Advances in DART Instrumentation: Transmission Mode, Laser
Advances in DART Instrumentation: Transmission Mode, Laser
Advances in DART Instrumentation: Transmission Mode, Laser Ablation and Mobility Separations Facundo M. Fernández School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Fernandez Group 2011 Ambient MS • Ambient MS refers to ionization techniques performed: – – – – – Atmospheric pressure In the open-air, no enclosures No restrictions on sample size and shape Sample in its native state Relatively soft ionization conditions Fernandez Group 2011 Surface Sampling “Ambient” MS Acronym Name AP-TD/SI BADCI DAPCI DAPPI DART DBDI DCBI DEMI DESI DICE EASI ELDI FAPA IR-LAMICI LADESI LAESI LDESI LESA LIAD-ESI LMJ-SSP LTP MALDESI ND-EESI PESI RADIO REIMS SwiFerr Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Desorption-Secondary Ionization Beta electron-assisted Direct Chemical Ionization Desorption Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Desorption Atmospheric Pressure Photo-Ionization Direct Analysis in Real-Time Dielectric Barrier Discharge Ionization Desorption Corona Beam Ionization Desorption Electrospray/Metastable-Induced Ionization Desorption Electrospray Ionization Desorption Ionization by Charge Exchange Easy Ambient Sonic-spray Ionization Electrospray-assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Flowing Atmospheric Pressure Afterglow Infrared Laser Ablation Metastable-induced Chemical Ionization Laser-Assisted Desorption Electrospray Ionization Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Laser Desorption Electrospray Ionization Liquid Extraction Surface Analysis Laser-Induced Acoustic Desorption-Electrospray Ionization Liquid Micro Junction-Surface Sampling Probe Low-Temperature Plasma probe Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Electrospray Ionization Neutral Desorption Extractive Electrospray Ionization Probe Electrospray Ionization Radio-frequency Acoustic Desorption and Ionization Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry Switched Ferroelectric Plasma Ionizer Biannual Anal. Chem. Review-Harris/Fernández Fernandez Group 2011 Surface Sampling “Ambient” MS Volatilization Principle Liquid Extraction Ionization Principle ESI DESI, DICE, DEMI, LMJSSP, DEMI Sonic spray EASI APPI DAPPI APCI Chemical Sputtering Thermal Mechanical Laser Desorption/ Ablation Acoustic Neutral Headspace smapling AP-TD/SI PESI ELDI, LAESI, MALDESI LIAD, RADIO ND-EESI LD/APCI LIAD DAPPI DAPCI, DBDI ASAP, BADCI, DART, DCBI, DEMI, FAPA, LTP, REIMS, DEMI Reviews by Cooks, Van Berkel, Eberlin, Fernández Fernandez Group 2011 Outline •Transmission Mode DART (TM-DART) •Imaging DART •DART-Ion Mobility Fernandez Group 2011 Ambient MS in the Real World: DART Advantages include: •No sample preparation required. •Sample is not placed in vacuum. •Sizeable objects can be directly examined in the open air. •Very high sample throughput. •Can be coupled to any mass spectrometer with an atmospheric pressure interface for accurate mass or MS/MS experiments. •No memory effects Fernandez Group 2011 Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) Glow Discharge Grid Electrode Analyte Ions He* He* He* He or N2 1-5 L min-1 He* He* He* He* He* 3-5 kV Needle H3O+ MH+ + M H3O MH+ (analyte) He* He* To TOF MS H2O Heater Heated metastables and Penning ionization He* ( g ) + nH2O( g) → He( g ) + (H2O)n−1 H + ( g ) + OH− ( g ) Thermal desorption and declustering Chemical sputtering and surface collisions ( m −1) H 2O ( H 2O) m H + ( g ) + AB( s ) → AB( H 2O) m−1 H + ( g ) + H 2O( g ) − → ABH + ( g ) Direct Penning ionization and charge exchange reactions He * ( g ) + AB ( g ) → He ( g ) + AB +. ( g ) + e − AB( s ) → AB( g ) heat (m−1) H2O (H2O)m H + ( g) + AB( g) →AB(H2O)m−1 H + (g) + H2O( g) − →ABH+ ( g) Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, 2297 He* ( g ) + O2 ( g ) → He( g ) + O2+. + He + e − +. O2 ( g ) + AB( g ) → O2 + AB +. Fernandez Group 2011 Protein Precipitation, TMS Derivatization DART TOF MS (+) Raw Data Sets for OC and Controls Internal Mass Drift Compensation Export as ASCII Serum samples were obtained from 44 women diagnosed with serous papillary ovarian cancer (stages I-IV) and 50 healthy women or women with benign conditions (e.g., serous, simple, or follicular cysts; Table 1) and run in triplicate. Multivariate Modeling Functional Support Vector Machine Classification (Linear, nonlinear) Metabolomic Discovery Workflow Feature Selection: L1-norm SVM RFE Weston’s Method Accurate mass and Isotope Pattern Matching Accuracy, Sensitivity, Selectivity prediction Elemental Formulae of Discriminating Features 64-30 Test Set validation (x50) Leave-one-out Cross-validation Metabolite Database Searches: HMDB Spectral features in Best Model Putative Metabolite IDs Fernandez Group 2011 DART Metabolomic Discovery Workflow Effect of helium gas temperature on DART-TOF MS sensitivity for metabolomic profiling of derivatized serum: (a) background corrected mass spectra at various helium temperatures, (b) number of metabolites matched to HMDB database, and (c) change in S/N of three mass spectrometric signals at m/z 205.12, 467.22, and 762.25 versus helium temperature. Zhou et al., J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2010, 21, 68-75 Fernandez Group 2011 DART Diagnostics Results 64:30 Split validation Classifier type fSVM fSVM_NL fSVM fSVM_NL fSVM fSVM_NL Feature selection method Number of Features 1:7:20,000 subsampling 2,858 One-way ANOVA (p=0.05) 3,017 One-way ANOVA (p=0.01) 1,320 SENS(%) SPEC(%) ACC(%) 100.0 93.8 96.7 100.0 93.8 96.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 93.8 96.7 92.9 93.8 93.3 92.9 100.0 96.7 Fernandez Group 2011 Pathway Enrichment Analysis • 153 elemental formulae were assigned to 299 unique endogenous metabolites or xenobiotic compounds. • These compounds mapped onto 25 pathways, suggesting differences between cancer and noncancer groups in amine, amino acid, eicosanoid, and TTP metabolisms. • Differences in the metabolisms of carbohydrates and estrogens have lower confidence due to ambiguity in elemental formulas. Fernandez Group 2011 More to DART Than Gas-Phase Chemistry TG QG VGrid A D3 Sample G% DART GIST θDART VMS VD D1 Sample MS MS D2 H1 H2 P1 P2 Fernandez Group 2011 DART with GIST interface Fernandez Group 2011 TM-DART Deltamethrin MW: 505.21 Orifice Sample Holder DART 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Orifice 0.6 0.5 0.4 Sample Holder 0.3 DART 0.2 0.1 0 Fernandez Group 2011 TM-DART TP 039 Christina Jones Manshui Zhou Facundo Fernandez Fernandez Group 2011 Outline •Transmission Mode DART (TM-DART) •Imaging DART •DART-Ion Mobility Fernandez Group 2011 Ionization Methods Used for Imaging Advantages Relative Weaknesses Odd-shaped samples In vivo Native state (no matrix, no drying) No surface damage Soft as ESI Can perform cationization etc. in reactive mode Limited Spatial Resolution Better Ion Transmission Higher lateral resolution than DESI Limited ionization efficiency Unsurpassed for large Biomolecules Matrix interference in Low Mw range Matrix deposition Highest lateral resolution Fragmentation Fernandez Group 2011 IR-DART Fernandez Group 2011 IR-DART Fernandez Group 2011 Outline •Transmission Mode DART (TM-DART) •Imaging DART •DART-Ion Mobility Fernandez Group 2011 Portable IM Instrumentation Reaction region Drift region Detector Gate K= 3q 2π 16Ω D N µkT −1 / 2 Fernandez Group 2011 DART-IMS i. ii. iii. vii. 1.0 8/8 8/8 DMMP TPD: DMMP 11.81 % 11.81% 7/8 7/8 Likelihood of Detection 0.8 iv. v. vi. 8/8 8/8 TM DARTIMS DMMP 0.28% 6/8 6/8 5/8 5/8 0.6 4/8 4/8 0.4 2/8 2/8 0.2 2/8 2/8 − y= 0/8 0.0 0/8 0.1 1 +1 1 . 25 1 + (x / 1. 12 ) 1 0/8 0/8 10 C oncentration (%, log10 scale) Fernandez Group 2011 Multiplexed DART-IMS SNR Gains vs. Conventional Mode 3.5 200 us Multiplexing 3.0 20 sweeps 100 sweeps 400 sweeps 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 n! Combinations = r!(n − r )! r = 1, ~0.6%, 16 seqs r = 2, 12.5%, 120 seqs r = 4, 25%, 1820 seqs r = 8, 50%, 12870 seqs SNR Gains vs. Conventional Mode 5 400 us Multiplexing 4 20 sweeps 100 sweeps 400 sweeps 3 2 1 0 2% 5% 10% 30% 50% Sequence Duty Cycle Fernandez Group 2011
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