to the Catalogue in PDF


to the Catalogue in PDF
Cultures – The World Arts Fair is organised jointly by the three following non-profit associations:
Asian Art In Brussels
(AAB asbl)
Brussels Ancient Art Fair
(BAAF asbl)
Brussels Non European Art Fair
(BRUNEAF asbl)
Boulevard Général Wahis 238
1030 Brussels, Belgium
Rue des Minimes 17
1000 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 (0)2 511 65 39
[email protected]
Impasse Saint-Jacques 17
1000 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 (0)2 514 02 09
[email protected]
Jacques Billen
Dominique Thirion
Didier Claes
Marc Leo Felix
Patrick Mestdagh
[email protected]
Arie Vos, Georges Lamy,
Carlo Cristi, Philippe Riché,
Karim Grusenmeyer
Marianne Mulnard
Legal Advisor:
Arnaud De Busschère
Françoise Barrier
Legal Advisor:
Marc Matthys
Press Agency:
Agence Observatoire, Paris
Layout and design: Geluck-Suykens and Luc Van de Velde
Raymond Aubry
Printed in Belgium by Crousse Graphic sprl
© AAB, BAAF and BRUNEAF, Brussels 2016
Thomas Bayet
and Sophie Calteaux
Wednesday 8 June till Sunday 12 June 2016 - Sablon
Wednesday18 June
Thursday 19 June
10 June
Saturday 11 June
12 June
13 pm – 9 pm
11 am – 7 pm
11 am – 8 pm
11 am – 7 pm
11 am – 5 pm
For several years now, our three organisations, AAB, BAAF and BRUNEAF, have
instituted a dynamic synergy in relation to the June events in Brussels to ensure
their wide international recognition.
With our successful record in this area, and with a view to the many advantages
this may generate in the future, all three associations have decided to join forces
and organise a single event in June, creating this way links between collectors,
building bridges between civilizations and cultures.
It is in that spirit that we are very pleased to present CULTURES – The World
Arts Fair.
CULTURES – The World Arts Fair will soon become a global reference for seasoned
collectors as well as amateurs interested in Asian, ancient and non-European art.
A simple and ingenious colour code will be used to identify exhibitors and their
respective specialities.
Our enthusiasm is as great as ever and more than ever we will endeavour to turn
Brussels into THE venue for the classical arts.
Enjoy your visit!
The AAB, BAAF and BRUNEAF boards
Depuis plusieurs années, les trois associations AAB, BAAF et BRUNEAF ont
instauré une synergie dynamique autour des événements bruxellois du mois
de juin et fait en sorte que ceux-­ci aient un grand retentissement international.
Fortes des succès de ces dernières éditions, et conscientes des nombreux
avantages que ceci pourra représenter dans le futur, nos trois associations ont
décidé d’unir leurs forces et d’organiser un seul événement au mois de juin,
créant de la sorte des liens entre collectionneurs, des ponts entre les civilisations
et les cultures.
C’est dans cet esprit que nous sommes très heureux de vous présenter
CULTURES – The World Arts Fair.
CULTURES – The World Arts Fair deviendra rapidement une référence mondiale
pour les collectionneurs avertis et les amateurs curieux intéressés par les arts
asiatiques, antiques et non-­européens. Un ingénieux système de couleurs
permettra à tous de distinguer chaque exposant et d’identifier avec facilité sa
Vous l’aurez constaté, notre enthousiasme est intact et notre volonté de faire de
Bruxelles LA place des arts classiques encore plus grande.
Bonne visite à tous !
Les comités de AAB, BAAF et BRUNEAF
De verenigingen AAB, BAAF en BRUNEAF werken al verschillende jaren op
dynamische wijze samen om de Brusselse evenementen van de maand juni een
onbetwistbare internationale weerklank te geven.
Gezien het succes van de jongste edities, en in het besef dat dit in de toekomst
vele voordelen kan meebrengen, hebben de drie verenigingen beslist om hun
krachten te bundelen en in de maand juni een enkel evenement te organiseren.
Zo hopen wij een nog betere band te smeden tussen de verzamelaars onderling
en bruggen te bouwen tussen verschillende beschavingen en culturen.
Het is in deze context dat wij u CULTURES – The World Arts Fair kunnen voorstellen.
CULTURES – The World Arts Fair zal snel een wereldwijde referentie worden voor
ervaren verzamelaars en nieuwsgierige liefhebbers van oudheden, Aziatische en
niet-Europese kunsten. Aan de hand van een eenvoudig en vernuftig kleuren­
systeem zal het publiek elke exposant kunnen onderscheiden en met gemak zijn
of haar specialiteit herkennen.
U merkt het: wij zijn nog even enthousiast en vastberadener dan ooit om van
Brussel HÉT centrum van de klassieke kunsten te maken.
We wensen jullie alvast een aangenaam bezoek!
De comités van AAB, BAAF en BRUNEAF
Whispering Woods...
Serge Schoffel – ART PREMIER gallery was
appointed this year as curator of the June
BRUNEAF 2016 exhibition on the great Lobi
The exhibition will take place at the Ancienne
Nonciature at the Grand Sablon throughout
the event duration. It gathers some of the
most powerful artworks from the François and
Marie Christiaens Collection, one of the most
important collection of Lobi art in the world.
These great wooden statues “which whisper
undefined words” - as the Lobi refer to them have sometimes unfairly been regarded as a
minor genre among the arts of Africa.
The exhibition Whispering Wood – Great Lobi
Statuary intends to render this art the status it
deserves among its peers, and to magnify the
master craftsmanship of the Lobi sculptors.
The catalogue which will be published for the
occasion proposes a scientific and typological
comment on these artworks, illustrated with
many photographs.
Whispering Woods – The Great Lobi Statuary
Ancienne Nonciature
7, rue des Sablons - 1000 Brussels
From June 8 to 12, 2016
8-12 JUNE 2016
Bernard de Grunne - Tribal Fine Arts
Ancient Medieval Mande Treasures:
The Soninke Wooden Statuary
The Djenné-Jeno Terracotta
and Bronze Statuary from Mali
Exhibition from 8-12 June 2016
Under BRUNEAF aegis
at Ancienne Nonciature, 7 rue des Sablons - Grand Sablon – Brussels
On the occasion of its 26th edition, BRUNEAF will
partner with Bernard de Grunne to curate a major
exhibition of 27 exceptional objects from the
ancient cultures of the middle Niger in Mali. For
the first time since 1990, a remarkable group of 16
ancient terracotta figures from Djenné-Jeno and 2
remarkable bronze statuettes from the same culture
will dialogue with 9 wooden figures dating from
the 10th to the 15th century and carved by various
Soninke artists. The aim of such an exhibition is
to show the fascinating time depth of the ancient
cultures of medieval Mali.
The Mande oikumene is a conceptual framework as
strong and diverse as the original Greek meaning of
a “civilized” world and whose centre of gravity can
be said to be in Mali.
Among the peaks of the artistic achievements which
flourished from the Mande world, we have the
“Sudanese” architectural style, a fusion of Islamic
architecture with the imagery and iconography of
ancestral pillars, altars and shrines, the highly valued
body of oral literature narrated by professional poets
and bards, the artistic flourishing of two remarkable
artistic styles, one in clay and one in wood, created
by Mande blacksmiths as great achievements
emerging from the Mande oikumene.
The Inland Niger Delta region in Mali played a crucial
role in the ancient Art History of West Africa.
Earth found in the Inland Niger Delta is famous for
its quality. It is the medium used for two of the most
spectacular art styles of West Africa. The Islamic
city of Jenne represents the quintessence of the
widespread Sudanese architectural style in earth.
Clay is also the medium of the ancient statuary of
the Inland Niger Delta, one of the most elegant,
sophisticated and ancient art styles of Africa. The
ancient terracotta Djenné-jeno statuary from the
Inland Niger Delta emerged in the early second
millennium A.D. It is made of a remarkable variety
of human figurines represented in sixty-six different
sacred postures, making it the single richest source
on religious gestures in Africa.
Another extremely sophisticated and ancient
Mande-originated artistic tradition is that all the
Soninke statues in wood datingfrom circa A.D. 1000
to A.D. 1450.
More research of these Mande-originated
Soninke styles will allow us to better understand
the art history of many Mande-related art styles
in West Africa. The existence of the ancient
corpus of wooden, bronze and terracotta statuary
from the Bandiagara Cliff and the Inland Niger Delta
forces us to re-evaluate the notion of art styles
invented independently and may provide new and
unexpected connections between different regions
and their art forms in West Africa.
Ancient Medieval Mande
The Soninke Wooden Statuary
The Djenné-Jeno Terracotta
and Bronze Statuary from Mali
8 > 12 June 2016
Ancienne Nonciature
7 rue des Sablons
Grand Sablon – Brussels
program of lectures
Conference room - au Vieux saint-martin restaurant
Place du Grand Sablon 38 - 1st floor
1000 Brussels
Free access – limited number of seats
The lectures will be filmed and made available on and
• Friday 10 June 2016
3pm – ancient medieval mande treasures: the soninke Wooden
statuary, the Djenné-Jeno terracotta and Bronze statuary
from mali, by Bernard de Grunne
4pm – Buddhist initiation paintings of the Yuan period (1271-1368)
in the sino-Himalayan style, by Jane Casey
5pm – collecting ancient art, an old tradition under attack,
by Vincent Geerling
• Saturday 11 June 2016
3pm – “i have reached the sky as a grasshopper...” the role and
the meaning of the grasshopper in ancient egypt, by Jan Koek
4pm – pagan, between india and china, by Claudine Bautze-Picron
5pm – Whispering Woods – the great lobi statuary,
by Viviane Baeke
ArtConnoisseurs is the cultural event organised during CULTURES by Asian Art in Brussels (AAB), Brussels
Ancient Art Fair (BAAF), Brussels Non-European Art Fair (BRUNEAF), and Brussels International Art
Promotion and Logistics (BIAPAL).
P R O G R A M O Fof
L Electures
C T U R E S Oon
N Aasian S I A N Aart
Buddhist initiation paintings of the Yuan period (1271-1368) in the
sino-Himalayan style, by Jane Casey (Friday 10 June at 4pm)
The lecture examines a group of small initiation paintings, rare surviving
examples of a Himalayan-inspired school of art that flourished at the
Chinese Yuan court. The style combines Tibetan Buddhist iconography
and mid-thirteenth century Nepalese painting traditions with elements
of style—notably textile and costume design—that are demonstrably
Yuan Chinese.
Two paintings in the group portray a Yuan Mongol ruler and a Tibetan
Buddhist hierarch. The lecture explores some of the evidence to support
the attribution of these paintings to the Yuan period and possibly to the
Yuan Court.
Jane Casey is an art historian specialising in Himalayan art. She was co-curator of “Sacred Visions: Early Paintings from Central Tibet” organised in 1998 by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and is author of
many books and articles on the art of the Himalayas, including The Sculptural Heritage of Tibet: Buddhist Art
in the Nyingjei Lam Collection (London, 1999, with David Weldon).
pagan, between india and china, by Claudine Bautze-Picron
(Saturday 11 June at 4pm)
The pictorial art of Pagan offers a wide spectrum of aspects
which reflect the internationality of the city and its region from
the eleventh up to the early fourteenth century. The iconography depicted in the temples mainly traces its sources in the art
of ‘Eastern India’ (Indian States of Bihar and West Bengal;
Bangladesh) and illustrates the official Buddhist language. It differentiates itself deeply from the ornamental decoration which
allows more freedom to the artists and fills all space let free by
the iconographic program, acting as a frame to it and giving to the architectural structure its meaning as
image of the cosmos. The painters drew here at first their inspiration from nearby India but thirteenthcentury murals clearly evidence the impact of Chinese ornamentation of the Yuan and even earlier Northern Song dynasties which must have reached Pagan with the import of porcelain and garments.
Claudine Bautze-Picron is research fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris (UMR
7528 « Mondes Iranien et Indien ») and teaches Indian art history at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Her research focuses on the art of Eastern India and Bangladesh and the murals of Bagan (Burma). Among her
recent publications, see: The Buddhist Murals of Pagan, Timeless vistas of the cosmos (Bangkok, 2003), The
Bejewelled Buddha from India to Burma, New Considerations (New Delhi/Kolkata, 2010) and The forgotten
Place, Stone Sculpture at Kurkihar (New Delhi, 2014).
F Llectures
E C T U R E S on
O N ancient A N C I E N Tart
collecting ancient art, an old tradition under attack, by Vincent Geerling (Friday 10 June at 5pm)
Today, a lot of archaeological sites are in danger, especially in zones of conflict. We are confronted with reports in the media about the illegal trade in cultural objects being a multi-billion $ business. We are to believe that truckloads of looted objects are entering Europe. We see television reports with undercover
journalists in dark basements, being shown a cache of “antiquities” valued at millions of $. Collectors get
the blame, the trade is under attack.
Unfortunately, newspapers are just copying each other, they tend to “forget” to check to the primary
source of information, as a good journalist always should do. IADAA has put a lot of effort in following all
the stories back to their primary source. The results, which will be shown during the lecture, reveal that
there is no evidence for any of the claims.
Vincent Geerling is chairman of the International Association of Dealers in Ancient Art (IADAA), director of
Archea Ancient Art gallery in Amsterdam
“i have reached the sky as a grasshopper...”
the role and the meaning of the grasshopper in ancient egypt
by Jan Koek
(Saturday 11 June at 3pm)
The lecture will first consider the zoological characteristics of the grasshopper. Then the speaker will provide an overview of the grasshopper in ancient Egypt in texts and on pictures.
Thereafter we will try to answer the following questions:
- Did the ancient Egyptians consider the grasshoppers as a plague?
- Why are some objects, such as amulets, oil lamps, scarabs, toilet boxes, necklaces and
bracelets, decorated with grasshoppers?
- Had the grasshopper a religious meaning in ancient Egypt?
Jan Koek is Chairman of Mehen, Studycentre of ancient Egypt (
For more than 25 years already, he guides special tours to Egypt and to Egyptian museum collections all over
the world and gives lectures and courses about ancient Egypt. He is treasurer of the Theban Mountains
Illustration: Grasshopper on the outer wall of the temple of Ramesses II in Abydos, Egypt
F Llectures
E C T U R E S on
O N triBal T R I B A Lart
ancient medieval mande treasures: the soninke Wooden statuary,
the Djenné-Jeno terracotta and Bronze statuary from mali
by Bernard de Grunne (Friday 10 June at 3pm)
Bernard de Grunne studied the art of Congo under the legendary Dr. Albert
Maesen Chief Curator of the Museum of Central Africa in Tervuren and has
earned a Ph.D. in African Art History with Professor Robert Faris Thomson at
Yale University in 1987. He became the worldwide head of the Tribal Art
department at Sotheby’s from 1987 to 1992.
He started dealing for his own account in 1995 in African, Oceanic and
Indonesian Tribal Art.
He has also published extensively on the arts of Eastern Congo such as the
Tabwa and the Lega, the Terracotta statuary from the Jenne culture, Mali and the Nok culture, Nigeria
and the art styles of the Soninke and Dogon in Mali. He has curated a major exhibition on the notion of
Master Hands in fourteen African styles in 2001 and the first exhibition of the arts styles of the Nok
culture from Nigeria.
Whispering Woods – the great lobi statuary, by Viviane Baeke (Saturday 11 June at 5pm)
Viviane Baeke holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the Université Libre
de Bruxelles, where she was, from 1986 to 1990, assistant to professors Luc
de Heusch and Pierre de Maret.
From 1990 to 2015, she held the position of curator in the Ethnographic
department of the Royal Museum of Central Africa (Tervuren, Belgium). She
still works there as a consultant. In 1997, she was honored with the “prix
Henry Lavachery”, awarded by the Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres
et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique for her thesis published in 2004 by the Société
d’Ethnologie of the Université Paris X (Collection Sociétés africaines,
Nanterre) entitled “Le Temps des Rites : Ordre du monde et destin individuel
en pays wuli” (Cameroun).
In 2010, she helped to establish the “ Joseph-Aurélien Cornet permanent
exhibition room” at the Institut des Musées nationaux du Congo in Kinshasa,
DR Congo. For several years, her researches focused mainly on the ritual art from Central Africa and most
notably on the dialogue between art and the symbolic and ritual systems of the various cultural communities
from DR Congo and Cameroon, themes to which she dedicated several publications.
The members of the Vetting Committee (experts, art historians, archaeologists, museum curators) have been
very carefully selected to guarantee the quality and the authenticity of all exhibits, including the pieces published
in the catalogue.
Pieces are systematically rejected where there is the slightest doubt concerning their authenticity.
Genuine, but overly restored objects are not admitted.
Authentic, but poor quality items are rejected too as they are considered “not in the interest of the Fair.”
The primary objective of CULTURES is to protect its customers, who can buy from the participating galleries
with confidence.
Members of the Vetting Committee for Ancient Art:
Dr. Corinne Besson, expert (antique jewelry from the Mediterranean)
Prof. Dr. Detlev Kreikenbom, expert (Classical Archaeology)
Prof. Dr. Max Kunze, museum curator (Classical Archaeology)
Dr. Christian Loeben, museum curator (Egyptology)
Peter Pamminger, expert (Egyptology)
Dr. Cyril Thiaudière, expert (antique jewelry from the Mediterranean)
Prof. Dr. Rainer Vollkommer, museum curator (Classical Archaeology)
Dr. André Wiese, museum curator (Egyptology)
Members of the Vetting Committee for Asian Art:
Marc Michot, expert (China)
Bruce Miller, expert (India, Tibet, South East Asia)
Anthony Plowright, expert (South East Asia)
Thierry Portier, cabinet Portier (China, Asia ...)
Finn Daley Roberts, expert (Japan)
Max Rutherston, expert (Japan)
William Webber, Art Loss Register
David Weldon, consultant (Nepal, Tibet)
 Astamangala32
 Carlo Cristi / Asian Arts Company50
 Martin Doustar / Ancient & Tribal Art 62
 Duchange & Riché64
 Famarte / Farah Massart72
 Karim Grusenmeyer82
 Jacques How Choong88
 Kitsune / Arie Vos94
 Kyoto Gallery96
 Galerie Lamy100
 Mingei Arts Gallery112
 Orchid Fine Arts122
 Wei Asian Arts154
 Michael Woerner156
Akanthos Ancient Art
⓰ Archea Ancient Art
㉕ Arteas Ltd
Dr. Robert R. Bigler Asian & Egyptian Art
⓯ Roswitha Eberwein Antike Kunst Göttingen 68
Galerie Jürgen Haering
㉑ Harmakhis
㉒ The Merrin Gallery
Galerie Günter Puhze
㉛ Dominique Thirion Ars Antiqua
ALR Art Loss Register
❷ Aboriginal Signature20
❶ ❽ Ambre Congo24-26
㊼ Roger Bourahimou36
❹ H. Kellim Brown38
㉚ Galerie Olivier Castellano40
㊴ Galerie Grégory Chesne42
㊺ Didier Claes44
㊽ Classic Primitives Gallery46
❻ Congo Gallery48
Dalton Somaré52
Jo De Buck54
Bernard de Grunne56
Galerie Deletaille58
⓱ Laurent Dodier60
Bernard Dulon66
❿ Espace Sablon70
Galerie Flak74
⓭ Bruce Frank76
Bruno Frey78
❼ Group 2 Vanhevel80
Galerie L’Ibis90
㊿ Tao Kerefoff92
㉕ Philippe Laeremans98
Olivier Larroque102
Galerie Abla & Alain Lecomte104
❸ Angel Martin106
㉖ Patrick & Ondine Mestdagh110
㉗ Galerie Monbrison114
❾ Galería Guilhem Montagut116
⓫ Alain Naoum118
㊾ Sanne Nies – Salon Tribal Art120
㉙ Joaquin Pecci124
⓲ Galerie Punchinello128
㊻ Schiller Art Gallery130
㉘ Adrian Schlag132
Serge Schoffel134
⓳ David Serra136
⓬ The African138
❺ Pablo Touchaleaume142
㉝ Rut Van Caelenbergh144
㊱ Frank Van Craen146
㊳ Yannik Van Ruysevelt148
⓮ Renaud Vanuxem150
㉟ Vasco & Co / Emilia da Paz152
Aboriginal Signature Bertrand Estrangin
Aboriginal Art from Australia
Rue Jules Besme 101 - 1081 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 538 26 85 - Mobile +32 (0)475 550 854
[email protected] -
 This
masterpiece of the Aboriginal artist Bobby West Tjupurrula highlights ceremonial
sites Kiwirrkura and Wilkinkarra in the semi-arid Australian desert Australian around
Lake Mackay. Acrylic on linen - Dim. 183 x 152 cm
Provenance: Papunya Tula Artists Art Centre
© Photo: Aboriginal Signature, with the courtesy of the artist & Papunya Tula Artists
 This seminal work of the Aboriginal artist Lena Nyadbi
highlights various sacred places associated with lances
(Jimbirla), and the myth of the Dreaming Time related to
the Barramundi fish (Dayiwul Ngarringgarni).
The two dimensions of this painting were incorporated by
the artist in the architecture of the Musée du Quai Branly
in Paris, on the front of the museum and on the 700 m2 of
roof visible from the Eiffel Tower.
Natural ochre and pigments on linen - Dim. 120 x 90 cm
Warmun Art Centre
Private collection in Singapore
© With the courtesy of the artist and Warmun Art Centre
Exhibiting at ❷ Ambre Congo - Impasse Saint-Jacques 17
Akanthos Ancient Art Karl Stimm
Oever 7 - 2000 Antwerp - Belgium
T +32 (0)3 248 18 55 - Mobile +32 (0)486 282 354
[email protected] -
Sarcophagus lid
Egypt, Third Intermediate Period - H. 180 cm
Provenance: Private collection, Belgium, Fam. Cauwberghe
Acquired between 1900-1910 by their great-grandfather and thence by descent
Exhibiting at Galerie Excelsior (Ciel mes bijoux) - Rue Ernest Allard 10
Ambre Congo Pierre Loos & Thomas Bayet
Impasse Saint-Jacques 1 & 17 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T/F +32 (0)2 514 02 09 - Mobile +32 (0)475 966 354
[email protected]
Zande harp handle
Procession cross
Wood - Ethiopia - Early 19th century or before - H. 34.3 cm
Exhibiting at ❶❽ Impasse Saint-Jacques 1 & 17
© Paul Louis, Brussels
Wood - D.R. Congo - 19th century - H. 35 cm
Ambre Congo
Three Procession crosses
Bronze - Ethiopia - 15th-18th century
H. 25 x 29.8 cm
Ibibio mask
Wood and pigments - Nigeria, Calabar area
Early 20th century - H. 25.5 cm
Exhibiting at ❶❽ Impasse Saint-Jacques 1 & 17
© Paul Louis, Brussels
Archea Ancient Art Vincent J. Geerling
Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 37 - 1017 DC Amsterdam - The Netherlands
T +31 (0)20 625 0552 - F +31 (0)20 421 87 68
[email protected] -
Polychrome mummy cartonnage mask with gilding
Egypt, Ptolemaic - 2nd to 1st century BC - H. 34 cm
On top of her head a large scarab with sun disk.
The face is gilded, the lips are painted red and
the wig is painted with Egyptian Blue.
Provenance: Ex Dutch private collection, acquired between 1930-1965
from Hassan Mahmoud, licenced dealer nr. 92 Luxor, Egypt.
Exhibiting at ⓰ Galerie Lorelei - Place du Grand Sablon 3
Arteas Ltd Laura Bosc de Ganay
2 Athenaeum Road - N209AE London - The United Kingdom
T +44 20 82 11 47 75 - F +44 20 82 11 49 62 - Mobile +33 (0)6 07 58 78 76
[email protected] -
Bronze Illyrian type helmet
Greek Art, Archaic - Early 6th century BC - H. 23 cm
The domed helmet with protective cheekpieces and everted rear flange,
the crown with two raised ridges running from front to back,
the edge bordered by thin row of dots between narrow bands,
pierced at front and rear for attachment of crest.
Very nice green patina
Provenance: Old Belgian private collection, R.D., acquired in the 1990s
Exhibiting at ㉕ Galerie Vanhoenacker - Rue des Minimes 24
Astamangala Sjoerd De Vries
Keizersgracht 574 - 1017 EM Amsterdam - The Netherlands
T +31 20 6234402 - Mobile +31 621 546 317
[email protected] -
Buddha Vairocana
Carved, painted and gilded wood - Tibet - ca. 13th century - Size: 17 x 43 cm.
This is one of a small group of similar panels: one is in a private collection
in The Netherlands; one was sold by Sotheby’s New York (2004);
one is on the New York art-market; and one is in the collecion
of David R. Nalin (New York).
Provenance: Peacefull Wind Gallery, Santa Fé; Paris art-market.
Exhibiting at ㉜ Galerie Hubert Eslampanah - Rue des Minimes 37
Dr. Robert R. Bigler Asian & Egyptian Art
Dr. Robert R. Bigler
Seestrasse 92 - 8803 Rüschlikon/Zürich - Switzerland
T/F +41 (0)44 724 27 37 - Mobile +41 (0)79 336 14 59
[email protected] -
Quartzite bust of a dignitary
Egypt, New Kingdom, late 18th dynasty - ca. 1340-1320 BC
H. 15.8 cm
Provenance: Ex private collection J.L.S., USA (acquired in the 1930s)
Exhibiting at Galerie Pierre Hallet - Rue Ernest Allard 33
Roger Bourahimou
Tribal Art
Rue Van Moer 4 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Mobile +32 (0)473 329 479
[email protected]
Dan mask
Wood and pigments - Liberia / Ivory Coast - H. 27 cm
Exhibiting at ㊼ Rue Van Moer 4
© Alain Speltdoorn
Provenance: Coll. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rome, New York, 1948
H. Kellim Brown
African Sculpture
Rue Ernest Allard 12 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
213 Riverside Drive - Ormond Beach, FL 32176 - USA
Mobile +32 486 025 374 - +1 973 932 5364
[email protected] -
Mbembe figure
Exhibiting at ❹ Galerie Ambre Congo - Impasse Saint-Jacques 17
© Studio R. Asselberghs – Frédéric Dehaen Brussels
Wood - Cameroon - Early 19th century - H. 51 cm
Galerie Olivier Castellano
Tribal Art
34 rue Mazarine - 75006 Paris - France
T +33 (0)1 73 75 19 24 - Mobile +33 (0)6 11 21 25 22
[email protected] -
Tellem / Dogon scepter
Wood - Mali - H. 65 cm
Exhibiting at ㉚ Rue des Minimes 33
© O. Castellano
Provenance: Old French collection
Grégory Chesne
Rue des Minimes 61 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium (By appointment)
Mobile +33 (0)6 07 59 61 54
[email protected] -
Senufo figure
Hard wood, oily patina traces - Ivory Coast - End 19th century - Early 20th century - H. 28 cm
Exhibiting at ㊴ Rue des Mimimes 61
© Studio R. Asselberghs – Frédéric Dehaen Brussels
Provenance: Ex collection Mrs X, Switzerland.
Didier Claes
Classic African Arts
Rue Van Moer 7 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T/F +32 (0)2 414 19 29 - Mobile +32 (0)477 660 206
[email protected] -
Zande Statue
Wood - D.R. Congo - H. 25 cm
Exhibiting at ㊺ Rue Van Moer 7
© Photo Philippe de Formanoir - Paso Doble
Collected before 1930
Private collection, Belgium
Classic Primitives Gallery Renaud Riley
Rue Van Moer 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Mobile +32 (0)479 504 390
[email protected] -
Songye figure
D.R. Congo - H. 26.9 cm
- Tomkins collection, Connecticut, USA
- Philippe and Lisa Laeremans, Brussels, 2006
- Lucien Van de Velde, Antwerp, 2004
- Acquired in France in the 1960’s
Published: Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, May 14, 1981: lot 63
Ikoko Pende
Ivory - D.R. Congo - H. 4.7 cm
Provenance: Private collection, Belgium
Exhibiting at ㊽ Rue Van Moer 2
© Bernard De Keyzer
Congo Gallery Marc Felix & Joëlle Fiess
Impasse Saint Jacques 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 511 47 67
[email protected] -
Thematic exhibition: New book
To celebrate the publication of the book: Masks in Congo
(12 authors, 352 pages, A4 format, 800 pictures)
Congo Gallery will stage a thematic exhibition featuring exceptional masks
from the Congo from June 8th till September 30th 2016 (closed August).
Male facemask
Wood, pigment - Lwalu (Lwalwa), D.R. Congo - 20th century - H. 32.5 cm
Published: 1981, Bastin M-L., Introduction aux arts d’Afrique noire.
1987, Felix M.L., 100 peoples of Zaire and their sculpture.
Exhibited: 1935, Arlon, Belgium
Male facemask
Published: 1989, Lehuard R., Art Bakongo - les Masques p. 840 - 1995,
Felix, Meur and Batulukisi, Art et Kongos, p. 94, f. 3 - 2000, Weinhold U.,
The Eternal Face, p. 83, f. 2.
Exhibited: 2000, Africa Museum, Berg en Dal, The Eternal Face.
Exhibiting at ❻ Impasse Saint Jacques 2
© Paul Louis, Brussels
Wood, pigment, hair - Kakongo, D.R. Congo - 19th century - H. 31 cm
Carlo Cristi / Asian Arts Company
Rue de Plancenoit 12 - 1401 Baulers (Nivelles) - Belgium
T +39 0332966114 - F +39 0332966114 - Mobile +39 335 593 37 32
[email protected] -
Uma Mahesvara
Sandstone - India - Pratihara period, 8th century - 47 x 67 cm
Exhibiting at Galerie Champaka - Rue Ernest Allard 27
Dalton Somaré
Fine African Art
Via Borgonuovo 5 - 20121 Milano - Italy
T/F +39 02 89 09 61 73 - Mobile +39 335 808 8149
[email protected] -
Male Figure - Asie Usu
Wood - Baule, Ivory Coast - H. 52 cm
Coll. Francois Kerbourc’h, Paris
Coll. L. & M. Durand-Dessert, Paris
Exhibiting at Galerie Janssens van der Maelen - Rue Ernest Allard 23
© Dalton Somaré
A. de Monbrison, Collection Kerbourc’h, Paris, 1994
Musée de Grenoble, L’Art au Futur Antérieur. Un autre regard, Arles, 2004
J-L Paudrat, L. & M. Durand-Dessert, Sculpture Africaines, Fragments du Vivant, Paris, 2008
Jo De Buck
Tribal Arts
New Address:
Rue Ernest Allard 6 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium (By Appointment)
T +32 (0)2 512 55 16 - Mobile +32 (0)475 841 729
[email protected] -
Yombe grave marker
Exhibiting at Rue des Minimes 43
© Anne Deknock
‘Master of Kasadi Workshop’ style
Wood - D.R. Congo - 19th century - H. 43 cm
Bernard de Grunne
Tribal Fine Arts
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 180 - 1050 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 502 31 71 - F +32 (0)2 503 39 69 - Mobile +32 (0)475 616 214
[email protected]
Tellem Statuette
Mali - H. 52 cm
Date: AD 1210-1300 (ASA C14 N° AMS ETH 34591)
Pierre Langlois, Art Soudanais, Tribus Dogon, Lille, 1954, p. 20-21 fig.12.
Bernard de Grunne, Djenné-Jeno, 1000 years of Terracotta Statuary in Mali,
Mercatorfonds, pl. n° 261, p. 250.
Exhibiting at Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 180 - 1050 Brussels
© Studio R. Asselberghs – Frédéric Dehaen Brussels
Pierre Langlois, 1952
Collection Bertie Urvater, Brussels, 1954-2007
Galerie Deletaille
Rue aux Laines 32 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 511 69 73 - Mobile +32 (0)476 698 179
[email protected] - [email protected]
Maya Monuments of Mexico, Belize and Guatemala
40 watercolours by the artist Nigel Hughes depicting
buildings and monoliths of the Classic and Postclassic period
Masquette with Incised Designs
Oxidized dark green serpentine with whitish beige surface
Olmec, Mexico - Middle Pre-Classic Period, 900-300 BC
11.4 cm x 8.3 cm x 5.1 cm
Eskimo head
Marine mammal ivory - Punuk Islands, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Okvik period, 250 BC-100 AD - H. 9.5 cm, W. 5 cm
Exhibiting at Rue aux Laines 32
© Okvik head: P d Formanoir; Olmec maskette: Roger Asselberghs
portrait Lord of the Double-Scroll
Galerie Dodier Laurent Dodier
Membre de la compagnie d’expertise en antiquités et objets d’art (C.E.A.)
Membre du Syndicat Français des Experts Professionnels en œuvres d’art
et objets de collection (S.F.E.P.)
10 bis La Butte - Avranches - 50300 Le Val Saint Père - France
Mobile +33 (0)6 08 22 68 15
[email protected] -
Matua mask element
Bismarck Archipelago, New Ireland - End 19th century
H. 59.5 cm
Wood (alstonia scholaris), resin (Parinarium laurinum)
and pigment
Formerly Galerie Georges Moos, Geneva
Oshe Shango, Yoruba people
Wood and red clay - Igbomina area, Nigeria
End 19th-Early 20th century - H. 36.5 cm
Nice patina
Provenance: Ex collection Maurice Mathieu, Paris
Exhibiting at ⓱ Galerie Art4 - Rue des Minimes 3
© Michel Gurfinkel
Martin Doustar / Ancient & Tribal Art
Rue des Minimes 15 - B - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Mobile +32 (0)497 45 78 21
[email protected] -
Bodhisattva Lokesvara
Bronze - Cambodge, Pré-Khmer, 7th-8th century - H. 42 cm
Exhibiting at ⓴ Rue des Minimes 15
Duchange & Riché
Rue Ernest Allard 45 - 1000-Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 512 42 18 - Mobile +32 (0)479 833 703
[email protected] -
Pair of Famille rose Fishbowls (picture one of the pair)
Early Qianlong (1736-1795) - Diameter 59 cm, height 39.5 cm
Richly enameled in a Famille Rose palette and with blossoming plants
bearing large blooms and lychees, all between biscuit lion mask handles.
The interior with four carps swimming amongst smaller fishes.
This type of jardinière was usually used in palace decoration.
Exhibiting at ㊶ Rue Ernest Allard 45
Bernard Dulon
Membre du Syndicat National des Antiquaires (SNA)
et de la Compagnie Nationale des Experts (CNE)
Expert Près la Cour d’Appel de Paris
10 rue Jacques Callot - 75006 Paris - France
during BRUNEAF by appointment only
Mobile +33 (0)6 07 69 91 22 - T +33 (0)1 43 25 25 00 - F +33 (0)1 43 25 14 16
[email protected] -
Ancestor male figure
Wood - D.R. Congo - 19th century - H. 37.1 cm
Possibly collected in situ by Hans Himmelheber during his trip to the Congo in 1939
(according to Constantine Petridis, Cleveland Museum of Art)
Collection Gustave and Franyo Schindler, New York
Art and Power in the Central African Savanna - Luba/Songye/Tshokwe/Lulua:
The Menil Collection, Houston - September 26, 2008 / January 4, 2009
The Cleveland Museum of Art - March 1 - June 7, 2009
De Young Museum, Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco - June 27 - October 11, 2009
Masques et Sculptures de la Collection Gustave et Franyo Schindler:
The Museum of Primitive Art, New York, November 2, 1966 - February 5, 1967
© Hughes Dubois
Constantine Petridis, Art and power in the Central African Savanna
Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art and Brussels: Fonds Mercator, 2008, p.130, n.96
Robbins, Warren M., et Nancy Ingram Nooter, African Art in American Collections, 1989.
Washington D.C. et Londres: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989, p.436, n.1127
Masques et sculptures de la Collection Gustave et Franyo Schindler:
The Museum of Primitive Art, New York, 1966, n.50
Hans Himmelheber, Negerkunst und Negerhuenstler, Braunschweig: Klinkhardt & Biermann,
1960, p. 397, fig 320
Roswitha Eberwein Antike Kunst Göttingen
Roswitha and Antonia Eberwein
Bismarckstrasse 4 - 37085 Göttingen - Germany
22 rue Jacob - 75006 Paris - France
T +49 (0)551 470 83 - F +49 (0)551 415 43 - Mobile +33 (0)6 72 90 40 70
[email protected] -
Funerary mask
Egypt, Roman Period - 160-180 AD
Plaster with original polychrome and inlayed eyes in glass-paste and obsidian - H. 22 cm
Provenance: Former French private collection 1950
Literature: Die Römischen Mumienmasken aus Ägypten, G. Grimm, 1974
Exhibiting at ⓯ Costermans - Place du Grand Sablon 5
Espace Sablon
Place du Grand Sablon 14 - 1000 Bruxelles - Belgium
Mobile +32 (0)494 59 90 91
[email protected] -
Take a break in Madagascar
with Pierrot Men
À l’occasion de Cultures, notre espace d’exposition temporaire vous invite à prendre
un break à Madagascar.
Véritable mémoire visuelle, Pierrot Men montre dans ses clichés toute la finesse, la beauté
et le tragique de sa Grande Île, à la croisée des chemins entre l’Asie et l’Afrique.
Exhibiting at ❿ Place du Grand Sablon 14
Famarte Farah Massart
Duindistelstraat 16 - 8300 Knokke - Belgium
Mobile +32 (0)495 289 100
[email protected] -
Head of a Bodhisattva
Schist - Gandhara region - 3th Century - H. 29 cm
Spink and Son, London
Private Dutch collection acquired from Spink and Son in early 1960s.
Exhibiting at ㊸ Galerie Lamy - Rue Ernest Allard 32
Galerie Flak
8 Rue des Beaux-Arts - 75006 Paris - France
T +33 (0)1 46 33 77 77 - F +33 (0)1 46 33 27 57 - Mobile +33 (0)6 84 52 81 36
[email protected] -
Reliquary Figure
Kota from Upper Ogooué, Gabon - Dim. 59 x 32 cm
Provenance:Collected before 1929 by Mr. Lagarde, colonial administrator
Ex Vente Ader Picard Tajan, Paris, 21 June 1982, lot 64
Ex collection Loed Van Bussel, Amsterdam
Ex collection Jean-Pierre Jernander, Brussels
Ex collection Jo de Buck, Brussels
Ex private collection, Paris
Exhibiting at Rue Watteeu 7
© Danielle Voirin
Certificateby Louis Perrois, February 2006
Yale University - GvR Archive 0025218
Bruce Frank
Primitive Art
208 West 83rd Street - New York, NY 10024 - USA
F +1 212 873 6069 - Mobile +1 917 733 9589
[email protected] -
Hampatong Couple
Exhibiting at ⓭ Rue de Ruysbroek 49
© Oren Eckhaus
Ngaju Dayak, Borneo - Early 20th century - H. 53.3 and 52.1 cm
Bruno Frey
5 rue Carnot - 21230 Arnay le Duc - France
T +33 (0)3 80 90 06 92 - Mobile +33 (0)6 20 70 10 01
[email protected] -
Teke Yanzi figure
D.R. Congo - End 19th Cent. – Early 20th century - H. 34.5 cm
Exhibiting at Galerie Ritter - Rue Ernest Allard 19
© Paul Louis, Brussels
Provenance: Private collection, France
Group 2 Vanhevel Philip & Vital Lenaerts
Tribal & Modern Art
Avenue Louise 119 - 1050 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 538 00 96 - Mobile +32 (0)497 451 999
[email protected]
Makonde body mask
Exhibiting at ❼ Congo Gallery (upper floor) - Impasse Saint-Jacques 2
© Philip Lenaerts
Wood, pigments - Tanzania - H. 57 cm
Karim Grusenmeyer
Rue Lebeau 14 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 514 03 37 - F +32 (0)9 223 39 37 - Mobile +32 (0)475 475 729
[email protected] -
Standing Figure of Buddha
Bronze - Style of Mon-Dvaravati - Thailand, ca. 7th-9th century - H. 31.7 cm
Exhibiting at ㉓ Rue des Minimes 19
Galerie Jürgen Haering Jürgen Haering
Marienstrasse 13 - 79098 Freiburg - Germany
T +49 (0)761 253 30 - F +49 (0)761 292 7425 - Mobile +49 (0)175 243 7489
[email protected]
Etrusco-Corinthian amphora
Early 6th century BC - Fired clay - H. 66.4 cm
On either side of the shoulder two confronting sphinxes.
Below animal frieze with mountain goats, panthers, deer and waterbird.
Provenance: Private collection, Switzerland, since the 1970s.
Exhibiting at Galerie Ritter - Rue Ernest Allard 17
Harmakhis Jacques Billen
Rue des Minimes 17 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 511 65 39 - Mobile +32 (0)475 65 02 85
[email protected] -
Statuette of a seated man
Egyptian art - 12th Dynasty, c. 1842-1795 BC - Serpentine - H. 12 cm
Acquired in Egypt prior to 1895; Sotheby’s New York, 1989, lot 38,
thence private USA collection
Exhibiting at ㉑ Harmakhis - Rue des Minimes 17
Jacques How Choong
Rue des Minimes 19 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +33 (0)6 2296 9583
[email protected] -
Thangka of the arhat Kanakavatsa
Tibet - 18th century - 81.5 x 54.5 cm
Natural pigments on cotton
Provenance: Ex French collection
Exhibiting at ㉔ Rue des Minimes 19
Galerie L’Ibis Lucien Viola
Ancient Egyptian, Coptic, Greek, Roman and Islamic Art
Accredited Member of the Appraisers Association of America since 1976
Member of the Syndicat National des Antiquaires
Lot 536 Issil - Marrakech 40000 - Maroc
T +212 524 30 18 51 - F +212 524 30 35 40 - Mobile +212 661 14 55 95
[email protected] -
Portrait of a king, probably Tuthmosis IV
Head from an ushabti figure (?)
Sandstone with traces of red and blue paint - Dynasty XVIII, ca. 1423-1410 BC
H. 6,3 cm - D. 6 cm - W. 6 cm
Publication: L’Ibis Gallery Catalog, N° 7, Pro Color, Brookfield, Conn., November 1989.
Stylistic reference: For the type of uraeus see a similar one on the portrait
of queen Hatshepsut in a private collection
in Entdeckungen, Ägyptische Kunst in Süddeutschland p. 56 and plate p. 54, 1985;
Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, München.
Exhibiting at Galerie Patrick Lancz - Rue Ernest Allard 15
© Lucien Viola
Provenance: M
aurice Nahman
Old Private European Collection
Tao Kerefoff
Paris - France - By appointment
Mobile +33 (0)6 606 404 05
[email protected] -
Songye figure
Wood, shiny patina - D.R. Congo - H. 13 cm
Exhibiting at ㊿ Gallery Bruno Couck - rue Watteeu 13
© Hughes Dubois
Provenance: E
x Collection Allan Stone, NY
Ex Merton Simpson, NY
Kitsune Arie Vos
Minimenstraat 55 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Mobile +32 (0)476 87 85 69
[email protected] -
Hyotan-natsume tea container (usucha-ki)
Lacquered gourd - Atypical shape - Japan, Meiji-period (1868-1912) - D. 7.5 cm
Exhibiting at ㊲ Rue des Minimes 55
Kyoto Gallery Tony Cammaert
Rue Ernest Allard 20 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)71 703 701 - F +32 (0)71 703 702 - Mobile +32 (0)475 448 356
[email protected] -
Very important daimyo armor
Dated 1720
Made by: Myochin Muneakira.
Exhibiting at Rue Ernest Allard 20
Philippe Laeremans
Rue des Minimes 27 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 503 00 13 - F +32 (0)2 503 00 13 - Mobile +32 (0)475 262 118
[email protected] -
Keaka figure
Exhibiting at ㉕ Rue des Minimes 27
© Alain Speltdoorn
Nigeria - H. 42 cm
Galerie Lamy Georges & Hugues-Jean Lamy
Rue Ernest Allard 32 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 502 12 05 - Mobile +32 (0)475 604 053
[email protected] -
A gold wood ivory and metal kriss Madura
19th century - H. 48 cm
Exhibiting at ㊷ Rue Ernest Allard 32
Olivier Larroque
1 Plan d’Orléans - 30000 Nîmes - France
Mobile +33 (0)6 800 800 93
[email protected]
Dowayo / Namji doll
Wood - Cameroon- Early 20th century - H. 22 cm
Exhibiting at Rue Watteeu 9
© Paul Louis, Brussels
Provenance: Private collection, France
Galerie Abla & Alain Lecomte
4 rue des Beaux-Arts - 75006 Paris - France
T/F +33 (0)1 43 54 13 83 - Mobile +33 (0)6 50 41 05 35
[email protected] -
Mvwala scepter
Bayombe - D.R. Congo - End of 19th century - H. 85 cm
Léo Bittremieux has collected and photographed this object in situ
between 1920 and 1925.
Exhibiting at Rue Watteeu 5
© Jean Vivier
Published in Raoul Lehuard Bakongo. Les centres de styles, p. 66.
Angel Martin
Arte Antiguo Africano
Calle Piamonte 21 - 28004 Madrid - Spain
T +34 915 215 354 - F +34 915 225 531 - Mobile +34 639 140 163
[email protected] -
Thematic exhibition: Cahier
de Djenné
Djenne Male figure kneeling
Exhibiting at ❸ Ambre Congo Gallery - Impasse Saint-Jacques 17
© Cuauhtli Gutiérrez
Terracotta - Termo 600-850 years (Qed Laboratoire. 2014) - H. 23.5 cm - L. 22.5 cm
The Merrin Gallery Samuel Merrin & Moshe Bronstein
724 Fifth Avenue, 3rd floor - New York, NY 10019 - USA
T +1 212 757 2884 - F +1 212 757 3904
[email protected] -
Tripod leg with protome of a horse
Greek - ca. 6th century BC - Bronze - H. 20 cm
Provenance: Christos G. Bastis collection, New York, acquired 1965
Published: Antiquities from the Collection of Christos G. Bastis,
Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibition catalogue (New York, 1987) no. 88, illus.;
Sotheby’s New York, The Christos G. Bastis Collection (9 December 1999) lot 78
Exhibiting at ㉒ Harmakhis - Rue des Minimes 17
Patrick & Ondine Mestdagh
Rue des Minimes 29 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T/F +32 (0)2 511 10 27 - Mobile +32 (0)475 467 315
[email protected] -
Thematic exhibition: Back
to War
Nandi shield
Painted leather - Kenya - 20th century - H. 121 cm
Wood, bark, glass beads and rattan - Dayak, Borneo, Indonesia
Early 20th century - H. 74.5 cm
Exhibiting at ㉖ Rue des Minimes 29
© Paul Louis
Kalimantan shield
Mingei Japanese Arts Gallery Philippe Boudin & Maiko Takenobu
5, rue Visconti - 75006 Paris - France
Mobile +33 (0)6 09 76 60 68
[email protected] -
Noh Theater mask representing the ghost of a jealous woman who became a demon
Japan, Muromachi-Momoyama period, 15th-16th century.
Exhibited and published in The Beauty of Noh, an exhibition commemorating
the 25th anniversary of the Noh Museum of artifacts, Japan, 2001.
Exhibiting at ㉞ Galerie Desmet - Rue des Minimes 39
Galerie Monbrison Sarah de Monbrison
Rue des Minimes 31 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 503 45 55 - Mobile +32 (0)476 82 48 76 or +33 (0)6 86 77 20 88
[email protected]
Djenne figure
Terracotta - Mali - H. 15.5 cm
Exhibiting at ㉗ Rue des Minimes 31
© Hughes Dubois
Published: Bernard de Grunne, Djenné-Jeno, 1000 years of Terracotta Statuary in Mali,
Mercatorfonds, Fig. 106
Galería Guilhem Montagut
Boulevard de los Anticuarios - 55-57 Paseo de Gracia, tiendas 11 y 22
E-08007 Barcelona - Spain
T/F +34 93 215 90 24 - Mobile +34 678 027 692
[email protected] -
Nkishi figure
Songye People - D.R. Congo - H. 72.5 cm
Wood, glassbeads, nails and copper alloy plates, textile, vegetal fiber and feline skin.
Exhibiting at ❾ Galerie Futur Antérieur - Place du Grand Sablon 19
© Carles Insenser
Provenance: Richard V. Clarke, New York
Alain Naoum
Primitive Studio
Rue Sainte-Anne 30 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium (Only by appointment)
Mobile +32 (0)474 401 543
[email protected] -
Important Kongo-Yombe female figure
Wood, with light patina - Phemba, D.R. Congo - Second part of the 19th century
H. c. 35 cm
Exhibiting at ⓫ Rue Sainte-Anne 30
© Studio Philippe de Formanoir - Paso Doble
Provenance: F ield collected by a colonial administrator, Mr. Puissant,
by inheritance to family; Pierre Dartevelle
Sanne Nies - “Salon” Tribal Art
Prins Hendrikstraat 43 - 5611 HJ Eindhoven - The Netherlands
T +31 402 452 961 - Mobile +31 612 033 634
[email protected] -
Dan figure (lü me)
Ivory Coast - H. 63 cm
Probably by the sculptor Sra, (Sra, = Zlan , ca. 1885-1955)
- Old French Colonial collection, before 1945
- Ex. collection Michel Gaud, Saint Tropez, France
- Ex collection Jacques Blankaert (1925-1995), Knokke, Belgium
- Ex collection Irene en Rutger der Kinderen, Eersel, the Netherlands (1990-2016)
Exhibited: Berg en Dal, The Netherlands, Van verre volken thuis, kunst in de kamer,
Afrika Museum: October 4, 2008 - January 4, 2009.
Publication: Siebel Rossel and Arnold Wentholt: Tribal Treasures in Dutch private collections,
Berg en Dal, 2008-2009, p. 38 and 152.
Exhibiting at ㊾ Rue Watteeu 27
© Ferry Herrebrugh
Yale University registration nr. 0010206
Orchid Fine Arts
GPO Box 13447, General PO - Hong Kong
T +852 9107-1279
[email protected]
Head of a Bodhisattva
Fine white marble - Tang Dynasty - H. 28 cm
Exhibiting at ㊵ Rue Charles Hanssens 13
Joaquin Pecci
Tribal Art
Rue des Minimes 38 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T/F +32 (0)2 513 44 20 - Mobile +32 (0)477 439 412
[email protected] -
Funeral mask
Wood, red and black pigments, remains of purple shell
and lime
Peru, Central Coast - Chancay culture - 900-1450 AD
H. 34 cm, L. 24 cm
Provenance: Collection Régine and Guy Dulon, France
Pende mask
Wood, pigments and vegetal fiber - D.R. Congo - H. 30 cm
Provenance: Jane Silberman collection, Washington
Exhibiting at ㉙ Rue des Minimes 38
© Hughes Dubois
Galerie Günter Puhze Günter Puhze & Micaela Puhze
Stadtstrasse 28 - 79104 Freiburg - Germany
T +49 (0)761 25476 - F +49 (0)761 26459 - Mobile +49 (0)171 201 28 61
[email protected] -
Lekythos by the Baltimore Painter
Apulian - 4th century BC - H. 66.1 cm
Provenance: Private collection M. C., Geneva, acquired in the 1960s
Published: A.D. Trendall, A. Cambitoglou,
Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, London 1992, p. 283 no. 62-1
K. Schauenburg, Studien zur unteritalischen Vasenmalerei Bd. IV/V,
Kiel 2002, S. 31, 32 Abb. 49 a-d
Exhibiting at Galerie Harold t’Kint de Roodenbeke - Rue Ernest Allard 31
Galerie Punchinello Jacques Lebrat
16 Rue du Parc Royal - 75003 Paris - France
T +33 (0)1 42 72 00 60 - Mobile +33 (0)6 03 01 66 01
[email protected] -
Nuo mask
Heshang, wood and pigments - China - 19th century
Exhibiting at ⓲ Galerie Art4 - Rue des Minimes 3
© Michel Gurfinkel
Exhibited The mask of China - André Jacquemard Museum, Paris, 2007
Schiller Art Gallery
Tribal & Modern Art
Rue Van Moer 12 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Gregory Verdonck, Gallery Manager
Mobile +32 (0)496 23 88 54 - [email protected]
Jean-Marc Desaive, Head of Tribal Art Department
Mobile +32 (0)497 24 75 92 - [email protected]
Mangbetu knife
Wood and iron - D.R. Congo - H. 24 cm
Exhibiting at ㊻ Rue Van Moer 12
© Nicolas Clobert
Collected by Mr. Charles Frix, Soldier in Congo in the 1930’s.
Adrian Schlag
Rue des Minimes 31 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Mobile +34 617 666 098
[email protected] -
Heddle Pulley
Wood, palm oil - Civilization Guro, Ivory Coast - 19th century - H. 21.3 cm
Exhibiting at ㉘ Rue des Minimes 31
© Studio R. Asselberghs – Frédéric Dehaen Brussels
- William W. Brill, New York (inv. no. 962.)
- By descent from the above - Sotheby’s, New York, November 17, 2006, lot 22,
consigned by the above
- Myron Kunin, Minneapolis, acquired at the above auction
Serge Schoffel
Rue Watteeu 14 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T/F +32 (0)2 503 28 47 - Mobile +32 (0)473 563 233
[email protected] - Suspension hook
- Collected in 1935 by Charles and Régine Van den Broek d’Obrenan
on the La Korrigane expedition (1934-1936), inv. 39.3.910.
- Sold at Hotel Drouot at the Collection Océanienne du Voyage de La Korrigane
auction on December 4th and 5th 1961, lot 158.
- Philip Goldman collection, London.
Exhibiting at Rue Watteeu 14
© Studio R. Asselberghs – Frédéric Dehaen Brussels
Kaningara, Blackwater River, middle Sepik River area,
Papua New Guinea
19th century, pre-contact
Wood, ochre and white pigments
H: 108 cm
David Serra
Art tribal
Avenida San Juan 2 - 08198 Sant Cugat del Valles - Barcelona - Spain
T/F +34 936 755 815 - Mobile +34 667 525 597
[email protected] -
Bembe figure
Wood and ritual material - D.R. Congo - H. 17 cm
Exhibiting at ⓳ Galerie Jan De Maere - Rue des Minimes 9
© Guillem F-H
- Collection Christophe Tzara, Paris
- Sotheby’s Londres, 8 Juillet 1969, nº 158
- Collection Ralph A. Ellison, New York
- Ron Nasser, New York
- Collection Daniel and Carmen Klein
The African André & Jolie Vanhecke
Impasse Saint-Jacques 13 / Rue Sainte-Anne 16 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Mobile +32 (0)479 33 93 43
[email protected] -
Pende Mask
D.R. Congo - Circa 1920-1930 - H. 40 cm
Provenance: German collection, Dortmund
Songye figure
D.R. Congo - Circa 1910-1920 - H. 16 cm
Provenance: Belgian collection, Brugge
Exhibiting at ⓬ Impasse Saint-Jacques 13 / Rue Sainte-Anne 16
© Paul Louis, Brussels
Dominique Thirion Ars Antiqua Dominique Thirion
Rue des Minimes 35 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 503 50 21 - F +32 (0)2 503 50 22 - Mobile +32 (0)477 465 907
[email protected] -
Uncertain Macedonian mint
Acanthus (?) - AR stater. Before 525 BC - Diam. 1.8 cm - Weight 8.86 g
Svoronos pl. XVII,10.
Winged male figure (daemon ?) running right, with small wings on his heels
(not visible here) and with his left arm raised and his right lowered.
Irregular incuse square.
Very rare. Very interesting representation of superb archaic style.
Exhibiting at ㉛ Dominique Thirion - Rue des Minimes 35
© Paul Louis
Provenance: From a Belgian private collection
Pablo Touchaleaume
21 Rue Guénégaud - 75006 Paris - France
T +33 (0)1 43 54 70 03 - Mobile +33 (0)6 89 90 75 70
[email protected]
Elegant and archaic representation of a kneeling woman
Wrought iron - Bambara people, Bougoumi area, south Mali - H. 19 cm
Provenance: André Blandin collection
Exhibiting at ❺ Impasse Saint Jacques 10
© Christian Baraja / Archives Galerie Pablo Touchaleaume
Published page 33 in Fer Noir d’Afrique de l’Ouest, André Blandin, 1992
Rut Van Caelenbergh
African Art
Rue des Minimes 40 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Mobile +32(0)476 435 876
[email protected] -
Yombe magical statue
Wood, pigments, glass - Late 19th century - H. 43 cm
The male figure is represented holding two snakes. They incarnate the nature spirit
Mbumba Luangu, the rainbow that connects the earthly world to the spiritual one.
Bibliography: Art & Kongos - Marc Leo Felix
Yaka ceremonial adze
Wood, iron, pigments - L. 31 cm
Bibliography: Art of the Yaka and Suku - Arthur P. Bourgeois
Another exemple made by the same carver is published in
Negerkunst und Negerkünstler - Hans Himmelheber, p. 328
Exhibiting at ㉝ Rue des Minimes 40
© Anne Deknock
This type of adzes was used by diviners and headman.
Galerie Frank Van Craen
African Art - Japanese Furniture
Rue des Minimes 49 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Mobile +32 (0)475 668 187
[email protected] -
 Mask
 Isho
Wakasa, Fukui prefecture - Meiji period
Dim. 121 x 42 x 164 (H.) cm
Exhibiting at ㊱ Rue des Minimes 49
© Studio Philippe de Formanoir - Paso Doble (right) | © Frank Van Craen (left)
Wood, hair and pigments - South-East Congo
Late 19th - Early 20th century - H. 31 cm
Yannik Van Ruysevelt
Brussels - Belgium - By appointment
Mobile +32 (0)477 300 408
[email protected]
Thematic exhibition: Northern
Rare Ngbaka/Banda figure
Wood, metal, glass - D.R. Congo - H. 33 cm
Exhibiting at ㊳ Galerie Jadis & Naguère - Rue des Minimes 59
© Yannik Van Ruysevelt
Provenance: Belgian private collection
Galerie Renaud Vanuxem
52 Rue Mazarine - 75006 Paris - France
T +33 (0)1 43 26 03 04 - Mobile +33 (0)6 07 11 50 60
[email protected] -
Ancestor figure Dogon
Wood, ritual and votive iron elements - Mali - H. 27 cm
Exhibiting at ⓮ Rue de Ruysbroek 49
© Hughes Dubois
Provenance: Ex collection Jean Coenne
Vasco & Co Emilia da Paz
Rue des Minimes 48 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 502 35 74 - Mobile +32 (0)473 642 611
[email protected] -
Normal business hours after Bruneaf:
Wednesday to Saturday from 1 pm to 6:30 pm, or by appointment.
On sale during Bruneaf at Vasco
Catalog Uzuri wa Dunia, Bruneaf 2015
and all the catalogues of exhibitions organised by Bruneaf
L’intelligence des formes - Willy Mestach, 2007
Congo mythical masks, 2009
Sanza, 2011
La tête dans les étoiles, 2012
Joyaux Lega, 2013
Masterpieces, New Guinea Art, 2014
Exhibiting at ㉟ Rue des Minimes 48
Wei Asian Arts Howard Wei
Rue Van Moer 5 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
T +32 (0)2 503 58 35 - Mobile +32 (0)485 960 695
[email protected] -
A fine collector’s cabinet
Elmwood - Shanxi Province - Qing Dynasty, 18th century - Size: H. 206; L. 142; D. 47
The lower doors and the three drawers finely carved with intricate dragon motifs.
The upper doors richly decorated with a golden background reverse painting calligraphy.
Original metal ‘baitong’ fittings.
A very similar example is kept up to today in the Wang Family Courtyard 王家大院
in Lingshi County (Shaanxi province).
Exhibiting at ㊹ Rue Van Moer 5
Michael Woerner
Hong Kong - Bangkok
Mobile +49 172 660 45 22 - +852 9874 1061
[email protected]
Thematic exhibitions:
Color Fields – Minimalism in Early Tibetan Rugs
The Robert P. & Alice Y. Piccus Collection
Recent Acquisitions – Works of Art from Southeast Asia
Bust of an Ancestor Figure
Terracotta - Indonesia - Eastern Java - Bronze/Iron Age
Mid 1st millennium BCE - mid 1st millennium CE - H. 14 cm
Provenance: Private Collection Japan (since 1980s)
References: Art Loss Register Certificate
Exhibiting at The Architect’s House - Rue Ernest Allard 21
The Art Loss Register
William Webber & Will Korner
First Floor - 63-66 Hatton Garden - London EC1N 8LE - United Kingdom
T +44 (0)207841 5780
[email protected] -
ALR Galerie Ambre Congo - Impasse Saint-Jacques 17
holding office at 
25 Years of Due Diligence
The world’s largest private database of lost and stolen art, antiques and
collectibles. The 500,000 items currently registered also include those
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400,000 searches of items carried out each year on behalf of auction
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recognised worldwide as an important demonstration of due diligence
Registration of lost or stolen items to be included in all future searches
Resolution of art-related claims, title disputes, and recovery services
Please do not hesitate to contact us directly for any further information or questions
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International Association of Dealers in Ancient Art
Code of Ethics – an extract from Article 11 of the Rules of the IADAA
he members of IADAA undertake to the best of their ability to make their purchases in good faith.
2 The members of IADAA undertake not to purchase or sell objects until they have established to the best of
their ability that such objects were not stolen from excavations, architectural monuments, public institutions
or private property.
3 The members of IADAA refuse to dismember and sell separately parts of one complete object.
4 The members of IADAA undertake to the best of their ability to keep objects together that were originally
meant to be kept together.
5 The members of IADAA undertake to the best of their ability to keep photographic records prior to repair and
restoration, to be honest and open by describing in writing the amount of repair and restoration undertaken to
a prospective purchaser.
6 Members guarantee the authenticity of all objects they offer for sale.
7 Members of IADAA undertake to the best of their ability to inform the Administrative Board about stolen
goods and thefts. They also undertake to co-operate with international and national agencies involved with
the recovery of stolen goods.
8 It is a condition of membership that all members undertake to check items which are to be sold at a price
of € 5,000 or over (or local currency equivalent) with the Art Loss Register or with a stolen art register which
is recognised by the Board, unless the item has already been checked.
9 IADAA condemns illegal use of metal detectors.
More information about IADAA and its views on collecting antiquities can be found on the IADAA website
Le Regard de la Science sur les Arts et le patrimoine culturel
Scientific investigations on all kind of objects of Art by...
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they are UNIQUE
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World Arts Auctions - 43 rue des Minimes 1000 Brussels
T. +32 (0)2 512 55 16 - [email protected]
21--29 JANUARY 2017
Wie of wat is ‘’Mehen’’?
Mehen, Studiecentrum voor het oude Egypte, opgericht
door Bep Koek-Overvest en Jan Koek, is een zelfstandige
stichting die geen winstoogmerk heeft. Het studiecentrum
ontplooit allerlei activiteiten die er met name op gericht
zijn om de kennis over het faraonische Egypte te verspreiden aan iedereen die hier belangstelling voor heeft.
Uit de opbrengsten van deze activiteiten ondersteunt
Mehen de studie over het oude Egypte, o.a. met de Mehenscriptieprijs voor Egyptologie. Als u deze doelstelling wilt
ondersteunen, wordt dan donateur van Mehen voor minimaal € 25,– per jaar. Echtparen betalen € 35,– per jaar.
Donateurs krijgen korting op de meeste activiteiten van
Mehen en hebben gratis toegang tot de jaarlijkse Mehendag. Het bankrekeningnummer is t.n.v.
B.J. Koek-Overvest e/o J.G. Koek te Elst (U).
De activiteiten bestaan uit lezingen, cursussen, studiedagen
en reizen. Sinds 1991 hebben Bep en Jan Koek succesvolle
(thema)reizen georganiseerd naar Egypte en naar vele egyptologische collecties in musea in Europa en de Verenigde
Staten van Amerika. Ook verzorgt Mehen al ruim twintig
jaar lezingen over het oude Egypte met onderwerpen op
allerlei gebied, met als specialisme de religie van de oude
Wilt u een lezing op maat of een reis naar eigen wens, ook
voor kleine groepen, laten organiseren? Neemt u dan eens
contact op met ‘’Mehen, Studiecentrum voor het oude
Wat betekent ‘’Mehen’’?
De naam Mehen betekent ‘’De Gekronkelde’’ en is een
reusachtige slang. Al vanaf de predynastieke tijd is het
Mehenspel bekend (zie foto). Het was niet alleen een spel,
maar het Mehenspel was in het Oude Rijk ook een hulpmiddel om herboren te worden. Vanaf het 7e uur in het
zogenoemde onderwereldboek ‘’het Amdoeat’’ (vanaf het
Nieuwe Rijk) kronkelt Mehen om de kajuit van de zonnebark van Ra (zie het logo). Mehen beschermt de zonnegod
tegen allerlei gevaren op zijn tocht door het hiernamaals,
het werkgebied van Mehen. Hopelijk strekt Mehen zijn
bescherming ook uit over het studiecentrum en allen die
deelnemen aan de (studie)reis door het oude Egypte.
Voor meer informatie:
[email protected]
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issue 180 summer 2014
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The Art of Diplomacy - 600 years of Turkish-Polish Relations
Antique Carpets and Textiles from the Wher Collection
The Vanderbilt North Indian star-lattice carpet, Yomut Turkmen rugs
Anatolian village rugs, The woven mats of Borneo
25/09/2013 8:46 pm
Father of invention
Queen of the desert
A look at Leonardo da Vinci’s
ingenious mechanical designs
The adventurous life of
Gertrude Bell re-examined
Underground Rome
Exploring the subterranean
secrets of the Eternal City
A sculptor’s
Rock art in
New Mexico
Rodin’s museum
re-opens in Paris
On the trail of
Beyond the
The sphinx that
travelled to
A multicultural
melting-pot on
show in London
In an earthly
The beauty of nature mixes with myths
of life and death in
Greek and Roman gardens
Seljuq splendour
Sicilian treasures
Priceless works on show
at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art
Fascinating finds from under
the waves exhibited in the
Ashmolean Museum
The power of
A new exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum in New York shows how Pergamon
and other Hellenic cities flourished after the death of Alexander the Great
Volume 27 Number 2
David Gibson tells us why finding a Late Bronze Age site
in Cambridgeshire is the discovery of a lifetime
Egypt abroad
With revamped museums in Turin and Florence and a new joint exhibition
with Leiden in Bologna, Egyptology is flourishing in Italy
Trojan hero
The strange adventures
of Heinrich Schliemann
Cavalry charge
How the horse transformed
the tactics of the Roman army
Volume 27 Number 1
Professor Joann Fletcher tells us about the workers, the
women and the mummies of Ancient Egypt
Volume 27 Number 3
Emily Hauser explains why she chose to make two
women in the Iliad the heroines of her first novel
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8:34 am
Page 1
newspaper for
for collecTors,
• february
• june 2016
£5.00/ US$8/ €10
national Palace museum opens
new museum in taiwan
Asian Art hires logo
8:34 am
Nabil Nahas
7 Yun-Fei Ji, the Chinese
artist’s work from over the last
decade is on show at the
Wellin Museum of Art
8 Obituary: Hema Upadhyay
the Indian artist who explored
India’s urban landscape
10 The collection of Nestorian crosses
has been recently reinstalled at
UMAG in Hong Kong
12 Artist & Empire looks at
the UK’s imperial past
at Tate Britain, London
14 Yang Yongliang, the Shanghai artist
discusses art and film
15 Our annual guide to the museums
and exhibitions on the
West Coast of America in 2016
21 Gallery shows in New York
and Birmingham, UK
22 Listings
23 Islamic Arts Diary
The centre for Asian Art in the Dr Helga Wall-Apelt
Gallery of Asian Art at the Ringling Museum is
opening on 20 February. The Ringling‘s position
within the world’s museums with Asian holdings is
fast on the rise. Even though Mabel and John
Ringling did collect Asian material, mainly blanc de
chine ceramics in the 1920s, the museum took a new
turn in 2001 with the remarkable gift of the collection
of Ira and Nancy Koger of over 400 pieces of Chinese
ceramics. This was the beginning of a concerted effort
to expand its Asian holdings. This was boosted
enormously in the highly substantial gift from
Dr Helga Wall-Apelt to pay for a wing for Asian art
and a curatorial position, now filled by Dr Fan Zhang.
Nabil Nahas
7 Yun-Fei Ji, the Chinese
artist’s work from over the last
decade is on show at the
Wellin Museum of Art
8 Obituary: Hema Upadhyay
the Indian artist who explored
India’s urban landscape
has been recently reinstalled at
UMAG in Hong Kong
the UK’s imperial past
at Tate Britain, London
14 Yang Yongliang, the Shanghai artist
discusses art and film
15 Our annual guide to the museums
and exhibitions on the
West Coast of America in 2016
21 Gallery shows in New York
and Birmingham, UK
22 Listings
23 Islamic Arts Diary
Next issue
March 2016
Our annual guide to
Asia Week New York
Contact us
See page 2 for details
Subscription form page 21
Visit us online
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Join our Facebook page
Asian Art Newspaper
newspaper for
for collecTors,
• february
• june 2016
£5.00/ US$8/ €10
national Palace museum opens
new museum in taiwan
IN DECEMBER, a second branch
of the National Palace Museum in
Taipei, Taiwan, was opened in the
southern city of Chiayi. The main
museum is considered to be one of the
most popular museums in the world,
receiving more than five million
visitors every year. The spectacular
new museum spans over 9,000 square
metres and aims to show a selection of
some of China’s most valuable
historical works of art. Designed by
Taiwanese architect Kris Yao, the new
museum’s two stretched, curved
buildings include huge walls of glass
and are emblazoned with dragons and
clouds. The Taiwanese government
hopes this latest opening will entice
more visitors to the rural south in
search of cultural experiences.
The main museum in Taipei has a
collection of more than 696,000
objects spanning 7,000 years from the
prehistoric to the end of the Qing
dynasty (1644-1912). The National
Palace Museum in Beijing was
officially open on 10 October, 1925,
allowing members of the public to
admire many of the palace cultural
relics for the first time. Many of these
artefacts were then removed from the
Beijing Palace Museum in the 1920s
by China’s Nationalist government to
prevent them falling into the hands of
invading Japanese troops. By 1934,
the collection was on the move south
and five groups of artefacts totalling
19,557 crates were relocated,
including the 6,066 crates of objects
from the Exhibition Office of Ancient
Artefacts, the Yiheyuan and the
Hanlin Yuan Imperial Academy. The
collection was then transported to
Taiwan by the Nationalists after they
were defeated by Chinese communist
forces and fled the mainland for the
Taiwan at the end of 1948/49. The
first group of crates were taken by the
navy from Nanjing, arriving in
Keelung at the end of 1948; the
second and third groups of crates also
arrived the following year. A total of
2,972 crates were shipped and while
these only accounted for only 22% of
In December 2015, the new branch of the National Palace Museum opened in the southern city of Chiayi, southern Taiwan
the items originally transported south
from Beijing, these pieces now
represent the cream of the museum’s
collections. Some of these prized
artefacts from the Taipei museum are
now to be displayed in Chiayi for the
inaugural few months of the new
museum, including the amazingly
popular ‘jadeite cabbage’ sculpture,
created in the 19th century by an
unknown artist. The cabbage head
with a locust and cricket camouflaged
in its leaves has become a great
favourite and ‘must-see’ with visitors
and is seen as an auspicious symbol of
fertility. Permanent displays at the
news in brief
museum include Buddhist artefacts,
Asian textiles and tea culture displays,
Islamic jades and blue-and-white
porcelain from the Ming dynasty. ‘We
hope to attract up to 1.5 million
visitors in the first year,’ commented
Feng Ming-chu, director of both the
Taipei and Chiayi museums.
national museum, bangkok
The National Museum Bangkok’s
Siwamokkhaphiman building has reopened after a
year and a half of renovation work with its inaugral
exhibition exploring Thai history. Objects from
Sukhothai and Ayutthaya, as well as the Thonburi and
early Rattanakosin eras are on view in an entirely
redesigned interior to make the exhibition more open.
The government’s Fine Arts Department is in charge
of the restoration of all the buildings in the compound
of the former Wang Na Palace, which dates to 1782,
the same period the Grand Palace was erected. The
Siwamokkhaphiman has been the residence of five
viceroys prior to the reign of King Rama V.
Two other buildings in the compound are currently
being restored with an aim to completing the project
in six years.
Baht 25 million was spent renovating the roof, walls,
ceiling and gables and installing new lighting that
makes the facility more inviting, a place where you
want to linger. There are 111 Buddhist sculptures on
display spanning 10,000 years, ranging from prehistory through the Dvaravati, Srivijaya, Lopburi,
Lanna, Sukhothai and Ayutthaya periods to the early
Rattanakosin. The museum is open Wednesday to
Sunday 9am to 4pm.
ringling museum of art,
The centre for Asian Art in the Dr Helga Wall-Apelt
Gallery of Asian Art at the Ringling Museum is
opening on 20 February. The Ringling‘s position
within the world’s museums with Asian holdings is
fast on the rise. Even though Mabel and John
Ringling did collect Asian material, mainly blanc de
chine ceramics in the 1920s, the museum took a new
turn in 2001 with the remarkable gift of the collection
of Ira and Nancy Koger of over 400 pieces of Chinese
ceramics. This was the beginning of a concerted effort
to expand its Asian holdings. This was boosted
enormously in the highly substantial gift from
Dr Helga Wall-Apelt to pay for a wing for Asian art
and a curatorial position, now filled by Dr Fan Zhang.
2 Profile: the artist
Nabil Nahas
7 Yun-Fei Ji, the Chinese
artist’s work from over the last
decade is on show at the
Wellin Museum of Art
8 Obituary: Hema Upadhyay
the Indian artist who explored
India’s urban landscape
10 The collection of Nestorian crosses
has been recently reinstalled at
UMAG in Hong Kong
12 Artist & Empire looks at
the UK’s imperial past
at Tate Britain, London
14 Yang Yongliang, the Shanghai artist
discusses art and film
15 Our annual guide to the museums
and exhibitions on the
West Coast of America in 2016
21 Gallery shows in New York
and Birmingham, UK
22 Listings
23 Islamic Arts Diary
Next issue
March 2016
Our annual guide to
Asia Week New York
Contact us
See page 2 for details
Subscription form page 21
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Asian Art Newspaper
Page 1
2 Profile: the artist
ringling museum of art,
2 Profile: the artist
12 Artist & Empire looks at
8:34 am
national museum, bangkok
The National Museum Bangkok’s
Siwamokkhaphiman building has reopened after a
year and a half of renovation work with its inaugral
exhibition exploring Thai history. Objects from
Sukhothai and Ayutthaya, as well as the Thonburi and
early Rattanakosin eras are on view in an entirely
redesigned interior to make the exhibition more open.
The government’s Fine Arts Department is in charge
of the restoration of all the buildings in the compound
of the former Wang Na Palace, which dates to 1782,
the same period the Grand Palace was erected. The
Siwamokkhaphiman has been the residence of five
viceroys prior to the reign of King Rama V.
Two other buildings in the compound are currently
being restored with an aim to completing the project
in six years.
Baht 25 million was spent renovating the roof, walls,
ceiling and gables and installing new lighting that
makes the facility more inviting, a place where you
want to linger. There are 111 Buddhist sculptures on
display spanning 10,000 years, ranging from prehistory through the Dvaravati, Srivijaya, Lopburi,
Lanna, Sukhothai and Ayutthaya periods to the early
Rattanakosin. The museum is open Wednesday to
Sunday 9am to 4pm.
10 The collection of Nestorian crosses
news in brief
museum include Buddhist artefacts,
Asian textiles and tea culture displays,
Islamic jades and blue-and-white
porcelain from the Ming dynasty. ‘We
hope to attract up to 1.5 million
visitors in the first year,’ commented
Feng Ming-chu, director of both the
Taipei and Chiayi museums.
museum include Buddhist artefacts,
Asian textiles and tea culture displays,
Islamic jades and blue-and-white
porcelain from the Ming dynasty. ‘We
hope to attract up to 1.5 million
visitors in the first year,’ commented
Feng Ming-chu, director of both the
Taipei and Chiayi museums.
Asian Art hires logo
popular ‘jadeite cabbage’ sculpture,
created in the 19th century by an
unknown artist. The cabbage head
with a locust and cricket camouflaged
in its leaves has become a great
favourite and ‘must-see’ with visitors
and is seen as an auspicious symbol of
fertility. Permanent displays at the
popular ‘jadeite cabbage’ sculpture,
created in the 19th century by an
unknown artist. The cabbage head
with a locust and cricket camouflaged
in its leaves has become a great
favourite and ‘must-see’ with visitors
and is seen as an auspicious symbol of
fertility. Permanent displays at the
news in brief
national museum, bangkok
The National Museum Bangkok’s
Siwamokkhaphiman building has reopened after a
year and a half of renovation work with its inaugral
exhibition exploring Thai history. Objects from
Sukhothai and Ayutthaya, as well as the Thonburi and
early Rattanakosin eras are on view in an entirely
redesigned interior to make the exhibition more open.
The government’s Fine Arts Department is in charge
of the restoration of all the buildings in the compound
of the former Wang Na Palace, which dates to 1782,
the same period the Grand Palace was erected. The
Siwamokkhaphiman has been the residence of five
viceroys prior to the reign of King Rama V.
Two other buildings in the compound are currently
being restored with an aim to completing the project
in six years.
Baht 25 million was spent renovating the roof, walls,
ceiling and gables and installing new lighting that
makes the facility more inviting, a place where you
want to linger. There are 111 Buddhist sculptures on
display spanning 10,000 years, ranging from prehistory through the Dvaravati, Srivijaya, Lopburi,
Lanna, Sukhothai and Ayutthaya periods to the early
Rattanakosin. The museum is open Wednesday to
Sunday 9am to 4pm.
Page 1
the items originally transported south
from Beijing, these pieces now
represent the cream of the museum’s
collections. Some of these prized
artefacts from the Taipei museum are
now to be displayed in Chiayi for the
inaugural few months of the new
museum, including the amazingly
the items originally transported south
from Beijing, these pieces now
represent the cream of the museum’s
collections. Some of these prized
artefacts from the Taipei museum are
now to be displayed in Chiayi for the
inaugural few months of the new
museum, including the amazingly
8:34 am
In December 2015, the new branch of the National Palace Museum opened in the southern city of Chiayi, southern Taiwan
In December 2015, the new branch of the National Palace Museum opened in the southern city of Chiayi, southern Taiwan
allowing members of the public to
admire many of the palace cultural
relics for the first time. Many of these
artefacts were then removed from the
Beijing Palace Museum in the 1920s
by China’s Nationalist government to
prevent them falling into the hands of
invading Japanese troops. By 1934,
the collection was on the move south
and five groups of artefacts totalling
19,557 crates were relocated,
including the 6,066 crates of objects
from the Exhibition Office of Ancient
Artefacts, the Yiheyuan and the
Hanlin Yuan Imperial Academy. The
collection was then transported to
Taiwan by the Nationalists after they
were defeated by Chinese communist
forces and fled the mainland for the
Taiwan at the end of 1948/49. The
first group of crates were taken by the
navy from Nanjing, arriving in
Keelung at the end of 1948; the
second and third groups of crates also
arrived the following year. A total of
2,972 crates were shipped and while
these only accounted for only 22% of
allowing members of the public to
admire many of the palace cultural
relics for the first time. Many of these
artefacts were then removed from the
Beijing Palace Museum in the 1920s
by China’s Nationalist government to
prevent them falling into the hands of
invading Japanese troops. By 1934,
the collection was on the move south
and five groups of artefacts totalling
19,557 crates were relocated,
including the 6,066 crates of objects
from the Exhibition Office of Ancient
Artefacts, the Yiheyuan and the
Hanlin Yuan Imperial Academy. The
collection was then transported to
Taiwan by the Nationalists after they
were defeated by Chinese communist
forces and fled the mainland for the
Taiwan at the end of 1948/49. The
first group of crates were taken by the
navy from Nanjing, arriving in
Keelung at the end of 1948; the
second and third groups of crates also
arrived the following year. A total of
2,972 crates were shipped and while
these only accounted for only 22% of
Asian Art hires logo
IN DECEMBER, a second branch
of the National Palace Museum in
Taipei, Taiwan, was opened in the
southern city of Chiayi. The main
museum is considered to be one of the
most popular museums in the world,
receiving more than five million
visitors every year. The spectacular
new museum spans over 9,000 square
metres and aims to show a selection of
some of China’s most valuable
historical works of art. Designed by
Taiwanese architect Kris Yao, the new
museum’s two stretched, curved
buildings include huge walls of glass
and are emblazoned with dragons and
clouds. The Taiwanese government
hopes this latest opening will entice
more visitors to the rural south in
search of cultural experiences.
The main museum in Taipei has a
collection of more than 696,000
objects spanning 7,000 years from the
prehistoric to the end of the Qing
dynasty (1644-1912). The National
Palace Museum in Beijing was
officially open on 10 October, 1925,
Page 1
newspaper for
for collecTors,
• february
• june 2016
£5.00/ US$8/ €10
national Palace museum opens
new museum in taiwan
IN DECEMBER, a second branch
of the National Palace Museum in
Taipei, Taiwan, was opened in the
southern city of Chiayi. The main
museum is considered to be one of the
most popular museums in the world,
receiving more than five million
visitors every year. The spectacular
new museum spans over 9,000 square
metres and aims to show a selection of
some of China’s most valuable
historical works of art. Designed by
Taiwanese architect Kris Yao, the new
museum’s two stretched, curved
buildings include huge walls of glass
and are emblazoned with dragons and
clouds. The Taiwanese government
hopes this latest opening will entice
more visitors to the rural south in
search of cultural experiences.
The main museum in Taipei has a
collection of more than 696,000
objects spanning 7,000 years from the
prehistoric to the end of the Qing
dynasty (1644-1912). The National
Palace Museum in Beijing was
officially open on 10 October, 1925,
newspaper for
for collecTors,
• february
• june 2016
£5.00/ US$8/ €10
national Palace museum opens
new museum in taiwan
IN DECEMBER, a second branch
of the National Palace Museum in
Taipei, Taiwan, was opened in the
southern city of Chiayi. The main
museum is considered to be one of the
most popular museums in the world,
receiving more than five million
visitors every year. The spectacular
new museum spans over 9,000 square
metres and aims to show a selection of
some of China’s most valuable
historical works of art. Designed by
Taiwanese architect Kris Yao, the new
museum’s two stretched, curved
buildings include huge walls of glass
and are emblazoned with dragons and
clouds. The Taiwanese government
hopes this latest opening will entice
more visitors to the rural south in
search of cultural experiences.
The main museum in Taipei has a
collection of more than 696,000
objects spanning 7,000 years from the
prehistoric to the end of the Qing
dynasty (1644-1912). The National
Palace Museum in Beijing was
officially open on 10 October, 1925,
allowing members of the public to
admire many of the palace cultural
relics for the first time. Many of these
artefacts were then removed from the
Beijing Palace Museum in the 1920s
by China’s Nationalist government to
prevent them falling into the hands of
invading Japanese troops. By 1934,
the collection was on the move south
and five groups of artefacts totalling
19,557 crates were relocated,
including the 6,066 crates of objects
from the Exhibition Office of Ancient
Artefacts, the Yiheyuan and the
Hanlin Yuan Imperial Academy. The
collection was then transported to
Taiwan by the Nationalists after they
were defeated by Chinese communist
forces and fled the mainland for the
Taiwan at the end of 1948/49. The
first group of crates were taken by the
navy from Nanjing, arriving in
Keelung at the end of 1948; the
second and third groups of crates also
arrived the following year. A total of
2,972 crates were shipped and while
these only accounted for only 22% of
In December 2015, the new branch of the National Palace Museum opened in the southern city of Chiayi, southern Taiwan
the items originally transported south
from Beijing, these pieces now
represent the cream of the museum’s
collections. Some of these prized
artefacts from the Taipei museum are
now to be displayed in Chiayi for the
inaugural few months of the new
museum, including the amazingly
popular ‘jadeite cabbage’ sculpture,
created in the 19th century by an
unknown artist. The cabbage head
with a locust and cricket camouflaged
in its leaves has become a great
favourite and ‘must-see’ with visitors
and is seen as an auspicious symbol of
fertility. Permanent displays at the
news in brief
museum include Buddhist artefacts,
Asian textiles and tea culture displays,
Islamic jades and blue-and-white
porcelain from the Ming dynasty. ‘We
hope to attract up to 1.5 million
visitors in the first year,’ commented
Feng Ming-chu, director of both the
Taipei and Chiayi museums.
national museum, bangkok
The National Museum Bangkok’s
Siwamokkhaphiman building has reopened after a
year and a half of renovation work with its inaugral
exhibition exploring Thai history. Objects from
Sukhothai and Ayutthaya, as well as the Thonburi and
early Rattanakosin eras are on view in an entirely
redesigned interior to make the exhibition more open.
The government’s Fine Arts Department is in charge
of the restoration of all the buildings in the compound
of the former Wang Na Palace, which dates to 1782,
the same period the Grand Palace was erected. The
Siwamokkhaphiman has been the residence of five
viceroys prior to the reign of King Rama V.
Two other buildings in the compound are currently
being restored with an aim to completing the project
in six years.
Baht 25 million was spent renovating the roof, walls,
ceiling and gables and installing new lighting that
makes the facility more inviting, a place where you
want to linger. There are 111 Buddhist sculptures on
display spanning 10,000 years, ranging from prehistory through the Dvaravati, Srivijaya, Lopburi,
Lanna, Sukhothai and Ayutthaya periods to the early
Rattanakosin. The museum is open Wednesday to
Sunday 9am to 4pm.
ringling museum of art,
The centre for Asian Art in the Dr Helga Wall-Apelt
Gallery of Asian Art at the Ringling Museum is
opening on 20 February. The Ringling‘s position
within the world’s museums with Asian holdings is
fast on the rise. Even though Mabel and John
Ringling did collect Asian material, mainly blanc de
chine ceramics in the 1920s, the museum took a new
turn in 2001 with the remarkable gift of the collection
of Ira and Nancy Koger of over 400 pieces of Chinese
ceramics. This was the beginning of a concerted effort
to expand its Asian holdings. This was boosted
enormously in the highly substantial gift from
Dr Helga Wall-Apelt to pay for a wing for Asian art
and a curatorial position, now filled by Dr Fan Zhang.
2 Profile: the artist
Nabil Nahas
7 Yun-Fei Ji, the Chinese
artist’s work from over the last
decade is on show at the
Wellin Museum of Art
8 Obituary: Hema Upadhyay
the Indian artist who explored
India’s urban landscape
10 The collection of Nestorian crosses
has been recently reinstalled at
UMAG in Hong Kong
12 Artist & Empire looks at
the UK’s imperial past
at Tate Britain, London
14 Yang Yongliang, the Shanghai artist
discusses art and film
15 Our annual guide to the museums
and exhibitions on the
West Coast of America in 2016
21 Gallery shows in New York
and Birmingham, UK
22 Listings
23 Islamic Arts Diary
Next issue
March 2016
Our annual guide to
Asia Week New York
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Continued on page 2
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Continued on page 2
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Continued on page 2
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Print Subscriptions UK £45, Rest of Europe £50, Rest of World £55 (US$90).
A digital only annual subscription is just £30 (US$48).
ringling museum of art,
The centre for Asian Art in the Dr Helga Wall-Apelt
Gallery of Asian Art at the Ringling Museum is
opening on 20 February. The Ringling‘s position
within the world’s museums with Asian holdings is
fast on the rise. Even though Mabel and John
Ringling did collect Asian material, mainly blanc de
chine ceramics in the 1920s, the museum took a new
turn in 2001 with the remarkable gift of the collection
of Ira and Nancy Koger of over 400 pieces of Chinese
ceramics. This was the beginning of a concerted effort
to expand its Asian holdings. This was boosted
enormously in the highly substantial gift from
Dr Helga Wall-Apelt to pay for a wing for Asian art
and a curatorial position, now filled by Dr Fan Zhang.
Continued on page 2
Next issue
March 2016
Our annual guide to
Asia Week New York
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Open House 2016
September 23, 24 & 25
11 am - 8 pm
18 > 22 . 01 . 2017
Brussels - Grand Sablon
Temporary exhibitions
Whispering Woods – The Great Lobi Statuary
8-12 June 2016
Same opening hours as the fair
Ancienne Nonciature
Rue des Sablons 7 - 1000 Brussels
Ancient Medieval Mande Treasures - The Soninke Wooden Statuary,
The Djenné-Jeno Terracotta and Bronze Statuary from Mali
8-12 June 2016
Same opening hours as the fair
Ancienne Nonciature
Rue des Sablons 7 - 1000 Brussels
ArtConnoisseurs Program of Lectures
Friday 10 June 2016 - From 3 to 6 pm
Saturday 11 June 2016 - From 3 to 6 pm
Conference room – Au Vieux Saint-Martin restaurant
Place du Grand Sablon 38 (1st floor) - 1000 Brussels
Free access – limited number of seats
r. R
p. St
13 14
e Ruis
Rue d
Rue Cop
Ru 61 60
C. H
53 29
im 36
es 32 34
u 30
21 24
20 22
❶ ❽ Ambre Congo
❷ Aboriginal Signature
❸ Angel Martin
❹ H. Kellim Brown
❺ Pablo Touchaleaume
❻ Congo Gallery
❼ Group 2 Vanhevel
❾ Galería Guilhem Montagut
❿ Espace Sablon
⓫ Alain Naoum
⓬ The African
⓭ Bruce Frank
⓮ Renaud Vanuxem
⓯ Roswitha Eberwein Antike Kunst
⓰ Archea Ancient Art
⓱ Laurent Dodier
⓲ Galerie Punchinello
⓳ David Serra
ntee Sai
ard 55
All 56
Rue W
Place du
e la
artin Doustar
The Merrin Gallery
Karim Grusenmeyer
Jacques How Choong
Arteas Ltd
Philippe Laeremans
Patrick & Ondine Mestdagh
Galerie Monbrison
Adrian Schlag
Joaquin Pecci
Galerie Olivier Castellano
Dominique Thirion Ars Antiqua
Rut Van Caelenbergh
Mingei Arts Gallery
Vasco & Co / Emilia da Paz
Frank Van Craen
Kitsune / Arie Vos
Yannik Van Ruysevelt
Galerie Grégory Chesne
Orchid Fine Arts
Duchange et Riché
Galerie Lamy
Famarte / Farah Massart
Wei Asian Arts
Didier Claes
Schiller Art Gallery
Roger Bourahimou
Classic Primitives Gallery
Sanne Nies – Salon Tribal Art
Tao Kerefoff
Olivier Larroque
Galerie Flak
Galerie Abla & Alain Lecomte
Serge Schoffel
r. Robert R. Bigler
 D
 Asian & Egyptian Art
 Galerie Günter Puhze
 Carlo Cristi /
Asian Arts Company
 Kyoto Gallery
 Dalton Somaré
 Michael Woerner
 Bruno Frey
 Galerie Jürgen Haering
 Galerie L’Ibis
 Akanthos Ancient Art
 Jo De Buck
 Galerie Deletaille
 Bernard de Grunne
ALR Art Loss Register