Campaign Contributions and Expeditures
Campaign Contributions and Expeditures
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK m 5 -c o CXI CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS I -J I — rn </j "0 O W DETAILED SUMMARY REPORT OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES a cn rn CRS 1-45-108 File with the City Clerk's Office: • The f * day of each month beginning the 6"^ month before the General Municipal Election; • The f * Monday in February and on each Monday every 2 weeks thereafter before the General Municipal Election; • The Friday before and 30 days after the General Municipal Election 1. FULL NAME OF COMMJJTEE AS SHOWN ON THE STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION: ^ n r m ^ n W (W^\^or 2. ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE: fV. ^{on 3. NAME OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTION: C\f\Ci<^ ^(^(2^, Cu\oc6^t S<^^>^, CO %OClo^ foaoi 4. ADDRESS OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTION: M Q - ^ Telc^Qs ^ e < ^ . 2 C o l c r o ^ 5c^\a4S, 11 1_J_ Type of Report: K Regularly Scheduled Filing • Amended Filing. This amends the filing dated: • Termination Report. (Termination Reports MUST have a monetary balance of zero in line 5) Reporting Period Covered: Beginning date from: ' / ' / . Ending date of: A $50.00 PENALTY PER DAY SHALL BE IMPOSED EACH DAY THAT A REPORT IS FILED LATE 30 S. Nevada Ave., Suite 101 • TEL 719-385-5901 • FAX 719-385-5114 0 7 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 0 Mailing Address: PostOffice Box 1575, Mail Code^ 10 • Colorado Springs, Colorado 80901-1575 ColumnA This reporting period 1. Funds on hand at beginning of reporting period 2. Total Monetary Contributions (Line 11) ^ 3. Total Receipts (Add line 1 to line 2) ^^2^^^40^O 4. Total Monetary Expenditures (Line 18) 5. Funds on hand at end of reporting (monetary) (line 3 minus line 4) 6. T 8. 9. 10. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^^^^^^O^ ^^^0^^^^ Column B Election Cycle Aggregate Total Xxxxxxxx * l^'S.^^^.oo 00 ^ ^3,5%(^q period Debts and Obligations owed by the Committee Non-itemized Contributions ($19.99 or less) Itemized Contributions from Persons ($20.00 or greater) Loans received ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^^^^O^^ ^ Xxxxxxxx ^ [0,C)GC ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^0^ ^ 5^000^0 Total of other Receipts (Interest, Dividends, Refunds, Rebates, etc.) ^ ^ Total Monetary Contributions ^ 4^1^^^ ^ ^^^4^^^ $ ^^^^^^B^^ 11. 12. In-kind Contributions 13. Total Contributions 16. Total of non-itemized expenditures ($19.99 or less) Total of itemized expenditures ($20.00 or greater) Loan Repayment made 17. Return of Contributions 14. 15. 18. Total Monetary Expenditures ^ ^ ^ ^^^O^q^^ ^ ^ $ ^ ^ 3^^o^^^^ I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that this is a true and correct filing. I understand the submission of false, erroneous or incomplete information may be subject to sanction in accordance with CRS 1-45-113. Printed Name: Signature: Date: L^S (^r Lifvn IAJ. O A > - ^ < ^ ~7 F^L/'i/i c./- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK g E -c —n m CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS „ c2 CO Jj CANDIDATE ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES - $20.00 OR M ^ R j CRS 1-45-103(6), 1-45-108(1) AND CCR 4 cn File this form: OO • On or before the last filing date for the reporting period. • When the aggregate amount of an expenditure exceeds $19.99 (ATTACH ADDITIONAL FORM IF NEEDED) No information copied from such reports shall be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose [CRS 1-45-112(1 )(c)] FULL NAME OF COIWMITTEE: '^Kpr/win -Qc ^a^nc Date Of Expenditure Purpose of expenditure Amount this report period Full name, address and zip code Oate Of Expenditure Purpose of expenditure Amount this report period Full name, address and zip code Date Of Expenditure Purpose of expenditure Amount this report period Full name, address and zip code Date Of Expenditure Purpose of expenditure Amount this report period Full name, address and zip code Date Of Expenditure Purpose of expenditure Amount this report period Full name, address and zip code Date Of Expenditure Purpose of expenditure Amount this report period Full name, address and zip code Oate Of Expenditure Purpose of expenditure Amount this report period Full name, address and zip code Date Of Expenditure Purpose of expenditure Amount this report period Full name, address and zip code AW&checS Add the total of all itemized expenditures reported. Include all pages. Print or type the amount next to TOTAL box. Enter on line 15 of detailed summary TOTAL $ •'5l..(3m.5? > 7/20/201/Qailing Address: PostOffice Box 1575, Mail Code 110 » Colorado Springs, Colorado 80901-1575 Full Name, address and zip code PPLD, 20 S. Oascade Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903 NOP Software, Inc., 1225 Eye Street, N.W., Ste. 1225, Washington, DC 20005 Alex Cobell, 409 N. Tejon St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903-1162 Carrie Simison-Bitz, 422 Ruxton Ave., #8, Manitou Springs, 0 0 80829 Bob Schaeffer, 4163 Dingman Drive, Sanibel, FL 33957 Walmart, 8250 Razorback Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 3PG Consulting, LLC, PO Box 181914, Denver, CO 80218 Voter Activation Network, 48 Grove Street, Ste. 202, Somerville, MA 2144 C&D Printing, Inc., 5351 Tennyson St., Unit 1-0, Denver, 0 0 80212 C&D Printing, Inc., 5351 Tennyson St., Unit 1-0, Denver, CO 80212 Precision Signz and Banners, 1055 Valley Drive, Bettendorf, lA 52722 My Favorite Printer, Inc., 3459 Fillmore Ridge Heights, Colorado Springs, 0 0 80907 GMWA, 4980 Cita Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80916 Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches, Date of Expenditure Purpose of expenditure 01/03/2011 Use of Space 01/03/2011 Database access/setup $1,775.00 01/03/2011 Staffing $1,200.00 01/05/2011 Design Work 01/11/2011 Consulting Services 01/12/2011 Phone 01/12/2011 Consulting Services $3,000.00 01/12/2011 Database access/setup $2,500.00 01/13/2011 Printing Expenses $685.00 01/13/2011 Printing Expenses $635.01 01/14/2011 Yard Signs 01/14/2011 Fliers $150.36 01/17/2011 Booth $75.00 01/17/2011 Food $63.37 Amount this report period $100.00 $35.00 $5,457.55 $53.78 $3,927.00 Page 1 of2 lOSTejonSt, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Office Depot, 535 South 8th Street, Colorado Springs, OO 80905 01/17/2011 Luce Research, 5086 List Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 01/18/2011 Jennifer l^elly, 2477PaseoRd, Oolorado Springs, CO 80907 01/19/2011 Poor Richard's, 324NTejonSt, Colorado Springs, 0 0 80903 01/19/2011 Jennifer l^elly, 2477 PaseoRd, Oolorado Springs, CO 80907 01/24/2011 Luce Research, 5086 List Drive, Colorado Springs, OO 80919 01/26/2011 Add the total of all itemized expenditures reported Include all pages. Print or type the amount next toTOTAL box Office Supplies Polling Reimbursement $21191 $6,50000 $4295 Food $40264 Staffing $20000 Polling Enter on line15of detailed summary $11,00000 TOTAL$38,014 57 P^ge2of2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS e —- LOANS^ - Loans Owed bv the Candidate Committee'.CO -< -< o rn C R S 1-45-103(4)(a)(l) a n d A r t i c l e XXVIII, S e c t i o n 2(5) a n d (8) Full Name of C o m m i t t e e : <.Kc^rrO -0 -Q)^ o oj z: -UT— CO (Use a separate schedule for each loan. This fomn is for Line Item 9 and 16 of the Detailed Summary Report.) Original Amount of Loan Full Name, Address, City, State, and Zip Code of Loan Source (^^^^^(rA 4 4 Up^Cc'TiCi- &/) "^O^C^Ci^S CoVoirQdti S^T'fv^S, i^5,0oc.oc Interest Rate (if applicable) "^ADlo Reportina Period ,/l 1 ' / s i /11 Total of All Loans This Reportina Period: $ $ 1000 0 0 (Place on Line 9 of Detailed Summary Report) Loan Amount Received this Reporting Period: $ ^jOOO Principal Amount Paid This Reporting Period: $ Interest Amount Paid This Reporting Period: $ • O {\ Amount Repaid this Reporting Period: (Amount repaid is sum of Principal and Interest) Total Repayments Made: $, Sum of All Pages (Place total on Line 16 of Detailed Summary Report) Outstanding Balance: $ OOtZ) TERIMS OF LOAN: Date Loan Received: '/is/n Due Date for Final Payment: LIST ALL ENDORSERS OR GUARANTORS OF THIS LOAN Full Name Address City, ST. Zip C o d e A m o u n t Guaranteed Contribution in accord with CRS 1-45-103(4)(a)(l) and Article XXVIII, Section 2(5) and (8) of the State Constitution; "The payment, loan, pledge, gift or advance of money, or guarantee of a loan, made to any candidate committee, issue committee, political committee, small donor committee or political party." 30 S. Nevada Ave., Suite 101 • TEL 7 1 9 - 3 8 5 - 5 9 0 1 • FAX 7 1 9 - 3 8 5 - 5 1 1 4 0 7 / 2 0 / 2 0 K M a i l i n g Address: PostOffice Box 1 5 7 5 , Mail Code 110 » Colorado Springs, Colorado 8 0 9 0 1 - 1 5 7 5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS LOANS^ - Loans Owed bv the Candidate Committee C R S 1-45-103(4)(a)(l) a n d A r t i c l e X X V I I I , S e c t i o n 2(5) a n d (8) Full Name of Committee: s Xormafx [Ylnyir (Use a separate schedule for each loan. This form is for Line Item 9 and 16 of the Detailed Summary Report.) Original A m o u n t of Loan Full Name, A d d r e s s , City, State, and Zip Code o f Loan Source ^ . ( J ^ ^ ^ ^ < i ^ O r V X \ C L n Interest Rate (if applicable) 500-00 lA\p\(%r\(^<Z^()(iQ)lD{C(6o (Lo 4 ^ ^ 0 1 0 Reporting Period i ^ / l /iD ' Iz/^/lb Total of All Loans This Reporting Period: $ 5 , ( ^ 0 ) 0 . O A (Place on Line 9 of Detailed Summary Report) Loan Amount Received this Reporting Period: $ QQQ Principal Amount Paid This Reporting Period: $ O Interest Amount Paid This Reporting Period: $ OC> O o Amount Repaid this Reporting Period: (Amount repaid is sum of Principal and Interest) Total Repayments Made: $. Sum of All Pages (Place total on Line 16 of Detailed Summary Report) Outstanding Balance: $ $S",C)OO.OC TERMS OF LOAN: Date Loan Received . l-^A/lD Due Date for Final Payment: LIST ALL ENDORSERS OR GUARANTORS OF THIS LOAN Full Name Address City, ST. Zip C o d e A m o u n t Guaranteed Contribution in accord with CRS 1-45-103(4)(a)(l) and Article XXVIII, Section 2(5) and (8) of the State Constitution: "The payment, loan, pledge, gift or advance of money, or guarantee of a loan, made to any candidate committee, issue committee, political committee, small donor committee or political party." 30 S. Nevada Ave., Suite 101 • TEL 7 1 9 - 3 8 5 - 5 9 0 1 • FAX 7 1 9 - 3 8 5 - 5 1 1 4 0 7 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 (Mailing Address: PostOffice Box 1 5 7 5 , Mail Code 110 » Colorado Springs, Colorado 8 0 9 0 1 - 1 5 7 5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK o St CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS CP I (P) CANDIDATE STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS IN K I N B "v? CRS 1-45-103(6) and CRS 1-45-108(1) cn o o m CO Contributions in kind include: • The fair market value of any gift or loan of any item of real or personal property, other than money, made to or for any candidate committee, issue committee, political committee, or political party for the purpose of influencing the passage or defeat of any issue or the nomination, retention, election, or defeat of any candidate. Personal services are a contribution in kind by the person paying compensation therefor. Contributions in kind do not include: • an endorsement of a candidate or an issue by any person • payment of compensation for legal and accounting services rendered to a candidate if the person paying for the services is the regular employer of the individual rendering the services and the services are solely for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the provision of this article. _, 20 U MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF F \ p n 1. FULL NAME OF COMMITTEE '2. STREET ADDRESS •oKor^o-o fir Oa^\/or Check if different than previously reported D" AT- l 6 \ o n ^ r f ^ , 3. CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE CclArcLdo Co Name & Address of Person Providing 6lA^<l&e(l ^OiOS Fair Market Value Date Provided Brief Description $ $ $ $ (Enter on Line 12 of Detailed Summary Report) TOTAL $ 3,54l,.f; 30 S. Nevada Ave., Suite 101 • TEL 719-385-5901 • FAX 719-385-5114 'ailing ^ H d r m : Post Offico BOK 1575, Mail Code 110 CoioidUu Sfjiiii^!., Cuiuiddu OQt Name & Address of Person Providing Bourbon Street HD LTD, John Bourbonais, Owner 1753 South 8*^ Street, C2 Colorado Springs, CO 80905 Richard Skorman, Inc. Richard Skorman, Owner 44 Upland Road Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Richard Skorman, Inc. Richard Skorman, Owner 44 Upland Road Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Richard Skorman, Inc. Richard Skorman, Owner 44 Upland Road Colorado Springs, CO 80906 SO BO, Inc. Richard Skorman, Owner 44 Upland Road Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Kevin Elhi 5480 Cordillera Ct. Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Fair •Market Value Date Provided Brief Description Event Production $2,300.00 01/04/2011 Copier Lease $133.62 01/01/2011 Office Rent $525.00 01/01/2011 Phone Bill $59.42 01/01/2011 Office Rent $230.78 01/01/2011 Photography Services $100.00 01/04/2011 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS CANDIDATE ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS - $20.00 OR MORE CRS 1-45-103(4), 1-45-103(9) and 1-45-108(1 )(a) C File this form with the City Clerk's Office; • When the aggregate amount of a contribution exceeds $19.99 • On or before the last filing date for the reporting period. S 5 \ z.' _J No infomiation copied from such reports shall be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for a ^ commercial purpose [CRS 1-45-112(1 )(c)] ^ FULL NAME OF COMMITTEE : GKormGrx -Q-yc {V\ax.u.r FULL NAME, ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR 6e6 AMOUNT OF CONTRIBUTION THIS REPORT PERIOD THIS CONTRIBUTOR'S ELECTION CYCLE AGGREGATE TOTAL o^^Cudiotx^ Add the total of all itemized contributions reported. Include all pages. Print or type total amount next to TOTAL box on this page. Page. DATE CONTRIBUTION RECEIVED MM/DD/YY cn rn ^ea- of Enter on line 8 of detailed summary TOTAL $ %l^S,O0 FULL NAME, ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR AMOUNT OF CONTRUBUTION THIS REPORT PERIOD THIS CONTRIBUTOR'S ELECTION CYCLE AGGREGATE TOTAL 01/31/2011 $20.00 $20.00 01/13/2011 $500.00 $500.00 01/25/2011 $250.00 $250.00 01/05/2011 $250.00 $250.00 01/16/2011 $100.00 $100.00 01/12/2011, 01/27/2011 $60.00 $85.00 01/13/2011 $50.00 $50.00 01/31/2011 $500.00 $500.00 01/26/2011 $50.00 $50.00 01/31/2011 $25.00 $25.00 01/25/2011 01/14/2011 $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 DATE CONTRIBUTION RECEIVED MM/DD/YY Adam Leech, 708 N Weber St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903-1016, Ahmad Arjomandi, 42 Upland Rd., Colorado Springs, CO, 80906, Alan Higbie, 1319 La Veta Way, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906-3054, Meiat Pressman & Higbie, LLP, Lawyer Alan F. Malone, 148 West Mikado Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 Alan Siegel, 6 Kreg Ln, Manitou Springs, CO, 80829-2753, Northrop Grumman, Mathematician Alice 1. Jones, 1886 Palm Dr. Colorado Springs, CO, 80918 Alma Cremonesi, 1332 W Kiowa St, Apt 4, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904-3998 Amy Divine, 2415 Briarwood Dr, Boulder, CO, 80305-6801, self, consultant Amy Triandiflou, 734 E San Miguel St, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903-2551 Andrea Gibson, 5344 Cliff Point Cir W, Colorado Springs, CO, 80919-7911 Andrea Pacheco, 1580 Gatehouse Cir N, Apt 202, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904-2907 Andrea Swett, Page 1 of41 9524HollydaleCt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80920 3012 AndrewC Dreyfus, 62 Otis St , Newtonville, MA, 02460, Andrew Ellias, 1340NTe^onSt Colorado Springs, CO, 809032324, self, physician Angle Adams, 112EEspanolaSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7429, Retired, Real Estate Ann Carlisle, 2945GarmishPI, Colorado Springs, CO, 80918 1726, American Humane Association, Trainer and Technical Support Associate AnnCrossey, 584 Royal Oak Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 809064806, City of Colorado Springs, HR Director AnnE Heco^, 2220 Mesa Rd , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904, Colorado College, Walt Professor Ann Folk, 618 Southern Cross Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 1046 Ann Kaufman,1605 West Cheyenne Rd , , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906, , AnnPinney, 112 Mayhurst Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 Self, Jewelry Maker AnnR Brooks, 2320 Mesa Road, Colorado Springs, CO Anne Bradley, 3760 Camels View, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904, n/a. Retired AneF Hyde, 505 Crystal Hills Blvd Page 2 of 41 01/05/2011 $200.00 $200.00 01/04/2011,01/30/2011 $135.00 $135.00 01/28/2011 $300.00 $300.00 01/13/2011 $100.00 $100.00 01/26/2011 $300.00 $300.00 01/24/2011 $150.00 $150.00 $75.00 $75.00 01/27/2011 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 01/04/2011 $250.00 $250.00 01/24/2011 $50.00 $50.00 01/04/2011 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 01/28/2011 $100.00 $100.00 01/19/2011,01/27/2011 Manitou Springs, CO, 808292736, Colorado College, Historian AnneM.Haber, 900 Saturn Drive, Apt 404, Colorado Springs, CO, 80905 Anne Miller, 223NGuadalupeSt,Ste 233, Santa Fe,NM, 87501 1868 AnnePorterMagnuson, 2438 Virgo Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 0913, Anne Porter, ArleneHorenovsky, 4502 Ridgecrest Drive Colorado Springs, CO, 80918, Barb Bailey, POBo^625, Cascade, CO, 80809 0625, Barbara Byerly, 2006 Ridgeway Ave, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 2916, Barbara Casados,1317E San Rafael St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 3715, Barbara Frame, 1801NTe^onSt Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7460, Gearslnc ,R N Barbara Gibson, 727 North Walnut Street Colorado Springs, CO, 80905 N/A,Unemployed Barbaras W Bainbridge, 1320 Big Valley Drive Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 Barbara Schiff, 3029 Country Club Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 BarbaraW Dieter, 4121 Lupine St Colorado Springs, CO, 80918 Barbara Whitten 659ShooksLn Colorado Springs, CO, Page^of41 01/24/2011 $5000 $5000 01/14/2011 $2500 $2500 01/31/2011 $7000 $7000 01/06/2011,01/14/2011 $5000 $5000 01/27/2011 $5000 $5000 01/27/2011 $5000 $5000 01/14/2011 $2500 $2500 01/14/2011 $10000 $35000 01/31/2011 $10000 $10000 01/25/2011 $3000 $3000 01/25/2011 $2500 $2500 01/24/2011 $5000 $5000 01/27/2011 $10000 $10000 Barbara Whitten 659 Shocks Ln Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 3087 Colorado College, Professor Barbara,L.,Yalich, 1695 Elm Creek Vw, ^106, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7113, Retired,Education Administrator Barry Olesen Phelps, 2407NEIPasoSt, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7020, Progressive Corp, Sr Developer Tad Bear Wilson, 5765 BourkeDr Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 BeckyTruelove, 3002 Country Club Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 1023 Bernard Landman, 308 EWillmetteAve, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 Aqua Solutions, inc , Consultant BertaWalsky, 1621 Alamo Ave Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 Bette,A,Large, 1109 Morning Star Drive Colorado Springs, CO, 80905 n/a,Retired Betty Cohen, 2497 Marston Heights, Colorado Springs, CO, 80920 Betty Davis, 980 Pulpit Rock C i r N , Colorado Springs, CO, 80918 7056 BillHochman, 1237TerraceRoad, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 N/A, Retired WM Houghton, 6150Lemonwood Page4of41 01/27/2011 $10000 $10000 01/13/2011,01/31/2011 $20000 $20000 01/14/2011 $10000 $10000 01/05/2011 $2500 $2500 01/26/2011,01/30/2011 $8500 $8500 01/25/2011 $10000 $10000 01/12/2011 $2500 $2500 01/31/2011 $30000 $30000 01/15/2011 $10000 $10000 01/22/2011 $5000 $5000 01/04/2011 $10000 $10000 BilllKoerner, 205 Ruxton Ave , Manitou Springs, CO, 80829 1949 William,R,Marbaker,540 Buckeye Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 1212, , Blake Wilson, 2534 Pegasus Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 1024, Self Employed, Fine Art Sales Robert Lee, 1425NTe)onSt Colorado Springs, CO, 809077436, Colorado College, Professor RobertaA Alberts, 53 Upland Rd , Colorado Springs, CO, 809064244, n/a,RetiredTeacher Bobby McGuffin, 4635 Whimsical Dr , Colorado Springs, CO, 80917 3120 Bonnie Poucel, 1375 Lindenwood Grv , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7605 John Bourbonais, 1753 South 8th Street, C2, Colorado Springs, CO, 80905 Bourbon Street HDLTD, Owner BrennaCline, 818NCoronaSt,Apt3, Colorado Springs, CO, 809032987 Bret Wright, 18070 BriarhavenCt , Monument, CO, 80132 8783, air academy district 20, teacher Brian Vitulli, 5775 BourkeDr, Colorado Springs, CO, 809192447, Brian Becker, 3810TeakwoodPI, Colorado Springs, CO, 80918 3031, Page 5 of 41 01/30/2011 $3500 $35.00 01/28/2011 $10000 $100.00 01/31/2011 $25000 $250.00 01/28/2011 $1,00000 $1,000.00 01/28/2011 $10000 $100.00 01/15/2011 $5000 $50.00 01/31/2011 $2500 $275.00 01/13/2011 $25000 $250.00 01/03/2011 $2500 $25.00 01/31/2011 $20000 $200.00 01/12/2011 $3500 $35.00 01/13/2011 $20000 $200.00 Clearwell Systems, Computer Programmer Brian Mandabach, 930NRoyerSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 2935, Brigid Kennedy, 1920NCoronaSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 Brooke Ellis, 1109 Palmer Park Blvd , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 2739, Bruce Coriell, 1625NCoronaSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7624, Colorado College, Chaplain BruceM Helm, 320 South Weber Street, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 Benefit Resources, Insurance Agent Bruce VonHeine, 29EISerenoDr, ColoradoSprings,CO, 80906 Bruce Wright, 111STe^on,^202, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 Self,Attorney C.J. Moore, 2531 Mirror Lake Ct , Colorado Springs, CO, 809193515, Kaiser Permanente, Public Affairs Director Calvin Wulf, 2608 Weir Ave, Colorado Springs, CO, 80910 3044, Cara Greene, 740ld WestburyRd, ,Old Westbury,NY,11568 1611, CaraE Koch, 4850 Brown Valley Ln , Colorado Springs, CO, 809184010, CarlaDeVaughn, 3115AngelTerrace, Colorado Springs, CO. 80904 CarlaLemmon, Page^of41 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/24/2011 $5000 $5000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/23/2011 $50000 $50000 01/14/2011 $10000 $10000 01/15/2011 $2500 $2500 01/19/2011 $50000 $50000 01/06/2011 $10000 $10000 01/15/2011 $5000 $5000 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/13/2011 $3500 $3500 01/28/2011 01/14/2011 $5000 $10000 $5000 $10000 CarlaLemmon, 4975 Granby Cir , Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 3184, Self, Psychologist CarolJ Huber, 1631N Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 UCCS,Instructor Carol Bach, 2950 Pegasus Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 5852, retired,physician/educator CarolALubell, 1975 Oak Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 UCCS, Instructor CarolM Baker, 18954 Spyglass Circle, Monument, CO, 80132, Self, Engineer Carol Schreuder, 8Broadmoor Hills Dr., Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 Caroline Fuller, 48 Raven Hills Ct , Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 1316, Caroline VanAntwerp, 30 OakAve, ,Colorado Springs, CO, 80906, Self, freelance trainer/editor Caroline Williams, 526EFontaneroSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7656, USA Basketball, Communications Carolyn Hull, 1324NCoronaSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 Carrie McCausland, 1614CheyenneBlvd, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 3059, Catherine Schroeder, 1014FullerRd, Colorado Springs, CO, 80920 3239, CSU, Water Conservation Page7of41 01/14/2011 $10000 $10000 01/26/2011 $20000 $20000 01/13/2011 $5000 $5000 01/05/2011 $10000 $10000 01/10/2011 $20000 $20000 01/24/2011 $5000 $5000 01/28/2011 $3500 $3500 01/13/2011 $15000 $15000 01/14/2011 $10000 $10000 01/11/2011 $2500 $2500 01/28/2011 $7500 $7500 CC O'Donnell, 1328 NTe^onSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 7303, self, management Ceil Horowitz, 1920WBi^ouSt Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 3400, CeliaRasor, 411LakewoodCir,Apt A1007 Colorado Springs, CO, 809104609 CharlesL Benight, 142ClarksleyRd Manitou Springs, CO, 808292606, Charles Frederick, POBOX64122 Colorado Springs, CO, 809624122, Charles Frederick, POBox64122, Colorado Springs, CO, 809624122, n/a,retired Charles Johnson, 3265 Bunker Hill Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 809204156, LexisNexis, Case Law Editor CharlesC Campbell, 37 Lake Ave , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 n/a,Retired CharllotteAmant, 20ManitouTer, Manitou Springs, CO, 80829 1742, Self Employed, Minister Chase Whitney, 550NW19thAve,Apt317, Portland, OR, 97209 2092, Cheryl Grant Thomas, 3841 North Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 ChrisG Nicholl, 789 Alexander Rd,AptC, Colorado Springs, CO, 809094867, Chris Pollard, 19635 MarfakDr, Page 8 of41 01/31/2011 $15000 $150.00 $5400 $54.00 01/31/2011 $50000 $500.00 01/05/2011 $3500 $35.00 01/28/2011 $3500 $35.00 01/14/2011 $10000 $100.00 01/29/2011 $10000 $100.00 01/12/2011,01/31/2011 $53500 $535.00 01/12/2011 $25000 $250.00 01/05/2011,01/25/2011 $8500 $85.00 01/05/2011,01/31/2011 $3500 $35.00 01/05/2011,01/13/2011 $6000 $60.00 01/08/2011,01/14/2011 $7500 $75.00 01/12/2011,01/14/2011 Monument, CO, 80132 9705, Christine Curtis Hudson, 2007 North Royer Street, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 Christopher Holt, 910Pacific Hills Pt,Apt308, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 8404, Clarence Harris, 3908 Constitution Ave , Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 1615, Connie Cassani Beard, 1402NTe^onSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 809077437, CorinneYee, 8125SawbackTrl ColoradoSprings,CO, 809194527 Craig Engle, 1614NTe^onSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7441 Craig Whitney, 2100 North El Paso Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80907, CurtisF Smith, 306N14thSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904, UCCS,Teacher Cynthia Heinicke, 3020WSaintVrainSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 n/a,Retired Cynthia Jean Franklin, 5360 Autumn Hills Ct , Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 Cynthia Landsberg, 1475 FawnwoodRd, Monument, CO, 801329521, Daisy McConnell, 2906OueenSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 DaleL Kemmerer, 2435ClaytonCt, Colorado Springs, CO, Page^of41 01/14/2011 $5000 $5000 01/15/2011 $3500 $3500 01/13/2011 $2500 $2500 01/16/2011 $3500 $3500 01/13/2011 $2500 $5000 01/25/2011 $2000 $2000 01/14/2011 $5000 $5000 01/24/2011 $10000 $10000 01/26/2011 $25000 $25000 01/26/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/12/2011 $5000 $5000 01/19/2011 $10000 $10000 80919 Retired, Volunteer Retired Physician Dan Gardner, 841ESanMiguelSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 809032660, Premier Orthopedics, Physical Therapist Daniel Kay, 3STe^onSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 1512, Self, Lawyer Daphne Williams, 3848 Riviera Grv,Apt202, Colorado Springs, CO, 80922 3308, Self Employed, Personal Assistant Daryll Stevens, 1307NWahsatchAve Colorado Springs, CO, 809032419, DavidR Kent, 2513Logan Circle, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907, David Dahm, 605RobinglenCL Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 N/A,retired David Armstrong, 19StoverLane, Manitou Springs, CO, 80829 David Gardiner, 1316WPikes Peak Ave, Apt B, ColoradoSprings,CO, 809044058, DavidJ Loring, 3175 Springmeadow Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 David Lit^elman, 9019EsteburyCir, Colorado Springs, CO, 809207558, David Mason, 516LaurelStt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 Colorado College, Professor David S.Supperstein, Pagel0of41 01/02/2011 $10000 $10000 01/18/2011 $1,000 00 $1,00000 01/24/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/24/2011 $4000 $4000 $50000 $50000 01/31/2011 $7500 $7500 01/14/2011,01/25/2011 $8500 $8500 01/06/2011 $10000 $10000 01/26/2011 $3500 $3500 01/24/2011 01/26/2011 $10000 $20000 $10000 $20000 01/04/2011, 01/13/2011,01/29/2011 3104 Leslie Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 N/A, Retired DeanE Tollefson, IIIOMcArthurAve, Colorado Springs, CO, 80909, El Paso Co Health Dept , Retired Comm Chaplain Debbie Yarra, 655 Manitou Blvd , Manitou Springs, CO, 80904 Debi Flora, lOOITaurusDr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 1133, Deborah Kaufman, POBOX38072, Colorado Springs, CO, 80937 Deborah LaBarre, 170 Huntington PI , ColoradoSprings,CO, 809064316, N/A, retired teacher Deborah Rybak, 4605 Zenith Ave S, Minneapolis,MN,554101871, self employed, consultant Deena Bennett, 1715NEIPasoSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 809077734, Delia BIy, 153 Capitol Hill, Manitou Springs, CO, 80829, Center for Creative Resolution Delia,CValk, 1912 EastlakeBlvdApt 307, Colorado Springs, CO, 809103403, Diana Graski, 803ZionDr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80910 3244, National Center for State Courts, CourtTechnology Associate Diane Nelson, 26 Crescent Ln, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 1809, Diane Desenberg, 365MorningsideDr, Pagellof41 01/24/2011 $10000 $10000 01/12/2011 $2500 $2500 01/31/2011 $2000 $2000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/14/2011 $25000 $25000 01/28/2011 $25000 $25000 01/27/2011 $6000 $6000 01/31/2011 $10000 $10000 01/28/2011 $2500 $2500 01/05/2011 $25000 $25000 01/26/2011 $3500 $3500 01/13/2011 $2000 $2000 Sarasota, FL, 34236 1114, Diane Renee Walker, 70 Mount View Ln, Colorado Springs, CO, 809074328, Rocky Mountain Springs Susp,controller RichardH Noyes, 1601 Constellation Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, 80905, n/a,Retired DonSpicer, 1415NRoyerSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7631, DonaldJ Verhaeghe, 2011N Nevada Ave , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 Donald Sipes, 3245 Cedar Heights Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 809044728, DonnWeipert, 1230 Palmer Park Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 3739, Dorothy Nelson, 2215McArthurAve, Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 2008 Dottie Bellinger, 2425 Mirage Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 809206728, Lee Hecht Harrison, Career Coach Doug Baker, 1226EPIatteAve, Colorado Springs, CO, 80962 DougMonroy, 120WCaramilloSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 JamesD Albert, 9EIEncantoDr, Colorado Springs, CO, 809064310 Albert Vain Institute, Physician PaulF Eckstein, 22WCheyenneMtnBlvd, Colorado Springs, CO, Pagel2of41 01/25/2011 $325 00 $65000 01/14/2011 $1,00000 $1,00000 01/28/2011 $2500 $2500 01/24/2011 $2500 $2500 01/17/2011 $5000 $5000 01/27/2011 $5000 $5000 01/25/2011 $3500 $3500 01/14/2011 $10000 $10000 01/27/2011 $10000 $10000 01/25/2011 $20000 $20000 01/27/2011 $25000 $25000 01/11/2011 $10000 $10000 80906 N/A, Retired Duncan Forbes, 2126WKiowaSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 3446, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Education Program Manager DwightS Brothers, 3120 Camels Ridge Lane, ColoradoSprings,CO, 80904 n/a, Retired Edie Greene, 6KregLn, Manitou Springs, CO, 808292753, UCCS,professor Edward Maynard, 3110PegasusDr Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 EdwinL Alyn, 2527 Pegasus Drive Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 Self, Insurance Broker Eileen Gon^ale^, 2273StClaireDr Colorado Springs, CO, 80910 Eileen Hronsky, 535 Buckeye Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 1211, N/A, retired EliseBergsten, 622SalanoDr ColoradoSprings,CO, 809052037 selfemployed,Special District Manager Eli^abethL Brooks, 1701 Victorian Pt , Colorado Springs, CO 80905 EllenWCasey, 1805 Pine Grove Ave, Colorado Springs, CO, 809062929, Ellen Frohardt, ,Frohardt, 2203LockhavenDr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 809092039, EllenTroyer, Page 13 of 41 01/07/2011 $1,00000 $1,000.00 01/25/2011 $10000 $100.00 01/16/2011 $10000 $100.00 01/25/2011 $25000 $250.00 01/25/2011 $10000 $100.00 01/05/2011 $2500 $25.00 01/26/2011 $10000 $100.00 01/31/2011 $10000 $100.00 01/20/2011 $2500 $25.00 01/05/2011 $3500 $35.00 01/31/2011 01/28/2011 $3500 $25000 $35.00 $250.00 4740 Farthing Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 5959, self. Chief Research Officer Emily Wright, 428ESan Miguel St, Colorado Springs, CO, 809032404, Elizabeth Swab, 745 Panorama Dr Colo Spgs, CO 80904 1706 ErinL.Hannan, 2906W Pikes Peak Ave Colorado Springs, CO 80904, Esther Fortunoff Greene, P0B0X311 OldWestbury,NY11568 N/A, Retired Eva Marie McGeehan, 5414 Majestic Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80919 EveGruntfest, 8SwallowDr, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 1363, university of Oklahoma, researcher Francis Zankowski, 1918EIParqueSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 809076755 Colorado Springs Independent, Publishing Francois Raab, 125WMonroeSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 809076708, self,eng Frank,Wimberley, 106 Pierce Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 3235, GaryS Craw, 3810Masters Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Gaddis,Kin,Herd^Craw, PC,Lawyer GaryFeffer, PO Box 1351, Colorado Springs, CO 80901 Self, Commercial real estate Gary M.Snyder, 9Swallow Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Pagel4of41 01/31/2011 $2200 $2200 01/28/2011 $5000 $5000 01/03/2011,01/13/2011 $8500 $8500 01/13/2011 $2,500 00 $2,50000 01/05/2011 $10000 $10000 01/13/2011 $25000 $25000 01/25/2011 $1,00000 $1,00000 $20000 $20000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/19/2011 $50000 $50000 01/26/2011 $1,00000 $1,00000 01/07/2011 $25000 $25000 01/03/2011,01/28/2011 Manitou Springs Real Estate,Realtor GaryPiche 75WBoulderSt, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 3371, Lawson Products, sales GarySondermann, 2935 Black Canyon Rd Colorado Springs, CO, 809044614, N/A, retired GeneAbrams, 1226NTe^onSt, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 2322, EuginaM Blume 840AppianCt, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 n/a,Retired George Rueter, 2319NUnionBlvd, ColoradoSprings,CO80909 George Davis, 626 Canon Ave , Manitou Springs, CO, 8082 Johnson^Davis,Lawyer George Hayward, 7195 Native Cir, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 5006, GeorgeL Skiffington, 709 lyra drive, ColoradoSprings,CO80906 Ivy Wild Pharmacy, Pharmacist Georgia Moen, 2565 Hot Springs Ct, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 3533, GeorgiaS Thompson, 712 Panorama Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 GinaM Perenchio, 1424WPikesPeakAve, Colorado Springs, CO, 809044047, Glenn Pressman, PO Box 38357, Colorado Springs, CO 80937 8357, J Gregory Walta, 1521 Vista Place Colorado Springs, CO 80906, Pagel^of41 01/14/2011,01/31/2011 $15000 $15000 01/06/2011,01/31/2011 $18500 $18500 01/19/2011 $3500 $3500 01/24/2011 $15000 $15000 01/24/2011 $2500 $2500 01/31/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/19/2011 $5000 $5000 01/29/2011 $3500 $13500 01/25/2011 $2500 $2500 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/31/2011 $2500 $27500 01/07/2011 $50000 $50000 Walta Law Firm, Lawyer Gregory Roman, 2910Bonne Vista Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO 80906 5834, Mantech International, Defense Contractor Heidi Matteus, 14615RiverOaksDr, Colorado Springs, CO 80921 2843, Hein^Geppert, 1605 Cheyenne Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 3011, Colorado College,Teacher HELENAHOTSEUNG, 1620 Cheyenne Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 3060, SAGE SOFTWARE, SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Henry Reitwiesner, 815ESaintVrain St, ColoradoSprings,CO 80903 3146, Pikes Peak Community college,architect/project manager Herbert,W,Weiner 4652 Winewood Village Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, 80917 Herman Zwinger, 1825 Culebra Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 809077328, NA, Retired Howard Kirstel, 2763RigelDr, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 1034, Ira Joseph, 3390EParadeCir, Colorado Springs, CO 809172929, N/A, Retired J.Brent Gie^entanner, 935 Red Mesa Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 809064527, FEMA, Disaster Assistance J Manaffy, POBox7405, Pagel^of41 01/13/2011,01/31/2011 $1,250 00 $1,25000 01/25/2011 $2500 $2500 01/28/2011 $10000 $10000 01/30/2011 $10000 $10000 01/08/2011 $10000 $10000 01/19/2011 $5000 $5000 01/01/2011 $20000 $20000 01/31/2011 $1000 $3500 01/14/2011,01/31/2011 $17500 $27500 01/14/2011 $10000 $10000 01/24/2011 $20000 $20000 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 7405, n/a, Unemployed JackBeal, 130 Red Rock Ave Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 1441, JackT.Dillon, 5110rion Place, Colorado Springs, CO 80906, Front Range Emergency Specialists, P C , Emergency Physician Jackie Ayers, 1034EPIatte Colorado Springs, CO 80904 n/a,unemployed Jackie Burhans, 1647 Fallen LeafWay, Monument, CO 80132 9036, Rocket Software, Marketing Jacob Eichengreen, 2502 Andromeda Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 1002, JamesA Null 1012Acadia Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80907, UCCS,Professor JamesC Young, 118EPIatteAve, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 n/a,Attorney JamesE Walpole2750 Lower Gold Camp Rd , Colorado Springs, CO 80906 James Flynn, 111STe^onSt,Ste 202, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Flynn Wright and Fredman, Attorney JamesH Sauls, 1535 Oak Hills Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80915 N/A, Retired James Lucas, 6130 Wilson Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 JamesD Ringe, 614ParkTerrace Colorado Springs, CO 80903 N/A, Retired James Robert Barash, 102 North Cascade Ave , Pagel7of41 01/02/2011 $2500 $2500 01/13/2011 $30000 $30000 01/04/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $15000 $15000 01/31/2011 $2000 $2000 01/05/2011 $1,00000 $1,00000 01/12/2011 $1,00000 $1,00000 01/12/2011 $5000 $5000 01/26/2011 $10000 $10000 01/25/2011 $10000 $10000 01/18/2011 $25000 $25000 01/14/2011 $20000 $20000 01/14/2011 $36000 $36000 James Robert Barash, 102 North Cascade Ave , Ste 450, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Self, Attorney James W.Schwerin, POBOX60280, Colorado Springs, CO 80960 Self, Real Estate JanKathrynProwell, 1824N RoyerSt, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 N/A, Retired Mar^orieJaneMerritt, 165ClubridgePI, Colorado Springs, CO 809064486 JaneCauvel, 1531NRoyerSt, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 7633 Colorado,Ombudsperson Jane Dillon, 612ChamberlinAve, Colorado Springs, CO 809065124, retired,management Jane Titus, 3055 Orion Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 809060909, NA, retired Jane, ,Turnis, 50 Grand Ave, , Manitou Springs, CO, 80829 1726, JaneTurnis, 50 Grand Ave, Manitou Springs, CO 808291726, JaneVanderTuin, 1521WPIatteAve, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 3955, Janet Alyn, 2606FriarTuckRd, San Antonio, T^ 78209 2237, ^anet realty CO , president Janet Strouss, 118ECaramilloSt, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 7417, JanetTanner, 2728 NorthcrestDr, Colorado Springs, CO Pagel8of41 01/14/2011 $36000 $36000 01/04/2011 $1,00000 $1,00000 01/06/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/21/2011 $30000 $30000 01/25/2011 $25000 $25000 01/31/2011 $25000 $25000 01/28/2011 $3500 $3500 01/13/2011 $7500 $7500 01/25/2011 $2000 $2000 01/03/2011 $10000 $10000 $6000 $6000 01/13/2011,01/31/2011 GeraldD.Cimino, P O Box40, Colorado Springs, CO 80901 Phil Long Ford^Colorado Springs,Owner Jayni Chase, POBox257, Bedford,NY 10506 0257, Self, Home Maker/Author Jean Lux, 810EBoulderSt, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 3106, Jean, Marie, Sauer,4109 Lupine St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80918^415, JeanZimmer, 107WCheyenneRd,Apt 511, Colorado Springs, CO 809062508, Jeff Eichengreen, 1423WPikesPeakAve, Colorado Springs, CO 809044046, Self-Employed,Software developer JeffHaney, 22EColumbiaSt, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 7421, JeffLivesay, 2KregLane, Manitou Springs, CO 80829, Colorado College, Professor JefferyA Strauss 1130E7thAve, Denver,CO 80218, WagNWash,Owner Jeffrey Bain, 2860SCircle Drive,Ste 2134, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Jeffrey Dworkin, 24 Liberty Street, Montpelier,VT,05602 Jeffrey Hovermale, 922 Baltic St, Colorado Springs, CO 809034208, USDA Forest Service, Natural ResourceManager Jennifer Cormier, 131 Lois Ln , Colorado Springs, CO Pagel^of41 01/31/2011 $1,00000 $1,00000 01/07/2011 $1,00000 $1,00000 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/27/2011 $5000 $5000 01/13/2011 $2500 $2500 $20000 $20000 01/13/2011 $5000 $5000 01/24/2011 $10000 $10000 01/10/2011 $20000 $20000 01/12/2011 $50000 $50000 01/10/2011 $25000 $25000 01/12/2011 $25000 $25000 01/05/2011 $2500 $2500 01/06/2011,01/27/2011 Jennifer Cormier, 131 Lois Ln , Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Jennifer Schell, 4446 Crow Creek Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 809224613, Jill Peterson, 6664AkermanDr, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 3494, N/A,Homemaker Jim Anderson, 105 Cypress Ln, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 3310, Retired,Physician Jim Young, 445RoxburyCir, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 7234, Retired, Real Estate JoanDonner, 50 Marland Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 809064328, N/A,Homemaker JoanLarrabee, 3029 Springlake Cir E, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 3729, Jody Alyn, 2502 Andromeda Dr , Colorado Springs, CO 80906 1002, self, consultant JodyLeBrasse, 116ChamberlinAve Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Joe Coleman, 1645STe^onSt, Colorado Springs, CO 809052215, St Louis Lighting Co, Inc, JoeLavorini, 218EUintah Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 JohnStansfield, 6484 Granada Dr Larkspur,CO 80118 5414, Self, Writer John Osborn, 4205 Brigadoon Ln, Page2(^of41 01/05/2011 $2500 $2500 01/14/2011 $2500 $2500 01/29/2011 $10000 $10000 01/29/2011 $25000 $25000 01/30/2011 $1,000 00 $1,00000 01/31/2011 $1,00000 $1,00000 01/01/2011 $3500 $3500 01/25/2011 $10000 $20000 01/28/2011 $10000 $10000 01/27/2011 $1,25000 $1,25000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 JohnHarner, 1112E Monument St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 UCCS,Professor John Atkinson, 1220WHigh Point Ln Colorado Springs, CO 80904 n/a. Retired JohnBirkhead, 6145Turret Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Pikes Peak Hospitice, Health Care JohnDonlin, 1116NWahsatchAve, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 2416, Self Employed, Innkeeper John,C,Garrison,209N Institute, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903, Self, Chiropractor JohnE Morris, 566 Observatory Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 n/a,Retired John Morse, 411LakewoodCir,^C507, Colorado Springs, CO 809102617 JohnP Kleiner, 55 Second Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 JohnL Simons, 1602WKiowaSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 3530, Colorado College, Professor JohnG Weiss, 153 Capitol Hill, Colorado Springs, CO 80829 owner-CS Independent, Editor JosephD,Coston, POBox62057 Colorado Springs, CO 809622057, Joseph M.Calarco, 622 Vista Grande Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 5851 Judith Benton, 2011NCascadeAve Colorado Springs, CO, 809076726, Page21of41 01/25/2011 $10000 $10000 01/12/2011 $10000 $10000 01/26/2011 $10000 $10000 01/22/2011 $10000 $10000 01/24/2011 $15000 $15000 01/31/2011 $50000 $50000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/25/2011 $5000 $5000 01/28/2011 $50000 $50000 01/10/2011 $1,50000 $1,50000 01/20/2011 $5000 $5000 01/28/2011 $5000 $5000 $10000 $10000 01/18/2011,01/31/2011 Judith Benton, 2011NCascadeAve Colorado Springs, CO, 809076726, Self, Pych Nursing Clin Spec Judith Geneva, 131 Yale Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 1469, ColoradoCollege, Professor Judith Gerber, PO Box 38729 Colorado Springs, CO 80937 8729, Accenture, IT Management Consultant Judith Sellers, 2MidlandRd, Colorado Springs, CO, 809064212, none,retired JudithTooman, 3790BecketDr ColoradoSprings,CO 809064810, N/A,Homemaker Judy Sargent, 7635JulynnRd, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 4228, N/A, Retired JudyFinley, 1503 Culebra, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 N/A, Retired JudyFairSpaulding, 313ECaramilloSt, Colorado Springs, CO 809077507, Julia Mesnikoff, 2210WKiowaSt, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 3448, JuliaS Tanner, 416 Sunbird Cliffs Ln W, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 UCCS, Provost Julie Alyn Cooke, 2002 Johnson Ave, Rockport,T^,78382 3424, Janet realty Co , property management Julie Chilton, 420E Washington St, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Julie Francis, Page22of41 01/18/2011,01/31/2011 $10000 $10000 01/23/2011 $10000 $10000 01/30/2011 $10000 $10000 01/13/2011 $25000 $1,25000 $8500 $8500 01/24/2011 $20000 $20000 01/10/2011 $10000 $10000 01/30/2011 $5000 $5000 01/22/2011,01/31/2011 $2500 $2500 01/26/2011 $25000 $25000 01/26/2011 $5000 $5000 01/18/2011 $2000 $2000 01/13/2011,01/26/2011 Julie Wolfe, 10BoulderCrescentSt,Ste 201, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 3358, law firm, lawyer Juliet Draper, POBOX6187, Colorado Springs, CO 809346187, City of Colorado Springs, Fire Lieutenant JuneC Waller 2902AirportRd,Apt227, ColoradoSprings,CO 809103071 Justin,R,Meiat, 3151 Bonne Vista Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 5844, Self, Lawyer K EliseRayner, 2014AltairDr, Colorado Springs, CO, 809054103 Karen Cochran, 713NCoronaSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 3036, Jefferson County DHS, Intake worker Karen Crawford, PO Box 38531, Colorado Springs, CO, 809378531, N/A, Retired Karen Gale, 2724 Flintridge Dr Colorado Springs, CO, 809184333, Karen Nelson, 1422 Alamo Ave Colorado Springs, CO 80907 7302, Karen Rowan, 707 Manitou Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 809043612, Karen Schooler, 716ESan Miguel St, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 2536, Karin White, 5765 BourkeDr Colorado Springs, CO Page^3of41 01/03/2011,01/27/2011 $15000 $15000 01/26/2011 $10000 $10000 01/14/2011 $3500 $3500 01/27/2011 $25000 $25000 01/06/2011 $2500 $2500 01/14/2011 $10000 $10000 01/13/2011 $10000 $10000 01/14/2011,01/25/2011 $6000 $9500 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/27/2011 $2500 $2500 01/02/2011,01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 809192447, Katharine Brunskill, 1934 Ocaso Grv, Colorado Springs, CO 809044474, Kathleen Fox Collins, 2720NCheltonRd, Colo Spgs, CO 80909 1228, Western Jubilee, Arts Admin Kathleen Cefus, 83 Aspen Village Rd, Divide, CO, 80814 8100, KathrynEastburn, 22EDel Norte St, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 7411, KRCC, Colorado College, Lighthouse Writers Workshop, Writer, teacher KathrynHelmers, 2263 Silent Rain Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 809193004, CreativeTrust, Inc., Literary Agent KathrynKUisle, 3891 GlenhurstSt, Colorado Springs, CO 809065082, KayDuBois, 1036 Rice Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 2728, S Kay Hay, 1318Chambers Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 n/a, Retired Kenneth Byerly, 2443ClarksonDr, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 1205, Kenneth Olson, 2405 PatriotHts,ApL 4404, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 KentObee, 1527 Winfield Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80906 n/a, Retired KimSayers-Newlin, 1315BaylorDr, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 3301, PPCC, art instructor KiraPasquesi, 2422NRoyerSt, Page 24 of 41 01/25/2011 $3500 $35.00 01/13/2011 $10000 $100.00 01/31/2011 $3500 $35.00 01/28/2011 $10000 $100.00 01/13/2011 $25000 $250.00 01/08/2011,01/31/2011 $8500 $85.00 01/14/2011 $2500 $25.00 01/24/2011 $10000 $100,00 01/04/2011 $2500 $25.00 01/31/2011 $5000 $50.00 01/11/2011 $25000 $250.00 01/28/2011 $5000 $50.00 01/06/2011 $2500 $25.00 ColoradoSprings,CO 80907 7052, Colorado College, Educator KurtEckert, 1140AmstelDr, Colorado Springs, CO 809074029, Larkin Flora, lOOITaurusDr Colorado Springs, CO 80906 1133, LarryA Sportsman, 26LeamingRoad, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Larry Gaddis, 1911NTe^onSt Colorado Springs, CO 809076918, Gaddis,Kin,Herd^Craw, Attorney at Law Larry Hilliard, 4835 Stanton Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 3909, N/A,none Laura Barry, 6575 Denim Dr Colorado Springs, CO 809184739, Laura Martin, 27BoulderCrescentSt Colorado Springs, CO 80903 3343, Laura Muir, 4117San Felice Pointe, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Momentum Advertising, Advertising Laurel McLeod, 4CommonsRd Colorado Springs, CO 80904-2856,Colorado College,Retired Administrator Lee Jennings, 1623NTe^onSL Colorado Springs, CO 80907, Retired, Airline Pilot Leslie Weddell, 2GentryLn, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 3103, Leslye Meyer, lOAItairLn, Page2^of41 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/14/2011 $3500 $3500 01/18/2011 $2500 $2500 01/21/2011 $1,000 00 $1,00000 $20000 $20000 01/26/2011 $5000 $5000 01/13/2011 $3500 $3500 01/28/2011 $10000 $10000 01/24/2011 $25000 $25000 01/19/2011 $10000 $10000 01/28/2011 $3500 $3500 01/16/2011 $2500 $2500 01/22/2011,01/31/2011 ColoradoSprings,CO 809054104, Liberty Ebright, 205 N33rdSt, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 1411, N/A, stay at home mom Linda Harroun, 1128 Custer, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 LindaJ Hodges, 530 Custer Ave , Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Trails and Open Space Coalition, Office Coordinator Linda Nicks, 12EISereno Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 N/a, Retired Linda Sutton, 3127CBroadmoor Valley Rd Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Linda Wells, 1867 BrookdaleDr, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 3411, LindsayE Fischer 55 Marland Rd Colorado Springs, CO 80906 self. Lawyer Eli^abethTormoenHickey, 1238 Ethereal Circle ColoradoSprings,CO80904 self. Attorney Lisa Amend, 4839 Wandering Cir, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 3212, Sue, Elizabeth, Noll,1428 Alamo Ave Colorado Springs, CO, 80907, n/a, unemployed LisaShimek, 2709 Beacon St, Colorado Springs, CO 809076115, Li^^yStephan, 68 Covered Bridge Rd Warwick, NY 10990 2813, Lois,E,Beardsley, 952 Samuel Pt Colorado Springs, CO 80906 n/a,Retired LoisFornander, Page2^of41 01/25/2011 $10000 $10000 01/11/2011 $5000 $5000 01/13/2011 $50000 $50000 01/04/2011 $5000 $5000 01/20/2011 $5000 $5000 01/13/2011 $3500 $3500 01/24/2011 $25000 $25000 01/11/2011 $10000 $10000 01/12/2011 $2500 $2500 01/14/2011 $20000 $20000 01/30/2011 $4000 $4000 01/13/2011 $2000 $2000 01/12/2011 01/14/2011 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 4735 Brady PI, Colorado Springs, CO 80915 1303, Retired, Retired educator Lorelei,K,Vollmar,2614 Holiday Ln, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 1216, retired, elem teacher LoriDiPasquale, 1612NTe^onSt Colorado Springs, CO 80907 7441, PatriciaA Doyle, 1815WoodAve Colorado Springs, CO 80907 n/a,Retired MelindaStoller, 3116WColoradoAve, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 2041, Self, Attorney/Writer LynKerschen, POBOX62717 Colorado Springs, CO 809622717, LynnW Havel, 1318WPikePeakAve Colorado Springs, CO 80904 MadelineTormoen, lOIOEWillametteAve, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 2809, MansourParsaye, 322W Cheyenne Mountain Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 MarcLuckett, 730 Polaris Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 1028, self, consultant MarciaF.Morrison, 302 Sutherland PI, Manitou Springs, CO 80829 n/a,Retired Margaret Barber, 804 EFontaneroSt, Colorado Springs, CO 809077744, N/A, Retired Margaret Enyeart, 3051 AvondaleDr, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 3101, Marilyn Munkres, Page27of41 01/21/2011,01/29/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/26/2011 $10000 $10000 01/14/2011, 01/27/2011,01/31/2011 $75000 $75000 01/25/2011 $5000 $10000 01/19/2011 $2500 $2500 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/26/2011 $25000 $25000 01/24/2011 $30000 $30000 01/19/2011 $25000 $25000 01/05/2011 $10000 $10000 01/28/2011 01/31/2011 $5000 $10000 $5000 $10000 2 9 1 0 N Powers Blvd , ^ 2 2 0 , Colorado Srings, CO 80910 Schafer Corp,Systems Engineer Marion H.Sondermann, 1809 N Te^onSt Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Mar^oryR Abbott, 320 Sutherland PI , Manitou Springs, CO 80829, ^ l o r a d o Springs CO, ^ 9 3 4 , Colorado CoH^g^ ^ s e a r c h Analyst 01/21/2011 $30000 $300 00 01/24/2011 $2500 $2500 01/31/2011 $20000 $20000 01/14/2011 $2500 $125 00 01/04/2011,01/29/2011 $7000 $7000 01/31/2011 $10000 $10000 01/30/2011 $10000 $10000 01/21/2011 $5000 $5000 01/04/2011 $2500 $2500 01/28/2011,01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/13/2011 $25000 $25000 01/21/2011 01/05/2011,01/31/2011 $10000 $7500 $100 00 $75 00 M^^^,B^,^^^4i^,2601 Zephyr Dr, , Colorado Springs,CO,80920 3826, Colorado Springs Utilities, Civil Engineer MarkDeggendorf, 477 PyriteTer Colorado Springs, CO 809054251, MARK, , JOYOUS Mark, 5135 Hearthstone Ln, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80919-3139, Self, Writer/Realtor Mark, ,Springer,1620 1/2 Cheyenne Blvd, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 3060, ista North America, IT Support Analyst Mark, ,Tremmel,1323 N Wahsatch Ave, , Colorado S p r i n g s , 0 0 , 8 0 9 0 3 2419, Marlene, , Byerly, 2443 ClarksonDr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 1205, N/A, N/A Marlene Byerly, 2443 ClarksonDr, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 1205, Martha, , Barton,165 MayhurstAve, ,Colorado Springs,CO,80906 3055, Pikes Peak H o s p i c e s Palliative Care, CEO martha, ,bart^,170 Marland R d S , , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 4349, self, real estate Martha Slayden, Page28of41 4302 Edwinstowe Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 809073920, Martin, ,Emeson,1908 Callede Seville, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904, Martin, ,Hines,3578 HartselDr,SteE, Colorado Springs, CO, 80920 2104, Marvin Skorman,121 SouthwoodLn, , Rochester, NY,146184021, Self, Psychotherapist Mary, ,Piche,75W Boulder St , , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903, self, artist Mary,A,Rochette,2114 Wood, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907, n/a. Retired Mary Ann, ,Garretson,455 Crystal Hills Blvd, , Manitou Springs, CO, 80829 2706, n/a,RetiredTeacher Mary, ,Crade,1321Terrin Lane, , Woodland Park, CO, 80863,, Mary Ellen, ,McNally,3150 Sheiks PI , , Colorado Sprins, CO, 80904, n/a. Retired Mary, ,Friedrichs,787 Meadow Glen Dr, , Boulder, 00,80303 2945 Mary, ,Hackbarth,6140 GarlockWay, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80918 3120, Mary,L,Hahn,1702W Cheyenne Road, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906, , Mary, ,MacLean,701E Columbia St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7705, Mary, ,Mashburn,2224 Sussex Lane, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80909, n/a. Retired Mary,K,Pulvermacher,531 Crystal Hills Blvd , , Manitou Springs,CO, 80829,The MITRE Corp, Systems Engineer Mary, Blunsom,ScotL 2248 St Claire Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80910-4519, Page2^of41 01/07/2011 $7500 $7500 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/30/2011 $20000 $20000 01/04/2011 $10000 $10000 01/24/2011 $10000 $10000 01/28/2011 $10000 $10000 01/25/2011 $2500 $2500 01/31/2011 $50000 $50000 01/13/2011 $3500 $3500 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/06/2011 $2500 $2500 01/14/2011 $3500 $3500 01/05/2011 $25000 $25000 01/11/2011 $10000 $10000 01/11/2011 $10000 $10000 City of Colorado Springs, Public Communications Melinda Couch, 540 Mesa Vista Ct, ColoradoSprings,CO 809042541, Peak Performance Physical Therapy,owner/physical therapist Melissa Musick,Musick, Nussbaum,123WColumbia St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7321,National Catholic Reporter,columnist Melissa, ,Yakura,2722 Inspiration Drive, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80917, Merr, ,Shearn,219E Fontanero, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907, , Michael,A,Berniger,2021 Windham Way, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906, Berniger,Berg^DiverLLC, Attorney Michael, ,Cellan,2415 TremontSt, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 6752, Michael, ,Greenker,6165 Eagles Nest Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80918 1506, Michael,J,Salkind,607S Nevada Ave , , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903, , Michael, ,Procell,802 Badger Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80916 2007, ColoradoCollege, Michael, ,Silver,305 Hidden Creek Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 4386, sees, physician michelle, , Marx, 2611 Constellation Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 5807, Michelle, , Marx, 915 Manitou Ave , , Manitou Springs, CO, 80829, Coquette Creperie, Food Service Doreen, A, Murray, 201E Las Animas St,Unit^307, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903, n/a. Retired Mike, , Bristol, 2042 Pine Page3(^of41 01/08/2011,01/14/2011 $30000 $30000 01/13/2011 $10000 $10000 01/07/2011 $6000 $6000 01/24/2011 $5000 $5000 01/27/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $2500 $2500 01/29/2011 $3500 $3500 01/20/2011 $15000 $15000 01/07/2011 $2500 $2500 01/14/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/24/2011 $20000 $20000 01/20/2011 01/22/2011 $10000 $1,00000 $10000 $1,00000 Grove Ave, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 2934, Bristol Brewing Company, Business Michaele Duncan, 815EPIatte,, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903,, mike, ,eiler,18E Willamette Ave, Apt1, Colorado Springs, CO, 809034901,freedom communications,journalist Michael, ,Kenny,1410 Prairie Road, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80909, , Mindy, , Boyd, 2633 Summit Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 1231, mitzi, ,pasternak,1107 WestmoorDr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 1232, Morgan, , Thomas, 741 Alexander Rd, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 8811, MargoMusante,1123 Custer Ave, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 2648, Nancy, ,Howard,1332 N Te^onSt, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 2324, Nancy, ,Logan,640 ELa Salle St, , Colorado Springs, 00,80907 7074, Nancy McNamara, 5120LydaLn, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 1010, none, retired Nancy,0,Looney,17W Jefferson, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907, Nancy, , Saltzman, 2910 Bonne Vista Dr, nancysaltzman@yahoocom, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 5834, UCCS, Part time instructor Nathaniel, ,Peters, 47W Boulder St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 3370, N/A, N/A Neil,L,Talbott,5532 Mountain Garland Drive, , Colorado Springs, CO, Page31of41 01/27/2011 $10000 $10000 01/14/2011 $10000 $10000 01/04/2011 $10000 $10000 01/29/2011 $2000 $2000 01/25/2011 $3500 $8500 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/25/2011 $3500 $3500 01/25/2011 $2000 $2000 01/31/2011 $2000 $2000 $20000 $20000 01/24/2011 $2500 $2500 01/28/2011 $10000 $1,10000 01/08/2011 $10000 $10000 01/04/2011 $10000 $10000 01/13/2011,01/25/2011 80923, n/a, Retired NoriJ, ,Rost,2464 YorktownRd, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907^551, Paula,J,Winham,3055 Electra Drive, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906, N/A, unemployed Pamela Anne Jones, 818East Boulder, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 self, counselor Pamela, ,Franklin,93W Boulder St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 3371, Pamela, ,Shipp,1510 Witches Willow Ln, , Colorado Springs, CO, 809066207,Self, Counseltant Pat,,Hill,3248WParade Cir, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80917 2931, self, retired Patricia, , Barton, 2580 KinderhookLn, ,Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 3869, Patricia, ,Bursnall,1625 Cheyenne Blvd, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 3011, Patricia, , Hansen,1347 Doyle PI, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80915 2330, Patricia, Ruth, Musick,10 Studio Place, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904, Patricia, , Weed,1515 Cheyenne Blvd, , Colorado Springs,CO,80906 3010, Patty Cameron, 4410 Chimney Rock Ln, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 4619, N/A, N/A Paul, , Bowman, 5245 Farthing Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 5964, PAUL, ,CONOVER,P0 75, , COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, 80901, CONOVER REALTY AND INVESMENT COMPANY,REAL ESTATE Paul Dent, 4728 Bella CollinaCt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 7510, Bechtel,Project Page32of41 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/15/2011 $1,00000 $1,00000 $20000 $20000 01/31/2011 $2000 $2000 01/26/2011 $25000 $25000 01/04/2011 $10000 $10000 01/26/2011 $2500 $5000 01/31/2011 $2000 $2000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/24/2011 $2500 $2500 01/28/2011 $2500 $2500 01/29/2011 $10000 $10000 01/14/2011 $3500 $3500 01/31/2011 $25000 $25000 01/07/2011,01/14/2011 $20000 $20000 01/13/2011,01/29/2011 Management Paul Eckstein, 22 Cheyenne Mountain Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO, 809064335, N/a, Retired Paula, , Miller, PO Box 625, , Cascade, CO, 80809 0625,SelfEmployed, Attorney Paulette, ,Greenberg,530 West Woodmen Road, , Colorado Springs, ,80919, Owner Signed, Sealed, Delivered, Customer Service Paulette, , Morris, 2302 FarragutAve, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 6507, Peter, ,Cordel,2415Virgo Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 1047, Peter,L,Blasenheim,321 E Monument St , , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903, Colorado College, Professor of History Peter,0,Slothower,867 Oxford Lane, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80905, n/a, Retired Phil,,Kendall,2121 Wood Ave, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 6717, retired, retired phil, ,volan, 3256 Austin Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 1055 Philip,C,Grimes, PO Box 61179, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80960, Self, Grimes Company,Consultant, Government Relations Phillip,V,Kenny,411 Lakewood Circle,Apt^A 304, Colorado Springs, CO, 80910,, Phyllis Dunn, 9335 Wolf PackTer, ,Colorado Springs, CO, 80920 7676, Randall Mark Johnson, 3606 WindflowerCir, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80918-4538, , Randy, ,Jones,490 Wintery CirS, ,Colorado Springs, Page33of41 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/27/2011 $10000 $10000 01/15/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/31/2011,01/21/2011 $7000 $7000 01/25/2011 $10000 $10000 01/24/2011 $10000 $10000 01/29/2011 $25000 $25000 01/14/2011 $2000 $2000 01/05/2011 $50000 $50000 01/25/2011 $3500 $3500 01/25/2011 $3500 $3500 01/31/2011 $10000 $10000 01/29/2011 $3500 $3500 00,80919 1106 Raphael, ,Sassower,31W Cimarron, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903, Self, Owner-LVistino Raymond, ,Pettus,2716 Marilyn Rd, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 1222, Rebecca, ,Yaffe,1140 Columbine St, Apt 203, Denver, CO, 80206 3176, ebags. Creative Director Rhonda, ,Heschel,1307 Adams Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 1211, Rhonda, , Van Pelt, 1455 Manitou Blvd, Apt3, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 3641,selfemployed, writer and artist Dorothy,H,Bradley,1035 Broadview PI, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 1805, Richard, ,Guy,812EKiowa St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 5524,Computer Resources,Businessman Richard, ,Osmun,10142 Silver LeafWay, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80920 2436, richard, , schnickel, 6725 Prince Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80918 1052, self, Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner Rita,S,Ague,2750 Lower Gold Camp Road, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906, n/a. Retired Robert,N,Hiner,5825 CliffsideTer, ,Colorado Springs, CO, 80918, n/a. Retired Robert, ,Foster,4916 WillowbrookRd, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80917 1118, RobertH Tinker, 18East Monument Street, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903,, Robert, ,Hedges,19Polo Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 3139, Self, Business Broker Robert,S,Nykaza,16 Page34of41 01/12/2011 $25000 $25000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 01/31/2011 $2000 $2000 01/27/2011 $1500 $1500 01/27/2011 $5000 $5000 01/25/2011 $50000 $50000 01/13/2011 $4000 $4000 01/29/2011 $10000 $20000 01/12/2011 $25000 $25000 01/24/2011 $50000 $50000 01/14/2011 $2500 $2500 01/26/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 01/28/2011 $10000 $5000 $10000 $5000 Woodbridge Drive, , Colorado Springs, ,80906, Robin Izer 2166 Giltshire Drive Colorado Springs, 80905 Robin, ,Jones, 2917W Colorado Ave, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 2445, US Hang Glidings Paragliding Assoc , Informations Communications Ross, ,Bielak, 206 Cypress Ln, , Colorado Springs, CO, 809063313, Erik, , Running, 53 Jupiter Tr , , Colorado Springs, CO, 80863, Owner DBA White Wing Cleaning, Business owner Ruth,,Adele,2315W Kiowa St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 2643, Ruth,,Friend,4616 Winewood Village Drive, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80917,, Salvatore, ,Bizzarro,1509 Culebra PI, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7330, Colorado College, Professor Samuel, ,Masias,3614 Sheffield Ln, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907^841, Samuel, ,McClure,320 Greenwood Ave., , Canon City,CO,81212,Self, Lawyer Sandra, , Hilt, 2260 Mesa RD, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 1822, n/a, Retired Sandra, ,TerMeer,934 Fontmore Rd, Apt B, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 1673, Sarah, ,Christensen,128S Te^onSL Ste 300, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 2227, self, attorney Sarah, E , Young, 26 Maple Ave, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 3135, Non, homemaker Sarah, ,Lapides,114 Page3^of41 01/14/2011 $5000 $5000 01/01/2011 $10000 $10000 01/29/2011 $5000 $5000 01/13/2011 $25000 $25000 01/25/2011 $5000 $5000 01/19/2011 $5000 $5000 01/14/2011 $25000 $25000 01/14/2011 $3500 $3500 01/19/2011 $25000 $25000 01/05/2011 $25000 $25000 01/25/2011 $3500 $3500 01/28/2011 $25000 $25000 01/03/2011 01/31/2011 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 Manitou PI, , Manitou Springs,00,80829 1910, self, realtor ScotL , Alyn, PO Box 272309, ,FortCollins, CO, 805272309, A,Scott,Long 9STe^onSt Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Te^on Street Wine^Spirits, Owner Sharon,A,Brunink,3220 Black Canyon Road, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904,, Sharon,L,Kortrey,4408 Argyll Circle, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80915, , Sharron, , Toulouse,1070 Fontmore Rd, Apt A, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 1634, Sheila, ,Pereira,1338 LindenroseGrv, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7665, Mary Ellen, , Davis,1655 Montezuma Rd, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80920 1524, KRCC,Undei^riting Sherre, ,Ritenour,310Pine Ave, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 3263, sdrpllc, CEO Sherry Daniels, 412NWalnutSt, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 1113, Diamante Property Services, Property Manager Shinsi, ,Shibhya,308M S 8th St , , Colorado Springs, 00,80905,, SolomonP Chavez, 1404WPIatteAve, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 3954, SolChavez^Assoc, Engineer Spencer,Johnston, 350 ELas Animas St, Apt 306, Colorado Springs, CO 809034196 Staci, ,Blair,41 Lake Ave, , Colorado Springs, CO, Page 36 of 41 01/25/2011 $35.00 $35.00 01/24/2011 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 01/25/2011 $100.00 $100.00 01/05/2011 $25.00 $25.00 01/14/2011 $35.00 $35.00 01/31/2011 $50.00 $50.00 01/31/2011 $100.00 $100.00 01/28/2011 $150.00 $150.00 01/26/2011,01/31/2011 $100.00 $100.00 01/10/2011 $50.00 $50.00 01/13/2011, 01/14/2011, 01/25/2011, 01/31/2011 $550.00 $1,050.00 $35.00 $35.00 $100.00 $100.00 01/10/2011,01/27/2011 01/28/2011 80906 3622, Peak Beverage Group,Vintages Wine^ Spirits, Wholesale Wine Representative Stephanie, ,Kimlicko,560 E San Miguel St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 2509, Stephen, ,Bender,905 Panorama Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 1710, retired, social worker Stephen, ,Ducoff,1235 Oakmoor Hts, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 1100, Stephen, ,Witty,825N Weber St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 2918, self,Jungian analyst/psychologist Steve, ,Kern,328 E Columbia St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7510, Steven,M,Meyer,10Altair Lane,,Colorado Springs, 00,80905,, Steve,U,Mullens,105E Moreno Ave , , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903, Self, Lawyer Sue,C , Brothers, 3120 Camels Ridge Lane, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904, n/a. Retired Susan, , Bernstein, 502 Laurel St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 4423, n/a,Retired Susan,F,Smith,306N 14th St , , Colorado Springs, CO,80904,Colorado Springs Philharmonic, Musician susan, ,gordon,5210SUS Highway 85 87, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80911 9705, Pikes Peak Community foundation,Farmer Susan, ,Hindman,1405 Spring Valley Dr,,Colorado Springs, CO, 80921 2242, Susan, , Majors, 2726 Marston Hts, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80920 5101, N/A, Retired Susan Block Potterat, Page37of41 01/24/2011 $5000 $5000 01/30/2011 $50000 $50000 01/11/2011 $3500 $3500 01/11/2011 $10000 $10000 01/14/2011 $2500 $2500 01/05/2011 $2500 $2500 01/12/2011 $2,50000 $2,50000 01/25/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $25000 $25000 01/24/2011 $10000 $10000 01/13/2011 $25000 $25000 01/31/2011 $3500 $3500 01/28/2011 01/25/2011 $5000 $10000 $25000 $10000 2901 Country Club Dr , Colorado Springs, CO, 80909, N/A, Retired Susan,S,Edgar,PO Box 28834, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80937, Self, Property Manager Susan Zisser, 8745 Ouail Glen Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 7362 Suzanne, , Holland, 735 PalomarLn, , Colorado Springs,00,80906 1086, The Platinum Group Realtors, Broker Associate Suzanne, , Smith,1505 Parkway Drive, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80905, Sylvia, ,Kelso,1815Mesa Road, , Colorado Springs, 00,80904, Colorado College, Professor TAD, , FOSTER,1565 MesaRd, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 2820, self, attorney Tarn, ,Walsky,1317La PalomaWay, ,Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 3052, Ted Schwartz, 712NCascadeAve, Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3287, Capstone Investment, Investment Manager Terri,J,Loughlin,2119S. CoronaAve, ,Colorado Springs, CO, 80905, Terry,H,Putman,7495 Delmonico Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 1236, Tess, ,Powers,413N17th St, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 3519, Thomas, ,Kiemel,1511N Te^onSt, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7438, Bestway Disposal, V P ^ Sec Thomas,K,Mauch,1512N Te^onSt , , Colorado Springs,CO,80907, Thomas, ,McElroy,1523 Page3^of41 01/07/2011 $25000 $25000 $4500 $4500 01/14/2011 $10000 $10000 01/21/2011 $30000 $30000 01/25/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $15000 $15000 01/28/2011 $3500 $3500 01/29/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $5000 $10000 01/31/2011 $2500 $12500 01/28/2011 $3500 $3500 01/12/2011 $25000 $25000 01/25/2011 01/26/2011 $5000 $50000 $5000 $50000 01/02/2011,01/31/2011 Thomas, ,McElroy,1523 Culebra PI , , Colorado Springs,CO,80907,Self, Artist Tim Boddington, 1515WoodAve Colorado Springs, CO 80907 7350, Retired,Retired Tim, ,Oliver,2560 Oak Hills Dr, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80919 3475,Selfemployed, LEED Building Consultant Tim, , Remington, 4517 Carter Dr , , Medina, OH, 44256, Remington Products, Business Owner TimothyL ,Burke,505 E Columbia St, Ste210, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 7675, Thomas,E 90SCasadeAve, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 Berg, Berniger Berg Diver Noecker^WoodEllisLLC, Attorney Tom Roberts, 1530RockridgeCt , , Colorado Springs, CO, 80918,, Tomas Dawson, 112CrestaRd, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 3111, Self Employed, computer Tommie Jean Wise, PO Box 383, Cascade, 00,80809, Tommy Harman, 1555 Big Valley Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 1025, N/A, Retired Tracy Ellis, 3130OgdenCt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80920 7250, LaurensT Hare, 1025 Beta Loop, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 Val Snider, 5447 Lions Gate Ln, Colorado Springs, CO, Page3^of41 01/26/2011 $50000 $50000 01/28/2011 $20000 $20000 01/19/2011 $25000 $25000 01/27/2011 $5,00000 $7,50000 01/30/2011 $3500 $3500 01/27/2011 $15000 $15000 01/03/2011 $2500 $2500 01/12/2011 $1,00000 $1,00000 01/24/2011 $5000 $5000 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $2500 $2500 01/24/2011 $2500 $2500 01/19/2011,01/28/2011 Valerie Shereck, 1804N RoyerSt, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80907,Memorial Health Sys , Nurse Practicioner Veta Fleming, 2628 Accolade Cir, Colorado Springs, CO, 80916^341 Victoria Manchester Garrison, 209 North Institute, , Colorado Springs, CO, 80903,, Victoria Wolfson, 2756 Fawn Grove Ct, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 3701, Self-Employed, Copy Editor Virginia McDowell, 3920ESan Miguel St,Apt 339B, Colorado Springs, 00,80909 Vivian Magruder, 1653ApacheTrl, , Colorado Springs, CO, 809052051,Sammy^s Organics, Owner WarrenH Dean, 1902WColoradoAve,Ste 110, Colorado Springs, CO, 80904 3870, Chinook inc. None Wayne Booker, 5430JarmanSt, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 8210, Add Staff, Project Manager William Steinhour, imCheyenneBlvd, Colorado Springs, CO, 809052442,, WilliamBCutts, 3673 Plantation Grove, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 William Beard, 110SWeberSt,Ste103, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 1934, William Drummond, 840HillsdaleAve Hillsdale,NJ,07642 1234, Bergen County Special Services School District, Teacher Page40of41 01/25/2011 $10000 $10000 01/31/2011 $1100 $1100 01/31/2011 $5000 $5000 $20000 $20000 01/25/2011 $500 $500 01/13/2011 $10000 $10000 01/17/2011 $25000 $25000 01/29/2011 $20000 $20000 01/24/2011 $7500 $7500 01/27/2011 $5000 $5000 01/06/2011 $5000 $5000 01/27/2011 $10000 $10000 01/07/2011,01/30/2011 William E. Beagle, 17835 Smugglers Road, Monument, CO, 80132, , William Haaker, 1328 La PalomaWay, ColoradoSprings,CO, 80906 3053, WilliamTunstill, 3748 ELa Salle St, Apt 4301, Colorado Springs, CO 809092669, N/A, Retired Wilson Reynolds, 1004 Swope Ave, Colorado Springs, CO, 80909 3821,SelfEmployed, Consultant ZviaBird, 24 Fountain Place, Manitou Springs, CO, 80829 Page41of41 01/06/2011 $2500 $2500 01/30/2011 $5000 $5000 01/24/2011,01/31/2011 $15000 $15000 01/31/2011 $10000 $10000 01/14/2011 $2000 $2000