M r b r MoMa: *A HMKMnd CkMna* Fresh Pr I Fresh Pr Movie * M ^ G l r ^ Smath Lab College BaskatbaH Charter C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Cnbtc Listings for Gnytord Aren 4 Scruba [Lopez *Enn Brockovlch* Aeaerreiy Req ly Req [MythBusters [Mind CCHA [CoBege Hocfcey Lake Superior Sttte atMlchlgao. Swimeult ["Spldef P r a g ^ ]nBA Basketball 2006 Ail-Star SkMIs CompelMon. Slam Dur* Modem Marvels I Shockwave Movie: "South Paofkc' Movie -WhatiDidter L<^" "["Letters From iwo JIma* Movte l.etters From Iwo Jima' Movie "Hearttreak Ridge' Co^'d 1 Movie * S l ^ lilegnoaae' Movte. *On GoWen nsrtd* Movie T h e Rammaker* CcxiTd Movie *Staf»fcy > Hutch' Movie *Starsky & Hulch* Cont'd [Frst F^ip ]f»p TrradUg Spaces Property Ladder ~[My First Home Chartia Roaa ^LATA Homa im Homaim LAM Home Bermuda Trl. CoUege Hockey ii^ide the NBA Modem Marvels "Season-Miracle* RITAE Jartcho Wattmlnalf KannatQub Dog Shew l y T A ' y H PyPA'S*H Snowboarding: USSAGP T e l e v i s i o n FunrMci iFunmaat Funnaai IFunniaai 'WON Nam Difty Joba Beltway In the Money Psych Drake ]orake Movie True LiM'jCont'd Movie 'Uptown Girts* Law A Orc^ SVU Fresh Pr [Fresh Pr Para jpara The 700 Club Mytt.Bueters Poker Show _ The Ctoeer _ Hookey ljlegal_ Murder. She Wrote I'Mam Movie ^ r Deeds Goes to Town* ["Crow Tha iMormona ThaFM46 Orau^ |Groun(i Pakj JPaid Paid 4:30 LOPU Paid LTO Sex a 10 W W T V - C B S 1 0 CA Paid Work 4:00 PA^KJ 6:00_1 6 : 3 0 1 7 : 0 0 I 7 ; 3 0 1 8 : 0 0 [ 8 : 3 0 [ 9 ; 0 0 [ 9 : 3 0 [ lOrOOl 1 0 : 3 0 | 1 1 : 0 0 [ l 1 ; 3 0 MadTV A^DAY kiol Rewind _ Withoul a Trace News jSNL Law & Order SVU Forti^_|jeop_ News (NBC OR^ & Seintekl ~|seinlek3 Kmg _ J K I I ^ Movie " H l t ^ Globe Trekker La^ence Welk I Red Antiques ROsho Bill Moyers Jourr^al TAustin CHy Ltfnfts CSl Miami Paid IABC Movie ^ r a d e " 48 Hours HOyalery 48 Hours Mystery News I CBS Access Hollywood Jencho Home Videos VtfGN N Furviiest [Funniest Movie' "Blink' CoUege Basketball Mk» St. at Inoana College Basketball Texas at Baylor CoBege GamePay "Fighting Odds" "" Movte •Racing tor Time' Bamno Stor^r 11:00,11:30 S Park Movw' forfftaLtm of a Chitr IfUaa Michi ]satur~fHQ^ [College Basketba[l Va Tech at UNC i Newsroom SWStnd jSaiS^d iRaba :oidCMaFiaa iHome Ji^rden NBA Alt Star I Weekend Ln/e [PAMPUY FamOoy [Fam Guy Offica jSponpa [Ofato Inouse 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Jacob Today Animalia [ O r a ^ lAmmal taba jSchooi 9:30 Turtles jPaid 8 9 LMOrdarO Fishing 8t : 3 0 j 9' : 0 0 Pinata nata [I Chaotic c Stgn-Off jpaid Over Over I To Be Announced ; TJen KawTjon Kate Tie Cmwren |Tha6igo>atLoafCouptw INCJS 8:00 Pmata , Movte. "G,I Jane' jCvistirte Movte "What Learn' WWE Monday Night R w _ 'Latj^ Fishing 7:30 Mich SATURDAY EVENING - February 16, 2008 Intervenpon 2NTERVEFT^_ Wlkttire Kyle XY Mega- Excavators _ The Ice Hotel Raker S h w Touflheet Cowboy Law A Order Law 4 Order Underwork) Modem Mar>«ls Texas Rartger Movie "Roee HiK' Mwie_'Tro^_ Movie I t Happef<ed Of<e Night* Movie The Punteher* Little WHADO SATURDAY AFTERNOON - February 16, 2008 3:00 3:30 1 2 : 0 0 | 12:301 1:00 j 1:30 ! 2 : 0 0 . 2 : 3 0 [ Fam Jim 7:00 6:30 j Saved COL^BAAKAM FlpThaMouaa iChel Top CSl Miami 'NHL Hockey Blue Jackets at Red Wings : The Wrath ol God Scrubs SportsCenter Monk Barnyard Avatar IcSl. Miami |Law & Order Colaoa Baakalbal MoviaT)!* ^«Mhar* CorM [ Naked SD IporttCaniar MiMa-'Spadar Naked I Ground 1 Ground 1 Movie' "Uptown Girls" Man vs. Wild [Made iMade 1 Survi wrnian F e b r u a r y 12, 2008 HomaVidaos SAulaa Reba i8 Pules Million Jim Entarfn I ^na>^ Zoay Scrubs iCash [The View Arthur I Q " Y DwM Late WGN News College Basketball iCash ^WORD Oprah Winfrey CoNaoa Baakatbai tOrdar: SVU News U Rules [News General Hospital JSrtBeFit Antiquea Rdeno Dance-Bruno vs Carrie Ann Mother j Captain Two Fnande "[F NUMB3RS EQ 6:00 Readng jCyber Dr. Phil BodyE ^TM^_ jAmancan k» Ray Celine Don 'CSl. Miami 9:30 10;00:10;30 1 1 : 0 0 , 1 1 : 3 0 Fortuna NighOine Gtxjst Whisperer !cold Case Files i Pad Pneon Break jSarah Connor jNews jPa>d Amencan Gladiators [Deal or No OeaJ _ F«tm Guy I Fam G u ^ F g m Guy |Fam Guy Sex& Fner>de jFnende Bukhng Ente nam Insider ^ Two Senen My Wile 1 Law & Order' SVU [Sct*x> Charlie Rose 20/20 Still Stnd ] Still Smd iReba Zoey [Gnjup Record Housewives S^ovie The Vernon Johns Story* Mortk Law Order O ' Drake Two [Neigh [Paid Grey's Anatomy NBA Basi(etbali All-Star Celeb j c l One Lite Q Live Martha Stewart 6:30 Q BuSi [Fox News Live 8:00 [ 8:30 [ 9:00 j 9:30 | l 0 : 0 0 i l 0 ; 3 0 Home Videos Cotteoe Baeketbaii StiW Stnd jStrtl Stnd Reba fPeba Law Order CI Law & Order SVU Zoey fschoot Drake [ Drake C ^ M"^ ICotd Caae FOea 8 Rules |8 Ruiee Ground [Ground Maoe_ tMad^_ Cash jca Re^_ fin Foci^ I r a e r M Goid Law a Order Law i Order Tatae at the Gun Moaern Marvels M'A'S'H [M-A'S'H Texas Ranger Movie. •Stntar>g 0»tance" Movie "Meet John Doe' Conrd Movie "Mr A Mrs. Smcfr' Cont'd Property • " Tjon Kate Ijon Kaie Kng-Hril News-Lehrer Paid The Situation Room 7:30 TUESDAY E V E N I N G •1 Sex & Movie The Wedding Planner" I Paid I 2:30 2:00 Newsroom 7:00 News Fortune Tonight Sex& Ray CD MONDAY EVENING - February 11, 2008 6:00 Seintek) News News Ray JSSi V a r ^ Programs Rachaei Ray S Park 1 vs. 100 Las Vega* Ray 9:30 l l 0 ; 0 0 | 10:30111:00 9:00 Morning "[Morning 1 DAYTIME AFTERNOON [ 1 2 : 0 0 | l 2 : 3 0 1:00 1 1:30 Law Order CI Maury O o o m €B SB House 1 Movie; 'Tootsie' 70s Movie 'Daredevil" Amencan Morning 1 L 9:30 10:00| 10:30 11:00 11:30 House SATURDAY MORNING - February 16, 2008 7:00 I 7:30 AgPay Murder. She Wrote TMZ SD m 1M-A-S-H I M ' A ' S ' H • Texas Ranger le" 1 DAYTIME MORNING Paid MythBuaters Best Damn 50 News Ray gD Movie 'Sleuth" Cont'd "The lulian Job"Contd T f i ^ e "Mr & Mrs Smith' |N<yTuck ' ["King Arthuf" JOT & Kaie Plus 8 jjon & Kate Plus 8 ]jon Kate j Jon Kate | Jon Kate [Jon Kate 1 Jon Kate !jor Kate jjon Kate Ijon Kaie 6:30 Med Examiner Fortune i " T h < LCifd o< thp Rms- The flen^ of the King" 'NiQhtmare-Chrislmas' 6:00 O Seinteid Isose Sound "We Were Soldr" UFO Files [lrx;redibty Srrvll Ray |M(nd "[UFOI- 'Arms Exploded CSl.liMan-N Breatang Bad -Death Wish II' Movie 'Roman hloHday*" " " Movie. 'F intastc Four* B>a Meckone IncrediUy S r r ^ Movie -The Quiet Man' Movte 'Fantastic Four' NBC Q) Pistons Movie 'Deaa^ Wteh* Friends m Deadliest Shark Texas Rangei WW Law Order: Cl Freeh Pr. Freeh Pr Cold Case UFO Flies MonsterOuest UFO Hunters Movie *l.ov« Is a Four Letter Word* News ;The First 48 Jaws of the Paatx: Modem Marvels Late Scrube SportsC W« The 700 Club Smash LJlb Pistons 1 Final Jeop ;Fresh Pr. [Fresh Pr Movie' "Saving Pnvate Ryan" Movie: "We Were Sokawrs' Cont'd King-Hill 03 Movie "My Big Fal Greek Wedding" |Aif Jaws-Shark PlStOf^S NBA Baskett)aii- Bobcats at Pistons O o o o o T L H W & Order SVU The Sopranos Movie 'My Bij Fat Greek Weddir^g' Movie •vou've Got Mail' Cont'd [scrubs Basketball Wizards at Surw Medium The First A8 The First 48 jThe First 48 Amencan Shark IcSI: Miami [Replay Movie" Tbe Qukes of Hazzard' Lopez 'Lopez Nick jHome Jordan Zoey J_iCarty ^News Movie 'Lucky T " a Guy» 10 _ I Movie. 'How to Lose "I Naked Brothers & Sisters ]Home Videos SpofTsC JNBA ^hool Between I Journal The 50th Annual Grammy Awards Hone Videos •^e •Knight {Movre:'Mr. Deeds' Nature JMasterpi^ Extreme Makeo<i«r Home Edition Lawrence Welk 'a^ PGA o 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Idol Rewind Wisdom iFamlhr Guy StarTrek News 1100 Most Outrageous Moments Am. G l a d i a ^ I Am. G'adiatofs SECO^ 8 :30 i 9:00 I 9:30 8:; [K5>9- NCIS [Lopez Home Im jHome im Lopez CSl Miarr^ CSl. MianX FRIDAY E V E N I N G • F e b r u a r y 15, 2 0 0 8 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 SUNDAY EVENING - February 10, 2008 6;00 I 6;30 I 7;00 I 7:30 NQS News Scnjbe NBC Ray News-Lehrer Pr lends ABC Q) 3:30 NASCAR Racing Spnnt Cup •• Oaylona 500 Qualffying Ktotofcydw GIN 3:00 WGN New NBA Baakatbai Surw at Warmrs Movie' "Devil's PorvT News Friends @ SUNDAY A F T E R N O O N - F e b r u a r y 10. 2008 '12:00 12:30 1:00 i 1:30 ' 2:00 i 2 : 3 0 [Drake Caahmare Mafla CSi' NY SeHitek) Tonght News SSKft Saxft CttartN Roaa My WHe Ntghttne Tortight Fortune Jeop Nwrs Deal or No Deal Cel. Apprentice Upetick Jungle Ray Sex & Ray Friends 1 Friends FnerxJs ['Romy 8r»d Mctiele's Busi Cttarlie Rose WMer Ask The Michigan Old House Hr. Soundatage MyWite Nighttine Entertain Insider Eh Stone Lost Lost Late Ray Without a Trace News News CBS Two Survivor: Micro CSl. Cnme Sen Scrubs Scrubs Funniest ^unniest Home Videos WGN News Movie. -MUSIC ot the Heart* SportsCenter SportsCen er College B{ sketball N.C St. at BC College Basketball Michigan at lowa Will Will Matctied iMaiched Matctwo Matched Reba [Reba Movie "PS* Law Order' Cl Law Order Cl Law Orde Cl Law & Order SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order; SVU Fresh Pr 1 Fresh Pr. Drake Drake Zoey [school Home Im Inome Im Lope2 Lopez Drake Crar>k-America The First 48 CxM Case Files CSl Miami The First 4a The First 48 The 700 Club e Rules 8 Rules GrourxJ Ground Movie' T h e Parent TrapBone Detectv«s Anatomy of Sex Cash Cash Borw Detect v«s Made Made [Made Made CoNege Basketball Tom UK GoU e%velry Women's College Bai}kett>all Spartan Dream Girl NBA Basketball Law & Order Law & Order NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Chicago BuHs. The St. Valentine's Day Massacre Modern Marv«is Snipers Stalk Modern Marvels ~[Murder, She Wrote Movie -Bndal Fever" Texas Ranger M'A'S'H [M'A'S'H Texas Ranger Movie "Father o» trie Brtde Pan II' Movie -Hope Floats' Movie 'FatTier ot the BrideMovie: "Funny GirT Mo vie *Helto. Doltyi* Movie 'Kiss Me Kale 'Batman Begirv* Movie T h e Or>e' Movie. 'Batman Bagir«* , 1 LA Ink Amencan Chopper Amencan ChoDPer [ American Ctwpoer LA ink Property Ladder iRides a o o o o o (B an Fox News Live Sunday Mom Cnmlrtal Poinds Becfcer "iBecker S- Park T H U R S D A Y E V E N I N G - F e b r u a r y 14, 2008 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 [ 8:30 1 9:00 I 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Seirfiek) TMZ S. Park The 39th NAACP Image Awards News Paid O K^-Hill 1Seinlekj N«V9 S U N D A Y M O R N I N G - F e b r u a r y 10, 2 0 0 8 6:00 6 : 3 0 7:00 1 7:30 8:00 1 8:30 9 : 0 0 9:30 10:00| 10:30 11:00 11:3C Wild ] Out Wall St Fox News Sunday Hearth 0KX»S8/Gay1rd Hour o< ftiwer PBK] Paid O Paid Hunters ; Paid Mat Meet the Press Today Barclay [Paid Outdoor Paid a Wish : Dra Thomas CalHou Zoboo Signing Sesame Street Sign'Oft Coord o Et)eri InsKtor : Paid Mes This Week Good Mommg Paid {in Sign-Off Paid n Paid NatK>n CBS News Sunday Morning House Discov [Paid Pakl Coral Ridge Hour 6 3 Paid 1 House Supemarmy CSl Miami Movie "Houseboat" Movie "X-MenProoertv Ladde' CNN Sunday Momrtg Sponge Modem amvls 1 Discoveries M'A'S'H IM'A'S'H Texas Raiiger Movie The Matrix* Corrt'd ra Fox and Friends Sunday WMe Swap Big Brother 9 |Movie 'Remerrtoer the Titans* Made Made [Futurecv [ MythBusters Pistons NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers at Detroit Pistons Law & Order Law & Order Movie. *Seven' Law & Order S) 989-732-1111 Beltway Two Zoey School CSl. Miami Cash [Cash • Peterboro Baskets 0 9 invastigations Ray Qua Insider Movie: 'Ren-iember th« Titane' GD Journal PB«> Moment-Truti ^^aws Law li Order Deal or No Deal Law Order CI P « ™ _ Payne Fam Guy | Fam Guy Payne i^ayrw African American Lives 2 Ballroom ChaN AmerK«n Idol Home Videos Corner ] Comer JDoNege Basketball Maryland at Duke SM Stnd Still Stnd Reba ]Reba U w Order Cl Law ft Order SVU Drake jDraKe Cow Case FOas 9:00 1 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 8:00 i 8:30 7:30 iJeop Ray Furvilast [Funrvesi O Place your ad on th« TV plige and 6:30 Kir>g-Hill 'GainWd News ^NBC Fnands ^Ray Nsws-Lshrar i 1 o { o o o gB Saturday, Fabruary 9, 2006 * C-7 Weekly TV Key February 1 0 - February 16, 20Q8 Qaylord H«rald T i m M 55 Sci-Fi 56 TV Land 57 Classic E S P N 58 Toon Disney 59 Animal Planet 60 CMT 61 W B 62 E W T V 63 Local Access 64 Tech T V 65 Speed 66 WE 67 Bravo 68 Oxygen 6 9 Travel 70 Heahh 71 H S N 72 Soapnel 73 C-SPAN2 74 TLC 75 Inspiration | j n liMJ B « k M e c t t o E x | w d s d Basic select T Qaylord H«rakj Timaa C - 8 • Saturday, F a b r u a r y 9, 2006 ^ tiiiiiiveii Swiedfieri^r Valentine's Day! STOP IN FOR A TEST DRIVE AND REGISTER TO WIN! Drawing is February 13lh at 5PM ond w^i.be Remote! announced Live on 101.5 The Eagle's Live Remol * M u $ t b e a t least 1 8 y e a r s o l d a n d a l i c e n s e d d r i v e r to r e c e i v e c h o c o l a t e s a n d enter d r a w i n g , l i m i t e d to o n e b o x o f c h o c o l a l e s p e r f a m i l y . m ONLY 10 NEW 2007s IN STOCK from $4,000 TO $12,000 IN DISCOUNTS BEST SELECTION OF 2008s IN THE NORTH WITH 0% APR ON SELECT UNITS OR UP to t8.000 OFF with combined dealer discount and consumer cash. • » • * '1 •! "IF'' • A FEENY FIRST! INTRODUCING OUR FIRST EVER MWUI PRE-OWNED 2107 QinY inAMOU LS MIMAT I $12,400 AIMUL $17,960 ms SILENT AUCTION LUfMKL NUNNEI $13,115 otHmtt $18,155 MTFTNU UCMUS $20,140 $28,971 6 0 $14,070 •Mtun S2B,995 $17.8N SUM • $15,830 payments b a s e d on 7.99% APR with approved credit $10,025 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $12,500 $15,000 $17,500 $20,000 = = : : : leenychrysJer Ocharterintemet 2W4 CHEVY CaiORJIBfl Mia BBICK RENBEZVOIS 781 MIIU CIIKS $12,135 CI EN CM $18,060 $14,410 1 7 2 BID SLIP M O N T H $87 per month $130 per month $175 per month $219 per month $262 per month $306 per month $350 per month • Pavmeni Method J Casti J Financing NAME; I H U I 1001 Mankowski R d . Gaylord. Ml 49735 I Bid A m o u n t : | ADDRESS . . ' PHONE | ^ YOUP 888-430^18 or 969-731-0015 i m CHEVY RUllBfl m inu $22,130 PAYMENT ULCULITOR $100 per month $150 per month $200 per month $253 per month $304 per month $354 per month $405 per month KHVTU: $14,420 in Mus U PRt m i fORB F2SI S0KRU6 UK WHS LUPO. $18,280 IN TNUT $25,250 i7K MILES m WLFI Luno FNNUK $12,210 211 KHiS »a2 BItCKCEimiRY 2U3 CHEVY SIIBUR8AN LT 4WD MSOMmEirmni&ceiimn M O N T H $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $12,500 $15,000 $17,500 $20,000 $10,875 $17,650 i m CMYSIER U K mma m ]SI MIKS i m CHRYSISR PT CRUISER HI TIM $6,675 A I UBUT $11,440 SSKCMRYSURPTCRBISER 2 m lOOBE CiMSEJI 2NS JEEP nKNB CHEROKEE 4WD QWmER TOWN & CflVNmV KM nUK ItoirffTITM inziE7i lUMIliS Preferred method o1 contact & best time to contact. Your X i &89-731-0015 | I _ I in Person, or use om of our drop boxes. ^ Winning bids wlH tie notified by preterred nwtliod of contact. Dealer reserves right to refuse or accept any offer. Expires 2/17/08 Come See Our Store For A Whole LOT More www.Feeny.com fCENir GAYLORD We Make Car Buying tun 989-732-5991 1-888-430-8818 1001 M A N K O W S K I ROAD • GAYLORD Saturday, Febnjary 9 , 2 0 0 8 V IT O A Y U O R O Herali^/imes fc p U c * y m wk, < d l 9 • ^ r 3 M n 1 •rtolllrMt77-tT9-«170 20SaS.OtMgoAv«. •-mail: classifwd(9gayiordheralcitime$.com P.O. Box ste, Qtylocd, M 4*734 CoLDWELL BANKER I SL- . icchriuloL's l<> ; i d \ ; m c c > i > i i r c ; i r i . - c r . I i n d o u t how bs tiilliny u-jt C j a v l o r t l . .Vl I SCHMIDT REALTORS O L—kinttarHlebafw* P r i p t r t i t ' Lois Skinner C a l l Frad S m i t h REALTOR ASSOCIATB 989-939-7008 (969)614-1030 •*40TV UL .V.% 75 t8« o( trontage on the TxiYtor Bay nw. Lage ioom$. ttechalet on the 4th hole 0 Hoors, opentoorpiari. covthe Mitfisywe Rnes Golf I M ar. w<h sepe^e guest Coifse.Oa(trm,rBaitaiO- f nxxn or ptay nxvn next to stonefireplace,nee lawn. I the detairhed garage. Lagespnrikter system, paved | ieav%> lor lots o< storage.drrve and more!! SMOJOO. MLS 1249913 $188,900. MLS •351216 SWOOUSSHUWC LAKE GUmWELAKESa home with ISC of sandy M3bactQom,2btfi bontaoe. Bvpiace. vaiAad chM.wNh pert^-frv celngB,an3lo(sofwir>- ishsd waltout bwvt level dows. ReUstonetirapiaca onabewbfiJwQoded inia9e»Mngtooni,al-Me- lol.VajiMceiinBs,tiiio son SIT poi^ 2 garages finplaceA. 2 ca+oached and lakeeide deck. Please g a i ^ newperit, rww cal Luting agsnt to lour. kKchen, and naw (imaca. 1 07SW MLS 1253573 $lHnO.MLSf253867 I I I I I I I I I Search MLS listings at: I www.GavlordMichigan.com | K OgIl.>AVWhfnchyo< !> ! COT, b.-* I ^ ^(989) 731-0100 Pfll Lynch-Goc'th.-l Bririn Goebel ST.-VI'UHI"-..JLDVA-LLHONKIKOIN RfAiTOH ASSlSUhl PHJ) / I Spacious 4 bedroom ranch with fine I master suite, updated kitchen, main level I family room Even more space in the [finished lower level. Hardwood floof^, I shelf moldings, updated fixtures, light I and airy d ^ o r Attached, heated 3 car ^ r a g e . Super clean! $ 1 ^ , 9 0 0 I UPOATHD FARM HOME on NCWER UPSCALE CHALCT FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM 3BEDBOOM.2BATH I 75 acres, T>*Be bedfooms, 1 Three bedooms. 2.5 baths, cabn sleeps SR. withn Bea«r HUDSectoia. SoWASB. | bath, aid a dwi that coiJd be wood fireplace, cedasdfig. GreekfiesorvTheNatural Golf Foredosue. Express Palh a fourth bertoom. Woods, aiooaktminwiof 24*24 Community, FfBShly panted Francrig s avaiaOe, See fiut trees, aid deerm the garage. Ful basernent. Sold andstaned. andanewroof k s t r ^ a ^ about action vad New icdated Kitchen, asis.Si49,900 withn the last year yj.OOO oetals >'-19U.. I i'3.-xOOO w7»«J92C MlS«254663 VLb f250«Dc MLb»2fje» Bill Martella l A a a o c i a t e Broker 1(989) 732-4661 t Jii C o n n i e B l o t s k e , rifi.cRRS ' 3 Associate; B r o k e r A ct)k)tskeit coldwellbanker.com C0MMCAC4AL BUILOMG www.BIIIMartella.com MilVJIIIJil LARRY SCANLON aid TOP AGENT 2007 ASSOC.AU RRimjH p H i r.M il'i(i Can show >'ou any home in our M L S ! ! ! T . :EDPOOM • I lomodeied Chalet. Newer ranch 6 completely I iBBtiJBS include carpetng. updated. cai«t. luicher Iftmace, ar, wa» he^. cabnets. counter tops. I apnnlder system, 2.5 car KoNertauoets. new appiI garage, bnazeway, fiont & ances. lacuzz jetted tub, I eac* dedong. 3 beiJoom. window treatments, iQht I I MC«th.onaspacous fixtms and fresh pait. I lot becking t<) to com- 30x40 heated pde buidng I with waisr and electric, Imongroi^&sictrals. •247962 tliajaoa MLS 1253366 C o m m c r c i a } F o r Sale Formerly a ret^ lumber store, ngh traffe and 3i | acres of devciocment properly. Next to riaiortal tenants OfficeMax, s, Oti and COMMEiWaAL View Visual Tours at: www.GavlordMichigan.com I www.GavlordMichiyan.com tunnel wash on GayWd's hijfh 1 est traffic loute. Buy bus ness for $100,000, lease srte $350(ymonth.nnn S^X.OOO MLS >251161 Hnait: cindyclarlueddcharter net UPNomnX $169,900 MLS «253S39 V f l M i n i M O B I I l l i t l M t HROKI Ks •M"Nlc \ ManuI.wtiiri'vJ Hi ihcn Scott Scheer (989)390-4444 989.619.0400 Michael HeathOmac.com A View Frofli Your Room! tDptr1iscbon.NM( , CNIBB.ANDB^ I upnlaaand tfaiadonOe local home or uae as 10 n" SQUARE 40 ACRE PMtCE LAND COKTRACT Mike Heath Cindy Clark $225,000 MLS #253908 ra^down. H o i i k selection 14;. Window of oppoitiinity open. I 732/0555 I homesingaylord.com | Michawy« Drivo I 5 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2b60 sq. ft. Hciilinr, < \ AffW 989)-732-4211 •< • .jttoOifeandlatas. i7t9Q0lUlSl»M ^ LMQE RANCH HQIC [ vilAiwiyican COMMERCIAL High vsiiity comer. estaCished business adjacent to waterlront and oTy manna on Soiffi arm of Lake Oiartevouc Al bustness assets convey nclulng Iquor licenses - Class G & SDM. r««p»_.lLjiQBded( •llyetoidysJ dxr datorad QBiQfc i l 7 4 , i M MLS t26603r $400,000. MIS #253324 |3 BEDROOM HOME located in ^ I LJVMG CLOSE TO TOWMI I LAME RANCH STYLE HOME - half O l ICOUKTTrr Q f«ry»0 m &aCK yard. $89,900.1 Icypreis 9dr^, ^yvral. tmutiful kghl ^his spaoout home offers lots oti llBtim. tiKiral freplace and kxs of Jupgrades mduding stone frepiace,! IbMuttfii kitchen cabnets. Basement s Ihij^ master suite, fii Oasertem. and I 1ytfywaleowth two large doors Ian attached garage Great badcyerJ with I ' ' wotuxit Lsoe deck on back. Ifenona cement waUdvays anr |WEWSLL12SAI0-IILSK^ UlTiiXLHLStZS^ I I J I ACK OOWTOWN i m O W l 1I»» ACRES OF WM and huntsigl EATHTAKMG VIEWS! Home has I launtfy and master sule Mth f •property. Onr 20.000 iqun feet oil laid lusl wMng for tM specal famifyl Stone fraplace, office, | •atari and warehouse space, and t M l to er*iy. Included with this 3000 • i open lutchen wrth c lientid ncome homes Excelent location I fool home ssXx40mach«ie«' tile and hantwoods Quality I •lor hoM^moleli. S9g»J]0a ULS12462891a 36 X 46 hay/vmal bam. pk0 a liuntng ramc • 'istrjction. with attenton to detal, I j stack In the Qack 40 acres. What are you I for? Gal to see this one tod^! I ] an excellent floor plan $399,900.1 1131253873 " Call Your Treetops Specialist m you are ocwg for. you need lo see ths Mcraywe rnme TiwsoiaDuicftaieiisDufitxtwMXOeaos nr^as I reiMCK] decKs an trvee&des. Defect tor you W mvQamques. Iwogasfrepacesard2cagaragewnMarge snea ^ om (re oeiieci f»n«y noma. Bera oAereo tcr a I ;l39.9i06MLSf2»^ •lip NORm COTfAGE redone to perlec-1 •ton New Aocnng, catxnets, bathroom I •and so many jpdgrades sid buA ns. I availacie ReDossess«n Soio A •what an adoraM piace to call home orl |$62,900. MLS 1253601 •useasa^-a-way.iO 'Otkngacreswu^l •htfowwos aod » " " • Th« w«l miir«*«d 3 baaoom, ? baei cicb«Q « rWKlytor^Appkarv.'si. ?he<J And a er too 513 iSff O i f*»^ fv ri.'j«- www.cbschmidt. com/FrinT Irromhnnn SlOaOOO. MLS 1251161 laO WOOOEO ACRES. Hcrte feetureslGREAT LOCATION! Home ^ Uie new,iBEAUTim. VEW! 75 feet of frortage I.J 8E0R00M. 3 BATH RANCH over-l holes 7.6 and 2 of the Mchaywe I •or the Tfiunder Bay River. Large rooms.lloobr^g I lover 2.300 sQuare (set or the mam ftoor, •compimed m 2002 Pole bam s 40x641 open iiilan, aod central Ipnes ar, | (^ou^ Every bedroom tias i i s l I •huge custom custom master master bedroom bedroom suite, st reel Hwth a 20x64 lean-to Two 4' weHs are onfloors, IwOh separate guest ibom or play room lowr 1 bath. DMuxe ktchen. spacxws kv-1 •tiicttsry flooriig and cabinets, f « . I.m e preperty. The 2t} acres would &e ideal liog area wrth cathedral cedngs and lots I •next to t^e detached I nVikma cooking centa, full basement and I f o r a lof wrdows to erwy the wws. Ful wal I l;o tor lots ol storage. [rnorK Plenty of room r iheoverseed two. " " !. central AC, and nckides moM • lMLSt248913 nnsftffgr YOU KNOW? T o d a y ' s p a p e r h a s 5 % -»/- o f a l l IMKHAYWE 4be«oom^I ^ A S n C VCW c( ttw 2nd holi of] llMMACUUTm-lilAiNTAjNS HOMEl •home, fidudng specois masta swla,: Ithe Mountan-lake Course n Midvywe I and room to store the loys. 3 bedroorrts. II a r e a l i s t i n g s , m o s t w i t h o n e p h o t o . \ floor plap, frepiece. skylights, •Great ceda-»ided home wrth rtewv land 1 3/4 bathmms, wth a 2^ X 28'! O u r w e b s i t e h a s 1 0 0 % of all area | ue and groM c e * ^ 2 ca gaaga.lappkances. maitv suite, cathedral cei-1lahached garage. 24' x 60' ooii buUng, I if a finshM Iowa level wth a work lins, targe lofl and large deck to enpy 120' X W work Shop, and a storage shed!I l i s t i n g s , m o s t w i t h m u l t i p l e p h o t o s . Ob E m i Midowi n the tantly nDomLTHESWTMLSJ$IA6M.MSL2S0336 ' Icr V05 tcm. sieion. MLS» " " d b e d ^ tiauoa ULS RW17 Be A S m a r t Shopper ISEAimfULLY MAINTAINED CHALHl ] acres, east of Johameebug a Iwith tivee large bedrooms, hw baths,! . . r Lne Rd A«kxk front entrance. I lyard ATith over ar acre kH srtuaiedl l-season sun porch, and open kvvig. I !t ba. and stone water Pnvetewithp'""' w pkjmbmg and aectncai Tns homeI next to a GreenMI that connect! to thai 3,axlk)ichen course, you shouU cal ngtv aMy. I leaDuna 1170,000. MLS K It mtenor finishing, but has a loi cil [l74M>-MLSt»1549 " M |164J0aiLst2SO17S GOTO CBSCHMIDT.COM E HOME de«7ied and twRl I RANCH HOME on over ai llMirTAMCC-na n»me prapaty | •acielocaia>artfymraMfromGaytoid.l<^_ioc«iori. ^ rcome, aup|ax| y an ircMect lor h« OM home. S | e wth ion>e stairc •Hone letkm 3 bednomi w<ti a ntaeHr I 1 Perfect Icr homebu • M I . nadwod ftooa tn. coved cei-1ISeparaie twuee wth tiaaimait. L rr« m. marry uraadss. and appk-1 I r q . drean kMctwri dnm room, centrdlItile Menyupd«ai.O»nerson' _ .M a« nMiM rimtm negolM I IM. «nMa. U baaanai and ipacxu Ilaid srww SlMrOOaMLSK fl«,00a MUI3S3062 ' •deck) tmHO-MU 1294496 > See every property In the market • Multiple photos • Extensive data • Latest price reductions • New listings today! rt ol Nillonei iMax—on ot fumort ^ HOME ON laS ACRES wtlTI WELL-MAINTAINED MICHAYWEI a acrm lo al-sport leka ThaBRANCH, veuted calngs. woodflocrs.I leatjes tongue and groove knotty Imeaa suie. krepiaca, aid ful beae-l 4 ittKf The masia stM • i6117 HmaM Al tha • stuaied on a baanU I jst of the firnhxe can stay, nckjdng IvrndMtoeAlso «Kkjded n prn e pool tabis <1 tht bcnua room. Thelverv lage. >00 pacent wxxM «caM" tched wage fM oiwheal doors«Itollor cnsvy a h«un Dukl ^ 3(h Widt^lISm ML3 >25098 [ r a j a seeittHiwaiiUMaiTr HOME • f l « H L Y PNNTB aid renudiM I N TW « M T OF MKMOWE ta wnare I iMCtOU6 5 oadnam.1 ..JSOrTWNOfmiCHALF M l E m m m m nw c M a v N i | i - v i M M u HOME carpa, new Hiet. Many newa leatim ncUa carpa-1m l find Ova awalat siaia v daai I fi 20K and only uead aa a aacond I ita three beiieoi*, ma imim K s M home oa im ( ' ly kaiinaManed «i Maonai graty Redone baltvooni and mud-1 ito. oantM tiaai n andBrg. firiaoe. m. wala haMr. i p n r ^ l badroont. III tuO « one dl 21 tyb.Wrfuui mat fiimimt M i , 2 M 2 | 1.3 wnMilmioihem«*illwi«andMuae —M doM 10 the M(*i Ikm and i*«i M9i i«^ tub. .. n aid oui Common ntfid i 5 ca araga. braanoay. and I flreptace. tA Noors,toname I L opsn ioor pun, coiygaa Mod I I al Mund NonkI Mne H I aip The a 9ie 1117,731,1 n»V-ih»<aeiiy eWrena* The m a tMoeoiMwndOMkrMM bad-1 I, kandy breaww. I 'nd tometorpnwacy. d m pdWibrK and back Mong. 3 bedmma, i f amam I «and«a IV* Hoiaa haa w teOoonv and « a pDornt. Fd oor^ giM «u c^i e ery inckidai moei VnahingLHMbMi^aftiipaoaiaiciibacMnguP nd cniacM diet I ream aoadatftMMa.$i4IMl bed atf tveMa. $14IMl I m w HMJIA k l *28II0 $129X0. Mi4l2S46M Btoccrnncnf^andcmcotftynl pmSS^ C . . UNOICAHD YAM.| . .« hotne, aid stone Mpiaca I d baw appraaed value >1 a ««t I ibohood Ar akMonai lot a ai* I t&S^ .. . J U I CaiaAr n LITLC^LXAIAIAIDPN ' • vilL LJM oonMfl an*. I aa»t>»pw»at»i9M1 I «NDQ9^ I MTM HOME PAA-| n l£MI OWI 2Md a Maty poa-1 « OF #OT0mM. la urn iwe buy I L MCXnON NEmEXT 9 laiMi ir wahUiaeipolaM Mbadbeal I burasN. «9 u i $ a t Na» n a I .ji QMTOL-75 SMRAOANIAAD-1 l a t f fMBtoraMa. MM#|f naHsl a a indir oonrtucicn l i * COM <i I I Soh) aa a Ripoaaaiaon tMjeo.1 r let on L but aany good <iaMi MMdRa I lOadl SM MEa9y amaa 20n M I ' J graai baacA. dock and pienc I -S9»4T»I * gaigi, bio i«« a * gadai. and | LYGUMNTNIEM^AIAAANAP _ « an leieddtoa * R * l «ac« n a I L 3ral ba«QOffl i piriad i« a l ap(ia«aa. ^ loaa "waoii ittol I Qua and anna sadng i Micf^Ra«E«Mil M19OM MATAUAAIPKK 3S80A I i d ba* bada Coi M ge laaaim fwar I ^ Cioeato4 t a baiiacjrW M - 1 • onaaM « p f a avaM l94j80B. I - F IIJHIUMMI1 —r cevemo, and p«ie tome and I «rm»M9l.iAlim lUMMV ! MMVR NOME W * ! y updaaa. Qua-awtf ««<nMl ^1 ua kmmi Ck«MMal iUMPMNTfiCTMICr. I Gaylord Herald Times Classifleito 2 • Saturday, February 9, 2008 CUssUicd liidcK HIGAY^UK^S RENTALS REALESTATI 000 AdvtrtMKtg Standards 001 Busrtan Property LE OTWVNOTF 00? F«NT«4.JRM3 c«iinf-73Mni 004 HouMS For Sal* 006 Income/ lrtvfstm«rrt •rtolllveel77.|1«-6170 Property AOVERTtSINQ D E A D U N E S - The deadline to 006 L0I6&ACREAGE place a ciassif)ed ad in the Wednesday Heiaid 007 MotHle/Modutar Housing Times IS Monday at 10:00 a m. The deadline 008 Real Estate Wanted for the Saturday Heratd Times A Marketplace 009 neso(1/VacatK3n Property 18 Wednesday at 5 p.m. CLASSIFIED & UAL ESlj^TE C u s t o m Built R a n c h rats CUSTOM BUHT 1(00 tt f*ncK home n located <t 163i W>m«ft«ncl Dr<v« in Four itMoni Esm« (Juit oH Mu^nw Ro«! m Gayio'd) i btd'oomt. 2 »ull fuiUp*tufly tin»l*d b«emefH ptumbed tw futuie b*tt<. too many exUas to list >mide S out' Ya'd IS bMutifjity landKap«d. 'v>n-$mok<og hoTK t no mdoor peU' Tbit hom« n a mufl swt SUT.OOO. Call i v txivale showing at M9-73i7ii1 «r 9S»-3SM7M Lot fc M<e in sam subdivi5K>n SM.OOO Fw n%or» infotmatior on thit hom« S lot lof sale 90 to WWW.fofsaMi^tnxn^ com lifttng i21H4VS Adorable starter home or vacation home in Lakes of the North. A MUST SEE! Call 231-585-6544 after 4pra 010 Apartments For Rent 011 Busineas Property For Rent 012 Houses For Rant 013 Roorrrs For Rent 014 Reaort Property For Rem 015 Wanted To Rent 016 Msceiyneous For Rent 017 Roommates Wanted ANNOUNCEMENTS 101 Annooncements ^02 Card ol Thar\ks 103 Free Otters 104 Happy Notes ICS Lost and Fouid 106 Personate 107 CMd Can Serv*c*a 108 Servicea AvaAble 109 Bu»ne»s Opportunity EMPLOYMENT 201 Admtnistratrve' Professional 202 OUBS^TANRANU 203 Child Care Help Wanted '204 Help Wanied/liAscellaneous Advertising Standards Advertising Standards Houses For Sale Apartments For Rent Apartments For Rent 000 000 ADVERTISING STANDARDS. Advertising published in the Gaylord Herald Times is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are properly described and willingly sold to customers at the advertised pnce. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards, or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. if any Gaylord Herald Times reader encounters non-compliance with these standards, we ask that you inform the Advertising D ^ r t m e n t of this newspaper. (989)732-1111. 010 1 B E D R O O M apartments. Close to downtown. Immaculate and m a n y extras i r w l u d e d . $ 4 0 0 a n d $425. (989)390-1213.(30) 010 P U B L I S H E R ' S N O T I C E : All real estate a d v e r t i s i n g in t h i s n e w s paper is s u b j e c t t o t h e Fair H o u s i n g A d w h i c h m a k e s it illeg a l t o advertise " a n y preference, limitation or d i s c r i m i n a t i o n b a s e d o n race, color, religion, sex,harxJicap. familial s t a t u s o r national origin, or an intention, t o m a k e any s u c h preference, limitation or d i s c n m i n a t t o n . " Familial status includes c t i i l d f e n under t h e age of 18 living w i t h p a r e n t s or legal c u s t o d i a n s , p r e g n a n t w o m e n and p e o p l e s e c u n p g c u s t o d y of c h i l d r e n under 18. This newspciper will not k n o w ingly a c c e p t any a d v e r t i s i n g for real estate w h i c h is in violation of t h e law. Our readers are hereby i n f o n n e d that all d w e l l i n g s advert i s e d in t h i s n e w s p a p e r are available o n an equal o p p o r t u n i t y basis. To c o m p l a i n o f d i s c r i m i n a tion, call H U D toll free at 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 9 - 9 7 7 7 . T h e toll free t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r for t h e hearing impaired is 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 2 7 - 9 2 7 5 . Equal housing oppcrtunity.(0721tfn000) 004 EXECUTIVE LAKEFflONT h o m e . For sale by owner. B y ap-^ pointment. www.ownefs.com.' #AWT2072. (989)732-7470.(1003tfn004) N O T I C E : A L L a d s are s u b j e c t t o approval before publication. We reserve t h e right t o edit, refuse, refect or c a n c e l any a d at any time. Errors m u s t b e r e p o r t e d by 9 a m on t h e first business d a y after publication. We shall n o t b e liable for any loss or e x p e n s e that results f r o m t h e p u b l i c a t i o n (whether p u b l i s h e d correctly or not) or o m i s s i o n of an advertisement. Houses For Sale 004 D O N ' S NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE 3815 Old 27 South, Gaylord (989) 7 3 2 - 2 2 6 2 H\CB 601 Horsee & FMing Stabiea 602 Pets & SupplM 603 iMestocK & Feed 900 Free Oasaifieds AUTOMOTIVE MARKETPLACE (Separate Section) 701 C«s 702 Auto Parts/Accesaones 703 Van/Sport UtiHty Vahcle 704Trucl(S 706UtilyT 306 Houaahoid Qooda 306 MttcaAarwoua For Sale 307 Mualc^ Mercftarxlise 308 BactronKS 309 Wanted To Buy 310 Machinery 311 Antiques & Auctions RECREATIONAL 401 Sporting Goods 402 Recreational Vehicles 403 Boats/Snowmobiles LWE8T0CK * PETS 205 OttceClancal 206Situat»nsWvned 207 TrKlaelndustnal 206 S M 209 Sett Employrnent Opportunity 210 MedKal/Pro<essK)nal MEACHANOISE aOlQothing 302 Produce & Plants 303 Garage/Yard Sates 304 Heating Air ConditMxw^ F O R S A L E by o w n e r Newer built 4 b e d r o o m s , 2 baths. Finished w a l k o u t b a s e m e n t . Deck. $133,000. {248)996-3851.(12) Lots & Acreage 006 G A Y L O R D . 5 acres on private d e a d e n d road just w e s t o f t o w n . Ideal location t o raise a family. Electric a n d telephone. $ 2 4 , 9 0 0 . $600 down, $310/ month. 11% land contr act, www.northernlandco.com. Northern Land Company, 1 -800-968-3118.{0210ttn006) Mobile/Modular Housing 007 M O B I L E H O M E for sale/rent. A p p r a i s e d at $55,000. A s k i n g $ 4 9 , 0 0 0 . 3 b e d r o o m s . 1 tiath. Large 2 car g a r a g e w i t h w o r k b e n c h . Large lot. 1.) P u r c h a s e w i t h m o r t g a g e . 2.) L a n d c o n t r a c t w i t h $ 5 , 0 0 0 down, 3.) Rent $ 5 5 0 / m o n t h plus utilities. References required for rent. (989)732-3274 daytime. (989)732-7753 evenings,(06) Apartments For Rent 010 ?3l MICHAYWE. PROFESSIONALLY decorated executive h o m e . Has 2 master suites, n e w w o o d f l o o r s a n d stainless appliances, Family r o o m has t o n g u e a n d g r o o v e cathedral ceiling a n d vi/all of windows overlooking d e c k . S134.900. Includes all staging furniture. O p e n h o u s e Sundays, 1 1 a m - 2 p m , 7597 Blue)ay. Call owner at (810)733-7057.(30) 1 B E D R O O M a p a r t m e n t . Exceptionally nice. (989)732-5118,{0201 tfnOI 0) 1 B E D R O O M , 1 bath. Downtown kx>ation. All new appliances and carpeting. Air cornlrtioning, 1 - 1 / 2 car garage. $ 5 5 0 plus utiht^es. Nonsmoking. (989)619-0385.(05) 1 B E D R O O M . D o w n t o w n Gaykxd. Newly renxxJeled. $410/month. No pets. (231 )585-7660. (0912tfn010) 2 B E D R O O M downstairs apartment wrth attached garage. Pleasant n e i ^ b o r h o o d i n t o w n . Washer, dryer. I n c l u d e s water, sewer, gai1:>age pickup and p l o w i n g . N o pets. $ 6 2 5 / m o n t h . (989)732-9880.(16) here's your c h a n c e . S 1 9 4 5 0 0 . by W o j t k o w i a k Builders Inc. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, full basement Cape Cod.home on 2-1/2 acres {additional 5 acres available) with 2 car attached garage Pick your floor covering. Minutes from town Ciose to snowmobiie/ORV trals and state land. Reduced to $138,500. Call 98&-732-2614 3 B E D R O O M H O M E - o n c o r n e r lot in L e w i s t o n , 2 b l o c k s f r o m s c h o o l . Nicely l a n d s c a p e d , 2 - c a r s g a r a g e p r e s e n t l y b e i n g u s e d for h o m e b u s i n e s s . M i c h i g a n b a s e m e n t , large o u t b u i l d i n g , $99,000 2 B E D R O O M M O B I L E w i t h 1 0 0 ft. f r o n t a g e o n O t s e g o L a k ^ LAKEVIEW APARTMENTS, Two bedrooms. carport, targe storage room, pnvate balcony Near I-7S exit. ANNEX EFFICIENCY. Completety redone 2 bedroom w/targe sun porcTi. $675/ month. 2 bedrooms, $550/mofitti. Studw, S375/montti, Home BEAUTIFUL Three bedrooms, two baths. In town. Must see. dale j . s m i t h Realty REMODELED EFFICIENCY units o n O t s e g o Lake. Daily, weekly or $ 3 9 5 / m o n t h . I n c l u d e s utilities, f u r n i s h i n g s a n d cablePerfect for 1 or 2 p e o p l e . N o pets- (989)732-9795.(26) cf^cL'cnxon.u ^ HI- Al f V ^ Sandi Cogswell, b r o k e r GBl ABR ASP,eP«0, FSC 989-732-2804 - 989-858-1466 www.harmonygaylord.com "ExpeoerKe at your servKC ' (989) 7 3 2 - 2 4 7 7 • 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 2 2 - 2 3 5 0 w w w . (la I e j s m i t h . c o m o-mail - [email protected] 1349 S. Otsego. Box 309. Gaylord. Ml 4973b Two Bedroom Duplex 8062 Plneviaw Dr M«r>c«*ona. Ml 496!>9 ^31 58&-8200 . t£} 13 yiiiir CO N N E C H O N Apartments E F F I C I E N C Y R O O M S . All utilities included. $ 8 5 / $ l 0 0 weekly. Call Chris, (989)350-8005.(22) HANSEL a GRETAL.. would loved thrs spa<ii>ut 4 9R, 2 5 Sath iTQRYBOOlC Cr»ttsman style home on 10 ACRSS o' Hardwood For«t bordering State Land rf«h on the mafket to» S439,900 for more details, CALL NOW! (UIVI255028) 0! We're RENTAL DUPLEX. GAYLORD. 2 bedr o o m s . 1 car d e t a c h e d g a r a g e . Washer/dryer. Security d e p o s i t . $ 6 4 0 / m o n t h plus utilities. (734) 6 0 4 - 8 5 2 8 days, 1 - 8 8 8 - 2 1 6 - 8 9 1 8 evenings.(IO) N e w private well, s e p t i c f i e l d ( b i g e n o u g h for a 3 t > e d r o o m h o u s e ) a n d n e w d o c k . If y o u h a v e d r e a m e d of b e i n g o n O t s e g o Lake, M O ^ - I N SPECIAL. 3 bedroom apartrr>ent. D o w n t o w n G a y l o r d . N e w l y r e m o d e l e d . $65Q/month. (989)858-63/6.(23) 2 B E D R O O M , d o w n t o w n Gaylord a p a r t m e n t . W o o d ftoors. N o pets. $485. (989)350-1669.(31) 10 ACRES Beautifully wooded & private S^VOOO with UC terns CALL NOW) {MlS«2S}02^1 C O T T A G E w i t h 5 0 ' s a n d y b e a c h f r o n t a g e o n O t s e g o Lake, E X C E P T I O N A L L Y N I C E 1 and 2 bedroom apartments and spac i o u s 3 b e d r o o m t o w n honr^es. N o w accepting applicatkins for invnediate occupar^cy. Park M e a d o w Apartments, 1 b l o c k east of K - m a r t o n C o m m e r c e Boulevard. { 9 8 9 ) - 7 3 l - 1 1 5 9 . T D D 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 6 0 - 1 9 9 7 . Call or Stop by today. Evenir>g a n d w e e k e r x j a p p o i n t m e n t s available. Irtcome resthctions apply. Equal h o u s i n g opportunity, (02) With 1-car a t t a c h e d g a r a g e , f u l l b a s e m e n t C o m p l e t e l y like n e w condiUon. e x c e p t i o n a l l y c l e a n ' Cit\- water & s e w e r , o a k c a b i nets. n e w c a q j c i . 1 bath, a p p r o x NEWER COHSTRUCnOH v«tni232 SQ ft, 3 imately 1,000 sq tt of s p a c e beoroocns. 2 Daltis. cerajmc tile, Beitief carpet All l a w n c a r e & s n o w r e m o v a l and hicKory caba^. $127,500included Bcautil'ully l a n d s c a p e d 9lt have it •» with great cit\' p a r k s o u t y o u r Dgfr Buft W/ Count' • S«iw Reaaiaw' Afr^' • Diomood SiMa front d o o r N O P E T S P L E A S E ' QuUiouiet Pool i Tennit Cairti ' Located on Elkview D n v e Lika. OuMovks i PonHun" CampCT W/a«'" • Frie»»di<i^ Muut CoiKtrti S t a r t i n p a t S700 p e r m o n t h Soeioi AdMiel Eccnli • Sportimon Comminw p l u s all utilities I - \ e a r lease Nona A Lou /or Seir • Recre«iond R«moJs l e q u i r e d Call ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 7 8 5 2 800-228-5673 t o d a \ for a s h o w i n g www. iakesofthenorth .com L — * * * * * canat. Storage shed & d e c k . S88,000. C O U N T R Y L I V I N G - L a r g e 4 b e d r o o m h o m e , 2 . 5 b a t h s , utility r o o m , pantry a n d p a t i o p l u s 2 c a r g a r a g e . A d d i t i o n a l 4 0 a c r e s w i t h P i g e o n River r u n n i n g t h r o u g h . $ 3 , 5 0 0 / a c r e . dale $250,000 with h o m e a n d 3 a c r e s . (S-10) W O O D E D L O T - L o c a t e d 7 m i l e s s o u t h of G a y l o r d . 103 feet x / . sTriith G O O D 2 3 0 feet. $ 6 , 9 5 0 . L a n d c o n t r a c t p o s s i b l e . (DH) A S G O L D . . . G O O D A S iilJLU • 1349 S. Otsego, Gaylord, Ml 49735 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 2 4 7 7 • 8 0 0 - 8 2 2 - 2 3 5 0 • Visit us at w w w . d a l e j s m i t h . c o m KOSkE REALTY CO. 2192 South Otsego • Gaylord • South Of McCoy Road g Call 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 1 0 1 2 FEATURE OF THE WEEK WHEN QUALITY IS IMPORTANT I f M i ^ 1. NEW LISTING • Clean 3-bedroom, 1-1/2 bath. 1.368 sq. ft. home sited on three acres, with plenty of upgrades, like the riew kitchen, and vent- ^ less gas fireplace. 28'x32' garage, with workshop, 30'x40' pole buiWing with cement floor All appliances included. $135,000. BUHOWS PRIVATE HOME W1t^ an exquisite eye for oeiaii msxJe and out. Ceramic I tile baths, hicKOfv floors. Quality fixtures arxj I k|hting throughout irKiuding all Mcher, appli-1 ances. Gorgeous ftelcSstone ^re(^ace. Home I buid witfi the relaxefl lifestyle of northern I Mchigari m mmd. Lots of room for ihe toys. I with a 32x24 onve-ltvough po»e ouKJina. I j HOME HAS GREAT PRIVACY with a sarKly beach, and wood cathedral ceiling. Must see this horr>e' Sl97,d00. MLS I2532CS J I Great room features a gas fireplace and lots of seatinq. Gourmet appliances. 1 Lots to like. Room for studio apartment above garage. Separate 12x16 storage 1 building. House is being offered fully furnished. $ 3 ^ , 0 0 0 MLS #253827 2. LAND CONTRACT TERMS. Commercial tHjiWing in dosvntown Gaykxd. Mam ftoor is ideal for a retail business. 2nd floor is set up for office suites and 3rd floor is set up for apartments. Excellenl location with h i ^ viability and exposure with over 10.000 sq. ft. of space, plus a full basement. $329,000. Immediate possession. Call for more details. • 3. LAKE ACCESS - Beautifully w o o d ^ ^ e l with dean 2-bedn3om home, carpeted througriout, heat, walking distance to lake access, appliances mcBBeJ ar>d home warranty. $53,000. 4. HOME ON 5 ACRES - Clean 3 bedroom ranch home furnished on 5 aaes beautifully wooded. Located close to town and golf courses. Two battvxtoms. gas heat, 2-1/2 car attached garage, stove and refrigerator. $135,000. Call f(x more details. I I 1 I I I I EXCEPTWKAL CONOmON Pnme irxJuStritf I buiaiTQ with executive offices. 16' siOe wails. I Great locat:cn near 1-75, easy access to I rwrtti bound or south bouno. Plenty di room 1 to grow. Just urvJer 2 acres. Will lease witti I option to purchase $3,500 per month triple I net. S42Sira MLS 1255072 " PRIME VACANT LOTS THE TIMING COULDN'T 5. IMMEDIATE P O S S E S S I O f U ' # % l l ® " ' 3 clean 3-bedroom home on a large tot, 1-1/2 baths. c ^ W W n r ^ h o u t . full basement, garage. appliar>ces included, $88,900.. HOME SWEET HOME! 4 bedrooms. 2 I baths, great room, family room, huge deck. I avj above grour>d pool. 3-car garage in I addition to the 2-car attached Heatmg I costs no problem with outside wood burner I fueling the boiler. Locat«J on 10 acres with I hardwoods and ptr^. n^eadows just filled I I with wiklI game, and ac^ns state land. ' ' LS?19.000I MLS 1249612 6. 80 ACRES AND RIVER FRONTAGE • Beautifully wooded parc^ with Man-stee River running through the property. Adjacent to State Land, plus a clean 2 bedroom cabin with loft and fireplace. Excellent fishing and hunting area, ideal parcel for developing. Includes all oil. gas. and mineral rights. $395,000. Call for more details BEAUTWJL OPEN FLOOfi PLAN. Newer kitcAen and stone fireplace DoorwaMs looking I over deck arid >ake Oversized garage, lovely I lartdscaped yard wtTi spnriider systern, plus I 24x32 poie barn wtth concrete fioa and separate dnveway $127,500. MLS 2S3800 7. 10 ACRES - beautifully • ck>3e to state land. Ideal for your new h o ^ P » ^ j ^ ^ n g Electric availal>le, located m good deer country $24,000. I THIS PROPERTY has a 32 x 24 pole twn I on site weR, septic and storage shed with a gas line irrto tne property Property e ready to pift your new smgie or doubie-wide horrje on now, Seller is a W » e d real estate brol ker. $43,500 MLS #253234 I GREAT CORNER LOT on Wan Street across I 1 the road from the ne* city hall for Gaylord. I I T1>is w'li be a pomo commercial location for I I many, many decades Fantastic site for pro-1 Itessionaic>u'id<ng or retail Guaranteed htgh I I t f # c COn« $296,000 MLS #255065 * 8. HOME ON 40 ACRES • Four bedrooms, den, large family room with wood stove, walkout t>asement. fireplace, 3-1/2 taths, two car attached garage. Sited on 40 acres nicely wooded with some open field ideal for horses or f y m n g $395,000. Call for more details. 9. LAKE ACCESS - Clean 3 b e d y x y f y i e wrth carpeting throughout. wood intenof. gas FA heal C O W S o v e , large deck, storage shed, appliances included. HomeVarranty. $72,000. j 10. LAKEFRONT - Little Bass Lake frontage, cabm with fireplace, sauna, bath house, storage shed. 2-car garage. Located across from state land, ideal tor hunting, fishing and snowmobihng $89,500. 11 .CLEAN 3-BEDROOM HOME on 3.97 acres, mcely wooded Two t>athrooms, carpeted throughout, fireplace, gas FA heat and two-car garage 24'k32'. Stove and refrigerator incHjded. Located ctose to Gaykjrd and lakes 180,900. CaH for more detarts I EXCELLENT INCOME PROPERTY with I prime ownert resjdance. 21 rentals providI ing excellent income. Conssts of 1. 2 and BEAUTIFUL QUALITY built custom, 7 story I horoe )ust over 20 wooded acies Must see I j THIS VERY SHARP and spaooos home 13 bedroom and 2 ates. ExceNem location I between 1-75 and OW 27 north Total of 7I s all newly remodeled on the «side. VSj u to appreciate the extensive heated tne floor I throughout ttus home. Kitchen has a gnn»te T w« fcjve the abundant closet and storage I acres. Owner's Ivme features 4 bedroorrts. space. Live rrmutes from work and ^ist a |fami»y room, finahed lower level, office island, natural frepiace. office/ben. Master smte t ) i & ^ wal(-in cloeets Energy effioent I short walk to Otsego Lake. Lots and tots of. I workshop, and oversized 2-1/2 car garege. windows and heMng system. Ths » a sports- room for the whole lanily.Don1 miss out on II OubiMings also Ideal lor owner/operator, I or abeantee owrter with on-sie mar\agar. man dream home with excellent hi/itng. JMt <tm home. MUST see inside to appreciate. I MLS #254561 ^ l|S4^MLS»2S3146 3 m4estt schools. t2»,IOO. MLS «2S72e 12. LAKEFRONT - Clean 2-bedroom home, nxjetly furnished with a beautifui vwv* of the l ^ e . 12x20 deck, storage shed. 2 extra tots, nicely wooded. $88,900. Home w ^ a n t y tnduded. Cal for more details. "SURPRISE YOUR VALENTINE WITH KEYS TO A NEW H O M ^ " New listin Home wants buyer Prudential Preferred Properties Network www.pprmi.com water anyone i $12S,000 Imsmrtmcnd-Moncelooo EXCELLENT BUILOtNQ on South Otsego I that was remodeled m 2001 with 11 cAces, a I confarance room, ciencal office and reception I «ea. fuly equoped utcher and baaament I tor storage. Hi(^ with great paMng, P .leMQO MLS #249717 ' lim^.Govkxd 44MAI)oHwr.-M)a Cute! Cute! Cute! MLS»2634411 $125,000 SMSHdHwyOf-Gaytoid MLS»2533)0 TUIXMo-Oa^ G o t o www.repgaylord.com and click on "search the MLS" to look at all the local Call (989) 7 3 2 - 9 5 5 5 • 7 1 5 South Wisconsin Ave., Gaylord listings aC<wynyo«Amewo C » 1 Heuewg Opportunity IS> MUMXTAY, ^•ORU«LRY Qaytord Herald Tim«s Ul««siti«ds Business Property For Rent Business Property For Rent Apartments f o r Rent 010 TOWNHOUSE. (969)732-2270. 2 BEDROOMS. $560. in town. Carport. Coin laundry, air. Lots of storage. 1 y e v lease. No pets. (989)732-3671.(0418ttn010) 011 GORNICK Bt 1LDI.NG M32 • Gayiord CHALET/EXECUTIVE/MEDIC A t . Main Street. 1.100 square feet. £xlremely affordable. Ample parking. (989)732-2270.(23) DOWNTOWN BUSINESS locaAFFORDABLE HOUSING avail- tior>s available. Office suites or able. Gaslight Square Apart- storefronts. ments has 1 ar>d 2 bedroom (989)732-5118.(0201 tfn011) apartments available for immediate occupancy. Also 3 bedrooms PREMIUM PROFESSIONAL on a waiting list. Income based medical office space for lease on rent provides an affordable, South Otsego Avenue. Ir>dividual quality living environment. Open- suites of 800 and 1.200 square ings are limited. Appty quickly at feet or will customize 2.000. 1 ofGaslight Square. I ^ a t e d 1 block fice suite for iease. 550 square from Aspen Park gate at 1231 feet. Call (989)732-2600 for more Village Parkway. Gayiord. Office information. (0505tfn011) hours. Monday through Friday. 8am-4pm, (989)732-3019. EOE. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space TDD 1-800-830-7110.(16) for lease. 350 square feet up t o 1,200 square feet. Downtown loTOTALLY REMODELED town- cation. house. Close to school. (989)732-5118.(0201tfn011) (989)732-2270.(07t) H 'c're S Child Care Services 107 3 BEDROOM. 2-1/2 bath home on 5 acres with 3 decks to enjoy nplel with a a beautiful view. Complete 2-1/2 car garage. $95 $950/nx}nth plus utilities. First and last month's rent plus security deposit to move in. RefererKes required. (989)705-7800.(02) NOW L I A t I N O 1 to 10 Individual mam fk>or offices! Single office leases from |u8t S250/inonth. Prestigious high visibility location. Signage availatjle. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths 2 car garage. Michaywe amenities. |700/nx>nth plus utilities and deposit. (989)350-2401.(06) Call Scott ChMtoy (969) 732-5225 Mlchloan NatwM • RMHOT* Houses For Rent 012 1 YEAR lease with option t o buy. 2 bedroom mobile with garage. Call Jim O'Connor for details. (969)732-4045.(02) 3 BEDROOMS, full basement. 2 car attached garage. 1266 South Maple Leaf. Security deposit. No pets. For application, call Rick. (989)732-6765 9am-5pfn or (989)614-0353 ask for Bob.(30) 1, 2 OR 4 t)edroom (989)732-4318.(31t) 4 BEDROOM house for rent. $800/month with security deposit. (989)732-1225.(06) ri'iir iSSESuSSM WEST PARK APARTMENTS Houses For Rent 012 3 BEDROOM. 1-1/2 bath stone house near Boyr>e Falls wrth new appliancee. Ir>ciudee 9 6 % KM-nace. $800/month lease wtth winter mov9 In 1-800-275-6753.(30) rentals. 1,400 SQUARE foot, 3 bedroom duplex in town. 2 car garage. Laundry hooi^up. Newly decorated. Water, trash removal included. $650/month. (969)731-6080 after 5pm or leave message. (02) Cathedral Ceilin3s with Studio Loft. Washer/Dryer Hookup Dishwasher Bnck Exterior Other units also available Rents $500-$62S Call 732-7393 614-0039 : 3,800 sq. ft. with 11 offices, conference room, kitchen, basement &' high visibility. 1 LOCATIONS: Murner Rd. and Random Lane by N o r t h O h i o Elementary S c h o o l FOR RENT 23,000 sq. f t with 17,000 sq. ft. prime Class-A offices, elevator. One floor. 6.0(X) sq. ft. leased. Business Property For Rent PERFECT LOCATION SALE • LEASE • CAN DIVIDE 011 A PRIME office location available for rent. (989)732-7551 .(0429tfn011} COMMERCIAL RENTALS available. Retail or office space. Call (989)614-1004 or e-mail scott@d unnson line. com.(0722tfn Oil) 600 to 1,200 sq. ft. units at Parkside Mini Mall. Great values! INDUSTRIAL /WAREHOUSE SALE - LEASE - CAN DIVIDE r a f H I ^ ' S P A C E For rent; 6,000 sq. f t with 2 offices, air compressor. 3 overhead doors. Fenced storage and parking with diesel plug ins. 2,;00 square foot office buQding at a prime location on South Otsego Avenue just south of McCoy Road. Spacious parking, pleasant setting. 12,000 sq. ft., great service facility includes 1.400 sq. ft. of offices, oveitiead doors and floor hoist. HEFU^I^Jimes dale j. smith Realty (989) 732-2477 • 1-800-822-2350 w w w . d a l e i s m i t h com e-mail • [email protected] 1349 S Otsego Bo* 309. Gayiord Ml 49735 Call for more mformation. Bt Ri- ALTY JSf./tKKN RKALTV Rf-W TV Rt.ALTr BL/IKKM ^ log o n to w w w . b l a k e n e a l t y . c o m to v i e w a l l out l i s t i n g s g |<g2> • 4. IT 106 ALTERATIONS AND custom 8ewir>g by Nancy. (989)732-6947. (1001t1n8l08) DJ/ KARAOKE entertainnwit for any occasion, w v w . l ^ r y e n t ^ talnment.com. Larry Reichert, (989)732-3933,(020ltfnl08) NEED YOUR roof shoveled but can't do it yourself? $30-$60. Depends on size of roof. Contact Donny at (616)889-7777, Gayiord only.(02) ROOF SNOW removal. No damage method. Years exp>erience. Reasonable. Rick, (989)732-6553 before 9pm. (08) SNOWPLOWINQ AND roof snow removal in the Gayiord area. Lowest rates. Free estimates. (989)858-3933.(05s) T h e E.J. S h o p p e (Ladies Clothing) <989) t 7 : 5 0 a.m. o n WMJZ 101.5 FM 117 W. First St., Gayiord 7 3 1 - S E l X (7355) NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR Industrial Magnetics is looking for a Network Administrator t o support arxj maintain a multiple server network based on various Windows operating system versions. Candidates should have Microsoft MCSE or other industry certification. Excellent vi^rk ethic and dedication to end user needs are a must. Industrial Magnetics is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Send resume and cover letter to: Ollar Consulting LTD. PO Box 6228, Traverse City, Ml 49696(09) Is having a STOREWIDE LIQUIDATION SALE 30% to 80% off (SIO & S15 racks also) F.verything M u s t Go!! Main 122i M a i n Street East Jordan NEWTODAYT WAITSTAFF Full or part-time. Front of the House Restaurant Manager Apply in person. BJ's Restaurant. Old 27 North. Gaylord.(09) Help Wanted Miscellaneous (231)536-2348 204 Administrative Professional MASSAGE THERAPIST needed. Must be certified and insured. Total Health, (989)732-7770.(30) 201 Gayiord Herald Times BUSINESS PAQE Prom 0r«nd op«oing« to profnofiont and •werda, the Oaytord Herald Tinwa kMpa an eye on ail tlw buatniaa nawa ttwt anectayoQ. IbtoMiiMin •EFWK.ERTOADWSEE d logwuturn* wftn h n••WDiwvtt wOi a» ---083*mMSHS, OWW »w-na»8ffliiwj wnti }-KDROOM ^ — yauHfld caiftH. awl cm mnm nwwttwinwdssomeTU: SitsonlOaciwwUhthe Lstos ol stufl- 3 t)«*«)oms. 1 bch. arxJ LttH P<9«on ftw ai tt borterflefxnsessen.was M/2 Ctfoange Loc«t«l r VandW*. P4.9CI0 ».«». MLS 1254034 •4M00. MLS #2555« $KDW)OM,1t»».2«sloryhome.2 — — , - - ----- - . c* ijaraoe, rarJwoMfloors.o«vsu«^. awl awng f w . RefrigjrstcK A lot olhwnefaltw money'$95,000 ».900. MLS 1252149 JU8T • 3 BEDROOMS. 1-1/2 baths. Ciose to town. 2-1/2 car garage. Double wooded lot. (989)883-2758.(09) OTSEQO LAKE beach front. 3 bedrooms 1-3 peopJe. 5 month renewable tease. $580/n>onth. 1-1/2 month's security. (248)760-0973.(05t) OUT OF town. 2 bedroom, 1 bath home. $350. Very nice. Security deposit required. Ir>clude8 snow removal, trash and yard work. (989)939-8681.(19) OUALfTYWIlIiwni on 1-1/2 Wicloattoiown TW8 HOME HW 9»e Wtowmg teilim: cw* W NOT YOUII BMuntui tfws acoacaoto lystem town, 5 acm. ne6l«> and «siia»d 30*40 pda txiiitS-ewJwnhcnt.»Wandwnnssejistyta lots afc«B(ai« MttW 2 JpKW wm liv- twling, uodatwJ Wchar, nieateorplan, jeparata modern i>pgrai« teatiws trrougtwx • no fwm iwm l M Bath upstan, 1/2 'amJy room, and part* taiemert. «•$ wth IIdok! a pancuiafty LWX syiws GE P>I 6«fi ma*i ftoor. wl W bath (Jowrai»r». Immadata 3 D«JP00m«, 175 tatt* iid 2-(* ittachad garagitornanceap(*»ne« Foi ftoa mastar twlfoofn occupy* Wai $'64,000 flSTJOa MLS •246966 MLS #2S4®13 tITMOO. MLS •254691 RENT TO own. 4 bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, fireplace, air, appliances. $1,195. 7523 Oriole Circle. (231)264-9474.(26) Resort Property For Rent 014 NEWTODAYI FURNISHED SUITE Including all utilfties. $650/rr>onth. No pets. (989)732-2802.(09) LITTLE BEAR LAKE MLS 1252654 $52,000 $52,500 MLSf2S4446 Miscellaneous For Rent 018 RENT OR purchase new 24'x48' storage unit. Lar>d c o n t ^ t terms available. Maxi Storage, (969)731-0888.(07) Free Offers REDUCED V jTI $34294 p e r MONTH MLS 1252875 $71,500 $146,300 MLS 1253733 103 FREE: ADULT male boxers. Two 4 year olds. Neutered. (989>390-1522.(09y FREE: CHIHUAHUA puppies. Ready to go o n Febniary 18. (989)731-5533.(09) Lost And Found ' $169,700 BEOORE LAKE 1^1253664 $214,900 989-731-4221 TOLL FREE 8 6 6 - 5 1 6 - 3 8 6 6 5 1 9 S. O t s e g o A v e . , G a y i o r d , M l 4 9 7 3 5 www.ccn1ury21gaylord.com In Gayiord Manpower Leads the Way.. ...with the market's most thorough staffing sokitiorts and the area's l>e8t employmeot opportunities. onus for. • Scalable ftiffing sotutKMS cusUynced to the needs of your company • CNnct-hinMrMcwtoflffic«nOyfKrijt scTMn and idenliy the iMst new hm. • E leaming solubow rciuding sc^ware, Cusress slub. pn3l9SSior^ developmeni and manutactumg-retated courses • HR tenicee ndudrg onirw candK)ate [TBSCTMnng, behavioral ntarwffig.' ski assessment and men EmployM MW Kcaee to: • OpportuHtiei n ai^riretraCive. ndustnal and cortact center settrgs. • Optiont rckxtng short-and long^ami aaignmems. temp^-hn and dnct-Ttn. • Competitm pay & coniprahenMM beocAta rxljdng vacstnrVVnWay pay, tree or*w ski traiwig and men SUBWAY MANAGER. Gaylond downtown Subway located at 400 West Main Street is now hiring for a manager. Food service COUNTRY LIVING management with previous ex2/-1/4 miles from expressway, perience in operating a food Vanderbilt. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, service unit preferred. Strong family room. Garage. New win- leadership, recruiting and retaindows. No pets/smokir^g. ing skills including management $700/month. Security. Credit of store profitability required. check. (989)983-4356.(09) Benefits include bonus program, monthly, annual and holiday paid MOBILE HOME for rent. 5 time off, 401 (k), flexible spending blocks from downtown Gayiord. account, life and long term disNo pets. Lease required. ability, medical and dental insur(989)732-7623 or ance. Please send resume to: At1349 S. Otsego, (989)732-3576.(0521tfn012) tention: Human Resource DeGayiord partment, 219 North Front 989-732-4884 Street. Standish, Ml 48658 or fax Manpower' iiS.manpower.com to (989)846-4412 or e-mail to 3 BEDROOM house for rent. humanre9ourcesdforwardcorp.com 1-1/2 baths. 2 car garage. Fenced In yard. References and securrty. (989)732-8927.(09) Headwaters Land Conservancy NEW TODAY! ! S 202 BUSY NORTHERN Michigan restaurant is looking for a kitchen manager/cook. Responsibilities include managir^g kitchen staff, preparing specials, inventory, cost control and line cooking. Salary up to $32,000 plus health insurance. Send resume to: Box 150, c/o Gayiord Herald Times, PO Box 598, Gayiord, Ml 49734.(30) ml' NEWTODAYf Cotch me each Tuesday and TTiursday :%|t Clubs/Restaurants Services Available HOSTMAN'S QUALITY Rental Homes. (989)732-0599. Pets considered. C i l Dave for avail2 BEDROOM, 2 bath condomin- ability. Full list and applications ium. In town. $600/month. $600 at 136 North Court, front door security. (989)390-3771.(06) steel box. 124 North Ohio 4 bedroom house $625/ 1950 Spring2 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 14 x70' wood 3 t>edroom mobile $465/ mobile with 2 car garage. 2930 Pinegrove 3 bedroom 2 $600/month plus security de- bath mobile $495/ 6178 Hatch 3 posit. 409 Tnllium Trail. Gayiord. bedroom (Tx>bile garage $525/ (734)644-4588.(26) 1686 Kassuba 2 bedroom mobile 2 BEDROOMS. Laundry space. garage shed acreage $495/ 6167 Super clean. Lake Louise/Jo- Kellogg 2 bedroom mobile $425/ hannesburg. $575/month. secu- 6119 Hatch Drive 2 bedroom rity (989)732-3115, mobile $425/ 145A North Indiana 2 bedroom duplex $525. Also. I (989)786-3669.(26t) have several other 2 tjedroom available from 3 BEDROOM house for rent. mobiles $700/month plus security. 6 $325-$455.(09t) month lease. Gayiord. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 4 (231)585-6510.(06) bedroom. 2 bath executive 3 BEDROOM with possible honne. Beisement. Double lot. 4th/family room. Available ap- Gayiord West. (989)448-0211. proximately February 25. $7CiO. LAKES OF the North. 2,000 (989)732-5246,(23) square feet. Rent to own. 3 bed3 BEDROOM, 1 bath cottage rooms. 2 tiaths. Pole bam. Ranger Lake Road off McCoy. (313)350-2315.(16) $600/month plus security deposit. 5949 Ranger Lake Road. LIKE NEWl Gayiord. (734)644-4588.(26) 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath home with 2 car detached garage on 10 acres. $695/month plus $695 security. Immediate occupancy. (810)300-3263.(02) NEWTOTAYT "le Lord's LovmR Care GREAT COUNTRY setting. Newly remodeled. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Garage. Doublewide on 3 acres. Off 4 Mile in Grayling. $650/month plus utilities. Contact Carolyn. (231)796-5099.(30) CtU Scott f o r y o u r appointment 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 9 4 9 4 . 201 INSURANCE MANAOEMENT trainee. Bankers Life and Casualty Company, orw of America's fartest growing insurance comSTAY AND Play Daycare now panies, Is exparKiir>g In the Gayhas full and par(-tinr>e openlr>g8. kxd area and seeking mar\ao«Meals and activities provided. rr>ent trainees. We offer excellent (989)732-7024.(02) k x » i tralnir>g with earnir>g potential between $40,000 and $60,000 in your first year. To Licensed Day Care learn more or to arrange a nneetUnk|u« Envtrormwit! ing, please call John Blanck, (231)347-6925 or fax your resume to (231)347-6896. Apply AQE8 0-12 PWCHOOT PTTOOFLAM PUM ACNVITICS online www.bankerslife.com. 732^4301 EOC M/F/H/D.(09) EXCEPTIONALLY NICE. 2. 3. arxJ 4 plus bedroom homes. Located in town and beautiful Michaywe. Rents ranging from $650/month to $1.595/month. (989)732-2271 .(30t) Two or Three bcdrwm homes on a l-acrc wooded lot in a oice neighborhood Homes include washer, dr^cr. stove, refrigerator. dishwasher and cable T V connection Gayiord schools Must see to believe' Administrative Professional SHIRLEY'S FAMILY Day Care has op6nir>g« Mor>day through Frklay. 7;30em-4pm, ages 2 and up. Located off Van lyie Road, n e v South Townllr>e. Call before 8pm. (989)731-2096.(02) CABIN AND rTK:>bile home at Lost Acres Cabins. 1 room cabin. #1. $275. Cabin #6, #4, $375 includes utilities. Near Blue Gill Lake. 11010 North Old US-27. 2 bedroom mobile home. New paint, carpet, windows. $395 plus utilities and security. No pets. 11006 North Old US-27. 1.877-227-6976.(09t) Carports ^UUTT * 4 106 LOST M E D I U M stze gr«y female husky, blcK:k nwfclnga. One brown eye, or»e blue eye. North 0>k> Street. (969)370-1271.(06) BffiWTWAYT FOUND: D I A M O N D engsQement ring In Qaytord. CaJI wtth deecrtption, (M0)766-3401 .(00) Position Opening: Office Administrator ThiJ IS an exattng opportunity for an enthusiasoc. energetic penon to provide adiucistranve aod eloic^ si^port to a growing r^ooal comwvatioo ofgani«ioii This is a fuU-timc. pwmanent positioD with benefits RespocsibihDes general operaoomal md dencal support, data tnaoi-mntn<in>raftniK QualificattiMs Assoaales degree Of bcnet dcsired, hi^ school diplncna required, expenoice working for a land trust or other no!i-pr<^t desuabie The ran.4i^Mi> must be seif-moovated. hawe excellait organizational, vwbaJ and wnttcn commumcadoD skills »d have a high tolenoce for meetiag competing demands effiaentiy. ability to balmce nd pursue multiple projects simultaneously with good humor Bid poiK. PC compute literacy. maD^ement. word prucesaiDg. spreadsheets, bookke^uig (Microsoft Office Professional. QuickBooks. Exceed Premier) Computer and network trouble-shooting skiUs mt a plus The ideal caodidate will also have a strong environmental ethic and a coiunitm<nt to protecting the natural resources of northern Michigan Please tead a cover letter aad resume to: Mr Dave Smethunt. Executive Director Hevl Waters l.and Conservancv 110 South Elm Avenue. Gayiord. Ml. 49735 [{e*dWMm l.and (""onservancv is the ragiond land tru.« terMtig Alcon*. /Mp«ui Araiac. rotwfort. Insoo. Mooonor^BCV •".igwrnw t.Heodfc. Pres^ue tUe. vmJ Roscommon cowties in Dorth«Aii l.ower Michigai. with officoi lootied in Gayiord Headwaters Land ConaervoHcy a and Equal Opportunity Ert^loyer National City LICENSED FINANCIAL CONSULTANT/ CONSUMER BANKING CONSULTANT The primary tocus of this position is to provide our customers the full array of banktrtg, investment, arxj ir^surance services available. Qualified applicants will possess excellent sales abiiities. arxJ have exhibited outstanding customer service in prior experiences. This person will have equal respor^sibiilty for seliing and understar>ding both banking ahd investrrtent products Persons apptying tor this p c ^ k x i will be comtortabie inltiatir>g sales discussions with current and potential custorr>er8 via vanous methods This positton wili require appropriate licensing, tncludirig NASO Series 6 and 63 and state lite insurance licer>se Preferred applicants wiH be 3+ years in firwncial sen/ices. with demonstrated skins in customer seoilce ar>d saies Those applicants without applicatte liceneing will be conskjered. arxJ must acquire the necessary Ikienses in an acceptable time frame Our comprehensive package inckidee base salary, perforrrvance jr>centlves. health, dental, disability, life insurance, 401K, tuition reimbursement and more Submit resume in person to: Natk>nal City Bank 2931 Kneeland St Lewiston, Ml 49756 Attn: Eveline Taytor For more intonnatlon regarding National City, please visil www r>atk>natelty com An Equal Opportunity EmpkDyef. • M M i i i i M M i i i M i w m m oayiora neraia 1 imes uiasstfieos « * M l u r o M y , rt»U( u a r y 9, ^<ak> Help Wanted Miscellaneous Help Wanted Miscellaneous Help Wanted Miscellaneous 204 LOOKING FOR self motivated, caring people to work with irtdividuals in group home setting asai9tir>g them with needs of daily living. Must have a valid drivers license. Part-time positions available, 8 hour shifts, mostly midnights. $7 65/hour Training in care of others will be N E W T O M Y T provided Possibility of full-time E N T R Y L E V E L P O S I T I O N with benefits after training. Call through Friday, Growing company needs people Monday to fill immediate openings. Tired 7am-3pm. (989)732-9464 ask for of being just over broke? Start a Veionica. E0E.(16) career with a 93 year old company setting up displays. No expenence necessary. Company training. Paid vacation. Production bonuses. Call (989)732-8439.(09) Cheboygan Memorial Hospital is s e e k i n g a n u r s i n g p r o f e s s i o n al t o i o m o u r t e a m as a C a s e ]!«EW T O D A Y ! M a n a g e r in o u r Q u a l i t y a n d DRIVERS NEEDED. Must be 21 P a t i e n t Safety D e p a r t m e n t , T h i s or older with clear driving recordl u l l - t i m e p o s i t i o n is r e s p o n s i b l e Pay ranges from S300 to $800 weekly. Independent a n d a c c o u n t a b l e for c l i n i c a l a n d contractor/applicants must f i n a n c i a l o p e r a t i o n s of a C a s e have/own a full size or extended Management System, including cargo van. Work out of Grayling d i r e c t i o n in t h e s e areas of o p e r 5 days a week Call 1-888-336-7205 after I0am.(09) ations, resource m a n a g e m e n t , t i m e l y m o v e m e n t of p a t i e n t s through a continuum, DRG NEWTOBAYT tlnancia! analysis, m a n a g e d PEER SUPPORT specialist, up care, clinical d o c u m e n t a t i o n to 20 hours per week, to provide and systems improvement, A mentoring and guidance with independent living skills for adults B S N D e g r e e is r e q u i r e d . Five recovering from mental illness. years prior management experiRequires flexible schedule and e n c e in an acute c a r e s e t t i n g , must be a current or previous consumer of mental health servhighly developed interpersonal ices with an equivalent of a high sl(ills a n d the ability to f u n c t i o n school education and good dnvi n d e p e n d e n t l y are e s s e n t i a l t o ing record. Assignments supert h i s position. Please s u b m i t vised and coordinated through the Petoskey Club, a psychosoy o u r CV/resume to: cial rehabiliation program. Starting wage of $10.21/hour- Send Cheboygan Memorial Hospital resume to: Human Resources. Human Resources North Country Community Men748 S, Main St, tal Health. One MacDonaid Cheboygan. Ml 49721 Drive, Suite A, Petoskey, Ml Phone:(231) 627-1220 49770. Fax (231)347-1241 or [email protected]. e-mail Fax: (231) 627-1262 EOE.(09) 204 APPOINTMENT SETTERS n«eded for Gaylord health club $7-10/hour plus bonuses. No experience neededCall |989)732-5820,(06) CASE MANAGER Office/Clerical Trades/Industrial Sales 205 207 206 204 PART-TIME DRIVERS NEW TODAY! MEAL PROGRAM assistant Part-time position available with the Otsego County Commission on Ag»ng. Looking for a caring, compassionate person with ex cellent customer service skills Must be a team player committed to the policies and procedures of the agency. Work will include food preparation, light cooking and clean up. Special oppxxtunities to assist with the agency's congregate and home delivered rr^eal programs and special events programs. Applications available at the Otsego County Commission on Aging business office. 120 Grandview Boulevard, Gaylord. Equal opportunity employer. (06) QAYLORD COMMUNITY Schools IS seeking an athletic department secretary. High school dipk^ma/equivalent, strong computer skills and ability to work effectively with students, staff and the public required Position is 20 hours per week for entire student school year plus 3 weeks SerxJ cover letter, resume, completed application and 3 reference letters to: Superintendent Cheryl Wo|tas. c/o Personnel Office, Gaylord Community Schools. 615 South Elm Street, Gaylord, Ml 49735 by February 21, 2008. Applications avculable at wvyw.gaykirdschools,com or at above address, (09) NEWTOMY! Northern Broadcast, Inc is looking for salespeople for the Gaylord and Traverse City offices plus receptionist and traffic assistant in Traverse City. Submit resumes by February 11. 2008 in confidence to; NBl, 1020 Hastings, Suite 102, Traverse City. Ml 49686. NBl is and equal opportunity emp!oyer.(09) PHYSICAL THERAPY Clinic ts looking for a receptionist with medical billing/accounts receivable expenence. Part/full-time available Send resume to: PO Box 519, Gaylord, Ml 49734.(09) Trades/Industrial 207 NEWTOMYf PART-TIME OR full-time cashier. 28-31 hours. Evenings/Saturdays required. Send resume to: Theresa Schmidt, P.O Box 1488, Gaylord. Ml 49734,{03t) SHEREN PLUMBING and Heatirvg currently has openings for all levels of plumbing and HVAC, All positions require a valid drivers license ^and you must pass a pre-employment drug screening. Please send resume to: 3801 Renme School Road. Traverse City. Ml 49684 or fax to (231)943-9907.(09) SUGAR ME Silly Mini Donuts. Part-time help needed. One morning per week. Call (989)370-2284 between 8am-11am daily.{06) NEW TODAY! Office/Clerical EXPERIENCED OIL AND GAS WIRELINE PERFORATOR Well established company in the area i s ' l o o k i n g for an expen enced (2 or more years) wireline perforator for the oil and gas industry. Great wages and benefits. after transfer package. If you are interested. please call 1-888-287-3797,(09) 205 Neurological Rehabilitation Center Speech Language Pathologist position available for full or parhtime to provide quality goal-oriented services to traumatic brain injured (TBI) clients. Our facility is located in an attractive community near Traverse City. The selected candidate will work within a multi-disciplinary team approach and will provide therapeutic services. TT>e Ughthouse. Inc. offers a very competitive salary and e n exceptional fringe benefits package. The Lighthouse also offers a sign-on bonus and relocation expenses. A d v a n c e ment opportunities in the company are obtainable. For abrupt consideration o n this g r a t i f y i n g career opportunity, please send your resume to: Attn: Director of Marketing Fax (231) 263-1354 email: [email protected] Clerical Full t i m e p o s i t i o n in o u r s m a l l o f f i c e in G a y l o r d , Ansv^ering phones, nigtif deposits, customer service a n d other basic office duties. B a c k g r o u n d in o f f i c e a n d or c u s t o m e r service environments required. Pay b a s e d on experience, APPLY T O D A Y ! Please s e n d r e s u m e t o : Box 119, C/O Gaylord H e r a l d Times. DRIVER TRAINEES needed now. Dnvers t>eing hired and CDL' trained for Werner Enterprises. S800'week, No experience needed. 1-800-882-7364.(02) m Retail Licensed Personal Banker the G a y l o r d m a r k e t O r g a n i z a t i o n in n o r t h e a s t M i c h i g a n is seeking a n i n d i v i d u - fied al t o w o r k as t h e M i c h i g a n P r i s o n e r R e - e n t r y I n i t i a t i v e r e \ e n u e m n rate i>rS2."^K. a n d p o s s e s s a p p r o p r i - Community P o s i t i o n re.NponMbilities in- ate l i c e n s i n g o t ' S e r i e s 6 . (^3 a n d I n s u r a n c e . clude a hcavv empha>is on relationship building, sales, a n d customer seiMce C'ommuniealion. l e a d e r s h i p a n d sales s k i l l s a r e r e c j u i r e d in 14 counties of n o r t h e a s t candidates must ha\e p r o o f ot Quali- cellent w o r k e n v i r o n m e n t and henctits provided, i n c l u d i n g 4 ( H ( k ) . p r o f i t s h a r i n g a n d m u c h more. field. Experience in p l a n n i n g , c r i m i n a l justice or c o r r e c t i o n s All is preferred, but n o t required. C o n t r a c t o r m u s t have excel- vvww.53.com lent c o m m u n i c a t i o n skills ( w r i t t e n & verbal); consensus- qualified applicants should a p p h o n l i n e at A n A t l i m i a U v e A e l i o n ' l qual l . n i p l o \ i n c n l b u i l d i n g skills: a n d p l a n n i n g a n d c o o r d i n a t i n g skills. The ()pportunil> 1 mploser M T / D ' V f a c i l i t a t i n g g r o u p s in p u b l i c m e e t i n g s , and possess excellent c o m p u t e r skills. It is a n t i c i p a t e d t h a t t h e w o r k e f f o r t w o u l d require 4 0 hours a w e e k . Caf) you do that? If interested, please s u b m i t a letter of a p p l i c a t i o n a n d ress u m e by February 19, 2 0 0 8 , t o M a r k L. Berdan, Executive Director, M i c h i g a n W o r k s R e g i o n 7B Consortium, 2 3 8 9 S. Customer Service Representative M i c h i g a n W o r k s Region 7B C o n s o r t i u m is an Equal O p p o r - An t u n i t y E m p l o y e r A u x i l i a r y a i d s a n d services w i l l be m a d e Gaylord south oflice available u p o n request t o i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h disabilities. part of a fast p a c e d g r o w i n g t e a m of professionals. M i c h i g a n Relay Center 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 4 9 - 3 7 7 7 (voice 8i TTY). Responsibilities exceptional part-time position available in our. Excellent o p p o r t u n i t y to b e c o m e include reception, teller, customer s e rv ic e , a n d referrals. P r e v i o u s b a n k i n g / c a s h h a n d l i n g 'dcdnq your IMES details... \i«l<- Kntuit r . ITCHIKFIIARKM C u k r V. (.Hk»* X S«T>»TH < ink*- Topn CUNMI'N <]RR«'MONY \<TP»>«ORI««« I)«Toratioii« * K«»vor>« l-'Uiwrr <«irl HankriM G«RL«T" (HTIH Tor CrIanMrn A ToMollIlg Kllltfi* Book. r.-n. Invilalion* A I'rojframA SrraU-h I*B«I" N a p k i n * / t Plar** Kinff il<*ar<*r I'iMowa Srmll"* Hi Sral" Service ( ' a r d i i r«r»ri CELLULAR ONE. The N e w AT&T RetaM Store is NOW HIRING!!! k n|r a Irrr 2 O 5 0 S . O t s e g o A v e . , G a y l o r d . M I • (<>89) 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 e x p e r i e n c e p r e f e r r e d , "I c a n d o that attitude! a M U S T ! This p o s i t i o n will b e s c h e d u l e d u p t o 24 h o u r s per w e e k i n c l u d i n g t h r e e S a t u r d a y s per m o n t h . N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k offers a c o m p e t i t i v e salary, t)eneflts, a n d a great p l a c e t o w o r k ! For i m m e d i a t e c o n s i d e r a t i o n , p l e a s e submit your r e s u m e to; Northwestern Bank Human Resources Noflhwestern Bank P.O Box 809 Traverse City, Ml 49685 Fax 231-947-1159 [email protected] fci E q u d Oppoftunly Einployw, W e offer an attractive c o m p e n s a t i o n p r o g r a m a n d full b e n e f i t s package P l e a s e apply on-line at; http://www.cetloneusa c o m / a t t / j o b o p s - h t m l Dobson. The New A T i T « an Affirmative Action ' Equal Opportunity Employer, ar^d we re committed to hiring a diverse and talented workforce Employment Opportunities at Otsego Memorial Hospital OMH has recently enhanced our outstanding full-time benefit package including health, dental, vision, life and disability insurance; discount prescription; continuing education/tuition assistance; retirement and generous paid time off, M - 7 6 , W e s t Branch, M l 4 8 6 6 1 , The i n f o r m a t i o n may a l s o be e m a i l e d t o m b e r d a n @ m i c h w o r k s 4 . o r g , order! CELLULAR I n Gaylord, our emphasis is on outdoor recreation and quality of life. We enjoy a healthful climate, which is ideal for year-round sporting activities including golf, camping, boating, tennis, cross-country and downhill skiing, hunting, fishing, and more, Gaylord boasts a strong business community and l-winntng schools. MPRI C o m m u n i t y C o o r d i n a t o r m u s t also be c o m f o r t a b l e 1 5 % off DRV crash kiHs tc«R CURRENTLY SEEKING full-time and part-time polysomnographic technologists for private sleep center Candidates with RPSGT credentials strongly preferred. CRT or medical credentials with at least one year of expenence will be considered. We offer a competitive salary and great benefits. Please send resume to [email protected]. 1 ,\- a degree, preferably In c r i m i n a l justice or h u m a n services RECEIVE HERALI^^IMES PHYSICAL THERAPIST assistant. PTA degree required. First Choice Physical Therapy, Petoskey. (231)439-3750 ask for Jim or send resume to [email protected].(26) annualized l o w e r M i c h i g a n , MPRI C o m m u n i t y C o o r d i n a t o r m u s t h a v e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Get Gaytord's award-winning newspaper delivered to your home by calling (989) 732-1111 or visit our office at 2056 S. Otsego Ave.. Gaylord, Michigan. GRANDVUE. CHARLEVOIX County's Medical Care Facility, IS looking for RNs and LPNs who are interested in working in a state of the art facility that is moving away from the medical model toward a more holistic approach to care through reduced nurse to resident caseloads. Full, part-time and relief positions available. Our extensive benefit package includes generous shift dirrerentiais for afternoon and midnight positions, liberal time off policy and facility paid retirement plan. Health, dental, vision and life insurance available for full-time staff. If you are iookirig for a nursing position that will challenge your abilities, encourage personal growth and allow you to build relationships with residents and their families, please apply at 1728 South Peninsula Road, East Jordan or call Jane Korthase. (231)536-2286 with questions.(06) Seeking candidates to t i l l a rull-liiiK' posilitui in Help Wanted: Michigan Prisoner Re-entry Initiative Community Coordinator Let us help you with your SUBSCRIPTIONS Medical/Professional 210 Join us. and you'll u s e y o u r c h a r i s m a a n d technical savvy to deliver the p e r f e c t w i r e l e s s solutwns. You'll a l s o r e c e i v e an a v e r a g e of 4 0 training t>ours every year. W e invest in your k n o w l e d g e Your k n o w l e d g e c a t a p u l t s your c a r e e r . Your c a r e e r fuels our s u c c e s s . N o w Hiring f o r our Retail S t o r e s ! FIFTH T H I R D B A N K VmWCS! PART-TIME DIGITAL media salesperson. The Northern Michigan Review Digital Media Department is looking for a part-time, highly motivated advertising sales professional to focus on new business development. This person will l>e responsible for revenue generation of various internet Web sites and other electronic media productsDuties will also include assisting the digital media team in identifying revenue streams and helping to develop online marketing campaigns and sales presentations to acquire new electronic media clients. This is an outstanding career opportunity for an assertive, outgoing and organized individual. Good sales and customer service skills are required. Position offers excellent earning potential through hourly plus bonus plan. Please send your resume to: Christy Lyons, Advertising Director, Petoskey News Review, 319 State Street. Petoskey. Ml 49770 or e-mail to clyons<iS petoskeynews.com. Deadline for resumes is Fnday. February 15.(02) training and supa week equals Call 1-800-860410.(06) Cellular O n e . T h e N e w AT&T is currently s e e k i n g friendty. motivated, a n d detail-oriented individuals f o r our Retail S a l e s Associate o p p o r t u n i t i e s in G a y l o r d . Ml. Phone: (989) 553-5697 www.lighlhouserehab com MICHIGAN 208 Gaylord Herald Times TRUCK DRIVERS. Michigan Wood Carriers. Inc . is looking for individuals who want to be part of a fast growing business. This position is Monday through Fnday. home every day is the norm. Must have a current CDL license with the ability to obtain a B tram endorsement A valid medical card and a good driving record a must. Benefits include health insurance. company matching 401 ik» plan Forward your resume to: Michigan Wood Carriers. Inc.. P--pena. Ml 49707 or e-mail to yvonne bahlmg yc^frchartermi net.In subject line note truck driver position, EOE,(23) PO B o x 598. G a y l o r d , M l 49734 Or m a i l resume to: Lighthouse, Inc. . Attn: Mark Wilson PO Box 305, Kingsley M l 4 9 6 4 9 qualified leads, port. 2 sales $97.800/year 8275 extension Sales NEWTO»AYr I Coordinator XEVV T O D A Y ! t.ooking for 3 drivers to run from Charley's Truck Stop, Graylirrg, BASIC COMMUNICATIONS of Michigan to McMillan. Michigan Gaylord is currently accepting and back to Charley's Truck resumes for the following posiStop 8 axle van trailers. Gross tions. Full-time arxJ part-time inweight 144,000. COL drivers. side cellular and satellite sales clean dnving record, able to positions We are looking for inpass D.O.T drug screen. 4 to 5 dividuals with extraordinary high weeks of work starting around levels of self motivation and the the first of March. Chuck Bliss, ^desire to ew^el. Excellent comFarms. pensation. Include a cover letter Walther that illustrates your drive for suc(269)290-0930 (02) cess. Resumes and cover letters, e-mail to jgrish@basiccom,com. FULL-TIME LOCAL CDL Class No walk-ins, please.(09) A truck drivers needed. 2 years driving experience required. Dump experience and doubles SENIOR MARKET endorsement preferred but not required. Please e-n^ail resume SALES to rhoughi»alironandmetal.com. United Financial Systems offers Otsego Memorial Hospital, a g r o w i n g provider of p r i m a r y health care services in b e a u t i f u l northern Michigan, is seeking individuals t o f i l l t h e f o l l o w i n g positions; Full-time • MA/LPN, Physician Services • Nurse T e a m Leader, M c R e y n o l d s Hall • RN, M e d - S u r g • A c c o u n t R e p r e s e n t a t i v e , Physician B i l l i n g • Clinical I n f o r m a t i o n Specialist • I n f o r m a t i o n Systems Technician Part-time _ _ . _ • Nurse T e a m L e a d e r , M c R e y n o l d s Hall • RN. M e d - S u r g Contingent • Speech/Language Pathologist • Nurse A s s i s t a n t , M e d - S u r g • Surgical T e c h n o l o g i s t • MA/LPN, P h y s i c i a n Services • RN, S u r g e r y Applications, p o s i t i o n d e t a i l s and a d d i t i o r u l career o p p o r t u n i t i e s can be f o u n d o n o u r w e b s i t e at: h t t p : / / 9 0 0 d h e a l t h s t a f t s h e r t . c o f i i Phone: 9 8 ^ 7 3 1 - 2 4 9 3 • F a i : 989-731-7792 O T S E G O M E M O R I A L . H O S P I T A L mm Saturday. F-ebruary 9. 2006 • 5 Qaylord Herald Times Ulassitlecis Valentine's Day... to show that special someone you care Life is full of occasions & flowers can send that perfect message of joy, sorrow, congratulations or just as a little pick-me-up. Delivering locally and out-of-town (989) 731-6227 404 N. Center St., Gaylord, MI 49735 www.flowersbye.com IlillMMMIMMIMiMliliWI Qaytofd H r a l d T i m — C l a « » t l j > ^ B • S a t u r d a y , F«bfu«fY 9, 2006 Medical/Professional 210 NETWORK DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST 3 Heatlhg Air Conditioning 304 ENOLANDER WOOOSTOVE. Heats up to 1.200 square feet. Comes with triple wall pipe, caps and finish rings. $350/be8t. (969)350-8182.(06) Catdan Management Company, administrative company for Healttn Plan of Mtchigan. a managed care organization, is looking t o fill the position of Network HARD MAPLE firewood. Split, Development Specialist 3. The delivered and dumped. 5 face successful candidate would rep- ••cord for $300. Unlimited supply resent HPM in Michigwi's north- Energy drafts acceded. ern Lower Peninsula, including (231)420-5069.(05t) Crawford. Ogemaw, Oscoda, Otsego ewid Roscommon Counties. The preferred candidate will reside wrthin their assigned territory and have experience con- 1 YEAR Old maple. 5 year old Cut. split, delivered, tracting with hospitals, PHO's oak. and large provider groups. Re- stacked. Approximately 2 cords. sponsibilities to include: Pros- $125. (989)732-7846.(09) p)ecting to potential providers for inclusion in the HPM provider network; coordinating the entire contracting process for all poSEASONED HARDWOOD. Cut, tential providers, irxjiuding prossplit, delivered. $50 a face cord. pecting. negotiation, credentialCall Mike or Candy. ing and orientation; collecting all (989)448-8111,(09) practitioner and ancillary signed contracts, applications and necessary credentialing information. Ensuring HPM's credentialing Heating standards are maintained. The Air Conditioning ideal candidate must have a high 304 school diploma or equivalent. Pursuit of associates degree, bachelors degree or job related certification required. Three to five years of provider services or managed care experience. Ad-' vanc€>d knowledge of HPM's N o w Taking Orders philosophy, organizational struc- NEWTOTAY! NEW TODAY! fhe#l Newspaper I n The ]^^ation! Suburbfn no^paper Wood Stock Alternative Fuels Firewood! In the National naUori AmflCM In \te c\rGu\BUon PM— A—oeltton c\aee 2 n d & c d t eporte feature 2 n d 3ee>t Column Ser\ou& l o t Special Section (PHmeTlmes) Story 2 n d B e e t ROP A u t o m o b i l e A d Story 2 n d Local C o l u m n i s t . Laetcowskl 2nd Editorial Writing. Gnoeeer Mlchl^ian Prft** A a a o c l a t l o n ture and plan overview. Ad- Toll Free 866-604-1125 vanced knowledge of HPM's practitioner, hospital and ancillary agreements. Serxl resumes to; Human Resources. CMC 777 Household Goods Woodward Avenue, Suite 600, 305 Detroit. Ml 48226 or via fax to WANTED: FULL size bed with {313)202-0016 or e-mail to [email protected]. EQUAL drawers under it. Should sit low. Good condition, OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.(06) (989)614-6404.(30) Hew€>paper Idea l o t UfeeVyiee Paaee AMOClmUon l e t G c o r e i s - P a c i f i c P l a n t Ooeurc let Beet M 3 r d News Story, Martinez of t h e Year 3 r d Feature Photo. Serveny 1st S p o t News 3 r d Sport© photo. Serveny 1st Design 3 r d Editorial Pages I s t S p o r t s Writing 3 r d Special Section (Spirit of Volunteerism) l e t B e s t Newspaper Promotion Honorable Mention S p o r t s Feature H E R E ' S M Y CARD Forest S e r v i c e s / L a n d s c a p i n g Loggmg/lumbenng Lot/Und Cleanng Btujh Oupping Whole Tree Chipping Stump Grinding Tree Removal Tnfnmnq FOREST RESODRCE SCPVICEB— \ IwTM 1-888-732-7188 F & F EXCAVATING,LLC • * * FuHy Inturtd I Financial M a n a g e m e n t T h r o u g h Forestry Timber Sales • f o o d Plob • Tirr>ber Tax Accounting 20 Years of Expenence • Resistered foresters * IJIMS QBag. |989| 732-5230 fax (989) 705-2050 300 Expressway CI P O Box 670 Gdykxd. Ml 49734 We Accept • 'S. * * ^ - . . • S ^ SNOWPLOWING & REMOVAL GAYLORD • 9 8 9 - 6 1 4 - 0 7 9 3 * Miscellaneous Services COURTESY DRIVING SCHOOL ilMEBICilMtSiTORAGEtPI ^.•rt^dri«lna«:hool.coin 800-256-9559 Guaranteed Lowest Price! A CLEANER re wtii ueat snyone's adwlised pr?c* in Geyhrd by $S when Mna in thew ad on ngistraUon day! Honond (or Segmsrtf /, W. and wttti tnrs ad registration day onty* EiolCBBJiSQfflB (880 Lhringston Bouhvrd) Oa&sas HekJ: < CAR FOR LESS!! C«»// For An Appointment Gift Cortificotos Avnihtbh: KOMKHT J; 2* HOXI L«CU«. 6 Mourj OMIG SEOMEHT It TSDAI 6 •***» OMBM STAM.T.W.TH R 3 \(i34S-S.4Sp.m VMC* OSMM TWI OMIW Y* - &-00 P.M. 14. 15, IB MWT, TH.f.M3 CW 4IN fc^ 3 M,T W,TH 24$-5 45p<n Uartn T. 1?. 14 F.W.F 4-00 •ft-ODp,m, •«?1 M.TWTH 345-5 45p/n A<ini ??. 24.29 T.TH.T 4:00 •ft.-00p.m UayiS M,T,VK,TM 34S645pm W,F,a« 4.00 - a.00 pJn M.T,W.TH.f 4,OMOO|»m jun«i«,it.l» M.W.TM 8.<I0- aOOpm. Jin«25 M.T.WTH.f KOO-IOOO• m Juiy7.9,l0 M.WTH KW - iroo&m. Jg»y 14 M.TW.TH a.00-10:00ain CERT1FIE0 ROAO TESTS • QUAAANTEB) LOWEST PfMCEI $35 Auto G»vton3 » G«v«ofd C.r>»ma (M-a? S2S OSS' Sniff Out a Breat Deal mtheClassffleds. ENGLEHARTS ADULT FOSTER CARE HOME Licensed by t h e State of Michigan. A family o w n e d business. Stoppers with a aose for Ijargains head straight tor the HeraW Times classifieds, in the classifieds, you can track down deals on everything from cars to canine companions. It's easy to place an ad or find the items you want, and ifs used by hundreds of area shoppers every day. n CLEANER ONE T MAIDS B o n d e d a n d / n s u r a d Qutlity A d u K c a r e b y t h e h o u r , d a y , wreek o r m o n t h Ganeral Manager 18 b e d s a v a i l a b l e Pets a r a w e k o m e 989-732-1111 49735 • Fai! 989-732-3490 www.gaylordheraldtimes com • 2058 S. Otsego • Gaylord, Ml 10800 South A i r p o r t Road • Atlanta. Michigan 49709 989-785-2498 MCL R a d o n G a s Technician J€'s Clednlnn Service H o v * Your H O U M T a s t e d For ttaOon Oat 1113 E f f l e B o u l e v a r d Tel, 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 5 0 6 6 Qaylord, Ml 49735 Cell 989-858-0782 Pat Alexander (989)705^7542 Offlce:(W)-732-33H Detail aeanlnti Insured - Free Estimates C«ll:(»89)-429-39IO Address: S493 S p u r Rd. Gayiord, Ml No o n e kas d n e ( o r a n y a n r e Lawn Maintenance Painting Fremmure Wamhing Trim Carpentry EmaltMCLRadonG»sTKhOliv«xoni ItMfirx M9-78<-SMS l^nalb |e«y*aek2Wyilwexeei Mike l^wnKhak Technician _ BM4NER ING PAYSI 1,11^ tHftMaAM C MM.I SgprP-S ? mr b u s i n e s s up front ililty a n d g e t s results! rito p l a c e your a d here! Cms 732- HUCLRTMESS ' WET. S — P — i/Wer 'e daily online '£• Sanlcat Carrie Denison Nurse available 2 4 h o u r s a day HERALI^IMES HousaHeeping =-:s=^~ isB** i^Mormatlon wm Saturday, Fabruary 9, 2006 • 7 Qaytord Herald Times Classifieds H E R E ' S IVIY O A R D Auto Sales & Services \TOWlNG ^SYSTEMS MUFFLER HITCHES M A N OF ICHIGAN M u f f l e d Brakes Oil & Filter C h a n g e - $14.99 101 East Main Gaylord. Ml 49735 (989) 732-6239 / (989) 732-8733 VANCE MOREHOUSE MON-FRI 8-6 PM SAT 8-3 P M STANDARD - RECEIVER CLASS I-IV FRONT MOUNT RECEIVERS FIFTH WHEEL - GOOSENECK TOW BARS - BIKE RACKS - WIRING WATERS GARAGE DOWNTOWN WATERS (989) 732-2124 Goylofcys window to the world! Check out the Goytord Herald Times Web Site for your locol: • News • Sports • Display Advertising • Weather HERALI^IMES kitomoion cd newot • and much more! for (W9) 732-im orlql-lrw »-i77-IW-4170 | Builders, Contractors & Home Improvement Services Rite-Way PAIN! CC. Painting Service Log • Free F s i i m a l c s • Interior & Exterior • Pow e r W a s h i n g & D e c k s • Licensed & Insured 3 1 Home • Custom Staining • Power W a s h i n g • Deck Refurbishing Log Replacement FREE E s t i m a t e s Cooling 0 24 Hour Service Licensed and Insured Residential Commercial - 5 8 5 - 6 4 4 1-866-685-6440 & H e a t i n g • Air C o n d i t i o n i n g • Fireplaces • Heat P u m p s • G e o t h e r m a l Restoration Sand Blasting Russ Garlilz ( O w n e r ) 2 S n p w b i r t ^ H e a t i n g Professional Painting Office 989-732-7570 o r 989-619-0099 Bob Higley Cell: 9 8 9 - 6 1 9 - 9 8 7 4 Office; 989-732-5200 Fully Insured Frank Bryant - Owner Scr\in|; N o r t l u r n Michi(:uii % The D o o r Specialists Insured Lie. Bid. 56764 COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL RICH Current Construction Locatcd In Gavlord For Over 20 Years CONSTRUCTION 30 YEARS • LICENSED & INSURED Your Energy Efficient Creator" Sales • Service • Installation GARAQE DOORS & OPERATORS RISIDENTIAL ROOFING LOG CABINS Custom Homes Permanent Wood Foundations and Basements Rough & Finish Carpentry Full Line of Windows • Exterior Doors EMERGENCY SERVICE 2 4 H O U R S 408 SOUTH COURT GAYLORD. MI 49735 ' 732-1879 1-800-757-1879 Located Next To The [•airgrminds Bill Current (989) 786-4595 (989) 732-0738 R A N D Y RICH - 989.731.1855 • 989350.1327 CELL Gerta's Draperies Ucensed Handyman "Everything 30 Years Experience Log H o m e Restoration Insured Licensed Builder Cabmets Lev Tifralian Make Home: 989-939-7805 CeU: 989-614-6460 Half Lof Siding • Free E s t i m a t e s Logs replaced, caulked chinked, sandblasted and stained. - A k e 'b u t l d n e w t t m ioture». otufo. 12476 E . M - M 1 9 7 9 T o m a h a w k TV., C.avlord • In-Home A p p o i n t m e n t s E x c ^ f C T l t S I s t o V h e r Service Repairs er 1 l i ^ h U r t i c i e n r 9"?% I - u r n a c c . R e p l a c e m e n t , Humi<iificrs, Air s, C e n t r a l A i r F r e e E s t i m a t e s , Senior Savings • . • • • KERRY CARSON UCENSED BOILOER KITCHEN CABNET REFACING CUSTOM CABINETRY DONTf?EPWCE, REFACE SAVE 50% OR MORE 989-889-5111 ^ Carpet Ceramic Hardwood Vinyl Laminate Floorcovering Bus. 989-732-5136 Fax 989-732-6309 • Wals 677-893-6206 • 0<d US-27 N > PO Box 306 • Gaylofd MR. GENERAL REPAIR Attention Builders & Contractors: Call Jeanie McMichael. D o i n g business in G a y l o r d since 1998 New Homes • Additions ' Roofing ' Garages ' Pole Barns ' Remodeling ' Knotty Pine ' Cultured Stone ' And Morel - - r A Remodeling Wir V been prmiding building materials to northern Michigan contractor since 1915 -T-*» C a r p e n t r y Commercial Maintenance -cA Home Maintenance Kitchens Bathrooms A p p l i a n c e Installation DAVID STUBLI JR. (989) 731-9747 Licensed Builder Over 30 Years Experience A sound structure begins with knowing where t o find the right p r o f e s s i o n a l for t h e right |ob. Licensed and Insured Dave H a g ^ o r n * 989-732-3757 Call 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 to place CONSTRUCTION LICENSED & INSUFIED Homes • Garages • Additions • Decks • Hoofing • Swing PRESTON FEATHER BUILDING CENTERS Helping You Build H ith Confidence I W O L F BUILDERS INC. FAMH.Y KiSlNCSS SCirVIMG CAYLO»D AREA SINCE 1 8 9 0 ' S new construction / remodel vinyl / cedar siding licensed / insured custom declis windows / doors free estimates t* Ji»i.L • J-N-J Construction, Inc. I HOMEWJILDERS PLUS* "Over M \ W i C o m N w d l;«»«rt»lKe" New Homee • AddWons • Remodeling . Garages CuWom Decks • SWIOB 4 Windows • Snowptowing n s s r R a n d y M u r p h y , Owner ' Gaylord Old 27 South (989) 732-8862 > Petoskey • Harbor Springs (989) 731-4560 T i m Lawes For lust $21 a wa«k, Hera's my CanI c a n c s n n a c t yoar nama with t h e f l f l i t |ob. your a d today! UMTED SUILDMa Commercial * Kesktential C E N T E R 8-5:30 Monday-Friday • 6-2 Saturday JOHN JOHNSON GAYLORD. Ml 4 9 7 3 5 989-731-2972 Siding "• In-Home Measurements, Estimates & Insurance Quotes Professional Installation Available 'AT L E A S T T W O Q U O T E S , M A K E S U R E O N E LS O I M S ! DMS Construction, LLC S i n c e 1958 (989) 7 3 2 - 3 3 4 0 2281 OLD 27 SOUTH • GAYLORD phone 98') "86 326S cell 980 3')<) 1844 email: dehhomas^'voyager.nei Q a r f a y w o r i c m a n ship. Licensed & Insured in W i n d o u ) Treatments" (989)731-1338 G A R A a n At POLE k A m i f i CIMTUM WOOD OCCKS NEW c o N v r m x m o N V M Y L ft WOOD SKMNG RCMOOCLS ft AOOmONS RCPT-ACIMCNT WINDOWS SMINGUB) ft t m C L ROOFING NO JO« TOO SMALL MtKK W O l ^ (9a9>-732'6921 U C S N 8 C D AND INSURCD l<IKgWOLF»miJPgW#W»ICOI>H«CT.CON Honwowners keep M top ef tbeb hMM lnpnveMflt projects by Kiiig the M I d e n aMi CMrtncton •ho advwtba l i Hm's My Ciri. Flact ( M l t < l i M f af t t a M a i l t r i M M ML I M C i t a i t r i M H 4 watek IMK M M H M M . Call 732-1111 to place yow ad today! (068)731-6169 • M M i i i a i l i i M W i QaylOfd M f M 8 ' Saturday. F«bfu»rY », 2008 Miscellaneous For Sale 306 H O N D A QENERATORS. 3.500 watta. $ 5 0 0 . H o n d a 1.000 w a t t . U k e new. $ 5 0 0 . (989)705-1079, (989)370-7030.(06) Machinery Boats/Snowmobiles Pets & Supplies Pets & Supplies 310 H U S K Y S N O W blower. 5 h o r s o pow«r. 3 years oW. $360. (989)446-0152.(06) 403 1906 POLARIS XLT600. $ 1 , 4 0 0 / b e « t . (231)525-9393.(30) 002 602 A K C G O L D E N retrievers. S h o t s a n d worrr>ed. 7 w e e k s old. 3 males. Parents onsite. $ 2 8 0 / e a c h . (989)345-3970.(02) NEW TODAY! 2 PLACE aluminum snowmobile trailer. $800. (989)732-4275.(06) ^ffractorslgf ^QWrttyVeliiSiS 2 0 0 6 A R C T I C Cat F7 S n o - P r o L i m i t e d Edition Joker. EFI. 1996 Arctic Cat EXT 580. 2 p l a c e trailer. $6,500/be8t. (989)619-6799.(30) KubotaBX-2200 4wd, srwwblower, cab, heat, 60" mower. #40658, 9 0 G A L L O N LP water heater w i t h p o w e r vent. 6 years old. $200. (989)939-7763.(09) SEWTODAYt K u b o U B-8200 Snowbiower, soft cab, «41982. MBWTODAY! MATELSKI L U M B E R Company f l o o r i n g sate. Asti and oak at $ . 9 9 / s q u a r e f o o t . B o y n e Falls. Mtohigan, (231)549-2780.(09) 1 9 0 3 A R C T I C Cat W i k l Cat 700 Twin. 3 . 2 0 0 miles. Runs excellent. No disappointments. $ 1 . 0 0 0 / b e s t . (9891390-3949.(09) Kubota B-6200 Snowbiower, loader #39523, NEWTOI>AYT STEEL BUILDING. 30x40'. 40'x60'. SO'xIOO'. Advertising d i s c o u n t , p r i c e s limited. U p t o 50% off. Can erect. www.9cg-grp.com. Source # 0 X 8 . (989)379-3935.(06) WEDDING CRINOLINE slip. Never u s e d . M e d i u m fullness. Size small. H o o k a n d loop c l o sure. C o u l d b e adjusted for larger size. $30, N o n s m o k i n g honne. (989)350-1353.(19) Electronics 308 NEWTOMYT A P P L E G 4 R a m . Two 5 1 2 M B M e m o r y M o d u l e s . For PC use. Retail $ 2 0 0 . Will sell for $ 3 0 / e a c h or $ 5 0 / b o t h . Call (231)916-9006 after 5:30pm.(09) $6,400 K u b o U IITV-900 Livestock & Feed 603 NEWTOTAYt $10,200 2 0 0 2 P O L A R I S 6 0 0 E d g e Classic. M - 1 0 s u s p e n s i o n , electric start, reverse. 2.050 miles, $ 3 . 0 0 0 / f i m i . (231)330-0675.(09) GIMP Sales, Alamaw ^ ^ 2 2 7 2 > I N - 3 4 4 ^ NEWTOMYt 2 0 0 2 S K I - D O O L e g e n d Excellent c o n d i t i o n . Reverse, electric start. $2,900, (989)731-1218, (989)390-0362.(09) Antiques & Auctions SPORTSMAN/ANTIQUE/COLL E C T I B L E A U C T I O N ! February 16. 1 0 a m . Mio. View online or c a l l Lets Talk A u c t i o n C o m p a n y , (989)848-5158. w w w . LetsTalkAuction .com. (09) NEWTODAn 2 0 0 4 S K I - D O O GSX. 6 0 0 rev. Electric start w i t h reverse, 1 owner. A d u l t r i d d e n and m e t i c u lously maintained. Never trailered. A l s o g a r a g e kept. S t u d d e d . New carbides. 2.500 miles. (989)614-0974 $3,950. a n y t i m e . (09) Auto Parts/Accessories ftw w f fctw f f t f ftyffff D O W N o n selected a u t o m o buyers. N o no p r o b l e m . Tailored Enterprises, Petoskey. 1-888-774-2264, viirww.tailoredenterprises.com.(lt) biles t o qualified Aw if ttTMlM Jitt(flfrft/ credit, b a d credit, W t c a n j H X i t your ( N d & grain. Compe lto Una of assailed bM saad, BM Men, Suet cakas 1 9 9 5 D O D G E Neon. 4 and Bird blo^ Automatic. 4 door mwroDAYt 1 9 9 6 H O N D A S u p e r b i k e . Red. 5 , 0 0 0 miles. Adult o w n e d . 9 0 0 c c Mint condition. $3.700/tjest. (989)390-3891.(06) C A S H P A I D for antiques, furniture, glass, art, jewelry, o l d g a r a g e a n d b a m stuff, deer, elk or r r x x j s e h o r n s , wildlife stuff, o l d skis, s n o w s h o e s and fishing items. etc. (989)731 -0557.(0303tfns309) WANTED: C O K E and Pepsi m e m o r a b i l i a . Please call or fax list o f i t e m s a n d prices t o (989)348-6171 Monday through Friday. 9am-5pm or fax ( 9 8 9 ) ^ 8 - 6 1 8 1 anytime.(IOt) Machinery 310 NEWTOMYI 59" B L O W E R . Mounts on 955 John Deere. $1,600. (989)732-6546.(09) Boats/Snowmobiles 403 NEWTOMYt 3 SNOWMOBILES 2 0 0 5 A r c t i c Cat F7 S n o - P r o . $ 4 , 7 0 0 . 2 0 0 3 Arctic C a t F7 S n o - P r o . $3,700. 2 0 0 1 A r c t i c Cat ZL600. Electric start. EFI. $ 3 , 0 0 0 . (989)370-9941.(09) NEWTOMY! TWO YAMAHA Phazer II. $ 7 0 0 / e a c h . 1988 Y a m ^ a Excel. $450. Caravan trailer. $500. Make offer on all. (231)881-4300.(09) W A N T E D : GOOD used 4 cycle o u t b o a r d motor. 4 0 - 5 0 h o r s e p o w e r . (989)732-7965.(06) miFECT GETAWAYl Tliis 2 bedroom. 1 bath home on » wooded krt K just a stone's throw to beautiful Otsego Lake. Enjoy fishing, boating and swimming - and also close to snowmobile ind cross-country trails and golf courses! Pnced to SELil $44,900. Mi^ •248S26 W A N T E D ; D E A D or alive. Paying c a s h for cars a n d t r u c k s . Cash upon quick pickup. (989)786-3932, (26) Van/Sport Utility Vehicle -17 U'SAVE U Famers Exchange EssmsssnEniiis A[rmKEmAL> 1B81 S. Otsego, Baylonl 989-731-6300 Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am • 5:30 pm Saturd^ 9 am • 3:00 pm H Financial Services 'AU. MORTGAGE LOANS'* Refinance & use your home's equity for any purpose: Land Contract & Mortgage Payoffs, Home Improvements, Debt Consolidation, Property Taxes, Cash available for Good. Bad, or Ugly Credit! 1-800-246-8100 Anytime! DRIVE THE Bt6 RIGS! Truck dnver training. United Mortgage Services, vww.umsPre-hire program. Tuition reimtxjrsemerrt. mortgage.com M l CASH CANDY ROIHE. Do you earVi up to $800/day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 machines and Candy. All 1<x $9,995. Can 1 -888-744-4651. No emptoyment contracts. Big Bucks dnv- DO YOU DO ANY of these ten IRA mistakes? ing Big Tnjcks! Call HRCD today 1-888Call for a free r^jort; "Keep the IRS Out of 750-6200, www.DnveT1ieBigRigs.com Your IRA." 800-741-3379 DRIVER: DONT JUST START your career, starlit pjj q/ubelS AND SON Real Estate Loans, n g m i C o r ^ y spcTOOf^CDLtOT^^ contracts, $10,000 to 3 weeks. Must be 21, Have CDL? Tuition $500,000 • Fast funding, free consultation, reimbursement! CRST, 866-917-2778. 800-837-6166. 248-335-6166. allan® DfllVER - KNIGHT TKANSPORTATION - In- drdanielsandson,com dianapolis. IN - We have a tiuck for you. Daily pay. Flexible home time, Medicai/VSKyi/Dental/401 K, Family atmosphere. PUVCE YOUR STATEWIDE AD HERE! $299 buys 4 montfis OTR required 888-346-4639. a 25-word classified ad oflerng over 1 6 Owner ops: 800-437-5907. www.knight- million circulation and 3.6 million readers. Plus your ad will be placed on Michigan trans-Com\ Press Association's website Contact the DRIVERS-REEFER AVERAGE $766-$1,566/ Gaylord Herald Times at 989-732-1111 for week. Excellent network. Late model details. equipment, 401k, Blue Cross Insur^ce, SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $2,990.00 Convert your 800-771-6318, www,pnrT>einc.com logs to valuable lumber with your own Financial Services . Norwood Portable band sawmill. Log VETERANS GET CREDIT for your pnor sen/ice. sktdders also available, www.nonrtoooUse your civilian sktlts to serve your coun- sawmills.eom/300N • Free information: try part-tirr^e in the Navy Reserve, Call 1- 1-800-578-1363 ext. 300N 800-922-1703, M-F, 8-4 EXTRA LARGE LOT situated on a quiet street close to Big Bradford Lake, This spacious home is pnced to sell. Call for more details 574.000. MLS «2S3683 702 703 • • • . Michigan Statewide Classified Ad Network | 10 BEAUTIFULLY wooded Kres witti underground electric installed. Camper, shed and new riding lawn mower included in sale. Great vacationAiunting getaway. J49,900. MLS #253422 FUU. HOU$ET There's plenty of room m this S -m. 3 bath. 1760 sg. ft. home ir< Gaylord. You'll I traditional kitchen apphances mcKided. dim^ room, two master suites on the mam How, upstairs bedrooms, plus partially Fini^wd basement with large family room, bat for entenaming and additional bedroom This property also has a spa C10US 3-» car garage and sits on a large comet lot, SIMMS. MLS #247693 Ellsworth ( cylinder. $1.200. (989)858-6799.(09) EmydvlO%Smlor Low DaUy, WfMkly 4 MontMy Rates f r M Local Picti-Up t Oettvery Locally Ownetf ft 0|Mrated Lata M o M OM VoWcl« 989-732-0060 2401 Old 27 SoHth, Oaytord Nait to Jim Wernif Chavrolat Mon. - Fri. 8 to 6; Sat 8 to 3 Business Opportunities 402 "Great Results!!" Larry. classifi*ds09aylordh*ralcltim*s.com NflVi flQMOiW To advertise here, call 989-732-1 111 Recreational Vehicles DOUBLE RECUNINO k^veseat. Q u e e n sofa sleeper 2 e n d t a b l e s a n d a c o c k t a i l table. Ail m a t c h i n g . Great corxiition. $300/all. XXXX AUTOMOTIVE 311 C O M B I N E D ESTATES a n d Germ a n beer stein c o l l e c t i o n a u c t i o n ! F e b r u a r y 9, 10am. Mio. V i e w o n l i n e or call Lets Talk A u c t i o n C o m p a n y . (989)848-5158. w w w . LetsTalkAuction .com. (05) HAD MORE THAN 20 CALLS ON THE HRST DAY AD CAME OUT. S H I H - T Z O / MALTESE puppies. 1 m a l e c r e a m cotor. $250. 2 fem a l e s b i a c k a n d white. $300. (989)731-2560.(06) •-mailt NEWTOMY! SALES i»C. Wanted To Buy 309 W O W l P A Y I N G $ 2 5 0 for your junk vehicle, I p i c k up. $ 3 0 0 if delivered. Call Gabby. (231)258-5726.(19) G O L D E N RETRIEVER puppies A K C , O F A . O u t a t a n d i n g quality, w w w . s h i l o h f a r m kennels. c o m , (231)734-9110.(09) 1999 POLARIS Indy. Hand w a r m e r s . $ 1 , 6 0 0 or b ^ t . 1995 Y a m a h a Phaser II. H a n d w a r m ers. $1,200 or best. (231)330-6101.(09) Polaris 6x6 Cab, side by side. #42066. Soft cab, 41 hours. #42079, P O K E R T A B L E S . C u s t o m built, c a s i n o quality. You pick your specifications. (989)705-7725.(1019tfn306) JiEWWMXt CAIRN TERRIER pupptes. S h o t s , w o r m e d , paper t r a i r ^ . Ready t o g o with papers. $550. (231)676-3324. (231)5jrT»130. HOEWTODAYT $5,900 S O L A R I S P L U S 4 2 3F c o m m e r cial t a n n i n g b e d wrth face tanner. B e d h a s under 1.200 hours. (989)732-4222.(09) NEWTODAY! R E D B O N E L a b r a d o r mix t o g o o d h o m e . 4 years old. G o o d h u n t i n g d o g . Well t e m p e r e d . $100. (989)732-6546.(09) T l m w Cla»»HUd» LIVE IN ONE AND RENT THE OTHER! Great potential at a low cost. Zoned commerical and close to hospital and medical offices in an area ol recent growth. $79,900. MLS #249821 Why Buy New When Used WiUDo! & SA 1360 W Mam St Qaylord Ml 49735 Auto Parts/Accessories 1989 JEEP Cherokee 4x4. 1 5 9 . 0 0 0 miles. Working 4 w h e e l drive. R u n s well b u t n e ^ s s o m e w o r k . A s k i n g $900. Negotiable. (989)732-2311 ask for Bob.(26) LOW MILES WELL MAINTAINED 2 0 0 5 F O R D Explorer S p o r t Trac XLT. V-6. 4 wheel drive. 20,500 miles. P o w e r seat, p o w e r sliding rear w i n d o w , r u n n i n g boards, t o w i n g p a c k a g e , hard t o n n e a u cover, m o l d e d t>ed liner, b e d extender, pxDwer w i n d o w s / l o c k s , t i l t / c n j i s e . C D player, keyless e n try. Dark s t o n e exterior, t a n c l o t h interior. Kelly Blue Book $21,955, Selling at $19,700, One owner. Can e-mail photos, rob92@charternet. (989)731-1052 after 6;30pm.{02) 2 0 0 5 F O R D Explorer S p o r t Trac 4x4. Fully loaded. M o o n r o o f . Very l o w mileage. 1 owner. $ 2 1 , 0 0 0 . (989)705-7725.(24t) Trucks 704 1 9 9 4 R A N G E R w i t h topper. 5 s p e e d stick. Air, radio, cassette, disc. Hawaii vehicle. Excellent condition. $2,500. (989)370-2812.(06) 702 2 H Y D R A U L I C back b l a d e s for p i c k u p s , c o m p l e t e with hydraulic units. $ 1 , 5 0 0 / e a c h . 1986 3 / 4 t o n G M C p i c k u p w i t h 7-1/2' W e s t e r n Pro plow, 2 yard stainless sander. $6,500 or best. (231)330-0592.(06) M E W T O T A Y ! 2004 CHEVROLET extended c a b . Red. 77.000 miles. N e w tiros, brakes, Reese hitch. Cruise, air. tilt, C D . $13,900. (989)731-0817 evenings.(09) WHY RENT wh«n you can own this fabulous updat «1 2 bedroom l»m« in th« city? freshly paintsd. 'BE A MAGICIAN.' Transform your rent onginaf woodwork, rffinished hardwood floors, new money mto a good opportunity. Purchase this home and make your own improvements addwindows, furnace, central an, lighting, itainiess lefrigeraioi and oven/range, washer/dryer, and roof ing your own ^ouc^Bs. Wave your wand fast new m 2003. Full basemeni. fenced backyard and a this 1 one's aHordable $89,000. MLS #248673 car garage t^ide ol ownership -s evident tbrougtvjut hon^ei $»2,SOO. MLS«2S\S30 Associate Broker SNOWMOBILERS. LOOK NO FURTHER! This IS the perfect 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath getaway, Situated on 2 beautiful woocted lots, this home has it all Bnck hearth with wood stove, spacious bedroom with jacuzJi tub in walkout lower level. 2 car garage with overhead storage. extensive decking and firstfloorlaundry Close to miles of snowmobile trails $143,000. MLS #253926 Associate Broker cits. OtB. AM. CIU, 236 Vy/est 'Main S t r e e t Gaylord, M I (989) 7 0 5 - 8 2 8 4 (866) 393-8284 TREE $HADEO BEAUTY! Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on a quiet cul-de-sac. Many updates Indudktg rww vinyl siding and metal roof. Vaulted ceilings, split stone fireplace, sunroom with custom tile, bar artd hot tub Mam floor master suite and 3 car garage Priced to selll S149.900. MIS 42S3191 A a c r s OCUGHT. st«r orgamnd with the walk pantry n ths 14S0 sg ft easycare newer ranch on a large lot ctote to town You'll enjoy 3 bedrooms. 2 bathroom, casual great room with mMRed eeihngs k ipaoous dirung room, open kitdwn with appliances, rrtan Boor laundry, lary lamly room n fmhed lower level, a marttcured lawn supported by sprtn •^.MalnStreetGaylord Now is th« perfect time to change your address! A LOT OF LIVAilLITY found with this spacious fWTw on appro*. 9 09 aaes |ust west of Gaylord Tiled floors, fireplace, large livingroom and more. Ertras include 2 outbuikfiogs. horse barn with fenced pasture/corral and traih. Possible rental apartment also included. Property borders state land. $159,000. MIS #254679 MARM TOUR HEART. S<1 by the Rrf and Ihe tranquil wooded view from the spacious Innng rooi» •n thB 3 bedroom, l i ttatft trad«onal bnck ranch on a large £<*ner W Gaytord Thts roomy floor pian delwets open krtchen wrtti apphances mck^led 4rd banquet tor casual dmmg. plus fomal dmmg as pwi of inung rown. addnional rooms mclodmg family room n the part«a»y hrushed basement S194.9M. MlS #2^4249 CAMN ON APMOXWUTBV iaB.M ACRR of Ga^onVJohwweiburg. This may be the vacation 9Kaway yot/Ve been lodnng and waning tbr A good moture of tree co»er on roBwg terrain and It's ckM to snowmobrie amk Cn|oy the quM ihat Mother Hah*e offers with ttw beai«W parcel o» iml follow the marked pads Ca« now lor deta*! MlS#244U) MUIU TMAT WI$N COMt TRUII A horse lover's wHh iMs 4 bedroom. 3 bath r«)d> with hardwood floors «td walkoul lower level SMnf on 20 acr*t wKh views o* corrait and pMtirei. E«vat include a 60* i ITC hMWd herte bam wMt oMce. Priced to mUI I ATTWnOtl: eVTMMM IMIIMIMASni TM KMHTM M KTT WOEM P«C«T H MADFFCFyeu 10 M M yaur drMm h«nt. * 0 M & t m kuck. or Juit «nte nattM at « t S23B.MB. MIS M M O l C O V m O O a i M T M FABO. M ) be^oom. 3 bMh urtdo h « vieiin Mcond to now a grMt ofvortunMy Owners wM conUm * L»id ConVKL CM IW «Mr« dMlH on to TM HOMtTEAO you've drMMd ol • here on «ie 2t acres wwtfidbB Mi vlnyl«dbig rmh waBout |uM «M ol Gayton) Youl enioy S bed^ fWfW. } >a*»eoii». nwMtr •#» wNh Nt-antf-her doM. cauai IWMly roow wfgai fInplKCtar(My laghB. ca*«al m to thoM h« ntgha. enra garata «»learaga, hetM. M M gnge IB wort on me t o y s f M L S •24M42 INiOV TNI $UNSm M tWt ) h m M n OMoe Lake home wNh a turvpordt and fabulous tandy be«tfi Spacious kRdten. proIWKaped wMrrloMlen. extmlve dKklns and Rm lloor lamAy Conpltteiy rtHhed and taiMMy dKoralid Lot aooM the ROOMS «ITN V«W$ can be yeun tMn yw aw «n beauoU Heen lake • Mi fpaoout ypdawd chalei f«Mum mdude 3 bidroema. 2 ba#miM. ipeoou* kUdwn wi* appkwce*. f w Reer l»»i*i. « dtang mm knkwq Ml ai lake. l a M m lafmly room ««d< longje • groow to dial upnarth im. toge deck loekjng M at UM. 2-<v attached waae PM 2-car dwadwd gvage. B beaiaM yerd SMJBB.MLS#})»B4 AMUSMNMT AMTAini 1 tr|Dytoittm«Mi a* of Kit year round ritieaBanai aclMHn offmdby dw 1045 iq. Il oacaiion home cn Oixft lake Greet fMNim Mude 3 bedroom. ] bMhrooms. »nng reen B dMng room lookng dui al IM. kMdien «•#< appliances. HtM Root laundry, a mawcured lawn siiVpMfd by «n«ar lynam. spaneui deck jut ¥0m. B II MIS 1253404 r M i M i l i i i a i l M